BY HIS MAJESTIES Commissioners, For Examining and Enquiring into the Claims and Titles to the Kings Province OR Narraganset Countrey.
WHereas by a Commission from His Majesty, bearing Date the 7 th. of April 1683. Edward Cranfeild, William Stoughton, Joseph Dudley, Edward Randolph, Samuel Shrimpton, John Fitz Winthrop, Edward Palmes, Nathaniel Saltonstall and John Pynchon junior, Esquires, or any three of them, (whereof Edward Cranfeild or Edward Randolph to be of the Quorum) are Appointed and Authorized Commissioners to Examine & Enquire into the Respective Claims and Titles, as well of His Majesty as of all Persons or Corporations whatsoever, to the immediate Jurisdiction, Government, or Propriety of the Soyle of a certain Tract of Land within His Majesties Dominion of New-England, called the Kings Province or Narraganset Countrey, and to call before them any Person or Persons, and to Search Records as they shall find requisite, and their Proceedings therein with their Opinions upon the Matters that shall be examined by them to state, and with all convenient speed Report thereof to make to His Majesty: In Pursuance whereof, We the Commissioners have thought fit to Certifie and Publish to all Persons and Corporations concerned, that we have Concluded and Appointed Wednesday the 22 d. of August next, to Convene and Assemble at Mr. Richard Smith his House in the Narraganset Countrey, there to Hear and Receive the Claims, Proofs, Pleas and Pretentions of all Persons whatsoever either in behalf of His Maiesty, or any other Persons or Corporations. And that We do hereby Summon and Require all Persons and Corporations, that either Possess, or Claim any Right or Title to the Soyle or Jurisdiction of or within the Kings Province, or Narraganset Countrey, whether upon the Main, between the Rivers of Providence and Pauguatuck, the Island of Canonnicut, Prudence, Patience, or any other Islands which now or formerly are or were reputed to be part of or belonging to the Narraganset Countrey, either Personally or by their Representatives or Agents, fully Instructed and Impowred to Appear, and give their Attendance at the Time and Place aforesaid; and to produce All Letters, Acts, and Orders from his Majesty His Council, or any His Commissioners to the respective Colonies, Governours or Governments, with all such Charters, Deeds, Records and Evidences whatsoever, that may tend to the Clearing of Truth herein, or Authentick Copies thereof: And whereas upon Information given, it is Presumed that from the Antient Records of the Acts of Court, and of Graunts and Conveyances of Land kept at Road-Island, some Collections beneficial to His Majesty's Interest may be made; The said Colony of Road-Island and Providence Plantation, is hereby especially Required to produce all such Papers, Registers, or Books of Record as have at any time been kept from the Year 1640. or Authentick Copies thereof to this day: And to the End that all Persons and Corporations Concerned, may have seasonable and full Notice hereof, We have Ordered this Summons to be Printed, and sundry Copies thereof Attested by Mr. William Wharton, (with particular Letters under our Hands, Directed to the Several Governours of His Majesties Colonies in New-England,) that the same may be Affixed and Published in all convenient Places within their Respective Jurisdictions.
By Order of His MAJESTIES Commissioners,