
AN ORDER FOR REGULATING CONSTABLES PAYMENTS, And for the Rating of Unimproved Lands; and Relating to Troopers, Made at the second Session of the GENERAL COURT Held at BOSTON, Octob. 11. 1682. Edward Rawson Secr'

WHereas it is informed, that several Constables have not made up their Accompts with the Treasurer; and that there is much of the last Years Rates yet unpaid:

This Court doth Order. that what is so unpaid, be paid in accor­ding to the valuation of all sorts of Corn made the present Court.


IT Appearing a Grievance among us that sundry Gentlemen, Merchants and others, having great Tracts of Land, bounded out to them in Pro­priety, pay not to Publick Charges; although they have a considerable profit to themselves by the continual Rise of the estimate of said Lands: For the Easing whereof;

It is Ordered by this Court, that all Lands circumstanced as is above promised, shall in the Levy now to be made by this present Court, for payment of the Countrey Debts, pay unto the Treasurer of the Coun­trey two shillings Money for every hundred Acres: and in like propor­tion for lesser quantities.

ANd it is Ordered, that the Select men of every Town and Peculiar within this Jurisdiction, sometime in the Moneth of November next, shall Assess all Lands within their Town bounds, liable to be Ra­ted by this Order; And also to Assess all Countrey Grants of Lands called Farms, belonging to peculiar persons that lie nearest unto such Town or Towns; and to draw up fair Lists of the said Assessments, with the Names of the persons and Quantities of Lands Assessed, and Deliver the said Lists to the Commissioners chosen to examine this years Rates, who are required to meet at the Shire Town, the second Tuesday of December next, who are ordered carefully to examine the said Lists and Assessments, and transmit the same with all speed to the Treasurer of the Countrey being perfected and subscribed with their Names. And the Treasurer is required to issue forth his Warrants to the Constables of the several Towns, to Collect for such Lands as lie in their Bounds; and to the Marshal General or Marshal of the County, to Collect for such Lands as lie not in any Town Bounds; who shall Collect the same, and return it to the Treasurer as the Law directs.

And it is further Ordered that the said Commissioners give in to the Treasurer the number of the Troopers in their respective Towns, and he to grant out Warrants to the Select Men to assess, and the Constables to Collect what may arise to be due to the Country upon the Duplica­tion of Rates, for this present year.

And for the better effecting of this Order about the Rating of Unim­proved Lands.

It is Ordered by this Court, that the Major General, Captain Fisher, Captain Elisha Hutchinson, and Lieut. Jonathan Danforth, together with the Secretary, be a Committee forthwith to examine the Court Records and Returns of all Grants of Farms and Out-lands, laid out without the Bounds of any Township; who are Ordered and Desired to make a List of all Out lands they can by any means gain the know­ledge of, as to the quantity of the same, and to whom at present they do belong, and where they do lye: and to transmit the same lists unto the Country Treasurer, that they may be added to, and compared with the several Countries Lists, that so no Lands may be omitted, or twice Entred. Major John Pynchon, and Lieut. John Smith in Hampshire, are appointed to do the like, and make like Certificate:

And that the Treasurer forthwith send forth his Warrants to the Select Men of each Town accordingly.


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