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Heavens Alarm to the World. OR A SERMON WHEREIN IS SHEWED, That fearful Sights and Signs in Heaven are the Presages of great Ca­lamities at hand.

By INCREASE MATHER; Teacher of a Church in Boston in New-England.

Jer. 6. 17. Also, I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the Trumpet; but they said, We will not hearken.
Joel 2. 30, 31. I will shew Wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, bloud and fire and pillars of smoke. The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into bloud, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.
Rev. 8. 10. And the third Angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters.
Rev. 11. 14. The second wo is past, behold, the third wo cometh quickly.

BOSTON; Printed by John Foster. 1681.



Concerning those admirable and amazing works of God, which are by us called Comets, as under a physical and ma­thematical Consideration, there are many that have pub­lished their Sentiments, and some to good purpose and edification. The Scope of the ensuing discourse, is only, (that being most proper for one under my circumstances) to make a Theological Improvement thereof. There are that doe pro­pound this enquiry, How many Comets hath the world taken notice of since the first Creation? which is indeed a Question that no mortal living is able to give a full and certain answer unto. It is true that sundry learn­ed and worthy Writers, (especially Lavater and Alsted) have attempted to give us the History of Comets, nor hath their labour been wholly in vain or unprofitable, though it be not possible to give an account of all of them. We doe not read of above eleven Blazing Stars, in those A­ges (for about four thousand years) that were before the Incarnation of the Son of God: doubtless there were more; but the Records of those times are very imperfect, so that we cannot say, when they appeared, or by whom observed. The number of Comets seen these last 1680. years, is judged to be about 158; yet may it justly be questioned whe­ther there have been so many, inasmuch as diverse appearances of the same Comet have been set down by Historians as if they had been so many distinct Comets. Such Stars (for so rather than Meteors have the Ob­servations of later times evinced them to be) have ever been accounted Ominous Presages of great mutations and miseryes coming upon the world. So did the wise men amongst the Gentiles of old Abultima antiquita [...]is me­moria notatum est Cometas sem­per calamitatum proenuncios fu­isse. Cicer. denat. Deor. Lib. 2. their Orators, Poets, Philosophers ever esteem of them. And the observation hath been sadly verefied, by the experience of latter A­ges; consonant to the holy Scriptures of Truth, Diri toties atsere Cometae Virg. where (both in the old Testament and in the New) Prodigious Sights and Signs in the heavens are mentioned as the Presages of great Calamityes. Et terris nunquam spectaclum impune Cometae Claudian. Some object that after the blazing Star, Anno 1097. a very fertile prosperous year followed, Quando nocte Cometae sanguined lugubre rubext. but they forget that the next year a dire­ful Plague raged in the world. Others object that Wick­liffs [Page] and Luthers Reformations, had Comets to precede them. But (to say nothing of the Warrs and fatal changes which in those dayes hapned in diverse parts of the world) two or three exceptions doe not invali­date the truth of a general Assertion. If such signs are commonly Presages of sore Calamityes, thats enough to awaken men out of their Lethargyes, though now and then, once in an hundred times it should happen to be otherwise, which yet remains to be demonstrated. As for their notion who think that Comets are signs that the light of the Gospel shall be fur­ther dispersed in the world, or that they portend mercy to the Church, and Judgement to others only; it is to be wished that there were a solid foundation for such a conceipt: But alas! Divisions amongst the Lords professing People themselves, and great Persecutions have often­times been the fatal consequents of such portentous signs. And if publick calamityes come upon the world, it is not to be expected but that the Lords People, whilst they are mixed amongst others, (and too much partaking with them in their sins) living in an evil world, will have their share therein. It hath ever been so, and is ever like to be so, until the sign of the Son of Man shall appear.

As for that Blazing Star, which hath occasioned this present Discourse, it was a terrible sight indeed, especially about the middle of December last, the stream of such a stupendous magnitude, as that no man now living ever beheld the like. That in the year 1618. was looked upon as very prodigious, History of great Brittain, p.128. Clarks Examp. Vol. 2.p.256. yet the radiant Locks of it were not extended above 45. degrees in length, when as this was about 60. degrees. Yet I can­not say there never was any so dismal since the world began, for I have read of diverse no less fearful. Seneca Nat. Quest. C.15,16. speaketh of a Comet whose magnitude was equal with that of the Sun: and of another that prodi­giously diffused it self over the Vialactea; and of one that extended from Helice to Buris. That which appeared Anno Christi 1452. Teste Nau­clero. was above 50 degrees in length. Writers speak of some blazing Stars that have been attended with a much longer stream Nevertheless, one so fearful to behold as this, hath rarely been known: and without controversie some great thing is portended thereby. I see little reason to conclude, that it is an Omen of happy dayes to the world, until God hath made way for mer­cy by great Judgements. Especially considering, that we are fallen into the dregs of time, wherein the dayes must and shall be perillous: It was long since Keckerm. Phys. ubi de Co­metis. p. mihi 1657. conjectured, that in the Ages more immediately preceding the day of Judgement, Comets and other fearful Sights should be more frequent then formerly, Megius de ex­ust [...]me Mundi. l. 3. c. 10. as intimations of the great and amazing Revo­lutions in those Ages to be accomplished. It will not be long before the second Wo Trumpet hath done its work, and then the third Wo will come quickly. The Lord grant that we may be accounted worthy to stand before the Son of man at his coming.

The learned and judicious Hospinian De Origine temp orum. P. 59. writes that Anno 729. there was a Comet seen first in the east, in the morning, & after in the west in [Page] the evening (just as with our present blazing Star) Quasi Orienti simul & Occidenti magni [...]cujus mali Praesagi. We have cause to fear that this Comet so appear [...] presage & portend great Calamityes both to the East & the West, h. e. to the world in General. That some notable day of the Lord is at hand, when such Signs appear, we may believe: hence are they called v. Melchior Jun Orat Par. 1. p. 425. Prodigia a Praeostendendo, because they shaw beforehand that something Remarkable is a coming. Further then this I would not goe about to determine; only we may modestly conjecture as to particular e­vents like to happen. I have ever thought it unwarrantable, for men, not acted by an extraordinary Spirit, to make particular and positive determinations concerning the Judgements (or the Persons eminently concerned therein) by such Prodigies menaced. The great Melancthon hath been thought (by some great Voetius in in Disp [...]de Sign. Authors) to proceed something too far in applications of this nature. Peucerus ( Melancton's son in law) expresseth himself more warily, in his Teratoscopia, or Discourse about Divination from fearful Sights. Yet he affirms that whenever great changes in the world have been near, prodigious Sights have been the forerunners thereof; and that unusual Sights are seldom or never known to have hapned without great and miserable changes attending them. Only it is possible for particular Persons and places through faith in Christ, and in a way of humble Repentance, to obtain a lengthening out of their tranquility. The Gentiles of old Alexand. ab Alexand. L5.c.27. when they beheld fearfull Sights in Heaven, would presently betake themselves to their Prayers, & piacular Sacrifices, (in imitation of whom idolatrous Papists have been wont in like cases to goe to their Reliques, Amulets, Processions &c.) Coelius Rodogi. l.3.c.27. that so evils Ominated thereby, might (if possible) be averted. And shall not Professors of the true Religion, be awakened by such awful works of God, to goe unto Jesus Christ (our only Sacrifice) and to pray ear­nestly that impending wrath may be removed, and the mercy of heaven obtained? Shall we not be humbled, as for other sins, so for that, of not hearkning to his Word? the contempt whereof provoketh him to speak by fearful Sights and Signs from heaven, which seems to be the Strigelius & Tossanus ad Locum. mean­ing of that Scripture, Act.2.19. The Lord is many wayes calling upon men, to repent, and pray, and get into the Ark before the flood come. Iudeed we should not be dismayed at the Signs of heaven, nevertheless (as that Emperor said) We ought to fear that God who hath made this blazing Star. Surely, we have cause to speak, as sometimes the Psalmist did, my flesh trembles for fear of thee, and I am afraid of thy Judgements.

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Heavens Alarm to the World.

Luk.21. 11.

Fearful Sights and great Signs shall there be from Heaven.

THE Lord Jesus Christ, having told his Disciples that great Calamityes were hastning upon Jerusa­lem, and upon the Jewish Nation; they enquire when those things should come to pass, and what Signs should precede and presage the Judgements predicted. This we see in the 7 th. verse of this Chapter, They asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what Sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? In answer un­to which enquiry, the Lord Christ doth in this context men­tion several things, some of which were to be more remote, and others more immediate Signs of that miserable Destru­ction, which the sacred and unerring lips of Christ had fore­told. 1. Palse Christs would arise. v. 8. Many shall come in my name. saying, I am Christ, &c. The Jews had rejected the true Messiah, therefore God would punish them with false Christ, as an intimation that the dayes of vengeance were coming upon the Nation for that sin of theirs. The Apostle John (Christs beloved Disciple) doth imitate his Master in mentioning the same thing as a sign that the Jewish world was near unto its end, 1 Joh. 2. 18. There are many Antichrists See Mede's Works p.818. 872. h. e. false Christs, such as come in Christs Name, i.e. that pre­tended unto his Office, Dignity and Authority, and thereby (faith the Apostle) we know that it is the last time, se. the Jew­ish state both Civil and Ecclesiastical, was come unto the last hour. The Period of the Jewish world was at hand. And the Historyes of those times speak of one Theud [...] and others, [Page] that pretended to be Christs, and that the river Jordan should give way to them as once it did to Joshuah, so that a multitude of silly Jews were perswaded and seduced to follow them, un­to their own destruction. 2. Another Sign mentioned, is, that of Wars and Commotions, v. 9. When ye shall hear of Wars and commotions be not terrified, for these things must first come to pass, but the end is not by and by. This may be understood of those intestine Wars and Commotions which hapned in the land of Judea.—The Galileans took up arms against the Samaritans. At Joseph. Antiq. L.20.C.4, 5. de Bello Jud. l.2. c.11. one time, in a mutiny there were twenty thousand slain. These were Commotions which caused a great noise and con­sternation amongst men (especially amongst those of the Jewish Nation) in those dayes. Hence that which is by Luke expres­sed by Wars and Commotions, is by Mark called Troubles, and by Matthew, Wars and runners of Wars. And these things hapned about twenty years before the final destruction of Jeru­salem and fatal overthrow of the Jewish Nation, therefore was it said, the end is not by and by. 3. Another Sign is that mentioned in the 10 th. v. Nation shall rise up against nation, & Kingdome against Kingdome. v. Joseph. de Bello Jud. l.2.c.19,20,21. So indeed it came to pass when the Jewish Nation rose up against the Romane Nation, & their neighbouring Nations, Syrians, Samaritans &c. rose a­gainst them. In those dayes the land of Judea was divided into several Provinces, which did bear the names of Kingdoms, and the chief Governors of them are according to the He­brew style called Kings, being the Vice-Royes which the Ro­mane Emperors did substitute to be over those places. See 1 King. 22.47. Hence we read of King Herod, King Agrippa &c. Grotius & Lucas Bru­gensis in Mat. 24.7. Now the People of these Provinces were set one a­gainst another; therefore it is said Kingdome shall rise up against Kingdome. All those troubles were forerunners & intimations of the fatal calamity a coming, & did help to make way there­unto. 4. There were to be great Earthquakes in diverse places. In the beginning of this verse. Such things are usually signs of divine Anger, and so portentous of great changes and calamityes. The intimations of State-quakes, yea of Nation-quakes. Historians speak of very tremendous Earthquakes [Page 3] which hapned in diverse places Sex circiter annos, ante ur­bic excidium, tres Asioe claris­simas urbes, Terroe-motu eversa [...] effe, testatur Orosius. 1. 7. Tacitus scribitsub Tiberio Nerone, duodecim civitates in Asia terroe-motu collapsas esse. Ac denuo in quinto e [...]us regnt anno, tredecim urbes Terroe mo­tu cecidisse. whereby se­veral famous Cityes perished, not long before Je­rusalem was destroyed. 5. Famines, Probably that Prediction, doth respect the same Famine which Agabus prophesied of, Act. 11.28. under which the land of Judea suffered deeply. Whence it was that the Apostle Paul was very sollicitous to obtain some relief for the Christian Jews then at Jerusalem. 6. Pestilences. v. Bertram. in Mat. 24.7. These two Judge­ments, ( Limoi kai Loimoi as in the Greek it is e­legantly expressed) of Famine and Pestilence, doe often goe to­gether, the latter following at the heels of the former, and being occasioned thereby. 7. Fearful Sights and great Signs in Heaven: which are the words now before us to consider of. Fearful Sights, Gr. [ phohetra] Terriculamenta. Such Sights as strike a terror into the hearts of men that are the Specta­tors of them. Signs from Heaven, viz. Prodigious Signs. These things are mentioned as the more immediate Presages of those miseryes that were coming upon Jerusalem, with the whole Jewish Nation.

Doct. That Prodigious awfull Sights and Signs in Heaven, are oftentimes, the Presages of great Calamity coming upon the World. For the further clearing of this Doctrine, three things may be enquired into. 1. What sights and signs are the Presages of Calamity? 2. How it doth appear that they are so? 3. What Calamityes such Signs doe commonly presage?

Q 1. What Sights & Signs in heaven are Presages of Cala­mity? A. 1. There are signs in the starry heaven. The great God, when he made the World, placed the Stars in heaven, to be for signs as to events that in the ordinary course of nature should come to pass. Gen. 1. 14. God said, Let there be lights in the Firmament of heaven, and let them be for Signs. They are for Signs of heat and cold, wet and dry seasons, and the like. Hence the Lord spake to Job as in Ch.38.31. Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? The Pleiades are the same with those which men call [Page 4] the seven stars. When the Sun is in that Constellation with the Pleiades, it hath a great power and influence upon the the earth. It is Spring time then. As for Orion See Mr. Caryl on Iob. 38.31. it is a win­ter Constellation, causing cold, whereby the pores of the earth are bound. It binds the earth from bearing fruit, and as it were binds the hands of men from labour in their particular callings. When that Constellation appears in the evening (as it doth in the ninth moneth) tis a sign that the earth shall be bound as hath been expressed. Yea, and tis a sign that storms and tempestuous seasons are to be expected. Therefore was it by the Poet called Nimbosus Orion. And hence the stars are called by the name of The Signs of heaven, Jer. 10.2. Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of hea­ven. Which words may well be understood concerning the stars and Constellations in the heavens. Ita locum imerpretant [...]r R. Solomon Jarchi, & exil­lo Lyranus. For the Heathen, the Chaldeans especially (amongst whom the Jews were then going to dwell) superstitiously imagin'd that the stars were Ru­lers of the world, and did therefore stand in fear of them and worship them, Voetius Disp. Selec [...]. par.2. p. 923. which heathenish Idolatry the Lord doth cau­tion and charge his people against. The stars of heaven are for natural signs. Their motions & appearances are signi­fications that such and such things, will according to that course of nature which God hath setled, come to pass in the world. There are also extraordinary Stars, sometimes ap­pearing in the heavens. God in his Providence doth so order as that so metimes Blazing Stars are seen in heaven. Such stars are called Comets, from the stream like long hair which useth to attend them. Such a star is prodigious, and a fear­ful Sight. And of this may the words of the Text be under­stood. The Jewish Warrs of Jews, l.7▪ c. 12 Historian reports, that not long before the destruction of Jerusalem, there was a Blazing star in form of a Sword, which seemed to impend over the City, for a year together: this now was a fearful sight, and a great sign from heaven.

2. There are fearful sights & signs appearing in the Air, sometimes in the lower heaven. which we move and breathe in. Prodigious Meteors are sometimes seen there. And [Page 5] strange Appearances, which are either seen or heard speaking. Of these fearful sights and signs is the Text likewise to be in­terpreted. Josephus relates, that before the Romane Army destroyed Jerusalem, there was seen in the air, ibidem iron Chariots and Souldiers in battle aray; and in the night time, a great light appeared in the temple, for half an hour together, with as much brightness as if it had been noon day, and a voice was heard saying, Let us be gone from hence.

Qu. 2. How doth it appear that such fearful Sights are Pre­sages of Calamityes coming upon the World?

Ans. 1. The Scripture is clear for this. The Text before us doth expresly declare no less. And the Prophet Joel fore­telling the same Calamityes which this text hath reference un­to, saith also, that prodigious signs in heaven should presage and portend them. Joel 2. 30,31. I will shew Wonders in the heaven. Truely, Blazing Stars are Wonders in the heaven. And in the earth bloud and fire and pillars of smoke—before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come. When Jerusalem was destroyed & the Jewish state dissolved, that was a great & notable day of the Lord, a Type of the great day of Judge­ment. Wonders, even prodigious and amazing signs should precede it. A very learned Mede Dis­course 6.P. 37. and judicious Interpreter, conceiveth, that the Hebrews of old did use to call Comets or blazing stars by that name of A Pillar of smeke, because some­times they appear like pillars of smoke, and that therefore when it is said, there shall be Pillars of smoke before the terri­ble day of the Lord, the true meaning and intendment of those expressions, is, that Comets should precede and presage the miseryes coming upon the Jewish Nation. Yea, the Scripture informs us, that fearful sights and signs in heaven shall precede the great and general day of Judgement as presages thereof, Luk.21.25. There shall be signs in the stars: meaning that such things should be observed among the stars in heaven, as would be a sign that Christs coming to judge the world did approach. Wherefore in ver. 28. it is said, When these things come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemp­tion draweth nigh. The day of Judgement is a day of Re­demption [Page 6] and is so called in other Scriptures, Ephes. 41. 30. Then shall the bodies of the Saints be redeemed from the power of the grave, and both bodies and souls redeemed from all evils of sin and of suffering. Rom.8.23. 1 Cor.1.30. At the Resurrection in the last day, will the great Redemp­tion be to the Saints of God, and the greatest miseryes to the wicked that ever were thought of. And signs in heaven shall precede them. And hence it is, that fearfull Sights are call­ed Signs in the Scripture, it is partly on this account, in that they are Signs that the Lord is coming forth out of his holy habitation, to punish the world for their iniquityes.

2. The experience of many Ages doth bear witness unto the truth of this Doctrine. If the Scripture were silent about this matter, the experience both of former and of later Ages doth sufficiently and sadly confirm the truth in hand. Hence an Cum Deus puniturus sit gentem vel urbem, Prodigiis id [...] solet significare, Herod. 1.6. Lege Melchioris [...] Orat. Par. 1.p.425. heathen Writer could say. If God be a­bout to punish a City or a Nation, he is wont first to give Warning of it by Prodigyes, by Signs from heaven. And commonly it is so, that when stu­pendous Signs goe before, stupendous Judge­ments follow after. Some Conradus Lycosthenes Eibrum edidit in quo omnia col­legit Predigia, quoe ab exordio mundi oftensa sunt. have written large Volumes concerning the fearfull Sights which have at several times and places been observed in the world, and the Judgements and miseries which have followed.

3. Many times such fearful Sights are tokens of Gods anger; Zanch. de natura Dei, P. 414. which is another reason why they are called Signs, as being Signs of the Anger of God. Signs that flaming vengeance is kindled and burning in heaven against a sinful World. Now when God is angry then publick Judge­ments come, and testimonyes of Divine Displeasure. Perso­nal afflictions are not alwayes evidences of Gods anger, as we see in Job; but publick Judgements are ever wont to be so. Tis thought that the ninetieth Psalm was penned by Moses on occasion of a publick Judgement, the Plague which broke in upon the Children of Israel and swept away many thousands of them: and (faith he) we are consumed by thine anger, and by [Page 7] thy wrath are we troubled, v.7. So that if publick Judgements come, God is angry, his wrath kindled; he doth by them testifie and pour down his righteous displeasure from Heaven. Inasmuch then as fearful Sights are Tokens of Gods anger, they are Presages of great and publick Calamities. As the Rainbow (though a natural Sign) is a token of divine Favour, so are prodigious Sights, tokens of Divine Anger.

4. These fearful Sights are many times Presages of those things which make way for great change, and Calamityes to come upon the world. They are oftentimes (Blazing Stars Damascen. L.2.c.6. Isidor, L.3. Etymol Crinem (que) timendi, Syderis et­terris mutantem Regna Come­tam. Lucan. Anno 1471. ar­det Cometa. Hoc anno multi Principes moriuntur. Sic Anno 1477. multi Principes obierunt Alsted in a more especial manner are so) the Pre­sages of the death of great, yea and of wor­thy men. Is not the fatal downfall of Augustulus (the last Romane Emperor) in the Scripture emblematically set forth, by that of a Blazing Star falling to the ground? Rev.8. 10. There fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a Lamp, Mede In Apoc 8. 10. It is conceived, that the ruin of Au­gustulus, dethroned by Odoacer the Herulian was signified by those words, and that he is re­sembled to that sort of Comets, which is called Lampadias. And when there is a star burning and blazing in heaven com­monly it proveth fatal to some Augustulus, whence great changes and miseryes ensue. Yea, the death of Worthy (as well as great) Personages, is sometimes portended by such Signs. A little before great Constantine's death, a blazing Star appeared, and infinite miseryes followed. In the Year Alsted Chronol. c. 49. ubi de Cometis. See Spotwoods Hist. of Scotl. P.94. 1556. a Comet (then vulgarly called a fiery Beesom) was seen, and soon after, many learned, useful, worthy men dyed; whose death was an unspeakable loss and misery to the places where they had lived.

Quest. 3. what Calamityes doe such fearfull sights & signs in heaven Presage?

A. We must not be particular & positive in interpretations of things of this nature. When a fearfull sight appears in heaven which the whole world cannot but take notice of now to make a particular and absolute determination, v. Voet. in Disp [...]de Signis is P.919,930. that [Page 8] such a place, or such a person, such a Judgement is certainly intended thereby, is too much boldness. In general, we may safely say, that there is just cause to expect; that great cala­mityes are at hand, but what persons or places shall more e­minently fall under those Judgements, is not for us to deter­mine, but we must leave that with God, who best knows what himself intends to do.

This being premised, we proceed in answering the enquiry before us.

1. Sometimes such signs are Presages of great Persecu­tions coming upon the Church of God. The Lord in mercy to his People giveth them such warnings, that so they may prepare for what's a coming or make hast to enter into the chambers of safety, as it were for a little moment, till the in­dignation be overpast. Nero's bloudy Persecution had a Bla­zing Star to precede it. The same is true concerning the Arrian Heresy and Persecution; that flood spoken of in the Revelation, which the Dragon cast out of his mouth, and whereby the woman, the Church, fled into the wilderness, was in eminent danger of being swallowed up and devoured. Rev. 12.15.

2. Sometimes such Signs in heaven are presages of mise­rable Dearths and Scarcity. That blazing Star impending over Jerusalem, which the text hath reference unto, was at­tended with a terrible Famine, whereby multi­tudes perished. In the years after Christ 876. 948. 964. there were blazing stars seen presaging Famines and other Judge­ments. In Annis 674,675,676. Comets appeared, and fore Droughts followed. In some Countries it rained not for 3 years together. The like miseryes followed the Comet Anno 1477. In Annis 594, 1527. 1542. Comets were seen, and Armies of Lo­custs followed, devouring the fruits of the earth. And therefore such signs are frequently portentous of those Judgements which cause want and scarcity, e. gr. of sore Droughts and Blastings. and the multiplication of noxious creatures that destroy the fruits of the earth. All which particulars I could con­firm unto you, by approved History, which de­clareth how they have all been presaged by bla­zing stars in heaven.

3. Lamentable Deaths and destructions a­mongst men, have been oftentimes presaged by such sights in heaven. Sudden and amazing ru­ines [Page 9] by In the years 66, 78, 79, & 668. Comets appeared, after which terrible Earthquakes hapned in many places. Annis 577,912,1530. there were blazing stars appearing and inundations followed in diverse places. Soon after the Comet An.882. the fa­mous city of Triers was burnt to the ground. Alsted. ubi supra. Memorabile fuit Portentum Terroe motus An. 1618. quando ruina montis, qua totum Oppidum Plurium, et Vicus Schilanus cura 900 hominibus oppressà. Earth-quakes, by Inundations, by Fire, and the like awfull visitations, have been thereby portended. Especially destructions by mortal and contagious Diseases. That strange disease known by the name of Sudor Anglicanus, which in a peculiar manner pursued those of the En­glish Nation, even when in strange lands; whence they were dreaded in all places where they came there was a blazing Star that did precede it. Especially that which is of all diseases miserable mortals are subject unto, the most ter­rible, I mean the plague of Pestilence, Anno 1457. Cometa quem nigrum appellabant, apparuit, secuta est Pestis diuturnior. Anno 1472. Duo Cometoe. Pestis adeo soeviit, ut Cognati proximi desererent suos. idem eodem Libro. Anno 1006. Cometa, quem Pe­stis excepit, ut vivi cum mor­tuis sepelirentur, multa Oppida plane exhausit. it is frequently thus presaged. Such sights are Hea­vens Alarm to a sinfull World, to give notice that God hath bent his Bow, and made his Ar­rows ready, and that if Sinners turn not, the arrows of Pestilence and Death shall fall down upon them speedily. This might be confirmed by a multitude of instances, but it needs not. Our own experience is enough. We cannot but remember the Blazing Star that was seen but 16 years agoe & a terrible Plague followed, so that in our own nation, near upon an hundred thousand were swept away in one City, and in one year. And it is reported that immediately after that great blazing Star which appeared above threescore years ago. God sent the Plague See Mr. Gorges Descrip­tion of New-England. P.27. amongst the Natives in this land, which swept them away in such multitudes, as that the living were not enough to bury the dead. So did the Lord cast out the Heathen before this his People, that the way might thereby be prepared unto our more peaceable settlement here. The Lord in mercy grant, that we may never by becoming like unto the Heathen in pro­faneness and irreligion, provoke him to doe unto us, as he hath done unto them.

4. Such fearful sights and signs in heaven are usual presa­ges of War among the Nations, and so of those Devastations [Page 10] and Desolations which the sword leaveth behind it. Some­times Prodigyes on the earth doe betoken war and blood­shed▪ 2 Kin.3.22. And signs in heaven doe no less. Thus in in my Text the Romane Sword, which made the Jewish na­tion desolate, (according to Daniels Prophesy▪ ch.9.27.) was portended by a fearfull blazing Star in heaven. Belli mala sign [...] Comet [...]. Tibull. Stell [...] rel [...]cebit gladii mortali­bus index. Sibyll. Orac. lib. 3. And when Alaricus the Goth made such a terrible irruption upon the Romane Empire, like a storm of hail and fire and blood, Rev. 8.7. blazing stars in heaven preceded those calamityes. When Attila, who they say, called himself Flagellum Dei, Gods Whip, to scourge the world for their wickedness, when he was armed to be the Executioner of divine Vengeance upon the earth, destroying Cityes, and laying Nations wast before him▪ blazing Stars were seen preceding and portending those miserable times. So when the Saracens (the first wo trumpet) and the Turks (the second wo trumpet, prophesied of in the Revelation) were let loose upon the apostate christian world, blazing stars, and fearfull sights in heaven did precede those woful dayes. And are there not some alive, and here before the Lord this day, that can remember the blazing star which appeared in the 9 th. and in the 10 th. moneths, in the year 1618. and the next year began that unhappy War in Ger­many, which proved so fatal to the Protestant interest there.

Thus have we seen what Judgements and Calamityes, fear­ful Sights in heaven are commonly the presages of. As for that sign in heaven now appearing, (which hath occasioned me to speak this word at this time) what Calamityes may be por­tended thereby, which of the Judgements mentioned, or whe­ther all of them be not thereby presaged, I shall not say, but leave it unto God and time to discover. Only in general, we have cause to fear, that sweeping Judgements are thereby sig­nified; that the Lord is coming down from heaven with a long Beesome of destruction which shall sweep away a world of Sin­ners before it.

I Conclude with a word of Application. Nor would I speak any thing but the words of truth and soberness, as becometh a Messenger of Christ to doe, when speaking in his Name.

[Page 11] USE. Let us hence be exhorted to approve our selves, as those that are under the solomn awfull Warnings of God ought to doe. I need not say, (for every one knoweth it) that there is a fearful fight and sign appearing in the heavens. Such a formidable. Blazing Star, as that the like hath seldom been observed. It concerns us then, to hearken to the voice of the Lord therein, who by such tremendous sights is speaking awfully to the children of men. Hearthen Heavens Alarm this day. You will say, But what should we now doe? What doth the Lord expect from us, when there are such dreadful Pre­sages of evils coming upon the world?

Answ. 1. It now concerns us to be awakened out of all se­curity. That's one of Gods ends, (his declared end) in cau­sing such fearful Sights to be taken notice of, that so he might awaken a secure sleeping World. And indeed, the Lord, ma­nifests his goodness and compassion towards sinfull Creatures therein. It was a pious speech of that Ejus, clementiam laudare tene [...]ur, qui nostram inertiam, talibus a [...]monere dignatur indi­ciis [...] Carolus magnus, vel ut alii valunt, Ludovicus 1. Carolimagnifilius. Em­peror, who being somewhat terrified at the sight of a Blazing Star, said to those about him, Let us admire the Clemency of that God, who before [...] smites us, causeth such signs in heaven, that so he might awaken us out of our security. O let us beware of crying Peace, Peace, when the day of destruction is at hand. O take heed of sleeping and dreaming of nothing but worldly. Prosperity at such a time as this. When the Lord Jesus Christ had told his Disciples, that cala­mitous times were a coming, and mentioned the Signs and presages thereof, he bids them month therefore, Luk.2.1.36. Wherefore let us not please ourselves, with imagining that such fearful sights, are signs of mercy only, and not of Judge­ment. The contrary unto which opinion, hath been confirmed by more then an hundred in­stances Consulatur Heidfeld, Sphinx [...]. 1087. Universali experientia, & ho­minum censensu, proejudic atum est, Comet as magnas mutatto­nes portendere. Voet. Disp. de signis. P.929. Men are exceeding apt to interpret such things in a way of favour to themselves, when nothing less is intended thereby. So when these fearful Sights and Signs in heaven which my Text speaketh of, were seen at Jerusalem, [Page 12] the Jews did interpret them as good Owens to themselves, and as ominous of destruction to their enemies. The Prodigies in Germany See Clarks Martyrology. P. 311.&c. were looked upon by the Protestants as signs of deliverance unto them, and of destruction to their enemies. But alas! the event was quite otherwise. And let us not make ourselves secure, by saying or thinking, that the Lord by such fearful sights speaks to others only, and not unto us. As Ves­pasian (the Emperor) when Testante Suetonio. there was a long hairy Co­met seen, he did but deride at it, and make a Joke of it, saying, That it concerned the Parthians that wore long hair, and not him, who was bald, but within a year, Vespasian himself, (and not the Parthian) dyed. Such fearful sights are usually signs that those Judgements which are (as Tertullian speaks) Ton­sura humani generis, Gods sharp Razors on mankind, whereby he doth Poll; his Sythe, whereby he doth shear down multi­tudes of sinful creatures, doe draw near, in which respect there is no doubt to be made of it, but that God by this Blazing star, is speaking to other places, and not to New-England only. And it may be, he is declaring to that Generation of hairy Scalps, who go on stil in their trespasses, that the day of their calamity is at hand, and that the things which shall come upon them make hast. A strange sight doth botoken strange punish­ment coming upon those that have bin prodigious workers of iniquity. Yet let not us promise to our selves nothing but prosperity, in the doleful and the bitter day, when there shall be Lamentation generally. I am perswaded, that the floods of great water are coming. I am perswaded, that God is a­bout to open the windows of heaven, and to pour down the Cataracts of his wrath, ere this Generation (wherein Atheism and Profaneness are come to such a prodigious height) I say, ere this Generation is passed away. But what reason have we to think that no drops of the fatal storm shall come near to us? If we so conclude, we may provoke the Lord to say, The Sinners of my People shall dye by the sword, who say the evil shall not overtake us nor prevent us. To be awakened out of security, and tremblingly to wait for the good pleasure of God, whatever it may be, is the most likely way to find rest in [Page 13] the day of Trouble. So did the Prophet find it, Hab.3.16. when I heard, my belly trembled, my lips quivered, I trembled in my self, that I might rest in the day of trouble. When the thun­dring voice of Judgement was heard, his heart trembled at it, so did he find rest in the day of trouble.

2. This should put us upon preparing for another day of Trou­ble. And this should we doe the rather, since the changes portended by this Comet, are like to come speedily as well as certainly. Joseph said to Pharaoh, For that the dream is dou­bled, it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. Gen. 41.32. Doth not the doubled ap­pearance of this fearfull sight in the heavens speak as much? Let us then prepare for trouble. We should not only expect it, but so expect it, as to prepare for it. Certainly we have reason so to doe—If there had been no Blazing Star, yet, upon other accounts, we have cause to expect and prepare for another day of Trouble, which seems to be hastning upon thee O New-England, and upon thee O Boston, The Sins which are amongst us, are surer and blacker signs of Judge­ment then any signs in heaven, that we may think of. I say the sins, the Pride, the Profaneness, the worldliness, the ge­neral security and iniquity that prevaileth amongst us. Espe­cially considering how little good all former Judgements and Dispensations have done upon us. What fiery Desolations hath the Lord made amongst us? The Lord hath bin roaring out of Sion. Such roaring Judgements, have bin amongst us, as that the report of them hath been heard afar off. Sword, Death, and Fire. But, (alas O Lord God) may it not be said concerning the generality of men, they return not un­to him that hath bin smiting of them? They are the same since the War, since the Small Pox, since the Fires, that they were before. Ah! what will come next? We have cause to expect, and it will be our wisdome to prepare for another day of Trouble seven times greater then the former. It grieveth me to speak thus, but I cannot forbear. I feel that the word of the Lord is like a fire in a mans bones, and it will break out. The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesie? And now [Page 14] know for certain, that if destroying Judgements and Death overtake any in their sins, and sweep them away to Hell, their blood shall be upon their own heads. For the Lord hath fi­red his Beacon in the heavens, among the stars of God there; the fearfull sight is not yet out of sight. The Warning piece in heaven is going off, now then if the Lord discharge his Mur­dering pieces from on high, and men be found in their, sins unfit for death, their blood shall be upon them. They had warning given them that the Sword was a coming: Lo, the Lord himself gave them the warning, but they would not take warning, their blood shall be upon them. Moreover, if troubles should not come, yet it will be wisdome to prepare for them. If the Lord, after he hath sent his Angel to stand with a drawn sword over Jerusalem, should be entreated to spare us, yet it will never doe us hurt to prepare for the most deadly arrows of affliction, that may light upon us, whilst in this Vale of tears.

3. We should due what in the lyes to divert those Judgements which seem to be impending and blazing over our heads. This word of comfort, I may safely speak, the Lords threatnings are not absolute, but conditional. So far as we in these ends of the earth, these goings down of the Sun, are spoken unto, by this sign in the heavens, it is possible we may escape the evils threatned thereby, if we duely hearken to the voice of God therein. Jer.18.7,8. At what time I speak concerning a nation and concerning a Kingdome, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evill that I thought to doe unto them. So that when desolating Judgements are threat­ned either by the word, or by the awfull works of God, those denunciations of wrath are not absolute but conditional. If Repentance intervene, the evils which otherwise must be looked for, may be diverted. See therefore Jer.36.3,7. It may be the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to doe unto them, that they may return every man from his evil way. Ay, a general Repentance is that which will doe, if every man turn from his evil way, that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin. [Page 15] It may be they will present their supplication before the Lord &c. This is that which the Lord would have; therefore he saith, He stir up the spirit of my Ministers and Ambassadors, that they shall declare and denounce my Judgements against a sin­full Generation. It may be they will hear. And [...]e speak by awful Signs from heaven that may be as Heraulds to proclaim wrath and wo to the world, It may be they will hear, and then shall their sins be forgiven. You will say, But what shall we doe that so the Judgements which are blazing over us may be diverted from us? Answ. Pray and cry mightily to heaven. For this let every one that is godly pray unto the Lord in a time wherein he may be found, and before the floods of great wa­ters come nigh unto us. Our Lord Jesus Christ, having warned his disciples of approaching calamityes, he concludeth with an exhortation unto prayer, Luk. 21.36. Pray alwayes, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass. Prayer may doe much towards the averting of wrathful Judgements and desolations. When the Lord threat­ned to bring Famine and destruction upon his People, Amos fell to praying▪ and God said This shall not be, this Judgement and threatned desolation shall not be, Amos.7.3,6. O then, let us deprecate impending Judgements. Doe we see the sword blazing over us? Let it put us upon crying to God that that Judgement may be diverted, and not return upon us again so speedily. Doe we see the arrows of Pestilence and Death blazing over us? Oh! pray that the destroying Angel may not be sent to walk in darkness, and to waste at noon day. Doth God threaten our very heavens? O pray unto him that he would not take away Stars and send Comets to succeed them. Pray that the Lord Jesus who holds the Stars in his right hand, may continue those in the Firmament of his Churches (the heaven which his own hand hath planted) who are indeed Stars, willing to impart the light which they have received from Christ unto his People; and that wandring Stars, blazing stars, seducing spirits may never come in their room. I am not without fear, that this will at last be the Judge­ment of God upon New-England, and upon these Churches. [Page 14] Pray that it may never be. And our Supplications should be at­tended with deep Humiliation, Zeph.2.2,3. Gather your selves to­gether, h. e. come before the Lord in a way of publick solemn Humiliation, before the decree, i. e. the Judgement written and threatned, bring forth, before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you, before the day of the Lords anger come upon you: seek the Lord.—It may be you shall be hid in the day of the Lords anger. Thus then should we doe, in this day when there are such dark & angry clouds hanging over our heads,& we know not how soon they may break upon us. And truly, if our Lectures, were, some of them, turned into dayes of Prayer, at such a time as this, it is no more then what there is cause for. And there is one thing more, that should in special be remembred by us; a thing that hath been much talked of, but little hath been done in [...], that is Reformation! Reformation!! When the Prophet Jonah was sent of God to preach and say, Yes forty dayes, and Ninivth shall be destroyed: that was a more awfull sign of desolation, then if they had seen a blazing star, hanging over the City, menacing the ruine thereof. Yet when they repented and reformed (though it was but an exter­nal Reformation) the Lord spared them forty years longer. Ah! New-England, wilt thou not doe more then Niniveh? shall there not be so much as an external Reformation, of those things that provoke the glorious eyes of Heaven? Will not the haughty daughters of Sion, reform their Pride in apparel? Will they have the attire of an harlot? Will they lay out their hair, and wear their false locks, their borders, and towers like Comets about their heads? will they doe so, until God send his arrows from heaven, to smite them down into the Grave, where the dayes of darkness shall be many. And shall there be still such a multitude of licensed Drinking-houses, (and Town-dwellers frequenting them) to the shame of Boston, and to the infamy of New-England, notwithstanding the testimony which God and his servants have given against it? How then shall we think to escape in the day of the Lords anger, if a Reforma­tion so much as in these externals, which it is so easy tó reform, will not be obtained? O Return Return unto the Lord. [Page 17] And in that way, let us betake our selves unto the shading wings of the Lord Jesus! Doe we not hear him speaking to us, as sometimes unto Jerusalem? Mat.23.37. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered thee, as an hen her chickens under her wings. Sayth the Lord, the Romane Ea­gles, those birds of prey, are hastning upon you: but if you would have come under my wings, you should have been safe enough. Even so, doth not the Lord say, O New-England, New-England! dost thou not know that the birds of prey are designing to devour thee? but my wings are broad enough to secure and shelter thee, when the black and stormy tempest shall break upon the world. If we be found a praying, an humble, a reforming People, we need not doubt but that un­der the shadow of his wings, we shall make our refuge, until the calamity be overpast.


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