AT a Council held at Boston March 8. 1679./80.
THe Governour and Council, upon mature Consideration of the many loud Calls of Providence, and being also conscious that it is a great duty incumbent on them at all times (but more especially when there are so many solemn inducements) to stir up the People of God to humble themselves before Him, and seek his special Favour: And now in particular, that a Spirit of Grace may be poured out upon this People to convince them of, and humble them for all their sinfull Prevarications; and in special, those Sins so publickly borne witness against by the late Synod, and a spirit of Reformation to turn from their evil wayes, and make their peace with God, that so these things aggravate not our guilt, nor hasten the wrath of God upon us: That having made our peace with God, He may graciously smile upon, & crown this Year with his blessing, succeeding the labours of his poor People, and making his paths to drop fatness; favourably preventing those awfull Frowns, in Blastings, Mildews and Insects, which have consumed a great part of our Labours and abated the quantity and goodness of our principal Grain for many years past, & most of all the last Summer. That the Lord would preside and so dispose the Lot in the following Election of Magistrates, and give out large portions of his Spirit to his Servants who may then be chosen, such as may witness his gracious presence to be yet with us: That God will graciously indulge and prove us by continuing and upholding our precious and desirable Liberties civil and sacred; and utterly disappoint and bring to nought all the malicious devices of any who hate us, that seek and would gladly see the subversion of those things wherein our greatest felicity doth consist. That Heavens Blessing and Protection may be plentifully afforded to our Sovereign Lord the King, defending his Majestyes Person and Kingdoms from all mischievous designs & endeavours of Papists, or any other wickedly bent and engaged: That God would signally appear to uphold and maintain the Protestant interest in the world, and all true Professors of has Name and Glory, in despite of all the Plots and Policyes wherein the Antichristian Party, in combination with Hell are united in deep engagement for their ruine;
Doe therefore appoint and Order, that the fifteenth day of April next, be set [...] for a Dav of Humiliation and Prayer, to be kept throughout this Jurisdiction of the [...] hereby inhibiting all servile labour on that day; and doe commend it to all the Church [...]s and People in the said Jurisdiction to be accordingly observed.