
June, 29. 1680. The Church Renewed COVENANT, as followeth.

WEE, who through the exceeding Riches of the Grace and Patience of God, do continue to be a Church of Christ, being now Assembled in the Holy Presence of God, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

After humble Confession of our manifold Breaches of the Covenant before the Lord our God, and earnest Supplication for pardoning Mercy through the Blood of Christ, and deep Acknowledgement of our great Unworthiness to be Owned to be the Lord's Covenant-Peo­ple; also Acknowledging our own Inability to keep Covenant with God, or to perform any Spiritual Duty, unless the Lord Jesus do en­able us thereto by his Spirit dwelling in us; [Page] And being awfully sensible that it is a dread­ful Thing for sinful Dust and Ashes perso­nally to transact with the Infinitely glorious Majesty of Heaven and Earth; We do in humble Confidence of his gracious Assistance and Acceptance through Christ, each one of us for our Selves, and Jointly as a Church of the living God, Explicitly Renew our Cove­nant with God, and one with another, in manner and Form following. i. e.

Wee do give up our selves to that God whose Name alone is JEHOVAH, Fa­ther, Son, and Holy Ghost, the One on­ly True and Living God, and to our bles­sed Lord Jesus Christ, as our onely Bles­sed Saviour, Prophet, Priest, and King over our Souls, and Onely Mediator of the Covenant of Grace, Promising (by the Help of his Spirit and Grace) to cleave unto God as our Chief Good, and to the Lord Jesus Christ by Faith and Gospel-Obedience, as becometh his Co­venant-People, for ever. Wee do also give up our Offspring to God in Jesus [Page] Christ, Avouching the Lord to be Our God, and the God of our Children, and our selves with our Children to be His People; humbly adoring the Grace of God, that we and our Offspring with us may be looked upon to be the Lord's.

Wee do also give up our selves one to another in the Lord, and according to the will of God; freely covenanting and binding our selves to walk together as a right ordered Congregation and Church of Christ, in all the wayes of His Worship, according to the holy Rules of the Word of God, promising in Brotherly Love to watch over one anothers Souls faithfully, and to submit our selves to the Discipline and Government of Christ in his Church, and duly to attend all those Ordinances, which Christ hath Instituted in his Church and commanded to be attended by his People, according to the Order of the Gospel, and degrees of Communion unto which we have attained, Not resting in measures attained; but pressing after all. [Page] And whereas the Messengers of these Churches, who have met together in the Name of Christ, to enquire into the Rea­son of God's Controversy with this Peo­ple, have taken Notice of many Provo­king Evils and procuring Causes of the Judgements of God upon New-England; So farre as we, or any of us have been guilty of provoking God by any Sin therein discovered to us, We desire from our hearts to bewail it before the Lord, and humbly to entreat for Pardoning Mercy, for the sake of the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant. And as an Ex­pedient to Reformation of those Evils, or whatsoever else have provoked the Eyes of God's Glory among us, Wee do free­ly engage and promise, as in the Presence of God,

First, That we will (Christ helping) endeavour every one of us to reform our Heart and Life, by seeking to mortify all our Sins, and labouring to walk more closely with God than ever yet we have done; and will continue to worship God [Page] in Publick, Private, Secret; and this wi­thout Formality or Hypocrisy: and more fully and faithfully than heretofore, to discharge all Covenant-Dutyes one to another in Church-Communion.

Secondly, To walk before God in our Houses with a perfect Heart, and that we will uphold the VVorship of God therein continually, according as He in his Word doth require; both in respect of Prayer, and reading the Scriptures, that so the VVord of God may dwell richly in us: And will do what in us lyes, to bring up our Children for Christ, that they may be such, as they that have the Lord's Name put upon them by a solemn Dedi­cation to God in Christ, ought to be. And will therefore (as need shall be) Catechise, Exhort, and Charge them to Fear the Lord; & endeavour to set an ho­ly Example before them, and be much in Prayer for their Conversion and Salva­tion.

Thirdly, To endeavour to be pure from the Sins of the Times, especially [Page] those Sins, which have been by the late Synod solemnly declared and evidenced to be the Evils that have brought the Judgements of God upon New-England; and in our places to endeavour the sup­pression thereof, and be careful so to walk as that we may not give Occasion to o­thers to sin, or speak evil of our holy Pro­fession.

Now, that we may observe and keep this sacred Covenant, and all the Bran­ches of it, Inviolable for ever, We desire to deny our selves; and depend wholly upon the Power of the Eternal Spirit of Grace, on the Free Mercy of God, and Merit of Christ Jesus: And where we shall fail, there to wait upon the Lord Jesus for Pardon, Acceptance, and Hea­ling for His Name's sake.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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