
AT A GENERAL COURT Held at Boston, October 15. 1679.

THIS COURT being sensible of the solemn Rebukes of God upon his poor People throughout this Land, from year to year, our Doings against the Lord having pro­voked the eyes of his glory, so as that he hath visited us with the Sword, and since that, hath given a Commission to the destroying Angel, in respect of a sore and terrible Disease, which hath been of long continuance, and more contagious and mortal then in former times; and his holy Hand is in that way stretched out stil over some of our Plantations. And very lately, the Lord God hath called to contend by Fire, which hath devoured a great part of that Town, in whose welfare all New-England is concerned; and therefore we have all cause with bleeding hearts, to lament over the doleful Ruines and Desolations, which the Lord for our iniquityes hath in one day brought upon us: especially considering, that at the same time, God is taking away from us the Fruits of the earth, by a greater Blasting then heretofore we have had experience of. And the Lords Watchmen, with the generality of serious Christians, are not without sad thoughts of heart lest if we be not reformed by these things, God should punish us yet seven times for our sins, yea and at last remove our Candlesticks out of their places: and there are already some awfull Symptoms of a Famine of hearing the Word of the Lord; and other spiritual Judgments, calling upon us to gather our selves together, in a way of solemn Humiliation and Repentance before the Decree bring forth. Being also sensible that the Churches of Christ abroad in the world, are wrestling with sore distressing difficultyes, in this day of trouble, when the Children are come to the birth, but there is not strength to bring forth,

Do therefore appoint the second Thursday in December next, to be observed as a day of publick Humiliation throughout this Jurisdiction, earnestly exhorting all the Inhabitants thereof not only to confess but to forsake their Sins, that so they may find mercy with God through Jesus Christ, and to cry mightily to Heaven, as for pardon, so for Grace to reform, those evils that have by the late Reverend Synod been witnessed against, and declared to be the provoking procuring causes of the Lords Controversy with New-England. As also to pray that the Lord would remember his people in Europe, more especially in the Land of our Fore-Fathers Sepulchres, maintaining his own Cause as the matter may require.


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