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Several Laws and Orders Made at the second Sessions of the GENERAL COURT Held at BOSTON October. 10th. 1677. And published by Order thereof. Edward Rawson Secr'.

WHereas many secret attempts have been lately made by evil-minded persons to set fire in the town of Boston, and other places, tending to the destruction and devasta­tion of the whole; this Court doth account it their duty to use all lawfull means to discover such persons, and prevent the like for time to come:

Be it therefore Ordered and enacted by this COURT and the Authority thereof, Oath of Alle­giance & Fi­delity for In­habitants & Strangers. that the Law, tit. Oaths and Subscriptions, Pag. 120. Sect. 2. requiring all persons, as well inhabitants as strangers (that have not taken it) to take the Oath of Fidelity to the Country, be revived and put in practice through this Jurisdiction: And for the more effectual execution thereof; It is Ordered by this Court that the Select-men, Constables and Tything men in every Town, doe once every quarter of a year so proportion and divide the precincts of each town, and go from [Page 58] house to house, and take an exact list of the names, quality and callings of every person, whether Inhabitant or Stranger, that have not taken the said Oath, and cannot make due proof thereof; and the Officers aforesaid are hereby required forthwith to return the names of such persons unto the next Magistrate, or County Court, or chief Military Officer in the Town where no Magistrate is, who are required to give such persons the said Oath prescribed in the Law, wherein not only fidelity to the Coun­try, but Allegiance to our King is required: and all such as take the said Oath, shall be recorded and enrouled in the County Records, by the Clark of each County Court; and all such as refuse to take the said Oath, they shall be proceeded against as the said law directs. And further, this Court doth declare, that all such Refusers to take the said Oath, shall not have the benefits of our Laws to implead, sue or recover any debt in any Court or Courts within this Jurisdiction, nor have protection from this Government whilst they continue in such obstinate refusal.

And furthermore, It is Ordered that if any Officer intrusted with the Execution of this order do neglect or omit his or their Duty therein, they shall be fined according to their demerits, not exceeding five pounds for one offence, being complained of, or presented to the County Courts, or Court of Assistants and this Law to be forthwith printed and published, and effectually executed from, and after the last of November next, and that all persons that Administer the Oath above said, shall in like manner make re­turn of the names of such persons so sworn to the respective Clarks of the County Court.

ACTS OF TRADE to be observed.

THis Court being informed by Letters received this day from our Messen­gers of his Majesties expectation, that the acts of Trade and Navigation be exactly and punctually observed by this his Majesties Colony: His pleasure therein not having been before now signified unto us, either by express from his Majesty, or any of his Ministers of state.

It is therefore hereby Ordered, His Majesty's Acts of Navi­gation and Trade to be observed on pe­nalty, &c. and by the Authority of this Court Ena­cted, that henceforth all Masters of Ships, Ketches; of other Vessels of lesser or greater burden; arriving in, or sailing from any of the Ports of this Jurisdiction, do without covin or fraud, yield faithfull and constant Obedience unto, and Observation of all the said Acts of Navigation and Trade, on penalty of suffering such forfeitures, loss and damage, as in the said Acts are particularly expressed; and the Governour and Council, and all Officers commissionated and authorized by them, are hereby Or­dered and required to see to the strict Observation of the said Acts.

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Addition to the Law concerning Profanation of the Sabbath.

AS an Addition to the late Law made in May last for the prevention of profanation of the Sabbath, and strengthning of the hands of Tything men appointed to inspect the same. Addition to the Law, tit. Sabbath. Ty­thing mens power, &c.

It is Ordered that those Tything men shall [...], and are hereby appoint­ed and impowred to inspect publick licensed houses as well as private, and unlicensed houses of enterteinment, as also ex officio to enter any such hou­ses, & discharge their duty according to Law, and the said Tything men are impowred to Assist one another in their several precincts, and to act in one anothers precincts, with as full power as in their own, and yet to retain their special charges within their own bounds.

And it is Ordered that the whole Fine raised by the penalty of this Law upon delinquents either in publick or private houses shall be remitted to the County Treasurer, and the Tything mens allowance made payable from him.


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