
At A COUNCIL Held at Boston the 9th. of April, 1677

THe COUNCIL being informed, that among other Evils that are prevailing a­mong us, in this day of our Calamity, there is practised by some that vanity of Horse racing, for mony, or monyes worth, thereby occasioning much misspence of pretious time, and the drawing of many persons from the duty of their particular Callings, with the hazard of their Limbs and Lives.

It is hereby Ordered that henceforth it shall not be Lawful for any persons to do or practise in that kind, within four miles of any Town, or [...] any High way or Common Rode, on penalty of forfieting twenty Shillings [...] piece, nor shall any Game or run in that kind for any mony, or monyes wor [...] upon penalty of forfieting Treble the value thereof, one half to the party [...] forming, and the other half to the Treasury, nor shall any accompany [...] abb [...]tt any in that practice on the like penalty, and this to continue til the [...]neral Courtt take further Order.

And all Constables respectively are hereby injoyned to present the [...] of all such as shall be found transgre [...], contrary to this Order to the [...] Magistrate.

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