
At a Court Held at Boston in NEW-ENGLAND the 29 th. of March, [...]

THe COUNCIL being informed, that [...] strange Indians, who have been in Hostility against us or have lived amongst such, are brought into this Juris­diction, and bought by several persons, which causeth much trouble and fear to the Inhabitants where they re­side, and may be of dangerous consequence, not only to the Towns where they live, but to the whole Jurisdiction, if not timely prevented:

It is therefore Ordered that what person soever within this Ju­risdiction shall hereafter buy or keep above ten dayes after the pub­lication hereof, any such Indian, Man or Woman already bought, above the age of twelve years, without allowance from Authority, shall besides the forfeit of such Indian or Indians, pay the fine of five pounds to the Treasurer of the Country, and the Consta­bles of the several towns are ordered forthwith to publish this Order in their Precincts.

Edward Rawson Secr.

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