
THe worthy Author of this Narrative (of whose Fide­lity we are well assured) by his great pains, and indu­stry in collecting and compiling the several Occur­rences of this Indian Warre, from the Relations of such as were present in the particular Actions, hath faithfully, and truly performed the same, as far as best information agree­ing could be obtained, which is therefore judged meet for pub­lick view; and we whose Names are underwritten, deputed by the Governour and Councill of the Massachusets Colony to peruse, and licence the same, have and doe accordingly Order it to be imprinted, as being of publick benefit, and judge the Author to have deserved due acknowledgment and Thanks for the same.

  • Simon Bradstreet.
  • Daniel Denison.
  • Ioseph Dudley.

A NARRATIVE OF THE TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS In NEW-ENGLAND, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607. to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years, 1675. and 1676.

To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the PEQUODS In the year 1637.

By W. Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich.

‘And the Lord said unto Moses, write this for a memoriall in a Book, and rehearse it in the ears of Ioshua; for I will utterly put out the Remembrance of Amalek from under heaven Exod 17 14. ‘Wherefore it is said in the book of the warrs of the Lord, what he did in the red sea, and in Brooks of Ar [...] Numb: 21 14 ‘As cold waters to a thirst. soul, so is good news from a far Country. Prov. 25. 25.

‘Expressa Imago, et quasi speculum quoddam vitae humanae est historia, quia talia vel similia semper posi [...]i [...] mundo accidere. Th [...]e. ‘Historia tradit quae facta sint, et quae semper fiat futura, donec eadem manet hominum natura Idem. ‘Historiae cogni [...]i [...] [...]tissima insti [...]utio, et praeparatio est ad actiones politicas, et illu­stris Magistra ad perferendas fortunae vices. Polyb.

Published by Authority.

BOSTON; Printed by Iohn Foster, in the year 1677.


To the Honourable JOHN LEVERET Esq Governour of the Colony of the Massachusets; JOSIAH VVINSLOW Esq Governour of the Colony of Plimouth; VVILLIAM LEET Esq Governour of the Colony of Connecticut.

NOtwithstanding the great and unvaluable good that hath in all ages of the World accrued to Mankind by Order and Goverment, yet such is the depravedness of mans na­ture, and imperfection of his knowledge, that it is as well hard to find out, as difficult to maintain, such a Form and Order of Goverment as will prove a sufficient Fence and security for so great a treasure as is the common good, and publick safety. After the sad and long experience of former times, some have thought no means can be found out so effectual for the upholding and and preserving the same, with all the sacred and civill rights and privi­ledges therunto belonging, as a liberty for people to designe and choose out from among themselves, the persons that are to be intrusted with those great concerns. Whatever may be said for the extolling the hap­piness of them that have such an advantage in their hands, all that may be comprehended within the compass of such a power, it is for the pre­sent in the principal and leading part thereof devolved upon your selves in all the three Colonies of New-England; who by the choyce of the free people in those your several Jurisdictions, are now called to act your se­veral parts as chief on the publick stage of Goverment. Ever since you have taken your turns at the helm, there have been very boisterous winds and rough Seas, threatning the shipwrack of all; which notwith­standing, you need not be discouraged, while due consideration is had, to whom, and what you have embarqued with you. When once the great Roman Conquerer, and chief founder of their Monarchy, was passing the Adriatick Sea in a disguize, the Pilot being dismayed with the fierceness of the wind, the raging of the waves, his Passenger pulled off his disguize, and [Page] bid him be of good courage and not fear, for the carried Caesar, and all his Fortunes: Surely Jesus Christ and all his promises, in which you are not a little concerned, is a far better ground of comfort and encou­ragement in a stormy season. Luther was wont to say, or did once in a great exigent say, that he had rather ruere cum Christo quàm stare cum Caesare; accounting Christ a better friend, though falling as to the world to trust to, then Caesar standing in power, according to the words of Christ himself, greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the World: So as all such may say with the Prophet, Rejoyce not against me O mine enemy; for when I fall, I shall rise, when I sit in aarkness, the Lord shall be a Light unto me; which I trust your selves have had so much experience of, in these late dark dispensations, that if sometimes you have not seen, yet al­wayes you have believed that Light was sowne for the righteous, and that there shall be a cleer breaking forth of the sun, after the tempest is over; what God hath planted, shall not by man, or any of Satans Instruments be plucked up. It is with young Colonies, as it is with trees newly planted, which those winds, as one saith, that are not so boisterous as to blow down, doe so far advantage as to shake them to a greater fastness at the root. The Soveraign Ruler of the World doth usually by such wayes and meanes bring about his peoples good, at the first, not well understood, nor easily brooked, till the quiet fruit of righ­teousness be discerned to spring up unto all such as are exercised therein. It hath been no small advantage that the staff of Goverment, and the shields of this part of the earth were put into your hands (before the Boar out of the Wood hath broke into this Vineyard) who under God we trust may be found the repairers of the breach, and the Restorers of Pa [...]hs to dwell in, while both your selves, and those under your charge. and conduct, are looking unto him, who is promised to be the peace of his people when the Assyrian shall come into their land.

The consideration of the power wherewith you are invested, together with the great Wisdome, Faithfulness and Courage by which it hath been managed by you, in your several stations, hath induced me to desire that the Historicall discourse ensuing might pass into publick view under the umbrage of your Protection. If a reason be demanded for the entitu­ling so many names of worth to the patronage of so small and inconsi­derable a Volume; I need no other Apology at this time, then I find in the words of the Wise Man; there are cases wherein [...]n [...]o are better then one, and a three-fold Cord is not casily [...]roken: For it being like to pass through your several Jurisdictions, I conceived it might need a p [...]sport [Page] of safe conduct from him that doth preside in either of them. It carries nothing with it but truth, (as I hope will be found) which may wel ex­pect to meet with a ready Welcome, and suitable entertainmen [...] in every honest mind▪ but all men are not so equally ballanced in their affections as to bear with plain dealing, and give that harmless dove a resting place in their minds for the sole of her soot. Of all Writings, those that are historical, specially while the things menti­oned are fresh in memory, and the actors themselves surviving, had need be pursued with a wary [...]pace. Notwithstanding the great care that hath been taken to give all and every one, any way concerned in the subject of the discourse, their just due, and nothing more or less, yet perhaps some critical Reader will not let every sentence pass with­out some censure or other. It was once by a great man accounted no small offence in an harmless Poet, that some of his titles were misplaced as they were marshalled up in their order: If any Historian should com­mit an error paralel thereunto, a pardon, as it may be needed, in such a Script as is the present Narrative, so may it be the better expected while pa [...]ing up & down under the guard of your authority, yea thô it should cha [...]ce to be an offence of an higher nature; as the mi [...]iming of some p [...]ssages, mistaking the distance of some places, or too often touching upon the same particulars, which could not be well avoided in a Collection of so many occurrents too hastily drawn up, though true, yet unsea­sonably, or out of due time coming to light without a total omission of some material passages. It was intended at the first only as a private es­say, wherein to bind up together the most memorable passages of divine provide [...]ce, during our late, or former troubles with the Indians, it might have remained in the place where it was first conceived & formed, or been smoothered as an imperfect Embrio, not worthy to see the light, if some such as your selves had not both quickned the being, and hast­ned the birth thereof. Something of this nature may be of use to po­sterity, as well as to those of the present Generation, to help them both to call mind, and carry along the memory of such eminent deliverances, a [...]d sp [...]cial preservations granted by divine favour to the people here; as it was of old commanded of God himself, that a Register should be kept of those Warrs, which in opposition to others, were in a peculiar manner to be called the Warrs of the Lord; and such are these here treated of, if any, since miraculous deliverances have ceased, may truly be said to deserve that title. If it had fallen into some ab [...]er hard, it might have been set forth with better choyce of words, and more fit expressi­ons, [Page] that might have left a deeper impression on the minds of those who are most concerned to retain it; however it being now like to be brought to publick view, I have presumed to offer it to your selves, as on the accounts forementioned, so also as a testimony of my thankfull and deserved acknowledgment of that wisdome and integrity abundantly shewn forth in the administration of your authority.

Much honoured and Honourable, I have nothing more to adde, but the engagement of my continual and daily prayers to the God of the Spirits of all flesh, that he would carry you through all troubles, diffi­cultyes and tryals you may be conflicting with, whither personal or po­litical, and that he would bless your Councells at home, prosper your enterprizes abroad, and long continue your light in the present Genera­tion, for his own glory, and his peoples good, that after you have served your Generation here, your memory like that of the just, may be bles­ed, and that you may leave peace as the inheritance of the remaining Is­rael of God in these ends of the earth, which is and shall be the earnest wish, and constant desire

Your most humble and Devoted Servant, VVilliam Hubbard.

An Advertisement to the Reader.

THe following historical Essay, was when first drawn up, intended only for the satisfaction of a private Friend, & not for the use of the publick; ther­fore hope I may be excused, if I fall short therein of that exactness, which might be expected from one that designedly undertook a Work of this nature: however tursting more to the judgment of some who have accidentally had the perusal thereof, then mine own, I am not unwilling that others should receive be­nefit thereby. The Compiler of an History can challenge little to himself but methodizing the work, the materials being found to his hand: diligence in gathering them together, and faithfulness in improving them, is all that is upon point required of him, in both which I have endeavoured to make good, what the profession I have now taken up obliges me unto. The matters of fact therein related (being rather Massacres, barbarous inhumane outrages, then acts of Hostility, or valiant atchievements) no more deserve the name of a VVarre, then the report of them the title of an History, therefore I contented my self with a Narrative. Much of what is therein mentioned, dep [...]nding on the single authority of particular persons, an exact description of every oc­current was har [...]ely to be obtained: All Souldiers are not like Caesar, able to describe with their pens, what they have done with their Swords: But the most material passages inserted, were either gathered out of the Letters, or taken from the mouthes of such as were eye or ear-witnesses of the things them­selves; and those also persons worthy of credit. In such passages as were va­riously reported by the Actors, or Spectators, that which seemed most proba­ble is only inserted. If any error be committed about the Scituation or di­stance of places, it may deserve an excuse rather then a censure: For our [...] in the pursuit of their enemies being drawn into many desert places, in [...] Woods, and unknown Paths, which no Geographers hand ever measured, scarce any vultures eye had ever seen, there was a necessity to take up many things in reference thereunto upon no better credit sometimes then common Report. One or two passages need a more particular excuse, or at least explication As where it is said, p. 2. that the first Colony was sent hither [...], 1606, The mistake is easily helped, by minding the Reader that the Patent or Commission was that year granted, when also Capt. Henery Ch [...]ons was sent over upon some further discovery of the Country, before the Adventurers would hazard a greater charge: soon after the departure of the said Challons, the same year Sr. John Popham, one of the principal under­takers, sent out another ship to second him under the Command of Capt. H [...] ­man, Martin Prin of Bristow being Master, who not finding Challons (for he miscaried in his design being seized by some Strangers in the way) yet re­turning [Page] with good news, the next year they sent out two [...] with an hundred men, with Ordnance and other Provision, under the conduct of Capt. Geo [...]g [...] Popham, & Capt. Rawley Gilbert, who built a Fort in some place about Sa­ga de hoch, called St. George [...] Fort, the ruines of which are remaining to this day, as some say. Probably other like mistakes may be observed, in des­cribing the bounds and dimensions of some of the Patents, & grants of land be­longing to the other Colonies, but an Historian being no Pretorian Iudge, his report cannot prejudice any peoples Iurisdiction, or persons propriety.

Further also where it is said, p. 7. That the Indians had lived peaceably with the English here near forty years, ever since the Pequod Warr; it is to be understood with reference to publick acts of Hostility; for particular mischiefs have been committed by several Indians in some parts of the Country but the actors were not abetted therein by any of their Country-men: As [...] Nantucket, an Island to the eastward of Cape Cod, where in the end of the year 1664. some villanous Indians murthered some that suffered shipwrac [...] [...]pon that Island, yet justice was done upon two or three of the chief actors. In like manner within a few years after the Pequod Warrs, Mris. Hutchin­son was killed by the Indians near a Dutch Plantation; about which time some other insol [...]ncies of like nature were acted by the Indians southward, ei­ther upon long Island, or in some place within New-haven Colony. Also a murther was committed at Farmington, another at Woburn, by some Indi­ans in their drunken humors, upon a maid-servant or two, who denied them [...]rink. All which hinder not the truth of what is affirmed in the Narra­tive, such murthers being too frequently committed in the most peaceable pla­ces in the world. Such errors as are the forementioned, being overlooked by the Candid Reader, it is presumed, there will not be many other faults to be complained of, unless such as are meerly Typographical, or else were ocasioned by the dropping in of particular passages, after the whole was drawn up, which I was willing to insert, although it occasioned the discourse in some pla­ces, to be a little more confused then else would have been. If ever the matter require another edition, more acurateness may be observed. If those into wh [...]se hand th [...]se shall happen to come, find any satisfaction about the occur [...] ­ [...]urrents, that have here fallen out, the Publisher shall account his pains well b [...]stowed.


To the Reverend Mr. William Hubbard on his most exact History of New-Englands Troubles.

WHen thy rare Piece unto my view once came
It made my Muse that erst did smoke to flame:
Raising my Fancy so sublime, that I
That famous forked Mountain did espie;
Thence in an Extasie I softly fell
Down near unto the Helliconian Well▪
Where Poetry, in Prose, made I did see
By a Mercurian Brai [...], which sure was Thee;
Such is thy modest Stile enrich'd with Sence,
Invention fine, faced with Eloquence:
Thy florid Language quaintly doth express
The Truth of matter in a comely Dress;
C [...]ching the Sen [...] in such a pleasing Strain
As makes the Readers Heart to leap again:
And sweetly draws him like those Lotteries
Which never miss but alwayes win the Prize:
But whither reves my Muse? What can be done
By'm that augment [...] the Sea, or lights the Sun?
Go on brave Worthy▪ and let these Essayes,
Like fair Aurora usher in the Rayes
Of a Refulgent Sun arising clear
Hence to illuminate our Hemisphere;
[...] th' after Ages may extoll the High-One
For's Loving kindness to our little Sion:
And may our Senatours with due regard
These and thy future labours all reward;
Though not in full, yet such incouragement,
As may in them be [...]ust, to thee content;
For th' present Age, and those that shall ensue,
VVill be perpetual Debrtors unto You.
Fame shall with Honour [...]rown the [...] and wee'l raise
Thy lasting Monument in Groves of Bayes.
Heavens bless thee in thy Wor [...], and may success
Attend thee here, hereafter Happiness.
J. S.

UPON The elaborate Survey of New-Englands Passions from the NATIVES By the impartial Pen of that worthy Divine Mr. WILLIAM HUBBARD.

A Countreys Thanks with Garlands ready lye
To wreathe the Brows of your Divinity
Renowned Sir: to write the Churches Warre
In ancient times fell to the Prophets share
New-Englands Chronicles are to be had
From Nathans Pen, or Manuscript of Gad.
Purchase wrote much, Hacluyt traversed farr,
Smith and Dutch John de Laet famous are,
Martyr, with learn'd Acosta thousands too,
Here's noveltyes and stile which all out-doe,
VVrote by exacter hand then ever took
Historians Pen since Europe wee forsooke.
I took your Muse for old Columbus Ghost,
Who scrapt acquaintance with this western Coast,
But in converse some pages I might find
Then all Columbus Gemms a brighter mind.
Former Adventures did at best beguile
About these Natives Rise (obscure as Nile)
Their grand Apostle writes of their return▪
Williams their Language; Hubbard how they burn,
Rob, kill and Roast, lead Captive, flay, blaspheme;
of English valour too he makes his Theme,
Whose tragical account may Christned be
New-Englands Travels through the bloudy Sea.
Drake [...] [...]enown by creeping round the old;
To treat of this New World our Author's bold.
[Page] Names uncouth which ne'r Minshew could reduce
By's Polyglotton to the vulgar use.
Unheard of places like some New-Atlantis,
Before in fancy only, now Newlandis:
New found and subtle Stratagems of Warre,
We can quaint Elton and brave Barriffe spare:
New Discipline and Charges of Command
Are cloath'd in Indian by this English hand.
Moxon who drew two Globes, or whosoere
Must make a third, or else the old ones tear,
To find a Roome for thy new Map by which
Thy friends and Country all thou dost enrich?
Gratitudinis ergò apposuit B. T.

The Printer to the Reader.

BY Reason of the Authors long, and necessary absence from the Press, to­gether with the difficulty of reading his hand, many faults have escaped in the Printing, either by mistaking of words, or mispointing of Sentences, which doe in some places not a little-confound the Sence, which the Reader is desired to correct before he begins to read.

PAg. 1. l. 9. for eight r. right. pag 3 l. 13. for Northwest r. most northerly place. p. 4. l. 15 for Council of Plimouth r. of some Gentleman that had a grant of the Council of Plimouth. p. 5. l. 19. for Pequod. r. Narrhaganset. p. 6. l. 1 [...] after charge r. bu [...] p. 10. l. 14. after him r. [...]. p. 15 l. 35. leave out the first that. p. 25 l 4. for defence r shelter. p 27. l 7. for heads r. arms. p. 30 l r4 for attended r. altered. p 31. l. 4 for that r. their. p 34 l 9. for for h [...]ses r. horses. p. 43. l. 7. for being r. were. p. 47. l. 40 for not r. now. and leave out for the present. l 17 for therefore being r. were p. 4 [...] l 1. leave o [...]t [...]o. l 14 before besides. r. and, or further. p. 5 [...]. l. [...]. for over r. upon p 54 l 3. r. Massachusets Regiment. l ult for there. r. their. p. 55. l 15. for from r. [...]o. l 27. for hoping r. hoped p. 5 [...] l. 5 for 1665 r 1675. p 58 l. 8 r Ia [...] p. 61 l for and [...] for the rest r. that. l. 18 after cause r. which. p 68. l 21 for 27. r. ten or twelv [...] p 81. l 11. after trusted r. that deceived them. l. 29. after at r. tha [...] p 104 l. 22. for on Pocasset side [...] Plimouth.

In the second Part. p 81. between the seventh and eighth line, a whole line is casually o­mitted in most of the Copyes viz. As for predictions or Presages of the present troubles. p 82 l 29. for blinded r. blended p 83 l 24 leave out but. l 31 r. harrassed. p [...] g 4 l. 20 r. dispersed for disposed. l 16. after Gentiles put the Parenthesis. p. [...]7. l. 4. for Stockain r. S [...]ockam.

A NARRATIVE OF THE TROUBLES VVith the Indians in NEVV-ENGLAND, From the first Planting thereof to the present time.

[Page 1]

KNown unto God are all his works from the foundation of the world, though manifest to us, only by the events of time, that fruitful mother of all things, which in the former age did bring forth, at least did bring to light the knowledge of this western World, called America, that in all foregoing times and ages, lay hid in this obscure and remote Region, covered with a veyle of ig­norance, and looked up from the knowledge of all the rest of the Inha­bitants of the Earth. To whom the honour of its investigation doth of eight more properly belong, is sufficiently declared by the Hystory and Reports of such as were ey witnesses thereof, and not in ended to be any part of the pre [...]ent disquisition. The most considerable part of all the North side of America, is called New England. In the fertility of the Soyle, salubriousness of the Air, and many other commodious advantages, most resembling the Country from whence it borrowed its appellation. For the knowledge thereof the World is most behol­ding to the discoveries of the English, under the conduct of Sebastian Cabbot a famous Porreguez about the year 1497. though since much [Page 2] perfected by the industry and travels of Captain Gosnold, Captain Hud­son, Captain Smith, and others of the English Nation. North-America this posthumous birth of time, is as to its na [...]vity, of the same stand­ing with her two elder Sisters Peru and Mexico, yet was suffered to ly in its Swadling-clothes, one whole Century of years, nature having pro­mised no such Dowry of rich Mines of Silver and Gold to them that would espouse her for their own, as she did unto the other two, which possibly was the reason why she was not so hastily deflowred by her first discoverers, nor yet so early courted by any of the Princes of Europe, lying wholly neglected as it were, until a small company of Planters, un­der the command of Captain George Popham, and Captain Gilbert were sent over at the charge of Sir Iohn Popham in the year 1606 to begin a Colony upon a Tract of Land about Saga de hoch, scituate on the south side of the River of Kennibeck and about that called Shipscot River, a­bout twenty miles south-West from Pemmaquid, the most Northerly bound of all New-England. But that design within two years expiring with its first Founder, soon after some honourable persons of the West of England, commonly called the Counsel of Plimouth, being more certainly informed of several Navigable Rivers and commodious Ha­vens, with other places fit either for Traffick or Planting, newly disco­vered by many skilful Navigators, obtained a Grant by Patent, under the great Seal from King Iames of blessed memory, of all that part of North America, called New-England. From the 40 to the 48. gr [...]of North Latitude. From which Grand and Original Patent, all other Charters [...]nd Graunts of Land from Pemmaquid to Delaware Bay, along the Sea-coast, derive their Linage and Pedigree; thus was that vast tract of Land, after the year 1612. cantoned and pa [...]celled out into many les­ser Divisions and parcels, according as Adventurers presented, which said Graunts being founded upon uncertain, or false Descriptions, and Reports of some that Travelled thither, did many of them interfere one upon another, to the great disturbance of the first Planters, and preju­dice of the Proprietors themselves, as is too well known by any that have had occasion to stay never so little amongst them, many of whom are yet surviving. For notwithstanding the great charge and vast expences the first Adventurers were at, the first Proprietors of the whole Province of Mayne and others (reaching from the head of Casco Bay North-east to the mouth of Pascataqua River about sixty miles Westward) and the hopes they migh have conceived of being the first Founders of New­Colonies, and of enlarging their Estates and Inheritances by those new acquired possessions and Lordships, there was little profit reaped from [Page 3] thence, after the rich fleeces of Beaver were gleaned away, nor any great improvement made of those large portions of Lands, save the erecting of some few Cottages for Fishermen, and a few inconsiderable Buildings for the Planters, which were on those occasions drawn over the Sea, to settle upon the most northerly parts of New-England.

But whither it were by the imprudence of the first Adventurers, or the dissoluteness of the persons they sent over to manage their Affairs, or whither want of faithfulness or skill to manage their trust, they were by degrees in a manner quite deserted almost of Laws and Government, and left to shift for themselves, by which means at last they fell under the Jurisdiction of the Massachusets Colony, not by Usurpation, as is by great mistake suggested to his Majesty, but by necessity, and the earnest desire of the Planters themselves, to accept of whom, those of the Massachusets Colony were the more easily induced, in that they appre­hended the bounds of their own Patent, by a favourable Interpretation of the words describing the Northern Line [Three miles beyond the most Northerly branch of Merimack River] do reach somewhat be­yond Pemmaquid, the North-west limits of all New-England.

This was the first begining of things in New-England, at which time they were not unlike the times of old, when the people of Iudah were said to be without a Teaching P [...]iest, and without Law; and no wonder things were no more successfully carried on.

In the Year 1620. a Company belonging to Mr. Robinsons Church at Leyden in Holland, although they had been courteously entertained by the Dutch, as Strangers sojourning amongst them, yet foreseeing many inconveniencies like to increase, and that they could not so well provide for the good of their Posterity, under the Government of a forreign Nation: they resolved to intreat so much favour from their own Sove­raign Prince King Iames, as to grant them liberty under the shelter of his Royal Authority, to place themselves in some part of New-England, then newly discovered; wherefore having obtained some kind of Patent or Graunt, for some place about Hudsons River, they set sayle from Pli­mouth in September for the Southern parts of New-England, but as they intended to bend their course thither ward, per varios casus, per tot dis­crimina rerum; they were at last cast upon a bosome of the South Cape of the Massachusets Bay, called Cape Cod, about the 11th of November, from whence the Winter so fast approaching, they had no opportunity to remove; and finding some incouragement from the hopefulness of the Soyle, and courtesie of the Heathen, they resolved there to make their abode for the future, which they did, laying the foundation of a new Co­lony, [Page 4] which from the remembrance of the last Town in England they sailed from, they called New-Plimouth; containing no very considerable Tract of Land, scarce extending an hundred miles in length through the whole Cape, and scarce half so much in breadth where it is broadest. The first Founders of that Colony aiming more at Religion then Earthly Poss [...]ssions, aspiring not to any large dimension of Land, in their setling upon those Coasts.

At Weymouth also was a Plantation begun by Mr. Weston in the year 1622. but it came to little.

The North and South Border of the Massachusets Bay being thus planted, the middle part was the more easie to be filled up, which thus was brought about. Some Gentlemen and others, observing how it fared with those of New-Plimouth, were desiring upon the like ground to make the same attempt for themselves, wherefore having by a consi­derable sum of money purchased of the Councell of Plimouth, all their right and interest in a Plantation there begun in the Massachusets Bay, and having attained a confirmation thereof by Patent from King Charls of famous memory, in the year 1628, they sent over a Governour with several persons to lay some foundation of an other Colony in the Mas­sachusets Bay: and in the year 1630, more of the persons interested in the said Patent (thence commonly called Patentees) with several other persons, intending to venture their lives and all with them, trans­ported themselves and their Families into the said Massachusets, who did in a short space of time by the accession of many hundreds, who e­very year flocked after them, make such increase, that in the space of five or six years, there were twenty considerable Towns built and peo­pled, and many of the Towns first planted, became so filled with Inha­bitants, that like Swarms of Bees they were ready to swarm [...], not only into new Plantations, but into new Colonies, insomuch that in the year 1635 a new Colony began to be planted upon Connecticut River, partly by combination amongst themselves, removing from some Towns about the Massachusets Bay, and partly by the interest of a Patent purchased of that honourable Gentle man Mr. Fennick, Agent for the Lord Sey, and Lord Brook, the Lords Proprietors of the said River Connecticut, at the mouth of which River they had built a fort, (called after their own titles Sey-Brook Fort) commanding the passage of the said River. Yea such was the Confluence of people making over into those parts, that in the year 1637 a fourth Colony began to be planted, bearing the name of Newhaven from the first Town erected therein, seated near the mid­way betwixt [...] Hudsons River and that of Connecticot. The Sea coast from [Page 5] the pitch of Cape Cod to the mouth of Connecticot River, inhabited by several nations of Indians, W [...]mpanoogs (the first Authors of the present Rebellion) Narhagansits, Pequoes, Mohegins, as the more inland part of the Country by the Nipnets (a general name for all inland Indians betwixt the Massachusets and Connecticut River) The Sea-coast South­west from Plimouth was first possessed by some discontented with the Go­verment of the Massachusets Colony, from which some being exiled, o­thers of their friends accompanying of them, setled themselves upon a fair Island to the South-west of Cape Cod, now called Road-Island, others setled upon the Mayn, at a place called Providence, and so by degrees planting toward Narrhaganset Bay, made another Plantation called Warwick, which places are since by Patent conferred upon the Inhabi­tants of Road-Island; the rest of the Country from Pequod River to the River of Connecticot, falling within the bounds of Connecticot Colony by Patent also, since confirmed to the said Colony. Things had been very prosperously and succesfully carried on in all the foresaid Colonyes and Jurisdictions, from the year 1620, to the year 1636, at which time the Pequod Indians, the most warlike and fierce of all the Indians in that part of the Country, who had made all the rest of the Indians to stand in awe, having committed many barbarous outrages upon their neighbour Indians, both Narhagansets on the east side, and Mohegins on the west side of them: and also upon the English and Dutch, as they came occa­sionally to traffick with them: and in the year 1634, having barbarou­sly murthered Capt. Stone and Capt. Norton, as they were trading with them. Afterwards one Oldham coming amongst them upon the like account. In l [...]ke manner having committed several outrages upon the planters about Connecticut River, the Inhabitants of all the Colonyes, unanimously setting upon them in the beginning of the year 1637, they were easily suppressed, about 700 of them destroyed, the rest either fled to the Mohawkes, by whom they were all cut off that escaped, or else sheltring themselves under the Narhagansets & Mohegins their neigh­bours, they were by the power of the English all subjected to one of those two Nations of the Indians. Miantonimoh the chief Sachem or Lord of the Narhagansets, expecting to be sole Lord and Ruler over all the Indians, after the pequods were subdued, began to quarrell with the Mohegins upon the account of Soveraignty, notwithstanding a firm A­greement was made betwixt the English and the said Narhagansets in the year 1637, when they had helped to destroy the Pequods, and also notwithstanding the tripartite League between the said Narhagansets, the Mohegins, and the English at Hartford (the chief Town of Connecti­cut [Page 6] Colony) made in the, year 1638, wherein the said Indians were so­lemaly ingaged not to quarrel either with the Mohegins, or any other Indians, untill they had first asked the advice of the English, to whose determination they had likewise obliged themselves to stand, in all fol­lowing Differences among them. Yet did these ambitious Narhagansets specially their chief Leader Miantonimob; bare such an [...] inveterate hatred against the Mohegins, that they were every year picking quarrels with them. The Mohegins on the other side though not so numerous, yet a more warlike people and more politick, alwayes made their recourse to the English, complaining of the insolencies of the Narhagansets, con­trary to their League, so as they would hardly be kept from making open warre against them, when they say all other attempts to kill and de­stroy Vncas the Mohegin Sachem, by Treachery, poyson, & Sorcery prove ineffectual. Insomuch that at last the malice of Miantonimoh and his Narrhagansets grew to that height, that they began to plot against the English themselves, for defending of Vncas. But it being discovered by Vncas and some of his men to the English, Miantonimoh was sent for by the Massachusets Co [...]rt to come to Boston when he came there, he would have denyed those things laid to his charge, he was conv [...]cted by one of his own fellowers; and instead of standing to his promise, to deliver him to the Mohegin Sachem whose Subject he was, going home­ward he cut [...] off his head, to prevent his telling m [...]re tales. And with great discontent as he was going home said he would come no more at Boston, wherein he proved a truer prophet then he himself believed when he uttered the words, for in the end of the same year 1643 making war upon Vncas, he was taken prisoner by him, and soon after by the advice of the Commissioners of the four Colonyes, (at that time united firmly into a League offensive and defensive, on which account they were after that time called the united Colonyes of New-England: though since that time they are reduced but to three Colonyes; that of New-haven and Connecticot by the last Patent being conjoyned in one) his head was cut off by Vncas, it being ju [...]tly feared, that there would never be any firm peace, either betwixt the English and the Narhagansets, or betwixt the Narhagansets and the Mohegins, while Miantonimoh was left alive: how­ever the Narhagansets have ever since that time borne an implacable malice against Vncas, and all the Mohegins, and for their sakes secretly against the English, so far as they durst discover it.

In the years 1645, and 1646. they grew so insolent, that the Commissioners of the united Colonyes were compel­led to raise Forces to go against them, but when they perceived that [Page 7] the English were in good earnest, they began to be afraid, and sued for peace, and submitted to pay a tribute to satisfy for the charge of prepa­ration for the warr, but were alwayes very backward to make payment untill the English were forced to demand it by new Forces, so that it appeared they were unwillingly willing to hold any friendly correspon­dence with the English, yet durst they never make any open attempt upon them, untill the present Rebellion, where in that they had no small land, is too too evident, notwithstanding all their pretences to the con­rary, as will appear in the sequell of this History.

Thus it is apparent upon what Terms the English stood with the Narhagansets, ever since the cutting off Miantonimoh, their chief Sachems head by Vncas, it being done from the advice and Counsell of the En­glish Anno 1643. As for the rest of the Indians, ever since the suppres­sing of the Pequods in the year 1637 untill the year 1675, there was alwayes in▪ appearance amity and good correspondence on all sides, scarce an English man was ever known▪ to be ass [...]lted or hurt by any of them, until after the year 1671, when the son of one Matoonas, who [...]s was supposed, being vexed in his mind that the design against the En­glish, intended to begin 1671 did not take place, out of meer malice and [...]pight against them, slew an English-man travelling along the Road, the said Matoonas being a Nipnet Indian, which Nipnets were under the command of the Sachem of Mount-hope the Author of all the present mischiefs. Upon a due enquiry into all preceding transactions between the Indians and the English, from their first setling in these coasts, there will appear no ground of quarrell that any of them had against the En­glish, nor any appearance of provocation upon one account or other; for when Plimouth Colony was first planted, within three moneths after their first landing, March. 16. 1620. Massasoit the chief Sachem of all that side of the Country repaired to the English at Plimouth, and entred into a solemn League upon sundry Articles printed in N. E. Memorial 166 [...]. P. 24. the words are as followeth.

  • 1. THat neither he, nor any of his should injure or doe hurt to any of their people.
  • 2. That if any of his did any hurt to any of theirs, he should send the Of­fender that they might punish him.
  • 3. That if any thing were taken away from any of theirs, he should cause it to be restored; and they should doe the like to his.
  • 4. That if any did unjustly warr against him, they should aid him; and [...] any did warr against them, he should aid them;
  • [Page 8] 5. That he should send to his neighbour Confederates, to certifie them of this, that they might not wrong [...] them, but might be likewise comprised in these Conditions of Peace.
  • 6. That when his Men came to them upon any occasion, they should leave their Arms ( which were then Bows and Arrows) behind them.
  • 7. Lastly, that so doing, their Soveraign Lord King James would esteem him as his Friend and Ally.

The which League the same Sachim, Sept. 25. 1630. a little before his death, coming with his eldest Son, afterward called Alexander, did renew with the English at the Court of Plimouth, for himself and his Son, and their Hours and Successers: and after that he came to Mr. Browns, that lived not far from Mount Hope, bringing his two Sons, Alexander and Philip with him, desiring that the [...]e m [...]ght be Love and Amitv after his death, between his Sons and them, as there had been betwixt himself and them in former times: yet it is very remarkable, that this Massasoit, called also Woosamequen (how much soever he affected the English, yet) was never in the least degree any wayes well affected to the Religion of the English, but would in his last Treaty with his Neighbours at Pli­mouth when they were with him about purchasing some Land at Swanzy, have had them engaged never to attempt to draw away any of his People from their old Pag [...]n Superstition, and Devilish Idolatry, to the Christian Religion, and did much insist upon it till he saw the English were resolved never to make any Treaty with him more upon that account, which when he discerned, he did not further urge it: but that was a bad Omen that notwithstanding what ever his humanity were to the English, as they were Strangers) for indeed they [...] repayed his forme kindness to them, by protecting him afterwards against the insolencies of the Nar­rhagansets) he manifested no small displacency of Spirit against them as they were Christians: which strain was evident more in his Son that succeeded him, and all his People, in so much that some di [...]cerning persons of that Jurisdiction have feared that that Nation of Indians would all be rooted out, as is since come to pass. The like may be observed concern­ing he Narrhagansets, who were alwayes more civil and courteous to the English then any of the other Indians, yet never as yet received the least tincture of Christian Religion, but have in a manner run the same fare with the rest of their Neighbours of Mount Hope, there being very few of them now left standing. Nor is it unworthy the Relation, what a person of quality amongst us hath of late affirmed, one being much con­ [...]ersant with the Indians about Merimack River, being Anno. 1660. [Page 9] invited by some Sagamores or Sachims to a great Dance (which solemni­ties are the times they make use of to tell their stories, and convey the knowledge of fore past and most memorable things to Posterity) Passa­conaway, the great Sachim of that part of the Country, intending at that time to make his last and farwel speech to his Children and People, that were then all gathered together, to whom he addressed himself in this manner:

I am now going the way of all Flesh, or ready to dy, and not likely to see you ever met together any more. I will now leave this word of Counsel with you, that you take heed how you quarrel with the English, for though you may do them much mischief; yet assuredly you will all be destroyed, and rooted off the Earth if you do: for, said he, I was as much an Enemy to the English, at their first coming into these parts, as; any one whatsoever, and did try all ways and means possible to have destroyed them, at least to have prevented them fitting down here, but I could no way effect it (it is to be noted that this Pas­s conaway was the most noted Pawaw and Sorcerer of all the Country) therefore I advise you never to contend with the English, nor make war with them: And accordingly his eldest Son Wonnalancet by name, as soon as he perceived that the Indians were up in Arms, he withdrew himself into some remote place, that be might not be burt by the English, or the Enemies, or be in danger by them.

This Passage was thought fit to be inserted here, it having so near an agreement with the former, inmamtting some secret awe of God upon the hearts of some of the principal amongst them, that they durst not hurt the English, although they bare no good affection to their Religion, wherein they seem not a little to imitate Balaam, who whate­ver he uttered, when he was under the awful power of divine illumina­tion, yet when left to himself, was as bad an Enemy to the Israel of God as ever before.

But to return, whence there hath been this Digreffion:

After the death of this Woosamequen or Massasoit, his eldest Son succeeded him about twenty years since, Alexander by name, who not­withstanding the League he had entred into with the English, together with his Father, in the year 1639. had neither affection to the English­mens persons, nor yet to their Religion, but had been plotting with the Narhagansets, to rise against the English; of which the Governour and Council of Plimouth being informed, they presently sent for him to being him to the Court, the person to whom that service was committed, was a prudent and resolute Gentleman, the present Governour of the said Colony, who was neither afraid of Danger, nor yet willing to delay in a [Page 10] matter of that moment, he forthwith taking eight or ten stout men with him well armed, intended to have gone to the said Alexanders dwelling, distant at least forty miles from the Governours house, but by a good providence, he found him whom he went to seek as an Hunting House, within six miles of the English Towns, where the said Alexander with a­bout eighty men were newly come in from Hunting, and had left their Guns without doors, which Major Winslow with his small company wise­ly seized, and conveyed away, and then went into the Wigwam, and de­manded Alexander to go along with him before the Governour, at which message he was much appalld, but being told by the undaunted Messen­ger, that if he stird or refused to go he was a dead man; he was by one of his chief Counsellors, in whose advice he most confided, perswaded to go along to the Governours house, but such was the pride and height of his Spirit, that the very surprizal of him, raised his Choler and indigna­tion, that it put him into a Feaver, which notwithstanding all possible means that could be used, seemed Mortal; whereupon intreating those that held him Prisoner, that he might have liberty to return home, pro­mising to return again if he recovered, and to send his Son as Hostage till he could so do; on that consideration he was fairly dismissed, but dyed before he got half way home: Here let it be observed, that although some have taken up false Reports, as if the English had compelled him to go further or faster then he was able, and so fell into a Feaver, or as if he were not well used by the Physitian that looked to him, while he was with the English, all which are notoriously false; nor is it to be imagined that a person of so noble a disposition as is that Gentleman (at that time imployed to bring him) should himself, or suffer any else to be un­civil to a person allied to them, by his own, as well as his Fathers League as the said Philip also was; nor was any thing of that nature ever ob­jected to the English of Plimouth, by the said Alexanders Brother, by name Philip, commonly for his ambitious and haughty Spirit nicknamed King-Philip, when he came in the year 1662. in his own person with Sansaman his Secretary and chief Counsellor to renew the former League that had been between his Predecessors and the English of Plimouth: but there was as much correspondence betwixt them for the next seven years as ever had been in any former times, what can be imagined therefore, besides the instigation of Satan, that either envied at the prosperity of the Church of God here seated, or else fearing lest the power of the Lord Jesus, that had overthrown his kingdome in other parts of the World, should do the like here, and so the stone taken out of the Moun­tain without hands, should become a great Mountain it self, and fill the [Page 11] whole earth, no cause of provocation being by the English; For once before this in the year 1671 the Devill, who was a Murderer from the beginning, had so filled the heart of this salvage Miscreant with en­vy and ma [...]ice against the English, that he was ready to break out into open war against the Inhabitants of Plimouth, pretending some petite injuryes done him in his planting land, but when the master of controver­sie came to be heard before diverse of the Massachusets Colony, yea when he himself came to Boston, as it were referring his case to the Judgment of that Colony, nothing of that nature could be made to appear, whereupon in way of submission, he was of necessity by that evident conviction forced to acknowledge that it was the naughtiness of his own heart, that put him upon that Rebellion, and nothing of any provocation from the En­glish, and to a Consession of this nature, with a solemn renewal of his Covenant, declaring his desire, that this his Covenant might testifie to the world against him, if ever he should prove unsaithfull to those of Plimouth, or any other of the English Colonyes therein, himself with his [...] Counsellors subscribed in the presence of some Messengers sent on purpose to hear the difference between Plimouth and the said Philip. But for further satisfaction of the Reader, the said Agreement and Sub­mission shall here be published.

VVHere as my Father, my Brother and my self have formerly sub­mitted our selves and our People unto the Kings Majesty of En­gland, and to this Colony of New-Plimouth, by solemn Covenant under our hand; but I having of late through my indescrition, and the naughtiness of my heart violated and broken this my Covenant with my friends, by taking up Armes, with evill intent against them, and that groundlesly; I being now deeply sensible of my unfaithfullness and folly, do desire at this time solemnly to renew my Covenant with my ancient Friends, and my Fathers Friends above mentioned, and do desire this may testifie to the world against me if ever I shall again fail in my Faithfulness towards them (that I have now and at all times found so kind to me) or any other of the English Colonyes; and as a reall pleage of my true intentions, for the future to be faithfull and friendly, I doe freely ingage to resign up unto the Goverment of New-Plimouth, all my [Page 12] English Armes, to be kept by them for their security, so long as they shall see reason. For true performance of the premises I have hereunto set my hand together with the rest of my Council.

In presence of
  • William Davis
  • William Hudson.
  • Thomas Brattle.
  • The Mark of P. Philip
  • chief Sachem of Pocanoket
  • The Mark of V. Tavoser
  • The Mark of [...] Capt. Wisposk [...]
  • The Mark of T. Woonkaponehunt.
  • The Mark of 8 Nimrod.

TO which for the further clearing the Justice of the present war, the Result of the debate of the Commissioners of the united Colonyes a­bout the matter of the Warre shall here be inserted.

VVE having received from the Commissioners of Plimouth a Nar­rative, shewing the Rise and several steps of that Colony, as to the present Warre with the Indians, which had its beginning there, and its pro­gress into the Massachusets, by their insolencies and outrages, murtbering many persons, and burning their Houses in sundry Plantations in both Co­lonies. And having duly considered the same; doe declare, that the said War doth appear to be both just and necessary, and its first Rise only a defensive Warre. And therefore we do agree and conclude that it ought to be joyntly prosecuted by all the united Colonies, and the Charges thereof to be borne and paid as is agreed in the Articles of Confederation.

  • John Winthrop.
  • James R chards.
  • Thomas Danforth.
  • William Stoughton.
  • Josiah Wir [...]ss [...]w.
  • Thomas H [...]nckley.

Yet whatever his submission was before, or his subjecting himself and his people to our King, or his ingagement to pay a sum of money in part of the Charges then occasioned by him (nor have the English in or about Plimouth, since, or before that time been any wayes injurious un­to him, or any of his people) all which are fully declared in a Narra­tive given by the Commissioners of the Colony of Plimouth, wherein they also signify that the settlement and issue of the former controver­sie [Page 13] between Philip and them; was obtained and made (principally) by the mediation, and interposed advice and counsell of the other two confede­rate Colonyes, and also in a letter under the Governours hand, in these words,—

I think I can clearly say that before these present troubles broke out, the English did not possess one foot of Land in this Colony, but what was fairly obtained by honest purchase of the Indian Proprietors: Nay, be­cause some of our people are of a covetom disposition and the Indians are in their Streights easily prevaited with to part with their Lands, we first made a Land, that none should purchase or receive of gift any Land of the Indians without the knowledge and allowance of our Court, and penalty of a Fine, five pound per Acre, for all that should be so bought or obtained. And le [...] yet they should be streightned, we Ordered that Mount-Hope, Pocasset and se­veral other Nicks of the best land in the Colony (because most suitable and con­venient for them, should never be bought out of their bands or else they would have sold them long since. And our neighbours at Rehoboth and Swanzy although they bought their Lands fairly of this Philip and his Father and Brother, yet because of their vicinity, that they might not trespass upon the Indians did at their own cost set up a very substantial Fence quite cross that great Neck between the English and the Indians, and payed due damage if at any time any unruly horse or other beasts brake in and trespassed. And for diverse years last past (that alloccasion of offence in that respect might be prevented) the English agreed with Philip and his, for a certain sum yearly to maintain the said Fence, and secure them selves. And if at any time they have brought Complaints before us, they have had Iustice impartial and spee­ [...]y, so that our own people have frequently complained, that we erred on the other hand in skewing them over much favour.

Jos. Winslow.

Yet did this treacherous and perfidious Caitiffe still harbour the same or more mischievous thoughts against the English then ever before, and hath been since that time plotting with all the Indians round about to make a general insurrection against the English in all the Colonyes; which as some prisoners lately brought in have confessed, should have been put in execution at once, by all the Indians rising as one man, a­gainst all those plantations of English, which were nex [...] them. The Nar­rhagansets having promised, as was confessed to risewith 4 thousand sigh­ting men in the Spring of this present year, 1676. But by the occasion hereafter to be mentioned about Sausaman, Philip was necc [...]ssitated for [Page 14] the safety of his own life to begin his Rebellion the year before, when the Design was not fully ripe. Yet some are ready to think, that if his own life had not now been in jeopardy by the guilt of the foresaid Murther of Sausaman, his heart might have failed him, when it should have come to be put in execution, as it did before in the year 1671. which made one of his Captains, of far better Courage and resolution then himself, when he saw his cowardly temper and disposition, fl [...]g down his Armes, call­ing him white Liver'd Curre, or to that purpose, and saying, that he would never own him again, or fight under him, and from that time hath turned to the English, and bath continued to this day a faithfull and [...]esolute Souldier in their quarrel.

That the Indians had a Conspiracy amongst themselves to rise against the English, is confirmed by some of the Indians about Hadly, although the plot was not come to maturity when Philip began, the special pro­vidence of God therein overruling the Contrivers: For when the be­ginning of the troubles first was reported from Mount-Hope, many of the Indians were in a kind of a Maze, not knowing well what to doe; sometimes ready to stand for the English, as formerly they had been wont to doe; sometimes inclining to strike in with Philip (which at the last they generally did) which if it had been foreseen, much of that mis­chief might have been prevented that fell out in several places, more by perfidious and treacherous dealing then any other wayes: the English never imagining that after so many obliging kindnesses received from them by the Indians, besides their many engagements and protestati­tions of friendship, as formerly, they would have been so ungratefull, persideously false and cruel as they have since proved.

The occasion of Philips so sudden taking up armes the last year was this, There was one Iohn Sausaman a very cunning and plausible Indian well skilled in the English language, and bred up in the profession of Christian Religion, imployed as a Schoolmaster at Natick, the Indian Town, who [...] upon some misdemeanour fled from his place to Philip, by whom he was entertained in the room and office of a Secretary, and his chief Counsellor, whome he trusted with all his affairs and secret coun­sels: But afterwards, whither upon the sting of his own Conscience; or by the frequent Sollicitations of Mr. Eliot, that had known him from a childe, and instructed him in the principles of our Religion, who was often laying before him the heinous sin of his apostacy, and r [...]urning back to his old vomit, he was at last prevailed with to for sake Philip, and return back to the Christian Indians at Natick, where he was haptized, manifesting publick Repentance for all his former offences, [Page 15] and made a serious Prosession of the Christian Religion: and did apply himself to Preach to the Indians, wherein he was better gifted then any other of the Indian Nation; so as he was observed to conforme more to the English manners then any other Indian: yet having occasion to go up with some others of his Country-men to Namasket; whither for the advantage of Fishing, or some such occasion, it matters not; being there not far from Philips Country, he had occasion to be much in the Company of Philips Indians, and of Philip himself: by which means he discerned by several circumstances, that the Indians were plotting anew against us; the which out of faithfulness to the English, the said Sausaman informed the Governour of, adding also, that if it were known that he revealed it, he knew they would presently kill him. There appearing so many concurrent testimonies from others, making it the more probable, that there was a certain truth in the information, some inquiry was made into the business, by examining Philip himself, & several of his Indians, who although they would own nothing; yet could not free themselves from just suspicion; Philip therefore soon after con­trived the said Sausamans death, which was strangely discovered; not­withstanding it was so cunningly effected, for they that murdered him met him upon the Ice on a great Pond, and presently after they had knocked him down, put him under the Ice, yet leaving his Gun and his Hat upon the Ice, that it might be thought he fell in accidentally through the Ice and was drowned: but being missed by his friends, who finding his Hat and his Gun, they were thereby led to the place, where his body was found under the Ice: when they took him up to bury him, some of his friends, specially one David observed some bruises about his Head, which made them suspect he was first knocked down, before he was put into the water, however, they buried him near about the place where he was found, without making any further inquiry at present: never­theless David his friend, reported these things to some English at Taun­ton (a Town not far from Namasket) it occasioned the Governour to inquire further into the business, wisely considering, that as Sansaman had told him, that if it were known, that he had revealed any of their plots, they would murder him for his pains: wherefore by special War­rant the body of Sansaman being digged again out of his Grave, it was very apparent that he had been killed and not drowned. And by a strange providence, an Indian was found, that by accident standing un­seen upon a Hill, had seen them murdering the said Sansaman, but dirst never reveal it for fear of losing his own life likewise, until he was called to the Court at Plimouth, or before the Governour, where he plainly [Page 16] confessed what he had seen. The Murderers being apprehended, were convicted by his undeniub [...]e Testimony, and other remarkable cirum­stances, and so were all put to death, being but three in number; the last of them confessed immediately before his death, that his Father (one of the Councellers and special Friends of Philip) was one of the two that murdered Sansaman, himself only looking on. This was done at Pli­mouth Court. held in Iune 1675. insomuch that Philip, apprehending the danger his own head was in next, never used any further means to clear himself from what was like to be laid to his charge, either about his plot­ting against the English, nor yet about Sansamans death: but by keeping his men continually about him in Arms, and gathering what Strangers he could to joyn with him, marching up and down constantly in Arms, both all the while the Court sat, as well as afterwards; the English of Plimouth hearing of all this, yet took no further notice, then only to order a Military Watch in all the adjacent Towns, hoping that Philip find­ing himself not likely to be Arraigned by Order of the said Court, the present Cloud might blow over, as some others of like nature had done before; but in conclusion, the matter proved otherwise, for Philip find­ing his Strength daily increasing, by the flocking of Neighbour Indians unto him, and sending over their Wives and Children to the Narhagan­sets for security (as they use to do when they intend War with any of their Enemies) Immediately they began to Alarm the English at Swanzy (the next Town to Philips Country) as it were daring the English to be­gin, at last their insolencies grew to such an height, that they began not only to use threatning words to the English, but also to kill their Cattle and rifle their houses; whereat an English man was so provoked, that he let fly a Gun at an Indian, but did only wound, not kill him, where­upon the Indians immediately began to kill all the English they could, so as on the 24th. of Iune 1675. was the Alarm of war first f [...]unded in Plimouth Colony, when eight or nine of the English were slun in and a­bout Swanzy: They first making a shot at a company of English as they returned from the Assembly where they were met in way of Humiliati [...]n that day, whereby they killed one and wounded others, and then like­wise at the same time, they slew two Men on the High-way, sent to call a Surgeon, and barbarously the same day murdered six men in and about a dwelling House in an other part of the Town, all which outrages were committed so suddenly, that the English had no time to make any resist­ance: For on the 14th. of the same Month, besides endeavours used by Mr. Brown of Swanzy one of the Magistrates of Plimouth Jurisdi­ction, an amicable Letter was sent from the Council of Plimouth to Philip [Page 17] shewing their dislike of his prastises, and advising him to dismiss his strange Indians, and not suffer himself to be abused by false Reports, con­cerning them that intended him no hurt, but no answer could be obtain­ed, otherwise then threatning of War, which it was hoped might have been prevented, as heretofore it had been, when things seemed to look with as bad face as then they did. However the Governour and Coun­cil of Plimouth, understanding that Philip continued in his resolution, & manifested no inclination to peace, they immediately sent up what Forces they could to secure the Towns thereabouts, and make resistance as oc­casion might be, and also dispatched away Messengers to the Massa­chusets Governour and Council, letting them know the state of things about Mount-Hope: and desiring their speedy assistance: upon which care was immediately taken with all expedition to send such supplye [...] as were defired: But in the mean time two Messengers were dispatched to Philip, to try whether he could not be diverted from his bloudy en­terprize. so to have prevented the mischief since fallen out, hoping, that as o [...]ce before, viz. Anno 1671. by their mediation, a stop was put to the like Tragedy; so the present warre might by the same meanes have been now turned aside: For in the said year Philip had firmly engaged himself, when he was at Boston, not to quarrel with Plimouth untill he had first addressed himself to the Massachusets for advice and approhation: But the two Messengers aforesaid, finding the men slain in the Roade Iune 24. as they were going for the Surgeon, apprehended it no safe to proceed any further, considering also, that a peace now could not honourably be concluded after such barbarous outrages committed upon some of the neighbour Colony: Wherefore returning with all speed to Boston, the Massachuset Forces were dispatch­ed away with all immaginable hast, as the ex [...]gent of the matter did re­quire, some of them being then upon, or ready for their March, the rest were ordered to follow after, as they could be raised. The sending forth of which, because it was the first engagement in any warlike pre­parations against the Indians, shall be more particularly declared.

On the 26th. of Iune a Foot-Company under Capt. Dani [...]l Henchman, with a Troop under Capt. Thomas Prentice, were sent out of Boston to­ward Mount-Hope; it being late in the afternoon before they began to march, the central Echpse of the Moon in Capric. hapned in the even­ing before they came up to Naponset River, about twenty miles from Boston, which occasioned them to make an halt, for a little repast, till the moon recovered her light again. Some melancholy Fancyes would not be perswaded, but that the Eclipse falling out at that instant of time, [Page 18] was ominous, concriving also that in the centre of the Moon they dis­cerned an unusual black spot, not a little resembling the scalp of an In­dian: As some others not long before, imagined they saw the form of an Indian Bow, accounting that likewise ominous (although the mis­chief following was done by Guns, not by Bows) both the one and the other, might rather have thought of what Marcus Crassus the Koman General, going forth with an Army against the Parthians, once wisely replied to a private Souldier, that would have disswaded him from mar­ching that time, because of an Eclpse of the Moon in Capricorn [That he was more afraid of Sagitarius then of Capricornus] meaning the Ar­rows of the Parthians (accounted very good Archers) from whom as things then fell out, was his greatest danger. But after the Moon had waded through the dark shadow of the Earth, and borrowed her Light again, by the help thereof, the two Companies marched on to­ward Woodcocks House, thirty miles from Boston, where they arrived next morning; and there retarded their motion till the afternoon, in hope of being overtaken by a Company of Volunteers, under the Command of Captain Samuel Mosely, which accordingly came to pass, as on Iune 28th. they all arrived at Swanzy, where by the advice of Captain Cu­worth, the Commander in chief of Plimouth Forces, they were removed to the Head Quarters, which for that time were appointed at Mr. Miles his house, the Minister of Swanzy, within a quarter of a mile of the Bridge, leading into Philips Lands. They arriving there some little time before night, twelve of the Troop unwilling to loose time passed over the Bridge, for discovery into the Enemies Territories, where they found the rude welcome of eight or ten Indians firing upon them out of the Bushes, killing one William Hammond, wounding Corporal Belcher, his Horse being also shot down under him; the rest of the sard Tropers having discharged upon those Indians that ran away after their first shot, carried off their two dead and wounded Companions, and so reti­red to the main Guard for the night, pitc [...]ing in a Bar [...]icado about Mr. Miles his house. The Enemy thought to have braved it out by a bold assauld or two at the first; but their hearts soon began to fail them when they perceived the Massachusets, & Plimouth Fo [...]c [...]s both engaged against them: for the next morning they shou [...]ed [...] h [...]ce, at half a miles distance, and nine or ten of them shewing [...] this side the Bridge: our Horsemen with the whole body of the Privateers under Captain Mosely, not at all daunted by such kind of Alarms, nor willing so to loose the Bridge, ran [...]le [...] down upon them over the said Bridge, pursuing them a mile and quarter on the other side: Ensigne [Page 19] Savage, that young Martial Spark, scarce twenty years of age, had at that time one bullet lodged in his Thigh, another shot through the br [...]m s of his Hat, by ten or twelve of the Enemy discharging upon him toge­ther, while he boldly held up his Colours, in the Front of his Company: but the weather nor suffering any further action at that time, those that were thus far advanced, were compelled to retreat back to the main Guard, having first made a shot upon the Indians as they ran away into a Swamp nearby, whereby they killed five or six of them, as was under­stood soon after at Narhaganset: This resolute charge of the English [...]ces upon the Enemy made them quit their place on Mount-Hope that very night, where Philip was never seen after; till the next year, when he was by a divine Mandate sent back: there to receive the reward of his wickedness where he first began his mischief: the next day Major Savage (that was to command in chief over the Massachnset Forces, being come up with other Supplies about six a clock over night) the whole Body in­tended to march into Mount-Hope, and there beat up the Enemys quar­ters, or give him Battle, if he durst abide it: but the weather being doubtful, our Forces did not march till near noon, about which time they set out, with a Troop of Horse in each wing, to prevent the danger of the Enemies Ambuscadoes; after they had marched about a mile & and half, they passed by some Houses newly burned: not far of one of them they found a Bible newly torn, and the leaves scattered about by the Enemy, in hatred of our Religion therein revealed, two or three miles further they came up with some Heads, Scalps, and Hands cut off from the bodys of some of the English, and stuck upon Poles near the Highway, in that barbarous and inhumane manner bidding us Defyance, the Commander in chief giving Order that those monuments of the E­nemies cruelty should be taken down, and buried: the whole body of the Forces still marched on, two miles further, where they found divers Wigwams of the Enemy, amongst which were many things scattered up and down, arguing the hasty fl [...]ght of the Owners; half a mile further, as they passed on through m [...]y Fields of stately Corn, they fou [...]d Phi­lips own W gvam; every place giving them to perceive the Enemies ha [...]ty departure from thence; after they had marched two miles further they came to the Sea sid [...], yet in all this time meeting with no Indians, nor any sign of them, unless of their flight to some other places. The season like to prove very tempestuous, and rainy, Captain Cudworth with some of the men of Plimouth passed over to Road- [...]stand. The Forces under Major Savage were forced to abide all night in the open Field, without any shelter, notwithstanding the abundance of rain that [Page 20] fell, and in the morning, despairing to meet with any enemy on Mount­Hope, they retreated back to their Quarters at Swanzy, in the way meeting with many Indian dogs, that seemed to have lost their Masters. That night Capt. Prentice his Troop for convenie [...]cy of Quarters, as also for discovery, was dismissed to lodge at Seaconke or Rehoboth, a Town within six miles of Swanzy. As they returned back in the mor­ning, Capt. Prentice divided his Troop, delivering one half to Leiutenant Oak [...]s, and keeping the other himself, who as they rode along, espyed a company of Indians burning an house; but could not pursue them by reason of several Fences, that they could not g [...]e over till the Indians had escaped i [...]to a Swampe. Those with Leiutenant Oakes had the like discovery, but with better success, as to the advantage of the ground, so as pursuing of them upon a plain, they slew four or five of them in the Chase, whereof one was known to be Thebe a Sachem of Mount-Hope, another of them was a chief Counsellor of Philips; yet in this attempt the Lieutenant lost one of his company, Iohn Druce by name, who was mortally wounded in his bowels, whereof he soon after dyed, to the great grief of his companions. After the said Troop came up to the Head-Quarters at Swanzy, they understood from Capt. Cudworth that the enemy were discovered upon Pocass [...]t, an other neck of Land lying over an arme of the Sea, more towards Cape Cod: However it was resolved that a more narrow search should be made after them, both upon Mount-Hope, and upon the ground between Swanzy and Rehoboth to scoure the Swamps, and assault them if they could find where they were entrenched. Capt. Henchman and Capt. Preentice were ordered to search the Swamps; while Capt. Mosely and Capt. Paige with his Dra­goons attending on Major Savage, should return back into Mount hope that they might be sure to leave none of the enemy behind them, when they should remove to pursue them elsewhere.

About ten a clock the next morning, Iuly. 4. Capt. Henchman after a long and tedious March, came to the Head Quarters, and informed that he came upon a place where the enemy had newly been that night, but were escaped out of his reach: But that night before they were de­termined of any other motion, Capt. Hutchinson came up from Boston with new Orders for them to pass into Narrhaganset, to treat with the Sachems there, and if it might be, to prevent their joyning with Philip. Capt. Cudworth, by this time was come up to the Head Quarters, having left a Garison of fourty men upon Mount-Hope Neck. The next mor­ning was spent in consultations how to carry on the Treaty; it was then resolved, that they should goe to make a peace with a Sword in their [Page 21] hands, having no smal ground of suspition that the said Narhagansets might joyn with the enemy wherefore, they thought it necessary to carry all the Messachuset Forces over into the Narhaganset Country, to fight them if there should be need; Capt. Mosely passed over by water to attend Capt. Hutchinson in his dispatch; the other Companys with the Pro [...]pers [...]iding round about: as they passed they found the Indi­dians in Pomhams Country (next adjoyning to Philips Borders) all fled, and their Wigwams without any people in them.

After they came to the Narhaganset Sachems, three or four dayes were spent in a trea [...]y, after which a peace was concluded on sundry Arti­cles between the Messengers of Connicticut Colony (who were ordered to meet with those of the Massachusets) and the Commanders of the Forces sent against Philip: Hostages were also given by the said Nar­hagansets for the performance of the agreement. A Copy of the said Agreement, and the Articles on which a Peace was concluded, here fol­low. It being alwayes understood, that Plimouth Colony was included in the said Agreement, although their Forces were not then present, but re­mained at home neer the enemies Borders, to secure their Towns, and oppose Philip as there might be occasion, if he offered to make any new actempt in the mean time,

ARticles, Covenants and Agreements had, made and concluded by and b [...]tween Major Thomas Savage, Captain Edward Hutchinson, and Mr. Joseph Dudley, in behalf of the Goverment of the Massachusets Co­lony, and Major Wait Winthrop and Mr. Richard Smith on behalf of Connect [...]cut Colony on the one party, and Agamaug, Wompsh, alias Cor­man, Taitson, Tawageson Councellors and Attournies to Canonicus, Nini­gret, Matataog, old Queen Quaiapen, Quananshit & Pomham the six present Sachims of the whole Narhaganset Country on the other party, re­ferring to several diff [...]rences and troubles lately risen between them; and for a final conclusion of settled Peace and Amity between the said Sachims, their Heirs and Successors for ever, and the Governours of the said Mass [...]chu­sets and Connecticot, and their Successors in the said Goverments for ever.

I. That all and every of the said Sachims shall from time to time carefully seize, and living or dead deliver unto one or other of the abovesaid Gover­ments, all and every of Sachim Philips Subjects whatsoever, that shall come [Page 22] or be found within the precincts of any of their Lands, and that with greatest diligence and faithfulness.

II. That they shall with their utmost ability use all Acts of Hostility a­gainst the said Philip & his Subjects, entring his Lands or any other Lands of the E [...]g [...]sh to ki [...]land d [...]stroy the said Enemy, until a cess [...]tion from War with the said Enemy be concluded by both the abovesaid Colonies.

III. That the said Sachims, by themselves and their Ag [...]nts, shall care­ful [...]y search out and deliver all stoln goods whatsoever taken by any of th [...]ir Subjects from any of the English, whether formerly or lately, and shall make full satisfaction for all wrongs or injuries done to the Estate of any of the Subjects of the several Colonies, according to the judgement of in [...]ifferent men, in case of dissatisfaction between the Offenders and the off [...]nded Parties, or deliver the offenders.

IV. That all Preparations for War, or Acts of Hostility against any of the English Subjects, shall for ever for the future cease; together with all manner of Thefts, Pilferings, killing of Cattle, or any manner of breach of p [...]ace whatsoever shall with utmost care be prevented, & instead thereof their strength to be used as a Guard round about the Narraganset Country, for the English Inhabitants safety and security.

V. In token of the abovesaid Sachims reality in this Treaty and Conclu­sion, and for the security of the several English Goverments and Subjects, they do freely deliver unto the abovesaid Gentlemen, in the b [...]half of the above­said Colonies, John Wobequob, Weowchim, Pewkes, We [...]new, four of their near Kinsmen and choice Friends to be and remain as Hostages in seve­ral places of the English Iuris [...]ictions, at the appointment of the Honoura­ble Governours of the abovesaid Colonies, there to be civi [...]ly treated not as Prisoners, but otherwise at their Honours Discr [...]tion, un [...]il the abovesaid Ar­ticles, are fully accomplished to the satisfaction of the several Goverments, the departure of any of them in the mean time to be accounted breach of the Peace, and of these present Articles.

VI. The said Gentlemen in the behalf of the Goverments to which th [...]y do belong, do engage to every the said Sachims and their Subjects▪ [...] or any of them shall seize and bring into either the abovesaid English Gover­ments, or to Mr. Smith Inhabitants of Narhaganset, Philip Sachim alive, he or they so delivering, shall receive for th [...] pains, forty [...]rucki [...]g cloa [...]h Coats, in case they bring his Head they shall have twenty like good Coats paid them: for every living Subject of said Philip [...] so delivered, the delive­rer shall receive two Coats, and for every Head one Coat, as a Gratuity for their service herein, making it appear to satisfaction, that the Heads or Per­sons are belonging to the Enemy, and that they are of their seizure,

[Page 23] VII. Thesaid Sachims do renew and confi [...]m unto the English Inhabitants or others, all former Graunts, Sales, Bargains or Conv [...]yances of Lands, Meadows, Timber, Grass, Stones, or whatever else the English have here­tofore bought or qui [...]tly possessed and enjoyed▪ to be unto them, and their Heirs, and Assigns for ever; as also all former Articles made with the Confederate Colonies.

Lastly, The said Counsellors and Attorneys do premeditately, seriously, and upon good advice, Covenant, Conclude and Agr [...]e all abovesaid solemnly, and call God to witness they are, and shall remain true Friends to the English Goverments, and perform the abovesaid Articles punctually, using their ut­most endeavour, care and faithfulness therein:

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us underwritten, being carefully Interpreted to the said In­dians before Sealing.
  • Daniel Henchman.
  • Thomas Prentice.
  • Nicholas Paige.
  • Ioseph Stanton Interpreter.
  • Henry Hanlaws.
  • Picue B [...]kow.
  • Iob N [...]ff.
  • Tawageson his mark C.
  • Taytson his mark D.
  • Agamaug his mark T.
  • Wampsh, alias Corman his mark. X.

During this Treaty of Peace with the Narhagansets, Captain Cud­worth with the Forces of Plimouth under his Command, found some­thing to do nearer home, though of another nature as it proved, sc. to make War whilst the other were (as they thought) making peace: in the first place therefore he dispatched Captain Fuller) joyning Lieuten­ant Church together with him in Commission) with fifty in his Com­pa [...]y to P [...]c [...]ss [...]t, on the same account, as the other went to Narhaganset [...] eit [...]er to conclude a Peace with them, if they would continue Friends and give Hostages for the confirmation thereof, or fight them if they should declare themselves Enemies, and joyn with Philip; himself in­tending to draw down his Forces to Rehoboth, to be ready for a speedy March to Tau [...]ton, and so down into the other side of the Country upon the news that some of the Enemy were burning and spoiling o [...] Middleburrough and Dartmouth, two small villages lying in the way [Page 24] betwix [...] P [...]cass [...]t and Plimouth. Upon thursday Iuly 7. Captain Fuller with Cap [...]ain Ch [...]rch wen [...] into Pocasset to seek after the Enemy, or else as occ [...]sion [...] serve, to treat with those Indians at Pocasset, with whom Mr. Church was very well acquainted, alwayes holding good cor­respondence with them: After they had spent that day and most of the night, in traversing the said Pocasset Neck, and Watching all night in an House which they found there, yet could head no tidings of any In­dians; insom [...]ch that Captain Fuller began to be weary of his design: Mr. Church in the mean while ass [...]ring him that they should finde Indians before it were long: yet for greater expedition they divided their Com­pany, Captain Fuller taking down toward the Sea-side, where it seems after some little skirmishing with them, wherein one man only received a small Wound, he either saw or heard too many Indians for himself and his Company to deal with, which m [...]de him and them betake themselves to an House near the Water-side, from whence they were fetched off by a Sloop before night to Road Island. Captain Church (for so may he well be stiled after this time) marched further into the Neck, imag [...]ning that if there were Indians in the Neck, they should finde them about a peas-field not farr off: as soon as ever they came near the said field he espyed two Indians in the pease, who also had at the same time espyed him, and presently making some kind of shout, a great number of Indi­ans came about the field, pursuing the said Capt. Church and his men in great numbers to the sea side: there being [...] above fifteen with Church, yet seven or eight score of the Indians pursuing after them. Now was a fit time for this young Captain and his small Company to handsel their valour upon this great rout of Indians, just ready to devo [...] them: But victory stands no more in the number of Soulders, then Verity in the plurality of voyces: And although some of these fifteen had scarce courage enough for themselves, yet their Captain had enough for him­self, and some to spare for his friends, which he there had an opportuni­ty of improving to the full. When he saw the hearts of any of his fol­lowers to fail, he would bid them be of good Courage and fight stout­ly, and (possibly by some divine impression upon his heart) assured them not a bullet of the enemy should hurt any one of them; which one of the Company, more dismayed then the rest, could hardly believe, till he saw the proof of it in his own person, for the Captain perceiving the man was not able to fight, made him gather Rocks together for a kind of shelter and Baricado: for the rest, that must either of necessity fight or fall by the enemyes. It chanced as this faint-hearted souldier had a flat stone in his armes, and was carying it to the shelter that he was making [Page 25] upon the Bank, a bullet of the Enemy was thus warded from his Body by which he must else have perished, which experience put new life into him, so as he followed his business very ma [...]fully afterward, insomuch that they defended themselves under small defence hastily made up all that afternoon, not one being either sl [...]in or wounded, yet it was cer­tainly known that they killed at least fifteen of their Enemies: and at the last, when they had spent all their Amunition, and made their Guns un­serviceable by often fiting, they were fetched all off by Capt. Goldings Sloop, and carried safe to Road-Island in despight of all their Enemies; yea, such was the bold and undaunted courage of this Champion Capt. Church, that he was not willing to leave any token behind of their flying for want of courage, that in the face of his Enemies he went back to fetch his Hat, which he had left at a Spring, whether the extream heat of the weather, and his labou [...] in fighting had caused him to re­pair for the quenching of his thirst an hour or two before. It seems in the former part of the same day, five men coming from Road-Island, to look up their Cattle upon Pocasset Neck, were assaulted by the same Indians, and one of the five was Capt. Churches Servant, who had his Leg broke in the Skirmish, the rest hardly escaping with their lives: this was the first time that ever any mischief was done by the Indians upon Pocasset Neck. Those of Road-Island were hereby Alarmed to look to themselves, as well as the re [...]t of the English of Plimouth, or the Massa­ehusets Colony.

This Ass [...]ult rather heightened and increased then daunted the courage of Capt. Church; for not making a cowardly flight, but a fair retreat, which providence offered him by the Sloop aforesaid, after his Amunition was spent, he did not stay long at Road Island, but hasted over to the Mattachuset Forces, and borrowing three files of Men of Capt. Hench­man with his Lieutenant: Mr. Church and he returned again to Pocasset, where they had another skirmish with the Enemy, wherein some few of them fourteen or fifteen were slain, which struck such a terror into Phi­lip, that he be [...]ook himself to the Swamps about Pocasset, where he lay hid till the return of the rest of the Forces from the Narhagansets, like a wild Boar kept at a Bay by this small party till more hands came up.

Thus were the Plimouth Forces busied, during the time of the Treaty with the Narhagansets, which being issued as it was.

On Friday Iuly 15. Our Forces Marched for, and araived at Rekoboth where having no intelligence of the Enemy nearer then a great Swamp on Pocasset, eighteen miles from Taunton; they marched next day twelve miles to an House at Matapoiset (a small Neck of Land in the bottome [Page 26] of Taunton Bay, in the mid-way between Mount-hope and Pocasset Neck) from whence they marched for Taunton. Iuly 17. whither after a te­dious March of twenty miles they came in the evening, and found the People generally gathered into eight Garison Houses:

On Monday Iuly 18. they Marched eighteen miles before they could reach the Swamp where the Enemy was lodged, as soon as ever they came to the place, Plimouth Forces being now joyned with them, ou [...] Souldiers resolutely entred in amongst the Enemes, who took the ad­vantage of the thick under-wood, to make a shot at them that first entred whereby five were killed outright, seven more wounded, some of whose wounds proved mortal: After the first shot, the Enemy presently reti­red deeper into the Swamp, d [...]serting their W [...]gwams (about an hundred in all) newly made of green Barks, so as they would not burn: in one of them they found an old man, who confessed that Philip had been lately there; having spent some time in searching the Swamp, and tired themselves to no purpose, yet it was said one half hour more would have at that time utterly subdued Philip and all his power. The Commander in chief, (night drawing on apace) not thinking it safe to tarry longer in so dangerous a place, (where every one was in as much danger of his fellows as of his foes, being ready to fire upon every Bush they see move (supposing Indians were there) ordered a Retreat to be founded, that they m [...]ght have time to dispose of their dead and wounded men, which accordingly was attended: Plimouth Forces who had entred in the rear, retreating in the front. It was judged that the Enemy being by this means brought into a Pound, it would be no hard matter to deal with them, and that it would be needless charge to keep so many Companies of Souldiers together to wait upon such an inconsiderable Enemy, now almost as good as taken: whereupon most of the Companies belong­ing to the Massachusets were drawn off▪ only Capt. Henchman with an hundred Foot being left there, together with Plimouth Forces, to attend the Enemies motion, being judged sufficient for that end. Ma [...]or Sa­vage, Capt. Paige with Capt. Mosely and their Companies returned to Boston: Capt. Prentice with his Troop were ordered toward Mendham, where it seems, about the middle of Iuly, some Indians, wishing well to [...]ilips design, had made an assault upon some of the Inhabitants, as they were at their labour in the Field, killing five or six of them: as soon as they had done, [...] away into the Woods, so as they co [...]ld not easily [...]: The Inhabi [...]a [...]ts of the some Village, lying so in the heart of the Enemies Country beg [...]n to be discouraged, so as within a little time after they forsook the place, abandoning their Houses to the [...]ury of [Page 27] the enemy, which by them were soon after turned into ashes. But to return to king Philip, who was now lodged in the great swampe upon Pocasset Neck, of seven miles long: Capt. Henchman and the Plimouth Forces kept a diligent eye upon the enemy, but were not willing to run into the mire and dirt after them in a dark Swamp being taught by late experience how dangerous it is to fight in such dismal Woods, when their eyes were muffled with the leaves, and their heads pinnioned with the thick boughs of the trees, as their feet were continually shackled with the roots spreading every way in those boggy Woods. It is ill fighting with a wilde Beast in his own den. They resolved therefore to starve them out of the Swamp, where they knew full well they could not long subsi [...]t: To that end they began to build a Fort, as it were to beleaguer the enemy, and prevent his escape out of the place, where they thought they had him fast enough. Philip in the mean time was not ig­norant of what was doing without, and was ready therein to read his own doome. so as if he tarryed much longer there, he knew he should fall into their hands from whom he could expect no mercy: The c [...]se being therefore desperate, he resolved with an hundred or two of his best fighting men to make an escape by the Water, all passages by the land being sufficiently guarded by the English Forces. The Swampe where they were lodged be [...]g not far from an arm of the Sea, coming up to Taunton, they taking the advantage of a low tide, either wa [...]ed over one night in the end of Iuly, or else wafted themselves over upon small R [...]tes of timber very early before break of day, by which meanes the greatest part of his Company escaped away into the woods, leading in­to [...] Nipm [...]ck Country, [...]together unknown to the English Forces, that lay encamped on the other side of the Swamp. About an hundred or more of the women and Children, which were like to be rather bur­densome then serviceable were left behind, who soon after resigned up themselves to the mercy of the English. Philips escape thus from Po­cass [...]t could not long be concealed after the day appeared, there being much champaign Lard through which he was to p [...]ss, so as being disco­vered to some of R [...]hoboth, the Inhabitants presently followed him, toge­ther with a Party of the Mohegins ( [...]hat a little before come to Boston, off ring their Service against Philip, and were sent up into those parts to be [...]dered by Capt. Henchman but be o [...]e they came to him were ea­sily perswaded to go along with any of the English that were [...]g [...]ged in the pursuit of Philip) News also thereof was carryed to Capt. Hench­man, who as soon as he could get over with six files of men (rowing hard all or most part of the day to get to Providence) followed after the enemy. [Page 28] The Mohegins with the men of Rehoboth, and some of Providence came upon their Reer over nigh [...], H [...]w about thirty of them, took much plun­d [...]r from them, without any co [...]side [...]able [...] to the English. Capt. Henchman came not up to them (pursuing them only by the Track) till the Skirmish was over, and having marched twenty two miles that day was not well able to go any further that night; on the other hand, the Fo [...]ces that came from Rehoboth and that belonged to Plimouth, having left their horses three miles off could not goe back to fetch them with­out [...] of time, and therefore looking at it altogether bootless to go after them in the morning, returned back the next day, leaving Capt Henchman with his six Files, and the Mohegins to pursue the Chase to Nips [...]tchet, which he d [...]d the next morning. Capt. Henchman, that he might the better engage the Mohegins to march with him thirty miles gave them half his p [...]ovision, and was himse [...]f recruited again by the care of Capt. Edmunds of Providence, & Leiutenant Brown, who brought provision after him to the Nipmuck Forts. Mr. Newman the Mini [...]ter of Rehoboth deserved not a little Commendation for exciting his neigh­bours and friends to pursue thus far after Philip▪ animating of them by his own example and presence: But w [...]at the reason was why Philip was followed no further, it is better to suspend, then too critically to en­quire. This is now the third time when a good opportunity of sup­p [...]essing the Rebelion of the Indians, was put into the hands of the En­glish; but time and chance hapneth to all men, so that the most likely meanes are often frustrated of their desired end. All humane endeavours shall arive at no other success, then the Counsel of God hath preordain­ed, that no flesh might glory in their own Wisdome, but give unto God the praise of all their Successes, and quietly bear whatever Miscariages he hath ordered to befall them. It appears by the issue of these things, that although this wound was not incurable, yet much more bloud must be taken away before it could be healed. But by this means Philip escaped away to the Westward, kindling the flame of Warre in all the Western plantations of the Massachusets Colony wherever he came, so that by this fatal accident, the fire that was in a likely way to be extinguished, as soon almost as it began, did on the sudden break out through the whole Jurisdiction of the Massachusets, both Eastward and Westward, endan­gering also the neighbour Colony of Connecticut. Which hath also suf­fered somewhat by the [...]ury of this Flame, though not considerable to what the other Colonyes have undergone.

While things after this manner proceeded in and about the Colony of Plimouth, the Commissioners of the rest of the Colonyes were con­sulting [Page 29] and advising what was to be done for preventing the mischief threatned from spreading any further, fearing (as indeed there was too much cause) that although Philip only appeared to make the first attempt yet more either already were, or soon might be be perswaded to joyn with him in acting this b [...]oudy Tragedy.

It hath been already declared what hath been done for the securing of the Narhagansets; those that were sent as Messengers on that errand, alwayes reported that the elder people were in appearance, not only in­clinable to peace, but seemed very desirous thereof, insomuch as their two eldest Sachems expressed much joy when it was concluded; but as since hath appeared, all this was but to gain time, and cover their treache­rous intents and purposes, that they might in the next Spring fall upon the English plantations all at once, as some prisoners lately brought in have owned and confessed; not have any of those Indians with whom the present War hath been, ever regarded any agreements of peace made with the English, further then out of necessity and [...]lavish fear they were compelled thereunto, as may be seen by the Records of the united Colo­nyes from the year 1643 to the present time, notwithstanding all their fair pretences; for Ninigret, the old Sachem of the Narhagansets, who alone of all the rest of that Country Sachems disowned the present war, and refused to have any hand therein, yet was it proved to his face be­be [...]ore the Commissioners, in the years 1646 and 1647, that he had threatned they would carry on the war against the Mohegins, whatever were the mind of the Commissioners, and that they would kill the En­glish Cattle, and heap them up as high as their Wigwams, and that an English man should not stir out of his doors to piss, but they would kill him; all which he could not deny; yet did this old Fox make many pro­mises of peace; when the dread of the English ever since the Pequod-war moved him thereunto; foreseeing as he is said to have told his neigh­bours, that they would all be ruined if they made War with the English, as is since come to pass. However the good hand of God was seen in so ordering things, that the Narhagansets were for the present restrain­ed from breaking out into open Ho [...]tili [...]y against the English, at that time when Philip began▪ which if they had then done, according to the eye of reason, it would have been very difficult, i [...] possible for the English to have saved any of their inland plantations from being utterly destroyed. Thus hath God in his Wisdome suffered so much of the rage of the Hea­then to be let loose against his people here, as to become a Scourge unto them, that by the wrath of men, praise might be yeilded to his holy Name, y [...]t hath he in his abundant goodness restrained the remainder that it should not consume.

[Page 30] The next thing in order to be related, is the calamity that befel the Village of Brookfi [...]ld, which notwithstanding all the care that was taken, fell into the hands of the perfideous Nipuet Indians, as shall here in the nex [...] place be declared; only as we pass along to remind the Rea­der in a few words, what wa [...] the issue of Capt. Henchmans pursu [...]t of Philip: the Plimouth Forces being returned home, as was said before, Cap. Henchman with his six Files of men, and the Mohegin Indians, ha­ving continued in the pursuit of Philip till they had spent all their provi­sion, and i [...]ed themselves, yet never coming within sight of Philip; the Mohegin Indians in their Company directed them to Mendham, and then leaving them, returned also to their own Country. Capt. Henchman in his march toward Mendham, or at Mendham, met with Capt. M [...]sely coming up to bring him Provision, and advertizing him of what succ [...]ss he had met withal in the pursuit; they attend their cou [...]se, for Cap [...]a [...]n Henchman was sent down to the Governour and Council, to know what they should do: they presen [...]ly reminded him to Pocasset, and ordered him to stay there if there were need, or else to draw off▪ surrendring the Fort he had been building to Plimouth Forces, which last was chosen by those of Plimouth, whereupon Capt. Henchman returning to Boston, was ordered to disband his men. Capt. M [...]sely was ordered to march to Q [...]abaog or Brookfield, where he continued a while, the other Captains sent up for the relief of the people the [...]e, and to s [...]ek after the Enemy in those Woods, and after sometime spent in rang [...]g the Country the e­abou [...]s, and not meeting with any of the Infidels, he with his Company came downwards, searching the Woods betwix [...] Lancaster (where a Man and his W [...]fe with two Children were slain on the Lords-day. Aug. 22.) and Malberough, where also a Lad keeping Sheep, was shot at by an In­dian that wore a sign, as if he had been a Friend: the Indian was sup [...]o­sed to belong to the Hassanemesit Indians, at that time confined to M [...]l­beroug [...], where they had liberty to dwell there in a kind of a Fort: The next day the Inhabitan [...]s sent to demand their Guns, Capt. Mosely ac­quainted therewith, marched to the Fort and found much suspition a­gainst eleven of them, for singing and dancing, and having Ballets a [...]d Slugs, and much Po [...]der hid in thei Baskets; insomuch that eleven of them were sent down Prisoners to B [...]ston upon suspition, that they had an hand in killing the fou [...] at Lancaster, and shooting at the M [...]lb [...]rough Shepherd: But upon T [...]yal, the said Prisoners were all of them qui [...]ed from the Fast and were ei [...]ther released, or else were with others of that so [...], sent for better securi [...]y▪ and for preventing future trouble in the like kind to some of the Islands below Boston toward Nantasket.

[Page 31] About this time Capt. Mosely was sent with a Company of Souldiers to some Indian Plantations up M [...]rri [...]ack River, as high as Penny- [...]ook; but they found no Indians there; thos [...] that belonged to the pl [...]ce ha­ving withdrawn themselves from that N [...]ive place, that they might, no [...] meddle in the presence quarrel, as is confidently believed that Woonalans [...] the Sachim of that Country had so resolved. That Coast being clear of the Enemies, Capt. Mosely soon after was sent up with his Men to the Towns Westward about Ha [...]ly, if it might be, to subdue the Enemy, who a little before▪ and at that time, was doing all the mischief he could in those We [...]tern P [...]antations, both by Fire and Sword.

But to return and pursue the Rebellious Indians, and keep pace with them in our History, though our Forces as yet could never overtake them in the Woods. The Governour and Council of the Mass [...]chusets were sensible of as much danger from the Nipnet Indians, as from the former: they being the Inland part of the Country betwixt the Sea­coast and Connecticut River Westward, and the Towns about the Mas­sachusets Bay Eastward, whereupon some persons that used to Trade with the said Nipnets, were sent to found them, and find how they stood affected, for which also there was the more reason, because they were alwayes in subject on to the Sachim of Mount-Hop; and so w [...]e the mo [...]e like to engage in the present quarrel; of which there had been sufficient proof already: when on the 14. of Iuly, some of the Nipnet Indians next bordering on Philips Country, set upon some of Mendham (a Town scituate Northward from Mount-Hope, within 36. Miles from Boston,) where they killed four or five persons which was the first mis­chief done upon any of the Inhabitants within the Jurisdiction of the Mas­sachusets, acted as was said by one Matoonas who was Father to him that had committed a murder soon after Philips first Rebellion, An. 1671. The Messenger that was sent thither, brought word back that they [...]ound the said Indians wavering; the young men very furly and insolent, the elder ones, shewing some inclination to maintain the wonted peace: Soon af­ter, Iuly 28. 1675. Capt. Wheeler was sent to assist (Capt. Hutchinson with a party of twenty Horse to Treat further about the Peace, who go­ing first to Quabaog or Brookfield a Town scituate about si [...]ty or sev [...]nty miles from Boston, in the Road of Connecticot. lying about twenty five miles from the said River, and not far distant from the chief feat of the Nipnet Indians. The Inhabitants of the said Brookfield had been so de­luded by those Treacherous Villains that they fearing no danger, first ob [...]ained of those Nipnets, the promise of a Treaty upon the second of August, whereupon some of the chief of the Town riding along unarmed [Page 32] with the said Wheeler and Hutchinson, with their party of Horse until they came to the place appointed, but finding no Indians, [...]o secure were they, that they ventured along further, to find the T [...]cels at their chief Town, never suspecting the least danger, but when they had rode four or five miles that way, they fell into an Ambush, of two or three hun­dred Indians, laid in such a narrow passage, betwixt a steep full on the one hand, and an hideous Swamp on the other, that it was [...]carce possi­ble for any of them to escape, eight of them being shot down upon the place (whereof three were of Brookefield) and three mortally wounded whereof Capt. Hutchinson was one, Cap. Wheeler also was near loosing his life, whose horse was shot down under him, and himself shot through the body, so that all manner of hopes to escape had been removed from him, had it not been for his Son, who was (by Gods good providence) near or next unto him, being a man of undaunted courage (notwith­standing his own Arm was broken with a Bullet) yet with great nimble­nes [...] and agility of body, d [...]smounting himself, speedily mounted his Fa­ther upon his own Horse, himself getting upon an other, whose Master was killed, by which means they both escaped, and were afterwards cured. Much ado had those that were left alive to recover B [...]ookefield, which in all prob [...]b [...]lity they had never done (the common Road being way laid with Indians on every side as was afterwards known)▪ had it not been for one well acquainted with those Woods, who led them in a by path, by w [...]ch means they got thither, a little before the Indians, who quickly came [...]o [...]king into the Town, with full intent to destroy it with fire and Sword. But by special providence the Inhabitants were all gathered to the principal house of the Village (there being scarce twenty in the Town) before the barbarous Mis [...]rean [...]s came upon them, immediately setting fire upon all the dwelling houses, with most of the other Buildings in the Town save that one into which the Inhabi­tants were retired, the which they several times attemp [...]ed to burn, but were almost miraculously defeated of their purpose by the immediate hand of God. In the Mount of the Lord it shall be seen. For when they had for two dayes assaulted that poor handfull of helpless people, both night and day pouring in shot upon them incessantly with gunns, and also thrusting poles with Fire-brands, and rags dipt in brimstone ty­ed to the ends of them to fire the house.

At last they used this devilish Scratagem, to fill a Cart with hemp, [...] and other combustible matter, and so thrusting it backward with poles spliced together a great length, after they had kindled it; But as soon as it had begun to take fire, a Storm of rain unexpectedly falling, put [Page 33] out the Fire, or else all the poor people, about seventy souls, would either have been co [...]sumed by merciless flames, or else have fallen into the hands of their cruel enemyes, like Wolves continually yelling and gaping for their prey.

Thus was that distressed Company strangely delivered, who have for ever cause to say with the Psalmist, Blessed b [...]the Lord, who hath not gi­ven us a prey to their teeth, our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the Fowlers, the snare is broken and we are escaped. For the next night Ma­jor Willard, by accident hearing of the danger the People were in, as [...], came with forty eight Dragoons to their relief. The occasion which b [...]ought Major Willard and Capt. Parker of Greton with forty six more, so timely to their relief was this Major Willard in pursuance of his Commission from the Governour and Council, was upon Wednesday August the 4th in the morning, marching out after some Indians to the Westward, to secure them: just as they were set­ting forth, some of Malberough, who had intelligence by those that were going to Connecticot, and forced to return, what distress Brookfield was in, and knowing of Major Willards purpose to go out that morning from Lancaster, sent a Post to acquaint him therewith, which though it did not find him in the Town, yet overtook him before he had gone a­bove four or five miles from the place: whereupon, conceiving it more needful to succour Brookfield in so eminent danger, then to proceed fur­ther upon his intended design: he altered his course and marched di­rectly thither, being about thirty miles distant when the tidings were b [...]ought him; so he arrived there that night very seasonably, about an hour af [...]er it was dark, or else in probability they had all perished before the relief sent up from Boston could have reached them, which was not till three dayes after. The providence of God l [...]kewise in bringing in the said Major so safely, as well as seasonably to their relief, was very remarkable. For the Indians had subtilly contrived to cut off all re­li [...]f sent, before it could come at them, by laying Ambushes, and placing their Scou [...]s, at two or three miles distance round the Town: About an hundred of them were lodged at an house not far off in the way toward Boston, to cut off any Succour that might come from thence: but it is supposed they were so intense upon the project they were about for firing the House, concluding it would without fail take place, that either they d [...]d not minde their business of Watching, or making such a noise for joy thereof, that they did not bear their Sentinels when they shot off their Guns, at two miles distance. It is said that another party of the Indians, let the Major and his Company purposely pass by them, with­out [Page 34] any opposition, waiting for the blow to be given at their first ap­proach near the house, then to have themselves fallen upon their Rear, and so to have cut them all off, before the besieged understood any thing thereof. But it pleased God so to order things in providence, that no notice was taken of them by the Besiegers, nor were they at all discerned by them till they had made themselves known to their Friends; and were admitted within the Court of Guard; which when the Enemy had no­tice of, they poured in their shot abundantly upon them, but they were now sheltered from the danger thereof: only it seems their Hor­ses were exposed to their fury, so as many of them were ma [...]med and killed, as were most of the Cattle belonging to the Inhabitants of the place soon after. This Honoured Person Major Willard continued at Brookfield after this famous exploit for the preservation of the poor be­sieged at Brookfield, divers weeks to order such Companies as were sent up that way for the securing of the Plantations on that side of the Country; and not long after he went himself also to Hadly upon the like service of the Country in the present War: But after some time spent in those parts, he returned back to his own place, to order the af­fairs of his own Regiment, much needing his presence, and leaving the Forces about Ha [...]ly under the command of the Major of that Regi­ment.

But to return to what was in hand before, after the Indians under­stood that succours were come in to the beseiged, they fired all that they had left standing for their own shelter while they had beseiged the place before mentioned, ran all away into their own dens, in the neigh­bouring woods: however it was confessed by one of themselves, that the enemy had eighty of their men k [...]lled and wounded in this business. But ere we pass any further in pursuit of the History of these matters, it will not be amiss to let the Reader understand the horrible perfidi­ous and treacherous dealing of these Nipnet Indians, who of all other had the least reason as to any pretence of injury, yet did most deceit­fully and barbarously joyn with Philip and his Indians, after they had been several times sent unto by the Governour and Council of the Massachusets, by the advice of Plimouth, to have prevented their R [...]sing, as well as the rising of the Narhagansets, and also had faithfully promi­sed not to meddle in the quarrel, as may more fully appear by the Engagement under the hands of their Sachems, some time before Capt. Hutchinson and Capt. Wh [...]ler were sent up to them, which by reason of the hast and unskilfullness of the Messengers on that behalf sent, is not so fit for publick view: but the account of it from their [...]e [...]urn, [Page 35] under their hand and oath, Iuly 24. 75. when Leiut. Ephraim Curtice spake with five of the Nipnet Sachems, four too many to govern so small a people, but lying upon the head of the principal Indian Territoryes, they were divided into so many small partyes, two of whom, viz. Sam Sachem of wesh [...]cum, and Netaump were executed together afterward at Boston. All of them did at that time solemnly renew their Covenant and promise under their hands to come to Boston to speak further with the Governour, instead of which what they perfidiously did against Capt Hutchinson and others, hath already been declared.

Upon the report of this sad Disaster that befel the Inhabitants of Brookefield, Forces were sent up under the Command of Capt. Lothrop and others, to pursue after those Indians, harbouring about those pla­ces, and if it might be, to prevent them from joyning with the Indians upon Connecticut River, who as yet had not discovered themselves as willing to espouse Philips interest, but rather made some semblance to the contrary. There was much time spent by Major Willard, and se­veral Companyes of Souldiers left under his command, about the Nip­net Country, but all to no purpose; for partly by the treachery of some of the Indians that came to their assistance, that seemed to favour the English, but rather acted in behalf of the enemy, partly by the subtle­tyes of the enemyes themselves, who could easily by their scouts disc [...]rn the approach of our souldiers, and by the nimbleness of their feet escape them: our Souldiers could never meet with any of them, but only by that means driving them further Westward, they gathered all the Indi­ans they could to their party about Pecomptuck. aliàs Dearfield, Swams­cot, and Squakeag, where were some plantations of the English newly began, whom they assaulted in the next place, and did what mischief they could upon them.

It is here to be noted that although that worthy patriot and experi­enced Souldier Major Willard hearing of the distress of Brookefield by some that were travelling to Connecticut was the first that relieved the distressed people of Quabaog or Brookefield, yet Major Pinehon of Springfield also by accident hearing of their Calamity, had not only sent word thereof to Hartford (from whom he received a supply of five and twenty or thirty souldiers under Capt. Wats) but did also send a Band of men under Lieut. Cooper (who was afterwards villanously slain by Springfield Indians) who with those sent from Hartford, and some Indi­ans belonging to Springfield (seemingly forward to help the English) made up four score or thereabouts; these marched down to Brook [...]fi [...]ld the same day that Capt Lothrop and Capt. Beens came up from the [Page 36] Massachusets, who having spent some time in searching the woods a­bout Springfield, and finding none of the Indians, did the next day march up to a place called Memini [...]isset by the Indians, where Capt. Hutchin­son and Capt. Wheeler were assaulted, and finding no sign of any Indians amongst those woods and Swamps; the Company that came from Springfield, left the other Souldiers (who returned to their Quarters at Brookfield) and went up themselves further northward, at least twenty miles from the said Brookfield, and finding no track of Indians in all those woods, they returned back to Springfield, leaving enough to de­fend the people of Brookefield, and the garison there.

By this it appears, that the Indians by this occasion were driven more westward into the woods between Hadly and Squakheag. where they soon effected their design, viz. to leaven the Indians on that side the Country with the same prejudice and malice against the English, with which they themselves were (though without cause) in bittered; for in a few dayes the device took place amongst Hadly and Dearfield In­dians, and was presently put in execution by the said Indians, with­drawing from the English and assisting Philip and the Nipnets to spoile and destroy all the towns westward, as soon after came to pass: yet at the first some of the Hadly Indians pretended real friend­ship to the English, and offered themselves to fight against Philip, but the Mohegin Indians that came afterward from Harford began to suspect the Treachery of the other, and told the English plainly, that no good would be done, while any of that Company went along with them in pursuit of the Enemy, for as was said, they would alwayes give some shout when they came near the Enemy, as if they should thereby wish them to look to themselves; insomuch that the said Hadly Indians fell into great suspicion with the English, and for a proof of their Fidelity, they were required to bring in their Arms to the English, but upon that motion they delayed a little, but that very night they fl [...]d away from their Dwellings, which was in a Wooden Fortification, within a mile of Hatfield, whereby they plainly discovered that they had secretly plotted to joyn with Philips Party, as far as they had an opportunity to do them any eminent service: some think the English failed in point of prudence not managing that business so warily as they might, which if they had done, their de [...]ection had been prevented, but it is most probable that Philip had hired them to own his quarrel, by sending them gifts in the Spring, and that the body of the said Indians were most readily inclined thereunto: But the Sachims and the elder ones of them, seemed loth [...]t first to engage against the English. In conclusion, when they had so [Page 37] falsly left their Dwellings, and were running after Philip and the Nip­net Indians (at that time harboured in those Woods) the English were so provoked, that were under Capt. Lothrop and Capt. Beers, that they pursued after them very early the next morning, and overtook them a­bout ten miles above Hatfield, at a place called Sugar [...] loaf Hill, and had a small skirmish with them, wherein there were nine or ten of the English slain, and about twenty six Indians: yet the rest escaped; and so joyned with Philip and his Company, presently after which accident, they were so emboldned, that upon the first of September, about seven dayes after they set upon Dearfield, killed one Man, and laid most of the Houses in ashes. About two or three dayes after they fell upon Squakeag, ano­ther new Plantation, fifteen miles higher up the River, above Dearfield, where they killed nine or ten of the People, the rest hardly escaped into the Garison house.

The next day, this disaster not being known, Captain Beers, for fear of the worst, with thirty six men, was sent up to the said Squakeag, with supplies both of men and provision to secure the small Garison there, but before they came very near to the Town, they were set upon by many hundreds of the Indians out of the Bushes by a Swamp side, of whom Capt. Beers (who was known to fight valiantly to the very last) with about twenty of his men, were by this sudden surprisal there slain, the rest flying back to Hadly. Here the Barbarous Villains shewed their insolent rage and cruelty, more then ever before, cutting off the heads of some of the slain, and fixing them upon Poles near the High­way, and not only so, but one (if not more) was found with a Chain hooked into his under jaw, and so hung up on the Bow of a Tree, (tis feared he was hung up alive) by which means they thought to daunt and discourage any that might come to their relief, and also to terrifie those that should be Spectators with the beholding so sad an object: in­somuch that Major Treat with his Company, going up two days after, to fetch off the residue of the Garison, were solemnly affected with that doleful fight, which made them make the more hast to bring down the Garison, not waiting for any opportunity to take revenge upon the Ene­my, having but an hundred with him, two few for such a purpose. Cap­tain Appleton going up after him, met him coming down, and would willingly have perswaded them, to have turned back, to see if they could have made any spoil upon the Enemy, but the greatest part advised to the contrary, so that they were all forced to return, with what they could carry away, leaving the rest for a booty to the Enemy, who shall ere long pay a sad reckoning for their Robberies and Cruelties, in the [Page 38] time appointed: but the sufferings of the English were not as yet come to their height, for after they were come to Hadly, the Commander in chief taking Counsel with the Officers of the Souldiers, ordered them that were then present to Garison the Towns about; some to be at North-Hampton, Hat field, Dearfield, and some to remain at Hadly where were the Head-quarters of the English. But perceiving that little good was to be done upon the Enemy in those parts, it was agreed that what Corn was left at Dearfield, being threshed out as well as they could in those tumults (about three thousand Bushels was supposed to be there standing in stacks) should be brought to Hadly, and wait further time to fight the Enemy. It came to C. Lothrops turn, or rather it was his choice with about eighty men to guard several Carts laden with Corn, & other Goods, the Company under Capt. Mosely then quartering at Dearfield intended that day to pursue after the Enemy. But upon September 18. that most fatal day, the saddest that ever befel New-England, as the Compa­ny were marching along with the Carts (it may be too securely) never apprehending danger so near, were suddenly set upon, and almost all cut off (not above seven or eight escaping) which great defeat came to pass by the unadvised proceeding of the Captain (who was himself slain in the first assault) although he wanted neither courage nor skill, to lead his Souldiers; but having taken up a wrong notion about the best way and manner of fighting with the Indians (which he was always wont to argue for) viz. that it were best to deal with the Indians in their own way, sc. by skulking behind Trees. and taking their aim at single persons, which is the usual manner of the Indians fighting one with another, but herein was his great mistake, in not considering the great disadvantage a smaller Company would have in dealing that way with a greater multitude: for if five have to deal with one, they may surround him, and every one take his aim at him, while he can level but at one of his Enemies at a time: which gross mistake of his, was the ruine of a choice company of young men, the very flower of the Coun­ty of Essex, all culled out of the Towns belonging to that County, none of which were ashamed to speak with the Enemy in the gate: their dear Relations at home mourning for them, like Rachil for her children, and would not be comforted, not only because they were not, but because they were so miserably lost. (The like mistake was conceived to be the reason of the loss of the former persons, slain with the said Lothrop, pursuing the Indians that ran away from Hadly, and of the twenty sl [...]in with Capt. Beers men, who betook themselves at first to their Trees and at the last a few got to their Horses soon after their Captain was [Page 39] shot down.) For had he ordered his men to March in a Body, as some of his fellow-Commanders advised, either backward, or forward, in reason, they had not lost a quarter of the number of them that fell that day by the edge of the Sword. For the Indians, notwithstanding their sublety and cruelty, durst not look an Englishman in the fa [...]e, in the o­pen field, nor ever yet were known to kill any man with their Guns, un­less when they could ly in wait for h [...]m, in an ambush, or behind some shelter, taking aim undiscovered; so that although it was judged by those that escaped, that there was seven or eight hundred Indians at least that encountred that Company of eighty of English, yet if they had k [...]pt together in a Body, and fought Marching, they might have escaped the numbers of the Enemy, with little loss in comparison of what they sustained. For the valiant and successful Capt. Mosely, and his Lieu­tenant, coming▪ though too late) to their rescue, marched through and through that great body of Indians, and yet came off with little or no loss in comparison of the other. And having fought all those Indi­ans for five or six hours upon a march, lost not above two men all that while, nor received other damage besides eight or nine that were woun­ded, which yet were carried to their quarters at night at Hatfield where­as if these had proceeded in the same way of fighting as Capt. Lothrop did in the morning, they might have been surrounded, and so have been served as the former were: but God had other wise determined in his s [...]c [...]et counsel, and therefore that was hid from the one which was a m [...]ans to preserve the other Company.

O [...]her releif also was seasonably sent in, viz. a Company of English, and Mohegin or Peq [...]od Indians under the Command of Major Treat, who was in the morning marching another way, viz. up toward Squakh [...]ag to seek after the enemy that way, with about an hundred souldiers, Indians and English, upon whose approach the enemy, pretty well a [...]quainted by this last encounter with the valour of the English, immediately went clear away, giving Major Treat and Capt. Mosely, who returned to Dearfield that night, an opportunity to bury the slain the next day. As Capt. Mosely came upon the Indians in the morning he found them stripping of the [...]lain, amongst whom was one Robert Dutch of Ipswich, [...]aving been sorely wounded by a bullet that rased to his skull, and then maul [...]d by the Indian hatchets, left for dead by the Salvages, and stript by them of all but his skin, yet when Capt, Mose­ly came near, he almost miraculously as one raised from the dead came towards the Engl [...]sh, to their no small amazement, by whom being received and cloathed, he was carryed off to the next garison, and is [Page 40] li [...]ing & in perfect health at this day▪ May he be to the friends & relations of the rest of the slain, an emblem of their more perfect resurrection at the last day to receive their crowns among the rest of the Martyres that have laid down or ventured their lives as a testimony to the truth of their Religion, as well as love to their Country.

This fore defeat of Capt. Lethrop and his men, was the more to be lamented, in that (falling out so soon after two ot [...]er of the like nature) it so emboldned the enemy, that they durst soon after adventure upon considerable towns, though well garisoned with souldiers, and gave them occasion of most insolent Braving the Garison at Dearfi [...]ld the next day, hanging up the garments of the English, in sight of the Soul­diers, yet on the other fide of the river. However it pleased God, who is alwayes wont to remember his people in their low estate, to put such a restraint upon them, that when they passed very near the Gari­son house at Dearfield (wherein were not left above twenty seven souldiers) their Captain using this strategem, to cause his trumpet to sound as if he had another troop near by to be called together, they turned another way and made no attempt upon the house where that small number was, which if they had done with any ordinary resoluti­on, so small an handfull of men cousd hardly have withstood the force of so many hundreds as were then gathered together.

What loss the Enemy sustained by the resistance of Capt. Lothrop & his men, (who no doubt being all resolute young men, and seeing they shou [...]d be forced by the hard law of the sword to for [...] goe their lives, held them at as high a rate as they could) is not certai [...]ly known. It hath since been confessed by some of the Indians themselves, that they lost ninety six of their m [...]n that day. Capt. Moselyes men coming sud­denly upon them when they were pillaging of the de [...]d, fell upon them with such a smart assault, that they drove them presently into a swamp following them so close, that for seven miles together they fought them upon a march, charging them through and through. Per [...]z Sa­vage and Leiut, Pickering his Leiutenants deserving no little part of the honour of that dayes Service, being sometimes called to lead the Com­pany in the front, while Capt Mosely took a little breath, who was al­most melted with labouring, commanding, and leading his men through the midest of the enemy.

The Indians gathered together in those parts, appearing so nume­rous, and, as might justly he supposed, growing more confident by some of their last successes, and the number of our men being after this sad rate diminished, Recruits also not being suddenly to be ex­pected, [Page 41] at so great a distance as an hundred miles from all supplyes, the Commander in chief with the Officers, saw a necessi [...]y of slighting that Garison at D [...]rfield, imploying the Forces they had to secure and strengthen the three next towns below upon Connecticut River. And it was well that counsel was thought upon; for now those wer [...]ched Caitiffs begin to talk or great matters, hoping that by degrees they might destroy all the towns thereabout, as they had already b [...]gun: Their hopes no doub [...], were not a little heightned by the accession of Springfield Indians to their party, who had in appearance all this time stood the [...]irmest to the interest of the English of all the rest in those parts: But they all hanging together, like Serpents eggs, were easily perswaded to joy [...] with those of Hadly (there being so near allyance between them, for the Sachem of Springfield Indians was the father of Hadly Sachem) not only by the success of their treacherous and bloud-thirsty comp [...]nions, but by the same inbred m [...]lice and antipathy against the [...]glish manners and Religion.

The [...] of Springfield were not unsensible of their danger, and therefore had upon the first breaking forth of these troubles been t [...]ea [...]ing [...] [...]heir Indians, and had received from them the firmest as­surance, and pl [...]dges of their faithfulness, and friendsh [...]p that could be immagined or desired, both by Covenant, promises and Hostages given for s [...]curity, so as no doubt was left in any of their minds: Yet did these faithless and ungratefull Monsters plot with Philips Indians to burn and d [...]troy all Springfield, as they had done Brookfield before: to that end they sent cunningly and enticed away the Hostages from Hartford whe [...]e they were, perhaps too securely watched over, a day or two before: Then receiving above three hundred of Philips Indian [...] into their Fort, priva [...]ely in the night time, so as they were neither dis­cerned nor suspected: Yea so confident were such of the inhabitants as were most conversant with the Indians at their Fort, that they would not believe there was any such plot in hand, when [...] was strangly re­vealed by one Toto an Indian at Windsor, better affected to the English, (about eighteen or twenty miles below Springfield, upon the same Ri­ver) and so by Post tidings thereof brought to Springfield the night be­fore, insomuch that the Lieutenant of the town, Cooper by name, was so far from believing the Stratagem, that in the morning himself with an­other would venture to ride up to the Fort, to see whether things were so or no. The Fort was about a mile from the town; when he came within a little thereof, he met these bloudy and deceitfull Monsters, newly issued out of their Equ [...] Trojanus to act their intended mischief, [Page 42] they presently fired upon him diverse of them, and shot him in several places through the body, yet being a man of stout courage, he kept his horse, till he recovered the next garison house, his companion they shot dead upon the place▪ by this meanes giving a sad alarm to the town of their intended mischief, which was instantly fired in all places where there were no Garisons. The poor people having never an Offi­cer to lead them, being like sheep ready for the slaughter, and no doubt the whole town had b [...]en tot [...]lly destroyed, but that a report of the Plot being caryed about over night, M [...]jor Treat came from Westfield time enough in a manner for their rescue, but wanting boates to trans­port h [...]s men, could not doe so much good as he desired. Major Pyn­chon com [...]g from Ha [...]ly with Capt. Appleton and what Forces they could bring along with them, thirty two houses being first consumed, preserved the rest of the town from being turned to ashes, in which the over credulous Inhabitants might now see (what b [...]fore they would not believe at the burning Major Pynchons Barns and Stables a few dayes before, to a very great damage of the Owner) the faithless and deceit­full friendship amongst those perfidious, cruel and hell [...] sh Monsters.

Amongst the ru [...]nes of the said [...]wellings, the saddest to behold was the house of Mr. Pelatiah Glover, Minister of the Town, furnish [...]d wi [...]h a brave Library, which he had but newly brought back from a Garison wherein it had been for some time before secured, but as if the da [...]ger had been over with them, the said Minister a great Student, and an helluo librorum, being imp [...]tient for want of his Books, brought t [...]em b [...]ck to his great sorrow, fit for a Bonfi [...]e fo [...] the p [...]oud insulting enemy. Of all the mischiefs done by the said enemy before that day, the burn­of this town of Springfield did m [...]re then any other▪ dis [...]over the said Actors to be the ch [...]ren of the Devill, [...]ull of all s [...]b lety and malice, there having been for about forty years so good correspondence be­twixt the English of that town and the neighbouring Indians; But in them is made good what is said in the Psalm, that though their words were smoother then oyle, yet were they drawn swords.

After some little time spent in garisoning the place, and helping the Inhabitants to secure what they had left, the English souldiers most of them returned back to Hadly their head-quarters, and Major Pynchon being so full of incumbrances, by reason of the late spoyls done to himself, and his neighbours at Springfield, could not any longer attend the Service of commanding in Chief as he had done before, wherefore being according to his earnest Request to the Council eased of that bur­ [...]en; Capt. Samuel Appleton was ordered to succeed in taking the charge [Page 43] of the Souldiers left in those upper towns, by whose Industry, skill and courag [...], those towns were preserved from runing the same fate with the rest, wholy or in part so [...] turned into ashes. For the enemy grow­ing very confident by the late successes, came with all their fury the nineteenth of October following upon Hatfield, hoping no less then to doe the like mischief to them, they had newly done to Springfield: But according to the good providence of Almighty God, Major Treat was newly returned to Northampton, Capt. M [...]sely and Capt. Poole were then garisoning the said Hatfield, and Capt. Appleton for the like end quar­tering at Hadly, when on the sudden seven or eight hundred of the ene­my came upon the town in all quarters, having first killed or taken two or three of the Scouts belonging to the town, and seven more be­longing to Capt. Mosely his Company: But they were so well enter­tained on all hands where they attempted to break in upon the town, that they found it too hot for them. Major Ap [...]le [...]on with great cou­rage defend [...]g one end of the town, and Capt. Mos [...]ly as stoutly main­taining the middle, and Capt. Po [...]le the other end, that they were by the [...] of the English instantly beaten off, without doing much h [...]rm. Capt. Apple [...]ons Sergeant was mortally wounded just by h [...]s side another [...] passing through his own hair, by that whisper telling him that death was very near, but did him no other harm. Night com­ing on, it could not be discerned what loss the enemy sustained, diverse were seen to fall, some run through a small river, others cast their guns into the water (it being their manner to venture as much to re­cover the dead bodyes of their friends, as to defend them when alive)

At last after the burning of some few barns, with some other buil­dings, the enemy hasted away as fast as they came on, leaving the En­glish to bless God who had so mercifully delivered them from the fury of their merciless foes, who had in conceit without doubt, devoured them all: But this resolute and valiant repulse, put such a check upon the pride of the enemy, that they made no further attempt upon any of those towns for the present, but winter drawing on, they retired all of them to their general rendezvouze at Narhaganset, where we shall leave them for the present plotting their general design of accom­plishing their intended mischief against the English the next Spring.

Our Western Plantations upon Connectieut River, were the stage whereon were acted the most remarkable passages of this barbarous War hitherto, which was soon after removed into many o­ther places of the Country in the Winter and Spring following, whither our discourse must in the next place pursue it: There was not any [Page 44] great matter acted by the Enemy amongst the Plantations upon the great River during the Winter, after the assault made upon Hatfield October 19. It is evident that the body of them returned to Narrha­ganset upon the approach of the Winter, which set in more early then it used in other years: where Philip did bestow himself in the winter sea­son is not so certain; some say that he repaired further westward, to try his fortune with those Indians that ly towards Albany, near the Dutch River: others more probably conceive that he lay hid in some part of the Narrhtganses Country; for though he was not certainly known to be about the Fort at Narrhaganset, when it was taken by our Forces in the winter, yet as soon as ever they were driven out of the Country in February, he was found amongst them that did the mischief at Lancaster in that month.

Some stragling parties of them remained about North-Hampton, Westfield & Springfield some time after their defeat at Hatfield; seven or eight of the Inhabitants of North-Hampton in the end of October, venturing to fetch in some of their Harvest, that was left somewhere out of the Town, were in danger of being surprised, having laid their Arms under their Cart, so as being destitute of means to make their defence, they were glad to fly away with the Horses out of their Cart, leaving what they were about to the pleasure of the Indians that assault­ed. Major Treat upon the hearing the Alarm, presently repaired thi­ther, but could not come time enough to destroy any of the Enemy, not yet to prevent the [...]r burning of four or five Houses, with two or three Barns that stood somewhat out of the Town. Within a little time af­ter they kill'd three of the same Town, as they were at work in a Mea­dow not far from the Town: they intended also to have burned the Mill, but it was too well guarded by two files of Muskeriers lodged there for the purpose, who put them beside their intent, Six or seven of Spring field soon after going to the Mill at Westfield (that which be­longed to their own Town being burned October 5th.) and venturing without Arms, three of them were killed by some of the Enemy, who took the advantage also to burn four or five Houses that belonged to the said Westfield: but by the end of November the coast was pri [...]ty clear of them, u [...]less some few of them that lay lurking in the Swamps therea­bouts all the winter, doing some small mischief upon some ou [...]-dwel­lings of Springfield.

The expedition into the Narrhagauset Country f [...]llows in order in the next place to be related; but before we come thither, a li [...]tle no [...]ce [...] be taken by the way, of an unsuccessful attempt upon the Indi [...]s [Page 45] about Hassan [...]m [...]it & Poppachuog, whi [...]her Capt. Henchman was sent in the beginni [...]g o [...] November: where also C [...]ptain Sill was ordered to meet him with another C [...]mpany from Cambridge, with intent to have beat up the Indians quarters in those parts: they being known to have had an hand in the ou [...]r [...]ges committed upon those that belonged to Malb [...]rough and Menaha [...]; cutting off the scalp of a millers Boy, who is yet alive.

November 1. 1675. Capt. H [...]nchman marched out of Boston intending to visit the Indians about Hassenem [...]sit: the third day they saw some fires of the Indians, yet could not meet with them that made them: the 4th day they marc [...]ed to some part of the Indian Plantations called Hassene­mesit: the Captain would have taken up his quarters a mile on this side, bu [...] some of his Offic [...]rs over-ruled him, to whose importunity he gave way, and marched a mile further towards the Enemy, and by that means saved the Miliers youth, taken the week before from Malberough; for in the morning very early, as the Scouts were looking out, they spyed a Wigwam, where ome Indians that had carried away the youth, had lod­ged a [...]l night in s [...]me Wigwam near by, when the Indians saw our Soul­die [...]s, they hasted away, and left the Malberough youth behind them▪ who by [...]hat means escaped their hands. Our men under Capt. Henchman marched on to Poppachuog, and finding the Indians all fled, (although they perceived by a Messenger accidentally sent back, that the Indians f [...]llowed them all that way they marched) they came back to Mendham to settle things in that Town: some of the Inhabitants informed them of some Indian W [...]gwams about ten miles off: the Captain with Philip Curtice his Lieutenant, resolved to give them a camisado in their Wig­wams that night: to that end, they mounted two and twenty upon Horses, riding up ten miles into the Woods, and when they came near the Wigwams, they dismounted, and intended presently to march up, and give an assault upon them, after they had first made a shout to fright the Enemy: they ordered one half to follow the Lieutenant, the other to follow the Captain, when they came within a quarter of a mile of the place, their Dogs began to bark, at which they [...]op [...]d, and by and by marching again, intended presently to fire in upon them, but the Cap­tains foot [...]lipping, he could hardly recover himself, when suddenly looking behind him, he saw no man following of him: the Lieutenant had five behind him, who with those five resolutely fired on that side he was appointed to make the ass [...]ule upon; but they were repulsed by the Indians, who firing out of their dens, shot down the Lieutenant and another, the rest presently ran away to a fence: the Captain with all [Page 46] vehemency urged them to stay, they replied, they [...] back but only to charge, yet went clear away, by which means, togeth [...] with the co­wardize of the former, so sad a loss befell the Company, whic [...] [...]ould not easily be repaired: however the Enemy presently deserted the Wigwan and gave our men the next day an opportunity to fetch off their two dead men, and bury them, and so with grief and shame were constrained to return to their quarters at Mendham, to whose Inhabitants they gave notice of 200 bushels of Corn belonging to the Indians, that might have been preserved, which for want of hands was lost by the fire, that the Enemy might not be benefited thereby. It appears by the fore­going passage, that the time of our deliverance was not yet come, and that God had further tryals to acquaint us with before he would turn his hand upon our Enemies. But it pleased the Lord in mercy so to order things, that they themselves fell into that pit they were digging for others, as shall appear more fully in what follows.

The English Plantations about Hadly being for the present set a little at l [...]erty by the Indians drawing off, like Seamen after a Storm, counted it the [...] best course to repair their tackling against another that may be next coming, wherefore the Inhabitants concluded it the safer way to make a kind of Barricado about their Towns, by setting up Pallizadoes or cleft wood about eight foot long, as it were to break the force of any [...]udden assault which the Indians might make upon them; which counsel proved very successful; for although it be an inconsiderable defence a­gainst a Warlike Enemy, that hath strength enough, and confidence to Lesiege a place, yet it is sufficient to prevent any sudden assault of such a timerous and barbarous Enemy as these were, for although they did afterwards in the Spring break through those Pallizadoes at North­Hampton, yet as soon as ever they began to be repulsed, they saw them­selves like Wolves in a Pound, that they could not fly away at their plea­sure, so as they never adventured to break through afterward upon any of the Towns so secured.

As for those of Springfield, they were now and then Alarmed with a few skulking Indians lurking about in the adjacent Woods; as once at th [...] Long [...]eadow, where half a score of them were seen about an house r [...]mote from the Town, who were pursued by a party of the English to­ward Windsor, and so escaped, after the English had made one shot upon [...]hem, not knowing certainly how many they killed. So at another time, a few of those barbarous wretches kill'd a poor man belonging to Sp [...]ing field, as he was going to his house to look after his Corn on the ot [...]er side of the River, and after th [...] had killed the man, they burnt [Page 47] down his house; yet attempted no further mischief upon that part of the Town that had escaped the fury of the Flames, October 5. By which it is evident, that all the number of Indians that had assaul [...]ed them befo [...]e, had not d [...]awn themselves for the present to t [...]eir winter [...], some to the Dutch River, but the greatest number of them to be su [...]e were found in the wi [...]ter at the Narrhaganse: Fort, where we sh [...]ll leave them for the present till the Forces of the U [...]ited Colon [...]es shall fire them out of their nests.

The Souldiers continuing some time at Hatfield after this victory, as we may well call it (for it seems to have given the first check to the rage of the heathen within the Ju [...]isdiction of the united Colonyes, they have b [...]en observed ever since to have been on the losing hand, seldome or never daring to meet our Souldiers in the open Field, unless when they have very great advantage as to their numbers, or covert of the woods and bushes: although like some ranging Beasts they have done much mischief several times si [...]ce, when they were ready to expire or when the pangs of death were coming upon them) our forces therefore be­ing all called home, save some left for garisoning the towns there­abouts.

The Commissioners of the united Colonyes taking into serious Con­fideration the present state of [...]hings, viz. that there were before this time so many hundreds g [...]thered together into one Body, and that there was great reason to fear, if they were let alone till the next spring they might all rise together as one man round about us, and that one Town after ano [...]her m [...]ght easily be destroyed, before any help could be dispatched to them. On the one hand the sharpness of the winter in these pa [...]ts was well weighed, so extream that it might hazard the loss of a thousand men in one night, if they were forced to lodge abroad in the open field; as also the d [...]fficulty, if not impossibility of sending any relief to them at any distance, the depth of snow usually making the wayes unpass [...]ble for diverse months together

On the other hand it was considered, that if the enemy were let alone till the next summer, it would be imp [...]ssible to deal with them, or find them any where, but they might [...] one company of Souldiers after another, as was seen by the experience of the former year. Conside­ring also that the Narhagansets, the most numerous of all the rest, and the best prov [...]ded of provision of all the other Indians, had now declared themselves our enemyes, who if they were let alone [...] the winter was over, we should be unable to deal with so many enemyes at once, that could on a su [...]den on any occasion [...] themselves like grashoppers all over the Country.

[Page 48] It was therefore finally agreed upon by the general consent of all, to to fall upon the winter quarters of our enemyes, by a more considerable Army (if I may so call it) gathered out of all the three Colonyes, and that with all expedition, at farthest not to exceed the tenth of December before they should have a thousand men in arms ready for the de­signe.

As for the late League made or rather renewed with the Narhagan­sets, it was sufficiently evident & known, that they had all along from the first day when it was confirmed broken every article of it, specially in not delivering up the enemyes which had sheltered themselves with them all this while, which though they did not positively deny, yet did no­thing but find excuses, to de [...]er it one week after another, till at the last they would be excused till the next Spring, upon pretence that they could not before that time get them together. Beside the favouring of those that fled to them, and supplying the whole Body of the enemy with victuals, upon all occasions. It was likewise strongly suspected that in all the late proceedings of the enemy, many of their young men were known to be actually in arms against us, many of whom were found ei [...]her wounded amongst them in their wigwams, or else were occasionally seen returning back, after exploits abroad, to be healed of their wounds at home. Also some of our mens guns that were lost at Dearfield were found in the Fort when it was fired. Therefore all scruples as to the justness and necessity of the war being removed, the only question was, whether it were feasible and expedient in the winter. The exigent was very great, and the choyce very hard: But as David when he was streightened with many difficultyes at once, cho [...]e rather to fall into the hands of God whose mercyes were great, though he might be provoked to cause his jealousie to smoak against those of his own heritage for a time: so in this exigent it was generally conceived to be most expedient for the Country, to cast themselves upon the pro­vidence of a mercifull and gracious God, rather then by delayes to ex­pose themselves to the treachery and cruelty of a perfidious enemy.

A War therefore speedily to be carryed on in the very depth of win­ter, being agreed [...]p [...]n, care was taken for supplyes, as the difficulty of such an affair so circumstanced did require, though possibly not with so much necessary care, and so suitable provision, as had been desired, if what came afterward to pass could have been foreseen (which perad­venture might be the reason things went on so heavily for want of well oyling the wheels) in the mean time a small Army of a thousand fighting men, well appointed, were ordered by the Commissioners to [Page 49] be gathered by proportion out of all the Colonyes; of which number the share of the Massachusets was to be five hundred and twenty seven, the rest were to be supplyed out of Plimouth and Connecticut Colonyes, All other supplyes were taken care for, as well as the suddenness of the Expedition, and difficulty of the season would allow. The said thousand men, beside some Voluntiers of Indian Friends, were by the time and place appointed as near as could be had, called together, and a Com­mission granted to the honourable Iosiah Winslow Esq, the present Governour of Plimouth Colony, a man of known ability and integrity, every way so well qualified wit [...] courage and Resolution, as well as pru­dence and discretion, as might have preferred him to the conduct of a far greater Army then [...]ver is like to be gathered together in this part of the world, in this or in following Generations. And indeed as he was the first Governour over any of the united Colonyes in New-En­gland of them that were born in the place, so may he well pass for a pattern of any of the succeeding race, that may come after.

Under him as Commander in Chief were ordered six Companyes from the Massashusets, under the Command of Major Appleton, Capt. Mose [...]y, Capt. Gardener, Capt. Davenport, Capt. Oliver, Capt. Iohnson, Five Companyes from Connecticus under Major Treat, Capt. Siely, Capt. Gallop, Capt. Mason, Capt. Wats, and Capt. Marshal, Two Compa­nyes from Plimonth, under Major Bradford and Capt. Goram.

Under the Governour of Plimouth as Commander in Chief in this Ex­pedition, were sent as Majors of the Forces belonging to each Colony, Major Robert Treat for the Forces belonging to Connecticut, and Major Bradford for those of the Colony of Plimouth, and Major Samuel Ap­pleton for those of the Massachusets, to whom by the honourable Major General of the said Colony were six Companyes of Foot delivered at Dedham; December the 9th. 1675, containing in number 465 fighting men, besides [...] Troop of Horse under the Command of Capt. Thomas Prentice attending upon them. That night they marched to Woodcocks about 27. miles from Dedham. The next night they arrived at Sea­conck; Capt. Mosely and his Company went from thence with Mr. Smith by water, the rest ferried over the water to Providence.

The next day, Decemb. the 12th. they passed over Patuxet River, and then marching through Pomhams Country, at night they met with Capt. Mosely and his Company at Mr. Smiths in Wickford, the place intended for their Head-quarters. Capt. Mosely in his way thither had happily surpri [...]ed thirty six Indians, one of whom he took along with him as a Guide, Peter by name, that was at that time under some disgu [...] with his [Page 50] Country-men, or his Sachem, which made him prove the more real friend to our forces in that service, wherein he faithfully performed w [...]hat [...]h promised, and without his assistance our men would have been much at a loss to have found the enemy, until it had been too late to have fought them.

Two dayes after, Decemb. 14. Five Files of men sent out under Ser­jeant Bennet and another, upon the Scout, kill'd one man and one wo­man, and brought in four more by one of the clock: the whole Compa­ny marched after into some of the Sachems Country, where they burnt an hundred and fifty Wigwams, killed seven of the enemy, and brought in eight Prisoners when they returned at night.

The next day an Indian called Stone-wall-Iohn pretended to come from the Sachems, intimating their wiilingness to have peace with the En­glish, yet could the Messenger hardly forbear threatning, vapouring of their numbers and strength, adding withall that the English durst not [...]ight them: whatever were pretended by this treacherous fellow, some of his Crew as he went home met with some of Capt. Gardners men, that were stragling about their own business contrary to order, and slew his Serjeant, with one o [...] two more. Two also of Capt. Olivers men were kill [...]d in like manner; a solemn warning for Souldiers not to be too ven­terous in an enemyes Country. For preventing the like mischief upon other Companyes, more care was taken as they passed to the Head-quarters, some of the Companyes being lodged three miles there from. Capt. Moselyes, Capt. Davenp [...]rts and Capt Olivers Company being al­so sent about that time to bring Major Appletons Company to the gene­ral Quarters, a few desperate [...]ndians creeping under a stone wal [...] near the place, fired twenty or thirty gunns at Mosely in particular, a Com­mander well known amongst them, but the rest of the Company running down upon them, killed one of them, and scattered the rest.

The next day Capt. Prentice with his Troop, being sent to Petequam­scot, returned with the sad news of burning Ierry Bulls Garison house, and killing ten English men and five women and children, but two esca­ping in all. This is the chance of warr which they who under take, must prepare to undergoe.

The next day brought from the same place a little better news, though not enough to ballance the sorrow of the former, viz. that Connecticut Forces were come thither with three hundred English, and an hundred and fifty Mohegins, ready fixed to warr on th [...] behalf of the English a­gainst the Narhagansets their mortal enemyes; and by the way meeting a Party of the enemy, they slew five or six of them and took as many [Page 51] Prisoners. The whole number of all our Forces being now come, the want of provision with the sharpness of the cold, minded them of expedi­tion, wherefore the very next day, the whole Body of the Massachu­set and Plimouth Forces marched away to Pettyqua [...]scot intending to en­gage the enemy upon the first opportunity that next offered it self: To the which resolution those of Connecticut presently consented, as soon as they met together, which was about five a clock in the afternoon: Bulls house intended for their general Rendezvouze, being unhappily burnt down two or three days before, there was no shelter left either for Offi­cer or private Souldier, so as they were necessicated to march on toward the enemy through the snow, in a cold stormy evening, finding no o­ther defence all that night, save the open air, nor other covering then a cold and moist fleece of snow. Through all these difficultyes they mar­ched from the break of the next day, December 19. till one of the clock in the afternoon, without either fire to warm them, or respite to take any food, save what they could chew in their march. Thus having wa­ded fourteen or fifteen mile through the Country of the old Queen, or Sunke Squaw of Narhaganset: they came at one a clock upon the edge of the Swamp where their guide assured them they should find Indians enough before night.

Our Forces chopping thus upon the seat of the enemy, upon the sud­den, they had no time either to draw up in any order or form of Bat­tle, nor yet opportunity to consult where or how to assault. As they marched Capt. Mosely and Capt. Davenport led the Van, Major Apple­ton and Capt. Oliver brought up the Reer of the Massachuset Forces; General Winslow with the Plimouth Forces marched in the Centre; those of Connecticut came up in the Reer of the whole Body: But the Fron­tiers discerning Indians in the edge of the Swamp, fired immediately upon them, who answering our men in the same Language, retired presently into the Swampe, our men followed them in amayn [...], without staying for the word of Command, as if every one were ambitious who should goe first, never making any stand till they came to the sides of the Fort, into which the Indians that first fired upon them betook themselves.

It seems that there was but one entrance into the Fort, though the enemy found many wayes to come out, but neither the English nor their Guide well knew on which side the entrance lay; nor was it easie to have made another; wherefore the good providence of Almighty God is the more to be acknowledged, who as he led Israel sometime by the Pillar of fire, and the Cloud of his presence a right way through the Wilder­ness, so did he now direct our Forces upon that side of the Fort, where [Page 52] they might only enter though not without utmost danger, and hayard. The Fort was raised upon a kind of Island of five or six acres of rising land in the midst of a Swamp; the sides of it were made of palizadoes set upright the which was compassed about with an bedge of almost a rod thickness, through which there was no passing, unless they could have fired a way through, which then they had no time to doe. The place where the Indians used ordinarily to enter themselves, was over a long tree over a place▪ of water, where but one man could enter at a time, & which was so way-laid that they would have been cut off that had ven­tured there: But at one corner there was a Gap made up only with a long tree, about four or five foot from the ground, over which men might easily pass: But they had placed a kind of a Block house right over against the said tree, from whence they sorely galled our men that first entred, some being shot dead upon the tree, as Capt. Iohnson, and some as soon as they entred, as was Capt. Davenport, so as they that first en­tred were forced presently to retire, and fall upon their bellyes till the fury of the enemyes shot was pretty well spent, which, some Companyes that did not discern the da [...]ger, not observing, lost sundry of their men, but at the last two Companyes being brought up besides the four that first marched up, they animated one another to make another assault, one of the Commanders crying out, They run, they run, which did so en­courage the Souldiers that they presently entred amain. After a con­siderable number were well entred, they presently beat the enemy out of a Flanker on the left hand, which did a little shelter our men from the enemyes shot, till more Company came up, and so by degrees made up higher, first into the middle, and then into the upper end of the Fort, till at the last they made the enemy all retire from their Sconces, and fortified places, leaving multitudes of their dead Bodyes upon the place. Connecticut Souldiers marching up in the Reer, being not aware of the dangerous passage over the tree, in Command of the enemyes Block­house, were a [...] their first entrance many of them shot down, although they came on with as gallant resolution as any of the rest under the con­duct of their wise and valiant Leader, Major Treat

The brunt of the Battle, or danger that day lay most upon the Com­manders, whose part it was to lead on their several Companies in the very face of Death, or else all had been lost; so as all of them with great valour and resolution of minde, as not at all afraid to dy in so good a cause, bravely lod on their men in that desperate ass [...]ult; l [...]aving their lives in the place as the best testimony of their valour, and of love to the [...]use of God and their Country: No less then six brave Captains fell [Page 53] that day in the assault, viz. Capt. Davenport, Capt. Gardner, Capt. Iohn­son of the Massachusets, besides Lieute [...]. Vpham, who died some months after of his wounds received at [...] time. Capt. Gallop also, and Capt. Siely, and Capt. Marshal [...] of those that belonged to Connecticut Colony. It is usually seen that the valour of the Souldiers is much wrapped up in the lives of their Commanders, yet was it found here, that the Souldiers were rather enraged then discouraged by the loss of their Commanders, which made them redouble their Courage, and not give back after they were entred the second time, till they had driven out their Enemies: So as after much blood and many wounds dealt on both sides; the English seeing their advantage, began to fire the Wigwams, where was supposed to be many of the Enemies Women and Children destroyed, by the firing of at least five or six hundred of those smoaky Cells.

It is reported by them that first entred the Indians Fort, that our Souldiers came upon them when they were ready to dress their Dinner, but our sudden; and une [...]pected assault put them besides that work, making their Cookrooms too hot for them at that time, when they and their Mitchin fryed together: and probably some of them eat their Suppers in a colder place that night: most of th [...]ir Provision as well as their Hutts being then consumed with fire, and those that were left alive forced to hide themselves in a Cedar Swamp, not far off, where they had nothing to defend them from the cold but Boughs of Spruce and Pine Trees: for after two or three hours fight, the English became Masters of the place, but not judging it tenable, after they had burned all they could set fire upon, they were forced to retreat, after the Day-light was almost quite spent, and were necessitated to retire to their quarters, full fifteen or sixteen miles off, some say more, whither with their Dead and Wounded men they were to march, a difficulty scarce to be believed, as not to be paralleld almost in any former age.

It is hard to say who acquitted themselves best in that dayes service, either the Souldiers for their manlike valour in fighting, or the Com­manders for their wisdome and courage leading on in very face of death; There might one have seen the whole Body of that little Regimental Ar­my, as busie as Bees in a Hive, some bravely fighting with the Enemy, o­thers haling off, and carrying away the Dead and Wounded Men (which I rather note) that none may want the due testimony of their valour and faithfulness, though all ought to say, not unto us, but unto thy Name, O Lord, &c.

For though there might not be above three or four hundred at any [Page 54] time within the Fort at once, yet the rest in their turns came up to do what the exigence of the service required in bringing off the Dead and Wounded men: The Major of the Regiment, together with Captain Mosely, was very serviceable, for by that means the Fort being clear of the Dead bodies, it struck a greater terrour into the Enemy, to see but eight or ten dead bodies of the English left, then to meet with so many hundreds of their own slain and wounded Carkasses. The number of the slain was not then known on the Enemies side, because our Men were forced to leave them on the ground: but our victory was found afterwards to be much more considerable then at the first was apprehen­ded; for although our loss was very great, not only because of the desperateness of the attempt it self) in such a season of the year, and at such a distance from our quarters, whereby many of our wounded men perished, which might otherwise have been preserved, if they had not been forced to march so many miles in a cold snowy night, before they could be dressed) yet the [...]nemy lost so many of their principal fight­ing men, their Provision also was by the burning of their Wigwams, so much of it spoiled, at the taking of their Fort, and by surprizing so much of their Corn about that time also; that it was the occasion of their total ruine afterwards: they being at that time driven away from their habitations, and put by from Planting for that next year, as well as deprived of what they had in store for the present winter. What num­bers of the Enemy were slain is uncertain, it was confessed by one Potock a great Councellor amongst them, afterwards taken at Road-Island, and put to Death at Boston, that the Indians lost seven hundred fighting men that day, besides three hundred that dyed of their Wounds the most of them: the number of old men, women and children, that perished either by fire, or that were starved with hunger and cold, none of them could tell. There was above eighty of the English slain, and a hundred and fifty wounded, that recovered afterwards.

There were several circumstances in this Victory very remarkable.

First, The meeting with one Peter a fugitive Indian, that upon some discontent, flying from the Narrhagansets, offered himself to the service of the English, and did faithfully perform what he promised, viz. to lead them to the Swamp where the Indians had seated themselves within a Fort raised upon an Island of firm Earth, in the midst of a Swamp, whither none of the English could have Piloted them, without his assistance, the place being near eighteen miles from the place where they were quartered.

Secondly, There being by a special providence directed just to a place [Page 55] where they found so easie entrance, which if they had missed ▪ they could never have made a way through the Hedge, with which they had sur­rounded the Pa [...]lizadoes of the Fort in half a dayes time.

And Thirdly, If they had entred by the way left by the Indians for passage, they might have been cut off, before they could have come near their Fortification.

Lastly, In directing their motion, to begin the Assault just at the day they did, for if they had deferred but a day longer, there fell such a storm of Snow the next day, that they could not have passed through it, in di­vers weeks after: A [...]d then on the sudden there fell such a Thaw, that melted away both Ice and Snow, so that if they had deferred till that time, they could have found no p [...]ss [...]ge into their fortified place.

All w [...]ich considerations put toge [...]her, make it a signal favour of God to carry th [...]m through so many difficulties to accomplish their desired end. For af [...]er they were retired from their quarters, but sixteen miles from that p [...]ce, the [...]e was so great want of Provision, the Vessels being frozen in at the Ha [...]bour about Cape Cod, that should have brought th [...]m [...] elief, and t [...]e Frost and Snow set in so violently, that it was not p [...]ssib [...]e for them, with all the Force they could make (so many of their ab [...]est Souldiers b [...]ing slain and wounded) to have made another onset: But the goodness of Almighty God was most of all to be admired, that notwithstanding, all the hardship they indured that [...], in very cold Lodgings, hard Marches, Scarcity of Provision, yet not one man was known to dy by any disease or bodily distemper, save them that perished of their wounds.

Our Forces being compelled by the foresaid [...]ccasions, to ly still some Weeks after, hoping also that the Enemy so sorely broken, would gladly have sued for peace: But as was said of old, God hardned their hearts to their own ruine and destruction afterwards. For as soon as our Souldiers were able to March, finding that all the Enemies overtures of peace, and prolonging of treaties, was only to gain time that they might get away into the Woods. They pursued after them, and sometimes came upon their Rear, but then they would immediately fly an hundred wayes at once into Swamps, so as our men could not follow them, or if they did, could not see two of them together ▪ so that now there was little good like to be done, unless they could take them at some advantage. At length having spent all their Provision, and tiring themselves in pursuing of them six [...]y or seventy miles, up thro [...]gh the Woods towards Malbe­rough and Lancaster, Towns that ly in the Road to Connecticot, having killed and taken near seventy of them: our Souldiers were ordered to [Page 56] return towards Boston, to recruit themselves, supposing that the Nar­rhagansets, and those with them were so enfeebled that they would have no mind suddenly to assault any of the Engiish Towns.

If any desire a more particular account of the loss which we sustaind at the taking of the Narhaga [...]set Fort, December 19th. 1665. they may take it as here it followes.

Besides the six Captains mentioned before, that either were slain in the assault, or dyed afterwards of their wounds, to whom may be rec­koned Lieut. Vpham, that dyed lately at Boston, of the wounds he then received

There were slain out of the Com­pany belonging to Wounded.
Major Appleton. 3. 22.
Capt. Mosely. 9. 10.
Capt. Oliver. 5. 10.
Capt. Gardener. 7. 11.
Capt. Iohnson. 3. 11.
Capt. Davenport. 4. 15.
in all, 31. 79.

There were slain and wounded.
Of New-haven Company, 20.
Of Capt. Siely his Company. 20.
Of Capt. Wats his Company. 17.
Of Capt. Marshal his Company, 14.
Of Plimouth Company under Major Bradford and Capt. Goram. 20.
In all, 91.

If there had not been so great a distance between the place of the fight and their Quarters, and so much cold attending them in their reti­ring thereunto, some better account might have been given of that ex­pedition, then now they were able to do. For a March of sixteen or eighteen miles is too much to breathe a fresh Souldier, unless he were well mounted, but enough to kill the heart of them that have been wea­ried with a long and tedious fight. As for the coldn [...]ss of the weather, although it be a good Be some to sweep the Cha [...]ber of the Air (which might be the reason there was no more Diseases amongst them) yet it is an unwelcome Companion to wearied, especially to wounded men, in so [...]ong a Retreat.

But the want of Provision falling in conjunction with the unseasona­bleness of the Weather, and length of the way hindred our Forces from [Page 57] [...] attempt upon the enemy, which if they could have attended, it was thought it might have put an end to our troubles; but he that hold­eth the scales of victory in his hand, turneth them to which side, and by what degrees pleaseth himself best.

The rest of the winter was spent in fruitless Treaties about a peace, both sides being well wearied with the late desperate Fight, were willing to refresh themselves the remaining part of the winter, with the short slumber of a pretended peace, at least with a talk or Dream thereof: our Commanders aim therein was Christian and good, if it had proceed­ed, sc. to have prevented the shedding of more bloud: And possibly some of the elder and wiser of the enemy, did really desire what was pretended by them all, (for they had now full proof of the valour and resolution of the English, which some of them upon former successes might be ready to question) and they could not but see their destruction already begun, in the loss of their dwellings, and all their provision, as well as the slaughter of the best part of their fighting men; but either through consciousness of their barbarous treachery, and falshood they could not trust others, and so were willing to run the utmost hazard, as people hardned to their own destruction. The particular passages of the treaty being carried on by the enemy only in pretence, and by our men (that soon discerned their fraud) rather out of nece [...]ty, to con­ceal their incapacity of engaging them anew, then any real expectation of a good effect, are not worthy the relating. However though the Foot were unable to doe any Service in the depth of the snow, & sharp­ness of the cold, The Troop was sent out upon all occasions to scout a­bout the Country, who brought in daily much of the enemies corn and Beans, which they had hid in Barns under the ground, or at least kept them from making use of their own provision, or spoiling the English Cattle; now and then also bringing in Prisoners from their Quarters, as they were stragling about to get victuals.

On the twenty seventh of December, Capt. Prenti [...]e was sent into Pom [...]ams Country, where they burnt near an hundred Wigwams, but found never an Indian in any of them.

On the 28th, of December a Squaw was sent to them, who had been taken in the Fight, with a pro [...]er of Peace, if they would submit to such Tearms as were propounded; the principal of which was, the delive­ring up all Philips Indians that were with them; The Squaw returned not pretending that she was lame and unable to come again; bu [...] the thirtieth of December, an Indian came [...]nom the Sachems with seeming thanks for the peace profered, yet complained, we made war upon them and gave [Page 58] them no notice; but his mouth was soon stopped, by the answer which was made him: he owned, as the Squaw had said before, that they lost three hundred of their best fighting men, and so did two Prisoners of theirs taken Ianuary the 4th, whereof one being of Philips Company was put to death. The Messenger that was sent was fairly dismissed, with the express mention of what tearm [...] they must expect, if they desi­red a peace.

Ian. There came two Messengers from them, as they said to make way for a treaty of Peace; who laid the blame upon Canonchet, that came down to Boston, in October last, to confirm the peace with the Commissioners of the united Colonyes, as if he had misinformed them; viz. that they were not by the former treaty to have delivered up the Mompanoogs, or Philips Indians, untill the said Canonchets Brother one of the Hostages at Hartford, was released. This was but a meer pretence, for he and they too better understood the particulars of the agreement: For by chance the Articles which they had of the peace con­cluded with them were found open (whether purposely or accidentally was not known) in a Wigwam in the Fort when it was taken, so as they could [...]ot be ignorant of the Articles of the Agreement

Ian. 5. An English child of about three or four years old, taken from Warwick, was sent in to put the better pretence upon the treaty mentione [...].

Ian. 8. The Messengers were sent back, and told what they must trust to. In the afternoon a Messenger came from Ninigrtt the old Sa­chem of Narrhagansets, who brought a letter from Mr. Stanton the In­terpreter, signifying the reallity of the said Ninigret his friendship to the English, and the streights of the enemy, that co [...]n was two shillings a pint with them. Yet notwithstanding all their difficultyes, they ra­ther delayed the time till they could get away, then really endeavoured the making a peace, as was soon manife [...] For that young insolent Sa­chem Canonchet, and Panoquin, said they [...]uld fight it out to the last man, rather then they would become Servants to the English.

Ian. 10. Fresh supplyes of souldiers came up from Boston, wading [...]hrough a sharp storm of snow, that bit some of them by the heels with th [...] frost. The next day one that came with them going out with the Scouts, fell amongst the Indians Barns, in one of which, as he was gro­ping to find corn for the relief of his horse, he catched hold of an Indi­ans hair under the leaves, who presently held up his hands, when the souldier was drawing his sword, to spare his life, which was granted; but after he was brought to the Head-quarters, he would owne nothing [Page 59] but what was forced out of his mo [...]th, by the woolding of his head with a cord, wherefore he was presently judged to dye as a Wompanoog.

Ian. 12. Another Messenger came from Canonicus, desiring the space of a month longer, wherein to issue the treaty, which so provoked the Commander of our Forces, that they resolved to have no more Treatyes with the enemy; but prepare to assault them, with Gods assi­stance as soon as ever the season would permit; and it was high time to take up that resolution, for within a few dayes after, they understood by some that were taken Prisoners; that the enemy were gone, or going in­to the Nipmuck Country.

Within a few dayes after, about the 16th. Ian. the scouts brought in one Ioshuah Tift a Renegado English-ma [...], of Providence, that upon some discontent amongst his neighbours, had turned Indian, married one of the Indian Squaws, renounced his Rellgion, nation and natural Parents all at once, fighting against them. He was taken by Capt. Fenner of Providence, who with some of his neighbours were pur­suing some Indians that had driven away their Cattle, This Tift being one of the Company was wounded in the knee, and so was seized by the English▪ he had in his hab [...]t conformed himself to them amongst whom he lived. After ex [...]mination he was condemned to dy the death of a Traitor. As to his Religion he was found as ignorant as an Heathen, which no doubt caused the fewer tears to be shed at his Funeral, standers by being unwilling to lavish pitty upon him that had divested himself of nature it self, as well as Religion, in a time when so much pitty was needed else­where, and nothing left besides wherewith to relieve the Sufferers.

Ian. 21. Capt. [...]entice his Troop being abroad met with a Party of the enemy, of whom they took two Prisoners and killed nine; in which exploit, something hapned very remarkable, for one W. D [...]dge of Salem riding in company with another Friend, they hapned to meet with two Indians, the said Dodge being better horsed then his friend, made after the foremost, leaving hi [...] friend to deal with the hindmost, but his Pistol missed firing, whereupon the Indian taking him by the leg turn'd him off his horse, and getting upon him was about killing him with his knife, which W. Dodge by chance espyed, and came time e­nough to rescue his friend, and dispatch the Indian lying upon him, and yet overtook the first Indian he was pursuing, time enough to doe his business also: by that meanes he did three good offices at once, saved the life of one Friend, and slew two of his Enemyes. But within two or three dayes after, the weather much altering from what it was, induced our Forces to take the first opportunity to pursue the enemy, who as [Page 60] understood by Messengers from Providence, were now upon their flight into the Nipmuck Country: But so many difficultyes were cast in their way, that they could not be ready time enough to prevent the mischief they did at Warwick, as they took their Farewell of their Country: For,

Ian. 27. They dispoyled Mr. Carpenter of two hundred sheep, and fifty head of Neat Cattle, and fifteen horses; all which they drove along with them, and were gone too far to be rescued before our Forces set out. Two that belonged to the said Carpenter were wounded, and one of the enemies slain. As they marched after the enemy, they found a good house burned, with a barn belonging to it. They perceived also that the enemy dealt much in Horse-flesh, meeting with no less then sixty horses heads, in one place which they had left behind them. Our Souldiers in their pursuit came upon their Reer, killed and took about seventy of them, yet never could come to charge them, for they would presently betake themselves into Swamps, and not two of them run to­gether, so as they saw it was an endless work to proceed further in the chase of such an enemy; but our Forces having pursued them into the woods between Marlberough and Brookfield in the Road toward C [...]n­necticut, were constrained to turn down to Boston in the beginning of Fe­bruary for want of provision, both for themselves and their horses, which gave an occasion to the losse of those lesser Towns that were destroy­ed by the Nipnet Indians who presently joyned with the Narrhagansets, upon their first approach, as shall be related after wards.

About the tenth of February next, some hundreds of the Indians whe­ther Nipnets or Nashaway men (is uncertain) belonging to him, they call Sagamore Sam, and possibly some of the sto [...]test of the Nar­rhagansets that had escaped the Winter brunt fell upon Lancaster a small Village of about fifty or sixty Families, and did much mischief, burning most of the Houses that were not Garisoned: and which is most sad and awful to consider, the House of Mr. Rowlandson, Minister of the said Lancaster, which was Garisoned with a competent number of the Inhabitants▪ yet the Fortification of the House being on the b [...]ck side, closed up with Fire-wood, the Indians got so near, as to fire a Lean­too, which burning the House immediately to the ground, all the per­sons therein, were put to that hard choice, either to perish by the fl [...]mes with the House, or to yield themselves into the hands of those cruel Salvages, which last (considering that a living Dog is better then a dead Lyon) they chose, and so were forty two persons surprised by the In­dians, above twenty of the Women and Children they carried away Captive, a ruesul spectacle to behold, the rest being Men, they killed in [Page 61] the place, and reserved for further misery: and many of the rest were not slain in fighting, were killed in attempting to escape. The Minister himself was occasionally a [...]sent, to seek help from the Governour and Council, to defend that place, who returning, was entertained with the [...]ragical news of his Wife and Children surprized, and being carried a­way by the Enemies, and his House turned into Ashes, yet it pleased God so to uphold his heart, comforting himself in his God, as David at Zik­lag, that he would alwayes say, he believed he should see his Wife and Chil­dren again, which did in like manner soon come to pass within five or six months after; all save the youngest, which being wounded at the first, died soon after among the Indians.

And such was the goodness of God to those poor Captive Women, and Children, that they found so much favour in the sight of their Ene­mies, that they offered no wrong to any of their persons, save what they could not help, being in many wants themselves. Neither did they of­fer any uncivil Carriage to any of the Females, nor ever attempted the chastity of any of them, either being restrained of God, as was Abi­melek of old, or by some other accidental cause, withheld them from do­ing any wrong in that kind.

Upon the report of this Disaster Capt. Wadsworth then at Malbe­rough with about forty resolute men, adventuring the rescuing of the Town that was remaining: and having recovered a Bridge they gat o­ver safe, though the Planks were pulled off by the Enemy, and being led up in a way, not discovered by them, they forced the Indians for the pre­sent to quit the place, after they had burnt and destroyed the better half of it. Yet afterwards it not being judged tenable, it was abandoned to the pleasure of the insulting Foe.

Ten dayes after they were so flushed with this success, that two or three hundred of them came wheeling down to Medfield a Town twen­ty miles from Boston, westward from Dedham, which they surprized ve­ry early in the morning (and though there were one hundred and sixty Souldiers in it or more, besides the Inhabitants) they burnt near one half of the Town, killing about twenty persons, but by the resistance of the Souldiers, as soon as ever they could be gotten together (it being at or before break of day, none in the least s [...]specting such an assault so early) they were quickly forced to forsake the place, and so (not with­out some loss) took their way to Plimouth Colony.

The Western Towns above Connecticut, were the chief Seat of the War, and felt most of the mischiefs ther [...]of in the end of the year 1675. but the Scene is now to be changed; and the other Towns and the Vil­lages [Page 62] that ly Eastward nearer Boston, must bare their part in the like Tragedies: for as was said before, the Narrbagansets having been dri­ven out of the Country, fled through Nipnet Plantations, towards Wat­ch [...]set Hills meeting with all the Indians that had harboured all Winter in those Woods about Nashaway, they all combined together against the English, yet divided their numbers, and one half of them were obser­ved to bend their course toward Plimouth, taking Medfield in their way, which they endeavoured to burn and spoile, Feb, 21. 1675. as their fellows had done Lancaster ten dayes before.

The surprizal of this Medfield in regard of some remarkable circum­stances it was attended with, is not unworthy a more particular Relating the manner thereof: the loss of Lancaster had sufficiently awakened and alarmed the neighbouring Villages, all to stand upon their guard; and some had obtained Garison Souldiers for their greater security, as was the case with the Town of Medfield, within twenty two miles of Boston. And at that time were lodged therein several Garison Souldiers, besides the Inhabitants; yet being billated up & down in all quarters of the town could not be gathered together till a great part of the Town was set on fire, and many of the Inhabitants slain, which how it could be effected is strange to believe: But most of those inland Plantations being over run with young wood (the Inhabitants being every where apt to engross more Land into their hands then they were able to subdue) as if they were seated in the mi [...]st of a heap of Bushes: their Enemies took the advantage thereof, and secretly over night, conveyed themselves round about the Town, some getting under the sides of their B [...]rns and sences of their Orchards, as is supposed, where they lay hid under that covert, till break of day, when they suddenly set upon sundry Houses, shoo [...]ing them that came first out of their doors, and then fired their Houses, especially those houses where the Inhabitants were repaired to Garisons, were fit for the purpose: some were killed as they attempted to fly to their Neigbo [...]rs for shelter: some were only wounded, and some taken alive and carried Captive: in some Houses the Husband running away with one childe, the wife with another, of whome the one was killed, the other escaped: they began at the East end of the Town where they fired the House of one Samuel Morse, that seems to have been a signal to the rest to fall on in other parts: most of the Houses in the West or Southwest end of the Town were soon burnt down: and generally when they burnt any out houses, the Cattle in them were burnt also. Two Mills belonging to the Town were burnt also: a poor old man of near an hundred years old, was burnt in one of the Houses that were con­sumed [Page 63] by fire. The Lieutenant of the Town, Adams by name, was shot down by his own door, and his Wise mortally wounded by a Gun fired afterwards accidentally in the House. After the burning of forty or fifty houses and barns, the Cannibals were frighted away out of the Town over a Bridge that lies upon Charls-River, by the shooting off a piece of Ordnance 2 or 3 times: when they had passed over the Bridge they fired one end thereof, to hinder our men from pursuing them, they were thought to be above five hundred: There were slain and mortal­ly wounded seventeen or eighteen persons, besides others dangerously hurt. The loss sustained by the Inhabitants amounted to above two thousand pounds. This mercy was observed in this sad providence, that never a Garison house was lost in this surprisal; nor any of the princi­pal Dwellings, so as the chiefest and best of their Building escaped the sury of the Enemy, who as they passed the Bridge left a writing behind them, expressing something to this purpose, that we had provoked them to wrath, and that they would fight with us this twenty years (but they fell short of their expectation by nineteen) adding also, that they had nothing to loose, whereas we had Houses, Barns and Corn: these were some of the bold threats used by the barbarous crew, but their rage shall proceed no further then the counsel of God had determined. The week before was heard a very hideous cry of a kennel of Wolves round the Town, which raised some of the Inhabitants, and was looked upon by divers as an ominous presaging of this following Calamity.

Another assault was feared, but as soon as the Souldiers could be g [...] ­thered together, they turned their backs, as if they never intended to visit them more: whether these Indians went when they left Medfield is not so certainly known; the Souldiers in the Town not having oppor­tunity to pursue them over the River, by reason that the Bridge was part of it burned: but it is most probable that they took their way to­ward Plimouth, and continued about that side of the Country for the future, waiting opportunities to do what mischief they could to the En­glish in those parts: For within a month after this assault of Medfield, there was near six hundred of them seen about Patuxit and Providence, where Capt. Pierce with about fifty of his men were lost, though with no great advantage to the Enemy, who at that time lost above double that number: our worthy Captains in this and other exploits being called to imitate Sampson, who was content to dye with his enemies, that he might overthrow them thereby: it havin [...]g so fallen out with many of our choice Commanders and Souldiers at Deerfield, Narrhaganse [...], Patuxit, and likewise not long after at Sudbury.

[Page 64] The Governour and Council of Plimouth perceiving by the report of these outrages committed upon the Towns of the Massachusets, that they were like to be visited this Spring by their old Neighbours, sent out Capt. Peirce of S [...]ituate about the latter end of March, with about fifty English, and twenty of their Christian Indians about Cape Cod who pro­ved none of his worst Souldiers, as the sequel of this his last expedition will declare.

Capt. Pierce, as is said before, being sent out to pursue the Enemy, marched towards Patuxit, where he understood the Indians were many of them gathered together: he being a man of resolute courage, was willing to engage them though upon never so great disadvantage: some say the Indians by counterfeiting, drilled him into a kind of Ambush, possibly more of them discovered themselves after he began to engage then he was aware of: and being gotten over the River in pursuit of them, where he discovered so great a number of them, he drew down towards the side of the River, hoping the better by that means to pre­vent their surrounding of him, but that proved his overthrow, which he intended as his greatest advantage: for the Indians getting over the River, so galled him from thence, that he was not able to defend himself thus assaulted on all sides, & himself not being able to travel much a foot, was thereby hindred from retiring to any better place in time; so as he saw himself constrained to fight it out to the last; which he did with most undaunted Courage, & as is said, to the slaughter of an hundred & forty of his enemies, before himself and his Company were [...]ut off. It is said also that being apprehensive of the danger he was in, by the great numbers of the enemy, like to overpovver him vvith their multitude, he sent a Messenger timely enough to Providence, for relief, but, as Solomon saith, A faithful Messenger is as Snow in harvest, another is as smoak to the eyes and vinegar to the teeth. (vvhether through [...]loth or Covvardize, is not much material) this message vvas not delivered to them to vvhom it vvas immediately sent; by accident only some of Reh [...]both understand­ing of the danger after the evening exercise (it being on the Lords day, March 26. 1676.) repaired to the place, but then it was too late to bring help, unless it vvere to be Spectators of the dead C [...]rkases of their friends, and to perform the last office of love to them.

It is vvorth the noting, vvhat faithfulness and courage some of the Christian Indians vvith the said Capt. Pierce shevved in the Fight: one of them, A [...]os by name, after the Captain vvas shot in his leg or thigh, so as he was not able to stand any looger, would not leave him, but cha [...]ging his gun several times, fired stoutly upon the enemy, till he [Page 65] saw that there was no possibility for him to do any further good to Capt. Pierce, nor yet to save himself, if he stayed any longer; therefore he used this policy, perceiving the Enemy had all blacked their faces, he also stooping down, pulled out some blacking out of a pouch he carried with him, discoloured his face therewith, and so making himself look as like Hohamack [...] as any of his Enemies: he ran amongst them a little while and was taken for one of themselves, as if he had been searching for the English, until he had an opportunity to escape away among the Bushes: ther [...] [...] imitating the Cuttle [...], which when it is pursued, or in dang [...]r, casteth out of its body a thick humor, as black as ink, through which it passes away unseen by the pursuer.

It is reported of another of these Cape Indians (Friends to the En­glish of Pli [...]outh) that being pursued by one of the Enemies, he be­took himself to a great Rock, where he sheltred himself for a while. at last perceiving that his Enemy lay ready with his Gun on the other side, to discharge upon him, as soon as he stir'd never so little away from the place where he stood: in the issue he thought of this politick Strata­gem to save himself, and destroy his Enemy, (for as Solomon said of old, Wisd [...]me is better then Weapons of War:) he took a stick, and hung his Hat upon it, and then by degrees gently lifted it up, till [...] [...]thought it would be seen, and so become a fit mark for the other that watched to take aym at him: the other taking it to be his head, fired a Gun, and shot through the Hat; which our Christian Indian perceiving, boldly held up his head and discharged his own Gun upon the real head, not the hat of his Ad­versary, whereby he shot him dead upon the place, and so [...]ad liberty to march away with the spoils of of his Enemy.

The like subtle device was used by another of the Cap [...] Indians at th [...] same time, being one of them that went out with Capt. Pierce; for be­ing in like manner pursued by one of Philips Indians, as [...] former was▪ he nimbly got behind the but end of a Tree newly turned up by the roots, which carried a considerable breadth of the surfac [...] of the Earth along with it (as is very usual in these parts, where the roots of the Trees ly very [...]eet in the ground) which stood up above the Indians height, in form of a large Shield, only it was somewhat too heavy to be easily weilded, or removed: the Enemy Indian [...]ay with his gun r [...]ady to shoot him down, upon his first disserting his station; but a sub­tle wit taught our Christian Netop a better device, for boring a little hole through this his broad Shield, he discerned his enemy, who could not so easily discern him; a good Mu [...]ketier need never desire a fairer mark to shoot at, whereupon discharging his Gun, he shot him down: what can be more just then that he should himself be killed who [Page 66] lay in wait to kill another man?

[...]eque enim L [...]x jn [...]tior ulla [...]st,
Quàm necis A [...]tifices arte perire su [...].

Instances of this nature shew the sub l [...]ty and dexterousness of th [...]se Natives, if they were improved in [...]eats of Arms: and possibly if some of the English had not been too shye in making use of such of them as were well [...]f [...]cted to their interest, they need never have suffered so much from their enemies: it having been found upon late experience, that many of them have proved not only faithful, but very serviceable and helpful to the english; they usually proving good Seconds, though they have not ordinarily confidence enough to make the first Onset.

But to return to the proceeding of the Indians toward P [...]imouth.

Feb, 25. They ass [...]ulted Weymouth, and burned seven or eight houses & b [...]rns there, which Weymouth is a town lying towards Plimouth Colony.

March 12. following, They assaulted the house of one Mr. Clark in Plimouth, cruelly murthering eleven persons that belonged to two Fami­lies that lodged therein, and then fired the house. The cruelty towards these persons was the more remark [...]ble, in that they had often received much kindness from the said Clarke. It is the usual custome of such Debtors, to use them worst, of whom they have taken up much kindness upon trust before [...]and.

March 17th. Another party of them fell upon Warwick, a place be­yond Philips Land; toward the Narrhaganset Country, where they burnt down to the ground all but a few houses, left standing as a Monument of their barbarous fury. The like [...]ischief was acted by them upon the houses of the E [...]glish remaining in the Narrhaganset Country.

This 26 of March being the first day of the week, as the first of the year after our Iulian account, seemed ominous at the first on sundry ac­counts, thr [...]atning a gloomy time, yet proved in the issue, but as a lour­ing morning before a lightsom [...] day:

For▪ besides the burning of Marlburr [...]u [...]h, at least a great part of it on the same day; a very sad accid [...]t f [...]ll [...]ut the same time at Spring­field, as shall he specified hereafter; [...] th [...]t which b [...]fell [...] Pierce, which is already related, with whom fe [...] so many of his [...] on the same day also: yet had the Enemy no c [...]use to [...], being [...] by the valour of the English, to give so many of their own lives [...]: some few made their escape, as is said by [...] the three forementioned, another by a like shift, not only s [...]ve [...] [...], but helped an English man to escape also, whom he ran after with [...]is Haatchet in his hand, as if he were about to k [...]ll him; whereby both of them made a shift to get away: the rest were all lost (the unfaithfulness of the Messenger being as was intimated b [...]for [...], [Page 67] the cause of their slaughter) unto a few that hardly escaped by the advan­tage of the bushes, giving them opportunity to pass unseen, yet was it confess [...]d by a Prisoner of the enemy, taken afterward by the English, that they [...]o [...]t an hundred and forty in that encounter. And had not the said English by wading after the enemy over a River, made their amu­nition useless, there had not half so many of them been cut off. From thence they turned back towards Rehoboth near Swanzy, where on March. 28. they burnt th [...]rty Barns, and near upon forty dwelling hou­ses, thereby as it were threatning the utter desolation of that poor town; and so proceeding on that side the Country, they burnt the very ne [...]t day about thirty houses in Providence in the way toward Narrnaganset.

But it was now full sea with Philip his affairs, for soon after the tide of his successes began to turn about the Sea coast, which made way for the falling of the water up higher in the Country. For about this time newes came to Boston that our neighbours and friends of Connecticut Colony hearing of the attempts of the enemy on that side of the C [...]untry, se [...]t a p [...]rty of their Souldiers, under the Command o [...] Capt. George De­nison with some friendly Indians, part Mohegins and Pequods. part Nian­ticks belonging to Ninigret a Narrhagans [...]t Sachem, who n [...]ver engaged in this quarrell against the English: who in pursuit of the enemy; meet­ing with a considerable part of them about the Narrhaganset Country, killed and took forty and five of them, without the loss of one of their own men. This Victory was the more considerable, in that several of the chief Captains of the enemy were at this time killed or taken; amongst whom was Canon [...]het (who came down to get seed-corn to plan [...] at Squakbea [...]) he was the chief Sachem of all the Narrnagansets: the son of Mianto [...]imoh, and the heir of all his fathers pride and insolency, as well as of his malice against the English, a most perfi [...]ious villain, who had the last October been at Boston, pretending to make a firm pe [...]ce with the English, but never intending to keep one Article thereof: There­fore as a just reward of his wickedness was he adjudged by those that took him to dye, which was accordingly put in execution at Stonington, whither he was carryed: There his head being cut off was carried to Hartford: The M hegins and Pequod [...] that had the honour to take him prisoner, having the honour likewise of doing [...]ustice upon him, & that by the prudent advice of the English Commanders, thereby the more firmly to engage the said Indians against the treacherous Narrhagansets. There are differing [...] reports about the manner of his taking, and by whom, whither the Indians or the English first took hi [...], however it was sufficient ma [...]ter of rejoycing to all the Colonyes of the English, [Page 68] that the Ring-leader of almost all this mischief, and great Incendiary betwixt the Narhagansets and us, dyed himself by that sword of warre which he had drawn against others.

Not long after Capt. George Denison of Stonington, with sixty six Vo­ [...]unteirs, and an hundred and twelve [...]equods, ki [...]led and took seventy & six of the enemy, amongst whom were two Narrhaganset Sachems, one of which was the Grand-child of Pomam (who is accounted the most warlike and the best souldier of all the Narrhaganset Sachems) taking at the same time 160▪ bushels of the enemyes corn, no small damage to our Enemies at that time, and all this without the loss of one man of the said Captains followers.

The greatest mischief which after this time was done by the enemy in Plimouth Colony, was by burning of houses and burns, which they might easily doe, the Inhabitants in most of those Towns being repaired to ga­rison houses for their greater security: For about the 20th. of April, fifty of the enemy burnt about nineteen houses and barns at Scituate, but were so resolutely encountred by a few of the Inhabitants, that they were driven away, and thereby prevented from doing of further mis­chief.

Not long after, May. 8. they burned about seventeen houses and barns in Briage-water, a small town in Plimouth Colony, twenty seven miles on this side Taunton▪ but it pleased God just at the time to send a Thunder shower, which put out the fi [...]e, or else it might have prevailed much further.

It is very remarkable, that the Inhabitants of the said Bridge-water never yet lost one [...], the sword of the enemy▪ though the town is scituate within Plimouth Colony, yet have they helped to destroy many of the enemy None knowes either love or hatred by all that is before them in things of this nature: nor ought standers by that may escape think, themselves less sinners then those that so perish by the sword of the enemy: Yet about this time four of the Inhab [...]nts of [...] were killed, as they were at their work in the field, [...] by it is said, thir [...]y children were made Fatherless: So unsearchable are the judgments of the Almighty, and his wayes past finding out.

During these Calamities, Gods Dispensations have been ve [...]y vari [...]us, as well in reference unto Towns and Villages, as unto pe [...]s [...]ns: As if some places had been by special providence marked out to preservation, as others unto destruction; of which no other reason can be rendred according unto man, then the good pleasure of God so to o [...]der and d [...]s­pose of events, which sometimes as Solomon says are all one to the good, [...]nd to the clean, and to the unclean.

[Page 69] And because special notice is taken of the Town of Bridge-water, the which although it is seated, as it were, in the midst of danger, and hath been often assaulted by considerable numbers of the Enemy, yet never lost [...]any one of their Inhabitants, young or old; a particular account shall here be given of the most remarkable passages of divine providence relating to that Plantation since the War began. Iune 26 1675 When Philips malice against the English, mixed with a particular prejudice against Governour Winsl [...]w, began to boyl up to the height of an open Rebellion, the people of Swanzy being like to be distressed by the Indians, a Post was instantly sent to the Governour of Plimouth, the way lying through Bridge water, the said Post returned the next day: and about 9 or 10 of the clock, as he passed through the Town, left an Order from the Governour for the raising of twenty men, well armed and furnished with Horses, to b [...] forthwith dispatched away for the re­lief of Swanzy; seventeen were all that could be raised on the sudden, who were sent thither that night, and were the first that were upon their ma [...]ch in all the Country; and possibly they fared not the worse for their forwardness: as Deborah the Proph [...]tess, blessed God for them that offered themselves willingly among the People: These seventeen of Bridgewater were Iune 21. ordered by Capt. Bradford to Metapoisit a place at twelve miles distance from Swanzy, to strengthen the Garison at one Bourns House, wherein were seventy persons, amongst whom were only found sixteen men. After they had ma [...]ched five miles of their way, having Mr. Browns Son for their Pilot, they met with some Swan­zy people, newly turned out of their Houses (by which they were to pass) who having not as yet resisted unto Blood, yet made doleful la­mentations, wringing of their hands; and bewailing of their losses, ve­ry much also perswading Bridge-water men to turn back, because of the danger, but they having so clear a call, had also more cou [...]age, then cowardly to desert the cause of God and his People, left they should the [...]eby betray the lives of so many of their friends into the Enemies hands; and so by the good hand of God towards them, came safe to Metapoiset that night.

The next day in the morning, a part of them went to guard Mr. Brown their Pilot back to his quarters; in their return they came sud­denly upon a party of Indians, about thirty in all; they were within shot one of another, but the English having no Commission to fight, till they were assaulted, and not being impeached in their passage, they re­turned safe to their Garison at Metapoiset: the Indians presently draw­ing off, and fi [...]ing three Guns (though not with intent to do them any [Page 70] hurt, as was conceived) gave a shout, and so left them, when this party of the English drew near to their Garison, they met with a company of Carts going to fetch Corn from an house deserted near by, about a quarter of a mile off from Mr. Bournes House, t [...]e Souldiers gave them notice of the Indians which they had discovered, and withal advised them by no means to venture any more, because of the danger; but they were resolved notwithstanding these earnest perswasions of the Souldi­ers to have another turn, which they soon found to be to the peril of their own lives, six of them being presently after either killed right out, or mortally wounded, as soon as they came to the Barn where was the Corn; these six are said to be the first that were slain in this quarrel. The Souldiers at the Garison hearing the Guns, made what haste they could to the place, but being most of them in that interim, gone to look their Horses they could not come time enough to the relief of their friends, yet upon their approach, they who had done the mischief pre­sently fled away: one Iones hard pursued by two Indians was by their coming delivered from the extent of the Enemies cruelty, but having received his mortal wound, had only that favour thereby, to dy in the Arms of his friends, though by the wounds received from his Enemies.

The next week, fifteen of those Souldiers looking after their Horses, fell into an Ambush of twenty of the Indians, but being prepared for the encounter, they discharged their Guns upon each other: but ou [...] men received no hurt, some of them felt the winde of the bullets passing by their faces; what damage the Enemy received is uncertain, yet some of the English report they found some of their enemies dead bodies in the place afterward.

Thus were they not only preserved in many perils themselves, but be­came instrumental also; for the preservation of most of that Garison, who with their goods by their means, with the help of a small party of Plimouth Forces sent thither after the six were killed (as is mentioned before) were soon after transported safely to Road-Island.

Many outrages were that Summer committed upon their Neighbours at Taunton and Namasket, yet it pleased God to protect this poor Town of Bridge-water from any other hurt; till the beginning of April next, when themselves with their Neighbours of Taunton and Rehoboth, were strongly solicited to desert their Dwellings, and repair down to the Towns by the Sea side, but God encouraged them to keep their stations notwithstanding the extream danger then presented. It is reported that Philip gave order that Taunton and Bridge-water should not be de­stroyed till the last, which is all the favour to be expected from an enemy, [Page 71] but these things are only in the hands of God, and not to be determi­ned by man.

April 9. being Lords day, A small party of the Enemy came down upon the said Bridge-water, burnt an out-house and barn, broke up and rifled several other houses in the same quarter of the Town, which are notwithstanding yet remaining; they sent out a party of their men to pursue them that night, and many dayes after, but could not hear of them.

May 7 the Lords day also (no doubt but the betterness of the day, will increase the badness of their deed attempted thereon) they had in­telligence of a great body of Indians dispersed that way, with intent to have fallen upon the Town that ve [...]ay, but were casually prevented by a great deal of rain that fell the night before: however they were re­solved to foreslow no opportunity, wherefore on the next day ( May 8. about three hundred of them, one Tisg [...]ogen being their chief Leader, at 8 or 9 in the morning made an assault upon the east end of the Town, on the South side of the River: many of the Inhabitants stayed at home that morning because of the intelligence the day before, and so were the more ready to entertain them; some that not taking that warning ve [...]tu­red into the field about their occasions, were in danger of surprizal, but by the special favour of God, escaped, and came time enough to help de­fend their own and their neighbours dwellings, being shot at, and hard pursued a considerable way.

The Indians presently began to fire the town, but it pleased God so to spirit and encourage several of the Inhabitants, issuing out of their Ga­rison houses; that they fell upon them with great resolution, and beat them off; at the same instant of time, the Lord of Hosts also fighting for them from heaven, by sending a storm of thunder and rain very season­ably, which prevented the burning of the houses which were fired: The Souldiers also fighting under the banner of Gods special protection [...] so successful in repelling the Enemy, that they neither had any of the [...] or t [...]ken, and but one wounded. The Indians by this [...] resi [...]tance, being beaten off to the skirts of the Town, made a fresh onset upon a other quarter thereof, on the north side of the River where they had done much more mischief, but that God stirred up sun­dry of the people to venture out of their fortified houses, who fired upon the enemy, and beat them [...]rom their dwellings, so as in the evening they drew off to an out-house, three miles distant from the town: the next day the Inhabitants expected another assault, but the enemy having burned the house & barn, where they kept their Rendezvouze over night, & one [Page 72] house more not far distant, they marched all clear away for that time.

Thus it pleased God so to order his dispensations, toward this small Town, as a brand plucked out of the fire, that they did but just taste of this bitter cup, which others drank deeper of; yet had they not such mer­cy, as these had, mixed therewith: under God, the courage of the In­habitants was a great means of their preservation, for they fired so stoutly upon the Enemies, that they durst not come very near any of the Garisoned Houses, saluting them only at a distance. God was eminent­ly seen upholding the spirits of all sorts, men and women, so as no con­sternation of minde was seen upon any of them, during the whole time of the dispute.

In this assault they lost but thirteen dwelling-houses, whereof five only were in the Town (the rest being out-houses and deserted for the present) with some few Barns, and some of thei [...] Cattle; all which was a very inconsiderable loss, in comparison of what befell others, and themselves might have endured, if God had not by his special favour pre­vented,

Iuly 14, & 15. Another party of Indians came down upon the North-west side of the Town, but with no better success; for they had no Commission from the Lord of Hosts to touch any of the persons of the Inhabitants, their power reaching only to the slaying of their Cattle at this time.

Iuly 18, 19, 20. They sent our parties after the Enemy to pursue them by their Track, who fell upon some of them. On the twentieth they took sixteen, whereof two were men: on this day they had to assist them, it seems some of the Bay Indians sent them from Captain Brattle; some of the Captives informed, that there were but 70 or 80. in the Company, and but ten or twelve men amongst them: but within a few dayes, these Bridge-water-men, shall finde better success in pursuit of their Enemies, when Philip himself shall hardly escape their hands as shall be seen afterwards.

While one party of the Enemy thus acted their part in and about Plimouth Colony▪ towards the Sea-coast, other parties of them were not idle in the Massachusets Colony, where they assaulted many places, doing what mischief they could by firing of Houses, and killing several persons in the inland Plantations.

March 2. They assaulted Groton: the next day over night Major Wil­lard with seventy Horse came into the Town; forty Foot also came up to their relief from Watertown, but the Indians were all fled, having first burned all the Houses in the Town, sav [...] four that were Garisoned, [Page 73] the Meeting-house being the second house they fired, Soon after Capt. Sill was sent with a small Party of Dragoons of 8 Files to fetch off the Inhabi­tants of Groton, and what was left from the spoyle of the enemy, having under his conduct about sixty Carts, being in depth from front to reer above two mile: when a party of Indians lying in ambush, at a place of eminent advantage, fired upon the front and mortally wounded two of the vaunt Carriers, who dyed both the next night; and might (had God permitted) have done eminent damage to the whole Body, it being a full hour before the whole Body could be drawne up, which was done with care and Courage: but the Indians after a few more shot made▪ without doing harm, retired, and made no further assault upon them, being the same Party of Indians which the day before had burned some part of Chelmsford. Soon after this Village was deserted and destroy­ed by the enemy: yet was it a special providence, that though the carts were guarded with so slender a Convoy, yet there was not any conside­rable loss sustained.

Concerning the surprizing of Groton, March 13. There was not any thing much more material, then what is already mentioned, save only the insolency of Iohn Monoco or one eyed Iohn, the chief Captain of the In­dians in that design▪ who having by a sudden surprizal early in the morning seized upon a Garison house in one end of the Town, continu­ed in it, plundering what was there ready at hand, all that d [...]y; and [...] night did very familiarly in appearance, call out to Capt. Parker that was lo [...]ged in another Garison house, and entertained a great deal of Discourse with him, whom he called his old Neighbour: dilating upon the cause of the War, and putting an end to it by a friendly peace: yet oft mixing bitter Sarcasmes, with several blasphemous scoffs and taunts at their praying and worshipping God in the meeting house, which he deridingly said he had burned. Among other things which he boast­ingly uttered that night: he said he burnt Medfield (though it be not known whither he was there personally present or no) Lancaster, and that now he would burn that Town of Groton, and the next time he would burn Chelmsford, Concord, Watertown, Cambridge, Charlstown, Roxbury, Boston, adding at last in their Dialect, What Me will, Me d [...]: not much unlike the proud Assyrian (if his power had been equal to his pride) sometime threatned against Ierusalem, but was by the remark­able providence of God, so confounded within a few months after, that he was bereft of his four hundred and fourscore (of which he [...]now boasted) and only with a few more Bragadozio's like himself, Sagamore Sam, old I [...]thro, and the Sagamore of Quobaog were taken by the En­glish and was seen (not long before the writing of this) mirching to­wards the G [...]llows (through Boston S [...]reets, which he threatned to burn at his pleasure) with an Halter about his neck, with which he was hang­ed [Page 76] at the Towns end, September 26. in this present year 1676. So let thine Enemies perish O Lord, and such contempt be poured on all them that open their mouthes to blaspheme thy holy Name.

Things looked with a pretty sad face about those parts at this time; yet though the Righteous fall seven times, let not their Enemies rejoyce, for the Righteous shall rise again, but their wicked Enemies shall fall into mischief, and rise no more. It was ebbing water with New-England at this time, and a while after; but God shall turn the stream before it be long, and bring down their Enemies to lick the dust before them.

After this April 17. Captain Sill, being appointed to keep Garison at Groton, some Indians coming to hunt for Swine, three Indians drew near the Garison house, supposing it to have been deserted, were two of them slain by one single shot made by the Captains own hands, and the third by another shot made from the Garison.

The danger which these inland Towns were like to be exposed unto from the Enemy, after they were driven out of the Narrhaganset Coun­try, was foreseen by the Council of the Massachusets, yea they had some intimation thereof from the Enemy themselves: but they were not well able to prevent it, in that unseasonable time of the year; no way [...]it for marching of Souldiers, and transporting of Provisions (the Winter then beginning to break up in this Country) for while our Forces were up in the Narrhaganset Country, in the Winter, a couple of Christian In­dians were sent as Spyes into the Nipnet and Narrhaganset Country, through the Woods in the depth of Winter, when the wayes were im­passable for any other sort of people: these two, by name Iames and Iob ordered their business so prudently, as that they were admitted into those Indian habitations, as Friends, and had free liberty of Discourse with them; they were at the first a little jealous of them, but by the means of one [...]yed Iohn (a great Cap [...]ain of the Indians, that afterward l [...]d them that spoiled Grot [...]n, who having been a C [...]mpanion of one of the said Spyes both [...] Hun [...]i [...]g and in fighting against the M [...]ha [...]ks fo [...] ­merly; so esteeme [...] of him, that he would not suffer any of the rest to touch him) they passed through all the Indian Towns lying thirty miles distant from Qu [...]baog, and twenty miles northward of the Road to Con­necticut: one of the said Spyes returned about Ian. 24. info [...]ming those that sent him, what he had observed, both the number of the Indians (about three hundred in all) also their several Towns, and what pro­vision they had: plenty of Venison, much Pork from the English mens Hogs which they had taken, they confessed likewise that he and some of his party had killed the People at Nashaway the last year, suspected to [Page 77] have been done by the Indians of Malberough: he told th [...]m also they in­tended to burn Lancaster within three weeks after that time, which ac­cordingly they did much about the same time: adding moreover that some Frenchmen were with them at Pocomptu [...]k, encouraging of them to go on with their designs, promising them assistance, which made some ready to think the Indians were stirred up by the French to do all this misc [...]ie [...], but more of that afterwards: what might be gathered from the foresaid premises is easie to conceive; whereupon new Forces with as much speed as the season would allow were raised and sent up into those parts, under the command of Major Savage in chief: they were dispatched away in the beginning of March, and appointed to meet with such as should be sent from Connecticut Colony, which they did a­bout Quabaog, and so intended to march directly up to those Indian Towns about Watchuset Hill to the Northwest: but the Indians were gone, and our Forces in the pursuit of them, taking the wrong path m [...]ssed of them, yet ranging through those woods, they were at one time sudenly assaulted by a small party of Indians firing upon them, wounding Mr. Gersh [...]m Bulk [...]y, by a shot in his Thigh, and killing one of their Souldiers, after which as they marched along, they accidentally fell upon another small party of the Enemy, of whom they slew some, and took others, to the number of sixteen, yet could not meet with the main Body of the Enemy who it seems had passed over a great River by Rafts, so our men could follow them no further, wherefore turning down to­wards Hadly and North [...]hampton, whether it was supposed the Indians intended to pass, They came very seasonably to the relief of the said Towns, which else had been in danger of being lost. For,

March 14. The Enemy fell upon North-Hampton, and in three places broke through the Fortification of Palizadoes, set up round about the Town a little before, for their better security: but the Town being at that time full of Souldiers, they were quickly repulsed, after they had killed four men, and two women, and fired four or five dwelling houses, and as many barns, with the loss of many of their lives as was sup­posed.

While our Forces under Major Savage continued on that side of the Country, a sad accident fell out at Springfield, the certainty of which, it is judged meet here to relate, to prevent mistakes▪ the matter having through a great oversight been otherwise represented, then indeed it was, not only to the prejudice of Truth, but to the disadvantage of some persons concerned therein. While the Souldiers were quartered a­mongst the several Towns upon Cinnecticut River; a party of the Troop [Page 78] were quartered at a place, belonging to Springfield called the Long Mea­ [...]ow, three miles from the Town below [...] Windsor: several of the [...]nhabitants having most of the Winter [...]ept [...]rom the publick meeting on the Lords dayes, for fear of the Enemy, were incouraged to adventure to the Assembly, on the 26 of Ma [...]ch, riding in the company of the Troopers; but having heard of no Indians thereabouts a good while, were more secure then they had cause, for riding some of them with women behind them, and some with their Children in their Arms yet not so careful as to keep in the middle, but rather in the Rear, and at a pretty distance stragling from the rest of the Company, a party of Indians ly­ing in the Bushes as they rode along, fired upon the hindmost, and killed two and wounded others: those in the Front having also Women and Maids behind some of them, were at a stand to know what to do, fearing they might expose those Women they had in their company, if they should ride back (in that winding Road made through a woody place for a mile or two to gether) to look after them that were behind, at the last one that came riding up, told the foremost company there was no hurt, and that they were all coming: they that were before rode away with all speed to the end of the Town, where setting down the Women, the Troopers returned back, but too late to recover too poor Women & two children, who upon the first assault were thrown off their horses, and immediately based into the Bushes, and through a swamp on the other side of a steep [...], so as they could not be heard of all that afternoon, nor the next day, till toward night, although they were diligently searched after by all the Troopers in and about the Town; At last when they were discryed just by a Swamp side, the cruel wretch­es endeavoured to have killed them all, but in haste only wounded them with their hatchets, yet so as one of the poor creatures recovered; the other with the children dyed of their wounds before they were brought home, or within a little time after. They did not complain of any inci­vility toward them while they were in their power; but by the Farewell given them, at their parting, they found it true by their own experience, that the tender mercyes of the wicked are cruelty

There hapned no other matter of moment worthy the reporting, while our Forces tarryed in those parts, and the Commanders observ­ing that the enemy was turned back again through the Woods, towards the Massachusets Bay, after a months time retired back yet could never meet with the enemy in their return through the Wo [...]ds, although while they were at the towns aforesaid, they understood of several at­tempts made upon Sudbury, Marlberough, the most part of which last [Page 79] they destroyed March [...] 26. which made the Inhabitants forsake their Dwellings, leaving only a few houses garisoned with Souldiers, the bet­ter to secure a passage to the towns westward upon Connecticut River.

The Inhabitants of S [...]dbury▪ with the souldiers under Leiut▪ [...]aco [...]s of Marlberough sufficiently alarmed by the [...]ate mischief done about those Towns, resolved to try what work they could make with the enemy in the night, whereupon going forth March 27. toward morning, they discerned where the enemy lay by their fires, (near three hundred of, them) and that within half a mile of a garison house, near the place where they had [...]one so much mischief the day before. Such was the courage and resolution of the E [...]glish, though but forty in number, Towns-men and Souldiers, that they adventured to discharge upon them as they lay by their fires, when it was so dark that an Indian could hardly be dis­cerned from a better man, yet God so directing, they discharged several times upon them, wounded thirty, fourteen of whom either dyed of their wounds the same day or soon after, which had been chief agents in this present mischief against the English. Such was the success of this skir­mish that the Assailants came off without the loss of one man.

After this time the enemy began to scatter about in small partyes, do­ing what mischief they could about the Massachusets, killing a man at Weymouth, another at Hingham, as they lay skulking up and down in Swamps and holes, to assault any that occasionally looked never so little into the woods, sometimes alarming the towns about Boston by discharg­ing gunns upon particular persons: at [...]illerica, Braintree, and at Ren­tham, near about which place in the Road to Rehoboth, they assaulted one Woodcocks house, killed one man, and one of his sons, wounded another, and burned his sons house.

Notwithstanding the little success of former attempts, Philip and his men have one prize more to play in the Massachusets Colony, before they goe off the stage, and then we shall soon see their power visibly decli­ning every where, untill their final overthrow come upon them. There were several small Patryes of them scattered up and down all over the Country, yet the main Body of them was still lurking up and down in those woods that lye between Brookefield, Marlburrough and Connecticut River. Possibly they had some hope of d [...]iving all the Country before them to the towns upon the sea-coast; for having burned the deserted houses at Marlburrough, April, 17. the next day they set upon Sudbury with all their might, (hoping [...]is like) to doe there, as they had done at the Towns next beyond it. They did at the first prevail so far as to con­sume several houses, and barns, and kill several persons, ten or twelve of [Page 80] the English, that came from Concord to assist their neighbours at Sudbu­ry, a town distant five miles from them, at the first hearing of the alarm; who unawares were surprised near a Garison house, in hope of getting some advantage upon a small Party of the enemy that presented them­selves in a Meadow; a great number of Indians that lay unseen in the bu­shes, suddenly rose up, and intercepting the passage to the Garison house, killed and took them all.

But our sorrows and losses that day are not yet come to their height; for in the after part of the same day, that resolute stout-hearted Soul­dier, Capt. Wadsworth (who had not long before, with not above forty men, rescued Lancaster, when it was in danger to have been all lost at once) being sent from Boston with fifty Souldiers to relieve Marlbur­rough, having m [...]rched five and twenty miles, and then understanding the Enemy was gone through the Woods toward Sudbury: this unwea­ried Company, before ever they had taken any considerable rest, mar­ched immediately back toward Sudbury (that lies ten miles nearer Bo­ston) and being come within a mile of the Town, they espyed a party of Indians [...] far from them, about an hundred, not more, as they con­ceived, these they might easily deal with; who retiring back a while, drew Capt. Wadsworth and his Company above a mile into the Woods, when on the sudden a great body of the Enemy appeared, about five hundred as was thought, who compassi [...]g them in round, forced them to the top of an hill, where they made very stout resistance a considera­ble while; but the night drawing on, and some of the Company begin­ning to scatter from the rest, their fellows were forced to follow them, so as the Enemy taking the chase, pursued them on every side, as they made too hasty a retreat, by which accident, being so much overpow [...]red by the Enemies numbers, they were most of them lost: the Captain him­self, with one Captain Brocklebank (a choice spirited man, much lament­ed by the Town of Rowly to which he belonged) and some others that fell into his Company as he marched along, scarce twenty escaping in all; so as another Captain and his fifty perished at that time, of as brave Souldiers as any were ever imployed in the present service.

Thus as in former attempts of like nature; too much courage and e [...]gerness in pursuit of the Enemy, hath added another fatal blow to this poor Country.

The same day another party of the English coming from Brookefield, whithey they were sent as a Convoy with Provision for the Garison, were in danger likewise of falling into the hands of the same Indians, yet riding upon a good speed, and keeping their Guns always ready pre­sented [Page 81] against them they met, they never durst fire at them: only three or four having unadvisedly first discharged their gunns against the Ene­my, and falling too much in the reet of their Company, were cut off and lost. It is reported by some that afterwards escaped, how they [...]uelly tortured five or six of the English that night: yet whatever their [...] ­cess was this day, it was observed by some (at that time their Prisoners, and since released) that they seemed very pensive after they came to their Quarters, shewing no such signs of rejoycing, as they usually were wo [...] to doe in like case; whither for the loss of some of their own Company in that dayes enterprise; (said to be an hundred and twenty) or whither it were the Devil in whom they trusted, and to whom they made their address the day before, by sundry Conjurations of their Powawes? or whither it were by any dread that the Almighty sent upon their spirits, upon their execrable Blasphemies, which tis said they used in the tortu­ring of some of their poor Captives (bidding Jesus come and deliver them out of their hands from death if he could) we leave as uncertain, though some have so reported, yet sure it is that after this day, they ne­ver prospered in any attempt they made against the English, but were continually scattered and broken, till they were in a manner all consu­med. After this time, however they had braved it before, they seem­ed to apprehend that it was scarce feasible for them to withstand the power of the English, and therefore seemed more inclinable to a peace, by several overtures made by them, if they knew how to have brought it about. For during these encounters they were willing to admit of some kind of treaty with the English, about the releasing of sun­dry of their Captives, which they took at Lancaster in February last, and elsewhere: To that end sundry attempts were made by help of seve­ral of the Praying Indians (as they use to be called) about the redemp­tion of some of the women and children, which were at time in their possession, & by degrees something was effected that way: possibly their own present sufferings and wants that were upon them, might induce them thereunto▪ For by this time the Spring of the year came on, their provision was all spent, and they forced to live wholly upon ground-nuts, and upon the fl [...]sh of the E [...]glish creatures, both horse & neat cattle, which they daily plundered. The Ground-nuts running up to seed in the summer, began to grow so sticky, as they were scarce eat­able; the flesh also of the English cattle proving unwholsome for their Bodyes, filling them with sundry diseases. One of them having eaten much horse-flesh, complained that he had before eaten horse, and now horse began to eat him, meaning some deadly disease growing upon his [Page 82] eating such ranke flesh, unwholsome for their Bodyes, especially without salt, as their usual manner is. The fishing season also began now to come in, wherein they use to take abundance of all sorts, with which those great Rivers up the Country are abundantly stored: they use to take thereof, and drying it in the smoak, make provision thereof for the greatest part of the year; and if the warr continued, they could not but see they should utterly be cut off therefrom, and that if the planting sea­son also were l [...]st, they should be in great want of summer fruits, s [...]. beans and squashes (besides their corn) with which they were wont to live all the latter part of the summer. Upon all considerations, they seemed pretty inclinable to hearken to a peace, though some were apt to think they would never have kept it, further then would stand with their own advantage, and that their present desire thereof was only to gain time.

A person formerly acquainted with the Indians about Lancast [...], did adventure upon the forementioned overtures, to goe amongst them to try if he could not prevail with them for the redemption of the Ministers wise, taken Captive in Febraury last from L [...]ncaster, and through the fa­vour of him who having the hearts of all in his hand, inclines them as he pleases, obtained the desired end upon an inconsiderable sum, which gave encouragement to the Councell to send two Messengers on the like er­rand the same week, to procure the redemption of others, not without success: The former, viz. M [...]s. Rowlandson being brought to Boston upon the Election day, May, [...]d. it was generally looked at as a smile of providence, and doubtless was a return of prayer, and answer of faith, with which her husband had been upheld, and supported from the day of her Captivity; his two children also were returned back not long af­ter, more by the over-ruling hand of God ( that turns the Captivity of his people as the streames of the South; and sometimes inclining them to pitty his Servants, that are of themselves more cruell then the Sea-monsters) then by any other contrivance of mans policy,

And yet no [...]withstanding motions of this nature about the redemption of some of our Prisoners still in their hands, there was no cessation of armes between us.

About this time Letters were sent down from Connectiont Colony, in­forming the General Court then assembled at Boston, that some of the Mohawkes (a sort of fierce and savage Indians, yet mortal enemyes to these we were at warrs withall) had fallen upon some of Philips Party, and destroyed many of them: likewise that many of them were destroy­ed by Feavers and Fluxes, with other distempers falling amongst them, [Page 83] which was some reviving to our hopes, that the foot of our enemy should slide in due time, and that destruction was hastning upon them, though still they were perm [...]t [...]ed to do mischief in sundry particular pla­ces of the Country, which must be minded as we pass along.

Those Indians that were our professed enemies, after they had been beaten out of the Narrhaganset Country, Febr. 1. tarried awhile at Win­imazeag, a place two days journey north of Quabaog, where they divided themselves into two Companies, one of them tarried on that side the Country, the other made toward Plimouth Colony, taking Med­field in their way, from whence as they marched along they met with a notable repulse at Boggiston, a small Hamlet, or Company of Farms not far from the said Medfield where they attempted a G [...]rrison, but meeting with stout resistance, they left the enterprize; and kept on their way toward Plimouth Colony, where they scattered themselves up and down, waiting for opportunityes to spoil and destroy the English Plantations on that side of the Country.

Besides what is already mentioned, on May, 11▪ a party of them ass [...]u [...]ted the town of Plimouth, burnt eleven houses and five barns be­longing thereunto: on the other side, a small party of the English scout­ing about in pursuit of the Indians, fell upon a Party of them, that lay waiting in ambush; but being discerned by an Indian in the Company of our men that gave timely notice, our souldiers had an opportuity there­by to make the first shot, and thereby not only prevented a mischief to themselves, but killed also some of the enemy, (one of whom was ob­served to be of more note then his fellows by his attire) the rest f [...]ed a­way from them that pursued, though but a small company; so that there were daily reciprocal acts of hostility in those parts.

Within a few dayes after this, seven houses and two barns more were burnt by the enemy, in and about Plimouth: who did the like mis­chief about the same time to the remaining houses of Namasket or Mid­dleborough.

About this time, another sort of Indians that belonged to Wamesit a place near Chelmsford, bordering upon Merrimack (who had been pro­voked by the rash, unadvised, cruel act of some of the English, about Octob. 27. and Novemb. 4. had fired upon them several gunns, both at Chelmsford and Woburn, to the killing of some, and wounding of others upon suspition that the said Indians were guilty of burning a Barn, and Hay-stack not far off) suddenly turned our enemies, after the winter was over having first withdrawn themselves from the place assigned them, and where they had been relieved all the winter (some of them [Page] after a former revolt) and took their opportunity to fire Mr. Falconers house in Andover town early that Spring, and wounded one Roger Marks, and killed his horse. Two more houses about Shawshin beyond the said Andover, were burned about Mar. 10. Also they killed a young man of the said town, Apr. 8. theson of George Abbot; And another son of his also was carried away the same day, who yet was returned some few moneths after, almost pined to death with hunger.

At the same time they killed some of their Cattle, cutting out only the tongues of some of them for haste; being shot at by several of the Inhabitants from their Garrisons.

Mar. 10. A. Concord two men going for Hay one of them was killed.

At Chelmsfor [...], the said Wamesit Indians, about March 18 before, fel upon some houses on the north side of the River; burnt down three or four that belonged to the Family of Edward Colburn: the said Colburn, with Samuel Varnham his neighbour, being pursued, as they passed o­ver the River to look after their Cattle on that side of the river; and making several shots against them, who returned the like again upon the said Indians, (judged to be about forty) what success they had upon the en [...]my, was best known to themselves; but two of Varnhams sons were slain by the enemyes shot before they could recover the other side of the River. Apr. 15. also were 14. or 15. houses burnt there.

Not long before this▪ Febr. 1. 1675. Tho. Eames that kept a Farm at Sudbury, whose dwelling was three or four miles out of the town, had his house assaulted and fired, his wife killed, and his children carried Captive among the Indians.

Also two men were killed at a Farm about Concord, Isaac and Iacob Shepard by name, about the middle of February, and a young maid that was set to watch upon an hill, of about 15. years of age, was carried Captive; who strangly escaped away upon an ho [...]se that the Indians had taken from Lancaster a little before. In the like strange manner did one of Eames his children escape away about May 3. last; travelling thirty miles alone in the woods, without any relief till he came to an English town. Eames his house was assaulted when himself was from home, by an Indian called Netus (not long after slain at Malborough) which had been very familiar with the English, with nine or ten more of his com­pany, as perfidious and barbarous as himself: They burned all the dwellings that belonged to the Farm, Corn, Hay and Cattle, besides the dwelling house with what was therein; it is probable those at Con­cord were killed by the same hands about a fortnight after.

Many such like remarkable instances of special providences might [Page 84] be mentioned▪ if it were convenient to insert such particular passages into the general Narrative of the late troubles from our barbarous enemies.

On May 3. a party of them killed a man at Haverhill, upon the edge of Merrimack River; and passing over the said River to Bradford, spoiled [...]other Family; killing one Thomas Kemball, and carrying his wife and five Children captive, forty miles up into the woods; al­though it was questioned whether this last mischief were done by a­ny of Philips party, but rather by some that belong [...] to the Eastward Indians, of which there may be occasion (God willing) to speak more afterward.

For the suppressing of these insolencies, several Companies of fresh souldiers, both horse and Foot were raised in the Massachusets, by the Governour and Council of that Colony, and sent out to suppress the common enemy; the Foot under the command of Capt. Sill, Capt. Cut­ler, Capt. Holbrook, the Horse under the Command of Capt. Brattle, Capt. Prentice, Capt. Henchman, Commander in chief: these several Companies modelled as aforesaid, were sent out Apr. 27. 1676. to range the woods towards Hassanamesit.

Upon the 6. of May, they met with a considerable. party of the enemy: they were first discovered by the Natick scouts pursuing a Bear & at the first not discerning that the Natick Indian scouts belonged to our men, it gave some advantage to our forces; our Horsemen falling upon them before they were well aware, killed and took of the Enemy about six­teen, which they took notice of at the present, although it was confessed by the enemy, that they lost twenty that encounter. It was report­ed that the sounding of a trumpet without order, did much hurt, but the Commander in chief affirmeth, that it was no disadvantage to the service in hand, it neither being heard by our own Foot, not yet by the enemy. If any error was committed by the English Companies, it was in that the Horse did not timely enough draw down from the top of the hill, whereby they came to be discovered by the enemy; who there­upon made the more haste to escape: However it was no small loss to the enemy, some of the slain being known to be considerable per­sons; and it struck such a terror into them, that they never durst face our men afterwards; for although after our men returned to their Quarters at Medfield, they saw two hundred fires in the night, yet they could never come near them again to fight any company of them: but the season proving rainy, hindred any further pursuit of them at that time. And soon after this the souldiers being [Page] visited with sickly distempers by reason of an [...]pidemical Cold at that time prevailing through the Country, they were for the present released for the recovery of their health, with intent to be cal­led together again at a more convenient time; this was done May the tenth.

During this interval of time, upon a report that a party of the Ene­my that were discovered about Rehoboth, busie in fishing in a River thereabouts, Capt Brattle was sent up about the 23d. of May, who with the help of so [...]e of the Inhabi [...]ants, killed eleven or twelve of them without the loss but of one of our men: Had they not discovered some of ours on the opposite shoar, it was conceived a greater spoile might have been made amongst them.

But in the next place we must take notice of the proceedings of the enemy about Connecti [...]nt: The greatest Body of them made towards Plimouth Colony early in the Spring as was said before, where we shall leave them for the present, and observe what the remainiug part of them did westward.

Some sc [...]ttering partyes were sku [...]king about Springfield, and those lower towns, upon a small number of whom Capt. Holioke (newly cho­sen Captain of Springfield in the room of his father lately deceased) hand­se led his office, early in the Spring: for having notice of some of them in those woods, he marched after them with ten or twelve resolute young men, and waiting his opportunity, surprized them near the great Ri­ver, so as two or three of them were left dead upon the place, another mortally wounded, got on to an [...] in the river, where it was concluded he took his last nights lodgi [...]g The other being sorely wound­ed, was taken alive, and brought home to Spring field, where he con­fessed many things to one of the Inhabitants that understood their lan­guage, owning the truth in many things against his own company, and soon after dyed of his wounds.

This was bu [...] a Preparative to an higher piece of service, which Capt. Holioke was soon after engaged in▪ and wherein be acquitted himself beyond expectation; and taking more pains then ordinary, in making his retreat, he gat a Surfet, that ended his dayes in September follow­ing about Boston.

About the beginning of April likewise some of the Inhabitants a­bout Ha [...]ly, attending their tillage at Hockanum, within three miles of the town, and having a guard of souldiers with them, yet three of the compa [...]y were casually slain by a party of the enemy, that lay in wait for such an opportunity. One of them was Mr. Goodman, a dea­con [Page 85] of the Church, that went a little beyond the Command of the Soul [...]iers that came to guard them, to view the fence of his own land: and two others that contrary to express order, would venture upon the top of an high hill, neer by, to take a needless and unseasonable view of the Country, were shot down by the enemy before they could re­cover their Corps du gard.

But the great Company of the enemy, that stayed on that side of the Country, and about Watchuset Hills, when the rest went towards Pli­mouth, though they had been disappointed in their planting, by the death of Canonchet, were loth to loose the advantage of the fishing season then coming in; wherefore having seated themselves near the upper Falls of Cunnecticut River, not far from Dee [...]field, and perceiving that the English Forces were now drawn off from the lower towns of Had­ly and Northampton, now and then took advantag [...]s to plunder them of their Cattle, and not fearing any assault from our Souldiers, grew a little secure, while they were upon their Fishing design, insomuch that a couple of English-lads lately taken captive by the enemy, and making their escape, acquainted their friends at home how secure they lay in those places, which so animated the Inhabitants of Hadly, Hatfield and Northampton, that they being willing to be revenged for the loss of their cattle, besides other preceding mischiefs, took up a resolution with what strength they could raise among themselves (partly out of gari­son souldiers, and partly of the Inhabitants) to make an assault upon them, which if it had been done with a little more deliberation, waiting for the coming of supplyes expected from Hartford, might have proved a fatal business to all the said Indians: yet was the victory obtained more considerable then a first was apprehended; For not having much above an hundred and fifty fighting men in their Company, they marched si­lently in the dead of the night, May 18. and came upon the said Indi­ans a little before break of day, whom they found almost in a dead sleep, without any Scouts abroad, or watching about their wigwams at home; for in the evening they had made themselves merry with new milk and rost beef, having lately driven away many of their milch cows, as an English woman confessed, that was made to milk them.

When they came near the Indians rendezvouze, they allighted off their horses, and tyed them to some young trees at a quarter of a miles distance, so marching up, they fired amain into their very wigwams, killing many upon the place, and frighting others with the sudden a­larm of their Gunns, made them run into the River; where the swiftness of the stream carrying them down a steep Fall, they perished in the wa­ters, [Page] some getting into Canooes, (small boats made of the barks of [...]ir­chen trees) which proved to them a Charons boat, being sunk, or over­fet, by te shooting of our men, delivered them into the like danger of the waters, giving them thereby a pasport into the other world: others of them creeping for shelter under the banks of the great river, were espyed by our men and killed with their swords; Capt. Holioke killing five, young and old, with his own hands from under a bank. When the Indians were first awakened with the thunder of their gunns, they cried out Mohawks, Mohawks, as if their own native enemies had been upon them: but the dawning of the light, soon notified their error, though it could not prevent the danger.

Such as came back spake sparingly of the number of the slain▪ some say there could not in reason be less then two or three hundred of them that must necessarily perish in the midst of so many instruments of de­struction managed against them with such disadvantages to themselves. Some of their prisoners afterwards owned that they lost above three hundred in that Gamizado, some whereof were principal men Sachems, and some of their best fighting men that were left, which made the vi­ctory more considerable then else it would have been; nor did they seem ever to have recovered themselves after this defeat, but their ru­ine immediately followed upon it. Yet such was the awfull hand of Providence, in the chose of this victory, mixing much bitter with the sweet, that it might well be called a costly victory to the Conquerors, that so no flesh should glory in it self.

The Indians that lay scattering on both sides of the river, after they recovered themselves, and discovered the small number of them that assailed them, turned head upon the English, who in their ret [...]eat were a little disordered, for want of the help of the eldest Captain, that was so enfeebled by sickness before he set out, that he was no way able for want of bodily strength (not any way defective for want of skill or courage) to assist or direct in making the retreat: For some of the e­nemy fell upon the Guards that kept the horses, others pursued them in the reer, so as our men sustained pretty much damage as they retired, missing after their return thirty eight of their men: And if Capt. Holioke had not played the man at a more then ordinary rate, sometimes in the Front, sometimes in the flank and reer, at all times en­couraging the souldiers, it might have proved a fatal business to the as­sailants. The said Capt. Holiokes horse was shot down under him, and himself ready to be assaulted by many of the Indians, just coming upon him, but discharging his pistolls upon one or two of them, whom he [Page 86] presently dispatched, and another friend coming up to his rescue, he was saved, and so carried off the souldiers without any further loss.

It is confidently reported by some that were there present at this en­gagement, that one told above an hundred Indians left dead upon the place; and another affirmed that he told near an hundred and forty swimming down the Falls, none of which were observed to get alive to shore, save one.

The loss that befell our men in the retreat, was occasioned principal­ly by the bodily weakness of Capt. Turner, unable to manage his charge any longer, yet some say they wanted powder, which forced them to retire as fast as they could by Capt. Turners order.

It is said also by one present at the fight, that seven or eight in the reer of the English, through haste missed their way, and were never heard of again; and without doubt fell into the Indians hands, and it is feared some of them were tortured.

About sev [...]n dayes after this, they were minded to try the chance of Warr again, and see if they could not recover their loss, by returning the like upon the English: For,

May 30. A great number of them appeared before Hatfield, fired a­bout twelve houses and barns without the Fortification of the town, driving away multitudes of their Cattle, and their Sheep, spreading themselves in the meadow near the town: which bravado so raised the courage of their neighbours at Hadly, that twenty five resolute young men ventured over the river, to relieve Hatfield in this distress, who charged the enemy with such undaunted courage and resolution ( Auda­ces fortuna juvat) that they beat down five or six at the first shot they made, so making way through the thickest of their enemies, that lay ready to take aim at them behind every tree, as they passed by; yet they escaped all their shot till they came within a little of the town they came to relieve, where they lost five of their twenty five.

The enemy being amazed at the resolution of our men, being but so small an handfull, that they fled immediately from the town; having lost twenty five of their men in the enterprize.

The Council of the Massachusets, gathering by these proceedings of the Indians, that their desire of peace was only to gain time, Ordered that the forces raised before Apr. 27. and for a time released should be hastned out again to range the woods towards Hadly, and those parts; made an agreement with Hartford Colony to send forces from thence to meet them about Brookfield, & so to scoure along on both sides Connect­icut River, to disrest the enemy what they could, & keep [...]hem from fish­ing in those waters, their hope of planting being now almost over.

[Page] To this end about May 30. 1 [...]96. the Forces under Capt. Henchman were called together again, and sent to Brookfi [...]ld to meet with those expected from Hartford Colony: In the way▪ ours by the direct [...] of Tom. Doub­let (a Natick Indian, who was a little before imployed in the redemption of Captives) following tracks of Indians, came upon a party of the enemy fishing i [...] Weshacom Ponds toward Lancaster, of whom they killed seven, & took 29. most women and Children; yet belonging to consirerable Persons, it made the success the more to be valued. Our Forces be­ing by this means retarded, could not meet with those of Connecticut at Brookfield; but followed them the week after; having first returned from Weshacom to Malborough to supply themselves with ammunition; and so marched directly towards Hadly, where they met with Connecticut For­ces; and from thence according to mutual agreement, ours marched on the east side of the river, and Connecticut Forces on the West, up toward Squakheag; coming to Deerfield, & the great Falls thereabouts, they sent up their Scouts, but not hearing of the enemy, they marched up no high­er, being in no good capacity to have gone further if there had been oc­casion, by reason of a tedious Storm of rain, which occasioned much damage in their Amunition and Provision. While our Forces lay about Deerfield, some of our souldiers ranging lighted upon the Body of Capt. Turner, about Greens River, in passing of which stream he was supposed to have received his mortal wounds.

While our Forces continued thereabouts, they did the enemy some lit­tle spoile in seizing much of their Fish, & goods stolen from the English, & hid in their b [...]ns, under ground; conjecturing also that they found 4. or 5. places where some of the English had been tortured to death by cruel burning, after they had been fastned between stakes set in the ground: but not meeting with any of the enemy; they all hasted home­wards, conceiving that having been forced from their quarters in those parts, they were drawn down lower, towards the English plantations, eastward viz. Plimouth and the Massachusets. What success C. Hench­man's forces had in their retiring homeward, and what they observed of the motion of the Indians, take in the words of his own Letter

—Our Scouts brought intelligence, that all the Indians were in a continu­al motion, some toward Narrhaganset, others toward Watchuset, shifting gradually, and taking no each others Quarters, and lay not above a night in a place. They 27. ditto, brought in two Squaws, a boy & a girle, giving account of five slain. Yesterday, they brought in an old fellow brother to a Sachem, six Squaws & children, having killed five men, & wounded others if not killed them, as they supposed by the bloud found in the way, and an h [...]t shot through. These and the other inform that Philip and the Narrhagansets were gone several dayes before to their own places, Phi­lips [Page 87] purpose being to [...] what mischief [...] co [...]ld [...] the English. By [...]dvice drew out a commanded Party under the conduct of Capt. Sill, [...], sixteen Files of Englis [...], all [...]y Tr [...]p, and the Indians, [...]xcepting one [...]ile, being all we could make provision for, for what with the falling short of the Bread promised us, and a gre [...]t deal of that we had proving mouldy, the rest of the Forces had but one Biske [...] [...] man to bring them to this place: This party were ordered [...] Wa [...]chuset, and so to Na [...]haway and the Washakem Ponds, where we have notice Indians were, and so to return unto this place. whereby your Honours Letter th [...] came to me yesterday morning I under­stood that provision was ordered for [...]; and which we found to our great re­lief, which we found last night coming hither weary and hungry. The com­manded Party we left at Quonsiquomon, where they int [...]ded to stay awhile for the last Scouts we sent out: Eleven Prisoners we had in all, two of the ol [...]est by counsel we put to death, the other nine the Commissary is ordered to convey to Boston, with the Baggage, horses and se [...]e of their attendants not sit for the Service.

Daniel Henchman.

It appears plainly by the contents of the said Letter, as well as by ma­ny other testimonyes, that about this time the Indians our Enemyes, who hitherto had been linked together as Brethren in iniquity, and cruelty, were now strangly divided and seperated the one from the o­ther: some impute it to an assault made upon them by the Mohawkes, who falling upon Philip with the Inland Indians, slew about fifty of them, whereupon they of Philips Company resolved to return to their own Country, and doe what mischief they could to the English there­abouts: This was roported by an Indian brought to S [...]aco [...]k, I [...]ne, 29. 1676. taken at Providence. Others are ready to think, that it was upon some quarrel amongst themselves, occasioned by an evill spirit sent from God upon them, that thereby they might, being soattered, the more easily be taken and ruined by the English; now that the time of vengeance was com [...], when they shall be called to an account for all their former outrages and crueltyes; for now is the snare hastning up­on them, wherein they shall be hampered in their own devices, so to be­taken and destroyed: it cannot but be acknowledged as a very remark­able Providence, that Capt. Hen [...]hman in his late expedition to Hadly, killed and took about eighty four of the Enemy, without the loss of any one of his own men: the like favou [...]able success hapned to Major [Page 88] Talc [...]t, in his passage from Norwich to Quabaog, as was said before, and soon after his return.

But by that time our Forces were returned home as far as S [...]bury; they were ordered upon the sol [...]citation of the Governour of Plimouth, two Companies of them a [...] least, to march away immediately to Dedham, and so to Seaconk or Re [...]oboth, to joyn with Major Bradford in the pur­suit of Philip, who was it seems with many hundreds of his Barbarous Followers fallen upon the English Plantations thereabouts, and whither also a little before, Capt. Brattle with a Troop of Horse, and Captain Mosely with a Foot Company were sent up from Boston to pursue after them, now flocking in great numbers into those Woods; there was at this time no small hope of surprizing Philip: several reports be­ing brought that he was seen in this and that place, not with above twen­ty or thirty men attending on him: but his time was not yet fully come, nor had he as yet fully accomplished all that mischief, he was like to be suffered to do: For upon Iuly 1st. 1676. a party of his In­dians committed an horrid and barbarous Murder upon Mr. Hezekiah Willet in Swanzy, an hopeful young Gentleman, as any in those parts; they used frequently to keep a Sentinel on the top of their House, from a Watch-house built thereon, whence they could discover any Indians be­fore they came near the house, but not hearing of the Enemy in those parts for a considerable time, that necessary piece of circumspection was omitted that day, whereby that deserving person was betrayed into their cruel hands, for within a quarter of an hour after he went out of his own doors, within sight of his House, he was shot at by three of them at once, from every one of whom he received a mortal wound; they after their barbarous manner took off his head: and carried it away with them (which yet was soon after recovered) leaving the Trunk of his body behind, as a sad monument of their inhumane cruelty: the same Indians, not being above thirty in number, took away a Negro belong­ing to the same Family, who being faithful to his Masters, and the Coun­tries interest, ventured his life to make his escape, which was the pre­servation of many others: for the said Negro being a little acquainted with their Language, discovered to the English after his escape, Philips purpose to seize such and such places: in the first place to assault Taun­ton, which in all probability had been in great danger, if their treache­rous plots and purposes had not so wond [...]fully been made known be­fore hand. The said Negro affirmed, that there was near a thousand of them, for he observed, that although they had killed twenty head of Neat Cattle over night, yet there was not any part of them left the [Page 93] Next day at eight of the Clock in the morning: by this special Provi­dence the Enemy was defeated of their purpose, and never after had any opportunity of doing any considerable damage to the English in that part of the Country. So as after this day we may truly date the time of our Deliverance, and beginning of Revenges upon the Enemy: Now is their own turne come, when it shall be done unto them, as they have served us: They that before led otherr into Captivity, must themselves hence forth goe into Captivity: And they that killed with the Sword, must themselves be killed with the Sword, as in the Sequel of this Narrative will abundantly be manifest; The History of which before we shall any farther pursue, we must a little while wait upon our Friends, (those Forces sent from Connecticut) in their return back into their own Colony, which before i [...] be done, some things should be premised concerning the occa­sion of their coming, and the Success that did attend them in their march thither.

Our Friends and Brethren of that Colony, although they had never actually felt half of those miseries, that befell the people of the other two, yet never denyed their Assistance to the suppressing of the com­mon Enemy, yea, sometimes they did afford it, before it was expresly de­sired; according to the Tenor of the Articles of Confederation, and Rules of common prudence; considering that if the fire of this War were not timely extinguished, it would end [...]nger their own Fabrick: There­fore according to Agreement, the Councel of that Colony ordered their successful Commander Major Talcot to meet with our Forces at Brook­fi [...]ld, or Quabaog in order to the pursuing of the Enemy in those parts: In the way as they were from Norwich marching thither, Divine Provi­dence so far smiled upon the Enterprize, as to give them an opportu­nity to surprize fi [...]ty one of the Enemy, of whom nineteen were slain, without the loss of any one of their own Company, which could not but much enbanse the price of the victory to the Conquerers.

The like Success had their friends which they left behind (the Vo­lunteers gathered out of the three Town [...] by the Sea side, New-London, Stonington, and Norwich,) [...]ad who were some of them released by Major Talcot, when he first began his March, that they might the bet­ter in the absence of the Army, guard their own Towns: for before the retu [...]n of the Forces under Major Talcot, to that side of the Country, they had made two Expeditions against their Enemyes the Narrhagan­sets, that were s [...]ulk [...]ng up and down on that side of the Country; In one of which they killed and took above thirty, the most of which be­in [...] men, [...] said to have been slain by them.

[Page 94] In the other about forty five, the most of which probably were w [...] ­men and Children, but being all young Serpents of the same brood, the su [...] duing or taking so many, cught to be acknowledged as another sig­nai victory, and pledge of Divine favour to the English. But to return, it was not without the special direction of Providence that those Hart­ford Forces were sent to those Western Towns a week b [...]fore those of the Massachusets could get th [...]ther; for otherwise one or those Towns might have been lost; seeing that on the twelfth of Iune, soon after, if not the n [...]xt day, after they arrived there; The Enemy, as if resolved to try the utmost of their power, viol [...]ntly assaulted the Town of Hadly, with a body of about seven hundred men, at five or si [...] in the morning, lay­ing an Ambush at one end of the Town, while the greater part of them were ala [...]m [...]ng the other: But the Conn [...]cticut Forces being at that time quartered in the Towns thereabouts, (who were English, and friendly Indians, P [...]q [...]ods, and Mobegins, about five hundred in all) that were ready at hand, besides, those that had been quartered there, ev [...]r since March, (who had been left by Major Savage when he left those parts, under the Command and Charge of Captain Turn [...]r, slain at the great Falls, as is noted before,) but since commanded by Cavtain S [...]am. These by their Jo [...] and ready resistance, wherein the Hence of Palizadoes su [...]rounding the Town, was no little advantage, gave the Indians such a smart Repu [...]se, that they found the pl [...]ce too ho [...]for them to abide it. For the Souldiers or Towns-men within, firing a piece of O d [...]a [...]ce, it so aff [...]ighted the Salvages, or a party of them, against whom it was discharged, that although they had just before surprized, & oss [...]ssed an house at the North end of the Town, if Information mistake not, yet they instantly fled, leaving some of their d [...]ad upon the place; Nor did they any considerable mischief with all their numbers, save firing a Barne about that end of the Town, and slaying two or three of the Soul­diers, or too daring Inhabitants, who would against expres [...]order ad­ve [...]ture to go without the Fortification.

It was accounted by some, that were present near the time of that Assault, a great over sight, that having so fair an opportunity to chase the Enemy upon so considerable advantage, it was let slip, and not impro­ved: For Conn [...]cticut Soul [...]ie [...]s being all, or most of them su [...]nish [...]d with ho [...]s [...]s, they might have been soon [...]vertak [...]n, and many of them destroy­ed: but God hid it from [...]h [...]ir Eyes; The Co [...]mander in c [...]f, it is sa [...]d, q [...]a [...]tered at one of the Towns on the W [...]st side of the R [...]r, and did not a [...]prehend the advantage, till the Season was over: Nor wa [...] an [...] [...] as an [...] ex [...]ect [...]d from the Enemy, so early in the [Page 95] morning; It being a general observation heretofore, that they seldome, or never vsed to make any Attempt in the night time; part of which could not b [...] be imp [...]oved in way of proparation for su [...] a designe.

But the Lord of Hosts who is wis [...] in Counsel, and wonderf [...]lan w [...] ­ing, would find some other way to de [...]roy our Enemi [...]s, w [...]tere in the hand of his Providenc [...], should more remarkeably be seen, [...]hat so no [...] should glory in its own wisdom or str [...]ngth, but that Salvation might a [...] ­p [...]ar, to be from the Lord alone. The rest of this Month was spent with­out any othermatter of moment happening therein.

The Governour and Council of the Massachus [...]ts, taking into serious consideration, th [...] many meiciful O [...]currents that had been [...] [...] ­us, notwithstanding the mixing of many dispensations of a contrary na­ture, accounted themselves bound to make some [...] acknowledg­ment thereof, to him who [...]e Name alone is worthy to be praised. The 29th. of that month of Iune, was set a part as a day of publick Thanks­giving to God, who had remembred his people thus in their [...]ow Estate. And that matter of Thanksgiving might not be wanting at the day ap­pointed, the very day before were most of our English Captives brought back from the Indians, and many more soon after, to the number of sixt [...]en, whose [...] might then well be filled with Laughter, and their Tongues with singing, both of themselves, and all that were any wayes concerned in their welfare.

And as this day appointed for solemn and publick Thanksgiving, was ushered in by several special mercies, so also was it followed with many remarkable benefits.

For besides the preserving the Town of North-Hampton, Ma [...]ch, the scurteenth, and Hadly, [...]une the twelfth, by the opportune [...] standing of [...] Forces the very night before they were Assaulted: The saving the peo­ple of Marlborough from being cut off, was very observable, when Mr. Graves by his occasional going from the Sermon, being forced thereunto by the extremity of the Tooth Ach, March, 26. discovered the Indi [...] ready to Assault the Tow [...], and so else the people might have been [...]ut off, had not that Accident Intervened. It is certain, that after the end of this M [...]nth, the power of the Enemy began every where to fail; for the Body of the Enemy, that [...]ad lurked about Connecticut River all this Spring, being visited with sundry diseases, disappointed of their fishing, and pu [...] by th [...]ir planting, began to fall at variance amongst themselve [...]; the Hadly and Pocumtuck Indians quarrelling with Philip for fetching all this mischief about, and occasioning the English and them to fall out, with whom they had alwayes good Corresp [...]ndence, and lived loving [...] [Page 96] together, but now they were like to be ruined by the [...]. This quar­rel proceeded to that height, that from that time forwa [...], those several Indians that had for so long time been combined together, [...] to part, and every one to shift for themselves, and return to their own homes: Philip to Mount-hope, and the Narrhaganseis to their own Country again: the Nipnets and the Riv [...]r Indians, bending their course some Westward, others North-word towards Pennicook upon Merrimack, intending to shift for themselves, as well as they could for the s [...]ure; all which is like to be the real and true state of the [...]le with the [...]ndian [...] which were our Enemies: for the next News we heard of Philip, was that he was gotten back to Mount-Hope, now like to become Mount-Misery unto him, and his Vagabond-Crew, and that his Friends and Al­ [...]yes, that had hitherto stood as Neuters, waiting only which way the Scale of Success and Victory would turn, began now to sue for mercy at the hands of the English: The Massachusets Governm [...]nt having un [...]erstood something of this nature, put forth a Declaration, that what­soe [...]er Indians should within fourteen dayes next ensuing come in to the English, might hope for mercy.

Amongst sundry that came in, there was one named Iames the Printer the Sup [...]added Title distinguishing him from others of that name: who being a notorious Apostace, that had learned so much of the English, as not only to read and write, but had attained likewise some skill in print­ing, and might have attained more, (had he not like a falfe Villain ran away from his Master before his time was out) he having seen and read the said Declaration of the English, did venture himself upon the Faith thereof, and came to sue for his Life; he affirmed, with others that came along with him, that more Indians had dyed since this War began of dis­cases (such as at other times they used not to be acquainted withal) than by the Sword of the English.

Not long after many of them came and offered themselves, to the number of near two hundred, Men, Women, and Children; and many more woul [...] have done the like, but their Consciousness of gui [...]t made [...]hem co [...]lude, that their Cruelties and barbarous Murthers could ne­ [...]er be forgiven by the English.

But what Occurrents happnend next shall be declared in their order.

About the end of Iune News was brought to Boston, that Philip with a sm [...]ll party of his men, lurked about Swanzy or Rehoboth, & that he might [...]sily be taken; an Indian offering to bring them to the place where they [...]ight find him; whereupon Souldior was instantly s [...]n [...] a [...]ay, from Boston who spent some time in searching all the wood [...] o [...] [...]hat side of the Country, [Page 97] but at last were forced to return having m [...]ssed of what they aimed at.

Plimouth Colony likewise sent out Souldiers upon the same account, under Major Bradford, who by the help of some Indians of Cape Cod, alwayes true to the English interest, not only escaped an Ambush laid for [...]em, w [...]er [...]by most of them might have been cut off, but slew many of those that [...]d wait for them, without any loss to themselves: yea fur­ther a Squaw Sachem of Sakonet, one of Philips Al [...]yes, having first sent three Messengers to the Governour of Plimouth, to sue for life and li­berty; promising submission to their Government on that condition, but understanding that Plimouth Forces were abroad, before her Messen­gers returned, she with her People, about ninety in number, rendred themselves up to Major Bradf [...]rd, so that above one h [...]ndred and ten we [...]e killed, and taken upon co [...]position that day.

The like success had the Conn [...]cticut Forces sent into the Narrhagan­set Country under the conduct of t [...]e wonderfully successful Major Talco [...], Capt. George Denison, Capt. Newbery, with other worthy Commanders of the said Forces; for about the second of Iuly, 1676. As the said Com­m [...]nders with the Forces under them were pursuing the Enemy in, and about the Narrhaganset Country toward Mount-hope, hearing that Phi­lip with his black Regiment of Wompanoags was thereabouts, their Indi­an Scouts from the top of an hill discovered a great nnmber of the enemy that had newly pitched their Station within the semicircle of a Swampe. The Engl [...]sh Souldiers were all mounted on horseback, to the number of near three hundred; wherefore the Commanders ordered the Indians to be ready at the top of the hill upon a signal given to run down amain upon the enemy securely lodged in the hollow of the Swampe just oppo­site against them, while their Horsemen being divided into two squa­drons to ride round the hill, so that at the same instant, both the Horse­men upon the two wings, and the Indians a foot rushing down suddenly upon the enemy put them into an horrible fright, making a lamentable outcry; some getting into the Swampe, the rest [...]hat were prevented by the Horsemen, and the friendly Indians coming so suddenly upon them were all taken prisoners; Capt. Newbery with his troop alligh [...]ing from their horses ran into the Swampe after them, whe [...]e they killed at least an hundred, as was judged by some then present; taking also many pri­soners out of those habitations of darkness; the enemy scarce daring to make any resistanc [...]; for none of the English, and but one or two of the M [...]he [...]ins & Pequods were hu [...]i [...] that assault: Yet it was affirmed by a [...] p [...]es [...]nt on the place, that with those they killed and took at Warwick neck, in their return home (whi [...]h were no [...] much above six [...]y) [Page 98] that they killed and took of the enemy at that time above three hundred young and old. At the same time was taken the old Squaw of Narrha­ganset, commonly called the old Queen.

They were necessitated with this booty to return homewards to gra­tifie the Mohegin & Pequod Indians that accompanied them, who had done them very good service in the pursuit, having lost one or two of their men in the chase: But their return hom [...], was, as it proved in the issue, more beneficial, then their longer stay might have been, to have made a fruitless pursuit after Philip (whose time was not yet come al­though hastning apace) for in their return they met sixty of the enemy, all of whom they slew and took, so as their Sword returned not empty.

Within a few dayes after, two hundred of the enemy within Plimouth Jorisdiction being distressed with Famine, and fear of danger, came and submitted themselves to the Goverment there: But three of the compa­ny were presently derected of a cruel murther, and villanous ass [...]ult upon one Mr. Cla [...]kes house of Plimouth; by a well minded Squaw that was a­mong them (hoping that possibly such a discovery would be pleasing to the English) and accordingly adjudged forthwith to undergoe condign punishment, which the rest that surrendred themselves were no whit troubled at, such kind of Villains, being alwayes exempted from [...] acts of favour and mercy. Those two hundred that had newly surrendred themselves, that they might give ful proof of their f [...]delity, offered to lead a Party of the English [...]o a place not far off, where twenty more of the enemy might be surprized amongst whom also was one, known to be a bloudy murtherer of an English man that year before; accordingly eight English men took fourteen of the said Indians, and the next day brought in all the aforesaid twenty of the enemy, with the said murderer; who was presently executed, the rest being accepted into favour.

It is affirmed likewise that five or six Sachems of Cape God, towards the eastern part of it, came with three hundred Indians to make peace with the English, on the 6th. of Iuly; one of the said S [...]chems earnestly desiring the English that none of them might be suffered to sell any strong Liquors to the Indians, the trading of which, possibly hath had no small influence into the present mischiefs.

The next day, Iuly the 7th. a small party of ours, with a [...] friendly or Christian Indians with them killed and [...]ook seven of the enemy in the woods not far from Dedham, one of which was a Narrhaganset Sachem; who either himself, informed, or by some other at that time, certain intelligence was brought to Boston, that some of our enemy Indians were gotten to Albany, informing people there, that they might the more [Page 99] easily get powder and amunition, that the English and they were now at peace▪ One of the said Indians was the Sachem of Spring field, a bloudy and deceitfull villain; It is hoped that he is now taken in the snare from whence he shall never be suffered to escape.

Philip by this time could not but think his ruine hastned apace▪ yet that he might, in imitation of him that stirred up all this mischief, express the more wrath, because he knew his time was but short, intended if possible, to destroy one town more of the English before his turn came; wherefore Iuly, 11. with all the Force he could get, or that he had left he intended to set upon Taunton, having as was conceived, many hun­dreds in his company: but his design being strangly discovered by a Negroe, whom they had taken captive a little before, that having lived near the Indians before, understood much of their Language, who ma­king his escape from them, acquainted the Inhabitants with the plot; who having timely notice, furnished themselves with Souldiers, whereby they were able to repulse the enemy upon his first approach: so as he only fired two houses, and then fled away: Except the Lord keepeth the City the Watehman watcheth but in vain.

The 22d. of this moneth of Iuly, as is hinted before, the Companyes sent from Concord, May, 30. up towards Hadly, having spent much time and paines in pursuit of Philip all the Country over (whom they could not yet overtake) having tired themselves with many long and te­dious Marches through the desert woods, before they returned home some of them were sent toward Mount-Hope, yet was their labour well improved, and followed with good success at the la [...]t: for in ranging those woods in Plimouth Colony, they killed and took, by the help of Capt. Mosely's Company and Capt. Brattles Troop joyning with Major Bradfords Company of Plimouth Colony, an hundred and fifty Indians, with the loss of never an English man.

It was feared that Philip and his Company would have returned into the Nipnet Country, to prevent which, several Horsemen were sent to guard the pasage; but he lu [...]ked about his own Country in swamps and other secret places, where he was as yet hid from the sight of the En­glish, although many times they hapned to lodge very near him, inso­much as an Indian Captive promised in two hours time to bring our Souldiers to the very place where he was; but they not being able to pass the ne [...]est way, came a little too late; for they being so hotly pu [...] ­sued, [...]as [...]ed away, leaving much of their treasure behind them; then Kettles boiling over the fire, their dead unburyed, and twenty of their party were overtaken, that fell into the English hands: Philip himself, [Page 100] and some few of his stragling followers, making their escape by a Raft over an arm of the Sea into another neck of land on Pocasset side, not da­ring to trus [...] himself any longer in Metapoyset woods, so full of our En­glish Souldiers, as well those of Plimouth, as of the Massachusets Colony, who a [...]most every day meeting with some of his party, muc [...] lessend his number. Capt. Church, that active and unwearied Commander of Pli­mouth Colony, was at this time as well as long before, out upon the chase with but e [...]ghteen English, and twenty two Indians that were friends, had four several ingagements with Philips party, wherein he spo [...]led se­venty six of the enemy, without the loss of one of his own men. In se­veral of th [...]se skirmishes, thos [...] Indians that upon submission had their lives given them, have done notable service in hunting out the enemy in all the [...]r lurking places.

At another time they took Philips Squaw, and one of his chief Coun­cellors; and about that same time, another Sachem about Pocasset, with forty Indians submitted himself to the Government of Plimouth, on pro­mise of life and liberty.

It seemed that now the time of our deliverance was come, and the time also for the dest [...]uction of our enemyes: for the last week in Iuly, the Massachusets understanding that some Indians were seen roving up and down the woods about Dedham, almost starved for want of victu [...]ls, sent a small Company of twenty six Souldiers, with about nine or ten Christian Indians, who pursued and took fifty of the enemy, without a­ny loss to the English, at which time also, a good quantity of Wam [...]am­p [...]ag and powder was taken from the enemy. That which increased this victory was the slaughter of Pomham, who was one of the stoutest and most valiant Sachems that belonged to the Narhagansets; whose courage and strength was so great, that after he had been mor­tally wounded in the fight, so as himself could not stand; yet catching hold of an English-man that by accident came near him, had done him a mischief, if he had not been presently rescued by one of his Fellowes. Amongst the rest of the Captives at that time, was one of the said Pom­hams sons, a very likely you [...]h, and one wholse cou [...]te [...]ance would have bespoke favour for him, had he not belonged to so bloudy & barbarous an Indian as his father was.

These success [...]s be [...]ng d [...]ly br [...]ited abroad among the Indians, put many of them into a t [...]emb [...]ng condition, not know [...]g well how to dis­pose of themselves: some that h [...]d been less active in these Tragedies, and were rather led by others, then any wise incl [...]ned to mischief them­selves, adventured to submit themselves, of which number was one of [Page 101] Nipnet Sachems, called Sagamore Iohn, who Iuly [...]7. came to surrender himself to the Governour and Council of the Massachusets at Boston, bringing along with him one hundred and eighty of the Enemy Indians. This Iohn that he might the more ingratiate himself with the English, who [...]e friendship he was now willing to seek after, did by a wile get into his hands, one Matoonas, an old malicious Villain, who was the first that did any mischief within the Massachusets Colony July. 14. 1675. baring an old grudge against them as is thought, for justice that was done upon one of his Sons, 1671. whose Head ever since stands upon a Pole near the Gibbet where he was hanged up: the bringing in of this malicious Caiti [...]e, was an hopeful presage, that it would not be long before Philip himself, the grand Villain, would in like manner receive a just reward of his Wickedness and Murders.

Sagamore Iohn, that came in Iuly 27. affirmed, that he had never in­tended any mischief to the English at Brookefield the last year (near which Village it seems his place was) but that Philip coming over-night amongst them, he was forced, for fear of his own life, to joyn with them against the English. Matoonas also when he was brought before the Council, and asked what he had to say for himself, confessed that he had rightly deserved Death, and could expect no other, adding withal, that if he had followed their Counsel, he had not come to this; for he had often seemed to favour the Praying Indians, and the Christian Religion, but like Simon Magus, by his after practise, discovered quickly, that he had no part nor portion in that matter.

About this time several parties of English, within Plimouth Jurisdi­ction, were willing to have a hand in so good a matter, as catching of Philip would be, who perceiving that he was now going down the wind, were willing to hasten his fall. Amongst others a small party, Iuly 31. went out of Bridge-water upon discovery, and by providence were di­rected to fall upon a Company of Indians where Philip was, they came up with them, and killed some of his special Friends, Philip himself was next to his Uncle, that was shot down, and had the Souldier that had his choice which to shoot at, known which had been the right Bird, he might as well have taken him as his Uncle; but tis said that he had new­ly cut off his Hair, that he might not be known: the party that did this exploit were [...]ew in number, and therefore not being able to keep alto­g [...]her close in the reer, that cunning Fox escaped away through the Bushes und [...]erned in the reer of the English: that which was most remarkable in this design, was that trembling fear discerned to be upon the Indians at this time, insomuch that one of them having a Gun in his [Page 102] hand well laden, yet was not able to shoot it off, but suffered an English Souldier to come close up to his breast, and so shot him down, the other not being able to make any resistance: nor was any of the English hurt at this time.

The like terror was seen in others at that time, for within two days after, Capt. Church, the terror of the Indians in Plimouth Colony, mar­ching in pursuit of Philip, with but thirty English men, and twenty re­conciled Indians, took twenty three of the Enemy, and the next day fol­lowing them by their Tracks, fell upon their Head quarters, and killed and took about an hundred and thirty of them, but with the loss of one English man: in this engagement God did appear in a more then ordi­nary manner to fight for the English, for the Indians by their number, and other advantages of the place, were so conveniently provided, that they might have made the first shot at the English, and done them much damage; but one of their own Country-men in Capt. Churches Com­pany, e [...]pying them, called aloud unto them in their own Language, telling them, that if they shot a Gun, they were all dead men; with which they were so amazed, that they durst not once offer to fire at the English, which made the victory the more remarkable: Philip made a very nar­row escape at that time, being forced to leave his Treasures, his beloved Wife and only Son, to the mercy of the English, Skin for Skin▪ all that a man hath will he give for his life: His ruine being thus gradually carried on, his misery was not prevented but augmented thereby; b [...]ing him­self made acquainted with the sence and experimental feeling of the Cap­tivity of his Children, loss of Friends, [...]aughter of his Subjects, be­reavement of all Family Relations, and being stript of all outward Comfor [...]s before his own life should be taken away. Such Sentence sometime passed upon Cain, made him cry out, that his punishment was greater then he could bare.

This bloody wretch hath one week or two more to live, an object of pitty, bu [...]a spectacle of divine vengeance, his own Followers beginning now to plot against his life, to make the better tearms for their own; as they did also seek to betray Squaw Sachem of Pocasset, Philips near Kins-woman and Confederate. For,

August 6. An Indian willing to shift for himself fled to Taunton, of­fering to lead any of the English that would follow him, to a party of Indians, which they might easily apprehend, which twenty attempted, and accordingly seized the whole Company, to the number of twenty six all but that Squaw Sachem her self, who intending to make an escape from the danger, attempted to get over a River, or arm of the Sea near [Page 103] by, upon a Raft or some pieces of broken wood; but whether tired and spent with swimming, or starved with cold and hunger, she was found stark [...]aked in Metapoiset, not far from the water-side, which made some think, that she was first half drowned, and so ended her wretched life, just in that place where the year before she had helped Philip to make his escape: her head being cut off and set upon a Pole in Taunton, was known by som [...] Indians then Prisoners, which set them into an hor­rid Lamentation; but such was the righteous hand of God, in bringing at the last that mischief upon themselves, which they had without cause thus long acted against others.

Philip, like a Salvage and wild Beast, having been hunted by the En­glish Forces through the Woods, above an hundred miles backward and forward, at last was driven to his own Den, upon Mount-hope, where re­tiring himself, with a few of his best Friends into a Swamp, which pro­ved but a Prison to keep him fast, till the Messengers of death, came by Divine permission to execute vengeance upon him, which was thus ac­complished.

Such had been his inveterate malice and wickedness against the english that despairing of mercy from them, he could not bear that any thing should be suggested to him about a Peace, insomuch as he caused one of his Confederates to be killed, for propounding an expedient of peace; which so provoked some of his Company, not altogether so desperate as himself, that one of them (being near of kin to him that was killed) fled to Road-I [...]land, whither, that active Champion Capt. Church was newly retired, to recruit his men for a little time, being much tired with hard marches all that week) informing them that Philip was fled to a Swamp in Mount-hope, whether he would undertake to lead them tha [...] would pursue him. This was welcome news, and the best Cordial, for such Mar [...]ial Spirits: whereupon he immediately, with a small Company of men, part English and part Indians, began another March, which shall prove fatal to Philip, and end that controversie betwixt the english and him: for coming very early to the side of the Swamp, his Souldiers began presently to surround it, and whether the Devil appeared to him in a Dream that night, as he did unot Saul, for [...] boding his Tragical end (it matters not) as he intended to make his escape out of the Swamp, he was shot through the Heart by an Indian of his own Nation as is said, that had all this while kept himself in a neutrality until this time, but now had the ea [...]ing vote in his power, by which he determined the quarrel that had held so long in suspence; in him is fulfilled what was said in the Prophet, Wo to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled, and deal [...]st [Page 104] treacherously and they dealt not treacherously with thee; when thou shalt cease to spo [...] thou shalt be spoiled, and when thou shalt make an end to deal treache­rously, they shall deal treacherously with thee, [...]. 33: 1.

With Philip at this time fell five of his trustiest Followers, of whom one was said to be the Son of his chief Captain, that had shot the first Gun at the English the year before. This was done August 12. 1676. a remarkable testimony of divine favour to the Colony of Plimouth, who had for their former successes, appointed the 17th day of August fol­lowing, to be kept as a day of solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God. There having been so strange a turn of providence observed in the late successes obtained in and about Plimouth Colony, it may not be amiss here to enquire into the occasions that did lead thereunto, and also into the progress and continuance thereof, after the slaughter of Philip that grand Rebel.

In the precedent Narration frequent mention hath been made of one Capt. [...]hurch, whom God hath made an instrument of signal Victories over the Indians in that Colony, and of great advantage in that respect to th [...] w [...]ole Jurisdiction. It hapened that the said Capt. Church some time in Iune last, viz. of this present year, 1676. passing over in a Canoo from Pocasset to Road-Island, as he used frequently to do (having had much imployment upon the said Neck of Land, so called) several Indians whom he had known before at Lakenham (a Village on Po [...]ss [...]t si [...]) b [...]ck­ned to him, as if they had a mind to speak with him; he having had so much exper ence as well as others of their Treachery, was not willing to adventure presently to come near them; but when they seemed to [...]rge very much, and made many signs to him, and at last laid down their Guns in his sight, be began to think with himself, there might be some­thing in the matter more then ordinary, therefore resolved to go a little nearer to the shore, and then he perceived they had a great minde to speak with him, using much importunity for that end, insomuch as he ventured to go a shore amongst them, having but one English-man, and two Indians with him, he directed them to keep off the Canoo, while he discoursed with the Indians ashore: as soon as ever he came amongst them; they told him they were weary of fighting, and that they had fought so long by Philips instigation, but they could not tell for what end, and therefore were resolved they would fight no longer; and that which they desired of him only was, that he would make way for them to the Governour, that they might live quietly amongst the English, as they had done before, and that they would deliver up their Arms, or would go out with them, if he pleased to accept of them, and fight for him: [Page 105] to that end they desired a time to parly with him, further about that business, at what time and place he would appoint: He told them he would meet them two dayes after at Saconet, a place up higher upon the said neck, about twelve a clock; accordingly he came to the said place, and found the same Indians, with some others, and their Sunke Squaw, or chief woman of that Indian Plantation, there ready to meet him.

After they had fallen into discourse about the beginning of the warr, as well as the success and mischief of it, they would have put the blame off from themselves, and laid it upon the English: But he presently convinced them by an undeniable evidence, that they first began the warr; For said he upon this Pocasset, Iuly, 7. 1675. you first fought with some of Road-Island, whereof one was my own Servant, whose leg you brake, and the same day you shot at my self and Company, before ever we meddled with you: They were so fully convinced herewith, that they found nothing to reply, but fell into other discourse about a peace, which they seemed very desirous to obtain upon any equal tearms, as was said before.

There were about fifteen of the Indians present, beside their Sunke Squaw (which is with us their Governess or Lady) in conclusion they engaged for ever after to leave Philip, and to goe out with him; which they did forthwith, as soon as he had obtained a peace for them with the Governour.

It is here to be minded, that these were not properly Philips Indians, but belonged to the Sakonet Squaw, who was nearly related to Philip, and her Subjects had hitherto fought in Philips Quarrell, till they saw nothing but misery and mischief like to be the issue of it to themselves, as well as their neighbours. About twenty or thirty of these Sakonet Indians have constantly gone out with Capt. Church ever since, and not only been faithfull and serviceable to him, but very successfull in every enterprise they have gone about, nor hath he lost any of them in any skirmish with the other-Indians: And it is said that this act of these Indians broke Philips heart, as soon as ever he understood it, so as he never joyed after, or had any success in any of his designs, but lost his men one time after another, till himself at last fell into the hands of these Indians under Capt. Churches Command: For at the swamp when Philip was [...]ain, Capt. Church appointed an Eng [...]ish man and an Indian to stand at such a place of the swampe, where it hapned that Philip was breaking away; the morning being wet and rainy, the English mans gun would not fire, the Indian having an old Musket with a large touch-hole, [Page 106] it took fire the more readily, with which Philip was dispatched, the bul­let passing directly through his heart, where Ioab thrust his darts into rebellious Absalom.

Thus did divine vengeance retalliate upon this notorious Traitor, that had against his league and Covenant, risen up against the Government of Plimouth, to raise up against him one of his own people, or one that was in league with him, as he was with the English: The Indian that did this execution was called Alderman of Sako [...]e [...] that had never done any act of hostility against the English.

By these passages it is manifest, that as the hearts of all are in the hand of God▪ so he [...]urns them as he pleases, either to favour his people, or to hate and deal subtilly with his Servants, as seems good to him.

Since this engagement with the Sakonet Indians, to leave Philip, and to goe out with Capt. Church, it is credibly affirmed; that such hath been their success, that since Iune aforesaid, to the end of October next follow­ing, there have been seven hundred Indians subdued, either by killing or taking Captive, by the meanes [...] Capt. Church and his Company, part Indians and part English▪ besides three hundred that have come in vo­luntarily to submit themselves to the Government of Plimouth.

It appears thus by the sequell of things, that after the Lord hath ac­complished his work upon his people, that he is beginning to call his e­nemyes to an account, and punish them for the pride of their hearts, and for all their treachery and cruelty against his Servants.

Philips Captains have run the same fa [...] with himself, some before and some after his own Fall.

In Iune last one Tia [...]q a great Captain of his, his wife and child, or children being taken, though he escaped himself at first, yet came since and surrendred himself.

The next noted Captain of Philips Indians that was brought in after Philip [...] death, was one called Tespiquin, a notorious Villain, next to Philip, he was called the black Sachems son: It was this Tespiquin that burnt so many houses in Plimouth lately. Capt. Church with his Com­pany were in pursuit of him in September last, two dayes before they could get near him, at the last on the third day, they found the track made by the said Tespiquins party, as they went to fetch apples from the English Orchards: This was something a blind track, therefore they were forced to take up their quarters that night without discove­ring any place of their Rendezvouze. The next morning about nine of the [...]lock, they came to their first Rendezvouze, from which they were newly gone: at one a clock they came to the second, and missing [Page 107] them there, they soon after came to the third track, wherein after they had m [...]ched a while, they perceived they grew very near them, by the [...]rying of a child which they heard: the place was near Lakenham upon Po [...]asset neck, so full of bushes that a man could not see a rod before him: Capt. Church ordered his men to march up together in one ranke, because he discovered the Indians were laid in one Range by se­veral fires; so that by that time they all came up into an even ranke pretty near together, within a few yards of them, as he had appointed, they all suddenly rushed altogether in upon them, and catched hold of them, not suffering any to escape; there being about fifty of them in all: Tespequins wife and children were there, but himself was absent; as also one Iacob, and a girle that belonged to that company. The Captains leisure would not serve him to wait till they came in, (though the Indi­ans said they might come that night) whe [...]efore he thought upon this project; to leave two old Squawes upon the place, with victuals, and bid them tell Tespiquin, that he should be his Captain over his Indians if he were found so [...]out a man, as they reported him to be; for the Indians had said that Tespiquin could not be pierced by a bullet, for said they, he was shot twice, but the bullets glanced by him and could not hurt him. Thus the Captain marched away with his booty, leaving this Trap be­hind him to take the rest▪ the next morning he came to see what his Trap had catch'd, there he found Iacob aforesaid (a notorious wretch) and the gi [...]e he missed before, but not Tespiquin: But within a day or two after, the said Tespiquin, upon the hopes of being made a Captain under Capt. Church, came after some of the Company, and submitted himself in the Captains absence; and was sent to Plimouth, but upon tri­al (which was the condition on which his being promised a Captains place under Capt. Church did depend) he was found penetrable by the English gunns, for he fell down at the first shot, and thereby received the just reward of his former wickedness.

About a Fortnight after the surprising of Tespiquin, was one Totoso [...] company taken, wherein were above fifty persons: but Totoson himself escaped, and is out still in Rebellion, unless vengeance hath overtaken him since.

The next that was seized after the former, was one called Annawan; a very subtle, politick Fellow, and one of Philips chief Counsellors; he had about twelve men, and as many Women and Children in his Com­pany, who were discovered by their shooting at the English Horses, and other Cattle; some of whom being taken, they made known the rest. Capt. Church [...] that time had but five English men, and twenty Indians. [Page 108] The place where this Annawan had betaken himself, was a ledge of Rocks inaccessible, but at one place, which by a few hands, might easily have been defended against a great number of Assailants: but Capt. Church by direction got up to their Wigwams before they were aware: and pleasantly told Annawan, that he came to sup with him that night; whereat the said Annawan (who had fallen [...] upon the Earth, exp [...]ct­ing to have his head cut off) looked up and cried Taubut, in their Lan­guage; thank you, as one being much affected with the generosity of our English Captain; they found some of the English Beef boyling in their [...]ettles: After Supper much discourse had with the said Annawan, they lay down to sleep together in the Wigwam: Capt. Church laying one of his legs upon A [...]wans Son, and the other upon himself, that he might have notice, if any of them offered to stir: after midnight Anna­wan rose up, and Capt. Church was presently awake, and intended to watch after his Prisoner: he thought at the first he might have gone forth upon some necessary occasion; but not long after, he returned again, having fetched out of a Swamp hard by, two Horns of Powder and a large Belt of Peag, supposed to be Philips Belt, all which he delive­red to Capt. Church, in way of thankful acknowledgement of his cour­tesie. Amongst other Discourse that passed between them, concerning [...] occasion of the War, and carrying of it on: the Indian would fain have excused Philip, and layd the blame upon the Praying Indians (as they are distinguished from others by that Character) and others of the younger sort of his Followers, who coming with their several [...]ales (which he li [...]ened to sticks laid on a heap) till by the multitude of them a great fire came to be kindled: they make much use of parabolical expressions; for so said Solo [...]on, Where no wood is, there the fire go [...]th out; s [...] where there is no tale- [...]earer, [...] strife ceaseth, Prov. 26. 20. But Philip had had large and long experi [...]e of the gentleness and kindness of the [...]nglish; both to himself and to his P [...]ple so as unless he had born an [...] and malicious mind against the [...], he would never have [...]ear­kened to those stories, contrary to his [...]aithful promise and Allegiance.

The said Annawan confessed also, that he did believe by all those late occurrents, that there was a great God, that over-ruled all; and that he had found, that whatever he had done to any of those, whether Indi­ans or English, the same was brought upon himself in after time. He confessed also, that he had put to death several of the English, that they had taken alive, ten in one day: and could not deny, but that some of them had been tortured: and now [...] could not but see the justice of the great God upon himself, with many other things of like nature. [Page 109] But whatever his confessions of this nature were, being [...] him by the power of Conscience, after he was delivered up to Authority, he was put to death, as he justly had deserved.

It is said that Philip when he first began his Rebellion, had about three hundred fighting men under him, besides those that belonged to his Kins-woman, Wetamoe, drowned about Taunton, that had almost as ma­ny under her, as himself. And one Quenopin, a Narrhaganset Sachem, that lived near him, and joyned with him in his quarrel with the English: But it is certain that there are scarce any that are now left that belonged to either of them: so as although the Almighty hath made use of them to be a scourge to his People, he hath now turned his hand against them, to their utter destruction, and exti [...]pation from off the face of the earth, peradventure to make room for others of his People to come in their room, and in their stead.

As for the rest of the Narrhagansets, that joyned in Philips quarrel, it is already declared, what end they were come unto. As for the rest of the Indians, whither Nipnet, Nashaway, Pacomp [...]uck, or Hadly and Springfield Indians; it is not so certain what is become of them: But after their separation one from the other about Iuly last; it was obser­ved by all the Tracks in those Woods, they went still westward▪ and a­bout the middle of August last, a great party of them were observed to pass by West field, a small Town to the west of Springfield, and were judged to be about two hundred▪ News thereof being brought to Ma­jor Talcot, he with the Souldiers of Connecticut Colony under his com­mand, both English and Indians, pursued after them as far as Ausotun­noog River (in the middle way betwixt West field, and the Dutch River, and Fort Albany) where he overtook them, and fought with them; kil­ling and taking Prisoners forty five, whereof twenty five were fighting men, without the loss of any one of his Company besides a Moheg in Indian: many of the rest were sorely wounded, as appeared by the dab­bling of the Bushes with blood, as was observed by them that followed them a little further.

It is wri [...]ten since from Albany, that there were sundry lost besides the forty five forementioned, to the number of threescore in all; and also that an hundred and twenty of them are since dead of sickness: so as Vengeance seems to be pursuing of them as well as the rest.

Several of the [...]r Friends that belonged to Nashaway, and the places a [...]joyning, repaired to Pas [...]ataqua, hoping to shrowd themselves under the Wings of some honester Indians about Quechecho, under pretence [Page 110] of a Dec [...]tation set out by the Governour and Council of the Massa­ [...]sets in the beginning of [...] last: but some of our Forces, under Capt. Hath [...]rne and Capt. Sill, with the help of Major Walden, Captain Frost, and others r [...]siding in those parts, being than in a readiness, sepa­rated the vile, and wicked from the rest, and sent them down to the Go­vernour at Boston, where eight or nine of the Ring-leaders, such as one eyed Iohn, Sagamore Sam of Nashaway, chief Actors of the late out­rages, and bloudy mischiefs had justice done upon them soon after.

As for the Massacres and Calamities that befel the English further Eastward, they shall in the second part of this Narrative be declared.

The Indians being thus dispersed several wayes, were strangly con­founded, and destroyed one parcel after another▪ untill there was none left in the western or southern parts, that durst make any opposition all the following part of the year.

As for those that [...]ed westward toward Albany, we shall there leave them for the present, wishing we may never hear more of them: Only a person of Quality informeth, that at Hartford, in September last, he was present at the examination of one Choos, an Indian, formerly of Connecticut, but one of the Narrhaganset Fort the last winter, who con­fessed that he was one of that Company of Indians that went westward the moneth befor [...] toward Hudsons River; but after the fight at Ausotun­noog, he said he returned back to Connecticut for fear of the Mohawks; and that he lay hid about Farmington, till he was almost starved; and then he went to the Sea-side, to make use of the Oister-bank at Strat­ford for his relief, where he was espyed by the Indians, and so brought to Hartford.

He affirmed, that there were above two hundred and fifty fighting men amongst those Indians that fled westward, besides women and chil­dren; and that near two hundred of them passed the great River below Albany, and were shel [...]red by the Indians of that place, called Mohe­ganders; but about eighty of them tarried on the hither side of that River near a Dutch village. But he being convicted of fighting against the English, was condemned to dye, and executed about the same time.

Some few of the rest were skulking about the Narrhaganset Country the last Fall, hoping to shelter themselves under Un [...] but he not wil­ling to give them countenance against the mind of his friends at Conne­cticut, hath since abandoned them to shift for themselves, who have been most of them taken and brought in prisoners to the English this winter.

About the Moneth of October last, Mr. Stanton chanced to come from Se [...]conke with three Indians in his company P [...]qnods, or Mohegins, they [Page 111] hearing by a Captive at one of the next towns that there was a parcel of the enemy not for off, presently left Mr. Stanton, and pursued after them, whom they soon after overtook, and made them all prisoners: amongst them was an old man, not able to goe their pace, but promising to come after them, they spared his life: but as soon as the men re­torned at night from hunting, the old man told them what had befalne their women and children; whereupon the next morning they presently following after them, overtook them, and so recovered the prisoners, and [...]lew one of the three that carried them away; the other two hardly escaped; one of them is called Major Symon, being part a Peqnod and part a Narrhagansc [...], but of extraordinary strength and courage; he perceiving the danger they were in, challenged to fight hand to hand with any five of them with their hatches; but they unwilling to hang their success upon the hazzard of a single Combate, came all towards him at once, whereupon first discharging his gun amongst the whole Company, he brake through them all by force, and so escaped their hands, with one more that was one of his companions. This Symon hath since been very active in killing and taking many of the enemy; some say that he with his own hands hath taken and killed above threescore; and either out of hatred to the enemy, or love to the English, is this last week gone with the Souldiers to the eastward, in pursuit of our quar­rel against them in those parts.

At another time not long before, when he was out against the enemy; he came suddenly upon a great number of them, as they were spread under a steep banke, from whence leaping down into the midest of them he killed diverse, and took others: Fighting it seems is a recreation to him, for he is seldome at home above four or five dayes together.

Some say that in one of his former expeditions, being much wearied and spent, he laid him down to sleep; but towards morning he fell into a dream, wherein he apprehended the Indians were upon him, where suddenly rising up he espyed the Indians coming toward him; but pre­sently presenting his gunns against them, he so frighted them, that they gave him an opportunity to make an escape from a multitude of them.

Since the beginning of December last, News coming down to Boston, that mischief was done about Seaconk, and Rehoboth, by some remain­der of the Indians thereabout, killing their swine and horses; several of Medfield went out after them, and pursuing them by their track, came upon a small party, of whom they took three, one of which escaped, while some of the company were going after the rest: They which were taken confessed there were a parcell about threescore, that were lurking [Page 112] up and down in those Woods, the said two Indians were brought into Boston, Jan. 8.

A Commiss [...]on was formerly granted to Peter Ephrai [...] an Indian of Natick, to go out in pursuit of them, with twenty nine of his Compa­ny: a few of the English went with them from Medfield, who being tired with marching in the Snow soon returned. The Indians kept on in their design, and [...]ghted upon a considerable party of the Enemy, ha­ving traced them, till they found where they lodged over night; they surrounded them early in the morning, as their manner is, and then offered them quarter, if they would yield: eight resolute fellows refused, who were presently shot down, the rest were all seiz [...]d, the whole being in number forty two. This was done abont the middle of Ianuary [...], since which time, several such exploits have been done by them.

Ian. 23. last, The same Company of Natick Indians took two and twenty of the Enemy, among which were five able men, and five Arms: they sent the Prisoners home by five of their Company, the rest went further in the chase.

Ian. 26. last, Another parcel of the Enemy were brought in, eight in number, of whom five were men; amongst whom was the Indian called Cornelius: who three years since was indicted for killing an English­mans Cow; upon which he is said to have uttered several threatning speeches, that he would kill English men, and their Cows too; which was now remembred against him, when he was in particular called to account, for having an hand in killing some of the English and Indians also in league with us, for which he was sentenced to dy, and was accor­dingly executed on Febr. 15. last.

Concerning the rest of the Indians, either in the Colony of Plimouth, Connecticut, or the Massachusets; there is no occurrent more of mo­ment come to light, since the end of August last, save what is last men­tioned before; yet is it very remarkable that although tearms of peace were offered to all that would come in and surrender themselves (as appears by a Declaration put out Iuly last) and that a Nipnet Sachem called Iohn, did thereupon with a considerable number of his Company come in, and offer themselves, and were accordingly secured of their lives, and other concernments; yet did that treacherous Varlot make an escape away, this winter from Capt. Prentices House (under whose charge he was put, about Cambridge Village) and with above twenty more fled away into the Woods, to shift for himself, amongst the rest of his bloody Companions; they were presently pursued, but had gone [Page 113] tho fast and too far to be overtaken: whither it were consciousness of their own guilt, that having had an hand in the bloud of the English, they feared vengeance hung over their heads: or whither they liked not the English manners so well, as to be confined thereunto: wild creatures ordinarily love the liberty of the woods, better than the re­straint of a cage. They made none acquainted with their designe be­fore they went away; and as yet little account can be given of them: on­ly it is known that one or two of their number have since been killed; [...]nd that one or two of their Families are entertained by Uncas; but what is become of the rest is yet uncertain: There were but seven of the Company men; so as they are not capable to do much mischief. Some of late have travailed through the woods of Connecticut, but met with no Indians, nor did they hear of any in their passing be­tween that place and this.

And because in the present Narrative, there hath been frequent men­tion made of Unc [...] the Mohegin Sachem, and of his faithfulness to the interest of the English, I adde in this pl [...]ce, that it is suspected by them that knew him best, that in his heart he is no better affected to the En­gl [...]sh; or their Religion, then the rest of his Country-men; and that it b [...]n been his own advantage, that hath led him to be thus true to them who have upheld him, as formerly against the Pequods, so of late against the Narrhagansets: yet hath he not long since been convinced of the truth of our Religion, and vanity of his own, as himself hath solemnly confe [...]sed, which will [...]viden [...]ly appear by this following passage, which I shall here represent just as it was, from under the hand of that Reve­rend person it relates unto, viz. Mr. Fitch, Pastor of the Church at Norwich, near unto which Vncas his place is.

There was a great drought the last Summer, but as it seems, it was more extream in those parts then with us about the Massachusets; and although probably, the English might have prayed for rain themselves without any motion from the Indians, yet their address to the said Mr. Fitch on such an account, with the consequences thereof, is very re­markable, which take in his own words,

By all that is recorded in the Narrative foregoing there are none into whose hands it shall come, but will be sensible that the present time hath been a day of great rebuke & trouble to the poor people so journing in this wilderness, upon whom sundry calamities have broke in at once this last as well as in the former years: in many places they have been visited with sickness, and mortality more then in many years before, depriving them of many worthy and usefull persons; amongst others the loss of Mr. Iohn Winthrope the late worthy Governour of the Colony of Con­necticut, is as it ought, much lamented by all, who dyed at Boston, April 5. 1676. in the 73. year of his age, whither he was occasionally called the last winter to sit with the rest of the Commissioners, of the united Colonyes, to consult about the great affairs of them, now newly enga­ged in these troubles from the Heathen. He was the eldest son of the famous Governour of the Massachusets, deceased, March, 26, 1649. Pr [...]les fimilima Parenti. The memory of the Father, though he dyed so long ago yet lives still in the minds of the surviving Generation, and is like to continue much longer, by the remembrance of the eminent vir­tues found in this the eldest of his off-spring, who being not long after, or about that time called to take up his residence in that Colony, was by the importunity of the people there, prevailed with to accept of the Governours place, which for a long time after, he held over that Colony [Page 115] though annually chosen thereunto; being so well furnished with many excellent endowments, as well moral as political and philosophical, which rendred him most fit to be an healer of that people. Though we are dealing in another subject, yet shall not pass by his Tomb, as we goe a­long, without paying the homage due to the memory of so honourable a Gentleman.

After all the forementioned Calamityes and troubles, it pleased God to alarme the town of Boston, and in them the whole Country, by a sad Fire, accidentally kindled by the carelesness of an Apprentice, that sate up too late overnight, as was conceived; which began an hour before day, continuing three or four, in which time it burned down to the ground forty six dwelling houses, besides other Buildings, together with a Meeting house of considerable bigness: some mercy was observed mixt with the judgment; for if a great rain had not continued all the time (the roofs and walls of their ordinary buildings consisting of such combustible matter) that whole end of the town had at that time been consumed.

Whereby we see that God by his providence can turn our dwellings into ash [...]s, without the help of either forreign or domestick enemies. Which consideration may awaken all from security, and confidence in these uncertain and unstable possessions, that have no firmer Foundati­on, that may so soon after their first erection, be eaten up by the flames of fire, before the iron teeth of time have had leisure to devour and feed upon them.

God grant that by the Fire of all these Iudgments, we may be purged from our Dross, and become a more refined people, as Vessels fitted for our Masters use.

[Page 117]

A SUPPLEMENT Concerning the WARRE with the PEQUODS.


I Could willingly have now expected that my Indenture being cancelled, I might have had a discharge from any further labour of this nature; but least I be found to have falsified my word passed in th [...] Title of the Narrative, according to the Civilians Rule, Nihil dicitur factum quamdiu aliquid superest ad agendum; as also that other, Non absolutus est debitor qui multa reddit, sed qui omni [...]; being some intimation ba [...]h already been made of great toruble with the Pequod Indians, at the first sesling of the Plantations upon C [...]nnecticut River, that I may make even, though not over measure, I shall i [...] [...]he last place give this following account thereof, either left [...]nder the hands of such as [...]m [...]anded i [...] [...]bief in that acti­on, or from the mouth [...] of some saithf [...]l Witnesses, that were not only then present, but personally co [...]ned and engaged in that Ser [...]ice.

THere was a Nation of the Indians in the Southern parts of New-England, called Pequods, seated on a fair Navigable River, twelve miles to the Eastward of the mouth of the great and famous River of Co [...]ecticot; who (as was commonly reported about the time when New-England was first planted by the English) being a more fierce, cruel, and warlike People then the rest of the Indians; came down o [...]t of the more inland parts of the Contine [...], and by force seized upon one of the goodliest places near the Sea, and became a terr our to all their [Page 118] Neighbours, on whom they had exercised several acts in inhumane cru­elty; insomuch that being fleshed with Victories over their Fellow-indi­ans; they began to thirst after the blood of any Forreigners, English and Dutch that accidentally came amongst them, in a way of Trade, or upon other Accounts.

In the year 1634. they treacherously and cruelly murthered Captain Stone, and Captain Norton, who came occasional [...]y with a Bark into the River to Trade with them. Not long after, within the compass of the next year, they in like treacherous manner, slew one Mr. Ol [...]ham (for­merly belonging to New-Plimouth, but at that time an Inhabitant of the Massachusets) at Block Island a place not far from the mouth of their Harbour, as he was fairly Trading with them: besides some other such like acts of persideous cruel [...]y towards some of the Dutch, that had formerly been trading up Connecticut River: by which practises perceiving that they began to stink in the nosthrils of their Neighbours, whose revenge they now began to fear, and not willing to have to deal with too many Enemies at once, they imitated the subtlety of the Chil­dren of Ammon, when they began to stink before David; endeavour­ing to strengthen themselves with allyance of some of those they had formerly provoked, that by their assistance they might defend them­selves against the rest, not doubting but to make their part good with their forreign Enemies, if they could be reconciled to their Indian Neighbours, the Narrhagansets, or other home-bred Enemies, if they could but fortifie themselves by a League of Friendship with any of their forreign Neighbours that were newly come to plant in these parts. To this end they sent Messengers with gifts to the Massachusets in the lat­ter end of the same year 1634. the first Messengers were dismissed with­out an answer: but they being sensible of their own danger, and of the great importance a peace with the English of the Massachusets might be, pursued the business very earnestly, sending Messengers a second time, who offered much Wampam (Indians Money) and Beaver; with these second Messengers the Governour and Council of the Massachusets had much conference many dayes; and at last after the best advice they could take amongst themselves, concluded a Peace and Friendship with them, upon these Conditions.

1. That they should deliver up to the English those persons amongst them that were guilty of Captain Stones Death, and the rest that were with him.

2. That if the English desired to Plant in Connecticut they should give up their right to them.

[Page 119] 3. That the English should thence forward Trade with them as their Friends, which was à chief thing aimed at, [...] the said Pequods being at that time in War with the Dutch, and the rest of their Neighbours, on the Reasons forementioned, to these conditions they readily agreed, and also cunningly insinuated their desire that their new Confederates, the Mas­sachusets should mediate a peace for them with the Narrhagansets; inti­mating likewise their willingness that a part of the Present which they promised to send should be given to them, standing so much upon their ho [...]our, that they would not be seen to give any thing themselves; such was the pride and height of Spirit lodged in this company of Treache­rous Villains, the Dr [...]gs and Lees of the Earth, and Drosse of Man­kinde.

As for Capt. Stone's death they slily evaded the guilt of it, falsly ad­ding that there were but two left that had any hand therein, and that it was a just quarrel wherein he was slain: for, said they, he surprised some of our men, and would by force have compelled them to shew him the way up the River, whereupon the said Stone coming ashore, with two more, was watched by nine of our men (say they) who finding the [...] a­sle [...]p in the night, slew them to deliver our own men, one of whom go­ing afterward to the Barque, it was suddenly blown up, whereas the truth of the matter was thus,

The said Capt. Stone formerly belonging to Christophers in the West-Indies, occasionally coming to these parts, as he passed between this place and Virginia put in at that River, where the Indians after they had been often on board his Vessell to trade with him; at the last came friendly on board as they used to doe, but finding the Captain asleep in his Cab­bin, took the opportunity to murther him as he lay, casting a Cover­ing over him that he might not be discerned by the res [...] whom they pre­ [...]ently after dispatched one after another, all but Capt. Norton, who made flout resistance, for a long time defending himself in the Cook-room of the Barke, till the gun-powder which he had set in an open vessell, to be more ready for his use, accidentally took fire, by which fatal accident he was so burned & his eyes so blinded that he could not make any long­er resistance, but forthwith fell into the hands of these cruel and bloud­thirsty wretches, who after they had taken away his life made a prey of all that was in the Vessell.

As for Mr. Oldman he was indeed murthered at an Island called by the India [...]s Manisses (since known among the English by the name of Block-Islan [...]) bu [...] those that murthered him (probably Inhabitants of the said Island) fled presently to the Pequods, by whom they were sheltered, and [Page 120] so became also guilty themselves of his bloud, which ere long was re­venged by them, as is in the next place to be declared.

The English of the Massachusets after the peace concluded with the Pequods, sent a Barke thither for trade, that trial might be made of the reality of their friendship, but they found them treacherous and false, and that no advantage was to be had by any commerce with them, inso­much as they took up a resolution never more to have to doe with them; which the said Indians perceiving, made no account of the former peace, but took all advantage to do us mischief, not only by harbouring those who had murthered Mr. Oldham, but surprizing many of the English in the year 1636. when Connecticut River began first to be planted, di­vers of whom were killed (nine at one time in April 1637.) by them about Wethers field, when the Plantation then first began, so as they could not pass up and down the River without a Guard, but they would be in danger of being cut off or carried away, as two Maids were said to be; thirty men have been killed by them in all; those who fell into their hands alive, were cruelly tortured after a most barbarous manne [...], by insulting over their Prisoners in a blasphemous wise, when in their dy­ing Agonies, under the extremity of their pains (their flesh being fir [...]t fl [...]shed with knives, and then filled with burning Embers; they called upon God and Christ with gasping groans, resigning up their Souls in­to their hands; with which words these wretched Caitifs used to mock the English afterward, when they came within their hearing and view.

About the same time some Agents sent over by the Lord Say, and the Lord Brook, built a Fort at the mouth of Connecticut River, wherein was placed one Lieutenant Gardiner, and a convenient number of Soul­diers to secure the place, intended soon after to be planted, but all the winter following (soil.) in the end of the year 1636. they were little better then besieged by the said Salvages, not daring to stir out of com­mand of the Fort, but they were ready to b [...] seized by these their bar­barous Enemies: At one time the Lieutenant himself with ten or twelve of the Souldiers; marching out of the Fort, with an intent to pass over a N [...]ck of Land, to burn the Marshes; as soon as ever they were passed over the streight of the Neck, th [...]y espyed a Comp [...]ny of Indians making towards the said I [...]tmus, which if they could not reco­ver, they see they must all perish; whereupon returning back with all speed, they very narrowly escaped, and were two or three of them kil­led notwithstanding, before they could get back into the Fort, which was presently surrounded wit [...] multitudes of them; but the discharging of a plece of Ordnance gave them warning to keep further from the [Page 121] Walls: sometimes they came with their Canooes into the river in vie [...] of the Souldiers within the Fort, and when they apprehended themselves out of reach of their gunns, they would imitate the dying groans & invo­cations of the poor Captive English, which the English Souldiers were forced with silent patienc [...] bear; not being then in a capacity to requite their insolent blasphemyes. But they being by these horrible outra­ges justly provoked to indignation, unanimously agreed to joyn their Forces together to root them out of the earth with Gods Assi­stance.

The Colony of the Massachusets did immediately set about it in the latter end of the Summer (1636) by sending out fourscore men under the Command of Capt. Endicot of Salem, who went to the Pequoa Coun­try by water, with Commission to treat with the said Pequods, first offer­ing terms of peace, if they would surrender the Murtherers of the En­g [...]sh, and for bear further acts of hostility, or else fight them.

The Captain aforesaid coming ashore with his Company, by a mes­sage sent them by an interpreter, obtained some little speech with a great number of them at a distance; but after they understood what was propounded to them, first cunningly getting b [...]hind a hill, they presently ran away into the Woods and Swamps, where there was no pursuing of them: however one discharging a gun among them as they were taking their fl [...]ght, stayed the course of one, which was all that could be done against them for that time.

Winter approaching, and no encouragement presenting further to pursue them; at that time it was resolved better to return back for the present, and wait a further season when more Forces could be gathered together to pursue the quarrel to the utmost.

During this interim the Pequods perceiving that they had by several late injuryes and outr ages, drawn upon themselves the hatred of all the English, as well as of their own people by former wrongs; and distrusting their own ability to deal with them all at once, did at the last by all sub­tle insinuations, and perswasions, try to make their: peace with the Nar­rhagansets, using such Arguments as to right reason seemed not only preg [...]nt to the purpose; but also (if revenge that bewitching and plea­sing passion of mans mind had not b [...]inded their eyes) most cogent and invincible: But they were by the good providence of God witheld from embracing those counsels, which might otherwise have proved most pernicious to the design [...]of the English: viz. That the English were Strangers, and b [...]gan to over spread the Country, the which would soon be possessed by them to the depriving the ancient inhabitants of their [Page 122] right, if they were not timely prevented; and that the Na [...]hagansets would but make way for their own ruine, by helping to destroy the Peq [...]ads; for after themselves were subdued, it would not be long ere the Narrhagansets themselves, would in the next place be rooted out likewise: Whereas if they would but joyn together against the English they could demonstrate how the English might easily either be destroyed or forced to leave the Country, and that without any danger to them­selves: telling them also that they never need come to any open Battles, they might destroy them only by firing their houses, and killing their Cattle, and lying in wait for them as they went about their ordinary occasions; which course if it were pursued, they said their new and un­welcome neighbours could not long subsist; but would either be [...]arved with hu [...]ger and cold, or forced to forsake the Country.

Matchiavel himself if he had sate in counsel with them could not have insinuated stronger reasons to have perswaded them to a peace.

It is said that so much reason was apprehended in these motives, that the Narrbagansets were once wavering, and were almost perswaded to have granted an ear to their advice and perswasion and joyned all again [...]t the English; but when they considered what an advantage they had put into their hands by the strength and favour of the English, to take a full revenge of all their former injuries, upon their inveterate Enem [...]es, the thought of that was so sweet that it turned the scale against all other considerations whatsoever.

The report of the unheard of cruelties fore mentioned filling the ears of the English throughout the Country; it was agreed by the joynt consent of the English throughout the three Colonies to [...] all their Forces together, for the suppressing the common Enemy, early in the Spring Anno, 1637. who were also moved thereunto by their own necessities as well as by the earnest request of their Friends at Con­necticut.

Those of Plimouth being written unto by the Governour of the Mas­sachuse [...]s, appeared very cordially willing thereunto, to which end they agreed to send fifty men at their own charge, with as much speed as the matter required, with sufficient Leaders appointed, and a Barke provi­ded to carry them Provisions, and tend upon them on all occasions; but before they could be dispatched away the next Spring, News was brought that the Enemy was wholly routed, so as their journey was stopped, and their good will accepted for the deed; as if they really had been there to have born their part in the Service, their non-appearance in time and place being not to be im puted to any backwardness in their [Page 123] minds; but to their too late invitation to the Service; the motion fetch­ing a large compass from Connecticut down to the massachusets; from whom in the last place they were solicited thereunto. And for the o­ther two Colonies, those of Connecticut being quickned on by the sp [...]rr of necessi [...]y, and present sense of the insolency daily acted at their very doors, were soonest upon their March, and by the good hand of God upon them, had given the main stroak before their Friends of the Mas­sachusets could come up with them, yet was there no repining for the want of the glory of the Victory, nor was their any cause, those that were the chief actors therein being forward to give God the glory of the whole, and not willing to pocket up any thing thereof themselves, acknowledging that they never saw more of God, or less of man in any business of that nature, as may more fully be understood by particulars ensuing.

The Colony of the Massachusets determined to send an hundred and six [...]y, of whom an hundred and twenty were ordered under the con­duct of Capt. Patrick of Watertown, and Capt. Trask of Salem, Capt. Stoughton of Dorchester, being to command in chief; with whom was sent that holy man of God Mr. Iohn Wilson (Pastor of the Church of B [...]ston) the Charets and Horsemen of our Israel, by whose Faith and Prayer as sometimes was said of Luther (in reference to Germany) the Country was preserved, so as it was confidently believed that no Enemy would break in upon a place whilst he survived, which as some have ob­served accordingly came to pass.

The matter requiring great expedition, and it being long before the whole company could be dispatched away, Capt. Patrick with forty men were sent away before hand, to be sure to meet with those of Connecti­cot in case they should be in action, before the rest of our Forces could get into a readiness, which accordingly came to pass; for the main business in taking the Fort was over, even before the said Patrick could get thither. Capt. Vnderhill was sent by Mr. Vane the Governour to Saybrook the winter before to strengthen the Garison there. The as­saulting and surprizing of which, being the most remarkable piece of service in that whole expedition; take it as it was delivered in writing by that valia [...], faithful and prudent Commander Capt. Mason, chief in the action, who lived long after to reap the fruit of his labour, and en­joy the benefit of that dayes service, having an Inheritance given him in that part of the Country, as a just reward of his faithful service on that day as well as at other times. Wequash a Pequod by Nation, but disgust­ed by the Sachem, proved a good guide, by whose direction they were [Page 124] led to a Fort near Mystick River, some miles nearer then Sassacous his Fort, which they first intended to assault.

On the second Wednesday of May, being the tenth day of that Month, we set sayle with ninety men of the English in one Pink, one Pinnace, two Boats toward the Pequods, with seventy River Indians, [...] ­ving somewhat a long passage to Saybrook Fort, about forty of our In­dians desired to go down by land on Saturday, but on Munday they went forth from the Fort, and meeting seven Pequods and Nian­ticks, they flew five outright, took one Prisoner and brought him, into Saybrook Fort, where he was executed by Captain Vnderhill, the other escaped.

On Munday we all landed at Saybrook Fort, and stayed there till tuesday; Capt. Vnderhill joyning ni [...]eteen men with himself to us: whereupon we sent back twenty of ours to strengthen our Plantations: and so set sayl on thursday towards Narrhaganset, and arrived there on fryday

On Saturday my self, with Capt. Vnderhill, Leiftenant Sealy, with our guard marched to Canonicus by land, being about five miles distant, where we were kindly entertained after their manner: having bad par­ly with him, we sent to Miantonimo, who would give no present an­swer: and so our Sabbeth being on the morrow▪ we adjourned our m [...]e­ting untill Monday, at which time there a sembled Mi [...]ntonimo [...] the chiefest of them about two hundred men; and being solem [...]ly se [...] for Conseltation after their manner; we told them we were now going God [...], to revenge the wrong committed and bloud shed by their & our enemies, upon our native Country-men, not any way desi [...]ing their a [...]d, unless they would voluntarily send, which they did exceedingly approve of: moreover we told them that the English and they had alwayes [...] friends for ought we knew, & so we were with the Indians that had not wronged English-men, the which they acknowledged, and so made a large description of the Pequods Country, and told us they would send men with us; so we resolved there to keep our rendezv [...]ze a Canonicus his Plantation on the morrow might being Tuesday: but the wind being sti [...], we could not land our men [...]ll five or six of the clo [...]k in the after­noon, at which time I landed on Narrhaganset shoa [...] with thirty two men and so marched to the place of Rendez [...]ou [...]e formerly appointed: Capt. [...] [...]ill and my Leiftenant landed [...] rest, and so came up to me that night. About two hours before day came a [...] Indian with a Letter from Capt. Patrick, being then at Mr. Ro. Williams his plantation with four­ty men, who desired us to stay for his coming and joyning, not intima­ting [Page 125] when that would be: the which being considered and debated. We thought could not be our safest course, (though his present assistance was much desired) for these Reasons.

First. Because the day before when we had absolutely resolved to go, the Indians plainly told us they thought we were but in jest, and also that English-men did talk much but not fight, nay they concluded that they would not goe on: and besides if we should deferre, we feated we should be discovered by reason of the frequent recourse between them by cer­tain Squaws (who have mutual recourse) whereupon we were constra [...] ­ed to set forward toward the Pequods, with seventy seven English, and about sixty River Indians, and as I suppose near about two hundred Narrhagansets, and marched that night to the eastern Nia [...]ticks, where we kept our Rendezvouze that night; The Sachem of the place adding a­bout an hundred of his men unto us.

We set forward and marched about ten miles, where making an Alta (or halt) there we held a consultation with the Indians that desired to know what we intended; we told them that we resolved to assault Sassa­cous his Fort, at which they were all stricken, and as it were amazed with fear, as they plainly confessed; and so after long debate and pressing of them taxing them with cowardize, some of them resolved to goe along with us, though I suppose they had no such intent, as appeared afterward; some of them left us to the number as I suppose of an hundred or less; and marching on five miles further, we made another Alta, where they told us we had near a dozen miles to Sassacous his Fort as we gathered by their relation: Being very weary in travelling with our arms, amu­nition and provision; we were constrained to alter our resolution, and resolve to attempt that Fort the which they had formerly described to be three or four miles nearer; and also one of Capt. Vnderhills men falling put it out of doubt. But whosoever saith that Capt. Vnderhill had any falling out about [...]hat or any thing else, doth speak untruth: for we both resolved to Sassacous his Fort, as we concluded in our consultation at [...]rrhagauset, and so continued our resolution till we received the for­mer [...] as grounds sufficient to perswade us to the contrary, and [...] pr [...]f cu [...]e that which was most likely to be accomplished.

They drew a Plot of the seituation of the Pequods and described Sassa­co [...]s his Fort to be the nearest, which was the chief cause we determined to [...] that first, and had no reason leading till our last Alta, where upon the reasons formerly mentioned, we changed our res [...]n [...]ion: [...] is they much desired and very much rejoy [...]ed; for it was dre [...]dfull to them to hear the name of Sassacous.

[Page 126] From thence we marched two or three miles where we kept our ren­dezyonze, supposing we had been within one mile of the Fort: They ha­ving sent an Indian to discover before hand, brought us newes that they were secure, having been fishing with many Canooes at Sea, and diverse of them walking here and there.

About two hours before day we marched toward the Fort, being wea­ry and much spent; many of us having slept nothing at all.

And so we began to march toward the Fort, the Lord being plea­sed wonderfully to assist and encourage us; after a tedious march of three or four miles, about break of day we came fair in view of the Fort standing on the top of an hill [...]ot steep; the Indians all falling back, were suddenly vanished out of sight, so we made an Alta, and sent back for our Guide, who had promised to goe with us to the Fort, but his heart we saw much failed him; we asked him what they intended who promi­sed to wing us▪ and to surround the Fort; he told us they were much a­fraid; but he seing our resolution went to them and prevailed with di­verse of them to come up to us; we told them their best course would be to flanke the Fort on both sides, and having no time longer to conferre, we proceeded; Capt. Vnderhill to the western entrance with one division, my self with the other to the eastern as silently as possibly we could, so it pleased God we came up with the Palisado within two rod, before we were discovered, at which time a dog began to bark & an Indian c [...]ied out, but not being my self rightly informed by the Indian of the right en­trance, though there was a little postern door, the which I had thought to have attempted to break down with my foot; but the Lord directed me otherwise for the better; for I then feared we could not there [...] with our armes, which proved true, so I suddenly hasted to the Palisa­do, and putting in the muzzle of my piece, discharged upon them, and so the rest with all celerity; and suddenly hastned on toward that side which stood toward the water; where I concluded was an entrance, and instantly fell upon it, being only barred with two great forked boughs, or branches of some tree, and hasting over them, I drew one after me my Lieutenant the other way outward; then we suddenly fell upon the Wigwams, the Indians ceyed out in most hideous manner, some issuing out of the Wigwams, shooting at us desperately, and so creeping un­der beds that they had. We had resolved awhile not to have burned it, but being we could not come at them, I then resolved to set it on fire, after diverse of them were slain, and some of our men sor [...] wounded: So entring one of their wigwams, I took a fire-brand [ at which time an Indian drawing an arrow had killed him, but one Davi [...] his Serjeant cut the [Page 127] Bow-string with his Co [...]rtlace] and suddenly kind [...]ed a fire in the matts wherewith they were covered, and fell to a retreat and surrounded the Fort; the fire encreasing violently, insomuch as that they were constrain­ned to climb to the top of the Palisadoe; from whence they were soon fetcht down, [...] suppose to the number of an hundred and forty; many of of them issuing forth were suddenly slain either by the English or Indi­ans, who were in a ring without us, all being dispatched and ended in the space of an hour, having two of our men slain, and sixteen wounded.

Being very hot and dry we could very hardly procure any water, where we co [...]tinued one hour not knowing what course to take or which way to go, our Pinnaces not being come in, neither did we know how far, or which way to go to them; our Interpreter being an Indian and they so hurried and ditracted with a few hurt men, but chiefly as I conceive with fear of the Enemy, who suddenly approached, that we could hardly come to speak with him, who knew nothing what they in­tended.

But the Enemy approaching they began to cleave unto us, and I veri­ly think du [...]st not leave us.

Our Pi [...]naces then coming in view with a fair gale, being guided as it were to serve o [...] necessity by the good hand of God, which I think was never more eminently seen in a matter of like moment and less of man in several passages. Then we set our men in order and prepared for fight and began to march toward the Harbour where the Pinnaces w [...]re to ride: the Enemy approaching Capt. Vnderhill with divers Indians and certain English issued out to encounter them, but they would not stand to it, for the most part they lay behind Rocks, Trees and Bushes, we marched on they still dogging of us; sometimes desperately hazard­ing themselves in open field, where some of them were stain in open view, and as we hear many wounded: I was somewhat ca [...]lous in be­stowing many shot upon them needlesly, because I expected a strong op­position; and thus they continued to follow us till we came within two miles of our Pinnaces where they wholly left us, which vvas near six miles as I conceive, having then about tvvo miles more to the River.

Four of our wounded men we were forced to carry our selves, while at length we hired the Indians to bear them, both in this and all their following enterprises against the Pequods:

Here note that one Wequash a Pequod fell from his Country-men, and proved a Guide to the English.

This service being thus happily accomplished by these few hands that [Page 128] came from Connecticut, within a while after, the Forces sent from the Massachusets under the conduct of Captain Stoughton as Commander in chief arrived there also, who found a great part of the work done to their hands, in the surprizal of the Pequods Fort as aforesaid, which yet was but the breaking of the nest, and [...]ke [...]el [...]ng those [...]vage Wolves; for the Body of them, with Sassacous the chief Sachem (whose very [...] war a terrour to all the Narrhaganse [...]s) were dispersed abroad and scattered all over their Country, yet so far dismayed, that they never durst make any assault upon the English, that in several parties were scatered about in pursuit of them.

It was not long after Capt. Stoughtous Souldiers came up before a news was brought of a great number of the Enemy, that were discovered by the side of a River up the Country, being first trapanned by the Na­rhagansets, under pretence of securing them, but they were truly hem­med in by them, though at a distance, yet so as they could not, or durst, not sti [...] from the place, by which means our Forces of the, Massachusets had an easie Conquest of some undreds of them who were there [...] up as in a Pound: not daring to fight, not able to fly away, and so were all taken without any opposition: the men among them to the number of thirty were turned presently into Charons Ferry-boat under the command of Skipper Gallop, who dispatched them a little without the Harbour; the Females and Children were disposed of according to the will of the Conquerers, some being given to the Narrhagansets, and other Indians that assisted in the service.

The rest of the Enemy being first fired out of their strong hold were taken and destroyed, a great number of them, being seized in the places where they intended to have hid themselves, the rest fled out of their own Country over Connecticut River, up toward the Dutch Plantation. Our Souldiers being resolved by Gods assistance to make a final de [...]ru­ction of them, were minded to pursue them which way soever they should think to make their escape, to which end in the next place, our Souldiers went by Water towards New Have [...], vvhether they heard, and vvhich in reason vvas most likely) they bent their course? soon af­ter they vvere informed of a great number of them, that had betaken themselves to a neighbouring place not far of, vvhither they might hope it vvas not like they should be pursued; but upon search they found fifty or sixty Wigvvams, but vvithout any Indians in any of them, but heard that they had passed along tovvard the Dutch Plantation, vvhere­upon our Souldiers that vvere before, all embarked for Quill [...]piack, af­tervvards called New-Haven, and being landed there, they had not far [Page 129] to march unto the place where it was most probable they should either find or hear of them; accordingly in their m [...]rch they met here & there with sundry of them, whom they flew or took prisoners, amongst whom were two Sachems, whom they presently beheaded; to a third that was either a Sachem or near a kin to one, they gave his life upon condition that he should goe and enquire where Sassacous was, and accordingly bring them word; this Indian overlooking all other national or n [...]tural obligations, in consideration of his life that was received on that conditi­on, proved very true and faithfull to those that sent him, his order was to have returned in three dayes, but not being able within so short a time to make a full discovery of the business, & also find an handsome way to escape, he made it eight dayes before he returned, in which something fell out not a little remarkable; for those he was sent to discover, suspe­cting at the last by his withdrawing himself that he came for a Spye, pur­sued after him, so as he was forced to fly for his life, and getting down to the Sea-side he accidentally met with a Canooe a little before turned adrift, by which means he padled by some shift o [...] other so farr out of the harbou [...], that making a sign he was discerned of some on board one of the Vessels that attended on our Souldiers, by whom being taken up he made known what he had discovered: But after he was gone Sassacous suspecting (and not without just cause) what the matter was, made his escape from the rest with twenty or thirty of his men to the Mohawkes, by whom himself and they were all murthered afterward, being hired thereunto by the Narrhagansets, as was confidently affirmed & believed.

Thus this treac [...]erous and cruel Villain with his Companions, having against his Faith and promise, as well as contrary to the Lawes of nature and nations, murthered several others, both of the Dutch and English Nation, is in the same manner himself against the lawes of Hospitality murthered by those to whom he fled for refuge; V [...]ngeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay it.

It is worthy our observation, that this Sassacous the chief Sachem of the Pequods, as Philip of Mount-hope, (both of them in their several times and places the contrivers of many bloudy and cruel mischiefs, yet) escaped the hands of those whom they had so many wayes provoked to the u [...]most degree of indignation, that so they might not too much gratifie their own spirits in taking revenge; but it must be brought about by those means, in which the glory of divine vengeance and justice shall more eminently shine forth, that it might be truly said of them as Adoni­besek confessed of himself, As I have done, so God hath requited me. But to return.

[Page 130] The rest of the P [...]quods from whome Sassaco [...] had made an escape, shifted every one for himself, leaving but three or four behind them (when a party of our Souldiers according to the direction of him that was sent as a Spy came upon the place) who would not or could not tell them whither their Company were fled; but our Souldiers ra [...]ging up and down as providence guided them, at the last, Iuly 13. 1 [...]37. they lighted upon a great number of them, they pursued in a small Indian town seated by the side of an hideous Swamp (near the place where Fairfield or Stratford now stand) into which they all slipt as well P [...]quods as natives of the place, before our men could make any shot upon them, having placed a Centin [...] to give warning; Mr. Ludlow and Capt. Mason with half a score of their men hapned to discover this crew. Capt. Patrick and Capt. Tra [...]k with about an hundred of the Massachuset Forces came in upon them presently after the alarm was given; such Commanders as first hap­ned to be there gave special order that the Swamp should be surround­ed (being about a mile in Compass) but Lieutenant Davenport belonging to Capt. Trask his Company, not hearing the word of Command, with a douzen more of his Company in an over eager pursuit of the enemy, rushed immediately into the Swamp, where they were very rudely en­tertained by those evening wolves that were newly kenne [...]ed there­in; for Lieft. Davenport was sorely wounded in the Body, Iohn Weag­wood of Ipswich in the belly, and was laid hold on also by some of the In­dians; Thomas Shirman of the said Ipswich in the neck; some of their neighbours that ventured in with them were in danger of the Enemies arrows that flew very thick about them, others were in as much hazzard of being swallowed by the miery boggs of the Swamp wherein they stuck so [...]ast, that if Serjeant [...]iggs of [...]o [...]bury had not rescued two or three of them they had fallen into the hands of the enemy; but s [...]ch was the strength and courage of those that came to the rescue, that some of the Indians being [...]ain with their Swords, their friends were quickly reliev­ed, and drawn out of the mire and darger.

But the Indians of the place, who had for company sake run with their Guests the Pequods into the swamp, did not love their friendship so well as to be killed with them also for company sake, wherefore they began to be [...]ink themselves that they had done no wrong to the English, and desired a parly which was granted, & presently understood by the [...]ears of Thomas Stanton an exact Interpreter then at hand, upon which the Sa­chem of the place with several others their wives and children, that liked better to live quietly in their wigwams then be buried in the Swampe, [...]ame forth and had their lives granted them: after some time of fur­ther [Page 131] parley with these, the interpr [...]er was [...] [...]n to [...] the [...] to the rest, but they were Possessed with [...] of [...] and fullenness that they resolved rather to fell their lives for what they could get there; and to that end began to let fly their arrowes thick against him as intending to [...] his bloud some part of the price of their own; but through the goodness of God toward [...], his [...] was not [...] be sold on that account, he being presently fetched [...].

By this time night drawing on, our Commanders perceiving [...] on which side of the Swampe the enemies were lodged, gave order to cut through the Swamp with their swords, that they might the better [...] them round in one corner; which was presently done, and so they were be­gir [...] in all night, the English in the [...] p [...]ying them with s [...]ot all the time, by which meanes many of them were killed and buried in the mire, as they found the next day. The Swamp by the forementioned device being reduced to so narrow a compass, that our souldiers stand­ing at twelve foot distance could surround it, the enemy was kept in all the night: but a little before day break (by reason of the Fogge that u­seth to arise about that time observed to be the [...] of the [...]) twenty or thirty of the lustiest of the enemy brake through the [...], and escaped away into the woods, some by violence and some by [...] dropping away, some of whom not withstanding were killed in the pur­suit; the rest were left to the mercy of the Conquerers, of which many were killed in the swamp like [...]ulle [...] doggs, that would [...] in their self-willedness and madness s [...] [...] be shot through or [...] in pieces, then receive their lives for the asking at the [...] of those into whose power they were now fallen: Some that are yet living and worthy of credit doe affirm, that in the morning entring into the Swamp, they saw several heaps of them fitting close [...]; upon whom they discharged their pieces laden with ten or twelve [...] bullets at a time; putting the muzzles of their pieces under the boughs within a few yards of them; so as besides those that were sound dead (near twenty) it was judged that many more were killed and su [...]k into the mire and never were mind­ed more by friend or foe: of those who were not so desperate or sullen to fell their lives for nothing, but yielded in time, the male Children were sent to the Bermudas, of the females some were distributed to the English towns, some were disposed of among the other Indians to whom they were deadly enemies as well as to our selves.

This overthrow given to the Pequods struck such a terror into all the Indians in those parts (some of whom had been ill-affected to the English before) that they sought our friendship, and tendred themselves to be un­der [Page 132] our protection, which they then obtained, and have never since forfeited it any of them till this late rebellion of Philip the subject of the dis­course [...]. Amongst the rest of the Prisoners special notice was taken of the Wife of a noted, Indian called Mononotto, who with her Children submitted her self, or by the chance of the warre fell into the hands of the English: it was known to be by her modia [...]ion that two English maides, (that were taken away from W [...]thersfield upon Connecticut River) were saved from death, in requital of whose pitty and humanity, the life of her self and her children was not only granted her, but she was in special recommended to the care of that honour­able gentleman Mr. Iohn Winthrop, for that time being the worthy Governour of the Massachusets; who taking notice of her modest coun­tenance and behaviour, as well as of her only [...]equest (not to suffer wrong either as to the honour of her body or fruit of her womb) gave special charge concerning her according to his noble and Christian disposition.

After this slaughter at the Swamp the Pequods being upon every turn exposed to revenge of the Mohegins on one side, and Narrhagansets on the other, chose rather to submit themselves to the English, by whom they were, put, some under the Mohegin, and some under the Narrhagan­sets, which at last proved the occasion of the present quarrel as is con­ceived, through the ambition of Miantonimo, as was at first related.

This was the issue of the Pequod Warre, which in the day of it here in New England was then as for midable to the Country in general as the present Warre with Philip; the experience of which because it may ad­minister much matter of Comfort and encouragement to the survi­ving Generation, as well as of praise and thanksgiving to almighty God from all those who have thus long quietly enjoyed the benefit and reaped the fruit of their labour, and courage who engaged therein: the more pains hath been taken to search out the broken pieces of that Sto­ry and thus put them together before the memory thereof was buried in the ruines of time, and past the recovery and knowledg of the pre­sent age, the which though it be here in the last place recorded, should in the first be remembred.



Being the first that ever was here cut, and done by the best Pattern that could be had, which being in some places defective, it made the other less exact: yet doth it sufficiently shew the S [...]tuation of the Country, and conveniently well the distance of Places.

The figures that are joyned with the Names of Places are to distinguish such as have been assaulted by the Indians from others.


A Table showing the Towns and places which are inhabited by the English in New-England: those that are marked with fi­gures, as well as expressed by their names, are such as were assaul­ted by the Indians, during the late awfull revolutions of provi­dence.

NVmb. 1. Mount-hope. A gallant neck of Land where Philip, dwelt who first began the insurrection against the English, Iune 24. 1675.

2. The place where stands the town of Swanzy consisting of forty dwelling houses, most of them very fair Buildings, just at the entrance on to Mount-hope, where were Iune, 24. 1675, [...]ain six men at B [...]urnes Garrison, in Metapoiset (another Neck marked *) not far from the for­mer) and three wounded as they came from the publick Meeting, two kill [...]d that went for the Surgeon: and a negro of Mr. Mile's wounded, so as he dyed soon after. Also Layton Archer and his son were slain Iune 25. which three belonged to Road Island, but were killed at the Fall River, though by misinformation it is elsewhere published that it was done Iune 24. Also eighteen houses were burnt within Mount­hope, that belonged to Swanzy town; the rest of the town being all bur­ned the next year, Iune 16. 167 [...]. save six houses that are yet standing: besides the barbarous murther of Mr. Hezekiah Willet, Iune 26. 1676.

3. Middleburrough, formerly called Nam [...]ket, where Sausaman was slain: it is scituate between Plimouth and Tauton, and is misplaced in the Map. Here one [...] Marks was walking in a field of Indian corn, in Iuly 1675. had his thigh bone broke by a shot from an Indian, after which he lay forty eight hours before he was found, and yet was alive, but his wound was so putre [...]ed, that he dyed thereof: When the town was first assaulted, the Miller running back to shut down his mill, was assaul­ted by seven Indians at one time, by eleven at another, had several bul­lets shot through his coat, yet gat safe to the Garrison, but the people were forced to retire to Plimouth with their goods soon after; when the whole village was destroyed by the Indians.

4. Dartmouth, where in Iuly 1676. a man and a woman were slain by the Indians; another woman was wounded and taken; but because she had kept an Indians child before, so much kindness was shewed her as that she was sent back, after they had dressed her wound; the Indians guarded her till shee came within sight of the English.

5. Seaconke or Reh [...]both, where were burned eight farm houses in the end of Iune, and beginning of Iuly 1675. on March 28. 1676. forty [Page] five dwelling houses were there burned, whereof thirty eight were inha­bited, and the owners thereby turned out of doors, and left without house or harbour. Beside [...]I. barns, two corn mills, one Saw-Mill burnt at the same time. Iune 10. 1676. eight farm houses were there also consumed by the fire of the enemy. The persons [...]ain here were seven, four with Capt. Pierce, March 26. 1676. another March 28. another Apr. 28. The last May 29.

6. Pecasset, where were some houses burned Iuly 1675. and seven o [...] eight slain in the Swamp near the place: here also Capt. Church gave the enemy a notable defeat the same month.

7. Tanton, where were fifteen persons slain by the Indians, eleven men, two maids, & two youths: besides a man slain in the fight with Capt. Bcers; some in the year 1675. and some 1676. Pag. 25. 26.

8. Mendam, where were the first English slain within the Massa­chusets Colony, to the number of five or six, Iuly 1675. within a few moneths after the whole village was destroyed. pag 26, 27, 31.

9. Brookefield or Squabaog, was destroyed by the Indians August 2. 1675. thereof the chief inhabitants viz. Iohn Eires, Iohn Pritshet and Richard Coy, treacherously slain under pretence of a treaty. pag. 32. 33.

10. Deer field or Pocumtuck, a village newly planted, where Sept. 12. 1675. diverse were slain, & the houses burned by the enemy. Between this place and Northampton was a Skirmish with the enemy, 1675. eight or nine of the English were there slain, and twenty six of the enemy. Near unto this place was Capt. Lothrop set upon with seven or eight hundred Indians, whereby himself, and most of his Souldiers, to the number of 73. cut off Sept. 18. 1675. pag. 36, 37, 38, 39. The fight at the Falls, a little beyond de [...]r field. pag. 91. It is considerable that that the evening before Capt. Turner and Capt. Holicke gave the enemy a Camizado in the wigwams, they had been feasting and dancing, having before they laid down to sleep filled their bellyes with new Milk, (as an English wo­man then in their hands, did declare, who was made to milk Hatfi [...]ld Cowes, which a day or two before they had driven away. So that when they were most secure, destruction came upon a great part of them, to the number of three hundred and fifty, as was judged by such as were there. vide pag. 91.

11. Squakheag, another village newly begun, which was also destroy­ed Sept. 1675. near unto this place Capt. Beers was slain, and nineteen of his men, as they went to r [...]lleve the garrison there. pag. 37.

12. Spring field, which was treacherously assaulted Octob. 5. 1675. by [Page] [...] [Page] three or four hundred Indians, when L. Cooper and two more were slain, and 35. houses burned with other bu [...]ldings belonging thereunto. Some others were there slain in the winter following, pag 41. Within a few miles of this place Capt. Samu [...]l Holioks handselled his office with the slaughter of four or five of the enemy. Three or four were here slain the winter following.

13. Hatfield, a small town seated on the west side of Connecticut Ri­ver, over against Hadly, which was furiously assaulted by 700 Indians, Octob. 19. 1675. yet was the place preserved b [...] the valour of the English with the loss but of one man, Serjeant Norton by name, pag 42. although seven or eight of the Scouts were that day surprised and slain by the ene­my, and one or two of the town. It was assaulted also 1676. when five men were slain that came to their relief from Hadly. pag 93.

14. North-Hampton, a fair town three or four miles distant from Hatfield, which was several times assaulted by the enemy, yet was pre­served with the loss but of a few of the people, and the burning of seven or eight of the houses thereof, pag. 44. 77.

15. Hadly, a considerable town on the east Ede of Connecticut River, vio­lently assaulted by the enemy, yet no considerable hurt done, Iune 12. 1676. only some few were surprized and flain, pag. 94. that without or­der would venture without the Palizadoes. In the March before one Goodman Deacon of the Church, was slain at Hoccanum, belonging to Hadley, and two more that went against order and Command, to the top of mount Holioke.

16. West field, a small town seven miles west from Springfield, where some few houses were burned before or in the winter, 1675. and three or four persons slain, as they passed toward Springfield, pag. 44.

17. A Village called Quonsigomog in the middle way between Marl­borough, & Quabaog, consisting of about six or seven houses.

18. Ier. Bulls garrison house, at Pettiquemscot, surprized and sundry persons slain; a very great damage to the design then in hand against Narrbaganset Fort. pag. 50, 51.

19. Canonicus Fort taken by the Forces of the three Colonyes, De­cemb. 19. 1675. though with the loss of many of the English, 79. being slain right out, and about an hundred wounded; of the enemy were slain by the confession of some prisoners, about 300 of their best men; though Ninicrafts men who buried the dead there left, speak not of a third part so many, pag. 51, 52.

20. Warwick, a town near Providence seated upon a neck of land, en­vironed by the sea, was all of it burned by the enemy at several times, [Page] the chief mischief there done, was upon the 16. March 1676. and the place wholly deserted by the Inhabitants for a time; yet but one man killed, that was too confident of his safety, as is said.

Providence, is the town next Warwick, where were eighteen houses burned Iune 28. 1675. March 29 following, fifty four houses were there burned, and most of the rest as they were deserted by the Inha­bitants withdrawing to Road-Island.

Petuxet is another small place within four miles of Providence, where were twelve houses burned in the beginning of March, 1676. pag. 66. 67. It was by a small brook called Abbots Run, that falls into Patuxet, (a River near Providence) where Captain Pierce and his men were slain. ibid.

Bridgwater, a small town between Tanton and Weymouth. pag. 68.

21. Lancaster, or Nashaway. a small town of about 50. familyes, was assaulted Febru. 10. 1675. by 500. Indians in five severall com­panies; yet they took but one garrison house; wherein were forty two persons, but eight or nine souldiers, whereof but one escaped; the rest were women and children, who were most of them returned after some months Captivity. And to prevent mistakes, let it here be observed, that none of the women were abused, or murthered, but one that was big with child, unable to travel, and much discontented, whom the Indians, having made a great fire, and gathered a Ring about her, first knocked her on the head, after they had pulled off her cloaths, then barbarously cast her into the Fire. No credit is to be given to any other reports of Cruelty towards any English Woman in that part of the Coun­trey.

23. Groton, surprized March 2. as is related pag. 60. & 61. the place consisting of about 60. families, was soon after deserted, yet are there 14. or 15. houses left standing to this day, though not inhabited for the present. pag. 73.

25. Wickford, where was Mr. Smiths house the rendezvouze of our souldiers, the last winter, when they spoyled the Na [...]haganset Fort.

28. Medfield, a midling town, ten or twelve miles beyond Dedham, surprised by the Indians; seventeen persons slain, and much of the town burned, pag 61, 62.

31. Marlborough, a town ten miles beyond Sudbury, in the way to Connecticut, the people repairing in time to garrison houses, were not many of them slain; yet were many or most of their houses burned that were deserted, March 26. 1676.

32. Sudbury, A convenient town, violently assaulted Apr. 18. 1676. [Page] p. 79. by eight or nine hundred Indians (the Inhabitants speak of 1400) a tripartite company intending to have carried all before them, yet slew but three of the inhabitants, besides ten or eleven that came to their re­lief from Concord, that were sadly lost for want of good conduct. Feb. 1. [...]675. Tho. Ea [...]es his house at a farm three miles distant from the town, his corn, cattle, barns all burned, his family captived; the next day his sons wife dyed; Eames himself being from home.

33. Concord, a considerable town five or six miles to the North-west of Su [...]bury; they sustained not much damage in the town, save only in some Farms that were at some distance there from: two men threshing at a Barn, a young maid set to watch, was carried captive and the men both slain; the maid strangly escaped soon after. pag. 80.

34. Chelmsford, where were many deserted houses burned in the be­ginning of April 1676. belonging to one Ed. Colburn, that had formerly purchased the seat of Capt. Web. And to Samuel Varnha [...], who had two sons slain in the Boat as they were passing the River.

35. Andover, a small town fifteen miles west from Ipswich; where also in April was one or two killed, and one taken Captive.

36. 17. 38. Hingha [...] and Weymouth, in each of which was one or two killed April 19. 1676. in the same mone [...] two or three were k [...]l [...]ed at Andover, Haverhill, Bradford.

39. Woburn, where some skulking Indians, that had robbed some of their gardens at Cambridge of linnen came into a house, killed a woman and two children, but being pursued, & shot at, as they sate by a swamp side, they dropped their bundle of linnen, in which was found wrapt up the scalp of one or both the children.

40. Casco, a large Bay scatteringly inhab [...]ted and full of I [...]ands, where Sept. 1. 1675. Mr. Purchase his house was plundered.

Sept. 9. following Wak [...]ly's house and family were spoiled.

12. ditto. Two houses burned of Mr. Mountjoy's, and two young men slain as they were fowling.

19. One slain at Blew-point; another wounded, so as he dyed the next day.

20. A man and his wife slain.

Oct [...]b. 19. following, eleven or twelve houses burned at Scarborough a place not far from Casco. with 500 bushels of corn in barns.

Octob. 9. Lieut. Augur mortally wounded, and his Brother slain; and two more wounded.

10. ditto. Henery Williams sorely wounded on Sawco sands or Downs, marvelously escaped from two Indians passing to Blackpoint.

[Page] 13. Capt. Wincol, that came to relieve Black-Point, had two of his men slain, and two more with an Inhabitant wounded; himself and his Party engaged the same day with an hundred Indians or more; yet was delivered by the shelter of an heap of Bolts: But nine men coming to their relief from Sawco were all slain on the Dow [...]s the same day: Tho­mas Rogers one of the nine, his house burned the next day. Part. 2. pag. 25. 26.

15. Lieut. Alcock of Kitt [...]ry buried them.

16. ditto. The Body of Winter- [...]arbour houses were fired by the ene­my; three men slain, and one woman carried away.

17. Six houses fired on the north side of Sawco River.

18. Six or seven houses fired by the enemy at Sawco by night, which were the first that were fired in the night time.

50. Sawco, Where Major Phillips his habitation was, assaulted Sept. 18. 1675. pag, 16, 17.

The 3d. of November. twenty of the Inhabitants of Scarborough or Black-point, were set upon by sixty Indians, by whom they had been de­stroyed, bu [...] that Ensigne Tipping, the week before sent from Boston for the Relief of that place, came seasonably to their relief.

6. ditto, a Boston Souldier was mortally wounded: several houses that day burned, yet were they by the valour of the English beaten into Swamps, but what number of them was slain, is uncertain.

21. Two houses more burnt at Sawco.

51. Wells, where two or three were killed, Par. 2. pag. 26.

55. F [...]lme [...]h, on the hither side of Casco Bay, where August 11. a­bout thirty four persons were killed and taken by the Indians p. 32. 33. 34

54. Spurwink, and Richmonds Island, where Mr. Fricrs Ketch with ten men was taken, Octob. 11. 1676. Par. 2. p. 45, 46.

47. York; at Cape Nidduck belonging thereunto, were seven barba­rously murthered, Sept. 25. 1676. Par. 2. pag. 51.

48. Totennock Fort. which lyes up Kennibeck River, whither the Indians are said to have fled, when Major Walden arrived there with his Souldiers in February last, 1676. and from whence the enemy came down when they seized the Iehabitants of Kennibeck, and Arowsick Island, Aug 11. 1676 which is icituate in the mouth of the said River.

It is Reported by some of the Inhabitants of Kenn [...]beck, lately fled, or rather driven from thence, that about five years since, four English men were slain by the Amoroscoggin Indians, up Pegypscot River, that runs into Kennebeck; but it was concealed by the wicked Traders of those parts, for fear of discovering their wicked manner of trading with the [Page] Heathen; which if it had been duly enquired into, when it was first done, much of what followed might have been prevented;

—Quid [...]on mortalia pectora cogis
Auri sa [...]ra Fames?

But such Gains have proved like Aurum Tholousa [...]m to some of the Inhabitants of those parts.

Kennibeck, how taken and when, Par. 2. pag. 41. there is said to be about fifty three killed and taken about Kennibeck, and at Aronsick Island. Aug. 13. 1676.


A Postscript.

COncerning the Narrhagansets, this is further to be added here, that Mr. Thomas Stanton, and his son Robert, who have a long time lived amongst them, and best acquainted with their language and manners of any in New-England, doe affirm that to their knowledge, the Narrha­ganset Sachems before the late troubles had two thousand fighting men under them, and nine hundred arms, yet are they at this day so broken and scattered, that there is none of them left on that side of the Coun­try, unless some few▪ not exceeding seventy in number, that have shel­tered themselves under the Inhabitants of Road-Island, as a Merchant of that place worthy of credit, lately affirmed to the Writer hereof. It is considerable by what degrees they have been consumed & destroyed.

The first week in April last, viz. 1676. Canonchet their chief Sachem, having with this people been driven out of his own Country, by the sword of the English the winter before; breathed stil nothing but rage and cruelty against them, bearing himself upon his great numbers: yet as appeared in the issue himself and they that escaped with him, were not so much preserved from the present calamity that befell the rest in their Fort, as reserved to another and more ignominious death. For all the whole Body of the Indians to the westward trusting under the shadow of that aspiring Bramble; he took a kind of care of them upon himself: wherefore foreseeing so many hundreds could not well subsist without Planting, he propounded it in his Councell, that all the West Plantations upon Connecticut River, taken from the English, should this last Summer be planted with Indian-Corn: which was indeed in it self a very pru­dent consideration: To that end he resolved to venture himself with but thirty men, (the rest declining it) to fetch seed-corn from Seaconk, the next town to Mount-hope; leaving a Body of men, not fewer then fifteen hundred to follow him, or meet him about Seaconk the week after. This Adventure brought him into the snare, from whence he could not es­cape: For Capt. George Denison of Stonington, and Capt. Avery of New London, having raised forty seven English, the most part Volunteers, [Page 7] with eighty Indians, twenty of which were Narrhagansets belonging to Ninegret; commanded by one called Catapazet. The rest Pequods under Casasinnamon, [...]nd Mohegins under Oneco, Son to Vncas, being now abroad upon their third Expedition, which they began March, the twenty seventh, 1676. and ended on the tenth of April following. They met with a stout Indian of the Enemies, whom they presently slew, and two old Squaws, that confessed Nanunttenoo, alias Canunchat, (those chief Sachems usually changing their names at every great dance, and by that name of Nanunttenoo was he then known,) was not far of; which welcome New put new Life into the wearied Souldiers, that had travel­led hard many dayes, and met with no Booty till now; especially, when it was confirmed by Intelligence the same instant, brought in by their Scouts, that they met with new Tracks which brought them in view of some Wigwams not far from Patucket, by some called Blackstones Ri­ver, in one of which the said Sachem was at that moment divertizing himself, with the recital of Captain Pierces slaughter, surprized by his men a few dayes before, but the Alarm of the English at that time heard by himself, put by that discourse, apalled with the suddenness thereof, as if he had been informed by secret Item from Heaven, that now his own turn was come: so as having but seven men about him, he sent up two of them to the top of the Hill, to see what the matter was, but they affrighted with the near approach of the English, at that time with great speed mounting over a fair Champagna on the other side of the Hill, ran by, as if they wanted time to tell what they saw; presently he sent a third, who did the like; then sending two more on the same Er­rand, one of these last either indued with more Gourage, or a better S [...]se of his duty, informed him in great hast that all the English Army was upon him; whereupon, having no time to consult, and but little to At­tempt an escape, and no means to defend himself; he began to dodge with his pursuers, running round the Hill on the contrary side; but as he was running so hastily by, Catapazat with twenty of his Followers, and a few of the English, lightest of foot, ghessed by the swiftness of his mo­tion, that he fled as if an Enemy, which made them immediately take the Chase after him, as for their lives; he that was the swifter pursuer, put him so hard to it, that he cast off first his Blanket, then his silver la [...]'d Coat, (given him at Boston as a pledge of their friendship, upon the re­newal of his League in October before,) and Bolt of Peag, which made Catapazat conclude it was the right bird, which made them pursue as cage [...]ly as the other fled; so as they forced him to take the water, through which as he over hastily plunged, his foot slipping upon a stone, it made [Page 8] him fall into the water so deep, as it wetted his Gun, upon which Acci­dent, he confessed soon after, that his heart and his bowels turned with­ [...] him, so as he became like a [...]otten stick, void of strength; insomuch, as one Monopoide a P [...]quod, swiftest of foot, laid hold of him within [...] Rod of the River side, without his making any resistance; Though he was a very proper man, of goodly feature and great Courage of mind, as well as strength of body; one of the first English that came up with him, was Robert S [...]nton▪ a young man that scarce had reached the twenty second year of his Age, yet adventu [...]ing to ask him a question, or two, to whom this many Sachem looking with a little neglect upon his youthful face, replyed in broken English; you much Child, no understand matters of War; let your brother, or your chief come, him I will An­swer, and was as good as his word; Acting herein, as if by a Pythago­rean [...], some old Roman Ghost had possessed the body of this Western Pagan: And like Attilius Regulus, he would not accept of his own Life, when it was tendred him, up on that (in his account) low Condition of Complyance with the English, refusing to send an old Counsellour of his to [...] any motion that way, saying, he knew the Indians would not yielld; but more probably he was not willing they should, choosing rather to sucrifice his own, and his peoples loves to his private [...] of Revenge, than timely to provide for his own, and their safety, by [...] the Counsels of a Peace, so necessary for the ge­neral good of all; He continuing in the same his obsti [...]ate Resolution, was ca [...]ryed soon after to Stonington, where he was shot to death, by some of his own quality, [...]. the young Sachem of the Mohegins, and two of the Pequod [...] of like quality. This was the Confusion of a damned wretch, that had often opned his mouth to blaspheme the Name of the living God and these that make profession thereof. He was told at large of his breath of Faith, and how he boasted he would not deliver up a Wampanoog, or the paring of a Wampanoogs naile, that He would burn the English alive in their houses, to which he replyed, others were as for­ward for the War as himself; and that he desired to hear no more thereof. And when he was told his Sentence was to dye, he said, he liked it well, that he should dy before his heart was soft, or had spoken any thing unworthy of himself. He told the English before they put him to death, that the killing him, would not end the War; but it was a considerable step thereunto, nor did it live much longer after his death, at least, not in those parts; For after Sudbury fight, when the Sun of their hopes was at its highest. April the eighteenth following, it wisi­bly declined, till it set in a night of obscure and utter darkness upon them all, as is to be feared.

[Page 9] The Inhabitants of New-London, Norwich, and Stonington, appr [...]hensive hensive of their danger by reason of the near bordering of the [...], and upon other prudent considerations, voluntarily lifted themselves under some able Gentlemen, and Resolute Souldiers amongst themselves, Ma­jor Palmes, Captain George Denison, Captain Avery, with whom, or under whom, within the compass of the year, 1676. they made ten or more, several Expeditions, in all which, at those several times they kil­led and took two hundred and thirty nine of the Enemy, by the help and assistance of the Pequods, Mobegins, and a few friendly Narrhagansets. Besides thirty taken in the long march homeward, after the Fort fight, December the nineteenth, 1675. and besides sixteen Captived in the se­cond Expedition, not reckoned within the compass of the said Number: to­gether with fifty Guns; and spoyling the Enemy of seven [...]shels of Corn.

In Ianuary they went again in pursuit, and took five men and a Boy.

Certain Nipnets intended to have sheltred themselves under Unc as; but he perceiving it would be distastful to the English, soon shab'd them off; so as they were in the beginning of the Winter brought into Boston, many of them by Peter Ephr [...]im, & Andrew Pityme, with their Fellows.

In all which Exploits, neither they, nor any of their Follow [...]es sustain­ed any loss by the Sword of the Enemy, or sickness: As is expresly decla­red by the Reverend Minister of Stonington, Mr. Iames Noyce, which is a matter very Admirable to consider, engaging all that were any way concerned in such signal Testimonics of Divine Favour, to be ready to pay their Vaws to the most High, who alone teacheth the hand: of his people to war; and their fingers to fight.

But the greatest [...]low given to the Narrhagansets was by Connecticut Forces under Major Talcot, Iuly the second, as is related, part, l. page 97.

Amongst the rest of the Prisoners then taken, was a young sprightly Fellow, seized by the Mohegins; who desired of the English Comman­ders that he might be delivered into their hands, that they might put him to death, more [...]jorum; sacrifice him to their Cruel Genius of Revenge, in which bruitish and div [...]lish passion they are most of all delighted: The English though not delighted in blood, yet at this time were not un­willing to gratifie their humour, lest by a denyal, they might disoblige their Indian friends, of whom they lately made so much use: Partly also that they might have an ocular demonstration of the Salvage, barbarous Cruelty of these Heathen: And indeed, of all the Enimies that have been the Subjects of the precedent discourse; This Villain did most deserve to become an Object of Iustice and Severity: For he boldly told them, that he had with his Gun dispatched nineteen English, and that he had [Page 10] charged it for the twentieth; but not meeting with any of ours, and un­willing to loose a fair shot, he had let fly at a Mohegin and kill'd him; with which, having made up his number, he told them [...] was fully satis­fied. But as is usually said, Iustice Vindictive hath iro [...]ands, though leaden feet: This cruel Monster is fallen into their power, that will re­pay him seven fold: In the first place therefore, making a great Circle, they placed him in the middle, that all their Eyes might at the same­time, be pleased with utmost Revenge upon him; They first cut one of his Fingers round in the joynt at the Trunck of his hand, with a sharp­knife, and then brake it off, as men use to do with a slaughtered Beast, before they uncase him; then they cut off another & another, till they had dismembred one hand of all its digits, the blood sometimes spirting [...] in streams a yard from his hand, which barbarous and unheard of Cruelty, the English were not able to bear, it forcing Tears from their Eyes; yet did not the Sufferer ever relent, or shew any sign of Anguish: For be­ing asked by some of his Tormentors, how he liked the War? he might have replyed, as the Scotch Gentleman did after the loss of a Battle, that being asked how he liked the match sc. with our Prince of Wales, (which ther was the occasion of the quarrel) made Answer, he liked the match well [...]ough, but no whit liked the manner of the wooing written by such Lines of blood; but this unsensible and hard hearte [...] Monster Answered, he liked it very well, and found it as sweet, as English men did their Su­gar. In this frame he continued, till his Executioners had dealt with the Toes of his feet, as they had done with the Fingers of his hands; All the while making him dance round the Circle, and sing, till he had weari­ed both himself and them: At last they brake the bones of his Legs, after which he was forced to sit down, which 'tis said he silently did, till they had knockt out his brains. Instances of this nature should be Incentive unto us, to bless the Father of Lights, who hath called us out from the dark places of the Earth, full of the Habitations of Cruelty. When the Day-spring from on high shall visit those that sit in this Region of darkness, another Spirit will be poured upon them, and [...]hen the feet of them that bring the glad Tydings of Gospel Salvation will appear more beautiful to them than at present they seem to do. And when these Mountains of Prey shall become the holy Mountain of the Lord, they shall either hurt, nor destroy, nor exercise Cruelty therein.

Moreover, in the beginning of April, 1677. Certain Intelligence came from Pascataqua; That some strange Indians had fallen upon Major Waiderns Indians, and destroyed several of them.

[Page 11] It is also informed, that the Indians of Kennibeck have lately surprized five or six of the Souldiers by an Ambush, as they were about to have buryed some of the bodies of their Friends, slain in those parts before the last Winter: And that they had the last week done the like mischief to such a number of the inhabitants of Black-point, which is a solemn Presage of another Storm like to fall upon those Eastern parts, unless God prevent, this Summer ensuing.

For the further satisfaction of the Reader concerning the per­fidiousness and falssness of our Enemies, and the Iustice of our Cause, we shall close this Narrative with the Articles which Philip Sachem of Paukamaket, or Mount-hope; subscribed in the year, 1671.

WE PHILIP and my Council and my Subjects, do Acknowledge our­selves subject to his MAIESTY the King of England, and the Go­vernment. of N-Plimouth, and to their Laws.

2ly. I am willing and do promise to pay unto the Government of Plymouth, one hundred pounds in such things as I have: but I would intreat the favour that I might have three years to pay it in, forasmuch as I cannot do it at present,

[Page 12] 3dly. I do promise to send unto the Gover­nour, or whom he shall appoint, five Wolves heads, if I can get them: or as many as I can procure, until they come to five Wolves yearly.

4ly. If any difference fall between the Eng­lish and my self, and People, then I do promise to repair to the Governour of Plymouth, to recti­fie the difference amongst us.

5ly. I do promise not to make war with any, but with the Governours approbation of Pli­mouth.

6ly. I promise not to dispose of any of the Lands that I have at present, but by the appro­bation of the Governour of Plymonth.

For the true performance of the premises of the said Sachem, Philip of Paukamakett, do hereby bind my self, and such of my Councel, as are present, our selves, our Heirs, our Successors, faithfully, and to promise, in Witness thereof, we have hereunto subscribed our hands; the Day and Year above Written; In the Presence of the Court and divers of the Magistrates & other Gentlemen of the Massachusets; & Connecticut.
  • The mark P of Philip
  • the Sachem of Pankamakett.
  • The mark [of Vncompaen.
  • The mark [of Wo [...]okom.
  • The mark 7 of Somkame.

Soli Deo gloria.

[Page 1]

A NARRATIVE OF THE TROUBLES With the Indians in NEW-ENGLAND, From Pascataqua to Pemmaquid.

THe Occasion, Rise and Progress of the Warr with the Indi­ans in the Southern and Western parts of New-England, to­gether with the Issue, and Success thereof, hath in the for­mer part of this Narrative, been already declared. Be­fore an Entrance be made into a Relation of those Troubles that befell the Eastern and Northern parts of the said Country from the Indians in­habiting those parts; it will be requisite to give some general De­scription of the place, as being less frequented, and so more unknown then the other, like Heraulds that use to Blazon the Field before they meddle with the Charge, as an Historian once said, That so the Reader may not miss the Truth in Story, by being unacquainted with the places whereon the discourse proceedeth; Briefly therefore, that more cost and pains be not spent in the surveying a barren, and Rocky Country, then will quit cost; The List or Border here being known to be more worth then the whole Cloth; That whole Tract of Land, being of little worth, unless it were for the Borders thereof upon the Sea-Coast, and some Spots and Skirts of more desireable Land upon the Banks of some Rivers how much soever it be valued by them that know nothing thereof, but by the uncertain and fallible Reports of such as have only [Page 2] Sayled by the Country, or viewed some of the Rivers and Havens, but never passed through the heart of the Continent. The whole being scarce worth half those mens lives, that have been lost these two last years, in hope to save it.

This North part of New-England, did first like Z [...]rah put forth its hand, thereby inviting the Adventurers to twist the Scariet Thred of their hopes about the same, by that Auspicious beginning they were rea­dy to promise themselves great prosperity in having that Advantage before others, to plant and people that part of the Country.

But that fair opportunity was almost quite lost, by some Fatal, and mischievous Accidents, happening soon after that noble Enterprize was first set a foot, as hath been already in part, and may hereafter more fully be declared.

The first place that ever was possessed by the English, in hope of making a Plantation in those parts was a Tract of Land, on the West­side of the River of Kennibeck, then called Sag at a wocke, since Saga-de-hocke: other places adjoyning were soon after seized, and improved for Trading and fishing. The more remote, & furthest Northward at this time belonging to the English (Penobsot forty years since being surpri­zed by the French, and by them held to this day) is called Pemmaquid, distant seven or eight Leagnes from Kennibeck, and is the utmost Boun­dary of New-England, being about forty Leagues distant from the mouth of Pascataqua River. That Pemmaquid is a very Commodious Haven for Ships, and hath been found very Advantagious to such as use to come upon these Coasts to make fishing Voyages; South West, or South East, from whence about six or seven Leagues lies an Island cal­led Monhiggon, of much use on the same account for fishing, it lying three or four Leagues into the Sea from Damarils Cove, (a place of like Advantage for the Stages of Fishermen in former times) There have been for a long time seven or eight considerable dwellings about Pemmaquid, which is well accommodased with Pasture Land about the Haven for feeding Cattle, and some Fields also for Tillage; All the Land improvable for such uses being already taken up, by such a number of Inhabitants as is already mentioned.

In the mouth of the River of Kennibeck lies a considerable Island cal­ced Aronick, some years since purchased by Major Clarke and Capt. Lake two Merchancs of Boston; on which they built several large dwel­lings with a Ware-house, and many other Edifices near the water side, It being intended by the Owners for a place of Trading, as well as [Page 3] Planti [...]g; there being many of late seated there, fit to c [...]rry on each designe, where also was built a fort, which if it had been carefuliy defend­ed, might have proved the defence, and Security of all that side of the Country, as it used to be their Magazine, up higher beyond the River of Kennibeck, four Leagues Eastward toward Pemmaquid, in another con­siderable River called Ships-Coat, upon the Banks of which were many scattered Planters, who lately flying from their dwellings for fear of the Indians, left as was judged, a thousand head of neat Cattle for the use of the Indians, that made the late Insurrection against the Inhabi­tants of those parts, besides their Fields and Barns full of Corn

There is another River that issues into Kennibeck, a little higher up into the Country called Pegypscot, that comes down from behind Cas­co Bay. This Pegypicot is the seat of the Amoscogging Indians, who have had a great, if not the principal hand in the late mischiefs.

Some few Leagues to the South of Kennibeck lies that famous and spacious Haven called Casco Bay, the North East Cape of which is made by an Island called Saguin; The Southern or opposite point of Land is called Cape Elizabeth, which is in the Bosome of this Bay, be­ing about eight or nine Leagues over at the mouth of it, and aboundance of small Islands, many of them being inhabited by Fishermen, and others; one of the principal of that sort, is called Iewels Island. There are many places about the Bay fit to make commodious habitations; and on the South side of it is a small Village called Falmouth; All, or most of it, lately destroyed by the Indians.

Not far from Casco to the Southward, or South-west, still is a River called Spurnuik, over against which lies Richmond Island, not far from the main Land, being divided therefrom by a small Channel soordable at Low water, It hath for a long time been the Seat of Mr. Iordan, in right of Mr. Winter, the former, if not the first promoter thereof whose daughter he married.

The next Plantation Southward is called Scarborough, a small Village seated upon black point, over against which is another point, for distin­ction from the former called blue point: This black point was lately the Seat of M. Iosselin, being a parcel of the Province of maine, or falling within the Prec [...]ncts thereof, and was formerly by Patent granted to the said Iosselin or his Predecessors, since purchased by Mr. Scotto of Boston.

Saco River lies next in order to Pascataqua, a Navigable River; where Major Philips had a commodious Scituation ately; at the mouth of which River lies winter Harbour, encompassed on one side [Page 4] by a Neck of Land, formerly the Propriety of one Mr. Winter whose Name it still retains, but lately purchased by Major Pendleton, where he enjoyed a very comfortable Seat and habitation.

There is another Harbour lying a little Southward of Saco made by that which is called Cape Porpuise; a convenient Sear for Fishermen, as are most of the other places above named. Between Cape Porpuise & Pascata­qua there are but two small Towns more, (though ambitious of great Names the one called Wells, the other Yorke, Wells is seated upon a small River or Creek affording a small Harbour fit only for Barkes & smaller V [...]s­sels; on each side of which Town lies a small River, the first called Kenni­hank, the second Maguncuck the other Town is called York, for­merly known by the Name of Agamenticus, from an high Hill of that Name not far off therefrom. The point of Land which lies between the said Fowns, is called Cape Nidduck, making a small Harbour likewise, into which issues another pretty River, on the Banks of which is Sc [...]tuate the Town of Yorke. All or most of the forementioned Towns and Plan­ [...]ations are seated upon and neer, some River greater or lesser, whose streams are principally improved for driving of Saw-Mill [...]; Those late Inventions, so useful for destruction of Wood and Timber, specially of Firre Tr [...]es, which do so abound in those Coasts; that there is scarce a River or Creeke in those parts that hath not some of those Engine [...] [...]ected upon them.

The upper Branches of the samous River of Pascataqua, being al­so imployed all of them that way, namely, Sturgeon Creeke, Salmon F [...]lls, Newechewannick, Quechecho, Oyster River, Swamscot, Green­land, Lamprey-Eele River, together with the Towns of Exete [...], and Dover, seated upon, or near some of the main Branches thereof, whose principal Trade is in Deale Boards, cut by those Saw-Mills, since their Rif [...] Timber is near all consumed. On each side of that brave Navi­gable River of Pascataqua down towards the mouth of it, are seated on the North side the Town of Kittary (a long scattering Plantation made up of several Hamlets) on the South side the Town of Portsmouth, to which belongs the great Island, lying in the mouth of the said River, a place of considerable Trade, these late years, the which together with Strawberry Bank the upper part of the said Town of Portsmouth, are the Magazine, and chief, or only place of Commerce & Trade for al the Pantations, betwixt it, and Casco Bay; All the said Plantations have in these last two years, viz. 1675. 1676. felt more or less of the Rage and Cruelty of the Barbarous and perfidious Indians belonging to that side of the Country, As shall more particularly be declared in what [Page 5] follows, after a short discourse of the first planting that side of the Country which may serve as a kind of Prologue to the following Tra­gedy.

This part of New-England began first to be planted about the same time with Virginia, viz. in the year 1606. There the first Letters Pa­tents granted by the King for the Limitation of Virginia, did extend from 34 to 44 Degrees of North Latitude, and was divided into two parts, namely the first, and the second Colony; The former was appro­priated to the City of London, The other, to the Cities of Bristol, Ex­eter, and Town of Plimouth, each of which had Laws, P [...]iviledges, and Authority for the Government, and advancing their several Plantati­ons alike, As saith, Capt. Smith in his general History of Virginia, and New-England. This second Colony of New-England promising but little Advantage to the Vndertakers, by reason of its Mountainous and Rocky Scituation, found but few Adventurers forward to pro­mote the planting thereof, after the death of Sir Iohn Popham, who was the first that ever procured men, or meant to possess it; for when the main Pillars are removed, what can be expected but that the whole building should fall to the ground. Yet, notwithstanding the discou­ragements the first Planters met withal in their first Winter seasoning, in that cold and rocky desert (which made them all return home in the year 1608) did Sir Francis Popham his Son, having the Ships and Pro­vision which remained of the Company, and supplying what was ne­cessary for his purpose, send divers times to the Coasts for Trade and Fishing, of whose loss or gain, as saith my Author, himself was best able to give account. And some of the Ships sent by him, and the Earl of Southhampton, with other Noble Adventurers, did bring home some of the Natives of the place in one of the next following years, by whose Informations, some of the first Vndertakers were encouraged once more to try the verity of their hopes, and see if possibly they might finde something that could enduce a fresh Resolution to prosecute so pi­ous and Honourable a work.

But in the mean time before there was yet any Speech, or endeavour to settle any other Plantation in those parts, That about Saga de hock being thus abandoned for the present by the first Vndertakers, The Frenchmen immediately took the opportunity to settle themselves with­in our Limits, which being understood by those of Virginia, they dis­crectly taking into their consideration the inconveniences that might arise by suffering them to harbour there, Sir Samuel Argal was sent with Commission to displace them, which he with great discretion, de [...] ­ [...]erity [Page 6] and Iudgement performed about the year 1613. The which made way for the Plantation at Nova Scotia, granted afterward [...] by King Iames to Sir William Alexander one of his Majesties most Ho­nourable Council of Scotland. The said Argal seized the Forts which the Frenchmen had built at Mount Mansel, St. Croix, and Port Ru­al, and carried away their Ordnance, with other Provisions to the Colo­ny of Virginia, to their great Benefit. The said places were held by the English divers years after, till about the year 1635. by Commission from the Scotch Lord a foresaid, but how his right came afterwards to be alienated to any of the French Nation, doth not concern us with Re­ference to the business in hand, further to enquire.

Things remaining in this posture for the space of near seven years, some of the first Adventurers apprehensive of better hopes of good that might ensne by a fresh Attempt, Resolved to set the designe a foot a second time, to which End several Ships were sent on that account in the year 1615. but with as bad Success as the former; for in the year before, viz. 1614. Capt. Smith desirous to promote the Colony of New-England, as well as that of Verginia came thither with two Ves­sels, and returned back to England in the lesser of them, with intent to be there again that next year, to promote the said Plantation; But after he was gone, one Thomas Hunt master of the Shi [...]p, he left behind, like a wicked Varlot, to prevent the carrying on the Plantation, that he & a few Merchants might wholly enjoy the benefit of the Trade of the Country, after he had made his Voyage, seized upon four & twenty of the poor Inno­cent Natives, that in confidence of his honesty, had put themselves into his hands, then clapping them under Hatches, carryed them away to Ma­lego, whither he was bound with the fish he had made upon the Coast, for that Market: But this vile act, although it kept him for ever after from any more imployment in those parts, yet that was the least part of the mischief that attended his wicked practice; for upon the Arri­val of the Adventurers Ships the next yeare; Two Natives of the place that had been some years in England, and coming back unto the said Ships, as soon as they understood the iniuty so Treacherously done to their Country-men, they contracted such an hatred against our whole Nation, that although one of the said Natives dyed soon after, yet the other called Epenow, studied how to be Revenged, which he so far found means to Effect, that he frustrated this second Attempt of setling a Plantation in these parts.

Yet did not the Adventurers cast off all hope of carrying on their de­signe, wherein Providence within a few years after so favoured them, [Page 7] that one or more of the Salvages called Tisquamtum and Samoset, car­ryed away by Hunt, was brought back to New-found Land, from whence he was soon after conveyed by the prudent endeavour of Capt. Mason (then Governour of the Plantation begun upon New-found Land) into the hands of some of the Adventurers by whose means they hoped to work a peace betwixt the said Natives on that Coast where the fire had been kindled before; for the Adventurers imployed Capt. Thomas Darmer, a prudent and industrious Gentleman to settle the affairs of the Plantatjon, now a third time revived again about Ken­nibeck, in the year 1619, or thereabouts. By his prudence and care a lasting peace was made betwixt the Natives of the place, and the English, who were but a little before so abhorred by them, for the wrong formerly received, so as the Plantation began at last to prosper, and continue in good liking, and Assurance of the Friendship of their Neighbours, that had been lately so exasperated against them. This Tisquanium forementioned, was not a little Instrumental, and helpful to the Plantation begun at New-Plimouth about the following year, viz. 1620. in their weak beginnings, there being frequent mention of his Name, as also of one Samoset, a Native of the same place, by the like Providence brought back to Kennibeck, and from thence with Tis­quantum came to the New-planters at Patuxet, or Plimouth, and brought them into acquaintance with Massasoit, the great Sachem about those parts; without whose Friendship that new Plantation would hardly have subsisted long.

This Story premised is the more to be minded in this place, because the Friendship upon the means and occasious aforesaid, confirmed be­twixt the Indians in these Eastern parts, & the English, had continued stedfast and Constant to this year, when it was broken by another Trea­cherous and wicked practice, of a like nature, and parrallel to that of the foresaid Hunt. As may more fully be declared afterwards.

Possibly the like saci [...]ction may prove the more probable means to procure a setled peace. But to return, whence this Digression hath been made. Some years were spent to bring things to this Issue: The Adventurers were put to much care and pains before they could get their Patent confirmed, and Renewed again; many Obstructions they met withal from some Interlopers that begen to look into the Trade of this Country, and would irregularly have had a share-therein, or made it common to all Traders, to which End they pe [...]i [...]ioned to a Par­liament then called, to bring about their Ends, but at the last it was set­led firmly in the hands of sundry Noble and worthy Patentees, Lords, [Page 8] Knights, Gentlemen, and Merchants, commonly known by the Name of the Councel of Plimouth, who had the absolute power under the King, for making all Grants, and disposing of all Lands from the 40th. to the 48th. Degrees of North Latitude; All which was accomplished about the year 1621. Some printed Relations that speak of these Transacti­ons, write much of the flourishing state, and hopeful prosperity of this Plantation, published about forty or fifty years since, yet did it never appear by what followed, that any considerable Advantage did ever ac­crue to the first Vndertakers from this their New-Plantation of the Eastern parts, unless by the Trade of Fish, and Furrs, which latter continued not long; As for the former, The chief benefit redounded on­ly to them that managed it by their own particular Stocks, and personal Endeavours: And if without offence it may be spoken, the multitude of Patents soon after granted to several Gentlemen of Brok [...]n Fortunes, have provided but places of an Honourable Exile or Confinement, whi­ther many deserving persons of better Education then Fortune, were sent to shift for themselves in a Forreign Land, without being further Troublesome to those nearer home, on whom they had their hopes and Dependance; yet it must not be denyed but that some of the Vnderta­kers were at vast Expences, casting their Bread upon these waters, where none of their Friends and Relations have as yet had opportunity to find it. The Reason of which is not hard to give, in Reference to all those Lands and Territories that lye to the Eastward of Pascataqua River. One man Cause hath been the multiplicity of Grants and Patents for the dividing of the said Tract of Land, for beside the strise that hath been occasioned by the Intricacy and indistinctness of their Liberties and Bounds, (enough to have maintained a greater number of Lawyers, then ever were the Inhabitants) If the Grantees had been supplyed with mo­nyes proportionable to their writes and Controversies about their bounds and Ju [...]isdictions, which sometimes they have been ready to decide with their Swords, witness those fatal Names imposed on such Accounts upon some p [...]aces belonging to those parts, as Bloody point, Black and Blew point, and every considerable Parcel of Land being by Patent granted to several particular persons, hindred the erecting of Town-ships and Villages, which if it had been otherwise disposed of, might have been full of Towns, and well peopled, and thereby the Inha­bitants had been able to have stood upon their Guard, and defended them­selves against the common Enemy, whereas now they were but like sco­pae dissolutae, or like his Arrows that being bound up in one bundle could not be broken by an ordinary Force, but being loose, were easily snapt [Page 9] asunder, by any single hand. Another Reason might be, the imploying of such Agenis & Instruments as either wanted Skill or Fidelity to manage what they were betrusted with, which made many of the Adventurers long ago complain, that (in stead of Bills of Exchange & other Returns which they expected) they received nothng but large Inventoryes of the wants of their several Plantations, and the Servants sent over to improve them, which were all the Returns that many of them ever received for the large Summs of mony many disbursed for the carrying on their affairs

A third Reason may be the several Changes of Government the Inhabi­tants have passed under, which have occasioned not only much vexation, & Expences to such as were upon the place; but much discouragement to several others, who by the commodiousness of the Soyle, would willingly have chosen Station in those parts, had they seen any hope of a setled Go­vernment, ever like to have been obtained; which is not hard to demon­strate, by giving a little touch as we pass along, on the several changes of Government, the places forementioned have been moulded into, & the se­veral Proprietours of, have claimed Interest in the Land. In the year 1624. A Patent was granted by the Councel of Pli [...]outh, the grand Proprietours, to Captain Mason for a large Tract of [...]and about Pascataqua, but it not be­ing distinctly bounded, himself, with Sir Ferdinando Gorges obtayned a joynt Patent in the year 1629. for the Land betwixt Saga de-Hock East, & Naum Keag West, but that also interferring with the Bounds ganted be­fore that time to sundry Gentlemen & Merchants that had obtamed a Patent from the South of Charles River to the Northward of Merrimack; Capt. Masons bounds were afterwards by Consent, (as is said) of his Agent or Agents, reduced to some Branches about Pascataqua River (who yet could not agree with those that acted in the Name of Shrewsbury men) but being wholly neglected by the pretended Proprietour or his Successours, (till of late dayes) was by the desire of the Inhabitants yielded up to the Massachusets Government, near twenty years since.

In the year 1630. A Patent was granted by the said Councel of Pli­mouth (signed by the Earl of Warwick, and Sir Ferdinand [...] Gorge [...]i, and sealed with the common Seal of the Councel aforesaid) to Iohn Dy, Thomas Impe, Grace Harding, and Iohn Roach of London, for a large Tract of Land on the South of Saga-de Hock forty mile square by the Sea side, and so up into the Country: Iohn Dy afore said, and his Partners took in another as Partner, and Associate with them, Mr. Richard Dummer of Newbury in New-England, in the year 1638. to whom they delivered the Oreginal Patent, with an order from them and in their Name, to take up the Land deseribed in the Patent, but, [Page 10] he being denyed opportunity to Effect it, as also a Ship formerly sent by the Patentees for that End, not accomplishing their desire, they not long after sold all their Interest in the said Patent, to one Mr. Rigby a Lancashire Gentleman, who made Mr. Cleaves his Agent to manage the business of his purchased Interest in the said Patent; To whom Mr. Dummer was ordered to deliver the Original Patent, which ac­cordingly he did: what trouble was occasioned soon after between the said Mr. Cleaves and Mr. Vines Agent for Sir Ferdinando Gor­ges, is well known to the Inhabitants of the place, and need not be here mentioned; nor yet how the said Mr. Rigby came afterward to loose his Interest (at least with the Inhabitants) in the Patent.

In the year 1632. Sir Ferdinando Gorges not resting in the joynt Patent obtained for himself, and Capt. Mason, obtained a distinct Pa­tent for himself, and got it confirmed by King Charles the first of blessed and famous memory, for all that large Tract of Land from Saga-de-hock to Pascataqua River, and so about an bundred miles up into the Coun­try, by the Name of the Province of Maine. What benefit and Im­provement was ever made thereof by his Agents, or Successours, is best known to themselves; But for the Inhabitants, who upon one ac­count or another had been induced, either by any prec [...]dan [...]ous grant or liberty from himself, or his Agents, to take up any Land within the Bounds of the said Province; They finding much inconvenience and trouble for want of an orderly and setled Government, did at the last petition the general Court of the Massachusets to be taken under their Jurisdiction and Government (reserving the Liberties and Priviledges of their former purchases and Grants, as to Title, poss [...]ssion and propriety to themselves) which was granted them, though not only, and altoge­ther upon the grounds on which it was desired by the Petitioners. Yet notwithstanding all this, were not things setled either to the comfort or content of the Inhabitants: for sometimes some demanded Right of Jurisdiction over them by virtue of Sir F [...]rdinando's Pa [...]ent, sometimes Comm [...]ssioners imployed by his Highne [...] the Duke of York, attempted to settle a Government amongst the people, sometimes they tryed what might be done by Agreement amongst themselves, but after their Re­turne for England, by one means or other, the Government relapsed again into the hands of the Massachusets, although a Supersedeas there­unto seems to have been put by an order from his Majesty this last year.

By these several Vic ssitudes and changes of Government, the flou­rishing of the said Province hath been much obstructed, which else might have been much advanced, and the Inhabitants been put into a Capacity [Page 11] to have secured themselves against the late Barbarous Incursions of the Indians; and possibly those Exorbitanci [...]s that many of the present Proprietours have run into, to the just provocation of the Indians, might thereby have been prevented, and so the mischief also which hath ensu­ed, might thereby have been averted: For a well ordered Govern­ment would never have suffered those things that n [...]w were connived at, which if they had been timely lookt into bysuch as had absolute or po­sitive and unquestioned power of Rule in their hands, would have been otherwise ordered, the present mischief that is come upon those places, might thereby have been, if not prevented, yet more easily redressed, then now is like to be.

As for the Tract of Land that lies Eastward beyond Kennibeck, be­twixt that and Pemmaquid, it is said to have belonged to one Mr. Ald­worth, and his Successours; who was Alderman of Bristol, and one that had a Patent thereof, and imployed some as his Agents, that did some­times reside upon the place; And was lately setled in some order of Government by his Highness the Duke of Yorks Commissioners, by whom also was an Agreement made betwixt the Sagamores of the In­dians in those parts, and the English, at a Court kept by their Ap­pointment in Kennibeck, which if it had been observed, might in all probability have prevented in great measure the quarrel which is now fallen out betwixt the English and the said Indians: For upon some Jea­lousies of the Rising of those Indians about twelve or thirteen years since, it was agreed, that if any mischief should happen to be done by the English or Indians, one against another, though it were to the kil­ling any person, neither side should right themselves, but complaint should be made to the Sagamores if the Indians did the wrong, and to the Court, if it were done by the English; Both which did promise satis­faction should be made, for the preventing any quarrel: The Names of the Sachems, as likewise of them that were in power at the Court, do stil remain upon publick Record. But matters of Government in those parts being since collapsed; no Authority more then what was meerly voluntary and perswasive being owned. Things are now brought to that miser [...]ble state, which follows next to be declared.

Ever since the first [...]ling of any English Plantation in those parts about Kennibeck for the space of above fifty years the Indians alwayes carryed it fair, and held good Correspondence with the English, until the News came of Philips Rebellion, and Rising against the Inhabita [...]s of Pli [...]th Colony in the End of Iune 1675. After which time, it was apprehended by such as had the Examination of the Indians about Ken­nibeck. [Page 12] That there was a general surmise amongst them, that they should be required to assist the said Philip, although they would not owne, that they were at all engaged in the Quarrel. The like Jea­lousie did appear in all the Indians that inhabited to the Eastward of Pas­cataqua, which plainly shews that there was a designe of a general Rising of the Indians against the English, all over the Country, (possibly as farr as Virginia, the Indians there making Insurrection the same year,) & that many if not most of them were willing it should succeed, al­though the Elder & wiser of them liked it not, fearing the Issue, as they had cause: But many of the young men about Casco Bay▪ and Amonos­coggan were certainly known to flock thither the last year, and did, sun­dry of them, come short home. Forherein they acted but like Salvages, as those in Virginia did, fifty year before, shewing themselves friendly and Courteous to their new neighbours, till they had an opportunity to do them mischief. So that notwithstanding many of the Inhabitants in the Eastern, as well as in the Western parts of the Country, that were wont to Trade with the Indians, were not willing to believe any such pu [...]pose a­mongst them, but were ready to think, some of the Ruder sort of the Eng­glish, by their imprudent & irregular acting [...], had driven them into this Re­bellion; yet is it too to evident, that the said Indians (who naturally delight in bloody & deceitful actions (did lay hold of any opportunity that might serve for a pretence to be put upon their barbarous practices. The Indians about Wammeset & Pascataqua, that had joyned with their Country men in their rising against the English the last winter, when they were pinched with hunger in the cold Winter following returned back to the English, & desired to make peace, & firmly engaged to continue their wonted Friend­ship; yea, some of them, as if they were really sorry for their murthers, & Cruelty, of their own voluntary motion came with the Prisoners they had taken, & resigned them up to the English; yet when their own Ends were Answered, & another opportunity was offered of doing further mischief of like nature: they presently returned to their former practice, as is well known of Simond & Andrew, that had killed some, & led others Captive in the last spring from Bradford & Haverhill, who came in the End of Iune to Mai [...] Walderns, bringing home English Prisoners with them, yet did the very same Indians within less then two Mo [...]s after j [...]yn [...] with the Amonoscogga [...] & Kennibeck Indians, in a commi [...]ing the sa [...] tragedie that were last acted in those parts; Yet was he & the other his Par [...]ner [...]uffered to escape, for want of suffcient guarding the Prison, where they were put, in order to further Tryal. But sero sapiunt Ph [...]yges; It is hoped that we shall after some few more Experiences of this nature, learn to be ware of [Page 13] this subtle Brood, and Generation of Vipers, ever since Enmity was put be­tween the Seed of the woman & the Seed of the Serpent; It hath been the por­tion of her Seed in every Generation, & in every Nation to meet with the sad Effects of that Enmity; Nor can they ever expect to finde better deal­ing from any of the other sort, further then either fear of their power, or hope of benefit by their favour, may induce them to another disposition, as we the Inhabitants of New-England have found by this late, & sad Expe­rience in Reference to these Pagans in the West amongst whom our Lot is cast, they proving, as one says of the M [...]hometans in the East, like a nest of Hornets, that if any one of them chance to be provoked, they will be all about his Ears that comes near them. But it is now time to begin with the particulars of the Tragedy it self, that the Reader account not the Prologue too long. It was on the 24th. of Iune 1675. when the first mischief was done by the Indians about Mount-Hope, before twenty dayes were over, the fire began to kindle in these the most remote & most Northerly bounds of the said Country, or two hundred & fifty miles distance, & upon this oc­casion; Iuly the 11th. 1675. A Letter was brought to Kennibeck from one Henry Sawyer an Inhabitant of Yorke, signifying the news of the Indians ri­sing about Plimouth, & that a course was taken to disarm the indians along the shore. This rumour did so far awaken the Inhabitants of those parts that the very next day at a general meeting of the English at one Capt. Pattishals bouse, several offered themselves as Voluntiers, to go up the said River of Kennibeck, to make discovery of the Indians Fidelity, or else to fight them, if occasion were. The third day after, marching up the River to Quegeseck, they met with the Inhabitants of Ships Cot River, which is a River lying about twelve or fourteen miles to the North East of Kenni­beck. Divers of the Indians thereabouts, by the peaswasions of one Mr. Walker, that used to trade with them, brought down an incon siderable par [...] of their Amunition, as a few Guns, a little Powder & Shot, with a few knives: About seven of the Kennibeck Indians, & five of those called Ammoscog­ging Indians, about Pegypscot, (a river more Southward toward Casco) made this shew of bringing in their Arms Capt. Lake, Capt. Pattishal, with Mr. Wiswal, in whose hands was setled a kind of military power for those parts, were sent for to examine the said Indians further, of whom upon Exami­nation they saw Reason to suspect some, if not all, whereupon they sent Messengers the second time to the Ammoscogging Indians; & also a Letter to Mr. Walker, to send down their Arms and Amunition to them for their greater Security. After Mr. Wiswal was returned home, the five Ammoscogging Indians aforesid brought in their Guns, but with no good intent probably; for an Indian called Sowen, having an Axe in his hand, struck at one Hosea Ma [...]er a French man, but was [...] [Page 14] from doing him mischief, however the said Indian was presently bound and put into a Cellar. Some of the English that used to Trade with those Indians were ready to excuse the Indian, saying he was drunke, or that he was a distracted Fellow, but Mr. Wiswall with the other two ex­aminants, lookt upon those as meer Excuses, and altogether groundless, for one of them to this day affirms, that he was as Rational and sensible as any of the rest.

The ancient Indians being asked what they thought was meet to be done in the said Case, said, he was worthy to dye for such an affront, yet they would be glad if his life might be spared, offering to be joyntly bound in his behalf, to pay forty Beaver Skins at the next Fall-Voyage, giv­ing their hands in token of their Fidelity, and also leaving their Arms in the hands of the English as a Pledge of their faithful keeping those Ar­ticles of Peace concluded on betwixt them. If they proved themselves honest men, they were to have their Arms delivered them again, which was accordingly performed the last Iune, 1676. They having in the mean time carried themselves peaceably toward the English. The day after, viz. Iuly 19. 1675. An Indian of great note amongst them, called Robin hood with great Applause of the rest, made a dance, and sung a Song to declare their content in what was transacted. And so they parted, setting the Indians at liberty, that had engaged thus for their friend Sowen, the Indian; but yet to this day one Skin of Beaver was never paid to the English, as was promised; The Indians all this time were well provided for of victuals by Capt. Lake, with other supplies of Rhum and Tobacco, even to the disgusting of some English then present.

But the Indians left as Hostages upon Sowens account, how Civilly soever they were treated, ran all away at the last, trusting more to the Celerity of their own feet, then to the Civility of their English Friends; who after they were escaped, joyned with a parcel of their Fellows soon after about twenty in all, in robbing the house of one Mr. Purchase an antient Planter about Pegypscot River, and a known Trader with the Indians, what ever wrong may be pretended by the said Indians, as done them in their Trading, (of which more may be spoken afterwards) that will no whit excuse their perfidious Treachery, and falshood in break­ing Covenant with the English, dissembling, and seeking all Advantages of Cruelty against their English Neighbours, of which in the following Winter and Summer, 1676. there will be a more full and undenyable discovery. This was done in the beginning of September, 1675. Those Indians that first assaulted Mr. Purchase his house, did no other mischief, [Page 15] save plundering it of strong Liquor, and Amunition, also killing a Calf or two, with a few Sheep, but no more then what they eat, and spoyling a Feather Led by ripping it open, to turn out the Feathers, con­tenting themselves with the Case, which they might more easily car­ry away. They offered no incivility to the Mistress of the house, (her husband, and her Sons, being at that time from home) yet one of her Sons approaching near the house, and finding it possessed of those new Inhabitants, he rode away with all speed, and yet no faster then there was need; for an Indian followed him with a Gun under his Coat, to have shot at him, if he could by his flattery, and dissembling, have got him within the reach of his Piece.

It is said, that at the first they used fair words, and spake of Trading, but as they went away, told those of the house, that there were others coming after that would deal far worse with them, which within a short time after c [...]me to pass, for these were but the messengers of Death, which was soon after infl [...]cted, and that in a most Barbarous manner upon sundry Inhabitants of the Neighbouring Plantations.

The English in those parts being much incensed hereat, Twenty five of them soon after going up Cas [...]o Bay in a Sloop and two Boats to ga­ther Indian Corn, and to look to what they had upon the said Bay neer Amocoscoggen River; when they came near the houses, they heard a knocking, and a noise about the houses, and presently esp [...]ed two or three Indians, who did not yet see them: The English being come a good way from their Vessel, endeavoured to get between the Indians, and the woods, which when they perceived, they ran toward the water side, but the English in pursuit killed one of them, and wounded another, who yet escaped away in a Cano [...] cross the River, a third running back toward the woods, fled to the other Indians, and acquainted them with what was done, who presently came down; and lay in wait to intercept the English, that thought of no dan­ge [...], but scattered themselves all about the place to gather their Corn, and lade the Boats therewith, but before they were ready to go away, The Indians coming down, fired upon them, and forced them all into the Sloop; had not some of them been better prepared then the rest; they might all have been cut off; for some little resistance being made by them that were ready with their Guns, it gave the rest an opportunity to get all into the Sloop; yet not without many wounds: So with much ado, they all escaped with their lives, leaving the two Boats almost laden with Corn for a prey [...]o the Indians, who presently bu [...]ned one, and plundred the other of all that was t [...]erein some are ready to think that the English [Page 16] did imprudently to begin the Quarrel, and not first enquire into what the Indians were about in the house, and seek Redress according to the forementioned Agreement, made at the Court in Kennibeck. But if this hapned after what follows next to be related viz. that which was done to Old Waterly, and his Family; (the English can be blamed for nothing, but their negligence & Security, in that having alarmed their ene­mies, they stood not better upon their guard), which is not very certain. For 'tis thought that within a few dayes after, or the next week more hor­rible outrage was committed upon the Family of an ancient man, whose Name was Waterly, an Inhabitant of Casco Bay, who had some years be­fore removed from Gloucester, or Cape Anne out of some discontent, which afterwards he often bewailed resolving either to have returned back, or else to have removed to some securer place, but he was arrested by the Sons of violenc [...], before he could Effect his purpose. This old man with his wife, his Son, and his daughter in Law (at that time great with Child) with three grand Children were cruelly murdered by those bar­barous Salvages, at one time: another of his grand Children was taken alive, and led into Captivity, a daughter of his was said to be carryed to Narhagauset, which shews they joyned with the Southern Indians in the Rebellion; when once these Indians had embrued their hands in English blood, they were emboldened to the like bloody Attempts in the Adjacent places.

This Waterly lived so far from Neighbours, or else was encompassed with Creeks or Rivers, that no Relief could presently be sent to him, however Lieut, Ingerson of Casco the next day with a File of men, repair­ed to the place where his house-stood, to see what was the Reason of the Fire they discerned the day before, there they found the house burned to ashes, the bodies of the old man and his wife half consumed with the fire, the young woman killed, and three of the grand Children, having their brains dashed out, and their bodies were laid under some Oaken Planks, not farr from the house; one girle of about eleven years old, was [...]arried Captive by them, and having been carried up and down the Country some hundreds of miles, as far as Narhaga [...]set Fort, was this last Iune returned back to Major Walderns, by one Squando the Sagamore of Saco; A strange mixture of mercy and Cruelty.

Soon after Capt. Bonithon's and Major Philips Dwellings were as­saulted, one on the East, the other on the West side of Saco River. It is said, they had seasonable notice of what was intended against them, by their Barbarous Enemies, Those Amonoscoggan Indians; viz. by an Indian of Saco, their Neighbour, better minded then the rest of his [Page 17] Country men: who observing a strange Indian coming to his Wig­wam in Company with some of his acquaintance, one of whom inform­ed him, after the rest, (with the stranger) were gone; That the said stranger came from the Westward, and that his business was to per­swade the Eastern Indians to fall upon the English in their dwellings here, as the rest had done to the Westward. Captain Bonithon, either upon this Information, or upon the knowledge of what was done a lit­tle before at Casco, had left his house, and was retired over the River with his Family to Major Philips his Garrison. Thus two are better then one: for otherwise, both might have been destroyed: For upon the 18th. of September following, being the 7th. day of the week, about eleven a Clock, they at Major Philip [...] his Garrison saw Capt. [...]onithon's house on fire on the East side of Saco River, which by the good Providence of God was to them as the firing of a Beacon, giving them notice to look to themselves, their Enemies being now come; for otherwise, they might to their great disadvantage have been too sud­denly surprized, for within half an hour after, they were upon them, when a Sentinel placed in the Chamber gave notice that he saw an Indi­an by the Fence side, near a Corn Field, Major Philips not willing to be­lieve till he might see with his own Eyes, ran hastily up; another of his men, coming after, cryed Mr. what mean you? do you intend to be ki [...]l [...]d, at which words, he turned suddenly back from the window, out of which he was looking, when presently a Bullet struck him on the shoulder, grazing only, upon it without breaking the bone. The Indians upon the shot, thinking he had been slain thereby, (as they heard after­wards) gave a great shout, upon which they discerned that they were surrounded by them, whereupon they presently fired on the Enemy from all Quarters, and from the Flankers of the Fortification, so as they wounded the Captain of the Indians, who presently leaving the Assa [...]lt retired three or four miles from the place, where he soon after dyed, as they were informed: He counselled them to leave the siege, but they were resolved not so to quit the place; nor were those within less reso­lute to defend it: one of the best men was soon after disabled from any further Service, by a wound which he received in one of the Volleys made upon them by the Assaylants; But that no whit daunted the rest of the Defendants, who continuing still firing amain upon the Enemy: This Dispute lasted about an hour, after which the Enemy despairing to take the house by Assault, thought upon a device how to burn it.

First, firing the house of one of his Tenants, then his Saw-M [...]ll, after that his Corn M [...]ll, hoping by that means to draw them cut of the Gar­cison [Page 18] to put out the fire, but missing of their purpose in that, they called out, you English Cowardly Dogs, come out and quench the Fire: They continued this sport all the afternoon, continually almost without any Intermission firing upon them: The besieged hoped for Relief from the Town, but none came, The Major still encouraging his men to stand it out, which they manfully did all that night, when they were a armd almost every half hour: and betwixt whiles they could hear their Axes and other Instruments, knocking about the Mills till the next day: They within the house conceived they were preparing some Engine wherewith to burn the house, which proved accordingly, for about 4 or 5 a Clock in the morning at the setting of the Moon, the Major was called by his men to look out, when he saw a Cart with four Wheels, having a Barricado built in the fore part, to keep off Shot, and filled with combustible matter, birch rindes, straw, powder, and Poles twenty Foot long, apt to fire the house: he bid them let them drive it within Pistol shot, before they made any shot against them; His m [...]n we [...]e a little discouraged at the sight of this Engine: but he bid them, be of good Courage; and use the means, putting their trust in God, who, he was confident would deliver them: The Cart, when brought a little nearer, became unweildy by Reason of the Barricado planted in it, and being to pass through a small gutter, one Wheel stuck fast in the Slough, which brought the Cart suddenly to the Left, whereby the Drivers lay all open to their right Flanker, when presently they fired upon them out of the said Flanker, and having so fair a shot upon them, and not being above Pistol shot from the place, they killed six of the Enemy, and wounded fifteen, as they found afterwards, which no doubt made them too late to repent of their Resolution, not to follow their Captains Counsel and Example in leaving the Siege; for now they presently departed: So as at Sun rise, they within the house espyed forty of them marching away, but how many more were in the Company they could not tell.

The Indians it seemed went toward Blue poin, where it is said they killed several pe [...]sons: but those in the house fea [...]ed they went for more help, and expected their Return, but it seems their Courage failed them, as to another Att [...]mpt, upon an house so well garrisoned, and [...]anfully defended. Major Philips sent to the Town for help, acquainting them with what had passed, but none was sent them, either that da [...], or the next, so as having spent almost all their Amunition, the people that w [...]re w [...]th him, would not be perswaded to tarry longe [...], then the Mun­day [...]: which constrained him and his Family to remove to the Town; about a Fortnight after, the Indians hearing thereof, came and [Page 19] burnt down the empty house. There were fifty persons in the said house during the time of the Siege, and but ten able hands; they had five more that could do something, but through Age, or minority, not able to make any notable Resistance; yet so it pleased God, in whose hands are all mens lives and limbs, and who is never wont to fail them, who in time of danger are ready so to confide in his power, and goodness, as not to neglect the use of due means for their own Preservation, so to order things, that not one person of all those fifty, was either killed, or mor­tally wounded. Major Philips himself was wounded, but not dangerous­ly at the beginning of the Assault, his Mal's with other Edifices were the first day burned by the Enemy, & so were all the houses at Saco, or most of them soon after, that were above the F [...]sher-mens stages. One Mrs. Hitcock being carried Captive by the Enemy from the same place, dy­ed in the Winter following, by eating some poysonous Root, in stead of a ground out, as was reported by the Indians afterwards.

Much about the same time, five persons going up to the River of Sa­co, were all kiiled by the same Indians.

These Tragedies being thus acted at Casco Bay, and Saco, those Bar­barous Enemies dispersed themselves in parties, intending to do all the mischief they could to all the English, inhabiting about that side of the Country; In the same Month of September they came down towards Pascat [...]qua, doing the like Spoyle upon the Inhabitants of the several Branches of that River, which they had been doing elsewhere; In the first place they burned the two Cheslyes houses abou [...] Oyster River, and kil­led two men that were passing along the River in a Canoo; and carried a­way an old Irish-man, with a young man taken from about Exceter, who yet both of them soon after made an escape to a Garrison at Salmon-Falls in Kittary by the help of an Indian better minded then the rest, the first after seven weeks, the other after a Months Captivity.

Much about that time, one Goodman Robinson of Exceter with his Son were travelling toward Hampton, where, as they passed along, they were way-laid by three Indians, viz. Iohn Samson, Cromwel, and Iohn Linde, who shot down the old man, whom they left dead upon the place; his Son, hearing the Guns escaped their hands, by running into a Sw [...]mp, whither the Indians pursued him, but could not overtake him, so as he got safe into Hampton about midnight, where he declared what befel him by the way, and how narrowly he avoided the danger, intimating like wise, that he feared his Father was killed, which was found too true, by Lieut. Swet, who the next day with a dozen Souldiers, of the Town, went to search those woods, where they sound the poor old man, shot [Page 20] through at his back, the bullet having pierced through his body, and was stopped by the skin on the other side: Another of Exceter, called Foul­sam, was at the same time driving a pair of Oxen in the same Road, where, soon after he heard the Report of the Guns when Robinson was killed, he espyed the th [...]ee Indian [...] creeping upon their bellies towards him, to do as much for him as they had done for Robinson, but leaving his Oxen, he put on his horse with all speed, and so was delivered from the danger that the other fell into, it is reported that one of the Indians made a shot at him; but he was either gotten out of their reach, or else they m [...]ssed their aim at that time. The same Indians had a little be­fore met with another English man in those woods, one Charles Rand­let, whom they carryed Captive, although he soon after escaped out of their hands, by the help of another Indian called Iames. It is said there were four Indians of that Company, and that the fourth was sent away with Randlet, so that there were but three seen together at the killing, and pursuing the other forementioned. One of the said Indians, viz. Iohn Samson was killed by some of Capt. Hathorns Souldiers at Casco Bay in September following 1676 when the Scouts of our forces came upon the Indians on the sudden, and had a small brush with them; but all the rest made a shift to get away: As for the other two, viz. Cromwel, and Io [...]n Linde; one of them, it is said, is since killed, or taken and sold away, the other is at Kennibeck, whom vengeance may also in due time overtake, as it hath done the other.

Within a few dayes after that barbarous Fact at Oyster River, two Indians, viz one named Andrew, and the other Hope-hood, the Son of him called Robin Hood, assaulted the house of one Tozer at Neweche­wannick, wherein were fif [...]en persons, yet all women and Children, who without all d [...]ubt had all of them fallen into the merciless hands of the two cruel and barbarous Caytiffes, had not a young maid of about Eigh­teen years of Age first espyed them, who being endued with more Cou­rage then ordinarily the rest of her Sex use to be, (the blessing of Iael light upon her) first shut to the dore, whereby they were denyed En­trance, till the rest within escaped to the next house, that was better Fo [...]tified; That young Ui [...]ago kept the dore fast against them so long till the Indians had chopt it in pieces with their Ha [...]chets, when entring the house, they knocked the poor maid down with their Hatchets, and gave her many other wounds, leaving her for dead upon the place; after which, they passed on toward the next dwelling, in their way meeting with two Children, that had escaped the house first broken open by them, they killed one of them, of three years old, which could not follow fast [Page 21] enough, or else they that carryed it, could not convey it over a Fence soon enough to save themselves and it; And carryed away the other of seven year old, which yet was returned safe within half a year after: The poor Maid that had ventured her own Life so far, to save many others, was by a strange Providence enabled to recover so much strength after they were gone, as to repair to the next Garrison, where she was soon after healed of her wound [...], and restored to perfect health again.

The next day toward night more of the Barbarous Enemies being gathered together they made another Assault upon the neighbouring dwel­lings.

The English, as many as could be spared out of the Garrison, (not above eight in number) pusued after them about half a mile, but night coming on, it was judged best to retreat, l [...]st otherwise they might have been Intercepted in their return home, by any of them lying in Ambush, which is their usual way of doing mischief. After divers shot made on both sides, but five of the Enemies appeared: who yet took the Advan­tage of Captain Wincals absence, (whose dwelling was not far off) to burne his house and Bar [...]e, with another house, and two Barns more, wherein was much English Corn; above an hundred Bushels was supposed to be in one of them. After they had done this mischief they fled away.

The next day after, the same Indians, or others of their Fellows, came upon the other side of the River, from whence they shot over se­veral times, to some that were grinding in the Mill, but after the ex­changing of many shot on both sides of the River, betwixt them, six of the Enemy shewed themselves in the Twilight, uttering several Insolent and barbarous Speeches calling our men English dogs, &c. yet all this while out of reach of their shot, and then they ran all away like dogs after they had done barking.

After this, those very Indians, as was supposed, burned five or six houses about Oyster River, and killed two men, viz. one William Roberts and his Son in Law. The Inhabitants of Dover, with some other R [...]so­lute young men, being much provoked by these many Insolencies, and injuries done by the Enemies, obtained liberty from the Major of the Regiment, to try whether they could not meet with some of the Indians, by secret Ambushes, and sculking amongst the Bushes and Trees, as the Indians used to do with them, to which End about twenty divided them­selves into several small parties: soon after as they were looking after the Enemy, a party of ours espyed five of the Indians, some gathering [Page 22] Corn in the Field while the rest of them were busied in beating of an Oven to bake some of the fruit which they gathered also in the same Field.

The English were at such a distance that they could not make any sign to their Fellows, without being discovered by the Indians in the Field; wherefore two of them crept as near as they could to the house, at one end of the Field, where they suddenly rushed upon two of the wretches, and knocked them down with the Butt end of their Muskets, which was not done so silently, but the other three in the Field took the Alarm, and fled away, who else might as easily have been surprized as the other two.

These Outrages thus daily committed, filled all the Plantations about Pascataqua with fear and confusion; scarce any place, where there was not either Reason for some to complain of the loss of their Friends, or burn­ing of their houses; which caused most of them that lived scatteringly, at any distance from Neighbours, either to garrison their houses, or else to desert their own dwellings, and to repair to their next Neighbours that were better fortified then themselves; But all the Inhabitants in those parts in general, were Alarmed to stand upon their Guard.

On the seventh of October following, being a day of publick Humili­ation, a man was sh [...]t down as he was riding between two garrison houses about Newechewannick▪ and dyed of his wounds within two hours after; About the same instant of time two young men were shot dead about a mile from that place; These two had their Arms or Guns with them, which were carryed away by them that killed them, together with their upper garments; It is not said that these three last, (though killed upon a day of Humiliation) were surprized in their repairing to, or retur­ning from the place of publick worship, which would in a great measure have abated the sorrow of their sad Funerals, if when they were suddenly arrested by the Harbingers of Death, they had been found so doing.

Soon after this, they Assaulted another house at Oyster River, the which, although it was garrisoned, yet meeting with a good old man, whose Name was Beard without the Garrison, they killed him upon the place, and in a barbarons manner cut off his head, and set it upon a Pole in derision, not far off about the same time they burned another house and Barne.

Upon the sixteenth of October being Saturday, about an hundred of the Indians were gathered together, to Assault Newechewannick; They began with one named Tozer, half a mile from the upper Garrison, at Salmon Falls. The said Tozer was presently killed his Son taken [Page 23] Captive, (but returned after some Months Restraint) several Guns being shot at this Assault, Alarmed Lieut. Plaisted at the next Garri­son, who like a man of a publick Spirit immediately sent out seven men from the Garrison under his Command, to see what the matter was, but being met by an Ambush laid in the way as they went, lost two or three of their Company, the rest hardly escaping back to the place whence they came, whereupon, the said Lieut. Plaisted immediately dispatch­ed away a Messenger to Major Waldern at Quechecho, which because it seems to be the last time that ever that good and useful man set pen [...]o paper, shall here be Inserted.

What Answer was returned to this importunate and pathetical Let­ter is not fully known at present; most probably he that was most con­cerned in the Contents of it was either absent from home, or in no Capa­city to send the Relief desired; which if it could have been had, might have prevented the sad mischief that fell out the next day; when Lieut. Plaisted being more earne [...]ly bent to perform that last office of love to his deceased Friend, whom he could not by all his Endeavours save from the danger of death, while they were in the Land of the living would needs venture himself with twenty Souldiers out of his Garrison, to fetch off the dead bodies.

To that end he ordered a pair of Oxen to be yoked to bring them to his Garrison, in order to their Christian buryal, not considering that the Indians lay sculking thereabouts, waiting for such opportunityes. They went first to the furthest place, where they found Ro. Tozers body, and put it into their Cart, but coming back to take up the other two bo­dies, [Page 24] which were fallen in a little Swampe nearer to the Garri­son, they were set upon by an hundred and fifty of the Enemy, that had hid themselves in the bushes, and under a stone wall, and Loggs in the way as they were to pass; By the sudden noyse of the guns, the Cattle being frighted ran away to the garrison with such of the dead, as were first laid up thereon, (and possibly with one of them wounded at that instant) leaving their Owners to fight it out with their Enemies. Lieut. Plaisted being thus desperately Assaulted, he with his twenty men, was forced to retreat to a place of better Advantage; but being there so hot­ly pursued, they were not able to abide it long; Although they killed and mortally wounded several of the Indians, as themselves have since confessed: but they most of them being so much overmatched, took the opportunity of a fair Retreat, and so got safe to their Garrison, while Lieut. Plaisted out of the height of his Courage, disdaining either to fly from, or yield himself (for 'tis said) the Indians were loth to kill him, but desirous rather to take him Prisoner) into the hands of such cursed Caytiffes, did fight it cut desperately, till he was slain upon the place, his Eldest Son and another man were slain in their too late Retreat, and his other Son was sorely, wounded, so that he dyed within a few weeks after.

The Indians were contented with this mischief for the present (and indeed if all the English they had to deal with, had shewed the like Re­solution with this Plaisted they would not have done half the mischeef, that since hath been done by them) and slunke away into the woods before the next day, when Captain Frost came up from Sturgeon Creck, (a few miles below the River) with a party of his friends, and buryed the dead: During these onsets, the Enemy also took their Advantage to burne three houses, and two barns before they left the place.

The latter End of the same Month they burned a Mill near the same place belonging to Mr. Hutchinson a Merchant of Boston; from whence they came down lower toward Sturgeon Creek, where they burned one house, and killed two men, not far from Captain Frost's dwelling, he escaping himself very narrowly, being shot at by the Enemy, about Ten in Number, who might easily have burned his house, and taken all that were in it, being but three boyes besides himself, had he not used this policy, to call out to some to march this, and the other way, to look after the Indians, as if he had had many at hand to Command, which under God was the means of his escape; for his house was neither Fortified, nor well manned, yet was far from Neighbours.

The next day the said Indians passed down the River on Kittary side, killed one man, whose house they first plundered, and then set it [Page 25] on fire; All this was done just over against Portsmouth, from whence out of a small Battery was discharged a piece of Ordnance, which by a good Providence was directed to [...] fling its shot as it [...]ell very near a pa [...] ­ty of the Indians, for they were to affrighted therewith, (if none of them were killed) that they left good part of their plunder near the place: They were pursued by some of the English, before they could recover their home, and by the help of the Snow that fell about that time, were traced till they were overtaken, but being near a Swamp, them­selves escaped, for hast leaving two of their Packs behind them.

Soon after they went up the River again to Quechecho, where they burned an house, and two or three Barns. Another Party of them got over or beyond the other branches of Pascataqua River, toward Exce­ter, and Lampny Eyle River, where they killed one man: sundry of them were seen in the woods about Exceter; and between Hampton and Exceter, where they killed one or two men in the woods as they were travelling homewards, occasioning the people of those Towns to stand continually upon their guard, which proved a great annoyance to the Inhabitants.

But to look a little back to the Plantations more Eastward from Pascataqua River, where these outrages of the Indians first began.

At Casco Bay Lieut. Ingersons Son, with another man going out a fowling about this time, were both killed before they returned-home, his Fathers houses being burned, with wany others also thereabouts.

At Black point, Lieut. Augur with two more were assaulted by the Indians, where after many shot exchanged betwixt them, himself was so wounded, that he dyed soon after, and his brother also was killed with­in a few dayes afterwards, not far from the same place.

When the rising of the Indians first began in those Eastern parts, (with us called the County of Yorkshire) Captain Wincol of Neweche­wannick, with some others, having a Sympathy for the sufferings of the Neighbours, marched up that way with a small party of men; In his first Skirmish with the Enemy he chanced to loose two o [...] three of his Com­pany; the rest being not above eleven in all, as they were marching a­long by the Sea side were assaulted by a great number of the Indians, judged to be an hundred and fifty: he being hard beset with so great a number retreated to an heap of Bolts that lay near the water side, by the shelter of which they lay safe from the Indians Guns, and so well p [...]yed their few Guns, that they slew many of their Ene­mies, and put them all to a kinde of Route at the last: After which by the help of an old Canoo, they recovered safe to the other side [Page 26] of the Banke. But nine Saco men had worse success, who yet came with a very good Intention to help their friends, upon the hear­ing of their Guns; but as they came to Rescue Captain Wincol with his small party, they themselves fell into an Ambush of the Indians, and so were all cut off, with two other men also, near the place where the fi [...]st Skirmish was, for the Indians from the shore side could di [...]scern any that were coming towards them, when they were a great way off▪ and so might easily way-lay them, before they could come up to them. Near upon seven houses were burned about this time, and some persons killed at Black point.

Two persons likewise were killed at Wells in the beginning of the winter, one of them were servant to Mr. William Simonds (one of the principal men in the Town aforesaid) the Gentleman himself with his Family were removed to a Garrison house in the middle of the Town, his servant going early in the morning to look after some business there; ta [...]yed longer t [...]en was needful to provide something for himself, the In­d [...]ans [...] themselves to breakfast with him, making the poor Fellow pay the shot, when they had done, with the loss of his life.

A week after one Cross was slain at Wells likewise, who was a kind of a distracted F [...]llow. Also one Isaack Cousins was there killed in the beginning of Winter, after there had been some Overtures of pea [...]e be­twixt Major Waldern and the Indians.

With such kind of mutual Encounters was the latter part of the year spent betwixt the Indians and the English from Pascataqua River to Ken­nibeck, from the beginning of August to the End of November, wherein many were slain on both sides: In one place, and in another; of the English in those parts were slaiin upward of fifty. The Enemy lost as appeared afterward by their own Confession, above ninety, partly in the foresaid Skirmishes, and partly in their joyning with the Indians to the Westward, whither it is said, many of them were invited to repair, to help destroy the English, in hope to enjoy their possessions afterwards; But God had otherwise determined, who did arise at last to save the meek ones of the Earth, and plead the Cause of his People.

The Governour and Counsel of Massachusets, had, at this time, their hands full with the like Attempts of Philip and his Complices to the Westward, yet were not unmindful of the deplorable Condition of these Eastern Plantations; having committed the care thereof to the Ma­ [...]rs of the Respective Regiments of the several Co [...]ntyes on that side of the Country, but more especially to the care and prudence of the Ho­noured Major D. D [...]on, the Major General of the whole Colony, a [Page 27] Gentleman, who by his great insight in, and long Experience of all Martial Affairs, was every way accomplished for the managing that whole Affair; He had, to ease the other side of the Country, drawn out a sufficient number of Souldiers from the next Countyes, to have redu­ced all the Indians Eastward to their obedience; but just as they were intended to march up to the head Quarters of the Indians, to fall upon them there, viz. to Ossapy, and Pigwauch [...]t, about an hundred miles up into the Country Northward.

The Winter setting in so sharp and severe in the beginning of De­cember, and latter end of November, It was not possible to have march­ed a dayes Iourny into the woods, without hazarding all their lives that should venture [...]p; The Snow being found generally in those woods, four foot thick on the 10th. of December, so as it was not possible for any to have travelled that way, unless they carryed Rackets under their feet, wherewith to walk upon the top of the Snow: This alone Conside­ration forced them to lay aside their designe for the present, but soon af­ter it was done to their hands; for the depth of the Snow, and sharpness of the [...]ld were so extream, that the Indians in those parts were so pinched therewith, that being hunger sta [...]ved, they began to sue for peace, making their Address first to Major Waldern on that account, by whose mediations that whole body of Indians Eastward were brought to an hopeful Conclusion of peace, which was mutually agreed upon, and possi­bly might have remained firm enough to this day had there not been too just an occasion given, for the breaking of the same by the wicked practice of some lewd persons, which opened the door, and made way for the bringing in all those sad Calamities, and mischiefs that have since fallen upon those parts of the Country; As shall hereafter be de­clared.

In the latter end of Iune, 1676 The Indians that had made a ge­neral Conspiracy against the English were strangely dispersed, and dispi­rited, so as they from that time began to separate one from another, and every Nation of them to shift for themselves, as hath been already men­tioned in the [...]ormer part of this Narrative. [...]anoni [...]us the great Sachem of the Narrbagansets distrusting the proffers of the Eng­lish, was slain in the woods by the Mohawks, his Squaw surrend­ring her self, by this means her Life was spared.

Many of those about Lancaster, and the places adjoyning there­unto, did cu [...]ningly endeavour to hide themselves amongst those Indi­ans about Pasca [...]aqua, that had newly made their submission to the English, by Major Walderns means and concluded a peace, yet could nei­ther [Page 28] dissemble their nature and disposition past before from suspition of mischief▪ nor yet so a [...]tificially conceale their persons, but they were easily discerned by such as in former times had any acquaintance with the Eastern Indians by way of Trade, or other Converse: Whereup­on the forces newly raised in the Massachusets, under the Command of Captain William Hatborne, and Captain Ioseph Syll, designed for the subduing of those Indians about the River of Mer [...]imack, and Pascata­qua, that still stood out in Hostility against the English, meeting with those under the Command of Major Waldern aforesaid, and Capt. Frost of Ki [...]tary; It was mutually agreed detwixt those several Command­ers to s [...]iz: upon all those Indians that at that time were met together about Major Walderns dwelling at Quechecho; The Con [...]rivement suc­ceeded according to expectation, & all the said Indians were handsomely surprized, September 6th. 1676. without the loss of any persons life, either Indian or English; to the number of near four hundred: by which de­vice, after our Forces had them all in their hands, they separated the peaceable from the perfidious, that had been our E [...]mies, during the late Troubles; finding above two hundred involved in the former Re­bellion, more or less, accordingly they were sent down to the Governour and Councel at Bos [...]on; who adjudged seven or eight of them Immedi­ [...]tely to dy [...]; such as were known to have had their hand in the blood of the English, or that had been shed by their means, the rest, that were found only Accessaries to the late mischiefs, had their lives spared, but were sent into other parts of the world, to try the difference between the Friend­ship of their Neighbours here, and their Service with other Masters elsewhere.

Those who had been alwayes either peaceable and true to the English, never intermedling in the quarrel, as Wannalancet the Sagamore of Pen­nicook and some others were quietly dismissed to their own places.

Besides these that were surprized at the time aforesaid; there were several others, who had been the chief Actors, that were taken up and down in those woods beyond Merrimack, and so were delivered up to Iustice; As Iohn Monoco, Sagamore Sam, old Iethro, with some others, as hath been already mentioned, yet young Ieth [...]o brought in forty a [...] one time. It was a special favour from God, so to order it, that the In­dians aforesaid, were so surprized: for had they continued in their for­mer Rebellion, and had taken the opportunity to have joyned with the Eastern Indians, as some of them did a few Months before, they would in all likelihood have utterly destroyed all the Plan [...]ations of the English [...]yond Pascataqua River; As manif [...]stly appears by the mischief [Page 29] which was lately done by the means of a few, that by too much Conni­vence of some in those parts, that entertained a better opinion of them then it seems they deserved. For whereas mention formerly was made of a small party of Indians that on the third of May in this present year, had murdered one Thomas Ke [...]bel of Bradford, and carryed away his wife & five Children Captive, yet two or three of the Actors did, upon what Consideration is not known, retu [...]n the woman and Children again within six weeks, and because of their voluntary returning of them, [...] dealt more favourably withal; being only put into prison at Dove: [...] a time, yet possibly conceiving that a prison was but a prep [...]ration [...]or a worse evil, they took an opportunity ( two of the chief Actors in the foresaid mischief, called the one Simond, the other Andrew) to convey themselves out of the place of Restraint, and afterwards going amongst the Amo [...]scoggan and Kennibeck Indians, have joyned with them in those bloody and cruel depredations lately made in those parts, which fol­low in order next to be related.

Some little Colour or pretence of injury was a Headged before those Eastern Indians began their outrage both in the former, as well as in the present year, the chief Actor or rather the beginner of all the foresaid mischiefs Eastward, is one Squando, the Sagamore of Saco Indians, whose Squaw a [...] is said was abused by a rude and indiscreet act of some English Seamen in the last S [...]mmer, 1675. who either overset the Ca­noo wh [...]ein the said Squaw with her Child were swimming in a River thereabouts, or else to try whether the Children of the Indians as they had heard, could S [...]imme as naturally as any other Creatures, w [...]tting­ly cast her Child into the water; but the Squaw immediately diving in­to the water after it, fetcht it up from the bottom of the River, yet it so falling out that within a while after the said Child dyed, (which it might have done if no such Affront had been offered) The said Squando Father of the Child hath been so provoked thereat, that he hath ever since set himself to do all the mischief he can to the English in those par [...]s, and was never as yet since that time [...]ruly willing to be Reconciled. Although he is said to have sent home some that were taken Captive the last year. Surely if their hearts had not been secretly filled with malice and Revenge before, they might have obtained satisfaction for the wrong done, at an easier Rate More probable it is, that this was only an occasion to vent the mischief they formerly had conceived in their hearts.

There is an injury of an higher nature, mentioned as the ground of their quarrel with us, who live about Pemma quid, and Kennibeck, which hapned the last Spring, viz. one [...]aughton with another person [Page 30] or more who having obtained under the hand of Major Waldern a war­rant to seize any Indians Eastward, that had been guilty of any Mur­der or spoyle done to the English in those parts; did most perfidiously and wickedly enti [...]e some of the Indians about Cape Sables, who never had been in the least manner guilty of any injury done to the English, aboard their V [...]ssel, or else some other way, and th [...] carryed them away to sell them for slaves; which the Indians in those parts look upon as an injury done to themselves, and have alledged it to the Inhabitants of Pemma­quid, as one of the principal grounds of their present quarrel: The thing alleadged is too ture as to matter of Fact, and the persons that did it were lately committed to prison in order to their further tryal. Yet all those Indians do, or may know full well that they who did them that wrong, were lyable to due punishment, (or else their quarrel might be accounted just, and they considered as Indians, must have the more al­lowance) if they could be found, nor ever were any countenanced a­mongst us, that had done them any kind of injury, nor did those that take upon them the revenging of the injury, know that they were Inha­bitants of this Country that did the wrong; nor was then ever any orderly Complaint made thereof, but this cannot excuse their perfidiousness and Cruelty, some other pretences were alleadged by the said Indians that yet do bear no proportion to the mention of a wrong or i [...]jury, viz. be­cause our Traders were forbidden to fell any Amuni [...]ion to any Indians whatsoever; which those Indians say they cannot live without; yet seeing themselves, as well as the Westward Indians have so ill improv­ed, that which they had before, there was little Reason why they should quarrel with us, for selling no more:

Further also it is affirmed by some persons worthy of Credit, that for divers years past have lived in those parts, that the Indians thereabouts, need not have wanted powder or shot, only they wanted something wherewith to cloak their malitious and barbarous practices of late com­mitted against us; but there being different opinions about this point, we shall leave it at the present.

But this being premised in Reference to the pretended ground, or occasion of the quarrel; It remains that the Effects thereof, be now related.

Before the Warre with Philip was well ended to the Southward, there was a fresh Alarm sounded again to the Eastward, for on the eleventh of August, 1676. The very day before Philips heart (that had harboured so many misch [...]evous and Treacherous devices against the English was by one of his own Company shot through) did a party of Indians beg [...]n their [Page 31] Outrages at Cásco in a most perfidious and treacherous manner, killing and carrying away Captive to the number of thirty persons, and burn­ing their houses, amongst whom was the Family of one Antony Brack­et Inhabitant of Casco, who was thought to have been killed, but he himself with his wise and one of his five Children carryed away Cap [...] ­tive with a Negro, did happily make an escape from their bloody and deceitful hands, In November next ensuing▪

The manner how Antony Bracket and his wife made their escape was very remarkable, and therefore judged worthy to be inserted here al­though out of due place, the Indians that led them Captive, having brought them to the North side of Casco Bay: News was brought to the said Indians of the surprizal of Arowsick house in Kennib [...]ck, withall the store therein, which did so rejoyce them, that they made all haste to share in the good things there to be had. Thus eager to be gone they promised Bracket and his wife that they should have also a share there­in if they would make haste after them, bringing along a burthen alot­ted to each of them: The woman having a little before observed an old Burchin Canoo lying by the water side, hoped it was an opportuni­ty Providence offered for their escape; whereupon she first prudent­ly asked of the Indians to let the Negro their own servant (as the same time carryed Captive by them) help them to carry their burthens, which was granted: then she begged of them a piece or two of meat, which was not denyed them. Thus being furnished with help and provision, the Indians leaving them thus behinde to come after with their several burthens and a young Child; They could not but look up­on it as a nutus Divinus, to bid them, shift for themselves: the woman also found a needle and thred in the house, where they stayd on that side of the Bay, with which having mended the Canoo, they ventured to get away; which prosperously succeeded: for in that old Canoo they cros­sed a water eight or nine miles broad, and when they came on the South side of the Bay, they might have been in as much danger of other indi­ans, that had lately been about Black point, and had taken it; but they were newly gone: So things on all sides thus concurring to help for­ward their Deliverance, they came safely to the Fat at Black point, where also by special Providence they met with a Vessel bound for Pas­cataqua, that came in to that Harbour, but a few hours before they came thither, by which means they Arrived safe in Pascataqua River, soon after, all which Circumstances are very worthy to be noted.

Amongst those Indians that seized this Brackets Family, the chief was one Simond, that newly or a little before had escaped out of Dover [Page 32] Prison, where he was not over carefully lookt to, he had had his hand in the murther of sundry English, as himself confessed; not missing save one in the which he had discharged his gun upon, but because he came in voluntarily, bringing in a woman and fire Children of the Eng­lish, who had been carryed Captive a little before, it was questioned, whether his last act of submission might not ballance his former transgre­ssion, and therefore was he committed to that, not so secure a Prison, till his Case might be further considered of,. It is said that coming to that Brackets house over night he pulled forth a counterfieted pass, under the hands of some publick Officers, or men intrusted with that Service, making shew of all Friendship, but in the morning or soon after, he pulled off his Vizour of a friend, and discovered what he was, yet grant­ing Life to this person and his Family, that did not, or could not resist, which he denyed to some of the Neighbours not far off, who were many of them killed by this bloody Villany, and his Partners.

There are some Circumstances in the Assault of Anthony Brackets house very considerable, which, because it was the first Outrage com­mitted by the Indians in this their second Insurrection, 1676. are worthy of a more particular remembring.

This Indian forementioned called Simond, after he had escape out of Prison at Dover, came up to Gasco, and either in the end of Iuly, or beginning of August, acquainted himself with this Antony Bracket, and oft frequented his house: Upon the ninth of August, some of the Indians having killed a Cow of his, the Indian Simond coming to his house promised to bring the Indians to him that had killed his Cow In the mean time they of the place sent two men to Major Walderns at Dover, to complain of this injury done by the Indians; but before their return, very ea [...]ly in the morning on the eleventh of August, Simond with a party of Indians came to Antony Brackets house, and told him there were the Indians that had killed his Cow; but as soon as they had said that, the Indians went further into his house and took hold of all the Guns they could see, Antony Bracket asked what was the meaning of that, Simond presently replyed, that so it must be, asking him withal, whether he had rather serve the Indians, or be slain by them, Antony Bracket Answered, that if the Case were so, he would rather chuse to serve them, then be killed by them: Simond replyed, that then they must be bound, which presently was done. The said Bracket, his wife, and a Negro were all bound by the Indians, his wife had a Brother, who offer­ing to resist was killed forthwith, the rest with five Children were [...] away Prisoners.

[Page 33] Two hours after one Pike that lived not far off, but knowing no thing of all this, went up in a Canoo toward one Robert Corbins house▪ where he found one Humphry Durham, and Benjamin Atwel at work about their Hay, after a little stay, he left them intending to go up high­er with his Canoo, but as soon as he was a little pa [...]t, he heard Guns shot off, which made him with another man he had with him, presently re­turn back; before he came beyond Corbins house he saw an English boy running with all haste, which made him fear some mischief was in hand, and presently a Volley of shot came against them, but the Bullets flying over their heads, did them no hurt: presently Simond Indian appear­ed, and called them to come a shore; but they liked not his Courtesy, but presently turning their Canoo into the stream got out of the reach of their G [...]ns, hasting down to his own house with all speed; when he came near to his house, he called to the People to make hast away, to­wards the Garrison house, and bid the rest look to themselves, and fire up­on the Indians, that were coming against them: In the mean while, the Indians passing from Anthony Brackets to Corbins, killed Corbin him­self, with Humphry Durham, and Benjamin Atwel forementioned: Then passing on to other houses, carryed away some of them Captive, and killed others. At one of the next houses, the women and Children got off into the water by a Canoo; but one Iames Ross, his wife and Children were carryed away: Corbins wife with one of the other mens wiv [...]s; and the Children of another of them, they likewise carryed away.

In another side of the Town, three were as they were going to reap at Antony Brackets, passing from an house where they left their Canoo, met with Iohn Mount-joy and one Wakely, to whom they told what had hapned, soon after they heard two Guns shot of, whereby it seems two men were killed, wherefore coming back toward Thomas Brackets where they had left their Canoo, they saw him shot down by the Indians; one of the three not so well able to run hid himself in the bushes in h [...]pe to make his escape more conveniently afterwards, which accordingly he did; but in the mean time he saw the Indians carry away Thomas Brack­ets wife and Children; Soon after the three men aforesaid got safe to Mr. Mount joyes Garrison, but not trusting to the Se [...]u [...]ity of that Gar [...] ­rison, they soon after repayred to an Island in the Bay, called Iames Andrews Island.

One George Lewes and his wife tarryed all this time in their house till the next day, when they had oppo [...]tunity to get safe to the Island aforesaid, together with the two men that were now returned from Ma­jor Wal [...]ern; whither they had been sent, but too late, to make complaint [Page 34] of the Indian; that had counter fie [...]ed his pass to travoil into those parts, and had done this mischief.

The day after one George Felt suspecting the worst by reason of a smoak, he saw on the opposite side of the Town, took his wife and Chil­dren into a Canoo to see what the matter wa [...], but when he came near a point of Land not far off, he found several of his Neighbours goods which made him conclude their Owners were killed, which was a sufficient warning to him likewise to fly for his Life, which he did to the same Island. After they had sundry of them escaped thither, some of them remembred that they had left powder behind them in one or two places; whereupon they resolved to venture a party of them in the night, partly to prvent the Indians from having any Advantage thereo [...], and partly for their own defence if occasion should be; Their Attempt succeeded well, for they brought away a barrel of powder from one Willes his house, and likewise a considerable quantity out of a Chest in a Store house, where the Indians had been ransacking, & had taken things out of the other end of the Chest, yet overlooked the Powder: In this surprizal of the Plan­tation in Casco Bay, called Falmouth, there were thirty four persons kil­led and carryed Captive.

That this was not a casual Attempt, but a designed plot, it will ap­pear, in that just about the very same time, the Indians at Kennibeck, made the like Insurrection, whereby it is concluded, either that the In­dians which escaped from Dover, stirred them up thereunto, or else that the said Indians finding them in a disposition tending that way, by reason of some inj [...]ries done them that dwell farther Northward, they offered their Service to help forward the designe.

It is to be noted here, that the Indians about Kennibeck were per­swaded to continue their former amity with the English notwithstand­ing the report of Philips rising that year before, and the Outrages com­mitted the last Autumne, and winter following, yet which is more, they had lately renewed their League with the English in those parts, al­though they had often complained to those of Pemmaquid, of the inju­ry they suffered, in the withholding from them the Trade of Powder, and shot, without which they said they cannot subsist, and for want of which it is alleadged by themselves, that some of them perished the last Winter.

But the Quarrel of late fallen out betwixt the English, and the Indi­ans about Kennibeck, and Eastward thereof, being a matter of great Consequence; For the farther satisfaction of the Reader, it shall in what follows, be more particularly described; It being the duty of every one [Page 35] that publisheth things of this nature, to to do the right of an Historian to all sorts of persons, any way concerned in what is made publick; The Information was received from a prudent person, an Eye and Ear wit­ness of all that hapned amongst the said Indians, both the former and present year, and one that was of more publick Concernment in those Transactions then some others, therefore may the more heed be given thereto. Mention is already made of what hapned in September, 1675. to the Company belonging to a Sloop, and two other Boats, that went up Casco Bay to gather Indian Corn; Upon that Accident it is said, divers Indians on the East side of Kennibeck River repayred to their Fort at Totonnock (a place up higher into the Country beyond Kennibeck and Shipscot River) where was an English trading house. And the Indians Eastward of the said River, had as yet done no harm to any of the English, yet did Captain Sylvanus Davis Agent for Major Clarke and Captain Lake of Boston, upon these Overtures think it fit to [...]etch down the Powder and Shot with other goods from the said Trading house, tel­ling the Indians, by the Messenger sent up, he would have them come down and live below in that River, to take off Iealousies, and that he would then supply rhem with what was needful.

But the Messenger told them, in Case they would not come down, and deliver np their Arms, the English would kill them. He that se [...] ­deth a Message by the hand of a Fool saith Solomon, cutteth off the feet, and drinketh dammage; This Message was delivered by him that went, as was confessed by himself, who put it into his mouth, or whether it was deviz [...]d in his own heart, it concerns not us now to enquire, but the dammage that side of the Country hath been made to drink thereby, is not easy to recount; for upon this Threatning Message the Indians for­sook their Fort presently, and went Eastward, and sent abroad to Iohns River and to the Sea side to get all the Indians they could together to come up Penobscot River.

A Gentleman who at that time lived at Pemmaquid, a kind of Su­pe [...]tendent over the Affairs of that place, considering the sad state things were running into, laboured to obtain a Parly with the said Indians, or some of them, which after much trouble and cost, he did accomplish: But [...] the mean time, such was the violence used by some refractory English in those parts, that they could scarce be restrained from offering vio [...]nce to the persons he sent up as Messengers, or others that lived quietly amongst them, and did also as violently set themselves to oppose him­self, or any others that acted with more moderation, then the rest: pro­testing against them, as those who forgain supplyed the Indians with [Page 36] Powder and Shot, and said they would kill any Indian they met; others at Monhiggan offered five pound for every Indian that should be brought, yet would not these persons that were so violent against the In­dians in their discourse, be perswaded upon any Terms, then, or after­ward, to go out to fight against the Indians in an orde [...]ly way; as ap­peared both by their Security in not standing better upon their gua [...]d, and by their sudden flight afterward, running away like a Flock of Sheep, at the barking of any little dog: Things being in this posture, what could be expected but a present warr with the Indians, although as it seems, there were few or nonel [...]ke to be found, willing to undertake it, or fit to manage it in those parts. How ever, the person aforesaid, understand [...]ng, the General Court at Boston had appointed a Counsel of Warr at Kennibeck, applyed himself to them, laying before them the desperate state things were falling into; whereupon they issued our war­rants to restrain all manner of persons from medling with the Indians without farther order, which within few dayes should be had. In the mean time the Sachems of the Indians meet at Pemmaquid; where, af­ter many complaints made of the hard dealing of the English in Kenni­beck River, they came to Tearms of Peace, promising to keep true Friendsh [...]p with the English; and to hinder the Amonoscoggan Indians from medling with the English, if by any means they could, and also to return peaceably in the Spring of the year. This Gentleman afore­said, having a long time waited to go to Boston; was willing to take the opportunity of the pres [...]nt Winter, hoping things were now pretty well setled in those parts betwixt the Indians and the English; [...]ound soon after, that he was cited thither to Answer some Complaints (though made without ground) for selling Powder & Shot to the Indians contrary to Order.

But those false opinions being easily blown away by his own appea­rance at Boston, and so having dispatched his occasions there, he return­ed before the winter was over to Pemmaquid, where hearing of a Ves­sel that intended to take Indians in those parts, and carry them away to a market, the which he had many strong Reasons to believe, (it being no hard matter to surprize many such, that suspecting by fraud, would easily be enticed aboard a Vessel to trade, or may be to drink Liquor) sent both the Master and [...]mpany, if they had any such intent to for­bear, seeing those Indians were at peace with us, and likewise to the Indi­ans, to inform them of such a Vessel, and to beware thereof, but yet it seems the Master and Company took several Indians Eastward, who were also at peace with us, and to our g [...]eat sorrow shipt them aboard for a market.

[Page 37] The winter being now over, the forenamed Agent of Pemmaquid, went to a meeting of the Indians Eastward, to perswade them, of the Countryes willingness to continue a peace with them. They seemed very joyful thereat, and in the Spring brought some presents to confirm the Peace, and to that en [...] also delivered up an English Captive B [...]y to those of Kennibeck. But when the Summer came on, that the said In­dians had liberty to travail up and down the Country to visit their Friends as they used to do; they missed those their Friends who had in the winter perfidiously been carryed away, and as is related, they fell in­to a Page against the English, making Complaint thereof to the said Agent, Mr. Earthy, Mr. Richard Oliver, and others: They were told means should be used for bringing them back again, which had been so Transported, those to whom the Complaint was made, did scarce be­lieve it to be true, as not having heard thereof from any other hand, and probably hoping none, especially after solemn warning, would deal so perfidiously with Heathen [...], to lay such a stumbling block before them.

The Indians being certain of the thing done, could not be easily paci­fied, being likewise incensed against the English, for withholding the Trade of Powder and Shot the last winter, saying, they were frighted from their Corn the last year by the People about Kennibeck, so as many of them dyed in the following winter for want of Powder and Shot, wherewith to kill V [...]nison and Foul; Adding withal, that if the Eng­lish were their Friends as they pretended, they would not suffer them to dye, for want thereof: However, the said Agent making the best he could of a bad Cause, used all means to pacifi [...] the Complaynents, and to that end promised them, that if they could meet with any of the Amonos [...]oggan Indians (who it seems all along had the bitterest Enmi­ty against the English he would give them a meeting to treat in order to a Peace, Ma [...] Waldern having already concluded a Peace with the Pas­c [...]taqua & Cas [...]o Indians, & by that means, if they could conclude the like peacewith the Amonoscoggan men, (that could not yet be found) there would be a general Peace with all the Indians Eastward of Pascataqua, which the Indians that were present at this discourse, seemed very joy­ful at: yet still by one fatal Accident or other, jealousies still seemed to increase in their minds, or else the former injuries began to boyle a fresh in their Spirits, as not being easily digested, what ever had been said, or done to allay the offensiveness thereof. Soon after comes a Post from Toton­nock, to desire him to repair thither according to his promise, where they told him he should meet with Squando, and divers Amonoscog­gan Sachems, and that Mng was sent Post to fetch the said Squando: [Page 38] This Gentleman mindful of his promise, went with the Post to Kenni­beck, and finding Captain Lake at his house in Arowsick; It was judged meet, that Captain Sylves [...]er Davis should go along with him, with in­structions from the Counsel then sitting in Kennibeck, how to carry on their Trea [...]y. After they had gone part of their way towards Toton­nock, they came to an English house, where they were told, what great jealousies of deceipt in the Indians were upon their Spirits, from what they had heard of Muggs and Tarumkin, an Amonoscoggan Sachem: going farther to a place called Kedonu-Cook, they met with Indians, who were very shye of telling them any thing, which added to the for­mer Intimation, greatly increased their fears: but being resolved of their voyage, they went onward still in their way, yet falling short of the place on purpose, that they might finish their business with them the next day: when they came to their Fort, they were first saluted with a Volley of Shot, then brought into a Wigwam where their Sachems were: Ma­dockawando sate as chief, who now stiles himself their Minister: Being set in Councel, they made Assiminasqua their speaker; whose Adopted Son was the said Madochewando: He told them it was not their Cu­stome, if any came as Messengers to treat with them, to seize upon their persons, as sometimes the Mohawks did with such as had been sent to them: Captain Davis and the other Gentleman told them, therein they dealt like men: Answer was presently made them; you did other­wise by our men, when fourteen came to treat with you: And set a Guard over them, and took away their Guns: And not only so, but a second time you required our Guns, and demanded us to come down unto you, or else you would kill us, which was the Cause of our leaving both our Fort, and our Corn to our great loss.

It was without doubt no small trouble to their minds, in a Treaty with these Pagans, Haec dieipot uisse, & non potuisse refelli: Y [...]t to put the best Construction might be, on such Irregular actions, which could not well be justifyed. They told them, the persons who had so done, were not within the Limits of their Government, and therefore though they could not call them to an account for so acting, yet they did utter­ly disallow thereof: Adding farther, as soon as we understood thereof we sent for you to Pemmaquid, and Treated you kindly, and kept you, as you know, from the violence of the English; The Indians Replyed, we do but inform you, aud will Treat [...] in the Afternoon. But when the Afternoon came, our Two Messengers told them, their busi­ness was to Treat with the Amonoscoggan Sachems, and that they were forry, Squando was not there: Then having confirmed their Peace with [Page 39] those Eastward Indians, they intrea [...]ed the Amonoscoggan men to speak, who likewise urged Tarumkin, the chief Amonoscoggan Sachem to speak, who after some pauze, said he had been to the Westward, where he [...]ad found many Indians unwilling for Peace. but says he, I found three Sachems (whom he named, though those he spake to knew them not) willing to have peace; And for my own part, I am willing for peace, and gave them his hand with Protestation of his continuing in Friendship, so did seven or eight more of the Amonoscoggan men; whose Names they took, of whom Mug and Robin Hoods Son were two. After this Madochewando asked them what they should [...]o for Powder and Shot, when they had eaten up their In­dian Corn, what they should do for the Winter, for their hunt­ing Voyages? asking withal, whether they would have them dy, or leave their Country, and go all over to the French. Our Mes­sengers told him, they would do what they could with the Gover­nour, some might be allowed them for Necessity: He said they had waited long already, and therefore would have them now say yea, or nay, whether they should have powder as formerly, or not? Our Mes­sengers then Replyed, you your selves say, many of the Western In­dians would not have Peace, And therefore if we sell you powder, and you give it to the Western men, what do we but cut our own Throats? Adding further, It is not in our power without leave, if you should wait ten year more, to let you have powder, at which words they seemed much to be offended.

But yet the next day they resolved to go down with them, & to speak with the Western men, thereby, if it might be, to stop their farther pro­ceeding.

So going down with them the next day, they met with some Indians who had got strong Liquor, with whom they fell a drinking: Our Messengers stayed at two places for them, and finding that still they tar­ryed behinde, not knowing what farther to do, they went home, it be­ing the sixth day of the week. But the next night save one, news came to Kennibeck, that the Indians had killed divers English in Casco, al­though it was not yet known a [...] Pemmaquid. Upon this News Ca [...]. Davis set out one Sentinel the next night. The rest, (such was their Security) went all else to bed. And in the morning, were all like Laish surprized, thus might it be said, Invadunt Aedem somno (si non) vinoq▪ sepultaam. The particulars of the surprizing of Kennibeck, and Arowsi [...]k house are thus related by such as were acquainted therewith.

Upon the thirteenth of August, 1676. several Indians repaired in the [Page 40] Evening to the house of one Mr. Hammond, an ancient Inhabitant, and Trader with the Iudians up Kennibeck River, His daughter or a maid that was servant in the house, either naturally afraid of the Natives, or else upon something she observed in their Countenance, or Carriage, manifested so much fear, as made her run out of the house to hide her self in some place abroad; The Indians perceiving it, the more to dis­semble their Treach [...]ry, ran after her, and brought her into the house, telling her (although they could not perswade her so to believe) that there was no Reason to be afraid of them: presently after more of the Barbarous Villains coming into the house, she grew more afraid then before, being now more strongly perswaded that they came on purpose to kill or surprize those in the Family, whereupon she suddenly made an escape out of the house, and presently passed into a Field of Indian Corn, whereby she might the better avoid the danger of any pursuer, and so ran cross over the land that night ten or twelve miles, to give them notice that lived at Shipscot River, It is said that after she got out, she heard a noyze in the house, as if they were fighting or scuffling within doors; but she did not count it wisdom to go back to see what the matter was, know­ing enough before of their V [...]llanye [...], how well soever her Mrs. (that was more versed in the Trade of the Indians) might think of them. Those of Shipscot taking this warning escaped away as soon as they could leav­ing their Cattle and their dwellings as a Prey to the Indians. What besel Master Hammond and his Family is not yet certainly known: Reports pass up and down, that some who came down the River after­wards, saw some of the dead stripped upon the Banke of the River, which makes us fear the worst, concerning all the rest; for certainly the whole Eamily sixteen in Number, were all at that time either killed, or carryed away Captive, none save the maid aforesaid, being known to make any other escape, to infor [...] their Friends l [...]ke Iobs M [...]ssengers, wh [...]t befell the rest of the Fam [...]y.

The Indians having in this manner surprized Mr. Hammonds house, they passed down the River the same night; but going by another house, medled not with the people, only turned their Canoos a drist, that they might not find means afterwards to escape themselves, or help others so to do: possibly their chief aim being at Arowsick house, they would not, for fear of being discovered, make any Attempt upon any place near by: wherefore August the fourteenth very early in the morn­ing, having in the night, or before break of day passed over on to the Island called Arowsick, several of them undiscovered lay hi u [...]der the [...] behind a great Rock near adjoyning, till the Sen­tinel [Page 41] was gone off from his place, (who went off it seems sooner than was Reason, considering the danger) when presently some Indians followed him in, at the Fort gate, (as some report) while others of them immediately seized the Port holes thereof, and shot down all they saw passing up and down within the Walls, and so in a little time be came Masters of the Fort, and all that was within it: Captain Lake (joynt Owner with Major Clarke of the whole Island) hearing the bussle that was below, betwixt the Indians and those that belonged to the place, was strangely surprized, yet himself with Captain Sylvanus Da­vis and two more, understanding that the Indians had seized the Fort, & killed divers of the English, apprehending it boot less, or rather beartless to stay, as not being able to stand upon their guard, or make any resi­stance, made a shift to find some passage out at a back door, whereby they escaped to the water-side, where they found a Canoo, into which they all entered and made away toward another Island near by: This was not done so secretly but the Indians discerned them before they were gone farr; four of them therefore basted after those that had escap [...] in ano­ther Canoo, and coming within shot, discharged their Guns upon them, whereby Sylvanus Davis was sor [...]ly wounded; yet making hast, as ge­nerally they use to do, that fly for their lives, timor addidit alas, they got a shore before the indians overtookthem. It is said they were strange. dispirited, or else they might easily have defended themselves against their pursuers: But when once mens hearts are sunke with fear, and dis­couragement upon a sudden surprizal, it is hard to buoy them up, to make any competent resistance: Capt. Davis being sadly wounded, could neither trust to his legs to fly, nor yet make use of his hands to fight; yet was strangly preserved; Providence directing him to go into the Cleft of a Rock hard by the place, where he first landed; The Indians by the glittering of the Sun beams in their Eyes as they came a shore, did not discern him; so as lying hid under the Covert of the band of Provi­dence, for two dayes, he at last crawled a little about the water side, till he found a Ca [...]oo, whereby he escaped away with his Life, much adoe. The other two men, were better foot men, and parting from Captain Lake, m [...]de their escape ten or a dozen mile, to the further end of the Island, and so escap [...]d from the Indians, till they found means to get off. Poor Captain Lake, that a few hours before, slept quietly in his Mansion house, surrounde [...] wi [...] a strong Fortification, defended with many Soul­diers, is now forced to fly away with none to attend him. And as the Awful hand of Divine Providence ordered things, was as some say, par­sued [Page 42] by such Indians as were meer strangers to the place, that knew not the Master from the man, by one of whom he was sh [...]t down, as is sup­posed, soon after his coming ashore; Lieut. Davis heard two Guns, by which't was thought, & soon after was known so to be by an Indian which since hath confessed to Captain Davis that he shot him that day Arowsick was taken, which he intended not to have done, but that he held up hi [...] Pistol against him, whereas if he had but asked qu [...] ter, he should have had his Life. Captain Lake was slain at that time, although many hopes were for some time maintained, that he was taken alive, and kept with other Captives, amongst the Indians; And 'tis said the Indians of those parts did not intend to kill him, if they could have, help­ed it: But it was known, that his hat was seen upon an Indians head not long after, which made his Friends conclude what had bef [...]lle [...] the Owner that good man, who might Emphatically be so termed in distinction from them that may truly be called Iust men, and no more: For it seems according to the just Agreement betwixt him­self and his part owner of Arowsick Island, it was not his turn this year to hav [...] [...]een upon the place, but such was his goodness, that he yielded to the d [...]sire of his Friend and Partner, as in his room and stead to take upon himself that Service in this time of danger, it is hoped his goodness in future time will not be forgotten by such as were any way concerned therein, or had Advantage thereby.

This island (called Arowsick from an Indian so named, that formerly possessed it, and of whom it was purchased by one Mr. Richards who [...]old it to Captain Lak [...] and Major Clarke) lyes up ten miles within the mouth of Kennibeck River; it is some miles in length, and contain­eth many thousand Acres of very good Land; where meadow and arable ground are in a good proportion well suited together; within the Fort aforesaid were many convenient buildings for several Offices, as well for wares and Trading, as habitation: six several Edifices are said to have been there erected. The Warehouse at that time was well furnished with all sorts of goods; besides a Mill and other Ac­commodations, and dwellings within a mile of the Fort and Mansion house; some of whose Inhabitants hardly made their escape, upon the first surp [...]izal of the Fort.

All which consi [...]ered, the loss that besel the Proprietours at the sur­priz [...]l of this Island seems to be very great, valued at many thousands: but those that were the Owners with others of late times, have found in their ow [...] Experience, what Solomon said of old, Th [...]re is a Time to get, and a Time to loose, a Time to keep, and a Time to cast away: A Time [...]o [Page 43] break down, as well as a Time to build up. The persons killed and taken at Kennibeck, both at Mr. Hommants, and at Arowsick, are said to be fifty three.

Upon the Report of this sad disaster, all the Plantations of the Eng­lish in those parts were soon after left, and forsaken by degrees. All the rest of the Inhabitants of Kennibeck River, Shipscot River, Saga­de-ho [...]k, Da [...]anicot [...]ee, fearing to be served in the same kind, fled to the Isl [...]nds of Cape-bonawagan and Da [...]ils Cove.

On the second day at night be a Post was sent to Pemmaquid to inform them of what had hapned, who being but eight or ten men, were mind­ed to go to the Island called Monhiggon, having secured the best of their goods, but the wind taking them short, they were forced to turn into Damarils Cove, where they found Mr. Wiswal, and Mr. Co [...]cot, there they laboured two dayes to settle a Garrison; But partly by the muti­nousness of the People, and partly by the want of Provision nothing could be done to secure the Island, so that it was presently deserted: From thence they went to Monhiggon, resolving ther [...] to tarry till they heard from Boston, from whence Mr. Colicot, and Mr. Wi [...]wel promi­sed to do their utmost endeavour to send help. There they setled three Guards, and appointed five and twenty to watch every night, not know­ing but that the Indians might come every hour. But continuing there a Fortnight, and finding no Relief like to come; and seeing all the Coun­try burned round about. (For after they had gotten all that could be saved from Pemmaquid, they saw all the other Island, Windgin [...], Cor­bins sound, New-Harbour, Pem [...]aquid all on fire in two hours time) then considering what was best to be done, they found no Boats could be sent to sea for fear of weakning the Island, and that most of those that were upon the Island, were Strangers, Coasters, and such as came from the M [...]y [...]e, and were ready to be gone upon every occasion, they laid an Imbargoe for one weeks time, after which a Letter was received from Major Clarke, defiring their Assistance for enquiring after Capt. Lake if alive, saving, what could be had at Kennibeck &c. but intimating nothing of any help l [...]ke to come, besides those that brought [...]he Letter told them, it was in vain to expect any help from Boston. It being questi­oned there, what they had to do with those parts, upon which the In­habitants considered, that if they should tarry there, and spend all their Provision, and neither be able to go to Sea, nor yet to live, or be safe a shore for want of help, it were better for them to remove, while they had something left to live upon, and seek imployment else where; so by Consent they resolved forthwith to Transport themselves, and what they [Page 44] had saved of their goods to some place of Security, so they took the first opportunity to set sayle, some for Pascataqua, some for Boston, and some for Sale [...], at one of which three places they all safely arrived.

Having thus escaped at first as Lot out of Sodom, but not counting themselves safe in that Zoar, where for a little while they made shift to bids their heads, till they might escape to some surer place, there waiting for better times, when they may with peace and quietness re­ [...]urn to their former habitations, or seek some other else where.

When the foresaid Exploits were done by the Indians in and about Casco Bay, several of the English removed to [...]ewels Island, where they hoped to be more secure from the Indians, but their barbarous Enemy finding so little Resistance made against them on the main Land, a con­siderable party of them came with their Canoos to destroy that Island also, about three weeks after the forementioned mischiefs.

There was a fortifyed house upon the said Island, where the English that either kept upon the Island, or repayred thither, hoped to have secured themselves. But at that time when the Indians assaulted the place, many of the English were absent, sew left in the Garrison, but women and Children; some were gone to other places to fetch Indian Corn, others were in a Boat imployed about Fish, amongst whom was one Richard Pots with two more; The wife of the said Pots was wash­ing by the water sie, where she was surprized with her Children, and carryed away in sight of her husband, who was not a little distressed with [...]hat sad Spectacle, but was not able to afford any Relief either to wife or Children; although one of the Children espying his Father in his boat, ran into the water, calling out for help, but an Indian ran after him to catch him up; the poor man in a great Agony being within half shot, was about to have fired upo [...] the Indian, but then fearing he might [...]wo [...]d [...] his Child which the Villain had said hold of, he forbore, rather suf­fering him to be carryed away alive, then be exposed to so manifest dan­ger of his Life, or Limbs, by shooting at the Indian.

It is said that some of the Indians were killed by them in the Garrison: They speak of a Lord that at one shot killed two or three of them, [...] Guns were found afterwards under the Fort, which were supposed to have belonged to some of the Indians that were killed. Some that were abroad when the Fort was assaulted, desperately broke in through the In­dians, whereby at the last, many of the People were preserved: some flying away from Iewels Island in a Canoo toward Richmonds Island, met with a K [...]tch, to which they made known the distress the People were in, who thereupon went to the place, and took in all the People they found [Page 45] there, and carryed i [...]hem off to a place of more safety. Yet were there several persons said to be killed and carryed away at that time viz. three men, who were known to be killed, two women and two Children, that are supposed to be yet alive, though in the Enemies power.

From thence they went to Spurwinks, where they assaulted one place or more, and killed one man, wounded another, and carryed another away Captive: Amongst them that were in danger of surprizal, one that could not run, hid himself in a garden of Cabbages so as he was not found, yet was very near them, for he over heard several questions, they asked him they took; by which means he was the better enabled afterward to prevent the danger two more were coming into, for the poor Fellow that they had taken, told them, that one Shenda [...] with another man were to come that way by and by; whereupon this man that had hid himself, meeting that She [...]dal and the other man gave them notice of the danger, whereby they were delivered out of the snare, for that time; not long after one of them, viz Mr: Shendal fell into their hands as shall be declared afterwards. Within a while after, or much a­bout that same time, another sad Accident befel six or seven of them that belonged to Casco. For upon the twenty third of September some persons that belonged to a Sloop, and a S [...]allop, that were pressed into the Service (one Reason of which was to prevent their [...]ragling they being persons that belonged to those parts about Casco) were over desirous to save some of their Provision, to which end they first made their Address to Captain Hatborne, (under whom they were ordered to serve) desiring they might be released; the Captain told them he could not do it, but desired them to have patience for a while, they told him, that they must and would go, else their Families must starve at home: The Captain told them further of the danger, and bid them not stir at their peril: However they would go, and soon after went to Mount­joyes Island to fetch [...] sheep, where they landed seven men; but the Indi­ans presently set upon them, they presently be took themselves to the Ruines of a stone house, where they defended themselves as long as they could; but at last they were all destroyed either with stones cast in upon them, or else with the Enemies shot, except one, who, though at the fi [...]st it was hoped his wounds were not mortal, yet soon after dy [...]d thereof; Amongst these was one Georg [...] Fell much [...]am [...]nted, who had been more active then any man in those parts against the Indians, but at the last he lost his own Life amongst them, in this too desperate an Adventure.

The Indians growing more hold by these Attempts in those remote places, drew down n [...]arer towards Pas [...]at aqua, for not long after a party [Page 46] of them came upon Cape Nidduck, where they killed and carryed away all the Inhabitants of a few scattering houses, to the number of seven in all, and such was their Salvage Cruelty exercised in this place, as is not usually heard of, for having dashed out the brains of a poor woman thatgave suck, they nayled the young Child to the dead body of its mother, which was found sucking in that rueful manner, when the People came to the place. The day before a man and his wife were killed by them at Wells, and two men more soon after. On the twelfth of October following near an hundred of the Indians made an Assault upon Black point, all the Inhabitants being gathered into one fortifyed place upon that point, which a few hands might have de [...]ended against all the Indians on that side of the Country. But as i [...] seems, one called Mugg was the Leader of the Indians; one that [...]ad from a Child been well acquaint­ed with the English, and had lived some years in English Families, who though a cunning Fellow, and had prevailed much in his Attempts, yet at this time shewed more Courtesy to the English, then according to for­mer Outrages could be expected from any of those barbarous miscre­ants; and was willing to make offer of a Treaty to Mr. Iosselin, chief of the Garrison, to whom the said Mugg promised liberty for all that were there, to depart with their goods upon the surrender of the place: The said Iosselin reports, that when he came back from his treating with Mugg, that all the People were fled away out of the Garrison, having carryed away their goods by water before his return, in so much that having none but his Household Servants to stand by him, he was capa­ble to make no Resistance, and so surrendred.

When People have once been frighted with Reports and Sense of danger, they are ready to fly away like a Hart before the Hunter or his Hounds, one of the Inhabitants of the place affirmed he saw an hundred and fifty Indians, which was more by an hundred than any body else ever saw near the Fort. But when a place is designed to Ruine, every thing they take in hand shall tend thay way.

The loss of Black point was accompanyed with another sad Acci­dent, that fell out about the same time at Richmonds Island. For young Mr. Fryer with some others at Pascataqua, to whom it seemed grie­vous that the Indians should make all that Spoyle in every place in those farther Plantations, ventured upon the great Importunity of Mr. Shandal, with a Kotch to try what they could save of such things that the Indi­ans had left. But things were so ordered, that before they had loden their Ketch, coming too near the Stage head, they presently found them­selves in danger of a surprizal, for part of their Company being a [Page 47] shore, were seized by the Indians, or in danger thereof, whom they were not willing to leave behind; and besides the wind blowing in hard upon them, they could not get out of the Harbour, but were forced to abide the danger of an Assault. The Indians getting many of them into the stage head annoyed them so fast with their shot, that not a man of them was able to look above deck, but he was in danger of being shot down, amongst the rest Mr. Iames Fryer venturing too much in view of the Enemy received a wound in his knee, which appeared not dan­gerous at the first, but for want of better looking to, then could be found amongst that black Regiment, into whose hands he soon after fell; It proved Mortal unto him, within a few dayes after: he being by a strange Accident brought home to his Fathers house at the great Island in Pascataqua. Mr. Fryer being thus wounded, the rest of the Com­pany defended thems [...]lves for a while with much C [...]rage and Reso­lution, till they were brought to the sad choice of falling into the hands of one of these three bad Masters, the Fire, the water, or the Barbarous Heathen, to whom at last they thought it best to yield, in hope of liber­ty afterwards, at least of lengthning out their lives a little longer, for the Indians had manned cut a Canoo with several hands to cut their Ca­ble, and others stood ready within the defence of the stage head to fire upon any one that stirred in the Ketch, by which means the Vessel after the Cable was cut soon drave a shore; and then was it threatned to be presently burned, if they did not all yield, to which they all at last consented.

The Indians how barbarous soever in their own nature, yet civilly intreated their Prisoners, and upon farther discourse sent one or two of them to Pasca [...]aqua, to give them there an opportunity to Ranso [...] their Friends. The persons sent home to procure a Ransome, were [...]o return with such a quantity of goods as the Indians had desired; by such a precise time: but they that brought the things for their Ransome, coming a day or two before the time, when those that sent them we [...]e gone up the River at Black point, and not returned: Some other Indi­ans waiting for such an opportunity seized the goods, at least that pa [...]t which they most desired, and through mistake, killing one of the three men [...]hat brought them, dismissed the other two, without return of the Prisoners as was expected.

As to what hapned afterward, we are yet much in the dark, and for the present can write but by guess: for within a few dayes after the return of Mr. Shendal, and the other man that went to carry the Ransome, before November 1. Mugg himself came to Pasca­taqua, [Page 48] bringing Mr. Iames Fryer, who soon af [...]er dyed of his wound, one of the Prisoners along with him complain [...] th [...]t without his knowledge some of the Indians had seized what was se [...]t for the Ransome of the rest, promising upon his Faith, that he would make good his word for the sending home all the Prisoners, and offered al [...] in the Name of the other Indians, to confirm a new Peace with the E [...]glish for the fu­ture: The Major General of the Massachusets Colony was [...] at Pas­cataqua, but not willing to Transact a matter of that nature and mo­ment by his sole Authority, ordered the said Mugg (supposed to be the chief Leader of the Indians) to be carryed down to Boston to the Go­vernour and Councel there, to conclude the business, with whom he soon after agreed upon a firm Peace with the English of the Massachusets in the Name of Madockawando, the chief of all the Indians in the Eastern parts about Peno [...]scot, engaging also to remain himself, as hostage aboard the Vessel (in which he was sent home from Boston November the 21st. following) until the Prisoners (which are said to be fifty or sixty that they have still in their hands) be sent home, and the rest of the Articles per­ [...]ormed. The Issue of which we as yet wait to hear in Gods good time, this 12th. of December following, 1676. when they there have made an end of the reckoning, 'tis hoped we may have our right again.

There are two principal Actors amongst the Indians that have all a­long promoted these designes amongst them, one named Squando, Sa­gamore of Saco, and the forementioned Madockawando, the chief Com­mander of the Indians Eastward about Pen [...]bscot, who are said to be, by them that know them, a strange kind of moralized Salvages. Grave and Serious in their Speech and Carriage, and not without some shew of a kind of Religion, which no doubt but they have learned from the Prince of darkness, (by the help of some papist in those parts) that can Trans­form himself into an Angel of Light; under that shape, the better to car­ry on [...]he designes of his Kingdome. It is said also, they pretend to have received some Visions and Revelations, by which they have been commanded to worship the great God, and not to work on the Lords day. We know where that Fountain hath its Rise, that sendeth forth at the same place sweet and bitter waters. And from whence their hearts are in­spired, that joyn blessing of God, with cursing and killing his Servants.

It is reported by some that came lately from those parts, that the In­dians there do as yet refuse to have any peace with the English, and will [...] as [...] return any of our Captive Friends, till God speak to the foresaid Enthusiast [...], that are their Leaders, that they should no longer make warr with us, and the like.

[Page 49] But not to trouble our selves farther with those Ministers of Satan, or those that are acted by the Angel of the bottoml [...]ss pit, (who pos­sibly since their delusions are but two fold more the Children of Hell then they were before.) We know better how to understand the mind of the great Lord of Heaven & Earth then to depend on such lying Oracles.

That God who hath at present turned their hear [...]s to hate his Peo­ple, and deal subtilly with his Servants; we hope in his time, will ei­ther turn the stream, and cause them to deal friendly and sincerely with his People, as heretofore, or give us an opportunity to destroy them.

In the next place it remains, that some account be given of our Forces under Captain Hathorne, and of their several Expeditions into the Eastern parts, since the middle of September last; first up toward Casco, by the Sea-side, then afterwards through the woods directly Northward, toward Ossapy, and Pigwauchet, in hope to have found the Enemy there at their head Quarters.

Upon the first Report of those Devastations and Spoyl [...] that had been made by Fire and Sword in those Eastern Plantations. It was judg­ed necessary to send some Forces that way to put a stop unto the current of those Outrages, before the Remainders of the Southern Indians could have opportunity to joyn with them: To that end about an hundred and h [...]rty English, with forty Indians were dispatched away into those parts, under the Command of Captain William Hathorne, Captain Syl, and Captain Hunting, w [...]o were to joyne with such as could be raised in those parts, under Major Waldern, and Captain Frost: After they had surprized the Indians that flocked into those parts, (as was Related before) which was done upon September the 6th. 1676. Captain Hathorne who was Commander in chief, marched the Forces by the Sea-side towards Casco; For at that time they were upon some demurre, whether to march directly toward Ossapy, and Pig­wau [...]het, where the head Quarters of the Enemy was supposed to be, or else to march directly toward Casco Bay, where they heard Parties of the Enemy were daily spoyling the Plantations of the English, At the last it was judged most Expedient to try if they could not meet with some par yes of the Enemy amongst those Plantations near the Sea-side, by that means at least to prevent them from doing more mischief if [...]ey c [...]uld not find an opportunity to fall upon some of them, and destroy [...]: But their time was not yet come, nor were all the Desola­ [...]ions as yet accomplished, which G [...]d had a purpose to bring about by their means. For notwithstanding there was a sfficient Force to have suppr [...]ssed all the numbers of the Enemy, if they [...]ad been many more [Page 50] than they were; yet being emboldened and grown subtle by their former successes, they had so dispersed themselves all about the woods in those p [...]rts, that when our Forces were in one place, they would be in ano­ther, and so did much mischief thereabouts, while our Souldiers were out after them: For after they had by several steps in ten dayes time got­ten to Casco, from Newechewannick (about the eight of Septembe [...]) they marched to Wells, and from Wells to Winter Harbour, and so from thence to Black point they passed by water, and then arrived at Casco Bay, about the twentieth of September, yet about that very time, were seve­ral of the English cut off at Mount joyes Island, and that in sight of our Forces, when they were not able to come at them, for want of Boat, the Island lying two Leagues off in the Bay; this hapned the twenty third of the same month, as was said before, and within two dayes af­ter, another party of the Enemy were doing mischief at Wells, and Cape Nidduck, and yet escaped away, when they had done.

Nor could our Forces in all their Expedition meet with any of them, bu [...] two; one of which soon after he was taken, was let go [...], by the Treachery or Carelessness of them that held him. For when our For­ces were come within a few miles of the hither side of Casco Bay, some of our Natick Indian Scouts going in Company with the Indians under Blind Will, (a Saga [...]ore of Pascataqua, who went in Company with eight of his men, supposed to be good Pilots for the places more East­ward) met with some of the Enemy, and laid hold of a couple of them; Iustice was done upon one of them, the other, although he was led by two of Blind Wills Indians, they made a shift to let goe, who escaping away, got over a River, and gave notice to the Indians who were on the other side, & were heard but a little before threshing in a Barne that belonged to one Anthony Bracket, (whom they had late [...]y surprized) Another disappointment our Forces met withal about the same time, for when Captain Hathorne was up at Casco Bay with his Souldiers, he n [...]ver could come up with the Indians, either through want of Skill in them that were his Scouts, or rather want of Faithfulness in one that should have been his guide, who had got his living by Trading with the Indians: therefore seemed unwilling to have the Brood of them de­stroyed: As was known afterwards. And by that means a party of the Enemy escaped the hands of our Souldiers. Yet it pleased God at one time to bring the F [...]rlorne of our Forces upon a p [...]ty of the En [...] ­my, who espying the English, presently fled away into the woods, like so many wild Dea [...], yet one of them, viz. that I. Sampson who had been of the Comp [...]ny, that killed Robinson the year before, was by the [Page 51] special hand of Divine Iustice, suffered to fall, by some of our Forces: He was a very lusty, stout man, and one that was armed with several sorts of Weapons, but there is no Weapon shall defend them, whom death hath a Commission to destroy: There is no Ransome in that War: The rest of the Indians that were scattered about Casco Bay, having discovered our Forces, made their escape: But, we hope their time is short, and that God will find some way to cut off the bloody and de­ceitful Enemies of his People, and not suffer them to live out half their dayes.

But by one such Accident or other; our Souldiers could not meet with any of them that had done all the mischief about those parts. And while our Forces lay about Casco Bay; A small party of the Enemy came down upon the Borders of the Town of Wells, where they lay in Am­bush near a Garrison house, at one end of the Town, and shot down Mr. Iames Gouge from his horse, September the twenty fourth, being Lords day, as he was going home from the Meeting; and then knocked down his wife, giving her several wounds with their Hatchets about the head, of which she dyed within three dayes after.

The next day September the twenty fifth, the same party being not above seven in number went toward Yorke, and surprized Cape Nid­duck in a barbarous manner, killing most of the poor people belonging thereunto [...]me of their Neighbours hearing of the Guns, came to their Res [...]ue: The Indians being on the further side of a River, dared them to come over and fight with them man to man: using several Reproach­ful Tearms to them, making a Shot at them also, which some of the Company not being able to bear, did very resolutely adventure through the River after them; but they were not willing to try the valour of the English; when they perceived they found a way to pass over the Ri­ver upon them, but returned back towards Wells; where they killed ano­ther, one George Farrow, September the twenty seventh, as he was too carelessly venturing to his house without any Company: These things hapned while our Forces were at Casco, where they tarryed seven or eight dayes. And hearing of these Outrages commit [...]ed in some of those places which they left behind them; and not being able to meet with any of them in the place where they were, they returned back to­ward Wells, and Yorke; but the Indians were escaped away into the woods after their Companions, before they came there: Our Souldiers having thus spent much time and pains in a fruitless Expedition toward Casco, they resolved to venture another march af [...]er them, up towards Ossapy, supposing they mightly that time be drawn homewards toward [Page 52] their Wint [...]r Quarters; or else, that they might destroy what they had left behind them, to prevent their harbouring there for the future: But it seemed good to him, who by his Sovereign Power and Infinite wis­dom ordereth all Events and pu [...]poses (wherein his People or others are concerned) to disappoint all endeavours used at that time for the sup­peessing of the Enemy, or putring any stop to their wonted Successes: For soon after onr Forces were returned back from Casco, news was brought of the surprizal of Black point, on the twelfth of October, as was mentioned before; which notwithstanding; It was judged more ad­viseable to venture and proceed on with the Expedition toward Ossapy, (whether it was supposed by this time, the greatest number of them were retired) rather then to return back again to recover Black point, where was nothing to be expected but an empty Fort, and some desert­ed houses, which it seems the Indians had forsaken by that time.

And besides that other Forces were about the same time ordered to repair thither, sufficient for the repairing & securing of the place with what else was left remaining from the hands of the Enemy; And likewise several Sou [...]diers were ordered to Garrison the Towns thereabouts, to prevent them from making any further Assault upon them However, they were so far emboldned by the [...]king of black point, and the Ketch at Rich­mond Island with several Prisoners also which were surp [...]ized at the same time; That a party of them came the very next week after, toward Wells, hoping to attain that, and all the Towns, and places else betwixt Casco Bay and Pascataqua, as they had done black point. For a party of them under Mugg their chief Leader, brought Mr. Shendal along with them to Wells, where they summoned the first Garrison at the Towns end To facilitate the business, they sent the said Shendal as their Agent, or Messenger to move them to surrender, without hazarding an onset; But the People were not so despondent, to yield up the place upon so slight an occasion; which when the Enemy discerned, they soon drew off, after they had done some little mischief to the Inhabitants: For first they killed Isa­ack L [...]t [...]le field not far from the Garrison, It is said, they would willingly have had him yield himself Prisoner, but he refusing, they shot him down, yet they were so Civil, as to suffer his Friends to fetch away his body, with­out offering any further act of Inhumanity to it, or Host [...]ity toward them that fetch it off. An old man called Cross, was killed by them likewise about the same time, and another, Ioseph Bigfo [...]d by name, belonging to the Garrison, was sorely wounded at that time, so as he lyed [...]oon af­ter: Thirteen head of neat Cattle were also killed by them, out of which they only for haste, took the Tongues, leaving the bodies of all the rest [Page 53] whole to the Owners, unless it were the Leg of one of them, which was also taken away.

This was all the mischief was done by them, after the taking of Black point: The Inhabitants of Winter Harbour, near adjoyning thereto, being alarmed with the surprizal of the other place; fled away with their goods, for a time; till they heard the Enemies were removed far­ther Eastward, and then it was said; they returned to their place again; In this posture have things in those places remained ever since, in those Eastern Plantations betwixt Pascataqua and Casco Bay.

But our Forces under the Command of Captain Hathorne, and Cap­tain Syl, having at the last obtained all things necessary for a Winter march into the woods, did upon the first of November following, set forth toward Ossapy, where, after four dayes march of very difficult way, over many Rivers, not easy to pass at that time of the year, they ar­rived; but found never an Indian; either there, or in the way, as they marched along: The Indians belonging to those parts, had not many years before hired some English Traders to build them a Fort, for their se­curity against the Mohawks, which was built very strong for that purpose fourteen Foot high with Flankers at each corner. But at this time the Soul­diers intending to disappoint them of their Refuge, made Fuel thereof, which at that time was very needful for out People, who had marched many miles through deep Snow in a very cold Season, when they could hardly keep themselves from freezing as they passed along, so early in the Winter: None of the Enemy being to be found there in their strongest Fort; It was not counted worth the while for all the Company to march any farther: Wherefore a small party being sent up eighteen or twenty miles farther Northward amongst the woods, whereas they p [...]s­sed along they met with many vast Lakes, (supposed to be the Cause of the sharpness of the cold, in that side of the Country) making the place scarce habitable for any besides those Salvages that use to hunt th [...]re­abouts, for Moose in the Winter, and Beaver in the Summer, (a sort of Creatures, whose Skins are of more Account than all their bodies.) But at this time it is supposed they were all gone lower toward the Sea side, to share the Spoyls of the English Plantations, lately surprized by them; which is all the Reward they [...]ave met withal, who in former years, for the sake of a little Lucre by Traffick with them, have run themselves there into the very Iaws of destruction, either by Irregular dealing with them; or by their too much c [...]fidence in their deceitful Friendship.

November the ninth, our Forces having spent nine dayes in this Service, returned safe to Newechewannick, from whence they set forth at the first, [Page 54] having run more hazard of their Limbs, by the sharpness of the Frost, than of their lives by any Assault from their Enemies.

There was great probability that the designe might have had some good Effect, if Mugg a chief Leader of them, did not much abuse those he fled unto, with a proffer of Peace; for he told them that there were about an hundred of them about Ossapy, not many dayes before: But it becomes us to look beyond second Causes, in Events of this na­ture; and conclude, that God had raised up these Barbarous Enemies to bring a like Chastisement upon the English in this side of the Country, with that which others had endured elsewhere, in the end of the fo [...]mer, and beginning of this present year.

Whereas mention was formerly made of a Peace concluded at Boston betwixt the Governour and Council of the Massachusets, and Mugg an Eastward Indian, in the name of Madockawando chief Sagamore of▪ all the Indians about Pemmaquid and Penobscot; which said Mugg, was sent from Boston, November the 21st with two Vessels, to receive the Prisoners there detained by the Indians, and also to see the Ratification of the several Articles of the said peace concluded upon. Which Articles for the better satisfaction of those that have not been acquainted with them, are thouhgt fit here to be Inserted.

Covenants and Agreements made and concluded by, and be­tween the GOVERNOUR and COUNCIL of the Massachusets Colony in New-England of the one part: and Mugg Indian, in the Name and behalf of Madockawando, and Cheberrina Sachems of Penobscot, on the other part.


Impr. WHereas the said Mugg hath been sent & imployed by the s [...]id Sachems upon a Treaty with the said GOVERNOVR and COVNCIL relating to a Conclusion of Peace, doth hereby Covenant and engage for himself, and in behalf of the said Sachems, that from henceforth they will cease all Acts of Hostility, and [...] an entire and firm Vnion, and Peace with all the English of the C [...]lonyes in New-England.

2dly. That immediately upon the said Muggs Return, the said Sa­chems shall deliver up unto such English man, or men, as s [...]all by order [Page 55] of the said Governour and Council, be sent with him, all such English [...]aptives, Vessels, and Goods whatsoever, Arms and great Artillery belonging to the English, as are in their Custody, or under their power, as have been taken from them during the time of the late Hostility.

3dly. That they will use their uttermost endeavour with all possible speed to procure pay; wherewith to make full satisfaction unto the English for all such Injuries, Losses, and Damages, as they have sustain­ed by them, in their housing, Cattle, or other Estate, during the time of the late Hostility, or else to pay such a number of Beaver Skins yearly, in order thereunto, as shall be agreed on between the said Sachems, and such person or persons as shall be sent unto them from the said Gover­nour and Council for the Ratification hereof, to be paid at such time and place as shall be then agreed upon.

4ly. That upon Condition of the English [...]urnishing of them with Powder and Amunition for their necessary Supplyes and maintenance, they do Covenant and promise not to Trade for, or buy any Powd [...]r, or Amunition, but of such persons as shall from time to time be deputed by the Governour for that end.

5ly. That if it do appear that Walter Gendai and the men sent with him in the Vessel from Pascat [...]qua (with Goods from Mr. Fryer for the Redemption of the Captives according to Agreement) or any of them are su [...]prized and slain by any of their Indians, or any others whom they can bring under their power, that they shall forth with Execute such Murtherer, or Murtherers, or otherwis [...], deliver the [...] up into the hands of the English.

6ly. That if the Amonos-Coggin, or any other Indians in the Eastern parts, that are in Hostility with the English, shall not fully Con [...]ent unto these Covenants and Agreements, but shall persist i [...] Acts of Ho­stility against the English▪ that then the said Sachems shall, and will hold all such Indians to be their Enemies, and take up Arms against them, and engage them as such.

[Page 56] Lastly. The said Mugg as a Pledge and Assurance of his own Fidelity, and that he is impowred by the said Sachems for the end aforesaid, and for the performance of the aforementioned Agreements, doth freely and willingly deposite himself, and his Life in the hands of the English; to remain with them as a Hostage until the said Captives, goods and Ves­sels shall be delivered up.
Signed in the Presence of
  • Iohn Earthy.
  • Richard Oliver.
  • Isaack Addingtan.
  • The mark of Mugg W Indian

The said Mugg lifting up his hand to Hea­ven for the true performance thereof, esteem­ed amongst them, a strong Obligation to perform what they promise.

Things were so ordered by the good Providence of God, that the said Vessels arrived safely at Penobscot in the beginning of the next month, where they found the said Madockawando, who was ready to confirm and make good the Articles of the Peace concluded at Boston by his Agent in his Name; And was willing also to deliver all the Prisoners that were then in his Power, or under his Command, which were but two, who were taken in the Vessel at Richmond [...] Island, the twelfth of October last. The said Mugg likewise being sensible of the Obliga­ [...]ion he lay under, to make good his word, did venture to go up himself to another Plantation of the Indians, where was supposed some more of the English Prisoners were, to see whether he could obtain their Re­lease, as also to perswade with the rest of the Indians thereabouts to joyne in the confirmation of the Peace; It appeared to the persons belonging to the Vessels, that the said Mugg went with some Reluctancy, as fear­ing the Indians be was going amongst, would either kill him, or keep him Prisoner; To which end, he ordered the Commanders belonging to the Vessels to tarry for him, about three dayes, or four at the most, assu­ring them, that if he did not return by that time, they might certainly conclude that either his Life or Liberty was taken from him, However the Vessels tarried about or near a week beyond the time limited, in expecta­tion [Page 57] of his coming; But after so long stay, they neither seeing, nor he [...]r­ing from him, were ready to fear the worst, viz. that his Country men had made him sure from having more to do with the English [...] Whereupon for fear of being shut up by the sharpness of the Winter from returning themselves, they took the opportunity of the next fair wind of setting Sayle for Boston, (only turning in to Pemmaquid to see if they could hear any farther News there) where they arrived with such Prisoners, as were freely delivered by Madockawando, the twenty fifth of December following, Anno, 1676. Amongst which Prisoners, be­sides the two forementioned, who were fonnd at Penobscot, there was a third, by a more remarkable Providence then ordinary, added unto them, Mr. Thomas Cobbet, Son of that Reverend and worthy Minister of the Gospel, Mr. Thomas Cobbet (Pastor of the Church at Ipswitch, a Town within the Massachusets Iurisdiction) who had all the time of his Sons Captivity together with his friends wrestled with God in their daily Prayers for his Release, and accordingly he was with the more joy received by his friends, as an Answer and Return of their Prayers. The said young man had lived with Mr. Fryer, Merchant of Ports-mouth for some years before, and had been oft at Sea with Mr. Iames Fryer the eldest Son of the said Merchant, and who had after much Experience of his Faithfulness, dexterity, and Courage on all such Ac­comp [...]s, borne him so much Respect, that when he was urged by his Fa­ther to go along with Mr. Shendal, as was said before, he would not venture unless his Friend Thomas Cobbet would go along with him; the which Service he only for his Friends sake accepted, which proved a fa­tal Adventure to Mr. Iames Fryer, and might have done to the other also, had not God otherwise disposed of him, having, as is hop [...]d, more Service for him in the Land of the living. Amongst all the Prisoners at that time taken, the said Thomas Cobbet seemed to have had the hardest portion: For besides the desperate dangers that he escaped, before he was taken. First, by a b [...]llet, shot through his Wast-Coat. Secondly, by a drunken Indian, who had a knife at his Throat to cut it, when his hands were bound, when the Indians came to share the Prisoners amongst them, he fell into the hands of one of the ruggeddest Fellows, by whom within a few dayes after his surprizal, he was carryed first from Black point, to Shipscot River in the Ketch, which the Indians made them to Sayle for them, into the said River, from thence he was forced to travel with his Pateroon Four or five miles over land to Damariscottee, where he was compelled to row or paddle in a Canoo about fifty five miles far­ther to Penobscot, and there taking leave of all his English Friends and [Page 58] acquaintance, at least for the Winter, he was put to paddle a Canoo up fifty or sixty mile: farther Eastward, to an Island called Mount Desart, where his Pateroon used to keep his winter station, and to appoint his hunting Vo [...]ages; and in that Desart-like Condition was the poor young man forced to continue nine weeks in the Service of a Salvage miscre­ant, who sometimes would Tyrannize over him, because he could not understand his Language, and for want thereof, might occasion him to miss of his Game, or the like. What ever sickness he was obno [...]ious unto, by change of dyet, or other account, he could expect no other allowance than the Wigwam will aff [...]rd: If Ioseph be in the Prison, so long as God is with him there, he shall be preserved, and in due time remembred.

After the end of the nine weeks, the Indian whom he was to serve, had spent all his powder, whereupon on the s [...]dden he took up a Resoluti­on to send this young man down to Penobscot to Mounsi [...]re Casteen to procure more po [...]der to kill Moose and Dear, which it [...]eem [...] is all their way of living at Mount Desart; The Indian was certainly over ruled by Divine providence in sending his Captive down thither, for a few dayes before, as it seems, after the Indians in that place, had been pow­awing together, he told him, that there were two English Vessels then come into Pemm [...]quid, or Penobscot, which proved so indeed: yet was it not minded by him surely, when he sent his [...]aptive thither for pow­der, for it proved the means of his escape; which his Pateroon might ea­sily have conjectured, if it had not been hid from him As soon as he Arrived at Penobscot, he met with Magg, who presently [...] him by the Name of Mr. Cobbet, and taking him by the hand, told him, he had been at his Father [...] house, (which was November the first or second before, as he passed through Ipswitch to Boston) and had promised to send him home, so soon as he returned. Maaockawando taking notice of what Magg was speaking that way, although he were willing that he should be released according to Agreement, (his Pateroon being one of this Sa­gamores Subjects, though during the Hunting Voyage of the winter, he lived at such a distance from him) began to demand something for sa [...]isfaction, in a way of Ransome, not understanding before that his Father was, a great Preachman, as they use to call it: Reply mas made to him, that he should have something in lieu of a Ransome, viz a fine Coat, which they had for him aboord the Vessel; the which the Saga­more desired to see, before he would absolutely grant his Release: but upon sight of the said Coat, he seemed very well satisfied, and gave him free liberty to return home. Whilst this Mr. Thomas Cobbet was a [Page 59] Prisoner at Mount Desart going along with the Indians to [...]unt, in an extream cold day; he was so overcome with the sharpness thereof, that all his Senses were suddenly benummed, so as he fell down upon the Snow, not being able to stir hand or foot, and had without doubt there perish­ed in a little time but that the Indians he was going along with, m [...]ssi [...]g him, presently ran about the woods to seek him, [...] when they found him, they were either so pitiful to him, or so careful of their own good, as not to cast away a likely young man, from whom they expected ei­ther much service, or a good Ransome, for want of a little Car [...], and pains to preserve his life; wherefore, taking him upon their shoulders, they carryed him into the next Wigwam, so as he soon after revived, and came to himself again, without any farther mischief.

At another time, the Salvage Villain whose Prisoner he was, so long as he had strong Liquor, for five dayes together was so drunke, that he was like a furious mad Beast, so as none durst come near him, his Squaws he almost brained in one of those drunken fits.

The said Thomas was forced to get out of his sight into the woods all that night, for fear of being mischiefed by him. Where making a fire he kept himself alive: The Squaws being by Gods special Providence so inclined to pity, that they came to him daily with Victuals, by which means he was at that time also preserved: All which put together, makes his Deliverance the more Remarkable, as an Answer of prayer.

As for the Rest of the Prisoners, (which are said to be fifty or sixty) They were left with them who first surprized them at Kennibeck, and Ship [...]cot River: The Women are imployed it seems to sew and make Garments for them; They having plundered much English goods at Arowsick. They are so much elevated with their late s [...]cc [...]sses, in spoyl­ing so many of the English habitations, that they seem not very re [...]y to hearken to Tearms of peace, as their Sagamore Madockawando doth de­sire: Nor are the English able to come near them with any of their For­ces this Winter season, in regard both of the Remoteness of the place, and sharpness of the Cold, which uses to be extream in those parts: How their hearts may be inclined in the following year, or what the English may be enabled to do against them, is known unto God only, on whom we de­sire to wait for a comfortable Issue of these our Troubles. But until they have spent all the plunder that is t [...]k [...]n, it is no doubt, but they will [...]eem averse from having peace; As others to the W [...]stward did, whose hearts were hardned against all proff [...]r [...] of that nature, t [...]ll they were de­stroyed; Possibly some Remnants of them that escaped in those other parts, are got hither amongst these, and do anin a [...]e them all they can to [Page 60] Hostility against us, till they make these as miserable as themselves, and f [...] forced at the last to fly their Country. Many have been the Trou­bles we have met withal from these our Barbarous Neighbours round about us, but God we trust will deliver us out of them all, as he hath promi [...]ed to do for the Righteous, who may in the dark [...]st night of Aff [...]iction say, Light is sown for them, which shall spring up in the ap­pointed Time thereof.

No farther News came to hand concerning the English Prisoners at Kennibeck, after the Return of Captain M [...]or from Penobscot, till the fifth of [...]a [...]uary. When one Francis Card with another young ma [...] formerly an Iahabitant of some place about Kennibeck, or of Arowsi [...]l, (but then a Prisoner with the Indians,) made an escape from the Indi­ans, and so got over Casco Bay, and then to Black point, from thence he was conveighed to Pascataqua soon after, and then to Bost [...]n.

The manner of his escape, as he reports was this: He was imployed by the Indians to [...]resh Corn at a Barn a little lower in the River, than the p [...]ace where the Indians commo [...]ly k [...]pt being tru [...]ted alone, to go and come of himself, because there was no suspition of any coming to carry him away, or seeming possibility to get away without being a [...]scovered, he sound means to plot with another young man, who was sent to look hor­ses, whose fl [...]sh it seems is by those wild Sa [...]ages, preferred before the best Beef, so as having their choice of both, they took what they liked [...]est; And this being the Imployment of the young man, he had the fit­ter opportunity when he was in be woods to m [...]ke any Contrivance to get away. Thus being resolved upon their designe, they provided ne­cessaries accordingly, and sent such a Message home to their Masters, as might occasion them not to expect them very soon that n [...]ght; Thus resolved, they marched away, as soon as ever they perceived the Coast was clear; And having provided a Canoo accordingly fit for the de­signe, by the help of it they got over the waters, by which they were to pass which were not frozen; And in the night time turned into a Swam [...]e, where they might make a [...] to keep them from starving with the Cold, without being discerned; So as wi [...]hin two or three dayes they recovered the Fort, and Garrison at black p [...]nt, from whence they were soon conveighed to Boston.

This F [...]ancis Card made this Relation of matters when he came to Boston, viz. that the Prisoners which he left behind were well, and not much misused, only put to do the Servile work about the Indians: woe must it needs be with Christians, when put not only to sojourne, but to serve in those Tents of Kedar. Such of the women as were gifted at [Page 61] knitting, and Sewing, were improved to make stockings, and garments for their Pateroons: So as it seems the Ware house at Arowsick furnished them with Cloth, Stuff, and Linnen, and the Inhabitants served for Ar­tificers to cut it out, and make it up.

He reported al [...]o that the Indians spake nothing of any Peace; but ra­ther being heightned with their late and great Successes, were contriving how to get possession of the other places in the hands of the English, on that side of the Country, which God forbid should ever com [...] to pass; but finding so easy work of their former Exploits, they hope they shull accom­plish their purposes with the like facility in all other places where they come.

It seems Squando is their chief Leader, that Enthusiastio [...]l, or rather Diabolical Miscreant; who yet hath put on a garbe of Religion, and orders his People to do the like; performing Religious worship amongst the Indians in his way, yet is supposed to have very f [...]miliar Conv [...]rse with the Devil, that appears to him as an Angel of Light in some shape or other very frequently. This Fran [...]is Card also affirmeth, that there is nothing so great a number of the Indians as is here reported for he saith, when they were going out upon some designe, while he was in their hands, he had an opportunity to count them all, and could find but ninety eight of them, that were men: Neither could he discern that there were any of the Western Indians, unless Simon and Andrew, that formerly escaped out of Dover Prison: Although it was before appre­hended there were multitudes of them flocked thither.

By the Report which he brings it doth not appear so difficult a mat­ter to make an Attempt to recover the place, and destroy them that hold it, as was before apprehended: Insomuch, as that designe, that was un­der debate before the GOVERNOVR and COVNCIL a little before, and was let fall for the present, as a matter not Feasible, hath since been set a foot with a fresh Resolution: And another thing also occured about the same time, which put new Life into the said designe, viz. an apprehension that there were several of the Narrha­gansets [Page 63] scattered about in these woods near Pascataqu [...], who it was feared might joyne with those of Kennibeck in the Spring, and so come down upon the English Plantations, and spoyle them all that are thereabouts. For soon after Francis Card coming to Boston, some of Major Walde [...]ns Indians at Quecheeh [...], as they were hunting in the woods chanced to meet with three st [...]ange Indians, the which had Guns, at least two of them; but those of Q [...]e [...]bec [...]o were without. The other Indians began to insinuate into them, to see if they could make way for their acceptance with the English: Those Indians that this mo­tion was made unto, in a most persidi [...]us manner gave them encourage­ment in the business,; And appointed a place where to meet them the next day, saying, they would not have them now go home with them to their Wigwams, least their Women and Children should be frighted with the sight of their Guns; All which was spoken upon a Treacherous Account, by that means to betray them, for they had neither Women nor Children at their Wigwams; but not having Gun [...] themselves, as the other had, they durst not then s [...]iz [...] upon them: The next day therefore ac­cording to Appointment, their guests expecting a Treaty, and a Friend­ly Complyanc [...], (yet coming apart, as was ordered the day before to be the more easily surprized) arrived at the place Appointed; And there presently the first being thus Treacherously brought into the snare was dispatched out of hand. The like was also done to the second; The third was not at such a distance, but he either [...]d scerned or sus­pected, what became of his Fellows, and therefore made the more hast to esca [...]e; but his deceitful Friends were too quick for him, who shot him down before he could get out of their reach: So as they took him alive, as is said; but he could not live much longer by Reason of his wounds: These Quechecho Indians cut off the Scalps of their poor Countrymen, (which is their usual manner, when it is too far to carry the heads) which being brought to Major Walderns Indians, they were presently discerned to be Narrhagansets by the cut of their hair. This instance is a sufficient Evidence of the Subtilety, guile, and Falshood natural to all these Indians; and may satisfie any Rational person, what l [...]ttle trust there is to be put in their words, promises, or Engagements, though never so solemnly made, farther then they that make them, see Advan­tage in the keeping and performing. Subtilety, malice, and Revenge, seems to be as inseparable from them, as if it were part of their Essence.

What ever hopes may be of their Conversion to Christianity in after Time, there is but little appearance of any Truth in their hearts at pre­sent, where so much of the contrary is so ordinarily breathed ou [...] of their mouths.

[Page 64] These w [...]re the m [...]nners of the Gentiles in former times, while they remained Children of Disobedience, until they were renewed after another Image: Nor are these uncapable Subjects for Divine grace to work up­on, yet are there some natural vices proper to every Nation in the world as Paul speak; of the Grecians, from the Testimony of one of their own Poets: [...], &c.

But to Return; These things so concurring, and several Gentlemen from about Pascataqua repayring to Boston, so represe [...]ted the states of things Eastward before the GOVERNOVR and COVNCIL, as that it was apprehended not only necessary, but Feasible also to sup­press the foresaid Indians in those parts: Whereupon it was forthwith concluded that an Expedition should be made against them; To which end two hundred Souldiers, whereof about sixty were of the Natick In­dians, that have given good proof of their Valour, and Faithfulness to the English; All which were immediately dispatched away, the first week in February by water, under the Conduct of Major Waldern as Commander in chief; A person well approved for his Activity, as well as Fidelity and Courage in concernments of that nature: They had to Encounter with Rough and contrary Winds, and much cold weather the first week after their setting forth; But having so much Experience of the favour and goodness of the Almighty, who is wont alwayes to be present with his Servants in like Cases, though he hath often for a time deferred for the try [...] of their Faith, & exercise of their patience; yet us [...]th not to fail his people, that put their trust in him, and diligently seek his face; A solemn time being appointed for that end; To the which we expect a comfortable Answer: we that have sent forth our F [...]iends on the publick Service, being thus engaged to follow them with our Pray­ers, at the present in silence wait upon the Lord of Hosts to give a blessing to the designe; Hoping our Friends in this necessary, though difficult Service, thus called forth, have gone out with the like E [...]cou­ragement, and Resolution, that sometimes Ioa [...] did; Let us be of good Courage, and play the men for our People, and for the Cause of our God; And let the Lord do that which seemeth him good.

Upon the eleventh of February two Indian Squaws, that had run a­way from Major Walderns in the beginning of winter, out of discontent, because the husband of one of them, and some of the Relations of the other were sent away, came back again with more wit, than they carry­ed with them, though with less flesh upon their backs: for having wan­dred up toward Pigwache [...], till they were almost starved there, they say, some Indians were seen by them, pretending they were going to the head [Page 65] of Connecticu [...] River, with [...]ostile Inteats against the English; but they going away as they did, little h [...]d is given to the Star [...]ei they tell upon their Return.

February the [...]neteenth following, Iohn Abbor, the Master of Mr. Fr [...]ers Ketch taken October the Twelfth, before at Black Point, came in to the Isie of Shoales, having made a despera [...]e Adventure to escape; he gave a more probable Account of things in those parts.

He saith, they were first carryed to Shipscot River, where the Vessel in which they were [...]ken, was [...]oored for all the Winter: In which time, the Indians having spent all their Amunition, and most o [...] their Provisi­on, counted it high time now to be looking out for more: to which end, they caused the said Abbot to fit up the Vessel, (being a Pinnace of about thirty T [...]) as well as he could, with such assista [...]ce as they could afford him; and ten of them shipped themselves in the same, intending for Penchscot; from thence to Sayle up that River, as far as they could; and then leav [...]ng their V [...]ssel to proceed on with their [...], as high up the River as the stream would permit, and so to pass on to Cannada to buy powder of the Fr [...]nc [...] there; It being at this time two and thirty Shillings [...] pound amongst the Indians at Kennibeck. But, as Providence ordered it, after these Marriners were launched into the deep, a small storm with a contrary wind began to arise; of which the English Skipper found wayes in his steering to make the danger seem more than really it was. in so much that they resolved to put in at Cape-bona-waggon, three Leagues to the Eastward of Shipscot, where eight of them went a shore, leaving two Indians aboord with the English Skipper: After he had got so well rid of them, he contrived how to get shut of the other also: There­fore he perswaded them, that the Vessel would not ride safely in that place, so as he prevailed with them to let him go to another Harbour, called Damar is Cove, two or three Leagues more Eastward: In the way as he Sayled, he so ordered his steering, that sometimes the waves were ready to overrake [...] the Vessel, which put his two Indians into a fright, so as they made all the [...]ast they could to get a shore, as soon as ever they came within the Harbour, urging him to go along with them; but he pre­tended a necessary Excuse to stay behind to look after the Vessel but with intent, as soon as ever he should see them a shore, to boys [...] Sayle for some English Harbour, [...]ving no body aboord with him, but a small English Child about three ears old: It seems the Indians had a Child or two of their own dead in the Vessel, who dying after they began their Voyage, they were the forwarder to go a shore with them, for buryal: The said Abbot now perceiving he had obtained his purpose; (for he oft resolved [Page 66] on this Project before) first [...]allowing the Mast with a piece of fat Pork left by the Indians, as high as he could reac [...] that he with his own hands m [...]ght the more easily boyse the Sayle, so choosing rather to cast himself upon the Providence of God in the waters, than to trust himself any lon­ger wi [...]h pirfidious Salvages on the dry Land; he came s [...]fe to Isle of Shoales before the Evening of the next day, February the nineteenth.

Within a few dayes after Iohn Abbot aforesaid, made his escape in the Vessel; There came an express from Major Waldern that command­ed in chief over our Forces sent to Kennibeck to subdue the Indians in those parts, & deliver the English Gaptives that have been detained in their hands, since August last, which giveth this Account of their proceeding.

[Page 73] TO this Issue were our Troubles with the Indians brought in the end of the year, 1676.

That which hath been already said in that kind, may serve to give an Account of the Murthers, Slaughter [...], Cap­tivities of several persons of the English Inhabitants of New-England: together with the burning and spoyling of divers of their Villages and houses, spoyling of their Estates, by those their pe [...]fidious and barbarous Enemies. That which remains, is only to satisfie the Inquisitive Rea­der about some other particulars, which have a Relation unto, or depen­dance upon the former: as to shew what may be the principal and leading Causes Civil or moral, of those strange Successes of the Indians, in some of their first Encounters with the English there, what presages or other ominous Accidents were observed aforehand, what assistance they received from other Forreign Nations, French, or Dutch, what is since become of those Indians that were the Authors of the foresaid mis­chiefs, what progres [...] Christian Religion hath already made, or is like fur­ther to make amongst the rest, all which may serve as an Epilogue to the T [...]agical History, foregoing.

It is no d [...]ubt but that (as sometimes was said of the Divisions of Re [...] ­ben) there have been, and are great thoughts of heart amongst them that wish well to this poor Country; for the Calamities that of late have here fallen out, every one taking occasion to put that Construction up­on what hath hapned, which suits best with his own understanding and humour. Possibly those that live at a distance have made many uncer­tain guesses at things which have passed here. For those that [...]ved up­on the [...] have very sad Apprehensions both concerning the Rise and [...]ssue of [...]hem. In a matter therefore of so much difficulty to give the best account we can of the things under debate; It cannot be denyed but that things ever since the planting of these Colonies of New-England, they ha [...]e been signally bl [...]ssed of God, and made to flourish above ma­ny other Forreign [...]lantations, both for the number of Towns and Villa­ges, Increase of Families, growth of Trade, flourishing of Religion, proba­bly therefore, this sudden and unex [...]ected turn of Providence, may oc­casi [...]n m [...]ny to think, that either there hath been some notable De [...]ten­ [...]ion from former Principles and wayes, or else the world hath been [Page 74] much ab [...]s [...]d by former reports of our prosperous proceedings here. But it sh [...]uld be observed that Arguments taken barely from Success, and the Event of things, l [...]ke Cyph [...]rs standing alone and not joyned with others, as some have said, do not increase [...] the number, [...]he [...] the whol [...] Summe is to be made [...]p, they will sign [...]fie what they were intended for; Every thing is beautiful in its Sea [...]on, but in the mean tim [...] sad Events should rather be improved to our own Instruction than the condemning of others: following the dark Cloud of Providence without the [...]ery Pillar of the Scripture, will lead into uncertain paths. This is not the first time that Christian People have been exposed to many Outrages, and barbarous Calamities from their Pagan Neighbours, to whom they have been many wayes Offic [...]us. It is well known what hapned in the Neighbour Colony of Virginia on the twenty second of March, 1622. when by a general Conspir [...]cy of the Indians three hundred and forty se­ven persons of the English Planters, were barbarously massa [...]red; at that time when they had the greatest hopes of Converting them to Christi­anity; yet need no: this any whit discourage charitable Endeavours that way; for if it had not been for one Converted Indian, that revealed the Plot, in all likelihood all the rest of the English there planted, had been in like manner cut off at the same ti [...]. The Heathen in New-England are scituate in the same Climate, therefore cannot be supposed to be much differing in their manners and disposition. But besides that we are hemm'd in on both sides▪ and almost round about, with People of Forreign Nations, whole designe is neither Religion, nor yet planting Colonyes of Civil People, so much as present Emolument by Commerce and Traffick with the Indians, who notwithstanding their barbarous manner of living, are yet furnished with some rich and useful Commo­dities, for the obtaining of which, those that come amongst them have not been unwilling to offer them in way of Exchange, such Commodi­ties as the Indians most fancy and desire, as Powder and Amunition, not considering how destructive the Trade thereof may prove to others, which hath made some wise m [...]n both fear and foretell the dangerous Issue of Trading those things with the Indians here. It hath been said the Hollanders used so to deal with the Spaniards, at such times as they had their fiercest Wars with them, saying, that if they did not, others would carry▪ those Commodities to their Enemies, which they thought they were as good to do themselves, that so in Case of bad Succes [...] in the Wars, the gain of the Barter might help to make amends for the loss of the Battle. The same Reason possibly put them upon the like practice in that part of this Country called the New-Netherlands: for which [Page 75] they have pre [...]ty well smarted themselves, as now they have helped others to do by their Example. Some prudent Gentlemen that govern­ed in Virginia at the first, were aware of this mischief; wherefore it was strictly forbidden them, upon pain of death to shew a [...] Indian the use of a Gun; if the like Course had been continued here, it had scarc [...] been possible according to the Eye of Reason that so much mischief could have been done us by our Indian Neighbours, at this time more than in for­mer years. Their wills were as good heretofore, but when they had nothing but Bows and Arrows to trust unto, they were capable of no such mischief: But now by their frequent Converse and Trading with the Dutch and French on each side of us, they are as well [...]kil'd in the use of small Artillery as many other Nations.

Their young men so much delighting therein, that upon point they mind little else, and are so proud of their Skill, that they thought they could easily deal with, if nor over-match their Masters; that first instructed them.

It is reported by an Ancient Marriner yet living in these parts, a person of good Credit, that above twenty years since being in the Eastern parts about Kennibeck, he heard an old Indian tell this story, that when he was a Youth, there was a Fort built about Saga-de-Hock (the Ruines of which were then shown this Relater, supposed to be that called St. Georges Fort in honour of Captain George Popham, the President of the Company sent over Anno, 1607.) And possessed for some time by the English: But afterward upon some Quarrel that fell out betwixt the Indians and them, the English were some of them killed by the said Indians, and the rest all driven out of the Fort, where there was left much of their Provision and Amunition; amongst which there was some Barrels of Powder, but after they had opened them, and not knowing what to do therewith, they left the Barrels carelesly open, and scattered the Powder about, so as accidentally it took fi [...]e, and blew up all that was within the Fort, burnt [...] and destroyed many of the Indians, upon which they conceived their God was Angry with them for doing hurt to the English; It had been well these Indians never had had any other acquain­tance with the nature of that Commodity, then by such Experimental knowledge of its Force and power. But Covetousness was and will be the Root of all evil in every Age of the World, of which this may be reckoned one, and not the least, that for the sake of a little Lucre, Civil and Christian Nations have been induced to instruct a barbar [...]us and Salvage People (before ever they had been reduced to good order or Civil manners, much less Christianity, in the use of our A [...]tillery, [Page 76] and furnish them likewise with Amunition, to improve that Skill to the destruction of themselves, and their Posterity. Th [...]mas Mar [...]in was said to be the first that like Epimetheus opned this Pandora's Box but he was not the Vulcan, that forged all their G [...]s, with other weapons of, War they are found so well furnished withall.

The Commiss [...]ners of our united Colonyes have for a long time care­fully and seriously endeavoured the preventing this Inconveniency in eve­ry of the three Colonyes, by strict prohibition of Trading Amunition with the Indians; Nor hath it been given way unto, till of late years, when by the continual Sollicitation of some of our own People (that possibly since have paid dearly for their forwardness therein) who a [...]leadged the Example of the French and Dutch, and of some of our own Na [...]ion bo [...] ­dering upon us; The former restraint hath been taken off, and it is verily supposed that as to some of our People, that in the last Insurrection of the Indians amongst us, have felt both [...] the first and worst part of their, Rage and Cruelty; it was Effected by the Amunition not long before, pu [...]chased of themselves, which it may be was reserved for that very end and p [...]rpose. It is no small Aggravation of the misery befalling a place or person, when it is known to be brought about, by means of their own p [...]ojecting; As sometimes was said to the Tyrant s [...]ain by a weapon of his own forging, suo sibi hunc jugulo▪ gladio.

But if Enquiry be made into the moral and procuring Causes, where­by God hath been provoked to let loose the Rage of the H [...]athen thus against us; It is not hard to give an Answer. The S [...]ver [...]gn Ruler▪ of the World need never pick a Quarrel with any sort of men (the best of his Servants at all times giving him too just occasion of Controversy with them) or be to seek of a ground why to bring a Scourge upon them, having also other holy ends why he contends with his People; of which he is not bound to render the world an account: It may be Rea­son enough to work in them a S [...]mpathy for the Sufferings and Calami­tyes of others: or to keep them from being exalted above measure; or to humble and prove them, that they should not by their long Peace and Prosperity b [...] ready to look upon themselves as less sinners than others, who have drunk deep of the Cu [...] of Trembling before them: To prevent what Evil may, as well as reform what is already grown up amongst them. Standing waters are most ap [...] to corrupt, Gods Dispensations of this n [...]ture in the world, are usuelly observed to be for Correction of the Vices, as well as for the Tryal of the Virtues found in his Servants, And what people or person is there upon the [...]ce of the Earth, who hath not Reason to lay their hand upon their mouths, and to abhor them­selves [Page 77] in dust and ashes, if the Almighty shou'd go about to enter into Iudgement with them: No doubt but after so long a time of Peace and Prosperity, as hath been enjoyed, the like Corruptions have began to [...] forth, as are usual in such a Case, as Pride, Luxury, Inordinate Love of the World, &c. Nor need He be instructed by men, what Instruments to make use of, in the chastning of his People: Why may not God as well as G [...]deon teach the men of Suc [...]oth, and of other places, by the Briers and Thorns of the Wilderness. If a more particular Indagation of the [...] or the very original Offence in this matter be ex­pected; All things considered, it may be feared to spring from some Ir­regularities and miscarriages in our Transactions and dealings with the Indians themselves, according to that known Rule. In quo q [...]s peccat in eo punitur, yet must not this be understood, so as to [...] upon the People of the Vnited Colonyes in the Gross: Whose supream Courts in their several Jurisdictions, have endeavoured by the sharpest and severest Laws imaginable to prevent any miscarriage of such a nature; But it hath arisen only from such places & persons as border upon us round about, both Southward and Eastward, yet never were, nor would be, subject to the Laws of our Iurisd [...]tion, nor had nay Reprovor in the Gate, or Ma­gistrate to put he Offenders to shame Such as make the Advantage they have in their heads the Rule for their Consciences to act by; It is no wonder if they be ready to transgress the Rules both of Sobriety and Righteousness in their deali [...]gs with men, as well as Piety before God, The things that the Ind [...]ans are more eager to Trade for, being known to be either strong Liquor or Powder, and Am [...]nition: And many have been found Indirectly and under hand to gratifie their humour therein. The one hath proved alwayes most hur [...]ful to themselves, the other [...]ear­ed (and justly as it hath been proved) most destructive to our selves. The more sober and prudent of the Indians have alwayes most bitterly com­plained of the T [...]ading of strong Liquor in our English, as well as in the French and Dutch, whose ordinary Custome i [...] first, to make them, or suffer them to make themselves drunk with Liquors, and then to Trade with them, when they may easily be cheated both in what they bring to Trade, and in the Liquor it self, being one half or more nothing but Spring water, which made one of the Amonos [...]oggin Indians once com­plain that he had given an hundred Pound for water drawn out of Mr. P. his Well. But this is not all the Evil that atten [...]s this wicked Trade of strong Liquor, for when they are drunke therewith, they are ready to fight with their Friends, Parents, Brethren, &c. Yea, often have murthered one another. Should I not be avenged on such a People, [Page 78] or persons as these saith the Lord? Good old Iacob sometimes complain­ed after the Villany of his two Sons, committed upon the S [...]bechemite [...], that he was made to stink in the sight of the People of the Land, and that be should be destroyed he and his house: It is well if some of our Borde­rer [...] have not had cause, not only to fear, but to feel the like Calamity in Reference to themselves, or some of theirs, thus what hath been gotten over the back of the evil Fiend is lost under his belly according to the Proverb.

Besides all this, it hath been observed of many of these scattering Plantations in our Borders, that many were contented to live without, yea, desirous to shake off all yoke of Government, both sacred and Ci­vil, and so Transforming themselves as much as well they could into the manners of the Indians they lived amongst, and are some of them therefore most deservedly (as to Divine Iustice) left to be put under the yoke and power of the Indians themselves, and hence it is that in many parts, the people void of Councel and common prudence as well as Courage, have so frightfully deserted, or Cowardly delivered up several places of strength (though Tenable enough of themselves) into the hands of Con­temptible Enemies; and so like Ripe Figs upon the first sh [...]king of the Tree, have been ready to fall into the mouth of the Eater, as the Prophet speaks; As hath been too sadly verified in some of the Southern, and all the Eastern parts.

If it be here Objected, that the same or like Calamit [...]s have befallen many of those places and persons; where no such Evils could justly be complained of; It may as easily be Answered, and that from the obser­vation of Heathen themselves, that in such publick Calamities, it is not easy to distinguish between the good and the bad, sape Diespiter, iratus incesto add [...]dit integrum. The Righteous many times have an equal share with the wicked. In these Cases saith Solomon, all things come alike to all, no man knoweth love or [...]atred by all that is before him: The Confused Events of worldly Affairs, are oft times so limited and re­strained by the holy hand and wise Providence of God, that it is hard to find a difference; therefore concerning such places, which may be thought not touched with the guilt of the forementioned miscarriages, yet have by the overruling band of Providence been not withstanding made [...] suf­fer as deeply as others. I judge them not, yet hope, if they have ought for which to judge themselves before him that searcheth the hearts, they will take occasion hereby to humble themselves under the mighty hand of God, that in his due time they may be Exalted to their former Tranquility and P [...]ace.

[Page 79] When Gods Judgements are abroad in the Earth, then should the Inhabitants of the World lea [...]n Righteousness. This C [...]ion is judged the more necessary here to be added, in that it is the genera [...] observation of all indiffer [...] and unconcerned persons about the like Troubles; That they have ordinarily either begun, or have fallen heaviest upon t [...]ose places and p [...]rsons that have had most to do in the Trading with Indians.

If any such have as yet escaped their hands, to be sure they have been Threatned, as if they had been before others, particularly lookt upon by them, as the Obj [...]ct of their Revenge, which makes some moderate per­sons fear, that those men have either themselves offended in that kind, or else have connived at others under them, to carry on the Traffick with the Indians, by such wayes and m [...]ans, that have been as well offen­sive to God, as injurious to those they have Traded wi [...]h.

In the second place, touching the various Success we have met with­al, in our several Encounters with the Indians, Victory and Conquest did [...] a long time seem to stand Neuter, and our Condition and Warfare not much unlike the Conflict between Israel and Amal [...]k in the Wil­derness, nor can it be denyed [...]ut that our Enemies for a time had great Success in their Outrages, Providence as it were seeming to offer them opportunities of doing us much mischief; when we could find none of taking just Revenge: Things of that nature being strangely either hid from the Eyes of the Leaders, or else the weather hath so [...]allen out as that it was not possible for our men to have pursued them: Al­though both the Commanders and Souldiers, sent [...]orth from all the three Colonyes, have joyntly and severally pursued their Advantages, with in [...]Credible hazard and diligence, and with as I [...]cible Courage as ordinarily hath been found amongst men. But as it is said, the Battle is not alwayes to the strong, nor the Race to the swift, but Time and Chance hath strangely Interposed to the prolonging of our mi­series, and the hardning and embold [...]ing of our Enemies: Much of our disappointments, and the loss of many of our Forces en­gaging with them, must be imputed in a great measure to our mens unacquaintedness with the manner of their fighting, they doing most of their mischiefs, either by Ambushments, sudden surprizals, or over­matching some of our small Companyes with greater numbers, h [...] ­ving [...]ad many times six or seven to one: Possibly also many of our Overthrows have proceeded from our too much Confidence in our own weapons, Courage and Martial Discipline Not making Allowance for the difference of Times, when th [...]v before engaged us, only with Bows [Page 80] and A [...]ro [...]s, but now came to fight us with our own weapons) which [...]ath proved no small Advantage to our Enemies, and disadvantage to our selves; or else to the distance of our Towns one from the other so as ofttimes they were destroyed, or in danger the [...]of, before any notice was taken of their danger. If that be a sure Rule whereby Valour is to be judged, plus animi est inferenii p [...]ricul [...]m quam propulsant [...], s [...]. that there is more Courage seen in the Assaylants, than in the Defendants; a few of our men have frequently defended the [...]selves against multi­tudes of them, unless at such times when Provide [...]e seemed as it were to trouble the Wheels of our Motions, and fight against us, so as ordina­rily our people used not to want Courage: For at Lancaster where they seemed to have had the greatest Cause of boasting for their Success in any Assault (although it were since known, that they had five hundred fighting men when they Assaulted that small Town of about fifty Fami­lyes) yet were they able to surprize but one garrison house, which nei­ther was fenced round, nor were the Defendants able to ply their shot behind it, but so as the Enemy came to the very Walls and Roof on the back side with their Fuel, or else they had never been able to have dis­possessed the Inhabitants. The same Indians within a while after, had not been able to have done the mischief at Groaton which they did, had not a Garrison been unadvisedly as it were delivered into their hands. In one word they were more beholding to their perfidious Sub­tlety and Falshood, or to the Advantage of Season, place, and Number than nay Valour or Courage in all their Victoryes, shewing only a Bel­luine Rage and fierceness, when they had an opportunity in their hands to destroy or do mischief. For soon after when the time of Ven­geance was come, and God seemed to owne the Cause of his People, a small handful of our men hath surprized hundreds of theirs, as hath been already declared in the Narrative. The Dispensations of the Al­mighty have been very awful towards us, for a long time, not seeming to go forth with our Armies, nor helping us in defending our selves, or defeating of our Enemies, as if he had a purpose and designe to bring a sharp Scourge upon us, by that means to humble us, and pro [...]e us, and then (as we trust) to do us good in our latter end: acting therein as wise Parents that after they have corrected their Children, to cast the Rod into the Fire. For our Enemies to the Southward, were in the beginning of these Troubles, possessed of many goodly Havens, many rich and Fertile places, as at Moun [...]-Hope, and all along the Narrh [...]agansit Country. But are by this occasion, (quarrelling with us without cause) themselves in a manner all destroyed by the special hand of God, and [Page 81] their Posterity quire rooted out, as were the P [...]quots before them, where­by it may be gathered a [...] we hope, that God is making way to settle a better people in their rooms, and in their stead; when, the whole frame of Gods Counsels, and purposes are put together, and accomplished by the Issues of his Providence, it will, not doubt, appear a work very beau­tiful in its Season, not only for the glory of the Author but for the good and benefit of his people, that are concerned therein.

As for pred [...]ctions, or presages of these late Troubles,

Something of that nature hath been observed by some Iudicious per­sons in reference to the present Calamities, of which something hath already been published to the World, concerning which I have nothing to adde, only that some such things have been affirmed by credible per­sons, as presages of what hath lately come to pass. The noyse of Guns is affirmed by many, to have heen heard in the Ayre, in sundry places not many years before; Concerning which the Judicious Reader may take what notice he pleaseth. Although I would not be too forward in obtruding uncertain Reports upon the belief of the far distant Reader, especially considering how much the world hath oft been abused with false Coyn [...] of the like nature.

But for other predictions of the present Calamities, some wise men have thought it not unworthy to be communicated to Posterity what hath been observed amongst the Indians themselves, as if either God himself had left some Impression on the minds of some of them this way, or that by some strange Instinct or other, they had some Reason to forbode the Troubles now begun, although not yet [...]ded, sed dabit Deus his quo (que) finem, in his own time.

There was within the Compass of the last seven years now current, a Sagamore ab [...]ut Ki [...]tary, or the North-East side of Pascataqua River, called Roules, or Rolles; who lying very sick, and bed rid, (being an old man) he expected some of the English, that had seazed [...]pon his Land, should have shewn him that Civility, as to have given him a visit in his Aged Infirmityes, and sickness; It matters not much, whether it was to­tally neglected or not; to be sure at the last he sent for the chief of the Town, and desired a favour of them, viz. that though he might, as he said, challenge all the Plantation for his own, where they dwelt, that yet they would please to sell or give him a small Tract of Land, possibly an [...]n­dred or two of Acres, and withal desired it might be Recorded in the Town Back, as a picblick Act, that to his Children which he left behind, might not be turned out, like Vaga [...]onds, as destitute of [...]n habitation amongst, or near the English, adding this as the Reason; That he knew [Page 82] there would shortly fail out a War between the Indians and the Eng­lish all ove [...] the Country, and that the Indians at the first should prevail, and do much mischief to the English, and kill many of them; But after the third ye [...]r, or after three [...] all the Indians which so did, should be roo [...]ed out, and utterly destroyed.

This Story is reported by Major Waldern, Mr. Ioshuab [...] Moodey, Captain Frost, that live upon, or near the place. And one of the three forementioned persons was desired by the said Saga [...] to make a Re­cord hereof. Valeat quantum valere potest [...]ut deb [...]. Many Stories of like [...] are confid [...]ntly told, by such as have been more [...]o versant w [...]th the Indians, which shewed that either the Conspiracy was a long while in Cont [...]ving, or else that some Impression was by a Divine hand made upon the minds of some of them.

For the actings of our Neighbour N [...]tions round about us, whether they have had actually any hand in our S [...]fferings, either ins [...]gating of our Enemies, o [...] secretly and underhand supplying them with nec [...] s­saries where with to carry on their designe against us, without whose [...]s­si [...]tance it is supposed they cou [...]d hardly thus long have [...]eld out. It is no question bu [...] there are those in the world, that say A [...]a, [...] the Cala­mities of our Sion, and that like Edom in Ierusalems day cry, Rase it, Rase it, even to the Found [...]tion thereof: But for our n [...]a [...] Ne [...]ghbours, whether Dutch or French, their designe in their several Planta [...]ions, being solely, or principally Trade, and knowing that as forme [...]ly they [...], so may they still have more benefi [...], and Advantage by our Commerce and Traffick than by our Ruine; it seems therefore not so probable, that they should promote or designe such a wicked end to themselves, much less that they should joyne with Pagan Infidels therein; more Charity we judge is due to them that profess the Christian Name, whatever [...] or Superstition their Religion or worship may be blinded with

We may well conceive that either of them would not be much un­willing to part with any thing they have to sell for Beaver, nor would they very s [...]rupulously enquire what the Indians do with their Pow [...]e [...]; provid [...]d they could get their pay for it, no more than the Cutler did, to know (as the Tal [...] goes) what the Cutpurse did with the k [...]i [...]e he made him: But that purposely either of them have furnish [...]d [...]ur Enemies with m [...]ans to do us m [...]schief, we are not forward to believe.

As for the French a [...] Cannada they live at [...] grea [...] a distance, to [...]a [...]e much Comm [...]rce with [...] Enemies: And besi [...]es they are not t [...]emselv [...]s so secure of the Indians they deal with as to be forwa [...]d to [...] others, [...] th [...]r [...] by they come to lea [...]n the way to [Page 83] fall upon themselves. And besides it hath been affirmed by some of their own Nation, that not long since were there, and passed home this way, that they are more aff [...]aid of Attempts from hence, than we have cause to be from them.

Other Reports possibly have been tak [...]n up concerning us, as if we were divided in our Counsels, and were too tenacious of our goods, and readier to keep them so our Enemies, than prudently to lay ou [...] what was necessary for our own defence and preservation: no question b [...]t many such Rumours as these have taken place, in the minds of [...] ▪ Bu [...] it is hoped that such as are wise and serious, will not give too much to sinister Report till they are rightly enformed. Greater Vnity of minds in things of such a nature, hath seldome been found amongst men, that might all along have been observed here. If in any thing propo [...]nded for the better carrying on the war against the Indians, there hath been some difference of apprehension either from the seeming Impossibiity and Ardu [...]sness of the A [...]tempt, or difficulty of the Season; it never occa­sioned the least Remo [...]a of the Action, though in things of the greatest moment. Nor was there ever any difficulty in the disb [...]rsing what was necessary for carrying on the Affairs of the War, how chargeable soever and Expensive it hath been found. The scarcity of Coy [...] hath occasion­ed a little Trouble in some present E [...]cigent, otherwise no Reason hath been given of any just complaint this way. But it being the usual Lot of them that are most sorely afficted of God, to be most deeply censured of men, but we must expect to pass through Evil as well as good Report.

Possibly a [...]s [...] some may here take notice of a very distinguishing P [...]o­vidence in these our late Troubles, in that this Rod of Affliction hath seemed not [...]o [...]ly, in an equal proportion upon the body of the people of New-England; which is no new thing to observe in Calamities of this nature; wherein it is very ordinary for those parts of a Country that lye next boraering upon the Coast of the common Enemy to be most obnoxi­cus to their Incu [...]sion, and to be more frequently than other [...] harness [...]d the [...]eb [...]; As hath been the Case of us here in these paris of the Earth, ever since the first planting thereof: The great [...] of the Salvages be­ing swept away by some unusual mortality in all those places, where the body of the people that came over [...]ither, [...] themselves; so as they were not so lyable to their Injuryes and Insolenci [...]s, as those were, who not long after were called to plant the more remo [...]r parts of the Country, where were greater numbers of them left. Which was the occa­sion that the said Colony of Connecticut was then sorely afflicted with t [...]e Pequods at their fi [...]st planting, when above [...] of them fell into the [Page 84] hands of those cruel miscreants, they bordering next or near upon them, so as they had an opportunity to assault them in their first At­tempt for planting that side of the Country, as sometimes Amalck did unto Isr [...]el of old. Further also it may be considered, that our Brethren of Connecticut have had no small part of this present [...]yal, in that they have been necessarily called to lend their assistance to the other Colonyes, which they have upon all occasions (to their honour be it spoken) most readily and freely done, not only by their Articles of Confederation, but as they were of necessity constrained in common prudence for their own safety to do— iam proxim [...] ardet Vealegon: he that will not help to quench the fire kindled in his Neighbours house, may justly [...]ear to loose his own. It may truly be said also, that they have had their turn in like troubles at the first band, their Fleeces being only wetred with a like bloody showre, when the ground all about was dry; as now the contrary hath [...]emed to fall out. To be sho [...]t we are all but one Political body, which ought to be sensible of the Sorrows that befell any particular mem­bers thereof: we all came over into these parts of America, with one and the same end and aime, viz▪ to enjoy the libertyes of the Gospel in purity and peace, and to advance the Kingdome of our Lord [...]sus Christ, and b [...]ing in our first setling, (by the wise Providence of God) farther dis­persed upon the Sea Coasts and Rivers, then was at first intended, so that we could not according to our desire communicate, in one Government a [...]d Iurisdiction, and being likewise where welive, encompassed with people of several Nations, which may prove injurious, as they have for­merly committed insolencies, and Outrages upon several of our Plantati­ons, we were necessi [...]ated to enter into a Consociation amongst our selves for m [...]tual help and strength in such conc [...]rnme [...]ts as have now fallen out, as is expressed in the Preface to the Articles of Confederation, agreed upon May twenty ninth, 1643.

In the last place, upon the consideration of these late Vproars amongst the Indians, some may be like to ecquire, what is become of the Con­version of the Natives, so much famed abroad, and what progress the Gospet hath made amongst them, fearing (as well they may) it is like to be not a [...]ittle obstr [...]cted hereby. It may probably be supposed, that th [...] pious endeavours of some to preach the Gospel amongst several of the Indian Natives, hath given the first occasion of the Quarrel, as usually it hath done in the world, But that Opposition meeting with no better Success in the Southern parts, than the Ruine of those that made the first [...]bellion against us, Satan hath lately changed himself into an Angel of Light, under that shape, making this his last Attempt, to the Eas [...]ward▪ [Page 85] For the chief Leader of those Indians is a Sagamore called Squando, who hath (as is said by them that lately escaped from their hands familiar Con­verse with the Prince of Darkness, though under the notion of a good Dei­ty, putting him upon a form of Religion, and forbidding any acts of Cru­ [...]lty and murther to be used against any they oppose, if they be willing to yield, and in that way promising great Success to his Followers, what the Issues of his proceedings will be, God only knows, and a little time may discover. But for those that before these troubles have professed­ly owned the Christian Name, many of them have given notable proof of their sincerity, by fighting against their, and out Enemies, and have been very successful in their Endeavours: as well these in the upper parts of Cape- [...]od, commonly called Cape Indians. as those about Natick, and Hassinameset, within the Massachuset Iurisdiction. It is not my pur­pose to enlarge much on this hand, that I might not raise the expectation of the world to greater matters than for the present do appear.

There are about six Societies of Indians in the Country, who have professedly owned themselves Christians; In every one of which it is sup­posed there are some, that do make a serious profession of the Christian Religion. The Salvation of whose Souls is worth far more pains and cost than ever yet was laid out upon that work.

It is not a small thing, that in these dark places of the Earth, which in all Ages past, since mankind had any knowledge thereof, have been full of nothing but the habitations of Cruelty, the light of the Gospel should take so much place, as to cause any number of those Vassa [...]s of Sa­tan where he so long hath had his Throne, professedly to owne the Name of the Lord Iesus Christ. What Harvest is like to be of the Bod [...] of them, in the present, or in the future time, is not for any of us to speak: neither at what hour, or under what Viall, they shall be sent to labour in Gods Vineyard, least we should there by seem to ent [...]ch upon the Sove­reignty of the Almighty, in whose hands are the times and Seasons of grace, as well as of nature. There are many Nations in the world, to this day, lying out from the Kingdome of the Lord Iesus, who were never yet known professedly to owne his Scepter, although probably the Gospel hath at some time or other been preached unto them, or sent amongst them; It may be, only to be a Testimony unto them, and so to leave them without excuse another day.

Whether any farther end in Reference to these amongst our selves is aimed at, in the wise and unsearchable Counsels of the great God, is known only to himself, and may be thought more convenient for him that writes, and them that read the present Narrative, to leave to the [Page 86] after determination of future Events, rather than to intrude our selves into that which is out of our Line, or beyond our Sphere. Thus much without offence may be affirmed, that in all the habitable places of the Earth, whereever God hath, or ever had a People calling upon his Name, never any notable work of Religion was known to take much place, where some kind of Civility, and Culture of good manners, had not gone before.

Adde quod ingenuas, didiciss [...] Fideliter Artes: Emollit mores, nec sinit esse feros.

God in his natural Providence, hath taught the Husbandman to plough the ground, to break and open the Clods thereof, before he casts in the Seed: In the dispensation of his grace [...]e usually observes the same method; to break up the fallow grounds of the Nations of the world, and not to sow among Thorns. When he that sits upon the white horse, with his Bow and his Crown, and went sorth conquering and to conquer, it was amongst the Civil, and not amongst the Barbarous and Salvage Nations of the World: They that preach the Gospel else will have a double Task, (the least of which hath been found ha [...]d enough for the best of men, who is sufficient for these things, saith St. Paul) the great Apostle of the Gen­tiles to convert men, First, from Salvage Paganisme, then to Christiani­ty. It is commonly said that the Turks will not admit a Iew to become a Mahometan, till he hath first turned Christian [...] To be sure we rare­ly find any Gentill Nation turned Christian before they became Hu­mane. Divine Providence hath improved the Roman Sword to make way for the Scepter of the Gospel of Peace. That Civility that is found amongst the Natives of this Country; hath hitherto been carryed on and obtained, only by the gentle means of Courtesy, Familiarity, and such like civil behaviour, which in other places was never yet attended with any eminent Success that way. It seems some Religious Gentlemen in Virginia, had great hopes of the Conversion of the [...] to Christi­anity, a lit [...]e before the Massac [...]e there; The means p [...]incipally used by them was Familiarity and [...]dness: One Mr. Thorps well re [...]uted for Religion, and in Command one of the principal in Virginia, did so truly affect the Conversion of the Indians there, that whosoever under him did them the least displeasure, were punished severely. He thought nothing too dear for them▪ And to content th [...]m in all things, he c [...]sed many English Mastives to be killed, and would have [...] a Course to [...]ave sufficiently tamed the rest. He conferred often with their great Sachem about Religion, and made him confess that the English mans [Page 87] God was better than the Indians: This Gentle man out of his good mean­ing was so full of Confidence and void of Suspition, that he would never believe an [...] hurt of them, till he [...] their cruel hands imbrued in his own blood; they barbarously murthering him amongst the rest. Mr. Stockain a serious and Iudicious Minister in Virginia, & Pious also, for ought is here of his Life at that [...]ime when all things were so prosperous there, & the Sal­vages were thought to be at the point of Conversion, against the Opinions of all others, [...]oth Governours and Council, wrote his mind to the Coun­cil and Company in England about this point in these words.

‘For the Conversion of the Salvages, I wonder you use not the means: I confess you say well to have them converted by fair means; but they scorne to acknowledge it; As for the gifts bestowed on them, they devour them, and so they would the givers if they could. Many have endeavoured by kindness to convert them, yet find nothing from them, but derision and Ridiculous Answers: We have sent Boyes among them to learn their Language, but they return worse than they went: But I am no States man, nor love I to meddle with any thing but my Books; But I can find no probability, by this Course to draw them to good [...]ess: And I am perswaded if Mars and Mi­nerva go hand in hand, they will effect more good in an hour than those Verbal Mercurians in their lives: Adding that the [...]e will be no op [...] of their Conversion till their Priests (possi [...]ly he meant th [...]ir Powaws) be removed from them.’ The natural barbarousn [...]ss and perfidiousness of their disposition may in part be gathered by this Story

When some of Pocasse [...] Indians in Plimouth Iurisdiction had profes­sed their Service to Captain Church; as they were in pursuit of the Indians our Enemies, one of the said Indians from the top of an hill discerned a Company of Wigwams, where those they went to seek, had taken up their Stations, he called to his Captain, and pointing to one of [...] [...]u [...]er­most Wigwams, told him that was his Father [...] Wigwa [...], and asked if he must now go and kill his Father; No saith Cap [...]ai [...] [...]ourch, do b [...]t shew me wher [...] he is and I will deal with him, do you fall upon some others: to which the said Indian only replyed in broken Engl [...]sh; That very good speak; whereby their natural Persidiousness even to their nearest Re­lations may be observed, which makes their Treachery towards us their F [...]r [...]eign Neighbours, the less to be wondred at. And therefore till [...] be reduced to more Civi [...]ity, some wise men are ready to [...] Religion wil [...] not take much place amongst the body of them.

Likewise when Philip was k [...]pt in the Swamp at Pocosset, it is cer­tainly [...]ffirmed that several of their young Chi [...]ar [...]n were ki [...]d by them­selves, [Page 88] that they might [...] be betrayed by their crying, or be [...]indred with them in their [...] they made their escape.

The generality of the Indians in New-England are in their [...] and na [...]ural disp [...]s [...]ion, not much unlike those in Virginia living much in the same Climate; who have likewise made an Insurrection, much about the same time this year, as our Indians did with us: But God who is able to graft in again the unbelieving Iews, is able also of these stones to raise up Children unto A [...]ra [...]am: And if it be the pleasure of the So [...] [...]ereign Lord of Heaven and Earth, to impart the Salvation of the Gos­pel to any of these, far be it from any of us to repine at his grace, or neglect any due means lying in our Capacity or reach to help forward that blessed work, who knows what tendency the present troubles may have to such an End. For though a great number that are implacable and im­bittered against us in their Spirits, may be for the sake of our Religion found [...]ardned to their own destruction, yet a Re [...]nans may be reserved, and afterward called forth, by the power of the Gospel, to give glory, [...] the God of all the Earth.


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