

On fourteen Proposalls made this last Summer 1672 (so call'd) unto G. Fox then present on Rode-Island in New-England, by R. W.

As also how ( G. Fox slily departing) the Disputation went on being managed three dayes at Newport on Rode-Island, and one day at Providence, between John Stubs, John Burnet, and William Edmundson on the one part, and R. W. on the other.

In which many Quotations out of G. Fox & Ed. Burrowes Book in Folio are alleadged.

WITH AN APENDIX Of some scores of G. F. his simple lame Answers to his Oppo­sites in that Book, quoted and replyed to By R. W. of Providence in N. E.

BOSTON Printed by John Foster, 1676.


TO The KINGS MAJESTY CHARLES THE IID: &c. Whom the King of Heaven long and eternally Preserve.

Royal Sir.

THE Most High hath adorned you with an High Birth, with a gallant Temper, and Endowments of Nature, with Princely Education, and rare Experiences &c. The Crown of all, the Sanctifier of all must be L'esprit de Djeu, or else all that is under the Sun in fumum abeunt.

Touching this most holy Spirit, and other heavenly Points in dif­ference between the Protestants and the Quakers, I present your roy­al eye with a Lantskip of a Battle fought this last Summer in your Majestyes New-England, between some of the eminentest of the Quakers and my self, three dayes at Newport on Rode-Island, and one at Providence on the Main in the same Colony.

I am humbly bold to present it to your Royal Hand,

1. That your own precious Soul (infinitely more precious then thousands of Brittains or Worlds may see the Grounds and Roots of these Protestant Disquisitions.

2. That your Majesty may see what your New English Subjects are doing under the gracious Wing of your wonderfull Favour to us &c.

[Page] 3. Because your Majestyes Name is often mentioned and concer­ned in these Concertations.

4. Because it was affirmed by some of my Opposites in publick, that there were scarce any of their Books came forth, but the King had one: I thought it some obligation on me, to present the Protestant Truth (thus publickly and solemnly asserted) more justly then my Po­pish and Arminian Opposites to offend your Royal eyes with Smoak out of the Deep Pit.

Gracious Sir, I know your precious Spirits and Minutes are ex­hausted in managing your Warrs abroad, and in preserving your Dominions in Peace at home; I cannot therefore hope for one glance of your eye upon any more then this poor Epistle.

Charles the Great was one of the greatest Princes of that name in the world. And Charles the fifth (both Emperours) had his wonder­full Trick at Helm also; but both (and all) turn into the Cabbin & Pit of Rottenness. Charles the 5 th. in his 58 th. year, Charles the Great in his 72 d. year: But were every drop of water between your Old En­gland and New, a million of years, yet Mors ultima linea, and tis but Momentum unde pendet Eternitas.

By Gods most wise and righteous Permission, the Pope and Qua­kers pretend their Enthusiasmes, and Infallibilityes: I know and have detected much of both their Impostures, and I beseech him who is the eternal Pater Luminum, to preserve your Royal Spirit from both their Cheatings, that is from the Oracles of Hell in their mouths.

And I humbly importune your Majestyes continued Grace and Pa­tience to this poor New-England, which (though a miserable, cold, howling Wilderness, yet L'eternel hath made it his Glory, your Ma­jestyes Glory, and a Glory to the English and Protestant Name: and if the most High please, Old and New-England may flourish when the Pope and Mahomet, Rome and Constantinople are in their Ashes.

Your Majestyes most loyal and affectionate Orator at the Throne of Grace Roger Williams.

To the People called Quakers.

Friend & Country-men:

1. THe occasion of these Discourses you may see in the first Page: the 14 Proposals in the second Page, and the occasion of the Title in the 34.

2. The truth is (as Edmund Burroughs, and others of you say of your selves) from my Childhood (now above three­ [...] years) the Father of Lights and Mercies toucht my Soul with a love to himself, to his only begotten, the true Lord Jesus, to his Holy Scriptures, &c. his infinite Wisdome hath given me to see the City, Court and Country, the Schools and Universities of my Native Country, to converse with some Turks, Jews, Papists, and all sorts of Protestants, and by Books to know the Affairs and Religions of all Countries, &c.

3. My Conclusion is, that be of good chear thy sins are forgiven thee, Mat. 9. is one of the joyfullest sounds that ever came to poor sinful Ears: how to obtain this sound from the mouth of that Mediatour that spoke it, is the great dispute between the Protestants and the bloody Whore of Rome: this is also the great point between the true Protestants and your selves: as also (in order to this) about what Man is (to the utmost) now by nature, what the true Lord Jesus Christ is, and all other controversies (discussed in this Book, not unworthy this your serious weighing (as Mary did) in the hearts and spirits, &c:

4. Bear with me while I say, that as the Jesuites pretend to deifie the Pope, but it is known, the end is to deifie themselves under the cloak of the Popes Name: so Satan pretends to exalt and deifie you, under the name of God, and Christ, and Spirit, &c. but his end is as Peter tells us, to exalt himself, and fill his hellish Paunch with Souls.

5 I endeavoured, but could not procure a Short-hand writer, so that I am forced to recollect Transactions from my Memory, and I believe (as in the holy presence of God) that I have not failed to present the true sub­stance of passages without advantage to my self, or disadvantage to my Op­posites.

6. I have used some sharp Scripture Language, but not (as commonly you do) passionately and unjustly: I sometimes call you Foxians, (as Ni­colaitans from Nicholas) because G. Fox hath appeared the greatest Writer, and the greatest Preacher amongst you, and the most deified that I can hear of, sure it is that here he subtly run for it: he ordered that my Letters to [Page] our Deputy Governour Captain Cranstone (in which my Proposals to G. F. were, should not be delivered to the Deputy, until G. F: was some hours under sayle, that he might say he never saw my Paper, though it is as clear as noon-day, that he knew all matters by Copies, Letters and Relations, per­fectly many dayes before his departure.

7. My disadvantage (in our Contests (especially at Newport) were great and many: for though J. Stubs. and J. Burnet were more civil and ingeni­ous: yet W. Edmondson was nothing but a bundle of Ignorance, and Boiste­rousness, he would speak first end all (though all three were constantly on me at once) no man might speak at all in favour of my Positions: any might freely speak against them: they sat in the midst of the Governour & Magistrates (of their Opinion) and the whole Assembly (of their way) W. Edmundson (though J. Stubs twice said in publick, that I had not inter­interrupted them) yet W. Edmundson would frequently and insolently in­terrupt me: so that I was not only forced to bear patiently (through Gods only help) but to suppress my thoughts, which here I have added in some places. 8. I know that a great weight of your Opinions and Actings lye upon your believing your selves guided by the immediate Spirit of God: but I believe that I have proved that it is no more the holy Spirit of God, that speaks and acts in you, then it was the true Samuel that spake such heavenly words in the appearance of Sam. Mantle amongst a cloud of other witnesses you shall never perswade Souls (not bewitched) that the holy Spirit of God would perswade your Women and Maidens to appear in publick (streets & assemblies) stark naked, &c. of which I have spoke more particularly in our disputations. 9. It is hard to perswade a Fox or a Wolf that he is so, &c. or that he doth Rob or Steal, or Murther; it is hard to perswade a man while he dreams that he is in a Dream yea though he be a filthy Dreamer as Gods Spirit speaks: In our Dreams we believe lyes and impossibilities to he true as that we are many thousand miles of, that we talk with dead men, &c. that we are at Marriages or Burials and are Kings and Queens. &c.

10. All that I can hope for (without Gods wonderfull mercy) is to give my Testimony in my generation: for (as Solomon speaks of the Whore) few or none of you return. Yet I know Gods foundation is sure he knows who are his amongst you as amongst other perswasions. I have proved, and will prove (if God please) that spiritual Pride, that is Pride about spiritual matters, is the Root and Branch of your whole Religion, and that the King Eternal, who did cast out proud Angels out of his Palace, will hardly open his Gates to proud and scornful Dust and Ashes:

I am one of your best Friends, R. W.

To those many Learned and Pious Men, whom G. Fox hath so sillily and scornfully answered in his Book in Folio Especially to those whose Names I have been bold to mention in the Narrativt and Apendix, Mr Richard Baxter, Mr John Owen &c.


T Hrough your sides the Devil by the Clawes of this wily Fox, hath tore at the heart of the Son of God; it is no wonder then if he tear at the Heart of his Love-Letters, and Institutions, and the true Professors of his name, who are innumerable in Abrahams Bosome, and the rest travelling uprightly thither.

For Brevity sake I was forced to omit many excellent Passages, selected by Fox out of your Writings & to select short Sentences of yours unto which he gives short Answers. As to matters in Difference between your selves and me, I willingly omitted them, as knowing that many able and honest Sea-men in their Observations of this Sun (one picture of Christ Jesus) differ sometimes in their Reckonings, though uprightly aiming at, and bound for one Port and Harbour.

Eternally praised be the Father of Lights, and mercyes, that we are one in that most glorious ever fixed Cynosura (about whom his true Prophets & Messengers ever have and doe and shall move: and he holdeth them in his right hand.

I humbly beg of you. 1. That you will more and more earnestly, candidly and christianly study the things that differ without reflecting upon Credit, Mainte­nance, Liberty, and Life it self, remembring who it was that said it: He that loves his life shall lose it. 2. More and more to study the Prophesies and the Signs of the Times, You know when it was that five Bishops, twenty two Mini­sters, & almost three hundred other precious Believers in the true Lord Jesus, were sacrificed in the Flames, for his ever blessed sake, against that monstrous Man of Sin and bloudy Whore of Rome. These Foxians fancy is but a feather to to those high Pico's and Tenariffs, the Pope and Mahomet whom some of you may live to see flung into the Lake that burns with Fire and Brimstone.

Were it not that the infinite Compassions of Heaven had made our gracious So­vereign the Breath of our Nostrills, the fiery Fornace had certainly burnt seven times hotter against Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah: Surely as for Conscience sake, we ought to obey, so for Conscience sake we ought to be Instant and Constant at the throne of Grace for his Royal Preservation and Salvation.

I am unworthy to be yours R. W.

A Narration of A CONFERENCE OR DISPUTE, This last August 1672 (so called) in the Colony of Rode-Iland and Providence, Plantations in N. ENGLAND, between Roger Williams of Providence, (who Challenged G Fox by writing (which followes) and all his Friends then met on Rode-Iland, (and G. Fox with­drawing) John Stubs, John Burniat, and William Edmundon, (three of their ablest Apostles) on the other, that is, (on the pretended Quakers) Party.

HAving long heard of the great name of G. Fox, (a man cried up by the People called Quakers) and having read his Book in Folio (some years since) against, The Occasion of the Dispu­tation. as I think above six score Books and Papers (written by pious and able Pens against them) and now this Summer hearing of his coming into these Parts of N England, G Fox his Book in Folio weigh­ed. and the poor cheated Souls the Quakers with joy expecting his coming, as the coming of an Angel of light from Heaven: I read over his Book afresh (as in the holy presence and eye of God, (with a single Eye and Heart) and more clearly finding his Answers so weak and silly, so Anti-Christian and Blas­phemous, and yet so Imperious and Scornfull, so Cursing and [Page 2] Censorious, Damning and Reprobating all that bow not down to their new Upstart Image; my Spirit rose up within me, and I be­lieve the holy Spirit of God (in answer to my poor Petitions and Meditations) resolved and quickned my Spirit to the present Undertake and Service. And therefore for his most holy Names sake, and the Name of his most holy only begotten, the true Lord Jesus the God-Man and Mediator &c, And for the honour of the most holy Spirit of God (so horribly torn in pieces by this foul Spirit of the Quakers) For the vindicating of many of the precious Truths of the old Christian purity, and for the sake of so many precious Souls lying slain and bleeding before me, I made this Offer following to G. Fox, and any or all his Followers or Associates, then together at New-port on Rode-Iland. Tis true G. Fox was at Providence some few dayes before, and spake pub­lickly; and it was free for me publickly to have heard him, and op­posed him; But going the last year to one of their general As­semblyes at New-Port, and having begun to present to them some Considerations about the True Christ and the false, the True Spirit and the False and being cut of in the midest, A Spirit of con­fusion in the Quakers Meet­ings. by the sudden Prayer of one, and the Singing of another, and then by the Prayer of another and the sudden dissolving of the Assembly, I resolved to try another way, and to offer a fair and full Dispute, according to Ed. Burrowes (and therein G Foxes) Offer in his large Epistle to Foxes Book. To this Purpose I drew up my thoughts into fourteen Propositions; and knowing that New-Port was the chief Town on Rode-Iland and Providence on the Main, and that G. Fox. had spake at both places and bewitched many with his Sorceries, I sent this Paper following to G. Fox at Newport, viz,

T o G. Fox or any other of my Countrey-men at New-Port who say they are the Apostles and Messengers of Christ Jesus, MY Offer of Disp. on 14 Propositions. In humble Confidence of the help of the Most High, I offer to maintain in Publick, against all Comers, these 14 Propositions following, to wit, the first seven at New-Port, and the other seven at Providence: For the time When, I refer it to G. Fox and his Friends at New-port.

Only I desire

1 To have three dayes Notice before the day you fix on.

2 That without Interruption ( or many speaking at once) the Conference may continue from Nine in the morning till a­bout [Page 3] four in the afternoon. and

3 That if either of the seven Propositions be not finished in one day, the Conference may continue and go [...] on some few hours the next day.

4 That either of us Disputing shall have free uninterrupted liberty to speak (in Answers and Replyes) as much and as long as wee please, and then give the Opposite the same Liberty.

That the whole may be managed with that Ingenuity and Hu­manity, as such an Exercise, by such Persons in such Conditions, at such a Time, ought to be managed and performed, the Proposi­tions are these that follow.

First That the People called Quakers are not true Quakers ac­cording to the holy Scriptures.

2 That the Christ they profess is not the True Lord Jesus Christ,

3 That the Spirit by which they are acted is not the Spirit of God.

4 That they doe not own the holy Scriptures.

5 Their Principles and Professions, are full of Contradictions and Hypocrisies.

6 That their Religion is not only an Heresy in the matters of Worship, but also in the Doctrines of Repentance Faith. &c.

7 Their Religion is but a confused mixture of Popery, Armine­anisme, Socineanisme, Judaisme &c.

8 The People called Quakers (in effect) hold no God, no Christ no Spirit, no Angel, no Devil, no Resurrection, no Judgment, no Heaven, no Hell, but what is in man..

9 All that their Religion requires (externall and internall) to make Converts and Proselites, amounts to no more then what a Re­probate may easily attain unto, and perform.

10 That the Popes of Rome doe not swell with, and ex­ercise a greater Pride, then the Quakers Spirit hath expr [...]st, and doth aspire unto, although many truly humble Soules may be captivated amongst them, as may be in other Religions.

11 The Quakers Religion is more obstructive, and destructive to the Conversion and Salvation of the Souls of People, then most of the Religions this day extant in the world.

12 The Sufferings of the Quakers are no true evidence of the Truth of their Religion.

13 That their many Books and writings are extreamly Poor, Lame, Naked, and sweld up only with high Titles and words [...].

[Page 4] 14 That the Spirit of their Religion tends mainly,

1 To reduce Persons from Civility to Barbarisme.

2 To an Arbetratry Goverment, and the Dictates and Decrees of that sudden Spirit that acts them,

3 To a Sudden cutting off of People, yea of Kings and Princes opposing them.

4 To as fiery Persecutions for matters of Religion and Consci­ence, as hath been or can be practised by any Hunters or Persecutors in the world.

Under these forementioned Heads (if the Spirit of the Quakers dare civilly to Argue) will be opened many of the Popish, Protestant, Jewish and Quakers Positions, which cannot here be mentioned, in the Dispute (if God pleas) they must be alleadged, and the Examina­tion less to every Persons Conscience, as they will answer to God, (at their own Perills) in the great day approaching.

Roger Williams.

THis Paper above-said I sent inclosed in a Letter to my kind friend Capt. Cranston Deputy Governour of the Colony, that being such a publick person, he might timely be informed of such a publick Assembly, and as also might vouchsafe (as afterwards he carefully did) to afford his Countenance and Assistance to such Peaceable and Pious Exercises. But before the Boat went down with the Letter aforesaid from Providence to Newport, I sent a Copy of my Positions to a Neighbour J T. The first usage to the Author & his Proposals whom I heard was inclining to them. He takes a Copy of them and reads them in their Meeting, before John Crosman Master of the Boat (one of them also) who presently the same hour, called me Blind Sot in the open Street, upbraiding me, how I durst send my 14 I yes to such a man as G. Fox (one of them called him) the eternall Son of God; so that before my Letter went to Newport (which Crosman carried) by Letters, & Crosman his and other Relations, all was known, The deceitful­ness of Fox & Foxians. even long before my Letters were opened, or delivered to the Deputy Governour: For in the Junto of the Foxians at Newport it was concluded for Infallible Reasons, that his Holiness G. Fox should withdraw, seing there was such a Knot of the A­postles of Christ Jesus now at Newport together, (especially John Stubs, a man knowing the Greek and Hebrew) Therefore that it might appear that such a Nehemiah as he would not fly, it was [Page 5] agreed that my Letters should not be delivered to the Deputy Go­vernour, untill G. Fox was gone; so that it might be truly said, one of the sub­til Tricks of this subtil Fox viz. to steal handsomly from the Dis­pute & yet not to seem at all to run for it. that he never saw the Paper which I sent unto him. I had a touch of this Leger de main trick in our Dispute at Newport, and the Deputy Governour did publickly testifie that my Letters to him were dated the 13 of July (which he said he wondered at) but were not brought to him untill the 26th of the said Moneth, and untill G. Fox was some hours departed. John Burniat profest that that he knew nothing of the detaining of the Letters, only he knew that G. Fox never saw my Paper. G. F. supposed I would be forced to be as plain in my Proofs as I was in my Positions. He knew that I was furnished with Artillery out of his own Writings. He saw what Consequences would roll down the mountaines upon him from his p oud and Insolent, yet poor and bald Writings; and how far some of his present practises were fallen out with his Writings, and therefore this old Fox thought it best to run for it, and leave the work to his Journey-men and Chaplains to perform in his absence for him.

Before I come to Transactions between those three left behind him [ John Stubs, John Bu [...]net, William Edmundson, and my self] I think fit to tell the Reader what a preparatory Conflict the most holy and only Wise Lord, A great pri­vate Conflict before my publick. was pleased to exercise me with, before I came to the Publick.

My former antient Neighbour and friend J. T. being bit by such infectious Teeth himself, fell on me, as a man would fall upon a Toad or Serpent, and sent me this following Letter, notwith­standing he was but newly bitten by them; and for forty yeares pretended no small love and respect to God and me.

He first gave fire upon me in this following Letter.

Providence. 18. 5. 72.

[...] Williams

T Hy Scurrilous Paper in thy Propositions to G. Fox. J T. his Let­ter to me upon the sight of my Propositions to G. Fox. and others (who in scorn are called Quakers) I advise thee to refrain any further publishing therof, and as it is written keep thee far from an evill matter, thy paper being full fraught with impudent Lyes and Slanders, with high flown airy ima­ginations, which if thou shouldst live the dayes of Methuselah, thou couldst not perform. In Love to thy Person and Name, [Page 6] which ought to be precious, I advise thee not upon a sudden mo­tion (as thou termest us to act by) but from the spirit of Truth and tender love unto thy soul, which Spirit by thy writing ap­pears thou art a stranger to. Consider thy latter end, least with Cardinal Mazarin, A Note of [...] thou cry out in a dying hour Oh my poor Soul, what will become of thee? whither art thou a going? And said, if he should longer have lived, he would leave the Court, and be a Capuchin. Time is precious, Repent, Repent, and mind the manifestation of the Spirit, which is given to every one to profit withall., and knocks at the door of thy Heart, for entrance, which being rejected will be thy Condemnation. If thou rejectest this my faithfull witness for the Lord, I then say with John in the Revelation, let him that is filthy be be filthy still, and so remaines thy friend and Neighbour J. T.

Having read this Letter, and knowing this my Neighbour of late to have declined much from his former profession of Godli­ness, and many wayes by his Loosness had grieved my Soul, I won­dered not much at his Lines, (though now much unexpected of him) as knowing the Quakers spirit, to be a ready Ditch or Gulfe, that readily sucks and draws into it Soules affrighted easily to skin over their Sores: Proud and Self-conceited ones, who gladly close with the Spirit of, Fuel for the Quakers Fire of Hell. and Children of Pride, and Loose facing Professors, of which sort the Quakers Meetings do much consist, as not being able to walk close with God, not daring to turn who­ly Profane, or Atheists, and so daube up the breach with untem­pered Morter (the wild and foolish notions of the Devils Whisper­ings, under the cloak of the immediate Inspirations of Gods holy and heavenly Spirit) Many thoughts I had to pass by his Af­fronts, and Insultatians: But considering that it was not my Name (not worth the while) but the most High, Eternall Majesty; and his most holy Spirit thus fouly pierced and debased, I return'd this Answer following.

My ancient loving Friend,

I F you pluck out the eyes of your Understanding, My Answer to the f [...]re-go­ing Letter from J. T. Profession, and Experience, yet (through the mercy of the Father of Lights and Mercyes) I cannot do so with mine. You tell me my Paper to G. Fo x, is Scurrilous, &c. full fraught with [Page 7] Impudent Lyes and Slanders, &c. And [...] say you write in Love, from the Spirit of Truth, to which (you say) I am a stranger. You mind [...] of Death &c. and bid me Repent, Repent, or else be filthy still, and be damned.

To which I will not Answer as G. Fox answered H. Wrights Paper with a scornfull and shamefull Silence. Thus I say in generall, you are my Witness, that I have long said with David (and I humbly hope have made it good) I hate and abhor Lying, but thy L [...]w do I love, for which I have l [...]st in my time some­thing, &c. If I had not loved his Law, and abhorred Lyes, I had long ere this bowed down against my Conscience, Crying sins in N. England. yea I had fired the Countrey about this barbarous Land (as some in this Colony have done) I had murthered the Indians, and English by the Powder and Liquor trade, to which you know I had Temptation, as much as your self, or any others in N. England, but I loved the Name of God.

For your self, if the God of heaven have terrified your Soul, (which I believe is the case of most Quakers, and of the Devils themselves) and made it tremble at the Wrath to come, you must not think to run from his flaming Eyes and Hand (as Adam) amongst the Thickets; The infinite Justice of God must be satis­fied. you cannot talk of Mercy with­out a way of Satisfaction to an infinite Justice. (Who payes the Old Score)? It is impossible that all created Powers, in Heaven or Earth, can discharge for one sinfull Thought. There must be an Equivalent discharge, not by filthy Rags, and monstruous Clouts of our own Holiness: which must be thought of before we can say, We can sin no more against God, than he can sin against us; as you know who Blasphe­mously and Horribly maintain it.

In your lines I pray you to Consider,

First. Your Irrationality, for how can you imagine that a serious Christian, in humble Confidence of the of the merci­full Presence, and gracious Assistance of Gods holy Spirit, The [...] of the Quakers Spirit. and of no little Affliction and Suffering, should be so easily stird (as a Rock with a Feather) by your bare crying Repent, Repent or be Damned, hearken o [...] the Light within thee? &c.

2. Can Reason imagine, that after much strugling with­in my self, and the Birth of my Propositions and Resolutions, that I can so suddenly strike Sail, and bear up, and immediately [Page 8] Stifle, and Smother, and Burn my Conceptions and Reso­lutions, as soon as I hear your simple and childish spirit Coun­termand me?

3. Is it not unmanly Childish and effeminate, to cry out a Scurrilous paper, Lyes, Lyes, impudent Slanders &c. and yet give me not one Reason, or one Scripture against any one of them? Is it not too like the irrationall and bruitish Answer of Humphrey Norton (to a sober and Sollid Paper of Thomas only s son.) crying out, Lyes, Lyes, 224 Lyes, without any serious Examination of Particulars?

2. I charge your Lines with Impiety, The Manifesta­tion of the Spirit. 1. Cor. 12. where you infer that the most holy Spirit (from that Scripture [The manifestation of the Spirit &c.) is poured forth upon every Individuall person in the World. Did the Oyl most precious and holy, the holy Ointments and the Blood in the Law, respect the whole world, or the Messiah, the anointed and his Members (Christians or anointed also)? Was not 1. Cor. 12. written to the Christians, or Saints gathered into the Christian flock or Congregation at Corinth, unto whome the Father of Spirits (as in that place) vouchsafeth those three heavenly Favours.

1. Gifts, which he shews there to be different. 2. Ad­ministrations, Ministeryes or Offices. 3. Operations, Works or Successes, all wrought in the Saints by the holy Spirit, for the Glory of the same Father, Lord, and Spirit, the mutual comfort and edifiing of the Saints, yea and for the Convicting and draw­ing of other poor Sinners, out of the World to God.

The Lord mercifully awaken your Souls to the Love of God, and the Love of his holy Truth, for the not beleiving of which but the profane playing with it, Gods wonder­full Justice. the most high and righteous Judge of the whole world (in a way of Judicial Sentence) deli­vers up poor Souls to believe Lyes, and that so strongly, as to give their bodyes to be burned for them.

The Papists catch hold upon a Letter [This is my body] You as simply as doe the Generalists catch hold upon the Let­ter [All, every man that comes into the world &c.] where­as the Scope and Connection in all writings, The words All and every one, Considered. and in all mat­ters in the world are rationally to be minded. The Sence and Meaning is in all Speech and Writng, (in our own and o­ther Languages) the very Speech or Writing it self; These Words [All and every one] in our own and other Tongues, [Page 9] are aften used figuratively: it is so all the Scripture over, and thrice in one verse, Collo [...] 1. 28. where Reason cannot imagine that Paul did literally and individually admonish every man, teach every man, and present every man that comes into the world, perfect in Christ Jesus which could not, cannot possibly be true without another Sence and Exposition, then the words literally hold out.

4, Again, you are dangerously bold to say that you write from the Spirit of Truth, wherein you Father these your childish Irratio­nalityes, your profaning of the holy Majesty of God, his holy Scrip­tures and writings, and your rash Judging and Examining of others, upon the holy Spirit of God: But I do humbly hope to evince, that the spirit you boast of, is so far from the Spirit of God, that it falls beneath the foot of a sober and well grounded Humanity. At present I only Instance in that whorish and monstrous act of your Women and Maidens, The Impu­dency and Un­cleaness of the Quakers Spi­rit. stripping themselves stark naked, by your Spirit, and with a face of brass coming into the open streets, and publick Con­gregations of Men and Youths. This Spirit (though defended by G. Fox and others) is such a piece of unnaturall and bruitish Impu­dence, that I cannot hear of the like amongst Jews or Gentiles, yea not amongst the most Savage, Base and Barbarous of them all (all Circumstances considered.)

5. In the last place I observe your Fickleness and Inconstancy, what, and how often have I heard you speak of the Chief of the Qua­kers now at Newport? How lately and how much have you uttered [...] John Crosman his Cross and froward spirit (even since he pre­tended the Spirit) yea how inhumane and injurious to your self in the way of his Calling? now all on a sudden (for I heard but little untill I say your Li [...]es) you are got up into the lofty Chair of Judging and ready to say, God I thank thee I am not as this Pub­lican, I beseech the Lord to [...] you sav [...]ngly to remember that Word [God [...] that is sets himself in Hostility against the Proud, but he giveth Grace unto the [...]] so prayes

your old unworthy Friend R. W.

I had hoped that I had Conjured down (at least for the pre­sent) that Waspish spirit, but he [...]ves ou [...] against me (within a few dayes) in this second Letter following.

[Page 10]

Providence. 23. 5. 75.

A Ncient Friend and Acquaintance, [...] his se­cond Letter to me. I read thy Note four dayes after the subscribing it, that so thy Councellors might throughly be informed of thy continued Zeal in a dangerous Case. What I write to thee in Love hath a contrary [...]ff [...]ct in thy Spirit, being so preju­diced against us; according to the Proverb, Nothing is well spoken, that is not well taken, Upon Discourse thou di [...]st say the Quakers could not be believed on their Words or Writings, having a se­cret Reservation with in them, which gives me to conclude, that wee are Judged before wee Speak. For my charging upon thee Slanders and Lyes, Examine but thy Positions, which will make manifest what I say. As for the Terror which thou speakest of &c. I leave it to thee to consider what thou art about, least thou be called to Ac­count for it before thou art ready. As for charging me with Irrati­onality for not alleadging Scripture for what I write, you I alleadg­ed three Scriptures, one of which thou wrestest, adding what I wrote not, so that if I had urged more, I should have had the like Catching: But we both must come to give an Account of what is done in the Body. In this my Letter thou [...] see my witnessing against most of thy Slanderous Propositions. Concerning the Spirits mani­festations, 1 Cor. 12, 13. I freely consent that they were the Saints by Calling, who are there Considered. As thou alleadgest the Papists Catch at a word [This is my body] so we catch at a word [All] and misapply Scripture; so that I perceive thou hast not a Guide to thy mind, but utterest thine own Conc [...]vings. John. 3. 1 [...]. The Pro­mise is to them that Believe, and not to All.

Again, Thou findest fault with my rash judging thee, and abusing Scripture: Take it to thy self, for the word Damning, thou foistest in thy self, neither dare I pass Sentence of Damnation upon any: For Judgment belongeth to the Lord, and we must stand or fall to our own Master. As for my Fickleness and Inconstancy, Lay thy hand upon thy mouth and Consider thy Windings and Turnings, in the Judgment and Practice, how thankfull thou [...] ast [...]o J. Burnet, whome thou highly commendest after thou camest home, and now reproach [...] the Truth, which then thou assentest to: and in thy 14 Positions, thou hintest (by thy wicked Surmises) what the sudden spirit of the Quakers is, to take away the Lives of Kings, &c. but I told thee in my first Letter, thou art a stranger to that holy Spirit we act by.

But further thy Malice appeareth in going to one thou saidst, that [Page 11] if the spirit of the Governour were to out of his head, he must doe it. Call to mind what thou didst to thy peaceable Neighbours seeking their Blood, crying out Treason, when the Court discerned thy Blood thirsty spirit, which thy friends at Newport were ashamed of and thy Accusations proved Invalid. How childish aidst thou act to swear against One, when another told thee of somewhat spoken to allay thy Fury against William Harris? Call to mind thy Books written, and see thy Fickleness, wanting a Guid to thy mind, being for and against Persecution. Thou chargest me to have gotten into the Chair of Judging: thy two Scripts I return upon thy self, Physitian healthy self. The Wisdom of m [...]n puff th [...] up; but the Wisdom of God humbleth, that God may be all in all. I desire thee to look back to thy Lines, and where thou mentionest the Satisfaction of infinite Justice: who payes the old score? &c. Also to consider my Irrati­onality, that thy great Education, great Search &c. as also thy great Travels and Struglings to being forth thy Positions, The high Opi­nion G Fox his Followers have of him yet he [...] & [...] for it. all being in thine own will, and in the Apostacy wherin the great Whore hath made all Nations drunk with her Fornications, which the Lord will in his Time, consume with the breath of his mouth. I know thou hast undertaken a great Burthen in Challenging G. Fox to answer thy Po [...]tions; I wish thee to provide thy Armour of Proof, as Golias that defind the Army of Israel, G Fox is furnished with that Ar­mou that thou hast no skill to make use of; having also the Sword of the Spi [...] to cut down all thy airy Imaginations: Therefore cease from further troubling the: a Word to the Wise is Sufficient, if thou ha [...]e a heart to make use of it.

thy Friend and Neighbour, J. T.

To this Second Letter I Replied in this following

N Eighbour, in this your second Letter (misdated as well as mine) you pass by many Particulars which I wrote [...] G. Fox, Hump. Norton, your self, and the stripping your Women Stark naked in publick, amp;c. you insist upon my Irrationall dealing.

2. For your charging my Positions to be Lyes, and Impu­dent Slanders, without giving me one Scripture or Reason to prove them so; Unreasonable kind of [...]. and here you say [ For my charging upon thee Lyes and l [...]nders examine but thy Positions, which will make ma­nifest what I say] But is this any more Rationall or Man-like? or is it not [...] to say, you are a Lyar because you are a Lyar; [Page 12] Or you are a Lyar because you say these Positions are true, and offer to prove them. It is a Man-like spirit to lead a Beast with an Halter, but a Man with Reason; but to lead or drive a Man with an Halter or Cudgel, and not with a Reason, (in Naturalls and Rationalls, most of all in Spirittalls) is not the Spirit of God nor of Humanity: For what will my Chargings, and Censures and Clamors, and Cursings, and Damnings effect and beget upon a rationall Soul, without a proof of Reason, but an Opi­nion of my wicked false bruitish and irrationall spirit?

3. Tis true in your Exhortation to me, you bid me hearken to the Manifestation of the Spirit which is given to every man &c. This I acknowledg Scripture. You say I wrested and added to an other Scripture, but you mention it not, so I am in the dark what you mean. And for this of the Manifestation of the Spirit, your self now confent to me, that it was spoken to the Saints or Christians at Corinth, and therefore I spake true in saying, that as to my Positions (by you call'd Impudent Lyes and Slanders) you gave me not then, nor now any one Scripture or Reason to prove any one of my Positions to be so.

4. As to John Burnet, I said before him and afterwards, that he delivered many Truths: yet withall, I then at the same time (in their Publick Assembly at Newport) I told them, that it lay upon them to manifest to their own Souls and others, 1. That their Christ was true 2. That their Spirit was Gods, and the rather because they were charged with denying the Institutions of Christ Jesus, I can give ma­ny Instances of their abusing the Ordinance and Name of the Spirit of Prayer for a sudden Silen­cing of their Opposites. and with the setting up of many Will-worships, as Preaching of Women &c. And I went on purpose to Discourse of these matters (this being the time of their Generall Assembly, and a great Concourse) I was stopt by the sudden praying of the Governour's Wife, who also told me of her asking her husband at home (meaning Christ which I had toucht upon) I rose up and said, if a man had so alleadged, I would have answered him: But I would not Countenance so much the violation of Gods Order in making a Reply to a Woman in Publick: Hereupon J. Nicols stood up and said [In Christ Jesus neither male nor female &c.] I was Replying to him and to J. Burnets Speech also concerning their Spirit, but I was stopt by John Burnets sudden falling to Prayer, and dismissing the Assembly. I resolved (with Gods help) to be Patient and Civill, and so I ceased, not seing a willingness in them for me to proceed; which experience made me not to trouble [Page 13] G. Fox and the Assembly at Providence, but rather to make a fair and Solemn offer of Dispute about these matters: so that it is notoriously false, that I Owned or Countenanced any of their O­pinions.

5. You tell me of my foisting in that word Damning, and I tell you that those words of Condemnation and Damnation are all one in your Greek and Latine and English and other Languages: So that in your telling me that if I hearken not to you, it will be my Condemnation, you (all one) tell mee it will be my Damnation.

There are two Damnations, one which all Mankind is under, (He that believeth not is condemned already) the other, that finall Sentence [Goe ye Cursed] my Charity bids judge that you meant not the latter: But my Knowledg tells me that amongst Jews and Turks, Papists and Protestants and Pagans (with all of which I have conversed) I never met with such a Judging Censuring Re­viling spirit as is the spirit of the Quakers.

6. As to my saying in my 14th Position, that the spirit of the Quakers tends to a sudden Cutting off of people, yea Kings and Princes: It lyes upon me to prove it; and you do only up­braid me with it but offer no disproof, nor can you or any other evade it, when the Roots of Affairs and Actions are dig'd up and examined.

7. Next you cry out against my Blood-thirsty spirit in William Harris his Case: and I answer that it is not the sign nor the part of Loyall and gratefull subjects having received such wonder full Favours and Priviledges from so mighty a Monarch, so to Slight and damn, W. Harris his late Case of de­nying that the King hath pow­er to dispence with his Sub­jects in Religi­ous matters. to Null and make void such Royall Grace and Favour. Is it not high and monstrous abominable Presumption for any man to quarrel with Soveraign Majesty for granting Fa­vour and Mercy to the Souls and Bodyes of their Subjects (which he ought to doe, even in Conscience to God) and for dispensing with Laws made for Superstitions and Oppressions. I think you have been an Officer your self in a Corporation in England: I question how you durst then (or durst now) omit to take Cog­nizance of such Actings, against your Corporations safety, and the Honour and royall supream Authority of his Majesty.

I was in place and ingaged more then others to maintain the righteous splendor of the Kings Crown and Majesty and Prero­gative, and the Colonyes safety peace and Liberty, and yet I acted not without the Counsel and Concurrence of all the rest of the [Page 14] Magistrates, who did no more but what belonged to our Duty and Alleagiance as faithfull Officers to his Majesty and this Colony under him: nor did we any more then Necessity and common Prudence compeld us to, for who knoweth what after Reckonings may befall us? Did not W. Harris (when in place) more then justifie us, by judging himself bound to hurry your self, and a­bout twenty more to Newport, to answer for Contempt of the Kings Authority, though but in an accidentall, peaceable, and (by his Covetous violence) occasioned Meeting. Was not Mr Clark (though favourable to W. H.) so amazed at W. Harris his desperate Presumptions, that he readily acted with us in Examina­tion and Commitment? Yea did not W. Harris (upon the [...]) Confess that we could not but Commit him, and therefore pro­vided beforehand his Bedding, and other Conveniences for a Prison?

8. It is not true that either in Word or Writing I cryed out Treason against him. But it is notoriously known, that he and his Compli [...]es lay in Wait, and at Catch at every word as Foxes and Lyons for Mr. Greens Blood and mine, as Traitors against King Charles for our pleading the Colonyes proceeding against W Harris in the time of the Parliament, and Oliver [...].

O [...] Friend, whither will thy poor Soul next be hurried? Is not the Gap and Gate now left open for W. Harris or any man to Dispute openly against the Kings Prerogative, His Majestyes Declaration a­gainst W Haris [...] presump­tuous Attempt and tell him that he knowes not, nor his Councill nor Judges the Laws? that [...]e can­not dispence with penall Laws on the Consciences of his Subjects, Papists or Protestants, at Home or Abroad? But see the [...] of the most High! the Kings Majesty (as if he knew all our proceed­ings against W. Harris▪ his presumptions, debasing the Kings Power and Prerogative) in the present juncture of [...] Affairs, sent forth his Royall Declaration to the World, asserting his Su­pream Power and Authority in such matters, and by virtue of many Statutes and Acts of Parliament.

9. In the last place, that your self and others may admire your new spirit, how much, and how often, and how long hath your own Mouth and Hand (and Ca [...]t. Fe [...]ner and diverse with you) declared and remonstranced to the Generall Assembly against W. Harris (which Assembly therefore fined him and ou [...]ed him) as the restless Fire-brand of Town and Colony, and who hath with all his power now kindled and blown this Fire between [Page 15] Conecticut Colony and our selves. Yet now in your, and the Qua­kers bosom, must W. Harris be hug'd, as an innocent and peace­able Soul, and the Kings faithfull Officers reproached and threat­ned as [...] thirsty and cruel Oppressors.

10. You bid me mind my Books, and my being for and a­gainst Persecution: But through Gods mercy I can look at them with humble Thanksgiving and peace, without any recoiling thought to Persecution (as you falsly intimate) from them.

11. As to G. Fox his Armour, Sword, [...]and Cuttings with which you threaten me; I desire to think as low of my self, &c. as you or G. Fox can think high of himself. It is infinite mercy that I live, and as a Living Dog▪ may wait for Crums of mercy, clearly to See, dearly to Love, uprightly to Follow, and constantly to Maintain the eternall Crown and Glory of the true Lord Jesus Christ, and his most holy Spirit and Scriptures, with whose gra­cious Assistance I hope to prove that the Quakers spirit, and Christ have no Communion.

Roger Williams.

THe Ingenious and upright Reader might now well suppose [...] the Contest were over: but it is not the Light of Truth or Reason or Scripture or Experience, or the Testimony of the P [...]dent or their own Consciences that will satisfie this white Devill of this pretended Light and Spirit within them, and there­fore must I crave the Readers Patience while I produce I. T. his third and last Letter to me and my Answer to it.


C Oncerning the mistaking the Date of my Letter a [...] thou writest, J. T His third and last Letter to me. which could not be, seing I sent it thee the same day I writ it, but thine, I heard of it some dayes before I received it. As for my passing over many particulars (which did not concern the matter in handling) I willingly omitted them, discerning thy subtil spirit, in no respect answering by scripture or reason my loving Admonitions to thee: But in thine own words, is it not bruitish, irrationall, child­ish to affirm we are worse then Bar barians, which thy sordid Positi­ons do hold forth? How childish, yea how foolish dost thou shew thy self in thy first Position, for G. Fox to prove what he and all friends disown, and in scorn thou callest Quakers. And in thy 12th Posi­tion dost affirm, That our Sufferings are no Evidence of the truth of our Religion, Thou mightest have spar'd thy paines in bringing [Page 16] forth this Brat, a Where is as bold in her [...], as a Chast Wife in her Inocency. which is of thine owne begetting: But we are sure it is an Evidence against thee, & all other of thy Spirit, which perse­cute, that they have drunk deep of the Cup of Fornication, upon whom the Violls of Gods wrath are powred forth in spirituall Fornications.

How darest thou find fault with me in not alleadging scripture, no [...] reason in declaring against thy impious Charges mentioned in thy rail­ing & impious positions? Would [...]st thou have me to take the matter in hand (which thou challengest G. Fox to answer) to give like a fool scripture & reason for what thou assignest another to doe? Oh what Serpent-like spirit dost thou act by, that dost not own my plain dealing with thee in owning the scripture & wrestest & foistest in, as J meant not, nor writ: [...] thy spirit were reall (as before men thy words seem to import) thou wouldest not then shew a smiling Counte­nance when War [...] in thine heart, in witnessing against thy Neigh­bours secretly, against that Golden rule, Doe as thou would'st be done by. Thou countest it open violence for a Woman to speak in the Church: but if thou knewest what Woman that should not speake thou would'st have spared me these lines writing, & have eased thy selfe of thy great struglings & strivings within thee to bring forth on Abortive. Thou chargest me in making a great Out-cry a­gainst thy Blood-thirsty spirit, concerning W. Harris, as though thou didest a [...] no time cry out Tre [...]son Treason. Answ. how dost thou shift of as one that is guilty, and dare not mention the case I writ upon, shufling it to be his last imprisonment, which I know not the ground of, but as I had it related by thee: But the Circumstances considered, it cannot possibly be paraleld (as my Letter declareth) with this last Case of W. Harris. First, thy taking Oath against my wife upon an other mans word an purpose to allay thy furious spirit against W. Harris, he not thinking thou wouldest have prosecuted against her, [...] also against sixteen of thy peaceable neighbours, Can thou deny that at that Court thou cryed not out Treason Treason, making all as guilty as W. Harris? Thou sayest I bid thee mind thy Book written against Persecution, and yet thy self a Persecutor of thy peaceable Neighbours even unto death. Answ. How canst thou in peace (through the God of peace, (as thou sayest) look upon thy wicked Tra­vels to murther the Innocent as thou didest at Newport, crying out Treason being President.

Also what I have spoken against W. Harris touching his firing the Town and Colony, I thought so, and therefore contended a­gainst him, but I never sought his life, note that R. W. Thou sayst [Page 17] thou art not conscious of any recoyling in thy spirit, If there were any Colour for any of th [...]se horrible Out­cryes, I should have heard of them from W. Edmunson who rak'd up all he could against me both in the Dispute at Newport and Providence. so much as in a thought. Here thou manifest's an impious spirit that seekes to mur­ther the Innocent: what Fury possesseth thee to talk of the God of peace & yet retainest a murtherous mind, not haveing repented of thy wickednesse, how is thy heart hardned in seeking the lives of such as thou thy self hast confest to be the Children of God? Oh murtherous man that hath not any Remorse for thy long-liv'd Wickedness, I am sorry for thee, though thou slight all my writings & counsells, & take all in the worst sence; yet J beseech thee to consider thy latter end, & my desire for thee is that the Lord would awaken thy Soul & give thee Repentance unto life.

In the last place thou writest how highly I esteem of G. Fox. and thou desirest to think as low of thy self: How will this agree with thy boasting of great Education, great Experiences, great struglings and strivings within to bring out thy Positions and Con­clusions, which all my loving Testimonyes against (as issuing from a diabolicall spirit) did no more take place with, then a Feather against a Rock. Call to mind the preaching of Jonas to Ninive, yet forty dayes and Ninive shall be destroyed (a short speech) yet they repented and the Lord pardoned: And so I desire thou mayest repent and find mercy with the God of mercy.

Thy Neighbour I. T.

THus Reader it pleased the Infinite Wisdom of the most holy and only Wise, to pierce through my heart with the thrusts and stabs of a of a foul mouth'd slanderous spirit, by the hands of long professed friends and lovers, yet pretending the name of God and of Scripture, as wel as my self. How doth it behoove us then to make sure that we can in truth say as Jeremiah, Lam. 3. Thou art my portion saith my Soul O Lord; Thou and none else, Thou alone without Health, Strength, Beauty, Honour, Lands, Goods, Friends, &c. How should we make sure that with Tho­mas, we may say unto the Lord Jesus, my Lord and my God? for whose sake we ought joyfully to bear what false Christs, false spirits and their Souldiers can dart from Earth or Hell against us.

My Answer was as followeth.

MY ancient Friend, My Answer to J T. his 3d As­sault upon me it pleafeth the most High to give to all mankind (his Children also and them especially) many bit­ter Cups, and that oftentimes by the hands of dear friends and [Page 18] dear Relations, that we might fall more in love with himself then ever who is infinitely more sweet, and even Holiness and Power and Wisdom and Love it self.

Your Lines (in this your third Fury against me) being full of Bitterness in themselves, are more bitter to my Spirit upon diverse accounts. But the most High and only Wise will have it so, and your judgment and Conscience (and mine) will have it so, yet that will not acquit us, we both say we must come to ano­ther Barr, and there stand or fall eternally.

In this, First. You tell me you willingly omitted the Particu­lars I mentioned as not concerning the matters in handling: A deceitfull way of Answ. I am not of your mind, it is an Easie yet a Suspicious way of an­swering, and implyes not only unwillingness, but a willing Igno­rance and Guilt also: For is it not concerning the matter in hand (especially when so personally provoked) to vindicate our selves and friends, our Teachers and Apostles, our Spirits and Religion also?

2. Next you blame my subtle spirit, for not answering by Scripture or Reason your loving Admonitions: I gave you my Reason, shewing how simple it was for you to give fire upon me, and tell me my Paper was Scurrilous, full fraught with impudent Lyes and Slanders, and yet give me not one Scripture nor Reason to prove any of them to be so. 2. I shewed you how irratio­nall it was for you to think, that I should so suddenly renounce my understanding and Conscience and Positions upon the sudden sound of your Outcry Repent, Repent.

3. You tell me it is childish, The horrid Nakedness of the Q Women shews the worse then barbarous na­kedness of their Spirits. bruitish and irrationall, to say that you are worse then Barbarians: Answ. I said not so in generall, you and all the world ought to abhor the particular case, viz. the stripping Naked of your Women and Maidens; a case worse then Savage and Barbarous, only practised by the Bruites, and sometimes by Indians, and whores in their drink, when all Modesty and Reason is overwhelmed with more then common Drunkenness. Who can but abhor to think of such who­rish and monstrous Immodesty, such an hellish Incentive to filthy Lusts, and that under the most holy name of the Spirit of God.

4. As to my first Position, you now tell me that it is childish and foolish for G. Fox to prove (I suppose you mean, the name Quakers. for me to desire G. Fox to prove) what he and all friends disown, and thou in scorn callest Quakers: Answ. I know the Quakers say [Page 19] that name is given them in scorn, and yet we also know it it hath its denomination from those great bodily Shakings which have been believed to have come in mightily upon them by the power of Devillish spirits (for many Reasons of which after ward) However G. Fox in 370 [...]h. page of his Book in Folio writes thus in the title of each page [The Quakers answer. The Quakers An­swer] I know what may be said; and I know may be said and justly to that excuse, and what shall be said in the Dispute follow­ing.

5. As to my 12th. Position, of Suffering of the Quakers, and you say it is a Brat o [...] mine own, The Quakers Sufferings. and that is an evidence against me, and all of my Persecuting Spirit. Answ. I shall (by Gods assistance) prove that you doe make it an Evidence of your Re­ligion, and then it must be your one Brat and B [...]stard.

As to my persecuting spirit, the most High hath been a holy witness to my Travelsand losses and hazards and other sufferings, in my vindicatingand procuring Soul-liberty: and I humbly hope in his mercy, he will preserve me from being like many Quakers, [...]ouly fallen from their former Christian Religion

6. You say, How darest thou blame me for not giving Scrip­ture or Reason against thy railing and impious Positions, when thou challengest and assignest another to doe it G. Fox. &c. Answ. I only blamed J. T. for being so fierce and furious, so hot and hasty in crying out a scurrilous Paper fraught with lyes and impu­dent slanders, and yet gave me not one Scripture or Reason a­gainst any one of them: common Modesty and humane Sobriety would have taught a little Patience, till G. Fox had answered, or untill you had answered something of Scripture or Reason your self.

7. Nextly you tell me of my Serpent-like spirit in witnessing against my neighbour secretly: To which I say before the most High, I know not what you intend 2. I know it not to be any Crime (much less a serpent-like spirit as your railing pen phrases it) to give a true testimony, and witness in private and publick, even against the highest and dearest, In the matters of God and Truth, which ought to be only High and only Dear unto us.

8. As to Womens preaching in the Church, you tell me that I know not what that Woman is, Womens Preaching. Answ. I know the allegoricall Interpretations given of both those Scriptures, to the Corinths and Timothy, But where the holy Scripture is plain, and agrees [Page 20] even with Nature itself; where the holy Spirit of God gives Rea­sons why Scripture should be so expounded (which is an extra­ordinary signification of Gods soveraign will and pleasure) where else one part must be Literall and an other part Allegori­call, (which is most improper and not suiting to the Majesty and Purity of Gods Spirit) what can be soberly in the fear of God and with any sober reason collected, but that the most High, the God of Order (and all Order and Wisdom it self) is pleased there to set down the Order of his Worship in the Christian Congregations.

9. Concerning W Harris you tell me I shift of the matter, for you meant not W Harris his last Imprisonment: You prove it by my taking Oath against your Wife upon another mans word on purpose to allay my furious spirit against W Harris. These are your words, which may be taken three wayes, but neither of them can I call to mind: God knowes I truly desire to See, Lament and forsake every Idle word or thought, which my soul may be satisfied is so: for I dare not goe beyond (as you proud­ly doe) that Direction of the Lord Jesus, d [...]yly to cry [ Forgive us our Trespasses] I dare most confidently deny that simple Charge, viz. that I should cry out Treason Treason, against your Wife and others, labouring to bring them into the same guilt with W. Harris. whose facts and courses others (of no small Authority and Prudence amongst us, with whome I advised) saw to be desperate high Treason against the Laws of our Mother England, and of this Colony also. When W. Harris, sent his wri­tings or Books to the Main and to the Iland, against all Earthly Powers, Parliaments, L [...]ws Charters, Masgistrates, Prisons, Pun­ishments, Rates, W Harris his former practi­ces against all Government [...] Saints as the Quakers now speak. vea and against all Kings, and Princes under that Notion that the People should shortly cry out, no lords no masters; and had in open Court protested, (before the whole Colony as­sembled) that he would maintain his Writings with his Blood. Was it my Fury (as you call it) or was it not Honesty and Duty to God and the Colony and the higher Powers then in England, to act faithfully and impartially in the place wherein I then stood Centin [...]ll?

And it is not true that I sought his life as you upbraid me, much less theirs, who purposely (as the most high God is witness) were presented, that some prudent course might be taken by the Court for the preventing of th [...]i [...] greater danger, and the Colony's also. By your reason the Kings Majesty, his Judges (yea all Judges) [Page 21] yea the King himself, yea the most High, and King of Kings shall be condemned as Blood-thirsty, bloody seekers of the lives (though of high handed wilfull and dangerous Transgressors) as though Justice and Mercy, true Pitty and just S [...]verity might not har­monize, and make up the blessed concord of Peace together.

10. You mind me again of my Books against Perscution, and yet my self a Persecutor of my peaceable Neighbours to the Death, murthering the Innocent, yea that I still retain a Murther­ous mind, and you cry out against me, Oh murtherous Man &c. To which I say, I am not better than David, nor (in this case) are you better then Shimei, who rak'e up Stones and Dirt, and fl [...]ng them with Railings at David, crying out Come out thou bloody Man, and this in the name of the holy Spirit also.

As to W. H. My Righteous­ness as to my dealing with W. H. I never appeared In Town or Colony against him for any private matter (although many wayes extraordinarily provoked and wronged by him) but alwayes in Witness (as I humbly appeal unto God) I say in witnessing against his running down and destroying the Publick (as at this day) for his Private Covetous and Contentious Ends.

And for your self, The horrible Mur [...]h [...]ring of the Indians by Liquors which be Q [...] have [...] fly practiced. who cry out so much of Blood and Murther for my being impartiall to God, to the King and the Countrey: I heartily wish that your hands were wished from the bloody trade of Liquors to the Indians, which even the Quakers have practised, telling the Indians that the Quakers only know God, and therefore would sell them Powder and Liquors [...]h [...]aper, and they would not mix water with Rham as others did: so that by many sudden deaths, what by Consumptions and D [...]opsies the Barbarians have been mu [...]thered, hundreds if not thousand in the whole Countrey, and more in this Colony than in any part of the Countrey beside that I have heard of, against which I have witnessed from Court to Court in vain.

11. You ask me how I can think as low of myself, as you high of G. Fox, when I [...] of Education [...] &c.

I answer, I boast as Paul did, who confest himself the least of all Saints, and the chiefe of Sinners; and vet reckons up the Priviledges end Favours, which God had [...] to him, a­gainst the foule Clamours of his in licious and [...] Oppo­sites, the false Apostles.

12. You conclude with advising my Repentance, and you propose to me the case of Nineve, telling me that forty dayes is a short Speech.

[Page 22] Answ. I humbly beseech the Lord to help you and me, hum­bly and faithfully to examine our true laying of that Foundation of a true Repentance, which is a totall [...] of our Soul or Spirit up to God; not [...] Fear or self ends, as [...] do; but in Mar [...]ag [...] love with God that it might be said unto us, thy Maker is thy Husband.

As to your speciall Hint to me of forty dayes. I can say it (through infinite mercy) that more than forty or fifty yeares, I have been acquainted with Death, and have (not seldom) famili­arly discoursed with the Grave and Pit of Rottenness: I love de­sited to be ready at a min [...]les warning, warning for a wind to transport me (as Paul speak [...]) unto Christ Jesus in Abrahams bo­some which is best of all. I pray you to know that I believe there is a black Familiar that haunts the Quakers. it may be he Whispers to you that within forty dayes you shall be ridd of me except I repent; They were the Dog-dayes when these hot and d [...]ged barkings were made at me. he may see into the crazy temper of my house of Clay. (These Dog dayes not to continue and abide a little of that time) Or God may suffer him by some immediate Revelation to employ some malicious soul to Murther me, that this soul Lyar and Murtherer may extollaud predicate himself in print by your Pens, that he was a true Prophet, applauding and tri­umphing in the righteous Judgment of God against a Blasphemer of your gods and godesses. I believe that every Hair of mine head, and every Minute of my Life is in the mercifull hand of the Father of Spirits. I doe not simply and blasphemously think as G F. that my Soul is a piece or part of God: Death and the Resurrection. nor can I (as the un be­lieving Quakers) slight the Rising of my body; Steven fell asleep, and so (among Stones or whatever his holy Wisdom pleased) I humbly hope shall I, and rise again in the Morning.

R. W.

Hitherto (gentle Reader) have been the Skirmishings of my Forlorn Hope; I hasten now to the relation of the main Bat­tle, for after this my third Letter and Answer, I heard no more of that soul and slanderous spirit: I should rejoice to be instru­mentall to his casting out of my ancient friend J T. however he pluckt in his horns as G Fox himself did, and I have yet heard no further.

Within some few dayes after that our Deputy Governour had [Page 23] delivered my Paper to them, the strange Quakers (as was agreed with G. Fox) came to Providence. John Stubs, John Burnes, and others, The first [...] Pro­vidence of the Qa and my self. and came to my house six or seven together: their Sa­lutations were (like the meetings of their dumb spirit) in silence. I bid them welcome &c. John Stubs began and said, they had received a paper from me, and they came to me to tell me, that they accepted my Offer, and that they had appointed (according to the liberty given them by my self in my Paper) the 9th. of the present August to be the day at Newport. I told them they were welcome, and the more welcome because they brought me tidings of their Resolution: for I longed for Opportunityes of such Exercises, to which I thought the most High invited us by our precious Libertyes &c. I added that my Paper was in the first place directed to G. Fox: but they suddenly catcht at my word, and John Burnet told me that G. Fox was departed before my Letters were opened, G Fox his cun­ning Departure and that G. Fox never saw my Paper (and probably as afterward in the dispute he spake honestlie not know­ing the Mistery) John Stubs added that my Paper gave liberty to G. Fox or his friends. I said therefore I would not fail (if God pleased) to meet them at the place, and by nine in the morning, on the day they had appointed.

They departed (after drink offered and accepted by some) but the next morning being the first of the Week I sent them word in writing, that diverse of our Neighbours were grieved that the Conference should be caried away from Providence to Newport wholly, My care of in­gaging them to my whole Offer and of discussion, the [...] seven at Providence. (as some of them had also spoken) I told them that the accepting of my Proffer necessarily included the Conference about the latter seven at Providence: I told them their Consci­ences and Credits lay on it, and therefore desired them to fix on a day for the dispute of the latter seven at Providence before their departure hence. This Paper was delivered to one of their Company in the room where they were together, but whither on purpose or (as tis possible) by mistake, they say the Paper was lost: so receiving no Answer from them, I late in the evening sent them another writing, signifiing, that I could not hold my self ingaged to meet them at Newport about the first seven, without their promise of discussing the latter seven at Provi­dence. Then they wrote to me that I had seemed willing, and that they had given notice, and the Countrey would come in, therefore they challenged me to appear and prove my malicious [Page 24] and bitter charges against them, and withall promised that upon the finishing of the first seven at Newport, some of them would give me a meeting at Providence &c. Upon the receipt of this, I sent them a third writing signifiing that I rested in their Pro­mise, and therefore (if God pleased) I would not fail to be with them at the time and place appointed. And God graciously as­sisted me in rowing all day with my old bones so that I got to Newport toward the Midnight before the morning appointed.

Then I sent them a fourth Paper (with a Copie of my first that miscaried as they said) and signified to them, that is would be convenient to agree about some Order of Transition, or passing from one position to another: as also since they were many and I but One, I presumed their Reason told them that I expected but One at once, and that if another desired to speak, the first should hold his peace; Scruples a­bout meeting in the Quakers Meeting house at Newport. as also I signified that some were scru­pulous of going into the Quakers Meeting-house, and therefore I desired some thoughts about it: they thought it convenient to send H. Bull to request me to goe to his house to them; I went; they urged the Capciousness and Conveniency of their house, and I told such as scrupled, that it was one thing to goe into a Jewish Synagogue, or a Popish Chappell to worship, or countenance, their Worships: another thing to Profess and Contest against them, in which respect Paul disputed many dayes in the Jewes Synagogues against them, and I could freelie goe into the Popes Chappel, to dispute against the Pope and his Worship.

I knew our aged Governour Mr. Nich. Easton & other the way to conquer. Magistrates (of their judgment) would be there, & so the Civill Peace maintained, & I had a strange assurance given in to my spi­rit from God in answer to my poor requests &c. viz, that by Moderation and Patience I should conquer their Immoderations, and impatiencies, I therefore thought it in vain to spend time a­bout a Moderatour: Tis true they gave me no Answer either by Speech, or writing concerning their coming on me one at once, but to their seeming great advantage they constantly fell on me all at once, and one of them William Edmundson, with grievous Language and insulting.

When I came into the place aforesaid I found three able and noted preachers amongst them, The Persons Disputing with me. viz John Stubs, John Burnet, William Edmunson sitting together on an high Bench with some of the Magistrates of their Judgment with them: I had heard [Page 25] that John Stubs was learned in the Hebeew and the Greek (and I found him so) as for John Burnet I found him to be of a mode­rate Spirit, and a very able Speaker. The third W. Edmundson was newly come (as was said) from Virginia, W Edmundson described. and be proved the Chief Speaker, a man not so able nor so moderate as the other two: For the two first would speak Argument, and discuss and produce Scripture: but William Edmundson was very ignorant in the Scripture or any other Learning: He had been a souldier in the late warres, a stout portly man of a great voice, and fit to make a Bragadocia (as he did) and a constant exercise meerly of my Patience: he would often Vapour and preach long, and when I had patiently waited till the Gust was over, and began to speak, then would he stop my mouth with a very unhandsome Clout of a grievous Interruption: so that sometimes I was for [...]' [...] to play the Moderator, and to protest that such practises were against the sober rules of Civillity and Humanity. It pleased God to help me with such Patience to weather them, J Stubs his I genuity. that John Stubs openly confest twice, that though some others had given them some interruptions, yet that I had not done it.

I took my Seat at the other end of the house opposite to them, and began telling them that the most High was my witness, The beginning of the Dispute. that not our of any prejudice against, or disrespect to the persons of the Quakers (many of whome I knew and did love and honour) nor any foolish Passion of pride or boldness (for I desired to be sensible of my many decayes of my house of Clay, and other waye [...]) nor any earthly or worldly ends I had that occasioned this trouble to my self and them.

I was first commanded this work from Heaven: The Occasion of it. Why should not this Argument be good for mee and for others as well as the Quakers? they say their commands are immediate (for Interpre­tations are immediate) but I say they herein suffer Satan to cheat them, for they say they pray, they fast, they wait, they listen, they judge of the motions that arise within them, and so have I done. The great maker and searcher of all hearts knowes, that none but his holy Majesty was privy to the Conception of this business.

1. My end was, the vindicating his most holy Name, My ends. which my Soul saw was trodden in the dirt by Sathan clothed with Samuels Mantle, and the bright garment of an Angel of Light, which once he was, but pride deceived him.

[Page 26] 2. I had in mine eye the vindicating this Colony for receiving of such persons whome others would not, we suffer for their sakes, and are accounted their Abbettors: that therefore toge­ther with the improvement of our Liberty's which the God of Heaven, and our Kings Majesty have graciously given us, I might give a publick testimony against their Opinions in such a way and Exercise, I judged it incumbent upon my Spirit and Conscience to doe it (in some regards) more then most in the Colony. I may also truly say that.

3. I had also in mine eye, that this exercise might occasion some Soul Consideration in many. I told them that we had a dolefull Alarum and instruction lately, Nicholas Davis drowned at Newport a little before the Dispute. we were taught what Salvation and saving was, in the late death and drowning of a per­son so known to us (and all N. England) Nicholas Davis. I told them our case, and the case of all mankind is his (in Spiri­tuall and Soul matters) Oh a world for an Oar, Rope, a Plank. Only it must be to all of us our work, to try whether our Savi­our our Salvation be reall, and not failing in so great a Straight.

Some of these blessed ends it hath pleased God to propagate by this occasion all this Colony over, and all of us round about have put forth our selves in Disquisitions and Searchings after the true grounds of the Christian Religion and Worship.

I had many thoughts of beginning such an exercise with Prayer unto God for his Presence: What Prayer was used. but I knew I could not joyn with them nor would they owne my Prayers: I had thoughts (as Eli­ah among the Baalites) to have prayed in the singular number: But some Considerations made my spirit content with this kind of Petition unto God: For not only in my Closet and my heart, but publickly before them all I said, I doe humbly hope and beg of God the Father of Spirits so to order and direct our Spirits in these our Agitations, that his holy name may receive glory, and the Soules of all of us some Soul-profit and Advantage.

I began with the first Position, which I think W. Edmunson also read out of the Paper. viz.

That the People called Quakers are not true Quakers according to the Scriptures. The first Po­sition.

1. I said I knew they did not owne that name Quakers, as imposed on them by God, or taken up by themselves, but given them in scorn and derision, as G. Fox, Ed Burrowes (and I had heard John Stubs who joined with them) declared; The name Quakers. and that [Page 27] one Gervace Bennet, a Justice in Derby first so called them in the year 16 [...]0 And yet I had cause to judg that the name was given by Justice Bennet and others to them from that strange and un­couth possessing of their bodyes. with quaking and shaking of their Bodyes even in publick Assemblyes and Congregations, which extraordinary motions I judged to come upon them, not from the holy Spirit and Power of God, but from the spirit and power of Sathan for diverse Reasons.

First. Although they pretend that Moses and David and Hab­baccuck and Daniel were Quakers, yet as to the Christian Pro­fession, and the dayes since our gallant fore-Fathers in Germany (at Spiers) protested against the whore of Rome, and from that Protestation, by the Papists, they were called in scorn and wrath the Protesters, The Rise of the [...] Prote­stant. or Protestants (about 150 years since) unto this day. I say as to the Protestant Professors and Confessors, the Quakers are but a new upstart party or Faction risen up little above 20 yeares since in the northern parts of England, Lanca­shire &c. Tis true, tis probable they are the Offspring of the Grindletonians in the same Lancashire about two yeares before, The Grindle­tonians. who held those two grand Points (though many wicked paths of Doctrine and Practice were amongst them) viz. 1 That God doth all. 2. They could not sin. taking it according to the Letter. These Grindletonians were the Offspring of the late Nicholaitans, (as all of them are in truth justly so called) from Henery Nichols who put forth his Books of the same Poison in K. James his time, (which long since I read) and were confuted by many, and by Mr Ainsworth and Mr Robinson, precious and powerfull Witnesses of Christ Jesus. H. Nichols and his Nicholaitans were the Litter of those Spiritualls and Libertines which spread in Germany and France in Calvin's dayes; against whome that heavenly soul, The Libertines gave his powerfull and heavenly witness in his Book against the Libertines. These Libertines Satan raised up about the Protestant Reformation from the ruines and rubbish of the old Manicheans and Gnosticks, and other blind Guides who swarmed in the first third and fourth Christian Centuryes, until the Pope swallowed up all the lesser Serpents, and so became a Dragon with seven Heads and ten Horns, forcing all with fire and Fagot to deny Christ Jesus, and to martch under Anti-Christ (the Anti-Christ the man of sin) his Colours.

Some of these Particulars I could not then express, but think [Page 28] fit here to remember the former dayes, for Information of such as doe desire it.

These People came from Lancashire and other northern parts to the Southward of England and to London. I spake with some of their Chief then in London; I knew it was the old proud spirit which had appeared in so many soul lyes in their former decei­ved and deceiving Leaders, and I was the more confirmed in my thoughts when I saw their soul spirit so transport them, not only in lying Doctrines, but lying Quakings and Trembling, lying preaching through the Streets Repent, Repent: and lying and ab­ominable Nakedness of men and women, untill their ugly Child and Daughter Rantisme rose from their Bowels and practised Na­kedness of men and women in the Streets and in their religious Meetings, as Adamites: The Ranters are but the Qua­kers Daughter. when it is notoriously known they fell into many uncleannesses and Aaulteryes. To my face and to the world in print they maintaind, there were no sins in them: Saying That the Saints could not sin, and God did all and was all, and they were as pure as Adam and God himself, this is known by their Writings extant &c.

2. Again I said unto my Antagonists that the manner of these quakings and shakings were not as of those quakings and trem­blings of David, Moses, and the Corinths receiving Titus with Trembling, True Quaking or the working out Salvation with Fear and Trem­bling: for that may many wayes be proved to be the Soul and Spirit, out of a holy Aw and Dread of the Majesty of Heaven with whome we have to deal, who only can pitty and help us in our deplorable and forlorn conditions: Hee it is who worketh the Will and the Deed, and therefore with deep impressions of Aw and Dread we ought to attend upon all his holy meanes ap­pointed, wherein (as of old in the Tabernacle and Temple) he hath promised to come to us. Beside, as it is naturall for he Body to tremble when the mind doth, as we see in many Persons in the beginning of a Battle, or going over a deep Water, or go­ing to suffer Death, or looking over a high Clift into the sea &c. So when the Bodies of those holy men, or any now doe so tremble Experience proves it that it is no ordinary motion, but extraor­dinary, and upon extraordinary occasions, and those holy and heavenly Occasions, as may be instanced.

But the quaking and shaking motions of the Quakers (as I shall prove) they proceeded not from those holie Affections [Page 29] proper to Gods Children, The horrid shaking of the Quakers. so also they were horrid and mon­strous casting their bodies into horrid and monstrous motions and Gestures which mine eyes have seen: Besides the abundance of notorious Instances, what strange horrid motions are those which Theera John (as he madly calls himself) and John Toldervy were [...]ost and tumbled up and down with? which cannot be im­agined to proceed from the holy Spirit of God, but from Sathan to delude and cheat poor sinners with.

To this purpose I told them that at the first coming of this spirit to London and Westminster, some Parliament men told me that themselves went to one of the Quakers Meetings about Charing Cross, but were so affrighted with the shaking of their own bodies, and of their Chairs and Stooles under them, that they could never again be got into their Assemblyes.

I added, that such Shakings, Motions, Extasies, Satans Coun­terfeit moti­ons. &c. were known to be the frequent workings of Sathan upon his Servants in all ages, Such were the furious motions of Baals Preists, the motions of the Possessed mentioned in the Gospells, and other Historyes, and known to be amongst the Barbarians, our Neigh­bours about this time. John Burnet and William Edmunson rose up and said that I had laid many deep and heavy Charges upon the people of the Lord, The Quakers Answer. which I should be never able to prove: I had denied them to be Christians, and so had wronged the good Spirit of God in them, and their Profession of worshipping God in the Spirit: Yea I had taken away their being (as men) out of the World, as a dangerous People to Nations and Kingdomes & Common-weales, yea to Kings & Princes, and so not fit to live a­mongst men in the World. These Speeches were often uttered and enlarged by one or other of them, and that with Zeal (and Passion in W. Edmunson)

I waited patiently till these Gusts of their angry Spirit was over, and then I told them I had not wronged them in a title: But by the help of the most High I would make all good against them, & toen leave it to every mans and womans Soul to judge at their own Perill.

About this time John Stubs alleadged that of Paul; Phil 2. Work out salvation with fear and Trembling.

I replyed in no way opposed the awfull and most serious im­pressions of Gods Majesty in all his appearances & ordinances upon the Soules and Spirits, Quaking and Trembling. yea and Bodyes of Gods Children. [Page 30] But I denied that those places to the Corinthians and Philippians concerned any such bodily shakings and quakings as we now de­bated.

Beside I said if Quaking and Trembling were a Command and an Ordinance, No Ordinance of God and institution of God to be practised, then was in constantly to be practised (as the Jewes say of Cain that the Mark which God set upon him was a constant Trembling) O if not alwayes, yet alwayes in Worship, or if not alwayes in worship yet at some certain times. But the plain truth is, the Devil will be Gods Ape in most things: Counterfeit Quaking and Trembling. He subornes and substitutes a ba­stard Quaking and Trembling of the body in Imitation of David, Moses &c. on purpose to thrust out the true Fear and Trembling which ought to be constantly in us, raising up all our Affections and all within us to a due sence of the Terror of the Lord, the dreadfulness of our Danger, and the wonder of our Deliverance (which we can never make too sure) from sin and wrath to come to all eternity.

I also declared, that the most High and holy one, was free as he pleased to cause the trembling of the Soules of his People to over flow with influence upon their Bodyes also, asin Moses, David, Daniel, Habakkuk, Paul, &c. this is like to be in some extraordinary cases and Conversions or turnings to God, as Paul's was, and that especially in bringing of great Sinners or old Sinners unto himself &c.

There were some few Speeches, some from the Governour and his Wife, and some few others that spake, some in favour of, and some against the Quakers, but neither did my Opposites nor I so far attend them as to engage with them, excepting some Turnes that were between William Edmunson, and William Hitchcock (an Inhabitant of Newport) who (as others did) witnessed against their upbraiding me with my age ( Old man, Old man &c.) as also for their Interruptions.

Mine own Brother Mr Robert Williams, School-Master in Newport, desired to speak: nor he nor others dissenting from them could be permitted, except they would set their hands to my Paper. My Brother (unknown to me) put in a paper to them. which he took the liberty to read, A Paper put in of two great Considerations desiring that two things might be answered by the Quakers. 1. The matter of the true sence of Sin as Sin. 2. Of the Materiallity of such a Person as the Lord Jesus Christ, and the materiallity of his [Page 31] Bloudshedding. This Paper they took but waved it. W. Ed­munson openly charged me with breach of Covenant, viz. That if any would speak on my behalf, they should set their hand to my Propositions. Tis true it was desired by one of them at my house at Providence, that if any joined with me, they should sub­scribe to my Paper. But I answered that I was alone in the Bu­siness, I had not consulted with any others but the God of heaven himself: so that I denied vehemently that there was any such agreement, The unequall Termes of the Quakers en­joyning Sub­scription. or any colour for it. Besides it was ridiculous to put either such a Bar and Limit upon any mans spirit, and least of all upon Gods Spirit, viz, that no man should desire leave to object or querie &c. except first he would subscribe my Pro­posalls. But I took the boldness justly to charg them with pal­pable and gross Partiality viz. that W. Hitchcock and others, (opposing or dissenting) might not speak, & their open Partiality. but W. Harris, W. Dyar or any favouring of them might speak without exception, because all that speak for their pretended light, it must be sup­posed that they speak from the Spirit of God himself: others out of Ignorance, Malice and Envy: this will appear more after­ward.

However, there were these few debates about the liberty of speech in the Auditory and By-standers, and the Quakers deniall and enjoining of Subscription: yet the most High, Father of Spirits did so compose all spirits, that it was wonderfull that such Opposites should goe through such a work and Conflict all day untill night, without more Interruptions and Disturbances.

I was ready and waited to put forth my third Reason to prove they were not true Christian Quakers, it was from Isai. 66. To this man will I look that is poor and contrite, and trembleth at my Word. I told them that G. Fox in his Book all along was so far from trembling at the Word of God in the holy Writings or Scrip­tures, The Quakers evill spirit [...] the holy Scriptures. that he could not endure they should have that name, or be once called the Word of God, Tis true I know his pretence, that Christ Jesus is called the Word of God, Rev 19. But I know tis true also that he grants the Scriptures to be true, and inspired from the holy Spirit of God, and to be Gods words, though not his Word. Well, to pass by the simplicity of the Distinction, and let us take what he grants, and is it not prodigious and mon­strous Contempt that these holy Words, this holy Book and Wri­ting of God should be so undervalued and slighted, yea vilified [Page 32] and nullified, The Light of each man in the World above the Scriptures. if compar'd with their pretended new found Light within them, which was (say they) before the Scriptures, and gave forth the Scriptures, and therefore was above the Scriptures and gave forth the Scriptures, and therefore was above the Scriptures, and therefore is not judged or tried by the Scrip­tures, but they by it. Yea, and thus light must be in every one of mankind in the whole World: Hence it was that these holy Writings were so disused in their own private Readings, in their Publick Worship, The Pope and the Quakers great affection and ownness against the holy Scriptures. and in their Families.

I told them God was little beholding to the Pope and the Quakers for their humble Reverence and great Affection to his holy Letters, Declarations and Proclamations. The Pope had his Infallibility as well as they, his mmediate Inspirations as well as they: They both owned, and yet did not owne the holy Scrip­tures, the Pope and they only must interpret Scriptures, they only give the Sence, they only judge all Controversies: yea they dispence with the Scriptures, and if they were quite lost and bur [...]'d and not a Copy of them left in the World, yet there were no loss but a good Turn, a good Riddance, for then the Pope and the Quakers Infallible spirit and its immediate Inspirations, would be more esteemed and set by.

I produced an Instance of one Thurston an Apostle of theirs who came to Providence with extraordinary long hair hanging over his shoulders; An Instance of a long-haird profane Qua. fighting Na­ture and the Scriptures. It was so long that an aged Soul (captivated for present amongst them) the wife of C. S. demanded of him why he ware it so long since Nature it self did teach it to be a shame for a man to wear long Hair, as the holy Scripture affir­med? He would not say, He car'd not what Nature or the holy Scriptures said, but he said as much in effect (as she told me her­self, and may with true fear and trembling still think on it) viz. when that God that bid me wear it, bids me cut it off, then [...] cut it off. As if he would say, what tell you us of the teaching of Nature (as we see in that monstrous case of their womens Nakedness) or what tell you me of Scripture? I have a Light within me that made that Light, was before it, gave it forth, & is above it. This mans hair was so offensive and odious, that meeting of me, and saying, Fear the Lord God, I could not but answer him in these words, viz. What God dost thou mean a Russi­ans God? alluding to that of Paul to [...] They profess to know God, but in their Works they deny him.

[Page 33] I told them the rage of the Devill in all Ages had been most fierce against these heavenly Records, in which the most gracious God and King, out of the infinite depths of his Wisdome and Goodness, had provided for the Ages and Generations to come the glorious Appearances of the eternall Invisible King in the former Generations of mankind from the creation of the World, as also the Wonders yet to be finished till time should be no more, all which were in the holy Scriptures.

I remembred them of a profane bloudy Wretch in Ireland who in the late horrid Massacre, An horible Instance in Ire land against the Holy Scriptures hunting (among other bloudie Wolves) after the Goods and Lives of the Protestants, found a Bible, and with Indignation (the same which I believe is in most Papists and Quakers) he flung it into the Kennell, and stampt upon it with his feet saying, A Plague of God take this Book, this hath caused all the Quarrels among us.

Whether I spake all these Particulars at one individuall time or Turn I cannot clearly remember, only I am certain thus I spake and more.

My Opposites once and again had Turnes of Speech, but still the only sum of all was, that they owned the Scripture, but yet the Spirit that gave it forth was above it, withall they urged that I could not prove where in the Scripture, the Scripture was cal­ed the Word of God.

I Answered, That many things were infallibly so, The Scriptures the word of God. and true although not in so many Terms and Words mentioned: But yet there were abundance of Scriptures wherein the Prophets did ex­presly say, Thus saith the Lord, The Word of the Lord came un­to me, Hebr. 1. The Lord spake diverse wayes, and at diverse times in the Prophets, but now he hath spoken by his Son. Sure his Speech is his Word: Hence the Word of God is the Word preach­ed, as Paul, 2 Thess.1. Not as the word of man, but as it is indeed the Word of God, Act. 19 which preaching of the Word & grow­ing of the word were not competent and proper expressions to be affirmed of the person of the Lord Jesus; especially I told them I would use the words of the Lord Jesus when he sought with the Devil that famous Combate, Math. 4. No other Weapon did he use against him but [...] It is written, and again, It is written, It is written, here Christ Jesus quotes Dut 8. Man shall not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God: where Moses and Christ Jesus affirm [Page 34] that God hath many words, contrary to what some Quakers have affirmed to me saying, that God hath no more words but one, and Christ Jesus here affirmeth. That every appearance and pro­vidence of God, is a word proceeding out of the mouth of God, as well as this holy Scripture he alleadged. Though yet it is true, that Christ Jesus is the Word, or declared Mind of God, incompa­rably above all his spoken or written or providentiall Words and Expressions: He came out of the Bosoms of the Eternal Father and brought the brightest Revelations of his eternal God-head & Councels, and therefore is most justly and eminently stiled the Word of God.

I urged that the Word or Words of God were Figurative Speech­es, for properly God had no Mouth, nor Tongue, nor Lips, nor Heart nor Brains &c. but as our Kings Majesty his Declaration touching Religion, his royal Charters, his Letters from Br [...]da are often insisted on and urged by the Quakers as the word of a King, though his writings contain many hundred words; so it is with the King of Heaven his Scriptures and writings &c.

I had oft occasion to mention G. Fox and Ed. Burrowes their Book in Folio called The great Mystery &c. upon which W Ed­mundson reproved me for speaking of G. Fox and E. Burrowes in scorn and derision (so his words were) I guest he took me as if I had scornfully intended G Fox in his Burrowes, The Occasion of the Title of this Book. but I openly purged my self, protesting before the Lord, that I had no such thought, yet this Passage was the occasion of the Title of the Book For the singer of Gods most wife and holy Providence is often wonderfully seen in small, unexpected & inconsiderable Turns and Occasions: In such poor shells oftimes may be found the Ker­nels of rich and usefull Observations. Sure (thought I) Gods holy Finger is in it, that G. Fox and Ed. Burrowes (Men so qualified and named) should so notoriously conspire against the true Lord Jesus Christ in their dark and subtle hellish Contrivings and Imaginations. It was also Gods overruling hand that W. Edmundson should so upbraid me, and first put the Conceit and thought of such a Consideration into me, which I apprehended as Digitus Dei the finger of God directing and pointing me to so proper and pertinent an use and Application.

Thus the only wise and Righteous King catcheth the craftiest Foxes in their own Burrowes, and turns their proud Surmises & Gensures upon their own Pates. This occasioneth me with Amaze­ment [Page 35] and Astonishment to cry out O God how deep are thy Be­ing, thy Attributes, thy Providences, thy self and all thy wayes be­yond our thoughts and finding out!

To proceed, I had observed and prepared many Quotations out of G. Fox his Book, but they desired not to hear them read, as in the following dayes of Conference they were read by my continual importunate Urgings: I say at first I could not get op­ortunity to insist upon some Particulars, a Last whereof I think now fit to present the Reader with.

In Page 155. of G. Foxes aforesaid Book he brings in one J Stallam their Opposite saying [ To say the Light in, every man gave forth Scripture, and will open Scripture to us, is palpable Dark­ness, and contradicts the Scripture] G. Fox answers, [ All be in utter Darkness and know not the Scripture, untill they come to the Light that every man was in that gave forth Scripture, for the Light lets them see to what it was spoken, and Christ the end of them.

The english of that Answer is, G Fox his pro­d [...] Folly and Impiety. That every man, that is all Mankind Men and Women if they will, can give forth Scriptures, or write holy Scriptures: I know they call this Light, God, and Christ, and Spirit, the Covenant of God, the Life, Truth and Grace of God. I asked them in publick [Since this Light comes into this world in and with all Mankind, Pertinent Queryes and [...] whether it comes into them at the Conception, or at the Birth, or when else?

Whether it was in all Mankind before the coming and death of Christ Jesus or whether to those that are in the world since his coming, or both? Whether it be in the Under standing, Will, Memory, Affections in any of them severally, or lodged in all of them jointly? For it was a prodigious Fable to imagine such a Sun to shine in every Room of an house, and yet none of the In­habitants, nor any that come into the house discern and see it: Christ Jesus saith, as the mouth is, the heart is, and before a true turning unto God, we are in darkness, we are darkness, we hate the light of God and endure not to see it, but wish there were no God, no Father of Lights to discover and plague us for our dark Courses: yet our Hearts are so cunning and cheating that they will tell us that we have Light and Christ and God within us, and that we can speak and write holy Scripture, not remembring that (as Christ Jesus said of the Temple) ou [...] hearts are Dens of Thieves and (like painted Tombs) full of dead mens bones and rottenness, [Page 36] untill a second Birth by the Word and Spirit of Christ Jesus.

Again, in the some Page G. Fox brings his Opposite saying, [ And to say every mans Light is the true word of Prophecy is an old Fable, no man shall be able to spell out a syllable of the Gospel by all that is written in a mans Heart.] This subtle Fox answers, [ The Light that enlightens every man is Christ, and the sure Word of Prophecy to him he shall find it] In this Passage who can but see their horrible and simple profaning and wresting of plain Scripture: Is it not clear as day to him that is not willingly blind, that this word of prophecy in Peter, is the Word which the Prophets spake and writ of Christ Jesus, unto whom the spirit of God in Peter sends us, as being a more sure and convincing word to us then that voice which Peter and John affirmed that they heard from heaven in the Mount of Transfiguration? But thus profane­ly and simply do others of them affirm this Light to be that Pro­phet which Moses wrote of, Deut. 18. whereas the holy Spirit in Stephen Acts 7. applyes expressly that Phophesie to the Person of the Lord Jesus, that God-man in one person, whome Moses and Stephen preached the great Messiah, or Christ the anointed Pro­phet, The tumultuous time of he [...] in [...] Priest and King unto all that receive or believe in him.

Now diverse observing the publickly expressing how unsuitable it was that three of the ablest Speakers amongst them should Con­sult openly and whisper and utter themselves one immediate­ly after each other, and sometimes all together as one man against me: W. Edmondson answered and excused it saying, that it was mine own Paper (which he often produced) which exprest my Offer to make good my Position; against, all Comers; But I replyed (once and again) That as God is a God of Order, and doth all things in Number, Weight and Measure, in Most admira­ble Order and Method, so I had thought that (according as I writ and spake to them) they would have had so much Ingenuity to conceive, that nor I nor any man was so simple as to offer to Dispute with, to oppose and to answer twenty or thirty or one hundred at once: But thus like subtle and impudent Foxes and Jesuites they pleaded and practised from the beginning of the Conference unto the end of the 4 th day, Tis had to hold the Foxi­ans or any Quil­ty [...] to a fair Dispute. resolving to make use of and (like dying men by drowning) to catch at any ridiculous Ad­vantage though unchristian and uncivill.

But the truth is, this and many other Dicouragements and Dis­advantages and Difficultyes the Lord Jesus graciously and faithfully [Page 37] (For his name sake) enabled me to cut through, otherwise I saw the Debate would not have held on so many Hours as it did Dayes, I knew they had as much mind to this work (no nor any guilty Soul in the world) as Bears to be tyed to a stake to be baited: and I must humbly declared and predicate it (to the praise of the Father of mercyes, and for the incouragement of others to be Patient for Christ Jesus sake) that an hand from heaven caried me through to the end of each day, and to the end of the whole business.

Sometimes I offered to proceed to another Point, but all this first day was spent upon the first Point of true and false Quakers: For though many upon a sudden spake as Mr. Coddington Mr. Easton (then Governour, who spake sharply) William Dyer, William Harris and others against me, yet I minded closely what my Antagonists vented, who were placed on high in their Desk against me: John Stubs and John Burnet were more sober and manly, but W. Edmundson (who was the junior of three) would speak all like Solomons foolish woman, loud and clamorous, simple and knowing nothing, being in truth nothing but a flash of wit, a Face of Brass, and a Tongue set on fire from the Hell of Lyes and Fury.

One Instance here fell out, for when I urged that it was not what man had within him already, and brought into the world with him, that made a true Quaker, but the Spirit of God accom­panying and blessing the Reading and Hearing of the writings of God preached and opened: I said the Heart of man was shut up lockt and ba [...]'d up in willing Ignorance and darkness untill the finger of God in the use of those and other blessed meanes, pick open in a more gentle way, or break open by great afflictions and and terrours the Soul and Spirit of man. I said that Paul preached the word by the River side, but the Lord opened the heart of Lydia: and while I was saying that, It was not Paul nor Pauls Preaching nor the word that he preached— at this word W. Ed­mondson clamour'd out, He speakes Blasphemy: But it pleased God to move the heart of our Deputy-Governour Capt. Cranston justly and seasonably to witness against this Interruption saying, W. Edmondson justly improve by the De­puty Governor Capt Crawston Let him have liberty to make out his mind: So I proceeded and said, it may be W. Edmnndson is offended as thinking I spoke a­gainst the word Christ; but Christ Jesus knowes that I had no such thought, but of the words which Paul spake. And I added that it was not Lydia nor all her Light within her, nor Paul nor [Page 38] his Preaching, nor the word nor words that he uttered, but the Finger of Gods Spirit (according to Election) that set the word or words of Paul home, opening her heart and not every heart, (shewing what free grace is against the Popish and Arminian and Foxians exalting of Cursed Nature) and then it was that she being by the Lord turned, she turned to attend & apply to her soul the words which were spoken by Paul, as a poor Rams-horn made use of in the hand of God.

Toward the end of the day W. Edmondson fell into a long Invective, how I had falsly standered the People of God, not on­ly in this place, The Forians boast of their Number. but the whole Body of the People of the Lord called Quakers in all parts: For said he we are a great people, many thousands in England, many thousands in London, besides in Virginia and Barbadoes and other places, and N-England. And he and they said, hast thou any more to say to make out thy Lyes against them.

I Answered (as at other times) that the Papists the common Protestants, the Jews and the Mahumitans and Pagans &c. fir­ed the world with their Numbers, and yet we jointly opposed them in Religious matters notwithstanding their innumerable num­bers: And as for more proof that they were not True Quakers, and so truly Fearing and Trembling before God, I told them I would produce an Argument, that they were so far from being Christians, that they were a to be exploded and abhorred of all Mankind, as being fallen beneath the common temper and na­ture of the Humanity of men and women, yea of the Savage and Barbarous in the world, viz. their stripping stark naked their Men and Women and Maidens and pasting along in publick places and Streets unto the Assemblyes of Men and Youths and so were beheld and gazed upon by them! and this under a pretence of being stir­red up by God as a Service or Worship unto God, as an act of Christian Religion proceeding from the immediate moving of the most holy Spirit of God, most glorious in purity, and purity and holiness it self.

At first W. Edmundson seemed to make strange of the matter as if it could not be proved that any of their women should so appear in the Assemblyes of People. Two of the Fox­ian women na­ked in New-England. I told them the matter of fact was so notorious that it would be loss of time and Impudence to question it, being so fouly and openly practised both in Old and New England.

[Page 39] Also I added further, that G. Bishop of Bristow, one of them­selves, in his second part of the Persecutions of New-England, re­lates in print the names of two women in N-England that did so practice: and he complains of N-England Persecution because those women suffered Whipping for those actions by the Courts and Officers of N-England.

John Burnet said that the People called Quakers, were a People known to abhor all Impurity and Uncleanness and the Appearance of it, and if any of their women should so practice, they should condemn it in them, yet nevertheless if it should please the Lord God to stir up any of his Daughters so to appear as a Sign and Testimony against the Nakedness of others, they durst not con­demn it.

John Stubs said, that they did condemn all immodest Appearan­ces in women, both in Behaviour and Gestures. But if God stirred them up and commanded them to this service to discover the Na­kedness of others, they could not but acknowledge Gods hand, and submit to it: And he further added, that it was a great Cross to a sober womans spirit so to act, as well as an affliction and suffer­ing to her body.

John Stubs likewise alleadged the Prophet Isaiah, (as also did W. E.) and the Sign of the Prophet Ezekiel: and John Stubs read the 20 th of Isa. where Isaiah was commanded to goe naked for a Sign to the Egyptians and Ethyopians, to prophesie and de­nounce that they also should go naked with their buttocks un­covered as the words are: and this is (said they) a proof that the People of the Lord might be stirred up by God to such actions for Signs unto others. Isai. 20. discus­sed touching Nakedness.

I Answered, That this was in the dayes of Figures and Signs, Shadows and Ceremonyes: And though this was G. Fox his Answer (in his Book which I had there by me) yet G. Fox through­out all this his Book in Folio, turns of the Allegations and Argu­ments of many of his Opposites with this Answer, to wit, The Substances is come, the Body is come, Christ the End of the Law, the End of the Command, the End of the Scriptures, the End of the Prophets, and of all Signs and Shadows and Figures.

2. Although it were so threatned that the Ethiopians and Egyptians should so goe totally and stark Naked, and that Isaiah did so, which is much questioned: yet it is not to be questioned but that the Egyptians and Ethiopians in their flight, would cover [Page 40] their Secret parts with the first cloaths or raggs they could get, as it is no question but the Prophet Isaiah did.

3. The difference of Nakedness of Mankind and Womankind is very great in all Nations. The Sex of Women is more fitted and framed by God for a Covering, for Retiredness and keeping at home and for Modesty and Bashfulness; nor do we ever read, that ever God commanded such a thing to Women, or that ever it came into his heart, or that ever any Godly Woman did so prac­tice: there is no shadow or colour of Proof from the holy Scrip­ture, nor from any Civill and sober People, no nor from the naked Barbarians themselves, who though they suffer their Male Children to go naked till about seven years old, yet cover they their Females from their birth: Tis true it is said in Brasil and other bruitish places some Savage bruits go so, but they are Cani­bals, Men-eaters &c. and other B arbarians do not so except in Drunkenness and Madness.

They still answered, that they would not Countenance any such Practice but if the Lord God so commanded his Sons and Daughters it must be obeyed.

I demanded of them how it should be known that it was the voice and command of God, The true voice of God, and ma­ [...]y false and retended. the God of Holiness, and not the command of the unclean spirit? for I told them under that Cover that one of them might be so commanded, and sent of God in such a posture and behaviour amongst men, why might not ten or twenty, yea all the women in this present. Assembly be so stirred up as it were by the Spirit of God to the horror and amazement of the whole Countrey yea of the whole World?

They seemed to me to be Confounded with this Argument and weary to hear of it, and not willing to speak to it: I therefore took occasion my self to say that it was true in former Dispensa­tions. The Command of God came to Abraham to kill his own Child, his son Isaac, and this fact enjoined him did seem as hor­rible unnatural and cruel, as this Nakedness of the Women unwo­manly and unnatural. But,

1. It was in the day and dispensation of such wonderfull Signs and figurative teachings unto men.

And 2. I said God did furnish them with a Spirit of discerning the true dream from the false, Immediate In­spirations and Revelations. the true voice from the false, the voice of God from the voice of Sathan: But in our day wherein God had altered his Dispensations and Revelations which he [Page 41] used to the Fathers, and had spoken to us by his Son, and had left his mind both in the old and new Scriptures or Writings: We have the example and President of the Lord Jesus, that is, to attend to the holy Scriptures only, and to use the weapon of [ It is writ­ten it is written] against Satkans immediate Inspirations and temp­tations.

Here W. Edmondson fel into a great heat against me and said that I spoke Blasphemy, in saying that Abraham and the Saints then! had a way and Spirit of discerning the Spirits which we had not, implying that Gods Spirit was not the same: He added, that I had kept them long and had proved nothing, and yet we had not done with the first Position. I replyed, that I had produced such Grounds as should never be shaken, and that I presumed did ap­pear to the Consciences of many, and I heartily desired might also appear unto their Spirits, Soules, and Consciences. Some of the Auditors spake to this Purpose, especially W. Hitchcocks who in­sulted upon the Water Baptisms.

And thus by Gods Mercy and Patience the Discourse of the first day ended: which very day was notable and significant as to the created Sun in the Heavens, The Eclipse of the Sun in the midst of the first dayes Disputa­tion. who in the midst of our Contest was eclipsed, and hid his Face remarkably, and preached aloud to us, that although the true Lord Jesus Christ the Sun of Righte­ousness, do suffer (in his infinite wisdom and and Patience) false Christs and false Prophets and Herod and Pontius Pilate, and his e­nemies of all sorts, Jewes and Gentiles, to cloud his Face and Glory a little from the World and his own People, yet he will break forth again in his eternal brightness, splendor and glory.

When that heavenly young Martyr or Witness of Jesus Christ William Hunter was burnt at Burnt-wood in Essex it was a close and gloomy day, A note of W. Hunter burnt in Essex at Burnt wood. but this gallant young Champion of Jesus Christ crying out aloud at the stake, Son of God look on me, Son of God shine upon me! immediately that most wonderfull Light & Fire of Hea­ven the Sun tore the clouds and brake forth and shined gloriously and remarkably upon the face of this blessed Witness at the suffer­ing of the flames of fire, son Jesus his truth sake against the who­rish Principles of both the Papists & Quakers: and thus do the holy writings tel us, that this most glorious light the Sun of Righ­teousness, visibly appeared in his glorious and glorified Form and Shape to the visible eye of his servant Steven while he patiently suf­fered for the true Lord Jesus [...] the murthering Stones to lay him down to sleep.

[Page 42] THE second day of our Spiritual Contest & Battle being come (being the tenth of the sixth Moneth Angest (so called) I heartily wished that I might rather have kept my Bed then have gone forth to a whole dayes fresh Dispute with such (reputed) able and noted Champions. Not that the most high Lord Jesus whose cause and Name I was that day to manage, for the next point was about the true Lord Jesus Christ) not that I say he faild me in my Resolution to march on against Men and Devils for his Name sake, nor that he faild me in my cheerfull Confidence that he would carry me in the everlasting armes of his Power and Good­ness through that dayes Conflict (as he had done the day before) but that he was pleased to try me with more than ordinary Wea [...] ­ness and mouldring of my house of Clay, that so my strength might be in a great respect immediately from Heaven, consider­ing my great unfitness for this dayes Service: for thus it was, [...] bo­dy to the second dayes Contest. My continued loud Speech all the day before had left an impression of Hearsness upon me, and much rain falling that afternoon (after the Eclipse) I took some wet in my feet that evening, so that my Hoarseness increased, and all that day my Head was afflicted with pain, and my voice with a painfull Hoarsness. I lookt up to hea­ven, Prayer and, Patience. and desired to wait as a Begger at the Gate, and as a Dog under the table of Mercy, and my Spirit was chearfully resolved not to give occasion of Reproaching the name of God to them who (I knew) waited and watched for it, nor any Disappointment to such as were resolved to attend the Meeting.

This day I chose a middle Seat neerer to the Seat of my three Antagonists J. Stubs, J, Burnet, W. Edmondson that so I might be heard the better with less straining of my Voice and Breast.

I began and stood up and said, the holy Scriptures by the Pro­phet Jeremiah told us of certain Bow-men, Spiritual Bow­men & [...] some that bent their Tongues as Bowes for Lyes and complain'd that none were Valians for the Truth: I told my opposites that they and I were met as Bow men, and I could heartily desire that all our Arrows might fly one way, to wit in the defence of the true Lord Jesus Christ against the false: But since I had charged them in my second Po­sition to have set up a false Christ in stead of the true Lord Jesus I should address my self to make probation of my second Position. Yet before I enter upon it, I pray the Readers Patience to be ac­quainted with some Particulars.

[Page 43] First. Though my head was ill, and my voice & speech hoarse and painfull, yet the Lord graciously carried me through the the whole day with little hindrance in my self, and little disad­vantage to the understanding of the Auditors.

Secondly. This dayes Discourse was but accidental and additi­onal, The second days Contest. for they and I desired to have finished the the whole first se­ven Positions in one day at Newport, only in my paper I added, that if the whole seven were not finished in one day, the Conference might continue some few hours the next day following: on this second day therefore was a great Assembly, the Governour, Ma­gistrates, Inhabitants and strangers, Men and Women, &c. And this dayes Contest also held unto the Evening.

Thirdly. As I had beg'd of god a Spirit of Patience to hear all their Censures, Reproachings, Revilings, Vapourings and Insultings, so it pleased God to exercise me with one notorious though pri­vate, A black and senceless Impa­tation. That I was Drunk, and could not speak that day as I had done the day before: But my Daughter Hart, at whose house I lodged, and John Trip sen. who lodged with me can testifie that I com­plained of Illness, and eat but a few spoonfulls of milk with Mr. Trip at Breakfast: and though my daughter kindly offered me a Dram for my Illness, but I refused it knowing it might curdle the milk I had taken, and so increase my cold and Obstruction: & this the most holy God knowes, and these Witnesses know was all I took that Morning which might conduce to that soul Slander, of being of Drunk that I could not speak plainly that day.

Fourthly. The confused spirit of the Qua­kers. This day also I encountred with that Disadvantage of all the three aforesaid Disputants at once with all their might fighting for their Idolls and Images against me: I spake of it, and so did others again and again: But W. Edmundson still bruitishly pleaded that it was mine own Offer to undertake all [...]: I answered as before, that I took them to be rational Men, and by all Comers not to understand ten or twenty or an hundred confu­sedly at once, but in a fair and equal way, one after an other: it was grievous & often exprest by some of the Audience: But as be­fore on the first day I resolved not to lose time, or suffer a Breath: and the Lord was pleased to make my Yoke easie and Burthen light.

Now to the proof of my second Position which was, The second Po­sition. That their Christ was not the true Lord Jesus Christ.

[Page 44] Here I prayed their patience to suffer me to tell them that they were not Christians, Concerning true & false Christs nor Professors of the Christian Religion: They might (with Jewes & Turks & Papists) profess one God, yet Christians they could not be: but as the true Lord Jesus told us, many false Christ and false Prophets should come, who like Mountebanks instead of true Physitians, and false and counterfer: Monty instead of true, Traitors & Re­bills against the King eternal &c M [...]rtherers of him. should with Satans power and policy pass up and down and deceive Peoples and Nations, so I must affirm and de­clare that for their parts they had cut of the head of the Christian Religion, the true Lord Jesus Christ, and they had set up a false Christ, a false King, an Usurper in his stead, they had like Michal put a wooden Image, upon a pillow of goats hair in Davids bed, but David himself was gone, the true David, the true Lord Jesus Christ was not to be found amongst them: this I spake expresly, and they did hear me awhile.

My proof was, First. Because the Description and Character which the holy Scripture gives to the true Lord Jesus, no way a­grees with the Image which they have set up. I told them that it was known that the word Christ was a greek word signifiing [...] as the word Messiah in the Hebrew did. The true Lord Jesus Christ I said this true Lord Jesus was one Person made up of two Natures, God and Man united into one person, I said one Individual person, whatever S Fisher blasphemously utters against it. That as to humane Nature or being Man, all the Figures and Ceremonyes, al the Priests and Sacrifices pointed to him as the great Prophet, the great anointed priest the great anointed King and Governour &c. [...] humane na­ture which G. Fox all night long so barks a­gainst.

2. As to his humane Nature and being a man and One Man Moser and the Prophets wrote of him: of his Mother a Virgin, of the place of his birth Bethlehem, of his bringing up at Naza­reth, of his Scourging and other sufferings, drinking Vinegar and [...], she [...] of his hands and feet, the numbring of him with Malefactors, the parting of his Garments and casting Lots, his banying, rising and Asscending &c. and I said all those Prophe­sies and many more were exactly, literally, and punctually fulfil­led in and upon that Individual Person: so that I affirm, there is such an exact material and literal Harmony between the Prophesies and the historical Narration of his Birth, Life, Death, Resurrecti­on, &c. that he must needs be an Unbeliever, ( Jew or Gentile) that doth not acknowledge the admirable Consent and Musick of [Page 45] them, in a literal and historical Declaration.

On the other hand I affirmed their Christ was but half a Christ, a Light, The Quakers Christ allegori­cal and [...] Fancy destroy­ing the History. an Image or Picture or Fancy of a Christ made up of the Godhead and their flesh, I said they had set up a Christ within them which was but an Imagination, an Image, a Christ in the mysti­cal Notion: but in reality Nothing: For as the Papists make use of the name Christ, and the Pope saith he is Christs Vicar and Lief­tenant, and he doth all for Christ, and the Jesuites (soaring above all Christians pretend the name Jesus, and yet the Protestant Witnesses have made it to appear that in many respects the Papists are infinitely against both Christ and Jesus, and so are not Chri­stians but Antichristians: so I told them did they, they blew a Trumpet for Christ Jesus, God in Man, the everlasting Father, that we are bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, that he was so born at Bethlehem and dyed at Jerusalem &c. And yet all these fair Flourishes and Colours are but as an English Flag in a Spa­nish or Dutch or any other Enemies Bottome: For do not all their Books declare that Christ is Spiritual, that Christ God and Man is within us, that his Birth, his Life, his Death, his Burial, his Resurrection, his Ascention are wrought within us, so that like the Oracles of Apollo, and the Ecchoes of the Jesuites the Quakers say Christ was born at Bethlehem and dyed at Jerusalem, but intend in truth and reallity no other birth nor life nor death &c. but what may be extant and wrought in the heart of man. Humphrey Norton deales plai [...]l [...] against the Person of Christ

To this purpose I told them that Humphrey Norton (one that blew the Trumpet and beat up his Drums in the Name of Christ Jesus as loud as any of them) expresly writes openly in his Book printed at London after his return from hence, to wit, Is not Christ God and is not God a Spirit? you look for a Christ without you, from what coast or Countrey shall be come? what Country-man is he? You stand gazing up in the clouds after a man, but we stand by in white chiding of you. So that if you fix now really and truly upon a Man the Manhood and Humanity of Christ, and that he did consist and still doth of body and soul (as we doe) then you are gone from, (and Christopher Houlder in his late Answer to Nathaniell Morton) are gone from your former Religion, Te­nents and Principles, The Equivocati­on of the [...] or else you are miserably bewilder'd in your Souls and Consciences, and some of you most fearfully equivocate, and others must be fearfully up to the ears in Boggs & Swamps not knowing what to hold between this Christ without, and the [Page 46] Christ within which you so much charge upon all except they [...]e Reprobates.

I told them I acknowledged Christ within as much as any of them, & infinitely more, for I did confess that every believing [...] did bring home and apply the power and virtue of Christs Birth, and Life and Death &c. Eph. 3. 10 The true union that is between Christ Jesus & Believers. according to that clear Scripture Eph. 3. 10. That Christ may dwell in your Hearts by Faith. I said there was a nearer union between Christ Jesus and a Soul be­lieving on him, then between a Man and his Wife, and between the Soul and the Body. That Union is Earthly and dissolving: but that between Christ Jesus and the Believer, it is eternal in Gods Decrees and Councells, it is temporary in Gods calling of his Chosen our of the World, to Repentance & belief in the Me­diator Christ Jesus, and it perpetuated and continues to Eternity.

I told them that (as the holy Scripture saith) they preached not Christ Jesus but Themselves, yea they preached the Lord Jesus to be Themselves: that whatever were their Pretences (as the Pa­pists) of God & Christ & Holiness & Mortification, yet they held not the Head (as the Scripture speaks) and if their Head be but a painted and an Imaginary Head, The Quakers painted Christ. they are but a painted and Imagi­nary Body. Their Sun of Righteousness they talk of is but a Sun painted upon a Sign or Wall which is not the true Sun, but the picture of the Sun of Righteousness.

I told them they set up this Christ within, opposite to Christ without, as Opposites & Contraryes, Denying & Destroying one an other: Christ within and Christ with out. for as it is with a King and his Palace, if his person be without, his person at that time is not within, though he be with­in by his Right, Authority and Influence: if his Person be with­in the Palace at that time it is not without. But the most clear Truth is though these subtle Foxians sometimes speak of a Christ without that dyed at Jerusalem agreeing with the Christ within, yet they presently declare their meaning to be Mystical: For ask them but these two Questions, and if they make any Answer you will see the Cheat, Two Questions to Quakers. the Equivocotion and the Mistery of Iniqui­ty in it.

1. Do they not hold the Light within every man to be All, to doe All and to suffer All within which the Christ without, Is or Did or suffered without.

2. Ask them what is now become of this Man, this person that thus suffered at Jerusalem, and they are forced to confess he [Page 47] is within, and can give no other account of him, as they answered to me at Newport the last day of the Conference.

But to return, I told them what I said I would prove out of their Writings, and especially out of G. Fox attested by Ed Bur­rowes his large Epistle, and as it was thought by John Stubs present.

John Burnet declared not, (nor any of them) against what I spoke: but said (as said the rest) if G. Fox have spoken or written any thing that is not right and truth, we profess not to follow him: and they were willing I should produce out of G. Fox his Book what I could that might make for my proof, viz. That they did not profess the true Christ.

I said G: Fox had pi [...]kt out some particular Lines, Sayings & Sentences out of the Books and Writings of his Opposites, (it is not to be questioned but to his utmost Advantage, G Fox his Book in Folio produ­ced. Page 3. as knowing best how to Answer what he chose and call'd out) and since they were tree and willing, I would produce some Instances: I took up the Book and read in the 3d: page, where he brings in his Opposite Samuel Eaton saying [The Saints have not Christ in the Flesh] G. F. his Answer is [ Contrary to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine, who said they were of his Flesh, and of his Bone, and should eat his Flesh, and they that eat his Flesh have it in them.] Whence I affirmed that Christ Jesus had such a Body as might be really and materially in the Saints, and it was clear that they were one with the Papists in their sayings and Doctrines denying the Flesh, The Papists & Quakers de­stroy the Person of Christ. Body and Person of Christ Jesus: For as the Papists in stead of a Spiritual feeding upon his blond and Merits, they sub­stitute and bring in a Real, Material and Carnal, in their horri­ble and fantastical Transubstantiation; so do the Quakers pro­fessing to eat Christ spiritually, wholy destroy his material and fleshly being.

I proceeded saying, in the 4 th Page G. Fox brings in the same Opposite saying, The Saints do not see Christ, the Heavens con­tain him.. And G. F. Answers And the Apostle saith they sate with Christ in heavenly places: so he is contrary to the Apostle, and Christ was in them and walked in them, and God dwelt in them and Christ in you except you be Reprobates.’ I said that as the Papists were up ridiculously & odiously with Hocest Corpus me­ [...]m, The being of Christ in the Heavens This is my Body &c. so they with The Light within you the Light that enlightens every man, Christ within you except you be Reprobates &c.

[Page 48] For if the Heavens do contain that Man Christ Jesus bodily. (as they gran [...] in word) saying, They believe he dyed, rose, and ascended: then in that same sence and respect the Saints cannot now sit bo­dily with Christ in heavenly places, and therefore to alledge Christ within, and their sitting with Christ in heavenly places, was but irrational Nonsence and Jesuitical Equivocation:

The truth is they were gravel'd with these Considerations, and they were willing that G. Fox his book and his Answers should answer for them, The Quakers endure not try­ing but are wil­lingly ignorant. and although the oppositions of G. Fox his Op­posites were mighty, and G Foxes were meer simple barkings of dogs or foxes compar'd with the rational and prudential An­swers of a man, yet when I began to open and compare the Asser­tions of the Opposite and Fox his answer, they would cry out (es­pecially W E. like a galled horse winthing) Why dost thou make thy Observations upon G. Fox his words? G. Fox his words need not thy Expositions, let G. Fox his words alone they are able to speak for themselves.

I told them it was a senceless business for me to alleadge, (and they to be willing I should) G. Fox his saying and his Answers, and we should not debate and discuss the Sence, and I make out my Proof out of G. Fox his words, and his Adversaryes compar'd together: when they had spoken they knew their liberty to take of my Answers with their own, and leave what was spoke to every ones Conscience in the sight of God.

They were Obstinately (that is in Greek Heretically) resolved to avoid this Course, Willing Igno­rance. therefore I was glad to hale my Tacks & Bo­lings close home, and make my best of a bare Wind and now and then loof up into the wind, and get liberty to say something and omit abundance of my Thoughts.

Once I was forced to say to W. Edmondson: Friend yesterday you quoted the 9 of Nehem. how it pleased God to send them his good Spirit to guide them: I pray remember now a word in the 8 of Nehem. Nehem 8 they gave the Sence. They read and gave the Sence and caused the Peo­ple to understand the Reading. Without this searching for the Sence and meaning, the Pith and Marrow of the holy Scriptures, or any other Scriptures or Writings we make use of, what are our Readings but the Papists Latine, The Quakers nonsensical Spirit. the reading Ministers, the pratling of Children and Parrets? yet notwithstanding all that I could say and urge, it is known to all the Audience the Song was, let G. Fox words alone to Speak for themselves, if thou hast any [Page 49] more to bring forth let us have them: so that as before I was forced to wave my Observations and Intentions, and pass on to new Allegations: Though now I shall crave liberty to touch and point at (as with the finger) the Opposites Assertions of Truth and G. Fox his unsavoury and rotten Answers.

In Page 8. John Bunyan Christs twofold Presence. He brings in John Bunyan &c. saying [ The Lord Je­sus Christ is a far in his bodily presence] and G. Fox answers [ And yet he saith the Lord is at hand, and the Apostle said he was in them and Christ said he would dwell with them] I here observe and re­ply, the holy Scripture abundantly tells us of a twofold presence of Christ. 1. His bodily visible Presence, which John Bunyan speaks of and the Quakers in words grant. The 2. His Spi­rituall, invisible Presence, of which many Scriptures speak and that most clearly. Eph. 3. 10. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by believing &c. Concerning this visible bodily presence, of which the Question is. First. G. Fox his impertinent and silly Answer is not to the Point no more then the East and the West is to one point of the Conpass. 2. He fallaciously, (most unchri­st [...]ly and impiously) denyes the body of Christ Jesus to be any where, The Quakers Conjure with Christs Body. and as Conjurers do ( H [...]oas P [...]as) that which all now see is gone & vanished, so that with the ancient enemies of Christs Hu­mane Nature, the Manicheans, they say and unsay and at last af­firm a Christ only God and Spirit dwelling in them, and in all man­kind also.

About this time these subtle Foxes minded to spin out Time, and to wave the close Fight of examining Particulars concerning Christs humanity. The Quakers endure not sen­ces or Mean­ings just as the Papists and yet talk all of light. G. Fox his Book was brought forth (the same with mine) John Burniat took it and went along with me in the Quotations, I read and alwayes endeavoured to make my proof out of the Allegation: But W. Edmundson kept strict watch and stood Centinel, that no Observations of Sences or Meanings should pass, resolving to keep out the Fire and Light of Christ Jesus with Stand, or [...] let fly a Fire (from Hell) upon you. Well, I knew what froward Children and bruitish Spirits I dealt with, & resolved to go softly and to speak softly, and as I could gain ground by inches (at least) for liberty to give my witness for the Lord Jesus

In Page 9. He brings in John Bunyan &c. The old [...] of Christs Pre­sence. affirming that the Son of Mary, God-Man is absent from his Church, G. Fox answers, but never touching Scripture about it. [ contrary to [Page 50] Christs words, I in them and they in me: and I will be with you to the end: and Christ the Head of the Church & where two or three are gathered &c. and the Saints are bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.

I Reply, here half an eye may see as before, how he gives no other Presence or Absence of a Christ but invisible and Spiritual, and subtilly affirms that Christ Jesus hath no bodily Presence at all in the sence which all Christians of what sort or Sect soever (but these Juglers (and themselves also in word and horrible hy­pocrisie) do acknowledge and profess,

In Page.10. Fox & Bonner no difference. He brings in the same Author saying [Christ was not in his Disciples when he said I am the Light of the world] G Fox answers. [ And so corrected by Christ, I in you and you in me]

Pag. 12. He brings in the same Author, saying [ The Body of Christ is out of the sight of all his Saints,] G. Fox Answers, (they sat with Christ in Heavenly places, the Saints are Flesh of his Flesh, and Bone of his Bone, were the Church which he is head of his Body:) In which I Answer, The Quakers pretend to owne Christs [...] & yet it truth allow him no [...] to shed. and all his Book over (though he own a Christ without, and that died at Jerusalem in word yet he allows in effect no other Body to Christ Jesus but what is Mistical and Spiritual: so that with notorious Jugling, and Jisuitical Im­p [...]dence, they would make their simple Followers believe that they own such a Christ as shed his Blood at Jerusalem, and yet leave him in his Body no more Blood to shed then is in a Spirit which hath no Bones, Flesh nor Blood to shed at all.

Pag. 17. Enoch Howet. He brings in Enoch Howet Affirming [ That it is Blasphemy to say that Christ is in Man as God Man,] G. Fox An­swers (still like the Cuckow in one silly Note) How are they of his Flesh and of his Bones: And doth not the Scripture say, Christ in you, and God will dwell in you, and walk in you, and are not his Saints of his Flesh, and of his Bones, and there is one sentence added, are they not partakers of the Divine Nature?

I Reply, The divine and humane nature of the Lord Je­sus. This Participation of the Divine Nature is (saith Pe­ter) in the Saints by those precious Promises, that is by receiving Christ Jesus, by believing in him according to that Ephes. 3. 10. (That Christ may dwell in your hearts by [...]) not that the Divine Being or Essence and Nature or God [...] communicable to a finite Creature: from hence these [...] S [...]mpletons fancie (and some have been such bold [...] as to say) they are Christ and God, as much as he that died at Jerusalem, Christed with Christ and Godded with God.

[Page 51] It is remarkable that Nicholas the Deaton was the Father (as I believed) of the old Nicholaitans and Henery Nichols in King James his time the Father of the new Nicholaitans in London and other places, Nicholas the Deacon and Nicholas Fathers of the old and new Nicholai­tans. crying up their perfection, their Spirituality and Godhead, all leading from the purity of Gods Worship and Authori­ty of the Holy Scripture, and at last to carnal Filthiness as the Daughters of these the Ranters declare evidently.

This Humane Nature, So Cristopher Houlder be boggles at the wor [...] Manhood humane Soul and Body of Christ Jesus is so cross, opposite and contrary to their new whimsical Christ Jesus (the Light within them) that G. Fox in all this Book cannot endure to hear of the Word Humane, as being a new Name and never heard of in the Scriptures.

As to the Word Humane, The word Hu­mane considered such an odious Word and Bugbear to G. Fox in all this Book: I said publick; many Words truely and properly English were well and commendably used that were not in the Scripture in English: it is true the Word Humane comes form the word in Latin Humanns, signifying partaining or be­longing to Man: used in the Scripture, 1 Cor. 10. so a Humane Soul or Body is no more but such a Soul or Body as all Mankinde have. Hence I told them, that the word Anthropinos peirasmos, 1 Cor. 10. (I presumed John Stubs knew) might have been turned Humane, but is truely turned no Temptation or Trial but such as is common to Men. This Fox knows, that if Christ Jesus be granted to have had such a Soul and Body as is Humane or Common to Men, down falls their Dagon be­fore the Chest or Ark of God, viz. their Horrible, Monstrous Idol of a Christ called Light within them.

We went on thus in alleadging Quotations, though not in a close Examination of them which they endured not, though ever and anon I made some sallies out upon them and had some Skir­mishings, and sometimes sharp Disputes before I would retreat from the Quotation.

In Pag. 282. Dan. Gandry Christ not seen as be is until the day of Judgement. He brings in Daniel Gandry saying [ We shall not see Christ as he is until he comes Judgement, and then and not before we shall see him] G. Fox Answers, (You where you are see him not: nor know him as he is, we do believe you: but the Saints the true Church whom he is the Head of, in whom he is in the must and in whom he is, &c.

I was not desirous to trouble the Audience with more Quota­tions, but they still urged, haste thou any more, hast thou any more, &c. upon their provocation I Quoted many more (to [Page 52] make up an overwhelming Cloud of Witness against these Pro­testant Jesuits and Judasites, Betrayers of the Son of God the true Lord Jesus Christ.

In Foxes Answer to his Opposite Daniel Candry it is clear that he affirms the contrary to his Opposite, to wit. that Christ Jesus is as much now seen visibly as ever he shall be seen: in which I believe he speaks the heart of all the Antichristian Wolves and Faxes who quake and tremble at the thought of Christs return again to judgment: The personal [...] of the Lord Jesus. and therefore these deluded and deluding Souls in their dark Prisons of willing Blindness, and the hellish Chai [...]es of the pride and hardness and security of their hearts, they dream they sit in Robes of Glory themselves & now keep open the high Court of eternal Judgment and pass Sentence upon this Christ without as a poor Outside Christ and all that worship him.

2. I observe in Fox his answer that he can not keep out of his Burrew of confounding a visible eye and a Spiritual, A visible and [...] visible eye and object. a visible and an invisible seing; you see him not saith he where you are, that is you that look upon such a real person indeed, such an one born living and dying as the History sets forth, you cannot see him as he is, but we that look at Christ Jesus and the history of him as Mystical, immediate, invisible, though we use to please you children and fools with the words of Christ dying at Jerusalem: we see him he is in the midest of us: and he is the invisible Head of the Church in God, while you talk of Visibles and seing him as Visible &c.

In Page 276. he brings in Richard Meyo saying; that he did believe in a Christ that dyed at Jerusalem: Christ within & Christ without. and he that doth not believe a Christ within, and preach Christ within, is a Repro­bate Colloss. 2. 2. Cor. 13. And he is not in a true Belief of Christ without, that doth not believe in a Christ within, but is in the Devils Belief, and believes as the Devils do.

In this his answer an humble Soul may see how this subtle Traytor under the golden Name of Christ, and Christ within in the heart, he stabs at the heart of the true Lord Jesus, who suffered for poor Mankind in mans own nature at Jerusalem.

2. I observe his virulent and venemous Mind and Pen stab­bing damning and reprobating all that truly believe in the true Lord Jesus, The Papist and Quakers Christ is [...] where. whome he confesseth to have been a real man dying [...] Jerusalem, &c. except they can believe that he is now no where to be found but in every mans heart that cometh into the world, that is no where.

[Page 53] In Page. 246. He brings in Christopher Wade saying, [ It is whimsical to say Christ God and Man, Christoph Wade. Flesh and Spirit is in them] He answers. [ Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine who said they were of his flesh and of his bone, and Christ in you, and he would walk in them, and he that hath not the Spirit of Christ in none of his, and they are of his flesh and of his bone, and Christ in you the hope of Glory]

In the same Page he brings in the same Author saying [ Flesh and bone cannot be a measure in one and a measure in an other] He An­swers [ wher as the-Apostle saith, we are of his Flesh and of his Bone, here thou art contrary to the Apostle, and that was more then one that had the Flesh of Christ, and his Bone and his Spirit.

In Page 248. He brings in the same Author saying, [ Its a false thing to say Christs Person is in man] He Answers, [ which is as much as to say, none are of his Flesh nor of his Bone nor eat nor had not his Substance.

And Page 249 The Saints bodyes are not Christs body. He An­swers, How are they Christs? How dwels be in them? and how are they of his Flesh and of his Bone then? and how bruitish are you become in Knowledge? hath he not bought them with a price, and are they not his?

And in the same Page he brings in the same Author saying, that neither Gods Essence, nor Heaven, nor Christs Person was in Pe­ters holy body. He answers, but the Apostle said God will dwell with you and walk in you, and again, our conversation is in Heaven.

And once more in the same page There is not whole Christ God and man in men. Answ. Then how must men grow in the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ: and Christ and God will dwel in man and walk in man, God that made all things, and Christ by whome all things were made.

I Reply, this Author Christopher Wade I know not many of his Opposites (living and dead, whome he here vapours to answer in his Book, The Author whome G. Fox [...] and in Pride and [...]ad­ness [...] a­gainst. I know were worthy of Christian esteem and honour for the grace and Knowledge of Christ Jesus in them, and for other worthy respects: and whither this Opposite or any other whome he pretends to puffe at or Answer, have thought this audacious Quacksalver worthy of any Reply, I know not: For certainly (as he commonly concludes his Answer in his Book) Thy many notorious Lyes and Slanders and Blasphemyes are not worth the mentioning. however for the proof of my Position I am occasioned [Page 54] to follow this Fox into his holes and Burrowes, and to hale him out before God, Angls and Men as a most greedy audacious Fox and Wolfe, not sparing the Son and Lamb of God, nor his preci­ous Lambs and Sheep.

Now to all these last Quotations, The Quakers Christ but a whimsical Christ I say (as the Opposites to Fox said) that this Notion of Christ within opposite to Christ without is a most Frantick and Whimsical, Gross, and Blockish Fancy: For though he grant Christ Jesus to be a Man which d [...]ed at Jerusalem, yet making him only Spiritual, and such a Christ as is whole Christ, God and Man in every man in the World, he makes Christ Jesus to be but a Whimsical Christ, and that Man that died at Jerusalem but a Babylonian Fancy.

In Pag. 221. He brings in the Author to a Book called Hosanna to the Son of David, Hosanna to the Son of David saying, [ Christ is without the Saints in respect of his Bodily presence,] He Answereth, (They are of his Flesh and of his Bone, and eat his Flesh and drink his Blood: and how have the Saints his Mind and Spirit, and he with them and they with him, and sit with him in Heavenly places, and he is the Head of the Church: how then is he absent? the poor Apostates from him who feel not Christ with you, but he is with the Saints, and they feel him.)

I Reply, I observe this Viperous Tongue saying to the unknown, heavenly Author, and Fox his other Opposites [Ye poor Apostates &c.] what is it but a heighth of Develish Pride going before de­struction and condemnation? this proud swelling Bladder puft up with a Timpany of Wind and Vanity, what a huge swelling shew he makes? what a breadth of confident boldness and bruitish impu­dencie he carries before him? what a gross, Frantick Papist is he become, that cannot, will not distinguish between Christs Spirit­ual presence and his bodily? The Spirit of the Papists & the Quakers [...]. that cannot, will not consider the dif­ference between Spirits and Bodies, a Spirit that hath no Flesh nor Bones, and a Body which hath both, as Christ his Body had? that cannot, will not distinguish between their sinful Flesh and Bones, and the finless Flesh and Bones of that Man Christ Jesus? that cannot, will not distinguish between God manifested in the Flesh and Bones of that Man Christ Jesus, and manifested in the Flesh and Bones of Believers in him: O most Holy and Righteous are thy Judgements, O thou most High Judge of the World, who art a devouring fire and Justice it self, who thus castest down the Proud and Self-conceited into the Dungeon of such Black and Hel­lish Ignorance!

[Page 55] Pag. 217. Out of a Book mentioning the Quakers Cause, say­ing, [ To say Christ within is never to mention Christ without] He Answers, There is none knows Christ within, but he knows him without: the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever: And there is none knows him but they know him within, revealed of the Fa­ther, which is beyond Flesh and Blood. The Quakers notoriously dis­semble, for they do own and not own the Christ that dyed at Je­rusalem.

I Observe, This foolish Fox (for all his hiding Craft) is here found out: He professeth (against his Will and Heart) a Christ that died at Jerusalem, and therefore is he forced to name a Christ without: but when the Hole and Burrough is Digged the Fox is found: For Examine what is this Christ without! is he that litte­ral, real and material Person the Son of Mary (as all professing Christs Name generally agree? Is this he whom the Quakers ac­knowledge to have lived and died at Jerusalem? and do they intend a Material Crosse, a literal Death, a literal and real Jerusalem? some of them will say yes, but therein give the lye to others of them­selves, and also to the rest of their own story, in acknowledging no other Christ but such as in every man: such a Christ as real­ly and bodily died at Jerusalem, they scorn and hate and fly from as the Devils did, crying out, What have we to do with thee Jesus thou Son of the most High God, art thou come to torment us before the time? Hence the former Arch-deacon or Arch-bishop of these parts Humphrey Norton: Humph. Nor­ton more plain in words then other Quakers. he mocks at an outward Christ, he asks what Countryman he was and shall be: He reproves the Fools that have their Eyes abroad, and gazing after a man into Heaven, he jeers at the Crosse, and asks what manner of wood it was made of, seeing we must take it up dayly? And Fox faith, this Jesus Christ without and within, is Jesus Christ yesterday, and to day, and the same for ever: Christ yesterday and to day therefore in the Logick or Reason of this Bruite, Christ had no body that was born at Bethlehem, or died at Jerusalem: For he was born yesterday, and to day, and he is born forever: he dyed yesterday, and he dies to day, and he dies for­ever, which is a most Heavenly Truth relating to Gods purpose, Christs Merit, and to Forefathers, our present times, and such as yet must be born and follow after us.

But such Mystical and figurative Scriptures (which are in them­selves like Sampsons Lion and Riddle) through Satans Policy, and the proud simplicity of these simple Foxes, are made the common Holes and Burroughs where you may be sure to find them [...] just like the Jesuites (whose Cosens, if not Brethren of one belly of Hell [Page 56] they are) who usually confound clear Scriptures with Spiritual and Mystical Illusions, and fly from Distinctions and openings necessa­ry in places more dark, figurative and allegorical.

In pag. 211. He brings in John Burton saying, That the man that was crucified his body is now in the presence of his Father, absent from his People as touching his bodily presence. He Answers. Doth not the Apostle say he is the Head of the Church? and doth not the A­postle say they are of his Flesh and Bone and sit in heavenly places with Christ, and Christ saith, they must eat his flesh, and he is in them.

As I remember at the reading of this Quotation, I urged that herein G. Fox did plainly deny (as indeed in all the rest I have quoted) Christ Jesus to have had such a body as could be born of a woman, wrapped in swadling Cloathes, &c. as could be hun­gry, The Quakers endure not to be searched, tem­ [...]r of false and [...] spirits. weary, sleep, discourse, apprehended, buffeted, whipped, nail'd to the Gallomes, die, be buried, arise and ascend up visibly into these visible Heavens, now in the presence of his Father, and absent from his People on Earth, as touching his bodily presence: But one of my Opposites, (I think two of them) bid me not wronge G. Fox by my Observations, for his words were not so. I Answ. In effect and Substance they were, for G. Fox here, (and in all his Answers) maintains the Negative to what his Opposites Affirm. The Quakers & Ap [...]lines Ora­cles the same. And 2. As to the grounds of his deniall it is clear that sometimes they are most plain and clear, and sometimes most subtle, and commonly such as will bear a twofold Sence, on which they commonly ground some Jusuitical equivocation.

In Pag. 210. John Burton He brings in John Burton saying, Christ went a­way into Heaven from his Disciples, and so not within them. He An­swers, Did not be say that he would come again to them? Did he not say he was in them, I in you? And did not the Apostle say Christ was in them except they were Reprobates? the hope of Glory? was he not revealed in the Apostle and so in him? and did not the Apo­stle Preach Christ within, and you preach Christ without?

Again in the same Page [ Those Believers that are in the body at this day are absent from the Lord:] He Answers again, Doth not the Aposte say Christ is in them except they be Reprobates? and he is in them the Hope of Glory? [...] Jesuites in the world the Qua­kers [...]. and they have fellowship with God, and God will dwell in them, and walk in them, and he that believes believes in him, in Christ and so not absent.

Again in the same Page, they say [ He is absent from them as touching his flesh, He Answers, Doth not the Apostle say they [Page 57] are of his Flesh and of his Bone▪ and he that eates not his Flesh, hath no life in him, and they sit in heavenly places with him, and he that eates his flesh hath it in him.

And again in the same Page they say [ There is not any Heaven within into which the Man Christ is ascended, or can any man con­tain a man four foot long?] He Answers [ Christ is a Mystery, and is he not to be revealed within who is a Mystery? He who did de­scend to be revealed and made manifest in his Saints in flesh and Spirit, that did descend, which is now manifested, that the World wonders at: that is ascended far above the Heavens, who is the Saints life living Bread and Drink: and where ever used the Mi­nisters of Christ any such expression as thou doth, which shews that Christ to thee is a Mystery?

Reply, In all these four Passages G. Fox expresly denies that Christ is ascended into Heaven from his Disciples: That Believers now in the Body are absent from the Lord: that he is absent from Man as touching his Flesh: The Quakers wonderful jug­ling about the true Christ and that Christs Body is not containable in a place according to his stature and proportion.

2. In his Answers he notoriously jugles and equivocates as if he maintained Christ in Truth, he that lived and died at Jerusalem, and visibly ascended into the Heaven, though the whole scope and the plain open faced meaning of his words, with loud cries tend alto­gether to another business, to wit, to set up himself by setting up the Image and Picture, this Imaginary Christ which he calls the Light within them.

The same Author saith, Pag. 206. [ A false Christ hath a new false Faith to apprehend this Crucified Christ within,] He Answers, John Burton: [ which is contrary to the Faith of the Apostles which Preached Christ that's Crucified within and not another: Him that was raised from the dead was risen that Lord Jesus Christ within, the same yesterday, to day, and for ever, by whom the World was made glorified with the Father before the World began: it was be that was manifest in the Saints, that was, and is not another, for the other is Antichrist.]

Again in the same Page, it is a Sceipture of the Devils making to apprehend this Christ within: He Answers, Now I say if there be any Christ but he that was crucified within he is a false Christ, and the Scripture holds forth this, and the Devil never made it, but he and his Messengers are against it: And he that hath not this Christ [Page 58] that was risen and Crucified within is a Reprobate though Devils and Reprobates may talk of him without.

This Quotation was read again in their own Book by John Bur­net, and they magnified the Christ within, but they would not suf­fer me to observe the sence and argue from it, The Quakers Traitor & Re­bels against the true Lord Jesus saying, G. Foxes Words were plain concerning the true Christ: And so indeed I say they are to any penitent Soul truly (like Paul) unbottom'd from weak and filthy self, and his own Dunghil Righteousness, and burn­ing with sincere Affection to the true Lord Jesus: For these subtle, Foxes, and their Words discover (as the Sun at noon day) that as plainly as ever Absalom, Achitophel, Shimei, Sheba rose up in con­spiracy and Rebellion against David, &c. as plainly as ever Judas and Peter (for a time) and Alexander the Copper-smith, and Hy­meneus, and Julian the Apostate denied Davids Antitype the true Lord Jesus: so under the Cloak and Colour of Christ Crucified within, do their Rebellious Traitors bear Arms against the Medi­ator between God and Man, the Man Christ Jesus: For although it be Scripture Phrase, that we are Crucified, Dead and Buried, and Risen with Christ: yet what a poor proof is this, that Christ was Born and Crucified &c. yesterday, and to day within us, and there is no other Birth nor Life, nor Death, nor Grave but what is within us, and all are Reprobates and Devils that bow not down to this painted devouring Monster.

Still my Opposites were catcht in their own Craftiness they seemed well pleased that G. Fox should be heard in his Answers to his Adversaries. I have known the poor Lobsters catch the Foxes. and I restrain'd and stopt from making out my Proofs from the Sense, and Scope and Mean­ing: I was yet glad that so much was discovered, that I had (by Catches) liberty to give fire sometimes, and intended to make use of this present Advantage (which I from the first intended, when I saw I should be stopt, and they would not afford me the liberty I gave to them without the least Interruption) as John Stubs con­fessed.

Page 135. He brings in Thomas Moor saying [ Christ is absent from us while we are in this Mortal Body] He Answers contrary to the Apostle, who saith, the Life of Christ is manifested in their mortal Flesh.]

And Page 136. The same Author saith [ Christ is distinct from every one of us, and without us in our particular persons,] He An­swers, [Page 59] [ The Apostle said Christ was in them except thed were Repro­bates: and they were of his Flesh and of his Bone, and they eat his Flesh and [...] his Blood, then it was in them, and he is distinct from none but Reprobates who bates the Light.]

Reply, I wondred not so much at this Thunder, The wonderful blindness and bardness of my Antagonists and Fire, and sinking Brimstone from this Foxes mouth, and that all are Repro­bates with him that bow not down to his Carved Image: but I wondred at my Opposites, who declared (publickly as before) that they would not follow G. Fox but in the Truth. &c. and yet when I read all their plain Evidences to them of Foxes denying the true Lord Jesus, God and Man, and making only a Spiritual Christ, a Mystical Invisible Jesus, &c. that yet they should be so blinded and hardened, as to cover excuse and plead for G. Fox in all particulars, and stop me from drawing the Curtain and letting in the Light by Opening and Arguing from the Sence and Meaning.

I do not remember that any one of my three Opposites gave any positive answer to any of my observations on Foxes Principles, Answers, and Evasion: All their work was to keep themselves within their [...]renches or Burroughs, and to cry out [ Thou must keep to Foxes Words] or, Wilt thou go on to another?

In Page 71. He bring in Frances Higginson saying, [ Christs Humane Nature] He Answers, Frances Hig­ginson [ Where doth the Scripture speak of Humane, the Word Humane where is it written that we may search for it: For Quakers endure not the word Humane Now we do not deny that Christ (according to the Flesh) was of Abraham, but not the word Humane: And Christs Nature is not Humane which is Earthly, for that is the first Adam.]

Reply. This ignorant and simple Cavil (as I have before pro­ved is to be from 1 Cor. 10.) is often brought by G. Fox. in this Book, in an horrible equivocation to overthrow and destroy that Humane Nature, that Flesh and Body of the Lord Jesus, who yet had such a Body they say that died at Jerusalem: These Traiterous Jesuits or Judasites tell us Humane is of the Earth or Earthly, and that it the first Adam, but Christ Jesus is of the Seed of Abraham according to the flesh, that is, in their mental Reservation, accord­ing to their flesh, God in their flesh, Christ in their flesh suffering at a Mystical Jerusalem within them: They are Abrahams Seed, Isaaks Seed in whom all Nations (by this Christ the Light within them) must be blessed: And all that are not this Seed, this Flesh, [Page 60] this Christ (which they are) are in the Serpents Nature and Re­probates. Act 513. O [...]ned of Christs Hu­manity. But amongst all the most full and heavenly Scriptures for the Humane Nature of the Lord Jesus: I shall touch but one at present, Act. 13. at Antioch, Barnabas and Paul in a Synagogue of the Jews made the Humane Nature of the Lord Jesus, (as also in other places) the great Subject of their Discourse and Preach­ing: and concludes ver. 38. Be it known unto you therefore Men & Brethren, that through this Man is Preached unto you the Forgiveness of sins, and by Him all that Believe are Justified from all things from which you could not be Justified by the Law of Moses. By the meri­torious Sufferings. Death and Blood-shedding of this Jesus (lite­rally in the History born at Bethlehem as the Quakers say, &c.) is only forgiveness of sin, and justification, &c. and not by a Chimi­cal and Diabolical Christ and Fancy within us, begot by the Devil on a proud and lazie Ignorance: Let therefore (as it follows) the Proud Despisers wonder and perish, believing not in him the true Light of the World, the true Brazen Serpent to all that look up unto him.

In Page 37. Tho Collier He brings in Thomas Collier saying, [ If the very Christ God Man be within those called Quakers he cannot come down from Heaven] He Answers, [Here he stands against the promise of Christ, that he shall come and dwell in you, and walk in you: I will come again unto you. And he hath revealed his Son in me saith the Apostle, and know you not that Christ is in you except you be Reprobates: and the Spirit of the Father speaks in you, and see how contrary thou art to the Prophets, Christ and the A­postles.]

I urged that here G. Fox did plainly deny the expected personal coming of the Lord Jesus: The second com­ing of the Lord Jesus but they charged me to give none of my Sences and Meanings to G. Fox his words: but now I have leave (by Gods merciful hand) here to say, that their Hypocrisie and Deceit (whereby they cheat themselves and others) is so much the more gross and abominable, because they pretend in words to own Christ Jesus Humane descending, or Ascending as a Man into Heaven, and Christs there abiding until the time of the Restitu­tion, and Christs return the second time: They know also that all those Scriptures they produce (as Christ in you except ye be Re­probates, &c.) concern an inward invisible and Spiritual presence, and yet they bruitishly cry out contrary to the Prophets, Christ, & the Apostles.

[Page 61] It comes to my mind that in reading & urging some of these Passa­ges concerning these Foxians denying the Humane Nature and Person of the Lord Jesus, one of my Opposites John Stubs insisted upon that 9. of Isaiah where Christ is called the Everlasting Fa­ther: and yet he said, He was the Son of Man, born of a Woman, The Everlasting Father Christ [...] & how &c. I Answered, the Hebrew word rendred by our Translators, the Everlasting Father is Translated by some, the Father of an age, or the Father of Ages, alluding to the great increase and spreading of Christs Name, and the mighty increase of his Spiritual Seed (as the Lord promised to Abraham and Isaac) as the Stars of Heaven. John Stubs said the Hebrew word was [ Abi Haad, &c.] and it was rendred Pater Eternitatis: I replied that it was rendred (and that more near the Hebrew) Pater seculi, or seculorum: But I told him it was not a seasonable time and place for him and me to spend much time about the Translation of the word: he said he had brought the Hebrew Bible with him, The Quakers wonderfull, changed & [...] but in Dissimu­lation as to learning & the Scriptures and it may be he understood the Hebrew and the Greek and other Languages as well as my self and better too: I was about to say that they were wonderfully al­tered and changed from their former principles and practises, for heretofore they have professed to me that they had no need of Books, no not of the Scripture it self, for they had the Teacher within them, that gave forth Scripture, &c. if now they were per­swaded to study the Holy Scripture, and the Translation of it, and to examine the Translations and the Copies of them, then they did err and sin before, (which they say the Saints cannot) in so wonderfully neglecting and slighting them as useless and needless things.

Yea the truth is if their Light be so Alsufficient as they make it, to bring them to Heaven, to guide them immediately and infallibly &c. what simplicity is it in them to stoop to Pen and Ink, and mens fallible Translations, yea, many wayes charged with many failings.

I know their Pretences of becoming All to All to win the more, and of removing the offence and stumbling block, viz. as if they denied the Scriptures, but the truth is, they look at the Holy Scri­ptures still but as the Ceremonies which the Apostles dispensed with for a season: they [...]re no more for the Scriptures then the Pa­pists do, they are forced to make use of them for an end, but all their hopers in their Interpretations, which both Papists and Qua­kers [Page 62] bend their utmost to secure. viz. the Priviledge of Interpre­tation, and chair of Infallibility to themselves, or else down they tumble, for most sure it is the Holy Scriptures, and both Papists and Quakers are at irreconcilable difference, if the one stand the other must fall for ever.

Although I desired to finish all the first seven Positions that day, and offered once or twice to proceed, yet W. Edmundson (speci­ally) upbraided me that I kept them long, W. Edmund. [...] and that I proved no­thing, and upon a sudden a violent, tumultuous disorderly Wi [...] or Spirit filled all his Sails, so that he rose up and fell into a down­right Speech or Sermon to the People and Auditory: and first he declared how notoriously I had wronged them, in laying and pub­lishing so many false, and some of them dangerous Charges a­gainst them. 2 And how they had been so long patient towards me and suffer me to produce so many Allegations out of G. Fox his Book, and yet they speak nothing for me, but G. Fox his words cleared him from all my unjust challenges and charges. 3. He Appealed to the People, how willing they had shewed themselves to own the Scriptures, and to have all their Teachings and Diffe­rences tried by the Scriptures. 4. He fell upon the two H [...]ges of all the Quakers common Discourse.

First, An Invective against the Priests, False Teacher, False Apostles, who had got on the Sheeps cloathing and sold the words of Scripture for their Game and Lucre and be amplified this much how all their care and study was to get a good Living or B [...]nifi [...] of 50, 60, 100 or 200 pounds a year (more or less) and he that complained how I took up time, now (tediously) made us all to hear a Story, [...] concern­ing Benefices which he said he knew himself of one of the Priests that lived not many miles from the place where W. Edmund. lived, who told with his own Mouth unto William Edmund, viz. how that having a good Benefice, another Priest of his acquaintance came to visit him, whom he entertained kindly, and this his Guest told him that he was going to the Bishop of Dublin, who was his Friend: and the Priest the Host was afterward informed that this treacherous and ungrateful Guest, did use all the art he could with the Bishop of Durham (or Dublin) to get his Friends (that had en­tertained him) his Living from him.

2. The second part of his Sermon was (as usually it is of all their Sermons) an extolling and magnifying of that Light which [Page 63] he said had appeared to him, which he advanced as the Principle and the Foundation, the Light, &c. he added how they had left all the Glory and Pleasures of the World for this Light: And his vain extolling of their Idol Light and how they had endured and suffered much for Preaching this Light to ungodly and ungrateful men, who had ill required them for their Message and Work was only to bring good News unto them, to tell them that they should be free from sin and have Christ Jesus live and dwell in them. I kept silence until this famous Apostle and 'Preacher of Christ Jesus had done this Speech or Sermon which he said he was moved in his heart to make unto them & (as he often said) to give an account of his Faith which he performed with very great zeal and fervency, both of mind and body.

I had thought then to have spoke, John Stubs his Sermon but immediately Jo. Stubs stood up being moved (as he said) to Declare his mind and Thoughts unto the people also, and so he began a large Oration, Speech or Sermon also (though not so long as William Edmund­sons) he declared how pleasant a thing the Light was, and how pleasant a thing it was to behold it? And he said, are you angry be­cause we bring you the Tidings of the Light? This was the principle, this was the Foundation of all, the Light, &c. He added (for John Stubs his was but a Repetition of William Edmundsons his Sermon) that they had forsaken all the Glory of Honours and Pleasures of this World for this Light: and they had left their Wives and Chil­dren, and exposed themselves to hard Travels and to many Hard­ships and Sufferings for the Light sake: I heard him also pati­ently and gave him to Interruption (as he twice openly confest that I had not interrupted them: but when he had finished his Sermon and I had gained a little calm and liberty of Speech, imme­diately before I could finish one Sentence, that Pragmatical and In­sulting Soul W. Edmundson stopt and Interrupted me, so that I openly complained of incivility and inhumanity: that hearing patiently their two Sermons, The Quakers [...] interruptions they were set down, and common Reason said that it was my turn to speak, and every body desired what Answer I could [...]rame to hear it, that then I should be di­sturbed and stopt was [...] the Societies of Civil and [...] I then Answered, A short Answer to 2 Sermons [...] these very Sermons or Ora­tions which they had now made to the People were so far hereath [...] an Answer to them that [...] afforded [...] and invisible Argument, that the Spirit of God [Page 64] was not the Author of them: For we all knew that the Spirit of God was most purely Rational, and a Spirit of pure Order, and did not prompt or move men to break Hedges and leap over one Or­dinance into another: We were engaged in a mutual Conference and Disputation, The motions of Gods spirit not those of the Quakers we were in the midst of it, how came we then to fall into Popular Orations and Sermons? is it comely when persons are Disputing to fall upon our knees and Answer an Argument with a Prayer (as it is a frequent practice with the Quakers,) is it pro­per to break off Prayer and fall to disputing, or out of Disputa­tion into Preaching?

But I said my Opposites Spirit was far from the Holy Spirit of God. The Quakers not orderly nor patient and his movings are far from the Motions with which my Antagonists were acted, for they had neither power to keep civil Order, nor to be patient, for not being able to answer nor bear my words W. Edmundson said expresly what should we sit here and suffer him thus to vent his Blasphemies and Lies? he hath kept us here two dayes, and hath proved nothing, &c.

I took a little boldness and told them, that if Paul himself were present, or Jesus Christ himself in their bodily presence which they confessed he died in at Jerusalem, yet they would say unto them, even unto Christ himself, thou hast falsely charged but thou hast proved nothing: Paul himself should be an Enemy, and Jesus Christ should be a Blasphemer and a Beelzebub because he brought glad news of the Truth from Heaven to them.

I further said, that I had more to offer in the name and in the cause of the true Lord Jesus Christ, and after I had got liberty of speech, I said that as they which denied the person of the true Lord Jesus denied the true Lord Jesus himself, The Offices of Christ Jesus so they which denied the Offices which God the Father had invested him with and designed him to fulfil, they denied the true Lord Jesus Christ.

They demanded of me wherein they denied the Offices of Christ Jesus: I Answered, I had many things to declare in which they denied the Offices of Christ Jesus (as well as the Papists for which we se­perated from them as Antichristians, not holding the Head the true Lord Jesus the Sacrifice and Sacrificer, the only Prophet. A­postle and Messenger, bringing in the last times, the last Dispensation and Will of his Father: contrary to the Papists who set up (some of them) the Pope and (some of them) the general counsel above the Lord Jesus declaring his mind in the Holy Scriptures: and con­trary [Page 65] to the Quakers who set up a voice or motion within them overtopping and over pouring the voice or Christ Jesus in the Scriptures, some of them maintaining that this Light within them is that great Prophet that was to come which Moses Prophesied of, Deut. 18.

I said I would contract my thoughts, The Kingly office of the Lord Je­sus. and speak at present only a little of his Kingly power and Office, and I plainly denounced that they were all notoriously guilty of High Treason against the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus, yea as far as in them lay, they robd him of his Crown, and Life, and All.

In particular I told them I had abundant proof there ready to bring forth from G. Foxes Book, that he and his Associates denied (yea all of them) that visible Kingdome and Church and Institu­tions which he as King over all his Subjects hath Sovereign Right unto, and most faithfully and wisely ordained to continue until his coming again. The visible Chri­stian Church & Ordinances.

I told them that G. Fox his Book and all their Books and Pro­fessions denied any visible Church of Christ at all: and though they maintained and kept up Congregations (of pretended Chri­stian) Worships and Worshippers (in a direct contradiction unto their own Tenents, yet) they maintained the Church was in God and so not visible: the Officers of the Church were invisible and immediately made by the immediate and invisible Spirit. The Ba­ptisme was within, and only the Baptisme of the Spirit and of Fire: The Lords Supper appointed by the Lord Jesus to be a Spiritual Feast remembring him until his coming was with them nothing else but Spiritual joy, which they have one, in and with another, which they have by the second coming of the Lord Jesus to them, who they said was come again to the Apostles the second time, and unto themselves also.

Upon this (as I remember) there fell out some words between my Opposites, and some of the people called Baptists: But some of them (especially John Stubs) demanded of me, why I thus charged them and was my self so guilty, not living in Church Or­dinances myself. Touching the se­verall Churches extant.

I Answered, that it was one thing to be in Arms against the King of Kings and his visible Kingdome and Administration of it, & to turn off all to Notions and Fancies of an invisible Kingdome, and invisible Officers and Worships as the Quakers did: Another [Page 66] thing among so many pretenders to be the true Christian Army and Officers of Christ Jesus) to be in doubt unto which to asso­ciate and to list our selves.

After all my search and examinations and considerations I said, I do profess to believe, [...] nearest to Christ Jesus that some come nearer to the first primi­tive Churches, and the Institutions and Appointments of Christ Je­sus then others, as in many respects so in that gallant and heaven­ly and fundamental Principle of the true matter of a Christian Congregation, This was and I hope is the prin­ciple of the N English Church. Flock or Society, viz. Actual Believers, true Disci­ples & Converts Living Stones, such as can give some account how the Grace of God hath appeared unto them, and wrought that Heavenly Change in them; I professed that if my Soul could finde rest in joyning unto any of the Churches professing Christ Jesus now extant, I would readily and gladly do it, yea unto them­selves whom I now opposed.

But Thirdly. Not finding rest, they themselves knew, there is a Time of purity and Primitive Sincerity: there is a time of Trans­gression & Apostacy, The various ap­pearances of Christ Jesus there is a time of the coming out of the Babilonian Apostacy & Wilderness: there is a time of many Flocks pretending to be Christs and saying, Loe here he is &c. and a Command of Christ Jesus, goe not into the Wilderness, goe not into the private Chambers: There is a time when Christ Jesus his Doves and Loves cry out to him, O thou whome my Soul loveth, tell me where thou feedest, where thou makest thy Flock to rest at noon; for why should I be as one that turns aside to the Flocks of my Compani­ons? I doe not remember that any Reply was made to this by any of my Opposites, nor heard I any more of this Objection.

I now praied there patience to hear me a few words: I said we had spent two whole dayes from morning to night and had pro­ceeded no further then the Debates of the two first Positions, M [...] offer in the end of the second dayes conference. I told them if they were free I would attend them again in the Morning (being the first of the week) to fall upon the proof of my other five positions remaining for Newport: or if they were not willing to that, I would (if God permitted) attend them there on the second day called Munday, in the Morning to pro­ceed upon the rest.

W. Edmundson said, Lying pretenders to Gods service they had spent so much time already upon but two of them: and both he and John Stubs said they had other business in hand then to attend unto my false Charges which in all [Page 67] this time I could not make out: they said they must go about the work of the Lord to which he had called them.

I told them I had used all diligence, I failed not to meet them a­bout the exact hour appointed, and alwayes before the Audience was come. I never withdrew nor absented a Minute, but put my old Carcase to constant pursuit of my promise which lay on me to fulfil, and to make out my proofs, although they had spoke never a word until I had finished: I used all possible brevetie, The Authors just Apologie against the adjust [...] of the Quakers and oft times suppressed my thoughts pressing in upon me for Utte­rance and Audience; I rather chose thus to Apologize for my self, then down right to blame them, on whom (they saw well enough) I said the blame of our long proceeding. I told them I had spoken nothing to them but the Eternal truth of God, which sooner or later would arrest them, and using aloud the words of the Lords Jesus [ viz. The words that I have spoken shall judge you at the last day.] I withdrew.

Within a quarter of an hour they sent one to me to desire my coming in again to them and William Edmondson (commonly their proud mouth) told me that I had deeply charged them and laid many false Accusations upon them, and some of them dan­gerous, both as they were Christians, and as they were men: they had used long patience in hearing of me, and yet because it should be seen that they were willing to hear the utmost that I had to say they would meet and spend a few hours with me on the second Day following at nine in the Morning, only they would not endure any long and tedious Discourses.

I Answered that their own souls knew, A mutual agree­ment for a third dayes confe­rence. and the Auditors knew I used to be brief: and if they had pleased to have given me leave, I would have finished the whole seven by noon the first day: and I would now promise them (by Gods help) to finish what I had to say to the other five remaining in a quarter of an hour, so that in five quarters of an hour I would present them with what I had to say: W. Edmundson said they would expect I should so do, and all of them seemed well pleased that I offered to dispatch each Position in a quarter of an hour; I said they must not count me false & a Promise-breaker if I was not exact to a quarter of an hour possible I might be within a quarter, possible I might something exceed it, but I hoped not to exceed above a quarter.

W. Edmundson replied, Nay Roger thou must be punctual if [Page 68] thou wil [...] be a Christian: and indeed afterward at Providence he unjustly more then once upbraided me saying, A quarter of an hour [...] Is this your quar­ter of an hour? I answered that Christians, nor any prudent man would be so curious and critical as to raise Censures and Accusa­tions upon the nicityes and uncertaintyes of a few Minutes, for unless we had [...] and quarter-Glasses (as in some Ships) it was impossible to be exactly punctual: however by Gods help I said I would study such Exactness, that I would rather o­mit much I had to say then fail in my promise to them.

After this (as I heard) W Hitchcock of Newport held dispute with them about Water-Baptisme, I was withdrawn being even­ing and weary.

I was told by many of Providence, that I knew them they would not stand a Disputation: or if they did they would not con­tinue without great Advantages and be as slippery as Eeles, and break off abruptly, The Quakers [...] & policy as their spirit hurried them, I therefore studi­ously endeavoured to tole and drive them to the finishing of my remaining five at Newport, and the other seven at Providence. And thus by the most wise and gracious hand of God we came to the end of the second dayes work, and the second Position and the end of the Week.

It was queried by some why (at Newport and Providence after­ward) they appointed the end of the weeks for the Disputation? and why since it was not finished they would not proceed on the first day? It is not immaginable that they cordially owne that day; (for the Quakers work upon it) but they wisely resolved to have the whole first day with the People to make up their Breaches, The Quakers would not dis­pute on the first day and why. stop Leakes dress the wounds that might be in the foregoing Agi­tations against their Consciences & Credits. It is dolefull that men of excellent parts, and of great Knowledge in the Scripture, should yet so ly under a Sentence of Gospel justice, that they can­not but deceive as they are deceived, that they cannot but believe Lyes, and tell Lyes, horrible and blasphemous Lyes, as confidently as the Purest Truths, and suck in, and powre out the poyson of Dragons, the great red Dragon, the Eather of Lyes, instead of the sweet Milk and Wine from the Breasts of the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the son of God Christ Jesus.

[Page 69] THe third day of our Conference being come, The third dayes conference at New-port being the second of the Week as was appointed, W. Edmundson be­gan and said to this effect, Roger, we have waited upon thee two dayes already to hear what thou hadst to say to prove thy false Charges against us: we are here according to promise to spend some hours about the rest of the seven which yet remain: we must tel thee that we wil not give thee leave to make a long work of it: if according to thy promise thou wilt dispatch each af the o­ther five in a quarter of an hour, we will keep our promise and hear thee.

I knew it was in vain, (as in the other two dayes past I found it) to insist upon their obstinately continued Advantage of three con­stantly engaged against me (beside their accidental speakers who had liberty when others were forbidden) I say notable and Chief men in their way and Sect: A Letter sent into all of us. and having just then read a Letter as I sate there directed to my self and all of us to be read in the Assembly, I begun with presenting the Letter to them, and told them that just now it was delivered to me &c. I knew not certainly from whome it came, nor of one Tittle of the Contents of it: only I judged it to be my Brother Robert Williams (School-Master of Newport) his hand: I read the Superscription and of­fered if they pleased to unseal and read it, or I would deliver it into their hand so to doe.

W. Edmudson answered that they came not thither to hear Papers, but to hear how I would make out my false Charges a­gainst them and this he speaking none would whist against it, and this he did speak because my Brother beyond my expectation and thoughts spake some words the first morning against their Insulting and domineering over me, as also delivered a paper to them which was with much adoe handed and delivered to them but never read, containing these two great Points in every true penitent Converts eye, viz. the sight of Sin as Sin. And 2. The sight of the material Lord Jesus as the true Messiah or anointed, these were the two Daggers which they knew stab'd at the heart of their feigned Christ and Light within them.

I knew my Brother patiently waited there the two first dayes, and was (with others) silenced: The letter refu­sed to [...] by the Quakers. and now I guessed he had sent them his mind and would trouble them no more. I told them [Page 70] the whole Assembly had Interest in the Letter, as directed to us to read to the rest.

W. Edmundson and the rest desired the Auditors to speak if they desired to have it read: some of the Quakers said it might be read when the business was over: so I to make no breach put it up, and in the end of the day offered it again, claiming their Promise, but they regarded it not, so that after the Conference end­ed (we of Providence being called away by a Boat preparing to depart) I stept to my Brothers house and acquainted him with Passages, who said that not only the Superscription was his hand but the Letter also, and I might open and read it, and (if it might be) present it to the intended Assembly at Providence: of which we shall hear when it pleaseth the mercifull hand of the Lord to bring us to those Transactions. In short, The Sum of the Letter it was refused there also & therefore I have judged it fit, since it was so solemnly flung out both at Providence and Newport that it should have as solemn a Publication to the whole world, and the rather because it is a witness of Truth as to the [...] first dayes transactions, Myself repro­ved in the Letter in 3 particulars impartially reproving my Opposites and me also where he conceived we were failing: It is true I am not of my Brothers Conscience as to the Discipline of Christ. viz. [...] have admonished the Quakers in private, before I had so publickly &c. since they pro­claim their sin like Sodom on the house top: and it is preposte­rous to run from House-top sins to closet Concealments and Ad­monitions.

2. Nor can I own the Quakers in their, wayes and worships to be Servants of the Lord (as my Brother calls them) any more then the greedy Wolves, devouring the souls of the Ephesians, Act. 20. were the meek and innocent Lambs and sheep of Christ.

3. Nor doe I think I charged them too deep or too sharply, The difference of the Quakers as my Brother speaks: I knew the Foxes and Wolves (the able Leaders amongst them) do not run away with Pigs and Worldly Swine only, but that some Lambs and Chickens of Christ Jesus are carried away in their (Soul bloody) jaws also, whom I beseech to remember themselves, and I humbly beseech the God and Father of mercies to pull them out, and help all that love his Name, to help to pull them out as Brands from the Eternal Burn­ings. As for the Wolves and Foxes the Blind Leaders, Sharpness some­times a duty the Chap­men that by seigned words make Merchandize of Souls (2 Pet. 2.) [Page 71] mouths must be stopped, and the Prey rescued from their Jawe [...] and because we ought to save what is saveable, and to recover poor sinners Leaders and Followers from their corrupt and rotten Profession we ought to use Sharpness, Tit. 1. Reprove them Sharply (Apotómoce, cuttingly) that they may be found, or reco­ver in the Faith of Jesus.

These three words I thought fit to say as to my self, let the Qua­kers answer for themselves, who I fear will answer to my Bro­ther as they did to me [ Lyes, slanders, false Accusations, &c.] However the Reader is here presented with the Copy of it.

The Superscription. To his Loving Friends Roger Williams and the Quakers now assembled at Newport deliver, Humbly desiring the reading of it to publick Audience for the Truths sake of Christ Jesus. The Letter it self.

L Oving Friends, though the Lord in his Wisdome hath denied me from Nature the gift of utterance, yet in his infinite mercy he hath vouchsafed to me his free gift as to writing, whereby the private motions arising between God and my own Soul (without knowledge unto any) may be declared, being moved hereunto out of a sensible sadness, which is upon my Spirit in beholding the Cloudings and Vail­ings of the most precious Truths of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ: But (Loving Friends) herein mistake me not at first: This is no charge nor discharge, but an appearance unto my Soul, even unto the moving of my Bowels within me: For my Beloved at his putting in his hand at the hole of the door, when all my Lovers, Priests and Elders gave up the Ghost in the City: (for gladness) is taken away, and joy out of the pleasant field, and in the vineyard there is no (true) singing, and the Treaders tread out no (pure) Wine, for the Lord hath made the Vintage shouting to cease: But to avoid Prolixity, I write not to charge nor admonish, neither for contending Argumentation, it being against my understanding, and as the taking of a Dog by the ear: But sincerely unto edification, in signifying the appearances unto my Soul in what I have gotten from these your so earnest and tedious Debates.

[Page 72] Therefore I am humbly bold to speak unto all the contending Dispu­ tants in the plainess of my heart.

And First unto the Complaining Disputant it appears unto my Soul that you have not dealt as a faithful Servant of the Lord Jesus, with your fellow Servants, for you should have admonished them both first and second time in private, and if they would not have heard you then to have told it to the Church, the great Congregation of God.

2. It doth appear unto my Soul, that you have assumed and pre­sumed too much, being so large and high proposals, which do appear unto me not as charges, but in this first Appearance as Proposals, until they are maintained as charges by sufficient proof, wherein they may be molified: But in truth herein I am at a stand, for against whom were the true Apostles more bitter then against the False? which if the De­fendants be so (which in charity I have reason to hope otherwise) your Conscience will be more cleared in your Lord and Masters service: yet know there may be a zeal without true knowledge, therefore let true zeal appear that is not in persecution, but for the Glory of God and truths sake, as it is in Jesus.

2. Unto the Defending Complaints (the loving Quakers) which I pray take not as a charge, but as appearances unto my Soul in that you never dealt faithfully in your Lord and Masters service, for both Complainants and Defendants are all but Servants unto one Lord and Master, and you must do that service which is ordained by you Lord and Master to do in your several stations (either in truth or falshood) there is no hindring of it, and when you have done all you can, you are but unprofitable Servants, falling short of your Lord and Masters infinite Glory, and in the end of your service, you shall as the Grasse wither, and as the Flower fade, but unto our everlasting com­forts the word of the Lord shall stand for ever.

First, That you have not done your Master faithful service by as­suming and presuming beyond the bounds of Moderation and Christi­anity: but as I said before take not these as charges, but as proceeding from your own Expressions and Behaviours in your late actings which have not been for that solid edification of the Auditors which was expected but for defending and advancing of self, which ap­peard:

1. By your limiting the Holy one of Israel contrary unto your Lord and Masters Commission.

2. By breaking an Apostolical Command (so far as in you lay) as not to quench the Spirit.

[Page 73] 3. You have not dealt faithfully and Christian like with your older fellow servant, and then what would you do with the Heir.

To the first appearance you would not begin before you had stated by forced Covenant that none should speak (though with leave in mo­desty and sobriety) but those that would joyn issue with the complain­ant, True liberty in­fringed and that under hand writing. And herein (loving friends) you have infringed upon those great Liberties and Mercies which God hath bestowed upon these parts, and which you do enjoy, and cannot en­joy else where: And will you now shut up your common Wine-presses that we can have no fruit nor refreshing but what comes from your private Presses? Know (Loving Friends) this is a sad grievance that lies upon us. Yea, you do infringe not only upon our Souls but upon our Temporal Liberties.

For in our Courts of Judicature there is a fundamental liberty stated for any to speak freely for Conscience sake in any Cause in the Bounds of Sobriety and Modesty. But this appears against the Rules and Practises of all Christianity, not practised by the Judicial Convocation, nor by the high Commission Court in our Native Country, where often I have been and the Metropolitan with the rest of the Bishops in Gravity and Christianity (though their pleadings were by Proctors, yet) gave liberty especially for Relations to speak: As in one Instance of a person whom you all have heard of, when he was to come upon Examination, his Wife being big with Childe came with him, the Arch-Bishop (though otherwise he might be improper) yet herein shewd great civility by considering the Womans condition, and gave liberty for speaking to the full, with replying no discomfor­table Words, yea in Christianity delayed further prosecution until she was delivered, though afterwards they acted their improper perse­cution.

But into what a condition shall we be brought (I hope not into an high Commission nor Inquisition Court) if this Imprimator goes on, that none shall speak, no not so much as suffered to desire to speak, though they are great with Childe with the Man Christ Jesus: But I hope the People will see their Liberties, and your selves know this was not the true Apostles practices.

2. Your sad quenching of the Spirit when the motion of it arose in any for Soul-satisfaction in any to speak, Quenching of the Spirit you would not suffer them to be expressed but shift them in their coming forth: O dear Friends consider, you would not be so dealt with: For what did you know but [Page 74] the Lord might bring forth from any of the Auditors for witnessing his Eternal Truth and Glory? therefore as your Heavenly Master is bountifully free, be not you Niggards in shutting up his Bounties, and suffring none to pass but through your own Purses: I speak as the Apostle did after the manner of men.

3. Your Indecorum Behaviours both in words and gestures unto your elder Fellow-Servants & aged Father complaining as not perform­ing your duty as young men according unto Rule of honouring gray hairs The insulting Spirit of the Quakers

1. But by unseemly smiles of Derision, saying often (for a time) Thou old Man, thou old Man, thereby appearing to provoke to passion: [...]

2. When that would not move his exceeding great patience, then [...] of him with Blasphemy, and to prove his Blasphemy:

3. Again (not Apostle or Gospel like) seeking and taking advan­tages against the Aged, and contrary to Covenant by three or four baiting him at once, unto the confounding of his memory, or stopping of his utterance, under the pretence of challenging all comers (when reasons considers of coming in Order) But your defence was that you were but one Man, then you should have been but one Mouth.

Again your improper charging of the complainant with mispend­ing of time, when in Truth it was your selves (in not suffering of him orderly to proceed) But by your often Iterations, The true cause of our long dis­course at New­port Tautologies, In­decorum Behaviours and Expressions, with improper Preachments at that time, and yet lay the defect upon the aged, and would not be sa­tisfied with his substantial Proofs, divine Reasons and Argumental Demonstrations. And herein your Conscience (if unsatisfied) had liberty in timely Order, to have made your substantial Defence, if pa­tience had been suffered to have had her perfect work. It is acknow­ledged by Auditors, that as the Complainant brought substantial proof (for so far as he proceeded) so you the Defendants also brought substan­tial defence (in what was substantial) but now, who shall judge? ye will not suffer the Gospel rule, that the standers by, the Spirits of the Pro­phets shall judge. Then both of your own private Interpretations doth aim to be judges, and so will be endless and true judgeless: And by proceedings, the cause of Christ Jesus (being now at stake) much dishonoured unto the sadness of my Soul and unsatisfied Conscience, and also the expectation of the Auditors which was for Soul edifica­tion frustrated, and unto publick shame (as yet) only self-contend­ings hath the supream Appearance. Therefore (Loving Friends) [Page 75] pleading and defending for your Lord and Masters sake, shew your­selves faithful Servants of Christ Jesus on all Humility, self-denial, Love, Charity, Tenderness, in bowels of compassion, in Gospel Peace and Unity: only unto your Masters praise and Glory: that the Au­ditors may receive the plain naked Truth of the Lord Jesus unto their Souls Edification, even the real Truth as it is in Jesus, and not as words of man which is only Vanity and vexation of Spirit under the Sun of eternal and universal Righteousness, whose infinite glo­ry is witnessed by

Robert Williams.

This was that poor Letter (condemned unheard by these high Saints who now keep Judgement day) to the fire and ever­lasting silence: this was the two edged Sword which smote in the honest upright intentions of the Author every way reproving me, reproving them, and yet having so much Sugar with his Vinegar and Honey with his bitter Powder, The modesty of this letter that had it been unseal'd and read at Newport, or read at Providence, whose taste could it have offended, but theirs only who like the men of China, judge all the World to have no eyes but themselves excepting the Men of Eu­rope to whom they will grant one eye, and that is more then our proud Pharisees will do to any that bow not down to their most grosse Phylacteries.

But from this finger of God this providential Letter appearing upon the Wall before us: I return to the work of the day, which was the Discussion and Probation (on my part) of the other five Proposals remaining.

I therefore (after the Letter was put up unread into my pocket) requested their Patience, while I produced my Proof of the third Position, The third Posi­tion against the Quakers spirit Discussed which was, viz. [ That the Spirit by which they were acted was not the true Spirit of God:] Tis true I had many things in my mind and memory) some of them I here express) but I was forced to pick and chuse and lay by: for I told them that according to my promise, and their expectation I would present them with the Substance of my proof of this Position in the com­pass of about a quarter of an hour.

[Page 76] I reminded them first of the nature of the Word Spirit in La­tine Spiritus, The word spirit in Greek P [...]ma, in the Hebrew Ruch and Ruach, signifying sometimes Breath, sometimes Wind, and from thence applied unto God himself, unto Angels, unto Men, as denoting a spiritual, powerful, invisible fine substances distinct from flesh and earthly Bodies: Hence God was said to be a Spirit, not properly but that his Being was pure, powerful, invisible, &c.

1. Whether God was properly a Spirit (as the Quaker af­firmed) we had some controversie at Providence of which here­after.)

2. Concerning Spirits, I observed two great Sects: 1 Those of the Pharisees (who were accounted to most Orthodox, Sound and right, holding such a Spiritual Substance in Angels and Spirits and a Resurrection. 2. The Sadduces which held neither An­gel, nor Spirit, nor Resurrection, as at this day, &c.

3. It is clear there is a two fold Spirit: 1. Holy and pure: such a Spirit is God himself, The quality Spirits and the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father by the Son, such are the Spirits of the Angels, the Spi­rits of Gods Children in part, and the Sprits of just men made perfect (the Quakers say here, we say in the life coming.)

The other Spirit is a wicked Spirit, a lying, and a murtherous Spirit in Sathan and his Children, yet often counterfeiting the Ho­ly and pure Spirit, like the Oile and Ointment which God pre­scribed and forbad the like of it to be made on pain of death. Therefore we are commanded not to believe every Spirit, but to try even the very Spirits, not only of men but of Doctrines, Churches, Religious, pretending the Name of God, (as do the Turks, Jews and Christians) and of the Son of God. as do all the Antichrists and Antichristians extant. All Spirits must be tried.

4. The Holy Spirit of God (being the seven Lambs of Fire, the seven Eyes, and seven Horns, Rev. 5.) he is pleased to work variously.

First in an ordinary way of Regeneration and Sanctification, &c. common to all the lowest and youngest of Gods Children, ( John 3. that which is born of Spirit is Spirit) Hence we read of the Spirit of Prayer, and of Holiness wrought in the Soul by the finger or power of God: so that the knowledge of the God, the fear, the love, the trusting to and in God, the calling upon God is natural to all Gods Children, Gal. 5. Abba Father, &c.

[Page 77] The second is extraordinary and immediate, such as was pour'd upon the Lord Jesus, Isai 1 1. such as Christ breathed upon the Apostles, and by the Apostles hands upon others when they sp [...]ke with Tongues, foretelling things to come, and penning the Holy Scriptures of Records, as did the Prophets of old, and the first Messengers the Apostles of Christ Jesus.

I told them I had many things so say as to the false Spirits of the false Christs, and false Prophets, the Spirits of Devils as well as the Spirits of God (in the Revelation) and the three wayes of deceit mentioned, 1 Thess. 2. by Spirit, by Word, or by Letter: but I would contract my self, I say that their Spirit by which they were acted was not Gods Spirit.

1. Because the Holy Spirit of God was given by means, but the Quakers pretended all along in G. Fox and other Books, Gods Spirit given by Gods means that their Spirit was immediate or without means: I said in the 8 th. of the Romans was a Golden Chain of Gods Order or Method of Working from Predestination to Glorification: In the 10 th. to the Romans was a Golden Chain of the Means appointed, . How shall a Man be saved? The Spirit of God working by means by calling upon God? How shall he call on him except he believe in him? How shall a Man believe in him except he hear of him? How shall a man hear of him except some Preach? how shall a Man Preach except he be sent, &c, Hence Peter Preaching Christ Jesus to the first Converts, they were some thousands brought to Christ, when they were pie [...]ced to the heart, and cried out what shall we do? Peter sends them not to a Light within them, but bids them Repent and be Baptized, Act. 14. Paul so spake that many believed, Act. 16. while Paul spake the Lord opened Lydias heart: The Quakers at Newport appealed too publickly and I appealed to the Consciences of those called Quakers at Newport there present, whether in a con­tradiction this Spirit they now professed, descended immediately upon them from God (as they spake) or was not conveyed unto them by the Ministry of the former Preaching Quakers that came unto them: so that these now are but the waterers and confirm­ers of this Doctrine of the Spirit in them.

2. As Believing and Conversion comes by hearing, &c. so these extraordinary gifts and powring [...] of Gods Spirit was generally by means also: Christ used [...] upon the Apo­stles: the Spirit of God descended [...] laying on of hands: [...] Peters Preaching, [...] Spirit of [Page 78] Tongues and Prophecy descended upon Cornelius and his company, and not before, yea, and what is that waiting in silence used in private, and in the publick Assemblies of the Quakers, but [...] con­fessed means in which they wait for the Spirit of God (as poem Souls they think) descending on them.

I was then forced to omit the Allegations out of G. Fox his book then by me and ready, but I will now recite a few of them.

In page 6. of this Book in Folio, Samuel Eaton G. Fox brings in Samuel Eaton saying [ The Prophets and Apostles drew people to an outward Word] He Answers, Now is that which lives and endures for­ever, outward? and did not they bring them to Christ the power of God, which is the end of words which is immediate.

Again in the same Page Samuel Eaton [Is not the Gospel an Ex­ternal way] He Answers No, the Gospel is a Living way which is revealed within, and is the power of God so Salvation.

In the same Page Samuel Eaton [Are not they seduced who are drawn off from the External means by which the Spirit is given and Faith wrought, to wait for the receiving of the Spirit without any Word [...]o convey it to them, which Spirit when they have it is not the Spirit of Truth but of delusion.] For Answer, [The Spirit and Faith is not conveyed to any Man without the Word, and they are seduced which rests in the External from the Eternal, and the Spirit is not given by Eternal means, neither is Faith wrought.

I Reply, and observe how the wisdome of Men is enmity a­gainst God, and how witty this Fox is to catch himself and others in the Traps of eternal Howling? how doth he here confound the audible words of preachings of Gods mercy in Christ Jesus, with the inaudible, invisible, mystical and metaphrocial word, Christ Jesus himself.

2. Who sees not his gross and impudent denying of the Spirit and Faith to be conveyed by means from God unto us.

In Page 15. G. F. brings in Henoch Howet saying [ There is nothing in Man to be ministred to but man] He Answers, Henoch Howet How then ministred the Apostle to the Spirit? And Christ spake to the Spirits in Prison: and Tim. was to stir up the Gift that was in him and the Spirit of the Father speaks within them: and the Light shines in the Heart: and the Son of God is revealed in me faith the Apostle: that which may be known of God is manifest in man, for God hath shewed it unto them, Rom. 1. and the Apostle was [Page 79] manifest to every ones Conscience in the sight of God, and that was of God which the Children disobeyed.

I Reply, 1. (As in his late Book exalting his Heathen Light above the Holy Scriptures) he simply and prophanely joyns the P [...]ilistain Priests, and Egyptian Conjurers with Holy Job and his Friends, &c. so here he confounds and jumbles together the na­tural powers and faculties and Humane Light in all Mankinde with the Grace and Spirit of God both ordinary and extraordi­nary as may be seen at the fist view.

2. His Scope is (abominably and horribly) to make the holy Spirit of God capable of being-preached unto, to be converted and turned unto God, yea to refuse and be damned, for it is not Man he faith that is preached unto.

3. How Sottish and Blind doth this Deceiver proclaim himself in the Christian Doctrines of Preaching, G. Fox ignorant of the true spi­rit of God Conversion, Faith and the Grace and Spirit of God confounding Gold and Drosse, Pearls and Pebbles, Harps and Harrows (as all one) altogether.

In Page 136, 137. He brings in Thomas Moor, Tho. Moor saying [ Nor are we to wait for a further Revelation to be given forth then the Scripture for the Word of God came not first immediately to the Gentiles but to the Apostles:] He Answers, The Apostles that Preached the Word of God, it was immediate to whomsoever they preached it, for they had read it immediately for the word itself is immediate with more that follows to the same senceless and absurd purpose.

Reply, As if all that receive G. Fox his Book simply pretended to be from the Spirit of God receive it without G. Fox his Brain and Hand, The use of means and Pen or Paper, Printing and Letters: or because a King delivers his minde to his Secretary, and commands him to Pen it in a Proclamation, Declaration, &c. therefore the Kings Word or Will comes to every man immediately without any such means, as the Secretaries composing his Clarks Transcribing, the use of Printing, Letters, Paper, &c. to talke after this sort, what is it but to talk Frantick and Bedlam, and without the guidance of a common rational Spirit.

In Page 5. he brings in Samuel Eaton, saying [ Though all the Saints have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them, which is Eternal and Infallible, yet that this Spirit should do all which Saints do, and should say all that Saint say, and should judge for them, both persons [Page 80] and things after an infallible manner, and that they should neither say nor do any thing by any [...] of their own but the Spirit: all this we deny] He Answers, [...] Fox and the Quakers above all Kings and Princes. Popes & Emperors Saints and Angels Which is contrary to the Apo­stle, who faith, as many as are he Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God: and Christ acts all in them and for them: and the fruits of the Spirit, &c. and the Spiritual man judgeth all things: And that is it which leads the Saints to divide and discerne all things both temporal and spiritual; the spiritual Wisdome of God which gives them a spiritual understanding, which men must rule withal, but not with their own which comes to nought: and you that have not that which is infallible to judge in you, know not the Spirit of Christ, neither can you judge of persons or things that have not the infallible judgement, nor have the Spiri­tual man: neither have you the Word of God in your hearts, nor Christ which is eternal and infallible all which the Quakers have to judge persons and things.]

I Reply, Mahomet the Grand Segnior, or Elder, and Prophet transcending Moses and Christ (as he and his followers Mahu­metans say) he pretended that he had the mind of God by im­mediate Revelation, The Mahumetans & Quakers considered and found one and that by Revelation of the Holy Spirit in the shape of a Dove, he wrote the Minde, the Word or Scri­ptures of God the Alcoran; But poor silly Souls were Mahomet and all his Disciples compared with the Seraphical Doctors, the Foxians, who neither say nor do any thing with any understanding of their own, but the immediate and infallible Spirit of God says and does all in them: who are fit to be Kings and Princes, Gover­nours, and Judges, Masters of Ships and Families, &c. indeed of any place of power or trust, but these walking Gods, and Christs, and Spirits, even the meanest of the Quakers? May not the meanest Youth or Wench, if but a pretended Quaker (according to this rule or rate of being immediately inspired in all they do or say) transcend all other Teachers, The Quakers Godsupon Earth & all others Brasts Repro bates & Devils Translators, Interpreters, Kings and Counsellors, Navigators, Historians, Geographers, Rulers and Judges, &c. It is true that Thomas Munster and Becold, and Knipperdoling, and Fifer pretended immediate Revelations, and so have other Leaders of these Nicolaitans in France and En­gland, &c. but none were so large and open hearted as to com­municate so freely and bountifully to all their followers, the im­mediate Inspirations of their pretended holy spirit, as these [Page 81] foolish and filthy Dreamers do: for so faith Fox [ All the Qua­kers say or do is by the infallible and eternal Spirit] but how hor­ribly their Spirits, Principles, Divisions, Miscarriages (in many sinful practices) and Apostacies amongst themselves give the lye and contradict this their infallibility is notoriously proclaimed on the house top: and I may say something more to this Head after­ward.

At present I return to my Antagonists, who (while I was Ar­guing against their immediate Spirit) could not hold until my quarter of an hour, and this Head (about their Spirit) was fini­shed but brake silence, The leading of the Spirits de­bated. and they said ( especially John Stubs) doth not the Scripture say, if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his: And as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God, and ye have an unction, and need not that any man teach you, and know all things?

I then answered that there was a leading of a Beast by an Hal­ter or Bridle, and there was a leading of a Man with a Reason when his understanding and judgement is satisfied, and if so, I presumed they intended, that the leading of the Spirit did not lead them as Beasts, Toe tryal of Re­velations but as Rational, satisfying their Reasons and Judgements: and if so Reason grants that there are false Spirits, lying Prophets, Seducers and Deceivers, &c. Reason therefore fur­ther faith, that every Soul must be satisfied, whether this Leading, or Anointing, Reason, sancti­fied and right; improved or Teaching of the Spirit be by means of Praying, Preaching, Reading, Meditating, Conferring, &c. or immediate without the use of these: if motions without the use of these be pretended Reasons tells us that a Rational Soul must be able to try whether the Spirit pretending be a true or lying Spirit, and that it must have some Rule or Touch stone to make their Tryal by, that the Rule must be my own Reason, or some Testimony of unque­stionable Witnesses satisfying my Reason, or some heavenly in­spired Scripture or Writing which my Reason tells me came from God: Reason also tells each rational creature, that it is very suspicious to be a false, lying and develish motion, which flights the Holy Scripture and other holy means wherein the Holy Spirit, Presence and Power of God hath appeared to Gods people formerly Reason tells me, that if I finde my self weak (as who doth not) to fight against the Devil (the roaring Lion and old Serpent) and I am bound to seek out for help, and what help more powerful [Page 82] and proper then that of the eternal and all powerful Father of Spirits: and that it is best to take James his Counsel, if any Man want wisdome let him ask of God who gives to all Men liberally and upbraideth not: if so, then Reason tells us, that except we suffer our selves to be led as Beasts by Sathan (as the poor Qua­kers are) we must come to the use of Means, or a mediate lead­ing and teaching, and then what is become of these hellish fancies of only immediate Teachings and Inspirations?

I told them that beside this Counsel and Command of God in James, the Lord Jesus tells us by an admirable fimilie, that the holy Spirit of God is given in the use of means, The Spirit g [...]t­ten of prayer Luk. 11. If you who art evil give good gifts unto your Children, how much more shall your hea­venly Father give the holy Spirit to them that ask him? and that is Isa 11. the spirit of Wisdome, the Spirit of Knowledge, the fear if the Lord and all the Graces of the holy spirit. The Quakers Spirit It is clear that the Pen men and holy Scribes of Gods will unto us (in whom God did speak, and by whom he wrote immediately and infallibly those blessed chosen pens of his were not infallibly guided by an imme­diate Spirit in all that they said and did about this Scripture, as these poor Dreamers say of themselves, and therefore must ne­cessarily dash against the Holy Scriptures, and all holy means for­merly used by the first Christians, yea and all rational means to pieces; for all that they say or do is the immediate Spirit, and Christ and God himself as Fox here affirmeth.

I answered further, The omnisciency of the Quakers that if that Scripture alleadged by John Stubs [ [...]e know all things] be to be expounded literally, and (as G. Fox in this Book) viz. that the Saints know all things as God then why are not the Quakers Omnipotent and Almighty as well as Omniscient: yea as it is said of the Pope, if he can deliver all South out of Purgatory (if he please) without Money, surely he is very inhumane, impious and cruel that he doth not: so I said what impiety is it, what cruelty and inhumanity is it in the Qua­kers said I, so infallibly knowing all things as God, not to reveal unto Men, and especially in their publick Assemblies so many disap­points of the Godhead of Creation of the Holy Three in Hea­ven and Earth, (which they confess) and all the deep Mysteries and Prophecies in the Holy Scripture, especially in John and Dan­iel their Revelations &c. the Most Holy, Omniscient, and [...] Jehovah knows that the Pope and his Purgatory, the Quakers are [Page 83] their Omnisciency are but Childrens and Frantick Persons Dreams and Phantasies, Knowing and doing all things and that the Saints knowing all things is the same with their doing all things through Christ which strengtheneth them that is not all things literally, (for that were ridiculous and blasphemous to affirm it) but all things figuratively and Compa­ratively, which his holy Wisdome thinks fit to require them to know and do in order to his Glory and their Salvation.

But John Stubs insisted, how they knew the Mystical number of 1260 dayes, the 42 Months, the Time and Times and half a Time, and that the Woman was come and coming out of the Wilderness in them, and that now they were Preaching the Everlasting Go­spel to them that dwell upon the Earth.

I Replied, it is notorious how many excellent men have been bewildred, and missed in the opening of these Mysteries. I said that if their infallible and their all-knowing Light could open all things and was now the Everlasting Gospel or Glad News To Light with-ic the Word Eternal, &c. and that it was not only in the Quakers and their Saints, but in all Mankind, I desired to know what they meant by this Word within, whether they meant in the under­standing (the eye of the Soul) or in the Will, or in the Memory, or in the Affections, or in all of these joyntly: for Light is only seen with the Eye, not with the Tongue, nor Ear, nor Hand: it is true in the 2 Cor. 4. it is said; that God hath shined in our Hearts, 2 Cor 4 God hath shined in our hearts but there the heart must be understood the Understanding the Minde which is properly and nextly the feat of the Light and Knowledge of God, and this shining (though Fox make it to be natural or born with every Man) is said to be by Pauls Preaching as is there abundantly proved where it is as clear as the Noon day shining, that God shined, Christ shined, and Paul shined before the Light or Notice of the glad news of a Saviour come to the heart or ears of poor Sinners, and so thereby are turned from their natural hellish Darkness, to a Supernatural Heavenly Light.

Who knows not (with Jeremiah) the heart of Man to be na­turally dark, The darkness within deceitful, desperately evil and wicked, & Gen. 6. the imaginations of the heart of all men to be only Evil and that con­tinually, and that it may be said of all men (as it is said of the holy God, in him is Light and no Darkness so) in them is Darkness and no Light, so that to hearken to, to turn to, to listen to any voice or motion within in heavenly things, in matters of super­natural [Page 84] light, is as proper as in matters of law to go for Counsel to a cheating thief or rogue, in matters of health, to a known cheating Mountebank, as to turn within to a mans heart which was the arrantest Jugler and Cheater in the world.

At this word W. Edmundson cryed out, Blasphemy, He speaks Blasphemy. I conceived he meant I called their immediate holy spi­rit which they pretended to, the arrantest Jugler & Cheater in the world: My heart was warm, At Evidence that the Qua­kers spirit and [...] deceitful Heart are one and my tongue breaking silence, and longing to shew him his willing mistake, and that I mentioned not nor thought of the Holy Spirit, but every mans own deceitful heart (though clearly I have thought and proved their holy Spi­rit is no other but Sathan himself aad every Mans own deceitful Heart: but I was prevented, for some of the Auditory spake aloud that he mistook me, and amongst others our Deputy Go­vernour Capt. Cranston openly said that W. Edmundson mistook me, That testimony of the Deputy Go­vernour Capt Cranst in and others against [...] rashness for I expresly said that the Heart of man was the arrantest Jugler & Cheater in the world.

This did not satisfie W. Edmundson, but he replyed, let the words be read then by him that took them in short-hand: so they cal'd upon one of theirs to read what he wrote: now I know­ing what short-hand could doe as well as most in England from my Childhood, and that it is impossible for any to write Verbatim so fast as I then spake with vehemency, I concluded he had not ex­actly my words: yet I am confident in a faction and partiality he seemed to read some words favouring my calling their spirit the arrantest Jugler and Cheater in the world, extreamly contary to my certain knowledge of my intentions, and of what I uttered, beside the sudden the quick exception of our Deputy Governour and others: but alas this was a small business: but I was about to say (as before I did say) from the holy Scripture Pro. 28. He that trusteth to his own heart is a fool, and till a spirit of Regenera­tion and Conversion charge the heart of man, there is no other Christ nor Spirit within, but the Spirit of Sathan, which is the spi­rit by which the Quakers are acted, and is the arrantest Jugler & Cheater in the world: The great Chea­ter who cheats all Cheaters This Jugler is so cunning that he out-jug [...]es the Juglers, he catcheth-the craftiest foxes that catch so many others, he takes Captive and leads away in chains the Wise and Prudent, the High and Mighty, til the holy Spirit of Christ Jesus discover and break his snares and lead him Captive also.

[Page 85] 2. I was adding another Argument from Isai. 59. and I did mention the place where the great promise, The great mag­na Charta [...]i Isa. 59. Grant or Charter is given by God the Father to Christ Jesus and his Posterity, viz. that his word and his spirit should be in Christs mouth, and in the mouth of his Seed, and in the mouth of his Seeds Seed from thenceforth and for ever.

I said that that blessed Son of God and Son of Man the man Christ Jesus, lived and dyed a Batchelour, he never had any na­tural Seed or Issue: Believers are his Ofspring, his Seed, his Chil­dren and Grand-Children and so downward to as many as the Lord shall call. The true Seed And that Fox should not say the Word and the spirit are all one (as commonly G. Fox doth) and that the Father and the Son are one without Distinction (as boldly and Babilo­nically he doth) Here is (most distinctly and exactly distinguish­ing) 1 The Father promising. 2. The Son the Mediator re­ceiving this Promise. 3. The Promise it self, which is of a Word to the Son (though that blessed Son is also called the Word) viz. of the revealed Doctrine, Will and Mind of God recorded from and by the holy Scriptures, viz. that this Word should be in his mouth and in the mouth of all his Seed, or Christian Children after him, especially his Messengers and Preachers to the end and Consummation of all things.

I told them it was notoriously know how they slighted this holy Charter, how they joyned not the holy Word and Spirit toge­ther but trod upon the Word of God under a cloak of advancing the Spirit, &c. But of this I shall speak in the next Position fol­lowing.

I was also mentioning a third Argument against their spirit from the Irrationallity and Unruliness of it, contrary to the Wis­dome and Rationallity and Order and Holiness of the holy Spirit of God: this is apparent from their bitter Reviling, and often sence­less and frantick Reviling in some of them, Devil, Devil, Devil The devillish Inquisitors, The railing spi­rit of the Qua­kers. Monks and Fryers, &c. exceed them not in spattering out Diablo, Diablo against such as dare to oppose them: indeed they are both Possessed by one spirit of blas­phemous Railing and Reviling against the Witnesses: far from the holy Spirit of the Gospel who in Meekness instructeth those that oppose themselves. Was there ever fouler Language given by any poor Oister-woman at Billingsgate than is given by M. F. [Page 86] against Capt, Wiggans (to be seen in print to the shame of the Qua­kers Spirit) of all their womanhood? T [...]tir Cursing What is all their notorious common censuring and cursing even of eminent and learned and holy persons) for Cains, judases, serpent Pharises, dumb Dogs, witches, Blasphemers, Reprobates, Devils, but a fruit of wicked and [...]otten flesh, denying and defying the holy Spirit of God.

It is true the Holy Spirit of God in Scripture is pleased to use Censures & Curses but not to every one, nor in such a manner as this soul-mouth'd Spirit doth: [...] I mentioned before their Impu­dency (which stinks up to Heaven and cries for vengeance) in the stripping stark naked of their Women, and discovering of them­selves in the Assembly of Men and Youths, under the Cloak and Cover of the Spirit of God: as also the unnatural Preaching of their Women in publick Assemblies and Congregations, contrary to so many Reasons from Nature and Grace, so positively expressed by the Holy Spirit in Scripture. [...] Preaching.

What Spirits are their Dumb Spirits in their Dumbe Meetings but those soul dumbe Spirits mentioned in that Gospel, [...] which the Lord Jesus will cast out and tumble down to Hell (whence they came) in his holy season.

What is their monstrous way of Singing and Toning and Hum­ming many at once, The monstrous [...]ging of the Quakers. as they often do and notoriously did at Ports­mouth on Rhode Island this last year, when no man is edified, nor understands what they say, and it may be not themselves (and this under colour of singing in the Spirit) what is it I say but ren­dring their Tongues which should be their Glory and the Glory of God, their scorn and shame, and the holy Name of Gods holy Spirit contemptible also.

4. I did also mention a fourth Reason against their Spirit, and had prosecuted it but I knew that (by reason of my Adversaries interposure) I had exceeded my quarter of an hour: The true Spirit willing to be ex­amined by the Scripture and [...]. it was ta­ken from the Holy Spirit of God subjecting it self to be tried, com­manding all men to search the Records, commanding the Bereans for examining Pauls Preaching and Spirit by the Holy Scriptures. and this is the true meaning of the Spirit of the Prophets are sub­ject to the Prophets, not that a true Prophet or Messenger of God can subject the truth of God (which he believes so to be and will rather suffer many deaths then relinquish) to be sentenced by all the Prophets in the Church to be false, and he acquiess or rest in, [Page 87] or subject his Spirit and Conscience to that Sentence: but that the true Prophets of God are willing to have their Teachings question­ed, examined and made clear by the holy Records to the Souls and Consciences of all men.

Hence i [...] pleaseth God to give Rules for the trial and discerning between the true Spirit and the false, The false and J [...]glers endure not searching. 1 Joh. 3. & 4. chapters.

On the contrary, I would have shewed (which indeed all men know) that the thief endured not searching the gall d Horse en­dures not rubbing, the guilty Debtor endures not Reckoning, the false and jugling Spirits escape in a Mist, and by the help of dark Lanthorns, and under the covert of the night: who may not see this in G. Fox. all along his Book, running into the Thickets and Burroughs of Words of divers significations, The Quakers Cry is Light but they aare not come to it. Scriptures notori­ously wrested, general, and sometimes uncouth and barbarous Language, which hath been the trade of the false and lying Mur­therous Spirit in all ages, and will be until that short time be fini­shed wherein the Lord will tread him under the Saints feet, and cast him into the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone.

How oft have I been visited by the Quakers, crying Repent, Re­pent, hearken to the Light within thee, &c. And I could never per­swade them to sit down and examine their sayings by the Holy Scriptures, but when their Cuckoes note and song was over, The two pretend­ed witnesses Reeve and Muggleton. and their Fools Bolt shot, then fell they to Cursing and pouring out the Thunder-bolts of Gods Judgement: and so be gone no less then Reve and Muggleton (pretending to be Gods two last Prophets and Witnesses) about twenty years since in London whose Cur­sings were notorious.

But to return, while I was beginning to urge the tryal of the Spirits, W. Edmundson said the Spirit of God was above the Scrip­tures and not to be tryed by them; for it gave out the Scriptures &c. And I said and say it is easie to boast of the Spirit, The Quakers would set the Spirit and Scrip­ture at odds. but the true Spirit (in a Sense) and the holy Scriptures are one, as the Fa­ther and the Son are one, and therefore cannot but be willing to be examined by the holy Records, as every man or author will stand to his own scripture, work or writing: for the Writers were but Pens of Heaven writing, and used by the hand of the ho­ly Spirit. And I remember that I said to W. Edmundson, Friend, You yesterday in your long Sermon alleadged that holy Scripture viz, Men will not come to the light, least they should be reproved, [Page 88] because their deeds are evil: This is the true cause of your quar­rel against the Scriptures, and of exalting the Spirit above them that is upon a true ballance, your own Spirit, yea the Spirit of Sa­than to be God, and Christ, and Spirit and all.

After some few interchanges and altercations, The 4th Posi­tion concerning the Scriptures. we descended to the fourth Position, which they read out of the Paper (as they did all the rest) which was this, viz. That the People called Qua­kers did not own the Holy Scriptures.

In one Copy it was written Really own, viz They did not really own the Holy Scriptures.

I said there was a twofold owning the Holy Scriptures or the Writings of God as there is a twofold owning the Scriptures or writings of men, the Proclamations and Declaration of Kings and Princes. The one is verbal and literal, A twofold ow­ning of any [...]crip­ture or Writing viz. that such a writing or Declaration, or Treatise is extant, and that it proceeds from the Kings Authority and Command.

The second is real and actual, when the Authority of it is in all humble obedience submitted to and obeyed: when the Justice and Equity, and the excellency and goodness, as well as the royal Au­thority is embraced and magnified.

I said the Jews owned verbally and wonderfully that Writings of the Old Testament and the Papists owned both old and new but it is known that in many particulars they do in effect deny and damn them. The Jews and Papists and Quakers all of them in effect deny the holy Scriptures. 1. They both set up their rotten Traditions, their unwritten Verityes (as they speak) of equal authority with, if not (in cases) above the holy Scripture.

2. They set up the Papists by the authority of the Council of Trent, a most defective Translation, notoriously false in many places all over above the first Copyes of the Hebrew and Greek whence all Translations as Counterpanes and secondary Copyes or Duplicates ought to flow.

3. The Papists set up the Pope as the only infallible Judg & Interpreter in all Questions about the Scriptures and the Jews make their Rabbies as so many Popes also.

4. Their Interpretations are so forraign and strange and many of them so absurd & monstrous from the genuine & proper Sence of the Scriptures, and adulterated with wrestings and allegorizings &c. that is truly said of them that they bring not their Doctrines, Disciplines and Conversations to the Scriptures but force the [Page 89] holy Scriptures of God to attend and wait upon their Abomination as a Negro Slave or Lacquey.

I said the Jews and Papists did not more disowne the holy Scrip­tures upon the account of their Popes and Traditions and Inter­pretations than the Quakers did up on the account of their Light and Spirit and Interpretations also. The Quakers slighting the ho­ly Scriptures in many horrible Particulars. Who knows not that in the beginning of their Profession, they generally fell from the read­ing of them by themselves or in their Families, or in their Publick Assemblyes, only crying up the Light within, the Spirit within, the Scriptures within, their Teacher within. They stil say The Scrip­ture was not the Word of God, the Scripture is but a dead Letter, they have no need of Paper-Teachers having the spirit that gave it forth? Yea as the Papists say, if the Scriptures were lost and burnt out of the world, the spirit within them could give new Scriptures. A dissembling Show of Qua­kers respecting the Scriptures.

Tis true the Quakers in this Dispute-professed to be tryed by the Scriptures, which the first Quakers among us wholly denied, but only by the Spirit within them: But what avails this Confessi­on? is it not but a subtle trick of Equivocation, when stil they profess to owne G. Fox all along, and he professeth the Soules of all men to be a part of God and the divine Essence, and that there is no distinction between God, Christ, and Spirit and themselves, what should hinder but that the Scripture is but a dead Letter and (compared with their spirit) a weak and needless Paper unto them that have such a light and Spirit within to guide them?

I told them before and now that there was an Irish Papist in the late warrs that spoke the very heart and soul of Jews, An Irish Papist confessing the Truth. Pa­pists and Common Protestants, and the Quakers, themselves, as to the holy Scriptures. In plundering and rifling a Protestants house he found a Bible and flung it in the Kennel, and kickt and trod upon it saying, The plague of God take this Book, it is the cause of all these Quarrels.

My Opposites said they owned the Scriptures in their place as a Declaration of the Saints Conditions, & John Burnet took a Bible and read publickly that Passage in Luke 1. where Luke calls his Writing a Declaration. I urged that this will of God. (for this Declaration of what Christ said and did, and of all the rest of the Scripture, was a Declaration and Revelation of Gods Will to his People and to the whole World) this written and revealed [Page 90] will of God I said was the Judge and Decides of all Questions, the tryer of all Spirits, all Religions, all Churches, all Doctrines, all Opinions, all Actions. They answered they did owne the Scrip­tures, and would be tryed by the Scriptures (which is a new trick, meaning according to their own not to be questioned Interpreta­tions) I urged that they set up their Spirit above the Scriptures, (fathering all their Revilings Cursings and Abominations upon the holy Spirit) I asked whether they owned the Scripture as the square Rule or Guide according to whose sentence all the Knowledge of God and of our selves, the Knowledge of Gods Worship and Service and our own Blessedness and Salvation was to be determined, yea and the Spirit within them to be tryed, de­termined, approved and condemned also.

They still fled to this Burrough, the Spirit that gave forth Scripture is greater then the Scripture: the spirit is in us, that Spirit only opens the Scripture: the Spirit is immediate and in­fallible and they only who have this Spirit know the Scriptures. The Scripture miraculousl [...] pre­servd to be Gods standing out­ward Record & witness. I answered that I maintained the inward breathing of the holy Spirit more than themselves, fo [...] quoted before Luke 11. viz. that we ought in all our Preachings, Hearings, Readings, Pray­ings, &c. to beg the help of the Spirit called the Finger and Pow­er of God: and yet I also maintained that this Record, this Word Will or Mind of God written and pen'd by chosen Pen-men as Pens in the hand of his holy Spirit, and so miraculously preser­ved from the Rage of the Devils fiery Instruments, Babilonian, Assyrian, Roman and Popish Tyrants and that much among the Jewes and Papists (and much by their meanes also though they hate it) I say this Record is the outward and external Light, Lan­thorn, Judge, Guide, Rule by which God witnesseth himself and his Truth in the World, comforteth and feedeth his saints in their Dispersions, discovers and reforms the defects and wanderings of his People (as in Josiah his finding this Record, and Ezeki [...]l & John eating the Book, out of which the holy Spirit inspired them to prophesie to Kings and Peoples &c.

Tis true who doubts it but that God and the Spirit were before the Scriptures, and so he was before the Creation, before Christ Jesus was born, and his Redemption actually accomplished: are the works of God therefore, and the several Dispensations and Institutions and Instruments of God in the several times and [Page 91] places of any whit less power or esteem because the most holy God and his most holy Spirit were before them? John the Baptist faith that Christ Jesus was preferred before him, for he was be­fore him, and he was not worthy to unloose the Shoe-latchet of Jesus the Lamb of God; and yet for the fulfilling of all Righte­ousness the Lord Jesus must come to John to be baptized of him, and the holy Spirit of Light will declare himself to be true by the holy Scriptures, and discover all other Spirits to be spurious false and Bastards and notwithstanding their cracking and prating of Light if they slight this outward standing Record and Witness of God in the World it is because there is no light in them,

One of these two must be done either we must subscribe to the Papists and by their pretended Spirit and Church find out and authorize the Scriptures, The holy Scrip­ture the only out ward standing Rate & Record like the Records in the Tower just as the Foxians say, or else we must with Luther and his Associates, Calvin and his followers main­tain Learning study the Scriptures, search the Originals, Copyes and Translations, and vindicate their Purity and Perfe­ction, their Authority and sole external Direction how to judge of all pretending Christs and Prophets and Doctrines & Church­es and Spirits.

While we were thus discoursing W. Edmundson propounded this Smilitude, The Help Scrip­ture are Gods Love-letters [...] if I should write a letter to a friend and subscribe my name W. Edmundson, doth it follow therefore that the Letter is W. Edmundsons? I answer that the Quakers do affirm that the Scripture is within them, what is the english of that? but that the Light which they and every man in the World hath within them (the Christ the Spirit which every one hath) is Scripture, and in a sence I said it was a Truth that W. E. his letter to his friend was W. Edw. not only a Declaration of his word, mind or will to his Friend, but in a respect his mind and will it self that the sent in Writing to his Friend, and so the Scripture in a Sence is Gods mind and Will to us.

Upon this occasion I told them that the Scriptures were the Love Letters of Christ Jesus to his Church, as the Love-Letters of some mighty Monarch to his Betrothed Queen or Empress, they are dear, not as common Peter and Ink, but as [...] Good­will, the dearest Love and heart of the King and Emperour him­self: and thus are holy Scriptures highly prized embraced, and laid up in the heart and bosome of the true Children of God, [Page 92] listned to, and followed as the voice of Christ Jesus to his true sheep and Spouse: the Bastard Children and the Wolves covered only with the sheepskins: they have other Words, Letters & Spirits, 2 Thes. 2 whatever they, prate of Scripture, and speak brave swelling empty words as Jude speaketh.

Tis true as G. Fox all along in his Book vapours that the Spirit was before Scripture, and gave forth Scripture: but I proved be­fore, that their Spirit, their Light, their Christ, were but hellish Darkness, the spirit of Sathan, and a false lying Christ, &c. 2. The Dispensations of God were many and divers (as before the Law and after) but in this last and third dispensation, he hath spoken (that is his word, mind and will whatever) the Quakers as well childishly as Blasphemously prate to the contrary by his Son: And as the Son himself the Lord Jesus in his own person, The admirable excellency of the Scripture when he per­sonally maintained that famous combat with the Devil used no other weapon but Prayer and Fasting and the Holy Scripture, so he left written this holy patern and example, that we through Pa­tience and Comfort of the Scriptures might have hope, Rom. 14. Luther being demanded how he gain'd such knowledge and abili­ties in such blind Popish darkness, Luther Light he freely confessed that the holy Scripture was his first help, the second Meditation, the third ear­nest Prayer to God to vouchsafe his Spirit to bless the two former unto him. Joh 20.2. con­sidered The Lord Jesus therefore not only ordained his Messen­gers or Preachers of his glad Tydings to Jews and Gentiles, but his Penmen also, Joh. 20. for those two great ends (as to us) to wit,

1. These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ (to wit, that that individual person and man cal­led Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah so long promised and expected (contrary to the Blasphemous Fancies of the Qua­kers.)

And 2. That Believing in him (that individual person called Jesus, and not in a Fancy within) we might have Life and Bles­sedness.

It is no wonder therefore, that the Devil (the great Thief) as he compasseth Sea and Land with the Pharisees, Jesuites and Qua­kers to make Proselytes, so wherever he comes he labours to blow out the Candle of the Holy Scripture.

It is the Spirit Breach or wind of the Devil in the lips of A­theists, Jews, Papists, Quakers, Ranters, &c. that puffs and blows [Page 93] against this Holy Light (more precious infinitely then the Sun in the Heaven:) it hath been most wonderfully to amazement, pre­served like the Sun in the Firmament, and shines most gloriously again and again, after the blackest and longest storm and night of Apostacies and Persecution.

The Turkish Hystory tells us of a Woman appearing in the Heavens with a Book open in her hand, A famous vision in Turkey some of their Mahume­tan Priests dared to say (for which one greatly suffered) that the Woman was the Christian Church, and the Book was their Bible or Scriptures which threatned ruine to their Mahomut and Al­coran: John was not commanded (and in him the Protestant Witnesses) to stand still and listen to a Light, to a motion or voice within, but to eat up the little Book open (once again) in the hands of Christ Jesus, Rev. 10. and after this eaten up to pro­phesie to Peoples and Nations, to Tongues and Kings.

Whether this Book be the Book of the Revelation or the Book of the whole Bible or Scripture, The two Wit­nesses cat up the book of Script. it is apparent that during the 42 Months of the Papal Reign and Darkness, Christ Jesus hath given Authority and power to his Witnesses to search after the Holy Records in the Original, Hebrew and Greek Copies, and to bring them forth by Translating and Preaching the Doctrine of them, &c. for which they have suffered Death and Burning, Tindal the first heavenly Trans­lat or burned as Tindal and many other excellent men of God. The Walls of Rome, yea the Gates of Hell have shaken and felt the might of this Hea­venly Artillery: It lies therefore the Devil and all his Messengers in hand to break to pieces, or to nail up their heavenly Or­dinance.

It hath been observed that there never were any (more then o­thers) famous for Christianity, but they first were famous for an admirable Love kindled by God in their Hearts to the Holy Scriptures: It is true the Jews (to whom the Oracles of God were committed, to wit in the Old Testament: how studious have they been in it, The Jews out­ward reverence to the Script. even to every Word and Letter? they accounted it a crime for any Book to ly upon it, but this alwayes to lye up­permost. My self have seen the Old Testament of the Jews most curious writing whose price (in way of trade) was threescore pound, which my Brother a Turkey-Merchant had and shewed me: [...] speak of an inward love, a Soul-love, &c. It is won­deful [...] Luther relates of that blessed Duke of Saxony, whom [Page 94] God stir'd up to favour and cherish Luther &c. viz. that he caused his six pages each of them to read to him daily everyone his hour in the Holy Scripture. The first Pro­testants affecti­on to the Scrip­ture This was the affection in all the first Wit­nesses the Waldensians, the Bohemians, the English, French, Dutch, Scotch, &c. who together with the Scriptures had mighty Affection to the study of the Hebrew and Greek in which golden Cups and Bowles the King of Kings was pleased to convey the Wine (like Abashuerosh) of his Eternal Majesty and Goodness to us.

It is wonderful to consider how much the study of the Scri­ptures and of the Hebrew and Greek Tongues confounded and put to slight the Papists, The Scriptures put both Papists & Quakers to slight and forced them to study the Scriptures and the Tongues also, both which the barbarous dark Spirit of the Quakers hate, as darkness hates and Light.

It is no wonder this Spirit of Lying cries out so fiercely against the Schools of Learning in Old and New England, it knows that the right and regular propagation of natural, of civil, and espe­cially of Divine Knowledge scatters the thick Fogs of the Qua­kers affected hellish ignorance.

The blessed Martyrs and Witnesses of Jesus in all ages has been ravished with holy delights like David in the holy Scripture, in Q. Maries dayes, that famous Ridley (called Bishop of Lon­don) he had got most of the holy Epistles in Greek by heart, even before he left Pembrook Hall in Cambridge: Christs Martyrs or witnesses love to Scriptures and as the fire of Persecution grew hotter, so did those blessed Witnesses (like Je­sus with Moses and Elias, and Paul at Troas) spend hours and nights in Prayer and holy Conference upon the Scriptures, and those things which the Lord Jesus should and hath now accom­plished according to the Scriptures.

It is true (in print) James Parnel spake like a Papist an A­theist, and a Quaker of the holy Martyrs or Witnesses of Jesus Christ, James Parnel his horrible sin & Judgment and of the book of Martyrs it self. It is no wonder that the most Righteous and jealous Lord left him not to dye the common death of all Mankinde, but to Murther himself by a proud presumptuous attempt of declaring himself to be Christ by fasting 40 dayes and 40 nights, I believe this to be a Truth from the Testimonies I have seen of Parnels case (being my [...] then in London) whatever, Fox & the Quakers impudently affirm to the contrary.

[Page 95] It is true that James Parnel, and Fox, and all of them some­times miserably (and after the Devils Method) make use of Scripture as a Shield or Buckler to fence themselves against the Scripture, How the Qua­kers own Scrip­ture and as a Sword to run through the Heart and Bowels of the Scripture, the Saints, and Christ, and God himself: they make use of it as Stirrops, and Ladders, and Scaffolds for their counterfeit Christ (in pretence but in reallity themselves) to mount up into their Saddles and Thrones of the Eternal power and Godhead that so the Earth may be theirs by Authority: So that as the Lord speaks of the Jews Sacrifices that they were not his: and of Jehoiakim that he did not know the Lord, 2 King. 17. the Samaritans feared the Lord and yet feared him not. Jer. 22. and of the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 11. that they did not eat the Lords Supper though they did eat it: so I affirm (from all the premises alleadged) the Quakers do not own, that is truely and Christi­anly (as they say Bonâ fide and in reality) but slight, and vilifie, and abominate, and nullifie the holy Scripture, that their un­written Lies and lying Spirits may be exalted.

We have a great word in use amongst Merchants and others, to wit the word [ Effects] they desire to see effects of money or Goods, The word Ef­fects for want of a real and effectual prizing and loving & obeying and magnifying the holy Scriptures. The Jewes & Pha­rises, the Papists and Quakers do not owne the perfection & Au­thority of the holy Scriptures, but set up their Traditions & Popes Councils & Spirits above them, and therefore the Jewes & Pa­pists and Quakers do not owne the holy Scriptures.

I freely acknowledge that many of these Particulars I could not then express because of my Confinement to a quarter of an hour, and sometimes the Interpos [...]rs of my Opposites.

I remember I urged that dead and rotten esteem that both Papists and Quakers fling as dirt in the face of the holy Scrip­tures, The Papists and Quakers call the holy Script. a dead Letter. calling it a dead Letter, a Nose of wax, a leaden Rule which may be pincht and bow'd to every mans Opinion: But First, They horribly bow and pinch that holy Scripture, 2. Cor. 3. which meddles not with all the Scripture but with the Covenant of the Law and Justice, opposite to the Covenant of Grace & Mercy, & calls the Law a killing Letter compar'd with the Grace & Mer­cy of an offended God now reconciled by Christ Jesus.

But Secondly. These poor Foxes fly to their Burroughs and confound the matter of the Scripture or Writing, being Paper [Page 96] and ink, &c. with the contents the purport, and (as I may say) the matter contained in the matter: The power of writing in all Affairs. we use to say what have you to shew for it? what evidences have you? what Records, and sometimes when no Witnesses are living or can be had, an old poor Record is produced which proves the life and spirit of the business: what Simpletons do these (only) wise ones shew themselves in affairs of men that know not, that (as Solomon sayes of the Tongue, Life and Death is in the power of the Tongue so) Life and Death is in the power of a piece of Paper: what hath an Executor (yea many thousand Executors to shew for their Estates sometimes of hundreds, yea thousands years but a little paper, and ink, and wax from the Testators? what gives life to a condemned soul but a Pardon or Reprieve in a piece of Paper? who knowes not that a Writ or Paper signed by his Majesty, the Lord Chancellour, the Lord ceief Justice hath Death in it, and fetcheth off the heads of many, yea the highest Offenders?

The Quotations out of G. Fox which then I could not insist on, I shall present a few and then pass on to the fifth Position.

In the 47 th. Pag. G. Fox brings in Jos. Miller saying, Josh. Miller. It is an Errour (if not damnable) to say Christ is the meanes, and that there is no other meanes of Salvation.

He Answers, And Christ faith no man comes unto the Father but by me: and he is able to the uttermost to save? and he shall be my Salvation to the end of the Earth saith the Lords and saith the Apo­stle, God is in Christ reconciling the World to himself, and he that hath the Son hath Life, and the Father and the Son are one, and there is no salvation in any other.

I reply: I shall now freely declare to the Sence of this Allega­tion, though in the Dispute my Adversaryes would not suffer me to meddle with the Sence of G. Fox his words, contrary to our Covenant in my Writing, The Quakers notorious Cove­nant Breakers. viz. that each Party should speak as long as they pleased, which Liberty they enjoyed without my In­terruption: and first I doe not think that Jos. Millers words run so loosly in his own Book: I do not think that a man of Wisdom would call it an error to say that Christ is the meanes of Salvation: But to the second part, to which G. Fox opposeth, I believe it is an Error, and a damnable Error, and a Doctrine of Devils, to say there is no other meanes of Salvation: for this wretched Jugler sub [...]illy confounds the Instrumental Causes of Salvation with [Page 97] the Efficient in God the Father, Means of [...]. and Meritorious in God the Son, Christ Jesus. 'TIS true, there is no Redemption and For­giveness of sin, but in his Blood, Ephes. 1 though I know this Jugler (as before) means not a Christ, nor his Blood, nor Death as we do mean, but Imaginary within, &c. And yet as Means and Instruments: Christs Messengers are said to save themselves and others: The holy Scriptures are said to make wise to Salvation: A man may be Gods means or Hand to save his Wife, and the Wife her Husband: We are saved by hope saith Paul, and saved by Baptisme saith Peter, yea, Women are sa­ved by Child-bearing, as God blesseth those painful Curses to be blessed means of bringing to, A Union be­tween the Meri­torious Cause and means, and the Instrumen­tal and Efficient or worker. or growing up in Christ the Savi­our. All these subtly and wickedly G. Fox sets at variance with the Meritorious Salvation by Christ Jesus, between which there is an Heavenly Union and Concord, as between a man sa­ving his Brother by throwing a Rope, Or Oar, or Board unto him, &c. or a Midwife saving both Woman and her Birth in Child-bearing by the Means of Women, and Helps which her Skil and Labour administreth to her. To talk of this Immedi­ate Christ and Spirit without Scriptures, without Preaching, and other holy means, is as silly, as Impious, as Blockish, as Blas­phemous, and as Bedlam, and Frantick, as wicked and Anti­Christian.

Would not every body laugh at G. Fox, if he should say, that because the Kings Majesty graciously pardons Condemned Rebels at the Mediation of the Prince his Son, therefore the Com­posing the writing, the proclaiming of the pardon, the bring­of it to the Rebels hands Written and sealed with the Kings broad Seal, are no means of their Salvation and Deliverance?

In Pap. 221. he brings in the Author of Hosanna to the Son of David, Hosanna to the Son of David. saying, [ The sure Word of Prophesie the Apostle speaks of, is the Prophesie of Scriptures]

He Answers, Doth the Scripture shine in a dark place until the Day dawne? Are they them that must be taken heed unto as to a Light? Can any see the Scripture, and know the Scripture, but with the Light within? Cannot a Cam, a Baalam, a Core bring Scripture that it is gone from the Spirit of Prophesie within, and then put the Letter for it?

[Page 98] I Reply, 1. I know that Fox makes their Idol within called Light, [...] to be the more sure word of Prophesie, and his usual proof is, [ The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophesie,] But first, why must all the Prophets or Messengers of God, who from the beginning of the world were Gods mouth and Pens, Concerning the Birth, Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascention and coming to Judgement of the Lord Jesus be here cast out from the Word of Prophesie? Is it nothing, Luk. 1. that God spake (surely Gods speaking is his word) God spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets, God speaking by his Prophets [...] his Word. which have been since the World began. And Heb. 1. God spake sundry times and in divers man­ners in Time past unto the Fathers, but how did God thus speake or utter his word, but by the Prophets: And Rom. 16. But now is made manifest, and by the Scriptures of the Prophets, ac­cording to the Commandment, &c. Theréfore how oft is it written concerning the Lord Jesus. These things were done that the Scriptures might be Fulfilled,] in which regard, (as to our satisfaction and belief) the written word or Prophesie of the Prophets are a more sure Word and Evidence to us concerning the Lord Jesus then the Miraculous Appearance from Heaven of Moses and Elias, and the voice from Heaven of which Peter here speaketh; though in it self a true Testimony, yet not so sure, so firm and pr [...]gnant as the Word that God spake be the mouth of his holy Prophets from the beginning of the World, &c. Hence the Answer of Abraham, and indeed of Christ Jesus: If they, hear not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they believe though one should rise from the Dead.

2. How sure is the Quakers Light, their Word of Prophesie [...] A sober mind can not but admire that Face and Forehead of Brass and Adamant with which God the Righteous Judge of the whole world hath plauged Satan and his Followers, The madness of leaving the Scripture and turning to a Spirit within. so that they blush not to prefer such a simple Image, a meer Bab [...]e and Childe Puppet of their Immediate Word of Prophesie before the Word, the mind and will of God by the mouth of all the Prophets?

For is it not known in the holy Scripture, in all Histories, in all Ages, in all Nations, what Cursed Opinions, horrible Un­cleannesses, Bloody Murthers and Slaughters have been Con­ceived and brought forth from the Spirit within, and Revelati­ons [Page 99] from Dullish Lights and Spirits, and the horrible End that generally the Authors and Promoters of such Spirits and Inspi­rations have come to?

3. This Scripture, The workings of Satan by Spirits and Inspirations in all Ages. Revel. 19. The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophesie, what is it but Goliahs Sword to fetch off the head of this proud Philistin, for, doth not the Angels forbid John worshipping of him upon this ground, viz. that the An­gel was his Fellow Brother, Fellow Servant, Fellow Worshipper, Fellow Witness? Is not this the Argument whereby he prohibits him, viz. that one Testimony of Jesus was the work of Gods Spirit in the Angels, in their way, as well as in Johns and Pe­ters in theirs, &c. and shall we say that the the Angels too are Quakers, and Christ hath enlightned them also, as well as eve­ry man that comes, &c And Revel. 22. Doth not Christ threaten the Adders to, and Diminishers from the word of this Book of this Prophesie: what Affinity hath a written Book a written Prophesie with Immediate whisperings and Inspirations?

2. Why should G. Fox here mention Cain, Baalam, Core? what Scriptures could they bring? what Scriptures were written in their times? The Devil and the Quakers al­leadging Scrip­tures. I think it no breach of Charity to guess that the Quakers and G. Fox are so used to Cursing and Censuring their Opposites (at the first dash) for Cains, Baalams, Cores, that they could not well tell how to miss them: Such persons no question, and the Foxians, and the lying Spirit, the Old Fox and Serpent, bring Scripture: But doth the Divel cordially prize and love the word of Prophesie, the Testimony and Witnesses of Jesus? However, he plainly here Confesseth that the holy Scrip­ture is so powerful that the very Counterfeit, the picture and Name of it will do him good Service, with such whom he desires to cheat and Ruine. And yet secondly this shews the Quakers horri­ble wickedness, that although they love the holy Scripture (for the general of them) as well as doth their lying Father, yet turn they the Truth of God into a lye, and with the ugly Spider sucks that which he turns into poyson, even from the same Flowers of Pa­radice, the holy Scriptures, from whence the hony Bees, the true Believers, suck the pure hony of Eternal Truth and Comfort.

3. Again, what madness is it for this bind Dreamer to ask his Opposite, whether the Scripture shines in a dark place until the [Page 100] dawne? & whether they must be taken heed unto as to a Light? For, how often is the holy Scripture even the very Law before the Gospel, K [...] Light in the bold pretenders (to so much) the Quakers, or glad News was preached, adorn'd and beautified with the Illustrious Title of Light? and all the subtle Foxes in the world must know that if they attend unto whisperings and peepings, Isai. 8. and leave the written Law, the Word, and other Prophesies of Scripture, or written Prophesies, Words and Oracles of God! For all their Childish Vapourings and pratings of their Light, the Eternal Father of Lights proclaims them to be Children of howling darkness and that there is no Light within them: I speak it with horrour and Amazement, and also with sorrowful Confidence that he that shall find a spark of true Light either of the knowledge or grace of the true Lord Jesus in this their Fantastick Light, he shall find the Living among the Dead, he shall prove the Prophets that spake, and the Lord God of the Prophets whose word was spoke, to be Lyars, for saying there is no Light within them.

But Fox again demands, [ Can any know the Scripture but with the Light within?] And I ask him what Light have the Pa­pists and Jews, The pure Scrip­ture filthily abused. and the Divel himself, when they and he bring Scripture to Christ himself? I know very well what he means in his Jesuitical, Diabolical Reservations, by the Light within and by knowing the Scripture, his meaning is known and Com­mon, viz. except he be one of those dark Souls called Quakers: But did not the Devil bring a pertinent Scripture and promise to Christ Jesus as ever Papist or Quaker could have alleadged, though pointed and directed as are the Papists, Jews and Qua­kers Allegations to a Venemous and poysonous End.

He brings in Henoch Howet saying, Pag 14: Henoch Howet. By the Weapon of the Scripture only Christ Conquer­ed the Devil. [ The Scripture to be the only Weapon whereby Christ overthrew the Devil,]

He Answers, Who bruiseth his Head, and was before Scrip­ture was, yet the Scripture is for Correction and Doctrine, furnishing the man of God in his place, and Christ [...] was before the Scripture was: And all them that hath [...] and not Christ can not overcome the Devil, you and the Papist do­ing his work: for they that overcome him that is with the Pow­er, and those have the Scriptures of Truth, which the Devil is out of.

[Page 101] I Reply, How doth Christs bruising of Satans Head, and be­ing before Scripture was, disprove Fox his Opposites saying, viz. the only weapon whereby Christ Jesus overcome the Devil was the Scripture? what is this to the point of the Compass? may not half an Eye see what a simple Sophister this is, to make such Yawes as not to c [...]me near the Ships Course and point in hand.

2. Who sees not Fox in his Burrough of the divers Accep­tation of the Word Christ? For in the Sense of his Opposite that man Christ Jesus who sought the Devil, and Fox Confesseth di­ed at Jerusalem: was not before the Scriptures, But his Birth, and Life, and Death, &.. were Proppesied and declared by the holy Scripture long before he was born.

3. As for this saying, [ They that have the Scripture and not Christ can not overcome the Devil] What News doth Fox tell the World, which no Body denies? and how doth this deny that Christ Jesus overcome the Devil by the Scripture?

4. Is all Scripture or writing given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable (though Fox alleadgeth this Scripture by halves) for Correction and Doctrine, The Scripture [...] pro­per Weapon a­gainst the De. &c. then it clearly follows, that as Christ Jesus overcome the Devil by the Scripture, so by the same Weapon this subtle Fox, and all other of Satans Foxes' must be Corrected, Confuted Catcht and destroyed, (except they repent) for ever: But what is this Confession that the Scripture is profitable for Correction, &c. but a kind of grant to his Opposite that Christ did overcome the Devil by this Weapon, for he Confesseth it profitable for Correction, &c. though yet all this running about in and out into his holes in this Answer is a whispering, and yet [...] enough to be heard, viz. that Christ did not overcome the Devil by the Scripture,

5. As for the Quakers Power here pretended in Opposition to the Scripture, as being those that have Scripture within them, and so overcome the Devil? The Devil a Fox too Crafty for all the Fexialts. How doth the Devil deal as one that pretends to Fight, with Children who lies down and Cries as if those poor Childish Souls had Overcome him? Thus sometimes a Devil of D [...]kenness, of Swearing, of Stealing runs away from the Sermons of the Quakers, as a naughty De­vil, sometimes at the Chiding and [...]juring of a good Watch! That the may get the faster hold by spiritual pride, hypocrisie, [Page 102] self Conceit, and Contradiction to the Scripture, by will wor­ship and Superstitious Inventions against the holy Institutions and Commands of the true Lord Jesus Christ.

Pag. 289. He brings in Francis Duke, Francis Duke. saying, [ When Christ told the Devil that man should not live by Bread alone, but by eve­ry Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, that was believ­ing the Scripture: And this Word of God in the Scripture was the Ground of Christs Faith, and so to all that are his

He Answers, Many may have the Scripture and never hear the voice of God, as the Jews in the fifth of John, and they said they believed the Scriptures, though they were out of the true belief: But receiving the Word from God, is, as they that gave forth the Scriptures: which man lives by and not by bread alone, and so knows him who was before Scripture was given forth: And for saying that the Scripture was the Ground of Christs Faith, he was afore the Scripture was writ, and so fulfils their Words, and is the Author and the Finisher of the Saints Faith, which was before the Scripture was given forth, him by whom the World was made, and is the Author of the Saints Faith, that bruised the Serpent under his feet, which was before the Scripture was.

1. I Reply, The Quakers Ridiculous for, and in their Tau­tologies. How Notorious for Tautologies are these bruitish Clamours? Thrice in this small Answer have we of Christ, which was before Scripture was, who was before Scripture was, &c. shall we believe their Notorious Lyes, viz. that the Light within them gave forth Scripture, and that they speak and write as they are moved by the most holy and Infallible Spirit, when their writings are so weak, lame and Childish, just like the talk of Aged doting Women, and so full of Idle Repetitions?

2. What Answer is this, how bruitish and Impious, viz. that a man may have the Scripture and yet not be in the belief, therefore the Word of God was not the Ground of Christs be­lief, so again, the Devil and wicked men may have the Scripture, and yet believe not in them, therefore Christ Jesus and his saints believe them not neither: this Inference is clear, you say Christ was before Scripture was, &c.

I Reply, He was, and he was not,: But let Heaven and Earth Hear and abhor the Sophistry of these Deceivers, they would fain [Page 103] have no such Christ at man, The Quakers [...] Fancies as to Christ and the Scripture. a Christ without, an out-side Christ, but a Spirit and God only, and [...] in their Flesh: yet again, (for shame of the world) they are forct to Confess that there was such a man or person, &c. and yet to Cloak and Cover that Confession from Crossing their Principle, they say; that be­fore Scripture was Christ bruised the Serpents Head, that is Christ that made the World, Christ the Light, the Word,; But this again, we say is false also, for the Promise is, Gen. 3. that the Seed of a Woman which was Christ in his Manhood, born in the Fulness of Time, Gal. 4.

And let G. Fox or any of their Juglers Answer: If they speak honestly, and ( bona fide) if there was really such a man called Je­sus at Jerusalem, &c. as there was such a man called G. Fox lately in New-England, was there not such a man called Jesus, after the Scripture was written or penn'd? The Humanity of Christ. was dot this man for­ty dayes tempted of the Devil, and did not this man called Jesus Christ Overcome the Devil by the Weapon of the writing or Scripture: and was not the holy Scripture the Ground of his Faith, as he makes the Will or Word of God declared in this holy Writing or Record the Ground of his saints Faith also?

He brings in John Timson saying, Pag 16 John Timson [ The Scripture is the Rule of Life:

He Answers, Contrary to Christ, who said, the Spirit should lead them into all Truth: And they that are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God: and the Churches was to hear what the spirit said, for the spirit lead them to speak forth scripture.

I Reply, If among the seven things that God hates, he is an Abomination that soweth Discord, The holy Scrip­tures the Rule what is he that would Op­pose and set a: Odds the most holy spirit, against the holy scrip­tures Inspired by him? and in Effect declares that Gods Children are not to attend to the voice of God in these his holy Inspired writings, but to a secret Voice or whispering within them: Contrary to the scriptures Voice both before and since Christs coming, as I have, and shall further manifest.

2. As to the spirits leading into all Truth, and the sons of God are led by the spirit of God: Is not Fox here in his Burrough, not distinguishing between the Extraordinary leading of the ho­ly Apostles Appointed to be the Eye Witnysses of Christs Death and [Page 104] and Resurrection, The leading of the Spirit. &c. and the first Messengers or Apostles to the Nations, in which Respect, the one Author of those three Gifts, Administrations, Operations, 1 Cor. 12. peremptorily asks the Question, Are all Apostles, are all Prophets, have all the Gifts of Miracles? and yet all Gods Children are Regene­rated, are sanctified, are guided and built up an habitation of God through the Spirit: and yet also the gracious presence and work­ing of the holy Spirit, may be hindred and quenched, by neg­lecting of the holy Fuel of the holy Scriptures and other holy means appointed. And therefore the Lord Jesus Commands us to pray for the Spirit: Odds Spirit gi­ven by means. and Daved cries out, Thy Spirit is good lead me, &c. and take not thy holy Spirit from me. And this is the Devils (the Old Fox) his Devilish Subtlety to make the Cloak of the Spirit Extraordinary Assistance, and the Angels Ex­traordinary protection, a ground of Christ Jesus, and his Servants flinging themselves down from the Pinacle of the Temple, and this I say from the God of Truth will be the Breack neck of the People called Quakers, (without Repentance) every Soul of them.

We now descend to the proof of the fifth Position with their Consent, [...] fifth Posi­tion which was, their Principles and Professions are full of Contradiction and Hypocrisies.

I told them, that they knew well, that the Spirit of God had given us abundant Warning against false Gods, false Worships, false Christs, false Spirits, false Prophets; He Commands us in Scripture not to believe them, The danger of being deceived &c. but to try them, to try all things, as we do with Touchstones, and with Ballances, yea, with Fire it self. For, some Counterfiet Coyne hath been so like pure gold, so double guilt in the middle, and the Ring round about pure gold, Depths of Hipo­crisy that it hath deceived the Touchstone. The Devil himself as black a Fiend as he is, the Spirit of Darkness, yet he knows how to wear Samuel [...] Mantle, and the white Robe of an Angel of Light, &c. I told them it was Common for Spanish, Tur­kish, or any other Enemy in Time of Wart to hang out English Co­lours, the more easily to deceive & Catch the poor Merchant man, and Judas the Traitour gave no other signe to the Jews in his be­traying of his Lord and Master, the Lord Jesus, but God save my Master, and a Kiss.

[Page 105] Most of this I Remember I spake, and then I told them that Paul tels Timothy of some that should speake Lyes in Hipocri­sie: [...] in Hipocri­sie. I told them of these, there were two sorts.

1. Such as knowingly (for wicked and Devilish Ends of Profit or Preferment) take the Leading Stoff in hand, as 'tis more then pro­bable, that the Misleader of so many Millions of Mahumetans did: and as one of the Popes in Merriment to his Cardinals Con­fest it, saying, Quantum Lucrifecimus [...]x hac Fabula Christi? What gain have we made of this Fable of Christ? Two forts of Soul Deceivers Thus Judas knowingly, for his Gain sought Opportunities to betray Christ Jesus. Thus the Schichemites (and Millions are their Successors as they are to Nebuchadnezzars Idolaters) under went that pain­ful and shameful Ordinance of Circumcision, partly to please their Princes, and partly for that hope (as Schechem told them) that all that Israel [...]ad should be theirs.

A second Sort of Soul Deceivers that are, and yet know not in their Consciences that they are blind Guides or blind Followers, but for not loving Truth God hath given them up to believe Lyes, for Truths: false Christ and Spirits, for true Christs and Spi­rits; yea, and with Paul to think that they verily ought to do many things against Jesus of Nazareth, yea, and as the Lord Je­sus Positively Foretold they shall think to do God Service to kill himself, in killing his Servants.

I told them my Charity, bid me hope that the Quakers and themselves present were not of the first, but of the second sort, and I prayed them to be as patient as they could while I must prove that their Principles and Professions were full of Lyes and Contradictions, and of Hipocrisies, and Dissimulations. I wondred that my Opposites and Auditors bare all this Load so si­lently? But at this word W. Edmundson and the rest brake out saying, We regard not what thou thinkest and sayest of us, nor do we need thy Charity, but go on to thy proofs, &c.

I then said, tha their many Books, and G. Foxes (that there­by me) and their Professions, The Quakers of late [...] Chang­ed [...] of their Spirit, or else more notori­ously Equivoca­tors. did so exceedingly Clash one with another: and some of their latter Books (as Christopher Houldsworths)and some of theis latter Professions and Practi­ces were such that many of their Observers Conclude, that ei­ther they had altered their Religion in many of their Principles [Page 106] and Practices, and were turned from what they formerly held, and were amongst us: Or else their Hipocrisies and Dissimulati­ons were more and more prodigiously Abominable. I came to Instances, and told them that when they were Charged to deny that man Christ Jesus, they profess and preach they are wrong­ed, for they believe in that Christ which was born of a Virgin, and died at Jerusalem, The Jugling of the Quakers a­bout Christ. and yet for all this, it is but in Truth a Spiritual, and Mistical, and Allegorical Christ, which (under boord and in the bottom) which they hold. For, in New-England (before G. Fox came) H. Norton and others say, Is not Christ God, and is not God a Spirit, and is there not a Spiritual Virgin, a Mistical Bethlehem, an Heavenly Jerusalem? And do not G. Fox and Ed. Burroughs all along hold our such a Christ, whose Body is not now to be found? and such a man as is in every Saint, or Quaker? and in every person in the world except he be a Reprobate?

Again, 2. They say, they hold the Christian Church, the Christians Ordinances, About the Church and Or­dinances. the Christian Ministry, the Christian Baptism, &Supper the Resurrection, the Judgement, the Life Everlasting, but search their Books, Examine their preachings and professings, and you shall see, and may admire their Juglings and Dissimulations: Do not Fox and Burroughs all along disclaim any Church Ministers, Baptisme, &c. but what is Immediate and Invisible? Do they really own any Supper but Christs inward Supping with them, and they with him? Or any Resurrection but the tising of their Bodies to perfect Holiness? or any Judgement and Eternal Life, but what they have now attained, and are now passing Judge­ment upon the world?

3. Again, though they do deny any Church but Invisible, yet their Churches and Congregations are known and Visible and stated (not attending Invisible Motions) both first day and other dayes with prayers and Preachings, and singings, and real joyn­ings or Addings to them &Castings out: These things necessitty forceth them to practice, or else they cannot possibly keep to­gether, although in Monstrous Dissimulation they disclaim it.

4. They profess that their Saints have an U [...]ction, yea, that every person in the world so enlightned by Christ Jesus, I and and out­ward Preacher so that he hath Christ and Spirit, and the Kingdome [...], them, [Page 107] (as the Pharisees had, and the very same the Saints have) and if they will, they have Teaching enough to Justifie, Sanctifie and save them: and yet again what a noise is there in the World about the Quakers, Teachers, He Apostles, and she Apostles, such as the Lord Jesus never sent either the Twelth or the Seventh, or their Successors. How do they boast to be the only Ministers of Christ Jesus sent into Old England and New-England, into Scotland and Ireland, yea, into Italy and Turky, and other Nati­ons as diligent and zealous as the Pharisees to pervert and poy­son Souls with a false Conversion and Salvation.

5. You profess the Scriptures to be the words of God, As to the Scrip­tures. but not the Word of God, and yet now you profess to be tryed by them: Anon again, you need not the Scriptures, you have that Light and Spirit within you that gave out the Scriptures, and if all the Copies in the World were burnt yet you have the Scrip­tures within you, G Fox his last Book Exalting the Heathen therefore you not only (as the Spirit of God faith) deceitfully handle the Scriptures by deceitful Interpretati­ons, but by deceitful owning, and not owning, and as G. Fox in his late Book in Exalting Heathens above Christians own­ing them, and yet Exalting the Spirit in the Philistian and Egip­tian Sorcerers above them.

6. As to Magistrates, how full are their Books and Ser­mons against Persecution and Persecutors, As to Magi­strates and yet how plainly do their Principles persecute all others that subject not to their Light, when they have attained such godly Magistrates as they are (as they speak) in the Light. I told them I was Concern­ed to make this out more fully in the proof of my Fourteenth Position, and therefore at present I would trouble them but with one Quotation out of G. Fox, Pag. 170. where I Read, and Iohn Burnet Read also, how G. Fox brings in Iohn Stallam say­ing, Pag 150 John Stallam [ And the Magistrate is not to Level the Law with the Light in every mans Consci [...]nce, The Quakers [...] are for Persecution Again, if the Magistrate be in the Light and discern the mind of Christ, and discern his Law, is he to Compel all the Nation and Common-wealth to come to the practice of his Light?]

G. Fox Answers, The Magistrate of Christ, the help, Govern­ment for him, he is in the Light and power of Christ: and he is to subject all under the Power of Christ, into his Light, else he [Page 108] is not a Faithful Magistrate: and his Laws are agreeable and Answer according to that of God in every man: when men act contrary to it they do evil, so he is a Terrour to the Evil doers, discern the precious and the just from the vile, and this is a praise to them that do well.

[...] I urged from hence, that the Quakers (and G, Fox in his Book in many places) owne no Magistrates but such as are god­ly that is in their dark Sense, that be Magistrates for their Christ, be in the Light and Power of Christ, The Quakers Zealous Perse­cutors. for then say they, their Laws are agreeable to that of God in every man.

2. These their Magistrates (in the Light) ought to subject even the Consciences and Souls of all that be under them, by Corporal punishments to come under the Power of Christ into the Light.

3. This is Confirmed and sealed with a peremptory Doom upon the neglecter and failer, viz. [ Else he is not a Faithful Magistrate.]

4. I observe the Reason and Equity which they alleadge of this subjecting all Subjects to the Light of Christ, because such Magistrates, Laws and Edicts are witnessed by God in every man, and therefore he sins against God himself who breaks such a Magistrates Command, and therefore is justly punished, &c.

Upon my urging of some of these particulars some of them desi­red to hear the Quotation read again: So John Burnet read the whole passage again, Yet will not own [...] and said, that G. Fox pake not there of matters of Religion and Conscience, nor of the Magistrates compelling men to be of his Religion and Conscience, but of punishing them for matters of wrong between man and man, which are against the Light in every mans Conscience, as Drunkenness, Whoredome, Murther, Stealing, and the like.

I Replyed, the Terms were such both of the Question by the Opposite, and the Answer by G. Fox which argue and Compre­hend the matters of Religion and Conscience, viz. If the Magi­strate be in the Light, and discern the mind of Christ, & and G. Fox his Terms are the same about Christ and the Light and bringing them subject to Christ.

2. It is not Imaginable, that the Opposer would question whether the Civil Officer ought not to punish such Incivilities [Page 109] and Inhumanities as Drunkenness Whoredome, Steal­ing, Murther, &c. Therefore G. Fox must intend that their Magistrates for Christ must Fight for their Christ against all their Opposites, though they cry Persecutors, Persecutors, &c.

In Pag. 221. G. Fox brings in the Author of the Book cal­led Hosanna to the Son of David saying, The Quakers Perfection, and yet in Measure Pag. 221. Hosan­na to the Son of David. [T hey know not abso­solute Perfection that are admitting of Measures and Degrees, nor come to the Day and the bright Morning Star, is not Risen.]

He Answers, did not the Apostle speak that they were Chil­dren of the Day, and the night was over, and knew the whole Body, and yet said, he would not go beyond his Measure? And doth he not speak of the Stature and Measure and Fulness of Christ? and were they not come to Perfection, and spoke wis­dome among them that were perfect?

I Reply: As to their Monstrous pride I shall speak, when I come to Compare the Pope and them in the Tenth Position: At present I Ask them, whether Paul speak of his Measure in Holi­ness and Grace, or no? Some of them say that they are not on­ly perfect as God in Holiness, but also in Power Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, &c. But if Paul be not brought in to speak of such a Perfection in Holiness as is in God, G. Fox beats to Air, &comes not near the Question: to save their Doctrine of Perfection from being a perfect Contradiction & Lie, The Old Romans with their Di [...]Minores or los­ser Gods and the Papists and Qua­kers all one. and they would fain make themselves &others believe that they are as tru­ly perfect in their Holiness as God is, though their Holiness be not so much: As if they were perfectly Gods, (though but little Gods) as God himself being a great God, and so are forct to shew their Contradictions, and wheel about to Perfection of parts as a Child is mankind though not a perfect man, and a drop of water is true water, The Perfection of the Godhead and may be as Salt as any drop in the Ocean: having the Quality of, but not the Equality with the Ocean As otherwise, G Fox foolishly & blasphemously speaks of God in this Book, Moreover, since these high minded Souls dare to say that they are as pure as God and (some say what they think) that they can no more sin against God, then God can sin against them, &c. I Ask them whether there be any Measures and Degrees in God? whether his Perfection in Holiness be not Holiness it self? Wisdom itself, goodness it self, unto which there can be no Addition or [Page 110] growth as we are Commanded to grow in the grace and knowledg of Christ Jesus. To talk therefore of Measures &Perfections, is as sil­ly as for G. Fox when he hath begun to sow a Shoo, and hath as yet taken but a few stitches, yet to boast Confidently that the Shoe is perfect.

We deny not, but a Dram Cup may be as perfectly full of wine as a Pipe or Butt, The Quakers Fallacious per­fection. and so Johns little Children as perfectly, that is, as truly Gods Children, as his strong men or Old men: But to say this Cup or Spoon is equal in quantity to a Pipe or Tun, a Child is equal to a strong man, much more for a poor Pot­sheard to say he is equal with his Porter, and a Worm of the Earth equal to his Maker, what is it but a bloccish and blasphemous Fallacy and Contradiction? and a wheeling about to a Perfecti­on of parts which none deny.

In 222. He brings in the same Author saying, Hosanna to the Son of David. [ Christ is with­out his Saints in respect of his bodily presence.]

He Answers, How are they of his Flesh, and of his Bone, and how do they eat his Flesh, and drink his Blood? And how have they his mind and Spirit? And he with them, and they with him? and sit in Heavenly Places: And he is the Head of his Church, and how then is he absent? yea, poor Apostates from him feels not Christ, but he is with the Saints, and they feel him.

I Reply, and Ask, is this Eating of his Flesh, and drinking of his Blood after a Corporal, Bodily manner, visible and real as to other, G Fox his Falla­Presence of Christ Senses Or is it Miraculous and Spritual? Or is it Spiritual & Mistical by Faith, and by believing as the Protestants say? After the first Corporal way the very Papists affirm not: Visible and Na­tural or Miracu­lous and Super­natural Eating of Christ. After the second way you will not say it is: Nor would you be thought to be so gross Papists as to hold Trans [...]t stantiation? and therefore must it be the third way which is by believing: and then you poor Jugling Souls, what is it to a Bodily presence, that you Eat him by believing?

2. Whereas you say, you sit with him in Heavenly Places, you are one with him, &c. he is Head of the Church, &c. Here I must Ask you you hold him to be such a Visible Head of the Church, as the Pope faith He is, and if you say yea, I then Ask you where will yea direct us to such an! Individual Man, Christ Head of the Church or person as the Pope is, and may be directed to, as we know from so great Art all the World over, If you say No, what is this then to talk of a bodily [Page 111] presence of Christ (which is the point) and then Flap me in the mouth with a Fox Tail, and tell me (in a Childish and Equivo­cating Contradiction) that you mean not a Bodily presence, but a Spiritual.

3. As for the poor Apostates, and your feeling of Christ, which the poor Apostates do not.

I Reply, An Adulterous Wretch, Accused Joseph of Whore­dome, who was a pattern of pure and holy Chastity: For, whom do this Whorish Brood of Foxians thus brand for Apostates, and fling among them Firebrands, Arrows and Death? Are they not all the Children of God that are, or ever were, or shall be called? Are they not the Souls under the Altar who have been slain Thousands and Ten Thousands for the Testimony of Jesus a­gainst these horrid Delusions? Are they not the very first Chur­ches, and the Apostles of Christ Jesus, His Bodily pre­sence from whom Christ in his Bodily presence was departed, as he often Forewarned them, and (as the holy Scriptures abundantly Recordeth) is Fulfilled? For, The Quakers Count all Gods Children Apo­states. see the Jugling of these Deceivers, when this Bodily presence is Examined, they mean no such Individual Man and person, but a mind and Spirit, and such a Christ as hath no Individual Bo­dily Presence, as we and all men have.

If G. Fox when he is in New-England should say he is in London in his Bodily Presence, and that his Friends feel (as he speak) his Bodily Presence there, G Fox his Jug­lings and dreams about the person of Christ because they feel his Love and his Affections in their minds and Spirits: What Hocas Pocas and Jugling Christianity is this? All the Saints and Children of God must all be Apostates, fallen from God and Christ, and Grace, that cannot Skill and Feel this Horrible Egiptian Canting Language.

I will turn my Thoughts higher. O thou most glorious Sun of Righteousness, Truth and Holiness shine forth, and let it be seen, how the Devil called the Lord Jesus Beelz [...]bub: The Trea­cherous Revolters and Apostates from thee, they call thy self, and thy Saints Revolters and Apostates. They boast with the bloody Papists and other Trait [...]ous Rebelt against thee, An Apostrophe or [...] to the Lord Jesus of their Right and Interest in thee, of their possessing and feeling of thee, feel­ing thy Scriptures and thy Bodily presence within them: Oh let thy glorious Light declare, who these poor Apostates and Revol­ters [Page 112] are, who brake down thine Altars, burn thy Temples, scoff at thine Institutions, Cry up a false and Hellish Christ within them, Christen him with the Name of Light, though he be thy Conquered Slave the Devil, telling us he is thine Angel of Light, who with his Counterfiet Souldiers of Light, Crucifie thee and pierce thee, and mock and Curse thee, (the only true Son of God and Son of man) as ever Herod and Pilate, the Priests and Judas, the People and Souldiers did.

In Page 259, 259 James Brown He brings in James Browne saying, [ the Kingdome that is in the Saints, is not in the Pharisees.]

He Answers, [That is, in the Saints, is in the Pharisees in a Measure, though it be but as a Gram of Mustard Seed, which is like to Leaven little.]

I Reply, 1. What If I should send you to some of your Mar­gents where the Greek word [ Entos] is rendred amongst you: that is, Christs King­dom in, or a­mong the Phari­sees unto you, upon you, as Luke 11. If I by the Finger of God cast out Devils, surely the Kingdome of God is Come upon you? The Pharisees expected (and so did all the Jews, and Christ Dis­ciples were not free) I say look for a glorious Temporal King that should make his Ingres [...] with Pomp, and [ Me [...]apu oteresio [...]] as the Scripture speaks with observation, but he came in as some Kings in disgu ze, and (as they speak) Incognito, and yet his Kingdome was among them, in the midst of them, by his per­onal presence, his powerful preaching, and his glorious Miracles.

2. Since (in Opposition to Christs Visible Kingdome his Church) you predicate a Kingdome within, Consisting of Righte­ousness, peace, and joy in the holy Spirit: do you think indeed that the Hipocritical Cursed Pharisees were such Righteous, peace­able and joyful Souls as your selves. As sure as God is Light: They and their Successors your selves, will find your selves when you wake, in horrid Quaking, and except you repent Hell Flames about your Ears, as the Lord Jesus told those whited Walls and painted Sepulchres.

3. Must you take Measure of the Pharisees, and tell us that the Pharisees in a Measure as a grain of Mustard Seed and [...]eaven are the same with your selves? Horrible and [...] Chri­stianity Do not you Cry out that you are perfect, not in Measures and Degrees, but that you a call one in Quality and Equality of Power and Glory with Gods and must [Page 113] this must be the same with Christ Jesus and his Saints, and you and the Pharisees all together? Can two walk together, live and love together, board and bosome together and not be agreed to­gether, no other wayes then Light and Darkness, Christ and Belial, Righteousness and unrighteousness? What stinking work do these provd Pharisees make of Christianity? How justly doth the Son of God give them their proper Titles, Ye Fools and Blind?

4. If it be the same Kingdome in Christ Jesus and in Saints, and in the Pharisees, and every wicked man in the world, though but as a grain of Mustard Seed, and Leaven, what is the Rea­son this Mustard Seed grows not up, A Monstrous King and King­dome of the Qua­ers. this Leaven spread not in them? Can a Nation be subject to the King of England, of Spain, or any other Prince or Monarch, and yet not know how, nor have no knowledge nor feeling of it at all? Can there be such a God, such a Spirit, such a Fire? yea, but such a Mustard Seed, or Leaven, Abominable Lyes in hipocrisie. such a T eacher, and yet not grow, not prevail, not prosper, nor be perceived? ye Fools and Blind are all your Mu­stard Trees stunted all the world over, no Shelter for the Hea­venly Birds, your pure flow [...]re of Holiness and sincerity, mixt and­blended with the black Weeds, Cockle and darnel of open Idola­tries and Prophaneness, and Pharisaisme, and Hipocrisie: What abominable Contradictions and Lyes in Hipocrisie are here? The Pharisees have Christ and his Kingdome of Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit within them, The Pharisees and Quakers Hi­pocrisie [...]. and yet live in pride and Covetousness, and Extortion, and Excess, and Cruelty, and Hi­pocrisie, and Blasphemy, and all this Rottenness and Deadmens bones stinking and ruling all within, notwithstanding all the white and paint, and garnishing without your selves, (their Hipocriti­cal Off-spring) have, and live in, you say, this Kingdome of Christ Jesus, this Kingdome of Righteousness and Joy in the holy Spirit, as perfect and pure as God himself? all one with us, Infi­nite in Majesty, Holiness, Power and Glory, not only in Quality, but Equality, &c. (as this wretched G. Fox affirmeth) And yet within and without Idolatrous and Superstuious, Inhumane and uncivil, passionate and fierce, Censorious and Cursing, and most Impudent and worse then Barbarous, in some of your Impudently, monstrous and avowed practices

Having dispatched our Agitations about the fifth Assertion, [Page 114] and the Quotations out of G. Fox which I could not then In­sist on in publick, The sixth Posi­tion; I descended to the sixth Position which was, viz. [ The Religion of the Quakers is not only an Here sie in the matters of Gods holy worship, but also in the Doctrines of Repen­tance, Faith, &c.

This Assertion hath two main Branches: First, that the Qua­kers Religion is an Heresie, and themselves Hereticks in the mat­ters of Gods worship.

2. Not only so, The Heresie of the Quakers. (about the Circumstances of which Gods own dear Servants themselves greatly differ) but also (which is more Lamentable and dangerous) in the Doctrines of Repen­tance and Faith, and the rest of the graces of Christ Jesus.

I told them first, that the word Hairesis Heresie, in Greek, (from whence the word Hairetkos an Heretick) signified an Opinion or Opinions, chosen and stood in by one or more against the Christian Religion. I said, the matter might be aggravated, and augmented from the Greatness and Vitallity of the matter of the Opinions, but the Formality and Nature of it lay in the will and obstinacy thereof.

John Stubs stood up and said, that Heresie was defined by some to be an Opinion obstinately stood in against the first Chri­stian Purity: Heresy what I Answered, yea, and the Opinion of some was, that Heresie was an Error in the Foundation obsti­nately stood in: But I said we had not time to enter upon a Dispute about the word or thing at this time, the Substance of my Affirmation was, that their Religion, Sector way was false, and gone from the Institution and way of the Lord Jesus deliver­ed by himself and his Apostles, or Messengers:

1. As to worship, they denyed the Converting and gathering of the Saints into visible Assemblies, or Congregations: affirming the Church to be Invisible, the Ministers Invisible, the Bapitsme and Supper Invisible, &c.

The second (which was aur Position) was in those two great Fundamentals, the Beginning, or A. B. C. of the Christian Religion, The Quakers He­reticks against all the Christian Principles, and more Herit [...]cal against the first Christian Religion viz Repentance from dead works and Faith towards God: As for those: two Doctrines of laying on of hands, and of Baptismes they concerned the Church, and worship, (concern­ing the Circumstances of which God is pleased to permit his [Page 115] Children to be lovingly differing and discussing; on then any Pro­testants or Pa­pists. the other four Repentance, Faith, Resurrection and Judgement (in which gene­rally Goods Children agree) in these also as well as in the mat­ter of worship, these wandring Souls are Hereticks, that is, ob­stinately maintaining Notoriously false and Anti-Christian Abo­minations, In so much that the many Sects amongst the Prote­stants, yea, and the Papists themselves do not so differ from a true Protestant and true Christian as do these wilful, ignorant, and wandring Souls.

1. Then as to Repentance, The Quakers Heresy in mat­ter of Repen­tance. I said it was the first heavenly and saving work of God upon the Soul, wherein he turned back home again the whole Soul unto himself, being revolted and run from him into Arms of Rebellion in the Fall of our first Parents.

This was the great point preached by Moses and the Prophets, and more expressly by John the Baptist, and by the Lord Jesus himself: and when he sent abroad his Apostles or Messengers in­to all Nations, This 24th. of Luke I earnekly Insisted on. they were to preach the Gospel or glad News of the Forgiveness of sins according to Luke 24. viz. that Repen­tance and Remission of sins should be preached in his Name unto all Nations, beginning at Jerusalem:

Here about I remember they told me that it was known that they preached the Doctrine of Repentance and of turning from all sin unto God, &c.

I Answered, that the Papists and they made a shew and Co­lour of Repentance, but it had not the Life and Substance of Repentance in it: It was no more but an empty Title and shadow of Repentance: The Papists and Quakers Repen­tance. we know the Papists define their Repentance by these three. First, Contrition, Secondly, Confession, and Third­ly, Satisfaction or Restitution.

But I said the Protestants protested against this Repentance of the Papists, and so against the Quakers, for, who knew not the sorrow and Confessions of Saul, and Ahab, and Pharaoh; and the Philistins, and Judas, yea, and also the Restitution which Judas made, (not daring to keep in his hands that which he had unjust­ly and [...] gotten) and yet who can truly ascribe unto these mens Repentance, the Character and blessedness of a true Chri­stian returning and coming home to God.

2. I said it is known in daily practice, that when some times [Page 116] Notorious, and openly Flagitious Persons profess to be Quakers, (for all their craking of fear and trembling and Quaking) there hath appeared no Sense of godly sorrow, of godly Contrition and brokenness of heart in them, for their sinful Nature and Life against so Infinitely pure an Holiness and Majesty? but immed­diately (upon their bowing down to Satan, The Quakers Converts. and owning him as a Light, and Christ, and Spirit within them) they are, having left Prophaneness now pure and holy as God is, they can no more sin then Christ can! the Mistery of godliness is God manifested in their Flesh, I know some of them say they come to perfection by degrees, yet they say the least of their new-born Quakers can not sin, and what is that but Perfection? yea, they are Christ and God: and therefore why should they give respect to any King, or Kings, &c. why should they not Thee and Thou the Aged, Learned, holy, and High, why should they not sit silent even scores and hundreths of them (possessed with a dumb Spirit) as in a Form and Order of Christian worship waiting for this Spi­rit, and then be perfect Christians?

3. The Protestants both English, French and Dutch, &c. have manifested against the Papists, and therein against the Qua­kers, that Repentance is a turning of the whole Soul from all sin as sin to all of God as God: The Protestants [...] Repentance. from the sin of Nature, and that Heart filthiness which we bring into the world with us, and from whence, even from within, as Christ Jesus tells us? what ever Satan and the poor Quakers prate proceed our evil thoughts, Adul­teries, Fornications, Murthers, Thefts, Covetousness, Wickedness, Deceit, Lasciviousness, an Evil Eye, Blasphemy, pride, Foolish­ness, Mark. 7. &c.

4. I urged, that their Proselites and Converts are but like the Pharisees of old, though oftentimes dearly bought by Sea and Land, I say, but turned from one sin to another, from one Image to another, from one Devil of Drunkenness or Swearing; &c. to a Devil of Pride, horrible pride, the worst of all prides in Earth or Hell, to wit, a Spiritual Pride swelling with the Drop­sies and Tympanies of their Conceited knowledge, Concerted Re­pentance, Conceited Faith, Love, patience, joy, holiness, Justificati­on, Sanctification, Mortification and Salvation.

2. How horribly do they despise the true broken hearted Pub­licans; [Page 117] who can see nothing but sin and Damnation in them­selves, The Quakers despising and cry out for mercy and Forgiveness? How do they Su­perciliously and Pape-like belch out at from, Hell, God I thank thee that I am not like these Publicans?

3. How bitterly do they Instantly raise and revile, Condemn and Curse, And Revili [...] others. breathing out Fire of Damnation as Fire and Brim­stone from the Mountains in Sicily, or else Hell it self against all that oppose them? as far from the Teaching of Christ and his first Mess [...]ngers as Lambs and Doves, are from the Ravenous, popish and Devilish Lyons and Eagles.

4. To name no more at present, How doth the Devil of worldliness and Covetousness domineer over many of them? Their Covetous­ness. By a strict Profession all persons are taken off from Drunkenness, Whoredome, Swearing, &c. and put on Theiftiness and In­dustry, and if their hearts Center and fix not on Christ Jesus, and the Heavenly Records of Christ, the Scriptures: and on the Life to come, but upon Self, Exalting self, a self Christ, and Spirit, and Heaven, and Resurrection, &c. which is the Truth and bottom of the Quakers Religion, what can the most of them run in but a Course of greedy gaping after, and getting, and ra­king, and gathering the muck and dung of this present Life?

It is true, that many that hold the same Fanciful Notions with the Quakers, yet are of Ranting, jovial, spending Spirits, but the Spirit that haunts the Quakers most is a soure, proud, and Melan­choly Devils, A sowre Spirit is the Common Spirit of the Quakers. and his Commission is to turn such persons into the Gadarens Swine rooting up all that ever they come at for their own Ends and Belly: How many are the Instances even in this Colony in some especially, as able and as active Souls as any in this Colony or Country, and as guilty of murthering the Natives by the Liquor Trade as any: and as suddenly and strangely snatcht away by the hand of Gods Power and Justice, as any usually can be, but being departed I will touch no more upon this string.

From their Doctrine of, and their Heresie or Obstinacy in a false Repentance, I touch next upon their false Faith: The Quakers false Faith. I said it was true they spoke much of faith and Justification, &c. as the Papists did, and as G Fox in his Book (by me) did: yet if they pleased I would demonstrate by Instances out of his Book all along that he Confounded and made all one, both Faith and Ju­stification, [Page 118] yea [...], and made believing in Christ Jesus but a meer Babel and Chaos of Nonsence and Confusion. For although (which is Foxes Common Burrough)he that Faith hath Repentance, G. Fox his hor­rible Confound­ing of Faith and all other Christi­an Virtues and Graces together hath Justifications Sanctification, and all Chri­stian graces, yet to Confound and make them all one, is as to go into a fair Garden, and say a Rose is every Flower in the Garden: or to say, that the Letter. A, or O is every Letter in a Printers Box, or Book: Or to say, that a Rebels receiving the Kings pardon, that is the King himself his receiving it is the pardon it self, that is the Rebels Conviction, Conversion, Condem­nation, Execution, Resurrection, Acceptation, Exaltation, and Adoption into the Favour and Communion with the King for the Future. All this Monstrous and Nonsensical Language is the Tongue or Speech of the Quakers, and G. Fox especially.

2. I told them that although (with the Quakers and P apists) G. Fox talkt much of Faith in Christ: yet I had proved and fur­ther should, True Faiah what it is that the Quakers put out and obliterate the true Christ or Object to be received and believed on, as before in the matter of Faith, they put out the true living Eye of Faith, and put in a painted, or Glass Eye in the Room of it.

True Faith is a Receiving of Christ Jesus as my only King, Priest and Prophet: It is a believing on, or receiving of Christ distinct from God, John 14. You believe in God, This true Lord Jesus Christ the Quakers turn into a meer Fiction, The Quaker, Transubstatiation worse then the Fantastick Tran­sustantiation of the Pepists Dream, or Imaginary Christ in the mind of a man, or Woman: a Popish Transubstantiated Christ, all Spirit and no Body, and so not con­sisting of Flesh and Spirit: He hath no Flesh of his own, as you make him: and yet Flesh of his own, because your Flesh is his Flesh, and yet your Flesh you say also must dye and rot, and ne­ver rise again, and so you have blown up and Jugled away the Flesh of Christ Jesus, both his and your own also altogether.

This is a Trick of the Father of Lyes, and Juglings beyond that Monstrous Fancy of the Papists Transubstantiation, for al­though they turn the Bread into the Flesh of Christ, yet they turn not the Bread of Christ, nor the Flesh of Christ into their own Flesh: The Quakers can give no Account what is become of the Flesh or Body of that man Christ Jesus, these Foxes have devoured the Lambs of God. Miraculous and Monstrous is [Page 119] the Papists blasphemous and Bloody Fancy of Transubstantiation, but not more miraculous and monstrous, &c. then that of the Quakers, which granteth Christ Jesus to have been born, lived and dyed as We, &c and yet now Transubstantiated into a Spirit, and the Quakers Flesh. So that in the Upshot, the Christ in whom they believe is vanished (by an Hellish Chimistry) into themselves, and it is most certain, (the Lord open in great mer­cy some of their Eyes to see it) they do believe on themselves, and that lying Spirit within them.

I Remember, that hereabouts John Burnet said, that it was not true that they preached not true Repentance, and herein he fell into a Speech or Sermon to the People, John [...] Sermon. professing that the Quakers maintained Repentance toward God and Faith in Christ and Godliness, and Righteousness, &c. and he continued I Judge above half an hour, (though not so long nor so furious as William Edmundson the day before.

I listned carefully and watcht his Ending (being desirous to say something least another of them should fall into a Sermon al­so and put me by) and I speedily said (to this Effect) Friend you have here delivered many holy Truths of God (at this there was deep silence, And my Answer as if I had turn'd a Proselire, at least it pleased them to be applauded, I went on and said concerning Repentance and turning from all sin, of the Blood of Christ, and of being saved by his Blood, of living soberly, Righteously, and godly in this present World, &c. but withal I said, they did not reach me nor any thing that I had spoken as proof against them, for I and all their Adversaries the Protestants preached Repen­tance and Faith, &c. but theirs was an Anti-Christian Repen­tance, The Quakers and the Papists gene­ral Faith and Repentance and Faith, &c. because either not true Repentance and Faith as Protestants argue against the Papists and Quakers, or else in general Terms not distinguishing between true Repentance and false, and shewing the difference between the true Faith and the false: So that I said you might have preacht this Sermon even in Rome before the Popes face in his own Chappel, yea, the Pope and the Cardinals and Friars, and Jesuits deliver the same Doctrines (in general Terms) daily: The Jugling of the Papists [...] Quakers But as Thieves Juglers, and Counterfiets when they come to Examination, their Impudent sayings and Swearings prove but the paints of Whores and Har­lots? [Page 120] so do the Devilish Doctrines and Devilish Conceit and Fancies of Papists, Quakers, and all Fantastick, Formal, Carnal Protestants, who Cry Lord, Lord, &c. but are Answered by Christ Jesus with I know you not, Depart from me ye that work Iniquity.

I cannot Affirm that I spake all these Individual words, nor have omitted ought that I or they spake: yet I remember no more, though being Confined (by their great desire and my self) to a puarter of an hour, for each point I was forced as all may judge to omit many Amplifications and Illustrations which now I crave the Readers patience, while I present him with some of them.

I Intended to have Charged them with the falseness of their Hope, The Hope peace and Joy of the Quakers and Love, and Peace, and Joy which they often Crake, (though they pretend quaking and Trembling) their Heaven con­sisteth, and all the Eternal Life to come, they look for, they are now in present, full Possession of.

What Scripture is more common in the mouths and pens of the Quakers, then that of Paul to the Colossians, Chap. 1. which is, Christ in you the Hope of Glory: Christ the Hope of Glory whereby they Insinuate two of their grand Deceits and Lyes, First, that there is no other Christ but what is in every man in the World. Secondly, That there is no other Glory to be hoped for in, or by, or with the Lord Jesus, but what the Saints, that is the Quakers enjoy, and are already possessed of within them in this Life.

To which I say, how many painted Anchors and painted Hopes are there? How many Hopes as in Job like the Spiders web swept away to Eternity? If there be e're a painted Anchor or e're a Spiders web in the world this of the Quakers.

Hope is one, as in time I may furthet demonstrate.

For, do they not overthrow the very Nature of Hope which they prate of, and give the Spirit of God Rom. 9. the Lye, which tells us that Hope is not of things in possession, o [...] which we see? doth not Paul there tell us almost in plain Terms, that it is sim­plicity and Non-Sense to talk concerning Hope after such a Rate? The Simplicity as well as Impie­ty of the Quakers Hope Doth not 1 Pet. 1. tells us of a Living Hope (opposite to paint­ed and dead Hopes) and this Living Hope called in other places the Hope of Righteousness, the Hope of the Redemption of our Bodies? the Hope as of Heirs for an Inheritance? of the Glory that [Page 121] shall be revealed in us, which is a state of the manifestation of the Sons of God, though faith John, We are now the Sons of God, 1 John 3. we know not what that is, all that is now enjoyed is but as the first Fruits to the Harvest, as the Spirit speaks.

2. Again, what Ignorance and simplicity is it to call Christ or God, the Glory or the goodness, or good things which we hope for, Literally and properly upon the Promise, and the Power, and goodness of God, no Christ Jesus? Can the Eternal God in any Literal Sense be called the Hope of Israel, Jer. 14. but in the same Figurative Sense whereby Moses cals him Our Life, and the Length of our Dayes? and we in Common Speech call such a man, or his Promise, or any Crea [...]ures dear to us, Our Hope, our Love, our Joy, &c. that is the Ground or the Object of our Hope &c

Their great Blunderer Humphry Norton he deals as plainly and roundly as G. Fox (his oemulous Corrival) falsly and frau­dulently, Humpry Norton his Hope when that holy Scripture [I f in this Life only we have Hope, &c.] was here objected to Humphry Norton, he clapt his hand on his Breast saying. He had it there already, that is opposing it to (and denying the Hope in) the Life to come, especially, as to their Bodies which are not raised up (they say) Spiritual Bodies, being (though of late) more subtly and hipo­critically all one with those deceived Souls that said the Resur­rection was past already. It is true, they will pretend to owne the Scriptures, Christs humane Nature, the Resurrection, and Judgement, and Faith, and Hope, ahd Repentance, &c. as true and found as any Protestant: but still it is no otherwise, but as G. Fox and Ed. Burroughs say in this Book, that is, (as I have and shall open) in a most Jugling and deceitful Sense and mean­ing.

It is reported that some of them at their Death have used those words [ Lord Jesus receive my Spirit, The Quakers Hope of life [...] come ] some have Charitably thought that they intend thereby their going presently into the presence of Christ Jesus, but as to the Truth and bottom, howev­er they blind the world, and the weakest of their Followers, (un­til they be fit to wean and fall to strong meat) others of them Covertly say & write and others of them more plainly say, viz. That they believe no more Rising of their Bodies then the rising of a Dog: and as to their Spirits they believe their Souls are [Page 122] patts of God, and go unto God and into God: and therefore their saying, Lord Jesus receive my Spirit, is no more then Lord Jesus receive thy self, according to some of their plain Expres­sions: To whom should I pray? my self? to whom should I give Thanks? my self? wherein their woful, black, and filthy Spirit Contradicteth it self amongst themselves, though they agree in the Devils Bait, The Quakers bait by which Satan takes them (which Catcht himself, and with which he Catcht our first Parents and all his Posterity) viz. Ye shall be as Gods, live as God, know as God, be Gods and Christs for Evermore.

I shall now crave the Readers patience to hear some few Quo­tations out of G. John Bunyan Fox, (which my quarter of an hour would not then permit) declaring their Apostasie and Heresie in the mat­ters of Repentance, Faith, &c.

In Pag. 127. he brings in John Bunyan saying, [ It is a Coun­terfietlng of the New Birth for men to follow the Light wherewith men coming into the World are enlightned.]

G. Fox Answereth, [ which none comes to the New Birth, but who comes to the Light, wherewith every man, &c. which believ­ing in is a Child of the Light: believing and receiving comes to re­ceive power to be the Sons of God.]

I Reply, The new Birth of the Quakers none are truly Converted, born again, &c. but in a true Sense they come to Christ Jesus: For the Scripture saith, He gives Repentance to Israel, He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith: But that Jesus Christ as God, (so the Quakers owne him) and as man (for so they also owne him) should be in every man, and Woman, and Child in the World, I have proved and shall prove it to be a blockish and Devilish Fancy.

2. If this Light, this Christ the Mediator between God and man be only a Spirit and not man, why do the Scripture, why do the Quakere madly say there was such a man, though they can­not: tell now what is become of him except he be (as they say) within, &c.

3. If this Light, this Christ, this Mediator be in every man, what should be the Reason that so many Thousands and Ten Thousand of Millions see him not? only a few persons Cursing and Reviling all the rest, and that say all but the Quakers are de­ceived I Can the Sun be in a Chamber and persons not blind, but [Page 123] seeing and awake, and using his Light and yet not see it. Certain­ly it is but a painted Sun that doth not shine equally on all, it is but a painted Fire that doth not burn, and the Quakers are but Pictures of Christians, and pictures of men to argue after such a Rate, that Christ not only as God, and Creatour should be in every man, but also as the Mediator, as the Spirit, and yet not operate according to the Nature of the Sun and Fire: It is true, the Lord Jesus came into the dark would, and their darkness com­prehended him not to be He that was to come, the true Messiah: but when Christ Jesus as Mediator, the true or only Light shall dwell in the Understanding and Will, and Memory, and Affe­ctions of a man or Woman, and those persons be savingly in­lightned by him as you write, and yet not Converted and saved by him, it can be the Language of none but those that peep and mutter, Isai. [...]. but have no true Light, but a false and painted Light within them.

Lastly, The true and false new Birth. saith Fox this turning to the Light within is the New Birth: But the Holy Record saith, that till the preaching of the Word, or Gospel, or glad News come to the mind of a man, (ordinarily by the Ear, and hearing, and preaching, Rom. 10.) there is no Faith, nor Covenant, nor Christ, nor God in the Soul, Ephes. 2. and we are not only in darkness, but darkness it self, Ephes. 5. and only by the holy Word and Spirit preached the blessing, Isai. 59., God shineth in our hearts, and not by any such Immediate Fantastick Faith or Spirit, as the Anti Christian Qua­kers dream of, The Quakers per out the Eyes of their own Ex­perience. yea, against the Light of a twofold Experience in their own Souls.

1. That of many of them being enlightned and formerly Con­victed by the reading or preaching of the Doctrine, Word or Will of God revealed in the holy Scripture.

2. That of their new Light (as they falsly and foolishly prate) pretended to be brought unto their Ears and knowledge by the means of these new Apostles, Preachers, and Ministers, so pretended of Christ Jesus.

When God hides (that is by Spiritual Judgements) the Light of Scripture, of the Spirit of Reason, and of Experience, &c. who can find it out? No man, no nor Devil can subsist one mi­nute without the power of Christs Eternal Power and Godhead: [Page 124] but when Christ Jesus comes into the Soul as Mediator of the new Covenant, and be thus idle and not operative in all mankinds in the World, and not to Convert, and work belief in them, which must be either because he cannot, or because he will not, as the Leaper said, is as black and blasphemous a Fancy as any Athe­istical or Anti Christian Soul can harbour.

He brings in George Willington saying, Pag 44. George Willington [ He is Justified by Faith alone without good work] He Answers; [ What without Faith that works by Love.]

I Reply: In this passage, and in many others, this subtle man clearly discovers what he makes true Justifying Faith to be, viz. not one hair breadth more then the Faith that may be to God in the first Covenant, the Covenant of works, and a looking to be Justified and saved be God for a mans own Abilities, performan­ces and Righteousness, far from the Faith of the Gospel, which though good works in Love follow it, yet not one good work in the world goes before it: Nor one good work in the world goes with it in the point of Justification, The Quakers mean Jewish and Popish or pardon of our Trans­gressions: and therefore G. Fox hath not only George Willing­ton his Opposite, but the express word and Declaration of the Spirit of God saying, [ Rom. 3. Therefore we Conclude that a man is Justified by Faith and not by the works of the Law.]

Alas porr Bankrupts who owe more Infinitely to God then we are worth: who are over head and Ears in Debt to God, to our own Souls, The doleful state of all men till mercy not Ju­stice put them to Men and Angels, and the whole Creation, having sinned against Heaven, &c. that have not one farthing toward the discharge of so many Infinite Millions of Talents: God of his rich Infinite mercy convinceth some of the proud Sons and Daughters of men of their deplorable Condition, makes them cry for mercy, and for Christ Jesus sake and Mediation, he freely Justifies and forgives them. Thus saith the Scripture all along, and that our Faith, our believing or receiving of this grace though it be followed with Mary Magdalene Love, Contributes not one farthing toward the payment of our Infinite Millions, no not so much as one good Thought.

He brings in Joseph Miller saying, Pag. 47. Joseph Miller [ It is an Errour to say, we are Justified by that which Christ doth in us He Answers, Contrary to the Apostle, who saith, We are Justified by Faith in his Blood: [Page 125] And the Faith is in the Heart, and the Blood is in the Heart that purifies it, The Quakers Jus­tification with­in us. and held in a pure Conscience: And the Word of Faith is within, Rom. 10. And Faith gives Victory over the World, and that which gives Victory Justifies, And Christ is within you who is Justification, Sanctificotion and Redemption: either of them is found within, and thou art in the Errour, and not fit to talk of these things thou understandest not.

I Reply: Grant that in a true Respect and Sense, Faith is within, and the Blood within, and the Word of Faith within, and Christ within, and Justification and Sanctification within, will it therefore follow I say, will it therefore follow with any Colour of Common Reason, Fox his Babilo­nith tumbling of all in a Croud and Heap toge­ther that therefore in one and the same Sense they are all within, and they are all one, and they were not without before they were within? I know this subtle Fox and He that helps his deluded pate to bind up such a Bundle of wrested Scriptures, would have it so, that he may jumble and blend all together in a Babilonish Mystery, and subtly deny the Truth of the holy Scriptures History.

It is true, Cheist dwtls in our Hearts by believing, Ephes. 3. and Consequently his Cross, yea, his Manger, yea, his Blood, yea, his Grave are within, &c But that Christ Literally shed his Blood within us, as a Ransome to his [...]ather for the sins of the whole world, is as Fine and bruitish a Fancy, as that the Cross, the Spear, the Souldiers, the High Priests, Scribes and Pharisees and People, Pilate, the Romans, Jerusalem, Jude, & the whole world (as some of them have idly & oft [...]uprated) are Literally within us.

It is true in a Sense, the King and his pardon, and Counsellours and Scribes, and writings, and Seals, &c. are all in a Rebels heart, as he believes and applies all these within him, Justification opened. and his belief works by love: But if they be within otherwise then we Affirm, &c. and as G. Fox would have it, then they are not without also, (which is the mark all these Arrows from Hell fly at,) and Consequently Christ Jesus and his Blood shedding, and a Literal Jerusalem, and a true and real man Christ Jesus, and the holy, real Literal Scriptures are blown up and vanished altogether.

Pag. 10. He brings in John Bunyar saying, [ It is not Faith and works that justifies a man before God, but it is Faith and good works which justifie in the sight of men only, and such works will not [Page 126] justifie in the sight of God: and he saith, that works is only to justifie their Faith to be true before men.]

G. Fox Answers, Abraham was not Justified only to men by his Obedience, The Quakers Popish Justifi­cation by works. but to God: And where is Faith there is Iusti­fication which works by Love: And the Saints Faith and works were not only to Justifie them in the sight of men. For the work of God is to do what he saith, & the will which who doth not is not Justified by so doing, but to be beaten with stripes: who seek to be Justified by their Faith and Works in the sight of men are dead, Faith and works both.

I Reply, He that reads this passage may without doubting Conclude that G. Fox and his Foxtans are as perfect Pharisees (Jewish and Popish) as ever burroughed in Rome or Ierusalem, maintaining a Covenant of works, The Papists and Quakers see no need of Christ. Justification by works, and renouncing Christ Jesus his Blood and merits: For if Abraham was Justified and received his pardon by his Obedience to God what need was there for him and us, to look out for a Surety, a Re­deemer, a Mediator to pay his Blood for our Ransome, and to fetch us out of the miserable state of Sin; Death, and Hell, &c.

2. Whereas G. Fox asketh what is the work of God, but to do what he saith.

I Reply, 1. The work of God (according to Christs Doctrine) is to believe on him whom God sent. It is true, it is the Com­mand of God to keep his Commands, but since the deadly Fall of man, The Papists and Quakers know not the differ­ence between the two Cove­nants. none, not one being able, Rom. 3. (though Fox deny it,) it is the work, the great Work of God to fly to that blessed Propitia­tion for poor sinners, (throughout the world:) But G. Fox can­not distinguish between the Covenant of works, of Iustice, and of Debt, and that of mercy, and of receiving all as a Beggar, and Condemned Rebels, poor proud Souls they know not any differ­ence between the Blood of Christ Jesus and their own Blood, as we shall see afterward.

3. Whereas he saith, they that do not Gods will are not justi­fied in so doing:

I Answer, therefore it follows ronndly as his Conclusion, that they that do Gods will are justified in so doing: that is their sins are pardoned as David and Paul by pardon of Sin describe justi­fication,

[Page 127] Who sees not the subtlety of this Fox cheating himself and others with the divers signification of this Latin word Justification? It is true, a man can not be justified or defended for Thieving, Fox his playing with the work Justification. Whoring, Murthering, &c. Doth it follow therefore, that they that do not Steal, whore, murther, &c. by this abstaining from Sin, and by this their work they obtein the pardon, and stand by this their work, legally right and justified in the Court of Heaven!

I Conclude, that by these hints a broken hearted sinner, who hath seen Sin as Sin, the sin of his Nature, his chief sin, &c. will see how far from the Doctrine of true Repentance, true Faith, &c these mens Teachings be, and (for all their boasting) what need they have to Examine themselves whether they be in the Faith, and whether there be any other Christ Jesus within them then a Counterfiet and painted Messiah, and whether their Counterfiet and painted Faith, Repentance and Hope will yield them another Fruit then a dolefully Counterfieted and perishing Salvation.

At last by Gods merciful held I come now (with their glad Consent) to the seventh and last Position propounded to the dis­cust at Newport, The last of the seven Positions at Newport viz. that their Religion was nothing else but a mixture of Popery, Arminianisme, Socinianisme, Judaisme, &c.

Herein I knew I was not to exceed my quarter glass, and there­fore I take liberty now a little to inlarge, to remember the Rea­der of the old Proverb, that where God hath his Church, the De­vil will have his Chappel: And that where Christ Jesus hath his Field of good Seed, while the Servants sleep, the Enemy will sow the Tares, The Quaker Re­ligion pieced up o [...] many old He­resies of rotten Doctrines, and rotten Professors, who like Windefals, and Revolting Rebels fall from the holy Truths they have professed, being loose and weak believers, or only affrighted and Terrified Hipocrites, by Gods righteous Judgement delivered over to listen too, and believe Lyes as the only heavenly Truths of Jesus.

I had purposed to have shewed how in matters concerning God, the Son of God, the Spirit of God, &c. the Quakers have followed, the Cerdonians, the Priscilliant, the Valentinians, the old Gnosticks, and Manicheans: but I Confined my self to the Terms of the Position, and declared that the Quakers were down­right Papists in many points, some I then Infisted on, and the rest [Page 128] intended, I shall now mention. First, In magnifying the rotten strength and Arm of dead and rotten Nature: when it is Objected to G. Fox in his book, that by Nature we are all dead in sint and Trespasses:

G. Fox Answers, by dividing all men into three sorts: Some are born holy from the wombe, Of Natures its Impurity as Jer. Some the Saints that is, only their Children born holy without any sinful Corruption. Thirdly, the wicked who will not turn to the Light within them, and they are only the Unbelievers dead in sin. But the Protestants, Da­vid and his Followers Confess their Natures, Births, and Con­ceptions to be all defiled with fin, and with a sinful proneness to all Iniquity, though miraculously some are Sanctified, or set apart to God from the wombe as Jeremiah, John the Baptist, &c. Some after a more peculiar and miraculous manner, as the Lord Jesus: Some by New Birth, and the wonderful Supernatural Power of the holy Spirie Changing, Regenerating, and as it were New Creating the Soul and Spirit, in Everlasting, Unchange­able Holiness and Righteousness after the Image of his first and second Creatour.

It is true, that the Papists come nearer the Truth as to Birth, Corruption and Defilement then the Quakers, The Papists righ­ter then the Quakers acknowledging all so be Conceived and born in Sin, not that the Devil or the Papists care to acknowledge this Truth, but that they may use it as a Cridge over which they may pass to the Necessity of Baptisme on pain of Damnation: on which they may also build many other Superstitious Fanciee as to the holy Ordinances.

But the Quakers, although they hold only their own Chil­dren to be Conceived and born holy & without Sin, yet they jump into one step with the Papists, The power of natn e in spi­rituals as to the Power of Nature in Spi­rituals, ane that every man and woman in the world hath a suffi­cient Light within him to see God and Christ, &c. and to turn themselves unto them to Eternal Life. Contrary to the Pro­testants, who from the holy Scriptures maintain mans Natural Blindness and Darkness, Ephes. 5. Mans Natural Deadness, Ephes. 2. and that our wisdome can not discern any Spiritual thing, that is, Spiritually, 1 Cor 2. That our Quintessence of Nature, our very wisdome is Enmity to God: He hates us as we hate him, and are at deadly fewd and mortal Hatred like two men of War [Page 129] giving Fire one upon another, The way of Co [...] ­version both of the Papists and this Quakers we resolving to sink by Ejods side, rather then to yield to God: but God in Infinite pitty, seeing our weakness and madness, and certain Destruction hangs out a white Flag, and offers a Parly, on purpose to save us from our desperate mind & Ruine, which by many heaven­ly means of Free mercy he Effecteth? The Papists speak more like Men, and at last yield that men and Women have left them (since Adams Fall) power to listen too, and obey Moral Perswasions, and offers which God makes: The Quakers talk only (like Bruits) of no means, no means but Immediate Revelation of the Spirit: and yet in Contradicti­on to themselves they make the Spirit an inward means, and their Apostles or Messengers an outward means, or else they make themselves idle Embassodors, The way of the true Protestants in vain and to no purpose. The Protestants affirm from 2 Cor. 3. that we have not one good Thought but from God, that it is God, not we, that turns the will, Phil. 2. that when the Word of Faith is preached, Rom. 10. and Faith or Belief is wrought by hearing: yet is it Gods free Grace that makes the diffe­rence, 1 Cor. 4. when several Hearers are Assembled, and God opens Lidiahs heart and not others, Acts 16. the learn­ed Academians mock, and only Dionifius and Damaris, and a few believe, Acts 17. Rom. 9. 2. because God sheweth mercy on whom he will, and whom he will, he bardneth.

The Papists and Quakers both maintain that dolefully, un­comfortable, Falling from Grace and desperate Doctrine of falling away from true and saving grace: The Truth is, neither of them seem to know Experimentally what true and saving grace is: It is true, they differ, the Papists make Saving Grace the Pro­perty only of the Regenerate: The Quakers say it is in every man and Woman in the world, they have it, though they know it not, and will not turn to it, and believe in it: yet both agree that they loose it, whereas the true Protestants though they grant great Failings and Falls, [...]nd Desertions of Gods Children, The true Pro­testants Doctrine as to Falling away. yet they hold the Seed of God, the holy Spi­rit and Word of God, Isai. 59. and 1 Cor. 3. that Incorrup­tible, Eternal Seed, of which they are begotten, never Final­ly? [Page 134] nor Totally to be Ecclipsed, and they justly account that Doctrine of Intercession, viz. when Son-ship or Childship is cut off by Sin, and Renewed by Repentance, to be a simple Fantastical Notion, as if David were a Child of God to day, a Child of the Devil to morrow, a Child of God this hour, and a Child of the Devil the next, &c. only they fix this Impiously upon mortal and great sins only, as if Adam Eating of an Apple were not sufficient to his and our Destru­ction, as well as Davids sinning with Bathsheba and Uri­ah, &c

3. I must be briefer, though not so brief as I was forced to be in our publick probations: I told them that Papists and the Quakers were great Confederates in their Endea­vours to raze the Records of Heaven, The Papists and Quakers agree against the holy Scripture. and to rob the Saints and the world of this Inestimable Jewel and Treasure of the ho­ly Scriptures.

1. The Papists own it not to be all the word or will of God revealed, but that there be unwritten Verities, that is, Gods mind revealed from Father to Son, by Tradition.

The Quakers will not vouchsafe it the Name of the word of God, out of a simple pretence, because Christ is the word of God, that is, he is indeed the chief manifestation of all the Appearances of God.

2. The Papists horribly abuse, it, calling it a Nose of wax, a Lea­den Rule, a dead Letter, &c. and so do the Quakers triumphing over it with base Insultations, as over a dead Letter, a Car­kass, &c.

3. The whole world of Papists assembled in eighteen Years Labours, The Papists and Quakers Enmity against the He­brew and Greek (& Chymical Laboratories at Trent) at last thundred out their Anathamaes and Curses against all that should not prefer the Vulgar Latin Copies before the He­brew Copies and the Greek (in which it pleased the holy Spi­rit of God first to write his mind and will or word unto us:) And do not the Quakers as simply and bruitishly bind them­selves to the bare Letter of the Common English? Though they know the Hebrew and Greek Copies are the Foundati­on and Touchstone of all other (though millions of) Transla­tions: Though they know there be more English Transla­tions: then one; Though the English Translations wonderfully [Page 135] differ; Though Ravi [...]s (that Famous Oriental Hebrician, &c.) proclaims above a Thousand Faults, and some gross in our last Translation: though some of them (as John Stubs) boast of their humane Learning produced his Hebrew Bi­ble in our Conference: yet will these Ephesians cry out like Frantick mad) great is our Latin Translation, great is our English Translation: Yea, one of them boasted to my self, that the Spirit of God would teach them Scripture without the Hebrew and the Greek, or the English either.

4. The Papists set up a Judge in Controversies above the holy Scriptures, The Papists and Quakers Judge of Scripture who can dispense with Scriptures and do all that God can do. And say not the Quakers the same of their Spi­rit which is above the Scriptures, for it gave forth the Scrip­tures, and is in every man

5. The Papists though they will not deny to make the Scriptures the Rule, Interpretation of Scripture and profess to be tried by it, yet their Church, and the head of it the Pope must Interpret: And do not the Quakers herein the same concerning themselves, though some thing more bruitishly, for they will allow no Interpretations, nor meaning at all, but you must take the words as the Translators have given them us (right or wrong) and you must not enquire either into the meaning of words, or the meaning or mind of God in the place. Oh what a black, deaf and dumb, Lazie Spirit hath possessed the Souls of these great pretenders too and Monopolizers of the holy Spirit of God, both Papists and Quakers?

6. The Papists generally use not, nor have the holy Scrip­ture, (no not in their Devotions) in their own Tongue, but in the Latine, (the Whores Tongue of Italy:) therefore no wonder they prize it not: but even the Lights or Lu­minaries so pretending, The Papists and Quakers slight­ing holy Scrip­ture amongst them difuse it, Care not for it, read it not, &c. many have it not: So that Luther tels us that in Thirteen years or more he saw not a Bible in his Col­ledge at E [...]ford, until by Gods merciful providence he came to see one, to his own & the Comfort of Thousands, & Luther tels us that at one great Assembly of the Emperour and Prin­ces, the Protestants of Germany had Conveyed a Bible on the Table: The Cardinal being first come he opened the Book, and read here and there in it, (it is like he had not seen [Page 132] it before in his Life,) In comes one of the Popish Princes, and askt the Cardinals Eminency what Book he had there?

He Answerred, I know not: but I am sure it is against us, and it is laid here for that purpose. Oh the Infinite mer­cies of God to us in our times, and our Infinite Debt to his Infinite goodness, and our Infinite guilt in neglect of it:

The Quakers [...] first took off themselves, Families and As­semblies from any use of it: The Papists and Quakers would be rid of the Scripture Their Spirit they Crake that made the Scriptures supplies all, &c. The Papists and Quakers both have said and printed, that if the Scripture were consu­med & quite taken out of the world, there would be no Loss, so long as they have the Spirit. The Truth is [...]could by Arguments many make it appear that the Papists and Quakers love the holy Scriptures no better then Goliah loved Davids stone and sting? nor no better then the Devil loved Christs Gegraptai; It is written: It is written: for the P apists and the Quakers, and the Devil knows that if the holy Scriptures be Exalted; as the revealed will or word, or Declaration of the mind of God, down-falls their pretences of Traditions and Revelations, whereby the Devil deceive themselves and himself also. The Papists and Quakers unite against the Blood of the Lord Jesus.

4. The Papists and Quakers shake hands in the most hel­lish Doctrine of Justification by what is within us, by what Christ works within us, in short, by what is called Sanctifi­cation put for Justification, and the forgiveness of sin, in and for the merits of the Lord Jesus freely imputed and given to us: The P apists use the word Inherent Righteousness, but the Quakers bogle at the word not finding it in the English Bi­ble, yet they agree that by the works of Obedience, yea, and also by the Acts of their own Inventions and Superstiti­ons, they can-make a pardon under a hedge to themselves, and Crake that they have received a pardon and Justification sealed under the Broad Seal of Heaven to them, but it is against the glory of the King of Heaven, and against the glory of the Son of God, and his glorious Sufferings, and their own Salvation. The Infallibility of Papists and Quakers

5. The Quakers are Papists in that Spirit of Infallibility which they arrogate to themselves, pretending that the holy, Spirit shall lead them into all Truth, speak Immediately in [Page 133] them, &c. though herein they differ, the Pope infallibly expounds Scripture, but the Quakers speaks Scripture, and his word is Gospel, &c. yea, all men have this Spirit, and need no Teacher, and yet what an horrible Contradictions noise is there of the Quakers, Apostles, Messengers, Mini­sters, Preachers. He and she sent into Old-England, and New­England, Scotland, Ireland, Turky, Italy, to bid people hearken to the Immediate Spirit within?

6. The Quakers are Papists in that high lofty Conceit of their Perfection, when in Calvins time this Spirit came from Hell under the Name of Spirituals, The Quakers Popish Perfecti­on. and when of latter years in Lancashire under the Name of Grindletonians, all their Re­ligion turned chiefly upon these two Hinges.

1. They could not sin, were perfect, &c.

2. They did nothing, said nothing, but God and the Spi­rit did all.

7. The Papists and Quakers are great Friends in their No­tions & practice of Revelations, The Popish Re­velations of the Quakers Visions, Dreams, Impulsions and Inspirations: He that hath known so much as I have known of both their Spirits this way, and-hath read their Le­gends as I have done, and can Instance in particulars as I can, will say, it is a foul, Popish, Devilish Spirit that haunts them (both under this fine pretence) to turn both off from the words of Jesus, Pophists and Qua­kers one in Ce­remonies and Inventions. Luke 10. How readest thou?

8. What Cart Loads of Traditions and Ceremonies have the Papists, and I believe if the Quakers have opportunities and means (as the Papists have had) they will not be be­hind them: what a noise is made about uncovering or bow­ing the Head, Knee, for Courses of wearing of Lace, (yea, Bands and Hatbands by some of them:] Of saying you or Thou, of using Masick, Carving, painting, of sitting silent, (some hundreths together) of sighing and shaking of the Body? all which, as relating to Religion and Christians: &c they are but simple, Insignificant, and Idle, popish, Trash and Trumpery.

9. The Papists and Quakers are Brethren in Iniquity in their Affirmations that the Pope is not Anti-Christ, and that [Page 135] the Church of Rome is not the great Where: The Papists Af­firme that Anti-Christ is not yet come, The Quakers and Papists agree that [...] Pope is not An­ti-Christ and that he shall come just in the end of the world, and shall finish all those wonders in the Revelations in three years and an half: the Quakers though they hold Papists and Protestants (all ex­cept the Quakers (to be Anti-Christians: (& as Fox doth) cast back all the Prophesies of false Christs, false Prophets, and Anti-Christ to the time of the Apostles themselves: yet the great Whore and the Devil, and sin, (upon the point) they simply Confound and make all one; as may be seen in Fox his Title to this great Book, and other of his and their wri­tings.

10. It may be wondred why the Popes when made or crea­ted by an humane & Devilish Fiat, The Quakers not owning freely their Names. they change their Name, and why the Quakers guided by the same Hellish Spirit and Fancy, are so dainty and tender about owning their Old Names: The Histories say, the Original with the Popes was with him who was Osporce, or Swines snout, by Name, and was not thought fit being raised so high to bear so low and sordid a Title. If it were so then, yet it is noting now but their horrible pride being in their Conceits so high, so In­fallible, so perfect, to scorn to be like other men that are but Hogs Snouts, &c.

11. The Papists and Quakers are led by one Spirit of feign­ed holiness, The Quakers and Popish Monks and Munns all one Devotion, monkish Solitariness, &c. Their Monks and Friers and Nunns must be sequestred from the world, medle with no saecular and worldly business, which is no more but the Beggars Life, and therefore justly called Fratres Mendica [...]es Begging Friars, and the Indians Life, formerly the men laying all Labour upon the women, and all this is no more then hunger and Ease, the Dogs Life al­so. It is true, the Apostles by a true Light ought to have worldly maintenance, but Paul wrought day and night with his hands, which I never read of any of these lying Apostles, The Papists and Quakers Curing Quakers in all their Travails to have done.

12. The Papists and Quakers tongues are both spitting and belching out Fire from one Fire of Hell: All that have [Page 136] not the Church their Mother, our Church say the Papists have no God to their Father: the Protestants hope and speak Charitably of the Salvation of many among the Papists, but the Papists have no Charity for any that bow not to the Image: and Quakers (as G. Fox for the rest) Judge all that differ from Christ that is themselves to be in the De­lusion, in differing from them, and if they dare to oppose them, Dogs, Serpents, Reprobates, Vipers Cains, Pharisees, Devils, &c.

13. The Papists and Quakers are Firebrands both in the matter of Persecution or hunting such as differ from them. The Persecuting Spirit of the Pa­pists and Qua­kers It is known that the Papists cry out that they persecute none but the Tares, (the Lottards, the Hugenoit, the Wolves, the Hereticks, &c.) That the Quakers, as do all Papists and Protestants cry out against all Persecution when it is their own Cases, I say the Quakers most vehemently cry out against violence, against Creatures, but against their Cor­ruptious and Corrupt Principles: And yet as for the Pa­pists let it be Considered whether there be any one Religi­ous state known in the world that Answers that woman drunk with the Blood of the Saints, and Witnesses of Jesus Comparably so near as doth the Estate of the Romish Church and Profession.

And for the Quakers two things I say:

1. Their Tongues are the most Cutting and bitter of any that I can hear of professing the Protestant Reformation, and it is certain, The Quakers Tongue and hand where the Tongues is so, that the Heart is so first, and where the Heart is so, the Tongue and Hand do never part Company: and therefore they will be as bitter and Cut­ting in Hand also, where God pleaseth to permit a Sword to fall into it.

2. I have proved, and shall prove in this discourse, that G. Fox, Ed. Burroughs and John Stubs, &c. maintain in their writings not only a Magistratical: Power in the Qua­kers, and in none else, rashly not only to punish by the Ma­terial Sword Transgressions against men, but also sins against [Page 136] God, his Church, his Christ, his worship and Religion.

2, As for the Agreement between the Arminians and the Quakers, I told them that the Papists and the Arminians, the Pelagians and Semipelagians, and the Quakers were so Confederates and one, that in naming one I named the other

1. As to the Power of Nature and Free Will in heavenly and Spiritual matters

2. As to the loosing of true Saving Grace.

3. As to Election and predestination in time, upon Obedi­ence. The Quakers One­ness with the Ar­minians. & Rejection and Reprobation upon Rebellion and Disobe­dience. Contrary to the true Protestant Doctrine of a Cer­tain Number of Gods Elect or Chosen drawn by mercy, out of the Lumpe of Lost Mankind according to Gods Appoint­ment from Eternity, by his Call in Time, by his holy Word and Spirit: and all from this Grace and Spirit of Regene­ration, or New-Birth, it was not, it is not possible the Da­vid or Peter, or any Child of God be un-Childed, can Final­ly or Totally depart and Fall.

3. The Quakers are Brethren with Socinas and the Socini­ans following him, in making Christ a Type and Figure, a pattern and Example how Christians ought to walk: The Quakers and Socinians One­ness Not that the Blood which he shed upon the Cross at Jerusalem was a sufficient price and Satisfaction unto God for the sins of the whole world.

Thus all the Quakers more Explicitly or Implicitely speak, and Humphry Norton in print, viz. Can one mans Obed­ience and Suffering pay a price to God for another mans sins? It is true, Socinus magnifies the Free Grace of God in par­doning Sin, and sending that man Christ Jesus to be a pat­tern and Leader to all that will follow him.

But they endure not to think that the Flesh and Blood of one man being Finite should be able to satisfie Gods Infinite Justice, and to pay a price of Infinite worth and Value. What is this but the Summe and Substance of all the Quakers Teachings? For although they preach Gods mercy and Grace, and talk of such a Thing as the Blood of Christ Jesus: Yet upon the point, that Body, that Blood, that Death &c. is nothing but a Fancy, Christ Jesus but a Fancy with the Quakers and Christ Jesus his Birth, his Life, his Death, his Burial, his Resurrection, his Ascention, his [Page 137] Return again to Judgement are all but a Mistical and Al­legorical, and not a Literal, Real and Substantial matter; And when they are forced to Confess such a man to have been (though the Term Humane, G. Fox doth bogle and start at as at a Ratle Snake) yet then examine them (as I have done) what is become of him: then he is vanished into a Spirit and Ghost, and there was never any such thing as a Man you talkt of: And this is a Devilish Jesuitical Trick the Quakers have beyond the Socinians concerning the Body and Sufferings of Christ Jesus.

I might here Insist upon the Quakers Notorious Sabellia­nisme, taking clearly away (with Sabellius) the distinction of the Father and the Son, The Sabellians and Quakers all one. and Confounding Father, Son and Spirit in One, as G. Fox in all his Book doth. At present I Insist upon the Position in my Paper, viz. that there is much Judaisme in the Quakers Religion.

1. In that great point of Righteousness, Reconciliation with God, and pardon of Sin: They were Zealous (as the Quakers are) in the works of Righteousness, thinking there­by to please and pacifie God, and to satisfie his Justice, put­ting their own dirt and dung, Swines Blood and Dogs necks upon Gods. Altar, instead of that One spotless Lamb of God, that Man Christ Jesus who alone Expiateth, and taketh away, the sins of the World.

2. The Jews were Zealous for their Additions, Traditi­ons and Superstitious Inventions, The Quakers Judaisme. which (as the Lord Jesus speaks) they preferred before the Commands of God: as the washing of their hands, and of their Bodies, and of Pots and Cups; and Beds, and Platters, and other things upon a Conscientious and Religious Account.

The Quakers (if they had their Scope) scorn to come be­hind the Jews, or Papists for Ceremonies and Traditions, which it was necessary for them both to add (as Apples and Nuts, &c. to still poor Children from Crying after Gods Worship.

1. I named some of the Quakers Traditions and Inventi­ons in our publick Conference, (unto which I shall now name [Page 138] some more) I told them, The Quakers Traditions and Ceremonies and now do, of the Un-Christian and unnatural Invention of Women Ministers, Women Apostles, Women Embassadors to all Nations: a business that all the Apostolical first Christian practice, and all sober and modest Humanity abhor to think of.

2. Their dumb and silent meetings (their dumb and deaf Spirit) without Colour of Common Humanity or precept, Dumb Worship or practice, or promise of Christ to such a worship.

3. Their bruitish Salutations of strangers, yea, and of ac­quaintance, Foes or Friends: It is true, that some of them will admit of those two words, Either none or Immodest Salu­tations How do you, and Farewel, as if there were some holiness in these two, and in none other, and they might practice this holiness toward the world, &c.

4. Their New Way of feeling and grabling the hand in an uncouth, strange and Immodest way, and this instead of kissing, called the holy Kiss amongst Christians, and a Token of Love and Reverence to men also in sober and Civilizd Nations.

5. Their bruitish Irreverence to all their Superiours either in Age or in any other way of Preheminence, a most proud and monstrous Bestiality against so many Commands and Ex­amples of holy Scripture, The Quakers dis­respect to all Su­periours. and against the very Light of Bar­barous Nature it self, for the Indians use both Reverent words and Gestures towards their Sachims, Wiyouhs and Rulers. Contrary to which, some of us have heard the Children of the Quakers brought up and taught to say to their Fathers George thou lyest: Mary thou lyest to their Parents, a Language which deserved little lets then Death by the Law, which God delivered to the Jewish Nation, and sure­ly deserveth severe Punishment at this day.

6. Their Crying down of Mus [...]ians ond musick, The Quakers against Musick. (so Ex­cellent a gift of God) as a foolish and Devilish practice, though confirmed by so many Reasons from, and before Christs time in Scripture, and in all sober Nature and Civi­lity, though it is abused, as all the gifts of God are.

7. Their own un­Christian, Fantastical sing­ing Fantastical, absurd, and un­profitable way of Toning and singing.

[Page 139] 8. Their Condemning of the Commendable and Ing eni­ous Arts of Carving, Carving, paint­ing Embroydering, and Painting, so ap­proved of, and Commended by God himself in Scripture, &c.

9. Their Crying out against Ornaments of garments, and otherwise, Ornaments against that Order God hath set in is works, and that Variety of his gifts for necessity, for Conveniency, for delight, even to Astonishment and Admiration in all his glorious works.

All these particulars (and more) I had not time, nor have I now to reckon up and amplifie, I remember no Material Exception, or Objections I had from my Antagonists. On­ly John Burnet spake against my great charging of them, and William Edmundson he thundred out continually how deep my Charges were, and how weak my proofs, and that I had proved nothing.

I told them that if Paul or Christ Jesus himself were there in presence, The Conclusion of the Confe­rence at Newport they propably would be Answered as I was, viz. that they made many deep and false Charges against the peo­ple called Quakers, but they could prove nothing: but I said, I momitted the Examination and Consideration of all passages unto every mans Conscience, and the praise and Is­sue only unto God.

After some turns of this sort, &c. I praid their patience to Answer me one question, The quickest and last turn about where Christ is viz. where is now that Man Christ Jesus which they had Confessed to me was born at Bethlehem, and died at Jerusalem, &c. At this they were all a while silent, and then John Burnet Answered saying, he is where the Scriptures say he is.

I Replied, where do the Scriptures say he is, John Burnet Replied, the Scripture say he is within: I rejoyned to this purpose: Then must his Body be Ubiquitary, as the Tran­substantiators and Consubstantiators are forced to hold: Then must he have Infinite multitudes of Bodies, them must his Monstrous Body or Bodies come from within his Saints, yea from within all mankind to Judgement, &c.

Just here it pleased God so to Order it, that from the Boat (ready to set Saile for Providence) I and others were [Page 140] called upon to depart: So I was stepping down, An Unexpected yet Seasonable and true Testi­mony from Eli­zabeth Williams the Lord opened the mouth of the Elizabeth Williams my Brothers wife, one of the Society of the Baptists in New port, who hearing their Clamours, their only Refuge, he hath proved nothing and said aloud: The man hath discharged his Conscience: He hath fully proved what he undertook to prove against you, and the words that he hath spoken shall Judge you at the last day. And thus [...] Father of Lights, the first and last, the Alpha and Omega graciously carried me through all alone these three dayes Contests, as in a shadow of Death with these Deceived, and Deceiving Souls: through my La­bours of making out my proofs, the burthen whereof lay wholly upon me though they had been silent,) through their Censures Reproaches, Falling on me so many at once, their Interruptions, and other Disadvantages and Provoca­tions, his holy Name be ever praised and magnified.

[Page 141]

Our Conferences and Disputes at PROVIDENCE upon the se­ven other Positions mentioned in my Pa­per sent to G. Fox and his Associates.

AFter we were thus (as above said) parted: They Remembered their Promise to me of dis­cussing the other seven at Providence, and accordingly John Stubs and William Ed­mundson sent me a Note of their willing­ness to come to Providence the last day of the next week being the 17 th. The Conference at Providence. day of the sixth Moneth called August.

I Returned them from the Shoar side another Note sig­nifying, that (if God permitted) I would then and there be ready to Receive them.

That day it pleased the goodness and patience of God to bring us to, and being met thus at Providence, I first presented them with the Letter which was sent to them and me (God knows) without my thought or knowledge, at Newport, in publick Assembled. Put there they thrice refused it, and here at Providence Wil­liam Edmundson Answers, that they came not to Pro­vidence [Page 142] to hear Papers, Passages about Reading the for­mer Recited Let­ter. but to hear me make out my Charges against them: One of my Neighbours Tho­mas Only Senior an able and Leading man amongst the People called Baptists at Providence, Thomas Only moved also for the Reading of the Letter, William Edmundson said to him who art thou? Art not thou a Baptist? hast not thou seen it already? and further said to him, Thou art an Envious and filthy man, upon no other Pro­vocation but his Rational desire the Letter might be Read. William Edmundson though he had on either side of him an able John, viz. John Stubs and John Cartwright spake all, and at last was forced to say that if the Letter Contained matter tending to prove my Positions it should be read. But in the End I put up my Letter again, at the motion of Captain Hol­den of Warwick, as I did at Newport, in the morning of our third dayes Conference, for I observed that for all their bruitish Clamour of Diana, their Light or dark Lantborn, they could not endure to be Informed, Admonished, Counsel­led, least of all Reproved by any: and I also resolved to wait upon Gods mercy for a Season of publishing it on the House Top, and therefore the Reader hath it Faithfully presented in the Eighty seventh Page in the beginning of the third dayes Conference at Newport, About a strange Query put to my Autagonist by Captain Green. this time stood up Captain John Green of Warwick one of our Magistrates, who observing the Insulting Carriage especially of William Edmundson, he desired leave to propose one Query, which being granted he said, he spake not as a Magistrate with Authority, but as an Auditor and sitter by, and he said, I desire to know whether Mr. Williams be here as a Delinquent Charged to Answer at the Barr, or as a Disputant upon equal Terms.

This Query they waved as well as they could, and I wav­ed it also, and bore what seemed Intollerable to some that we might not bed scouraged to go on in our business, about this time Mr. Caverly of Warwick desiring leave to speak, motioned for the Choice of a Moderator between us, A Moderation motioned. William Edmundson Answered that Roger Williams bad himself pro­vided [Page 143] a Moderator, and he produced and Read my Paper of Position,, wherein I desired that all matters might be left to every mans Conscience and Judgement. &c.

I knew with whom I had to deal, and therefore purposely waved, what ever I thought they would bogle at, & purposely gave them all possible Advantages, &c. and I humbly wait­ed on God for patience for his sake to bear with all Incon­veniences, Insultings, Interruptions, &c. and then, I knew there would be no great need of a Moderator.

Having thus cleard the way, The first of the Positions deba­ted at Providence I told them, I would briefly fall on my proof of the first, of the seventh Positions to be debated at Providence, William Edmundson took forth his Paper and Read it, viz. [ The People called Quakers in Ef­fect hold no God, no Christ, no Spirit, no Angel, no Devil, no Re­surrection, no Judgement, no Heaven, no Hell, but what is in man.

I told them that it was true, that in words and Terms they professed and maintained all these, as other Protestants did, but if their writings were Examined, and especially this of G. Fox which I had there by me it should appear that what they professed in one place they overthrew in another: I told them that they had there George Fox his Book as well as I, and if John Stubs wou'd turn to them I would name the Quoted Pages, and read them and he might read them also.

I named Pag. 273. where George Fox brings in Alexander Ross saying, Alexander Ross [ It is horrible Blasphemy to say the Scripture is not the Word of God, and to say the Soul is a part of God.]

He Answers, [The Scriptures are the words of God, Exodus 20. and the four Books of the Revelations, but Christ is the word in whom they End. And it is not Horrible Blasphemy to say that the Soul is a part of God, for it comes out of him, and that which comes out of him is of him, and Rejoyceth in him, I said here what George Fox meant by the four Books of the Revelations, [...] Fox his Non­Sense I knew not, and if they did they should do well to declare.

[Page 145] But they past it by and so dist and [...] fisted on the matter which was that G. Fox imagined such a God and Godhead as is partible and divisible, Quakers blas­phemous [...] about God and the Soul. which might be divided into parts and pieces, and by this strange communication of his Essence, made him dissol­vable, and so corruptible, &c. against the Purity & Majesty & Eternity of God: For this renders the Essence or Being of God capable of falling from his purity as man hath done and doth, and capable of punishment and condemnation in Hel-Fire as the Soul of man is, all which and more necessary Consequences of of that opinion are horrible and blasphemous to imagine, much more to be uttered of the eternal invisible and infinitely and only Wise God.

John Stubs here read the words of G. Fox and said, the reason was to be weighed which G. Fox used which was, About Gods Breath. For it came out of him, and that which came out of him is of him, and rejoyceth in him. To this end he desired the word in Gen. 2. might be viewed, which he turned to and read, viz. God breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living Soul.

About this time Sam. Gorton sen. desired to speak, and said If it be affirmed that God can be divided, & that man was a Part of God, the God-head was destroyed and the Soul of man, and upon the Basis all the rest would follow which was asserted in this Position. And whereas John Stubs read it as it is in our Transia­tion, viz. God breathed into him the breath of life, Mr. Gorton said it was Lives in the Margin, the breath of Lives, which John Stubs acknowledged.

It is frequent in their Books, (when they will speak plainly) for them to confess that God breathed forth himself into Adam, and that therefore mans Soul or Spirit is a part of the Divine Essence, that the Soul is an increated substance: The Quakers Gross conceit of soul & body. that as for the Body, it comes from the Earth, and returns to the Earth, and dust and rottenness, and however they sometimes preach and print that the Body shall rise again, yet others again of them speak plainly, that as the body of a dog or beast so it vanisheth: But as for the Spi­rit, they say that returns to God, that is into God. And although they talk to blind our eyes of a Resurrection and Judgment, and of Souls being punished with the Devil and his Angels, yet others of them affirm that all Souls return into God, and that the soul of Ju­das is now as happy in God as the Soul of Peter, yea others of [Page 146] them speak plainly that they are Christ & God: therefore one of them being desired to give thanks at dinner, asked roundly, to whome should I give thanks? to my self? and Ca [...]vin relates [...]ow (long ago) one Quinitinus in his time a Leader this way, being demanded how he did? Their high [...] resolutely answered, How can Christ doe but well? and yet at that time he was very sick.

About this time W. E. said, what dost thou tel us of storyes what this man said and that man said we will not believe thee! But just here rose up a neighbour Joseph Jinks, who said he had to prejudice against the Quakers; yet he could witness to the truth of these speeches of the Quakers, for one of the [...] spoke as much to his face lately at Newport on Rhode Island: but I still la­boured to keep down heat and therefore I told them I would not trouble them with Proofs from elsewhere, but from their own wri­tings, and from that of G. Fox there present, and therefore I pray­ed them to turn to Pag. 39. Pag. 89. Mag­nus Bine. where G. Fox brings in Magnus Bine saying, The Saints are neither in the fulness of the God-head nor part, away with this Blasphemy which saith this is, &c. Fox an­swereth, The work of the Ministry was to bring People to the Knowledg of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the unity of the Faith, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: and Christ will dwell in the Saints, and God will dwell in them: and thou s [...]yest they have no part of the Fulness of the Godhead and John saith, of his fulness have we all received, in whome dwels the Godhead bodily, and ye be all in the Blasphemy, that be out of this part of the Fulness.

I said, that G. Fox rose up contrary to what Magnus Bine affirmed, to wit, That the Saints are not in the fulness of the God­head. [...] the ful­ness of the God head: But W. E. bid me let G. F. his words alone, his meaning a­lon [...], and keep to the words. I told them the substance of my proof lay there in the substance of G. Fox his answer to his Ad­versaryes: I took Fox his own word for the Quotation out of his Adversary, which may be thought to be taken with as much Favour and advantage to himself as may be: [...] Reasoning. and therefore if they stopt me from opening and comparing the words in a ra­tional and just way, they stopt [...]e in the bringing forth of my Proof and Arguments.

I think here it was that W. E. said further, If thou goest on to make out G. Fox his Sence and meaning, we tell thee that we will stop thee, &c.

[Page 147] But since our business is with G. Fox [...]s well if not more than with W. E. especially because of his Book, we shall now more [...] inlarge upon the words &c. and Sence and Meaning also.

For the Fulness of the Godhead is one thing, and another thing our (and all his works and Creatures) partaking of that Fulness, in some mercifull likeness and coformity, as Moses and we behold his Back or dark Resemblance, and by Reflection, (as we behold the Sun) take in some weak low thoughts and conceits of the E­ternal and Invisible incomprehensible and inconceivable Power and Godhead.

Thus to partake of some drops of the Ocean of his Wisdom, The great temp­tation of know­ing and holy People. Pow­er, Goodness, Holiness, &c. is not to become an Ocean of Power, Wisdom, Goodness, Holiness, yea Wisdom it self, Power it self, Good­ness it self, Holiness it self as God is. This devilish Pride was the Sin of the Devils, or wicked spirits, this was the Sin of our first Parents unto which the Devil beguiled them; and this is Sathans but still to catch all Wise & Rich & High, and especially Holy People with, viz. to be as God, to be in the fulness of the Godhead, to be God himself.

2. However this Jugler speaks here of the Fulness of the God­head bodily in Christ, The Quakers make themselves God and Christ yet if he be examined and searched it is clear that by Christ he meanes the Body, the Quakers, and every one of their Bodyes is Christ in whome the Godhead dwels bodily: and the great Mystery of which the Holy Scripture speaketh, 1 Tim 3. Is God manifest in their flesh, and therefore Sam. Fisher useth in his Writing; Christ Jesus (as Peter did in his denying of him saying [that Person whome you call God-Man] is as high Treason against the Kings of kings, and King of Saints, as hath ordinarily been acted since God most wonderfully gave life to a lump of Clay, which now perks up to the eternal Power and Godhead.

Pag. 90. G. Fox brings in the same Author saying; Magnus Bine. There is a kind of Infiniteness in the Soul, and it cannot be Infiniteness it self, He answers, Is not the Soul without beginning, comeing from God and returning into God again which hath it in his hand? which hand goes against him that doth evill, which throws down that which warrs against it, and Christ the Power of God, the Bishop of the Soul, which brings [...] up into God, which comes out fro [...] God, [...] his a beginning and ending, and is not this infinite in it self, and [...] then all the World?

[Page 148] I Reply in these few li [...]es, let him that hath his [...] make common sence and English of some of them. The Soul of man infinite.

However this is express that the Soul is without beginning or ending, coming out of God, and returning into God: [Hath this (saith Fox) a beginning or ending, and is not this infinite in it self and more then all the World]

I know I have had better Opinions and better Reasons from these poor Natives of America then this poor self conceited God and Christ, G. Fox expresseth concerning the Soul and Spirit of Man: what is here but a bruitish notion of the Spirit of man, and a bruitish notion of the Eternal Power and Godhead?

Among the six or seven Opinions of the Soul of man, this is one (and one of the grossest) viz. that Mans Soul is an efflux, afflation, that is a slowing or breathing out of the Essence of eter­nal and infinite Godhead. This worst and most Blasphemous O­pinion of the rest, the old Serpent hath taught those Foxians, in so much that these bewitched Souls say and print, that this World is God, The Quakers are the old [...] and the Godhead, manifest no variety of appearances, and returning all again into the center of the Godhead: in which they shew horrible ignorance and Blockishness in heavenly or earthly matters: for reason tells us that [...] be innumerable and yet numerable in time, [...] his [...] but Infinite is but one. The Quakers and Manicheans are but one in many particulars Manichens held two infinite powers or [...] One infinitely good, the other infi­nitely as bad, which they say is the reason (in some Disputes I have had with them) why God nor the Devil, good nor evil gets the final victory one over another in this World. But this [...] of two infinite or boundless Beings, is soon found simple and bruitish for an infinite or boundless [...] cannot possibly receive a Neighbour a Competi [...]ou [...], or second infinite or boundless, for then the second would terminate and bound the first a d [...]it self [...] and so not one infinite at all be granted Beware of Dogs saith Paul & the Holy Spirit saith ( Cant. 2. 6. ware of Foxes [take us the foxes] sure it is: The Infinite [...] of God we are to [...] with them in these bruitish [...] so also to fly from these their bruitish Barkings, and Blasphemings against the [...] Glorious and in conceivible Excellences of God and amongst the rest has in­comprehensible patience, which could not bea [...] such horrible [...] were not his patience himself, infinite and incomprehen­sible: [Page 149] Alas poor lump of clay and dust and ashes: poor [...] va­pours we are, that are so far from being infinite that: (in a sence) we are infinitely Blocks and Beasts, and not able to give a guess at what Infinity, and an infinite Majesty, and Godhead is.

I quoted Pag. 67. The Quakers obstinate in hor­rible fancies & Blasphemies where against Fr. Higinson he saith [Again thou makest a great Puddle that one should witnes he is equall with God] G. Fox answers that the English Divines in their Ca­techisme say [that Holy Ghost and the Son are equall in Power and Glory with the Father] yet if any one come to witness the Son of God revealed in him: or come to witness the Holy Ghost in them as they that gave out Scriptures to witness the mind of Christ and witness that equality with the Father, that equality which you speak of you Priests destroy, that which you have put forth to the Nation, and cry out horrible Blasphemie.

I Reply, let these horrible Blasphemous lines be examined, and when the black and hellish joyce is prest out of them, will it not be this, viz. [The Quakers say that they are equal in power and Glory with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Pag. 182. I will adde to this Pag. 282. where G. Fox brings in Daniel Gaudry saying, Daniel Candry surely they cannot be perfect here nor here­after in equality but in quality. G. F. answers, Christ makes no di­stinction in his words but saith, be ye perfect as your heavenly Fa­ther is perfect, and be you Merciful as he is, and as he is so are we in this world. &c.

I Reply, whether it be G. Fox his ignorance of the difference between Quality and Equality, or whether it be his flinty Impu­dence, The Quakers challenge an equality with God. or both, sure I am there is an horrible, monstrous Brat of hellish Blasphemy hatcht amongst them, viz. that poor dust and ashes may not only (by infinite Grace) be like the King of Glory is Holiness, &c. but he may be (and the Quakers are) thank by [...] with him as great a King Prince and Monarch as he, equal in Power, Wisdome, Goodness, Justice, Holiness, Mercy; and all these Eternal, Infinite and Incomprehensible.

G. Fox would not endure this in his own stinking Dignity and Preheminence: for although he suffer his inferiour and petty Saints to be like him in (his pretended Holiness, Goodness &c.) yet he is so great a [...], and so jealous of his Crown, that Humph. Norton himself must nor dare to touch that simple Bable, but himself and blind followers must all adore the Godhead, and [Page 150] none must dare to be equal; or Corrival with him.

Unto this I adde, Pag. 248. where G. Fox. brings in an un­named Author saying. To say that God is substantially in man, and essentially one with him, can be no other but the Man of Sin, the Devil himself hath transformed himself into an Angel of Light, and if it were possible would deceive the very Elect. G. Fox. Answers, That God will dwell in man, and the Saints bad unity with the Father and the Son &c.

In which Answer it is plain, 1. that G. Fox. maintains that the Godhead is essentially and substantially in man.

2. That his proof is only some Mystical and figurative Expres­sion, as viz. of Gods dwelling in Man, and walking in man, &c. whence he impiously & ignorantly confounds that relative [...] by believing in the Son of God, into an Essential or Union of [...] ­ings with the eternal Creator himself: a Union of finite and tem­poral shadowes, with the most Infinite and Eternal Creator; of visi­ble and vanishing and foolish dust, with the invisible immortal and only wise God, which no truly humble Soul can but tremble to hear and think of.

It is clear in these Passages, The Quakers make themselves Father, Son & Holy Spirit 1. That the Quakers make them­selves Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

2. They make no other work of Redemption on Justification, &c. but what is wrought in their spirits, minds and fancyes, called within them.

3. They make no other state of Heaven, Resurrection, Judg­ment or Life to come, then is in them and their Bodyes at present.

Now concerning their bold and blasphemous ascending into the Throne of God we shall hear a little more in G. Fox making no Distinction between the Father and the Son, with that known He reti [...]k S [...]bellius. and 2. In his making no distinction between Christ Jesus himself, and his Saints or Believers in him.

In Pag. 246. He brings in Christopher wade saying, God the Fa­ther never look upon him humane Nature. G. F. answers, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself And art ignorant of the [...] my, christ, wade God manifest in the flesh; and [...] is called the e­verlasting Fathers. As for the word [...] which is from the ground, it comes from thy own Knowledge which is Earthly. And Christ took upon him the [...] of Abraham and David according to the flesh, and this is Scripture-Language.

[Page 151] I reply, in the former part of this Narrative I have shewn how simple & irrational G. F. his clamour is against that word Humane, and that the bottome is their impious, H. Norton more plain then G F. unchristian and hypocriti­cal denying of Christ Jesus to be a man, one individual person as every man is: therefore Humph. Norton (G. Fox his Corrival) is more plain and down right, saying, is not Christ God, and is not God a Spirit, and chiding us for gazing after a man, &c.

I ad to the former page 293. where G. Fox brings in one Fer­gison, Fergison. saying, that Christ and the Father and the Spirit are not one, [...] are distinct, &c.

G. Fox answers, this is a denying of Christ Doctrine, G. F against the mystery of Fa­ther Son and Spirit who saith, I and my Father are one: and the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son: and he was conceived by the Holy Ghost, and they are all one and not distinct, but one in unity: that which comes out from him leads the Saints into all Truth that ever was given them from the Spirit of truth, and so up unto God the Fa­ther of truth, and so goes back again from whence it came.

Again the same Author saith, it is Blasphemy to say the Son is not distinct from the Father, &c.

G. Fox Answers, the Father and the Son are one, the Father in the Son, and the Son in the Father: so that which is in him is not distinct from him, and they Blaspheme which say, the Son is not in the Father, and deny Christs Doctrine.

I reply, G. Fox all along his Book calls that blasphemy which the most holy and eternal Lord calls heavenly Truth. He hath like some witches and other notorious wretches so inur'd himself to poyson, The Quak blas­phemies as to the most holy Spirit. that it is all one to him to swallow down the most sensual and sensless Dreames, even concerning the fearfull mysteryes of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, when the holy Scripture tels us concerning these Mysteryes, that in this life we know but in part, is through a glass darkly &c.

2. For his Proof, it is the Childs song in the streets, they are one and therfore not distinct: I fear he knows, but will not know the nature of several respects and accounts viz. that in one respect Christ Jesus saith, I and my Father are one, and in another respect my Father is greater then I; thus in one serce a Father is one with his Children, an Husband with his Wife, a Captain with his Souldiers, a Skipper with his Sea-men, a King with his Subjects. And yet in another respect, the Son is not the Father, the Wife is [Page 152] not the Husband, the Master is not his Servants, the Captain is not his Souldiers, the Master is not his Sea-men, and the King it not his subjects.

And thus though G F. and M F. be one in mariage, and one in a spirit of notorious railing, The Quakers Chaos & [...] yet she her self will not say but she is the Woman and he is the Man, she the wife and he the husband and this Distinction God in Nature the Law of our Country and all Nations will force them (will they, nill they) to acknowledge: otherwise (like the man possessed in the Gospel) I fear no Chains of Humility nor Modesty would hold them from throwing off all Chains of Conscience, and from flinging all upon heaps of con­fusion without all due respective respects and distinctions.

There are four great points of the Christian Belief: The Quak di [...] [...] the root of a [...] Christianity in the great Do­ctrines thereof

1. The Doctrine of the Father, Son and Spirit, and these they will not distinguish but make all one, and all to be in man.

2. The Doctrine of the Fall, Redemption, Justification, Sancti­fication, &c. and these are all in man by their Tenents.

3. The Doctrine of the Church, the Officers, Baptisme, the Lords Supper, and these (say they) are all invisible, and within man.

4. The Resurrection, eternal Judgement, Eternal Life. Heaven and Hell, Angels, Devils, & these their Professions and Printings proclaim to be in Man also: yea, so within him that they are only within him, and that without there is no God, no Christ, no Hea­ven nor hell, &c.

In Page 38. The Collier G. Fox brings in Tho. Collier, saying [The King­dome is not come, nor the refreshing from the Spirit of the Lord.]

G. F. Answers, which shews they are unconverted, gadding here and there,: And Christ tells them the Kingdome was in them. And they that are not turned to the Light which comes from Christ the Re­fresher whereby refreshing might come, and so are not come to Repen­tance yet.

Reply, Who sees not that G. F. speaks not here of the King­dome of Christ (so often promised in the future and to come, and the times of refreshing, Act. 3.) but that he cuts off all future hopes and expectations to come, and appropriates, and confines, and fixeth, and stakes down all to the present moment of this vanishing life, and to what is (in this moment) in the minds of Men and Women?

[Page 153] The Holy Scripture tells us, and Experience tells us that Hypo­crites have no solid peace and joy here, The Quak. hold to Heaven nor H [...]ll to come nor solid hope of joy or glory to come: and yet (to still the deen and clamour of Con­science) abhorring the thought of a judgement and reckoning to come, they foolishly and atheistically please themselves with a childish Dream of no Heaven nor refreshing, no Hell nor torment but what is now within us.

Pag. 101 he brings in John Clapham, saying [To witness Hea­ven, John Clapham and Hell, and Resurrection within is the Mystery of iniquity.] G. Fox Answers, [which shews thou never knew Heaven in thy self nor hell there, nor Christ the Resurrection and the Life, which they are blessed that are made partakers of the first Resurrection, on them the se­cond Death shall have no power, and the Scriptures do witness Heaven within, and if Christ that was offered up, the Resurrection and the life be not within thee thou art a Reprobate]

I Reply, If G. Fox would speak of Heaven, and Angels, and Hill, and Devils, and of the Resurrection, and Life to come, by way of allusion and similitude, or by way of first Fruits or Tast of them, he might profitably do it, but to speak of them in opposi­tion to a rising again, an Heaven, an Hell, &c. to come, what is it?

I say, what is it but to proclaim their Revolt from, and their Re­bellion against all the Christian Faith and Religion, and their won­derful hardening against whatever is yet to come, either here or in the eternal state approaching?

Pag. 214. He brings in some (nameless, saying, [To say Hea­ven and Glory is in man, which was before man was, they are sottish and blinde.] He Answers, [There's none have a Glory and a Heaven but within them, which was before man had a Being.]

Unto this I adde. Thomas Pollard saying, Tho Pollard for a perfection of Glory to be attained to on this side the Grave, I utterly deny.]

G. Fox Answereth [Where Glory is (in the least degree) it is in perfection, The [...] & the Quakers one Sect. and who have no: Glory, and doth not attain to Glory on this side the Grave they are in a sad condition: for the Saints rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of Glory, &c.]

I Reply, as the Swinish Epicures and Dives's of this World, (what ever they formally and loosely profess) have no solid hope of peace and joy to come after this life, and therefore (like Bruit Beasts) practically confess it saying, (in their hearts and Life) [Page 154] let us eat and drink for to morrow we shall dye: so do this cynical or doggid kind of Philosophers (the Quakers) profess plainly (though some would cover it) no hopes of a rising of the Body but what they have here, no hopes of a Heaven but what they have here, no hell but what they (in their minds) have past through: no Judgement but what (as Saints) they are now executing.

I know that some of the Quakers will not believe that G. Fox and others of them deny the Resurrection, &c. but (if they will not willingly fish) let them read and consider these my Quotations from G. Fox, Ed. Burrows and John Stubs their Book in Folio, and let them also know that whatever they profess against this that I have said, that is but horrible Hypocrisie and Deceit, for they would not in all our Disputations depart one hair from those hor­rible and monstrous Blasphemies, and bruitish Reasonings in G. Fox and Edward Burrowes.

We came to the ninth Proposal, The 9th Positi­ons proved the second in order to be de­bated at Providence, viz [all that the Quakers Religion requires exter­nally and internally to make Converts or Proselytes, amounts to us more then what a Reprobate may easily attain to and perform.]

I did not (the Father of Spirits is my holy witness) fling this in as a Firebrand of Reprobation against either Teachers or Fol­lowers called Quakers: it is true they do so against all that ever were not or are not or shall not be in their Opinion, but my hope is, that many amongst these misled and wandring Souls may come to Abrahams Bosome, &c. yet this I assert, that thousands and ten thousands may be of their Religion, and may have gotten all that their Religion requires or performs, yea, all that their Principles call for outwardly or inwardly, and yet not be accepted but reje­cted from the holy and gracious presence of God.

I told them that I had this notion from a man famous in his day (Mr. W. Perkins) who having been a deboist young man in Cam­bridge, after the call of God to him he proved famous in Preaching and Writing, Mr Perkins saying of the Papists and mine of the Quakers. and (with a lame Club hand) he wrote admirably against the Papists, and maintained that all Popery preacht to the making of Converts or Proselytes amounted to no more then what Reprobates may easily attain unto.

I say the same of common Protestants, and of the Quakers: they may have a great measure of sorrow for sin: great resolu­tions, [Page 155] great Reformations, great Rejoycings, great and wonderful performances endure great persecutions, endure burning of the Body in the Flames, and yet be far from the true Protestant Reli­gion either in the true Doctrine and Principles, or in the true life and practise of it.

For the Foundation both of the Papists and Quakers Faith is laid upon the Sand of Rotten Nature which they (both) only adorn and trim as the dead Carcasses and Cossins with Roses and Lillies and other Flowers and Garlands, Neither Papists nor Quak skil how to pay Gods justice their own penances, satisfaction, Alms, Prayers, Fastings, Suffrings, which are but Womens filthy Clouts, and Dung of Men and Beasts put into the ballance of Gods infinite Justice, instead of the infinite Righteousness and Satisfa­ction of the Son of God: poor Souls, they know not that the whole Creation (visible and invisible, seen and unseen, known and unknown, cannot reach Gods most holy and inconceivable justice, for the least evil word or thought. Neither of these (not mil­lions of Protestants, much less millions of millions in one evil word or thought, then in all the sorrows and calamities felt in this life, or justly feared in the life a coming.

With the Quakers 'tis known, that if a notorious Drunkard, &c be convinced, The Character of a Quaker and come to hearken to a Spirit within him, to say, Thou and Thee, and think himself equal and above all his former Superiours, &c. he is Justified, he is Sanctified, and so Holy that he cannot sin in Thoughts, Words, and from this high Mount looks down on all others (especially if opposite) as Pharisees, Publicans, Cains, &c. Thus they pretend Repentance, Faith, and a change of heart because they have changed their talk, their Gar­ments, &c. But,

1. I told them that true Repentance lay in a discovery of sin as sin, as greater then the greatest filthiness in the world: no poverty, no shame, no loss like unto it, &c.

2. In an utter inability to contribute one mite, What true turn­ing to God is. either from self, or from the whole Creation towards satisfaction to infinite Majesty and Justice for the least evil thought or imagination.

3. That as blessed John Bradford said to God: Lord, thou are Heaven, I am Hell, viz. that in the best natural Soul in the World, there is nothing but a Kenn [...]l, an Hogstie, a den of Atheisme, Mur­ther, Thess, Fornication, Adultery, and all kinds of Wicked­ness.

[Page 156] 4. That I have not so much in me as to desire Deliverance, nor to be sensible of any need of it.

5. That it is only mercy and rich free Grace that worketh in me or any Soul a Sence of my Condition a Sence of Justice a Sence of Mercy. Jacobs Ladder of [...] Christi­anity.

6. That it is Mercy only worketh a willingness, a new desire, new Affections towards my Maker, towards my Ransomer, who paid his Bloud, his Heart Bloud, the Bloud of God to ransome and redeem me.

7. That in this work, Mercy not only worketh a Sence, a thirst after Pardon and Peace with my Maker, but also after a Conformity and Likeness unto God.

8. Because I cannot reach this, the Mercy and Pitty of God worketh in my Soul a longing after God, and after the turning of the whole Soul unto God, and after those seven Evidences of true Repentance, 2. Cor. 7.

9. This is in true Christian Repentance and turning of the whole Soul unto God, viz. to receive every thought, every motion, eve­ry desire upon the account of Mercy and Pitty, as ever poor Dog received Crum or Bone under the Table.

Much of this I spake publickly, as also that no Papist nor Qua­ker by their grounds could get up this Jacobs Ladder, much less upon those higher grounds and steps of casting off Self, of doing all purely for God, and in Gods eye: of meekness and Mercy to other poor drowning Soules, The Quakers and [...] of pure Love to God for Himself for his Holiness, Mercy, Goodness, yea for his Justice: of quiet and [...] and thankfull resting in his holy Pleasure, whatever he take from us or bring upon us.

I said and say, that neither the teachings of the Papists or Qua­kers will help them to get up one Step of this heavenly Ladder, for by the utmost strength and activity of Nature no man can advance and climbe higher then to love God and Christ and Heaven for it Self, and Self-ends, which is no more but Flattering of God, base and dog like Fawning and Hypocrisie.

I cannot call to mind ought that was opposed by my Antagonists against these Considerations: The Quakers [...] but John Stubs said, Dost thou count our Religion an easie Religion, for my part said he, we have not found it so easie to forsake all the glory and pleasure of this world, to forsake wife and children &c. to goe about the work of the Lord in strange Countreys, &c.

[Page 157] And W. E. said thou sayest our Religion is an easie Religion: For my part said he I have not found it so. I have not found it so easie to forsake all the glory and honour and pleasures of this World, A close fight as to Religion and to expose our selves to hardships, to forsake our Wives and Children, Friends and Relations, and to goe about in strange Countreys &c. And W. E. further said in that thou [...] our Religion is an easie Religion, it is a plain evidence that thou that talkest so much of Religion, and of the Religion of the Qua­kers thou yet never knewest what Religion is, with more to this effect: and they (according to their wild spirit) insisted vehement­ly on the wronge which I did them, and the People called Qua­kers: and that as for themselves they were but a few, but the people called Quakers were a great Body: they were many thou­sands all over England, they were many thousands in London, as also in Barbadoes, and New-England and Virginia, and other places.

I replyed, that my time would not give me leave as they knew, to say much to their greatness and number, The easiness of the Quakers Religion yet I said their Re­ligion like the Papists, was easie and agreeable with Nature, they had the wind and tyde of natural corruption to Joyn with their spi­rit, which knew this well enough.

1. It was easie to perswade the Quakers to change one fowle Spirit and Devil for an other, a Devil more gross and ugly, for a Devil more refined painted and guilded: On Devil chan­ged for another, yea sometimes one for saved their pride in Cloathes and fantastical Fashions, to pride in self conceit and fantastical Opi­nions, their Drunkenness and Gluttony, with Wine and Flesh to Intoxications, with high and proud Vapours: How many millions travel on the broad way to Destruction, and yet prate of a strict and narrow Path? What wonderfull hardships doe both Turks and Papists endure in their religious Pennances? How doe they macerate and whip themselves, even till the bloud of their tender Women hath streamed down upon the ground from them? Yea how zealously (in the cause of their Religion) have the very Jewes themselves cast away their Lives, as Spain and Portugal can witness.

Besides, I told them it was a poor lame thing to talk of numbers when the Council of the only Wise was so clearly revealed con­cerning his Little Flock opposed to the vast and monstrous Herds both of civilized and wild Nations.

[Page 158] I put them in mind of the innumerable multitudes that follow­ed after that stupendious Cheater Mahomet, even thirteen parts of the world, divided into thirty, as very knowing Cosmographers or Describers of the World have computed. And if so be that the Pope, The Quakers simple boast of numbers and Church of Rome be the eight Head, the great Where that fits upon many Waters, Kingdomes and Nations, what a poor Slut is the Quakers Fancy compar'd with the Baals Priests, the Romish Proselites; the Beast whome the whole world wonders after?

3. Again it is to me and may be to all men, wonderfull that since the Religion of the Quakers is so easie &c. that ten thou­sands more of people in old and new England, Scotland, Ireland and other parts, have not listed them selves under this new Ma­homet, pretending so much from the Dove from heaven as Ma­homet did.

Tis true G. Fox and Foxians, The carnal weapons pretend the two horns of the Lamb, and that their weapons are not Johnes nor Baals Priests, but that they have forsaken all Carnal Weapons: but this I shall shew to be an horrible Lye when I come to the last Position.

The Devil and the Papists and the Quakers know that the Quakers only want a Sword to subdue as many Proselites as ei­ther Mahomet or the Pope hath done. The Quakers some prate subtilly, others childishly against Carnal Weapons, Carnal Weapons &c. but I shall shew (if God please) in my 14 th. and last Positi­on, what a Devil of Pretence this is.

At present the Devil knowes they want but a Sword (not Hearts nor Hands nor Principles) whereby to subdue as many Proselytes as the Pope or Mahomet hath, and literally and materially thrash the Mountains with Flails of iron, and make the Nations turn (in an easie Hypocrisie and Dissimulation) Dissembling Qua­kers. I wonder and adore the Councels of the Eternal, that any of these three should be Cheated by this spirit.

First. Any of those truly fearing God; for their Principles spi­rit and practices being so notoriously opposite to the meek and patients Spirit of the true Purity and Holiness, The Quakers Spirit far from purity and Ho­liness. and evidencing them to be lead by a dumb and dogged Spirit. 1. Their high and shame­less Pride and Vapouring is notoriously known, of which in the next Position. 2. Their mouth full of Cursing and Railing above any or all that profess to march under the Christian Name and [Page 159] Colours. 3. They spit not out their Venome so fiercely against any as against the most conscientious Preachers and Professor of the Protestant Faith, as appears all along in this railing of Fox in Fo­lio against them.

4. They easily fall in with openly profane and ungodly persons, and with carnal ad luke-warm Laodiceans, who can swim with the tyde, sail with every wind. If they can but say Thee and Thou &c. The Spight [...] the Quakers Spirit 5. It is wonderfull how their spirit (professing to be Pro­testants) can so wickedly strike in with the bloudy spirit of the Papists, against the Witnesses and Martyrs of Jesus, compiled by that heavenly J. Fox. in the Book of Martyrs which this bloudy spirit (in James Parnels Watcher) upbraidingly calls [Your Re­cord] as if it were none of theirs, nor the bloudy Papists, against whose bloudy practices under their Popes, and the old proud Ro­mans, the Romane Gods and Emperours, that heavenly Book shews how those heavenly Martyrs or Witnesses overcame by the Bloud of the Lamb, the word of their Testimony, and not loving of their Lives unto the Death.

6. That most Savage and worse then Indian Spirit of their stripping their women stark naked, and so to enter into the streets and Assemblyes of men and youths, which Piety Christianity and common Womanhood and Modesty abhor to think of.

Secondly. As I wonder how any godly Soul, so how any Learn­ed Soul, who hath studied the primitive Copyes of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, The ignorance of the Quakers can yoke with such rude Bablings and Repetiti­ons of simple ignorant Praters. Tis true the Lord Jesus and his Embassadors were not all traind up as Paul was at the feet of Gamaleel, yet had they before the whole World the miraculous effusions of fiery Tongues, and heavenly Oyl upon them, which these poor Simpletons ridiculously like Puppets in a Shew pretend too. Beside, the Commons among the first Christians were as learned if not more then our primest Academians, the Hebrew being their Mother Tongue, and the Greek and Latine familiar, by the Greek and Romane Conquests over them, all which Helps the most of the Leaders of the Quakers want, only pretending to un­derstand supernatural and miraculously (in a trice and immedi­ately) what is to be gotten by honest and faithful Labour and in­dustry, the holy will and mind of God from the true Original Copies.

[Page 160] Thirdly, I do admire that any sober, modest Woman (made so by nature, and much more by Grace) should ever dare to come into their Assemblies: The abominable Spirit of the Quakers na­kedness. it is certain that the Ranters is a Sister or Daughter of them: though they quarrel, and fight, and scratch one the other: The Ranters more plainly (according to their Principles make the Nakedness of Men and Women, a part of wor­ship unto God, unto which they say they are restored by Christ Je­sus the second Adam. This Adamites Fowle spirit is no New-come spirit; I have known it almost sixty year, and what a motion was made and urged by some (whome I can name) for Plantations in warmer Countreyes, where they might practice that Ordinance of God viz. Of Nakedness of men and women in Gods worship.

These our Adamites are led by a more Savage and Barbarous, and Monstrous Spirit, the which under the v [...]z [...]rd and mantle of Religion deceives them, and of being a sign to others: And this very bruitish practise hath kept some Women (too much inclin'd to them) from falling into their filthy puddle, Quakers drives on by the old Spirit of the A­damites and of returning some which were left by Gods justice to go too far amongst them sure we are the holy Spirit of God (all along) abhors the appear­ance of uncleanness, and commands the vailings of Women (especially in Christian Meetings)

I have been too long upon the easiness of their Religion, and of the agreement of it with corrupt and rotten Nature which slides into it as easily as Brooks and Rivers [...] and run down into the Ocean.

There be two other causes of falling into false Religions or ways of worshipping God.

1. Hope of Gain, which was the Sechemites Bait: (the sweet Musick propounded by Nebuchadnezzar.) &c.

2. The fiery Furnace, &c.

These moderate times have not driven the Quakers to bow down to their Spirit for fear of perfection, [...] of the Quakers and the fiery Furnace but Sathan knew well enough that the Corruption of Nature, and the hope of Gain and Glory would cheat to purpose (as all may see it hath done:) Sathan knows that some have a moving and travelling Spirit, and cannot rest in a sedentary or quiet life: Some are of arising, aspiring Spirit (though neither from Birth nor Breeding, nor abilities) and therefore cry down all Honour or respect to be given to any (but themselves) some are false and [Page 161] rotten in their Profession, and ready to fall and tumble when any stronge wind of Temptation blowes upon them.

7. Some may be Sincere and upright to God in the Root, but weak, and not so rooted in the Holy Scriptures, as the Dis­ciples themselves, who wondered for a time what the Rising from the dead should mean, Diverse Sorts suffered by God to fall into the Quak Ditch. and had need of their Lord and Masters Take heed and beware of the Leaven of the Scribes, and Pharisees, and Sadduces, &c. Some truly fear God, but have neglected the purity and chastity of Gods holy Worship, and have reserved in a weak Conscience a liberty of playing the whore against a jealous God and Husband.

But generally they that are taken by the Quakers Bait are such as never truly loved Christ Jesus in Sincerity as the Scripture speaketh, (neither within nor without, and therefore suckt in Ni­colds and Nailors, But especially for Male and Female Prote­stants. and Foxes dreames of a Christ, within them op­posite to Christ without: of a Christ a Light a Spirit within, which had no Humane Body, or if he were humane, or a man they know not now what is become of him.

The Lord Jesus tels us that some will plead with him at the last day, that they have heard him Preach, that they have been at his Table, that they have prophesied themselves, cast out Devils in his Name, and in his Name done many Wonderfull things: should not this make every Soul that calls it self Christian, startle and look about them, especially when they hear Christ Jesus say, depart from me I know you not ye workers of Iniquity.

I told the Quakers that their Theora John pretended to write after the Spirits Dictate, a volume in Hebrew, Greek, Latine, Arminiack, &c. which he confessed he understood not: what if it should please Gods infinite Wisdom, to suffer the Quakers or others to speak and understand all Languages, to work great Miracles, yet if they come under the Note Christ gives them, of Workers of Ini­quity, they fulfill the termes of my Position, and prove but False and Reprobate.

This is the true and infallible distinguishing Character between the true Legitimate and the Bastard and false Christian: The great di­stinguishing [...] of true and false, Pre­tenders. The soul of the True as broken for Sin, as Sin, as opposite to God, as filthy in his eye: The soul of the False is broken for Sin as bringing temporal Loss or shame, or pain, and beside temporal, Eternal. The soul of the true, is broke off from Sin, from the least Sin, [Page 162] from the appearances of sin from the occasions of Sin, from the thought of Sin as worse then all the Afflictions of this life, or the Torments of Hell to come. The soul of the False, hath secret Friendship and Correspondence with Iniquity (as Church-Papists with Popery &c) in the secret chambers and Closets of the heart, at which they willingly wink, and to find it (when they are put to it, yea and seem to doe it) they are willingly remiss and negligent.

Hence it was a famous principle of the first New-English Re­formers, viz. to be Christianly carefull that their Members gave Christian Evidence, (so far as godly eyes of Charity could reach of the truth of their Conversion and turning unto God, which for ought I know is not changed by their Successors.

It is dolefully true that many seemingly Elect, prove Reprobate, and many truly Elect fall into many great Sins and Sorrows. How black and dolefull then is their Condition (such as the Papists the Quakers and others) whose Religion Principles and Practices, arise no higher then what a Reprobate may attain unto.

We came to the tenth Position, The 3 d. Positi­on debated at Providence. (the third in order to be dis­cussed at Providence) which they read out of their paper, viz. That the Popes of Rome do not swel with, and exercise a greater pride then the Quakers have exprest, and would aspire unto, although many truly humble Souls may be captivated amongst them.

I have here two mighty Fields to expatiate and walk in, Two great Competitors the Popes and Fox­ians. viz. The pride of Christ Jesus his pretended triple-crowned Vicar, and the pride of the new Papists pretending to be Christ himself: of which the holy Spirit speaketh, There is a Generation, oh how lof­ty are their eyes and their eye lids are lifted up? In publick Discourse I knew I was but to take a short turn of a quarter of an hour, I am now at more liberty of inserting what I intended, but was forced to abbridge with all possible brevity at that time.

I told them there was a pride in outward and external things, in Parentage, in Person, in Beauty, Strength, Wit, Aparrel, Houses, Money, Shipping, Land, Cattle, Offices, Relations, &c. this I now past by: All these (like Diogenes on Platoes carpets) the Quakers say they tread on &c.

There was 2. Spiritual pride the devils pride the devils pride, and the devils Condemnation, a pride in Spiritual Knowledg, spiritual Gifts, spiritual Priviledges and Excellencies: This was the Devils Break-neck, and will be [Page 163] of the Popes and Quakers, and of all that aspire to the Eternal power and Godhead; for God or they [...] fall to all eternity.

I named then diverse Parallels between the Popes and Quakers, I will now name all I can remember I named, and will name some more at this present.

First, The Popes have exalted themselves above all that is cal­led God, above all Civill powers, Kings and Princes, riding upon their backs, The Popes & Quakers pride compared disposing of their Crow is, making them lead their horses, hold their stirrups, kiss their toes, yea lye down under their feet bodyes and souls, and submit their neck to this abomi­nable foot of pride, as the Scripture calls it.

As to the Quakers, they know that it is not yet time to put on the Lions and the Eagles, but the Sheeps and the Foxes Skin: but no man need question that if God should please to let loose the Quakers spirit to the full length of its redder, as he hath done that of the Popes, The Quakers boast of their number. the spirit of the Quakers would scorn to come behind the pope: For who sees not how at the first. [...]ledging and creeping out of the Shell how they boast and vapour of their numbers? We (said W. E. to me in publick at Newport) are a great People, many thousands in England, many thousands in London, besides Virginia, Barbados, N-England and other pla­ces: what would they say and doe if they had the popes Universa­lity, and could boast of the many Waters Peoples, Nations, Tongues and Multitudes upon which the Whore [...]itteth?

Beside, W. E. (a man fit to make a Bonefacius or a Hildebrand) John Stubs also (though of a more prudent and moderate spirit) was up with the same boasting of their Numbers, and all of them are ready to cry up their Diana whome all Asia and the world worshippeth. But,

2. In their first creeping (like Hercules out of the Cradle, The audacious & impious fa­ [...]s of the Foxi­ans how doth this Spirit dare the Spirits of Kings, and Keysars, and Popes themselves (under the pretence of Translations and accep­tations of words) to Thou and Thee to the faces of mighty Mo­narchs? with what Brasen Faces have they addrest the Royal pre­sence of our Gracious Dread Soveraign, without either bowing the knee, or baring the Head (signs of English reverence and civility) and this out of an horrible and lying pretence, that Christs amity (even in Civil things) respecteth no mans person, that they may trample as Gods on all man-kinde, &c.

[Page 164] 3. I can say what mine eyes and ears have seen and heard, viz. our Honoured and Aged Mr. Nicholas Easton, Pope Edmond commanding & silencing the Governour Governour of this Colony under his Majesty, offering to speak once and twice in our late Contests at Newport (and no question would have spoke for the Quakers against me, yet) Pope Edmundson put forth his hand imperiously towards the Governour, saying, Whist, Whist, which whisting and silencing Language if they use to their Friends in Au­thority, what will they say or Thunder to their Enemies if ever they get up into the Papal Chair?

2. The Pope sits in the Temple of God, as over the Churches and Consciences of the Christian Name and Worship, [...] second Para­lel between the 'Pope & Qua­kers giving Canons and Decretals to be observed by all Christian People on peril of loss of Earth and Heaven, &c.

And do not their new Popes (not regarding as the Apostles and Bereans the Holy Scripture) lay on the common Quakers Consciences and Congregations their Decrees? tis true G. Fox in his Book in Folio gives the immediate Spirit of Infallibility to all his Saints: yet must they (in a ridiculous contradiction) sit still possest with a Dumb Devil, except some He or She Apostle come a­mongst them, who send word of their coming to call the Country in many dayes before, and seem to have a Command of their Dia­bolical Spirit more then other Quakers have, though they (as I said before) in a ridiculous Contradiction) ascribe it unto all their Saints and Quakers.

Thus did Humphrey Norton (a Pope) in his day in these parts) over topping and rating W. Brand at Newport, The Pope and Quakers usurp over the Souls of all men he confirmed the Decree for the weekly Meetings not only on the first dayes, but on the week dayes at Newport and Providence: he ordered their sit­ting and departing Dumb, unless a He or She Apostle came a­mongst them, he left in writing (which I can produce) an over­throw of all civil Order and Government except in the hands of his Saints, entituling his Paper thus, the Saints Law and the Sin­ners Law as G. Fox. his decree under the title of the Law.

G. Fox succeeds (as Pope) Humph. Norton in these parts, Humph [...] Norton & G Fox com­pared. and being angry with his Predecessour (as some Popes have been) he lets loose the Dumb Devil and gives Liberty to all to Speak as the Spirit gives them utterance [...] this shews what a lying Spirit of Unity they boast of (such an one as was in Nailors business) though they most proudly deny Unity to all but to themselves, as [Page 165] the Papists do: G. Fox. also gave forth his Decree of loosing them from bruitish and doggid Behaviour which W. Brand and Humphrey Norton left them in, G. F. a subtler Fox then. Hum. Norton. and by Word and Example commanded them to be more sociable and manlike, so that many of them will speak in Salutations, and shew some reverence by bowing the Heads, or uncovering it, as Fox himself did after his Sermon at Providence, uncovering his Head and bowing to the People, and passing through the midst of them (his Hat in his hand) with much respect and civility. And he blames those (as I hear) which violently and madly have flung themselves upon un­necessary temptations and dangers: whence follows (in the eyes of the whole World) that either the latter or the former Spirit was not Gods, and perfect, and the Spirit of Unity of which they childishly so crake and vapour, as the chiefest Flower in their Crown of Pride.

3. The Pope lifts up himself as God over the Holy Scriptures: A third paral­lel between the Pope & Quak. He is the sole Judge and Interpreter of them, and the sole decider of all controversies in Religion about the expounding of them: yea, he hath power to dispence with Peter and Paul, &c. yea, what Christ and God can do that gave forth Scripture, that can the Pope their Lieutenant do: hence all this Dispensations of Oaths, of Marriages, &c.

Do not the Quakers also tread this Holy Scripture, this inesti­mable Jewel of Gods Writing and Book under their proud feet, Both Papists & Quakers their Pride above the Scriptures as formerly I noted upon the fourth Position of their not owning the Holy Scripture? Do they not (upon the point) say that they made, they wrote and gave out the Holy Scripture? and though in our late Conference they said they would be tryed by the Scri­ptures, yet (as the Papists) they admit no Interpreter but them­selves, for the Spirit within them they say gave forth the Scripture, and is above the Scripture, and both they and the Papists, have said that there would be no losse if they were gone out of the World, for the Papists say their Traditions, and their infallible Spirit would supply the loss: and the Quakers say the Scriptures is with­in them (in effect) they say that all that they do and say is Scri­pture: so far are both Papists & Quakers from a Christian and Candid Profession of being tried by the Holy Scripture: that they most Horribly and most Hypocritically trample it under their proud feet.

[Page 166] 4. These Romanists or Proud ones (as the Hebrew signifies) both Papists & Quakers most insultingly lift up themselves a­gainst the Servants and Children of God all the world over that bow not down to their Images: be a Soul never so humble and penitent, The Pope and Quakers hor­rible revilers Slenderours & cursers of the Righteous never so holy and mortified, believe the Scriptures, &c and give his life for the truth of them, yet he is damned if he be­lieves not the Pope to be the head of the Church: and say not the Quakers the same of all that believe not in their pretended Lights: your Repentance is nothing, your Holiness nothing, your Zeal, Praying, Preaching, Fasting, Sufferings nothing: and they think they have reason to say so, because you believe not in the true Christ, and therefore you are in Cains Nature, in the Sa­tanical Delusion, Reprobates, &c. so that all the blessed Souls under the Alter calling or vengeance against the shedders of their blood the Roman Emperour, or since the Roman Popes, they are all bran­ded with a black cole of damned Souls and Reprobates by G. Fox, because they professed, preacht and died for a Christ without them though that Christ without them dwelt in their hearts ( Ephes. 3.) by believing and for his sake they loved not their lives to the Death.

I told them that the Pope and they were one in the great point of the Infallibility: The 5. Parallel they both pretended the Spirit of God as did the Apostles, &c. but I have proved their pretence is as true as that of Apollo's Worshippers, by whose Priests the Devil gave Oracles (Extripode) from their threefold stool, The infallibili­ty of the Popes and Quakers Oracles and that so subtilly and cunningly that whatever Oracle or Voice it was, and whatever the event were yet the Devil would save his own: Apollo should be the true God of wisdome, and Apollo's Priests true Prophets.

At last when Christ came Apollo being consulted and failing to give answer, the Devil was forced to answer that there was an Hebrew Childe born that stopt his mouth: I am sure this Hebrew Childe (the true Lord Jesus Christ) hath often also stopt the mouthes (in one sence) of Pope & Quakers, for their Predi­ctions have not come to pass, (though some which the Devil could guess at) have: and he will shortly stop their mouths for­ever.

It was truely said of (that long eighteen years hatching) De­vilish Junto of Trent, The Holy Spirit in a [...] at the Councel at Trent that the Holy Ghost, (that is the Popes Holy Ghost) came every week from the Pope at Rome, &c. to his Legates at Trent, in a Cloak bag: and do not G. Fox his Books [Page 167] all their writings declare for their corrivality and competition with the Pope for this their pretended Holy Ghost: The Pope and Quak the two great pretenders and corrivals for the pretend­ed Holy Ghost do they not up­braid all other Ministers and People for being out of the infallible Spirit: Do they not say their Ministers and their Commissions are invisible because immediate and infallible? do they not assigne this to be the cause of all the Sects and Divisions among the Pro­testants, because they have not the infallible Spirit as the Quakers have?

Here (as I remember) John Stubs stood up and alleadged that place in 1 John 4. Hereby we know that we dwell in him, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

And again, you have the unction and know all things. And W. Edmundson boastingly, and proudly said, that they had the same immediate and infallible Spirit which the Apostles had, and that John & Peter were but their elder Brethren.

Unto which I answer, Peter I know, and John I know, The Quak pre­tending to be Apostles but who are you! For 1. They were Eye-Witnesses of the Lord Jesus his Life and Death and Resurrection. 2. They were immediately endowed with fiery Tongues, and fiery hands to preach in all Lan­guages, and to pen from Gods mouth his holy word and Pleasure and to work real Miracles, F F his Coun­terfeit mirrclos not metaphorical ones only (as G. Fox said at Providence the Quakers did, that is open he eyes of the Blind by Conversion &c.) I added that it might please the infi­nite Wisdom of God to send higher Pretenders to Apostleship then the Quakers, who should speak all Tongues doe Miracles: But as Gods Servants had a Ru [...]e Isa. 8. the written Law and Testimony, and were nor to believe their Dreames though they came to pass, Deut. 13. [...]o have Gods Servants now, viz. The Doctrine of Christ Jesus both concerning Faith and Order, and to strive ear­nestly for the Faith once delivered.

The Pope like Baalam sayes, he is the Mouth of God: A 6 Parallel between the Pope & the Quak. whome he blesseth, they are blessed, and whome he curseth &c. there­fore sendeth he his Curses like Thunderbolts, yea among Kings & Kingdomes in other Nations, and our own, as K. Henery 8 th. K. Edward. 6 th. Queen Elizabeth experimented &c. and is there any People bearing the name Christian, so like the pope their Father as these, whose Mouth (saith David) is full of Cursing and Bitterness, like Floods out of the Dragons Mouth, and fire-brands arrowes and Death crying out against the most Humble and Con­scientious [Page 168] Cain, Saul, Judas, Viper, Serpent, Reprobate Dragon De­vil (yea one of their Shee-Apostles, Devil, Devil, Devil, all at once to one that opposed her amongst us) and such foul stinking expressions (like the Quakers in London) about the Dung of Mankinde, that modesty especially the bashfulness and modesty of Women would have been far from.

A seventh is that great point of horrible Pride in both Pope & Quakers, [...] parallel be­tween the Pope and Quakers exalting the Dung and Dirt of their own Qualificati­ons, Excellencies, Graces, Labours, Fastings, Satisfactions, Be­lievings, Sufferings as a price and satisfaction to Gods Justice, as a Merit or Desert for the pardon of [...] for though they both Sophistically and Hypocritically mention the Blood of Christ; yet they count the business of this Christ (as the Pope said) but a Fa­ble, and indeed and truth through the Pride of their high spirits they think God is beholding to them: I have spoken to this al­ready, [...] Parallel as to the [...]inless condition of the Quakers and of that devillish Pride of their being without sin: yet in this Doctrine of perfection the Quakers exceed the Doctrine of the Papists: for generally the popes attribute this purity but to some of their rare Saints. And 2. Generally the Popes themselves con­fess themselves to be sinners. 3. They give respect and civill honour to all estates, although in Spirituals and Civills too they overtop them: But the high and lofty Devill of the Quakers pride transcends all this: G. Fox makes all his Saints born of God, that (literally expounded) they cannot commit sin; Yea, G. Fox tells us that the Saints (that is his Foxians) are as holy and per­fect as God, G F his proud Blasphemy as to God himself not only like to God in quality, but in equality also. They have the fulness of the Godhead in them bodily. That the mystery of godliness is God manifest in their flesh! Hence he saith there is no distinction between God and Christ, and the Spirit and themselves. Hence it follows, that they are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (which by Devilish Chymistry) they can prove: and that they are the Three that bare Record in Heaven, and the Three that bare Record in Earth: The Scripture is within them: They made it, and all that they say and do is Scripture, what they say God saith, what they advise God adviseth, what they do God doth. &c

It is true, this is not believed (no not by some Novices among them) but this and more, many of their lying Foul mouths & Books express, which may make a Soul that is truly humble to quake and [Page 169] rend his heart at such Blasphemy, the first Perfectist in these parts was one H. B. who came from Boston to Providence, who affir­med that what he spake God spake, H B the first Perfect [...] in th [...]se parts, and most notorious for Imperfecti­ons. what counsel he gave God gave, &c. It pleased God to leave him (though a subtle man) to ridiculous Folly amongst us, and at Barbado [...]s and London since, to worse practices: as commonly God punisheth such height of Pride even in this present life before Death seize upon them.

I remember while we were declaring their proud Disrespect to all men, John Stubs said, That it was their practice to pay tribute to Casar, and to give Honour to whome Honour belong­ed. And I answered to this effect, that it was against their Prin­ciples and practices to shew respect to any mans Person in the World. As for tribute they paid none but what necessity and po­licy forced them to, and notoriously backward here: But they knew that I and G. Fox knew, and all the world might know out of Fox his Writings, that the Quakers are the Higher powers, The difference a­mongst the Qua­kers as to these things. the Dignityes, the Most High God, and ought to have all Honour and Tribute paid to them by all the whole Creation. Tis true there seems to be a Change and some relenting and Giving of the Weather in G. Fox his own practice of Courtesie, and others from him: but while they own what G. Fox hath written, and that he writ it with a perfect spirit: I say untill they do make some Recantation or Retractation: or shew the Reasons why they doe not, H. Norton who keeps more plainly to his Principles is to windward of them, and the Foxians do but strip themselves naked to be more derided and scorned as the more notorious Juglers and Dissemblers.

We came easily (with their Good-will) to the 4th Position of the latter seven, The 4th of the seven last Positi­ons. which they read out of the Paper (as willing to be out of ther pain) viz. The Religion of the Quakers is more ob­structive and Destructive to the Conversion and Salvation of Soules of People than most of Religions that are at this day extant in the world.

I said for the proof of this it was requisite to take a short view of Religions and Worships in the world. We knew that the Sons of Men were justly divided all the world over into two Sorts.

First. The wild and Pagan, The Indians Religion. whome God hath permitted to run about the world as wild Beasts all this great fourth Part of the World, and in some of the other three.

[Page 170] They acknowledge a great supream God and Deity, Maker of all things, yet they acknowledge (as other famous Civilized Nations formerly have done) that there be many other Petty­Gods and Deityes in Heaven and Earth, yea within their own Bo­dies, yea whatever is extraordinary, excellent or strange to them, they are presently apt to ascribe a Deity unto it, though it be but Beast, Fowle &c. and say it is a God. It is commonly known that as their garments hang loose about their Bodyes, A Deity or high­er Power ac­knowledged by Indians so hangs their Religion about their Souls: So that (to my knowledge) they are so far from hindring any to come to God, that when they have seen the grave and solemn Worship of the English, they have often said of themselves and their own, that they are all one Dogs in comparison of the English

The second sort of men are the Civill brought to Cloaths, to Lawes&c. from Barbarisme these also the infinite Wisdome of God hath pleased to leave [...] of wayes of Worshipping the Heavenly Majesty,

Amongst others we find four most known and eminent,

First. The Jewish Worship famous from Gods own appoint­ment by Moses &c. 2. The Turkish, The four chief [...] of the [...]. famous for spreading from Mahomet to most of thirteen parts of thirty in the World.

3. The Popish, famous for spreading over Europe and other western parts of the world. 4. The Protestant famous for so wonderfull a Revolt and Seperation from the Popish. All these four profess one God and supream Deity: but they differ in two things, 1. In the Prophet or Meanes by whome God speaks to man; the Jews cry up Moses, the Turks Mahomet, the Papists the Pope, the Protestants Christ Jesus in the Scriptures,

The second great difference is in the Form of Worship, which every one of these four great Partyes practice in various and dif­ferent wayes as they are perswaded.

Our selves the Protestants are divided into two Partyes,

The first is [...] Episcopal and Presbyterian in Parochyal or Parishional Assemblyes.

The second is Separate from those National and Parochyal As­semblyes, some more some less, and those are now known to be First, the People called Independants. 2. The people called Baptists.

We that pretend the Christian Name against the Jewes and [Page 171] Mahumetans, we mainly differ, 1. In matter of Doctrine, as Re­pentance, Faith, &c. 2. Of Worship, The religion [...] Discipline &c. And we ge­nerally agree, that as the Mahumetan and Jewish Worship have little in them to tempt a Soul to turn into them compar'd with the Christian, so those Christians that differ each from other in point of Doctrine and Worship both, as he Papists and the Quakers doe to be farther from the truth of the Profession of Christ Jesus, and more obstructive and destructive to the Souls of men then the other partyes, yea and the Papists not so much as the Quakers, who wildly profess all Ordinances and Ministers to be invisible, and yea are hypocritically and ridiculously found to be as visible and opens as any.

If the true Foundations of Repentance and Faith be cast down it is in vain to talk of saving of Soules, Fundamental Differences. it is in vain to talk of Wor­shipping of God. The Quakers(for all their craking of Quaking and Trembling) their way is more easie of Worshipping God, and of bringing persons to their Worship of God, then the way of Jewes or Turks or Papists, who to my knowledge take more paines in Reli­gion then do the common Protestants: I confess they all do but paint and guild over natures old and rotten Posts, only the real Protestants have and profess the greatest care of any in the world for true Faith and Repentance.

The Quakers come not neer that care of N. England (I am sure at first) for the personal true Repentance and Holiness of their Churches and Congregations: For it is notoriously known, that if persons notoriously Deboist, come but to acknowledge a God and Christ within them, The Quakers [...] Conversion and Churches, not comparable to the way of N-England. that is in English, that themselves are God and Christ, and can practice Thou and Thee, and Cheek by Joll with all their Betters, and can rail at and curse all that oppose them, and can come and bow down to a dumb Image and Worship without any great business of Contrition and Brokenness and God­ly Sorrow, they are enrold and canonized for Saints and Gods &c. they are free from Sin, born of God and cannot sin, they now sit upon the twelve thrones and judge the unbelieving Jewes and Gentiles in their heavenly places.

The wound lyes here (as it is with Papists, Arminians, and in­deed with all mankind) in the soothing up and flattering of rotten Nature, from whence (from within the Lord Jesus tells us) pro­ceed all the rotten and hellish Speeches and Actions.

[Page 172] I told them it was in this case as it was with Kings and Princes there were two great Enemyes that haunted the Pallaces of Kings and Princes. I. Traiterous Spyes &c. 2. Traiterous Flat­terers.

Just here it was (as I remember) that W. Edmundson stopt me saying, Flatterers of Kings thou hast here been telling us Storyes of Turks and Jewes, but what is that to thy Charge against us? we are none of those that flatter Kings and Princes, we deal plainly with all men.

I said they mistook me: for I did not say they flattered Kings, I used a similitude only, viz. that as Flatterers &c. of Kings and great men, were their deadliest Foes, so such Religions and Do­ctrines as most flatter and sooth up our rotten hearts and natures they are most dangerous and destructive to us: I intended to add that the Quakers pretended to be as fine Flower sifted out from the common Protestants, The whorish Quakers, and whore of Rome. yea, from the Independants & Baptists, that Sathan was too subtle for the subtlest Foxes of them all, for he knows that by pretence he more easily & dangerously conveys the Poyson of exalting corrupt and cursed nature in the room of true Soul-saving Humiliation.

I did say as the Whore of Rome deceived whole Towns, Cities, Nations and Kingdomes with her glorious Trimmings, and her Golden Cup: so that the Painted Quaker(as a Drunken Whore) should follow the Drunken Whore of Rome) drunk with the blood of Jesus, &c.) for the obtaining of (the [...] of a Tobacco-pipe) the Riches and Honour of this World.

There are two sorts of godly Soules catcht up a while by the Devils craftiness.

1. Weak and unstable (for there are Children, strong Men, & old Men in Christianity.)

2. The unwatchful and secure. The Devil a [...]aring Lion The holy wisdome of God discovers in Holy Scripture, what the Devil, that Sathan an old Serpent is, viz. not only a Roaring, but a vigilant Lyon. David (Gods beloved as his Name is) he fails in his managing of Go­vernment, therefore the Devil stirs up Joah and Achitophel to help (the grand Rebel) his Son Absolom: and afterwards Sheba, and all in wonderful Figures, in all Ages, and in this our age and day.

A famous Jesuit prints it, that all the Religion in the World lies in competition between the Jesuits and Puritants, &c. About [Page 173] this time John Stubs told me that they (and I say, so do the Jesu­ites pretend to do) had left the Glory and Pleasure of this world their Wives and Children, Friends and Relations, to Preach the Everlasting Gospel; For the Woman had been 1260 years 42 months in the the wilderness, and she was now come and coming forth, and they were now preaching the everlasting Gospel, and therefore they advised me to make haste and dispatch and not to hinder the Lords work.

I spake what then I thought sit, The Quak pre­tences to [...] all pretending Preachers and now adde that the Pha­risees, the Apostles, the Quakers and Jesuites do compass Sea and Land: but the Pharisees, Jesuites and Quakers will be found at last to be the Apostles Messengers, Heralds, Envoys, Embassadors, and Emissaries of Sathan sent out from Hell to predicate the goodness of rotten nature, hell and damnation, and that false and hellish Gospel (or good news) of poor rotten Natures Righteousness, Satisfaction, Penances, and to the damning of Souls, &c.

The Devil knows that after the witnesses have done their work against Antichrist, True Preachers or messengers and after their slaughters! the Lord Jesus will send abroad his Messengers to other Nations ( Jews & Gentiles) and New Jerusalem, or a new vision of peace shall then come down from Heaven among the Sons of men: but for the present he stirs up these Jesuites and Quakers (with brave titles and pretences) like so many Mahomets(under pretence of Diogenes treading on Platoes Carpets) to fish for the smoak of this Worlds Sodome, and no doubt but the Quakers will use the Sword as much as Mahomet or the Jesuites, under the cloak and colours of love to Jesus and saving of Souls.

I confess that Charity hopes and believes all things, and yet I say, cursed is that charity that puts out the eye of Reason, the eye of Experience, the eye of true affection to Christ Jesus, his Father and his Wife to the Souls of his followers and the Souls of poor sinners Jesus & Gentiles.

As to the saving of Souls, The Earthly & Heavenly Sword it was a Thunder from the heavenly mouth of Christ Jesus. They that take the Sword shall perish by the Sword: as if he should say, the Sword is not a saving but a de­stroying Tool, in Soul-humbling, and Soul-saving: making worlds of Hypocrites, but not true Protestants, true Christians, & Follow­ers of the true Lord Jesus, and of his Father, and of his Holy Spirit.

[Page 174] The Spirit say the Quakers, why thats our Weapon! the Sword of the Spirit the Word of God, why thats the word of God Christ Jesus our Weapon: so saith G. Fox and all our Fantasticks out of weakness and madness, not weighing what a person the holy Records describe Christ Jesus to be, A great [...] amongest Papists and Protestants but as foolish Children and Anticks in the Lord Mayors shews, they cry our Christ and the Spirit only for a shew and colour, I know it that the true Lord Jesus his Holy Father, and Holy Spirit is as odious both to Jesuits, and most Papists & Quakers as the Devil, yea infinitely more then the Devil himself, as with Gods help I have and shall make it as clear as the Noon dayes Sun.

O you considering Protestants, Aword to the Protestants see you not how the Devil would rob you of that Sword with which Christ Jesus overcame him [ The Holy Scripture] under the colour and cloak of the Spirit in the mouths of the Quakers? how, if the Holy writings must yet live, why he hath Fisher, and Stubs, and Pennington, and Bishop, and others that skill Tongues, and yet own the blockish spi­rit of the Quakers: how if you blame the Popish Devil for a Blcokhead, he can puff up his Bladders the Jesuites, to a late won­derful swelling of Tongues and Hutories, and all kind of Know­ledge as in Bellarmine and his Associate and Followers and of late in those great Writers Petavius and Morinus.

The eternal Word, The mystical Farmers and Son, and Sun of God the true Lord Je­sus will more and more discover who are his true friends, his true Loves (that love Alexander more then the King) that are true Christians, true Jesuites, and that truly love and pity poor Souls: he will discover who are the great Farmers, who having a minde to the Farm themselves consult and say, come, this is the Heir(that is Christ Jesus in his true Messengers) let us kill him: kill him with Tongue, and Pen, and Sword, &c. the Inheritance of Heavenly and Earthly Glory shill then be ours, &c. and to this end only they talk of Souls, &c.

We now descended to the filth and sorrowful point of suffering which they read, The 5th of the last 7 positions viz. [ That the sufferings of the Quakers are no true evidence of the Truth of their Religion.]

At the reading of this they told me, that although their Suffe­rings were great in all places whither the Lord had sent them, yet they made not their Suffering and Evidence of the truth of their Religion, & therefore I might have been better advised then to [Page 175] put this in among the rest of my Lyes and Slanders as not consi­derable, The suffrings of the Quakers and now not worth the mentioning, &c.

I Answered, that I understood what they said, and I understood mine own affirmation also; and desired their patience also while I offered my Proofs to two Particulars,

1. That in their Books and Writings &c. they do make their Sufferings a great Evidence to themselves and others of the truth of their Way and Spirit.

2. This their Sufferings is not valid as to the proof of their Re­ligion, Way and Spirit to be of God. So then they bid me prove it if I could,

I told them that I could find no Jewes, [...] and the Quak suffrings no Papists no Protestants, that did so magnifie and so exactly insist upon their Sufferings as the Quakers did. Tis true that Paul did more particularize his sufferings then other Saints in Scripture; but it was also true that they were so exceeding great that Paul seemed a None-Such; but beside that it was upon some great Insultings of the False A­postles against not only himself, but against the Truth of Christ Jesus: neither of which is the Quakers case. Beside, the Qua­kers Sufferings generally were not to be compar'd with Pauls, and yet they set down such exact accounts of every hour in prison every Stripe in Whipping, every pound lost: and this published to the world in print, The Quak. Suf­ferings in Hi­story of G. Bi­shoprecorded. as if it were a Sign hung out with this Inscrip­tion, L [...] people these are the Evidences of Gods holy Truths, and Gods holy Spirit, of our Persecutors wickedness, and our Christian Faith and Patience, who for his Truths sake can endure all this. I said it was not rational to think, that men professing such high Wisdome and Conscience, should declare such Lysts and Catalogues of Sufferings(as G. Bishop doth to the world, of the Quakers Sufferings in N. England, in his first and second History) only in a childish Vapour, Ostentation and Vain-Glory, much less in hopes of Reparation or any worldly advantage, either in England old or new, Scotland or Virginia, &c. and therfore Reason per­swades that these Sufferings are held forth (as the holy Spirit speaks of the Sufferings of the Thessalonians, 2. Thess.2.) as a manifest Token of the righteous judgment of God rendering Tribu­lation to their Persecutors, and Rest to themselves suffering for the Kingdome of God.

As I remember, John Stubs said, they did not boast of their [Page 176] Sufferings, but bare them patiently for the Truths sake which they preached and professed.

I said I did not charge them to say in express terms, We have lost so much outward Gain, Favour, Friendship, worldly Advan­tage for the Name of Christ within us, can you say the like for the Christ without you? We have endured Imprisonments Whip­pings, &c. have you done the like? only this I say, that as all Religious Jewes, Papists, Protestants &c. are confirmed in their Perswations by their Sufferings, and do predicate them to others as Arguments and Signs of the truth of their Doctrines, and of Gods presence and Assistance with them: so do the Quakers and that with more Particular and exact Accounts then most of all the rest have done.

I told them, I had observed much to this purpose in G. Fox & E. Burrowes in the Book by me.

They bid me alleadge what I could out of them: I took up the Book, E. Burrowes his Epistle Quo­ted. and they theirs, I directed them to the 12th. Page of Ed. Burrowes his large Epistle to G. Fox his Book in Folio where I read this passage viz. And this we did with no small opposition and Danger; yea oftentimes we were in danger or our Lives, through beating, a­busing, punishing, haling, castings over walls, striking with staves & Cudgels, and knocking down to the ground: Beside, Reproaching, Scorning, Revilings, Hooting at, and Scornings and Slanderings, and all abuse that could be thought he or acted by evil hands and tongues, and oft carried before Magistrates with grievous Threats, and some­times put in the Stocks, and whipped, and often imprisoned, and many hard dealings, against us, the worst that tongues or hands could exe­cute, sparing life. Of this all the North Countreys can witness, And all these things are sustained and suffered from People and Ru­lers because of our Faithfulness to the Lord, and for declaring against the false Deceivers. For nothing Save only the hand of the Lord and his power, could have preserved us and carried us through all this: neither for any Reward outward whatsoever, or advantage to ourselves would we have exposed our selves to sufferings, violence and dan­gers which befel us daily. But the Lord was our exceeding great reward through all these things, and kept us in the hollow of his hand, and under the shadow of his wings, and gave us dominion in Spirit over all our enemies, and subdued them before us: and though Rulers and People were combined against us, and executed their violence and in­justice [Page 177] against us, yet the Lord made us to prosper and grow excee­dingly in Strength, Wisdome and Number and the hearts of the people inclined to us, and the Witness of God in many stirred for us: for to that in all Consciences, Words and wayes we did commend our selves to be known and approved.

Hereto they suddenly said, What canst thou make of this, but that Edward Burrowes said the truth, that the Sufferings of the people called Quakers were very great, & that he acknowledged the powerfull hand of the Lord toward them in supporting and delivering them: But this was far from boasting or making it any Evidence of the truth of their Religion and Principles.

I replyed, I prayed them to consider why pious and conscien­tious Souls(as they would be reputed) should give so large a Catalogue of their Sufferings. The Quotation weighed. 2. Profess it was only for their Faithfulness to the Lord. 3. Declare that it was the hand of the Lord that kept them. 4. That he only could do it: I sayd the weaving and inter-weaving of these Particulars, speak plainly that for their Faithfullness to the Lord and his Truth in declaring and suffering for it, the Lord had been faithfull to them in supporting them and comforting them in all these Sufferings for his Name sake. Why should wise men use all these words but to this end, of Evidencing their Faithfulness to God, and Gods Faithfulness to them.

After some words had about these kind of passages in Ed. Bur­rowes and other of their Writings, I told them that we must come to that ancient and true Maxime, Causa facit Martyrem, not the Suffering of Burning it self that is the evidence of a true matter. What true Suf­fering is. I therefore told them that' as it was in the case of Signs Wonders Deut. 13. though they be Signs which false Prophets give, which come to pass, yet God commands his Children not to be mo­ved from his written word, and his holy revealed and recorded Ordinances and Institutions.

I told them that I had other places which I had turned down in Edward Burrowes to produce; but these I had suppressed in my thoughts for expedition sake, and would if they pleased pass on to my proof of my next Position; to this they readily assented: but being now out of my Shackles of a quarter of an hour(to which I wink'd to draw them on) I crave the Readers Patience and leave to hear me say something now which then I could not say.

[Page 178] First. To what I have said before of E. Burrowes insisting so largly on the Sufferings of the Quakers, True Scripture Language. and yet my Antagonists denying them to make their Sufferings an Evidence of their Truth, I present the Reader with a witness of G. Fox his words in his Pag64. [ And there is a Proof to thee that the Quakers are sent of God who speak to thee of the Scripture right as thy are] He that reads the place shall see that G. Fox useth these words against his Op­posite Jeremiah Jewes, because that his Opposite had said, viz. That the Word of God was contained in the Scripture: and G. Fox checks him for it and saith if he had said [the word which it speaks of] he had spoken right &c. And this G. Fox makes and Evidence of the Quakers being sent of God, that they only can speak proper­ly. How much more is what I have produced (and have much more to produce) a Proof that they do roll their Souls upon their Sufferings as an Evidence and Confirmation that they are sent of God?

2. It is wonderfull what the Jewes and Papists have suffered for their Lyes and Biasphemyes: The wonderfull sufferings of M [...]reticks What a wonderfull Story doth Ma­nasseh Ben-Isrel relate of a Noble man, a Portugal, turned Jew, burn'd in Portugal for the Jewish Faith? What Devotion and Zeal have many of the Popish Party shewn at Tiburn? Sure it is that a natural Valour and Magnanimity, a natural Melancholy and Stoutness, a natural Pride and Vain-Glory will give wings which fire and Burning cannot scorch and conquer.

3. I doubt not but that tis possible for not only Christians, but also Jewes and Papists &c. like Paul in his mad Conscience, to be zealous for his Conscience, and to put others to death for their Consciences, and yet neither of them to sin against their Conscien­ces, but ignorantly as Paul did.

4. I believe that not only Paul, Great failing of Gods Chil­dren in this life. and such as he, in Unbelief may so practice, but even the true Saints and Children of God. He that shall ponder the Fathers Poligamy, the best Kings of Judah suffering the High places, Davids slaying Uriah, Asahs imprisoning the Prophet, Peters rash using the Sword, Davids and Nathans unadvised Advise to build God a Temple, the Disciples calling for Fire from Heaven, and shall see cause to reprove the Quakers for their rash damning of others from whome they have suf­fered. For,

5. As tis possible for Gods own Children to hold, and that [Page 179] obstinately, false Principles, so it is possible for other of Gods Children as obstinately to afflict and punish those others to Death, and so bring Affliction and Destruction one upon an other which is that the Devil aimes at.

6. Because the Quakers do so abundantly glory in their Suffe­rers, and (in comparison of them) slight the Saints under the Al­tar (in our Book of Martyrs, as James Parnel impiously calls it) casting all that differ from them into the Satanical Delusion, and Serpentine nature, as Fox doth. Pag.5. and 253. and 99. Who forbids to receive into their Houses, no not Kings and Princes, nor to bid them God speed that are not in their Light. True and False Sufferers for the Name of Christ. I think it fit to observe at this Turn some Differences between true Suffe­rers and false, both pretending the Name of Christ Jesus.

First, The Persons whome the heavenly man John Fox des­cribes, they were men and women known to be of holy and hea­venly Spirits towards God, and of low and meek Spirits towards all, yea their very enemyes. I would I could say so of the Qua­kers(though no question but a a gold Ring may fall into the Chan­nel, The Quakers described. and Jewel into the Dirt of worldly and Antichristian errors) But for the Quakers I have cause to fear that generally they are Proud, ambitious, and Worldly-minded Wretches. Some of them have literal Knowledge of the Scripture, and some stirring Affecti­ons with the stony Ground, others with the thorny Ground have suffered formerly, but the Cares and lusts of this world have drild them into this way of Antichristian Worship. others are Fierce, Pragmatical, Discontented &c. and they must travel and be Apostles to preach and bring in Proselites. J Fox & G. Fox their Martyrs the contrary causes of their Sufferings.

The Cause of John Foxes and of G. Foxes Martyrs differ as much as Day from Night, and Light from Darkness: For it is known that J. Fox his Martyrs or Witnesses (those blessed Souls under the Altar) were slain for maintaining the Authority and Purity of the Holy Scriptures as the revealed word or will of the Eternal God against the Traditions and Inventions of men.

But G. Foxes Sufferers have generally suffered for their Child­rens Banbles, fantastical Traditions and Inventions, for setting up a Dream of a Light and Christ within all Man kind, above the holy Scriptures, above the Son of God, above all Earthly Dignityes, and all their Betters: endeavouring (with the Pope) to trample all souls and Bodyes under their proud feer.

[Page 180] 3. The carriage of these two Sorts of Sufferers differ as much as East from West, and Heaven from Hell.

1. The ground of Johns Sufferers was that which John so much writes of, viz. love to the heavenly Bridegroom, without which Paul slights burning it self: Heavenly love carried on G. Foxes even [...] God and Christ & Spi­rit. this appears in their wonderfull Love to the holy Scriptures, (the Love-Letters of Christ Jesus) and unto all that loved Christ Jesus also. The Quakers are known to be Fierce, Heady, Proud, Self conceited, Stout, Bold, and driven on by an Audacious and Desperate Spirit (which G. Fox and some subtle Foxes with him have of late blamed in H. Norton &c.) No question but some of them have a notion of Wrath yet to come, and therefore rather then to endure Hell Fire they will give up their lives to the Flames, Virgin love to God, &c. others of them fast 40 dayes, and yet be far from true Virgin Love to the Son of God. A Virgin that loves a man for Himself, will not slight his Love-letters, nor his Near Relations (least of all abhor them, and sink and burn them as these Foxians doe.

2. The carriage of J. Foxes Witnesses, though (in respect of Gods holy Truth) it was couragious and gallant, yet their low­liness and humility did shine forth gloriously also.

1. As to God, being more sensible of their sins then of their sufferings: confessing with many tears that although God did turn their sufferings unto this Glory, The humility of Christs sufferers and although ungodly men (like Foxes and Wolves) hunted them like innocent Lambs and Chickins) yet they had deserved and calld for this Storm by their unthankfulness for their former peace and liberties, by their drow­siness and sleeping upon the Earthen bed of worldly Profits and Pleasures.

Contrarily it is known to all, that although sometimes the Qua­kers will say we come in love to your Souls yet) the Quakers are far from confessing their sins, Devilish pride as having no more sin then God hath and (according to their Principles and some of them say it) they can no more sin against God then God can sin against them.

As to Men Christs sufferers were meek, patient; respective, con­tented, thankful.

But as the Quakers hearts have an insensible brawniness and hardness (like frozen Rivers come over their hearts) in matters of God so as to men.

[Page 181] 1. Was there ever a People (Men and Woman professing such an height of Christianity) so fierce so heady, so high-minded and (though generally not hardned) so censuring, reviling, cursing, and damning: and so savage and barbarous as in the stark naked­ness of men and women &c.

2. As to Revenge, how patient, and pitiful, and praying for their Enemies were J. Foxes Martyrs or Witnesses, and G. Foxes, how spitting Fire & Brimstones? The predictious of the Quakers. (witness the second part of N. England judged by G. Bishop) because Christ in them is come to judgement) wherein he pronounceth Destruction to Bodies and Souls of N. England men, saying in his Epistle, that their judgement lingreth not, nor doth their damnation slumber.

Tis true some of their Predictions have and may come to pass as do many also of Conjurers & Witches, for the Devil knows the Complexion of persons and things, and what is like to come to pass (as in Souls case and in other events) and still the poor Quakers (and other his Captive Slaves) with such Bables as these. I told you what weather it would be, Ablessed saying of blessed Mr. Dod. I told you where the Wind would blow: I told you what would come to pass,] and yet as blessed Mr. J. Dod used to say, though the Devil was up early, God was still up before him: for the Proverb is here true, God hath sent curst Cows short Horns: his infinite Wisdome, Power and Goodness is pleased to put an Hook into the Jaws of Sathan: he shews himself the pitiful sparer and preserver of men: When the Devil is a Fisher longing for troubled and bloody waters, yet God hath graciously proved many of the bloody prophesies of his wasp­ish Prophets and Prophetesses, (as I can prove) to be lying and false already.

We now descended to the thirteenth Proposal (the sixth to be discus'd at Providence) which was read by them, The 13 position discusd. and is this, viz. [ These many Books and Writings are extreamly Poor, Lame, and Naked, swelled up only with High Titles and Words of Boasting and Vapour.]

I told them that I had not shun'd (as in the presence of the most High) to read any of their Books or Letters I could come at: but the truth is, I could never pick out any Wheat (of solid, rational and heavenly Truth) out of their heaps of Chaffe, and Dreams, and Fancies of new Christs, new Spirits, &c.

It is true that W. Edmund. said, that the Word of the Lord [Page 182] was a Fire, and a Hammer, &c. But I said the word they meant was but a painted Fire, and a painted Hammer, and that never broke, nor burned up sin as sin.

Let a man read the Works of the Papists, Lutherans, Arminians, and amongst our selves, The Quakers and other Au­thors compared the Episcopal and Presbyterian Writings: a man shall have wherein to exercise his Judgement, Memory, &c. he shall have Scripture proposed, Arguments alleadged, yea he shall read Answers and Replies, whereby to satisfie a rational Soul and Understanding.

But in the Quakers Books &c Writings, Peter & Jude tells us (what I have found) clouds high of an imaginary Christ and Spirit high swelling words, strange from the Holy Scripture Lan­guage, and all sober and Christian Writers and Speakers.

Let Jo. Chandlers Writings, and the Writings, of Theora John (that Monster of Delusion) be viewed, whose bodily Raptures, and frantick Writings of the Quakers Principles, and of the Jews (in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, & Arminiack Writings (which he con­fest he understood not) and let the rest of their Writings be brought to the Touch-stone, and see if an honest Goldsmith can find ought else but the Dross, Dreams and Fancies, in stead of the solid God of Heavenly Scripture.

I have read Nichols, and Nailor, and Howgel and Burrows, and Parnel, OF his Writ­ings poor and lame and Farnworth, and Fox, and Dewsbury and Pennington, and Whitehead, and Bishop, &c. And I could readily and abundant­ly prove my position out of all of them, but my desire and inten­tion was (as by my Paper to G. Fox appears) to have made it good to G. Fox himself, and to all Christians, how poor and lame, and naked G. Fox his writings are, who seems to be as Pighius and Echius amongst the Papists, and as Bellarmine the greatest Writer amongst them.

I told my Opposites I would therefore Answer this Bellarmine, and I would not say Bellarmine thou liest: OF his book in [...]lio considered but I would by Holy Scripture shew G. Fox and his deluding Foxians, how the old Fox the old Serpent was too crafty for them all, and had brought them and their Followers to the brim of the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone.

First. then I said, let who will that understands true English, and are able to read and write true English (though he know no more) take G. Fox his Folio Book in hand, and tell me whether [Page 183] (though his whole Book) he writes like an English-man: And though he upbraid all his Opposites scornfully and ridiculously (as poor Children that know not the Bible nor their Accidence in say­ing you to a singular, &c.) whether in many scores of places in his Book he confounds not the singular and the Plural: I confess when I urged this in publick, my Opposites desired of me no proof for this out of Foxes Bock and therefore (remembring quar­ter hour Glasse) I spared Quotations, but now (through Gods patience and my Readers) my Tedder being longer, I shall give one or two brief Proofs and Instances.

In page 282. in G. Fox his second Answer he faith, [ You where you are sees him not] where it should be the Plural see him not, if this Proud Bruit had known either his Accidence or the Bible.

In Page 300. he saith [ The Scriptures is able to make wise, unto Salvation] which should be are able, &c.

In Page 16. [ The Churches was to hear] for, were to hear.

In Page 110. [ As thou doth] which should be, as thou dost: G. [...] igno­rance of com­mon English And abundance more of this Boyes English all his Book over, which I cannot impute to his Northern Dialect (having been so long in the South, and London, and read and answered (as he dreams) so many English Books: nor to the Printer (the faults of that kinde being so numerous) but to the finger of the most High, and most Holy, whose property it is, and therefore delights to run thwart and cross the shins of proud and insulting Souls and Spirits.

2. I observe throughout his Book a Devillish Black Line of despising those that are Good(as the Scripture speaketh)He counts none Godly but himself and his Foxians: yea there is no God, no Christ, no Spirit, but what is in him and them feelingly, though they say he is in every man and woman in the world, and Christ Jesus the Sun of Righteousness, Horrible contradiction and the Holy Spirit, and the King­dome of God, which they confess consists in Righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirits, and yet (as they impiously and simply speaks) these Inhabitants and Hosts to all these Guests know nothing of their lodging and dwelling within them.

G. Fox gives a shrewd suspition that he never knew what the true fear, The excellence men. and love, and peace, and joy of God mean; if he did, is it possible that he could puff at so many Writers (excellent for great Knowledge and godliness, denying any thing of God or [Page 184] Christ, or Spirit, or Grace to be in them: some of them (eminent servants of God) I have known: Whom G F in his book in folio tranpleth on as Di [...]hclouts Dogs & Devils of others of them I have smelt the Sweet Odour of an Heavenly report from the mouthes of others and in their Writings.

But as G. Fox will be found to adore an Image & Crucifix for the true Lord Jesus, so whatever he say of others will his Faith, his Love, his Spirit of Discerning, and Hope of Glory and Salva­tion prove (without Repentance) dolefully false in the latter end.

For, doth not this Proud Censor know that men may be true Saints in their persons, and yet be subject to sudden Epileptical & falling Fits? may not David walk with God with a perfect heart, and yet in the matters of Bathsheba and Uriah (and many other particulars) fall down like a Jewel into the Dirt? that Christ Je­sus owns Peter and his Confession, &c. and yet in another case, get thee behind me Sathan? That Peter resolves to dye for Jesus, and yet denies with Cursing and Swearing, that he never knew him, and after Christs Resurrection and Ascention, even Peter plays the Hypocrite & Dissembler.

Yea did not the high Fathers in Godliness, famous Kings in Gods Church live long in the incivility of many Wives, and the impiety of Worshipping in the High places, A difference of Sinners &c. to what purpose doth the Lord inspire his holy Pen-men to write these holy Histo­ries: was it to shame his Saints departed, or to shame his own Holiness, and to cast a stumbling block, and a protection for after sinners and transgressors? or amongst other holy ends to teach us (like Moses) to distinguish between an Egyptian whom he slew and the Israelites whom he chid for wronging each other, since they were their Brethren; G. Fox no true Goldsmith. so that he is a poor Christian Gold­smith, that knows not to discern the Gold of Holiness, and the Copper of Hypocrisie; yea, and to give the best Gold in the World its due allowance, with which it will pass currant in Earth and Heaven with God, and such who truly know and love him.

But with G. Fox. in all this great Book, the most humble and able, godly and conscientious are with him but Vipers, Serpents, Cains, Judasses, false Prophets, Pharisees, dumb Dogs, Sorcerers, Witches, Reprobates, Devils, &c.

3. In this Book of G. Fox (all along) he denies the Scripture to be the Word of God: and he said, that every man in the world hath that Spirit that give forth Scriptures, and that all Saints are [Page 185] acted by the same Spirit immediately that moved the Prophets and Apostles and holy Pen-men of the holy Scriptures, all tending to vilifie and nullifie the Holy Scriptures.

Besides, his Impiety in these Assertions (which half an eye of Mahumetans, Fox his subtil­ty and yet sim­plicity in gran­ting the Script. to be the words of God. & Jewes & Papists & Protestants will see) I note his Simplicity (for a Fox though he be crafty is but a Beast still) For out of his Piety he grants the holy Scriptures through all his Book to be the Words of God, though not the Word of God: and for this his Grant be quotes Exod. 20. God spake all these Words, and the four Books of the Revelations, which I nor my Opposites could tell in publick what to make of: But if they are the Words of God, and some of them fearfully written by the in­conceivable Finger of God once and twice, then every particular word of these words must needs be the Word or Will or mind of God every grain of gold is gold, and every drop in the Ocean is Water and Salt too, as I urged to them before concerning every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God) else the Words of God when brought to particular examination, they are not the word of God, but of Angels or Men or Devills.

How sweet are (not Words but) right Words: every man shall kiss his lips that gives a right Answer, how dirty then, how filthy and bloudy are those Lips that in so many places, debating with so many wise and learned and pious men, drop not Honey and Milk, but Wormwood and Gall the Venome and the Poyson of Asps to them that lick up such deceitfull and destroying Doc­trines.

4. In G. Fox his Book I observe that all along he notoriously nibbles ar Words and quarrels at Words, which he faith are not Scripture, as that wicked word [ Humane] relating to the Person of the Son of God and man.

Also the word Trinity and Sacrament. Oh how zealous is this Fox for the purity of Language? Why may not the word Humane be used as well as the word Sabboth and Sabbaoth, The word Hu­mane abominable above all words to the Quakers. and Bethlehem and Jerusalem which are Hebrew words, and as well as the words Baptisme and Jesus Christ which are Greek words, Scribes and Scriptures and Pretorium which are Latine words. That word Humane is odious &c. for Christ Jesus sake, and therefore the more I love and honour it, as expressing the appearance of God in Flesh, in that personal, Individual Flesh of Christ Jesus the [Page 186] Mediator petween God and Man, the Man Christ Jesus.

5. I observe the loose and wild Spirit of G. Fox in dealing with so many heavenly Champions. the Leaps and skips like a wild Satyre or Indian, catching and snapping at here and there a Sen­tence, like Children skipping ore hard places and Chapters, pick­ing and culling out what is common and easie with them to be paid of and answered.

6. Any sober Soul may read in most of their Books, The simple tau­tologies of the Quakers. and in G. Fox his Book such Tautologies and needless Repetitions that may even Turn his Stomach, and make him abhor to touch a Quakers Book more. How many hundred times have you, Christ is within you except you be Reprobates: Flesh of his Flesh and Bone of his Bone &c. and I presume neer a thousand times if not a full thousand times repeated [That lightens every man that comes into the World, that lightens every man that comes into the world] &c. G. Fox had many Bullets flying about his eares, and therefore at every turn (like a man fighting for his life) he is forced to hold out a Pretence a Buckler a Breast-plate, simply cal­led Light, and at every turn to cry Oh the Light, the Light that enlightens every man that comes into the World.

7. Through all his Book like some great Commanders or Generals by Land or Sea, The insulting & wild [...] of G. Fox. yea like the Emperors or Dictators among the Romanes, so doth this wild devouring Soul give forth his high and haughty Sentences: this proud Bladder is big with Simon Magm his thoughts of being Some Body.

I shall present one Instance,

Pag. 253. His Opposite Henry Haggar saith, Hen. Haggar. you call [ all men Dead and Carnall, in the Serpents nature in what form soever they differ from you] this proud Soul Answers, [ All that be not in the Light that enlightens every man that comes into the World, which is the way to the Father, differeth from us, such be dead, such be carnal in the nature: for none comes to the life but who comes to the Light, in what form soever they be, and such as differ from us differ from Christ, Bloudy and de­villish Price of the Foxians. for none comes from under the Satanical nature, but who comes to the Light] what Julian the Apostate, what Duke D 'Alva, what Wols [...] could have spoken more imperiously insultingly & bloudily then this wila Fox hath done against all the true Servants &c. Wit­nesses of the Most High that ever have been or shall be to the end of this world? they differ from Fox & therefore are Devils &c.

[Page 187] 8. I observe that G. Fox all along his Book powres forth a stood of Fire & Brimstone against all his Oppsites and tells us that it is not Railing &c. for (his chief Adversary)the holy Scrip­ture gives Instance of Christ Jesus himself giving such Language; and also it is no other then the Opposites to the Quakers give unto them: but Godly and Sober Souls will consider,

1. That Moses and the Prophets, and Christ Jesus and his Apostles do not universally absolutely and promiscuously fling out Fire brands, Fox his horrible railing. and shoot Arrowes and Death into the Sides and Souls of all that differ from them, as here G. Fox doth.

We may observe in the holy Scripture, that generally they were high handed, hypocritical and hardned Sinners against whome the holy Spirit thundred out such Titles, threatnings and Judg­ments: But Fox in this place makes no Distinction, but as boldly as Blind Bayard saith all that differ from us &c.

2. This is no rare business, but Fox, and his Foxians common Language and Barkings: Thou Cain, thou Serpent, thou Devil, (Devil, Devil, Devil, as one of their She-Apostles have said a­mongst us.

3. It is G. Fox his bruitish and ridiculous Song in the Close of his Answers (and sometimes in the beginning) without any Truth, Humanity or Modesty, to cry out saying [ And as for the rest of thy Lyes and Slanders, Fox his bruitish and rediculous Song. they are not worth the mentioning] when he hath pickt out a few Sentences or pieces of Sentences(easie for himself to carpe at &c.) his conclusion and Burthen of his brui­tish ridiculous Song is [ As for the rest of thy Lyes and Slanders] instead of holy Scripture, or solid Arguments with Answers to his Opposites Reasons and Replyes and Rejonders that an humble soul may see some footing to rest on.

4. As we say in the death of the Martyrs or Witnesses of Jesus, it is not the Suffering, but the Cause &c Spirit & Cariage is to be considered: So in bitter Language, What Railing is it is not lawfull to call every Prince or King, Fox. as Christ called Herod: nor every Oppo­site Viper & Serpent, Fool and Blind and whited painted Wall and Sepulchre &c. They seemed to speak Reason to Christ upon his Cross [ Thou that savest others, thou that destroyest the Temple &c. come down now save thy self] &c. and yet Gods Spirit calls this Re­viling and Railing at him.

9. All may see what a simple Craking Sound of vapouring and [Page 188] boasting runs through all this Foxes Book▪ Doubtless Sysera and his Mideanites, Instances out of G. F. his Book Goliah and his Philistines, Rabshekah and his Assi­rians were types of these Children of Pride, whose Vapours whose Prophesies (so me notoriously false, already proved) whose promi­sed Victoryes, Spoils, Threatnings lye like black foul Blots of ink or grease over all his Papers and the Papers of most of them, far from that Closet Content and Sincerity of the true Saints who are content with the eye of God alone in secret.

10. For a more full proof of the Lameness and Stark nakedness of their Writings, I shall select and mention some Particulars out of this Grand Alcoran of G. Fox 1. His Opposites Words. then his Answer. And, 3. My Replyes &c.

Page 1. He brings in Sam. Eaton saying, [ He doth not believe that there is Substantial, Essential Personal Union between the E­ternal Spirit and Believers.] Sam Eaton

G. Fox. Answers [ Though the Scripture saith the Spirit dwells in the Saints, 1. Cor. 6. And he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit, 1 Joh.1. As though the Saints had not Union with God which the Scripture say they have.]

I Reply: concerning the Essence or Being of the Immortal, In­visible, Infinite, Eternal, Omnipotent and Omniscient, and only Wise: we know no more then a Fly knows what a King is, and therefore 1 Time. 9. He dwells in the Light that no man can approach to: how fully doth the Holy Spirit in the Book of Joh, and espe­cially in that dreadful Word or Voice of God in a Whirlwind knock cut the brains of all these proud Fancies? let this proud Fox, or any of the stoutest Lions or Lionesses amongst them, look but a few minutes upon the glorious Sun in the Heavens, and then tell us how their eyes do: and yet thus like proud and pratling Children do they make a noise about their Bibs, and Aprons, and Muckingers: and how they are one with God his Being and Essence, &c.

Is it not enough for Sun, Gods being out of our reach Moon and Stars, and Men to be en­lightned by his Infinity, but they must be God himself, and Light it self, in the highest sence, because God is Light, &c.

What impudence would it be in a Wise, because she is one with her Husband in Relation, to say, She is the Husband himself, and not to keep her just distinction and distance? or in a Subject (be­cause the Subjects and the King are Relatives, and in a sence one) [Page 189] therefore to say, that they are the King himself?

Again, we know that the word Spirit is taken in Holy Scripture for a Spiritual Nature. Hence it is said that God is a Spirit, not that God is properly a Spirit, no more then he is Light (though my Opposites in our Dispute affirmed he was) but of such a Heavenly and Spiritual Nature: The nature of Spirits For the Devils also are Spirits, though defiled with sin and wickedness: thus Joh. 3. That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit, not that Spirits beget Spirits, and that a new Creature is a young holy Spirit or God himself, as I told one of the chief of the Quakers at Newport,

And that 1 Cor.6. shews us in what respect he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit: For know you not (saith Paul) that your Bodies are the Temples of the Holy Spirit: How God and Christ is in us. and Ephes.2. For an Habitation of God through the Spirit.

Thus God dwelt in his Temple of old, as a Man in his House, and a King in his Palace: not that a Mans House, or the Kings Palace is of his Substance or Essence no more then an house is of the Suns Essence, &c and no more was Gods Temple of old, nor his Temples his Saints now, after the blockish and blasphemous nonsence of the Quaker.

In page 2. Sam. Eaton He brings in Sam. Eaton saying [ The Scripture is to be judge of Doctrines and Manners.]

G. Fox Answer [ The Jews had not the infallible Judgement, that had Scripture but stood against Christ the Light, and judged him to be a Devil, The Scripture the Rule. that judgement was not infallible and that Doctrine and Manners of theirs was not right which goes against Christ the Light.]

I Reply, as the Sun in the Heavens is the Epitomy or Center of all Natural Light, though some eyes are sore, look a squint, or are stark blinde.

And as the Rule or Canon (though Fox simply bogles at that as not a Scripture word) is the same, for it is in the Greek, though millions know it not, and millions (as the Pharises) pervert and misapply it.

The Holy Scripture is granted by G. Fox to be Gods Words (though in a subtle fancie, not his Word) but if it be every word of them Gods, The Holy Scrip­ture a Lanthorn then is every Word as David saith a Light to our feet, and a Lanthorn to our Paths, though we despise it any wilfully refuse it (as some sometimes do Lanthorns) and wilfully stumble [Page 190] into the Ditch Eternal, and other poor Souls after us: Thus the Heavenly Sun-Dial is one and constant in its guidance and directi­on to us poor Travellers, though we neglect to look on it, or be ignorant of the figures and lines of it, and be willingly ig­norant, Try all things &c.

We are not only commanded to read and meditate in the Holy Scriptures, and to search them as the Bereans did, but we are commanded to try all things, to try the very Spirits. The Papists flap us in the mouth with the infallible Spirit of the Pope, and that he is not to be judged: the Quakers say the same of themselves, which is no more then as I said in the Dispute (when W, Edmund. interrupted me, crying out Blasphemy) for a Man to go for Coun­sel to an arrant Cheater and Jugler (then cheating most when he calls all others Cheaters.)

In Page 3. Sam Eaton He brings in the same Author saying [ That God did not intend immediate Teaching, nor to give out an immediate voice in after ages, which should direct and guid men in the way of Sal­vation.

He Answers, which is contrary to the Scripture, which saith, All the people of the Lord shall be taught of the Lord, and he that is of God heareth Gods word, and that is immediate and living, and doth endure for ever, there is no fallibility nor delusion in the Re­velation of God, but all fallibility and delusion is out of it.

I Reply, it is granted that God speaks mediately unto us by the Light of Nature within us; Gods mediate teachings, his word & voice [...] and specified. doth not nature teach you that it is a shame for a man to have long hair, &c.

2. By his works of creation.

3. His Providence without us in his mercies and judgements, so that every drop of Rain and crumb of Bread, and grain of Corn is Gods word and witness:

And 4. The pains of the Body, and Dreams in the night have much of Gods word and voice in them, Joh 33. God speaks one and twice but man hears it not and is not Gods speaking his Word?

And 5. All grant that the words of Scripture are the words of God.

And 6. The teachings of men, Ephes.4. are granted to be means, &c. both for the gathering of the Church, as Apostles, and for the Governing of the Flocks, as Pastors and Shep­herds, &c.

[Page 191] 7. The Water, the Bread, the Wine, &c. are appointed by Christ Jesus to be means while profession of Christ Jesus is made on earth to hold forth a remembrance of him until his second coming.

8. The private Prayers and Fastings and Meditations of the Saints day and night, are holy Meanes in and by which the E­ternal God speaks Peace, Instruction, Reproof and Comfort to to them that fear him.

9. Sometimes it pleaseth God by the Ministration of his Mi­nistring Spirits (the invisible Angels) to work by unknown and unseen wayes to us: thus in Pauls Light and Voice and Blindness, Pauls wonder­ful mediate and immediate con­version. and the Jailors Earthquake, but afterward in Ananias his sending to Paul(as Peter to Cornelius) and Paul to the Jailor, it pleased God to use his holy means and instruments of Men to men (Gods sweet and familiar way to men: the immediate Teachings of God by Dreams, by Vision, by Voices, by Motion, the Holy Scripture mentions many before and since the coming of the Lord Jesus, Immediate teach­ings the Question is not whether it may not please the most Holy and infinite Prerogative of the most High, so to teach where, and when, and whom he please.

But whether it be Christian obedience, or Diabolical laziness to fling off all means (as Fox all along teacheth) to sit still and listen to immediate Teachings (that is say I to the Devils whisper­ings) I believe the Papists and Quakers would give much to be rid of the Scriptures: I know also, that notwithstanding their pretence of Spirit, yet both of them are forced to use means, Pray­ing, Preaching, Congregating, and(in stead of the holy means by Gods Spirit) have appointed many Inventions and Supersti­tions from a Satanical Spirit.

G. Fox saith, there is no Fallacy in the Revelation of God?

Ans. True, but will he say these seven things:

1. That all the pretended Revelations are the Revelations of God. Revelations con­sidered in [...] particulars

2. That Revelations may not pretend Angelical Light, and yet be Diabolical Darkness.

3. That we may receive any Revelations and Teachings (as Children and Mad Folks do) without chewing, and rational weigh­ing, & consideration.

4. That God hath not appointed his old Scripture and Writing [Page 192] new since Christs coming as a Standard, Rule or Touch-stone to try all our own and others Inspirations by!

5. That Mahomets Inspirations are not one of the most prevail­ing Snares, Traps, and Engines, whereby he hath catcht whole Nations and Kingdomes, and the greatest part of this poor world at this day.

6. That when God reveals his word or will in writing (which G. Fox grants to be the words of God, and they are slighted) it is not common and most righteous with God to deliver up proud lazy Souls to strong Delusions to believe Lyes (as at this day it is most wonderfull)

7. Whether there be any way in this world to escape the snares of Sathans Whisperings but by humble attending to the search and Meditation of the heavenly Records, The great busi­ness of Revela­tions by humble cryes to the Father of Spirits for his holy Spirit and help in all the Meanes by himself appointed, in Love and Pitty to the Souls of men.

A 4th Instance of G, Fox his lame stuff is in Pag. 4 where he brings in the same Author Sam. Eaton saying, Sam Eaton [ The Gospel is the Letter &c.] He Answers, [ And the Apostle saith, it is the power of God &c. and the Letter kills, and many may have the Form but deny the Power, and so stand against the Gospel which is the Power of God.

I reply, we all know that the word Gospel from the old Saxon is as strange to us English, What is the Gospel as the word Evangelium or Enangelion (the Latine and Greek)are: but we all agree that it may be turned (according to its meaning) Glad Newes. This wise cunning man tels us the Glad Newes is not the Glad Newes. Why so? Be­cause it is the Power of God. who sees not here the simple subtelty of this Deceiver? The Gospel or Glad Newes preached is the power of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth &c. Rom. 1. Therefore this Glad Newes told, written, printed, preached, is not the Glad Newes: would he now perswade himself and us that Mo­ses and the Prophets that wrote of this Glad Newes, and those four heavenly Pen-men (or Pens) which by the finger of God, (his im­mediate Spirit) wrote the History of the Life and Death of the Lord Jesus, &c. wrote nothing of the Gospel or glad news, for the glad news is the power of God.

2. I know the trick of these old Cheaters and Juglers to hide [Page 193] themselves, and their cheating in the Bushes and Thickets of words of diverse Significations, or figurative Speeches, which all honest Rea­son teacheth carefully to distinguish. I know it is Fox his trick, and all their tricks in his and their Writing, The horrible Cheat of the Foxians. to make God and Christ and Spirit & Gospel & Covenant & Justification, (as before I proved) to be all that one cheating Fancy called Light in them and in every one that cometh into the World. These bewitched souls will not owne a figurative speech when it makes not for their Idols. 3. is it not that the Lord calls the preaching of the Glad Newes the Power of God, Why the Gospel is called the Power of God. because of the wonde full effect of it to him that believeth this Glad Newes, which few or none believe, as being a foolish thing to believe (as the Jews and thousands others [...] to believe in a beggars brat, laid in a Manger and a Gallowes-B [...]rd &c.4. Paul calls this Glad news, his Gospel or Glad news, How it is called Pauls Gospel. Rom 2. Will the Foxians therefore say that ei­ther Paul lyed, or else it is not Gods Gospel nor Christs, but Pauls although it is most true that as Paul had charge of it (as a Shepheard of another mans Flock, or a Mariner of an other mans Ship) it may be common Phrase of Speech (though not literal but figurative) be called Pauls (or any other Messengers of Christ) Glad news or Gospel. 5. There is a wild beast called a Fox, 1 subtle and pernicious creature: there was a famous heavenly Man, a famous writer of the Book of Martyrs, John Fox, Three Foxes and there is this poor deluded & delu­ding Soul G. Fox, to whome I am now replying, ought not these to be distinguished? Is there not such a mischievous subtle Beast called the Fox because G. Fox bears(and that most justly and by a finger of Gods providence bears it) the wild Beasts name: or was not such a Learned & heavenly & wonderfully deligent & zealous man as J. Fox, because G. Fox bears that name also? 6 But further, The Scripture to word in glad news from [...] If the Glad news may not be called the Glad news when tis Scripture (that is written)or preached, then not Glad news when spoken. 7. The Law de­nounceth Sentence of Death against a Traitor &c. this Sentence is written, & in a Sence may be called a Killing Letter: the King par­dons this Traitor, and this Sentence of Pardon is written: this gra­cious word of a King is not less his Word because it is Written then it was when first spoken by him; and this word or pleasure of the King written may be called Gospel or Glad news, the Glad news or Gospel of his Temporal Salvation: will any sober man say as G. Fox impi­ously and frantickly. that the writing of the Pardon and the Broad­Seal is a Dead letter & a Killing letter &c. because Paper Parchment &c. If G. Fox from hunting after Souls by Sea and Land, arrive at [Page 194] any Port in England and send a Letter Post to his Wise & Friends, containing his many Deliverances, many Experiences, his safe Arri­vall and his Purpose and Hope shortly to see them: shall now this Glad news(or Gospel)though but in a few raggs made ( Paper) be stiled a Dead letter yea a Killing letter though it contain nothing (as the Christians Gospel or Glad news doth not) but glad news or T [...]iaings. Counterfeits destroy not true [...] and own­ers for even. 8. Hence it is that we read so often of Preaching the Gospel, of Be­lieving the Gospel, and that as before Paul calls it his Glad news, or Gospel because it was his work to tell it.

Yea but saith this Deceiver throughout his Book A man may have the Letter and Form, without the Power and Life. &c. I Answer Who knows not that? and that a Form & picture is not the man himself? who knows not that Judas notwithstanding his pretended Love and Kissing of Christ Jesus that yet he had not the Life & pow­er of true Love and heavenly affection: but doth it follow that living and moving Bodyes have not Souls & Spirits within them, because that pictures have not? That none preach Christ Jesus truly because that G. Fox preacheth an immaginary and Allegorical Christ, in or­der to establish himself the only true Christ, and the Eternal Son of God as many bewitched Souls call him. 9. What is this but to cheat poor Birds with the Chaff & Falacy of dividing the Body from the Soul, the Letter from the Meaning, the Instrument or Tool from the Workman or Husbandman using it, the Gospel or glad news from Be­lieving of it. [...] word to all Foxians. Ah poor cheated Souls (called Quakers all of you) why do you willingly (out of pretended Enlightnings & Experiences) shut your eye of common Sense and Reason, not da [...]ing to call to call good news, good news, because some, or the most will not Believe it? was it not so with the women preaching or telling the good news or gospel, al­though few or none were found to believe that Christ was risen? 10. The truth is (search your cheating Familiars narrowly &) you will find that your selves and the Papists would make an Holy Day of that Day, in which all the Bibles in the world were burnt, that you may establish your infallible spirits & Traditions.

I know I wronge you not, I have too much proof of it, which you would se if the heart were not the arrantest Cheater in the World, and your selves not willing to be cheated. Tis true Antiochus at­tempted the burning of Moses and the Prophets out of the world: Gods wonderful preservation of his word or wil to poor mankind some of the bloudy Emperours followed on in Antiochus his bloudy Steps raging against the Scriptures also, the Romane Popes in theirs, and common reason may tell all men, and the Quakers themselves, [Page 195] that if the same power come into their hands as Antiochus & the Ro­mane Emperours had the holy Scriptures shall not if they can effect it trouble them or others one day in the world longer. But of this more in the next and last Position.

A 5th Instances is pag 10 where G. Fox brings in John Bunian saying. It is not Faith and works that justifie in the sight of God, John Bunian. but it is Faith and good works which justifie in the sight of men only. &c.

He answers, Abraham was not justified to men only by his Obedience, but to God, and where is Faith there is Justification, which works by Love: The great Posi­tion of Justifi­cation. and the Saints Faith & works were not only to justifie them in the sight of men? for the Work of God is to doe what he saith & his Will which who doth not are not justified in so doing, but to be beat­en with Stripes: who seek to be justified by their Faith and Works in the sight of men, are Dead Faith &c Works both.

I Reply, In this [...] business of justification & Pardon of Sin (which Luther called [...] of Seperation between us and the Papists) I humbly [...] lame this Fox is, and that he & his [...] Arminians Socinians against the true Protestants in this fundamental business. For what is Justificati­on but a Pardon written and sealed and declared from the King of Heaven to poor condemned Traitors. Justification what it is That this Pardon may be me­rited by any Price that we or all the World can offer, is denied by true Protestants, but affirmed (in effect) by the proud unbroken Souls of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and these Foxians called Qua­kers. It is true after a condemned Soul hath received a Pardon or Justification from his King freely without Desert (upon the Princes Mediation) he declares his loyal and thankfull Obedience &c. but is this his Pardon & Justification as our subtle Simpletons imagine?

Again that Abraham was pardoned (or justified, it is all one) for his Work sake as this blind Soul saith, how doth Rom 3, 4. and the Epistle to the Galathians cry out, and the experience of every true broken Heart cry out Lyar against such proud and Popish Blasphe­mies. Further, If all the Righteousness of the best of men, that is their good Thoughts, good Words, good Actions Aims: Prayers, Preach­ings, Sufferings, be but as Womens Menstruous & filthy Clouts, (as the Most High calls them) what Popish and frantick Madness is it in Fox to talk of Justification before God by works or by Obedience?

A 6th. Instance is Pag 16. where he brings in Henoch Howet say­ing. It is an Expression of a dark deluded Mind to say that God is no distinguished from the Saints. G. Fox Answ. But God and Christ is in [Page 196] the Saints, and walks in them, and he is is a Reprobate and out of the Apostles Doctrine. I reply to this Canting Gypsie, in Pag. 74. He denyes the Position of Ralph Farmer, The proud Qua­kers affirm no distinction be­tween God & themselves viz. That God the Creator is eternally distinct from all Creatures, and that Christ being God only is one Person, remains a distinct person from all Men and Angels. Also in the same Page, that God is distinct in his Being and Blessedness from all Creatures. I Answer, is it not Sufficient that poor Dust and Ashes, poor Chaff and Stubble may be admitted to a Parly with the Heavenly Majesty, and receive Smiles of his Countenance, in the Face of the only begotten Prince & Mediator? to be cloathed with the Virgins diverse Colours, and heavenly Affections, but with the Devil and our first Pa­rents, we must aspire to the throne of the Incomprehensible Majesty and Godhead also? Besides, Let mans Common Sence be Umpire, is there no Distinction between Infinite and Finite? between the Infi­nite Ocean of Majesty power, goodness, Wisdome &c., and the poor Dross of which Men & Angels are Partakers? The King dwells in White-Hall and in other of his Royal Palaces, is therefore no Distin­ction between the King and his Houses, though some may be braver then others: And yet Fox saith his Opposite is a Reprobate. I ask why? The only Reason Fox gives is, because he licks not up the fil­thy and hellish poyson of Foxes childish and hellish Blasphemy against the Eternal Godhead.

A 7 th. Instance is Pag. 22. where he brings in Joseph Kellet say­ing, [ They be all alienated from God, and Enemies until Faith] G. Fox Answers, Joseph Kellet [ So they have denied their School-Master, which is until faith which will keep them out of the Alienation which is the Law.

I Reply with Joseph Kellet, (and the rest of those excellent men whom Fox useth as Dishclouts that by nature our Alienation from God is so great, Our natural A­lienation from God that the finest and sweetest nature in the World is so alienated and opposite unto God, that it resolves like some Ships (against a Turk or other Enemy) we resolve to kill or be killd, yea and to sink by his side before we will yield to be taken by him: therefore doth the Holy Spirit so often speak of mans hating of God and Gods hating of him, yea of mans abhorring of God, and Gods abhorring of him, and Rom. 8. that not only mans wisdome is at enmity but en­mity it self against God. Hence it is, few Kings, few Councellours, few Nobles, few Schollars, few Merchants, &c. (who use to be the wisest of men) relish the Doctrine of the Manger and the Gallowes: Few excellent men saved for the more natural Wisdome the more aversation from the foolish­ness of the glad news to poor, lost, drown'd and damn'd Mankind.

[Page 197] 2. Again, I say as Solomon, the legs of the lame are not equal, &c. for how doth it follow that we deny the Law to be a School-master point­ing unto Christ, because we deny the Law can bring us to Christ, which is so indeed in the English, Gal. 3. but is not so in the Greek, yea, how could the Law of Ceremonies, pointing out the Lamb of God, or the Law of Do this and live, keep out of the Alienation, do they (more then the Law of Creation) leave any converting Im­pression from the Soul, until Gods hand open a door of Believing?

The Dyal points to the Sun, &c. but who receives benefit by it but [...]e that skills it, and looks upon it, &c. and yet the Dyal is not the Sun, &c. but points as all the Proyhecies, Ceremonies, Commandments, (before his coming unto that God Man, the Sun of Righteousness) Christ Jesus. As to the rest of his Answer, viz. [ Which will keep them out of the Alienation which is the Law] it is a piece of bruitish Nonsence (as are not a few more in his Book) and it may be taken (like the Answer of the Devil at Delphos) many wayes: Our alienation from God for it may be taken, that Faith will keep them out Alienation: or, the School­Master will keep them out of the Alienation: or whether the Alie­nation is the Law, or Faith is the Law, is doubtful, and if his meaning should be that thy Law either of Ceremonies, &c. should keep them from being Alienated from God; and so being actually to God, how not only will all the Holy Scriptures but all Mankinde, Jews and Gen­tiles call him a simple ane destroying Lyar?

An eighth Instance of Foxes poor, lame Answer is in Page 27. where he brings in Richard Baxter, Richard Baxter saying [ To say that any is per­fect and without sin is the Devil speaking in man;] G. Fox Answers, contrary to the language of the Apostles and Christ, who bid them be perfect, and the Apostle spake Wisdome among them that be per­fect: and said they were made free from sin, and it is the Devil speak­ing in man that speaks for sin while Men are upon the Earth, for the Devil holds him up that makes men not perfect which Truth makes men free again from the Devil, & speaks in Man, and says be perfect.

I Reply ( whether this willingly ignorant Soul knows or no) I know that the Devil knows that there is a Fallacie in this word Perfection, 1. Sometime in Scripture, The matters of perfection it signifies no more then Sincerity & Up­rightness, (and so is translated) sometimes Compleatness & Fulness in its kinde, though but in a small Vessel; sometimes Fortified, Strong & Armed; and sometimes the Fulness of the Godhead, to whose in­comprehensible Ocean not one Drop can be given, nor one Drop taken from him. In Mat. 5. Be ye Perfect, &c We are not exhorted [Page 198] to be equal with God in Holiness, for that is to be God our selves, and being set down in the Throne of the Godhead, to thrust the Eternal God out, for there can be but one in the Throne of the God­head: But we are commanded to labour to be like unto God who not only is kinde to his Friends but to his Enemies also: As when we are bid to be like the Sun to shine upon the Bad as well as the Good: will a sober Soul imagine that we are bid to be as Pure, as Glori­ous, as Vast, as Swift as the Sun is: but the Spirit tells us of a Gene­ration that are pure in their own eyes, and yet are not cleansed from their filthiness. Yea, but faith Fox, Paul spake Wisdome amongst them that were perfect, Phi. [...] about perfection Phil 3. I answer, what if the Translators had turn­ed that word among them that be strong intelligent, capacious as the word often, and there signifies, why doth Paul also speaking of such a strength or capacity as the Saints may [...] to in this life profess that he was yet (as it were but [...] up the Hill) this is the vote of all the highest Saints to [...] menting their Brethren, and Inabilities, and the Battle [...] and the new: Of which Battle G. Fox and his [...] Sathan having Possession all is in peace. It [...] all Gods Children are like high and [...] wit­tingly endure, The estate of Gods Children upon Earth not is the Holy [...] ugly Fiend as the Devil should touch them [...] thought. 3. They are like Fields & Gardens in which the H [...]andman and Gardiner allows not, nor endures no [...] a Weed but with grief and en­deavour of their extirpation. 4. And this is far from being Proc­tors and Advocates for sin (as G. Fox most simply and impudently urgeth) for the known truth is, that Fox and his Foxians fall most foolishly and fiercely upon such as profess most holiness, most since­rity, and most Mortification, most love to God, and his only begotten the Spirit of Holiness, & the Holy Scriptures or written Will of God.

A ninth Instance is in page 28. where G. Fox. tells how the same Author preacheth an external word [ Which the Scripture speaks not of, Richard Baxter but of the word that lives, abides and endures for ever, and of the Scriptures of Truth that cannot be broken: and of Gods words and Christs words, and that is not external: this is not agreeable to sound words that cannot be condemned: but that is like his Doctrine that knows not the Eternal: but the Ministers of Christ did not tell of an exter­nal word, but you being made by the will of man speaks to the People of an external word.]

I Reply, The word (whether external, internal, or eternal) is a [Page 199] similitude, for we know God hath no Mouth, nor Tongue, nor Words as we have: but as Kings, and Generals of Armies or Navies, or any Commanders in chief signifie their minds by Speech, by Writing, yea by sign (at a distance) this Word or will, which was before in the Kings breast, and internal is now outward or external. Hence Christ Jesus above all other wayes of Gods manifesting himself ex­ternally or outwardly is called the Word of God, and the Word which was God. Hence in common speech we call our Thoughts our selves [ So I think, &c. this is my Word, my Vote, or Mind.]

And as it is in the Field: If a General himself who first gave the external Word from his own internal Thoughts: The great conse­quence of a word if he forget the word in the night a common Sentinel will make him stand, or fire upon him: and shall men be so careful in these transitory businesses, and shall we suffer open Enemies to the true Lord Jesus presumptu­ously to pass without the external word or mind of God, and auda­ciously to deny such a word at all to be? When Christ Jesus Luke 4 spake out of the Prophet Isaiah: and when Paul disputed three Sab­bath dayes out of the Scriptures, and when Apollos mightily convin­ced the Jews from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ, did they not use external, audible Expoundings and Applyings of that written word or mind of God as the external and outward manifestation of his internal and eternal holy Pleasure.

A tenth Instance is in page 32. where G. Fox brings in Ellis Brad­shaw saying [ The Quakers Spirit doth teach them to honour no Man. Ellis Bradshaw] He Answers, [ That is a Lye: for it teacheth them to have all Men in esteem, and to honour all men in the Lord; yet they are convinced by the Law to be Transgressors if they respect Mens persons as you doe]

I Reply, I have spoken of their proud and lofty behaviour toward all men, the Highest, the Eldest, the Holyest, upon the 10 th. Position, of their Pride &c. and therefore briefly say, 1. That all men may see how truely they honour and esteem all men in the Lord, and what Lord and honour it is that they mean: when G. F. his first word to his Opposite is in that most provoking Term, The honour which the Qua­kers give to others viz. [ That is a Lye] in his very pleading and the very first words of it. It is true Christ Jesus and his Servants the Prophets and Apostles used sharp and bit­ter Reproofs, Similitudes &c. but thus suddenly at the first dash to give fire Thou Lyest, That is a Lye &c. It shews neither Religion nor Civility but a Barbarous Spirit, for they that know the Barbarians know how common that word is in all their mouths. Tis true of late divers of Fox his followers have followed him in courtesie [Page 200] looking toward you, taking you by the hand, bowing and half unco­vering the head more or less &c. But this is but a Revolt and Apo­stacy from their first Rigid Spirit and Cariage as Humphrey Norton rightly maintains against them. Yea. 2. it is against all Foxes and their first Writings, and this very place of James here urged, viz. they are convinced by the Law if they respect mens Persons.

Again, tis true in Christ Jesus there is neither Bond nor Free, Male nor Female, and consequently no Master no Man, no Father no Child no King no Subject, but all are one in Christ Jesus, and the second Birth: as all are of one kinde in the first Adam, and the first Birth.

1. Yet first how full is the Holy Scripture of Commands and Ex­amples of Gods Children, Civil respect giving respective Words and Titles, and Bowings, even to persons that knew not God? 2. Fox grants dif­ference of gifts, and saith that some (in comparison of others of them not so grown, &c. are Elders, & sure this is some respect of per­sons, according to that of the 1 Cor. 12. Are all Apostles, are all Prophets, are all Teachers, &c. Therefore how ever they Hypocriti­cally lye, and pretend to honour all men in the Lord: yet the most Holy and only Wise knows how proudly, and simply, and barba­rously they have run into uncivil and inhumane Behaviours towards all their Superiours, the eldest and highest, how that they have decla­red by principle and practice, that there are no Men to be respected in the World but themselves as being Gods and Christs. Tis true our English Bibles and Grammar (as Fox his great Learning often objects) makes thou to a single person, and Thou in Holy Scripture is used in a grave and respective way unto Superiours, unto Kings, and Parents, and God himself: But 1. (As I have said) the Hebrew and the Greek signifie no more Thou then You, and so may be truly turned. 2. Every Nation, every Shire, every Calling have their particular Properties or Idioms of Speech, Thou & Thee which are improper and ridiculous with others: Hence these simple Reformers are ex­treamly ridiculous in giving Thou and Thee to every body, which our Nation commonly gives to Familiars only: and they are extreamly and insufferably proud and contemptuous unto all their Superiours in using Thou to every body which our English Ideom or propriety of speech useth in way of familiarity or of Anger, Scorn and Conte [...] I have therefore publickly declared my self, incivilities [...]ght to be mo­derately punisht that a due and moderate restraint and punishing of these incivilities (though pretending Con­science) is as far from Persecution (properly so called) as that it is a Duty and Command of God unto all mankinde, first in Families, and thence into all mankinde Societies.

[Page 201] Having thus through Gods mercifull help gone through the 13 th Position in publick and this private supply of some few Instances of their Lame writings of out G. F. reserving the liberty (if God please) of presenting the Reader with a further Apendix or Addition of some few further Instances our of G. Fox his Writings. I hasten to the 14 Proposition, the last of the seven at Providence. They read it publickly, viz. the spirit of the Quakers tends mainly to the reducing of Persons from Civility to Barbarisme, The 14 Position debated. to an Arbitrary Goverment, and the Dictates and Decrees of that sudden Spirit that acts them. 3. To a sudden cut­ting off of People yea of Kings and Princes that oppose them. and 4. To as fierce and fiery Persecution in matters of Conscience as hath been, or can be practised by any Hunters or Persecutors in the World.

I told them I could adde more Branches to this Head, as unto the peace and civil Societyes of Mankind in the world: but I remem­bred my promise of Brevity, and W. E. was often remembring me saying, Is this thy Quarter of an hour? for I believe they stood here upon Coals and were not willing that I should insist upon it my full Quarter; W. E. &c. stan­ding upon coals. and they hasted me on to prove that their spirit tended to Barbarisme: they said (one and an other) that their spirit was an ho­ly Spirit, the Spirit of God, and the Grace of God had appeared to all men and had taught them to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously & godly in this present world.

I told them that in our Native Countrey, and in all civilized Coun­treys, the civility, Courteous Speech Courteous Salutation, and re­spective Behaviour was generally practised, Civility and Courtesie. opposite to the cariage of Barbarous & Unciviliz'd People. This I said was according to the com­mand of the holy Spirit in Paul Eph 4. and in Peter, 1. Pet 3. Be pi­tifull, be Courteous, &c. Such a Spirit was Christ Jesus of, even to his greatest Opposites, and to the greatest Sinners, insomuch that for his Courtesie & Gentleness & Sociableness with open Sinners, the dog­ged proud and sullen Pharises counted him a Drunkard and Glutton, a friend and Companion of Publicans and sinners. We English were our selves at first wild and savage Britains: Gods mercy had civili­zed us, and we were now come into a wild and savage Countrey, without Manners, without Courtesie, so that generally except you be­gin with a What Chear or some other Salutation, N. Eng. one work to civilize a Barbarous People. you had as good meet an Horse or a Cow, &c. And hath not the Quaker spirit been such a Spirit amongst us? have we not known persons formerly lo­ving, courteous &c. and as soon as this Spirit hath come upon them have not our eyes seen them pass by their Familiars, their Kindred, [Page 202] their Elders and Superiours, and though kindly spoken to, not give a Word or a Look toward them? The Quakers monstrous Inci­vility. as if they were not worthy of a word or a look from such High Saints &c. How like indeed have they been to the Popish Saints in a Procession, that See not, Hear not, Speak not, &c. ? or like these very Barbarians, and therefore I said, 2. G. Fox in his book affirms that the Conversation of these very Barbarians, in many things was better then his Opposites &c. I mused in my self (being much acquainted with the Natives) what G. Fox should mean, he not having been in N. England when he wrote that passage, but since I have heard that the Quakers have commended the spirit of the Indians; for they have seen them come into English Houses and for down by the fire, not speaking a word to any body: But this cariage of the Indians proceeds from a bruitish spirit, The Indians and Quakers of one Spirit. for generally they have boldly come in without Knocking or asking of leave, and sit down without any respect in word or gesture to the Governour or chief of the Family whosoever (just the Quakers general fashion and Spirit).

Further I told them, that in some respect the spirit and cariage of the Quakers was worse then that of the Indians, for if they were sa­luted by the English in the high-way or coming into an House, they are very ready to receive your Salutation kindly, and to return you an other: But commonly we know that it is not so with the Quakers bruitish spirit. 2. The Indians morning and evening, and upon all meetings, they give a respective and proper Salutation to their own Superiours, and sometimes in gesture as well as speech. 3. Although the Indians are bruits in their Nakedness both men and women, yet they never appear (no not in private houses) stark naked as the Qua­ker men and women doe: yea they so abhor such a bruitishness, (except it be in there mad Drunkenness, for then they will be stark na­ked) that as to their Female kind, they will carefully from their birth keep on some modest covering before them. W. E. rose up and fed they did abhor Uncleaness as well as our selves or any, their women were sober, holy and Modest, and would not endure (some of them) to have a Toe to be seen naked: The Quakers a gain maintain their womens Nakedness. but he said if the Lord God did stir up any of his Daughters to be a Sign of the nakedness of others he believed it to be a great Cross to a Modest womans Spirit, but the Lord must be obeyed. John Stubs immediately seconded him, and quoted again the Command to Isaiah, Chap. 20. to go naked & he added, whereas I said at Newport that it was in the time of Signs, Types, Figures &c. He would now prove that all Signs were not a­bolished by the coming of Christ, for Agabus Act. 20. took Pauls [Page 203] girdle and bound himself. I replyed that was indeed one of my Re­plyes at Newport, and I was yet far from binding the sweet Influences of the holy One by Dreams, Visions, immediate Impulses Revelations, Signs &c. but withall I said that before the coming of the Lord Jesus and at his coming was the time and season of such Appearances from God: Signs and Fi­gures discussed. now he hath fully declared his mind to us by the Personal and most wonderfull coming of his Son out of his Bosome: who had com­manded his Pen men to write his Birth, his Life, his Life his Doctrine his Miracles, his Death, Resurrection, Asscension and promise of Re­turn to us: he had also preserved these holy Writings & Records most wonderfully that ( Joh 20)we might believe in him, follow him and live with him. But 2. I said what did this concern the monstrous stripping their women naked, of which we never heard a title either at coming of the Lord Jesus, or in those proper seasons of such A dmini­strations before his Appearance. The Quakers spirit enraged. John Stubs said he had been a Qua­ker 19 years and yet had never seen a woman Naked, and some of the Quakers said to me aloud, when didst thou see any of our women Naked? and another of them said, We did not think that thou wouldest have been such a wicked man. These two (though of the Quakers spirit) yet of long time had been Loving and respective to me, but now they were enraged, so that I said unto my Antagonists, seeing some Heat is risen about these matters, I will if you please go on to the second Branch of this 14 th Position. The Quakers spirit tending to Arbetrary Go­verment. I told them the 2 d. Branch was,

That the Spirit of the Quakers tendeth to bring in an Arbetrary Go­verment. I said we all knew how it had cost the blood of thousands & ten Thousands this matter of Goverment & Lawes: that the Most High & only Wise choosing one People and Nation of Israel to be his own, he wrote them Laws (some with his own inconceivable finger written) and some by Moses his inspired Pen man, it pleased him not to leave their Wisest and Holyest Kings & Governours without written known Lawes, with Rewards and Penaltyes annexed. But I argued if that were true that all the Quakers were guided in all they said and did by the immediate Spirit of God (as I proved Fox maintained) then if they obtain higher or lower Governours of their Spirits, The Quakers have no need of Scripture much less of the writ­ten Laws of [...] Surely it shines [...] there is no need of Laws for them to rule & act by, for [...] Scripture, and seing the Immediate Inspirati­on of [...] them to erre in Judgment, for as they said [...] had no need of it, for they had the [...] within them, and all that they [...] of God, &c. So I said much more [Page 204] might it be said of Mens Laws & Writings; that surely they had no need of them: for what could be more just and equal, more pure & holy in all Cases Contoversies & Businesses, then the immediate Voice of God? W. E. said, What dost thou fill peoples ears with strange Notions, as if the People of God called Quakers were a lawless people and would bring all Government and all Laws to nothing? We are for righteous Goverment, and righteous Lawes, we are not for any to rule by Force, and more he spake to this purprse.

I Replyed, that he mistook me, by an Arbetrary Goverment I did not intend a Goverment ruling by Force (for there could be no Go­verment in the world without the Sword) but Arbitrary I said came from Arbitrium which signified Will or pleasure: The Quakers & none else is the World fit for Government as they judge and so my Argu­ment was, that Persons immediately speaking from God, it was im­pertinent and profane to clog and cumber them with Lawes, for the Voice of God (the Law of all Laws) proceeded out of then mouth, then which there could be none more Just, more Wise, more Holy.

Here stood up an Aged man (and as able as most in the company, T. A.) though much of late adhering to the Quakers and said, Me­thinks there is Weight in Mr. Williams his Argument. He being a noted man, and his voice very audible (and so heard by all) W. E. was forced to take notice of his speech, and said, wherein is there any weight in it? T. A. Answered, why if a Magistrate be immediately inspired by God, and speaks Gods Laws & Sentence, sure there seems to be no need of any other Laws. T. A. his Testi­mony They saw they were in a Pound, and I perceived it, and yet (not being willing to grate upon them but) watching my time (as I was glad all along) to pass handsomly from one Point unto another, I said unto them: if they pleased I would pass on to the Third Branch, The 3 d Branch viz. That the Quakers Spirit tending to the sudden cutting off of People, yea, Kings and Princes that oppose them. I here told them that I must crave their patience whiles I must profess my fears, least that Spirit by which they were guided, might run them upon their own and others temporal De­struction. I told them I thought they had no such thing in their Thoughts or Eye at present: but if power of the Sword come into their hand, it was easie to imagine that whom their Spirit (infallible) decreed to Death, Peasant or Prince, if it were possible, he must be executed, &c. W. Edm. said, Thou here makest a false and lying charge against the People of God, who are peaceable and quiet and yielding to Magistrates, &c. I Replied, I charge them with no matter of Fact: but I charge them and their Spirit with a tendency, &c. For why [Page 205] might they not say, that Abraham, with an impulse was killing Isaak Moses the Egyptian, Ehud killing Eglon the King of Moab, Samuel hewing Agag the King of Amelech in pieces, and Paul, Ananias and Saphira, &c and why not Sathan stir up his Instruments to pretend the like Spirit, as we know he hath done both in former & latter days?

My Antagonists joyntly bid me shew when any of the Quakers had done so: 1 Answ. They spake not to the point, &c. for I did not charge them to have done so, Immediate im­pulses but that their Spirit tended to it: I was saying that Faubord at Grindleton was killing his Son in imitation of Abraham, if his Sons crying out, and the breaking open of the House had not prevented: and that James Parnel moved by this Spirit to Fast forty dayes, &c. perished the eleventh day, &c. but perceiving more then ordinary heats, and that, W. Edm. charged me that I had a false heart of mine own, and would measure others by my bushel: I told them of the wonderful actings of Tho. Munster, and J Becold, and Fifer, & Knipperdoling, &c. in Germany, and of their Pretences, Murthers, Poligamies, and all by the Spirit, &c. I told them that our Royal Sovereign his Grandfather Henry 4th. The Kings Grandfather H. 4. of France murthered upon pretence of a vision of Angels of France (that famous and wonderful Man) he was stab [...]d to death by a Frier pretending a Vision of Angels on Christmas night, who commanded him from God to dispatch and kill the King, which he most desperately effected. W. Edm. interrupted me, and spake (to this effect) why should we suffer this man thus to wrong the innocent people of God? we will measure him with his own Bushel: For thy Book declares thy ap­proving of the killing of the Kings Father, and said where is the Book? At which word W. Harris (a Fire-brand of Town, and Co­lony & Country) rose up, and carried a Book (which they said was mine) to W. Edmonson: 1 perceived that W. Edm. & W. H. who was for any Religion, W. Edm. & W. Harris their malice towards me and a malicious mortal enemy to all good had been a plotting: and I said openly I knew what malicious bloody counsel had been between W. Har. and themselves: but they would finde themselves befooled, for there was nothing in the matter but ridicu­lous malice: for all of us knew that W. H. loved the Quakers (whom now he fawn'd upon) no more then he did the Baptists (whom he till now fawn'd on) but would love any, as a Dog for his Bone, for Land, which he had a long Suit for as was known to all the Country and their cost. Hereupon Capt. Green of Warwick (Magistrate) desired that such matters might be forborn, and others spake to the same purpose: and J. Stubs and others are said to speak to W. Edm. to forbear, so that the Book was laid aside and delivered again to that [Page 206] malicious bloody Soul W. Harris. I challenged them again and again to read and improve what possibly they could, which I knew was no more then some words applauding the Parliaments Justice and Mer­cy: which these Bloody Sophisters would (like Wolves & Foxes con­strue as my approving the Kings Death, which God knows I never approved to this day. Upon this Occasion I may now inform the Reader, W. Harris his character and practise how easily the malicious Spirit of W. Edm. & W. Har. met in one: formerly no man amongst us had spoken more scornfully of the Quakers then W. Harris, now he extremely, privately and pub­lickly fawns upon them, seeing them my Enemies, who had ever been his Friend, and never his Enemy but in his outragious practises a­gainst Town, & Colony & Country. He was a Pretender in Old En­gland, but in New my experience hath told me, that he can be one with the Quakers, yea Jesuits or Mahumetans for his own worldly ends and advantage. He is long known to have put Scorns & Jeers upon the eminent Inhabitants of Town and Country. He hath been notorious for quarrelling, and challenging, and fighting, even when he pretended with the Quakers against Carnal Weapons; so that there stands upon Record in the Town-book of Providence an Act of Dis­franchisement upon him, W. H. & the Q the higher pow­ers as they simp­ly affirm for fighting and shedding Blood in the street, and for maintaining and allowing it (for ought I know) to this day. Then he turns Generallist, and writes against all Magist-ates, Laws, Courts, Charters, Prisons, Rates, &c. pretending himself and his Saints to be the Higher Powers (as now the Quakers do) and in pub­lick writings he stir'd up the People (most seditiously and desperately threatning to begin with the Massachusets) and to cry out no Lords, no Masters, as is yet to be seen in his Writing: this cost my self and the Colony much trouble. Then (as the Wind favoured his ends) no man more cries up Magistrates: then not finding that pretence, nor the People called Baptists (in whom he confided) serving his ends. He flies to Connecticut Colony (then and still in great Contest with us) in hopes to attain his gaping about Land from them, if they prevail over us: to this end he in publick Speech and Writing applauds Con­necticut Charter, and damns ours, and his Royal Majesties favour also for granting us favour (as to our Consciences) which he largely en­deavours by writing to prove the K. Majesty by Laws could not do. My self (being in place) by Speech & Writing opposed [...] & Mr. B. Arnold then Governour, and Mr. Jo. Clark Deputy [...] Cranstone and all the Magistrates, he was Committed [...] writing against his Majesties Honour, Prerogative, & [...] [Page 207] lay some time in Prison until the General Assembly, where the Quaker (by his wicked, ungodly, and disloyal plots) prevailing he by their means gets loose, and leaves open a door for any man to challenge the Kings Majesty for being too Godly or Christian, in being too fa­vourable to the Souls of his Subjects against his Laws, &c.

I had thought to have declared thus much publickly, and how sea­sonably the Kings Declaration came over against him: also how that one General Assembly, W Edm. his ig­norant and im­pudent zeal and upbraidings and another, and another had been troubled with him, &c. and fined him, &c. but now my Lord Edmundson grew hot, and told me that I had charged the People of the Lord with ma­ny great and grievous Charges, which he said I could not prove, yea, he said he would speak it before the Lord, I had not proved one of them, and therefore he warned me, being an old Man, that I should not carry such a Burden on my back to my Grave, and (among other angry insultings) he said he heard I had been a Magistrate, and said I was a fi [...]man to be a Magistrate that would so wrongfully charge the Innocent. Jo. Stubs spake to the same effect, and how I had hindred them from going about the work of the Lord; he said also, that it was only the Light which they had spoke for, and that some had in­terrupted them, but he confeit that Roger Williams himself had not done it: I saw God in their Confession.

And for the last point and Branch of the 14 Position, viz. [ Their Persecuting Spirit) having spoken to it before and finding them un­willing to mention it, The point of persecution I urged it not, having (at Newport) shewed from Page 170 of G. Fox his Book. [ That the Magistrate (that is the Magistrate in their Light) ought to Subject the Nation to his Light, else he is not a faithful Magistrate.] In page 90 & 96. So many Quak. so many Popes [...] G. Fox. sets up his Saints (as formerly W. Harris his Antagonists) to be the higher Powers, as knowing who Worship God aright, and who not, and only able to judge of Powers, Magistrates, Kingdomes and Churches. Herein W. H. and the Quakers are one, &c. It is true that W. Edm. declared that the People of God were not to meddle with Carnal Weapons: The pretended meekness of the Quakers. as also that before time, many of the People of God called Quakers, had been Souldiers, Captains and Colonels, yet now coming to the Light, they had laid down their Carnal Weapons: but if Fox say true in his Book, either they Mope or Equivocate: for Fox speaks of the Magistrates for Christ in the aforesaid page 170. he discerns who be Idolaters, who not, which true Churches, which not, and are to praise the Well Doers, and terrifie the Evil Doers with the Car­nal and Material Sword, or else they talk nothing.

[Page 208] But 2. If this Confession & Profession of theirs were not; yet if Christ Jesus say true, viz. The Tongue tells to all the World what the Heart is: was there ever People pro­fessing the Name of Christ Jesus (except the Papists) so Reproaching the Pro­testants, The tongue of the Quakers is the Vipers what will their hand be and amongst the Protestants was there ever any so Reproaching & Revi­sing the Professing and Conscientious People as Quakers do: was there ever any known (professing the fear of God in so high a measure) so sharp and cutting in their Tongues even to eminently, knowing and Conscientious persons [ Then Lyar, thou Serpent, thou Cain, thou Judas thou Hipocrite, thou Devil] &c. Shall we rationally question whether their hands (like Simeons and Levyes) will not be as fierce and cruel, The Quakers common language if the most holy and only Wise permit Whips & Halters, Swords & Fagots to fall into their Hands? and what did Sam. Fisher, & Ed. Barrowe [...] write less to the Souldiers at Dunkirk, that if they received the light they should on to Rome.

3. Have we not known the deceitfulness of mens hear [...]s fly out into greater matters then Persecution? Hazael earnestly asked whether the Prophet thought him a Dog that he should doe such matters . The cheating of mans heart Pendleton vow'd his Collops should fry ere he would to Mass in Q Maryes dayes, and yet to Mass he went and persecuted others also that would not how to the Image as he had done.

Just here Capt Green of Warwick desired leave to speak to two things,

1. To immediate Revelations, such as Abraham and Moses and Ehud had.

2. As to the Soul being a part of God: Capt. Green his 2 points with my Antagonist I was weary and withdrew, but af­terward Capt. Green told me that none of them were willing to speak punctually to either of these two, but rather desired to wave them as a abstruse and high matters and Mysteryes.

Then Pardon Tillinghast (a leading man among the People called Baptists at Providence) he prest against them the continuation of Christs Ordinances untill he came. The Quakers said Christ was come again to his Disciples. He replyed, that after Christs Ascention he spake of another Coming, Pardon Tilling­hast his dis­course with my Opposite his second Coming, Heb. 9. W. E. fel to Prayer, (as with me he f [...]l to Preaching) Pardon Tillinghast (as him­self told me) declared to them, that he was free to discourse with them, but he was not free to joyn with them in Worship: so he departed, and after W. E. his Prayer, the whole Assembly.

And thus it pleased the God and Father of Lights and Mercyes to bring us to the end of this 4 th dayes Contest, The Conclusion was ordered by the Father of Mercies with much peace and quietness which had not been if I had insulted & unbraided as W. Edm. did. and the end of the whole matter, in much Peace and Quietness, and the Consideration of matters left to every mans Soul. and Conscience, and so doe I this Narrative, which God knows is the Sum and Substance of all our Transactions:

Unto his Eternal Majesty therefore I humbly offer Eternal Praise, by and in the Eternal Son of God the true Lord Jesus Christ: whome [...] fire joyfully to ex­pect to return from Heaven, as literally and personally as all true ( bristians unbraided as w hold ( Act. 1.) he is ascended.

[Page 1]

AN APENDIX OR Addition of Proofs unto my thirteenth Po­sition, Viz. That the Quakers Writings are Poor, Lame and Naked (not able to defend themselves, nor comfort the Souls of others with any solidity.)

I could produce most of their chief extant, More Proofs of the Quakers lame writings but I have been occasioned to deal with G. Fox, their Goliah, in some Scores of Passages of his Book in Folio, in the Narrative afore­said.

Unto which I judge fit to adde the Scores following, faithfully presenting his Opposites, Words (as he quotes them) his Answers and then my Reply: let him that Readeth understand.

I Have chosen our the short Assertions of G: Fox his Opposites as be quotes them, and his short Answer for brevity, sok, &c.

The first of this Addition I name, is in Pag. 6. of G. Fox his [...] Book, where he brings in Samuel Eaton say­ing [The [...] saying to the Saints, You know all things, it is [Page 2] an excessive speech] G. Fox Answer [contrary to John, 1. John 2. You know all things. and would make him a Lyar, the Minister of God: so he is in the false spirit gone out into the World, contrary to 1. Joh. 2. Who know all things]

I Reply, 1. I cannot learn that they litterally hold, that they know all things knowable as God (though G. Fox writes that they know all things as God) yet I cannot think them so gross as to imagine that they know all things, past, present and to come, (as the Devil pretends he doth, and offers to reveal so much to some Conjurers) but I judge they must come to some figurative meaning, as their opposite writeth.

For 2. What hinders (as before) but if the Quakers be Om­niscient, and know all things, but they should be also [...] and do all things, for so Paul writes, Phil. 4. I can do all things: I know they say, they are one with God and Christ, and they know all things, and can do all things; and yet this sense which litterally is so Proud and Blasphemous, must be made out by a meaning and by figure (which they cry out against in others.)

3. Therefore doth not the Spirit of God in Prov. 22. open this to us, About knowing all things. saying, Evil men understand not Judgement, but they that seek the Lord understand all things: that is, God answers their Prayers, and inables them to know and do, all that he calls them to, when the proud and scornful are rejected.

4. Therefore I believe it is that the most Holy and most [...] and wife Lord leaves these poor proud and scornful Souls to seek wisdome and not to find it, The Quakers proud of know­ledge yet know­ing nothing. to be ignorant, knowing nothing (as Gods Spirit speaketh,) and to discover their Ignorance in so many Fundamentals of Christianity, and in so many practices immodest, irrational, and more then savage, as I have proved against them.

2. In Pag. 11. G. Fox brings in John Bunyan, &c. saying [The Scripture plainly denies that Conscience can justifie though it may condemn. Pag. 11. Joh Bu­nyan. [He Answ. [which is contrary to Scripture, where the Apostle faith, Rom 2. their Consciences either accusing or ex­cusing.] And again, Conscience con­demning not Justifying. herein do I exercise my self [...] a Con­science void of offence toward God and toward Men, and the Light condemns, which you call Conscience, &c.

I Reply, The Quakers confest their light to be Con­science. Conscience (in greek Latine and English. &c. signi­fies a Knowing together: a Reflexion, or so king back of a mans mind or Spirit upon it self, in point of justification or Pardon of sin [Page 3] Conscience looks upon a cursed rotten Nature, then upon millions of sins of Omission and Commission, which how to satisfie an in­finite Justice for, and to attain a new heart and nature is the high business and out of the reach or thought of that poor Conscience, which every man Jew or Gentile Civilized, or Pagan comes into the World with. In the great Tryal of the three greatest sin­ners that ever were in this World, The great Tryal of the 3 greatest actual Sinners that ever were the Devil, and the first Man, and first Woman: two of them their Consciences condemned them, and they confest the Fact (though with extenuation and Excuses) could this their condemning Conscience (especially with mincing of sin as all mens natural Consciences do) I say, could this Conscience or Confession pardon their sin, reniew their hearts and be their Justification (or clearing) and Sal­vation?

Tis true Abimelechs Conscience justified him from the Fact of lying with Abrahams Wife, as well as Josephs Conscience justi­fied him from the [...] imputed guilt of lying with his Mistress, The excusing of Conscience or attempting of it: But was this the Pardon of Abimelechs sin, his Justification and Salvation after the Canting Language of this poor Fox, and all the Foxians that I have seen (and I have read all I could come at &c.)

Oh how little [...]o these poor Beasts seek what infinite Justice, infinite Punishment, infinite Payment is! what Conscience truely pacified is, upon true Pardon of Sin, and true peace of Consci­ence Sprinkled with the Blood of that only Lambe of God Christ Jesus.

Amongst the Indians I have known some falsely accused of stealing English Mens goods, of killing English Mens Cattle, yea, or Murther: and I have heard them say that Manit: that is God and their own Souls know they are Innocent. This Inro­cency who questions but that it is their plea and excuse, and dis­charge from that guilt falsly charged on them: If this be all that G. Fox faith! be beats the Air and hath [...] Enemy: No, [...] It is a Conscience Justification within, a Christ shedding his bl [...]od within (in a subtle fly opposition to the [...] without us from the K. of Heaven for the sake of his Son [...] business which these Traitors to the K. of H [...]arer [...]: Now they will be perfect and never more admit a sinful thought and this their present Honesty shall [...] the old shore of a [...] Na­ture, [Page 4] and millions of Treasons and Rebellions in Commission and Omission against the God of Heaven.

It was a pertinent Similitude used before Q Elizabeth. A King sent for his Lord Deputy of a Province to come home and give account, [...] sit Similitude used before Q. Elizebeth con­cerning pardon of in or Justifi­cation. which I had from one that heard it [...] near the Queen &c. The guilty Deouty goes to a great friend de­sires his Company, &c. he said, He was sent for also himself, and feard his own Issue: He goes to others desires their Com­pany, &c. They make excuse and promise to have him or the way, &c. Then goes the Deputy to an old friend, who promised to go with him, and what he could speak for him: only, if the K. asked, he must speak the Truth, and that will be (said he) your Destruction, and therefore adviz'd him to make the young Prince his Friend and Mediator for whose sake the King would deny no Favour, no pardon, no Honour &c.

The Application may be large and useful; but in short, A Soul Summond to Death and Judgement, Conscience the greatest Friend or Foe. looks to Relations, &c. they all Answer, they are in the same Cas [...], &c. It looks to Worldly Estate, &c: they tell us they will go with us as far as the Grave and provide a Coffin, and a Sheet, and a Burial, &c.

3. The old friend is Conscience, who will go with us, but can be a thousand witnesses against us, &c. It follows then clearly that the young Prince is the true Lord Jesus Christ, not vanished away into a Light in every dark dungeon in the World, but Con­science faith he is litterally ascended up into Heaven, and will as literally make his speedy Return again to Judgement.

The third Instance, Pag. 2. Jo. Ban­yan, &c. G. Fox pag. 12. brings in the same Au­thor, saying [the Light doth not shine in the Consciences of them that be lost.] The Answer, [But John faith, he Light shine in darkness but the darkness cannot comprehend i [...], and there is that of God in the Children of Disobedience and Reprobates, as in Rom. 1. and 2. Chapters.] I Reply, G. Fox is here in his Burrough, and takes not the word Light in the same Sense his Opposite doth, The various meanings of the word Light (the Common trick of Cheators): His Opposite takes it not for the heavenly Lights Sun, Moon, nor Earthly Light of fire, Can­dles, Precious Stones, nor the [...] Light of m [...]ns minds differing them from [...] Light of peace joy and Prosperity, cal'd in her [...] &c. Nor the Light and Evidence of witness [...] Reason [...] Nor the Light of the holy Scriptures, [...] [Page 5] Saviour to poor lost Sinners: But, for that awakening, saving Light convincing all mens Condition to be miserable and dam­nable: of Grace and mercy offered and applied to a Soul by the good News of a Saviour someway heard of, and the holy Spirit the finger or power of God.

G. Fox saith, this saving Light is in all mankind: only per­sons don't mind it, and so Christ Jesus is Crucified, and slain in them, and God, and Christ, and Spirit, and light, &c. are all ca­ptived, hindred from working, yea, altogether killd & slain in them because a Soul doth not mind them, and hearken to Christ in them.

Ah poor simple bruitish Imagination that ever it should enter into the thoughts of Men professing to be Christians, &c. Rom. 1. &2 [...] Nor favouring Christ in all mankind or of men professing to know more then the Wolves and Fox [...]s in the wilderness: I have spoke to this before, therefore a word only to G. Fox his proof, Rom. 1. and 2. Chapt. From these two Chap­ters he proves that there is that of God in the Children of Disobe­dience, and Reprobates, who denies it. For there is something of God, that is from the power and wisdome of God in the Fallen Spirits the Devils themselves. But I know by that of God, G. Fox means God himself ( prest down as a Cart with sheaves) the holy Seed Christ Jesus, (under the Clods,) the holy Spirit in prison, for the Soul is a part of the Essence or Being of God himself.

But that there is here a word or title of Colour to any of this dirt and filth flung in the face of the Majestie of Heaven?

This Scripture speaks of the work (or working) of the Law written in their hearts: but what is this to a second writing of the holy Scriptures, or writing inspired into the heart by the most ho­ly Spirit? yea, what is this to a third writing of their Names written in Heaven in the Lambs Book of Life? yea, Four writings considered what is this to a fourth writing, the writing of the new Covenant Consisting of Sin and a new heart, a heart of flesh, in which his Law is written as formerly in Tables of Stone, and yet we poor men of [...] Gilead must leave the Testimony (as Gilead imports) and suffer Nah [...]sh (the S [...]rpen) to [...] out our right eyes, and believe that every man hath the new Covenant Christ Jesus and the Kingdom of God, &c. (with the [...] in every mans heart and yet he never [...]?

4: [...] In the same pag. 12. he brings in the same Au­thor, saying, ( [...] [...] of the new Birth for men to [Page 6] follow the Light wherewith men coming into the world are in­lightned; G. Fox Answ. [which none comes to the new Birth but who come to the Light, which every man, &c. in which be­lieving is a Child of the Light, &c.

I Reply: G. Fox runs round again and again, like the wind­mil Sails: It is saith he, no Counterfeiting of a new Birth, why, because it is no Counterfeiting: Several Exposi­tions of the Light in Jhon. 1. [none comes to the new Birth but who comes to the Light, &c.]

As to the words in John 1. Hitchcock at Newport alleadged, that it was not in his Bible [ enlightneeth every man, but lighteth every man, &c.] John Stubs lookt in his greek Testament, and confest it was Photizes which is not inlightneth but Lighteth.

2. As to the Light, We know there are two Opinions how, Christ lighteth every man, &c. First, as God in the Creation. 2. As God man and Mediatour, and that the Greeks word E [...] ­chomenon doth not relate to the word [ anthropon] the man [...] every man that come th [...]into the world, but [ phoce] Light, and that it must be read in this Sense, viz. that Christ Jesus the true Light cometh into the world lighteth every man that is in the world freely that will receive him: Even as many (whomsoever) look up to him, (as John 3) the stung Israelites to the brazen Ser­pent: and that Christ Jesus is the Light of the world, The World all men and every man. John 8. and 12. to as many as receive him according to 1. John 12. and that the meer phrase imports no more then a Light held forth to all the world, as the Sun in the Heavens, and Christs Followers, Math. 5. are called by Christ Jesus the Light of the World. Thus the word all and every man (as I hinted before) is used not ab­solutely, but Comparatively, and is figuratively taken in many places, and four times in that one ver. 1 Col. 28. viz. warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdome that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus, which literally cannot be true.

Now G. Fox runs into his Burrough of the many significati­ons of the word Light, and the word all, and the word inlightneth, Christ as Media­tor enlightens none but the Elect. willingly ignorant that Christ Jesus as Mediator of the new Co­venant inlightens none but those whom his Father gives him: un­to whom he gives Repentance, to whom he opens the [...] of Faith, and gives them to believe and suffer, &c.

So that G. Fox Confounds the Elect and the World together and brings in a Counterfeit new Birth, a Counterfeit Christ, and at last a Counterfeit Salvation.

[Page 7] 5. Instacne: G. Fox pag. 20. brings in Henock Howet, Henoch Howet. saying, [It is a fancy to say the Covenant of God is to all men in the world, and the grace of God hath appeared to all men, &c. He Answ. [con­trary to the Apostle, who saith, the grace of God which brings Salva­tion hath appeared to all men: & contrary to the Prophet, who saith, I will give him for a Light unto the Gentiles, a Light to the people, Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, and a new Covenant to the house of Israel and Judah, and they that do not believe this are Con­demned:]

I Reply in the Considerations presented to the Conscientious:

1. All mankind being fallen from God: He graciously gave the Word or call to Abraham, Jews & Gentiles and made Promises both to his Natural and Spiritual Seed, hence came the distinction of Jews, (or the Children of Abraham) and the Gentiles [as we Eng­lish it.]

2. It pleased God to make two [...] or Bargains with mankind. 1. that of Justice and due debt, The two great Bargains of God with mankind. to any man that yield­ing obedience in all things, &c. Rewards according too, yea above [...]. This Bargain was made with our first Parents: and with all mankind to this day, yea, even with the most savage and bar­barous. The second is of [...] and pity, &c. The Labans of the world change Covenants and Bargains ten times, and still for the worse, &c. but the Father of mercies pitying Mans Misery and Inability offers New, and Infinitely easier and sweeter Bar­gain upon the [...] of only Mercy and free grace and pity.

3. It is one thing for God to offer this Covenant or Bargain, [wherever the sound of this Gospel or glad News comes] and another thing to embrace and receive it as all the Elect of God do, and another thing to work freely and give freely the Means and Power to fulfil this Covenant: as God doth by the Merits of his S [...]n, and his own powerful working of Repentance and belief in the hearts of all his Chosen. [...]

4. It is Common with the holy Spirit to speak Figuratively in the holy Scripture. Scripture lan­guage To call the Sign the thing signified, and the Instrument or Means, the work done. Thus the Lamb is the Pass­over, the Bread is Christs body, the Cup is his Blood: God and Christ is called the Hope of his people, and Christ Jesus the Media­tor of the Covenant, called the Covenant it self. The King [...] Rebels for his Sons sake his Son may in a Sense be said [Page 8] [though not literally] to be the pardon it self: A man drives a Bargain between two Chapmen that are absent and distant drives on a marriage between a Man and a Woman absent each from other, and may in a Figurative Sense be called the Bargain or Covenant, and yet not literally and properly as the poor Qua­kers would have their Christ to be.

5. The grace and mercy of God, God offers the Gospel divers wayes the Gospel or glad News is many wayes offered: some are invited gently to come to the heavenly Wedding and Supper: other Messengers (more vehe­ment) even force persons in, and the Kingdome of Heaven is taken by force; many seek to enter, many run; It is not in hi [...] that willeth, nor runneth but in God that sheweth mercy and the [...] he justly hardeneth that God may be All in All.

For as God walketh in the midst of his (most wonder [...] Creation, Two Feet and 2 Fingers of God with his two feet of Mercy and Justice; so he hath [...] two fingers: and with one he wrote the Covenant of Justice the Tables of Stone, and with the singers of his Mercy and [...] he freely writes his Mind and Will in the Tables of Flesh [...] Hearts of his Chosen: Many offers of [...] and Marriage [...] are made which never are embraced &c. but in the new-Cove­nant God gives a new heart to his Chosen, and gives not, [...] not the Covenant to any but his Chosen all the World over, [...] to the ends of the Earth.

6. For is it not a monstrous Dream of the Quakers, to say that God and Christ, Spirit and Covenant [...] all Mankinde, [...] that in a Gospel sence? tis true as I said, if G. Fox mean that the Knowledge of God in a fe [...]ce is offered to each mans Consci­ence in the World, though more expresly and gloriously where he sends his Messengers, Wisdomes Virgins, &c. G. Fox beats the Fire, I oppose him not, but to say the Covenant or Bargain & the Mediatour of the new Bargain, and the Applyer of it the Holy Spirit, is in every of Mankinde, and if they will turn to it, &c. and yet persons know no such thing, nor never heard of it, and none ever had it so as to be saved by it but these Foxians; in as wise as for a Man to have Fits of the Stone or Gout, The Quakers monstrous Mar­riages or a Wo­man have Pangs of Child bearing, and yet neither of them know any such matter, no nor how she had any such Marriage Cove­nant or Husband nor ever any Word or Thought of it.

7. The Bottome is this, G. Fox cares not for the [...] [Page 9] Gentiles, no more then the Fox cares for Lambs and Chickn [...] but to make a Prey of them, G. Fox and the Quakers preten­ces of Soul kind­ness are Soul cruelties he pretends Love to all Man-kinde and tells them they have Christ and the New-Covenant and the Spirit within them; yea, he tells them, he means not the Covenant of works, but the Covenant of Grace, he means that Christ that dyed at Jerusalem, but when it comes too, they mean no other Christ but a Spirit (as Humphrey Norton more plainly then Fox confesseth) and this Spirit will be found to be [...]n Evil Spirit by Gods most wonderful, wife and righteous hand (as one faith) upon them.

A 7 th. Instance. G. Fox brings in pag. 24. Joseph Kellet, Pag. 24. Joseph Kellet &c. saying, [ The Scriptures are the means of Faith,] He Answers, and have thrown out Christ the Authour of it, and God the Giver, and the Scripture is but a Declaration of the Saints Faith: and men had Faith before the Scripture was, as Instance Abra­ham and Enoch.

I Reply, G. Fox Answers three things;

First, That his Opposites throw out God, if they make the scripture the means of Faith.

Secondly, He slights the Scripture with a But, it is but a De­claration of the Saints Faith.

Thirdly, He slights the Novelty of it, saying, There was Faith before there was Scripture.

I reply, I have had many Occasions to speak of the Scriptures already, I shall therefore briefly say, it is wonderful what an asking Tooth against the Holy Writings of God: The old Ser­pent and all the Wolves and Foxes of this World have had, who hath more or less damned and cursed it, and longed to have it out of the World.

The Jews, the Turks, the Papists, the Common Protestants, the Quakers, &c make use of it for their ends; but none can rightly use it, but as a blessed Candle, La [...]thorn or Torch sent down from Heaven into this dark Dungeon of the World, to guid us out unto the Saving Knowledge of God, and Eternal Blessed­ness with him.

For how doth this follow, that if God hath appointed the Ho­ly Writings as means that God and Christ are thrown out; [...] glorious in [...] can there not be an Harmony between the first and all [...] Causes? Did Moses throw out God because took the Red in his hand, when he wrong tall these Wonders [...] Did Solomon [Page 10] throw out God because he used (as Moses about the Tabernacle so many means in rearing that Wondrous and Glorious Temple? Or did Samson throw out God when he made use of the Jaw­bone of an Asse, The Quakers simple and wild boldness with the eternal pow­er & Godhead &c. Or Christ Jesus throw out his Father, when he made use of Clay and Spittle? O what a throwing Spirit is this wild Fox, and his wild Foxians of; who toss and throw the Eternal, Immortal and Invisible God, and his only begotten Son in their wild Fancies, as if they were the Wool and Feathers of Lambs and Chickens which these Foxians have devoured.

Secondly, How is it that G. Fox here faith, That the Scripture is but a Declaration of the Saints Faith?

For, is it not a Writing or Record of Heaven:

1. Of the Being and Names of the Eternal Power and Godhead.

2. Of his Glorious and Incomprehensible Works, The wonderful Revelations of &c in the Script. Creating and Forming the Heavens and all that is in them; the Earth, and all that is therein, the Sea, and all that is therein out of nothing which Mystery the Quakers have only from the Scripture.

3. Of the special and more particular framing of Men and Women above all his visible Creatures:

4. Of the Fall of Mankinde from their glorious and first Ma­king and Creation, which some talk idly to be every day.

5. Of the gracious Promise of the Father of Mercies, of a Redeemer and Restorer of undone mankinde.

1. By his Threatening to the Devil, and promise to the Wo­man of a Saviour, to be born in time of a Woman.

2. By Erecting such a state of Israel (prevaders with God) with all their Typical Lands, Governours, Worships, Wars, Cap­tivities, Deliverances, &c.

3. Fulfilling of that Promise in the Wonderful Birth, Life Doctrine, Miracles, Death, Burial, Resurrection and Assention of the Son of God, the Man Christ Jesus, &c.

4. The state of the Believers in him after his Assention, cal­led the Primitive Church.

6. Of the great change since his coming, in the rising of his many Enemies, or Antichrists especially, of one with seven heads and ten Horns, and of another with two horns, &c.

7. Of the Protestant rising and witnessing against these De­vilish Heads and Horns of which the Revelations speak, and of [Page 11] the burning up of the Whore and of all Christs Enemies and An­tichrists.

8. Of the never ending Joyes of the Righteous after this life, and the everlasting Worm and Fire of the ungodly, which shall never dye nor be quenched until the Eternal Power and God­head (revealed in the Holy Scriptures) come to a Period and Dissolution.

It may be G. Fox. will say, we Quakers grant all this?

I Answer, I question whether you speak bona fide, and in Truth without I Justical or Foxian Equivocations.

For 1. What means this But [The Scripture is But a Decla­ration of Saints Faith] O blinde Guids that undertake (as in Lincolnshire, Wonderful Guids &c.) to guide men through the Washes upon Life and Death, where K. John of Englands Treasure and Sup­ply perished; to guid Souls through Hells Eternal Washes! what is your But, but the Jews, and Papists, and Quakers cry Crucifie him, Hang up Christ Jesus, burn up the Scriptures, and all Bibles, Old and New-Tements, &c?

2. What is this Saints Faith? You acknowledge none but the Faith of the wild Souls called Quakers or Foxians! we poor Jews, and Papists, and Protestants, though we own the Scriptures, some a part, and the rest all, yet we are all but Infidels, Devils, &c.

3. What is this Faith, Wonderful faith of the Quakers this Saints Faith, this Foxes and the Quakers Faith? is it any thing else but (as before I have said) but a meer Babel or Confusion of God and Faith, Christ and Faith, Spirit and Faith, Light and Faith, Justification and Faith, San­ctification and Faith, Salvation and Faith, &c. and this in every one of Mankinde in the World, if they will believe it, &c.

The third Branch of G. Fox his Answer is, [ Men had Faith before the Scriptures were.]

I Answer, Neither Abraham nor ever any Man had Faith be­fore it pleased the Eternal and Invisible Deity to disclose himself by Word, Gods several wayes of reve­ing himself or Sight, or Dream, or Motion, or Writing, as Heb. 1. at several times and wayes it pleased him to speak and last of all by the best and clearest of all, his only Begotten Christ Jesus.

2. When it hath pleased the incomprehensible Majesty to Command his Appearances by Words, [...], Dreams, &c. [Page 12] to be written to stand upon File and Record, (for all Generati­ons) shall we be such Fools and Franticks as to say it was his Word when God spake it to, The mad fancies of the Quakers as to the Holy Scriptures and in his Prophets: but now it is written, it is but pen, ink and paper, it is but a dead Letter, it is not Gods word, God hath but One Word, Christ. The Scrip­ture is his Words, &c. Oh the audacious blockishness of the foul Spirit in these wild Foxians: They dare not (though what dares not their hellish Spirit against the K. of Heaven yet) they dare not (they do not deny but predicate) that the Kings Letters from Breda are the Kings Word, The word of a King and the word of God that the Kings Speeches and De­clarations are his royal Word: shall a Bargain, a Covenant, a mar­riage, a Last Will, be our mind, our will, our Word, when it is spoken! But when it is written, fairly drawn, and engrossed, sub­scribed and sealed unto before many Witnesses attesting, then it is not our word, mind, or will, but words, &c. The bottom and Truth is: The Spirit by which the Quakers are acted would be glad that there were not such a person called the Word of God, no [...] such a writing declaring so sweetly, so plainly, so fully, and so heavenly of him:

8. Instance: Pag. 25. Josoph Kellet &c. In the 25. pag. G. Fox brings in the same Au­thor, saying, [that the Power which justles out the Form is an Error:] He Answ. which was the Apostles work to bring of the Form into the Power, the substance Christ which was not an Er­ror, but you bring in the Error, keep people in the Form out of the Power, and not in the Apostles work:]

I Reply: G. Fox is in his Burrough of the various Sense of the word Form: The word Form debated It hath respect to Nature, to Art, to Civil, Natural, and Divine matters: Shall now (like a Fool and a mad man) Cry down all Natural, Civil, and Divine Beings? Are not all the internal and external Forms, shapes, or Beings of the Crea­tures in Heaven, Earth, and Sea, of Angels, Sun, Moon, &c. Men, Birds, Beasts, Fishes,, admirably glorious and stupendious? G. Fox runs to the Picture, or Forms of these Forms, and faith childishly, that the Form or picture with u the Life is nothing: who knows not that, that as to Life it is as good as nothing.

1. But to come to worship, was there not a Form, or manner of Circumcision, the Passover, the Tabernacle the Temple, &c.

2. Did ever the Servants of God when they inveighed against the Customariness, the Carelessness, the pictures, and the meer [Page 13] Formality of the Worshippers (Jews or Christians) inveigh against the worship it self, Gods Ordinances and Institutions and the Appointments of God and of his Son Christ Jesus?

3. Did the Servants of God ever labour to bring and hale off Gods people from the worship it self, but only from the dead and meerly formal using of them, until the time appointed by God himself for their withdrawings, disappearing and abrogation. What a shameless falshood is it that any of Gods Messengers brought Gods people off from those heavenly Fabricks which God erected by their Ministry or Service all the World over?

4. May, not Gods Messengers now Cry out against the apish Imitations & Formalities of the Papists (so horribly and bloodily) abusing Prayer, preaching, Baptisme, the Lords Supper, Ex­communication, &c. but (like the Assyrians or Babilonians, Psal. 74. All these Christian Appointments must be broken and tumbled down with Axes and Hammers. &c.

5 This is Treason and Rebellion in any Atheists or whomso­ever, The Quakers gross Hypocrisie but more abominable Hipocritical in these Pharisaical Fox­ians, who Cry out against the apish Imitators, and yet themselves practice, preaching, praying, Congregations, or Churches, sing­ings, Conventings, and (implicite though real) Addings to Cast­ings out, &c. Full well (as the Lord Jesus speaks) ab [...]ogating the word and Appointments of God, that they may set up and esta­blish their own Traditions, &c.

6. Tis true, the Protestants have made separation from the Church of Rome, as whorish and Bloody: in order to the Return to the first Primitive purity, from which the whose of Rome hath departed.

7. G. Fox Cries out against all Scripture and Common Sense, against all Forms, that is, wayes and manners of Gods worship: Cries up a Christ within, Scripture within, Church within, Mini­sters within, Baptisine and Supper within, yet practice they most of these [so many as their Idol requires] and will serve his turn) as outwardly and visibly as any in the world

8. I know it is the observation of one of G. Fox his Opposites [a man of excellent knowledge, A passage of Mr. Boxters weighed piety & industry, M Baxter] viz. that the Churches of the Independants, & Baptists have been the source and Spring whence have flown the Generation of the Qua­kers. For my self I have observed the contrary in these parts, [Page 14] and that [although some rotten Professors, or weak Souls though true] have been bewitched by those Soul-witches yet generally [where they have any Liberty] the National Church fills up their numbers: Whence the Quakers Prose­lites do arise My Reason I gave them in publick, when W. Edm. Boasted of their Numbers, viz. their Religion is so easie, never coming near the Roots of rotten Nature, but so won­derfully agreeing with it, and changing one Devil for another, as I have before Instanced, so that I told them I adored the Infinite Power, wisdome and goodness of God, that they were not ten thou­sand fold more, and I say Millions more, then they are: For, I can demonstrate that if G: Fox (for all their hypocritical prating against Carnal Weapons) get a Sword (as Mahomet did) most of the Popish, and Protestant, and pagan World, will easily be brought to dance after him.

9. As to the point of Separation: I pray Mr. Baxter and other of G. Foxes learned and godly opposites who are yet [in their Judgement and Conscience perswaded to the National Worships] to hear me patiently four words.

1. I pray them to remember what the word Nazarite is in English. The word Nazareth and the word [Jesus of Nazareth] and in plain English.

2. Was there ever Child of God in this world but he was a Nazarate, separate from worldly persons, worldly practice and worldly worships, as he comes to see them, &c. and endureth not that the evil one should touch him?

3. Is not Gods name Iealous in this end of the World, nor the west-world, as well as since he [...] proclaimd it in the East.

4. Hath not his Jealousie raged against the Jewish whore mon­gers, Considerations touching sepa­rate Churches who defiled his first Bed, and will he work at the Christian Adulterers and Adulteresses either in Worship or Conversation?

5. With what good Conscience can I (a national Protestant) separate from my Father the Pope and my mother the Church of Rome, and my Brethren and Sisters the Papists, and yet it must not be Christian for other Souls to see further degrees of that Se­paration necessary, and I must bring up the foot of every mans Light, and Sight, and Conscience to my Laste.

6. This is the main ground of my Controversy with the proud Quakers, they flie up in their illuminations in themselves, and [Page 15] Condemnations against others, The Quakers Converts but they magnify (with the Pa­pists and Arminians) Cursed, rotten Nature: their Converts and Proselites have but a painted, formal Repentance, Faith, &c. Only if they can come to their Church, &c. and Thou and the [...], and disrespect all Superiours then are they high Saints, cannot Sin, &c.

7. This (as before I hinted) was the heavenly Principle of those many precious and gallant Worthies, N. E. glory the very [...] bough o [...] it the Leaders and Cor­ner Stones of these New-England Colonies, viz. they desired to worship God in purity according to those perswasions in their Consciences which they believed God had lighted up.

8. They desired such for their Fellow Worshippers as they (up­on a Christian account) could have evidence of to be true and re­al Worshippers of God in Spirit and Truth also.

But I forget that this is but an Appendix, and therefore I re­turn to another Instance of G. Fox his poor. and lime, and naked Answers, &c.

A 9th. Instance, Ellis Bradshaw. is pag. 32. where G. Fox brings in Ellis Bradshaw, saying, [ The Spirit of God doth not teach to Judge be­fore the time] and he adds that others of them say [ The Saints shall not Judge while they be upon the Earth.] To which he An­swers, [But the Spirit did teach the Apostle to judge, and his Time was come; And he tells some that they were of old ordained for Condemnation, and their Damnation slumbred not, and they went on to Eternal Judgement, and it is high Time not to judge.]

I Reply, Some of this his Answer, is some of his wonted Non­sence, or the Printers oversight, &c. But to the point the great Jugler hath taught G. Fox and his Foxians a trick to on face Death and Judgement. They now keep the great Sessions and call all the world to their Bar and Judgement. The two preten­ded last witnes­ses Reves and [...] Thus did the poor cheated Souls in London lately Reeves and Mugleton thunder out their eternal Sentence of Damnation upon the Souls and bodies of their Opposites, & that with such Seriousness, Confidence & Ma­jesty, that I have known sollid Christians put into a fright by them.

It is true there is a lawful judging no according to rashness or pride (as the Quakers is but according to righteous Judgement. The [...]

It is true, the spiritual man judgeth and discerneth all [...] that is, looks into the Causes and Natures of things, [...] persons: But what is this to the Natural Death of all [...] [Page 16] Heb. 9? I know the Foxians would turn this Scripture, and that golden Chain, Heb. 6. the first Christian Principles and the Eter­nal Judgement into Mysteries, and that they now Judge the Se­crets of Men, Rom. 2. by Pauls Gospel: (therefore by locking on a man they can discern the inward parts, and what each per­son is:) For the Lord is now come saith Enoch and Jude in ten thousands of his Saints, and now is the Day appointed in which God judgeth the World by that man Christ Jesus [which man they are] of which the word of God hath approved, in that they are raised from the Dead in Souls and Bodies to keep the Eternal Judgement: This Mystery many of their young Scholars and ma­ny that are truly searing God amongst them will not believe. But they spare not to owne their high Court of Justice [when they were put to it] by Speech and writing, and were it not for some obstacles (especially two) this were a fine Colour for their Courts, A dangerous Counterfeit Court. like a Company of drunken Sots that kept a Court in Hartford-Shire, and feigned themselves Judges, and Justices, and Officers, & had almost brought themselves all to the Gallows, &c. by hanging up one man until he began to look black, and some of them began to f [...]ar their own Necks, and to repent of their rash madness.

The first Obstacle against this their pretended high Court of Justice, Two great Bars to the Quakers high Court of eternal Judg [...]. is their own Confession, viz. that Christ Jesus was real a Man as any of us, and so continues, except they can give an ac­count of what is become of him, which at Newport they could not do.

The second is, their own Spirit and Practises, which I have proved to be so fa [...] from Jude and Enochs 10000 Saints, that their Pride and Scornfulness, their Rash, Revilings and Railings, their Rash Cursings and Judgings, their Superstitious and New Inventions, their Blasphemies and Hypocrisies, their Inhumani­ties and Impudencies, such that render them so far from bring the high Saints and Judges of the World, that they fall under the Judgement of all sober end modest persons.

The 10. Instance, P. 38. T. Collier is in pag. 38. where he brings in Tho. Col­lier saying, [ All that have been, are, or shall be Converted since the Gospel Ministration are Converted by the Apostles words] He Answers: So he hath thrown out the Spirit which doth regene­rate, and Christ the way to the Father, the Word that Sanctifi­eth, [Page 17] and Christ the power of God to Salvation: who said that they would not come to him that they might be converted, so if they get all the Apostles Words, and come not to Christ they are not Converted, and none are Converted by the Apostles Words, but who comes to the Life that the Words come from.

I reply, and ask G. Fox what colour of Truth or Modesty is in his Inference, viz. That if God please to appoint the Words his first Apostles used, to be still the means of Conversion to the end of the World, that then be hath thrown out himself, &c.

For 1. Is not this Gods Covenant with Christ and all Christi­ans, that his Word and Spirit should be in their Mouths to all Ge­nerations: wo be then to these wild frantick Inferences which disjoyn and separate what the most powerful, most Wise and ho­ly hath joyned together.

2. For, may there not be as before many Agents Imployed by one glorious Efficient: as in Moses building the Tabernacle, So­lomen the Temple: Kings in their Royal Navies and Armies, Fights and Battels; is Moses here thrown out, G. Fox his throwing God overboard and his own Reason and Sense also. Solomon thrown out, and Kings thrown out &c? when Abraham sent his Servants, or Kings their Embassadours to Espouse Brides to their Sons and Heirs, must Abraham and all wise Princes be thrown out, &c. Doth not rather this mad Soul throw out Moses and Solomon, and Abraham, and all Kings and great Efficients or first Causes, yea and his own Brains (in a mad, proud Frolick) all overboard to­gether?

3. For, doth not Paul tell the Corinthians, that they were Gods Husbandry, and Gods Buildings; Inferring that under God (not throwing him out) he was a prime Husbandman, yea, (as himself saith further) a Master Builder; yea, doth not Paul tell the same Corinthians, that they were the Messengers, were co work­ers Labourers together with God. The Harmony Between God and his Messen­gers. Hence Paul Preaching, the Lord opened the Heart of Lydia and Philip Preaching, the Lord opened the heart of the Eunuch, and Paul so speaking, Joh, 14. and Barrabas, that a great Multitude both of Jews and Greeks believed.

4. It is true that without God and Christ, Pauls Planting and Apo [...]s Watering is nothing, [...] who denies this? but therefore shall not Paul Plant and Apollo Water, though much in vain [...]woed [...] it was with the Lord Jesus, his own heavenly Preaching and ama­zing Miracles.

[Page 18] 5. Do these Foxians themselves throw out God and Christ when (as they say) they use the Apostles words, to gather Stones, and build up the Church of God; do they not say as much for their new fresh Foxian as ever was spoken of the Apostles, or any pretending to succeed them? I could give many Instances.

6. There have been many Conversions to the Christian Name in these parts of the World called Christendome.

These the Papists brag to have effected in all the four parts of the World, The Papists brag of their Conver­sions. both in the East and West-Indies, Asia and America, as also in Africa and especially in Europe, where their Man of sin chiefly resideth: these Conversions have been wrought sometimes in parts and by degrees, and sometimes of the whole Nations, and this sometimes by the Sword, sometimes by the Marriages of Princes, all which are easily effected; because (as in the Sheche­mites and Samaritains case) whole Peoples, Nations, Tongues and Multitudes will easily turn to the Beast with seven Heads and ten Horns; and that very formidable Beast also for Fear, and Gain, and Hope, &c. will easily suffer the Whore of Rome to ride him.

7. From these Peoples, Tongues, and Nations, &c. it hath pleased the most Holy and only Wise, The Protestant Conversions. to gather out a Peaple to Himself by his Heavenly Witnesses; the Waldenses in France, the Wickelevists in England, the Hussites in Bobemia, the Lu­therans in Germany, the Calvanists in France &c. out of the bloody Romish Whores Dominions (144000. Virgin Protestants thirsting after the Blood of Christ Jesus only for Salvation)

8. The Father of Spirits hath stirred up some Witnesses in all Protestant Nations, to preach against a Formal, National or Pa­rochial Conversion, to witness against the Formality and Propha­ness of the Common Protestants, (all one in Life and sometimes worse then the Papists,) and to bring thousands and ten thou­sands (even the one hundred, forty four thousand Virgins) to en­deavour after purity of heart and Life, The Jesuits and [...] the two great Corrivals purity of Doctrine, puri­ty of worship, purity of Churches, &c. These the Jesuits call Puritans, and Confess that they only among the Protestants, (as themselves among the Papists) are fit to be thought on as to pre­tence of the Christian Name and Religion.

9. At the coming of the Lord Jesus there were two great Com­petitours, [Page 19] for preaching, The two great Corrivals in Christs time. First, the Pharisees who by Land and Sea sent abroad their Emissaries to make Converts to the God of the Jews and their own Traditions, Secondly, The Apostles or Messengers of Christ Jesus sent abroad with the glad news of a new Bargain or Covenant of God with the Sons of men, viz. this second sort; It pleased the God of Heaven [not to be thrown out as this Fox frantickly barks] but to go out wonderfully miraculously, yea, also with the private labours and preachings of private Christians scattered by Persecution, as the holy Scrip­ture recordeth.

10. For the slighting of this inestimable Pearl of this glad News, or Gospel published by God to the World by writing, preaching, professing, Suffering, The Jesuits and the Quakers the two great Corri­vals abroad. &c. It hath pleased his Infinite Justice to plough the World with Popery, a Religion [a bastard Christianity,] suited [as the Quakers is] to rotten nature, and [...]it to carry the world after them as Mabomet and the Pope have done.

11. In this day the two greatest worders in the world [pre­tending to be Christs Messengers or Apostles to the Nations] are the Jesuits and the Quakers: Their Faces look divers, but they both carry Firebrands in their Tails to burn up the holy Scripture, all truly holy Christians, yet all the world before them. Gods Infinite wisdome hath suffered them to be like Absolom beautiful, and plausible, False Apostles fi­gured by Abso­lom. and fit to play Soul Thieves and steal away the hearts of thousands and ten thousands from the true David the Lord Jesus Christ.

Beside, they are so fortified with the Faces of Men and hair of Women like the Locusts, Rev. 9. such pretences, such Illumina­tions and Appearances, such Assurances and confidences, The holy Scrip­turer great [...] both to Je­suits and Qua­kers. such feelings of Experiences, that it is Gods Infinite Power and wis­dome, and goodness, to preserve the holy Scripture a standing Record of what the first Messengers and first Churches and [...] Doctrine and first Christians were: or else, the world would said down and adore the Images which the Lord hath suffered the De­vil in them to set up.

12. I know the Counsels of the Father of Lights are very deep, yea, the Revelation needs a Revelation, the Prophecies and [...]an­ticles, and Daniel need Heavenly Messengers, and the most holy Spirit or singer of God to untie such knots: Suit it is that Millions [Page 20] of Jews and Gentiles must yet enquire with tears of blood after the Blood of a Saviour: Great Conversi­on of Jews and Gentiles yet ex­pected. Sure they shall not awake out of their pits of Rottenness without some means & Messengers sent from Heaven to rouze and waken them: Sure there shall be no other words in their Mouths then what were in the mouths of the first Messengers according to the Prayer of the Lord Jesus on his Death bed to his Father, through whose Word all that have be­lieved the report ever since have believed, Job. 17. and with which blessed word the Spirit of God will be in the mouths of all true Christians, Isai. 59. 20. &c. Surely the true Messengers of Jesus will say no other word then what Moses and the Prophets fore­told and wrought, The true Apo­stles and Fox and his lying [...] Compared. Act. 26. therefore Fox and his Foxians that tells us they have all by the Spirit, and need no Record, are Thieves and Robbers, whom, Moses, and the Prophets, and Paul, and the Apostles abhor'd to think of.

A 11. Instance, is in Pag. 40. where G. Fox brings in I. Dea­con, 1. Deacon. saying [The enjoyment of Immortulity is not till they have put off the Body.]

He Answers, [Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine, who saith, Immortality was brought to light through the Gospel: this was when they were upon the Earth, and the Word of God was in them which was Immortal.]

1. I Reply First, G. Fox affirms an Immortality (that is a not dying of the Soul and Body) As for the Soul, all true Pro­testants affirm that the Soul once raised up to Spiritual Life never dyes, The Quakers dream about not dying or Immor­tality. no more then Christ Jesus, Rom. 6. as for the Body Papists and Protestants, and the Quakers and all the World grants, that all Flesh is as grass, &c. and the Sentence of Death, by sickness, Age or Casualty is impartially executed upon the Foxians as well as other Cattel: As to the Soul, who of sober Papists or Pro­testants questions the Immortality of it: and of the Body also, in joy or Sorrow to Eternity.

As for the Body the Quakers say when the Soul is gone into God, yea, the Soul of Judas as well as the Soul of Peter as some of them say, and all of them by Argument will be forced to say, the Body returns to Earth and Rottenness, never more to be rais­ed, and no more then Bodies of the Beasts, Birds and Fishes, (though we know who holds the Bodies of Beasts, Birds and Fi­shes shall live again as the Soul mortalists do) what is it then [Page 21] that G. Fox sputters out for Immortality, or a not dying in this Life? If he speak of the Soul who denies it? If of the Body he speaks a Beastly Contradiction to the doleful Sense of all man­kind, and their own also, who die and rot as well as them.

2. It is true, 1 Tim. 6. God only hath Immortality dwelling in the Light which no man can approach unto, The Doctrine of Immortality. what ever these Fox­ians bruitishly fancy of no distinction between God and them­selves their Light and his. It is true, yet also that Jesus Christ, 2 Tim. 1. hath brought Life and Immortality to Light through the Gospel. But what is this but the joyful Condition of the Souls & Bodies of the godly? their Souls and Bodies raised up with Jesus to a Spiritual holy Life in this World, their Souls going to Jesus, and their Bodies sleeping in Jesus, and the rising of their Bodies and uniting to their Spirits in a Life Eternal?

3. As to this Immortality of G. Fox: all that can be known of his mind is old H. Nichols and the Nicolaitans mad fictions and fancies of their becoming God and Christ. A Charitable hope of some Quakers. I hope charita­bly of many of them, that run in their Simplicity, Ignorance and weakness with a true Love to the true Lord Jesus as some did with Absolom who truly loved David but as for Absolom himself the Polititians, the subtle Plotters, and Abitophels who love not the true Lord Jesus in sincerity, I fear instead of their fancied Im­mortality before the Grave they will meet with a dreadful Mor­tality, or death of Soul and Body to Eternity.

A 12. Instance is, Joseph Miller, pag. 47. where be brings in Joseph Miller, saying, [The wise heathen Philosophers had a greater Measure of Light in them (which is the first Adam) then I can think any man hath now]

G. Fox Answ. which shews, that he knows nothing of Christ the second Adam, the quickning Spirit. He knows no New Creature, for who are in Christ are new Creatures, nor none of Christ the Covenant of God, of Light, of Life, of Peace, who was glorified with the Father before the World began, which is beyond the first Adam, and hath shut himself forth, not to be as high as his hea­then Philosophers. And many witness Christ in them in this Age, as in the dayes of the Apostles, which is above the heathen Philosophers]

I Reply, 1. I know it pleased God (in all Ages) to stir up the Spirits of some Men (as the Philosophers amongst the Greeks [Page 22] Socrates, The Ancient Philosophers Considered. Plato, Aristotle) to improve that excellent Light of Reason which he had given them as Men, and in so great a mea­sure above other men.

2. This wily Fox he runs to his hole and Confounds this Common Light of Reason, with Christ and God himself, who also are called Light by Similies from the Creature:.

3. The Question then follows: If this Light of Knowledge were Christ, as God, and King, and Mediatour: why is it that none of these excellent Men knew nothing of God, nor Christ, nor Spirit, The madness of George Fox his Fancy about them. (Name [...] Thing) but only of the first Creation: Can such a Court be kept, a Palace furnished, and such Royal and heavenly Guests be entertaind, and no Body know any thing of it, nor themselves neither; when Christ Jesus came into Jeru­salem (though but in a poor Contemptible way) all Jorusalem was moved at his coming: and shall this most glorious King (now infininitely more glorious) make his Ingress into the Souls of such wise and Excellent Men, and neither they, nor others hear of it until just now, (twenty years since) Some cheated Souls dream of it.

4. The utmost of Reason in these Excellent Men, it is known I say, that the Activity of the highest Reason in this World falls short in two grand particulars.

1. As to the Creatures: For some of them must needs fall short, The failing of the highest Rea­son in this world in many, especi­ally in two par­ticulars. when Plato granted a Creation, and a kind of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Creation of it, Aristotle pretends to see further then his Mr. Plato and all his Arguments and asserts the World to have no Beginning, nor Ending, &c. Some of them maintaind the Soul of man to be procreated by the Parents: others (as the Quakers) that it was part of the Divine Essence, others that it is created and infused by God, &c. Some that the Center of the World is the Terrestrial Globe, The drop know­ledge of some. and that the Sun and heavenly Bodies move about it, others, that the Center of the world is the Sun, and that this Terrestrial Globe moves about the Sun, and many other such, natural Mysteries.

2. However that Paul tells us Rom, 1. That by the Creation some come to know there is an Eternal Power and Godhead, yet 1 Cor. 1. he tells us that the World by wisdome knew not God, which must be expounded (or else swallow a Contradiction as the Quakers guise is) viz. that by the highth of their wisdome [Page 23] they could not see God so as to make him alone their Summum bonum and Blessedness, The greater depth of the Cre­ator himself, the Trinity, the Fall, Redemp­tion Incarnation, Resurrection, &c. so as to glorify him as God: So, as the holy Scriptures and the most holy Son of God from his Bosome hath revealed him, so that in the highth of Reasons Reasonings the Spirit of God concludes, that the natural man can not reach or perceive the things of God, (and yet this foolish Man makes every mans heart in the World the Court of Heaven) a thing which every Kingdom and all men may abhor to think of, but men are vain in all their Reasonings, and their foolish heart is darkned, yea, their wisdome is Enmity, bating God himself, as the Scripture concludes, &c.

It is true: Were read of Noahs Ark, of Moses his Tabernacle, Solomon his Temple, and we see many glorious Fabricks and Works of the Sons of men in this world, which argue excellent Gifts of God to them, The Excellent Gifts of Nature reach not hea­venly and Spiri­tual things Spi­ritually. both of wisdome, Prudence, Fortitude, Pa­tience, Temperance, &c. but do they all amount in the Total to more then Natural parts, good Education, and Industrious dili­gence can reach too? What are all these to the enlightning of my Soul, with my natural undone and damned Condition? to a sight of Sin as Sin? to a sight of my utter Inability to pay (or all the whole Creation for me) one farthing to Gods Justice, or to work my desire to have any thing to do with him? What are these to the changing of, and a total turning of my whole Soul un­to God? to an humble sight of my Infinite necessity of the alone Sufficiency and Excellency of the Lord Jesus the great and only Mediatour, and of my becoming one with him in Loves Eternal?

Beside, what a single Consequence doth this high Illuminated Doctor give to his Opposite, viz. that because I magnify the Gifts of God to many (yea, thousands of Excellent Men whom I, nor G. Fox are worthy to hold the Candle to) therefore I shut my self out from Christ and those wise men too: It may be his Opposite had some what more in his Assertion, but this is all this high wise man in his own eyes paints and Answers to:

Who knows not how full the World is of admirable Men and Women that are not Christians? And yet what a base esteem hath this proud Spirit of all men, yea, of all Christians too that dance not after his foolish p [...]pe, &c.

A 13th. Instance, I mention (though Instances are as Leprosie spread over his whole Book, is in pag. 48. where he brings in the [Page 24] same Joseph Miller saying, Joseph Miller [ The Prophets are more certain then any other Revelation.] He Answers, I was not the Son of God revealed, the end of the Prophets? Did not God reveal him which came in the Volume of the Book to do the will of God? And so the Prophets, and the Law, and Types, and shadows, which they that had the Law, and Types, and shadows, knew not the Son of God that was revealed, that was their End spoken of in the Pro­phets, and Epistles, who is now revealed.

I Reply, G. Fox (to pass by his un-English Nonsence obvi­ous to any that understand publick writings) I say G. Fox ei­ther ignorantly or willingly knows not that the Question is not here, The Prophets witness of Christ how stronger then the Apo­stles, their own Speeches: were whether Christ be the End of the Law and the Prophets, in a true sense: or whether Christ was not more revealed at his coming in the Flesh, then before in the Prophesies, &c. But, whe­ther the written word of the Prophets, of which Peter speaks and I have spoke before be not a more sure word of Command and Comfort to us then any now to be expected, yea, then that Revelation which we have upon that holy Testimony of Peter and John themselves?

As it is with an Anchor strong enough to ride a Ship in most weathers, yet some are as the Seamen spake second and third Bowers, Babaioteron lo­gon a more sure Word. and one the best and Sheet Anchor: and as it is in Wit­nesses some speak the Truth and Substance of the matter: and yet others speak more plainly and fully, &c. So speaks Gods Spirit in Peter of the Infinite Fulness of the Prophecies of Scripture, or the written foretellings and utterings concerning Jesus Christ.

Thus the God of Heaven most holy and only wise stoops to our weakness, The Word of Gods Considered. and calls his mind his word, his works his word, his Providences of mercy or Judgement, his Word, the Lord Je­sus his only begotten his word, his writings his Word; and this in a way of Condescention to our Capacity, seeing that all the World over Kings and Rulers, Fathers, Masters of Families, of Ships, &c. give the word, that is the manifestation of their mind and will, and this as the Spring in Clocks and watches turn a­bout all other wheels and motions. The Scripture or written Te­stimonie. Hence it is, that if ancient Records and Deeds with Hands and Seals be produced at the Bar of Trial, all mouths are stopt at such Evidences. Much more their feigned Spirit of Prophecy the Quakers prate of Thus the Word of God in the mouths of the Prophets written for after Generations, is (Comparatively) beyond the Report of Peter [Page 25] and John themselves is in all Religions: The Jews have their Tal­mud, the Turks their Alcheron, the Pope his Decretans, and the Protestants the Written Word, or Scriptures.

When therefore a P ardon is written and Sealed with the Broad Seal of a King or State, The Quakers Sandy Quick­sands what a fancy is it for a condemned Wretch to hearken first to a Pardon revealed within: to a voice within, to a King within, to a Writing within, a Seal within, and so slighting the true pardon in the Kings way to be conveyed from without to the Mind and Spirit within, to lose his Pardon and Deliverance as thousands of such poor cheated Souls must do.

A. 14 Instance, [...] Preaching of Women Ralph Hall G Fox brings in Pag. 49. his Opposite Ralph Hall saying [ It is against the Light of Nature for Women to Preach:] &c.

G. Fox Answers Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine and the mind of God and the Prophets, who said, God would pour out of his Spirit upon all Flesh, and his Sons and Daughters should Pro­phesit: So that he is a limiter of the Holy one, a quencher of the Spirit, and in the Darkness, and this is above the Light of Na­ture.

I Reply, First, What is the Light of Nature, but that Light in which every man comes into the World with (as the Foxians speak) a Light differing from that Light which Beasts, The light of Na­ture discussed wilde and tame, and Birds, and Fishes have: And a Second Light differing from what is Supernatural, as that Light revealed from Heaven in the Holy Scriptures, and infused into the Souls of Men by the Holy Spirit or Power of God.

2. What is the Light of Nature in Man, but that Order which the most Glorious Former of all things hath set (like Wheeles in Clocks or Watches) a going in all his Creatures?

Some have observed that in the Insensible Creatures to which the most High hath only given Beings, Male and Female that there may be obser­ved a Male and Female amongst them.

This is more observable in Vegetables or growing Creatures, as in Plants, Trees, Herbs, Flowers, &c.

More yet in Sensitives, as Birds, Beasts, Fishes.

Most of all in Rationals: Men and Women, whom the most High hath so wonderfully distinguished.

It is true, that in Religious and Christian Matters, there is no [Page 26] respect of persons with God, as of Man before the Woman: otherwise then to order Natural and Civil.

The Woman is Predestinated, is Called, is Justified, is Glori­fied, Men on dom [...]n compared and wears that Golden Chain as well as the Wisest and Strongest of Mark [...]nde.

And it is true, the Wisdome of God prefers some Women before thousands of Men, in their being born of Nobles, in ex­cellent parts (as is observable in the Lady Jane, and Queen Eliza­beth, &c.) in some special favour, The kindness of God to women as Christ Jesus first appearing to Many Magdalen and other Women, and sending them to car­ry the first Tydings or Gospel of his Resurrection to his Apostles: yea, in effusions or powrings forth of an extraordinary measure of his Spirit before Christs coming, as on Miriam, Deborah, Anna, Huldah, &c. and at his coming (according to Joels Pro­phesie) on his Daughters as well as his Sons (so that as my opp­sites alledged to me in publick: Philip the Evangelist had four Daughters thus extraordinarily endewed) yet this favour of God toward Women destroys not the order which the God of Order or Nature hath set in those Bounds, and Limits, and Distinctions between the Male and Female, the Man and Woman: though the Holy Scripture were silent, yet Reason and Experience tell us, Womens unfit­ness for manly employments that the Woman is the weaker Vessel, that she is more fitted to keep and order the House and Children, &c. that the Lord hath given a covering of longer Hair to Women as a sign or tea­cher of covering Modesty and Bashfulness, Silence and Retired­ness: and therefore not so fitted for Manly Actions and Employ­ments.

Therefore because of Joels Prophesie, or because we must not limit or quench the Spirit, as G. Fox saith, there is no ground in Gods ordinary course of Nature to permit Women to pretend to be Apostles or Messengers to the Nations, or Preachers and Tea­chers in the Publick Assemblies.

1. Because we finde no such Commission given by Christ Je­sus or any such Practise amongst the first Believers.

2. The Lord hath set (as Seamen speak) a preventer to such an unnatural boldness by express Prohibitions, And for being Preachers and apostles especially. with the Reasons and Grounds to the Corinthians and to Timothy: and to answer those Scriptures with a flam, viz. that Eve the Transgressor, and Women that be Tatlers are forbidden, and the Woman [...] [Page 27] &c. is all one to tell us, that Paul was not a Man, nor Timothy a Man, nor the Teachers Men, nor Corinth a City, but all signifie Metaphorical and Mystical Businesses.

3. Why may not Women much more be Lord Majors, and [...], and Sherriffs, and Justices, and Constables, Captains, Colonels, Generals and Commanders by Sea and Land.

4. That Reason the Spirit gives to the Corinthians, for the vailing of Women in publick Assemblies, makes much more for their vailing and silence in matters of Prophesying, Preaching and Praying, viz, Because of the Angels: I know not any fair and sober Exposition of this Scripture (except as the blind Quakers who swallow down a fly & Camel too) but that of the Heavenly Angels and Spirits attending on and guarding the Assemblies of true Christians, and rejoycing in the comliness, order and beauty of their publick Administrations.

Some few years since there came to my House two Maries, it is said they came from London: they bid me Repent and Hear­ken to the Light within me, A memorable & doleful story I prayd them to sit down, that we might quietly reason together, they would not; then standing, I askt them the ground of their such Travel and Employment, they alledged Joels Prophesie; I answered, that was fulfilled, that was to: every dayes work; besides their business was not Prophetical but Apostolical, &c. they regarded not my Answers nor Admoni­tions, but powred the Curses and Judgements of God against me, and hurried away; to Barbodo [...]s they went, and (being War time, the Ship bound for England) they were set upon by the Dutch, and though these Women animated the Seamen to fight, and Pro­phesied that not an hair of their head should perish, yet they two were both slain, as afterward came certain Tydings of the whole matter.

I own that it may please the Father of Spirits in cas [...]e extraor­dinary, What teaching the Lord requirs or Women he may please to alter his common course of Nature (as in Abrahams case with Isa [...]k) but we must not tempt God; but if God hath powred forth the gifts of Knowledge and Utterance upon some Women more then other, they have three [...] fields to wa [...]k in mentioned by the Holy Scripture, viz. of their instru­cting their Children, &c. 2. As occasion justly calls them from home [...] of instructing other women especially the younger. 3. Of confessing boldly the Name and Truth of Christ Jesus, [Page 28] when he suffers Tyrants to bring Persecution on them, &c.

A 15th. Instance, The. Higginson. is in pag. [...]6. where George Fox brings in Thomas Higinson, saying, [ The sight of the Godhead without▪ Faith in Christ is the Foundation of all false worships.]

He Answers, Can any see the Godhead? have a siht of the Godhead and not see Christ, and have Faith in Christ? And who▪ hath Faith in Christ, do they not see the Fulness of the Godhead dwels in him, Christ? And was not their mind turneth from that of God in them (which declared the Invisible things of him from the Cre­ation of his Eternal Power and Godhead) which the Apostle found fault withal Let all Examine and Judge, and read the Scrip­ture Rom. 1. and try.]

I Reply, In former years I have Conversed with all the Indians of this New-England by Land and seas, The knowledge of God by nature and I have read the 1. of the Romans often, and now once against at G. Fox. his motion, and I find that First, there is generally in all mankind in the World a Conviction of an Invisible, Omnipotent, and Eter­nal Power and Godhead.

2. That this Conviction doth arise from the Creation, (though some of the wisest of the World as Aristotle, &c. though Con­fessing a Godhead yet) hold the world an Eternal Deity it self, and never to have been created.

3. I find not that ever any man or men (by all their natural Light or wit, The convictions of nature which the 4 Quakers so foolishly talk of or Christ within,) could find out how the World or himself, Man or Woman were created: Though James Nei­lour told us in print, that if never a Letter of Scripture had been written, yet their Spirit could tell them all things.

4. I find all men confess, that the will or Word, or mind of God is pure, and as they could come to know, it is to be adored, kept, and observed: and that it was ever, and is wickedness to Sin against it.

5. All mankind having the Law or without it are perswaded that some actions are naught, and against Gods will, as to steal, to Murther, &c.

6. None (for all the Light and Spirit in every one) cou [...]d ever find out how [...] how Sorrow and Death came into the World: Nor how such inclinations and Dispositions to Sin came into themselves, &c.

7. I find in all mankind a Conviction that God is just and [Page 29] powerful, and doth bring plagues and punishments upon persons, and Nations for those gross Sins of Adultery, Murther, &c.

8. I could never learn (for all that Christ in every man Fox sings of) that ever any man living, The loss of all men as to God & heavenly things or all the Counsels of men could ever know or learn four things, but as revealed by God, by extraordinary wayes, of Dreams, Visions, &c. or the ordinary of his holy Records, and the Doctrine of them opened, preached, &c. 1. How to pac [...]fie Gods Justice? 2. How to resist the Devils Tyranny: 3. How to worship God? 4. How to get true Bles­sedness here, and in the World to come?

9. Hence (according to Foxes Opposite) all mankind have invented so many false Gods, Men naturally frame a God as the Devils do but cannot love him. false worships, &c. all the world over, yet out of no more Love to God then the Lamb bears to a Lyon: but out of Fear, as the old saying is, primot in Orbs Deot, &c. Fear made the first Gods. Hence the Philistins sends the God of Israel a present and offering with his Ark or Chest: Hence the Sama­ritans (with the Sechemites for fear of Lyons or hope of gain will be of any worship or Religion, as most this day in the world will be, yea, all and every Soul except to whom (in and from the holy Scriptures) the holy Spirit reveals that Incomprehensi­ble Mystery of a Mediatour.

A 16th. Instance of Foxes lame writings, is pag. 56. where he brings in the same Author saying, [ The Justification and Redemp­tion by obeying the Light within, is the Mystery of Iniquity]

He Answers, [ He that believeth is justified from all things, and come not into Condemnation: and he hath the wi [...]tnss in himself: and that lets him see the Redeemer, the Saviour, the Light which walking in it he is cleansed from all Sin, and so no Mystery of In­iquity For the Mystery of Iniquity is out of the Light. None sees Justification and Redemption, but with the Light within which comes from Christ who hath enlightned him.]

I Reply, This is subtle, but being examined it will be a myste­ry of behish Iniquity, and lighter then vanity it self.

For 1. He usually, [...] and here (as before I have opened) con­founds Justification and Light, and Christ, and Faith, and obedi­ence, (after his Babylonish wont) all in Juglers box within to­gether: So that the English of Faith is Christ, Obedience is Christ, Justification is Christ, Light is Christ, &c. It is true, sometimes it pleased Gods Spirit to speak figuratively, and to [Page 30] call Christ sometimes our Justification, and sometimes a Curse for us: Christs Name horribly propha­ned. Sometimes Sanctification, and sometimes Sin for us: But it is a mystery or subtle trick of Hell to call Faith Obedience, and Obedience to the Light Justification and Redemption, and yet mean Christ. So that Fox his words may be in plain English thus rendred, [ None sees Christ and Christ but with the Christ within, which comes from Christ who hath Christed him.]

The true Sense, (as Mony) Answers all things, but it is a Mystery of Iniquity to darken any, much more heavenly matters with Confounding and not distinguishing aright when matters are in Examination.

2. It is another Gospel (or glad News) yet not another, but is a dream and dead picture of an Image or Idol to put in our Obedience and working, though I know they Father this Ba­stard upon the most holy God himself, saying, it is his Obedience, his Righteousness, & his working, in the Room of the Death and blood shedding, and Sufferings and merits of the Lord Jesus.

3. It is a Mystery of Iniquity, (subtly and yet churlishly and selfishly with Laban) to change wages and the Covenant or Bargain so often: The Old and new Bargain to Love. to pretend (with the Papists) great abhorring of the Jewish worship and Jewish Covenant, the Bargain of, Do this and live, the Bargain of saving our selves, &c. and the Bar­gain of flying out of our selves and only to Gods mercy in the Mediation of Christ Jesus: And then again to render ourselves to be so holy, The great Delu­sion of Quakers as to pardon of Sin and Righte­ousness. so righteous, so obedient, so loving, so Chast, so meek, so patient, so Temperate, that in thought word or deed we Sin not, and this our Holiness is Christ, and God, and Spirit, and Justification, &c.

I know the writers of the Quakers make this high Obedience to be the Crown of some high Saints amongst them as the Papists do, and that others come not so high, are taken by the fleshly Spirit, and repent, and Confess, and be more watchful as they say, in a Contradiction of 1. Naylor, but this is Contradiction to their general grant, viz that every Saint, every one, even the least that is born again, he can not Sin: and I know also that they have a foolish Salve or plaister for this fore too, The Quaker, be­wildred as to Perfection. and Contra­dict their denying of meanings given to the Scripture, and come to the meanings of the Protestants saying, they cannot Sin wil­lingly, and so, and so; And yet again, (in a horrible Mystery of [Page 31] Iniquity) they exclaim against the protestants for saying, a Child of God can not fall from true grace Finally or Totally.

4. Here is a Mystery of hellish Iniquity, in that they Confess such a man Christ to have been, The Quaker de­vilish Chimistry. and his blood shedding the Types and real predictions and figures of him, a real Death, Resurrecti­on and Assention, and yet upon the point (by a Devilish Chy­mistry) evaporate all these, and leave nothing but a Christ with­in, as God and as Man, whose Name is now Light, and our Obe­dience to the motions of this Light within this is Justification, Righteousness, Salvation, God, Christ, Perfection, perject boli­ness, &c.

5. It is a Hellish Mystery of the Devil to Cozen poor Souls with a Notion of the Difficulty and height of their Profession, and of worshipping God in Spirit and Truth, which they say no Body in the World do but they, &c. and yet the Truth is as I told them in publick, there is an Image in the Bed, The feined hardness but the real easiness of the Quakers Spi­rit. but David was gone, yea, and that their Religion was one of the easiest Re­ligions in the world. For, as I have seen pluck but forth a small pin or peg in a Harpsycon, and that wonderful Instrument will delight you▪ Ear and mind with curious and various Tunes of Musick: The wonderful Harpsicox. So if once a poor Soul gives way an Inch, and sets in one thought of yielding to the voice of a Spirit within them, they are filled and ravished with curious Notions of Justification, Holi­ness, God and Christ, and Spirit within them, they can now Thou the King himself, they need no Scriptures, nor Teachers: and thus as in a dream their great Debts of Thousands and Millions are paid and discharged. The vain dreams of the Quakers and their fools Paradice. The Cage door flies open, and they are delivered as a Bird, &c from Sin, and Devil, and Hell, &c. yea, Rapt up into Paradice, and see, and hear, and speak unutter­able Joyes, &c. I Confess as I said in the Case of the two hundred following Absolom, I hope there is many a precious Soul sincere­ly aiming at God, and as precious Diamonds and Jewels fallen in the dirt, &c. As I hope in the Parishes of Protestants and Pa­pists also, who being only ignorant as the [...] were of main points of Christianity, yet aim [...] truly love him, and labour to [...] in the knowledge [...] of Christ Jesus.

A 17 th. Inst. is in ag. 63. where G. Fox brings in his Adver­sary Jeremiah lves saying, Jeremiah Jves [ There may be a Light to Convince of Sin, and yet not within man] He Answers, there is no people [Page 32] Convinced of Sin, but they are Convinced within themselves and with the Light within them: It is the Light which makes manifest to a man when he is Convinced: It Answers to some­thing, and reacheth to something in their particulars, though the words be spoken without them from the Light.

I Reply, First, it is a doleful Business to read and here how Satan (in his Chains of Darkness) yet hath Liberty to appear abroad as an Angel of Light from Heaven, The Devilin Samuels [...] thus vapouring and swaggering under the Cloak and Colours of Light, the Light which is Christ, the Light by which all things were made, the Light that was glorified with the Father before the World was, An Angel of Light but a Dra­gon and Devil of darkness. the Light that enlightens every man that comes into the World: the Light with­in you, &c. the Light which will guide you up to God, up to Christ, up to Salvation and Eternal Life, and yet all this vapourings and Crakings are but Cheatings from the God of this World, whose eyes being beat out by Gods most righteous Sentence, he labours to keep all in blindness, or to beat out the eyes of those whom God hath truly enlightned.

2. As I have said before, and I said truly, the word Light is a Similitude from Light and darkness though my Opposites in the dispute affirmed, that God was Light in a proper and not figura­tive Sense, and it signifies and intends Truth of all Sorts, whether Natural, Truth and Light the same thing. Moral or Heavenly: The natural Truth or Light is re­ceived within by a natural Light or understandings: The Civil and moral Light or Truth suits and agrees with those moral and Civil Convictions of the natural Light and understanding? Hi­ther to Natures Light will reach. But when we m [...]unt up to Di­vine and Supernatural Truth, here these very Foxians confess that the Natural Man perceiveth not the things of God: Only they say, that beside Natural Light, Natural Reason, &c there is the holy Seed God and Christ, &c within every Son, and to this Spi­rit and Seed in Prison they preach, and Fox in our discourses al­leadgeth and affirmeth God (in every man) to be a Cart [...]oaden with sheavs, prest under, and as it were in Prison, &c. blasphe­mous wretches if they keep not, but go beyond Similitudes and Comparative Expressions to make us poor worms creep up to Heaven.

3. All Light or Truth Natural, Civil, or Divine it comes from without, and is received by the Internal Faculty according [Page 33] to the Capacity, The way of Truth or Lights goings. Nature and measure of it. All Truth or fal­shood, Light or darkness is first espied by the watch or Sentinel, Fancy or Comprehension, &c. From thence it is conveyed to the Court of Guard, where Captain Reason or his Lieutenant, com­mon Sense and Experience taketh Examination, and Memory keeps a Record of proceedings which go on by degreen to Act­ions, &c.

4. When I say it comes from without, I intend not that Truth or Light comes any other way from without, as by force and ravishment, Where no Re­ceiver no [...] &c. I say any other way then there is a door & Room and Receptive Faculty within willing to receive, and to make it welcome: This G. Fox urgeth there must be a receiver, and something that Answers. I Answer, Natural Truth, or morals, Ci­vil matters are soon received by all Natural and Moral Under­standings, Natural Under­standing in M [...]n and Beasts. yea, in natural Commands and Threatnings, Beasts and Birds are admirably capacious and observant. But when we speak of supernatural Heavenly and Eternal matters, of Spi­ritual things to be discerned Spiritually: What a difference is there as between Heaven and Earth, and Infinitely greater?

When the Lord Jesus asked his Disciples how many loavs they had, their Natural Faculty or Reason could give an Answer: When he asked them whom do Men say that I the Son of man am? This was a Divine and Supernatural Question, An Instance of a meerly Ratio­nal and an heavenly Power and Faculty. and for the out­side and Truth of the Fact, the Devils could Answer as well as the Disciples, not only that same said he, was Elias, John Baptist &c. but that he was the Son of God: All this exceeds not Na­tural first Birth Powers or Faculties: But to give a believing and an affectionate Answer as Peter did, this requires a Fa­culty and Power which Flesh and Blood could not reach too, but the Spirit or secret working Power of God in the means wrought Peters heart and the Disciples hearts, and to this day all Belie­vers Hearts to receive and welcome all truly Divine and Heaven­ly Doctrines.

Whereas therefore G. Fox talks of something within which is preached to: I may Answer as they do, viz. that the natural man perceivs no spiritual matter, A close Companion between [...] but when he is born again then he acts and works, and it is most certain, that as an House receivs his Master, as Candle kisseth Candle, the Clasp the Hook, the [...] the [...], so do Natural or Spiritual Faculties receive Natural [Page 34] or Spiritual Faculties receive Natural or Supernatural Motions and Impressions.

The Protestants say, that before it pleaseth God by some word read, preached, &c. to set up a Candle of wisdome in the Souls, and to work a spiritual savour in the Soul, all heavenly matters are na [...]seous and odious, though as pleasant, profitable and ho­nourable, to self Ends they are welcome all the world over, yet as spiritual and heavenly abominable?

G. Fox saith there is a something, [...] a Seed, though but as a Grain of mustard Seed, a Seed of God, of Christ, of the Spirit, to which Christ the Word is preached, and which maketh Answer: Hence (horribly abusing Scripture phrazes) they so often say God is all (within and without:) Hence they maintain, &c. though men be dark and dead, yet Christ within is Light and a­live in them, and them only.

Hence appears G. Fox his lying Cheats of a Sufficient Light within to lead to God and to Salvation, a Teacher within all Sufficient, for then no need, yea, it is a simple Superfluity, &c. to hold a Candle of outword words to awaken and enlighten such a glorious all-Sufficient Sun within.

5. I ask where this something, this something of God, (yea, God and Christ and Spirit) If he Answer, in the understanding he grants it, About the Light [...] to dark­ness. that is dark, and perceives no heavenly matters, &c. If in the Heart and Affections he Confesseth, all there, is hard and dead: only he saith, the Light shineth in the darkness, &c. Im­plying that in the dark understanding there is some heavenly Light: in the hearts hardness there is some softness, and the Light shining in darkness, &c.

I Answer, Christ Jesus the Sun of Righteousness arose with sa­ving Rayes or wings of Salvation, but the blind Jews could not own him for the Expected Messiah, what is this G. Fox his something? a Light of Christ inlightning every man that comes into the World, though the man see it not.

2. What is this to all the Generations of the World about four thousand years before Christ came, and was in that visible person as John saith of him, that lightens every man that comes, &c. what is this to a mixture of Light and darkness in the same facul­ty, the eye blind and yet seeing, the man dead and yet alive? It is true, the Lambs wife confesseth that her Hear [...] was [...] [Page 35] while she s [...]pt. But what is this to the heart being dead and no Life at all and yet waking?

6. The Conclusion is, (as before I hinted) and they Confess, when God in his own Means ordinarily works the will to hear, to turn, Gods gracious workings with and in the Souls of men. to believe, to pray, he then graciously works the work for us, and being thus turned with Ephraim, we mourn and la­ment, and say, what have we done? when he turns our wilderness (wholly a wilderness) into a Garden, then we bring forth his sweet Fruits, Flowers, and Spices: when he turns the Wolf into a Lamb, then we are meek and Innocent, and patient: but to talk of preaching to the Spirits in Prison, yea, of the Seed of God and the Spirit of God in prison, when the Lord speaks of his warning and moving men by Noahs preaching in the old World, A Wonderful [...] Religion, as may be evidently evinced,) is like the prophane teaching of Parrots to prate of Grace and Heaven, like that admirable Parrot in France, who could say her Pater noster, her Creed, and Ten Command­ments, and yet knew as much of grace and the workings of God in the Soul, as her Popish Teachers, &c.

An 18 th. Instance of G. Fox, his lame and cheating Answers is in pag. 64. Jeremiah Ives where he brings in the same Author Jeremiah Ives saying, [ It is a known Error to say, that a man was in Hell and in Heaven:] He Answers, who in this shews his Ignorance of Scripture, for it gives Testimony of men that did witness that they had been in Hell, in the Nether most Hell, and witnessed again they were in Heaven, and fate in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, and such were in Heaven, as is spoken off in the Revelations.

I Reply, G. Fox and millions more talk of Heaven and Hell as the Notable Parrot (above said) our Fore-Fathers, & some from the Scripture, and some out of Reasons Light talks of places of by Eternal for the Righteous, Heaven and Hell to come. and of misery Eternal for the bad and wicked But the new Light from Christ Jesus and his pen­men is the clearest that ever shined in this world, especially, that [...] Parable or Word proceeding out of the mouth of Christ Jesus, Luke 16. that of Dives and Lazarus declaring (in substance) the state of the Life, to Come, and of the two great [...] of [...] poor afflicted Righteous, and the wicked living in pleasures, &c.

G Fox is in his [...] of the various signification of the word, Heaven and Hell: He knows that a state of Sorrow and [Page 36] Bitterness is called Hell. That a state of Death and the grave is set out by the word Hell in the same Hebrew [...]: Fox his Hell and Heaven. And to either of these he wickedly applies the thirst State, of which the Lord Jesus 1. so clearly speaks: viz. The State of the ungodly after this Life, in the Life and World to come.

2. Again, he know, the visible State of the true Profession of Christ Jesus is called Heaven.

3. Such as have Interest in Christ Jesus have sitten down with­him in those Heavenly Mansions and glories into which he is en­tred bodily and gone to prepare for their Reception and coming.

4. The third Heaven (the place of [...] Rapture and Visim) the place of Joy and Blessedness and Glory, when these Heavens and Earth are burnt up and consumed.

It is like G. Fox hath been occasioned to these thoughts by the Papists Fables about Heaven and Hell, The Papists Queries about Hell. and Purgatory, and their curious Questions as whether the Torment of Hell be as re­al and terrible as this Elementary and Kitching Fire: Whether the pain of Hell transcend not all pains of Childbirth, Stone, gout, Collick, Burning? &c Whether it be possible for a Creature to Continue in such Torments perpetually without Intermission? The Scripture, Hell and Hea­ven but Fables [...] G. Fox and other Popish Foxes. Whether there shall not be some end after some millions of years as well as of the pains of Purgatory: G. Fox knows how the Papists get a world of Mony by these Notions of Heaven and Hell which the Atheistical Foxes amongst them count but Fa­bles, (as the Pope speaks of Christ) [...]he Devils have a more re­al Faith or Belief of these things and tremble: They cried out to the Lord Jesus, why art thou come to torment us before the True? &c But G. Fox not believing (as they think) these Fables, he fancies that Hell is some apprehensions in the mind of wrath to come, and that is Hell and wrath it self, and having had flashes of Pride and Peace in their minds, these are the Joyes of Heaven, whereas the Lord Jesus tells us, that beside the hundred sold of Spiritual Joyes ( viz. a hundred Fathers, The Heaven and Hell to come. Mothers, &c.) there remains for his Followers in the World to come Eternal Life.

They are but short Flashes of Hell and Heaven which [...] of these poor Cheated Souls dream of: I know they allow time more or less before they come into the perfect and heavenly [...] of Necessity. [...] Death prevents some from coming to it, and makes the reign of rest whom Satan hath ticed into those [Page 37] [...] but short, as Experience hath declared: only they have [...] of their Souls [...] into God, and becoming more God, and yet this some of them grant to the Souls of all men, to [...] as well as Peter.

The true Protestant believes these three things, First, that there is a State Eternal [...] Joy to the Righteous bodies and Souls after this Life: The Protestants Faith as to the Life to come. and a State of Eternal Misery of Soul and Body to the ungodly: Although the exact knowledge of particulars exceed the present sight of our mortal eyes, the hearing of our Ears, and the Capacity of our Hearts, &c.

2. The first Fruits and a Tast both of the heavenly Joyes and the Torments of the damned are given by God in this Life, to the first, in that Solid Peace and Joy which they have in God: To the other in that Horror and Despair, and Enmity against God, &c.

3. Three Sorts of men especially will seek there is an Hell to come, above other Sinners. Three Sorts will find Hell above others. First, The Voluptuous and Luxu­rious, whose God is theii Belly, and their Sences, &c. Ars potenter.

2. The Devourers of the Poor and belpless, Potenter, &c.

3. The proud puft up with foolish Confidences, boldly Crying, Lord open to us, for we, &c. also the Contrary to these three I might in large on, and not Impertinently, but let him that readeth understand, is in pag. 64. where G. Fox brings in Jeremiah Ives saying, Jeremiah Ives. [ The Phariseel were far enough from having the Kingdom of Heaven within them] He Answers contrary to Christ words, who said it was within them.

I Reply. G. Fox his Tutor and Teacher within him knows, that the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven signifie but one, and not divers things: and yet also he knows that both of them signifie (in a Christian Sense) First, The Kingdom of God [...] the Kingdome or Government of God and Christ in the Soul. Secondly, The Go­vernment of God in [...] Providence in the World. 3. His Government in the Congregation or Churches of his Saints called out of the World. Fourthly, the glorious State to come after this Life: He know, that his [...] G. Fox is (fit instru­ment to destroy all those, and to erect (in their stead) a dull, proud, dogged [...]

The Lord Jesus [...] [Page 38] leavened with a worldly notion, The false and true Messiah. viz. that their Messiah should be a glorious temporal King, that he should make his Entrance, and Exalt his Throne with great Pompt, Solemnity, &c, The Lord Jesus tells them their mistake and saith, that his Kingdome was not such a Kingdome, The Kingdome of God within you. but that it was within them: Of which words I find three Expositions. First, that the Kingdome of Hea­ven is a Spiritual, inward and Soul Kingdome, concerning God and the Soul, Three Expositi­ons. and Spiritual matters, according to the saying of Christ Jesus, my, Kingdome is not of this World, &c.

2. From the word Entos within you, or amongst you, as cer­tainly it was then amongst the Jews, and in the midst of them in their Temple Streets and Houses, Hearts and mouths by the most wonderful speakings of the Lord Jesus, as never man spake amongst them, and the wonderful powerful and gracious works which ne­ver man wrought amongst them, nor in the whole World beside

3. The Kingdome of God, that is God and Christ, and the Spirit were literally in the Pharisees, and so Consequently in eve­ry hypocrite in the World, and every wicked and prophane Sin­ner, though they know it not, yea, in all Creatures.

But this is against a former, The Quakers Exposition. fair Exposition from the Greek word Entos, which can not be refused (since so agreeing with the Truth) except Reasons more prevalent, &c.

2. The Spirit of God asks, what agreement between Christ and Belial, Light and Darkness, Righteousness & unrighteousness? &c.

And whereas it is most Improperly and Impiously Objected, that the Light shines in darkness, The Light shi­ning in darkness. &c. I have said, that it can not be in the same Subject or part predominate, the mind, or will, or Affections: but the Light is at the window, and the Eye, and the knock at the door, (by all the wayes and means by which God visits poor men) but the Eye, the door is shut, &c. and the man within is not only asleep, but dead and rotten in Natures filthi­ness, and actual Transgressions and Abominations.

3. It is against all Colour of Reason to imagine that the Lord Jesus should tell the Jews, the Pharisees, and the rest of his bloody Enemies, who some weakly, some [...] opposed his King­dome, and coming to Rule by his Grace over them. viz. that his grace was King within them, what ever their Heart or Tongues said, or Hands hid, &c.

4. It is notoriously contrary to what G. Fox, and his so often [Page 39] Clamour that the Kingdome of God consists in, or its Nature is in Righteousness, and Peace and joy in the holy Spirit: as oppo­site to the Kingdome i [...] the Pha [...]sees, and all Hipocrites and pro­phane, &c. as Hell to Heaven.

5. The thing is so notoriously childish and ridiculous, &c. that a King should affirm he was an actual King in his Enemies Country, The [...] of God is [...] to all, but embra­ced by few [...] are freely chosen where the whole is up in Arms against him: Or for a Lamb to say, he was amongst the Wolves and held his Govern­ment in them: Or that a man pretending Love to a Woman in way [...] marriage should boldly affirm, The frantick fan­cy of Christs Kingdome in his Enemies hearts. (though she abhord to hear of the motion yet) that he was in her Heart and Affections, as an Husband, Lord, &c. It is true, the motions of War and Love are made and offerd from the King warring, and the man sang, but that their motions and Commands (that is Govern­ment and Kingdome) should be in them is nothing but impious and in pudent, and childish prating.

The 20 th Instance, Thomas weld, is in pag. 75. Where G. Fox brings in Thomas Weld, &c. saying, [ How clear the Scripture is, that Faith comes by hearing, Faith how wroughts. and not by m [...]nding the Light within] He Answers, Doth any man know Christ but by the Light with­in? And is not Christ the Word? And can any see without Christ the Word? Doth it not make manifest? Nay, doth it not give the Light of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ? read [...] Cor. 4. 1. from whence Faith comes, and so Faith comes by minding the Light within, Christ the Author of it, and brings to look at him, and hear him.

I Reply, A distracted old woman a picture of the Quakers. mine eyes have seen a poor distracted aged woman walking in State, boasting of her Majesty, Jewels, and Crown, with a Straw in her hand for her Scepter, &c. and thus doth this poor mad Soul walk even like Nebuchadnezzar upon his Fabel. All is Christ, and he is Christ, Christ is Faith and all, &c. & therefore

1. He slights this so known and unquestionable Record, Rom. 10. The admirable Chai [...] of Diamonds. Faith comes by hearing, and that heavenly Chain of Diamonds, Rom. 10. concerning true Salvation, true worshipping, true pray­ing, true believing, true preaching, true sending, which holy writing or Record Fox dares not seriously and impartially, and in the fear of the most High consider, as to the various means and wayes of Gods sending unto man.

2. For all G. Fox his Scepter of Straw, his mad fancy of a [Page 40] Light that works Faith, &c. I ask what Faith is, and if it be not First, True Faith what a believing the Gospel, or Glad News to be true. Secondly, a receiviving of it and believing in it in mine own particular.

As First, that a pardon is certainly come. Secondly, that my Name is [...] it, my deliverance and Salvation is wrapt up in it The great King of Heaven (like [...]) his Angea is evar: now he hath thoughts of marriage Loves and Joyes, and Secondly, I (though a poor Captive Jew, poor Esther) I am she his Eye hath fixt on, and Soul delight sin:

3 dly, I askt what preaching is, but the publishing or divulging, telling or declaring what the Word or mind, [...]eb. 1. Act. 26. or will of the King Eternal is, which he hath revealed or declared to the Patriarchs Moses and the rest of his Prophets, or Messengers from the begin­ning of the World: And what said the Apostles or Messen­gers of Christ Jesus declare, but what Moses and the Prophets did say should come to pass? The four sort of Hearers. Act. 26. which al [...] was Scrip­ture? Was not this P roclamation of Good News, or a pardon to be made over all the World, and the first proclaiming of it to be at Jerusalem, Luke 24. And was there not be four sorts of Hearers of this glad News.

4. That receive and believe with a false and overly, and loose, and sandy Belief: A fourth, only with a deep and rockie Belief, closing and uniting to God? Thus the men of Samaria told the woman that they did not believe because of her wood, (that must be taken Comparatively, for the Hearing from her this glad News, was ▪he first means of their believing) but because they had heard Christ themselves,

5. I know these poor Foxians do hear a kind of Motion within them, The Quakers how cheated by Sathan as Queen Mary was of her Conception. but it is but as poor women that go with false Conceptions with Tympanies of wind and water, or with the mola that will resemble the Motion of a true Child: but after all their thoughts and fancies by day and night after all their seeming feellings per­swasions, Experiences, and preparations, this false Conception, false Faith, false Christ, false Light shall vanish in shame and grief, as did Queen Maries after the Thanksgivings and Ringings for her deliverance.

6. For my self I dare these self Confidents to particularize any one Scripture where the Spirit of God directs any poor Soul to listen and [...] in to a Light and voice within him, Challenges to the Foxians. affirming that [Page 41] this is the Hearing by which Faith is wrought; I dare them to clear Candidly and solidly, this 10. to the Rom. wherein (as in the 8 th is the Golden Chain of Election, &c.) so in this 10 th Chap. the Golden Chain of the means of praying, preaching, &c.

3. I ask for some sollid Instances where Souls have been tru­ly Converted (the whole Soul unto God) by any such Notion, and not by some External means and outward hearing of this glad News and Gospel?

4. I ask if it be not a ridiculous Contradiction in them to fill the World with the sound of their new and only preachers He Apostles and she Apostles, &c.

5. I ask if this Light within (without and opposite to the hearing without which is the question) be the means of Faith, how is it possible, that so many serious Enquiring men in all Ages should not perceive a breath of this wind, Pauls famous Case no not in their own bosomes? and that famous Paul should be Conscientiously and fully perswaded that he ought to do many things against Christ Jesus, &c.

If it be said, Paul had not only the Light within him, but he had heard of the Doctrine of Christ and of his Followers: he heard Stephens Sermon, and yet he believed not: and therefore it is Grace doth all. I Answer, this is something, but reacheth not home, for, if all the men in the world have this Light (which is sufficient without hearing) why should not some, (especially the wife and Enquirours, &c) perceive it or something of it, as Paul did not, until he had heard something, (and because God had a purpose to make Extraordinary use of him,) an Extraordi­nary hand from Heaven humbling and preparing him to publish or preach unto the Nations.

The 21 Instance, is in pag. 80. where G. Fox brings in Tho. pollard, 80. Tho. Pollard. saying, [ To say the Officers of the Church are Invisible, It is plain of their Father the Devil] He Answers, The Holy Ghost made the Officers of the Church Overseers, and that made the Officers the Overseers to be Invisible, for they saw with an Invisible Eye, and so they was in the Spirit which is Invisible, and not in the Flesh: else they could not be Overseers in the Church of God, and you are the visible apostatiz'd from them.

I Reply, The Fox like and dog like Impu­dency of G. Fox &c. This is one of the most impudent Fooleries that either Fox, or (as the Proverb is) any Dog could be impudent in: For

[Page 42] 1. He acknowledgeth a publick Assembly of Christians; as well as of other pretending Worshippers, Turks, Jews, &c. Also he acknowledgeth the Ministers, Officers, and Overseers of their Assemblies.

2. His Reason is notoriously silly and impudent, viz. because the Church is in God, The visibility of Christs Church and her Officers. and the Overseers are made by the holy Spirit: For, are the secret works of God alwayes secret, and ne­ver revealed? The Child in the Wombe, the precious Stones, and Minerals when brought forth, are no more Invisible then the Sun in the Firmament.

3. The Christian profession and professours, however they were wrought and prepared, and by divers mean: by Gods Spirit: yet the Lord Jesus compares them to the most visible Conspicuous and glorious things and persons, To the Sun and Moon in the Heavens, and the Heavens and Stars also, to Mountains, and Ci­ties on those, Hills or Mountains: To Kings, To their houses and Palaces, yea, to Arm [...]es with Banners, &c.

4. Although the Lord Major of London, and the several Of­ficers of the City are not made and ordained in the publick Streets, nor Generals and other Officers appointed by his Majesty, &c. are they not therefore visible, because their making and appoint­ing was not Solemnized and performed in Cheapside, &c.

5. It is most true and most sweet, that the Church is in God, &c. and it is not also true, that in one Sense, we live in God and move in God, The Church in God. have our Being in God, and yet the whole Creation is gloriously visible in another Sence, the Saints, their Assemblies and Officers are in God visible to the world abundantly, though in an heavenly and spiritual Sence, transcending the Being of the first Creation.

6. G. Fox denies not, but that although the first Churches were in God, and the Officers of the Church, and some of them were appointed immediately, yet they were visible and audible by those with whom they Conversed:

7. Yea, G. Fox and his Foxians, for all their being in God, and some of their proud and silly Answerings in Courts, [...] must vi­sible and [...] [...]ater of Invisi­bilities. that they live in God, and dwell in God, yet they disowne not their own visible Congregatings and Assemblings, their visible Teachers, Overseers, or Bishops, their visible and audible performances and Worships, Praying, Preaching, singing, &c. and why then doth this [Page 43] poor notoriously visible Cheat our thus prate of Invisibilities especi­ally in times of peace and not in Elias Case?

The 22 Instance is in pag 84. where G. Fox brings in his op­posite Magnus Byne: saying, [ The Scriptures may be under­stood by the help of Tongues.] He Answers, Magnus Byne; [ All Scripture was given forth by Inspiration, and so without the same Inspiration, it is not understood again, Pilate had the Tongues, yet did not under­stand the Scripture, nor Christ the Substance of it: And this you save set up since the Apostacy, your Tongues, you Ra [...]eners from the Spirit.]

I Reply, First, I make use of G. Fox his Confession, viz. that all Scripture is inspired, God hath many words. &c. therefore say I, he Confesseth that every word, Syllable and Tittle in that Scripture or writing, is the Word, or immediately revealed will of God: against his and his Foxians common Song: hath God any more words but one?

2. As to the Scriptures, The understand­ing of the Scrip­ture threefold. the understanding of them is threefold. First, Literal: who understands not, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not Steal? &c.

The second is Metaphorical, as I am the Dore, I am the Bread, &c.

The third is saving and Spiritual, when it pleaseth God to set home the heavenly Commands Promises, &c. in particular, Soul Application.

3. I observe the End of G. Fox (and especially of the old Serpent and Fox that acts him.) The Devils End in Cavilling against the Scrip­ture Tongues yet J. Stubs vapourd that he under­stood as many Tongues as I, and may be more. It is to destroy the coming of Gods holy Records and writings to poor lost men to their Salva­tion, that he may foist and whisp in what his hellish malice pleas­eth to their Damnation: For if no knowledge of the Tongues in which the most wise and most holy Lord pend his Letters or writing to us, then no preaching of the Doctrine in them to the world without some new miraculous way, then no translating and reading of them, which is, that the Devil in all Ages and at this day aims at with all his might.

4. I therefore charge upon this proud Ignoramus, The horrible In­gratitude of the Foxians. and all his blind Disciples and Followers the horrible Crime of Unthankful­ness, and Ingratitude: for were it not for Tindal, burnt to ashes, and other heavenly, Spirits set on work from Heaven to dig out the knowledge of the Hebrew and the Greek, The Translation of the Scripture. and to turn it into French, Dutch, English, and now praised be God into the very [Page 44] Indian Language of this Country, how woul [...] these Seraphical Doctors know whether there were such a Creation of Heavens and Earth, or of man and his wife, which we not so ta [...]k of?

I put this question once to a Soul in this Country, The Quakers Spirit for all pretences a [...] Spirit. who told me although they had no English Scripture, Gods Spirit would teach them Greek and Hebrew: but I can declare to any that ask me the dreadful End of that party.

5. I Charge upon this Foxian party the horrible Crime of a [...] Laziness for not studying the Original Language them­selves: It is a shameful Trade and deceitful, when person, have many in their hands, to take up all on trust! I have known very Eminent Men and Women Independants and Baptists, give themselves up to serious study of the Hebrew Language: I ne­ver know any of the Foxian Spirits so inclind, but according to the Lazie fool under the Fig-Tree which I have seen in an hum­ble me almost threescore [...] year since, they he down and cry.

Sweet Figs drop down in yielding wise
For Lazie will not let me rise.

6. I Judge that G. Fox and his wild Spirit can not prove that Pilate had the Hebrew Greek and Latin, The three Lan­guages upon the cross of Christ. for though he [...] by an heavenly finger of God such a Title to be set up in the three then most known Languages Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, yet he himself might have no knowledge of any more then the Latin, which was his Mother Romane Tongue: As a Book seller, may deal in Books of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, Dutch, Ita­lian, Spanish, &c. and yet understand no more then his Mother English.

7. I know the Devil abounds with Tongues, and can speak all Languages, The Devils skill in Languages and [...] in Re­velations. and I know, and have seen his Inspirations, and three thousand verses in shew very heavenly, inspir'd by him, in an English woman of this Country, who had no such skill, ex­tempore. They were taken and written from her mouth, and I have read them: and do believe from many Reasons which I have to shew they were from Satan, yet I know also that Igno­rance is shameful, and that it pleased God miraculously to in­fuse the knowledge of Tongues to his first Apostles, or Messen­gers, to the Nations, and what he will further do in this kind, [Page 45] before this Worlds glass is out who can tell? only I am sure these Foxians talk (like little Children in their grave Consulta­tions) without the least knowledge at all (generally) of any thing, but their mother English, and yet as proudly and imperiously va­pouring and triumphing, Theora John &c. like Theora John proclaiming to the World his mad Quaking Revelations, Inspirations, writing of Languages, many which he Confest, he understood not, but Mysteries, Mysteries.

8. G. Fox is no wiser in affirming that Tongues came in place of the Spirit since the Apostacy. For before the Apostacy the Lord fur­nished his Servants with understanding of several Languages mira­culously: The Lord raiseth his Witnesses against Babel by his Spirit and blessing upon Tongues and Translations. with the Apostasie, those heavenly miraculous gifts ceased: In the Apostacy the Father of Spirits gave to his two witnesses pow­er, Authority & Ability to prophesy, preach, declare & witness to the Truths of Jesus against the Popish Inventions: with the rising of Luther, Calvin, &c. the Lord raised up the study of the Hebrew and Greek Tongues in many heavenly Witnesses, who brought to light the truth of the first Copies in Opposition to the Corrupt Latin Translation (bruitishly setled under a Curse by the Coun­sel at Trent): The Papists for­mer Ignorance & now their abuse of knowledge. This mighty work of the Lord in his Protestant Witnesses drove the Popish Foxes into their holes, and hath driven (for shame) the Jesuits to study the Hebrew and Greek, and by a new Stratagem partly made up of the pretence of their Spirit and partly of the pretence of Corruptions and Variations in the Co­pies) to assault the Camp of the Protestant Witnesses.

9. I despise not, yea, I praise God for, and honour the helps and helpers we have in English: yea, English helps a great mercy. I would not discourage the weakest English man or woman (in Christian humility) to sound forth the praises of God in writing, speaking and printing in En­glish what they have Experimented of the Son of God, No, though they should not write or print, or speak true English, as G Fox hath not done: But when they lift up their Horns on high (or their brui [...]ish Ears as Foxes do, instead of Horns) then I must tell G. Fox, A close Query. that although he prat [...]le amongst the English, and they be cheated with his dying Spirit: yet if he go to other Na­tions, (as they simply pretend to do to Turks and Pope) they must either be furnished with the Gift of Tongues miraculously, or they must fling of their lazie Devil, and study the Tongues of those Nations to whom they carry their ( pretended) glad News or Gospel.

[Page 46] The 23. Instance: G. Fox in pag. 86. brings in the same Author, So Magnus Byne saying, [ Notwithstanding thy passing through the first and second Resurrection (as thou saith) their remains a Torment [...] thee at the last day and Woe.]

He Answers, They are blessed that have part in the first Resur­rection: The second Death hath no power over them, but are made free from Wrath that is to come, and are passed from Death to Life, and are translated into the Kingdome of the Son of God, and are in union with the Son of God and the Father both; and so thou utterest forth Lies.

I Reply, G. Fox here Arrogates to himself and his Foxians.

1. A Passing through the first and second Resurrection. The first and se­cond Resurre­ction.

2. He triumpheth in their Blessedness pronounced to their first Resurrection, viz. of Communion with God and Freedome from Wrath to come:

1. The Truth is G. Fox is in his Burrough of Words of di­vers significations: He wrests and winds what is for his wicked ends, but you shall never take him in Distinguishing and Define­ing what the first and second Death is, and what is the first and se­cond Resurrection.

2. The Truth is, as soon as they hearken to this familiar Spi­rit, they are so Elevated, that they be in the heavenly glory, the Resurrection is past, and (with K. Agags dream) the Bitterness of Death and Wrath is past for ever with them.

3. But no such grapes will be gathered of these Thorns, The Great Ex­pectation of all the four great Religions. not Figs of these Thistles: For if we talk of escaping wrath to come, and of enjoying Blessedness: we must prove to others, as well as to ourselves, that the Expectation of the Jews, and Mahumetans expecting a Carnal Blessedness to come, is false: We must prove the Papists and Common Protestants (for all their Prayers and Alms, &c.) are under that Sentence, Depart from me ye workers of Iniquity.

4. The Lord Jesus being questioned about the great point of Salvation: he seems to Answer two things.

1. That the most will hang their Souls upon the Hedge, The great point of Salvation. and venture like the high ways and hedges.

2. Others will fear and look after Redemption, Deliverance, Salvation, &c. and of these two sorts.

First, Some that will endeavour and seek to enter I Judge both [Page 47] of Pagans and Mahumetans, Two great Sorts of minders of Eternal Life. and Jews, and Papists, and Prote­stants, and shall not be able.

The second is of such as sensible of the Narrowness of the way, straightness of the dore, and the Infinite necessity incumbing, and the Infinite Excellency inviting, fling away Preferments, Profits, and Pleasures, and choose to enjoy the Mediator, as lost and damned in our selves, and follow him from his Cradle and Manager [...]o his Cross and Gallows, and labouring to draw other poordrown­ing Souls out of the pit of Eternal Rottenness, & [...]owling with us.

5. The Spirit of God tells us of three sorts of perisht Souls.

First, Those without Law, Three great sorts of Me of which are Millions of Millions innumerable.

Secondly, Such as had the Law or Word, or will of God revealed to them in the Covenant of works, Obedience or Justice, of which sort were Millions of Millions also.

A third is of such to whom Infinite pity hath vouchsafed the joyful Tidings of the Son of God, his Mediation, Interposition, and Intercession.

Amongst these the Papists, Jesuits and Pu­ritans the two great Antag [...]. and the Protesters against the Papists are chief: of the Papists the Jesuits: of the Protestant (thereso called) Puritans run for it: of these the Quakers pretend the highest, but not otherwise then, O thou Capernaum, which art Exalted, & Exaltest thy self unto Heaven, thou shalt be brought down to Hell, &c. For Tyre and Sid on, Sodom, and Gomorrah, &c. the Poor Jews and Mahume­tans, yea, the Papists and common Protestants shall have an easier Cup to drink off then the Foxians, &c that are so high, & pure, and lofty, and yet abound with Luciferian filthiness.

The 24. Instance, is in pag. 8 [...]. where G. Fox brings in the same Author, pag. 8 [...]. Magnus Bine saying, [ The Saints are neither in the Fulness of the Godhead, no in Part: Away with this Blasphemy that saith this is] He Answers, The Quakers in the Fulness of the Godhead of their hellish mouths and pens [...]y be believed [ The work of the Ministry was to bring peo­ple to the knowledge of the San of God, to a perfect man, to the Uni­ty of the Faith, to the measure and stature of the Fulness of Christ and Christ will dwell in the Saints, and God will dwell in them:] And thou saith, They have no part of the Fulness of the Godhead, and John saith, of his Fulness have we all received, in whom dwells the Godhead bodily, and ye be all in the Blasphemy that be out of this part of the Fulness.

I Reply, it was doubtless an horrible Crime Which the Jews though maliciously and falsly Objected.

[Page 48] 1. Against the Lord Jesus, viz. that he being a [...] should make himself God. What shall we say to these bruitish and blasphemous Foxians, vile worms of the Earth, yesterday creeping out of their holes, slaves and Hellhounds, as we all! Nature are, so horribly to set their faces as David Speaks again the Heavens, vapouring themselves to be in the Godhead, yea, in the Fulness of the Godhead, and that also bodily, so that what was applicable and proper to the Body of the Son of God, is proper and applicable unto them, his Body in whom the Fulness of the Godhead dwels bodily.

2. See the horrible Egyptian Darkness the Lord hath justly poured upon these feigned Goshenites. They exclaim against us for using that Title God-man, The Quakers grutch Christ the Title of God-man and ask where we find such a phraze in Scripture: And yet they rest not in that Title [...] God with us: nor the Fulness of the Godhead bodily in Christ, but Sacrilegious Robbers (in Effect) arrogate the Title and thing to themselves to be God-men and God-women, the God­head dwelling in them bodily.

3. Whereas G. Fox here saith, the work of the Ministry was to bring men to a perfect man, Ephes. 4. The work of Christs Ministers. &c.

I Answer, He grossly abuseth that heavenly Ephes. 4. which concerneth the Fulness and perfection of all the Elect of God, the whole Body, the Church of the first-Born, applying it unto eve­ry particular deluded Convert of theirs, as being as perfect, [...] holy, as much God as Christ Jesus, God blessed for ever himself.

4. I may use the Exprobations of Moses against Korah, [...] and Abiram. Is it not enough for you, &c. but will you seek the Priesthood also, The horrible pride and Haugh­tiness of the Quakers. Is it not enough that the most High Potter made us Men and Women and not Serpents, and Toads, &c. not Pagans, Turks, Jews, Papists, &c. but English Protestants, &c. but we will be also Infinites, &c Eternals, Omnipotents, & Omniser­ents? Will not the Infinite favour of Leave to drink of some hea­venly drops of the Infinite & Inconceivable Ocean of his Goodness, satisfie and content us, but we will be Gods, with the Devil and our first Parents: We will be the Inconceivable Ocean it self. Is it not enough for a Proud Rebel to be fetcht from the Gallows by a smile of his Prince, but he must be the Prince and King himself.

5. The Pagans of the World as they are wild to all Civility, so to all Divinity and heavenly matters: The Indians base esteem of the Godhead. They apprehend a Deity, [Page 49] is a Lyon, Whale, Dragon, Giant, Tyrant; they feignedly will strive to pacific him, to make use of his help in Sickness, in Wars, in Plagues and Droughts: but they will call Men and Women Gods too, yea Dogs and Geese, yea any Creature [...], God, that is, or doth any thing strange unto them: And thus the Melitans presently cried out of Paul, that he was a God, And the Gods are come down to us in the likeness of Men, &c.

6. Therefore doth it please the most High and only Wise to meet often with the P haraoh's, God the great Adversary to all Proud spirits. the Absolom's the Nebuchadnez­zars, the Hamans the Herods of this World, yea, with whole Nations, Cities Armies and Navies for their Pride, as he did with Sodom, in signal and remarkable strokes and Judgements: yea, with his Jobs, and Hezechiab's, and Paul's in danger to be puffed up, in voices and questions out of the Whirlwind, till we more and more come to see how perfect we are in Dirt, and Stink, and Filth of Death and Hell crawling like Monsters of Pride and self-conceitedness upon this Earth his Glorious Footstool.

The 25. Instance is in Pag. 90. He brings in the same Author saying, [ There is a kinde of Infiniteness in the Soul, and it [...] Infiniteness it self.]

He Answers: Is not the Soul without beginning coming from God, The Soul man horribly abused and returning into God again, who hath it in his hand, which Hand goes against him that doth Evil, which throws down that which wars against it: and Christ the power of God the best of the Soul, which brings it up into God, which came out from him; hath this a beginning or ending? and is not this In­finite in it self, and more then all the World?

I Reply, More briefly, (having spoken of the Soul before) That the Soul or Spirit of a Man should be boundless or without limits, without beginning or ending, in a Blasphemous Monster begotten of Hellish Pride the Father, and Hollish Ignorance the Mother: for Infinity and Infiniteness in that sence can be no other but the Infinite and Eternal Power and Godhead transcen­ding the Capacity of Men or Angels to receive it or conceive the nature of it.

2. It is true in a secondary way ( a posteriori) as they say the Spirits of Angels and men are as a Lamp lighted up by the most high and [Page 50] Infinite Majesty never to go our or be extinguished in joy of sorrow, This Notion dazes the most sober and steady Eye and Br [...]ine; but who can finde a Center or Clod of standing from whence to entertain a thought of no Beginning; no created finite power can reach to what Infinity is.

3. We see the mighty Kings and Emperours, their mighty Armies and Navies have Bounds as the roaring Waves of the Ocean have: the most Glorious Sun and heavenly Bodies have their limited Motions: The changes of all things creat­ed and [...] the Dayes and Nights, the Summer and Winter, the Light and Darkness know their periods of begin­ning and ending &c. All have their hitherto and no further set by the Infinite, Eternal Arm, & no further. But all the stars of hea­ven, the drops of the Ocean, the Sand on the Sea shore, the Leaves and Grass of the whole World are all too short to reach to the thought of one Minute of that which properly is Gods only propriety, to wit, Infinity.

4. Among all the Opinions of the Souls Being and Rise, this of Infinity making it God himself, commits two horrible Mur­thers:

First, Two horrible Murthers, [...] It Murthers and destroys the Soul.

And Secondly, The Infinite God himself.

For the Soul of Man by such a world of woful experience being so subject to change, to sins and sorrows of all sorts. If this should be the Infinity of the Soul and so of God himself, there would be no Infinity at all so stopt, so limited by sins and sorrows:

5. We use to say (hyperbollically) that such and such a doing is Infinite Pride, but surely it is wonderful and devilish lifting up of the mind of a poor Earthen Pot, though never so high, so wise, so learned, so holy to entertain thoughts of being the Eter­nal and boundless Infinite power and Godhead.

The blessed Lord proclaime his Infinite Power, his Infinite Wisdome, his Infinite Greatness, and Goodness, and Potience to poor sinners (as he did unto Job out of the Whirlwind) and then for all Jobs perfection and their own, (which so simply as well as proudly they prate of) they will with Job see cause to ab­hor themselves in Dust and Ashes.

6. Such is the inconceivable Infinity in God beyond the reach of all Creatures, that he is not only Infinite but [...] [Page 51] Eternity it self, Omnipotency it self, Wisdome it self, Goodness it self, Justice it self in all their eminences and perfections.

7. Therefore notwithstanding most gracious and most glori­ous Appearances to, and influences from Infinity, upon poor fi­nite Worms below, sure it is not so sober a Language as that of Birds and Beasts, who keep their Native Tongues and Tones: Only men honoured with so high Naturals above their Fellow potts, Mans [...] Degeneracy the Irrationals, and in many respects above other Rati­onals; yea, in pretence and some really dignified with Spirituals in the Minde, Will and Affections by Priviledges, by Promises. Mankinde I say so honoured and degenerating, we are not only like to, but Infinitely (as I may say) worse then the wildest Beasts that perish.

The 26. Instance is in Pag. 93. where G. Fox brings in Robert Simson, Robert Simson the body of Christs Church &c. saying. [ The mystical Body may be sometimes sub­ject to Distempers, and Humors, and Wants.]

He Answers, Are you Judges? can you judge of the Mystical Body which the Saints are Baptized into? is there Humors, Wants and Distempers in the Body which the Saints are Bapti­zed into? is not the Wants, Humors, Distempers in your Body? do you here in this divide the word aright, distinguish things in the Ground, and speak aright of things, and yet you would not be judged, and say Judge not: and is not Mystical Spiritual?

I Reply, In our late Dispute at Providence, [...] Stubs and W. Edm affirmed that God was a Spirit litterally and properly, in which for all his boast of Learning, it may be as said, above myself, he shewed but little Philosophy or Divinity: and William Ed. affirmed that properly and really that Scripture of Wolves coming in Sheeps cloathing, was to be understood litterally with­out meaning and expositions: but sober men and aware know how to un [...]old Parables, and Similitudes, The Parables & Figurative [...] of duly Scripture and Metaphors, and Al­legories: they know God is called a Son, and a Rock, and a Fa­ther, and a Husband; &c. and so is Christ Jesus, and they know how such Similies are to be expounded.

They know that Believers in Christ Jesus are called Body, an House, a Flock, a Friend, a Center, an Army, and ye are no such properly and litterally but by similitude.

2. The Papists tell us of an Universal, or (as the [...])a [Page 52] Catholick Body of Christians: Amongst them are two great Factions. The one maintaing this Catholick Church to meet in the Representative of an Oecumenical or General Council of the whole World: The other in the Assembly or Conclave of the Pope and his Cardinals: and in the Pope himself, while he [...] Peters Infallible Chair.

The Protestants build also a Catholick or Universal Body of true Believers in Jesus, The Protestant Churches scattered over the World, &c. the more Reformed affirme this Universal and Catholick Church to be vi­sible in the Assemblies and Congregations of Christian Worship­pers separate from the Church of Rome and her Abominations.

The Devil seeing the Protestant Witnesses contending about the matter and Form of the true Churches and Congregations, He (by Gods most holy and wise permission) sends out his old and known Spirit of Pure Invisibles, pure Immediate, pure Wor­shippers in Spirit and Truth, &c. This Spirit being Cozen Ger­man to, The Quakers and Jesuits Spirit or sworn Brother in hellish equivocation with the Iesuits, when it serves their turn maintain a Church Invisible, and Mini­sters and Officers Invisible: and yet when it serves their turn practice (as well as Papists or Protestants) visible Churches and Congregations, visible and audible Apostles, Preachers, Ministers, with audible preachings, prayings, singings, Admissions, Excom­munications, (more or less professed and Explicite.

The Quakers Churches they are (as they childishly vapour) Bodies without wants or distempers, The Foxian Churches fair as the Sun, clear as the Moon, terrible as an Army, &c.

1. But this contrary to the nature of all our Natural Bodies, which turning upon the two hinges of Sins and Sorrows, All bodies liable to [...] are ful of wants and distempers, until the dashing of all in pieces by sud­den or lingring Deaths.

2. Contrary to all Figurative or Metaphorical Bodies, dome­stick in Families, Political in Cities, Nations, Armies, Navies &c.

3. Contrary to Experience of the Bodies or Churches of Worshippers in the Scripture Iewish or Christian, who gave up the Ghost (through distempers) into the hands of Mahumet, who brags he hath Conquered Moses at Ierusalem, and Iesus at Constantinople. &c.

4. Contrary to the Experience of the World in their daily ob­serving of the Quakers [...] [Page 53] against them for their wild Doctrines and Disciplines) what known Divisions and Passions about I Nailors and others Ca­ses? What Envyings Cursings, Apostacies, and moral Idolatry, as that of Covetousness in this Colony known notoriously?

But since G. Fox speaks so Rationally to his Opposite, Do you distinguish things in the Ground? The tendency of the Quak. Spirit I shall remember them of the fairness of my fourteenth Position against them, viz. that ac­cording to the Principles, Roots and grounds of things I have fairly Collected, that the Spirit of the Quakers tends to Incivili­ty and Barbarisms, and to sudden Assacinations, murthers and Per­secutions, &c.

The Eternal Father of mercies (I believe that I have, and can further make it good:) stops millions of mischiefs in the world daily, which the Natures, grounds and Principles of men (and the Quakers Spirit also) now to overturn and overwhelin the World withal.

A 27 th. Instance. of G. Fox his lame Answer is in pag. 103. where he brings in Jonathan [...]apham, Jonathan [...] saying, [ Men may be called of Men Masters, and it is but a Cavil to deny it, and they may deny to be called Furthers, as well as Masters] He Answers, Thou hast in this denied that Doctrine of Christ, and slights it, who saith, Be not ye of Men called Masters, for you have all one Master which is Christ, and you all are Brethren, and thou hast show'd thy self out of the Brother-hood. And there is a Birth to be born which can call no man Father upon Earth which thou art ignorant of.

I Reply, 1. Amongst other foolish passions and Affections haunting all men, and the Quakers especially, these two are no­torious, viz. pride and a lazie Ignorance: Those two are the Sire and Dam of moss of these wild monsters.

2. For doth not this proud man know how many of his excel­lent Opposites have laid open their Foxians scornful pride in robbing all mankind of many due respects and favourable glaun­ces of Gods case, of order, and prudent distinctions and differen­ces amongst the Sons of men in Families, Cities, Nations, Armies, Navies, &c.

3. Sure he can not but remember, and his own and [...] Light in the [...] [Page 54] in robbing all the world of their several due moderate, and sober Titles and Respects, they do but by a jugling Hocas pocas; a back dore, &c. rob all others of their points, Ribbons, and Laces, wherewithal only to adorn and trim, The Pope and Quakers com­pared. and trick their foolish selves: Just as the Popish party practice to cry up their Pope, ser­vus ser vorum Dei, and yet be Domine fac totum your holiness, &c. and yet the Pope and Papists herein out shoot the Qua­kers, for the Papists give all men their Civil and Courteous diffe­rent Respects, and Acknowledgements, which the dogged and scornful Quakers are far from their Spirit being prouder then the Papists,

4. G. Fox knows how others of his Adversaries have in print told him that the English word [ Master] Answers to ma­ny words in the Greek [Kathe [...]e [...]ese Dida [...]kalos, &c.] and that these words Rab [...]i and Pateer, of Fathers and Masters. all shew that the Lord Jesus only Condemned the Pharisaical, Popish, and Foxian Itch of being called Masters, Fathers, Leaders, Teachers in Religion, under­valuing and slighting others, &c. Thus amongst the Papists their Magister noster, The Popish Pri­ority and the Foxian is of and in their Doctors their Patres, &c. their Irrefragable, Se­raphical and Angelical Doctors: thus among the Foxians, James Naylor, Hosanna, &c and G. Fox (at this Town of Providence) called the Eternal Son of God. Christ Jesus.

5. Half a Humane and Sober Eye may see that in all his Decla­mations against the Pharisaical, or Popish, or Foxian Rabbies, the Lord Jesus I say, Meer Civil Re­spects. comes not near in a Title, the Civil and Na­tural Respects of Inferiours, to Heads of Families, Cities, King­domes, &c. of all which, the very nature of man being von poli­tiko [...] a sociable Creature, and the holy Scripture is all over (from end to end) full of most frequent Examples, yea, Commands, and practices.

6. How Childishly doth Fox Answer his Opposite, viz. that although it be unlawful to call Master, yet it is not unlawful to call Father, The Quakers Masters and Fa­thers. for there is a Birth which his Opposite is ignorant of, &c. I ask if G. Fox m [...]an not their Immediate Birth of Light (which for a Cover) they call Spirit and Christ, &c. in oppo­sition to that true Christian Regeneration and Change, The Regenera­tion. which it pleaseth God ordinarily to Effect by means, as Paul said, though you have ten thousand Teachers, yet I have begotten you, &c, Sure it is, their Immediate denies the mediate.

[Page 55] 7. Where there no Ordinary means appointed by God for Natural or Spiritual procreation: yet how simple is that Conse­quence, that because God is an Extraordinary Father, therefore I may call men Fathers, but not Masters! when God is both Fa­ther and Master, and both Titles are forbidden in a true Sense, by one and the same heavenly Breath, at the same time.

A 28. [...]. Instance, 106. William Thomas. is pag. 106. where G: Fox brings in W. Thomas, saying, [ Men are saved, but not by Christ within us.]

He Answers, [ How is mans Salvation wrought out but by Christ within? How is the Justification felt but by Christ within? And the Seeds we manifest that suffered without is made manifest within, there is Redemption and Life: He that hath the Son of God hath Life, Redemption to God out of the first Adam, and who feels Christ within, feels Salvation, and who doth not, are Reprobates, though they may talk of him.]

I Reply, This subtle Fox is in his Burrough Confounding (under the Terms Christ) the person of Christ, The person of Christ and the Grace of Christ distinguished. and the Love, and Spirit, and Grace or Favour of Christ, as if they were all one: As if where the Name and Authority, and writing of G. Fox comes, there of necessity must G. Fox in person be: Or, to rise higher, wherever the Name and Authority of a King, General, or Admiral is, there most their persons also be.

This Popish Ubiquitary Fancy all sober Reasons have long since laught at, Christs Person. and justly, as being most Fancyfull and Frantick: what,

2. What is this, Not Ubiquitary. but to make the Kings of men, yea, the King of Kings poor Mechanicks, yea, lower, that can do nothing by any Means, Servants, Minister, Legates, Embassadours, &c. except they be personaly present?

3. The Spirit of God resolves the Question, Ephes 3. He dwels in the Heart by Faith, or believing in him, and Gal. 2. [...] by believing, Faith not Christ himself. or Faith in the Son of God: This Faith is given of God to some and not to others: This Faith or Belief is wrought by Christ Jesus, and sin shed by him, and may with as good Sense be called Christ him [...] as a sh [...]o when G. Fox hath begun and finished be [...] G. Fox himself.

4. With what Colour of Reason or Sense is it that if I believe King Charles the second to be the King of English Men and my King, K. Charles King yet not personal­ly [...] I must of necessity (because of my belief which He by gra­cious [Page 56] means hath wrought in me) I believe that K. Charles is perso­nally present, & Ubiquitarily present in person in all his Dominions and all the world over where ever his Loving Subjects have their Residence?

5. I grant if we as some Quakers and Humphry Norton by Name resolve Christ only into a Spirit, Humph Norton yields Christ ubi­quitary and God only he is Ubi­quitary: But as man, why may not the General of an Army say, to his whole Army and every Individual Souldier, as P aul to the Corinthians, though I am absent in Body yet am I present in Spirit, Christ Jesus is in his Command, and Courage and Example in every Regiment, every Squadron, every Band and Troop, and every Souldier of the many Millions that have, and shall believe in him, and that in a Sense, both as God and man.

6. The Hinge and pinch of the Difference lies in the Oppositi­on, Which word & the wordhumane they startle [...]r which the Quakers make against the Manhood of Christ Je­sus to be yet Extant, many of them alleadging: why stand you gazing, Acts 1. &c. as if it were but gazing after a Manhood and all now were Spirit and Light within.

7. Who ever questiond, Christ Jesus in the Soul makes it a palace [...] 3 Kings &c but that the Spirit or power of Christ Jesus worketh in the Souls of his Elect the great saving hange or regeneration, gives Repentance, opens the heart to Believe, and makes the heart of this Believer a Palace for three Kings, yet but one, the Father, the Son and the Spirit, in Holiness, Love, Meekness, Patience, &c. and all these Royal Attendants.

8. Who questions but Christ Jesus (as the Sun in these Hea­vens) Influenceth all parts of the World in several respects, and nothing is hid from his heat, The variety of Christs workings & appearances He is felt in the bruised Reed and smoaking Flax; in the poor in Spirit, in the hungry and thirsty after Righteousness: sometimes in the hope of Glory to come, yea, in present joy unutterable and glorious; Sometimes the Lambs Wife is visibly asleep though her heart Wakes, sometimes she is Alarmed by his knocking and is sluggishly unwilling to open to him, sometimes she rises and opens but he is gone, and she seeks for him by day and night and cannot find him.

9. There is also a false feeling of Christ Jesus (as I spake be­fore of a false Conception in a Woman) How many are hold to cry Lord, False concepti­ons Lord open; for we have prophesied in thy Name, &c and yet I will not say as G. Fox. here saith, of his Feeling that all that have not my feeling or working of Christ are Reprobates: yet [Page 57] this I say as Solomon, A Whore is Loud and Clamourous (not so the Chasie, and Sober, and Modest Women) and the Devil spake as Holy and Heavenly words as Angels could have spoken, yet was but the Devil in Samuels Mantle.

The 29 th. Instance is in pag. 1 17. where he brings in Giles Fermin saying, Giles Fermin [ Paul Swore after Christ, and the Angels Swore, I wonder Paul should so forget himself, and sin so fearfully in Swearing, so the Quakers Light that denies Swearing, is of Satan and not the Light of Christ.]

He Answers, Christ the Light (which Satan is out of) which is the Oath of God, ends all Oathes, Sworn by Prophets or An­gels whatsoever; and who Swares be fallen into the Condem­nation of the Devil: And it is no where said that the Apostle Swore, but such as thou art matters not what thou speak; so that Spirit that Preacheth for Swearing is not the Spirit of Christ but is the Spirit of Antichrist, &c.

I Reply, Paul & the An­gels Swearing first G. Fox dares not deny but that the Angel and Paul Swore after Christ, only he keeps his old Song, viz. That Christ put an end to Swearing, and that it is not said that Paul Swore.

But 1. He waves that Sweareng of the Angel, or Christ him­self, Rev. 10. for there he knows the very term of Swearing is used.

2. As to Paul, if the attestation of the Name of God be the formality of an Oath, then if ever any Man Swore in this World Paul did, saying to the Corinthians, I call God to Record on my Soul, that to spare you I came not as yet to Corinth, &c.

Secondly, Of Swearing [...] General It is true that all Nations have used to Swear by, or Appeal to the Gods they owned and worshipped. It is true also, that they have used to put Creatures into the room of God, and Swear by them as the Jews d [...]d; And some write out of a Super­stitious Reverence in forbearing the Name of God, and indeed the Reasons Christ Jesus gives, Mat. 5. look that way.

Thirdly. It is true also that for abuse of Swearing by, and Pro­phaning the Holy Name of God, a whole Land may mourn as Jeremiah speaketh.

Fourthly There seems to be very fair colour put on a univer­sal Prohibition of Swearing by Christ Jesus, and by his Apostle James, Swear not, &c.

[Page 58] This Conjurour hath taken with many precious Servants of God former and latter, even with many of those called the Fa­thers, and with those Famous Protesters against the Whore of Rom, Famous Uther. the Waldenses, and with Famous Usher, who doth more then seem to vindicate their not Swearing when Convented and Examined by the P opish Inquisitors.

5. Notwithstanding this, and more which may be granted, and though I should humbly motion to all higher Powers for Christian tenderness, Moderation as to Swearing. (as to the holy Majesty of Heaven his Name, and to the Souls of any making Scruple:) yet I must proclaim against G. Fox, his lame and simple Return to the Objection of his Opposite concerning Paul and the Angel.

For, why may not Paul and all the Apostles, and Christ and all the Angels of Heaven, and all the Saints of God upon the Earth (in the words of Paul) call God to Record upon their Souls, that this, or this was the Cause and Truth, &c. Considering

1. That neither the most holy God nor the Lord Jesus (who I think is the Swearing Angel Rev. 10.) nor the heavenly Spi­rits, the Angels, nor Paul, nor any of Christs Apostles, or Mes­sengers would have practiced a Ceremony, or a Shadow (like Cir­cumcision or the Passover) at the time of the Day, &c.

2. Swearing or appealing unto God immediately in Oaths or Vows, or Lots, or Fastings, though higher and above the practice of ordinary Invocations, Swearing no Ce­remony. supplications, Thanksgivings, &c. were never accounted Ceremonies or Types of Substances to come, but Real and Substantial Services and Addresses unto the most holy and most high Creatour written in the hearts of all mankind before ever Ceremony or Moses was born, and therefore as the fear of God is put for the whole worship of God, so also is swearing in the holy Scripture: and we may as well deny all worship and Service visible, The fear of God and Swearing by him but by God for his whole worship. and all External Acts of Homage and Devotion of the Body unto God, yea, and all the fear of God is there is the mind, Soul and Spirit, or in any External [...] or Reve­rence as this Service and worship of calling upon God, and ap­pealing to his holy Majesty, as Witness and Judge in some Cases, &c.

3. Whereupon it follows, that this high point of Gods Wor­ship is as real, Swearing [...] a word [...] as [...] approach­ing [...] Lords Supper, [...] as moral, as [...] and perpetual as Prayer it self, as preaching yea, as Baptisme, and the Lords Supper, and no more Ceremonial, though I know the Foxian, make Baptisme and the [Page 59] Lords Supper but Ceremonies for a sime, and ere long if they con­tinue to hearken to Samuel within them, they will account Pray­er and Preaching (whether Apostolical or Pastoral) but Types and Shadows also.

4. It is a most simple and un-Christian and Atheistical whim­sie that Christ was the end of Oaths, Christ not the abolisher of Oaths the end of the Prophets, the end of the Scripture, the end of Righteousness, (in their Sense) though as Mediatour he was the End or Perfection of, and ful­filling of the Law of God, which never Soul beside the Lord Je­sus ever kept in thought, word and deed, what ever the proud Pha­risees and Papists, and Foxians prate, &c.

5. It is a gross Fancy to imagine that the Lord Jesus in the 5 of Math, The fifth of Mathew. gave new Commands, or Contradicted the holy pleasure of his Father concerning Revenge, Adultery, Oaths, Prayers, Fastings, but opened his Fathers Law in the purity and Spirituality of it against the rotten Expositions, Traditions and practices of the P harisees.

6. In particular, let all the Reasons be expended and carefully weighed, which the Lord Jesus so wonderfully, exactly gives why they should not swear by Jerusalem, nor the Temple, nor their Head, nor any Oath, to wit of such a Nature, and half a sober eye may see that the Lord Jesus intends only to reduce them to an ho­ly Swearing, only by God, in Gods way, &c. and in their Com­mon Converse, to use yea, and nay, &c.

7. I have read a sober and man like Answer of F. H. called a Quaker against A. S. called a Doctour, The Quakers plainly Confess Swearing in Ca­ses lawful. concerning Oaths, not like G. Fox his bruitish barkings against all his Opposites, and any that prate may see F. H. yields to A. S. that himself, (and I presume he speaks the mind of all the Quakers) could yield to give a Testimony in weighty Cases, by the Name and in the Name of God, as in the presence of God, and attest or call God to witness, &c. And he saith, that they had offered so to g [...]ve a Testimony, and that his Opposite Doctour Snalwood, and I think Bishop Gauden so called, assented that this was Substantial and Formal Swearing: only the Ceremonies, were enjoyned by Law, to which the Quaker could not yield, but suffer as indeed they have done upon this Account most lamentably in London and Bristol, and all England over.

8. I have much to add both as to that Fancy of Christs end­ing [Page 60] Oaths as Ceremonies, Cases of Swearing and of Cases that have befallen my self in the Chancery in England, &c. and of the loss of great Sums which I chose to bear through the Lords help, then yield to the Formality (then and still in use) in Gods worship, though I offered to Swear as F. H. mentions they have done, and the Judges told me they would rest in my Testimony and way of Swearing, but they could not dispence with me without an Act of Parlia­ment.

I believe this highly concerns the high Assembly of Parliament and all Law makers, Sin established by Law, is Sin multiplied and multiplied, Judgement here and for ever. to search well and to appoint a Committee of Searches to Examine, if the Laws upon new appearance, from Heaven have not need of rectifying and some of c [...]ncelling for sin against God or the Souls of men established by Law, is like Jer [...]oarns making Israel to sin, and most commonly after much patience of God brings double punishment in the end.

The 30 th. Instance where G. Fox brings in Tho Moor, 3. Thomas Moor. saying. [ It is not properly nor in a full sense that God is manifest in the Flesh of his Saints.]

He Answers, The Saints are the Temple of God, and God dwells in them, and they come to witness the Flesh of Christ. And they glorifie him in their Souls and bodies: And the Lord is glorified in their bringing forth much fruit. And the witness is the Seed, the one offering for sin to be manifest within, and such are not Reprobates, yet witness the on [...] offering Christ Jesus, and them that have not Him within, they are Reprobates.

I Reply, a great Designe of the Devil in all Ages hath been to Cavil at, The Devils great work in all Ages. and hinder Gods love to mankind: Hence he plotted and effected Mans Full from God: God Infinite in wisdome and mercy, out-shoots and out-plots him, and designes a Recon­ciliation and a Marriage between the Son of God the Prince of Life, and lost mankind: He promised his coming in our Flesh, prefigured Him, prophesied of Him, and in the Fulness of Time sent Him, &c.

Against this Lord Jesus, this old Serpent hisseth and [...]geth be­fore his Birth, at his Birth, after his Birth, and in all Ages ever since, as fearing the crushing [...] Brains, and the downfall of his Throne, if the Kindgom [...] [...] Jesus stand: Hence not long after Christs [...] Anti Christs, [...]athans Emissa­ries to destroy Christ Jesus. [Page 61] Simon Magus and his Followers the Arrians, the Gnosticks, Cer­donians, Manicheans, &c. the great Anti-Christ of Rome, and since the Reformation, the new Manicheans, those in Luthers and Calvins time called the Spirituals and Libertines, The person of Christ Jesus the Devils great Eye [...]ore. and in our times the Ad [...]ties, the Ranters, the Quakers, and all in order to his Dragons war against the person of the Arch-Angel, Mi­chael the word of God, the Individual person, the Man Christ Je­sus, and after him all that should dare to follow him.

Some (as the Arians, &c.) have denied him to be so, but Man, and not God; some (as the Manicheans, &c.) deny his Manhood, affirming him to be God, and a Spirit, but, with Christs manhood and the Scriptures, the Devil and the Papists, and the Quakers, The Manicheans the great Opp [...] ­sers of Christs Manhood. (for the most of them) could with all their hearts make an Everlasting parting: The Devils and is to de­stroy this Saviour and Salvation to poor lost man: The Qua­kers pretend their end to be the Exalting and glorifying of God in the Flesh of his Saints, therefore some of these Manicheans ren­der his Birth, Life and Death to be only Imaginary, and Alle­gorical: a Figure of what should be done in, and by Christians: others of them say it is real, but he only lived and died for an Ex­ample, others, that he was really so born, he so lived and died, but he is now only within, &c. and after his Flesh no Inquiry.

G. Fox here plays upon the various meanings of the word Flesh. Also he plays upon those holy Scriptures, viz. God is glorified in the Souls and Bodies of his Saints, &c.

This subtle Jonadah he knows also, That Individual Man Christ Jesus must have the preheminence of the only Messiah and Mediator. that the Protestants main­tain that the Godhead and Spirit of God so dwels not in the Souls and Bodies of his Servants as in that Soul and Body of the Lord Jesus. It is true he was not born of a Woman, but against their wills they are fore't to Confess that he was not born of a Wife, but a Virgin, though many Fancies are Co [...]ned about that: They Confess that no man was Father of his fleshly Nature: The Godhead of Christs Body af­ter a Transcen­dent way. He knows also that the Protestants hold that the Godhead dwels in him, and dwels in him as the great Mediator and Propitiation surety and Undertaker, so as not in any of the Bodies, or all the Bodies of his Saints, besides, and after a more high, Transcendent, and Inconceivable manner.

G. Fox [...] his Opposite intends such a manifestation of God [...] that renders the one single person Christ [Page 62] Jesus the Head of his Church, &c. And that they hold that there is as much difference between that one Individual person Christ Jesus the Head and his Followers, as between our Heads and our Bodies, the King himself and his Body or Subjects, yea, every one singly in particular: yea, as between the Foundation and all the building thereon raised.

Now how poor and lame is it, that, because the Saints are Gods Temple, therefore they must be God himself: because 1 Tim. 3. Christ dwels in his Saints by believing, The six great points. Ephes. 3. there­fore they are Christ himself: Because God in an holy Sense, be­came Flesh: Therefore our Flesh is God and Christ, Dreadfully in­verted upon the Quakers. therefore will they find those heavenly particulars, 1 Tim. 3. affirmed of that man Christ Jesus to be inverted and dreadfully turned upon their proud and divilish Flesh in this manner, viz. The Devil is manifest in their Flesh, Condemned of the holy Spirit of God: Abhord of the heavenly Angels: The world shall abhor their me­mory, and except Repentance, they shall descend with all the Enemies of the true Lord Jesus into the Lake that burns with un­quenchable Fire and Brimstone.

The 31 st. Instance is in pag. 136. where G. Fox brings in the same Authour saying, 136 Thomas Moor [ Christ is distinct from every one of us, and Without us, and our particular persons.]

He Answers, [The Apostle saith Christ was in them, except they were Reprobates, and they were flesh of his flesh, and of his Bone, and eat his flesh, and drank his Blood, then it was within them, and he is distinct from none but Reprobates who hate the Light.]

I Reply, 1. This and the former look face upon as in a Glasse, and yet G. Fox herein carries two faces under one hood: A Face for God, and a Face for the Devil; one Face for Christ another for Antichrist. For is it not known by all, that there be divers wayes of eating Christs Flesh and drinking his Blood? Al­though there be a Mystical and Spiritual feeding upon Christ Je­sus his Love, Eating Christs Flesh and drink­ing his Blood. his Passion, his Merits, &c. which we maintain a­gainst the bloody Transubstantiators of Rome and Hell, yet can ought but Hellish Bewitching and Impudence conclude, that litterally the Flesh profiteth nothing, and therefore their Flesh is as good as the Flesh of Christ, and their Blood (as some of [Page 63] the Quakers have Printed) is of ae much virtue as the Blood shed of the Man Christ Jesus: The Foxians hor­rible pride ex­alting them­selves to be God and Christ, Hence so many of them con­tend that Gods Blood, Act. 20. and Gods Flesh Redeems us, &c. and that their Blood and Sufferings are Gods Flesh and Blood Redeeming, Saving, &c, I know what one of their chief said [ He is a Fool that-speaks all at once] and I know also, that in the Bottom: (which their Herods and Apostles know better then I) these Foxians are God, and Christ, and Spirit, and Resurrection, and Life, and Heaven, &c.

2. But for true Believers in Jesus it is enough for them to be­lieve, Joh. 16. That for a little while he must leave them, Christs coming again to them. and after a little while he would come again to them, even the same Man that left them, that God man, and the Man Christ Jesus.

1. I know these poor Foxians say, that he did come again to them, and I know also that a Man may feel this Lye with a pair of Mirtins: For I know that the Comforter came not to them upon his Resurrection (for then he was forty dayes with them) but after his Assention.

2. Who knows not that the Foxians maintain Christs second coming to be Spiritual, and count all gazing Fools that look after a Man, for he is come anto them in Spirit, and in them he main­tains his great Assizes, and now passeth Judgement upon all the Children of Men by them.

3. If these poor filthy Dreamers lived without Food and Evacuations, without Physick (which some of them cry down, and no Physick but Faith) without Procreation, The Foxians na­tural and spiri­tual Defilements therefore not God but filthy Dreams.] and bringing forth of Children without the filthiness and stinks of Nature; yea without the many thousands of Holy Words, and Thoughts, and Actions omitted, and the many thousand passionate, imperti­nent, unseasonable discontented Words and Actions, &c. then might we say as the men of Iconium (touching Paùl and Barna­bas) The Gods are come to us in the likeness of M [...]n till then we must look upon the Foxians (eating so Christ his flesh, &c. until they become Christ himself,) as Simple, and Monstrous, and Blasphemous as the Papists in their Foolish, Monstrous and Bloody Transubstantiations.

4. Alas! these are old tricks plaid by the Manicheans in for­mer times, The Foxians in Calvins time. by Quintinus and Po [...]quei [...]s, &c. in Luther and Cal­vins time: Did not some thousands of this frantick spirit [Page 64] then, say, is not Christ in us? how is he Distinct from us? what need you ask me how I do? can Christ be sick? can Christ do but well? speaking of themselves: But I observe Gods strokes in the World most just & wonderful upon three sorts of persons 1. Voluptuous. Gods strokes in this world won­derful upon three sorts. 2. Oppressors and Tyrants. 3. Ringleaders of Blasphemies, Opinions. Let every Soul consider: I can give a bundance of Instances of former and later times had I here time and season for it, and were not all Hystories full, &c.

The 32 d. Instance is in Pag. 186. where G. Fox brings in S amuel Hamond saying, 186. Samuel Ha­mond. [ What warrant have you to go out to the Quakers? shall a Mon go bear the Jews and Popish Masse be­cause Paul bids try all things? No, No.]

G. Fox Answers [ Paul blds us quench not the Spirit, and where the Spirit is not quenched they may try Papists, Jews, P rotestants, who quench not the Spirit: But who quench the Spirit and draws people from the Light within, they draw from that they should see withal, then you stuff them up with old Au­thors and lying stories, as you-permit abroad.

I Reply, 1. And [...] of G. Fox and all his Foxians: Have the Papists. The Jews or any Idolaters the Holy Spirit of God amongst them, About true bearing. whom we may go to hear God speaking in his own holy Promise, Ordinance and Appointment unto us?

2. May I hear a Papist, or Jew, or any other False Worship­pers or Idolaters to try them when I am convinced and satisfied already that they speak not by the Holy Spirit, &c.

3. May I go to Worship God with them who either (as I believe) Worship a False God, or Worship the true and li­ving God, in Wayes and Worships of Mens Inventions and Appointments?

4. May I hear a false Prophet, or be present at any false wor­ship, but with actual reproving of them, and labouring to reduce them to the true God and his most holy Institutions and Appoint­ments?

Upon this Reason I went to the General Assembly of the Qua­kers at Newport the last year, I queried with them about the true Christ, and the true Spirit: but I was stopt by a sudden Spirit of Prayer in Woman, and the unseasonable Spirit of Prayer in a man, which forced me to stop, and occasioned me to take this [Page 65] way of offering an appointed and solemn discourse and disputation with them.

5. I ask, may any Soul out of Curiosity go to hear a strange Preacher, in whom I have not Faith, that he is sent from God, &c. especially, if there be not a free liberty for my Queries and Ob­jection, and searchings as the Bereans did?

6. Are there not two great Cautions given, us by the Spirit of God! Take heed whom you hear: Take heed how you hear, and both of these in reference to Gods worship and mine own Salva­tion?

7. What do these Foxians mean by the Spirits quenching? What the quenching of the Spirit is. Can the Spirit of God be really, quenched, or put out, any more, then the Sun in the Heavens by all the water in the Ocean? Is the Spirit of God Metaphorically quenched any other ways then by withdrawing the means or fuel which were to keep the Fire burn­ing that came down from Heaven upon the Altar? why then do these proud, lazie Souls so horribly slight reading, studying Books, yea, Gods Book as one of their chief said to me, (laying his hand upon the Bible of Junius, &c [...] not thou past these yet? And why do they worship a dumb Devil in their dumb meanings, and stand stil and listen, and lie upon their be [...]s of laziness for Revelations and Notions, &c.

8. As for G. Fox his scornful fling against old Authors, Old Authors. what is it but pride and Ingratitude: pride to undervalue, much more to scorn my Progenitors and Ancestors: Ingratitude to God for so many helps, &c. and to them who have laboured and broke the Ice, and left their Labours behind them for the benefit of after Comments: yea, what Injustice, when I disregard and flight their writings, and reproach them, calling them Old Authors, Com­pared with their new Francies, as W. Edmundson did me frequent­ly at Newport, Old Man, Old Man, &c.

The 33 Instance is in Pag. 206. where he brings in John Bur­ton, John Burton sading, [ It is a Scripture of the Devils making, to apprehend Christ within.]

He Answers, if there be any other Christ but he, who was Cru­cified within, he is the false Christ, and the Scriptures hold forth this, and the Devil never made it, but he and his Messengers are against it. And he that hath not this Christ that was risen and [Page 66] Crucified within is a Reprobate, though Devils and Reprobates may take of him without.

I Reply, This is the great dispute between the Christians and the Pagans, The [...] dis­pute about the true Christ. the Christians and the Jews, the Christians and the Mahumetans, and the Christians among themselves so called, viz Who is the great Prophet?

2. To what purpose should I alleadge the whole history of the Birth, Life, Death, &c. of the Lord Jesus, since the Quakers ac­knowledge all true, &c.?

3. Why should I alleadge the Sermons and Preachings, and Writings of the Apostles or Messengers of Christ Jesus after his Ascention, all harmonizing with the four Evangelists, writing his Life and Death, &c.

4. Certain it is, that he that shall turn over-all the former Re­lations and Histories, Christ without and within. and all the writings and Sermon, of the Apostles since, and predicate a Christ that was risen within, Cru­cified within, (in Opposition to that Jesus of Nazareth without) [...] must have the Forehead of a Reprobate and Devil; (as G. Fox phrazeth it)

5. G. Fox knows the Protestants predicate (in Life and Death) the believing in Christ Jesus so born, so living and dying: The Protestants [...] of Christ. And the applying of the price of his Death and merits unto God for Propitiation: And the Applying of the Promise and new Cove­nant and Bargain in that Blood for a new Heart, a new Spirit, &c.

6. What shall then become of G. Fox, his believing in a Christ that was Risen and Crucified within, in Opposition to this Lord Jesus so Promised, so Prophesied of, so prefigured, so brought forth so living and dying, so preached, so believed on, and what a Fore­head of Hell must he have that calls all those Reprobates and De­vils that talk of Christ without?

The 34 th. Instance is in Pag. 214. where G, Churches in Wales. Fox brings in the Elders and Messengers of several Churches of [...]ston, Aber­geven [...]y, &c. saying, [ We are conceived in Sin and brought forth is Iniquity, &c.]

He Answers, [ David doth not say, you who were Conceived in Sin, but I. and W. saith, John was sanctified from the Wombe, and the Scriptures speaks of such as were sanctified from the Wombe, and Children that were clean. And so you do not speak as Elders and [Page 67] Messengers of true Churches, or Men [...] the Word aright, but you are one against another, though you are all against them you call Quakers, that be in the Truth.]

I Reply, 1. In the passage G. Fox discovers to any Intelligent and Savoury Spirit, not only a weak and deluded Soul, but a Popish and Arminian poyson about the Estate of all mankinde in their first Birth, The first Cry of every Child of God. a strong presumption that he [...] ever felt what the wo [...]ul Estate of all mankinde by Nature is and what to Cry out in his own particular, with David, I was Conceived in Sin and brought forth in Iniquity, which Cry is one of the first Soul Cries of every Child of God.

2. About 120 years since the Father of Spirits stird up the Spi­rit of his Famous Servant Calvin to batter down the Babel of a Franciscan Frantick, Whence Devils and wicked men come. who maintained, that God from the first Created both Devils and wicked men in the same Condition of wickedness wherein we now find them: Contrary to the holy Scriptures Testimony (as that Excellent Soul proved) declaring their pure Creation, their Fall, and their respective future Estate and condition to Eternity.

3 In the Reign of our late Royal Sovereign K. James it pleased God to let loose this Devil of Pelagius, The low Coun­tries hazard by the Pelagians. who rowzed up the wits of Arm [...]nius and his Followers in the low Countries, (during their twelve years Truce with Spain) so that the Civil Discord about this point and other Pelagian and Semi-pelagian Doctrines had almost turned Holland, &c. but that the Lord mightily assisted them. First, By the personal presence and Forces of the Prince of Orange, and Secondly, By the Famous Assembly and Disputes of the Synod at Dort.

4. To follow the Fox into his Barrough, what if David say not you but I? why should the Papists and Arminians, Davids Concep­tion vindicated from G. foxes Aspersions. or Foxi­ans have a more holy Birth then David? Wherein could holy David, Father Jesse and his mother be changed? Is not the Eng­lish of the word Devil Accuser, Reproacher, Slander, Is not Nature that Law and Order which the most Infinite Creator hath set, in the propagation of all [...]as Creatures, though the choicest of them Man be degenerated into the soure Vin at first a sweet Vine, what Nature in Nature or Gods Order goes on, though mankinde be Corrupted from the Womb, and the Imagination of the Thoughts of mans Heart be only evil and that continually, Gen. 6. and millions of [Page 68] Experiences all the world over Confirm it what the Trade of all mankinde is from the Birth. The Spots of the Leopard, and the Blackness of the Neger comes not by Accident, &c.

6. The perversness and Crookedness of the motions of Na­ture may continue▪ though Nature and the Course of it run on, as we see in Rivers turnd out of their Chanels, in Clocks and Watches, and D [...]al, and Lutes, and Harps when out of Tune they give their Natural and Artificial (though distempered) Sounds and operations.

7. Beside the holy Testimony of Moses, Gen. 6, and David, Psal. 51. and the Lord Jesus declaring what the heart of man is, Mark 7. How doth Paul, Rom 5 and 7. declare the Entrance of Sin by the first Man, until by the second Man Sin and Death, and Hell be Conquered, and at last Sin in Gods Children fully dissolved, and abolished?

8. I and this passage with Appellation to all that know what Children are all the world over, The p [...]ene's of the sweetest In­fants the sweetest and the fattest born of the holiest and sweetest Parents, how froward, how proud, how Revengeful against their Father, Mothers, and most tender Nurses.

1. These rotten and crooked Dispositions in every Childe bring forth wilde Asses fruits in Youth, of Rebellion against Su­periours, The rottenness of nature and of wicked desires of Wine and Women, and fighting and pleasures in persons of greater growth, this rotten Nature appears in their rooting (like Swine) for earthly profits; or pre­ferments, or fighting like Lions & Tygers in Wars and Law-cont [...]ntions, and oppressing of Inferiours, especially if they dare to reprove or witness their Idolatries, Superstitions and Abomi­nations.

2. The experience of all the Saints of God in the Holy Scri­pture, The experiences of Gods Saints in Scripture who maintained a Battel between the Flesh and Spirit all their dayes, according to Gal. 5. A Battel within them, some­times the Spirit (or new-Man, the new Creature, or the Grace of Christ) prevailing, sometimes the Corruption or Rottenness of Nature (like the two Houses of Saul and David) the old Man getting the victory as we see generally in Abraham, Isaak, Ja­cob, Moses, Aaron, El [...], Samuel, David, Solomon, &c. till we come down to the highest Saints Paul and Peter: the on shame­fully again and again vanquished, and the other ( Paul) crying [Page 69] out, that the good he would do he did not, and yet when he did evil he had two men within him, the Law of his Spirit Heavenly, and the Law of sin which dwelt within him, &c. they that know not and feel not this, they are either dead and rotten, and so feel no­thing, or if there be any life of God in them, and yet say in the litteral sense they sin not, their weakness is such, that like very low and far gone weak bodies their Filth and Excrements come from them, but they know nothing of it, nor will believe or ac­knowledge any such matter.

The 35. Instance is Pag. 217. where G. Fox brings in John Jackson saying, 217 John Jackson. [ False Prophets, and Christs, and Decei­vers, many should come (if it were possible) to deceive the very Elect.]

He Answers [Yes, Christ said they should come to the Apo­stles, which before their Decease they did come, and went forth from them, which Christ said should inwardly Ravin [...], and get the sheeps cloathing: which since the dayes of the Apostles all the World went after them, as thou maiest read in the Revela­tions: and now are People but coming from them to the Rock, and now shall the Everlasting Gospel be preached to them that dwell upon the Earth, over the heads of the Beast and their false Prophet, and they shall be taken, and the Lambe, and the Saints shall have the victory.

I Reply, 1. As that great Fox, the Pope of Rome and his Foxians (the Worshippers of that Beast) maintain that Antichrist is not yet come, that so he may scape a scouring, The great and little Foxes. or rather a burn­ing or dashing in pieces, so doth our little Fox, G. Fox and his Foxians cry out another Lurry, [ Antichrist why he is come and gone long ago, &c.] As if [...] Christs might not be then and now too: as it there were no more greedy Wolves to be found then in Act. 20 and no more Sheep-skins for them then in Mat­thew, 7 &c.

The Spirit of God proclaims, 1 Cor. 11. that there must be He­resies, and Peter tells us 2 Pet. 2. that there must be false [...] false Prophets, and Damnable Heresies, for the trial of the sincere, &c. And were all the Foxes hunted ou [...] and destroyed in the Apostles dayes, and none left since Johns time to our times to be hunted after and digd out of their Burroughs.

[Page 70] Are there none sound, sincere, and chaste to be tried at this day to the Lord Jesus the Heavenly Bridegroom, and to his Eternal King and Father, God blessed to Eternity.

2. The Protestants maintain that the Pope or Papacy is the great Antichrist, the Man of Sin, with seven heads and ten horns, &c. They [...] of several Ages why should not the Devil be able to raise besides the Pope the Cerdonians, Valen [...]innians and the Arians, Manicheans, G [...]sticks, &c. and since, or at the beginning of the Reforma­tion, the Quintintans, and Munsteria [...] Mousters? why should he not be able to raise in-our time the Nicholaitans and Foxians.

3. It is true that in the times of warm peace, &c. many Ver­mine breed, whom the cold winter of Persecution utterly de­stroyes. Concerning false Christs &c. I know also that in the late times of Freedome to mens Opinions in England, Many Opinions and promoters of them arose: Sharp times God hath to make discovery, I know some say that Judas, and Theudas, and Barchochas, and Rabbi-Judah, &c. were the false Christs the Lord Jesus spake of: I know also that amongst the Professours of the Christian Name, false Christs and false Prophets, Apostles, Preachers, &c. must pretend to the Christian Name also.

4. I know some affirm that though the Pope be Antichrist, yet that he that letted was not the Roman Emperour until he was ta­ken out of the way, Concerning him who letted An­tichrists rising but that he that letted was the Holy Spirit to which the Quakers now pretend, which Spirit being taken away the Popes arose: But in the dayes of John when those gifts did most flourish, yet then there were many Antichrists, and the gift of the Holy Spirit did not hinder their rising; so that all ages are full of false Teachers.

5. What Ignorance doth this little Fox, yet great Boaster dis­cover in saying [ T [...]om are People coming forth from them, &c] doth he proudly look over all those Glorious Protestant Wit­nesses of Jesus, before and since Luther, whose Names many of them, God commanded that Heavenly [...]. Fox to make Re­cord of.

6. Do the Foxians just now about twenty years preach the e­verlasting Gospel: The everlasting Gospel New saith W. Edm in our discourse we preach the everlasting Gospel to you, that you shall be free from sin, &c. But Gods Spirit tells us in Peter and Jude of pretenders to liberty, while themselves are the Servants of Corruption or Rottenness.

[Page 71] 7. Both Jews and Gentiles have done by the Name of Christ as the Jews and Romans with Christ Jesus before they murthered him: they mocked him, &c. and then Murthered him; that so they might be the Heir and Messiah themselves: Just as the great Fox the Pope and these little Foxians pretend to be the sole great Heir apparent to the Crown of Heaven, and all other Re­bels and Reprobates against and from their Heavenly Maje­sties.

The 30. Instance, is in page 218. Where G. Fox brings in the same Author saying, John Jackson [ I hope you will not condemn the Gene­ration of the Righteous because they are not perfect.]

He Answers, That which condemnem is Righteous; it con­demns that which is not perfect, and the Generation is Righteous and not to be condemned.

I Reply, He Answers four things: First, That which Con­demns is righteous. Secondly, That which is Righteous Condemns that which is not perfect. Thirdly, That which is righteous is perfect Fourthly, The horribl [...] pride of the Foxians The Generation is Righteous (that is them­selves being perfect) and not to be Condemned, the Summe of his Answer is, Himself and his Foxians are Gods, as pure, & holy, as God is, and therefore now keep the Eternal Sessions and Assi­zes at the Tribunal of their high Court, must all the Generations of the World receive their Eternal Doom and Sentence, I know they know this is the bottom.

1. But stay, this Fox is in his Burrough of Equivocation: for Judgement is twofold: First, Judgement Righteous: Secondly, False appearan­ces According to Appearance, as the Lord Jesus distinguisheth: How many are declared by Appearances to their Eyes, Clouded Pride, malice, Envy, Lasciv [...]sness, Covetousness, Ambition, &c. And therefore away with the Son of God, hang him; and give us Barrabas, though a Boutefeau and Murtherer, &c.

2. It is not true, that all that is not perfect (in the Foxians Sense) is not Righteous: for 1. (as hath been before observed) the words Tam and Tomj [...] in Hebrew, The word per­fect in the [...] and [...] and Telos and Telei [...]s; and Teleron in the Greek, have divers significations, and accordingly, must be, and are translated and exp [...]unded, Contrary to the proud Ignorance of these Cheaters.

2. The Generation of all Gods Children (in all the holy Scrip­ture) [Page 72] have ever acknowledged their weakness, folly, pride, and many Transgressions, with true Quaking and brokenness, and bit­ter weeping, &c:

3. In a true Sense, that which is Righteous is perfect Justifica­tion or Remission of Sin for Christ Jesus sake is perfect, The Saints par­don of Sin and Justification per­fect. it admits (as they say of no magis & minus) more or less, the truely hum­ble Ethiopian is as truly and perfectly pardoned and Justified as David himself, and the blessed Mother of the Lord Jesus, the Virgin Mary.

4. We maintain, though pardon of Sin and Justification, and Acceptation with God before Angels, Men and Devils be per­fect, The Saints battle and daily Com­bate and though a poor Child of God be born of God, be past from Death to Life, can not Sin in a Sense, nor suffer the Devil to touch him: yet there remains till Death a Combate to be fought between the Law of the Spirit, and Law of the members, the old Man and the new Man, the Flesh and the Spirit. &c.

5. Hence (in an holy Sense) Paul saith, it is not I, but Sin that dwels in me, that is in my Flesh wherein dwels no good thing, So that David might say in one Sense, Heavenly Para­doxes. It was not I that commit­ted Adultery, and Murther, and Peter say, It was not I that de­nied my Master with Swearing and Cursing, &c. but the rotten old man and Sin dwelling in me.

He that knows not to untie these Knots, and yet prates of Righ­teousness and perfection: Devilish Tenents of the Spirituals in Calvins time. He is proud and foolish, and ignorant, and he will proudly and foolishly sooner or later commit these five great evils.

1. He will not discern what the Generation of the Righteous is.

2. He will say Sin is nothing but Imagination.

3. He will cast wickedness upon God, and say God doth all, and what God doth that is good, therefore no Sin.

4. He must call David and Peter fools for Confessing their Guilt and weeping bitterly, &c.

5. That it is in vain to watch against Sin, and to cry Lord lead us not into Temptation, &c.

In the last place I Affirm (and have made it good) that the Generation of the P apists and Quakers: though so pure in their own eyes, The Papist and Quakers perfe­ction. yet they are not cleansed from their filthiness: The P apists are justly charged with Superstation and Idolatry & with drinking the Blood of Saint. And have not the Generation: of the Quakers: [Page 73] their Images and Idols also, (as I have manifested) their pride and Ignorance & Idleness in not using means, and their passionate Railings and Cursings? and I believe if their Spirit got a Sword (what ere they ignorantly prate) they will drink the Blood of all their Enemies as Hereticks, Idolaters, Reprobates, and Devils.

The 37 th. Instance is in Pag. 220. wherein G. Fox brings in the Author of Hosanna to the Son of David, [...]. Hosanna to the Son of David. saying, [ Man is not able to discern the things of God till he be born again.]

He Answers, the Scripture speaks of discerning the Eternal Power and Godhead, and that was a thing of the Spirit of God: and the Apostle-saith not that they were born again: And yet I say that none knows the things of God but the Spirit of God, and that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath shewd it to them: For that of God in them was of the Spirit, who is the God of the Spirits of all Flesh, which brings them to discern the Eternal Power and Godhead.

I Reply, 1. With Amazement at the dreadful Justice of God hardening this daring Soul for playing away his own Light and the Name of God, G Fox his Judg­ment from God. and the Light which the Lord hath sent him from so many Excellent pens out of which he hath raked nothing but handfuls of Reproaches to fling in the Faces of his best Friends, and turned Truth into Lyes, and poyson to murther himself and others.

2. It is clear, that (as in all Answers to the Quotations of his Opposites which he picks [...]:) that he holds the Contrary to his Opposite, so here viz. That a man may be able to discern the things of God before he be born again.

3. He proves his point from two Scriptures, Rom. 1. Discus­sed as to the E­ternal Power and Godhead. Rom. 1. and 1 Cor. 2. As to the first, I will not repeat what I have before writ­ten as to the Nature of the holy Spirit, his Godhead, his Operati­ons, seven Eyes, & seven Horns, and seven Lamps, his Common work­ings in all men! his special working in the Elect, Regenerating, Justifying, Sanctifying, quickning, Comforting, &c. Nor will I re­peat matters concerning the power of Nature in the Philosophers, and all mankinde: Only from this [...] I observe,

1. That the Eternal Power and Godhead cannot be seen by [...].

2. We may teach some mental Light of this Eternal Power [Page 74] and Godhead by a serious pondering of his works.

3. All mankinde are bound by the Law of their Nature to put forth their utmost in searching after God.

4. We may gain a great sight of the Godhead, and yet not see him nor glorifie him, that is love him as Paul, 1 Cor 8.

5. Natural men until changed and born a ga [...] of Gods power and Spirit, doe but prate ( as the Devils do and tremble) their Imaginations are vain, and their foolish hearts are darkened.

6. Yet this sight of God which men and Devils may get of God by their own Remainders of natural Abilities will leave them without excuse whatever Papists, The natural pow­er of men and Devils. Arminians and Quakers talk of Gods requiring no more then he gives, for in Justice God is not bound to give Sampson his Locks or his Eyes when he hath willingly suffered Dalilah and by her the Philistims to cut them off, and pluck them out.

2. Beside out wils and wisdome are now become Enmity a­gainst God, and no man spends equal Care and pains for God, until Gods Spirit in free grace change and quicken him with what he doth for these temporary Dreams and Shadows.

The second Scripture is 1 Cor. 2. viz But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: 1 Cor. 2. as to Gods Spirit dis­cussed. For the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God: For what man knows the things of a man save the Spirit of a man, &c. now we have not received the Spi­rit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we may know the things which are freely given to us of God.

In ver. 6. the Spirit of God speaks of a twofold wisdome, first, the wisdome of this world, and the Principles of this world which come to nought. Wisdome. Secondly, the wisdome of God in a Mystery, even the hidden wisdome which God ordained before the world unto our glory.: Again, ver. 12. God tells us of two Spirits: The Spi­rit of the world, Secondly, The Spirit of God. Now this woful Cheator finding the word Spirit, Confounds as his Course is all together, and because God s Spirit regenerates the Corinthians, and opens to them a glimpse of the Godheads power and wisdom and Goodness by Pauls preaching, and opens their hearts to it [...] therefore he must also enlighten the world with the same Light, whereas that which is born of the Spirit [...] Spirit, and that of Flesh is Flesh; The Case of G Fox and most of his Foxians. This Change and renewing of the Spirit by the holy Spi­rit, I fear G. Fox and most of his Foxians never Experimen [...]d, [Page 74] though they enjoy in common a Light of Nature, though God hath endowed him and many of them with excellent Natural Parts: yea, with a Light from the holy Scripture: yea, a Light of Experience and common Motions from Gods holy Spirit, and have been lifted up by their own thoughts and others (as Capernaum) up to the Heaven! and therefore my Soul fears (as to most of them) that God will bring them down to Hell with the greater Con­demnation.

The 38 th. Instance is in Pag. 222. where he brings in the same Author saying, 222. Hosanna to the Son of David [ Salvation and Faith are the gifts of God, di­stinct from Christ]

He Answers, They are all of him, and from him, and with him, And how is he the Author of Faith in whom it ends, and from whence it comes.]

I Reply, Christs Name horribly abused as Potiphars wife cries out against Joseph: and pre­tends Chastity, so doth this subtle Whoremonger, pretending that all as pure Christ: the Light is Christ, their Hope is Christ, their Faith, their Spirit is Christ himself, yea, the Saints are Christ: No distinction between Christ and them, for they are all of him, from him, and with him?

In short, I pray the Reader to mind with me the first Chapter to the Colossians, Colossians 1. Considered. where ver. 1. The Spirit of God declares how Gods Children (poor slaves at first in Sathans Clutches) are Translated from the Kingdome of Darkness into the Kingdome of his dear Son: The Nature and admirable Miste­ry and Excellent of Christ Jesus In whom we have Redemption through his Blood, even the Forgiveness of Sins. I know the Foxians turn Christ, yea, his Blood also into a Spirit, a God. How admirably doth the holy Spirit of God declare the Godhead, or Divinity of Christ Jesus and his Manhood or Humanity unto ver. [...]? out of both which I shall select two or three Attributes of the Lord Jesus.

1. The State of Christianity, amongst many other high Expressions in the Scripture, is here called the Kingdome of Gods dear Son, which argues a distinction from all other Kingdomes, and a di­stinction from his Saints, as a King is not his Subjects, nor their Gifts and Honours, and Estates, and peace, and Joy though gi­ven by him to them, and procured by his great wisdome and love for them.

Oh poor Ungrateful Monsters, not content to be taken from [Page 76] the Kingdome, from the Dungeon, of Darkness and Hell, and that by the Ramsome and price paid and Blood and Death of his only Beloved the Prince of Life, but we must be the K ing of Heaven and Prince of Life ourselves.

2. I observe, The Blood of [...]. The blood of God. The Instrumental and purchasing Cause or price, is said to be his Blood, which argues the Infinite value of his Suf­ferings, in, which Respect only it is called the Bloods of God: I know the slight esteem that some of these Foxians have of the Blood of the Lord Jesus saying, that wicked men the Souldiers shed it; that it was spilt upon the ground, that there was no dif­ference between that Blood and the Blood of another Saint: That by Gods blood is only meant godly and heavenly power, and Spirit by which God applies Mercy and pardon, Justification, Righte­ousness, &c.

I have read the Blasphemous Discanting of the Jesuit con­cerning Maries white Milk and Christs Crimson Blood, The Blood of Christ despised by Papists and Quakers & in the close, his preferring the Milk of the Mother before the Sons Blood.

I have heard also the foolish Blasphemy of one of my own Neighbours, saying, That the Blood of the Quakers, and by name of W. B. was Saving and Salvation to the World.

3. But I passon, Christ the [...] of God. The Lord Jesus is here called the Image of the invisible God: If this should respect the Godhead only, which is invisible, how could Christ be a visible Picture of Invi­sibility? If the Manhood only? is God a Man, and Man his Image or Picture, [...]s the old Heretick, and late in London, Reeves and Mugleton fancied.

The truth is, as Christs Blood is the figuratively for an Antitipe and fulfilling of all the Figures foregoing him, and for all his Sufferings, and many Blood-shaddings both of Minde and Body, so this Image or Picture, Christ God and Man. this Blessed Lamb of God, consisting of the Godhead, wonderfully assuming such a none such Man­hood, both which the Papists and Quakers; are forced to confess, I say, it is clear he was the brightest Image or Picture of God to the World that ever God appeared in, and therefore called the Word of God the fullest and loudest of all the Words of God in which ever he spake, &c.

4. Many more I might insist on, but I must abbreviate, and only mention ver. 18. where this Lord Jesus is made the Pallace of [Page 77] the Godhead, that in him as the Head of the Body, his Church, Christ Fulness [...] all. Should all fulness dwell, reconciling and making peace, through the Blood of his Crosse, &c. John tells us, that of this fulness in him, we receive: all the World receives the Mercy and Pa­tience of God by him; all his Followers receive his Grace and Spirit, Converting, Senctifying, Comforting, &c. so that his most holy and glorious Manhood, visible amongst us, &c. was as a fair and spacious, A wonderful [...] beautiful Conduit, into which the eternal and inconceivable Counsels of the eternal Power and Godhead flowed, and from whom by all those blessed means and Ordi­nances, as by so many Cocks turned and let loose flow and run into poor empty Souls as Pails and Tankards all sorts of mercies to the whole World, and especially to the Elect, and Chosen, his Church and Body that believe in him: what poor Children and frantick Souls are we then that cry out (poor Pots, The proud [...] of the Qua­kers. and Pails, and Tankards) that we are the Conduit it self; yea, we the Well-head, Fountain and Spring, and (as this frantick Fox In his Book once and again affirms) no distinction between God & Christ & his Saints, yea, though he often acknowledge that Christ is the Author and Finisher of Faith: So that the Gifts of God, the words; of God, which are his Tokens, Love Tokens, and Love Letters, they are God and Christ, themselves the heavenly, Fa­ther, and his Son the heavenly Bridegroom.

John the Baptist cried out to all such proud Souls, I am not He, I am not worthy to unite his Shoe Latchet: He it is that Baptizeth with Fire: He is the Lamb of God, &c. He, even that man upon whom he saw the Spirit descending like a Dove, &c. and blessed Paul with Job, abhors himself, The Papists and Quakers Christ and counts his Holy Life, his Pray­ers, his Fastings, his Righteousness Dung and Dirt compared with that of Christ Jesus, in Opposition to that of the Law, &c. In which mud still the most zealous Papists and Quakers stick, and talk idly of their fulfilling of the Law now, by Christs Righ­teousness, Grace and Spirit in them, which they will at last find to be no more but the first Bargain or Covenant, let them pride themselves never so much in their filthy monstruous Clouts and Rags of Holiness, that is their Christ within them.

The 39 th. Instance is in Pag. 223. where he brings in the same Author saying [ The Light which discovers S [...] and Inquity [Page 77] in Mans Heart is not Christ the dore] He Answers, 223 Hosanna to the Son of David [ The first Adam was the Dore whereon all Sin and Transgression entred: Christ the Light, the second Adam which doth inlighten every man &c. saith, I am the Dore, the Way, and the Life, which finish Sin and Transgression, and brings in Everlasting Righteousness, and the way of Dife out of Death, which Light discovers Sin]

I Reply, Edmund Burroughs in his large Epistle to G. Fox this his Book, he tells us that this Light (which they thus boast of) shews mans threefold Estate, before Transgression: in Trans­gression, and what he is by being saved out of Transgression: It is true, The Estate of mankinde Christ Jesus doth this by many gracious means, but not Immediately, nor to every man that comes into the world: For the World lies in wickedness and Darkness. We are not only bleed­ing in our wounds, but we are lost in the Wilderness: We are stark dead in Sin, and know no more that we are dead then a dead man knows of his Condition: what do then these poor deluded Souls tell us of a Light and Christ within every man in the world dis­covering his pure Estate, his foul Estate, and his raised Estate, which no man or woman in this World that I have read or heard of by Nature had any Spark or shine of such a Light: no nor these proud Ignorants neither, but they have read or heard of these things (more or less) from the holy Scriptures and Records.

2. It is granted, that Natures Light discovers a God, some sins a Judgement, Convictions of Nature one thing, Conver­sion another as we see in Indians: Education and preaching dis­covers more, as in Saul, Achitophel, Judas: The Word and Af­flictions makes Pharaoh cry out I have sinned: Miracles make Nebuchadnezzar and Darius cry out There is no God so great as Daniels, and to make dreadful Laws against blasphemers of him, though themselves continue in their old Idolatries: yea, doubt­less Natures Light is able (in self deceitfulness) wonderfully to Counterfiet true heavenly Light, and the Devil seem an Angel or Messenger of Light from Heaven!

3. What is this to a saving Conviction which Gods Spirit worketh in those that shall be saved, Saving Con­victions when they cry out as the wounded Jews, what shall we do to be saved? and as the Gaolour, what shall I do to be saved?: until this saving Sense of my Conditi­on, and Gods Justice, what is Christ, a Physitian, a Saviour, a Redeemer, Bread, Water, Wine and oil to me? All is needless, yea, loathsome, (though an bony Comb) to a full Soul: what talk [Page 78] you of a pardon to an honest man? or if a Rope or Barr to save [...] secure Epicure in his downe Bed?

4. Again, how poor a plea is this, Adam was the dore to sin, The State of Adam in his Fast therefore Christ is the dore to the discovery of sin? For, look up­on Adam in his Fall. 1. He saw his sin? 2. He had honour of Conscience: 3. He [...]un from God. 4. He hides himself. 5. He He fals to mincing end excusing his sin. All this is revealed to us, and not a word yet heard of, Christ the promised Seed, or a Light, Christ Jesus to Convince him of sin: That was another work, a saving work, which we may hope the Spirit of God wrought in him upon the preaching of Christ Jesus, the Promised Seed and Mediator to come.

5. I know the Song of the great deluder is: Turn to the Light, Sathans Cunning with the Qua­kers hearken to the Light, thou seest it chides thee for thy Stealing, for thy lying &c. Is not this the Christ, &c. listen to him, be still, sink down, obey him, he will teach thee&save thee, &c. But the Bottom is, the English and meaning is, hearken to Sathan, the God of this world, be ruled and taught; and guided by him,: The Scripture is but a dead Letter, the true Christ is within thee, he will turn thee from these sins, Christs coming and make thee perfect as God is perfect, &c. Christ is come now in us the second Time without sin to Salvation. He is come in as ( Ten thousand of his Saints) to Judgement: He within thee is the word of God, the Christ of God, the Light of God, the Spirit of God, God himself, and He seeks Wor­shippers in Spirit and Truth, for the visible things are temporal, &c

6. But what is there in all this, but the noise of Fenny bitter in hollow Canes, Two common Traps and En­gines of Sathan in chearing the Foxians &c? What is here but that two common Busi­nesses may reach to?

1. The Conscience of good and evil which every savage Indi­an in the world hath.

2. The whisperings, the blendings and cheatings of the Devil, in S amuels mantle, pretending vowing and S wearing to be the word of the Lord to be Christ Jesus, yea, & that to your feeling, &c

7. But what are these to Christ Jesus, adore of Hope to poor, wounded, and damned sinners? God by his Law and Justice, by outward hearing or reading, When Christ [...] welcome and inward Convictions of Natural Conscience: hath passed Sentence of Eternal Death and Hell on them: They feel it, they cry out now the Gospel or glad news of a Saviour, a Jesus is Hony in the mouth, &c. Now Luke 4. he [Page 80] heals the broken heart, be sets free the Prisoners, he gives Light to them that see themselves blind, and Cry to him, as the blind man did, Christ medles not with sound persons who have no need of his Bloud, Righteousness, and Merits, &c.

The 40. Instance is in Pag. 224. where G. Fox brings in Ellis Bradshaw, Ellis Bradshaw saying [ There is more words then one]

He Answers, God is the word, and the Scriptures are the words which Christ fulfil,.

I Reply, 1. As the de [...]igne of the bloudy Pope and Jesuits are to kindle Wars between the Protestants, that the Protestants may do the Papists work, and save labour and Charges, and so the Pope and his bloudy Where of Rome may march away securely by the Light of the Protestants fires. So deals the Devil the old Serpent with Christ Jesus, and the holy Scripture or Records which are but One, Two great de­signs of Sathan in a Sense, as the Sun and the Sun dial: His end is to tear down the Sun dial the Scriptures, under pretence that the Sun is within them, and they need no Dials and Clocks, no visible thing that are temporal, &c. and so to destroy the person and Commands of the Lord Jesus, as visible and fleshly pretend­ing all to be Light and Spirit.

2. The words in the Hebrew Aamar and Dabar, as also the Greek, The Word and Words of God Logos and Rema signifie a word, and divers other mat­ters, as I told my Antagonists in the dispute.

1. In both these Languages, and divers other Languages it signifies the will and pleasure of the Mind given forth by Com­mand, or Decree, or Proclamation made by word, or writing from Kings and States, and Commanders of Armies, Navies, &c.

2. In a Metaphor or Figure it is attributed to God, though he have no word properly, having no mouth, no Tongue, no Braine, &c. but as Nurses he deals with us poor Infan [...]s and sucklings, &c.

3. It is another Metaphor or Figure say God is the word for God is no more a word, then he is a Man or a Spirit, or a Sun, or Shield, or a House, or a Fountain, or a Shepard litterally &c. For as a word or Expression proceeds from the mind & thoughts within: so are the Thoughts and mind of God declared many wayes, but chiefly by that man Christ Jesus called the Word.

3. The Inconceivable Godhead being pleased to vouch-safe in In­finite Godness some back part [...] and glimpses of his Infinite glori­ous [Page 81] Majesty in the Framing of this world, and in the restoring of this world, by making a Marriage between his Son and man­kind! all his words and Expressions tend mightily to advance this marriage and great manifestation, or Word of God.

4. I was once asked by a poor Foxian, Whether God have any more words then one. whether God had any more words but one?

I Answered, (and do now) that God hath a great many words or Expressions of his mind and Counsels unto Men and Angels: and so G. Fox, and all the Foxians Confess the Scriptures to be the Words of God, and therein Confess that all, and every word of Scripture is a word of God.

The Truth is, when God gives forth a word or Command by Angels, by Men, and by other of his Armies, (wherein his In­finite Power and Providence daily appeareth) his word runneth very swiftly, as we see when the word is given in a Kingdome, Navy or Army, (as in Abashueros his one hundred and twenty seven Provinces: &c.) He sends out his word, that is, his mind or pleasure, and melteth them, Psal. 147.

5. So that I Affirm, that the two great Lights of Heaven, the Sun and Moon, Infinite millions of millions of Gods word. and all the lesser Lights the Stars are Words and Preachings, and Preachers of God to us: Every wind and Cloud, and drop of Rain and Hail, every Flake of Snow, every Leaf, every Grass, every drop of water in the Ocean, and Rivers, yea, every Grain of Corn, and Sand on the Shore, is a Voice or word and witness of God unto us.

6. Hence (as in that Admirable 107 Psalm, The Voice of Gods works and Providences &c. Every Turn of the holy hand of God in Ruling and Over-ruling and things in the world upon the two great Hinges of Mercy and Judgement, Psal, 110. are but so many Voices or words of God, God speaks once and twice, Job. 33. but man hears it not, in Visions, in Dreams, in Health, and Sickness, in Ease and pain, in wants, in plenty, in dangers and Deliverances, Crosses, Losse [...], &c.

7. That the Hebrew is most full, viz. that God spake by his Prophets (or Preachers, Gods Spirit in his word or declarers of his will) divers wayes and divers times, but now he hath spoken by his Son: From the be­ginning of the world, Luke 1. he hath spoken of the coming of this Son by the mouths of all his Prophets even from the beginning of the World. Therefore though God have many Sons, Christ the word of God yet Christ Jesus (that man Christ Jesus) among the many millions of [Page 82] Sons is stilled the only Begotten Son of God, the Head of all the Elect, purchased to God out of every Nation by his Blood, &c. so by the same excellency and eminency (above all the mani­festations and appearances of God to the World) no word or appearance of God is comparable to that appearance of God in Christ Jesus, and therefore called the Word of God as the greatest appearance of the eternal Power and Godhead.

8. Hence it follows, that these poor Foxians are so much the more shameless and monstrous, The shareless wickedness of the Quakers a­gainst the Scrip­tures & Christ himself not only in robbing the Scrip­tures of their most Heavenly and common Title of the Word of God, common to all Gods appearances, but also in turning this Word of God Christ Jesus into a Spirit without any body: but what is gone for ever from us, and by their parting him (his God­head from his Man-hood) into a Fancie, a Dream, a meer Whim­sie, and Devellish Imagination.

9. When we deal with Indians about Religion, The way of deal­ing with Indians our work is to prove unto them by Reason, that the Bible is Gods Word, for by Nature they are much affected with a kind of Deity to be in Writing: That all their Revelations, and Visions, and Dreams (in which the Devil wonderfully abuseth them) are False and Cheating.

That this Scripture or Writing we pretend to, is from God by their own experience, They see infinite Reason in the holy Scriptures because it agrees with their own Con­sciences, reproving them for those sins their Souls say they are guilty of: That the terrible Majesty of Gods Justice in punish­ing Sinners so shines in it, and also his infinite goodness and mer­cy in finding out such a way of Mediation, and such a Mediator that their Souls cannot but adore Infinite Justice and Mercy in it. That the Holy power of God so appears in it in working upon the Souls of Millions, turning them from Dogs, and Swine, and Wolves, and Lions, into Sheep, and Lambs, and Doves, &c. in Love, Meekness, Patience, &c.

That it could be none but an Omnipotent Arm that hath pre­served the Holy Scripture so many thousand years (some part of it) though so many wonderful changes, The preservation of the Scripture through so many Bloody Huntings of Kings, Emperours, Popes; and this more subtile Hunting of these Foxians, to run it out of this World, and by seeming to embrace it to destroy and kill it.

[Page 83] The 41. Instance is in Page 228. Where G. Fox brings in Tho­mas Weld, Tho. Weld saying, [ There lies a Mystery of Iniquity, for to say the World calls them so, by such and such Names or gives them their Christian Name.]

He Answers, [There are Names given by the Heathen, the Heathen outward which men are called: There is a new Name which the World knows not written in the Book of Life: Here is the new Man known after God in Righteousness and true Ho­liness; Now who is the New Man, and this new Name? the World may call him by the old, so it is not a mystery of iniquity to say the World calls him so.]

I Reply, As to Christen Names, & Names to Children As to Christian or Christen Names or Things bear­ing or pretending to bear the Name, Authority or an Uniting of Christ Jesus (as we know the word Christian signifies) it is in­cumbent on every Christian Soul to search into the Root, and Rise, and Practise, and Warrant of them with holy fear and trembling in the presence of God.

2. But to the mystery of Iniquity here insinuated against them, The Foxians scornfull [...] Is it not a proud trick of a Pharisee thus to scorn the poor Hea­thens and Publicans, as not worthy to know the Foxians high Names, or take up such sacred Names and Mysteries upon their Lips? Yea, is it not a ridiculous Fancie thus to prate, and (like Pharisees) to scold about washing of Hands, and Posts, and Cups, therein placing invented Holiness, &c.

For, 1. What are the Heathen, this Heathenish Soul here Strikes at? doth he mean the wilde S avages, Who are G. Fox his Heathen who give Names to their Children, and oft times full of Reason and Significance, &c. Or doth he account all Nations Savages and Barbarians that give Names to their Children, and consequently themselves Savages and Barbarians also, for they give Names unto their Children also.

2. It is true that by the word Heathen (the Goj in the Hebrew and Ethne in the Greek) the Nations or Gentiles were signified as distinct from the Holy Nation or Church of God the Jews, The Words Heathen but so it is not common in our English Phraze, to call all the Nations Heathen that are not of the Jewish Nation.

3. Did not the Saints before the coming of Christ give Names to their Children did not Leab and Rachel (by Jacobs leave) give all those significant Names unto the twelve Patriarchs? and [Page 84] have not the Saints of God (as well as all Nations) still so practiced?

4. Doth Christian Regeneration or New Birth destroy Natu­ral Births or Marriages, or Procreations, or Names and Educa­tions? Only (as Diamonds in Gold Rings, and Aples of gold in pictures of silver) Christianity beautifies and adorns all these, Natural and Civil Actions with an heavenly Spirit, Carriage in Earthly matters.

5. Can there be any Instances given of any Servants of God before or since the coming of Christ Jesus, Christ destroys not but [...] Civility disowning or [...]lighting the Names which their Parents had given them: yea, though there were some seeming honour to false Gods in them, Fortuna­tue Apollo, Phebe, &c.

6. Why may we not (though we are for his Heathens) call the Foxians by the same Names by which they call themselves? for, in this great Book we find G. Fox and Edmund Burrough subscribed? It is a Query why they so plainly subscribe, and yet defend them that do not, Have they a Priviledge? Or do they thus quarrel with us, (poor Heathens) about straws, or things In­different? and yet so weighty as the new Name, and new man created in holiness, &c?

7. But what is this now Creature and new Name they speak of? How shall the world call them by it if they know it not? The new Man and new Name. Such are their Nonsensical Fancies of giving no Respect to any in word or gestures: Such are their Fantastical Conceited Answers, when being asked where they dwell, they Answer, they dwell in God, and where they live, they Answer, They live in God, &c,

8. Are not these Foxians a kin to the Popes in this Fancy also, when raised to the Devils Pinacle to the Popedome, they throw down their old Names to the world, The Popes fling­ing to the world their old Names, and though they be as subtle as Foxes, yet now they will be called Leones Lions, though they be as fierce and Cruel as Lyons, they will now be called Clement and thought they be as Impious as swine, even as Os [...]pores, they must be called p [...]us.

In the last place, as the Pope cast away his net which he used as the Remembrance of the Fisherman Peter when he had catch [...] the Popedome, so G. Fox having made his Fortune as it is Pro­phanely called, G. Fox his great change. having attaind a great Marriage: His now Car­riage and Courtesie, and Civility condemns Humphry No ton [...] [Page 85] and his own former Rigidity as I am sure they will do most them for worldly Advantages, For, as they abuse that Scripture, Recles. 11. The World is in their Heart. I may [...] use it and affirme the world and the pride and Advantage of it, though they deny it as the Pope and Cardinals and Jesuits do is in their Heart, and is the Body and Soul, the Root and Branch of all their whole Religion.

The 42 Instance is in pag. 243. where G. Fox brings in Richard Sherlock saying, 243. Richard Sherlock. [ We must not look for an Immediate Extraordinary and miraculous Teaching from the Lord.]

He Answers, Yet he saith, all men are taught of God, what Confusion is here? The grace of God which bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all men, and this he calls an outward Teaching by the Lord Jesus Christ. Is that which brings Salvation out­ward: All in the Truth may judge this and try thy Spirit: And the Teachings of the Lord is not mediate, but Extraordinary above all yours, which are men got up since the dayes of the Apostles.

I Reply, 1. Although I have spoken before of their Immediate Inspirations: yet seeing how greedily and boastingly this deluded Soul with scorn and Contempt of all his Opposites, sucks in the poyson of Devilish Inspirations in stead of the pure wine and milk of Christian Truth, and milks out this poyson into the mouths of his poor bewitched Followers, I shall add a few words.

G. Fox here affirmeth that the Teachings of the Lord are not mediate, The Teachings of God. but Immediate, Extraordinary and miraculous, Contra­ry to the whole stream of Scripture and Experience.

1. Contrary to the Ordinary and daily, and mighty preaching of the whole Creation: Psal 9 The Heavens, &c.

2. Contrary to the Teachings of God in every mans Nature, and making, being taught of God, above Gods Teaching, the Fowls of the Air and Beasts of the Field: Doth not Nature teach you, 1 Cor. 11. as to long hair.

3. Contrary to Abrahams Teaching of his Children, and the Command of God to all Parents.

4. Contrary to Ordinary Teachings of the Priests and Le­vites Commanded by God, in so much that Christ Jesus. Com­manded the Scribes and Pharisees sitting in Moses Chair to be heard and attended.

5. Contrary to the Ordinary and Constant feeding by Sheep­herds [Page 86] and Teachers in the Christian Flocks and Assemblies.

6. Contrary to the Teachings of the holy writings or Scrip­ture written by Immediate breathing of God, for our Instruction and Consolation, &c.

Ob. Yea, but saith this great wrester of holy writings: They shall be all taught of God.

Answer, 1. Who, or how shall they be all taught of God? that teach­ing in the Hebrew applied from the new Prophets, Isaiah and Jeremiah is the teaching of the new Covenant, and that is the pro­mise of Grace and Mercy to many as are predestinate and called, &c.

2. That is no Immediate, Extraordinary, and miraculous bu­siness, for this is common to all that repent or turn to God.

3. Many had, and may have the speaking with Tongues, and working with Miracles, and yet not know what the teaching of the Spirit in a new Birth is.

4. In the Ordinary Teaching to Conversion, the Lord owns his Servants as Fellow Labourers, Workers, Builders, Husband­men, Fathers, &c. wherein he is pleased to open the hearts of one Thousand and Ten Thousand as he did in the First preachings of that glad News, and I hope will do so again.

5. The great Promise to Christ Jesus and his Seed is, [...] that there shall be a gracious Continuance in Christs mouth, & the mouth of his Seed, of both the word, (that is preached) and the holy Spi­rit more or less) accompanying and Teaching, Isa. 59.

6. What is there in G. Fox his wild Notion, [ Can that which brings Salvation be outward?] Against all the Proofs be­fore I mentioned, and so many others concerning the Foolishness of Preaching, &c.

Object. He saith, The grace of God teacheth every man to deny ungodly Lusts, And [...]ask,

1. If every man in the world hath this Immediate work on them? what's the Reason we find none in the world (no not the wisest) until they have the Scripture, or the Doctrine thereof some way opened to them, that have been able to give us the least Tidings of any such business.

2. What's the Reason that so few in the world have any shew of Repentance, &c. much less a sound and and saving turning of the whole Soul unto God?

[Page 87] 3. Why do the Quakers make such adoe about their Apostles Men and Women as if that glorious Light the Father, Son and Spirit in every man were not able to teach Effectually (by his Extraordinary and miraculous power) without their outward speaking to the Seed, that is to God within them?

4. If they themselves teach by such an Extraordinary and mi­raculous power as the Prophets of old, Miracles. and the Apostles of Christ Jesus did, what should be the Cause why we see no such mira­culous deeds done by any of them? The Truth is, God is pleased to chain up Sathan: otherwise, the Foxians would have their longing (which it may be some shall after them) But if they shall be permitted by God, and assisted by the Devil to do as the Magicians did: yet if their Doctrine be other then what is writ­ten (as I have abundantly proved it to be) while they cry out Light, Light, there is none as Isaiah speaketh, not a Spark of Light within them.

The 43. Instance is in Pag. 247. where G. Fox brings in Christopher Wade saying, 247. Christo­pher Wade. [ The written Word is the Sword of the Spirit:] And he makes another Rule beside the Scripture false.

He Answers, which we say is the Spirit which gave them forth, whereby Peace is known upon the Israel of God: And the Pha­risees had the Scripture but had not the Sword of the Spirit, the Scriptures testifies of the Sword of the Spirit.

I Reply, 1. With all humble Reverence to the most holy Spi­rit of God, who is God himself. I affirme, the Spirit or God can not here be the Sword intended.

For 1. This Spiritual Furniture being a Similitude taken from warlike and Military Provision and Artillery from Head to Foot, The Sword of the Spirit. the Helmet, Breast plate, the Shield, the girdle, the Shoes, and eve­ry one applied to gifts and means flowing from Gods Spirit, as Faith, Hope, Sincerity, &c. it were most improper then to bring in God or the Spirit to be the Sword, or any of the other pieces.

2. For there is no more Reason to make the Spirit or God to be the Sword, then the Shield or any other piece.

3. It seems too low to the holy Spirit and God to be here in this Similitude, resembled to a Sword or Instrument in the hands of men to be drawn and brandished and fought withal for Offence and Defence at mens pleasure, though in some Sence God.

[Page 88] 4. This was the Sword, the only Sword, is called a Sword with which the Lord Jesus sought and vanquished the Devil, Gegrap­tas Gegraptai: It is written, it is written, and we may well say of it as David of the Sword of Goliab, by which David cut off his head, there is none to that, &c.

The holy Spirit, Christ and God are Authors of all these heavenly Gifts and Graces, the Beginner and Finisher of Faith, and therefore not Faith nor Hope, Not the Spirit himself nor any other piece of the Ar­tillery themselves, no more then the Armorer is the Helmet, or the Cutler the Sword, &c.

6. In Revel. 1. Christ and the Sword with two Edges (which cometh forth of his mouth) are distinct, and can not be the same, as G. Fox usually Confounds and mixeth all together. Hence, the Word of Christ, Col. 3. can not be Christ himself, but that which cometh from him and tendeth to him.

7. These great Interpreters are Confounded in themselves, for here in Ephes. 4. the Spirit must be the Sword and Word of God, But in Heb.4. Christ must be the Sword, with two Edges, being the Word of God, and not the Spirit: So like Juglers do they shift from one hand to another, to Confound and beguile the Behold­ers.

Object. But the Spirit faith G. Fox was before the Scripture, and gave forth the Scripture.

I Answer, what then, G. Fox is before his Book, and gave it forth, is it not therefore G. Fox his word & writing but G. Fox himself? Or is not the Kings Majesty before his Declaration, or Proclama­tion to the world? Is it not therefore the Kings word, The Immediate Inspiration of the Spirit or is it the King himself? This Immediate Inspiration of the holy Scripture, from the Spirit makes it a Word so powerful, a Magazine & Store­house so full of Treasury, so rich a Standard, Touchstone or Weights so perfect, for the trail of all Spirits, all writings, all Doctrines, all Religions, Worships, Actions, &c.

Object. But the P [...]arises faith G. Fox had the Scripture, but they had not the Sword of Gods Spirit:

I Answer, The Jews had, and have, and so the Turks have had much of it, the Papists and the Quakers, and other Blasphe­mors, yea, and the Devils themselves may have the Scripture, the word of God in their Hands and mouths: The Scripture horribly abused for may not a true Sword, a choice Sword be in a mad mans hand, whereby he may [Page 89] mischief and wound, and kill himself and others: Hence men make merchandize of it, sophisticate and Adulterate, and turn it into a Lie, &c.

On the other hand, the Spirit of God is promised to Gods Children: Gods Spirit and Word are promised to go together in the mouths of all true Christians, Isa. 59. this holy Spirit is to be praid for, Luke 11. and is therefore powerfully present with Gods true Messengers, while they Translate, Expound, Preach as Paul did, Acts, 26. No other things but what Moses and the Prophets wrote of.

The 44th. Instance is in Pag. 253. where he quotes Henry Haggar, 253. Henry Hagger. saying, [ You call all men dead and Carnal in the Serpents Nature, in what Form soever if they differ from you] G. Fox An­swers, [ All that be not in the Light that inlightneth every man that cometh into the world, which is the way to the Father, differeth from us: such be dead, such be Carnal in the Serpents Nature; For none comes to the Life, but who comes to the Light, in what Form so ever they be: And such as differ from us differ from Christ: For none come from under the Serpents head and Nature, but who comes to the Light.

I Reply, 1. As David said of some whose Teeth were as Swords, and Solomon saith, there is a Generation &c. of such whose Teeth are as Swords, The Papists and Quakers of a damning and damned Spirit and if ever there were a Generation of such in the world the Papists and these Foxians are the Generations here intended: For it is in vain to tell them of Christ the Founda­tion, and of building Wood, Hay, Stubble, &c. If you come not roundly to the Pope with the Papists: Or to the Light within,&c. nothing remains but Fire and Brimstone, Damnation, &c.

2. It is true, in some of their writings, and in Edmund Bur­roughs himself there seems to be some charitable hopes of some having something of Sincerity in them, and of breathing after the Lord, but I observe they fall in with G. Fox again, viz except that those persons owne their Idols called Light within them.

3. The Protestants overcome the Papists not only by Scripture and Argument, The true Protes­tants Charity but in Charity also, for they profess to have Hope of many among the Papists, as they do also of many amongst the Quakers, But the Papists and Quaker like Fire-ships turn and blow up all, that bow not down to the is Image, &c.

[Page 90] 4. How far are these from the Spirit of Christ Jesus toward the poor Woman, The Quakers far from the Spirit of Christ Jesus. the Syroph [...]nician, who by her worship was a dog, (and he told her so) yet believing in him, and content to gather up Crumbs (as a Dog) under his Table, he grants her Suit, and magnifies her personal Excellency! Thus dealt he with the Centu­rion and Cornelius, and with every poor Reed if truly bruised for Sin, and every Lock of smoaking Flax reaking in truth of Love to God, and the Lord Jesus.

He proclaims the Kingdome of Heaven to the poor in Spirit, who see themselves dead and lost, The meek and merciful Spirit of Jesus and damned, and seeing no help, no Grace, (not a penny nor a patch of any good in them but) waiting as Beggars at the gate, the beautiful and glorious gate of mercy.

He proclaims Blessedness and Promises to the The different state of Gods Children. bleating Lambs as the fruitful Sheep to the Infants and new born Babes, that hunger and thirst for the [...] of Righteousness, that by the Patience and Comfort held forth in the writings or Records they may have hope, although yet they cannot be Confident of any work of God in them, and are not so bold to Confess Christ Jesus openly, and kiss him in the Streets, but steal to him by night as Nicodemus, and Joseph, until they saw him bleeding on the Gallows.

He bare with his Disciples though foolish and slow of Heart, hard hearted, ignorant of his Death and Resurrection, and loath to hear of such metters.

The 45th. Instance is in Pag. 259 where he quotes John Brown saying, 259. John Brown [ And them that bring people to look at the Light within them, are as Korah, Dathan and Abiram.]

G. Fox Answers, [ All that go from the Light within them, are as Korah, Dathan, and Abiram amongst the Lords Prophets, Exalting themselves and Persecuting.]

1. I Reply, and Examine unto whom this Famous History may most properly be Applicable, for sure it was a Type and word of God

1. Then, that which the Spirit of God chargeth upon Korah, Number 16. Ko­rah Dathan and Abirams Revolt applied to the pretended Qua­kers. is a rising up, a Revolt and Rebellion against the Lord, his Ap­pointments and Ministers or Officers, Moses and Aaron, &c.

I know G. Fox chargeth this upon all that pretend to any Ministry and Ministration, and have not the Immediate Spirit of [Page 91] God, as the Apostles had, but (as he speaks simply) are Ravened from it, and are still Apostates, &c.

But I Answer, the Protestant Religion is a Religion protesting against the Abominations of that bloody man of Sin the Pope both in his Doctrines and Worships and Conversations: The Protestant Religion Revolt­ed from by the Quakers These Prote­sters have been since the Waldenses, in France and Germany, and low Countries, and England, Scotland, Denmark, Swedland, Polonia, Transilvania, Norway, Ireland, &c. Conflicting, Con­tending with their Tongues, their pens, and their Blood against the Bloody Whore and Church of Rome, according to many pas­sages in the Revelations, most wonderfully and miraculously fulfilled upon them.

From these all, their holy Doctrines and Endeavours after Gods pure worship are the Quakers Revolted and set up a Flag of De fiance against all but pretended Immediately Inspired persons, Invisible Worships, and Ministers and a sullen, proud, and dogged Conversation, (for the general of them.)

2. As Absoloms and Shebabs Conspiracies were notable and Signal against King David, Conspirators against the Priest­ly, Prophetical, and Kingly Of­fice and Power of Christ Jesus the Prophetical and Kingly Type of the Lord Jesus, so was Korahs and his Conspirators very Consi­derable and Eminent against Moses and A [...]ron Types of the Prophetical, Priestly, and Kingly Office of the blessed Lord Jesus Christ: It is said, Numb. 16. that Korah the Levite, and Dathan and Abiram the Sons of Reuben, and two hundred and fifty Prin­ces and Notable Men of Fame in the Assembly thus kindled the Coals of this proud Conspiracy, which had broke forth into de­vouring Flames, except that the Shepherd of Israel (who never slumbers nor sleeps) had most graciously and wonderfully watcht for the timeous and early Extinguishing of it.

As to the pretending Quakers, it is known that they are not Sons of Obscurity, The Conspira [...] of the Quakers (as Bull and Farminton, Reeves and Mugleton) but for Estate and parts, for Education and Learning, some of them for pretences of Piety, Against Christ Jesus Conscience, patience, Zeal and Mor­tification yea, and also for their Numbers, all which they predi­cate in their Books, and in my dispute with them with loud Trum­pets) they are known to be Considerable, and as like to spread [...] did the Arrians Papists or Mahometans.

3. Korah and Dathan, &c they were by Gods righteous Judgement so fixed, and settled, and hardned in their Perswasion [Page 92] and Confidence, that they Contemned all Moses weekness, and Answered stoutly, Korah and the Quakers Confi­dence & fierce­ness We will no: come up, when he Cited them be­fore the Lord: yea, say they, wilt thou pluck out the eyes of these men, and they daringly and desperately brought their Censers to offer Incense and Worship to God: as may be applied to these proud and Confident, and desperate Foxians.

4. Their Charge was notoriously false against Moses, And lying Char­ges. (as the Charge of the Quakers against such blessed Instruments which God hath used like Moses to bring the Protestants out of the Egypt of Popery:) viz. a Charge of Pride and Ambition, wilt thou make thy self a Prince over us? a Charge of which the Foxi­ans are notoriously guilty.

5. I observe their horrible Ingratitude both unto the most holy God himself, Ingratitude and unto Moses and Aaron, Gods Servants, by whom he had wrought so many wonders for this people in so many wonderful and miraculous Directions, Preservations and Deliverances.

6. Their Impaticucci and Unbelief, &c. Thou hast not yet brought as unto a Land slowing with milk and bony, [...] as if God and Moses had only sed them with Sugred and bonied words, and no Effects and performances.

7. I observe their subtle and false pretences and Suggestions: Is not all the Lords people holy every one of them, and the Lord is amongst them, just the Quakers Language, who so advance every one people of the Lord: (as they call their Proselites) viz. that they are just now born of God, and Literally, can not Sin, are Immediately Inspired, need no Teachers, no Scripture, &c.

8. I observe, and I humbly beg of the Father of mercies to cause these poor Foxians to observe the Conspiracy of the two Elements, The Wonderful Judgements of [...] upon the [...] in this world. Earth, and Fire to Consume and devour these Famous proud Conspirators: I spare Applications, begging mercy from the Father of Lights and mercies, for their Humiliations and Sal­vation: Only I Remember, that every Plant the Heavenly Fa­ther hath not planted, flourisheth it never so green, so high, so long, shall be plucked up, and cast into the Fire, &c.

The 46th. Instance is in Pag. 262. Where he brings in George Johnson saying, 62 George Johnson. [ The Americans were never ordained for Grace and Salvation, and the Grace of God never appeared to the Americans.]

[Page 93] G. Fox Answers, which is contrary to the Scriptures, which saith, the grace of God which brings Salvation hath appeared to all men, &c. and I will give him for a Light, and for a Covenant to the Gentiles, a new Covenant to the House of Israel and Judah, and that be may be my Salvation to the ends of the Earth; and many in America have received Truth and Salvation.

I Reply, 1. To the Covenantor Bargain of God with Man, Thoughts about America first and secondly I have spoke, as also to the figurative calling of Christ Jesus the Covenant to Jews and Gentiles, and that this blind Soul taking it litterally, he runs upon the Rocks of the Ar­minian general Redemption, and the Universalists general Salva­tion, and that with a known Contradiction against their own Foundation of none having any benefit of Christ, that own not their Light, &c. as also with a known Contradiction to all Expe­ [...]ence, which saith, the whole World lies in Wickedness, and this America in ba [...]hdrisme, and Barbarous Wickedness of all sorts.

2. I have said Christ is the Light, the Covenant, the Brazen Serpent, N [...]w Christ a Light & Cove­nant the Bridegroom held forth as the Sun in the Heavens to all the World: So Christians are the Salt, the Light of the World, and the Church the Pillar and Firmament of Truth, holding it out to all the World; is therefore all the World seasoned, enlightened, converted, saved: yea, doth be not only deny the Americans, but the Europeans, Asians, and Africans also any Salvation (though never so holy Professour of Christ) except they bow down to their new black Image of Light within them?

3. It was a large effusion of the Holy Spirit of God upon so many precious Leaders and Followers, New Englands [...] who ventured their All to New-England upon many Heavenly Grounds, three especially.

First, The enjoyment of God according to their Consciences.

Secondly, Of holding out Light to Americans.

Thirdly, The advancing of the English Name and Planta­tions.

These three ends the most High and Holy God hath graciously helpt his poor Protestants in a Wilderness to Endeavour to promote, &c.

And as these Barbarians, The India [...] of N. England the Holy God knows some pains I took uprightly in the Main Land and Islands of New-England to dig into their Barbarous, Rockie Speech, and to speak some­thing [Page 94] thing of God unto their Souls; and surely God hath stirred up the Spirit of my ancient dear Friend Mr. Eliot to gain their Language, to Transhare them the Bible, and many other wayes to bring the found of a Saviour amongst them, The Indians of New England. which I humbly beg of God to perfect and finish for the Glory of his Great Name, &c.

4. What G. Fox me ans by saying some in America have re­ceived Truth and Salvation I can but guess at: It is known that he owns nothing of God in Indians or English, until they bow down to their Idol, and that he intends none but such English in America as he and others have Poysoned and Bewitched with Helish Sorceries.

5. This last Year a Paper was sent me from the Quakers, de­siring me to turn it into Indian, The Quakers de­sire of perverting the Indians. that so it might be Printed in England, and so dispersed amongst them: it contained two things:

First, That they had a Light within them which told them that it was evil to Steal, &c.

Secondly, That if they did hearken to this Light, it would lead them to god, &c.

I returned the Paper, and my refusing in Writing, affirming it not to be Truth, &c and I questioned the Quakers themselves for a false Christ, false Light and Spirit, which they would insect the Indians with.

The 47th Instance is in pag. 263. John Owen [...]63. Where he quotes John Owen, saying [ At Truth concerning God and our selves is to be learned from the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God]

G. Fox Answers, There was Truth learned before the Scrip­tures were written, and the Scriptures of Truth are the Words of God, which ends in Christ the Word, and there is no Truths learned but as the Spirit doth lead into all Truth: And many has the Scriptures but know not Christ and the Truth, &c. so he hath thrown out Christ and Spirit.

I Reply, 1. I have more then once before Answered this Childish Answer. There was Truth, (and the Spirit, and Christ, and Light,) before Scripture, as also that which no true Protestant [...] viz. that the Scriptures, nor preaching, nor Baptisme, nor the Supper, nor Afflictions avail except the Spirit (the Fin­ger [Page 85] or Power of God) set them home upon us: As also that ma­ny have the Scriptures yet know not Christ, which who questi­ons? So that his Answers are so loose and Childish that none but Fools and Children, and Frantick persons can find any Savour and tast in them.

2. I therefore for further Answer to this Quotation, pray the Reader to read some former passages, Owen [...] writings about the Scrip­ture Excellently learned and Spi­ritual and In­vincible but especially, those pub­lick discourses of this excellently learned and pious Author, wherein he hath admirably (both in Latin and English) main­tained the Authority and perfection of this Inestimable jewel, the holy Scripture: both against Athiests and Papists, and Jews, and Quakers, &c. and proved (as clear as at Noon-day) the holy Scriptures, and every Tittle of them to be the holy Word, or Will, Or Declaration of the holy mind of God.

The 48th Instance is in Pag. 264. where he brings in Samuel Palmer, 264 Samuel pal­mer laying, [ The State of the Soul in this Life is threefold Creation, Corruption and Regeneration.]

G. Fox Answers, [ In Regeneration the Life is changed from the Life which is in the Fall, So Regeneration and Corruption is not one in the new Life]

I Reply, who saith they be? who saith that Regeneration and Corruption are one in the New Life? what a soul Trick is this of a false man to impute that to his Opposite which he abhorreth? I guess, Mans threefold Condition in this Life. or he means that in Regeneration, there is perfection and no Sin, or Corruption left, &c Hence the plea of some of their Spirits for Adams nakedness being come to the State of Inno­cency: Hence the poor frantick Souls cry out that the Protestants preach for Sin, for Tearme of Life, &c.

I Answer, questionless the Devil deals with the Foxians as the Pirat doth with Ships, The Devil too Crafty for the Foxians he makes no Opposition against such he hath taken, and is possessed of: So that no question but the Quakers may be freed from many Transgressions and Temptati­ons to them, which others are assaulted with.

2. These poor Souls foolishly and extream simply Answer Pauls Complaints and Cryes and bewailing himself, Rom. 7. with Pauls giving thanks for his sudden victory in the last words, as if just then the Battel had turned, and Paul had not spoke of the Constant Battel and Warfare, which all the Saints of God (in about four thousand years together throughout the holy Scripture) [Page 96] Experimented: Noah, Ab aham, David, Peter John, Barna­bas, &c.

3. It is a mistery which neither Jews nor Turks, A great mistery. Athiests or Papists, or Quakers know, viz. how the Seed of all grace may be in the new born, and yet the Seed also of all sin (except the sin against the holy Spirit) remaining in them: Therefore when they hear of the Falls of the Saints in Scripture, and so great! Some question the Truth of the Scripture: others make a sport of them, The Quakers de­vilish pride. and pretend a Cloak for their sins, saying none are per­fect, why may not we as well as they? Others, (as the Foxians say,) We are come to a more perfect and pure Estate then Paul at first was in: or John, who saith, If we Confess our Sin: or lames, who faith, In many things we offend all: or the Father that cried, help my Unbelief, &c. But the Papists and Quakers are so perfect and Superperfect, that though they be full of Pride, Ambition Unbelief, Unthankfulness, Intemperancy, Covetousness, full of rash Anger, bitter Railings- and dreadful Blasphemies against Hea­ven, yet they can with the Whore wipe their mouths, and say they are pure from all uncleanness.

The 49th. Instance of G. Fox his lame writings is in Pag.275. 275. Richard Meyo where he quotes Richard Meyo, saying, [ To say the gospel is the Power of God is but a Metaphorical Speech.]

G. Fox Answers, [ The Apostle doth not say so, for the Apostle saith, the Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation to every one that believes, in plain words, Rom. I.]

I Reply, 1. (As before, and as thousands know) that the word Gospel is in all Languages glad News, the same which the An­gel brought to the Sheepherds as of a Saviour born, and laid in a man­ger at Bethlehem, this is the News, the placid good News, though set forth and beautified in the holy Scripture with variety of Fi­gures and Metaphors.

2. The great Fox the Devil who thirsts after the Blood of the Quakers, The Devils bloody Craft and of all mens Souls, he whispers, viz. the Gos­pel is Christ, it is the Spirit, the Light, and God himself, why talk you of a written Gospel of a preached Gospel the Scriptures are within you, the Gospel is within you, Translations & Interpretations within you: why gaze you upon pen and Ink and for a man. amp;c.

3. As if the glad Tidings or Gospel to a dying can of a par­don, [Page 97] &c of Life, &c. founding to his Ear, were not by the Exter­nal Dort of his Eat conveyed by that Dore) to the inward dore and Closet of his mind? who but Frantick Souls in Bedlam will say, The Kings De­claration of mercy and Li­berty what need you mind the Kings Declarations or Proclamati­ons of pardon or Liberty? The King himself is the Gospel, the Declaration, and the Liberty, the King is within you, the Gos­pel or glad News is within you?

4. The Devil hates the glad News of Christ Jesus as much as Darkness hateth Light, The Devils two forget Soldi­ers Anti-Christi­anisme therefore he hath two sorts of Souldiers.

1. Some that say, what tell you us of Reading and praying, and preaching, mind the Kernel within, while the second sort are all for the outside, which without the In­side are but Shels, and Husks, and Shadows.

5. How commonly doth the holy Spirit in the Scriptures speak Ridles and Figures, that they that see not may see, The Figures in Scripture. and they that say they see (Papists, Quakers, &c. may be blinded) why is the Lamb called the Passover, Christ the Tempt, the Cup his blood, the Bread his Body, &c.

There were many hundreds brought before King Henry and Queen Mary, after him, &c. for Insurrections with Haltars about their Necks: These Princes (and others) pronounced their inward mind by word External, the Heralds and Proclamations, and Trampets were in a Figurative Sense all glad News and Gospel, and yet the substance of the glad News or Gospel was the pardon offered and vouchsafed to them?

6. Mine Eyes have seen a Condemned Soul turned off at the Gallows: a Post comes galloping all drive, waving his hat, [...] being espied, Execution is staid: The people cried a pardon, the Pest cried a Reprieve: The Sheriff cried neither no Reprieve, A lovely picture of the Gospel. &c. until he saw the Kings band or Authority from him, the Post de­livers to the Sheriff a bit of paper, which the Sheriff reading He Commanded the Hater to be taken off, and the Prisoner to be delivered to the Post: the Prisoner with joyful lips bid Death and his [...] Sufferers Firewel, and with joyful legs leap tip behind the welcome Messenger of his Deliverance, for, after­wards [...] under the broad Seal of England. I ask here [...] may Figuratively be sti­led [...], or the Gospel to this dying man.

7. I ask whether the [...] N [...]w, [...] Gospel which this Post [Page 98] Messenger or Preacher brought, Who it is called Pauls Gospel. might not Figuratively be called his Gospel or glad News, as Paul Rom.2. calls it his Gospel, and 2 Cor. 4. our Gospel if bid, it is bid to them that be lost? It is hid two wayes.

1. When not by writing or preaching it is preached or decla­red (as it is not as yet discovered to innumerable millions in the world.) How it is bid.

2. When the Power or Spirit of God opens not (as he did Li­diabs) the Ears and Hearts and Spirits of men to embrace the Gospel, or glad News of a Saviour to them: and this outward and inward hearing of this glad News, it is the Devils and the Jews, and all Athiests, and (these refined Athiests) the Qua­kers work to hinder.

The 50th Instance of G. Fox his lame Answer is in Pag.282. 2 [...]2. Daniel Cawdry. where he brings in Daniel Cawdry saying, [ The Saints were come to the Spirits of just men made perfect, but not on the Earth.]

G. Fox Answers, [ The just mens Spirits that led them to give forth the Scripture was the Spirit of God, and that was perfect, and was while they were upon the Earth: The Saints were come to, ( which was Christ the End of all words) and so to God the Judge of all the world.]

I Reply, I have spoke before, that Spirits are Invisible Beings, both good and bad, Contrary to the Sadduces, who held neither.

First, The Variety of Spirits. That, of good Spirits there are three sorts.

1. The Increated God himself: 2. The Spirit of God called (because of his manifold operations) the seven Spirits of God, &c.

2. Those Invisible, holy Messengers, or Angels, called Mini­string Spirits, and Flaming Attendants upon Christ and his, Heb: Opposite to these are the unclean Spirits spirits of Devils, &c.

3. The Spirits of men, first, saints, as Mary sings, my Spirit hath re­joyced in God my Saviour, &c. and opposite to these are the Spi­rits of the wicked as Peter tels us of the Spirits of the wicked, of the old world now in prison, &c.

2. I observe that in this Heb 12. the Spirit of God speaks not of the Bodies of the Saints neither Conjoynd, Why it is said the Spirits made perfect. nor a part. Nor secondly of the Righteous, made perfect, but the Spirits of First, the Righteous Therefore [...] to hold forth not a perfect State of the Saints in this Life, Consulting of Spirits and Bodies, [Page 99] which our proud Boasters say of themselves, nor that they are perfect: Nor secondly, of the Estate of the Saints in the world to come, where all true Protestants hold, that the Bodies and Souls of the Saints shall be perfected, and Everlastingly(and as to us now) Inconceivably glorified.

But the Estate of the Souls or Spirits of the Elect, who are (as some Translate) perfected, some Consummated or finished, some grounded, or now ( Everlastingly Established, while their visi­ble part, the Body sleeps in Jesus until the joyful Resurrection.

2. Thus it appears the rather to be, because we find in all the holy Records the Spirits, Souls, and Bodies of the highest Saints in this world defective and subject to great failings, &c.

3. It is said, 1. Pet.3. the Spirits in prison, not the Bodies nor the wicked, but those Spirits of the wicked which believed not Noahs preaching, &c.

4. Doth the Scripture speak of the Spirit of God here at all but of the Spirits of men; The Devil would be rid of Scrip­ture and all Learning. or of those Penmen of the holy Scrip­tures, or of any present state of perfection in this Life at all, which might occasion his Answer?

5. What Truth or pertinency is in those words, Christ the end of all words: Doth he mean that now there ought to be more words or writings? or that Christ ends all Scripture Words, and there is no further use of them? so they hold out, and yet they say and practice the Contrary. The Truth is, their horrible un­clean and soul Spirit would fain be rid of all Scripture Words, and all Learning also, &c. that he may bring the more of miserable mankinde (under the cheating sound of Light] into his Eternal Darkness.

The 5 [...]th. Instance is in Pag.325. where he quotes Timothy Treva, 325 Timothy Trevirs saying, God hath ordained to Eternal Life all that shall be saved, before they had a Being in this world: But none comes to pos­session of this Salvation, but through Obedience of the Spirit.

G. Fox Answers, [ The ground of mans belief and obedience is Christ, who doth inlighten him to the intent that he might believe and obey the Truth, and who knows the Seed, knows the Election be­fore the World was made.]

I Reply, 1. If he means that Christ is the Ground or Author the Giver of Repentance and Faith to all the Elect whom God [Page 100] the Father hath given him, we say so, &c. G. Fox destroys the working of the Father and the Son. But if he put in their Invented Light in the Room of Gods Election and Predestination, as the Efficient and first Cause, and of Christ as the Mediator and Meritorious Cause according to the golden ( hain, Rom.8. and Ephes.1. and the fifth Chap He speaks blasphemously of God, and of the Son of God, and of the glorious work of their Redemp­tion, and poor mankinds Salvation.

2. He is now in the Burrough of the Arminians, who de­stroy Gods Election before the world was, and say, that when a man believes he is Elected, G. Fox and the [...] one as to prodestination when he is pre lestinate, or (being obedient) is Inconstant, he is then Reprobated.

1. Contrary to all the Precious beds of Flowers and Spices in the Golden of the Scripture, which these rooting Swine getting in, they root and [...]ear up all the ways and methods of Gods Coun­cel and Salvations.

2. Contrary to the wit and skill of men, who framing a Book, an House, a Ship, a Navie, an Army, or any Sublunary matters, Mens wisdome about his Earth­ly business. have all in their Thoughts, Mind, and Councels before they begin their Enterprize, they provide their Materials, their Agents, their means they fit all to their Ends, though all may fa [...]le, all mens Affairs being but Vanity and V [...]xations. But to where shall we liken the Eternal and Infinite Majesty, to whom all his works and Events are known (in a most Inconceivable may as to us) even from Eternity to Eternity, his Justice, his [...] his Po [...]er, all being Infinite.

3. As to the Seed and Election: We know they make them­selves, the seed and the Election: secondly, They make Christ the seed, The Mistery of the Quakers seed. that is, (in the End) themselves. And thirdly, [...]hey make God and the Spirit of God the seed, the seed in every man which is preached to, by them the imprisoned Seed, and when one [...] Quaker. then God comes out of [...] The Tru it is, they make no distinction between God and Christ, and Spirits, and themselves, as Fox in this Book at before Thinly tels us, but when this pretended seed of God, or God himself is hearkened to, then the soul so hearkening, is become God [...] and God with God, The Foxians gross Ignorance of the Godh [...]d whose Infinite Being and Essence those poor, proud Bruits have not so much sight of as the Devils have, who cried out to Jesus, I know that whom thou and the holy One of God, know­ing that God and the Son of God were Infinitely district in them­selves, [Page 101] and all Created Being [...] Yet such is the Inconceivable wrath and Justice of the Eternal God upon these fallen Spirits who kept not their first Habitation (as the pre [...]dea Quakers many of them have not done that (as Pharaoh) they can not but lye and Sinner, and [...] till the [...]inte of clear Torment com.

The 52d. Instance of G. Fox his slight dealing is in Pag.326. 326 Timothy [...] where he brings in the same Author, saying, [ The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every [...] the Church to prefie with all, and not to every man in the World.]

G. Fox Answers, Tie manifestation is given to every man to prost withal without distruction, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all Flesh: For the Spirit of Truth shall loud the Saints into all Truth: And he shall reprove the World, and that what of there prove the World is manifest to the World.]

I Reply, The manifestation of the Spirit discursion. I speak: to this Text before, in Answer to the Letter of my Neighbour 1. T. (as is to be seea in the Letters before one Disputes) who declared himself satisfied with my Answers, but G. Fox (like a Cow with a Kettle on her head, giving every one warning to stand clear) he boldly sl [...]ders on, and humbles Heaven, Earth, and Hell together, &c.

1. This 1 Cor.12. expresly declares three things.

1. That it pleased God to appoint in his Christian Church and Worship the Ministry of Apostles, Prophits, Teachers, &c. ac­cording to Rom.12. Ephes.4, &c.

2. He bestoweth several Gifts and Endowments on such per­sons whom he pleaseth to call unto such Manifestations. The Garden of Christs Church and the [...] one of the World [...] Heaven and Earth.

3. He vouchsafeth to give a gracious [...] of his Spirit unto these his Gifts be Ministrations, what now it this graci­ous promise of the Father of Lights to the Garden of his Church & Saints, the boxling Desert of the whole world, from whence the Garden is taken in, inclosed and separate? Because a Queen is a Woman, must therefore all the Honours and Kindneses of a glo­rious Prince due to his Royal Comfort be dispensed in Common to all the Wom [...]n in his Kingdom or Dominions? The Gar­ment in which the Queen is brought, is a Garment of Needle mark, [...] and most curiously [...] red with the grace and Operations of the holy Spirit, doth it therefore [...] that those Heavenly Embroyderies, &c. belong to every [...] and Lausie Begger?

[Page 102] Yea, but this prophane Mouth hath something to say for it self, three things he saith full of Prophaneness and Simplicity.

1. I will pour out my Spirit upon all Flesh.

But, 1. Was this (as he speaks) without all distinction done actually? was it, Universally so with all the Individuals of man­kind in the world at that time?

2. Was not there a wonderful Wall of separation between the Jews and all other Nations, The partition Wall between Jews and Gen­tiles. which the Lord promised by the Pro­phets to break down, and at the coming of the Lord Jesus, and ever since hath more and more broke down and abolished? Is not Gideons Floor which was dry (the poor Gentiles and we English among them) now wet with the Dews of Heaven, while the poor Jews(which were only wet at first) are dry and barren?

3. What is that Extraordinary Promise of Gods Extraordina­ry pouring out of his Spirit, in Fiery Tongues and Prophesyings, fitting some to go unto all Nations to carry the glad News or Gospel, had others and all Believers those Gifts [least of all with any shew of Reason] belong they to all the Men and Women in the world, who have never seen and heard of any Glimpse of the Sun of Righteousness.

4. Again, I observe how vainly and wickedly this deluded and deluding Soul cheats himself, and others with this Tearme, Ali Flesh, G Fox his not cleaving of the Hoof though full of Scripture. Every man, All the World, and so with the Terms Light, Christ, Spirit, his proud Fancy playeth, &c. not dividing the Hoof by just and holy distinguishing a Crime that he often up­braids his Opposites most odiously with in his Book, not divi­ding, &c. but is most notoriously guilty as ever was filthy Ca­mel in this world, or any of the unclean Beasts, &c.

G. Fox his second Answer here is, [ The Spirit of God shall lead the Saints into all Truth.] I observe here how like a Skittish Jade this wild Soul runs in and out, G. Fox his won­derful Confusi­on. and cannot keep to one steady Af­firmation Before he brings in the Spirit of God poured out up­on the Common of the World, now he brings in the spirits lead­ing the saints, Gods Garden and Paradice: Yet again,▪ his next words he concludes every man in the World to have the spirit because saith he, [ The spirit reproves the World, and that which doth Reprove the World is manifest to the World.]

I Answer, The holy spirit testifies that he is the Comforter of the saints, but a Reprover of the World, that he Comforts the [Page 103] Saints in the Promises, The Spirit of God and the world are ex­tream Contraries. & Assurances, &c. that he Reproves the world in this Threatnings and Judgements. That the world knows not, sees not the Spirit, but mocks at, receives it not, but banisheth, imprisoneth, murthereth such in whom the true Spirit of God ap­peareth: Hence it is, that because of this Spirit of God in any soul, three are against two,& two must be against three in the same house, the Parents against the Children, and the Children betray their Pa­rents unto Death: yea, two in a Bed, and two in a Belly, and yet he whom, Gods Spirit chooseth, shall be mockt and murthered by the other and yet this lying Pe [...]r tells us that all the world (without distinction) have the manifestation of the Spirit of God to profit. withal. Prophners of the holy Spirit.

5. There have been persons professing the Order of the holy Ghost, yet far from the favour of the holy Spirit, there hath been a great Ship in the world full of Sailors and Souldiers, called the holy Ghost, and yet scarce one man in it known to have any Ac­quaintance with Gods Spirits Alas, G. Fox, &c. re­sisting and fight­ing against the holy Spirit. what [...] the Babilonish Or­ders of these pretenders to the Holy Ghost be Spirit? what are they but a poor Ship full of Resisters of Gods Spirit, and Ene­mies to the greatest Enjoyers of him in the World, the true Pro­testant Witnesses, whom they professedly oppose under the Name of Professors, I hope as I have often said, that many of them are of the two hundred that followed Absolom in honesty and sim­plicity.

6. But, Oh what Reproofs of Gods Spirit hath G. Fox and others of their Leaders had in, The striving of Gods Spirit. and by so many excellent Oppo­sites, and Scriptures, and Arguments, which G. Fox here proud­ly tramples under his prophane feet, without any favour of the holy Spirit of God!

It is true, it pleaseth God as I said, to strive with men by preachings, by writings, by their own Readings, by publick Judg­ments and private, and also by publick mercies and private, for Acts14. every Drop of Rain is Gods voice, word or witness, &c, but what is this Common grace to that Regenerating and changing Spirit, John 3. to the opening of Lidiahs, The [...] and powerful work­ing is Gods Spirit. and so of all saints hearts by his free and holy spirit or Finger? what is this to the same Power that raised Christ Jesus from the Dead, Ephes.1. that raiseth any poor sinner unto a new and holy, and spiritual Condition?

[Page 104] 7. Excellent and most heavenly is that similitude, Cant. 1. Because of the savour of thy good Ointment therefore do the vir­gins love this: Oh how many pra [...]e of this separator Oin [...]mert, and yet hate the true Lord Jesus, hate his Love Letters, the holy scriptures, and would be glad to see them in a [...] hate his poor true Quakers that desire to [...]ar before him, and tremble at his Word, and to mourn that having received such manifestati­ons of the holy spirit of God, they have profited others so little, and glorified God in their Generations?

8. I might Insist upon the End which G. Fox insisteth on, The whole world unprofitable viz. to profit withal, and ask why David, Psal 53. Complains that all the Children of men not one excepted, are unprofitable, good for nothing, yea, abominable, that is, to Spiritual matters, [...] things, the world to come: All even the sweetest Na­tures, the fairest, the wittiest, the wisest, the learnedst, the devout­est, untill the spirit of God come and truly change the heart and whole Frame of Nature. Till then, we as profitable as Hogs, as Moles in a Garden, as Water, or Fi [...]e breaking into a ship, and as devouring Foxes amongst the trat Lambs and Chickens of Christ Jesus.

The 53d. Instance of G. Fox his lame Answer is in Pag.328. 328 Hugh Arch­bal where he quotes Hugh Archbal, laying, [ Christ doth enlighten none but them that do receive [...].]

He Answers, Contrdry to John 3. which speaketh of them that hate the Light, and are enlightned, and will not come to it, because the Light will Reprove them: so he that hates the Light is enlightned, and will not receive Christ.

I Reply, Though I have spoken much of the light and of receiving Christ Jesus, &c. yet since this [...] Boaster drags his Opposites our of Scotland also: I pray the Readers patience while I tell him of a manifold Light worth the Holy spirit [...] under a Metapbor or Figure of Light.

1. The Natural perceiving of Natural things, The manifold Light mention­ed in the Holy Scripture as Christ Jesus far the The Light of the Body in the [...]ye.

2. The Light of Peace and [...] whether Corporal or spiritual, Temporal, or Eternal; The l [...]w in Hama [...]s [...] Fall, and their own Deliverance had Light and Joy &c. and Light is sown for the Righteous, &c.

[Page 105] 3. The Common offers of the Gospel as Light, whence some have observed that the word (so cried up in John.1.)it is not in­lightneth, but lighteth: but the word Photizei may signify both, and yet be no more then the Common offer, preaching and found of the glad News, or Gospel: The people that sate in Darkness saw great Light, &c, As the Light of a Candle coming in lightens, or en­lightens the Walls and Room, but being taken away again leaves no Impression or Change upon the Wall, or as the Sun shining or guilding the Earth being clouded leaves no Impression of shining on the Earth behind it: So is it with the Common offers of Tra­ding or marriages in the world, The Common effets of mercy. and so of the heavenly Offers of Merchandize and Heavenly Marriage, &c.

4. There is yet a higher Light which some are affected, Tin­ctur'd and enlightned, and yet not the true and saving Light: that in Heb.6. where some persons (as the pretended Quakers and G. Fox especially) have seen much of the Nature of God, his holiness, his justice, &c. and had a Tast of the Joyes of the next world, but proudly turned from the holy Scripture, from the true Lord Jesus, and the true, holy, enlightning, humbling and saving Spirit of God.

5. The true Lighting or Enlightning of which the holy Scrip­ture speaketh, The true Illumi­nation. is that of 2 Cor.4.(a place fouly and simply abused by G. Fox to prove the Light in every man) where Paul shews, how by the preaching of the glad News or Gospel God had shined in their hearts, (not in the hearts of all the men in the world, nor in the hearts of all the Corinthians) and had given them a fight of the glory of God in the Face, or from the Reflexion or means of the Face of the Mediator, the man Christ Jesus. Hence all those Heavenly Appellations or Phrazes, As the first Chri­stains were cal­led. or Names, Children of the Day: Illuminated, or Inlightned Ones, You were Darkness, but now you are (not only Inlightned, but) Light in the Lord, that it, become, (not as Fox pretends Christs and Gods and no di­stinction) but of a bright, Spiritual Nature, longing humbly and mournfully in the use of the holy Scripture, and all other means) more to come out of Darkness into the Light of holiness and like­ness unto God.

Object. G. Fox alleadgeth John 3. They which hated the Light were inlightned:

I Answer, No question, but with the general Offer of mercy, [Page 106] as of the Candle or Sun to the Eyes of a blind man, which is yet their Condemnation, because if they had power, yet their wills and Lusts, and Resolutions refuse and abhor it, The twofold success of the Gos­pel. and abhor their eyes should be opened to see it.

Whereas the Gospel or glad News is published or preached, there is twofold Effect of it: as Acts 13. and Acts 17. and Acts 28: and through all Experience in all Ages and in all parts of the world some mock, some demur, some persecute others, the Spirit or Power of God opens their hearts to fear, to believe, to submit, and in Gods time to rejoyce for ever in a Saviour.

The 54th. Instance is in Pag.330. where G. Fox brings in James Dorram, saying, [ The Believer is not in sin as the Unbe­liever is, 330. James Dor­ram. he sins not as the Unbeliever doth: and in another place he saith, the Law is the same to the Believer that it is to the Unbe­liever.

G. Fox Answers, Here any may read thy Confusion, but I say unto thee He that believeth doth not commit Sin, but the unbelief it Sin, Rom.11.20. And Christ is the End of the Law to every one that believes for Righteousness sake, Roms10.4. and yet thou puts both Believers and unbelievers under the power of the Law.

I Reply, The Devils (no question) know Sin, they see Sin, but not in the true glass of the holy Scripture: The fight of Sin as Sin. They see sin as Saul and Judas, &c. in the fire of the Coal, as dreadful in the punishment, but not in the blackness of the Coale, as against their new Life and Nature, and the purity of the Eternal, who hath begotten them unto holiness. The Robber and Murtherer be­wails his offence at the Gallows, though yet his heart is not chan­ged, but (could he) he would murther the Judge, and all that had a hand in his Condemnation and Execution. The Drunkard hates his Sin as a Tyrant over him, only as it brings Discredit to him, so is it with the unclean person, and every other sinner. But it is not so with the Regenerate or new Born, The Sins of the Regenerate. who can no more (unless deceived and Circomvented) touch Sin, then the Devil the Father of it, nor then Fire can delight in Water, nor Light in Darkness.

3. It is true, that 7 of the Romans is Contended for by the Papists and Arminians, and in a great measure by the Quakers, [Page 107] to Contain not the Combate of the Saints, but of the unregene­rate within themselves: But the true Protestants have proved from the Scripture, and the Experience of all true Saints that sin and grace, Flesh and Spirit, the Law of the Spirit, and the Law of sin may, and do continue Combating in the Regenerate, or New born, Contrary to that proud perfection of Papists and Foxians in this Life, is more clear then Pauls Argumentation, What the Com­bate between the Flesh and Spirits in Rom.7 and upon that his Conclusion viz. That with his mind, that is, his Spirit, will, Affections, (renewed by Gods Spirit) he served the Law of God: But with his Flesh, which must be his sinful Desires and Dispositi­ons yet remaining in him, be served the Law of Sin? This was the Reason of his Cry, O wretched man, &c. and G. Fox his filly shills saying, that in the End of the Chapter, Paul was perfect, and gave thanks for victory, it is like that Fantastical saying of the Generalists, being forced to Confess Repentance necessary to Salvation, viz. [ In a moment in the Twinkling of an Eye] woful­ly abusing that holy Scripture about the Resurrection.

4. The same 7 of the Romans, and other holy Scriptures, and Experience prove that the sin of the Regenerate, The Sin of the Regenerate as a wound and Cap­tivity. whether of Igno­rance, as the Fathers, many wives, &c. or of unwatchfulness as Da­vid and Peter's, &c. It is as an honest man taken prisoner, or as Souldiers and Seamen wounded and carried Captive, or as a Vir­gin by force deflowred, and crying out, whom therefore both Law and Reason, and the holy Scripture in a holy Figure declare to be clear and Innocent.

5. Hence Paul shews the Sincerity of the Chast Will and Af­fections unto the Heavenly Bridegroom, The Souls de­light in God and Hatred to Sin. saying, I delight in the Law of God in the inner man: Delight we know is the Top and Flow [...]e, and Cream of all the Affections, and the fiercest hatred flies in the Face of that which takes away our delight from us. The wicked may desire, and may act heavenly things for his own self Ends, for his Credit, his profit, his Salvation, but he can not make God to be himself, and delight in God.

6. What Confusion is it to affirm that the Saints of God though they see Christ fulfilling the Law of works for them, Sincerity the Crown of the true Quakers which none in the world could ever do but He, yet they ought to strive after perfect holiness and Righteousness, to love the Lord with all their Heart, Soul, might, strength, &c. as a Child going after his Fa­ther, the Scholar or maiden following their Copies and Samplers, [Page 108] though they never come near the full Exactness and perfection of them.

The 55th Instance of G. Fox his simple and soul Answer is in Pag.338. 338 John Nas­mith where he brings in John Nasmith from Scotland, saying, [ Tia the Evil Spirits are both sinful and Reasonable.]

He Answers, This is a lye, for Reasonable is not sinful, and unreasonable is sinful? 1 Thes.3 they have not the Faith. And if the Evil Spirit be Reasonable, and the Good Reasonable, they are both one: who is then unreasonable? If the Evil Spirit be Reasonable, thou puts no difference between the precious and the vile Thou hast the mark of a blinde guide, and of a false Pro­phet in thy Forehead.

1. I Reply and observe First, the filthy rash Fury of his mind and Pen: Beginning with that's a lye, and after a silly Line and Answer: Thou hast the Marck of a Blind guide and of a false Pro­phet in thy Forehead.

2. This proud Pharisee will appear to be a Sadducee also, and to hold no Angels nor Spirits: It is true, as they pretend to owne Scripture and Christ, and Resurrection, They with lesuitical Equivocations name Angels and Spirits, The Foxians are both Pharisces and Sadduces but the bottom as some of them, and that in print discover is, they hold there is but one Spirit, which is in All, and into which All Return, and the Soul of Judas is as happy as the Soul of Peter.

3. G. Fox runs into his Burrough of the various significations of the word Reasonable. A man is a Reasonable Creature as Op­posite to Wolves and Foxes, &c. and yet he may be unreasonable in in his Actings, An Item to G. Fox as Wolves and Foxes, who though unreasonable in their Natures, yet are not sinful, though a plague to man since his Fall. Oh happy were it for G. Fox that he had been of the wild Foxes in the Woods, and had not been so sinful, by so horri­bly abusing so great a Talent of Wit and Reason which the Father of Lights hath given him.

4. We know the Admirable Wit and Reason as well as the Power of those unclean Spirits, the Lord Jesus cast out, they did believe and Confess the Lord Jesus, and made their Request unto him: The Nature of the Devils This their knowledge and Ability is from Gospel [...] their sinful hardness by Gods just Sentence, [...]uns them upon such mad and desperate Courses, as it is with the Sons of men, when the most holy and Righteous Judge delivers them up to the Councels [Page 109] and Projects of their proud and deceitful Hearts and Spirits.

The 56th. Instance is in Pag.345. where he brings in Henry Foreside (from Scotland,) saying, 345 Henry Fore­side [ Concerning the words of Ezekiel 18.28. If the Righteous turn away from his Righteous­ness, his former Righteousness shall be no more remembred, and he said the meaning of that Scripture was: They thought they had been Righ­teous, but were not, Ezek.18. Con­sidered. but supposed it had been so.]

He Answers, [ Herein thou art a Minister of unrighteousness, thou goest about to make God a Lyar, and the Prophets, and per­verts the Scripture: For if he forsakes his Righteousness and com­ments Sin and Iniquity, and Trespasses, he shall dye and not live in the Righteousness: But if he forsakes his Sins, Trespasses and Transgressions, in the Righteousness that he hath done, and doth, he shall live: So Gods wayes are equal, Ezek 18.] And thou sayes, they thought they had been Righteous, but it was not so: And the Lord by the Prophet saith it was so, that they should live in their Righteousness, and die if they did depart from it and Transgressed Here thou art a diminisher from the Prophets and Apostles words, whose Name is diminished out of the Book of Life, read, Rev.22.19.

I Reply, The Spirit of Falling from Grace. The Question is about Falling away from saving grace and Righteousness, wherein it is notorious, (as I have formerly proved) that the Quakers joyn their Forces to the Standards of the Papists and Arminians, though herein the Arminians (though highly abusing an high wit as the Papists and Quakers do) yet are they not so guilty and Insufferable as the Papists and Foxians are, because they pretend not to such an Infallible Chair as the Papists and Quakers do, which is the more wonderful and monstrous, because the Papists are forced to grant that the Head of their Church the Pope may Himself fall away and be a Repro­bate, The Papists Arminians and Foxians one in this [...]. and the Foxians are forced to Confess as much, even of di­vers of their Heads and Teachers, some getting Saving Grace again, as they say, and some never. The Quakers yet are more gross in this p [...]int, because they maintain that the least that hearken to the Light are born again. That they which are born again can not Sin, that they which can not Sin are pure as God is pure, and therefore they Falling away from them, they must ne­cessarily hold that which is blasphemous of all to be abhorred, that God himself fall from Grace also, and is kept down as [Page 110] as this barking Fox speaks, as a Cart laden with sheavs (perverting the Scripture) by wickedness, & wicked spirits which are too hard for God and Christ, and Spirit in all the Men and Women in the world, that do not hearken to their feigned Light, and let loose the Imprisoned Cart and Seed, &c.

Wee may make a stand here and observe three things. What Grace it is that Papists Ar­minians and Foxians Fall from.

1. The horrible abuse of Gods Excellent-Gifts of Reason and Acuteness, which these men so grossly defile in handling the Misteries and Parables of the holy Scripture.

2. Gods Infinite Patience in bearing with such a rotten stinking thing as man is.

3. What kind of Grace it is that so easily persons Fall away from, Necessary Observations. and part withal.

2. As to Ezek. 18. How doth it follow, that because the word Righteousness in which Fox is in his wonted Burrough, signifies divers things, that therefore in this first place it must signify the Imputed Righteousness of God in Christ, The Word Right­teousness of ma­ny significations. from which a man re­ally Invested with it, may really, Totally and Finally depart. And Secondly, the Sanctifying Righteousness of Christ Jesus adorn­ing a poor sinner Justified and pardoned, and of that true Righte­ousness, a truly sanctified Soul and member of Christ Jesus may make ship wrack. But is there not beside these a very thirdly, Indian Righteousness, when a Barbarian is Innocent and free from Crimes falsly charged on him?

4. Is there not a Civil Righteousness when men are free from Gross and Barbarous Courses, and live Civilly, soberly and justly among their Neighbours?

5. Yea, Is there not Pharisaical Righteousness which Paul prided himself in, viz. that concerning the Law he was blameless and yet saith the Lord Jesus, Except your Righteousness go beyond this Righteousness, you shall not enter into the Kingdome of Heaven

6. Again, Is there not a Righteousness of the foolish Virgins, who have a shew and Lamp of Profession, and make as brave a shew in building as the house upon the Rock, (it may be fairer) and yet no true work of Conversion of the Soul to God, nor the Oyle of Gods Spirit in the heart for all their boasting of it. Gods Covenant with the first man. The most High and holy will be clear when he is Judged. Adam shall live if he keep his Bargain: and so shall all his Posterity if they keep the first Covenant.

[Page 111] If any shall say God know the Bargain is too hard for us: Our first Father did not, how shall we? &c.

I Answer, what will become then of the Papists, and Qua­kers, who say, they can, and the Papists more also then God commandeth?

2. Christ did not mock, but meekly and savingly teach the young man, when he Answered, If thou wilt enter into Life keep the Commandments: nor doth he mock the Jews, dealing with them upon the Terms of Justice: Obey and live, Trangress and die.

It is a pertinent question, The law given [...] many hundreth of years after mans Fall. why was the holy Law of God writ­ten and given so many hundreds of years after man was Fallen and not able to keep his Bargain: The Spirit of God Gal. 3 [...] tels us that four hundred and Thirty Years after the Promise to Abraham, the Law was written by Gods own Immediate Fin­ger to shew unto man his Sin, and Judgements, land need of a Mediator promised.

3. As to G. Fox Cursing his Adversary as a Diminisher from the holy Scripture.

I Answer, Doth this Face of Brass, who hath so hor­ribly slighted the holy Scripture: G. Fox making use of the Scrip­ture to Curse his Opposites now adore them? Is he now zealous for them, and against the violation of them? Doth he regard the adding to, or Detracting from them, or the Plagues and Curses therein denounced against the Ad­ders to, or Detracters from them? Doth he not throughout all his Book, and all of them in word and writing deny the holy Scripture to be the word of God, and only that Frantick Light or Christ, Their horrible Contempt of Scripture. (imagined by them to be in all mankinde) to be the only Word of God? yea, is it of any use or more availe to them that have the Scripture in their heart, as they say then a dead Letter, and an Old Almanack, &c. Oh hear O Heavens and give Ear O Earth, did ever the Devil vomit out more poyson (against God and the Souls of men by the mouths and pens of Jews or Turks, or Anti Christians,) then these Foxians do in their un­dermining the holy Scripture? Some know it not: Some of them speak Reverently of it: The very Papists Confess it to be the very word or Speech of God: But the Devil and the Qua­kers abhor to hear them called Verbum D [...]i the Word of God.

These be witched Souls affirme they have a higher Teacher, yea, [Page 112] every man in the world hath him in them, then the Scriptures are and yet they say in horrible simplicity and hypocrisy that they are the Words of God.

THe 58th: Instance of G. Fox his slight Answer, is in Pag. 356. where he brings in a Book from Holland, 456 ABook from Hollaed saying, [ That God hath put out the Remembrance of your Sins, and of your Cor­ruptions within you, wherein you must fight all your Life Time.

G. Fox, whilst the Sins you are fighting withal are not blot­red out in your own particulars, this is not the Life of the Saints: They are not fighting all their Life Time, G Fox his proud Ignorance but come to the King­dome of God witnessing sin and Iniquity blotted out, and the Everlasting Covenant of Peace and Life with God.

I Reply, This subtle Mountebank having gotten a Scaffold, he acts Tricks wonderful to the Eyes of the simple, yet as in all his Books he shews no knowledge of the Hebrew and the Greek (whence our English Scripture comes as a Daughter from the Mother so falls he short of most English writers, who scorns to disgrace their Mother English (by so much bastard and false Eng­lish) as this [...] Mountebank hath done in all his Books.

If ever any poor empty Soul have talk of God without God. Of a Christ, And Impious un­savonry Spirit against the [...]godly of all Nations without them: or any true Savour of them: of the holy writings of God without any true Reverence and love to them! Of Light without any Spark of true Illuminations! of sin, without any true Sence of the Exceeding Sinfulness of it! This Empty Gask this loud Boaster and Consider is one of them.

1. His Answer saith three things in Effect.

1, The Pharisees Perfection That no sin is blotted out until there be no more Root nor Seed of it in the Soul to fight against.

I Reply, To this I have spoke much before, and shewed how clear it is against so much holy Scripture: against the Counsels and purposes of God as to his holy ordering of this present world, [...] and his Saints in it: and against the Constant Experience of all those high Saints in Scripture, and of all that ever went before us: All which shews the Devilish pride of these high Pharises.

2. He adds, saying, the Saints are not fighting all their Life Time.

I Reply, The Saints Con­tinual-war fere If there be no Enemies no danger of Fleshly Lusts [...]arring against our Souls, as Peter speaks.

[Page 113] 2. Why then doth the holy Spirit speak of the Combate of the Flesh and Spirit, Gal. 5. and that Paul did not the things that he would, and did the Evil he would not, & of his being taken Prisoner

3. Why then doth Gods Spirit furnish as with all that Hea­venly Artillery, Ephes.6.1. And Commands his Servants (even Timothy) to flie youthful Lusts, if he were past wounding by them.

4. And to stand upon the Guard, and watch against Gluttony and Drunkenness, and worldly Cares, which would hill the Souls of the Disciples asleep, except they kept the better Watch &c. Luke 21.

5. And why then doth the Lord Jesus Command us to pray dai­ly against Temptations, yes, Spiritual dan­gers and spiri­tual Watch. and to pray daily for the pardon of sin, if his Followers be for ever escaped out of the reach of Sinful thoughts, words and actions, and many thousand sinful Omissions?

6. What was the Reason of the Command of Christ Jesus to the Churches to watch, Christs Disci­pline with his Saints and Chur­ches. to Overcome, to repent, threatning them with discharging, and Excommunication which we see dolefully Effected upon the Asian Professors, and which was followed with a rich blessing upon that Ordinance, Executed upon the l [...]cestuous & Corinthian, which brought forth those seven Heavenly Fruits, both in him and that Church also, 2 Cor [...]y.

G. Fox his third Answer is, [ The Saints are come to the Kingdome of God witnessing Sin and Iniquity blotted out, and the Everlasting Covenant of Peace and Life with God]

But 1. Take these words in his Sense, viz. that all that are in their Fancied Kingdome are thus free from Sin, and come to this Peace and Joy: why then do themselves still Confess themselves to be subject to quaking and trembling, as if they were at the black and burning Foot of Mount Sinai, where in deed they are, and not upon the bright and shining Hill of Zion:

2. Is not this Contrary to the Covenant of God with David, The Quakers doleful mistake. concerning Solomon, and (in the Anti Type) with all Christians, viz. that if they Sin he will Chastise them with the Rods of men, but not take away his mercy, as he took it from Saul, &c.

3. Is there not a false Peace, a false Joy as well as a false qua­king, a false Repentance, a false mortification, and Sanctification, and in Conclusion, a false Salvation: and therefore the Lord Je­sus tels us of the high pretenders, Math. 7. yet by him Everlastingly, rejected.

[Page 114] The 59th Instance is in Pag. 365. where G. Fox brings in Robert Tuchin, [...] Robert [...],&c. &c. saying, [ The most Faithful Messengers of Christ have acknowledged that they come short of their duty.]

G. Fox Answers, [ They that are Faithful Messengers of Christ have the Answer, well done thou good and Faithful Ser­vant: where did John, or Paul, or Peter acknowledge that they came short of their duty: Hath not thou slandred the Servants of the Lord, thinking them to be like your selves, and falsly accusing them that you may seem Justified, who are false Messengers and come in his Name, when you have no Commission from him: and you come short of every good work: But thus it is not with Christs true Mes­sengers, for they fulfil his Will that sent them. It is the Lord that worketh in them, whose they are, and whose duty they perform by his Spirit.]

I Reply, this deluded Soul (as it is Written) must grown worse and worse (except the Lord wonderfully awaken him) to all Eternity: G Fox prouder [...]nd [...] and worse [...] the End of his [...]ook. In stead of seeing any failing against God and Christ, the Spirit and Servants of God, &c. he claps his wings upon his Dung­hil, and vapours, that in all these Transactions he hath not faild, no, not in a sinful word or Thought.

1. But he must remember that such was the Infinite, Incom­prehensible Purity and Justice, The fall of An­gels. and wisdome of God, that the Hea­vens were not pare in his sight, and he said Folly to the Charge of his Angels, and I am sure, their Natures, their Endowments, their Employments, G. Fox comes short of, and yet they came shore of their duty, and are now fast in Chains of Darkness, expecting Judgement and Torment to come,

2. I presume G. Fox will grant that our first Parents were Innocent and perfect, Fall of Man. as highly Gifted and as highly Employed as ever G. Fox is like to be, and yet they came short, and We all by them fallen short of the Glory and love of God into the Dung­bill of Hellish Darkness.

3. After the Promised Restoration by the Son of God what Ex­cellent Gifts had Noah, Abraham, Lot Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Sa apson, Jepthe, Gideon, Eli, Samuel Nathan, Solomon, A [...]a, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Josiah, and many other glorious Saints, what wonderful Assistance and Extraordinary Appearances of God had they in their high Services for God, and yet how [...]: (some of them wonderfully fouly) did they come short of their [Page 115] duty? I Remember I was once asked by one of these high Boa­sters whether I would deny the Scripture: viz. that said, David did not sin but in the Case of Uriah: unto which I kn [...]w many full Answers may be given. Davids sin. Here only I observe how ready these (willingly Ignorant) Souls are to Catch at any Word that may Fortifie their proud Fancy, though against many other Scriptures and unquestionable Examples, &c.

4. Until the coming of Christ Jesus we know the Command of the most holy God to private persons, Sacrifice for Sins of Igno­rance. to the Princes, to the Priests, to the whole Assembly to offer up Sacrifice and Expiation for all sorts of failings, yea, for Sins of Ignorance, yea, and for their coming short in their holy offerings: Hence David cries out, Psal. 143. Enter not into Judgement or Reckoning with they Servant, &c. and Psal. 19. Cleanse me from my secret sins, for who knows bow of the offendeth?

5. I know G. Fox useth to say all these were Types and Christ is the Body, &c.

I Answer, There are more Anti-Types then the person of Christ: For the Quakers themselves, they make themselves Kings and Priests, and the Temple as well as Christ, &c.

But come to the time of the Lord Jesus, Great failing o [...] Christs Disciples and look upon the Fa­mous first Apostles, who had freely left all to follow him, who enjoyed his personal preaching and praying, his wonderful Mira­cles, his Heavenly, Converse, his holy, and Powerful Spirit in their own preaching, healing all Diseases, raising the dead, ca­sting out Devils, &c. and yet how doth the Lord Jesus frequent­ly and sharply chide them for their coming short of their duty, for their Ignorance, negligence, unbelief, forgetfulness, Inhuma­nity, Ambition, &c.

6. Yea, As to those three whom G. Fox boasts of, John, Paul, and Peter: Doth not John cry out, 1 John 2. If we Confess our sins, he is Faithful and just to forgive us, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness? Doth not Paul Confess and bewail his coming short, Paul John and Peter, and all come shot. when he cries out, that the good he would do he did not, but did the Evil he would not, and with his flesh did serve the Law of sin, though it was not Paul that sinned, but sin that dwelled in him? A Mistery which I more then fear the most High hath hidden from this poor Foxes Eye.

And as to Petca, to say nothing of his stupendious failing of his [Page 116] Master, &c. even after his awakening, after the Lords rising, Peters great failings former and latter writ­ten for our In­struction. and Peters seeing and talking with him, his bold profession and preaching of him to the Conversion of hundreds and thousands: yet how is he charged by Paul for coming short of his Duty, for Gross weakness and (in a kind) Hipocrisy and Dissimulation? So that such a cloud of witness o're whelming these New God, ( Papists and Quakers) how Righteous is it with God to make their Faces ashamed with the filth of their own nakedness, in the highth of the pride of their Conceited Duties.

The 60 Instance of G. Fox his lame Answer is in pag. 372. where he brings in Thomas Hodges, 372 Thomas Hodges. saying, [ The Scripture speaks of God after the manner of men.]

He Answers, The Scripture speaks of God after the manner of the Spirit, and to the Spirit, whereby men may receive him, and know him by the Spirit which natural men can not.

1. I Reply, This bewitched and bewitching Soul hath all along, his Book been picking out sweet Flowers out of his Opposites Gardens, G Fox hath af­firmed the Con­trary to all the Heavenly Asser­tions of his Op­posites which I have produced. from whence he hath suckt, turned the sweet juice of Heavenly Truths into the poyson and Venome of his proud Con­ceits. So here he denies this Heavenly Mystery of Gods reveal­ing himself to us after the way and manner of men, having Head, and Hair, and Eyes, and mouth, &c. wherein his Incomprehensible Goodness is pleased to stoop to us (even the highest and proudest Souls) as Nurses do to Children, or as Physitians to weak and Crazy, and distempered persons.

2. But what shall we say to all those holy Scriptures, which not only liken God to a man a man of war, a Sheepherd, a Warfaring man, God sets forth tous in Scrip­ture by Natural and Artificial things. an Husband man, &c. but also to a Shield, and other Insen­sibles, Natural or Artificial, as a Sun, a Tree, a Rock, an House, a Fort, a High Tower, &c. When God revealed himself to Abraham, Gen. 15. I am thy Shield, &c. will this foul mouth say that this similitude of a Shield was not a Familiar Metaphor, or Figure, wherein God speaks to Abrahams weak Capacity? Or will he say, that God speaking so to Abraham, spake not also in the way the Spirit, Or that God is Literally a Shield?

3 It was a late Speech of one of the best Philosophers, and of the best Christians that Old England or New ever had: Then shall we know (to wit in the next Life, in the Heavenly State to [Page 117] Come) how to Answer that great Question, What is God? But this poor wild Asses Colt, The great Quest­ion what God G. Fox he can resolve the Question: He can gather up the Ocean in the hollow of his hand, he can weigh the Everlasting Mountains and Winds in Scales, and In­close not only the Sun, &c. but also the Incomprehensible Sun of Glory and Purity within his Juglers Box, &c.

4. For, what would this little Thief, The Devil Gods Ape in Inspira­tions. and Fox, or the great Thief and Fox the Devil have, but blow out the Candle and Torch, and Sun of the holy Books and Records, that so the Father of Lies and Murthers may be heard, (as he hath been heard in the Gre­cian Oracles in Mahomet, and the Mahumetans, in the Pope and the Papists) so by his whispering in the Foxians, as if he were the most holy Spirit of the Eternal God himself, Immortal, Invisible, and only Wife.

5. For, is it not the Devils Trade to play the subtle Hunter, (as do also his Journey-men who ly in wait to catch men) and to trim his Pits and Gins, The Subtlety of the Devil and his Agents in C [...]ching of men. and Snares, with green leaves and Boughs, and Twigs, viz. fair pretences of the Spirit, the Spirit, the Imme­diate Spirit, the Infallible Spirit, the Teachings of the Spirit, the manner of the Spirit, speaking to the Spirit, and Christ within you, Christ within you except you be Reprobrates, Christ within you the hope of Glory, &c. These are fair Leaves, and sweet, heavenly, green Boughs, on which the Old Serpent twineth and from whence he uttereth even Scripture it self, and the sweet Names God and Christ, and Spirit, in a frantick purpose to stab (for he knows he cannot) the holy Scriptures, and God, and Christ, and Spirit also.

6. More particularly, what doth he mean, that God speaks [...]ot to us after the manner of men, but by the way of the Spirit, after the manner of the Spirit? He grants that the holy Scriptures were given forth from the Immediate Inspiration of the Spirit: What G. Fox means by the manner of the Spirit. He knows that we maintain from Isai. 59. the great Promise of the Word and Spirit together, to the mouth of Christ Jesus and his Seed, and his Seeds Seed. And also that we affirme that no Reading, no Hearing, no Meditation, no Afflictions &c. can do a Soul any good, until God by the Power of Finger of his own self, or Spirit, make the means Powerful and Effectual.

All this serves not, but that which Sathan drives at, and which alone must serve his Ends, is, Immediate, Immediate Inspiration with a damning, or changing the means by the most Holy, and on­ly Wise God Appointed.

[Page 118] 7. It is one of the [...] of the Ancients Sits M [...]ntrvam do [...] [...]. The how teacheth the Goddess of [...] It is most In [...]ani­bly true here, this filthy S [...]w (that seems to be w [...]sh [...] from Co­mon vices, and yet wallows in the mud & Dunghus of Mystical Filthiness) He must teach wisdome itself how to speak, [...] and ap­point him his way, and (by wresting and racing out what he can the Holy Recoras) how to reveal himself unto the Sons of men.

8. It is pertinent, to Consider the ground of this his only own­ing the manner of the Spirit, viz. [ This Immediate Spirit speaks to the Spirit within.] The Monstrous [...] of the Foxians Spirit. What is the English of this Ridle[ The Immediate Spirit within speaks to the Spirit within,] But their Spirit will tell us that God and Christ, and Spirit, and Light, and New Covenant, and Faith, and Holiness &c. are all in prison within, in every man, until the Immediate Spirit without means perswade a person to hearken within to him as to Christ, Light, and Spirit, which will bring him to God and Christ, ( [...]ound in 2 Conj [...]ing Circle Christ brings to Christ, the Spirit brings to the Spirit,) which though it be true, after Conversion and in grew to and Increase of the Grace and Knowledge of Christ by the use of means appointed by Christ Jesus, yet I deny it ever to be done in the first turning of the Heart and working of Faith, that is, by any such Immediate Spirit, and Christ, and God in every of man­kind before, or since the coming of Christ Jesus, especially, for they say that he is the true Light (of which John speak then Come to Inlighten the World &c.

9. I Conclude this Instance and the whole with a Reflection up­on Gods wonderful dealing with Job: In the 1. Chap. the [...] boasts of his Servant Job to the Devil to be perfect man, Job a perfect man yet abhors himself for his filthiness (as the Foxians often urge this place) But God Schoold him for his pride and Impatience, &c. by Elibu, and by his own Voice out of a Whirlwind: and now Job Confesseth his Pride and Ignorance, and professeth his Risolution to prate no more, &c. but to abhor him­self (that is, as some loathsome Thing) in Dust and Ashes, G. Fox in this his Book abhors the Term of Dust and Ashes, as being Eleva­ted above Abraham & Jobs punies to him with high Fancies of his Im­mortality, though we see they, [...] & Rot as well as others.

But if God please to shew him, and me, truly what Sin is, What Gods Justice is, what an Infinite price must pay for the [...] End Thought and Natural Disposition, on the Old Score: [Page 119] If God please by any of those many gracious means he useth to Im­print these&other such Heavenly Considerations upon our Souls! We shall then for all our pretences cry out with Peter, The Authors humble desire for Himself and G Fox depart from me for I am a sinful man O Lords: & with Job, Once have I spoken, yea, twice, &c. but no more, &c. I abhor my self as a loathsome, Rotten, stinking Car­rion in Dust and Ashes. But alas, I fear G. Fox is so taken up with his sitting with Christ in Heavenly Places, The Authors fear as to G. Fox his Case with Immediate Dictates of his supposed holy Spirit: That Gods speaking thus to his poor Worms after the way of Men, and by these outward means stinks in his Nostrils; which if so, and so Irrecoverably, I desire, and de­sire all that love God and their own Salvations, to flee from him as from Korabs Pride and Korabs Plagues, for his Viol is pour­ing on him in spiritual Indgements, and shall be pouring on him in spiritual and Corporal Torments to all Eternity.


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