
AT A COUNCIL Held at BOSTON April the 4 th. 1676.

WHereas divers Inhabitants are retired from out Towns into the nearer Towns, and there make their present a­bode: and it is of publick concernment that all such be under due Government and Improvement:

It is Ordered, That the Select Men in each Town shall immedi­ately upon the receipt of this Order, and so from time to time apply themselves with all diligence to take a particular account of all Persons and Families so coming unto them, requiring them if need be to appear before them that they may be fully informed of their state and way of living, and how they dispose of themselves: And the said respective Select Men are further impowred and required to take effectual care that the Incomers aforesaid settle themselves, or be by them settled in some orderly and diligent way of Imployment and Government, espe­cially single and younger persons, who are all of them hereby required to yield Obedience unto the Disposal and Order of the Select Men accordingly.

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