Several LAWS & ORDERS Made at the SESSIONS Of the GENERAL COURT Held at Boston the 13th. of October 1675. As also at the SESSIONS of Court held at Boston the 3d. of November 1675. And Printed by their Order, Edward Rawson Secr.
Indians Prohibited being in Boston.
WHereas not withstanding the COUNCILS former Prohibition of all Indians coming to, or remaining in the Town of Boston, we finde that still there remains ground of Fear, that unless more effectual Care be taken, we may be exposed to mischief by some of that Barbarous Crew, or any Strangers not of our Nation by their coming into, or residing in the Town of Boston;
This Court doth therefore Order and Declare;
First, Courts proclamation Prohibiting Indians to be in Boston. That from the Publication hereof, no person or persons whatever in the said Town, shall upon any pretence whatsoever, Entertain, own or Countenance any Indian, under the Penalty of being a Betrayer of this Government.
Secondly, That there be a Guard appointed at the end of the said Town towards Roxbury, to hinder the coming in of any Indian, until Application be first made to the Governour, or Council if sitting, and then to be admitted with a Guard of two Musqueteers, and to be remanded back with the same Guard, not to be suffered to lodge in Town, unless in Prison: Provided, that if any Indian or Indians that shall be imployed upon any publick message or business shall come up to the said Guard, they shall forth with be conveyed to the Governour or Council, & be by him [Page] or them disposed of, and secured during their necessary stay for the dispatch of their business, and then to be conveyed as abovesaid.
Thirdly, That it shall be lawful for any person finding any Indian in Town without said Guard to Apprehend and Secure him.
Fourthly, That Care be taken by the Military Watch to prevent any from coming by Water to the said Town, either from Dorchester or Roxbury Neck in Cannoes, or otherwise, and that there be special Care taken of places where Amunition is kept.
Fifthly, That Order be given to Charlstown Ferry not to Land any Indian at the said Town without Order from the Governour, and then to be guarded with two Musqueteers.
Sixthly. That it shall be lawful for any person, upon any Indians approaching the said Town, either by Water or Land, without a Guard, as abovesaid to Apprehend and secure him.
Seventhly, That Account be taken of all Strangers, who are not his Majesties Subjects, and that they remain not in Town, unless Security be given for their Fidelity: And that none be admitted but upon the like Security: And that no Master of any Vessel bring in any without acquainting the Governour therewith, and presenting their Persons in order to their Examination who if upon their Examination can give no good Account of their business, and Security for their Good Behaviour, shall be sent to Prison, unless they do forthwith depart.
Eighthly, That it shall not be lawful for any Inhabitant, from the Declaration hereof, to Entertain any Stranger in his House, or for time to come, till this Order be reversed, without leave granted by Authority, upon the penalty of any Fine Authority shall see meet to impose; And the Commissioners, and the Select Men, and Captains of Boston are Ordered and Required respectively to have a special Care that this Order in the several parts thereof be duely observed and attended.
WHereas it is found by Experience that Troopers and Pikemen are of little use in the present warr with the Indians, now for the Improvement of them to more or better Advantage;
It is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof; That all Troopers shall forth with furnish themselves with Carbines and Amunition proportionable, Law requiring Troopers to furnish themselves with Carbines. and also be liable to be Impressed by the Committee of Militia in the Towns where they live to serve as foot Souldiers during the said warr, Provided alwayes that one fourth part of the Troopers in each Town be reserved for the use of the Country as such. Three parts of Troopers liable to press in the Towns they live. And all Pikemen are hereby required forthwith to furnish themselves with Fire Arms, and such a quantity of Amunition from time to time as the Law requires Musketeers to be furnished with, Pikemen to furnish themselves with Fire Arms, any LAW, USAGE or CUSTOME to the contrary notwithstanding.
A Thousand Fire Arms to be sent for.
WHereas the given necessity of a speedy supply of Fire Arms, Muskets and [...] in this time of War with the Indians;
It is Ordered by this Court, that a Thousand Fire Arms be accordingly procured with all convenient expedition for the use of the Country, A thousand Fire Arms to be sent for. Payment whereof to be made out of the publick Treasury to such Merchants as are agreed with for their procuring thereof by the Committee appointed by this Court for that end. And that the said Arms shall be proportionably distributed to the several Towns of the Colony: And the Select Men of the respective Town are hereby enabled to raise Moneys to make payment to the Treasurer for their several Proportions. and way of payment for them.
Committees of Militia's Power to Garison Towns;
IT is Ordered by this Court; That the Committees of Militia's in the several Towns through out this Jurisdiction▪ they, Power of Committees of Militia to Garison the Towns &c. present Invasion &c. or the major part of them, the chief Military Officer of the Town being present, shall settle and dispose the several inhabitants of their respective Towns into such a posture as several Exigents appearing call for, and that into one or more Garisons. All persons in the several Towns upon penalty of five shillings per day, being hereby obliged to labour in, and provide such Fortification or Fortifications as they shall agree upon; And all the Inhabitants to attend their places in such Fortification or Garrison as they are appointed unto, and in case of Alarm or Invasion, to appear at and for the defence of such places as by the Committee they are appointed unto: and no Inhabitant, or Souldier to leave his Station upon any imploy whatsoever, but according to Order from the chief Officer.
2. And that the several small Frontier Towns which are judged not able of themselves to bear the distress of the War, shall have their Women and Children (except so many as are necessary to abide) removed unto the next Inland Towns, and be there improved for the best Advantage, and least charge, until further Order be taken, and Souldiers added to the said Towns for Garrison as shall be judged necessary by this Court, or Council of the Common-wealth, the said several Towns providing them with Victual during their abode.
[Page] 3. That the said several Committees are hereby Ordered particularly to inspect the several stocks of Amunition and Arms in their several Towns, Committees power to Inspect Arms in their Town as a stock, &c. and the same to Alter, Augment and Dispose as they judge meet.
And the Committees of Militia in the several Towns are hereby Authorized to Asses upon all such persons of Estate within their Towns (as are by the County Courts or Committees of Militia exempted from ordinary Trainings) so many Fire Arms, Committees of Militia's power [...] Assessments for Arms. Muskets or Carbines, with a proportionable stock of Powder and Amunition, as the said Committees respectively shall appoint, to be alwayes kept in their hands, to be in a readiness for the Countries service, under the like penalties as the Law provides for the Furniture of every private Souldier; and such Arms from time to time are to be surveyed and viewed by the Clerks of the Train'd Bands in the several Towns, who shall upon any defect levy the same Fines that the Law provides for particular Companies: And all such persons as shall be Assessed, and shall accordingly provide three Fire Arms, shall be freed from being sent abroad to the Wars, except in extream and utmost necessity.
Troopers to pay Rates.
WHereas Troopers are exempted from paying Head-money, and Rates for their Horses.
This Court Judgeth it meet to restrein that Priviledge during this present War; Troopers to pay Rates of their Heads & Horses. And do Order that Troopers pay in that Case as others do (provided Troopers have their Priviledge for one Rate in the Year) And likewise the Castle Souldiers pay their Head-money as other men; Any LAW USAGE or CUSTOME to the contrary notwithstanding.