
Several Laws and Orders made at the SECOND SESSIONS of the GENERAL COURT held at Boston in New England the Seventh of October 1674 And printed by their Order Edward Rawson Secr.


WHereas the settling of the Power of the Commissioners of Boston is Confined barely to the Town and neck, Commissio­ners power to extend through Bo­ston Limits. with Nodules Island; It is upon several Considerations thought meet and;

It is hereby Ordered; That their Power be extended to the whole Limits of Boston, in Civil and Criminal Cases, according as the Law provides for their acting formerly in the bounded Limits above­said, notwithstanding the said Law.

Boston Companyes to be Divided.

WHereas this Court in the Year 1652 for the better settling of the Militia in the several Towns, Order to di­vide the foot Companies in Boston. did Order and Enact that wherein any Town within this Jurisdiction, the Number of Souldiers who by Law are to attend constant trainings shall arise to be two hundred men, that then such Souldiers shall be di­vided into two Companies, if to three hundred, then to be divided into three Com­panies. &c. Now for as much as it appears by good Information; That most of the Companies in Boston do exceed the aforesaid number of two hundred.

[Page] This Court doth hereby Declare, that the former Order of dividing, ought to be forthwith Attended, and that the Major of the Regiment together with the Commission Officers of each Company take speedy Order to see it performed, and to make Returns thereof to the next Court of Election.


THis Court taking into Consideration what hath been acted in setling of the Eastern parts at Kennebeck, Settlement of the Ea­stern parts. and the places adjacent within our line, un­der our Government, according to the Commission Granted by this Court in May [...], and that on the desire of the Inhabitants of those places, are appointed to be the County of Devonshire, which this Court approves of and confirms;

And do further Order and appoint, that the County Court in some place thereof, shall be holden and kept upon the third tuesday in July yearly, &c.

IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof; That the Commissi­oners Court of the County of Devon at the East-ward, have power to end, hear, and determine all Civil Actions arising within that County to the value of ten pounds, any LAW USAGE or CUSTOME to the con­trary notwithstanding.


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