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ORDERS, Made at A GENERAL COURT held at Boston, January the 6 th. 1673.
And Printed by their Order. Edward Rawson Secret.

IT is Ordered by this Court, and the Authority thereof; That henceforth all Cases of Admiralty, Admiralty Cases to be tryed at the Court of Assistants. shall be heard and determinated by the Court of Assistants, and to be Issued by the Bench without a Jury; unless the Court shall see cause to the contrary: Provided alwayes, this Act shall not be in­terpreted to Obstruct the just Plea of any Marriner or Merchant Im­pleading any Person in any other Court, upon any matter or Cause that depends upon Contract, Covenant, or other matter of common Equity in Maritime Affaires, to be Issued according to the known Lawes of this Colony.

WHereas the Publick occasions of the Country do frequently re­quire, that Messengers be sent Post, and as yet no stated al­lowance is setled in such cases;

It is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof, That from henceforth every person so sent upon the Publick service of the Country, shall be allowed by the Treasurer, Allowance for Posts. after the Rate of three-pence per mile, to the place to the which he is sent in money, as full satisfa­ction for the expence of Horse and Man; And no Inholder shall take of any such Messenger or others Travailing upon Publick service more then two shillings per bushel for Oates, and four-pence for hay, day and night.


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