THE Deputy-Governour and Magistrates adjacent being assembled in Council, to consider of the late Awfull Hand of God, consuming our Castle by Fire the One and twentieth of this instant, thereby taking away that part of our Defence against the Incursions of Forreign Enemies; and also in some sort disinabling us to give check to the Insolencies of unruly persons, that either are or may occasionally come amongst us: for which ends, although the thing it self was [...] by long experience hath been found to be serviceable.
And more especially considering the present Commotions in Europe, wherein our own Nation is deeply concerned; and that His Royal Majesty hath of his princely Care for our Peace, given us notice seasonably to provide for our own Defence against the Enemy, who may probably be rather encouraged to attempt against us, when this present devastation shall be known in forreign parts:
Do therefore Commend to all the Inhabitants of this Colony, that a free Contribution be made for the Re-edifying of the said Castle; hereby declaring, That it is our resolution to impower meet and able Instruments forthwith to set about the said Work, and to order the finishing thereof as speedily as may be, in such sort as may be more effectuall in all respects for the ends premised, then that was which is now laid waste.
We hope there will be no need to give Arguments to stir up the ready and willing mindes of the Inhabitants, to promote a Work so much conducing to our Safety; there being reason to believe, That if any prejudice should accrew to the Center, the whole will suffer thereby.
And should Leaders be slothful, or others be backward in Contributing thereto according to their several places and abilities, it will render us to be a people signally ungratefull, and Laish-like secure, under our present Enjoyments, presaging our future Calamity.
The Charge of the Work propounded, we have computed to be Twelve or Fifteen hundred pounds, which we do aim at present to raise: And in case after reasonable endeavours, it cannot be effected without a generall Leavy; Those who shall now freely Contribute, as they will manifest their readiness to attend their duty to God and the Publick Interest, they shall be discharged from any further Tax that may be imposed on this occasion.
ANd it is further Ordered, That the Committees of the Militia in the severall, Towns do forthwith prosecute this Order, by taking Subscriptions, and Receiving what shall be Contributed by any at present, and make a Return of the whole unto the Major Generall, between this and the first of May next ensuing.