
GODS TERRIBLE VOICE IN THE CITY OF LONDON Wherein you have the Narration of the Two late Dreadful Judgements of Plague and Fire,

Inflicted by the LORD upon that CITY; The former in the Year 1665, the latter in the Year 1666.

By T. V.

To which is added, The Generall Bill of Mortality, Shewing the Number of Persons which died in every Parish of all Diseases, and of the Plague, in the Year abovesaid.

Micah 6.9.
The Voice of the Lord cryeth unto the City, and the man wisdom shall see thy Name: Hear ye the Rod, and who hath appointed it.

Cambridge: Printed by Marmaduke Johnson 1663


Psal. 65, part of the 5 th Verse. By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us.

S Hall a Trumpet be blown in the City, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in the City, and the Lord hath not done it? The Lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesie? Amos 3. 6,8. When the Pha­risees spake to our Saviour to rebuke his Disciples for their loud praises of the Lord with Hosanna's, he tells them, If they should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out, Luk. 19. 39,40. And we read in Habakkuk, Chap. 2. ver. 11. Of the stone crying out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber making answer. Certainly we in London have lately heard the cry of stones and walls, of timber and beams in their fall and flames; I mean in the late Dreadful fire, which hath laid our Jerusalem in heaps; or rather, we have heard the Voice of God in this and other terrible things which have come upon us.

But I proceed to give a Narration of the late Judgements of Plague and Fire.

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