
DAILY MEDITATIONS: OR, Quotidian Preparations for, AND Considerations of DEATH AND ETERNITY. Begun July 19. 1666.

By Philip Pain: Who lately suffering Shipwrack, was drowned.

Job 30. 23. For I know that thou wilt bring me to death, and to the [...] appointed for all living.
Eccles. 12. 1. Remember now thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth, &c.

CAMBRIDGE: Printed by Marmaduke Johnson. 1668.


The Porch.

T O live's a Gift, to dye's a Debt that we
Each of us owe unto Mortality.
What though the dead do ghastly look, and we
Like Children frighted are even but to be
Spectators of a dying man or woman?
Yet nothing's to be fear'd that is so common.
It is not Death that we in them do see;
It's but the Mask wherewith 'twill vailed be.
Yet where's the man or woman that can look
Death in the face, as in some pleasing book?
Can we contented be to view our face
In such a dreadful, doleful Looking-glass?
O where's the man or woman that can cry,
Behold I come, Death I desire to dye?
O where's the man or woman that can say,
Lord, I desire my dissolution day?
And what's the reason 'tis so hard to dye,
To leave this World so full of vanity?
What makes it terrible? nought but the sense
Of guilt & sin: Break down this potent fence,
And then be sure for aye you shall enjoy
Joyes everlasting, Everlasting joy.
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July 19. 1666. The 5 th day.

Meditation 1.
GReat God, how shor's mans time! each minute speaks
He is but dust, and that his Vessel leaks.
Each moment of my momentany time,
Does plainly tell me 'tis not mine but thine.
He gives me time to live, and verily
Ere long I shall have likewise time to dye.
Meditat. 2.
After the time of Life is ended, then
Oh there's Another Time for sons of men;
A great ETERNITY will surely come,
Of blessed Happiness, or cursed Doom.
Lord, grant I may be one of those that may
Enjoy the first with thee another day.
Meditat. 3.
Down to the grave I must ere long descend,
Leave all my friends behinde; thither I bend,
And steer my wearied Course unto that Port,
To which all sorts of Nations do resort.
When I cast Anchor, grant, O Lord, that I
May safely ride where Christ himself did lye.
Meditat. 4.
This World a Sea of trouble is, and Man
Is swimming through this vast wide Ocean.
The billows beat, the waves are angry, and
'Tis seldome that he spies a helping hand
To buoy his head up. O great God, let me
Be kept from sinking into misery.
This day is past; but tell me, who can say
That I shall surely live another day.
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July 20. The 6 th day.

Meditat. 5.
I can but dye but once, why should I fear?
Whether I fear or not, 'tis all as near.
O but my Soul consider, that sad time
Gives every thing to death, leaves nothing thine,
Except thy stinking Carcase, which shall be
Dispos'd to weal or woe eternally.
Meditat. 6.
The Passing-bell sounds harth unto the ear
Of all that do the King of Terrours fear.
But let a man have but an interest
In Jesus Christ, 'twill toll him to his rest.
Lord, give me such a gift, none other I
Crave or desire, whether I live or dye.
Meditat. 7.
Death puts an end to every thing below▪
It gives the killing wound, the fatall blow.
Of those that here a while did but reside,
But for a time, the last act is, They dy'd.
Then grant, O Lord, that I may act this Part
Well on the Stage; then Death, so here's my ♥.
Meditat. 8.
Scarce do I pass a day, but that I hear
Some one or other's dead; and to my ear
Me thinks it is no news: but Oh! did I
Think deeply on it, what it is to dye,
My Pulses all would beat, I should not be
Drown'd in this Deluge of Security.
Think every day thy last, and ready bee;
And so th' uncertain hour shall welcome thee.
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July 21. The 7 th day.

Meditat. 9.
Man's life is like a Rose, that in the Spring
Begins to blossome, fragrant smells to bring:
Within a day or two, behold Death's sent,
A publick Messenger of discontent.
Lord grant, that when my Rose begins to fade,
I may behold an Everlasting shade.
Meditat. 10.
Alas, what is the World? a Sea of Glass.
Alas, what's Earth? it's but an Hower-glass.
The Sea dissolves; the Glass is quickly run
Behold, with speed man's Life is quickly done.
Let me so swim in this Sea, that I may
With thee live happy in another day.
Meditat. 11.
Had I as many dayes to live, as I
See drops are in the sea, yet I must dye:
Each day a drop, would carry away a day;
And so my life would swiftly pass away.
Jehovah great, humbly I hee beseech
The number of my dayes me for to teach.
Meditat. 12.
I every day do see that here below
Is nothing permanent, away they go;
Friends, and Relations, every thing that I
Do cast mine eyes upon, is Vanity.
Give me a portion then even in that place,
Where still I may behold thy blessed face.
I now lye down to rest, but do not know
Where by the morning God will me bestow.
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July 22. [SAB.] The first day.

Meditat. 13.
What great security possesses some,
Who think that Death's [...], or cannot come?
How miserable are such Souls, who think
To live even as they list, of sin to drink
Wide seas and rivers? when alas they see
Not their approaching damning destiny.
Meditat. 14.
The time is short, sayes Paul: it's short indeed;
For it hath Eagles wings, and flees with speed
Each minute from us: how should we improve
This our short time, that does so swiftly move.
Lord grant, I be no prodigal of Time,
Thinking 'tis thine that I do use, not mine.
Meditat. 15.
The dead they praise thee not; the living they
Sound forth thy blessed praises every day.
In grave there's no rememberance of thee,
But of thee in that place forgetful bee.
Lord grant that I may praise thee, whiles that I
Have time to live, and summon'd not to dye.
Meditat. 16.
The misery of man is great on him,
Because his time he knows not; 'tis his sin,
And nothing else, that thus hath man undone,
And makes this Race of Life painful to run,
Lord, give me knowledge of my time, that so
Prepar'd I may be here before I go.
One day of grace more here I have enjoy'd
It's Gods great mercy I am not destroy'd,
That greatly have provok'd him—
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July 23. The second day.

Meditat. 17.
Whilst in this world I stay, some hopes have I
That I shall reign in Heaven eternally:
But when my time is past, and I am gone,
There's no hope left for me to build upon.
Lord, grant me full assurance whilst that I
Am here, so willing I shall be to dye.
Meditat. 18
We are but babes of yesterday, and we
Are sons and daughters of Mortalitie.
From dust we came, to dust we must again,
And to the grave with speed we fly amain.
Lord, let the thoughts of Death possess my heart,
That so Thee and my Soul may never part.
Meditat. 19.
How bruitish, Oh how sensless are all those,
Who to the World do so themselves dispose,
As if there were no God to serve, no Death
That's coming to deprive them of their breath?
Lord help me so to live, that I may bee
Never forgetful of my Death or Thee.
Meditat. 20.
How loth, how backward are we all to leave
This transitory World? Let Death bereave
Us of those Mundane things, yet if we still
Resolve to live and dye to Christ, what ill
Can happen to us? Lord, before I dye
Let me a better Kingdome farre espy.
As the great God still addes unto my dayes,
It's but new matter for me him to praise.
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July 24. The third day.

Meditat. 21.
How often have I view'd the graves, and gone
Unto that place, and yet returned home
Again unto my house: The time will bee
When I must go, but no returning see.
Lord, give me so much grace, that I may be
Ever-more mindful of Eternitie.
Meditat. 22.
What mean those show'rs, those drops, that from on high
Descend, to call men to Eternity?
Both Young and Old, no Sex is spar'd; O why?
What is the cause of our Mortality?
Lo here it is; A blessed God we have
Offended, therefore we must to the grave.
Meditat. 23.
Death strikes the Young man, and the Old man must
Yield to Deaths stroke, and return to the dust:
Not Strength, nor Beauty, Riches, Honours, lent
But for a while, cannot our death prevent.
Oh how should we then use these things below,
That must be left when we from hence do go.
Meditat. 24.
Man's life it is but lent him here, and he
Is but a debtor to Mortalitie.
Those fading Comforts that below we have
Or do enjoy, will leave us at the grave.
Lord, grant that when my Comforts all are gone,
I may with Thee have sweet Communion.
This day is past, God mercy shews to me,
Who am a Dust-heap of Mortalitie.
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July 25. The 4 th day.

Meditat. 25.
Alas poor Death, where does thy great strengthlye?
'Tis true, I'me mortall, yet I cannot dye.
I tell thee, If I dye in Christ, it is
The way thou shew'st me to eternal bliss.
By death live if that I live to Christ,
And then thou'st say the mark I have not mist.
Meditat. 26.
Alas, what's Sorrow? 'tis our portion here;
The Christian's portion, Trouble, Grief, and Fear:
He is The Man of Sorrows here below
Of all the men on earth; yet let us know,
Christ left his Grave-clothes, that we might when grief
Draws tears, or blood, not want in Handkerchief.
Meditat. 27.
Is Death so formidable? Can the chance
Of one poor day change our fresh Countenance?
Is there so much in Death, that we should be
Like Children frighted at our destiny?
Of Heaven give me assurance (Lord) and I
Shall ne're believe Death looks so dreadfully.
Meditat. 28.
Could I in greatness farre surmount the skie,
Or yet in glory could the Sun out-vie;
Could I be more then any man that lives,
Great, Fair, Rich, Wise, all in Superlatives:
Yet if I were still mortal, there would be
A debt still to be paid to death by me.
Lord, as thou givest me more hours to live,
So with it, Oh do thou thy grace me give.
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July 26. The 5 th day.

Meditat. 29.
How mutable is every thing that here
Below we do enjoy? with how much fear
And trouble are these gilded Vanities
Attended, that so caprivate our eyes?
Oh, who would trust this World, or prize what's in it.
That gives, and takes, and changes in a minute?
Meditat. 30.
Sure every soul in this world hath its day
Of grace, and if he will improve it, may
The time will come when it shall have an end.
Ev'n when we must unto the grave descend.
Lord, help me now to know the things that do
Belong unto my peace, and them pursue.
Meditat. 31.
We have no License from our God to waste
One day, one hour, one moment, that do haste
So swiftly from us in our sinful pleasures,
But rather to lay up for lasting treasures.
Lord, spare me yet a little, that I may
Prepare for Death, and for the Judgement-day.
Meditat. 32.
The damned now in Hell, that there do ly
In endless flames, that howl, and weep, and cry
For anguish great, this is their deepest Crime,
Heart-vexing trouble, Oh Misplace of Time!
Oh who would rush into there flames of Fire,
That of mis-spending time they may enquire?
Lord, let thy Terrours every day cause me
To prepare for my end, and ready be.
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July 27. The 6 th day.

Meditat. 33.
Our Saviour he ascended up on high,
And led death conqu'red in captivity:
The Grave is sweetned by him; why should we
Be loth to share in this his Victorie?
Lord, as death thou hast overcome, Oh so
Conquer my sins ere I from hence do go.
Meditat. 34.
By Faith the Christian acts, whilst here beneath
He lives, till death his Faith and Life bereave.
But when this life is ended, he enjoyes
The things that he believ'd, Eternal loves.
Lord, grant that I may here by Faith foresee
A glorious Mansion prepar'd for me.
Meditat. 35.
These Arms, these Hands, this Face, they ere long must
Decay, consume, and moulder into dust;
The time will be, when time shall be no more
Upon his earth, as it hath heretofore.
Great God, then grant that I may serious be
In and about things of Eternitie.
Meditat. 36.
I've often heard, that such a Friend is dead,
And that another laves his weary head
Down in the grave; yet this no news to me,
Whilst I live here in sin and vanitie.
Lord, help me now to think the time will come
For me, as well as these that now are gone.
As strong, as young as now I am, yet must
I be for certain buried in the dust.
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July 28. The 7th day.

Meditat. 37.
Our dayes, our time, appointed are by God,
And beyond that we may not have abode
Here on this sinfull earth the day draws nigh,
When every one shall have a time to dye.
Lord, as the time does from me pass away,
Grant me thy grace whilst in the world I stay.
Meditat. 38
Frail Mortals poste with speed after those things,
Which at the last nought else but sorrow brings:
Most think not of a great Eternity
That's drawing on apace. Lord, grant that I
May whilst I'me here pursue with might and main,
Those things that will bring everlasting gain.
Meditat. 39.
All Creatures in their kinde sound forth the praise
Of their blest Maker; yea, the glorious Rayes
Of his great Majesty appeareth on
The least of all the Works of Creation.
But Lord, Man by his sin dishonours thee,
Who art the God of Immortalitie.
Meditat. 40.
Whilst we are here below, we act and move,
And this, and that we seek for to improve:
The time will come when that our places shall
Not know us; we shall be no more at all.
Lord, grant that I may those great things improve,
That are brought down to earth from heaven above.
Give me an interest in thy Son, and then
Though I dye ne're so much I'le live agen.
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July 29. The First day.

Meditat. 41.
How eagerly doth vain man here pursue
These worldly things, when his dayes are so few?
His time is short, it's short, yea short indeed,
That flies so swiftly from him, with such speed.
Lord, help me to consider that I must
Not here live alwayes, but return to dust.
Meditat. 42.
How precious! Oh how precious is our Time!
Sure to mis-spend it is a sinfull Crime.
This Pearl being lost, is never to be found
Again, though all the world our cries resound:
O thou that art the God of Ages, give
Me that grace, for to know what 'tis to live.
Meditat. 43.
What are our dayes unto Eternity?
Our present joyes, to future misery?
What is there in this world that stable is?
What's [...] that's here below to lasting bliss?
Jehovah help me here, that so I may
Enjoy eternall bliss another day.
Meditat. 44.
ETERNITY! O Soul-amazing thought,
That never to my senses yet was brought
Rightly to understand it: O the height,
The breadth, the length, the depth of what I slight!
Help, Son of David, mercy on me have;
This is a coming, I must to the grave.
I now repose my weary head upon
My Pillow, but I shall be shortly gone.
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July 30. The second day.

Meditat. 45.
Gods mercy unto man is great, who gives
Unto him life, 'tis enough that he lives;
God might have justly took our lives from us
Long afore this, Death following the Curse.
Lord, grant the Curse may be remov'd from me,
The grave then (Lord) will smell most fragrantlie
Meditat. 46.
Long life a mercy is to good and bad,
And makes the hearts of most men very glad,
Yet the true Childe of God desires home,
Unto his Fathers house for to be gone.
Lord, when thou seest fit, work glace in me,
That I may so in Heaven desire to be.
Meditat. 47.
Adam was plac'd unto his hearts desire
In Paradice, untill he did aspire
To storm the Heavens; whence Death did assume
His Title, King of Terrours, to consume
Frail flesh, and in a moment make it fly
From Earth to Heaven, from hence t'Eternity.
Meditat. 48.
No sooner did we change our Mothers Womb
For this frail World, but by and by a Tomb
Prepared is, and Mourners they attend
To lead us softly to our Journeys end.
Lord, grant that when my change comes, I may be
Then fit t'enjoy Communion with thee.
Death is a Lot is common unto all,
And when w'are gone, Friends cannot us recall.
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July 31. The third day.

Meditat. 49.
In Heaven are eternal joyes; and sure
In that place there are Remedies to cure
Our here Sin-sick'ned Souls: but Oh shall I
Be made a Patient of this Remedy?
Lord, I believe a Heaven there is; but this
The Question is, Shall I enjoy that bliss?
Meditat. 50.
In Hell are Torments, Torments without end;
And them I must endure, if that no friend
I have of Jesus. O my Soul, must I
Go from PAIN here, to Pain eternally?
I know there is a Hell: Lord, grant that I
May go from Earth to Heaven when I dye.
Meditat. 51.
My Soul tell me, Are there not many that
Do wish for Heaven, and yet miss the Gate?
How many do (with Balaam) wish that they
May depart like a Saint at dying day?
Lord, let me to be like them here desire,
Upon this earth, as when they do expire.
Meditat. 52.
How many are there that may take their Harps
And hang upon the Willows; mournful hearts
Would best become such as must go from hence,
And then in Hell have lasting residence.
O Lord, how little do I think on this,
That I may be one that may miss of Bliss?
I am (I see) still Mercies Monument;
For more, one day is still unto me lent.
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August 1. The 4th day.

Meditat. 53.
How often should we think of this, that we
Must ere long yield to Death's supremacie?
The time ere long will come, when we shall be
No more; and shortly we no time shall see.
O that I might be then prepar'd for this
So great a Charge, and be received to Bliss.
Meditat. 54.
The sons of men are prone to forget Death,
And put it same away from them, till breath
Begins to tell them they must to the grave;
And then, Oh what would they give but to have
One year of respite? Help me Lord, to know
As I move here, so my time moves also.
Meditat. 55.
Whilst we live here, we have he blessed voice
Of God by Ministers, the blessed noise
And sound of Aarons Bells: the time will be
When we no more of this shall hear or see.
Help, Lord, that I may then improve the same
Unto the praise and glory of thy Name.
Meditat. 56.
The time will be, when we shall be No more:
Where will the World be then? 'Twill be No more.
Where will our Comforts be? They'll be No more.
Where will our Friends be then? They'll be No more.
Lord, grant me then thy grace, lest that No more
Do seize upon me, and I be No more.
No More! O solemn sound! This night I may
Be struck by Death, and never see the day.
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August 2. The 5th day.

Meditat. 57.
How tremblingly do creatures here appear
Before an earthly Judge? what dreadful fear
Does seize upon them at the Barre of him,
Who likewise must arraigned be for sin?
Lord, grant me here thy grace, and so may I
With joy at last behold thy Majesty.
Meditat. 58.
The day of death's a coming; after that
A day of Judgement will discriminate▪
And put a difference 'twixt the Saints and those
Who do Gods Wayes and Precepts here oppose.
Lord, let me be prepared for that day,
That so with joy (Lord) thee behold I may.
Meditat. 59.
The hand of Death strikes sure, there's nothing can
Obstruct, or hinder it; and every man,
Whether he will or no, must know that he
Must into dust most surely turned be.
O how should I prepare for this, since 'tis
So sure and certain which I cannot miss?
Meditat. 60.
Death is a surly Sergeant, no respect
Hath he to persons, does their tears reject;
No bribe will blinde his eyes, away we must,
If he but call, and return to the dust.
Lord, grant that I may death behold with joy,
And to my soul let it bring no annoy.
Each minute gives my time a shorter time:
Not to prepare for Death is a sad crime.
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August 3. The 5th day.

Meditat. 61.
There's nothing that I do, or act, but sayes
That I am Mortal with an Emphasis.
Each day speaks to me, and gives me to know
That I ere it be long away must go.
Let me an interest have in Christ, and I
Shall over Death triumph with victory.
Meditat. 62.
How is it that I am so careless here,
And never mind how I my Course do steer
For an Eternal Port? and never think
That at the last my leaky Ship will sink?
Lord, guard me from those Pirats that would catch
My Soul, do thou (Lord) be their over-match.
Meditat. 63.
Lord, what's the reason I'me so loth to hear
Of the great day of Death? what means this fear,
That at the thoughts of death o're-spreads me, and
Prompts me to give a willing Countermand?
Jesus, 'tis to be fear'd I never stood.
As one that's interested in thy Blood.
Meditat. 64.
What makes the Saints on earth desire to be
Dissolved, and that blessed day to see?
What makes them whilst they're here below to groan
Against this body of Corruption?
Lord, they know that when they from hence do go,
On them a glorious Kingdome thou'lt bestow.
Lord, if my Soul this night away thou take,
Let me by morning then in Heav'n awake.


'T Is not to shew the Author's Wit, but Grace,
That these few Poems are expos'd to view;
In which thou may'st behold Youths flow'ry face
Set toward Sion, seeking things most true:
Contemning worldly Vain's, but prizing high
A place inth' Mansions of Eternity.
Here was hours spent indeed! and yet not spent
Time thus improv'd, is to Redeem the time.
For Youth, Death's company thus to frequent,
( As if a dweller in his Shady Clime)
Does prove a thing so rare, so seldome known,
That scarce Old Age can call this act its own.
By hourly meditating on the Grave,
He came acquainted with that darksome Cell;
Knew that from going thither none could save,
(We on the Brink of Machpelah do dwell)
Therefore prepar'd with sedulous desire
To take his Bed there, when he should expire.
And though our Saviour with his Odours sweet
Hath to the Faithfull it perfum'd; yet there
They can't abide for aye: away must fleet
To Judgement, when the Great Judge shall appear.
This oft he thought upon: This this should be
Our standing thought, when all thoughts else do flee
Of Hell he's not forgetful; but with dread
And trembling thinks & speaks thereof: doth give
Warning to living ones, they should not plead
For Sin, which brings a Hell without reprieve:
Excites to Pray'r, Repentance, and to stay
By Faith on Christ for Life which lasts for ay.
But his most sweetest Contemplation
Takes wing below, and up to Heav'n doth soar:
There's matter for deep Meditation,
Where Pleasures do abide for evermore,
Which neither Eye e're saw, Ear heard, nor can
Enter into the Heart of any man.
[...] the Example of this Pilot young,
So skill'd in Spiritual Sailing) thee inform
To steer thy Course through Baca's Vale, along
To this fair Haven, ( fear nor Winds nor Storm)
Till thou arrive with him, in whom did dwell
Some good thing toward the God of Israel.

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