AN ESSAY FOR Reforming the Modern Way of Practising MEDICINE IN EDINBURGH:

Wherein it is proved, That the Foreign Method of paying Physi­cians with small FEES at a Time, would be of great Benefit to the NATION, if it were followed in EDINBURGH, and in the other Royal Burghs in SCOTLAND, and do no Hurt to Physicians themselves.

EDINBURGH, Printed. Sold by Mr. James Davidson, Mr. Thomas Heriot, and Mr. Alexander Symmers, Booksellers in Edinburgh. 1727. (Price Six Pence.)

An ESSAY, &c.

IT is the unavoidable Fate of every Thing that makes its Appearance new in the World, to be attended with Misrepresentations: The malicious Genius of some People naturally leads them to Censure and Detraction, especially where they have such an agreeable Opportunity of exerting their beloved Talents, as is afforded to them by a­ny Proposal, however just in it self, that has not been approved of by the Practice of for­mer Times, in the very Place where they hap­pen to live, nor supported by the Authority of a Multitude there. Others imagine, that they have an Interest to oppose any new Scheme, and therefore are very Sanguine against it, al­tho' they are often found to be miserably mis­taken in their Opinion, even as to their own particular Concerns. A third Sort, which make up indeed by far the most numerous Class of [Page 4]Detractors, are those who go blindly in to what they hear others say, without giving themselves the least Trouble to examine the Case; they are pleased with the Slander, and catch the Laugh, for what Reason they cannot tell, and think of the Matter they don't know how, but just as they are put upon, and directed by the Hints suggested to them by ill natured or de­signing Persons. Every new Project then must appear with great Disadvantages; especially in a narrow Place, and where the Judgments of Men are too apt to be guided by the Opini­ons or Examples of others, and where Reason is seldom allowed to lead any Man out of the common Road, how far soever that may hap­pen to be wrong in it self. An Innovation in any of the liberal Arts or Sciences, or in the Method of exercising them, and rendering them useful to Mankind, since it cannot ex­pect to be the Darling of any one Party of Men more than of another, and consequently can look for no Patrons out of any Party-Views, which are the Master-Springs of all our Actions at present in this unhappy Country; so it must necessarily meet with extraordinary Discou­ragement. Yet certain it is, that there are so many Errors committed in the Exercise of the learned Professions, that the World reaps but a small Part of the Advantages that naturally ought to arise from them. This then, if it be [Page 5]true, (as unquestionably it is) must needs give some Satisfaction to the Mind of any Person, who, in his own Faculty, would endea­vour to remove those Obstacles which stand in the Way of his Profession, and in a great Mea­sure prevent the usefulness of it; notwithstand­ing of the forbidding Circumstances which the Novelty of the Thing may bring along with it: And if the Project laid down by such a Person, is of it self reasonable, it is the Proposer's Du­ty to let the World know that it is so. And if he be able to satisfie the judicious Part of Mankind, who don't judge of Matters before they consider them; and the Candid, who judge with impartiality, he may safely treat the O­pinion of all others with the utmost Con­tempt.

THE Knowledge of Medicine, which we at present only consider, is undoubtedly one of the most valuable Blessings ever Heaven be­stowed upon this lower World: But as it is now exercised, it may safely be asserted, and can be prov'd, that the Benefit of it is but small to this Nation, and especially to this City of Edinburgh; and that plainly from two Rea­sons: The First is, the Ignorance of many of the Professors of it, that is, of such as actually practise it; and the Second, which has as bad Effects, is the Difficulty that most Part of Peo­ple find to have the Advice of those who are [Page 6]to be presumed the best qualified, on Account, that their Fees are too considerable for the Sick Person's Pocket. Now the Rich amongst us, bear but a small Proportion to the poorer Sort. If many then must be without the Benefit of Medicine regularly apply'd, whilst a few only can purchase it, certainly the Service it does to the Community is but inconsiderable.

THE natural Way to put the Practice of this Art into the most proper Hands, and so to exclude the more ignorant from it, (which was the Royal Design of the Sovereign, in ere­cting a College of Physicians in this Place, al­tho' that Design has not hitherto succeeded) would certainly be, for the Physicians to make such a Regulation with Respect to their Fees, that every Person, when indisposed, might be able to call them: If they would, for Example, accept of such a small Thing, at a Time, as Half a Crown, and be paid for each Visit at the same Rate. And lest it should be alledged, that this were either prostituting the Art, or sacrificing their own Interest to the Good of the Publick (a Thing which, altho' noble, is not always convenient) let them consider the following Particulars, and it is highly proba­ble they will change their Opinion; and per­haps be convinced, that they have no Manner of Interest to oppose such a Scheme.

IT can be prov'd in the first Place, that a small Fee, at a Time, to a Physician for his Ad­vice, satisfies the most Learned and Knowing Practitioners of most Part of Europe.

2do, THAT, were it the general Practice here to take such Fees, Physicians would be more universally imploy'd than they are, ac­quire more Honour, and do infinitely more Service to the Lieges.

3tio, THAT the well imployed of the Fa­culty could lose nothing by this Method, but rather gain; and that the less imployed would gain vastly, by some Part of the Business neces­sarily falling into their Hands.

4to, THAT the Chirurgeon Apothecaries, whom it would seem mostly to affect, could lose nothing, but would gain upon several Accounts.

5to, THAT from the foregoing Considera­tions, it would be highly beneficial to the Country, that this Method were introduced, and that it would do Prejudice to no one Per­son.

As to the first Particular; Those who know how Physicians are paid in Holland, where it is confest by every Body, there are Men of as great Learning in that Profession as any where else at present; how they are paid all over Germany, Elanders, France it self, and [Page 8]every where but in Great Britain, won't dis­pute, That the best Physicians are contented with small Fees, and consequently must think it no Disgrace for any one of the Faculty to be satisfy'd with the same.

THE second Particular is as little doubtful; For if one could have the best Advice about their Health for a small Acknowledgment, no doubt they would call for that Advice, rather than for any other; and the least Dis­order would willingly make them part with Half a Crown, when perhaps, to save a Gui­nea, the Distemper is allowed to go on, with­out calling any Assistance, or at least, not that of One whose Business it is to understand Distempers: Besides, many a one is able to pay a small Fee, who has not the Ability to pay a great one, and therefore must take up with what Advice he can best purchase. These Considerations make it appear, That a more universal Practice must necessarily attend the lowering of the Fees.

BUT next, Physicians would acquire more Honour, and do more Good; because by this Means they would have it in their Power, to observe Diseases from their first Appearances, and by putting the Patient, from the Beginning, under a right Manage­ment, would, very often, effectually make [Page 9]a Cure; when at present we know, they are seldom called (except perhaps by the richer Sort, and that not always) 'till there is imminent Danger apprehended: And then the Doctor's Business commonly is, to skreen eve­ry Body else from any Reflections about the sick Person's Death, and be a Witness of his Exit; when he himself knows very well, if he be a Person of Ingenuity and Learning, That he now can neither understand nor cure the Distemper, since the Course of it is alrea­dy perverted by a bad Management, or at least not rectify'd in Time by a good one. It is a certain Fact, That Physicians, being commonly called in the End of a Disease, or after it has made a considerable Progress, sel­dom see any one, as God and Nature sent it; but as it is disguised and changed by Appli­cations made in the Beginning: And for this Reason they are able to do their Patients little or no Service, which has render'd the Art contemptible to some, and suspected to be of no great Use, even by the most knowing. It would then appear to be the Business of eve­ry true Physician, to endeavour to retrieve the Honour of his own Art, by doing what he can, to bring the Practice into the Hands of the real Professors of it; which can never be done 'till the Fees are made low. And is it not the utmost Barbarity, to deny an Advice [Page 10]to all who have not Ability to pay Gold, and too much Modesty to ask it for nothing?

WHAT was in the third Place asserted, That the well employed of the Faculty could lose nothing, appears by considering, that did they keep a List of every Visit, and were paid at a certain Rate for it, it would often come to more Account than their Payments do at pre­sent. People would know exactly what they expected for their Trouble, and desire their Attendance accordingly. The Richer, who at present give Gold, for their own greater Satis­faction, would call them every Day, or oft­ner, during the Course of a Distemper. Others would call them now and then, and so have the Benefit of good Directions, who at pre­sent languish without them. And from this last Consideration it plainly appears, That there would be an Addition to the Gain, even of such as have their Reputation the best established: And as to the less employed, and younger Part of the Faculty, they must ne­cessarily be often in Business, whereas at pre­sent they are idle, if Poor as well as Rich constantly should call Physicians; because in that Case, a few Persons could not be suffici­ent to attend the whole who were willing to employ them.

IT may here be objected, That this is but a pretended lowering of the Fees, and that Half a Crown a Visit lands in the same Thing as a Guinea now and then. But by what is said a­bove it appears, that tho' in some Cases, with Respect to the richer Sort, the Thing be really true, yet with Respect to the Generali­ty it is not so, since very often one Visit or two may be sufficient to give the Patient, or perhaps his Apothecary, such Directions as be­ing well observed, will be of great Use to him: And even the Rich will have this Advan­tage by it, that they will sooner incline to call a Physician to a slight Illness, than they do at present; and by so doing, often prevent the ensuing of a very severe One: For the first Attacks of a Disease are many Times deceit­ful. Besides, this will be an Inducement to them to call severals at a Time, where now One serves; and so they shall have the joynt Advice of many at a very easy Purchase.

WHAT was proposed in the fourth Place, viz. That the Chyrurgeon-Apothecaries would lose nothing, seems liable to more Objections, because the Scheme it self appears contriv'd with a Design to take the whole Practice of Me­dicine out of their Hands; whereas at present it is notourly known, that they are the Per­sons who practise the most of it in this Place; [Page 12]and therefore, that if this Project should go on, it would in a Manner ruine their Business. But the thinking Part of the Gentlemen of that Incorporation (it might almost be asserted, the whole of them) are well satisfied, that a quite contrary Effect would ensue. For in the first Place, the Affair of Surgery might be put un­der Regulations, as well as that of Medicine, with Respect to the Fees; and then, when e­ver an external Malady required Advice, or Attendance and Applications, either by the Surgeon or his Servants, a stated Rule for his Payment would be found very convenient, both for the Surgeon and the Patient: Which may easily be deduced from what was said above with Regard to Medicine, and what is clearly demonstrated by the constant Custom in foreign Parts.

WITH Respect to Pharmacy, the Surgeon-Apothecaries, who at present, by the Laws of this Place, have the sole Privilege of exerci­sing that Art, seldom make any Profit but by the selling of their Medicines to their Patients; and if ever they are paid for Attendance, it is commonly by the more generous Sort, who even at present never fail to call a Physician, as well as the Surgeon, to any internal Case. As to these then, the new Proposal makes no Odds; neither does it as to the others, since, whether they have a Physician or not, the Account of [Page 13]Medicines must always be paid. Thus far as to the Negative Position, That those Gentle­men could not lose: Let us next observe their Advantages. The most of them are of such Candor, that they are often grieved when dealing with the poorer Sort, that the extra­vagant Fees of Physicians, entirely debar them from joyning other Advice to their own; and 'tis with Difficulty, that those of middle Cir­cumstances are perswaded to consent to it, e­ven where there is Danger. No doubt then, but since our Scheme opens a Door of having easily the Concurrence of a Physician to what­ever is done, the Surgeons must have great Sa­tisfaction in it; for two Advices must be as good as a single one at least, and the Character of DOCTOR will add some Honour to the Con­sultation, and so be more agreeable to the Pa­tient. Besides, the Person who furnishes the Medicines, seldom has the same Freedom of Mind to prescribe as another, lest he be sus­pected to have a View to his own Interest, and therefore he always wishes to have ano­ther to do it for him.

THAT the Character of DOCTOR adds little or nothing to the Matter, may be alledged, for this Reason, That the Surgeon-Apothecaries in this Place, are mostly Gentlemen, conse­quently have the same Education with our Physicians, as to all the Parts of Learning [Page 14]that are commonly taught in our younger Years; That afterwards, during their Appren­ticeships, they have much Opportunity of seeing sick People, and so, by Degrees, learn­ing how to Practise, by observing what is done by others; That some of them, after these Advantages, have been bred in the most famous medical Schools; Others again have, for a long Tract of Time, had a most nume­rous Practice in the Army or Navy, and by this Means, must necessarily have their Know­ledge enriched with many valuable Observa­tions of their own, which never fail to im­prove one better than what is learned by Hear­say; That in this Place they are not admit­ted to Practise, but after having gone through a very strict and severe Examination, upon all Parts of Anatomy, Surgery, and Pharmacy, (which include a vast Part of Medicine) and which they are obliged to undergo, in about seven different Diets, by their present Rules. This seems, as indeed it is, to be as August a medical Trial as any in the World, altho' confin'd to some particular Parts of the Sci­ence; and they are not admitted to this Tri­al, 'till after Eight Years from the Beginning of their Apprenticeship; in which Time it is to be presumed, that they are pretty well qua­lify'd, when we know that there are some Graduations, after a very few Months Study, [Page 15]and perhaps without any at all. 'Tis true, there are some particular Persons, who have a Right to be admitted to Trial with the Sur­geons sooner than at the End of Eight Years: But as that respects not the Generality, it is not worth noticing; and the Abridgments that are made of this Time are commonly very small. By all this then it would appear, That the Surgeon seems to bid fairer for be­ing a good Practitioner than the Doctor, and wants only the Diploma.

WITH the greatest Regard imaginable to the Gentlemen of the honourable Profession of Surgery, the most ancient, and still the most certain Part of Medicine, it must be acknowledged, That the Facts above reci­ted are true; but yet it must be allowed, That the learned Faculty of Medicine will still keep its Dignity, if the Case be fairly consider'd.

A Physician, who justly merits and posses­ses the Rank and Title of DOCTOR, is not one who comes instructed with a few Scrapes of Knowledge, taken from his own Observation; but brings with him, before he offers to Pra­ctise, the learned and laboriously acquir'd Treasures of vast Numbers of Ages. The Life of one Man is extremely short, and is therefore, without great Assistance, uncapa­ble of making any considerable Improve­ments [Page 16]in so noble, and in some Cases intricate, a Science as that of Medicine. There is then no possible Means of attaining to any Degree of Perfection in it, but by reviewing the Mo­numents of Antiquity, which, by a particular Providence of Heaven, have been preserved to us. There we are instructed by Multi­tudes of Observations exactly taken, through a great Tract of Years, in all the Changes that appear, as the Humane Body from Health degenerates into a State of Sickness; as it again, by the Means of Nature, returns to its former healthful Condition; or per­haps continues infected by some Remains of the Disease; or, being overcome with the Load of the Distemper, perishes. We are well advertis'd of all the sensible Causes, that have been observ'd to precede and produce those Distempers, and of all the Methods that the Wit of Man has been able to disco­ver, for assisting Nature to overcome them; and how those Methods have succeeded now for many Thousands of Years. It is no small Task to become well acquainted with the Observations and Doctrine of the Illustrious Ancients; and no small Pleasure, to find them daily verify'd in our own Practice. If we add to those, what the Industry of later Times has furnish'd to us, with respect to some new Diseases, we may be allowed to be [Page 17]well qualify'd in our Profession: But yet more so, if we call the Assistance of Philosophy to our Aid, under due Restrictions, that is, ne­ver suffering our Reasonings to lead us a­way from what is undoubtedly true in Fact. If after an exact Scrutiny into all the Parts of the Animal Machine, we be able to demon­strate the Uses of all that various Structure, and nice Complication of Organs in every different Part of it, and to explain the Springs of all their Actions, we cannot be at a Loss, when its Functions are put out of Order by Sickness, to understand where the Fault lies.

IF then we go further, and examin the Pro­perties of all the Material World, to discover what Parts of it may be of Service in our Art; If we survey the beauteous vegetable Creation, and draw what Aid we can from the healthful Qualities of Plants; If we dive into the Recesses of the Earth, and extort Assistance from the Mineral Kingdom; Then explore the Seas, Earth, and Air, for all the various Animals that have any Parts that can be useful to preserve or repair the Body of Man: If all those different Objects are care­fully considered, and their Properties enquired into, and all done with due Regard to the standing practical Observations above mentio­ned, undoubtedly we must draw such Helps from Philosophy, as very much must improve [Page 18]our Art: And we will think it but a small Exaggeration in the Founder of it, who was a Heathen, when he affirms, That a Physi­cian who is a Philosopher is equal to a God. With such a Physician, if any such there be, no Surgeon or Apothecary but will think it his Happiness to be engaged about a Patient: For tho' he himself, as above, may have seen a great deal of Practice, and understand seve­ral Branches of the Art; yet the many Inter­ruptions to Study that commonly an Appren­ticeship brings along with it, and the over soon going to Practise at one's own Hand, will certainly make him unacquainted with many Things which a learned Physician knows, and has gathered from the Writings of Antiquity, whence the most of his Know­ledge comes. For really the Practice of any true Physician, does not so much furnish him with new Observations, as it gives him a Fa­cility in repeating the old Ones, and applying them to particular Cases: So that Study and Practice both concur to make a complete Ar­tist. But it is easy to observe, that much Stu­dy, with a moderate Share of Practice, makes a far greater Physician, than little or no Stu­dy, tho' with vast Practice: For, as above, he relies not on his own Observation, but on that of a great many Ages. To return to our Point, the Character of Doctor must add to [Page 19]the Satisfaction both of the Patient and Apo­thecary in every Case, if he be what he ought to be, and can recommend himself by his Dex­terity, both in foretelling what is to happen in Diseases, and by curing them if they are not desperate; which will distinguish him from all Impostures, better than his Degree in the University, the Honour of which is often basely prostituted. The Wisdom of Great Britain has erected Colleges in the different Metropolis's of the Three Kingdoms, to be a Check upon all Foreign Degrees. And it were to be wished, that our own Universities would take Care to admit none, but who are well qua­lified, which would make every Doctor an Honour to the Faculty. And if at the same Time the Fees were such as is proposed in this Paper, the Practice would soon entirely come into their Hands, to the great Benefit of all, and the Loss of no Body, not even of the Surgeons, as has been proved. Now it may be further ad­ded, as a Reason why a Physician ought always to be consulted about any sick Person, that as we are not here in a Place where, by the established Laws, any Person indifferently is allowed to exercise what Branches of the medical Art he shall think fit; so it is a Sort of Usurpation of other People's Rights, and a flying in the Face of Authority, for any one, not legally intitled, to prescribe Medicines. And grant that [Page 20]some who are not graduated, may have more Knowledge than others who are; yet as the Publick knows no other Test of one's Quali­fications, but the having a regular Degree, which in this City must be examined and ac­knowledged by the Royal College; and as the taking away the Necessity of such a Testimo­ny, would have very bad Consequences, by be­ing an Inlet to the very vilest and most igno­rant of the People to practise without being questioned; so 'tis hoped that no Person, how­ever well accomplished, if he be not a Doctor, will take it amiss to be told, that the just Right to give Medicines belongs to others. Let him, if he pleases, take his Degrees and satis­fy the College, or else keep within his own Sphere, as the Physicians ought to do with­in theirs, neither performing Chirurgical Operations, nor furnishing Medicines to any one, unless they have the Privilege of so do­ing from the Board of Surgeon-Apotheca­ries. Neither need they pretend any Ad­vantage in their doing the last, on Account that they are surest of their own Medicines, since the Faithfulness of the Chirurgeon-Apothecaries of this City, in that Particu­lar, is well known. The Professions of Me­dicine and Surgery are much a Kin; to the one belongs the Cure of Internal, to the other the Cure of External Maladies: The Professors [Page 21]of them are then in that Respect Brethren, and on an equal Lay. If any Man will exercise both, let him take the necessary Powers from both Societies. There is no Inconsistency, no Dishonour in it, that they know who have studied the History of those Professions, (what­ever the more Ignorant may object) for the greatest Masters were such as exercised both. But let no Apothecary pretend to prescribe; his Business is only to obey Prescriptions: Let no Surgeon do the same, if it is not in External Cases, which naturally come within his Pro­vince. Let no Physician perform an Operation, make External Applications, or compound and furnish Medicines, unless such a Person be ve­sted with the Powers of both Societies. This would evite all Confusion, and keep every one's Privileges distinct; and all Pretences for con­founding of them will be taken away, if every Sick Person may have the Advice of a Phy­sician at an easie Rate. For we know that the Exorbitancy of the Fees was always given as a Reason why the Surgeons were under a Ne­cessity to prescribe; but that it would be much better for them were it otherwise, 'tis hoped is is now made clear.

THE Fifth Proposition it is needless now to insist on, for the Advantages to the Country must be very great, if the poorer, as well as [Page 22]richer Inhabitants of it be all equally admitted to reap the Benefit of so valuable an Art as Medicine. By this Means the Populace, by getting free Access to regular Physicians, will have no longer their Bodies left at the Mercy of every ignorant Pretender to Physick, or be glad to apply for Advice to every impertinent Quack, because his Fees are such as they are able to afford; to which Sort of Gentlemen, we see they constantly flock wherever they offer, and of which there has been a notable Instance lately in this very Place. It can be prov'd, that neither Pestilence, Famine, or War, ever have committed such Ravages to the Destru­ction of Human Kind, as the unskilful Appli­cation of Medicine has. If such wrong Ap­plications then, of a noble and useful Art, can be in a great Measure prevented by our Scheme, were it not an egregious Cruelty to the World, in the least to oppose its taking Effect, especi­ally considering, that no one Person can possi­bly lose any Thing by it, as has been suffici­ently demonstrated?

AFTER what has been said upon this Sub­ject, it may appear somewhat strange, that such an important Affair has been so long ne­glected: And as it appears to be something of Moment, so it were to be wished, that a pro­per Method of actually putting it in Executi­on, [Page 23]were fallen upon; because the best and most profitable Designs often prove abortive, on Account of the bad Management of the Undertakers.

No doubt, since there is a College of Phy­sicians, here, erected by Royal Authority, for the Improvement of Medicine, it is their proper Business to further this Proposal; and it were well if they did so. But as Societies seldom do much in the like Matters, on Ac­count that their Members are seldom all a­greed in any one Point; and as this Project has been before them a long Time ago, and much pressed by some of the most Noted in the Society; and as at that Time it met with Discouragement, (certainly, as appears by what is here advanced, without any good Reason) so in all Probability it wou'd do the same again; and therefore some single Person, or a few, must set about it, otherwise so good a Design must for ever perish. It is indeed a bold Undertaking for any one Man, but what inevitable Necessity seems to throw upon some Body. It may here perhaps be asked, Does any Man in this Place, especially if he is not a very old One, think himself qualified as a Physician ought to be, according to the De­scription given of a True Physician above, and that therefore he can be the Person to undertake this Work? This may be answered [Page 24]by asking another Question; Pray, does any young Man think himself qualified for pre­scribing to Patients, in Quality of Doctor, where the Life of his Neighbour is so nearly concerned? Really any Person that is suffici­ent for the one, may be sufficient for doing the other, and can be capable of neither, without a great deal of the Study above spoken of, and Practice for some Time. And indeed any Man can as easily know, whether he him­self has made considerable Progress in the Do­ctrine of Hippocrates, as another can whe­ther he again understands Euclid. And it is presumed, that no Man of common Sense will be refused an Allowance to pass a Judgment upon himself, whether he understands the last mentioned Author or not.

IF this then is so, some Person or other may, without incurring the Imputation of ex­traordinary Vanity, take the Burden of this whole Affair upon him, and set up with as good a Grace for being ready to serve a great many at a cheap Rate, as any other Man can to serve a few at a dear one. And no doubt, but that if this Method were once followed with any tolerable Success, by any Person, the Royal College would by Degrees come into it, however unwilling they may be at the Beginning; and so at length the Country reap the whole Benefit proposed by it.

THERE is one Advantage not yet taken Notice of, which is, That if some certain Per­sons were the Undertakers, the young Stu­dents of Medicine might reap a great deal of Good by it.

THERE has of late been taught here, and with some considerable Success, at the Surge­ons Hall, the whole Art of Medicine, in a Systematical Way; in which Course, with all imaginable Care of the Performers, nothing has been omitted which to them seem'd ne­cessary, either to demonstrate the Theory, or illustrate and explain regular Practice, as drawn from certain Experience and un­questionably just Observations. This they have done, with all due Regard to the great Names of those who have furnished the World with a vast Treasure of practical Observati­ons, and of those whose great Industry and accurate Genius's, have confirmed and impro­ved the Theory by many valuable Discove­ries; and with no less Deference to the Great Person who, from vast Volumes, has collected all relating to the one or the other, into such an exact Order, and into such Bounds, that what concerns either of them can be ex­plained in the Course of a Seven or Eight Months College; which Task they own them­selves unable to have performed, without the Aid of so great a Master.

THEY hope that they are of Service in several Respects to their Country. First, The Money which it was formerly necessary for Physicians to bestow on a foreign Education, may be kept at home. Next, A great many who had not Ability to go abroad to pur­chase Learning, are now taught in their own Country, which puts them to a small Ex­pence; and by this Means a great many ac­quire a just Notion of a regular Practice, who otherwise would perhaps never have heard of it; and yet, may be, would have play'd the Doctor with as great Assurance as they shall do now; but under what Disadvantages it is easy to tell. Besides, the extraordinary Pains that those Gentlemen have been at, in teaching in English as well as in Latin, and in insisting so minutely on every Particular, as to be un­derstood by those of any Capacity, will have this good Effect, that many who perhaps wanted the previous necessary Learning fit to accomplish one for studying Physick, altho' they cannot possibly reap the same Benefit from the Course, as others well educated will; yet they will always carry away a great deal, and so be much better fitted than they could have been without it, to serve either in the Army, or the Navy, where Medicine, as often as Surgery, is their Business; altho' a sufficient Knowledge of the last is absolutely [Page 27]necessary for them, and the Whole of it, to wit of Surgery, is fully explain'd as Part of the Course. The hearing of it then, will make any of them, at least, much sooner good Sur­geons, than they can be without it. And as Edinburgh furnishes a great many Surgeons to all the British Dominions, it is with Plea­sure that these Gentlemen believe, if they meet with suitable Encouragement, they shall save many a Subject to the Nation.

TO return, after this Digression, to our Point: If those Gentlemen, or any of them, would undertake to give Advice, at the Rate of Half a Crown a Visit to any Patient with­in the Ports of Edinburgh, or the Canongate; and for a Shilling to every Person, who at certain Hours should consult them at Home; and Gratis to every extremely indigent Person who should come to them: By this Means the Students could see a great Deal of Practice, and have the Pleasure of observing, that what was taught them in the College, was before their Eyes verify'd in Fact. Their Master might take one or more of them, at a Time, to such Pa­tients as he should think proper; but especial­ly, he could make them Witnesses of his Pra­ctice at Home, which 'tis believ'd (all will a­gree) would be a great Advantage to them; and therefore it is Needless to insist on it. But what is their Advantage, comes in Time to [Page 28]be the Advantage of the Publick. Now if any of the Persons just mention'd, do under­take what we propose, 'tis hoped, That their daily Imployment of Teaching, puts them a­bove the Suspicion of being very ignorant; and therefore the good Work may succeed in their Hands, as well as in that of any One whosoever. And then the two Obstacles that were proposed in the Beginning, as the Hin­drances of the Advantages arising from the medical Art, that is, The Ignorance of some Practisers, and the Difficulty of consulting the Best on Account of their Fees, will both be al­most wholly removed, when the whole Science is to be learned in our own Country, and there­fore every Man made inexcusable who learns it not, and yet designs to practise it; and then those who have learned it, to be advised with at such a Rate as every Patient can afford.

Is it then Fact, That the Method of pra­ctising Medicine at present, is subject to ma­ny Inconveniencies, which affect most Part of the Faculty, and the whole Lieges in gene­ral, except a very few? By the whole Tenor of the Premisses is it demonstrated, That what is here proposed would be an effectual Reme­dy, whereby they might all be remov'd? Is the only Way left to bring such a Remedy a­bout, pointed out; that is, That it must be attempted by a single Person, or by a few? [Page 29]And are there such Persons, who think they have a Probability of succeeding in it? Are all these Things so, and nothing to stand in the Way of so good a Design, but the Malice or Envy of some People of little Souls, and mean Capacities? THEN let the Thing be in­stantly gone about. It is reasonable in it self, and the present Circumstances of our Coun­try, where there is such an extreme Scarcity of Money, necessarily require it, were there nothing else in the Matter. The more Dirt the Ignorant or Malicious endeavour to throw upon the Undertaker of a good Work, the more Honour to him, who can contemn Things of so much Insignificancy, and go on to do well; and the more Ignominy and Dis­grace to his Opposers, in the Eyes of all the knowing and candid World. The Author of this Paper is very well apprised of the com­mon Methods of running down any Thing, however just, if a Person shall please, whose Talent lies that Way. He, and every Body else, is aware of the Backbiting Tittle-tat­tle, the impertinent Sneer to insinuate a Slan­der, and all the little jirking villanous Arts of Detraction and Defamation, and of the wrong Constructions that may be put upon every Thing. He owns frankly, That if any of this Sort of Artillery be brought against him, he heartily despises it. If any reasona­ble [Page 30]Argument be brought against what is pro­posed, he is willing to hear it; and if it be a good one, to be convinced by it.

IN the mean Time he thinks, after what is said, it is proper to let the Publick know, That there is a Design, by some of the Faculty of Medicine, as well in Edinburgh, as in some of the other Royal Burghs in Scotland, actually to Practise in the propo­sed Way, (that is, for a small Fee each Consultation) and it is hoped, That so lau­dable an Undertaking will meet with all due Encouragement. The Particulars of the Per­sons Names, and the Fees they are to take, will afterwards be declared. All others are heartily invited to come into the same Way of doing, making such Alterations in their Method of following out the Scheme, as shall best suit their Conveniency, and the Circum­stances of the Place they live in.

THIS small ESSAY is humbly submit­ted to the Judgment of the candid World; and the Author is perswaded, That whether his Proposal succeed at present, or not, that there are some Considerations which seem plain­ly to evince, That sooner or later it must ne­cessarily take in this Country; and then it will be sufficient Honour for him, to have been the first Mover in such an important Affair.


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