Printed for Tho. Boreman, Bookseller, near, the two giants in Guildhall, Lon­don. 1741. [Price 4 d.

To Master Tommy Boreman, Near the Two Giants in Guildhall, LONDON.

I send this greeting, Master Tommy,
Tho', I believe, you may not know me;
To shew how greatly I am smitten
With what so lately you have written.
[Page vi] Whether your age, your parts and stature
Agree with mine, it is no matter;
Or whether, like old Dad of Jason,
Yo've drank Medea's magick bason;
And after sixty years compleated,
Begin to find your youth repeated;
As once, I now remember well,
[Page vii]I've heard papa from Ovid tell.
Howe'er it be, the Books you write
Give me much pastime and delight.
My sister Betsy, (set her down,
And one of your Subscribers own)
Has some degree of wit and spirit.
And loves, she says, t' encourage merit,
[Page viii]Bobby and Jemmy, tho' as yet
They have not learn'd to read a bit,
Take much delight to hear your wit;
Add them to your Sub­scribers number
If 't won't too much your page incumber.
For my part, I ne'er yet did see
What you describe so prettily;
[Page ix]And long to have it in my power
To see the Giants and the Tower.
I' th' mean time what you publish more
Mark me six books, I'll pay the score:
And whate'er profit I can make ye
Believe me heartily


  • Master Johnny At­kinson.
  • Master James Atkinson.
  • Master Jemmy Pettit An­drews, of Bloomsbury-Square.
  • Master Sammy Athawes.
  • [Page xi] Master Tommy Allen.
  • Miss Fanny Allen.
  • Miss Polly Athawes.
  • Miss Nanny Abdy, Golden-Square.
  • Master Dicky Boys, of Colchestor,-Books.
  • Master Jacky Bosworth.
  • Master Matty Blackett.
  • Master William Boreman, of Margate, Kent,
  • Master Neddy Boreman.
  • Master Sammy Beachcroft,
  • Miss Betsy Beachcroft, a [...]
  • [Page xii] Miss Polly Beachcroft, all of Leadenhall-street.
  • Master Jacky Bakewell.
  • Master Jacky Boulton,
  • Master Harry Boulton,
  • Miss Polly Boulton, and
  • Miss Patty Boulton, all of Cheapside.
  • Master Peter Blunt.
  • Miss Polly Blunt.
  • Miss Debby Blunt.
  • Miss Nancy Blunt.
  • Miss Diase Bragn.
  • Miss Molly Bezor.
  • Miss Leny Brereton, 7 Sets.
  • [Page xiii] Miss Penelope Brindley, of New Bond-street, 7 Sets.
  • Miss Nanny Burroughs, of Clerkenwell.
  • Miss Blayney, of Worcester.
  • Miss Grace Batts, of El­bow-lane.
  • Miss Polly Baker.
  • Miss Lydia-Mercy Bland.
  • Miss Jenny Byrche.
  • Miss Byrche.
  • Miss Nanny Brayne, of Strutton Ground.
  • Miss Diana Brayne, of Tothill-street.
  • [Page xiv] Miss Molly Bolwerk, of Billiter-lane.
  • Master Charly Churchill.
  • Master Jacky Churchill.
  • Master James Chater.
  • Master John Chater.
  • Master Danny Crespin
  • Miss Molly Crespin, and Aby Crespin, all of St. Al­bans.
  • Master Dicky Caldwell, 50 Sets.
  • Master Charly Cabrier.
  • Master Tommy Cave.
  • [Page xv] Master Jacky Cam.
  • Master Jacky Cuthbert.
  • Master Billy Cuthbert.
  • Master Charly Chambers.
  • Master Jacky Chambers.
  • Master Christop Chambers.
  • Master Tommy Chapman, of the Poultry.
  • Master John Collingwood.
  • Miss Molly Corrie.
  • Miss Mary Eliz. Coleuo.
  • Miss Nancy Coatsworth.
  • Miss Molly Churchill.
  • Miss Betsy Child.
  • Miss Hannah Chater.
  • [Page xvi] Miss Sarah Chater.
  • Miss Rebecca Cabrier.
  • Miss Phill Cuthbert.
  • Miss Peggy Chambers, of Madeira.
  • Miss Sophia Chambers.
  • Miss Fanny Chambers.
  • Master Jacky Duncombe.
  • Miss Clara Duncombe.
  • Miss Patty Duncombe.
  • Miss Amelia Devisine.
  • Miss Nabby Davenport, of Boston, New-England.
  • Miss Betsy Durance.
  • Master Jackman Foote.
  • Master Paul Ferris.
  • Master Tommy Fetter.
  • Master Natty Ford.
  • Master George Fryar, of Kensington.
  • Miss Patty Ford.
  • Miss Su [...]y Le Febure.
  • Miss Sally Le Febure.
  • Miss Molly Farrer.
  • [Page xviii] Miss Freeman, of Da­ventry.
  • Master Franky Gregg.
  • Master Tommy Gregg.
  • Master Tommy M c Guire.
  • Master Fide Gibson.
  • Master Richard Gough.
  • Master George Good.
  • Master Lewis Peak Garland.
  • Master Tommy Gape, of St. Albans.
  • Master Harry Goddard.
  • Master Dicky Goddard.
  • Master Jacky Gyles.
  • [Page xix] Miss Nanny Louisa Goring.
  • Miss Frances Goring.
  • Miss Sally Gyles.
  • Miss Betsy Gyles.
  • Miss Kitty George.
  • Miss Peggy George.
  • Miss Nancy George.
  • Miss Betsy Gregg.
  • Miss Nancy Gregg.
  • Miss Amelia Gregg.
  • Miss Molly Gibson.
  • Miss Sarah Garland.
  • Miss Polly Gibson, of Bir­mingham.
  • [Page xx] Master Harry Heathcote.
  • Master Gilly Heathcote.
  • Master Alex. Hume.
  • Master Hugh Holbeck.
  • Master Matthew Harrison,
  • Master Benjamin Harrison,
  • Master Thomas Harrison. &
  • Master Joseph Harrison, all of Fanchurch-street.
  • Master Dicky Hutchinson.
  • Miss Polly Hutchinson, both of Norwich.
  • Master Jemmy Hall,
  • Master Humphry Hall,
  • [Page xxi] Master Ammy Hall,
  • Miss Molly Hall,
  • Miss Mille Hall, and
  • Miss Betsy Hall, all of Great Ormond-street.
  • Master Neddy Hasted.
  • Master Jacky Heatherly, Author of Poem, 6 Sets
  • Master Bobby Heatherly.
  • Master Jemmy Heatherly.
  • Miss Betsy Heatherly.
  • Master Tommy Hayward, of Friday-street.
  • Master Bobby Halhed.
  • [Page xxii] Master Tommy Hooker.
  • Master Bobby Hall
  • Master Sammy Howard.
  • Master Mantty Hammond, of New-Inn.
  • Master Jacky Hales.
  • Master Jacky Hedges.
  • Miss Jenny Heathcote.
  • Miss Henny Hitchcock, of Oporto.
  • Miss Nanny Hasted.
  • Miss Harp.
  • Miss Nanny Hiccock, and
  • Miss Lydia Hiccock, of Daventry.
  • [Page xxiii] Miss Nancy Hunt.
  • Miss Becky Hunt.
  • Miss Suky Harren, George-street, York-Building.
  • Master Billy Jacobson.
  • Master Neddy Jones.
  • Master Matty Jefferys, of Kidderminster.
  • Miss Nacy Jolly, of West­Ham.
  • Miss Alice Jones.
  • Miss Polly Jacobson.
  • [Page xxiv] Master Jacky Knapp, of Basinghall-street.
  • Miss Jenny Kemeys.
  • Miss Nanny Kemeys.
  • Miss Polly Kemeys.
  • Miss Suky Andry Kemeys.
  • Miss Betsy Kemp.
  • Miss Molly Killer.
  • Master Henry Sebastian L [...].
  • Master Jacky Leadbeter, at Bu [...] Hall.
  • Master John Larchevesque.
  • [Page xxv] Master Charly Langley.
  • Master Stephen Leake.
  • Master Jacky Leake.
  • Master Franky Lodge.
  • Master Tommy Liell,
  • Miss Nancy Liell,
  • Miss Betty Liell, and
  • Miss Polly Liell, all of Steney.
  • Master Sammy Mathu, of Boston, New England.
  • Master Jacky Mann.
  • Master Jacky Moore.
  • Master Tommy Morton,
  • [Page xxvi] Master Daniel Mossett.
  • Master Billy Markes, of Cheapside, 3 Sets.
  • Miss Betty Maynard.
  • Miss Nanny Mortimer.
  • Miss Betsy Moffett.
  • Miss Betsy Muscell, of Beth­nal-Green, 7 Sets.
  • Miss Patty Morton.
  • Miss Betsy Macrabie.
  • Master Jemmy Norman,
  • Miss Molly Norman, and
  • Miss Nanny Norman, all of Winchester-street.
  • [Page xxvii] Master Jacky Nourse
  • Master Billy Newman.
  • Master Edmund Newland.
  • Master Dicky Newton, of Aldermanbury.
  • Miss Debby Newton.
  • Master Billy Oldham.
  • Master Billy Oliver.
  • Miss Patty Oliver.
  • Miss Polly Oliver, of Bos­ton, New-England.
  • Miss Sally Oneal, of Good man's-fields.
  • [Page xxviii] Master Mark Pye.
  • Master James Pratt, Wells. Row, Islington.
  • Master John Pond,
  • Miss Deborah Pond,
  • Miss Frances Pond,
  • Miss Paulina Pond, and
  • Miss Mary Pond, all of Fenchurch-street.
  • Miss Suky Philpot.
  • Miss Charlot Phillips.
  • Miss Amelia Phillips.
  • Miss Betsy Payne.
  • Miss Nancy Paulhar.
  • [Page xxix] Miss Lizzy Pye.
  • Miss Hetty Putland.
  • Miss Suky Phillips.
  • Master Tommy Robens.
  • Master Richardson.
  • Master Laurance Richard­son, of Chichester.
  • Master Tommy Richardson, of Whetstone.
  • Master Billy Rawlinds.
  • Master Natty Rogen, of Boston, New-England.
  • Master Watty Rawlinson, of Fenchurch-street, 6 Sets.
  • [Page xxx] Master Dicky Rawlingson, for himself, and Miss Bet­ty Shute of More-fields, 2S
  • Master George William Ridgway. 7 Sets.
  • Master Hedworth Reed.
  • Miss Betry Richardson.
  • Miss Nanny Richardson.
  • Miss Molly Richardson.
  • Miss Caroline Robinson, of Norton, Kent.
  • Miss Polly Robinson.
  • Miss Patty Royers, 4 Sets.
  • Miss Sarah Reyner, of St. Paul's College.
  • [Page xxxi] Miss Molly Ratcliff, of Bow-lane.
  • Master Benj Shield.
  • Master Sammy Stouten.
  • Master Billy Stanley.
  • Master Harry Stanley.
  • Master Franky Stanley.
  • Master Ward Smith.
  • Master Tommy Stracy.
  • Master Tommy Singleton.
  • Master Joe Sharp.
  • Master Jemmy Smith,
  • Master Pennington Smith,
  • Miss Jenny Smith, and
  • [Page xxxii] Miss Polly Smith, all of Daventry.
  • Miss Sally Sellar, of Ex­ford.
  • Miss Polly Stracy, of El­bow-lane.
  • Miss Molly Stanley.
  • Miss Fatty Stanley.
  • Miss Sarah Saville.
  • Miss Nanny Saville.
  • Miss Martha Saville.
  • Miss Peggy Savage.
  • Miss Frances Stracy.
  • Miss Elizabeth Maria Se­nex, 6 Sets.
  • [Page xxxiii] Miss Gracey Shakilton.
  • Miss Anna Catharina Spotswood.
  • Miss Betsy Sedgwick.
  • Miss Amelia Skutz, of New Bond-street.
  • Miss Polly Sheafe.
  • Miss Hannah Sheafe.
  • Master Billy Tomlinson.
  • Master Paul Terris.
  • Master Tim. Tullie.
  • Master Neddy Toywell, of Reading, Berks.
  • [Page xxxiv] Master Jacky Tiffui.
  • Miss Molly Tiffui.
  • Miss Molly Tombes.
  • Miss Suky Thorisby, and
  • Miss Betty Thorisby, both of St. Mary Ax.
  • Master Bobby Walpole.
  • Master Tommy Whonwood.
  • Master Jacky Whiting.
  • Master Joe Woodgate.
  • Master Harry Webster.
  • Miss Lucretia Wells, of Pimlico.
  • [Page xxxv] Master Simmey Warner,
  • Miss Peggy Warner, both of Rotherhith.
  • Master Tommy Wallis.
  • Miss Peggy Wallis.
  • Miss Nancy Woodgate.
  • Miss Nanny Wigget, of Norwich.
  • Miss Wellman, of Poundisford, 4 Sets.
  • Miss Suky Wheeler.
  • Master Philip York.
  • Miss Betsy York.
SUBSCRIBERS Names omitted.
  • [Page xxxvi] Master Jacky Cooke.
  • Master Jemmy Gibson, 7 Sets.
  • Master Nat. Stackhouse, of Bengal, East-Ind. 7 Sets.
  • Master Bayne Ramsay, 6 Sets.
  • Master Allick Hume, and
  • Master Bobby Hume, both of South-Carolina.
  • Master Allick Hume, of Mile-End.
  • [Page xxxvii] Miss Molly Hume, of Sack­ville street.
  • Miss Eliz. Guertz, 4 Sets.
  • Miss Betty Newham.
  • Miss Sally Welldon.



CHAP. I. Of old St. Paul's.

IT will be proper first to inform my young [Page 40]Readers, that upon the same spot of ground on which St. Paul's now stands, there was formerly a fine old church, built by Ethelbert king of Kent in the year of our Lord six hundred and ten, and de­dicated to the same Apos­tle. This church suffered many times by lightning, fire, and other accidents; which was as often repair­ed: and such parts of it [Page 41]as fell to decay thro' age, were rebuilt; till at last it was destroy's in the great fire of London in 1666, and one thousand and fif­ty-six years from its first building.

CHAP. II. Of the foundation, build­ing, and situation of the present Church.

THE old church of St. Paul's having been de­stroy'd, [Page 42]as mention'd in the first chapter, and the ruins and rubbish of it cleared in about eight or nine years after; the first foundation stone of this present church was laid by Mr. Strong, a mason, and the second by Mr. Long. land, on the twenty first of June, 1675. at the north­east corner, facing Cheap­side: From which time it was not completely fi­nish'd [Page 43]till the year 1724. being about forty-nine years in building. It was begun and finish'd by the same architect, Sir Chris­topher Wren, and by the same mason, Mr. Strong abovementioned: The charge of which is said to amount to one million of money, or upwards. The whole building is encom­passed with strong iron pa­lisades, all curiously turn'd, [Page 44]about five and twenty hundred in number; which cost fifteen thousand pounds.

This magnisicent struc­ture, which stands upon the highest ground in the city, near to the west gate, called Ludgate, is the first Cathedral in England built according to the rules of architecture. Its walls are of fine Portland stone, rustic work. Two ranges [Page 45]of pilasters adorn the out­side, one above the other; the lower consists of about an hundred and twenty, with their entablatues of the Corinthian order, and the upper of as many of the Composite, or Roman order: besides twenty co­lumns at the west and four at the east end, and those of the portico's, &c.

The spaces between the arches of the windows and [Page 46]the architrave of the lower order, are filled with great variety of curious enrich­ments, such as cherubims, festoons of flowers, &c. and at the east end is the cipher of W. R. within a garter, on which are the words HONI SOIT QUI MALY PENSE; in English, Evil be to him that evil thinks: and this within a fine com­partment of palm-branch­es, and placed under an [Page 47]imperial crown, &c. all finely cut in stone.

All the parts of this grand church, both within and without, are built with such proportion and art, that the eye is charmed with the exact order of its pillars, which support the portico's dome, &c. the beauty of their capitals; the rich cornish where­with they are embellished; the number of spacious [Page 48]windows, &c. In short, the whole fabrick is full of beauty and harmony; and in bigness, strengh of building, figure, and other enrichments in wood, stone, iron, &c. equal, if not superior, to any church in Europe.

CHAP. III. Of the length, breadth, heighth, and other di­mensions of St. Paul's Church.

ITS lenght within the wall, from east to west is five hundred feet.

The breadth of the west end is a hundred and sixty two feet.

The breadth between [Page 50]the north and south porti­co's, or doors, within the walls, is two hundred and forty nine feet.

The breadth of the rest is about a hundred and se­venteen feet.

The circuit of the walls outwardly is two thousand two hundred and ninety two feet.

The ground plot that this great church stands upon, is two acres, sixteen [Page 51]perches, twenty three yards and one foot.

Its height within, over the middle isle, is eighty-eight feet.

To the top of the west pediment, under the figure of St. Paul, a hundred and twenty feet.

The height of the two Towers at the west front, two hundred and eight feet.

To the gallery of the [Page 52]cupolo, two hundred and eight feet.

To the upper gallery two hundred and seventy six feet; and from thence to the top of the cross, six­ty four feet.

The height of the cross from the ball, is ten feet; the diameter of the ball is six feet; its circumference eighteen feet; and it will contain ninety bushels; and I have been told, that [Page 53]since it has been up, six­teen men have been drink­ing in it at one time; I suppose, to the good health of all their friends round about St. Paul's.

[Page 54]


CHAP. IV. Of the strange conceptions four Indian Kings had of this great building; and how they imagin'd it at first to be one grent rock that grew in that place.

SA Ga Yean Qua Rash Tow, one of the four Indian Kings who were in this country about thirty-two years ago, amongst [Page 56]other curious remarks which he made whilst he was in England, left be­hind him the following concerning St. Paul's church.

There stands, says he, on the most rising part of the town a huge house, big enough to contain the whole nation of which I am king.

Our good brother, E Tow O Koam, king of the [Page 57]Rivers, is of opinion it was made by the hands of the great God to whom it is consecrated ( meaning St. Paul.)

The kings of Grana­jah and of the Six Na­tions, believe that it was created with the earth, and produced on the same day with the sun and moon.

But, says he, for my own part, and from the best information that I can [Page 58]get of this matter, I am apt to think that this vast temple was fashioned into the shape it now bears by several tools and instru­ments, of which they have a wonderful variety in this country.

I imagine it was at first only an huge mis-shapen rock that grew upon the top of the hill; which the natives of the country, after having cut it into a [Page 59]kind of regular figure, bor­ed and hollowed with in­credible pains and indus­try; till they had wrought in it all those beautiful vaults and caverns into which it is divided at this day.

As soon as this rock was thus curiously scooped to their liking, then a prodi­gious number of hands must have been employ'd in chipping the outside of [Page 60]it, and smoothing the sur­face; which is in several places hewn out into pil­lars, that stand like the trunks of so many trees, bound about the top with garlands of leaves.

It is probable, says this Indian monarch, that when this great work was begun, which must have been many hundred years ago, there was some reli­gion among this people; [Page 61]for they give it the name of a Temple, and have a tradition that it was de­signed for men to pay their devotions in.

And indeed, there are several reasons which make us think that the natives of this country had formerly among them some sort of worship; for they set apart every se­venth day as sacred. But upon my going into one [Page 62]of those holy houses on that day, I could not ob­serve any circumstance of devotion in their behavi­our: There was indeed a man in black who, mount­ed above the rest, seemed to utter something with great vehemence; but as for those underneath him, instead of paying their worship to the Deity of the place, they were most of them bowing and cur­tefying [Page 63]to one another; and a great number of them fall asleep.

Whether these were the real thoughts of those roy­al strangers, I will not take upon me to answer. But what wonder is it that such savage kings, whose dwellings are in huts and thickets, should form such wild notions of this prodigious structure, [Page 64]when we ourselves, who see it daily, are filled with astonishment at the magni­tude and grandeur of this glorious building; and how such a work could be performed by mortal hands!

WE shall now proceed to examine the particular curiosities of this church.

CHAP. V. Of the fine statue of the late Queen ANNE.

BEfore the west front of this grand Cathedral, is a spacious yard; in which, upon a lofty pe­destal, stands the effigy of the late queen Anne; with four supporters, represent­ing those dominions in her title.

[Page 66]


[Page 67]She has her crown upon her head; the scepter in her right hand, and the globe in her left: her dress is very rich, and the work­manship of it exceeding curious.

On her right hand is Britannia; who appears with a very lovely and chearful countenance: she has a crown of laurel upon her head; a spear in her right hand, and her left [Page 68]reaching to the royal arms in the front of the pede­stal.

On her left hand is France: she seems much dejected, very thoughtful, and in a languishing state. Her right hand rests upon a truncheon, and her left holds a crown, which lies down in her lap. She is clothed with a very rich robe, adorned with flower de lis; and upon her head [Page 69]she has a warrior's cap, or helmet.

Behind the queen is Ireland, with her harp in her lap: her looks are amiable and pleasant.

The fourth is America, in the habit of her coun­try; her body being al­most naked: she has upon her head a crown of cu­rious feather, a bow in her left hand, and a qui­ver of arrows on her back: [Page 70]she has the head of an Eu­ropean under her foot, with an arrow sticking in it; supposed to have been just shot from her bow. There is likewise an allegator creeping from beneath her feet; being an animal very common in some parts of America, and which lives both on the land and in the water.

The queen's, and all the other figures, are of [Page 71]fine Italian, statuary mar­ble; the pedestal of vein­ed marble.

The former were all cut out of one solid, rough block of marble, which was taken by one of our English ships, during the late war, in its passage from Leghorn to France; and was designed for the effigy of Lewis the fourteenth, on horseback.

The carver was the late [Page 72]ingenious Mr. Francis Bird.

The foot of the pedestal is encircled with three marble steps; and the whole encompassed with beautiful, strong, iron pa­lisades.

This royal statue, on account of its grand sup­porters, fines pedestal, and curious workmanship, is esteemed superior to all others in Europe.

CHAP. VI. Of the west front of St. Paul's.

MY young readers hav­ing satisfy'd their cu­riosities in examining the queen's statue, &c. from thence they have a full view of this grand church, whrer they may behold the beauty and majesty of the whole, and the just [Page 74]symmetry of all its parts.

Observe first, the twelve large pillars which support the portico, each four feet thick, and eight and forty in height, of the Corin­thian order.

Second, the eight ebove, which support the pedi­ment, of the Composite, or Roman order; each three feet and a half thick, and about thirty four feet in height.

[Page 75]See in the large trian­gular pediment a lively re­presentation of St. Paul's conversion in his journey to Damascus, carved in relievo, by the ingenious hand of the late Mr. Bird; the history of which my young readers will see hereaster.

Over the pitch or too of this pediment, is the figure of St. Paul wi [...] [...] sword in his hand, [...] [Page 76]his right hand is St. Peter with a cock; and on his left, St. James.

In the front of the two losty and beautiful towers, are the four Evangelists: In the north, St. Matthew with an angel, and St. Mark with a lion. In the south, St. Luke with an ox, and St. John with an eagle.

These two towers are each adorn'd with circular ranger of columns, of the [Page 77]Corinthian order, with domes on the upper part, and on the top of each a gilded pine apple.

In the south tower is the famours large clock, the bell of which weighs four ton and four hundred and four pounds; and its sound may be heard at five or six miles distance. The work of this clock is large and curious: it is kept in ex­cellent good order, and ge­nerally [Page 78]nerally carries the hour of the day very exectly; a skilful person being ap­pointed to look after it for that purpose.

Observe likewife the fine carvings, and other rich embellishments, over the whole front of this noble structure.

And lastly, you ascend to the great door by twen­ty four spacious stone steps; the first ten of which [Page 79]extend in width above for­ty yards each, and the other fourteen full thirty six yards.

The door case is white marble: and over the en­trance is cut in relievo the history of St. Paul preach­ing to the Bereans. It consists of a group of nine sigures besides that of St. Paul, with books, &c. These Bereans were a sort of people ingenous and [Page 80]mild, and who spent great part of their time in read­ing the Scriptures, observ­ing whether what Paul taught was agreeable with what the Scriptures say of the Messias: and many of whom, from his preach­ing, chearfully embraced the faith. Acts xvii. 11.

Under the arch on the right hand, in a pannel, is St. Paul's imprisonment; and on the left hand in the [Page 81]pannel, his preaching to the Athenians, with some other scripture stories, all neatly carved in stone, by the same hand as the con­version.

My young readers will find the history of St. Paul's imprisonment in the six­teenth chapter of the Acts, and his preaching to the Athenians in the seven­teenth chapter, both beau­tifully related.

CHAP. VII. Of the north portico of St. Paul's.

THE ascent to the north portico is by twelve circular steps of black marble: The dome of the portico is support­ed and adorn'd with six very spacious columns of the Corinthian order. A­bove the door-case is a [Page 83]large urn, with festoons, &c. over this is a large pediment, where are the royal arms with the rega­lia, supported by two an­gels, with each a palm­branch in their hands; un­der whose feet appear the figures of the lion and uni­corn; and over the pedi­ment; on the top of this north front, are the effigies of five Apostles, carved in stone.

CHAP. VIII. Of the south portico of St. Paul's.

YOU ascend to the south portico by twen­ty five steps, the ground on this side of the church being lower than that on the norsh: The portico is supported with six grand losty columns, like those of the west an north fronts; [Page 85]and is in most other re­spects like the latter.

In the pediment over it is the figure of a phoenix, with her wings expanded, arising out of the flames; which emblem signifies, a new church arising out of the old one; under which is the word RESURGAM; that is, I shall rise again.

[Page 86]



[Page 87]On the top of the pedi­ment is the effigy of St. Andrew, and those of two other saints on each hand of him.

These five figures, with those on the north and west fronts, represent the four Evangelists, and the rest of the Apostles. They bear in their hands the se­veral instruments whereby they suffer'd death; or such remarkable ensigns as [Page 88]allude to some important incident of their lives.

These images are each about eleven feet high, and their pedestals about four feet: they were all carv'd by the late Mr. Bird, be­fore mention'd, and are reckon'd to be well done.

CHAP. IX. Of what is remarkable in going up the cupola, ar top of St. Paul's.

HAving examin'd what is most curious on the outside of St. Paul's, I shal next endeavour to as­cend the cupola; and in my journey to the top of it, take notice of what I meet with most worthy of [Page 90]my young readers atten­tion.

To go up St. Paul's, you must enter a door at the south side, which stands open all the day long for that purpose.

After you have ascended a few steps, you come to a door which will not open till each person pays Two­pence.

The whole number of steps to the upper gallery [Page 91]is five hundred and thirty four; of which the first two hundred and sixty are so exceeding easy, that a child might go up them; they being but about four or five inches deep.

The other two hundred and seventy four steps are pretty steep, and in many places, from the large stone gallery to the upper galle­ry, very dark; so that one person can scarce discern another.

[Page 92]In this place we have a glimmering sight of such prodigious works in iron, stone, and timber, which hold together the dome, cupola, &c. that it is im­possible to convey an idea of it to my readers: And though these amasing works are very curious to see, yet my young masters and misses must not by any means venture them­selves here without a guide.

[Page 93]The iron gallery on the top of the cupola, is the highest any one is suffer'd to go; above that are the lantern, ball and cross; to the top of which, from the gallery just mention'd, is sixty four feet; and the passage thither by ladders, very difficult and danger­ous to ascend.

From this gallery, in fine clear weather, we may agreeably observe the vast [Page 94]extent of this great city and suburbs; the great number of churches, stee­ples, publick buildings and houses that present them­selves, which way soever we turn our eyes; as also the ships in the river, that look like a huge forest, and the vessels, boats, &c. spread allover the Thames. Here likewise we have a delightful prospect of the country, for many miles round about.

CHAP. X. Of the whispering-gallery, and fine paintings with­in the cupola.

IN your return from the top of St. Paul's, you will be ask'd to see the whispering-gallery, which will cost Two-pence each person.

This gallery is a very great curiosity: 'Tis a [Page 96]large circle, which runs round the bottom of the inside of the dome, of about an hundred and for­ty three feet in diameter, or cross the widest part: 'tis rail'd in with iron of very fine workmanship, gilt with gold. The walls all around are painted and gilded with great beauty: but the greatest curiosity of all is the whispering-place; where, leaning your [Page 97]head against the wall, you may easily hear all that is said, though it be ever so low, and at the most dis­tant place from you in the gallery: which affords great matter of surprize and innocent diversion to all young persons who come to amuse themselves with this curiosity.

Here you have the best view of the eight pieces of history on the inside of the [Page 98]dome, painted by the late Sir James Thornhill, with inimitable art and beauty.

The first represents the conversion of St. Paul. Acts ix. 4.

The second, Elymas the sorcerer struck with blindness. Acts xiii 2.

Third, the priest of Jupiter, offering sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas. Acts xiv. 15.

Fourth, the jaylor con­verted. Acts xvi. 30.

[Page 99]Fifth, Paul preaching at Athens. Acts xvii. 1 [...].

Sixth, the conjuring books burnt. Acts xix. 19.

Seventh, King Agrippa almost persuaded to be a Christian. Acts xxvi. 28.

Eighth, St. Paul's ship­wreck on the island of Me­lita. Acts xxviii. 6.

[Page 100]

Conversion of St. PAUL.

CHAP. XI. Of the conversion of St. Paul.

ST. PAUL, before his conversion, having been principally concern'd in the death of St. Ste­phen, and his bloody mind not satisfied with this cru­elty, threatens nothing less than prisons and death to the Christians wherever [Page 102]he found them. And to qualify himself the better for the execution of this bloody purpose, he goes to the high priest to enlarge his commission: and hav­ing obtain'd power to seise all Christians, and send them bound to Jerusalem to be try'd, he immediate­ly sets out for Damascus to put it in practice: but whilst he was on the road, entertaining himself with [Page 103]the bloody prospect, God, in mercy to him, and those he went to persecute, takes him off from his wicked design: a bright shining cloud incompassed him, which struck him with great terror, as at the pre­sence of God, and threw him prostrate on the ground, where as he lay he heard a voice out of it, saying unto him. Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou [Page 104]me? This increas'd his amazement: and being desirous to know the meaning of this vision, he asks, Who art thou, Lord! The voice reply'd, I am JESUS, whom thou prese­cutest: It is in vain for thee to resist the decrees of providence, therefore be no longer disobedient, but hearken to the com­mands that shall be given thee. At this Saul, full [Page 105]of fear and trembling, cri­ed out, 'Lord, instruct me what thou wouldst have me to do:' The voice returned, 'Go to Damascus, and there thou shalt know my will.

Those who attended Paul on this journey, were struck dumb with fear and amazement, wondring that, they should hear a voice, but [...]e no man speakings therefore taking up Saul, [Page 106]they led him to the city; and by this miraculous vision he was converted to the Christian saith.

This history is the sub­ject of the first piece of painting.

CHAP. XII Elymas the Sorcerer struck blind.

PAul and Mark, as they travelled through the [Page 107]

SORCERER struck blind.

[Page 108]isle of Cyprus, came to the city of Paphos, where the temple of Venus was; at which place they met with Elymas a noted for­cerer; who being intimate with Sergius Paulue the proconsul, a prudent vir­tuous man, and inclinable to receive the faith, did all he could to divert him from the conversation of these two Apostles. But Paul, in an holy rage, cast­ing [Page 109]his eyes on Elymas, this expressed his abhor­rence; 'O thou vile Sor­cerer, like the Devil, by whom thou workest, thou art an enemy to all good­ness; wilt thou persist in sorcery, in defiance of the faith of Christ, which comes armed with a much greater power of miracles, than those to which thou falsly pretendest? Thou shall soon see the venge­ane [Page 110]of heaven upon thee; for thou that perversly holdest out against the light of the gospel, shalt lose thy sight, which by the immediate power of God shall be taken from thee for some time. And immediately he was struck blind, begging the aid of Tome kind hand to lead him: and the proconsul, convinced by this miracle, was converted to the Chri­stian faith

[Page 111]This is the subject of the second piece of painting.

CHAP. XIII The priest of Jupiter offer­ing sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas.

WHilst those Apostles were preaching at Lystra, a poor cripple, lame from the hour of his birth, being one of their [Page 112]


[Page 113]hearers, was observed by St. Paul, who said to him, Stand upright on thy feet; and by the bare speaking of the word, his feet were made so strong that he leaped and walked.

When they saw it, they concluded this miracle could not be done but by the immediate presence of the Deity; and therefore running about in great confusion, they cried out, [Page 114]that the gods had put on human shape, and were come down among them.

They look'd on Barna­bas as Jupiter, the supreme God; and Paul, as Mer­cury, the interpreter of the will of the gods, be­cause he spoke more than Barnabas.

But as soon as this mi­racle came to the ear of the priest of Jupiter, he came to Paul and Barna­bas, [Page 115]bringing oxen with garlands of flowers; being such victims as they offer­ed to the gods they wor­shiped, intending to offer sacrifice to the Apostles: but they abhorring such idolatry, rent their gar­ments; endeavouring by arguments drawn from some of the plainest in­stances of nature, such as day, night, summer, win­ter, &c to convince them, [Page 116]that worship was due only to that God who was the author of all those bles­sings; yet this discourse, so pressingly urg'd by the Apostles, could scarce re­strain those poor idolaters from sacrificing to them.

This is the history of the third piece of painting in the cupola.

CHAP. XIV. The jaylor converted.

IT happen'd one day, as St. Paul was going to the house of prayer, there met him a young maid possess'd with an evil spi­rit, which spake from her, by which means, telling strange things, whether past or to come, she had gain'd her masters much [Page 118]

JAYLOR Converted.

[Page 119]money: this maid Paul cures by casting out the evil spirit. When her mas­ters saw that all hope of future gain from her divi­nation was gone, they ap­prehended Paul and his companion, and brought them before the magis­trates, complaining that these men occasioned great disturbance in the city. Upon which a tumult ari­sing, the magistrates or­der'd [Page 120]them to be scourg'd, and committed to prison; strictly charging the jailor to put them in irons, and secure them in the strong­est part of the prison; where they spent their midnight hours in prayers and praises to God; and whilst they thus enjoy'd themselves, the earth be­gan to tremble, the very foundation of the prison shook, the prison doors [Page 121]flew open, and every pri­soner's chains dropt from him. The jailor waking with the fright, and seeing the prison-doors open, con­cluded that all the prison­ers had made their escape; and thinking with him­self that this would be imputed to his neglect, in despair drew his sword with design to kill him­self: which Paul happily prevents, telling him his [Page 122]prisoners were all secure. Then calling for a light, [...]e came into the presence of the two saints, trem­bling; and prostrating himself before them, be­seeches them to instruct him in the way of salva­tion.

This is the history of the fourth piece of paint­ing in the cupola of St. Paul's.

[Page 123]
THE other paintings in the cupolo,
And num'rous beauties in the church blow,
Must all into my SECOND VOLUME go.
For tho' my Books folk do Gigantick call,
ONE will not hold the great church of St Paul.
Kind reader, in my next you'll see a wonder,
The Monument so tall,
Shall come close to S. Paul,
Tho' now so far asunder.

[Page 124] THE SECOND Volume of this History, with an Account of the Monu­ment added to it, will be ready to deliver to the Subscribers punctually on Saturday the 20th of June 1741. and all those who intend to have their names inserted, and desired to send them speedily to T. Bore­man in Guildhall, London.

The reader is desired to excuse the delay in pub­lishing [Page 125]this Volume, as [...] was occasion'd by the au­thor's illness; who takes this opportunity to inform his young readers, that the History of Westminster Ab­bey is now in hand, and will he got ready for the press with al convenient speed: Subscribers are de­sired to bring or send their names as above, and to pay down Six-pence a Set in part at subscribing, it being a large undertaking.

Just Published, ( Price Four pence each Vo­lumes finely bound)

Dedicated to all the little Masters and Misses in town and country, the Third Edition beauti­fully printed, of

  • THE History of the two famous Giants and other Curiosities in Guildhall London.
  • [Page]2. The second Cigane [...] Volume, which compleats the History of Guildhall: To which is added, a par­ticular Account of the whole Procession of my Lord Mayor's Shew.
  • 3. Curiosities in the Tower of London. The Second Edition.
  • 4. The Second Volume of the Curiosities in the Tower, which compleats tha [...] History.

[Page] The above Gigantick Histories are printed for and sold by Thomas Bore­man, Book letter near the Two Giants in Guildhall, London? 8 SEP 26

N. B. All wholesale Dealers in Toys, Haber­dashery Goods, &c. may be furnish'd with thele en­tertaining Books to dispose of, with good Allowance.

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