LETTERS OF The Honourable ALGERNON SYDNEY, To the Honourable HENRY SAVILE. Ambassador in France.
In the Year 1679, &c.
Now first Printed from the ORIGINALS in Mr. Sydney's own hand.
LONDON Printed for R. DODSLEY, at Tully's Head in Pall-mall. 1742.
I HOPE you will be so just unto me, as not to think I gave over writing unto you during the sitting of the Parliament, because I did not in a good while receive an answer unto my first letter. I seldom stand upon such ceremonies, and never with those who have obliged me, as you have done. The truth is, some of your friends, and mine, were so entangled in business then upon the [Page 8] stage, that I could say nothing to the purpose, without mentioning them; and the parts they had taken upon themselves, were such as I was unwilling to relate. The result of all this is, that the Lord Sunderland is out of his place and the Council: The Lord Conway succeeds him, and hath the Seals. Essex is also put out of the Council and Lieutenancy of Hartfordshire, upon presenting a Petition from the Lords. Godolphin hoped to have had the Honour of accompanying them in their disgrace; but Temple only hath it. The Council being hereby weakened, is reinforced by the admission of the Earls of Oxford, Chesterfield and Aylesbury; and it is hoped that, to render it compleat, the Lords Berkeley, Craven and Arundel of Trerice, [Page 9] shall be called. The Lord Hallifax is gone to ruminate upon these matters at Rufford, and says he will not return southward, until the Parliament meet at Oxford. The fruits expected from the last Parliament having been lost by little underhand bargains, and, as some say, the King and Parliament equally betrayed by those that were trusted by them, men's minds seem to be filled with various conceits, and many jealousies. Some think, the Writs for calling the Parliament are in themselves void, as being without advice of Council; and that the Law takes notice of nothing done by the King, sine sapientum & magnatum consilio: Or that if it should meet at Oxford, its Acts would be void, or subject to be vacated for want of the freedom [Page 10] of voting, which is essential unto it. Others say, the validity of the Writs depends solely upon the person of the King, and that others ought to think themselves safe, where he is safe, though their danger be from him. I know not what this will produce, but I never saw men's minds more heated than at present; and cannot think that portends less evil than the Comet. People are every where busy in choosing Parliament Men of their own Principles, and they will probably be like unto the last; but it is thought, many Officers will be prevailed with to make false returns. I hear of no Election passed, but that of Amersham: Of those who by the last Parliament were there judged capable of giving their voices, Sir Robert Hill had forty; Mr. [Page 11] Sydney seven and thirty; Sir Joseph Drake twenty eight; Mr. Cheyney twenty nine; but the Constables have been pleased to return the two latter. To-morrow is appointed for the Election of the City-Members, who, people believe, will be the same as formerly. Some think his Royal Highness hath business enough to employ his thoughts: Others say he is at such perfect leisure, that the Maid of Honour, who accompanied him, cannot employ all his spare time; and for that reason, or to give her time to lay aside something that troubled her, he applys himself to a young Gentlewoman, who with much respect, and gratitude, receives the honour he is pleased to do her; but she hath an old crabbed Husband, who doth not take that for a just recompence [Page 12] of the great respect he hath shewed unto his Royal Highness, and is not like to learn better manners from his Presbyterian Bretheren.
Notwithstanding what is said, we good Subjects hope all will go perfectly well. His Majesty, as is said, resolves so to reform his Court, that all shall be of one Mind. Mr. Seymour being now looked upon as the greatest man, brings his two friends Conway and Ranelagh into the management of business; and the first of these being as eminent for finesse of Wit, quickness and easiness in state affairs, as the other in the excellency of all moral Virtues, things cannot but go well; and we particularly hope that England will keep up its reputation [Page 13] of being, as the Cardinal Pallavicini says, the Mother and Nurse of the best Wits in the World, when all foreign Ministers shall come to treat with Jenkins and Conway, who will be taken for patterns of the Genius of the Nation, and not thought the only men it produceth, that deserve the highest praises; and lest any thing should be wanting, Mr. Hide is joined unto these. It is true that we have not of our Nation, a man to put at the head of the Soldiers, as admirable in military skill, and virtues, as those above-mentioned are in civils and morals: But the knowledge of our own defects, the sagacity of discovering in the Earl of Feversham the qualities which we have not, and the prudent humility of submitting unto him that is blessed with [Page 14] them, though a stranger, deserves some commendations: And I am confident, that when things shall be brought into such order, that a Papist may appear open-faced, we shall shew as great respect unto the Lord Dunbarton. France and Germany, that are full of their Trophies, cannot but admire this, whilst we rest secure under their shadow. Fit men may more easily be found for less eminent Places; and the Earl of Thanet, as is said, shall succeed Mr. Russell in the Command of the Foot Guards. Civil and military affairs being thus settled, Treasures flowing in unto us on all sides, and all Foreign Princes, concerned in our affairs, being sure unto us; we need not fear a few discontented Lords, a mutinous City, or murmuring Counties; and [Page 15] presuming that the vast magazines of arms made at Brest, and some that with a good quantity of ammunition, were lately sent into Ireland, are in pursuance of agreements made with you, we cannot but think all will tend to our good.
I HOPE you will excuse the trouble I give you, in enclosing this, and desire you to send it forward into Gascoiney. It is a climate where I cannot be suspected of sending any thing of a dangerous nature; but we have so many at the Post-House, infected with the most impertinent folly, that a Pacquet though directed thither can hardly pass unvisited, unless the Person to whom it is directed do protect it.
The last Resolutions of the City, have been as pleasing to the Countie [Page 17] as distastful to the Court. Yesterday the Company of Artillery intended to have chosen Prince Rupert to be their Captain, and Sir Thomas Player their Leader; but a letter was produced from the King, rather desiring than commanding that no new Officers should be chosen; and they having no Constitution beyond an Act of King and Council, depending upon his Majesty's Will, did unwillingly obey.
Parliament-Men are for the most part chosen by the Parties most contrary to the Court, and many believe this next House of Commons will not be at all more pliable than the last. Sir William Waller and Poultney were this day chosen at Westminster without any opposition. Col. Titus and Sir Thomas [Page 18] Proby were with the same facility chosen Knights of Huntingtonshire; Hambden the elder, and Wharton, of Buckinghamshire; with a multitude of others.
The Lady Portsmouth is said to have entirely recovered her lost favour. The Earl of Sunderland is at his House in Queen-Street. The Lady Hallifax, on Tuesday, followed her Lord to Rufford.
BEING conscious unto my self, that what I could say of businesses now upon the Stage would be of little use unto you, I thought it fitter for me to be one of the last in writing to you, than to take place according to my desire of serving you, which would suffer me to yield to none; but lest this acknowledgment should be taken for a pretence to cover laziness, I will here give you such a sight of things▪ as I have; and intend to continue to do the like as often as I can without troubling you. You will [Page 20] have heard from all hands, what temper the House of Commons appears to be of, and that the Earl of Danby hath accomplished his promise of bringing it into an entire subjection unto the King's Will, as well as the other two points, of paying his Majesty's Debts, encreasing his Treasure, and rendering him considerable amongst his Neighbouring Princes; which are verified in leaving twenty two Shillings and ten pence in the Exchequer, two and forty hundred thousand Pounds of passive debts, and the revenue anticipated for almost a Year and half, and the account his Lordship was pleased to give in his speech to the Peers, of the esteem the King of France had for his person and government. Notwithstanding all this, he is so far considered at Court, that [Page 21] his concernments are a general obstruction to all businesses. The Lord Berckely, Frécheville, and others of the learned, think he hath behaved himself so well, as to deserve no punishment, and therefore opposed the Commitment of the Bill of Attainder, that it might be cast out: Shaftsbury, Essex and Halifax differing something in opinion from them, in compliance unto the King's desires, did, as an amendment, wipe out the word Attainder, and made it almost the same with that which their Lordships had formerly sent up to banish him, and declaring him attainted only if he came into England after the first of May next: The consideration of which business, is likely this day to possess the House of Commons, and if their mind be [Page 22] known before this letter be sealed, it shall be inserted.
The next important point likely to be pursued is, to prosecute the last week's Vote, that all the Forces now on foot in England, except the trained Bands, were kept up contrary to Law; and though it was objected that the King's Guards, and the Garrisons of Portsmouth and other places would be included; it was answered, that Kings governing justly according to Law, had no need of Custodia Corporis; and that it was better to have no Garrisons at all, than such as were commanded by Leg, Holmes, and their Peers.
The controversy concerning the Election at Grinstead, was determined [Page 23] at the Committee in favour of Mr. Powell, chosen by the Commons, and Thomas Pelham, by the major part of the Corporation, no complaint being made against him. Powell choosing to stand as he is chosen for Ciciter, the dispute upon the new Election is like to be between Skrog and Sir Thomas Littleton, who is like to have the assistance of the Dorset Family, the Pelhams, and some others. On Friday last, the same Committee voted the Right of Election at Windsor to be in the Commons; and that Ernely and his Companion having been unduly chosen by the Corporation, a new Election should be made; but the House approving of the first part only, annulled the Election of Ernely and the other, and approved that of Winhood and Storkey.
[Page 24] All Foreign Affairs are at a stand, only Van Beuninghen takes great pains to make people believe the King of France intends to add England unto his other Conquests, and disabuse such as were so foolish as to believe there was any thing of truth in the reports of those that had spoken of the Popish Plot; and finding me infected with the same opinion, with some of my Friends, he was pleased to spend two hours the other day in the Park to convince me of my error, in which he did succeed as well as he used to do in his great designs.
The King certainly inclines not to be so stiff as formerly in advancing only those that exalt Prerogative; but the Earl of Essex, and some others that [Page 25] are coming into play thereupon, cannot avoid being suspected of having intentions different from what they have hitherto professed.
The Earl of Ormond's miscarriages are so extreme, and his favour to the Irish so apparent, that few believe he can continue in the Government of Ireland. Some speak of three Justices and a good Commander of the Army, wholly fixed upon an English Interest; but if a Lieutenant be sent, I believe it will be Essex or Halifax.
That you may see the good humour we are in, I here enclosed send you, a piece of Poetry given unto me by a Friend of yours; and if you have not seen another, which is the Speech of [Page 26] † Hodge the Clown from the top of the Pyramid, I will endeavour to send it unto you.
The House of Commons have this day presented unto the Lords, the Articles drawn against the five Lords in the Tower. I also hear just now, that they do adhere to the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Danby, and will no ways admit of the Lords amendments of it. One Reading, a Lawyer, not long since offered four thousand pounds, and three hundred pounds a year in Land to Bedloe, if he would disavow the testimony he had given against the Lords of Powys, Bellassys and Peters; which being communicated unto Prince [Page 27] Robert, and Earl of Essex, he brought Reading by their advice into a place, where two Witnesses heard him; whereupon Reading was apprehended, and he having found means whilst he was in the Serjeant's hands to send a Letter to his Wife, to be delivered to Mr. Chyvins, (desiring to be admitted to the King's Presence, promising to tell great matters) his Majesty refers him wholly to the House of Commons, and offers to issue out a Commission of Oyer and Terminer for his Trial, which will be very speedy, if he save not himself by discoveries: This Morning a Letter was intercepted written to him by his Wife, wherein she tells him, that every body says he is a Rogue, and if he doth [Page 28] not confess all, he will be hanged, and she together with her Children ruined.
YOU are so much afore-hand in obliging me, when I most wanted a friend, that I cannot hope in a long time to pay my debt, though I were in a place that gave me more advantages, than any I can ever reasonably expect; but you may ever be sure of all that is within my reach. I write now in some haste, but am unwilling this Post should go without a Letter from me. I presume you know that the Earl of Danby rendered himself to the Black Rod, on Wednesday last; and that desiring of the Lords at [Page 30] the Bar, that for his health he might be suffer'd to continue under his Custody: That he might have recourse, as often as occasion should require, to all State Papers, that were necessary to him in making his defence: That he might at once have a Copy of all his Charge, and be obliged not to answer to any part, until the whole were before him: And that he might have Serjeant Weston, Serjeant Raymond, Mr. Sanders and Mr. Holt assigned unto him for Counsel. He received no other answer, than that if he told what Papers he desired, the House would do as was usual in those cases: That the House of Commons could not be abridged of the liberty retained to itself, of bringing in additional charges, if it were thought fit: That he might [Page 31] have for his Counsel, such of those he had named as were not of the King's: And that he must be committed to the Tower, where Cheeke received him. Subtle men find great mysteries in his rendering himself, and make the King to be of the Plot; but those that see no farther than I, believe he hath had in this, and all his businesses of late, no other Counsel than his Lady.
You will perhaps be surpriz'd to hear, that yesterday the King did entirely dissolve his Old Privy Council, and chose a new one, consisting of fifteen Officers of the Crown, ten Lords, and five Commoners; his Majesty retaining unto himself the liberty of naming a President, calling such Princes of the Blood, as should be [Page 32] from time to time; and the Secretary of Scotland for the time being, if he thought fit; declaring moreover, that whensoever any Place should be vacant, he would name none without the advice of the Council; and that the Person named should be called by a Letter subscribed by them all. To which he was pleased to add, That he would have no first or principal Minister, no Committee of Foreign affairs, or Cabinet Council; but that in all things he would follow and rely upon their advice, next unto that of his Great Council, the Parliament, which was also specified in the letter sent by his Majesty for the calling of every one of them, who are now to serve in Council. The Officers, who by their places are to be of the Council [Page 33] (as I remember) are the Chancellor, Chief Justice, Privy Seal, Ormond Steward, Arlington Chamberlain, Sussex, as first Commissioner of the Treasury, Sir Henry Capell as first Commissioner of the Admiralty, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop of London, the two Secretaries, and some others that I have forgot; but Newport and Mainard are none. The Lords are, the Dukes of Newcastle and Albemarle, the Marquesses of Winchester and Worcester, Earls of Bridgewater and Salisbury, Viscounts Faulconbridge and Halifax, Barons Roberts and Hollys; Commoners are, the Lords Russel and Cavendish, Mr. Powell, Mr. Seymour, and (as I hear) Sir William Temple. [Page 34] I hear also seven Commissioners nam'd for the Admiralty, Sir Henry Capell, Merres, Littleton, Vaughan, Mr. Daniel Finch, and two others, that I have forgotten. The Lord Shaftsbury is declared President of the Council. These were sworn this morning, and that Ceremony being performed, the King went to the house of Lords, and sent for the house of Commons, to whom he did impart all that had passed; and all that I have yet spoken with, seem much pleased; though it might have been wished, that some of those that are chosen had been left out. A friend *of yours and mine is, as far as I understand, the author of all this; and if he and two more can [Page 35] well agree amongst themselves, I believe they will have the management of almost all businesses, and may bring much honour to themselves, and good to our nation.
I find men's hearts much set upon taking the Government of Ireland out of the Earl of Ormond's hands. If a Lieutenant be named, I believe it will be Essex or Halifax; and, if neither of them, three Justices.
Others design Halifax successor to his unkle Coventry. You will perhaps wonder, not to hear his brother William mentioned; but as yet there is no occasion for it.
We have every day foolish alarms [Page 36] from the French Fleet, and I find no body but the Lord Sunderland and myself that believe not one word of it. Morgan, Governor of Jersey, is dead, and Laheer appointed to succeed him. That our affairs may be managed by as able a man abroad as that island is defended by, Sir H. Goodrike expects in a few days to be dispatched for Spain. We do not yet see what effect the death of the King of Sweden will have as to the peace of Europe. I received the good piece of Poetry, that I sent you, from the Lord Halifax. You should have Hodge's Speech by this Post, but it is very long, and I must write it in my own hand, which obligeth me to stay until the next week. The house of Commons hath been all this day upon Sir John [Page 37] Hubbert's Petition concerning the Election of Knights of the Shire for Norfolk, but I know not the success.
ON this day was a se'nnight, I writ unto you what I had heard of the passages of the foregoing week; and though I make no doubt, but you have many that give you far better accounts of what is done than I am able to do, I will not make that an excuse for silence, lest others should alledge the same, and covering true laziness with fained modesty, leave you in the dark, as my friends did me when I was abroad.
The five Popish Lords in the Tower, had at the first given in cavilling [Page 39] uncertain answers; but Bellassys and Peters on Thursday, and Powys, Stafford and Arundell on Saturday, without any ambiguity, pleaded not guilty, and declared they put themselves upon the Lords Justice.
The Earl of Danby hath not thought fit, as yet, to deal so clearly, but hath put in a huge long answer, containing great protestations of his own Innocence, as to every part of his charge; and then pleads his pardon, which enumerates and acquits him of all the crimes, that it is almost possible for a man to commit. This is by some thought very strange; his Innocence that he protests, declaring that he had no need of Pardon, and the Pardon pleaded in effect acknowledging the [Page 40] truth of his Charge; it being useless if he be not guilty. Hereupon other questions do arise, as whether the King can pardon? Whether if he have this power, he hath rightly executed it, the formalities not having been observed? And lastly, whether he will insist upon this answer, which will not leave him any plea at all, if the pardon be judged defective? I dare give no opinion upon these points, but I hear the learned say, the King cannot pardon a man impeached by Parliament upon a publick account: That though he could, this would be of no value, being defective in all the formalities: And though perhaps the Court may be prevalent enough in the house of Lords, to have it admitted; that would be of evil consequence, no man doubting but [Page 41] the house of Commons will extremely dislike such a Judgment, and grow very refractory thereupon; and the whole Nation would follow them in it, so as all business would be thereby obstructed; by which means the King, upon the personal account of the Earl of Danby, would lose the advantage of all that hath been done of late to please the Nation; which I leave to your Judgment, that know the Court much better than I do. This point I only find to be clear, that if the Pardon can be found good, though the formalities are wanting, it will be made good; and the burthen left upon the Chancellor, that put the great Seal unto it, without taking care of seeing them observed.
[Page 42] Some Judges were yesterday put out; Wild for inability of body, and Barton and Thurland of mind, with some others; to whom old Ellys, Raymond and Pemmerton, Leake and Atkins the younger are to succeed. The house of Lords is busy upon one Bill concerning Popery, and the house of Commons upon another, both inclining to find a way of distinguishing Protestants only from Papists, but cannot yet resolve upon it, so as to include the several dissenting Sects; that Papists may not be sheltered, and receive the indulgence (which is not intended them) under other Names; and this difficulty is chiefly occasioned by the Quakers, who, for more than one reason, are thought least to deserve much to be cared for. Shaftsbury and Halifax [Page 43] are eminent in pleading for indulgence to tender-conscienced Protestants, and severity against Papists: The first of these said the other day, ‘he neither could live with or under a Papist.’ On Saturday it was reported to the house of Commons, that the Lord Cottington, who died many years ago in Spain, had appointed an Epitaph to be written upon his Tomb, expressing his desire, that his body might rest there until England were restored to the Church, and then carried over: This it was the last year, and a Warrant was produced from the Earl of Danby to the Commissioners of the Customs to let it pass.
Yesterday was appointed extraordinary by the house of Commons, to [Page 44] consider of the succession of the Crown in relation to Popery, upon the debate of which Secretary Coventry, amongst other things, is said to have reproached Birch, that his discourses savoured of the Years 1640 and 41, but that himself continued in the same mind he had ever been; and having taken the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy to the King and his Successors, could not without Perjury fail of performing the contents of them to his Successor, what Religion soever he should happen to be of. Unto which Birch replied, asserting his own services to the King; taxing Coventry of having broken his word to the Parliament twice the last year, in relation to a War promised to be declared and actually made upon France; disserved [Page 45] the King and Nation, in having been a principal cause of breaking the triple League; and concluded, he was as fit to be turn'd out of the Council as any one that had been so. Bennet not long before had said, that though this Council seemed in some degree to be reformed, no good could reasonably be expected, as long as one continued in it, who did by such violences and other undue ways advance Arbitrary Power in Scotland, and one that had masses daily said for him in Ireland: For the first of these he named Latherdale, and left the house in an opinion, that for the other he meant Anglesey. At the last it was concluded, that the King should be desired to give order for the execution of Pickering and another condemned Priest; [Page 46] that a Proclamation should be issued to banish all Papists without any other exceptions than publick Ministers, and their followers, twenty miles out of London: The Lady Portsmouth was named, but not pursued: That the Duke of York being a Papist, the hopes of his succeeding unto the Crown had been the principal ground and foundation of the Plot against the King's life and the Protestant Religion: That the secret Committee should, on Wednesday next, bring into the House such Letters and Papers as they had in their hands relating unto the said Duke. The concurrence of the Lords is desired, as to the Proclamation, and the first vote concerning the Duke; and the Lord Russell, notwithstanding his being a Privy Counsellor, appointed to [Page 47] carry up the Message. They also voted an address to be made to the King, that all Sea-ports, places of strength, and command of Ships may be put into trusty hands, and concluded to refer the farther consideration of this business to Wednesday next, and I believe it will be then debated, whether such an Association shall be entered into as was appointed in Queen Elizabeth's time; or an Act made, that this Parliament should not determine in such a time as should be limited, though the King should die, or in so many months after, or something to that purpose, which may tend to the King's security. I do not well know what the Houses have done this Morning, but hear the Message from the house of Commons is carried up to the Lords, and that [Page 48] they have appointed the Earl of Danby to be at their Bar to-morrow morning. The Commons have also perfected their Bill for disbanding of the Army, by a Land-Tax of twenty thousand pounds the month, subsequent to that which will expire in February next. Several Priests were taken the last night, of which two confess they were sent over by all means to endeavour to invalidate Oates and Bedloe's testimony. Reading was this morning in the Pillory, and is condemned to a year's imprisonment and 1000 pounds fine, for having endeavoured to corrupt Bedloe. Stubbs, the Countess of Shrewsbury's Butler, confesseth he had been induced by three Priests, to gain as many Servants as he could, to set [Page 49] fire on their Masters houses; of which a wench was apprehended for firing her Master's in Fetter-Lane.
THOUGH the last week was spent rather in wrangling than the dispatch of any business of importance, I continue to give you an account of what I hear, because these irregular motions are often the forerunners of great matters; and as they denote the temper of a Nation, they give good grounds of guessing what they will end in. I do not send you the King and Chancellor's speeches, because I presume care was taken to send them to you by the last post; but perhaps others have not been so free in [Page 51] telling you the effect of it as I shall be. The Courtiers did believe, that the King's yielding that the Parliament should not end with his life, or be revived by his death, if it chanced to be dissolved in his life-time, and have the nomination of all Officers, both civil and military, if his Successor proved to be a Papist, would have given entire satisfaction unto the house of Commons. But to the contrary it is certain, that the supposition that the next in blood must be King, though a Papist, is so distastful to them, that nothing will please upon that odious condition; and as to this particular, it is looked upon as a trick to bring the Parliament to confess and confirm the Duke's title, that is, a little gilding to cover a poisonous pill. This puts them [Page 52] upon various counsels; some would impeach him, upon what is discovered of his part in the Plot: Others incline more to bring in an Act, to exclude him from the succession of the Crown, as being a Papist, and thereby a friend unto and dependent upon, a foreign and enemy Power. Some of those that are of this mind, look ‘ who is fittest to succeed, if this should be; and they are for the most part divided between the Prince of Orange and Duke of Monmouth. The first hath plainly the most plausible title, by his Mother and his Wife; but, besides the opinion of the influence it is believed the Duke of York would have over him, it is feared that the Commonwealth-party in Holland, would be so frighted with that, as to [Page 53] cast itself absolutely into the hands of the King of France, who might thereby have a fair occasion of ruining both England and Holland.’ I need not tell you the reasons against Monmouth; but the strongest I hear alledged for him, are, that whosoever is opposed to York, will have a good party, and all Scotland, which is every day like to be in arms, doth certainly favour him, ‘and may probably be of as much importance in the troubles that are now likely to fall upon us, as they were in the beginning of the last.’ Others are only upon negatives. But when I have said what I can upon this business, I must confess I do not know three men of a mind, and that a spirit of giddiness reigns amongst [Page 54] us, far beyond any I have ever observed in my life.
Nothing was done the last week concerning the Popish Lords in the Tower. The Earl of Danby on Saturday last did insist upon his former plea and answer, how little sense soever there be in it. some say it is, ex industria perplexa; and that having the Court and house of Lords to favour him, he cares not for the inconsistence of protesting his innocence, which renders his pardon useless, and pleading his pardon, which is a confession of guilt; hoping that if the Commons do demur in Law upon the two points, (first, that the King cannot pardon a Delinquent impeached by one Commoner, much less by all the Commons in England; [Page 55] secondly, that though it were granted he might pardon, this pardon could not hold, because it wants all the formalities) the Lords would over-rule it, and then he is acquitted.
The Bill for the Habeas Corpus was passed by the Lords on Friday last, and sent down to the Commons. The same day they also passed an Act for the banishing of the Papists out of London, and penned it so well by the industry of the Bishops, that if the Commons should pass it without amendment, all the Non-conformists of London would be driven out of town, and half the shops shut up. The Bill for disbanding the Army is passed the two Houses, and I presume will not stay long for the Royal assent. The Lords did assent [Page 56] to the vote of the Commons, that the Duke being a Papist, had been the occasion of the Plot, but added the word, unwillingly. The whole business formerly mentioned of the Earl of Danby his endeavour to suborn Bedloe to renounce his testimony, was the last week verified before a Committee of Lords, and Dumblain his man confessed he had been employed to do it; so as his Lordship is found to have done just the same thing, for which Reading stood the last week in the pillory. Some Scholars sent from St. Omer's were lately apprehended by Sir William Waller, and confess they are sent hither by the Jesuits, by any means to invalidate Oates and Bedloe's testimonies, but they rather confirm them. The Lord Ross having been put [Page 57] out of the house of Commons, is by Writ called to the house of Lords. Sir John Hartup, who petitioned against him, is, upon the invalidating of his Election, chosen by the Freeholders of the County, and took his place in the House on Friday. This day is appointed for the new Election in Norfolk, and it is thought Sir John Hubbert will have the same success.
Sir, I desire you to tell Monsieur de Ruvygny the younger, that upon his recommendation I did address the Duke de Gramont's Esq to the places where all the best horses in England were to be had; but he has rid four hundred miles, and is returned without liking any. To say the truth, he is such a proud ass, that he neither [Page 58] knows what is good, nor will believe any body else. I had directed him to see two, that are said to be as fine young horses of five years old as any are in England, which having never been trained were fat, and as he said, trop relever. Near Lincoln he saw two of the Lord Castletown's, which had the same faults. At the Lord Burlington's in Yorkshire he saw one, that is thought to be worth as much as any one in England, bred of an Arabian, six years old passed, never run but once at Kippling, and then won the Plate; and being now thin, and drawn for another course, he is to run within this week, this wise Gentleman took him for a Mazette: He did the like with some others in the same place and at the Marquess of [Page 59] Winchester's; upon all which I have no more to say to Mons. Ruvygny, than that he should find a way to revive Bucephalus, or send a man that hath more wit than this, to take such as the world affords.
The horrible reports made from France of poisoning, affright reasonable persons here, as much as the discourses of the fleet at Brest do fools.
The house of Commons have voted, that the pardon pretended by the Earl of Danby was of no value, and went up to desire justice upon him of the house of Lords. We live in a time that no man, by what is passed, can well judge what is to be expected for the future; but I am much inclined [Page 60] to believe, that Danby having in this last act followed his own disposition, that ever delighted in juggling and indirectness, will, by the tricks he hath played, have found a way to hang himself. It is said, that the King will be at the House to-morrow, in his Robes, to pass the act for disbanding the Army. This morning, Secretary Coventry not being well, the Lord Russel from the King declared unto the house of Commons, he expected no supply from them this sessions, but desired care might be taken of the Navy.
I HAVE received your Letter of May 13, and continue my custom of giving you once a Week an account of what comes to my knowledge, though to discourage me I can only make the unpleasant relations of such disorders here, as in my opinion threaten us with the greatest mischiefs, that can befall a Nation. The three that I meant in my Letter, that you would have me explain, were the Earls of Sunderland, Essex, and Halifax, and I am still of the same mind, so far as the power of the Court goes.
[Page 62] The last week was spent for the most part in janglings between the two Houses, upon points of Privilege relating unto the Rights the Lords pretend unto in points of Judicatories; which the Lords Frecheville, Berckely, Ferrers, Aylesbury, Northampton, and some others equal unto them in understanding, eloquence and reputation, do with the help of the Bishops very magnanimously defend. Several proposals have been made by the Commons of conferring with them upon all the points in question, or appointing a Committee of both Houses, which, meeting together, might adjust all those that might be occasion of difference; but their Lordships disdaining to confer upon points that as they did suppose depended wholly upon their Will, [Page 63] on Friday last did vote that they would have no such Committee, which vote was carried only by two voices, the one side having 54, the other 52. Of eighteen Bishops that were present, sixteen were on the victorious side, and only Durham and Carlisle were so humble as to join with the vanquished. Of those 52, one and fifty the next day protested, and I think only laziness hindered the Earl of Leicester, who was the other, not to protest, as well as the others with whom he had voted. On Saturday there was a conference between the two Houses upon this business, and it appearing that all proceedings would stop thereupon, it being impossible for two to agree upon any thing, unless their thoughts and reasons are communicated, they were [Page 64] pleased yesterday to recede from that vote, and appointed a Committee of twelve Lords to confer with a double number of Commons thereupon.
The house of Commons have made an address unto his Majesty, desiring him to remove the Duke of Latherdale out of all employments in England and Ireland, and from his presence for ever; to which they received a dilatory answer.
The Archbishop of St. Andrew's hath been lately murther'd in his coach three miles from St. Andrew's, by ten men, that there set upon him, of which two were taken by some horse that came suddenly to the place. It is not known who they are, nor [Page 65] who employed them; but Latherdale is graciously pleased to lay it upon the Nonconformists, and hath thereupon caused a very severe Proclamation to be issued out against them: But others believe it was upon a private quarrel with some Gentlemen, that by fraud and power the Prelate had thrown out of their estates, he having been most remarkable for outragious covetousness, besides other Episcopal qualities.
The house of Commons have forbidden all Commoners of England to be of Counsel to the Earl of Danby, under the pain of being esteemed betrayers of the rights of all the Commons, by whom he is accused, unless leave be asked and given by them. [Page 66] The Bill for disbanding the Army is passed. On Saturday the King having appointed sixteen small pieces of Ordnance to be sent to Portsmouth, notice was taken thereof in the house of Commons, and a great suspicion, that they being sent with field-carriages, harnesses for horses, and all necessaries belonging to the train of a marching Army, they might be intended rather for such an use, than to furnish a Garrison as is pretended. At the same time reports were spread, that the Duke of York was returned into England, or hourly expected, and some believe his business is to hinder the disbanding of the Army, with such others as the knowledge of his nature, together with the persons that command in Portsmouth, the Isle of Wight, and [Page 67] some other places may suggest, in the most jealous time that I have ever lived in.
The house of Commons sate yesterday, being Sunday, to hear such papers read, as the secret Committee thought fit to produce relating to the Duke of York, which had been found amongst the Cardinal of Norfolk's papers, and other places. They are many in number, which speak of his assenting unto and approving of the Plot in all points, but none directed to him, or written by him. Many various motions were made, but in the end it was ordered, that a Bill should be drawn up, to debar him from the Succession of the Crown. Sir Francis Winnington and Mr. Vaughan would have put off the debate, [Page 68] until the trial os Danby and the Popish Lords was over. Sir William Coventry, Sir Thomas Littleton, and others, spoke directly against the thing, but the major part by much was of the other opinion, so as on the division appointed upon the question, whether there should be Candles, the inequality was so great, that the pains of telling was spared, and when the main question was put, there was no division at all. Not to trouble you with many particulars, I will only recite one, which is, that a Gentleman moving the words should be put in, ‘Or ever had been a Papist,’ they were laid aside, as some believe, in respect unto him, who by the direction of the late Lord Crofts, was brought up under the discipline of the Peres de l'Oratorie. The next work [Page 69] was to make an address to his Majesty, full of humility and loyalty, expressing their utmost resolution to serve him with their lives and fortunes in the preservation of the Protestant Religion.
I hope the new method resolved upon here, in relation unto publick Ministers, will be of as little prejudice unto you where you are, as the report of the occasion which began with you will do you here.
I HAVE been abroad all this day, and come with a Head so disordered with the East-wind and dust, that I can say very little this night. The Lords and Commons have not yet found the way of agreeing upon the method of trying the Earl of Danby and the other Lords. The Bishops are the principal causes of the dispute, affecting a right to sit as Judges, and content themselves to leave the exercise of it to the Papists, but with a protestation that the Precedent be not alledged against them for the future, but insist upon sitting in [Page 71] the Earl of Danby's case, until they come to vote upon life or death; and to shew how ingenious they are in that point, they profess they do no prejudice to their calling, in being his Judges, resolving not to condemn him. The truth is, that business is full of a multitude of difficulties, that are very hard to decide; the chief of which are, first, whether the King hath power to pardon one impeached by the Commons; secondly, whether that Judgment belonging to the declaratory part of the Law, is to be given by one or both Houses. Thirdly, in case the King can pardon, whether this hath the formalities required. Fourthly, If this pardon be not good, whether he may be admitted to plead any thing else. Fifthly, If he may plead, whether the [Page 72] points he is accused of amount to Treason, which may probably exercise the House until it be dissolved or prorogued. The two Houses differ also, in that the Lords would first try the Popish Lords, and the Commons would give the preference to Danby.
The Duke Hamilton arrived the last week from Scotland with a great train, and was received here in triumph: All that come with him say, the Archbishop of St. Andrew's was killed by one that had been his own Steward, and others that were not Conventiclemen.
The severe Bill against the Duke of York was read on Thursday last, and is appointed to be read again to-morrow. [Page 73] It recites the Pope's pretensions to power over Kings, particularly in England; the Immorality of the Roman Religion; Incompatibility of those that profess it with English Protestants; their perpetual Plots against the Government; sedulity in seducing the Duke; and a multitude of other things of the like nature in the preamble: Asserts the power of Parliament to dispose of the Succession, as best conduced to the good of the Kingdom, which had been often exercised in debarring those that were nearest in blood, but never with so much reason as now: Wherefore it doth enact, ‘that the Duke should be, and was thereby excluded; declares him attainted of high Treason, if he landed in England before or after the [Page 74] King's death; forbids commerce or correspondency with him, under the same penalty of Treason.’ This pleaseth the City so well, that a petition is framing there, which will be presented in two Days, signed by one hundred thousand men, to give thanks unto the Parliament for their vigorous proceeding in discovering the Plot, and opposing of Popery, and promising to assist them in so doing with their lives and fortunes.
The Committee of Lords being informed that some important papers were hid in a wall at Tart-hall, they sent to break it, and in a copper Box found those which the Attorney General says give more light into the Plot, than all they had formerly seen; [Page 75] but most particularly against the Lord Stafford. I am almost asleep, and can only assure you,
YOUR Nephew arrived here last night, and I going to welcome him, received your letter from him. His friends find he bears in his face too fair marks of a Spanish journey, but in all things else, I believe he will give them as entire satisfaction as unto me, who ever had an extraordinary good opinion of him.
This day was se'nnight the prorogation of the Parliament was spoken of, but being then uncertain, and (as I thought) not like to be, I was not [Page 77] willing to mention it; but it fell out the next day, and all men's wits have been screwed ever since that day to find out the consequences. Every body hath had his conjecture, and the most ignorant shewed themselves the most bold, in asserting their opinions. Many find that the King would not have done it, if he had not resolved to send for the Duke; keep up the Army; desire assistances from abroad; sell Jersey and Tangier to the French, (for which Mr. Savile is to make the bargain) set the Earl of Danby at liberty, and with the help of the Papists and Bishops set up for himself. But instead of this, we see little reason to believe the Duke will think himself well here: The Army is in part disbanded, and had been entirely before this day, if it [Page 78] had pleased Colonel Birch. The place from whence the foreign assistances should come is not known: Mr. Savile is not thought very good at such Treaties: The Earl of Danby is like to lie where he is, and the utmost help his Majesty can (for ought I hear) expect, until the Parliament do meet, is, by Fox, Kent, and Duncomb's credit, which perhaps will not be found to be a very steddy foundation. No man will avow having been the King's Counsellor in this business; and some wonder, that his Majesty in constituting the privy Council, having promised that he would have no cabinet Council, but that he would in all things follow their advices, next unto those of his great Council the Parliament; should so suddenly prorogue that great [Page 79] Council, without so much as asking the other. This fills men with many ill humours; the Parliament-men go down discontented, and are like by their reports to add unto the discontents of the Countries, which are already very great; and the fears from the Papists at home, and their friends abroad, being added thereunto, they begin to look more than formerly unto the means of preserving themselves.
There hath been a suit at Law in Scotland, between the Earl of Argyle, and one Macclaine a great man in the Highlands, and the Earl (as is said) by the favour of Duke Latherdale, hath obtained a decree for the Lands in question; which by order from hence, is to be put in execution, by the [Page 80] strength of all the King's forces in Scotland, and fire and sword to be used in case they find resistance; as probably they will, Macclaine resolving he will not be turned out of his ancient inheritance by a trick in law, and a decree from corrupt Judges: This Man being head of a numerous and stout people, helped by the fastness and poverty of their Country, may perhaps make good what he proposeth unto himself; and to shew he is not to be surprised, he hath already entered into Argyle's Country with 800 or 1000 men. The Earl of Athol is his neighbour, friend, and enemy to Argyle, so as it is believed, he may give him secret assistance at the first, and afterwards more openly. About the same time a proclamation was there published, making [Page 81] it Treason to be present at any of the Field-Conventicles that are armed; and every man knowing the pressures they are exposed unto if they go disarmed, they must incurr the penalties, or abstain wholly from going, which they will hardly be perswaded unto. Things being thus brought unto extremities, the King hath been perswaded to give a hearing unto what the Duke Hamilton, and other Scotch Lords, have to say against Latherdale, as is appointed before the Council.
Two associates were offered unto Sir Thomas Chichely, for the better executing of his Office of Master of the Ordnance; but he thinking that an affront to a man of so eminent abilities as himself, refused them, which [Page 82] hath obliged the King to dismiss him from the place, and put it into commission, as some others have been; Sir Thomas Littleton, Sir William Hickman, and Sir Joseph Lowther are said to be the men. If what is said be true, the ill management of the Treasury was not more extreme, than this of the Ordnance; for besides the extravagancies of furnishing the French Armies with arms and ammunition, (whereas the Stores where fuller two years ago than ever they were known to have been) there are now but six hundred muskets in the Tower, and other things in proportion.
Some think these ways of employing many Parliament-men, may strengthen the King's party in the House. Others [Page 83] think, that a King is ever a loser when he enters into a Faction, and bandys against his Subjects; besides that these men will lose their credit, and, having only single votes, will be overpowered by number. I do not find the new privy Counsellors well at ease, and am not free from sear, that whilst they endeavour to keep fair with both parties, they may give distaste unto both. Harry Sydney is to go Envoy extraordinary into Holland, and yesterday the King declared unto him his intention to that purpose.
Vanlieu the Holland Ambassador is arrived, and Van Beuninghen going away. He made the last week a great noise about a message sent by the King of France unto his Masters, concerning [Page 84] the contribution-money due from the Country about Breda; denouncing in a very terrible manner, his intention of levying it by force, if it were not paid; and that in an Ottoman stile, which unto some silly people gave as silly a hope, that the peace would break, and the league be renewed against the French; but the French Ambassador says, it is a thing of no moment at all, and already composed. However I see no inclinations in discreet men here, to desire such a discomposure of things abroad, as should engage us to take any part in them, until our affairs are better settled at home than they are yet like to be.
Ireland is in extreme disorder, by the Duke of Ormond's negligence, ignorance, [Page 85] and favour to the Irish. Douglass his Regiment thinking to use the same licentiousness at Kinsale, as it had been accustomed unto in France, gives great distaste, and apprehensions of such works as began almost by the same ways in 1641. Old Roberts, in appearing of late for the King and Bishops, thinks himself of merit to succeed him; but he is as singular in that opinion as in many others.
Some that know matters better than I do, must tell you, whether we shall have the same Parliament, at the end of the prorogation, or a new one, or none at all. But I think, this, or another will be found necessary; and if this be dissolved, another will be chosen of less inclinations to favour the [Page 86] Court. The four Priests are sent down to be hanged, where they were condemned. The Council gave order to the Lord Mayor, to be very diligent in putting the Proclamations against the Papists in execution, and careful under that name not to trouble Protestant dissenters. It is said that Langhorne, Wakeman, Sir Joseph Gage, Sir William Goring, and other Popish Commoners, shall be soon brought to their tryal. Now the Parliament doth not sit, little news will be stirring, but you shall constantly have such as I know, or any other service that lies in the Power of
THE best news I can now send you, is, that your Nephew and mine is looked upon as we wish, and I believe he will perform all that you and I expect from him.
There hath been a suit at Law depending this good while in Scotland, between the Earl of Argyle, and one Macclaine, the head of a great and numerous family in the Highlands. The Earl (as is said) by the help of the Duke of Latherdale, obtained of late a Decree for the possession of the Lands [Page 88] in question, and an order was sent from hence unto the King's Officers, to assist the Earl in executing the decree, and use fire and sword against such as should oppose it; which was so far prosecuted, that he with 300 of the King's men and 500 of his own, raised upon an Island of Macclaine's, which he was not able to defend, or perhaps thought it his best course by way of diversion to draw Argyle from thence; but what reason soever perswaded him, he said he would not be put out of the Inheritance of his Ancestors by a trick in law, and the corruption of the Judges; and joining the Macdonnells unto himself, fell into Argyle's Country with near 3000 men, where he found no resistance; the Lady of Argyle was obliged to leave [Page 89] her house, and in some haste retired to Edinborough to get relief, which could not easily be granted, lest the Fanaticks should take advantage of the King's forces being so employed. Some say this is only a family feud, others believe it hath a deeper root; but whatsoever this is, no man doubts of the truth of the news brought hither by an express on Saturday morning; which is, that the Conventicle-men in the County of Glascow are in arms; that one Captain Grimes coming something too near them, with his Troop and other forces, was beaten back, with the loss of his Cornet and fourteen Troopers; which according to the posture he found them in, he was perswaded to content himself with, rather than to press farther. The Council [Page 90] was called upon this occasion on Saturday last, but nothing (as I hear) resolved until they hear more, some doubting whether it be a laid business, or a sudden tumult raised by accident. I know not the truth of this, but the discourses I have heard very often of late, of those who every day expected some such thing, perswades me to believe it is not fallen out by chance. Though no resolution was taken at Council upon this matter, it is said, that private orders are given out to several Officers of the late disbanded Troops, to get their men again together; and to others, upon the most plausible pretences that they can invent, to delay their disbanding as much as may be. These suspicions go too far, and already reach some of your [Page 91] friends and mine, to such a degree, that Counsellors are rather said to be changed than Councils; and if they do not find a way to cure that sore, at the next meeting of the Parliament, they will be looked on as their predecessors. If nothing from Scotland hinders, the Court will go to Windsor to-morrow. I presume you know that H. Sydney hath bought Mr. Godolphin's place of Master of the Robes, gives 6000 pounds, and is to go Envoy extraordinary into Holland. The Lord Ranalagh for the same sum paid to the Lord Sunderland is made Gentleman of the Bed-chamber in his place, and the great business concerning his account is referred to the Council in Ireland.
[Page 92] Many things may pass in the Town, that you may be willing to hear, but they come not into the cell that covers
THE Scotch news that I mentioned to you last week, doth still possess the minds of all men here; but all relations that come from Scotland are so imperfect, that no man knows what to make of them; and those that come to Court being more particularly so than others, no men are thought to understand less of the business than Privy Counsellors. This is attributed to Latherdale; and though it be concluded, that what he says is not true, some think the business worse, others better, than it is represented. [Page 94] The fact, as far as I hear, is, that the Earl of Lithco with above five and twenty hundred horse and foot did come within a few miles of the Conventicle-men, and finding them in such a posture, as he did not think it prudent to charge them, he concluded the best was to let them take Glascow, where they are said to have found good store of arms, ammunition and some cannon, and having left so many men in the Town as are thought sufficient to guard it, they march with four pieces. They are said to encrease in number every day, but we know nothing of them certainly, unless it be that they have no landed men amongst them, nor any Gentlemen, but a younger brother to a Knight of the Hamilton family. The last week we heard [Page 95] of nothing but raising of great forces to subdue these Rebels. The Dukes of Monmouth, Albemarle, and Lord Garret were to have Regiments of Horse, Feversham one of Dragoons and Grenadiers, the Lord Cavendish, Grey of Werk, Mr. T. Thinne, and some others, Regiments of Foot; but that heat seems to be something abated. The Lord Grey gave up his Commission, Mr. Thinne refused to take any; Cavendish doth not raise any men upon his, and Garret swears he will not be at a penny charge to raise a man, but if the Commissioners for the Treasury will raise him a Regiment, and provide money to pay it, he will command it. Whilst ways were sought to remove these difficulties, the Scotch Lords that are here endeavoured to perswade the [Page 96] King, that the business may be ended by far more certain and less chargeable ways, in as much as these men having been driven into a necessity of taking arms, by the extreme pressure suffered from those that did abuse the authority his Majesty had trusted them with, the people being eased of those burthens, the persons removed that had caused them, and such men placed in the Government, as were acceptable to the Nation, they durst undertake that all may be composed without blood. This was not (as I hear) disliked, but another point was started, that doth yet more incline the Court to mild courses; which is, in the Year 1641 Acts of Parliament were made in both Kingdoms, making it Treason for any person belonging unto either to make [Page 97] war upon or invade the other, without the consent of Parliament. And though one or two of the Judges say, that the Acts being reciprocal, the Scots having rescinded theirs, ours falls of itself; or though it did not, the act forbidding an Invasion, no ways toucheth such as by the King's command should go to subdue Rebels; others say, that what the Scots did might indeed give unto the Parliament of England a just ground of annulling their act also, but not having done it, no man can doubt but it remains in force; and whosoever marcheth against Scotland incurrs the penalties of Treason denounced by it. And some that were present at the making of it, are so far from approving the distinction between invading and subduing Rebels, as to say, [Page 98] that the Parliament then finding they had been upon the like pretence engaged against Scotland in 1638 and 39, made this act expressly to hinder any such a business as that which is now depending; and to take care, that England should never be again engaged against Scotland, without the consent of the Parliament; which was also the reason why the act was continued in force on our side, though it was dissolved on theirs. This renders men of estates unwilling to engage, and hereupon the Duke of Monmouth was sent away yesterday in such haste, as to carry no more company with him, than could go in one day to your good town of Newark, where he was to lodge the last night. He is furnished with powers of indulgence to [Page 99] compose rather than destroy; and the Lord Melvin (who is thought well enough inclined to Non-conformists, and well liked by them) is sent with him, as being thought a fit Minister of a good agreement. The foot that was embarqued in the Thames is gone for Barwick, where it is to stay to secure the Town; and the other forces, that are newly entertained, are to continue only for a Month. This looks as if your friend Latherdale may within a while be lest as naked as the Earl of Danby. The army is almost every where disbanded, unless it be these that upon this occasion are again taken into pay, and the Countries almost every where express the utmost hatred unto them, as soon as they have laid down their arms. Douglas his Regiment now [Page 100] in Ireland, as is said, hath orders to march into Scotland, which giving people occasion to talk of that Country, they say that the King having lately placed the greatest powers of the three Kingdoms in the hands of the three worst men that could be found in them, can never be at ease until they are all sacrificed, to expiate the faults of the Government, and appease the discontents of the Nation.
Harry Sydney hath his Instructions for Holland. Sir Henry Goodrike is going into Spain, as a pattern by which that Court may judge of the wit and good sense of our Nation. On Friday last Harcourt, Whitebread, and three other Priests were, at the old Baily, found guilty of the Plot, and condemned [Page 101] as Traitors. On Saturday the like sentence passed upon Langhorne. The trials were in all respects fair, even by the confession of the adversaries. The arraigned persons placed all the hopes of their defence upon the invalidating of Oates his testimony, to which end they had about 16 witnesses sent from St. Omer's, to assert that they had seen him every day in May and June was a twelve month at St. Omer's, and consequently he could not be here as he doth assert; but as three of them, having been apprehended by Sir Will. Waller at their first coming, told him they were come to be witnesses, and being asked what they were to witness, they said they must know that from their superiors; it did plainly appear at the trial, that they were ready to say [Page 102] whatever they were bid; and Oates did plainly prove by a Knight and two of his servants, two Protestant Parsons, a Popish Priest, and some others, that he was here at that time; so as his testimony was taken without dispute. This is a dangerous leading case for the Lords in the Tower, whose principal hopes were to invalidate the testimony of Oates, Bedloe, and Dugdale; all which being confirmed by the judgment of a jury in the face of all London, cannot be questioned. Wakeman was to have been tried the same day, but being arraigned the trial was put off for a month, as is said, at the sollicitation of the Portugal Ambassador, and in a way that to many seemed scandalous. If the Scotch business be settled, the King will go to [Page 103] Windsor as he intended. You may remember that the last year four Irishmen were spoken of, for having been sent down thither to attempt upon the King's life; it is now said that one Antonio, a servant to the Queen, told one belonging to the Duke of Monmouth at that time, that four Irishmen were expected there about a business of great importance; and the King's harbinger says, four such were then recommended to him, as men he must take a care of, and see well lodged. How little soever I have to say, I fill my paper like a Gazette, and have room only to add that I am,
I TOLD you in my last, that the Duke of Monmouth was gone towards Scotland, since which time reports have been so various, that no man well knows what to make of that business; and the cause of this uncertainty is imputed to the diligence of the King's Officers, who intercept and keep all letters directed unto persons any ways suspected, so as no more is known, than they think fit to divulge. An express arrived here on Saturday-night from Edinburgh, and brought news that the Duke of Monmouth arrived there on Wednesday: That he [Page 105] had been received with great joy, and as much honour, as those that were there could shew unto him: That the Council having been immediately called, he exposed unto them his Commission, which was very well liked: That the Chancellor invited him to supper that night, and that he was the next morning to go to the Army, having first sent an express to the Lord Lithco, that commands it, no ways to engage in any action before he comes. Some think that he hath the Conventicle-men at an advantage, and will pursue it to their destruction. Others say, that upon the extreme aversion that is shewn all over England to a War in Scotland, and the little probability yet appearing of the Parliament's being any ways engageable in it, he hath received [Page 106] much more gentle instructions, and intends, by the help of the Lord Melvin, to compose those businesses if he can; and if he can accomplish it, will certainly render himself very popular in England and Scotland.
The Duke Hamilton and some other Scotch Lords, having let his Majesty know, that the disorders in Scotland proceeded only from the extreme pressures the people was brought under, by those who contrary to Law abused the power his Majesty had trusted them with, did undertake to finish all without blood, if he would be pleased to ease them of those pressures, and, removing those who had caused them, put the Government of the Kingdom into the hands of such persons as were well-pleasing unto the [Page 107] Nation. This having been taken into consideration for some days, the Duke Hamilton with the rest, and one Lockart, were sent for by the King, who told them, the points formerly spoken of did relate unto his Prerogative, which in three points he would not suffer to be touched: 1st, That he having a right of disposing of all places, might incapacitate such persons as he should think fit: 2dly, That it belonging to him to prevent conspiracies, he might secure and imprison suspected persons; and that there was no such thing as a Habeas Corpus in Scotland, nor should be as long as he liv'd: 3dly, That it being his part to prevent or to quell rebellions, he might raise such forces as he pleased, quarter them where he thought fit, and employ [Page 108] them as occasion should require. To which Lockart replied, that the places in question were those belonging to Counties and Corporations, which had ever been chosen by the people respectively according to their Charters. And forasmuch as concerns conspiracies and rebellions, he thought he could prove, that what his Majesty did assert did neither agree with the Laws of Scotland, nor any other Law, nor the ends for which that, or any other Government was constituted.
The next point in discourse was concerning some articles exhibited against Latherdale; in which it is said, that ‘his Majesty for several years passed had been utterly misinformed, and never known the truth of any thing relating unto Scotland, but been [Page 109] guided by such reports as best suited with Latherdale's interests.’ That he had been thereby induced to bring down the last year that army of barbarous Highlanders, upon pretence of mutinous and seditious Field-conventicles; whereas such meetings as had been, were modest and quiet; and quartered them in those countries where there never had been any at all. Several other misdemeanors are said to be mentioned, and amongst others, that of Michell, who had been put to death after having had a promise of life and limb, by false oaths made by Latherdale and some others of the privy Council. The conclusion was, the King commanded the Duke that these articles should not be made publick. In which he excused himself, forasmuch [Page 110] as having done nothing in the dark, several copies had been taken, which were not in his power. Some say, we shall this day see them in print, with the Declaration of the Conventiclemen, printed at Glascow, which is very well worth seeing. The forces of these Conventicle-men, or, as they call themselves, the Western Army, are variously reported. Some say, they have 14000 or 15000 Men; others, that this Day was a se'nnight they had, not far from Stirling, between two and three thousand Horse, well armed and mounted, with about the like number of Foot; that a brother of the Earl of Galloway was coming to them, and within three hours march, with above four hundred horse and foot, and that they had parties of good strength in several other places.
[Page 111] The five Priests formerly condemned, were executed on Saturday, confessing nothing. Langhorne is reprieved for some time, upon his offer to confess that which shall deserve his Life. The Earl of Shaftsbury hath been twice with him, but, as is said, hath as yet gained nothing from him, but the discovery of some Lands belonging to the Jesuits, Franciscans, and Benedictins, not exceeding two thousand pounds a year, which will not save his life. Wakeman is to be tried this week at the King's Bench bar. His relations desire he should confess, and think he will. It is said that about this time was a twelvemonth, some women visiting his wife, saw a daughter of his, growing up to be marriageable, which gave occasion to the gossips to ask the mother, [Page 112] what portion she should have? To which she answered, that if one thing hit right, Sir George would give her ten thousand pounds; which people now reflecting upon, together with the life and estate of the Person, believe That one thing which was to enable him to give so large a portion, was the 15000 pounds, which was promised him to poison the King.
There is a certain Petition preparing in London to be presented unto the King, which, as is said, will be signed by many Lords, Gentlemen, and all the principal house-holders of the City of London, taking notice of the Army having been raised upon pretence of the French War, kept up by Danby's means contrary to an Act of Parliament, [Page 113] as a standing Army. In the next place it mentions the Acts of Parliament made in England and Scotland, making it Treason for the subjects of either kingdom to invade the other, or the subjects thereof, giving power and enjoining all other subjects of either to fall upon and destroy such as should in any time attempt to do it, as rebels and traitors; and shewing the dangerous consequences of forcing the Protestants of his kingdom to imbrue their hands in each other's blood, if according to the rumour spread of a war in Scotland, any men should contrary to the act march against them; desiring his Majesty to put an end to their fears in that point, compose things there, suffer the Parliament to meet the 14th of August, bring Danby [Page 114] and others to their trials, perfect the disbanding of the army, and other new-rais'd forces. If this petition do take, as some believe, it will be sent to the Grand Juries in the several counties, and come up signed by so many as shall approve of it. Some say, the Highlanders have laid down their arms, and submit the determination of their differences with Argyle to the King.
The Speaker Jeffryes is made a Baron of the Exchequer in the place of Leak, who resigned it. Whilst I write this, news is come by an express, that the Duke of Monmouth is within a mile of the Scotch Conventicle-men, who lodged them in Duke Hamilton's little park, with so little skill and so much disorder, that all men give them [Page 115] for lost. I am sure our friends will be so cautious as you wish concerning ticklish places. H. Sydney is to be here again in October, but to return after the dispatch of some private businesses. I am
P. S. This long letter was to have been sent by the last post, and left by accident till it is in danger of appearing unseasonable. A Courier arrived the last night from Scotland, who brings word, that the Duke of Monmouth had attacked the Conventicle-men, and easily forcing a little barricado they had made to defend a bridge, had utterly defeated them. Some letters say, two thousand are killed upon the place; but my Lord [Page 116] Sunderland tells me there is only some hundreds slain, many taken, and the whole party dissipated and destroyed; by which means it is said, that the Duke of Monmouth will have made himself as popular in England and Scotland as the Duke of York. Men here will be startled at present, but that will not hold. The Scotch Lords here have been so wise as to leave their countrymen to be cut in pieces, but (as some believe) not enough to keep themselves so free from corresponding with them, as not to leave that, which being well followed may bring their heads to the block. I am
I shall not be in town on Monday to write unto you according to my custom. The peace of Brandenburgh could not be otherwise than as it is.
The Gentleman, to whom the inclosed is addressed, hath received one letter that passed through your hands, and will wait upon you for this.
I WRITE to you now rather to keep my day, than from an opinion that these last days have produced any thing that deserves to be communicated unto you. The news concerning the Scots, mentioned in my last, is confirmed by several expresses, and all shew their defeat to have been entire, the party dissipated, and those who escaped the fury of the sword remain exposed to the discretion of their conquerors. I find men's judgments as various, as to the use will be made of [Page 119] this advantage, as of the Duke of Monmouth's action in what is passed. Some did think that they being a poor people, brought into despair by the most violent persecution, pitied by all both in England and Scotland, helped by none, without head or conduct, were to be spared; and that in doing so, he might have made himself very popular in both Kingdoms, (which he is thought with reason much to desire) and best to have provided for the King's interest. Others, who look upon it as a fine thing to kill a great many men, and believe Monarchies are best kept up by terrour, extol the action, and say there is no other way of suppressing old rebellions, or preventing new ones, than by force and rigour; looking upon Caligula as a great Statesman, and [Page 120] oderint dum metuant as a good maxim. Some think that the Duke of Monmouth's first instructions were according to the first of these ways, but that he was followed by others, which savoured much of the second; those that were of the first opinion, do now think the best way were to compose things there, and by shewing indulgence not only in sparing those that are obnoxious, but in giving them such indulgence in matters of conscience, as may satisfy them, prevent the like, and please the Body of the English Nation, which hath given many tokens of being much concerned for them. On the other side, those are not wanting who think the best way of bringing that stubborn people into subjection, and keep 'em, as they call it in peace, free from [Page 121] rebellions, is to use the utmost rigour upon those that are in their power, and to discover who did in any measure assist or abet them; and in order thereunto the prisoners are used most cruelly, and it is said, that at the least forty of the most noted men amongst them shall be put into the Boots my Lord of Latherdale hath brought into fashion, to make them discover what correspondence the great men held with them. I know not how far this may concern some that are, or lately have been here but it is probable enough they may have the fortune that ordinarily accompanies them that pretending to be very subtile and keep well with both sides, ever do too much or too little; and that whereas they might have prevented all tumults, if they had endeavoured [Page 122] it, by denying all manner of favour to the discontented people; or reformed the state of that Kingdom, if they would have taken the conduct of them, and very well provided for their own interest by either way, may have ruined these poor people by stirring them up, and leaving them to themselves; brought the whole Nation under the power of their enemy, and given such advantages against themselves, as may be their ruin, if they are pursued; that is, to perish or be saved by the mercy of him they profess to abhor. Duke Hamilton complains he is ruined by this business, and that not only all the provisions of victuals and corn and grass upon the ground is destroyed, but that there is not a Cow, one Horse or Sheep left upon his whole estate; and [Page 123] his own house had been plundered, if the Duke of Monmouth had not sent an Officer to preserve it. But Latherdale says, he cannot believe that Hamilton's friends, tenants, and servants, would so far forget their dependence, obligations and good manners, as to deal uncivilly with him. Such as are near unto those who manage businesses may speak positively of them, but I must as you see suspend my judgment, until the Duke of Monmouth comes back, which is expected in a few days.
The Petition I mentioned in my last did meet with some interruption, but the defeat of the Scots put an end to it. Those who use to extol all that relates to Rome, admire the constancy of the five Priests executed the last week, [Page 124] but we simple people find no more in it, than that the Papists, by arts formerly unknown to mankind, have found ways of reconciling falshood in the utmost degree with the hopes of salvation, and at the best have no more to brag of, than that they have made men dye with lies in their mouths. Langhorne's discoveries being trivial, relating only to lands of a small value belonging to Convents, I think he will be hanged this day or to-morrow. Wakeman's trial is put off, as is believed to avoid the indecency of the discourses that would have been made. This day and to-morrow will bring all the Court to Windsor. The King is to meet the Council every Thursday at Hampton Court, and we of the Vulgar expect after their first meeting to hear, whether [Page 125] the Parliament shall meet or no, at the time appointed. Some speak as if our small Queen, upon pretence of going to Burton, would be so cruel as to leave us.
IF I had a mind to play the Politick, like a house of Commons man newly preferred to be a privy Counsellor, I should very gravely excuse myself for not writing to you by the last post, and lay the fault upon my want of leisure, putting as much weight upon a Law-suit, as they do upon affairs of State; but having at their costs learnt, that those who make such discourses, cheat none but themselves, I ingenuously confess, I had nothing to say; and that now the Parliament is prorogued and the Court at Windsor, I [Page 127] hear little more than I shall do when I am dead. The truth is, some of our friends being newly grown men of business, are so politick and secret, that a man who sees it can hardly forbear laughing; but none is so ingenuous as to be content men should do it, except the Lord Halifax, who is sometimes free enough with his Companions to begin. I long since found that the design of sending H. Sydney into Holland, was like the rest of Sir William Temple's projects, a matter of great depth, and kept so close, that not one of them would speak to me of it; but this day was a se'nnight a Gentleman that came to see me, took a letter out of his pocket, newly come from Holland, wherein the whole end of his Negotiation is set out very plainly; which in short is understood [Page 128] to be no more, than under the pretence of a guaranty to draw Holland and Spain into a League with England, which may help the Prince of Orange with an occasion of breaking the peace lately made; which I believe will take effect, if the French can be perswaded to sleep three months, and take no notice of it; if the Louvesteine party in Holland, and their associates can be brought to believe the Prince of Orange thinks of advancing no interest but the publick good of the Country; and if our house of Commons can be so well satisfied with the management of the last business in Flanders, as to be willing to raise a new army under the same conduct, and to believe one that is so raised, will conduce to the defence of Flanders, as much as the last.
[Page 129] The last post brought me yours of July the 12th, and if you confess you did not know what to make of the Scotch business before you had my letters, I may conclude you were as much in the dark afterwards, for I could not make you understand that which I am ignorant of; and to say the truth, I am so; a great part of our modern prudence being to suppress informations of the truth, which I take to be as great a point of subtilty as that of one of our friends, who concealed a misfortune befallen him in the first acquaintance he had with a woman, until he was like to fall into pieces. Some think the great Lords will be found to have incited the poor people, and then endeavoured to value themselves at Court upon the power they had of appeasing [Page 130] them; and if that prove true, they may have the fortune that ordinarily accompanies those that do too much or too little, and my Lord Latherdale's Boots will be a powerful means of discovering whether this be so or no.
Monsieur de Flamarin hath been received at Windsor as seriously, as if it had been believed the Queen of Spain's marriage should not hold, unless it were here approved, and the formalities that are usual with men of business, having been observed to him, he is grown to think he is so. You know Monsieur de Barillion governs us (if he be not mistaken) but he seems not to be so much pleased with that, as to find his Embonpoint encreased by the moistness of our air, by frequently clapping [Page 131] his hands upon his thighs, shewing the delight he hath in the sharpness of the sound that testifies the plumpness and hardness of his flesh; and certainly if this climate did not nourish him better than any other, the hairs in his nose, and nails of his fingers could not grow so fast as to furnish enough of the one to pull out, and of the other to cut off in all Companies, which being done he picks his ears with as good a grace as my Lord La. The dissolution of the Tables at Windsor hath caused a great solitude there, which leaves the King few better entertainments than fishing, and unto some of our friends a good opportunity of making their court, which they improve. A man is come out of the North, who says, that Sir Thomas Gascoin did treat with him [Page 132] to undertake to kill the King, sent him to London to receive farther instructions, and tells his story so discreetly, that every body believes him. He seems to involve Sir George Ratclife of Northumberland, who had been formerly taxed by Oates. One Carrill, a Sussex Gentleman, was last week seized and brought before Oates; he says he is a Jesuit, and the same man that by those of the Society was called Blundell, of whom much hath been said.
I dare not assure you that the Gentleman to, whom the Letters were addressed that I sent to you, is as honest as he is understanding in business, because I doubt men that are necessitous and live by their wits, may be apt to swerve from the best way, and I know [Page 133] some of his near relations to be very naught; but I can truly say, that in many years acquaintance I have not found him guilty of any ill thing, and I am sure that a brother of his, having undertaken one that was abominable, he was so far from joining with him, that he discovered it to the person concerned in it, and as I believe thereby saved his life; and since that time so brake with his brother, as never to have looked upon him for this 13 or 14 years. I hear the Duke of Monmouth is expected here this day. We poor people know nothing of the sitting of the Parliament, but are confident it will not be in August.
YOU may with reason believe, I am little informed of what passeth in the world, that in my last letter I said nothing of the Parliament, which I make no doubt but others, that writ to you the same day, said was dissolved. The truth is, the business being done at Hampton-Court, the news came not hither until the afternoon, and I having it two or three hours later than others, had already sent my letter to the post, and could not recover it to make an addition, though of so great importance. This business is wholly imputed unto your two friends, and the other that ever [Page 135] joins with them; but the King finding it would not pass at Council, takes it wholly upon himself; tho' that, as well as some other things of the like nature, are thought not well to agree with what his Majesty was pleased to declare when he made the new Council, to have no Cabinet Council, but next unto the advices of the Parliament to follow their's in all things; and the world looking upon this as the work of the three above mentioned, they begin to be spoken of all over England in the same manner as Danby, and I fear, may be impeached the next Parliament upon this point, and the War in Scotland, as is said, contrary to an act Parliament in the Year 1641. The new Parliament is to meet on the 7th of October: there [Page 136] will be as great canvassing for Places as ever, people believing this Parliament was dissolved only in hopes of having one that would be less careful of the publick interest. All men that wish well unto it, think it necessary to imploy all their industry in endeavouring to make it better in that sense; and many believe they will effect it, though some probably will grow weary of the expences of Elections, and the ways of preventing them as yet are not settled. The Lord Halifax is made an Earl, under the same title. The Lord Sunderland hath order to prepare Warrants to confer the same honour upon the Lords Garret and Roberts.
The Lord of Wiltshire's marriage with Mrs. Coventry was the last week [Page 137] celebrated with great solemnity; and yesterday the young couple came to the Marquess of Winchester's house, where there was a mighty feast, and much dancing and rejoicing. Langhorne was yesterday hanged, professing the same innocence that the Jesuites did, and had the fortune as well as they, to be believed only by those that are in the same crimes, or are concerned in having them concealed. This day the Council was extraordinarily assembled at Hampton-Court, to consider of Wakeman's business, with its consequences, which notwithstanding he is to be tried to-morrow at the Old Baily.
The last week the King gave the Scotch Lords a hearing against Latherdale; [Page 138] they had counsel on both sides; Lockart and Cunningham did undertake to prove a multitude of things done by Latherdale to have been against law; and Mackenzy, the King's Advocate, being of counsel for him, could no ways disprove them, but had recourse unto the Royal Authority. The Lords of Essex and Halifax were present, and both of them, but especially the latter, did very much uphold the complainants, and, amongst other things, told the King he saw the Scotish nation was more free than the English. Nevertheless answer was returned to them, that Latherdale had done nothing but what his Majesty had commanded, and which he would uphold by virtue of his prerogative, which was above the law. This, as is thought, [Page 139] will preserve him from punishment, but his place of Secretary will be given to the Lord Magennis.
The Duke of Monmouth, before he came from Scotland, had taken care that the Scotch Prisoners should be used with more humanity than they found amongst their Countrymen, and since his arrival here, orders are sent to enlarge the indulgence granted unto the Non-conformists in their meetings. The result of that business, as far as I understand it, is, a great many fools have been killed; their blood lies upon Latherdale; their folly and the cruelty shewed unto them hath gained a great deal of compassion for those that remain of their party, which probably will perswade those in authority here [Page 140] to proceed more gently; and that which is reasonable in itself, will be rendered absolutely necessary, if the Parliament be suffered to sit; for unless they prove to be of a temper very different from what is expected, they will suffer nothing like unto that which hath been.
A business happened lately which makes a great deal of noise. A certain Captain under the shelter of the African Company committed several Piracies upon the English Company trading in Turky, and lately coming to town, five or six principal Merchants that had received the damage, arrested him, whereupon he complained to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, who sent for the Merchants, and upon their [Page 141] refusal to release the Captain, committed them. They addressed themselves to one of the Judges for a Habeas Corpus, who before he granted it, gave notice unto the Commissioners, that the commitment of the Merchants was against Law, advised their release before the Habeas Corpus was granted, which could not be denied, which the Commissioners refused to do; but advising farther with Lawyers, found not only that what they had done was unwarrantable, but that they were subject to actions for false imprisonment, upon which the injured persons would obtain great damages; so as they found no better way than to release the men, with a great many fair words: But they not being therewith satisfied, resolved to sue them at law, or bring the business [Page 142] into Parliament. I write this two days before the going of the Post, because I am obliged to make a little journey this day, and shall not be back until he be gone.
I HAVE been out of Town almost this month, so as my last letter to you was dated about that time. At my return I found men's minds more disturbed than ever I remember them to have been, so as there is no extremity of disorder to be imagined, that we might not probably have fallen into if the King had died, or that may not yet reasonably be feared if he should relapse. All that is now to be told of news, is from the Court, and must be known from those that are more conversant there than I am. [Page 144] Though the Parliament is like to signify little, people are busy in bringing those in, who are of their own mind; and the party that is most averse to the Court seems to prevail in the Counties and great Corporations, as the other doth in many of the small Boroughs; and upon the whole matter, many believe the House will be composed as the last was, or, as some think, of a more harsh humour, the same men being something sharpened.
Your friend the Lord Latherdale is more powerful than ever in Scotland, openly opposeth the Duke of Monmouth, and hath so far prevailed, as to render the indulgences obtained by him utterly ineffectual: But lest his power there should not be sufficient [Page 145] to protect him here, if the Parliament meets, he doth not disdain a pardon, and as I hear, one is preparing for him. I know not how much your friends and mine do grow at Court, nor whether the gains they can expect to make there, will countervail what they lose in the Nation; but I do think myself assured, that †two of them, who were generally as well esteemed as any men I know, are now as ill spoken of as any; and the asperity one of them shewed against the Papists, is most bitterly retorted upon him. If the Parliament sits, I shall not be so ignorant as I am of what passeth, and I will with the same care that I did the last time, let you know what I hear, and [Page 146] as far as I dare trust letters sent by the post, what I think.
IT is indeed a good while since I heard from you, and I have been less diligent in writing to you than formerly, partly because I doubted, whether my letters were any ways acceptable unto you, and partly because one that is far from Court knows nothing worth relating, unless it be in Parliament-time, when all that is done is made publick, or at the least comes to the knowledge of those that have any acquaintance. I am not able to give so much as a guess, whether the Parliament shall sit the 26th of January or not, and though I think myself in all respects well chosen, am uncertain [Page 148] whether I shall be of it, or not, there being a double return; and nothing can be assured, until the question arising thereupon be determined, unless it be that as I and my principles are out of fashion, my inclinations going one way, my friendship and alliance with those that are like to give occasion for the greatest contests drawing another, I shall be equally disliked and suspected by both parties, and thereby become the most inconsiderable member of the House. But however matters go, if the house doth sit, and you care to know what I either hear or think, I so far abhor the excuse that is worn out by having been so often alledged by liars and fools, as never to pretend to much business [Page 149] as a reason for my omission; and I think I shall make none.
I have often heard of Monsieur D'Avaux his behaviour in Holland, but did not need any information as to matter of fact, to be assured he would oppose it; to believe he would succeed, and indeed with some confidence to conclude, that our disappointment in that case is much more for our advantage than what we sought. And as it is said in Religion, that nothing is more terrible than the return of ill-conceived prayers, nothing is more to be feared in Politicks than the success of unreasonable and illgrounded counsels. And though the ‘proposition that was made, being [Page 150] rejected, will certainly raise the party in Holland that is least for the Prince of Orange, and cast it into a dependence upon France; that is less mortal unto us than a League, that would certainly have produced a rupture of the peace, renewed the war all over Europe, exposed Flanders to be lost the first year (which this must have done;’ it being as certain, the assistances expected from hence would have failed, as that it hath not in itself that which is necessary for its Defence.) This, and a great deal more upon the like subject was told the Lord Sunderland, and Mr. H. Sydney before he went; but Sir William, who was taken for the oracle of those parts, assured them, there was no such thing as a [Page 151] party in Holland inclined to oppose the Prince of Orange: That all was submitted unto his authority, and united in desiring such an alliance with us: That it would certainly be accepted as soon as offered, and that the French which had made the Peace for fear of us, would by the same reason more exactly keep it, when it was seen that we were joined with them. I should think him bewitched, that doth not see there is as many falsities, as to matter of fact, and mistakes in judgment in this matter, as there are words; but I see no intention of receding from such counsels, nor remedy for the mischiefs they bring upon us. It was also believed this Business would have been liked by the Parliament, but I am as confident, as of this that is [Page 152] passed, that if the Parliament had met, neither this nor any thing that is like to engage us in any war, would have been endured by them, nor that they would have given a Penny towards it.
You will certainly have heard of a precious plot, carried on by a man of four names (who had been almost as many times in the pillory for perjury, and such other pieces of wit) whereby the Presbyterians should be brought under the suspicion of having one now on foot, which should have given occasion of bailing the Lords in the Tower: But he having had the ill luck to mistake Mansell for Mansfield, carried a bundle of letters, he had forged, to a wrong place; and bringing some officers of the customs to search [Page 153] Mansell's lodgings for Flanders lace, and other prohibited commodities, was fain to find them himself; but the mistake of the superscription, which was to Mansfield, the seals not opened, and other circumstances making the fraud to appear, the whole matter vanished. About the same time another design of equal prudence and integrity was carried on to suborn Dugdale to renounce his testimony concerning the Popish plot; but he consulted with some friends, placed two good witnesses under the hanging to testify what the woman said, who treated with him; and when he saw a fit time, discovered all to the council, so as that plot also is enervated. We hear of several other persons that would more fully discover the Popish plot; [Page 154] but as things stand, none dares appear. Serjeant, long spoken of, hath deposed what he knows, and, as I hear, delivered it into safe hands signed and sealed. H. Sydney is said to have made a very ill discourse to him at the Hague, and if it come before the Parliament, will probably have evil effects. The Duke went towards Scotland on Monday, full of various imaginations, as is said; but some understanding men think he hath nothing, that ought more to please him in his journey than good weather. There is a paper cast about the town of the Earl of Danby his case, which makes a very ill one of it; and amongst other things to prove he was not of the French faction, he says, he needs alledge only the French Ambassador's discourses of him at [Page 155] Madam Mazarin's; this new Logick of proving a thing by a proposition, either false, or as uncertain as itself, being looked upon as the invention of that excellent wit.
I am glad to hear of the dulness you observe in your neighbourhood, and wish you could find means to encrease it, believing that nothing else can keep them from taking advantage of our follies, as I am sure the League would have done, if it had been accepted in Holland. H. Sydney arrived here yesterday. The Duke his first lodging was at Hatfield; the Earl of Salisbury being at Quickshot, six miles off, sent his son to excuse his not coming to wait upon his Royal Highness, for that he had been let blood five days before. [Page 156] No provisions for his entertainment appeared in the house, but two Does upon the table, one barrel of small beer in the cellar, and a pile of faggots. The Duke's servants sent into the town to buy all things necessary, even to candles, and to borrow candlesticks. The gentlemen of the neighbourhood were so charitable as to take the Lord of Ossory and many others to their houses, where they were well entertained. The Duke being unwilling to be burthensome to a poor Lord, appointed Sir J. Worden to pay for what he had had, and the Steward took money for the faggots, and eight shillings for the barrel of beer. The Earl of Orrery is dead, and the Lord of Ormond hath made his son Arran, Major-General in his stead; that if the French invade [Page 157] that kingdom, the army commanded by himself and his two sons may be fit to oppose them.
WE are in a busy time, and how empty soever any man's head hath formerly been, the variety of reports concerning things in agitation do so fill it, at the least with an imagination of contributing something to other men's inventions, that they have little leisure to do any thing else. This obligeth me to write in haste, and without any other consideration than of the agreement made between you and me, to set down nothing but truth; to tell you in short, that the first day of the Parliament the Lord Russel [Page 159] named Mr. Williams to be Speaker, who being approved of without contradiction, was with little ceremony, and no excuse made for himself, assented unto by the King. The two next days were spent in swearing the members of the house of Commons, and putting them to the test. On Monday the five and twentieth, the Committees were named, and a multitude of petitions concerning Elections presented, and referred unto that of Privileges and Elections.
On Tuesday the 26th, Dangerfield was brought to the bar of the house of Commons, where he did declare himself positively, that the Duke had offered him a great sum of money to kill the King. He also said, that the [Page 160] Lord Privy Seal, Peterborough and Sir Robert Payton, were privy unto and contrivers of the Meal-Tub Plot. The same day the Lord Russell, representing the mischiefs and dangers that threaten our nation, shewed the Duke to be the center of all. Sir H. Capell seconded him. Sir Francis Winnington made a Recapitulation of all that had been done since the last Parliament to the prejudice of the nation, in favour of Popery, and imputed the greatest part thereof unto the same cause; whereupon a vote was passed by the house nemine contradicente, that the house should proceed incessantly upon the further discovery of the plot, and the means of preventing a Popish successor.
[Page 161] Wednesday the 27th, Dangerfield was brought into the Speaker's chamber, and being put to his oath by a Justice of the Peace, did depose what he had formerly said. Mr. Hide only and Sir Lionel Jenkins did speak in favour of the Duke; and the latter having the ill luck to say, he did in his heart believe his Royal Highness was as good a Subject as any is in England, one, that was not far off, whisper'd, "and as good a Protestant.
The same day complaint being made in the house of Commons of those who had obstructed Petitions, and some Members severely answering such as had been guilty thereof, Sir Robert Howard desired the House to proceed cautiously therein, his Majesty having [Page 162] by Proclamation declared such Petitions to be contrary to Law. Notwithstanding which admonition, the House did vote nemine contradicente, That it was, and had ever been the right of the Subjects of England to petition his Majesty for the meeting and sitting of Parliaments, until all petitions were heard and grievances redressed. In the second place they appointed a Committee to examine who had been guilty of obstructing such Petitions, and therein betraying their Country. There are six or seven Members of the house of Commons said to have declared themselves detesters and abhorrers of such Petitions, who, as is thought, will be turned out of the House without other ceremony.
[Page 163] The same day Sir Robert Payton was suspended the House.
An American Jew, lately interpreter to the last Portugal Embassador that was here, did testify before a Committee of the house of Lords, that he had been suborned by the said Embassador to kill the Earl of Shaftsbury, by casting Hand-granadoe's into his Coach as he should be going to, or coming from Chelsea; and to find others to kill Arnold, Oates and Bedloe. He mention'd this at first in the phrensy of a Fever, and finding that he had so discover'd himself, found no better way of security than to declare the whole to the Earl of Clarendon the first day of May last, and deliver'd unto him the whole matter [Page 164] in writing. The Earl doth neither deny the receipt of the papers, nor give any reason why he concealed it.
Many terrible accusations come in against Anglesy.
The Lord Halifax brought in a Bill for the speedy discovery and conviction of Papists, and ease of Nonconformists, but so contrived, that both parties are almost equally incensed against him for it. The house of Lords was on Thursday turned into a Committee, and, as I hear, will be so every day, to consider of it, and try whether it can be so mended, as to be useful unto the ends intended. I know not whether that can be done or no; but I could have wished, that intending [Page 165] to oblige above a Million of men, that go under the name of Nonconformists, he had been pleased to consult with one of that number, concerning the ways of doing it.
On Friday twenty-nine Lords and Commoners were invited by the Lord Mayor to his feast, and after dinner the Duke of Monmouth came to them. In his return he was accompanied by a great number of people, that ran to see him and Esquire Thinne. It was observed that having formerly had a Bar in his Arms upon his Coach, it was then wiped out.
October the 30th Dugdale did declare unto the house of Commons, that Ewers the Jesuit told him, there [Page 166] had been a contest between the Duke of York and Coleman; he complaining that the Duke put him upon businesses that would bring him to be hanged, the Duke told him, he would secure his life, so he would hold his peace: Coleman answered, he could do so for the future; but he had already confessed so much unto his Friend Sir Edmond Godfrey, that it was in his Power to discover him and all his Business; whereupon the Duke replied, that ought not to trouble him, for order should be taken to keep Godfrey from doing any hurt, which in a few days was performed by his death. Cann of Bristol, and Withins Steward of Westminster, are put out of the house of Commons for discountenancing and opposing Petitioning.
[Page 167] I believe To-morrow will be a great day in the house of Commons, in as much as it relates to the Duke; he is said to be arrived in Scotland, but no certain news is come of him, since he was seen off from Newcastle on Monday last. If the orders sent into Flanders from Spain concerning reprisals upon the Duke of Brandenburgh by sea or land be executed (as is said) by sending two or three thousand Horse into the Pais de Cleves & de Juliers, I look upon the peace as broken; for the French will certainly defend it, or do the like in Flanders.
The Lord Ogle is dead.
The length of this letter will perswade you I am not in the haste I mentioned; but abundance of matter hath made a Letter of six pages, when I intended but one.
I Received yesterday in one and the same packet three letters from you, of which one had passed through Paris whilst I was there, and that would have spared me a journey of four hundred leagues, if I had then received it. This would have been a convenience unto me; but my obligation unto you is the same, and I so far acknowledge it to be the greatest that I have in a long time received from any man, as not to value the leave you have obtained for me to return into my country after so long an absence, at a lower [Page 170] rate than the saving of my life. You having proceeded thus far, I will, without any scruple, put myself intirely upon the King's word; and desire you only to obtain a Pass to signify it, and that his Majesty is pleased to send for me; so as the officers of the ports or other places may not stop me, as they will be apt to do as soon as they know my name, if I have not that for my protection. You took that which had passed between you and me so rightly, that I have nothing to add unto it. I have no other business than what solely concerns my person and family. I desire not to be a day in England unknown to the King, or his Ministers; and will lose no time in waiting upon the Secretary, as soon as I can after my arrival. I think it no ways reasonable [Page 171] that I should stay in England, if the King do not see, I may do it without any shadow or possibility of prejudice unto him; and unless I can satisfy him in that point, I desire no more than to return on this side the seas after the three months, where I intend to finish my days, without thinking any more of living in England. You see my thoughts simply exposed; I beseech you to accomplish the work you have so well begun. Send your answer to Monsieur du Moulins, and believe no man in the world can be more obliged unto you, than
I HAD not failed of seeing you, when you were here, if it could have been compassed by industry, for I was more than once at your old lodging in King-street, and the new one which I then heard you had taken near St. James's; but Courtiers are always in motion, so as to meet with them is as hard, as to shoot flying, and though my intention was to have done it, I found that skill was wanting. I was in that enquiry guided by my own inclinations unto you, and the knowledge of obligations received from you, [Page 173] both of which join in perswading me to wish you in a way more suitable unto your humour, than that which engageth you in troublesome removes to follow a Prince, who perhaps doth not always know his own mind, or that thinks it a part of his greatness to vex as many as he can. Those that he sent lately hither, spake of nothing so much as la gloire de leur Maitre; though perhaps there were more of true glory in the steadiness of a little good common sense, than in all the vanities and whimsies their heads are filled with. But if you find some inconvenience in being obliged in a degree to comply with them where you are, I doubt whether you would have been exempted from the like here, for even we that are afar off from that fire, are [Page 174] so much scorched by it, that we expect not trouble but ruin from it. I am, Sir,
THE time that I have remained here beyond my expectation, might have given you leisure to let me know what success you had in the business you were pleased to speak to me of, but the sickness, which as I hear you fell into soon after your arrival, may have detained you, till you had reason to believe I was removed into a country far from this; but if your recovery give you opportunity of making an essay, I desire you either to give your letter, by which I may know it, to my Lady Sunderland, to [Page 176] be sent unto me, or direct it to Monsieur du Moulins, who is with your Nephew here, to be sent after me. I have bought a Horse of Mr. Porter, in which I think he hath dealt civilly with me, as he says, upon your consideration, which I have reason to believe, and am very willing to acknowledge, as from a person from whom I receive much greater obligations, and to whom I shall be ever ready to render all that agrees with the title of