AND now, refresh'd, and nicely quipp'd,
Again, into the Hall, They tripp'd—
The Devil had on, the
very Suit,
In which
Rennardo look'd so 'cute—
The day he made his famous M
T' acknowledge Authors of Commotion,
Just as
Rennardo us'd to do't,
Seated once more—Largess was cny'd—
In stalk'd, with stiff mock-martial pride,
A self-conceited Veteran—
Who scoul'd around—Then thus began—
My State—(not lessening)—I report
"The happy meeting of this Court,
"I've long desir'd—Done,
All I cou'd,
"Done ev'ry thing—But what was good—
"T'effect Reform—Alas! in vain—
"We cou'd not virtually complain;
"Loudly I rail'd 'gainst Absentees,
"And Pensioners of all Degrees—
Then, Arms I seiz'd—a sole pretence,
Tailors taught, to Fire and Fence;
Haberdashers, Muskets use,
"And furnish'd
Col'nels, from the Stews,
Made myself General—Then swagger'd—
"A foaming Pseudo-Patriot Braggard,
"It wou'd not do—I must be candid,
"The useless Lumber was dis
"But Hope assures this brilliant day,
somehow, work a lasting fray,
"If so—Behold—To help the fuss—
Volunterus Maximus—
"If"—said the D
We cou'd aspire,
Such Talents—and such
Worth to
[Page 19] "Tho'
foolish V
[...]ys, did
"Which You (expecting) cou'd not brook,
We—if not below Your care,
"Wou'd name You—
Secretar' at War"—
A courtly bow, th' acceptance shew'd,
He join'd the gath'ring chosen Croud.
Largess"—again, was echo'd round,
Largess"—the walls resound—
"Th' annunciation caus'd belief,
The coming personage some Chief,
And so it prov'd, (by lines foretold
him—whose lines are sterling gold)
[...]e ennobled—S
Base representation of
"Sir, (tho' not first)—Thus spake the
"I trust You'll mitigate rebuke,
"I've ever try'd to win Your favor,
"Witness my uniform behavior!
You I fled my Father's C
"And left connections in the lurch,
"Mix'd with the dregs, and scum of earth,
"To shew the vanity of Birth,
Trophied Halls—are but a Jest!
A Farce—not worth the wise Man's care,
"Who knows,
the Goods of life to share,
"Devote to Priapaean Rites—
[Page 20] "In short, I strive to make it clear,
"That Nature forming me a
"Became Confusions, and Debauch'ries Friend,
thus acknowledged,
Orders end,
thus—unalterably Yours—
Smile—my future aid secures!
"Example from so great a name,"—
Rennardo said) "will raise
Our fame,
"Will shew, The yet outstanding few,
"How little to descent is due,
"In token, how, We 'steem Your
"Deign to accept this proffer'd place!
Rights of Man—approves Your call
Equality's High Marichal."
Pleas'd with the gift, a glove he tore,
Knighthoods proud Vaunt, in days of Yore.—
long-borne Banner, then defac'd,
Anarchy's black Standard, rais'd—
A Noble Shade—Now pass'd in view,
Which halted—
Sigh'd—And quick withdrew,
Just as
its Form was lost in Air,
These Murmurs seem'd to breathe despair!
Why! Why Rennardo!—Wou'd you force
"My gen'rous Spirit from its Course,
I worship
God, and love my
"I will not be, that
Rascal thing,
"Thy Politics compel—Forbear!
"Or by Heav'n's sacred truth I swear,
[Page 21] "I'll be, what Nature meant I shou'd,
Protector only, of the Good—
"'Tis past—
We can no more agree—
"Who parts from Virtue—Parts from Me!"—
Th' Assembly on each other gaze,
Rennardo stood in fix'd amaze,
Downcast his eye—
Now first ('tis said)
A blush his Sable Cheek o'erspread,
Confus'd—He cou'd not raise his head!
Th' Arch-Fiend
Which to divert—He gently took
His Hand—Then slyly, smoothly spake,
Why shou'd that
Silly Shadow, make
"This change my Friend,—Wherefore, this Gloom?
Such Checks—We must expect to come—
And (
'ere complete, our Grand Attempt),
"Unnumber'd phantoms of Contempt,
"Virtue's cold Vot'rists)
will arise,
"Obtrusive on our Ears, our Eyes—
Thou!—Heed them not!—Tho' they appear!
"They are but unembodied Air,
Substance cou'd
not enter here,
Inimical to our Career,
The noxious Vapours round Us spread,
Wou'd strike Corporeal Virtue dead."
Rennardo—(willingly beguil'd)
Shook Friendship off—and Blacker smil'd—
(That seem'd the leavings of a Storm,)
With deep-sunk eye, and rubied face,
(A Badge, to Temperance, disgrace,)
Drew near, and to the Sable Chief,
Thus gave his phrenzied mind relief,
Before this Court—I humbly bend—
Disorder's staunchest, loudest Friend—
Rennardo, Thou! Thou know'st full well,
"My wily Match, is not in Hell;
"Ignobly born—I've dar'd to soar,
"Where Knaves like me ne'er sail'd before—
"No Heighth—I've not aspir'd to climb,
"By aid of Prose, or aid of Rhime,
"My Eloquential Powers fram'd,
"'Gainst whatsoe'er is Virtue nam'd—
"Myself Confusion's eldest born,
"True to my Sire have ever worn
"These maxims graven on my mind—
nought thine own,
be Aye inclin'd,
"To raise Rebellion's blust'ring Wind.
"And think!
Another's loss may give,
"Thy shatter'd Frame wherewith to live,
"Beyond the reach of Justice pow'r,
"Who blasts as
yet—Thine ev'ry hour,
Sins partake,
[...] St
[...] Rake"
"Behold! Who comes—
The fall'n, from Heav'n!
"Behold!—And own—conjunct with
My Acts—illustrious Cataline"
The Portals op'ning wide, display'd—
Two noble Forms—in black array'd—
Conviction, sat in either eye,
And either bosom, heav'd a sigh,
Each wou'd have spake, when Satan,
precedence, claim with
A word suffic'd, she curtsied low,
[...] retiring, made his bow—
High born—and bred, with all the care,
"That fondness cou'd invent—to rear
"A mind might suit, this once fair frame,
"No art was left untried—The flame
"Of Conquest struggling, I represt,
"But all in vain! It fir'd my breast!
"This my wise Sire perceiv'd—and dread,
"Lest Shame shou'd wrap his ancient head,
He chose a mate and bade me wed—
Rank—Splendor—Wealth—I now enjoy'd,
Wealth, was cloy'd
"Insensible of honor grew,
"And dissipation only knew,
"Which to support,
I play'd, was cross'd,
"And Pin-money—and Jewels lost,
"My Spirit spurn'd, at Wedded Law,
"He introduc'd a blooming
Modesty has fled me since,
Their Cause was
mine—as such receive—
"And view in me
another eve."
Cursings—Ravings, Noise
and Gabble—
Exceeding all We've heard of Babel,
Reach'd the
High Bench—
Now, louder grew,
In rush'd the Croud—And first, to view,
Head of the Democratic Mob,
And panting for a Sanguine Job,
A Book-uplifting—(
Rights of Men)
"Primaeval Rights—
I claim"—(He cry'd)
"Each passion shall be gratified—
What Claim has any to with-hold,
From me—His Lands, or hoarded Gold?
What Claim has any to refuse,
That I, His Wife, or Daughter use?
What Claim has any to a Home
"Where I, and mine, mayn't freely come,
What Claim has any King or Judge
"To hang a murderer—thief make budge?
None, I proclaim.—
This Pamphlet read—
"You there will find it is decreed,
World from fett'ring Law is free,
"And man controuls his destiny—
"Earth thus disburthen'd of its load.
"We'll storm the skies, and unthrone G
Instant—A Total Darkness grew,
Hail, Thunders, Lightning—Scar'd the Crew,
Satan before, had felt it's Force,
Arrest his curs'd Blasphemous Course,
So sunk to Hell from
King and
And left his Pros'lytes in the lurch,
Fall'n on their Faces, fearing day—
They knew not,
Wrath was pass'd away,
Until they heard—
A Loyal Choir,
Harp, and Stringed Lyre,
(Whose THREE, like HEAV'NS,
compose the State)
That, they found,
Her Genius 'rose,
Triumphant, o'er
Malignant Foes:
sep'rate fled—
Order sang—"
Rebellion dead!