With several ADDITIONS.


LONDON: Printed for LAWTON GILLIVER at Ho­mer's Head against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-street, 1732.

TO THE MASTERS or GOVERNORS OF THE Mystery and Commonalty of BARBERS and CHIRUR­GEONS of London.

NOT doubting but you will be very ready to join in any Thing that may be of Use to Mankind; and I having pra­ctised Surgery many Years, and also been acquainted with the Practice of many of the most [Page 2]eminent of our Profession, who honestly and successfully practi­sed it: Yet, being of Opinion, that Surgery might still be ve­ry much improved, by publish­ing such Cases as deserve it; and thinking you the most pro­per Persons to encourage it; therefore am desirous, and should be glad, you would appoint some of your Members to re­ceive, and fairly and favourably examine and consider such Ca­ses as shall be offered to them by long experienced Practitio­ners, and give your Approba­tion of such as deserve to be made publick. This, I conceive, would very much contribute to the Reputation of Surgery, and be of great Advantage to Pa­tients. [Page 3]And, to shew how sin­cere I am in what I propose, I here offer to your serious Con­sideration a Case I formerly communicated to some Physi­cians and Surgeons, and Sir Hans Sloan desiring me, I, in the Year 1721, left the following Ac­count in his Hands.

IN the Year 1715, I was sent for to a Man who had a Mortification on the Foot, from an internal Cause, the Fever very high, attended with the irregular Pulse that is usual in the Case; I made deep Inci­sions into the Part mortified to the Bone, and scarified all round as far as there was any Inflama­tion, and used the common Ap­plications; [Page 4]upon which the Fe­ver abated, the Pulse became not only calm, but also regu­lar, and in a few Days I had a Digestion at the Edges: I was obliged to leave it to the Care of an Apothecary: But in a short Time I was sent for again, the Fever being returned, and the Part mortified higher, I used the same Method as before, with the same Success; but all the former Symptoms returned the third Time; but upon repeating the same Method again, ceased: I thought it to no Purpose to take off the Leg, having too often found Returns after it, the Fault being in the Blood and Juices. But Providence now first directed me to order the [Page 5]Bark in this Case, whilst there was a Remission of the Fever; it answered beyond what I expected; the Fever no more returned; the Leg was taken off, and I saw the Person well and lusty many Years afterwards; and I have since several times had the Experience of the good Effects of it in the like Case, which has been no small Satis­faction to me.

I think it as much my Du­ty to make a publick Acknow­ledgement of an Error of my Judgment for very many Years, because (others also of greater Eminency giving the same Judg­ment) I do verily believe it has been the Occasion of several [Page 6]unfortunate Women, not only to continue in a deplorable State, but also often to have a miserable Exit, which by my too late Practice, attended with Success, I have now Reason to believe, might have been pre­vented, if their Breasts had been taken off in Time. This I think is worthy to be compassionately considered by all Surgeons, least the too long Omission of it, may some Time become an Un­easiness to them, as it now is to me, when I reflect of it. I hope none can put that Con­struction upon this, as if I ex­pected, that in all Degrees of Cancers, taking off the Tumor, would be effectual; for some are of that Malignancy, even to [Page 7]so poisonous a Nature, which, if blended with the Blood and Juices, nothing will answer; but I would not have any too much discouraged by the ill As­pect of them; for two I had Success in, appear'd as ill and threatning as most I have seen; and therefore I would not have taken them off, if the Patients had not earnestly desired it. I think fit to intimate, that the fewer Medicines have been taken, whilst the Tumor remains on, the better; for any Thing that causes the least Fermentation of the Humours, does the more contaminate, and spoil the Blood and Juices.

If you should think fit to en­courage any Thing of this Na­ture, [Page 8]in the Way I propose, or any Way you shall think more proper; I have several Observa­tions to offer to you, which I hope may be of Use:

From a Brother that heartily wishes Prosperity to your Socie­ty, and is

Your very humble Serv t.John Rushworth.


IT is to me a very melancho­ly Consideration, that in a Nation so happy in its Laws and Government, there should be so little Care taken to prevent the great Misfortunes that are very often brought upon the misera­ble Subjects, by suffering those to practice Surgery (the ancient­est and certainest Part of Phy­sick) with Impunity, that are so very ill qualified for it. Tho' [Page 10]I hope as far as your Power ex­tends, this Mischief is in a great Measure prevented. But for the Sake of the Country-People, so numerous and necessary a Part of our Fellow-Subjects; it is certainly the Duty of all those that are sensible of it, to use their best Endeavours to get it put upon a better Regula­tion.

And if you can propose a Method to do it, if your Char­ter gave you Power sufficient, you can never have a more fa­vourable Opportunity to obtain the Enlargement of it for so good a Use; their present Majesties having always shewn a humane Tenderness and Compassion for all their Sub­jects.

And if any new Law should be wanting to compleat so ne­cessary a Work; it is not to be doubted, but that a Parlia­ment that has made so great Improvements in the Law, for the Preservation of the Estates and Rights of the Subjects; will also, if it be properly laid before them, take the same Care for the Preservation of the Lives, Limbs, &c. of the People, in which a particular Provision may be made for the Advantage of the Poor of the Parishes, by ere­cting an Infirmary in the Cen­ter of every County, to receive such Poor as have Occasion for the Assistance of a good Sur­geon; and for want of it, in some Cases, become Cripples, [Page 12]and in others, lie long in a lan­guid and miserable Condition, to the great Expence of the Parishes.

The following is a Letter from the Master of the Surgeons Com­pany.


WHEN your printed Let­ter directed to the Go­vernors of our Company was read in February last, before a Court of Assistants, our Clerk was then order'd to return you our Thanks for the Same, and to desire you to send us such other curious Cases, as you were then pleased to promise, and at the same time to second your Intention for the [Page 13]Advancement of Surgery, 'twas order'd, to print four times a Year, the Court of Assistants Or­der, which you have or will read from Time to Time, in several of the publick Papers, to encou­rage every Surgeon to follow your laudable Example; all these Ca­ses, together with such as will be found in the Sea-Surgeons Journals, being entered in a Book, will from Time to Time be peru­sed by the Court of Examiners, and printed at the Company's Expence, as the Gentlemen who send them shall approve: I wish your other Proposal in the print­ed Letter, for establishing an Hospital or Infirmary in the se­veral Counties, could take effect, but at present I cannot find out [Page 14]any Parliament-Men that will undertake so beneficial an Under­taking. I am now to acknow­ledge yours of the 17th Instant, and to acquaint you, that from your Example I have given the Bark in all Mortifications with such Success as has encouraged the Gentlemen you mention to administer it. I have now un­der my Care a Gentleman of 78, who owes his Life to that Medicine; his Case was at first a Gangreen after a Phlegmon; the usual Means seem'd to have removed the Danger, but the Fever continuing without Remis­sion or Intermission, a Sphacelus soon appeared, which nothing did stop the Progress of till the Bark was used, and in Twenty four [Page 15]Hours and less, the Separation began, with a laudable Pus. The same thing happen'd to a Jew whose Sphacelus had got ground for three Weeks in spight of all Means, where several Surgeons were concerned some Years ago, and to another Patient of mine, I have now used it in seven Cases, the Circumstances in each being different, and yet in all the Bark has taken Effect: Even within these few Days to Mr. Delenor, who kept the Bagnio in St. James's Street, in whom a Mortification happened, after several punctures in Dropsical Legs, the Bark stopt the Progress in less than twenty four Hours, and the Sluffs be­gan to separate, but the Patient having a Jaundice, and spent [Page 16]with Evacuations, it revived and came into the other Leg, of which tho' he died, yet the Power of the Bark was so plain, that from this and the other Cases, I think it evident that we may be as sure of getting the Better of, or at least of stopping a Morti­fication, from any internal Cause, by the Bark, as conquering an Ague thereby.

As to the Cure of Cancers by Amputation, there are but few Surgeons here that flatter them­selves of it; of late we recom­mend them to the Drinking about two Quarts a Day of the Wa­ter at the Dog and Duck in St. George's Fields, Southwark, which I can aver, stops the Pro­gress of, and likely will get the [Page 17]Better of that Noli me tangere. I am with all Esteem, Sir,

Your most obedient humble Servant, Claud. Amyand.

To Claud. Amyand, Esq; Ser­jeant Surgeon to His Majesty, and Master of the Surgeons Company.


I Heartily thank you for the Favour of yours, for until now, I had reason to believe, that our Company slighted my Letter, for your Clerk never wrote any thing to me about it, nor did I hear any thing of it before your kind Letter informed me, for no publick Papers that come into these Parts (that I ever saw) mention any thing of the good Method, the Company has taken. But if at the same time, care be [Page 19]not taken, to get Surgery not to be suffered to be practised by any, but those that are regularly brought up and sufficiently exa­min'd, the Country People will be the more imposed upon by Quacks being made (if possible) more bold and impudent, by put­ting into their Hands what they are not capable of making a good Use of, and Surgeons of Value (who have the Misfortune to live in the Country) will be much injured by it, which I should be very sorry any ways to contribute to. This can't appear so plainly to you, as to those that live in the Country, but I doubt not but your Goodness will have re­gard to it, by seriously consider­ing it, in order to prevent so [Page 20]ill a Consequence. I hope I shall not tire your Patience, by giving you an account of a Case of a Patient of mine this Spring, who was far gone in a Dropsy and Asthma, attended with very ma­ny ill Symptoms, which daily increased, though he had a very good Physician (Dr. Freeman) who made use of all proper in­ternal Means, but they not an­swering I was consulted; his Legs and Thighs were grown to a very great Bulk, and did appear to me (and also to the Doctor) as if they would soon mortify; I told the Doctor I had never found that Punctures would be sufficient to relieve in so dangerous a Case, but I was of Opinion that nothing but ma­king [Page 21]many large Incisions into the Legs could be of Use, tho' I was unwilling to begin such a Work; but in a few Days we plainly saw that he could not continue long, if not soon reliev'd; the Doctor encouraging me, I was resolved to venture my Re­putation, rather than the Patient should be lost, tho' I knew the censorious Age, did not spare to reflect on Surgeons, when they used any new Method without Success; but I can with Pleasure tell you, that the Patient was soon reliev'd by it, and by often using Fomentations, and as often changing the Cataplasms, I not only preserv'd the Tone of the Parts, but also constantly dis­charged vast Quantities of the [Page 22]watry Humour for more than two Months, until it was all carried off, from all Parts of the Body; and the Legs have recovered their true Tone, and are as small as they were before he was ill, and do not so much as swell at Night, tho' he daily goes about his Business performing it with chearfulness, and is better in every respect than he has been for many Years.

I am very glad to hear, that you have had so many demon­strations of the good Effect of the Bark, tho' certainly a great deal ought to be imputed to your good and proper directing of it: I beg leave just to mention, that leaving off the Bark too soon, a Patient of mine had a Return [Page 23]of the Mortification, in about five Days time, but scarifying and repeating it, I presently had the good Effect of it again, and she is now perfectly recover'd; and tho' she had a very ill Habit of Body before, is now better than she has been for several Years, and her Looks shew it to all that knew her before, tho' she is fifty Years of Age.

I rejoice to hear of any thing that gives Relief in Cancers; but if the Tumor be not perfectly reduced by it, I fear no Cure will continue, unless the Tumor be first removed; but I shall wave this, until I have the Happiness to see you, which I hope to do at the beginning of the next Ses­sions of Parliament; for I am [Page 24]very desirous to gain the Point of having Infirmaries, and tho' my Interest be but small, yet join'd with yours and others that I hope we shall meet with, I do not des­pair; and I flatter my self that you will excuse the length of this from,

Honour'd SIR, Your most obedient, and very humble Servant, John Rushworth.

The following was inserted in the Norhampton Mercury, De­cember 20, 1731.

WHereas in a Postscript to a Letter to the Surgeons Company (Oct. 18, 1731.) men­tion is made of the erecting of an Infirmary in the Center of every County, for the Reception of such Poor as shall have Oc­casion for the Assistance of a good Surgeon, and for want of it, in some Cases, become Crip­ples, and in others, lie long in a languid and miserable Condi­tion, to the no small Expence of the Parishes: This Design the Proposer thinks himself par­ticularly obliged (and by Judg­ment and Inclination is led) to [Page 26]promote to the utmost of his Power; but knowing his own Insufficiency (upon several Ac­counts) to do any Thing consi­derable towards it, therefore does humbly offer it to the Consi­deration of the Gentlemen of England, and hopes that those who think it may prove a good Charity, will afford their As­sistance for bring it to Perfe­ction. The Proposer forbears to offer any Method for the re­gulating of it, because he is in Hopes that those that are better qualified will do it to a greater Advantage; and it will be more regarded, if done by Persons of Character, and not of so low a Station of Life. In order to make this Design the more pub­lick, [Page 27]the following Advertise­ment was put into the Gazette, Nov. 20, 1731. viz.

‘" John Rushworth of North­hampton, Surgeon, having sent a Proposal to the Surgeons Com­pany of London, for the Im­provement of Surgery, in the Postscript to which he proposes the erecting an Infirmary in the Center of every County, for the receiving such Poor as shall want the Assistance of a good Surgeon; but thinking that not sufficient to promote it, he humbly offers it to the Consi­deration of the Gentlemen of England, conceiving it would be a great and as extensive a Charity as any that has been [Page 28]done since the Reformation, and hopes it may require no great Expence more than the Parishes are already obliged to do for their Poor, and doubts not but what is further wanting will be supplied by charitable disposed Persons, and shall be glad to have an Opportunity to subscribe fifty Pounds towards it in the Country where he lives."’

Therefore he hopes that the Gentlemen of this County will excuse him in humbly desiring them that are for the promoting this Charity, to meet at the County Sessions, or at what pro­per Time they shall think fit to appoint, for the taking it into Consideration; and if they ap­prove [Page 29]of it, he doubts not but they may put it upon such a Foundation, as may be an Ex­ample to other Counties.

Tho' I am sensible I may be censured for this, yet if the gi­ving this Hint does in the least contribute to the bringing to Perfection what I do so much de­sire, I shall value that more than any other Consideration.

Instead of an Encomium up­on that great Christian Duty, CHARITY, to enforce this, I shall only mention the following Words of our Saviour, as wrote by St. Luke, the beloved Physi­cian; When thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind; and thou shalt be blessed, for they cannot recompence thee; [Page 30]for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just. And if an Infirmary can be made ca­pable to receive the Incurables al­so, it will be making a continual Feast for those poor miserable People.

For the Satisfaction of those that gave themselves the Trouble of reading Rushworth's printed Letter to the Surgeons Compa­ny, the following Letter is in­serted.


ABout two Months ago, I was sent for to a Gentleman about 50 Years of Age, who had a Mortification on the back of his Foot, from an internal Cause. [Page 31]Upon sight of it, I scarified it and dress'd it up, S. A. and his Physicians ordered him the Conf. Raleigh. Rad. Serpt. Ther. V. &c. of the establish'd Medicines. Next Day Mr. Serjeant Dickins and Mr. Chesselden were consulted, and they confirmed what we had done, and desir'd us to go on, which we did to no manner of Purpose, for eight Days, for the Mortification encreased, and the Fever did not abate, upon which we had another Consulation, in which we agreed, that in all pro­bability he would not hold out 24 Hours longer: Then Mr. Dic­kins propos'd the Bark, not upon his own Experience, but upon your Authority, and Mr. Serjeant Amyand (who had also made se­veral [Page 32]successful Experiments with it) which was with some Diffi­culty agreed to. Upon taking the Bark the Fever soon left him, the Mortification stopt, the Wound digested, and the Sloughs cast off, to the great Surprize of every one that ever saw or heard of it. I think this new Use of the Bark (for which we are more oblig'd to you, than to him who first shewed the Use of it in In­termitting Fevers) is of too much Consequence, not to be commu­nicated to the Fraternity; there­fore I beg the Favour of you to fend me a farther Account of the send me a farther Account of the Experience you have had of the Use of the Bark in Mortifica­tions, than you gave in your printed Letter to our Company, [Page 33](which Mr. Serjeant Amyand, our present Master, was so kind as to shew me) and it shall be inserted in your own Words and the Fa­vour gratefully acknowledged, by, Sir,

Your most obedient humble Servant, Jo. Douglas.

As this gives me Reason to desire the Surgeons Company farther to take my Letter into Consideration; so I take this Opportunity once again, to de­sire the Gentlemen of England, to consider what I before propo­sed, (in an Advertisement in the Gazette, Nov. 20, 1731.) for erecting an Infirmary in every [Page 34]County; for I shall be very sorry if I must own, (excepting Lon­don) in this Kingdom there does not appear, that generous Re­gard to the Health, and Life of Man, as in several Foreign Parts; and if their Charitable Care of the poor Sick and Maimed, be an Effect of their Religion. I blush to think, that we (who call our selves the Reform'd) should come so far short of them in this great Christian Duty: And as the Gentlemen of this County, did not think fit to take any Notice of what I proposed to them, I shall be very ready to subscribe fifty Pounds, if an Infirmary be erected in any neighbouring County, that the Poor may not suffer for Want of Advice and [Page 35]Medicines, as the Rich often do, by having too much.

It is necessary that I intimate to all Surgeons, what I have mention'd to our Company (in a Letter the 17th of this Month) that I would not be understood by my printed Letter, as if the Bark would answer in Mortifica­tions from all internal Causes, for in some it is not proper, as Sur­geons may easily suggest to themselves.

And that the Aspersion of the Adage of Tres; Duo; may not be cast upon Surgeons, as it is upon the Practicers of the other Branch of Physick: I shall con­clude with heartily wishing, that we may endeavour to prove our selves Christians, by being kind­ly [Page 36]affectioned one towards an­other, and also publick Spirit­ed; not seeking meerly our own Things, but every one also the Things of others, i. e. The Com­mon Good.

Having within these few Days met with an Account formerly given (by an ingenious Physician in his Time) of great Cures (in Surgery) done by Mineral Wa­ters; (it has given me great Sa­tisfaction, in hopes that the Water at the Dog and Duck in Southwark, mentioned in the Letter of our worthy Master, Mr. Serjeant Amyand, may prove of great Use in Cancers) among many rational Thoughts how this is performed, he takes no­tice, [Page 37]That as the Juice of deli­cious Fruit, plays upon the Or­gans of Tast, so doth the right Healing Waters upon the Ulcers: at first touch, it seems to tear the Flesh off deeper, but im­mediately changes the beginning of deep Pain into a deeper Plea­sure; and after many Assaults and quick Slidings, the Rugosi­ties of the Wounds, or of the Liquor, or of both, are by their dancing Vibrations smooth'd into a delightful Accord; and we may perceive, how some Waters, may by their rolling Particles, be the greatest Probes, and yet the surest Searchers, Cleansers, and Healers. And hence also on the contrary, we may see, how some Waters, which cure Ulcers [Page 38]and Cancers by outward Appli­cation, may be too busily corro­sive and dangerous, if taken inwardly.

He mentions several of the old Holy-wells, so call'd; one he says he can affirm upon his own knowledge, has done many Cures, upon putrid and faetid Ulcers, which were many Years deplored for incurable, he had seen it tried often, and always to good effect, sometimes con­siderably wonderful; it is some­what asperous, but pleasing to malignant Ulcers.

Now I fear the Monks and Priests making an ill Use of these Wells, by pretending they had their sanative Vertues given to them by their Saints, and by lea­ding [Page 39]the People to Superstition thereby, has been a great Means to bring them out of Credit, by which many miserable Peo­ple may have been deprived of the great Benefit they might have received by them; and therefore it may be necessary at this time to take them again into consi­deration, by comparing some of the Waters, of the old Holy-wells, with those at the Dog and Duck; and also that they may with di­ligent and strict Observation (by some neighbouring Surgeon) be tried upon Cancers; that no Care may be wanting to promote so great and good a Work, as the Cure of Cancers.


PAge 10. line the last, for Sub- read Subjects. p. 26. l. 11. for bring r. bringing, p. 31. l. 4. for Pher r. Ther.

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