AN ACCOUNT OF THE PROCEEDINGS Against the Rebels, and other Prisoners, Tried before the Lord Chief Justice Jefferies, and other Judges in the West of England, in 1685. for taking Arms under the Duke of Monmouth.

With a compleat List of all the Persons that suffered, the Counties they suffered in, the Crimes they were tried for, and the Punish­ments inflicted on them.

Also an Account of what was done against those in Scotland, who took Arms there under the Earl of Argyle, &c. and against the Protestants in Ire­land, by the late King James, and his Deputy Tyrconnel.

Published from an Original Manuscript.

To which is prefix'd, The Duke of Monmouth's, the Earl of Argyle's, and the Pretender's Declarations, that the Reader may the better judge of the Cause of the several Rebellions.

With what Measure you meet, it shall be measured to you again, Mat. 7. 2.

The Third Edition.

LONDON: Printed for Andrew Bell, at the Cross Keys and Bible in Cornhill, near Stock's Market; and J Baker, and Tho. Warner, at the Black Boy in Pater-noster-row. 1716. Price One Shilling.


THE Faction now having lost all Hopes of Success by their unnatural Rebellion, they apply themselves with the utmost Industry and Malice to cry down the Proceedings of Ju­stice against the Rebels who are taken, as Barba­rous and cruel, and having no Precedent in Hi­story. This Clamour is so very ill founded, and so remote from Truth, that it might be justly thought needless to give it any Answer; but since it is made use of by the Party farther to in­cense the ignorant Mob against the Government, it can't be thought amiss to convict our Adversa­ries of Falshood, by putting them in mind of the barbarous Cruelty of the late King James II. a­gainst those who took Arms under the Duke of Monmouth, and the Earl of Argyle in Scotland; and likewise of that Prince's Barbarity to the Protestants in Ireland, after the Revolution.

These Things are still remember'd by Thou­sands of Eye-Witnesses, and therefore can admit of no Contradiction, but from such as have bid Defiance to Truth, because they know the Inte­rest of Tyranny and Popery, which they espouse, can never be supported by any other Methods than Cruelty and Falshood.

[Page iv] I shall begin with the Proceedings in that King's Reign against those who took Arms in the West of England under the Duke of Monmouth. The Lists of those who were executed, or other­wise punish'd on that Account, are in the follow­ing Treatise, and more large and exact than what has yet been published; so that I shall say nothing of them here, but proceed to give some Account of the Difference betwixt that and the present Rebellion.

Every one knows, that those who join'd the Duke of Monmouth did not do it till after King James II. had declared himself a Papist, and con­trary to Law encourag'd those of his own Per­swasion to set up their Worship publickly; and he had likewise in an arbitrary and tyrannical Manner invaded our Civil Liberties, as may be seen by the Duke of Monmouth's Declaration, and that of the Earl of Argyle.

The DECLARATION of James Duke of Monmouth, and the No­blemen, Gentlemen, and others, now in Arms for the Defence and Vindication of the Protestant Reli­gion, and the Laws, Rights, and Privileges of England.

' AS Government was originally instituted by God, and this or that Form of it chosen and submitted to by Men, for the Peace, Happiness, and Security of the Governed, and not for the private Interest, and personal [Page v] Greatness of those that rule; so that Govern­ment hath always been esteemed the best, where the Supreme Magistrates have been invested with all the Power and Prerogatives that might capacitate them, not only to preserve the Peo­ple from Violence and Oppression, but to pro­mote their Prosperity; and yet, where no­thing was to belong to them by the Rules of the Constitution, that might enable them to injure and oppress them. And it hath been the Glory of England, above most other Nations, that the Prince had all entrusted with him that was necessary, either for the advancing the Welfare of the People, or for his own Prote­ction in the Discharge of the Office; and withal stood so limited and restrained by the Funda­mental Terms of the Constitution, that with­out a Violation of his own Oath, as well as the Rules and Measures of the Government, he could do them no Hurt, nor exercise any Act of Authority, but through the Administration of such Hands as stood obnoxious to be punished in case they transgressed: So that according to the primitive Frame of the Government, the Prerogatives of the Crown, and the Privileges of the Subject, are so far from jostling one a­nother, that the Rights reserved unto the Peo­ple tended to render the King Honourable and Great, and the Prerogatives settled on the Prince were in order to the Subjects Protection and Safety. But all Human Things being sub­ject to Perversion, as well as Decay, it hath been the Fate of the English Government to be often changed, and wrested from what it was in the first Settlement and Institution. And we are particularly compelled to say, that all the Boundaries of the Government have of late [Page vi] been broken, and nothing less unattempted for turning our limited Monarchy into an absolute Tyranny: For such hath been the Transaction of Affairs within this Nation for several Years last past, that though the Protestant Religion and Liberties of the People were fenced and hedged about by as many Laws, as the Wisdom of Man can devise for their Preservation against Popery and Arbitrary Power, our Religion hath been all along countermined by popish Counsels, and our Privileges ravished from us by Fraud and Violence. And more especially the whole Course and Series of the Life of the D. of Y. hath been but one continued Conspi­racy against the Reformed Religion, and the Rights of the Nation: For, whoever considers his contriving the burning of London, his insti­gating a Confederacy with France, and a War with Holland, fomenting the Popish Plot, and encouraging the Murther of Sir Ed. Godfrey, his charging Treason against Protestants, sub­orning Witnesses to swear the Patriots of our Religion and Liberties out of their Lives; his hiring execrable Villains to assassinate the late Earl of Essex, and causing those others to be clandestinely cut off in Hopes to conceal it; his advising and procuring the Prorogation and Dissolution of Parliaments, in order to prevent their looking into his Crimes, and that he might escape the Justice of the Nation; such can i­magine nothing so black and horrid in it self, or so ruinous and destructive to Religion and the Kingdom, which we may not expect from him.'

' The very Tyrannies which he hath exerci­sed since he snatched the Crown from his Bro­ther's Head, do leave none under a Possibility [Page vii] of flattering themselves with Hopes of Safety, either in their Consciences, Persons, or E­states: For, in Defiance of all the Laws and Statutes of the Realm, made for the Security of the Reformed Protestant Religion, he not only began his Reign with a bare-fac'd Avow­ing himself of the Romish Religion, but call'd in Multitudes of Priests and Jesuits, for whom the Law makes it Treason to come into this King­dom; and hath impower'd them to exercise I­dolatries: And besides his being daily present at the Worship of the Mass, he hath publickly assisted at the greatest Fopperies of their Su­perstition. Neither hath he been more tender in trampling upon the Laws which concern our Properties, seeing in two Proclamations, whereof the one requires the collecting of the Customs, and the other the continuing that part of the Excise which was to expire at the late King's Death; he hath violently, and a­gainst all the Law of the Land, broken in up­on our Estates. Neither is it any Extenuation of his Tyranny, that he is countenanced in it by an extrajudicial Opinion of seven or eight suborned and forsworn Judges; but rather de­claring the Greatness and Extent of the Conspi­racy against our Rights; and that there is no Means left for our Relief, but by Force of Arms: For, advancing those to the Bench that were the Scandal of the Bar; and constituting those very Men to declare the Laws, who are ac­cused and branded in Parliament for pervert­ing them, we were precluded all Hopes of Ju­stice in Westminster-Hall: And by packing Ju­ries together by false Returns, new illegal Charters, and other corrupt Means, he doth at once deprive us of all Expectations of Succour [Page viii] where our Ancestors were wont to find it; and hopes to render that which ought to be the People's Fences against Tyranny, and the Con­servator of their Liberties, the Means of sub­verting all our Laws, and of establishing of his Arbitrariness, and confirming our Thraldom. So that unless we could be contented to see the Reformed Protestant Religion, and such as profess it, extirpated, Popish Superstition and Idolatry establish'd, the Laws of the Land trampled under Foot, the Liberties and Rights of the English People subverted, and all that is Sacred and Civil, or of Regard amongst Men of Virtue or Piety, violated; and unless we could be willing to be Slaves as well as Papists, and forget the Example of our Noble and Generous Ancestors, who conveyed our Privileges to us at the Expence of their Blood and Treasure; and withal, be unmindful of our Duty to God, our Country and Posterity; deaf to the Cries and Groans of our oppressed Friends, and be satisfied not only to see them and our selves imprison'd, robb'd, and murdered, but the Pro­testant Interest throughout the whole World, betrayed to France and Rome; we are bound, as Men and Christians, and that in Discharge of our Duty to God, and our Country, and for the Satisfaction of the Protestant Nations round about us, to betake our selves to Arms; which we take Heaven and Earth to witness, we should not have done, had not the Malice of our Enemies deprived us of all other Means of Redress; and were not the Miseries that we al­ready feel, and those which do further threaten us, worse than the Calamities of War. And it is not for any personal Injuries, or private Dis­contents, nor in pursuance of any corrupt In­terest, [Page ix] that we take our Swords in our Hands; but for vindicating our Religion, Laws and Rights, and rescuing our Country from Ruin and Destruction, and for the preserving our selves, Wives and Children, from Bondage and Idolatry. Wherefore, before God, Angels and Men, we stand acquitted from, and do charge upon our Enemies, all the Slaughter and De­vastations that unavoidably accompany inte­stine War.'

' Now, therefore, we do hereby solemnly de­clare and proclaim War against J. D. of Y. as a Murderer, and an Assassin of innocent Men, a Traytor to the Nation, and a Tyrant over the People: And we would have none that ap­pear under his Banner to flatter themselves with Expectation of Forgiveness, it being our firm Resolution to prosecute him, and his Adhe­rents, without giving Way to Treaties and Ac­commodations, until we have brought him and them to undergo what the Rule of the Constitution, and the Statutes of the Realm, as well as the Laws of Nature, Scripture, and Nations, adjudge to be Punishment due to the Enemies of God, Mankind, their Country, and all Things that are Honourable, Virtuous, and Good.'

' And though we cannot avoid being sensible that too many have, from Cowardise, Cove­tousness and Ambition, co-operated to the subverting of our Religion, and enslaving their Country; yet we would have none, from a Despair of finding Mercy, persevere in their Crimes, nor continue the Ruin of the King­dom: For we exclude none from the Benefit of Repentance, that will join with us in retrie­ving that they have been accessary to the Loss [Page x] of: Nor do we design Revenge upon any, but the obstinate, and such as shall be found at this Juncture yielding Aid and Assistance to the said J. D. of Y.'

' And that we may both govern our selves in the Pursuit of this glorious Cause wherein we are engaged, and give Encouragement to all that shall assist us in so righteous and necessary an Undertaking, we do, in the Presence of the Lord, who knoweth the Secrets of all Hearts, and is the Avenger of Deceit and Falshood, proclaim and publish what we aim at; and for the obtaining whereof, we have both determi­ned to venture, and are ready to lay down our Lives. And though we are not come into the Field to introduce Anarchy and Confusion, or for laying aside any Part of the Old English Go­vernment, yet our Purposes and Resolutions are, to reduce Things to that Temperament and Ballance, that future Rulers may remain able to do all the Good that can be either desi­red or expected from them: and that it may not be in their Power to invade the Rights, and infringe the Liberties of the People.'

' And whereas our Religion, the most valua­ble thing we lay claim unto, hath been shaken by unjust Laws, undermined by Popish Coun­sels, and is now in Danger to be subverted, we are therefore resolved to spend our Blood for preserving it to our selves and Posterity: Nor will we lay down our Arms till we see it esta­blished and secured beyond all Probability of being supplanted and overthrown, and until all the Penal Laws against all Protestant Dissenters be repealed, and legal Provision made against their being disturbed, by reason of their Consciences, and for their enjoying [Page xi] an equal Liberty with other Protestants.'

' And that the Meekness and Purity of our Principles, and the Moderation and Righte­ousness of our End may appear unto all Men, we do declare, That we will not make War up­on or destroy any for their Religion, how false and erroneous soever: So that the very Papists, provided they withdraw from the Tents of our Enemies, and be not found Guil­ty of conspiring our Destruction, or Abettors of them that seek it, have nothing to fear or apprehend from us, except what may hinder their altering our Laws, and endangering our Persons in the Profession of the Reformed Do­ctrine, and Exercise of our Christian Worship.'

' Our Resolution in the next Place is, To maintain all the just Rights and Privileges of Parliament, and to have Parliaments annually chosen and held, and not prorogued, dissolved, or discontinued within the Year, before Peti­tions be first answered, and Grievances redres­sed.'

' And seeing many of the Miseries under which the Nation doth groan, arise from dis­placing such out of the Number of Judges as would not, for the promoting Popish and Ar­bitrary Designs, wrest and misapply the Laws, and from constituting Corrupt and Mercenary Men in their Rooms, on purpose to stretch the Laws beyond the Reason and Intention of them; and to declare that for Law which is not; we can neither with Silence pass over the mention­ing of them; nor should we have Peace in our selves, if we did not endeavour to prevent the like Mischief in Time to come. For by Reason of ill Men's being advanced to the Bench, and holding their Places only durante bene placito, [Page xii] many Persons have been condemned in exorbi­tant Fines for no Crimes, or for very small ones: Many Statutes made for the Safety of the Subject, particularly the Habeas Corpus Act, have been wickedly eluded, to the Oppression of the Innocent and Loyal Men. The Popish Lords that were impeached in Parliament for a most hellish Conspiracy, have, to the sub­verting the Rights of the House of Lords, been discharged, and set free. The imposing a Mayor and Sheriffs upon the City of London, by Fraud and Violence, have been justified, and those who in discharge of their Duty op­posed it, illegally prosecuted, and arbitrarily punished. London, and other Cities and Cor­porations, have been robbed of their Char­ters, upon unrighteous Judgments of pretended Forfeitures. Sir Thomas Armstrong executed without being allowed the Benefit of a Tryal. Colonel Algernoon Sidney condemn'd to die up­on the Deposition of one scandalous Witness. And that Loyal and Excellent Person, the late William Lord Russel, murthered for alledged Crimes; in reference to which, if all had been true which was sworn against him, yet there was nothing which according to Law could have reached his Life. Upon the Considera­tions aforesaid, we further declare, that we will have Care taken for the future, for the debar­ring ignorant, scandalous, and mercenary Men from the Administration of Justice; and that the Judges shall hold their Places by the anci­ent Tenure of quam diu se bene gesserint; and to leave it to the Wisdom of a Parliament, to set­tle some Way and Method for the Approbation of such as shall be advanced to the Degree and Dignity of Judges.'

[Page xiii] ' And forasmuch as the Invasion made on the Right of Cities, Burroughs, and Towns Cor­porate; the Seisure of their Charters, whether by Surrender, or upon pretence of Forfeiture, have been wholly arbitrary and illegal; we likewise therefore declare, we will, to our ut­most, endeavour to see them repossessed in what they formerly had, and could legally lay claim to; and that we do esteem all Judgments given against them, and all Surrenders made by a cor­rupt and perjured Party amongst them, null and void in Law; and do hold and declare their old Charters, notwithstanding the new ones lately granted, to be good and valid: And ac­cordingly we do invite and encourage all ho­nest Burgesses and Free-men to re-assume the Rights and Privileges, which by Virtue of the said old Charters, belonged to their several and respective Corporations; and to deliver them­selves from those late Parasites, and Instru­ments of Tyranny set up to oppress them.'

' Moreover, for the restoring the Kingdom to its Primitive Condition of Freedom and Safety, we will have the Corporation and Militia Acts repealed: And all Outlawries of Treason against any Person whatsoever, upon the late pretend­ed Portestant Plot, reversed; and also, all other Outlawries, Banishments, Warrants, Judg­ments, Imprisonments, and injurious Proceed­ings against any other Persons, upon any of the Penal Statutes made against Protestant Dis­senters, made null and void. And we will have new Laws enacted for placing the Electi­on of Sheriffs in the Freeholders of the several Countries, for settling the Militia in the several Shires, and for preventing all Military standing Forces, except what shall be raised and kept up [Page xiv] by Authority and Consent of Parliament.'

' And whereas several Gentlemen and others, who have been worthy and zealous Assertors of the Protestant Interest, and Laws of the Kingdom, are now in Custody in divers Places within the Realm, upon most unjust Accusati­ons, Pretences, Proceedings and Judgments; we do hereby further declare the said Imprison­ments to be illegal; and that in case any Vio­lence shall be offered to them, or any of them, we will revenge it to the utmost upon such of our Enemies as shall fall into our Hands.'

' And whereas the said J. D. of Y. in order to the expenditing the Idolatrous and Bloody De­signs of the Papists, the gratifying his own boundless Ambition after a Crown, and to hin­der Enquiry into the Assassination of Arthur Earl of Essex, hath poyson'd the late King, and thereby manifested his Ingratitude, as well as Cruelty to the World, in murthering a Brother who had almost ruin'd himself to preserve and protect him from Punishment; We do there­fore further declare, That for the aforesaid villanous and unnatural Crime, and other his Crimes before mentioned, and in pursuance of the Resolution of both House of Parliament, who voted to revenge the King's Death, in case he came to an untimely End, we will prose­cute the said J. D. of Y. till we have brought him to suffer what the Law adjudged to be the Punishment of so execrable a Fact.'

' And in a more particular manner, His Grace the Duke of Manmouth, being sensible of the barbarous and horried Parricide committed upon his Father, doth resolve to pursue the said J. D. of Y. as a mortal and bloody Enemy; and will endeavour, as well with his own Hand, as [Page xv] by the Assistance of his Friends, and the Law, to have Justice executed upon him.'

' And the said James Duke of Monmouth, the now Head and Captain-General of the Prote­stant Forces in this Kingdom, assembled for the End aforesaid, from the Generousness of his own Nature, and the Love he bears to these Nations, whose Welfare and Settlement he in­finitely prefers to whatsoever concerns himself, doth not at present insist upon his Title, but leaves the Determination thereof to the Wis­dom, Justice, and Authority of a Parliament legally chosen, and acting with Freedom; and in the mean time doth profess and declare, by all that is sacred, That he will, in Conjun­ction with the People of England, employ all the Abilities bestowed upon him by God and Nature, for the Re-establishment and Preserva­tion of the Protestant Reformed Religion in these Kingdoms, and for restoring the Subjects of the same to a free Exercise thereof, in Op­position to Popery, and the Consequences of it, Tyranny and Slavery. To the obtaining of which End, he doth hereby Promise and Ob­lige himself to the People of England, to con­sent unto, and promote the passing into Laws all the Methods aforesaid; that it may never more be in the Power of any single Person on the Throne, to deprive their Subjects of their Rights, and to subvert the Fundamental Laws of the Government design'd for their Preservation.'

' And whereas the Nobility and Gentry, and Commons of Scotland, are now in Arms upon the like Motives and Inducements that we are, and in Prosecution of Ends agreeable with ours, we do therefore approve the Justice of their Cause, com­mend their Zeal and Courage, expecting their, [Page xvi] and promising our Assistance, for carrying on that Glorious Work we are jointly engaged in; being obliged, avoiding Tediousness, to omit the recounting many Oppressions under which that Kingdom hath groaned, and the giving a De­duction of the several Steps that have been ta­ken for introducing of Popery and Tyranny. We think fit, therefore, to signifie both to our Coun­try-men and Foreigners, that we intend a larger Testimony and Remonstrance of the Grievances, Persecutions, Cruelties and Tyrannies, we have of late lain under; and therein a full and more particular Account of the unparallel'd Crimes of the D. of Y. And we make our Appeal unto GOD, and all Protestant Kings, Princes, States, and People, concerning the Justice of our Cause, and the Necessity we are reduced unto of ha­ving our Recourse to Arms. And as we do be­seech, require and adjure all sincere Protestants, and true English Men, to be assisting to us against the Enemies of the Gospel, Rights of the Na­tion, and Liberties of Mankind; so we are con­fident of obtaining the utmost Aid and Succour which they can yield us with their Prayers, Persons, and Estates, for the dethroning the said Tyrant, &c. Nor do we doubt being justi­fied, countenanced, and assisted by all Prote­stant Kings, Princes, and Common-wealths, who either regard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or their own Interest. And above all, our De­pendance and Trust is upon the Lord of Hosts, in whose Name we go forth, and to whom we commit our Cause, and refer the Decision be­twixt us and our Enemies in the Day of Battle. Now let us play the Men for our People, and for the Cities of our GOD; and the Lord do that which seemeth good unto him.'

A DECLARATION of Archibald, Earl of Argyle, Lord Kintyre, Cowall, Campbell and Lorn, He­ritable Sheriff, and Lieutenant of the Shires of Argyle and Tarbette, and Heritable Justice General of the said Shires.

' I Shall not publish my Case published alrea­dy in Print, in Latin, and in Dutch, and more largely in English; nor mean I to repeat the printed Declaration emitted by several No­blemen, Gentlemen, and others of both Nati­ons now in Arms, because the Sufferings of me and my Family, are therein mention'd. I have thought it fit for me to declare for my self, that as I go to Arms with those who have appointed me to conduct them, for no private and personal End, only for those contained in the said Declaration, which I have concerted with them, and approved of; so I do claim no Interest, but what I had before the Pretended Forfeiture of my Family, and have a sufficient Right to.'

' And that I do freely (and as a Christian) forgive all personal Injuries against my Person and Family, to all that shall not oppose, but join and concur with us in our present Under­taking, for the Ends mentioned in the said De­claration; and hereby I oblige my self never to pursue them in Judgment, nor out of Judgment. And I do further declare, That obtaining the [Page xviii] quiet and peaceable Possession of what belong'd to my Father and my self, before our pretend­ed Forfeitures, I shall satisfy all Debts due by my Father and my self, as any Heir or Debtor can be obliged.'

' And as my Faithfulness to his late Majesty, and his Government; hath sufficiently appear'd to all unbyassed Persons, void of Malice, so I do with Grief acknowledge my Fault in too much complying with, and conniving at the Methods that have been taken to bring us to the sad Condition we are now in, though God knows never concurring in the Design.'

' I have now with God's Strength suffer'd pa­tiently my unjust Sentence and Banishment 3 Years and half, and have never offered to make any Uproar, or Defence by Arms, to disturb the Peace upon my private Concern; but the King being now dead, and the Duke of York having taken off his Mask, and abandoned and invaded our Religion and Liberties, resolving to enter into the Government, and exercising it contrary to Law, I think it not only just, but my Duty to God and my Country, to use my utmost Endeavours to oppose and redress his Usurpations and Tyranny.'

' And therefore being assisted and furnished very nobly by several good Protestants, and in­vited and accompanied by several of both Na­tions to lead them, I resolve, as God shall ena­ble me, to use their Assistance of all Kinds, towards the Ends exprest in the said Declaration.'

' And I do hereby earnestly Invite and Obtest all honest Protestants, and particularly all my Friends, and Blood Relations, to concur with us in the said Declaration; and as I have writ­ten several Letters, so having no other Way [Page xix] fully to intimate my Mind otherwise, I do hereby require all my Vassals any where, and all within my several Jurisdictions, with their fencible Men within their Command, to go to Arms, and to join and concur with us accord­ing to the said Declaration, as they shall be an­swerable at their Peril; and that they obey the particular Orders they shall receive from me, from Time to come.'

By these 'tis plain that those unfortunate Lords, and others who join'd them, took up Arms in Defence of our Religion and Liberties, which were then invaded, and as it afterwards appear'd, were design'd to be totally subverted.

But the present Rebellion is rais'd in Oppositi­on to our Laws for maintaining the Protestant Succession, and British Liberties, which James II. had destroy'd as far as he cou'd, and wou'd in all Probability have compleated the Ruin of them, had not God by a wonderful Turn of Providence spirited the Nations to call in the Prince of Orange to their Rescue. Nor would the Pretender have fail'd to prosecute the same wicked Designs which had been set on Foot by his supposed Fa­ther; as will appear by his Declaration publish'd at Perth, as follows;

The Pretender's Declaration.

' JAmes VIII. by the Grace of God, of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, King, Defen­der of the Faith, &c.
to all Our Loving Sub­jects, of what Degree or Quality soever, Greet­ing.

As we are firmly resolved never to lose any Opportunity of asserting Our undoubted [Page xx] Title to the Imperial Crown of these Realms, and of endeavouring to get the Possession of that Right which is devolved upon Us by the Laws of God and Man; so must We, in Justice to the Sentiments of Our own Heart, declare, That nothing in the World can give Us so great Satisfaction, as to owe to the Endeavours of Our Loyal Subjects both Our own and their Restoration to that happy Settlement which can alone deliver this Church and Nation from the Calamities which they lie at present under, and from these future Miseries which must be the Consequences of the present Usurpation. During the Life of Our dear Sister, of Glorious Memory, the Happiness which our People enjoyed, softened, in some Degree, the Hard­ship of our own Fate; and we must further confess that when we reflected on the Good­ness of her Nature, and her Inclination to Ju­stice, We could not but perswade Our self, that she intended to establish and perpetuate the Peace which she had given to these Kingdoms, by destroying for ever all Competition to the Succession of the Crown, and by consenting to us, at last, the Enjoyment of that Inheri­tance out of which we had been so long kept, which her Conscience must inform Her was our Due, and which her Principles must lead her to desire, that We might obtain. But since the Time, it pleased God to put a Period to her Life, and not to suffer Us to throw Our self, as We then firmly purposed to have done, upon Our People; We have not been able to look upon the present Condition of Our Kingdoms, or to consider their future Prospect, without all the Horror and Indignation which ought to fill the Breast of every Scotsman. We have be­held [Page xxi] a Foreign Family, Aliens to our Country, distant in Blood, and Strangers even to our Language, ascend the Throne. We have seen the Reins of Government put into the Hands of a Faction, and that Authority which was de­sign'd for the Protection of all, exercised by a few of the worst, to the Oppression of the best and greatest Number of Our Subjects. Our Sister has not been left at Rest in her Grave, her Name has been scurrilously abused, her Glory, as far as in these People lay, inso­lently defaced, and her faithful Servants inhu­manly persecuted. A Parliament has been pro­cured by the most unwarrantable Influences, and by the grossest Corruptions to serve the vilest Ends, and they, who ought to be the Guardians of the Liberties of the People, are become the Instruments of Tyranny: Whilst the principal Powers engaged in the late Wars, do enjoy the Blessings of Peace, and are atten­tive to discharge their Debts, and ease their People; Great Britain, in the midst of Peace, feels all the Load of War. New Debts are contracted, new Armies are raised at Home, Dutch Forces are brought into these King­doms, and by taking Possession of the Dutchy of Bremen, in Violation of the Publick Faith, a Door is opened by the Usurper, to let in an Inundation of Foreigners from abroad, and to reduce these Nations to the State of a Province, to one of the most inconsiderable Provinces of the Empire.'

' These are some few of the many real Evils into which these Kingdoms have been betray­ed, under Pretence of being rescued and se­cured from Dangers purely imaginary; and these are such Consequences of abandoning [Page xxii] the old Constitution, as we perswade Our selves very many of those who promoted the present unjust and illegal Settlement never intended.'

' We observe, with the utmost Satisfaction, that the Generality of Our Subjects are awa­ken'd with a just Sense of their Danger, and that they shew themselves resolv'd to take such Measures as may effectually rescue them from that Bondage which has, by the Artifice of a few designing Men, and the Concurrence of ma­ny unhappy Causes, been brought upon them.'

' We adore the Wisdom of Divine Provi­dence, which has opened a Way to our Resto­ration, by the Success of those very Measures that were laid to disappoint Us for ever: And We must earnestly conjure all Our Loving Subjects, not to suffer that Spirit to faint or die away, which has been so miraculously rai­sed in all Parts of our Kingdom; but to pursue, with all the Vigour and Hopes of Success, which so Just and Righteous a Cause ought to inspire, those Methods, which the Finger of God seems to point out to them.'

' We are coming to take Our Part in all the Dangers and Difficulties to which any of Our Subjects, from the Greatest down to the Mean­est, may be exposed, on this important Occa­sion, to relieve our Subjects in Scotland from the Hardships they groan under, on account of the late unhappy Union; and to restore the Kingdom to its Ancient, Free, and Indepen­dent State. We have before our Eyes the Ex­ample of Our Royal Grandfather, who sell a Sacrifice to Rebellion; and of Our Royal Un­cle, who, by a Train of Miracles, escaped the Rage of Barbarous and Blood-thirsty Rebels, and lived to exercise his Clemency towards those [Page xxiii] who had waged War against his Father and himself; who had driven him to seek Shelter in Foreign Lands, and who had even set a Price upon his Head.'

' We see the same Instances of Cruelty renew­ed against Us, by Men of the same Principles, without any other Reason, than the Conscious­ness of their own Guilt, and the implacable Ma­lice of their own Hearts: For in the Account of such Men, it's a Crime sufficient to be their King; but God forbid that we should tread in these Steps, or that the Cause of a Lawsul Prince, and an Injuried People, should be carried on like that of Tyranny and Usurpation, and owe its Support to Assassins. We shall copy after the Patterns above-mentioned, and be ready with the former of Our Royal Ancestors, to Seal the Cause of our Country, if such be the Will of Heaven, with Our Blood: But we hope for better Things, we hope for the latter, to see our just Rights, and those of the Church and People of Scotland, once more settled in a Free and Independent Scots Parliament, on their an­cient Foundation; to such a Parliament, which we will immediately call, shall we entirely re­fer Our, and their Interests, being sensible that these Interests rightly understood, are always the same: Let the Civil, as well as Religious Rights of all our Subjects, receive a Confirma­tion in such a Parliament; let Consciences tru­ly tender be indulged; let Property of every Kind be better than ever secured; let an Act of General Grace and Amnesty, extinguish the Faults, even of the most Guilty; if possible, let the very Remembrance of all which have preceeded this happy Moment, be utterly blot­ted out, that our Subjects may be united to Us, [Page xxiv] and to each other, in the strictest Bonds of Af­fection, as well as Interest.'

' And that nothing may be omitted, which is in Our Power to contribute to this desirable End; we do, by these Presents, absolutely and effectually, for Us, Our Heirs and Suc­cessors, Pardon, Remit and Discharge all Crimes of High-Treason, Misprision of Trea­son, and all other Crimes and Offences what­soever done or committed against Us, or Our Royal Father of blessed Memory, by any of Our Subjects, of what Degree or Quality soever, who shall, at, or after Our Landing, and before they engage in any Action against Us, or Our For­ces, from that Time, lay hold on Mercy, and return to that Duty and Allegiance they owe to Us, their only Rightful and Lawful Sovereign.'

' By the joint Endeavours of Us and Our Par­liament, urged by these Motives, and directed to these Views, we may hope to see the Peace and Flourishing Estate of this Kingdom, in a short Time restor'd; and we shall be equally forward to concert with our Parliament such further Measures as may be thought necessary for leaving the same to future Generations.'

' And we hereby require all Sheriffs of Shires, Stewarts of Stewartries, and their Deputies, and Magistrates of Burghs, to publish this Our Declaration, immediately after it shall come to their Hands, in the usual Place and Man­ner, under the Pain of being proceeded against for Failure thereof, and forfeiting the Benefit of our General Pardon.'

[Page xxv] It is to be observed, That the Declarations by the Duke of Monmouth, and the Earl of Argyle, insist on such Acts of Tyranny committed by James II. as all the World knew to be true, whereas the Pretender, and those who have now rebell'd for the Support of his Claim, have no such Thing to charge upon King GEORGE, but traiterously misrepresent the legal Methods which he has taken, with Consent of Parliament, for the Defence of our Religion and Liberties, and retrieving the Honour of the Nation, on purpose to inflame the High-Church Mob.

It also deserves a Remark, that tho' the Duke of Monmouth was so weak as to be prevail'd on by the Importunity of those who join'd him, to take the Title of King, yet he did not posi­tively assert this Title to the Crown in his Decla­ration, but left it to be Determined by Parlia­ment; whereas King James II. never offer'd to submit the Examination of the Pretender's Birth to a Parliament, to whom the Prince of Orange referr'd it, but on the contrary, abandon'd the Kingdom, with his Queen, the Pretender, and all the material Witnesses, as if he had been con­scious to himself, that such an Examination wou'd have fully discover'd the Cheat. Nor has the Pretender offer'd to make any Proof of his Le­gitimacy, or even to give such a feign'd Secu­rity for our Religion and Liberties as James II. did, but on the contrary did absolutely refuse the Scots Coronation Oath that was in Force be­fore the Union of the Crowns, because it oblig'd him to maintain the Protestant Religion, as esta­blish'd in that Nation in the Reign of Mary Queen of Scots, and confirm'd by her Son James VI. of Scotland, and the First of Great Britain.

[Page xxvi] This is enough to shew the Difference betwixt the Causes of the Rebellion against King James II. and that against King GEORGE; and tho' the latter has been much more universal and for­midable than the other, it will appear by the following Accounts, that the Proceedings against the present Rebels, have been kept within the due Bounds of Law, and temper'd with great Clemency, whereas those against the Rebels in the Time of James II. did not only exceed Law, but were carred on with such Barbarity as is shocking to Human Nature.

AN ACCOUNT OF THE PROCEEDINGS Against the Rebels, and other Prisoners, IN THE WEST.

  • Southamp­ton, ss.
    ALice Lisle , Widow, indicted for harbouring John Hicks , a Rebel, &c. tried, found Guilty, and executed.
Wilts, ss.
For High-Treason none Indicted.
Convicted for speaking se­ditious Words, seve­rally fin'd and whipt.
  • RIchard White,
  • William Ingram,
  • Stephen Moore,
  • John Palmer,
  • Morrice Morgan,
  • Benjamin Buckler,
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners executed for High Treason. In all Seventy four.
  • [Page 2]SAmuel Hilliard
  • Matthew Bragg
  • Benjamin Gray
  • Thomas Smith
  • Henry Ford
  • John Game
  • Joseph Speed
  • George Seaward
  • Joh. Foane, alias Fawne
  • Phillip Levermore
  • Robert Pinney
  • John Wills
  • Thomas Welch
  • Abraham Holmes
  • Josias Ascue
  • William Hewling
  • Leonard Jackson
  • John Haves
  • John Kidd
  • John Marders
  • Sampson Larke
  • Christoph. Bettescombe
  • Samuel Glisson
  • Henry Watts
  • Robert Bull
  • John Bull
  • Benjamin Sandford
  • John Lee
  • William Quintin
  • Thomas Clapp
  • [...] Cooke
  • George Collyer
  • John Beaumont, sen.
  • Thomas Forte
  • John Beavis
  • Tristram Elliott
  • Robert Slade
  • William Lancaster
  • John Burridge
  • John Hartley
  • George Smith
  • George Willmott
  • John Robins
  • Edward Leggatt
  • Roger Satchell
  • William Harte
  • John Leggatt
  • Francis Skinner
  • William Alston
  • George Puckeridge
  • Benjamin Temple
  • Thomas Tyler
  • Robert Machell
  • Henry Rowe
  • John Lawrence
  • Michael Abbott
  • Richard Hall
  • John Savage
  • Robert Whorwood
  • William Dilling
  • Andrew Tozer
  • William Hardiman
  • [Page 3] Thomas Jenkins
  • Robert Salter
  • Samuel Waldron
  • John Pulling
  • Andrew Ellis, alias Cos­sens
  • Josias Restorick
  • William Martin
  • Nicholas Hoare
  • Samuel Robins
  • William Cox, sen.
  • John Holloway
  • Adam Hawley
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners convicted for High Treason, to be delivered to Sir William Booth, to be Transported, being in all One Hundred.
  • EDward Luther
  • John Downe
  • Benjamin Crow
  • Thomas Bennett
  • John Fisher
  • John Manning
  • Robert Lumbard
  • William Wadford
  • Richard Keech
  • George Plumley
  • Thomas Allen
  • John Reason
  • John Spearing
  • Matthew Porter
  • Robert Spurway
  • John Edwards
  • John Hardyman
  • Bernard Bryant
  • John Minifie
  • John White
  • James Pomeroy
  • Robert Shale
  • Thomas Hore
  • Peter Row
  • John Loveridge
  • Elias Stephens
  • John Bridle
  • Thomas Parsons
  • Nicholas Palmer
  • Thomas Williams
  • Matthew Hutchins
  • Nicholas Smith
  • Emanuel Collins
  • Roger Hobbs
  • John Gay
  • Joseph Hallett
  • Nathaniel Webber
  • Edward Morton
  • James Salter
  • William Loveridge
  • Ambrose Ashford
  • Roger French
  • [Page 4] Nicholas Warren
  • William Wills
  • John Pryor
  • William Tucker
  • William Browne
  • Samuel Lawrence
  • John Hutchins
  • William Clarke
  • John Browne
  • Robert Burridge
  • Henry Tutcher
  • Thomas Burridge
  • John Allambridge
  • Thomas Cornelius
  • Humfrey Molton
  • Edward Willmott
  • William Williams
  • Thomas Marshall
  • Richard Paull
  • Joseph Paull
  • Hugh Willmott
  • John Johnson
  • Richard Allens
  • John Pitts
  • Stephen Gammage
  • Andrew Rapson
  • William Cossens
  • Jasper Diamond
  • Thomas Gregory
  • John Allen
  • Robert Hellyer
  • Thomas Allen
  • Thomas Best
  • Thomas Hellyer
  • John Long
  • William Bennett
  • John Markes
  • John Mitchell
  • John Madders
  • Thomas Hallett
  • John Alston
  • George Macey
  • John Pinney
  • Charles Strong
  • William Feade
  • William Saunders
  • James Spence
  • John Wilson
  • Edward Adams
  • John Adams
  • Arthur Lush
  • John Hutchins
  • Thomas Townsend
  • Thomas Bovett
  • John Truren
  • James Fowler
  • John White
  • Francis Langbridge
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners to be transported, to be deli­vered to Jerome Nipho, in all 62.
  • JOhn Mogridge
  • Thomas Quick
  • Nicholas Salter
  • Francis Smith
  • Richard Greene
  • William Marthers
  • [Page 5] John Facey
  • William Greenway
  • Richard Daniel
  • Peter Kent
  • Christopher Jewell
  • Abraham Thomas
  • John Baker
  • Samuel Prison
  • Robert Clarke
  • George Ebdon
  • Samuel Dolbeare
  • Benjamin Whicker
  • John Whicker
  • John Hitchcock
  • Thomas Forcey
  • William Giles
  • Joseph Gage
  • Robert Mullins
  • Robert Bryant, alias Hooper
  • Charles Broughton
  • Richard Parker
  • John Hayne
  • John Connet
  • Bernard Lowman
  • John Heathfield
  • Edward Ven
  • Richard Pyne
  • Thomas Pester
  • John Sam
  • Henry Symes
  • William Deale
  • William Haynes
  • Thomas Francklyn
  • William Gappy
  • Mallachy Mallack, re­prieved
  • Azariah Pinney
  • John Bovett
  • Robert Sandy
  • Thomas Dolling
  • Edward Marsh
  • John Eastmont
  • John Vincent
  • Allen England
  • Robert Vater
  • John Piew
  • Oliver Hobbs
  • Phillip Cox
  • Peter Ticken
  • William Clarke
  • Walter Osborne, repr.
  • Richard Hoare
  • Robert Fawne
  • Bartholomew Barge
  • Daniel Parker
  • Edward Wale
  • Peter Bagwell
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners to be delivered to Sir Chri­stopher Musgrave for Transporta­tion, &c. 16.
  • [Page 6]THomas England
  • Francis Pucket
  • William Combden
  • John Lock
  • John Gardiner
  • William Lush
  • John Sturrick
  • Samuel Paull
  • Robert White
  • John Woodward
  • William Sellwood
  • John Shinler
  • Matthew Elliott
  • John James, alias Jeane
  • John Sprake
  • John Bagwell
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners who had Certificates allow'd pursuant to his Majesty's Gracious Proclamation, 27.
  • RIchard Dammer
  • John Butcher, ju­nior
  • Seth Gough
  • Phillip Andrewes
  • John Bowditch
  • John Burridge
  • William Knight
  • Jacob Baker
  • Samuel Stoodley
  • George Rickman
  • Richard Burridge
  • James Pitts
  • Nicholas Hellyer
  • William Hardy
  • Thomas Calway
  • William White
  • Samuel Cossens
  • Nicholas Bartlett
  • John Butcher, senior
  • Daniel Butter
  • John Perkins
  • Adam Clarke
  • Robert Halston
  • Richard Stone
  • David Gardiner
  • William Rooper
  • John Rooper
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners humbly proposed for his Ma­jesty's gracious Pardon, 25.
  • [Page 7]THomas Gammidge
  • Stephen Cook
  • Nathaniel Swasfield
  • Reginold Clotworthy
  • Abel Pinnell
  • John Beaumont, junior
  • John Glover
  • John Trottle
  • Joseph Phelpes
  • Zachary Drower
  • George Stuckey
  • Amos Lacey
  • Robert Dale
  • Edward Towills
  • Edward Lane
  • Andrew Billing
  • Thomas Cookeney
  • Henry Beasley
  • Thomas Moore
  • Thomas Greenway, ju­nior
  • John Skinner
  • John Hippesley
  • Humfrey Phelpes
  • Thomas Berry
  • John Minifie
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners remaining in Custody, 6.
  • EDward Wale
  • Bartholom. Barge
  • Thomas Lawrence
  • William Cox, junior
  • Richard Cox
  • William Hawkins
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners convicted for speaking scanda­lous Words, and for other Misdemea­nors, fined, and had corporal Punish­ment.
  • RIchard Hollyday , for conducting the Lord Gray from Gillingham to Ringwood , after the Fight at Weston , to be whip'd twice, fin'd a Mark, and to find Sureties for the good Behaviour for a Year.
  • [Page 8] Hugh Green , for publishing Monmouth 's Declara­tion, fined 1000 l. and committed till paid, and to find Sureties for the good Behaviour during Life.
  • William Wiseman , for publishing a seditious Libel, to be whipt at Dorchester , and at every Market Town in the Country.
  • For speaking seditious Words, severally fined and whipt.
    • Edward Jervis,
    • William Holman,
    • Henry Allen,
    • Thomas Pitts,
    • John Dober,
    • Richard Moores,
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners discharged for want of Evi­dence.
  • GAbriel Wise
  • Robert Boulstone
  • Richard Stronge
  • John Stronge
  • Francis Greenfield
  • James Carter
  • George Turner
  • Thomas Loveridge
  • Edward Staple
  • John Mitchell
  • William Burt
  • William Bennett
  • Nicholas Clotworthy
  • John Mitchell
  • Hugh Critchell
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners continued in Goal not indicted.
  • WIlliam Jenkins
  • Richard Platt
  • William Platt
  • Robert Orchard
  • Thomas Parberv
  • Lionel Whiffen
  • John Davy
  • John Hart
  • William Davys
Devon, ss.
Prisoners executed at Exeter for High-Treason, 14 in all.
  • [Page 9]JOhn Foweracres
  • Thomas Hobbs
  • John Oliver
  • Henry Knight
  • Samuel Potts
  • John Knowles
  • William Parsons
  • Thomas Quinten
  • Thomas Broughton
  • John Gosling
  • John Sprake
  • William Clegg
  • John Rosse
  • Tim. Dunkin, repriev'd
Devon, ss.
Prisoners to be transported for High-Treason, for whom a Warrant is de­livered to Jerome Nipho, 7 in all.
  • ABraham Hunt
  • Christ. Cooper
  • Edmond Bovett
  • John Follett
  • Peter Bird
  • John Kemplin
  • Walter Teape, repr.
Devon, ss.
Prisoners convicted remaining in Custody.
  • RObert Drower, re­prieved
  • William Siller, junior
  • Elias Holman, reprieved
  • Thomas Connett
Humbly proposed for His Majesty's Gra­cious Pardon.
  • JAmes Cox
Devon, ss.
Prisoners fined at Exeter for Words, and other Misdemeanors, 13.
For speaking seditious Words severally fined, and whip'd.
  • LEwis James,
  • William Andrigge,
  • Samuel Staple,
  • William Fisher,
  • William Hadder
  • Stephen Burrough,
  • William Curtis,
  • Henry Abbott,
  • John Holmes
  • Humfrey Bidgood,
  • Robert Crane,
  • Giles Gardiner,
  • John Smalridge,
Somerset, ss. Taunton
Prisoners to be executed for High-Treason, who were convicted at Taunton, 145.
  • SImon Hamlyn
  • William Cooper
  • William Gatchell
  • John D [...]yer
  • James Gale
  • Henry Edney
  • Hugh Ashley
  • John Herring
  • William Gillett
  • Thomas Lissant
  • John Sharpe
  • William Pocock
  • Pearce Morren
  • Christopher Stephens
  • George Condick
  • Robert Allen
  • John Fricker
  • Robert Hill
  • Richard Bovett
  • John Hucker
  • Nicholas Adams
  • Richard Stephens
  • Robert Halsewell
  • John Bussell
  • [Page 11] Thomas Blackmore
  • WIlliam Lashley
  • John Walrond
  • John Masters
  • David Langwell
  • Osmond Barrett
  • Matthew Crosse
  • Edmond Burford
  • John Mortimore
  • John Stephens
  • Richard Culverwell
  • Robert Townsend
  • Humfrey Mitchell
  • Merrick Thomas
  • Nicholas Collins, senior
  • Edmond Fort
  • Jos. Bellamy, reprieved
  • Francis Foxwell
  • George Pitcher
  • Barnaby Devericks
  • Francis Priest
  • Barnard Thatcher
  • William Johnson
  • Thomas England
  • Thomas Hurford
  • John Savage
  • William Davison
  • John Williams
  • Edmond Gillard
  • Jonathan England
  • Oliver Powell
  • Charles Chappell
  • Richard Bowdon
  • Roger Prance
  • John Pattrum
  • William Watkins
  • John Spore
  • Roger Burnell
  • William Pether
  • Joseph Kellaway
  • Benjamin Hewling
  • William Jenkins
  • Henry Lisle
  • John Winter
  • Andrew Rownsell
  • John Phildrey
  • Robert Perratt
  • Abraham Annesley
  • Arthur Mathews
  • Robert Fawne
  • Weston Hillary
  • John Burgen
  • Philip Bovett
  • Peter Warren
  • James Whetham
  • William Ruscombe
  • Cornelius Hurford
  • John Parsons
  • Thomas Davys
  • William Satchell
  • Humfrey Peirce
  • Nicholas Venting
  • Thomas Peirce
  • Robert Read
  • John Sellwood
  • Robert Combe
  • John Jeanes
  • William Sully
  • John Basely
  • John Lloyd
  • Henry Thompson
  • George Gillard
  • John Lockston
  • Arthur Williams
  • [Page 12] Rob. Janes, alias Evans
  • Hugh Starke
  • Francis Bartlett
  • John Trecky
  • Simon Hawkins
  • Robert Hyne
  • Archibald Johnson
  • James Maxwell
  • Richard Ingram
  • John Trott
  • Roger Guppy
  • John Knight
  • Isaiah Davvs
  • William Williams
  • John Jervis
  • Richard Sweet
  • Richard Ash
  • Samuel Garnish
  • William Mogridge
  • John Hurman
  • Hugh Rooper, reprieved
  • Richard Harris
  • Nicholas Stodgell
  • Henry Luckwell
  • Humfrey Hitchcocke
  • William Godfrey
  • Abraham Pill
  • William Davy
  • Henry Eastabrooke
  • James Every
  • James Durnett
  • Edward Warren
  • Simon Crosse
  • Stephen Newman
  • Robert Luckis
  • William Rock
  • Thomas Barnard
  • William Wellen
  • John Parsons
  • Joh. Glover, alias Tucker
  • Thomas Trock
  • Lewis Harris
  • Edward Halsewell
  • John Evans
  • Howell Thomas
  • George Baddy
  • Henry Lawrence
Somerset, ss.
Prisoners to be delivered to Sir Chri­stopher Musgrave for Transporta­tion, 84.
  • William Edwards
  • James Combes
  • John Hooper
  • John Smith
  • Bernard Periam
  • Robert Shoesmith
  • John Trimmore
  • Jacob King
  • John Pope
  • Thomas Whittye
  • William Hayes
  • Josias Hart
  • Walter Blew
  • John Gardiner
  • [Page 13] Robert Barge
  • Edward Lugg
  • John Furber
  • John Lyde
  • Thomas Cutler
  • William Hooper
  • Henry Hooper
  • Elisha Davys
  • Richard Lang
  • Thomas Bray
  • Thomas Adams
  • William Goodland
  • Alexander Townsend
  • John Hensley
  • Samuel Hensley
  • Isaac Kingston
  • William Row
  • Hugh Gill
  • James Glanvill
  • Henry Wrentmore
  • Thomas Crosse
  • John Hoare
  • Tobias Dryer
  • William Bayly
  • Richard Masters
  • John Gibbs
  • William Spreate
  • William Croft
  • John Hacker, jun.
  • Robert Bradbeare
  • Joseph Lacey
  • Nathaniel Musgrave
  • Thomas Curtis
  • William Page
  • Robert Mead
  • Samuel Saxbee
  • John Fowler, sen.
  • John Fowler, jun.
  • Richard Perkins
  • Humfrey Slade
  • William Venting
  • William Tapscott
  • Benjamin Sparke
  • Bartholomew Davy
  • Robert Brookes
  • William Norman
  • Andrew Boyte
  • John Grace
  • James Soper
  • Thomas Howell
  • Peter Shorland
  • George Ley
  • Humfrey Saunders
  • John Butfeild
  • Samuel Tottell
  • Edward Eves
  • Thomas Debnam
  • Thomas Hendy
  • Giles Crane
  • Walter Phillips
  • Richard Drake
  • Matthew Pottle
  • George Robertson
  • John Metyard
  • Henry Hamett
  • James Gollop
  • William Bull
  • Andrew Nabrick
  • George Smith
  • Thomas Markes
Prisoners to be delivered to the Queen's Order for Transportation, 100.
  • [Page 14]DAniel Rutter
  • Jeremiah Poole
  • John Baker
  • Robert Pearce
  • Leonard Staple
  • Edward Kent
  • Charles Bennett
  • John Parsons
  • John Gibbs
  • John Bryor
  • Thomas Gould
  • John Hartey
  • William Pitts
  • James Webb
  • Nicholas Collins, jun.
  • Richard King
  • Emanuel Marchant
  • William Marchant
  • John Slade
  • Samuel Bond
  • John Rogers
  • Barnard Loveridge
  • Percival Nowis
  • William Saunders
  • William Verryard
  • Henry Chambers
  • Thomas Rowsewell
  • John Crane
  • Charles Burridge
  • William Leigh
  • John Robins
  • Luke Porter
  • Thomas Priest
  • Cornelius Radford
  • Phillip Cheeke
  • Robert Earle
  • John Mogridge
  • Henry Randall
  • James Maynard
  • John Culverwell
  • George Trubbs
  • Silvester Lyde
  • Matthew Cooke
  • William Phelpes
  • Elias Lockbeare
  • Silvester Poole
  • Thomas Moore
  • Lawrence Priest
  • William Gould
  • Henry Priest
  • Enoch Gould
  • John Bennett
  • John Baker
  • Samuel Mountstephen
  • Thomas Buglar
  • Stephen Jeffreyes
  • John Morse
  • William Scurrier
  • John England
  • Jacob Powell
  • John Godsall
  • John Andrewes
  • [Page 15] Samuel Sweeting
  • George Rowsell
  • Edward Bellamy
  • William Crosse
  • Jonas Browne
  • John Crosse
  • Christopher Knight
  • Thomas Meade
  • John Needs
  • Thomas Pitt
  • Robert Richards
  • Christopher Row
  • Matthew Craft, jun.
  • Richard Peircy
  • John Miller
  • George Snow
  • Samuel Collins
  • John Cockram
  • James Cockram
  • Christopher Holbyn
  • John Marwood
  • John Timothy
  • Thomas Austin
  • Moses Osborne
  • Walter Hacker
  • Randal Babington
  • John Knight
  • Job Hunt
  • William Woodcock
  • John Adams
  • Thomas Pomfrett
  • James Patten
  • Thomas Bambury
  • James Clift
  • John Chamberlyn
  • Humfrey Justin
  • Isaack Dyer
  • Richard Symons
Dorset, ss.
Prisoners at Taunton convicted of High Treason, to be transported by Sir William Booth, 100.
  • RIchard Stephens
  • Richard Edgar
  • Charles Lucas
  • George Gray
  • John Bartlett
  • John Stoodley
  • Robert Paull
  • Robert Mitchell
  • John Gale
  • Bartholomew Randall
  • John Rogers
  • William Hayne
  • William Barnard
  • Thomas Matthews
  • Henry Meyor
  • John Bressett
  • Richard Allen
  • John Poole
  • [Page 16] John Burges
  • John Farmer
  • Richard Bickham
  • Henry Gibbons
  • John Busson
  • George Nowell
  • Morris Furse, alias Vosse
  • Humfrey Trump
  • John Warren
  • George Warren
  • Humfrey Pope
  • Osmond Read
  • Henry Quant
  • William Burroughs
  • William Daw
  • William Parker
  • Robert Sease
  • Thomas Middleton
  • James Helman
  • John Bray
  • Ambrose Winter
  • Lawrence Hussey
  • Robert Seaman
  • Edward Lyde
  • John Chappel
  • Robert Easton
  • John Walter
  • Thomas Brock
  • George Mullens
  • Daniel Pomeroy
  • Jeremiah Atkins
  • Samuel Proone
  • John Edwards
  • George Mihill
  • William Drew
  • Thomas Dennis
  • John Avoake
  • William Tiverton
  • Joseph Vinicott
  • John Seymore
  • John Leaker
  • Simon Poole
  • John Wall
  • Richard Wadham
  • Stephen Rodway
  • Francis Came
  • Michael Powell
  • John Kerle
  • Thomas Galhampton
  • George Carrow
  • Abraham Pollard
  • John Budge
  • William Harvey
  • William Hall
  • William Phippen
  • John Chilcot
  • Robert Coward
  • John Cantlebury
  • William Woolridge
  • William Smith
  • John Smith
  • William Meade
  • George Keell
  • Edward Councell
  • Joseph Wickham
  • John Harris
  • Justinian Guppy
  • William Combe
  • James Baker
  • Thomas Gammage
  • William Walter
  • Robert Teap
  • Timothy Hawker
  • William Smith
  • [Page 17] Jos. Newberry, reprieved
  • John Smith
  • John Cloade
  • Jonas Crosse
  • John Bragg
  • William Hutchins
  • John Mitchell
  • Edward Vildey
Somerset, ss. Taunton.
Prisoners (who had Certificates pursuant to his Majesty's Proclamation, which were allowed) to be pardoned, 20.
  • RAymond Quire
  • Joseph Quire
  • Richard Irish, jun.
  • Joseph Sminney
  • Richard Gill
  • John browne
  • John Irish
  • Robert Dunne
  • George Lumbard
  • Thomas Lumbard
  • Thomas Sminney
  • Joseph Irish
  • Francis Deane
  • Samuel Newberry
  • James Norman
  • John Hagley
  • Osmond Burbidge
  • Richard Gornelius
  • John Sminney, jun.
  • John Prickman
Somerset, ss. Taunton.
Prisoners humbly proposed to his Maje­jesty for his Gracious Pardon, 23.
  • RObert Fulford
  • William Farmer
  • William Coleburne
  • Daniel Norcott
  • Thomas Reeves
  • Benjamin Nott
  • Henry Reeves
  • Thomas Worrall
  • William Court
  • Abraham Hull
  • William Saunders
  • Henry Hodges
  • Francis Jervis
  • Thomas Crew
  • Thomas Gooding
  • William Moggeridge
  • John Dutch
  • John Keell
  • Robert Dyer
  • Richard Reynolds
  • Thomas Bartlett
  • John Gray
  • William Reeves
Somerset, ss. Taunton.
Prisoners in Goal omitted in the War­rant for Execution, altho' designed to be executed, 15.
  • [Page 18]JOseph Cooper
  • John Bates
  • Samuel Dare
  • George Miller
  • James Smith
  • Edward Way
  • John Chapple
  • John Rossiter
  • Gideon Dare
  • John Satchell
  • John Pacey
  • William Sherborne
  • Henry Webb
  • Thomas Redwood
  • Alegen Leversedge
Prisoners remaining in Goal till further Order, 33.
  • GEorge Wells
  • Samuel Harvey
  • Robert Clarke
  • John Ham
  • James Indoe
  • Samuel Adams
  • John Turle
  • James Turle
  • John Northam
  • Thomas Bagley
  • Stephen Hellman
  • James Ferring
  • John G [...]ing
  • Moses Waggstaffe
  • Robert Hampton
  • Richard Edghill
  • Francis Gardiner
  • Robert Jenkins
  • Tobias Hacker
  • Thomas Clarke
  • Daniel Hallett
  • Thomas Parsons
  • Lewis Hagley
  • William Martyn
  • James Edmonds
  • William Searle
  • John Bisse
  • Roger Caswell
  • William Baker
  • Humfrey Gillard
  • Thomas Cornish
  • William Reives
  • John Mead
Prisoners bailed at Taunton.
Somerset ss. Wells.
Prisoners to be executed for High-Treason, 100.
  • WAlter Baker
  • Henry Body
  • Jerrard Bryant
  • Thomas Collins
  • Thomas Clotworthy
  • John Carter
  • Robert Cooke
  • Edward Cruse
  • John Caswell
  • Thomas Heyward
  • John Hellyer
  • Edward Keare
  • Henry Partridge
  • George Petter
  • Thomas Peirce
  • John Richards
  • John Staple
  • John Smith
  • Francis Smith
  • Samuel Vill, alias Vile
  • Thomas Warr
  • Phillip Usher
  • Richard Evans
  • John Tincknell
  • Robert Beamont
  • Hugh Goodenough
  • John Humfreys
  • George Hussey
  • Robert Man
  • William Mangell
  • Thomas Paul
  • John Scarr
  • Lawrence Lott
  • Thomas Lott
  • James Feild, sen.
  • Humfrey Peadon
  • Richard Bole
  • Robert Francis
  • John Howell
  • Richard Harvey
  • John Tucker
  • William Holland
  • Hugh Holland
  • Thomas Bowden
  • Richard Chynn
  • William Cruise
  • [Page 20] Thomas Pavier
  • John Holdesworth
  • John Ashwood, reprie­ved
  • Thomas Smith
  • John Dorchester, sen.
  • John Combe
  • John Greaves
  • Arthur Sallaway
  • George Adams
  • Henry Russell
  • George Knight
  • Robert Wine
  • William Cheek, alias Chick
  • Preston Beavis
  • Richard Finnier
  • Roger Cornelius
  • Humfrey Edmonds
  • Richard Peirce
  • Joseph Smith
  • John Gilham, jun.
  • Giles Bramble
  • Alexander Key
  • William Mead Glover
  • David Boyce
  • Joshua French
  • Samuel Cox
  • Charles Speak
  • William Plumley
  • Jacob Tripp
  • James Pyes
  • William Mead
  • John Broome, reprieved
  • William Somerton
  • Thomas Duston
  • John Sheppard
  • Abraham Bond
  • Edward Tippett
  • Thomas Burrell
  • Thomas Hillary
  • John Gill, sen.
  • John Hicks
  • Thomas Monday
  • John Butcher
  • Richard Pierce
  • Israel Bryant
  • Roger Hoare, reprieved
  • Phillip Cambridge
  • William Duston
  • William Clement
  • Tristram Clarke
  • Thomas Coade
  • Robert Doleman
  • Robert Thatcher.
Somerset ss. Wells.
Prisoners to be transported, and deli­vered to Sir William Stapleton, 102.
  • [Page 21]RIchard Allwood
  • Jacob Adams
  • Samuel Blackmore
  • John Browne
  • James Broughton
  • Charles Baker
  • Thomas Brigwood
  • John Bright
  • William Bush
  • Thomas Browne
  • Francis Bagwell
  • John Browne
  • John Bartlett
  • James Bickley
  • Robert Court
  • John Classey
  • John Couche
  • Samuel Clarke
  • John Clarke
  • John Collins
  • John Coleman
  • Henry Collins
  • John Cox
  • Nicholas Connings
  • Robert Clarke
  • Benjamin Keeble
  • Richard Chaplin
  • Joseph Cowes
  • John Coleburne
  • William Coles
  • Thomas Churchhouse
  • Peter Drayton
  • James Dew
  • William Dew
  • Simon Dyer
  • Thomas Daniell
  • Richard Denham
  • Richard Dyer
  • Francis Dunning
  • John Denning
  • Phillip England
  • William England
  • Richard Easton
  • Richard Edghill
  • James Ellford
  • Cornelius Elliot
  • John Ervin
  • Thomas Ferris
  • Edward Ford
  • Samuel Farmer
  • Arthur Ford
  • Walter Freston
  • Richard Foweracres
  • John Fowler
  • John Foster
  • William Feare
  • [Page 22] Francis Gamling
  • Joseph Gale
  • James Jerman
  • Thomas Gamlin
  • Nehemiah Goffe
  • William Guppy
  • Edward Goodman
  • Peter Goodgroome
  • John Holmes
  • John Henson
  • Thomas Hooper
  • Thomas Herring
  • Thomas Hutchins
  • Humfrey Hodge
  • Robert Hannam
  • Richard Howells
  • Edward Harris
  • Andrew Howard
  • John Hull
  • Moses Higwell
  • Thomas Humfreys
  • Francis Hales
  • William Higden
  • George Halfeyard
  • Josias Howard
  • James Harman
  • Thomas Hill
  • William Jackson
  • Joseph Jermyn
  • John Jones
  • Richard Jacob
  • Charles Jones
  • William Johnson
  • Samuel Knight
  • Phillip Keeping
  • William Key
  • John Lewis
  • John Larkham
  • John Lock
  • John Lawrence
  • William Lock
  • John Langford
  • Paul Morse
  • Henry Quick
  • Samuel Farmer
  • Arthur Ford
Somerset, ss. Wells.
Prisoners delivered to Sir Philip Howard for Transportation, 200.
  • GAbriel Smart
  • Henry Cook
  • Isaac Pryor
  • William Eyres
  • James Paine
  • Nicholas Kelford
  • John Butcher
  • Christopher Candy
  • John Bennet
  • Thomas Orchard
  • Nathaniel Dennick
  • Humfrey Davyes
  • Henry Syms
  • Jonathan Drew
  • John Jones
  • Robert Millerd
  • [Page 23] Robert Stuckey
  • Pasche Stuckey
  • James Field, junior
  • Israel Balster
  • John Hussey
  • Andrew Staley
  • John Reynolls
  • Arthur Everard
  • Robert Reeves
  • Robert Norton
  • Edmond Hurd
  • Thomas Hurd
  • Thomas Lawrence
  • George Hallet
  • Giles Whittle
  • John Hart
  • John Lawrence
  • James Aymes
  • Samuel Ellworthy
  • John Holloway
  • James Hurd
  • John Feild
  • John Weech
  • William Staunton
  • Thomas Salisbury
  • * Thomas Andersey,
  • reprieved
  • James Heale
  • Robert Beaton
  • Simon Chynn
  • John Portnell
  • James Pullman
  • Thomas Mills
  • Joshua Salley
  • Ambrose Vineing
  • Peter Durden
  • Joseph Hawker
  • Thomas Snook
  • Henry Snook
  • George Harding
  • William Chynn
  • Nicholas Davidge
  • John Hanning
  • James Moore
  • Henry Miles
  • James Wake
  • John Attwood
  • William Lacey
  • Adam Smith
  • Robert Beale
  • * Richard Hoare, re­prieved
  • Christopher Gray
  • John Woodrow
  • Anthony Woodrow
  • Roger Cole
  • Edward Vile
  • Philip Lacey
  • William Best
  • Edward Willmott
  • William Prowse
  • Christopher Masters
  • William Lane
  • John Crowder
  • Thomas Rodbeard
  • James Best
  • Robert Best
  • John Stower
  • Thomas Laver
  • John Baker
  • Edward Vagg
  • Robert Clarke
  • Joseph Robins
  • Thomas Pittard
  • [Page 24] Timothy Toleman
  • James Sheppard
  • James Ellford
  • John Harwood
  • Roger Channing
  • Thomas Channing
  • * James Baker, reprieved
  • Charles Paple
  • John Webb
  • George Allen
  • John Palmer
  • Robert Burridge
  • John Morley
  • Humfrey Maundry
  • James Moody
  • Thomas Mitchell
  • Ralph Middleton
  • William Merrick
  • Edward Mitchell
  • John Muttlebury
  • Joseph Mullens
  • Roger Mortimor
  • Nathaniel Weale
  • Baldwin Parker
  • William Preist
  • Andrew Palmer
  • Silus Phillipps
  • John Popes
  • Francis Plomer
  • James Parker
  • James Peirce
  • John Palmer
  • George Russell
  • Christopher Richards
  • Henry Rookes
  • William Read
  • Alexander Robinson
  • Argentine Rust
  • Robert Smith
  • Robert Sly
  • William Sheppard
  • William Smith
  • William Sherry
  • John Symon
  • Francis Savage
  • William Selfe
  • George Searle
  • John Saunders
  • Jonathan Sutton
  • * James Smith, reprieved
  • John Say
  • Jonas Say
  • Richard Spiller
  • Richard Sellwood
  • Richard Syms
  • John Skiff
  • Thomas Tuckey
  • Richard Tapper
  • Richard Turner
  • John Tilley
  • Lewis Tricks
  • Peter Wellis
  • Robert Wilkins
  • Richard Willcox
  • John Williams, senior
  • John Williams, junior
  • John Worrall
  • Joseph Warren
  • Thomas Walter
  • William Warren
  • Richard West
  • Robert Willis
  • John Watts
  • Stephen Walsh
  • [Page 25] Richard Young
  • Matthew Woodland
  • Thomas Waggott
  • Edward Kemp
  • Hugh Banton
  • William Cotworthy
  • Thomas Carden
  • Edward Gilbert
  • William Greenland
  • Thomas Goodson
  • Richard Hooper
  • Henry Hunt
  • William Harris
  • Robert Jennings
  • Richard Lyne
  • William Lyneing
  • John Lush
  • Charles Mason
  • Richard Miller
  • Thomas Norton
  • James Norvill
  • John Stone
  • Henry Roper
  • Francis Carter
  • John Fathers
  • John Laver
  • Shadreck Morley
  • Matthew Pryor
  • Nicholas Gill
  • John Hurle
  • John Lease, alias Gam­lin
  • Samuel Denham
  • John Oram
  • Robert Heyward
  • John Helps
  • John Peircy
  • Richard Willmott
  • Thomas Speed
  • * Robert Drower, Elias Holman, in Exeter Goal; John Rosseter, Allegen Leversedge, in Taun­ton Goal; to be transported for Thomas Andersey, Richard Hoare, James Smith, James Baker.
Prisoners delivered for Transportation to Jeremy Nipho, 33.
  • JOhn Jolliffe
  • Robert Peirce
  • John Dodds
  • Henry Pittman
  • Nathaniel Beaton
  • Peter Cordelion
  • William Biggs
  • William Pittman
  • John Cook
  • John Harcombe
  • John Collins
  • Nathaniel Standerwick
  • Richard Dyke
  • John De [...]m, reprieved
  • Abraham Gooden
  • John Mead, reprieved
  • [Page 26] John Brice
  • Andrew Holcombe
  • John Hooper
  • Thomas Venner
  • Lawrence Caswell
  • Thomas Chinn, reprie­ved
  • Samuel Weaver
  • Robert Batt
  • John Gould
  • John Hooper
  • John Cooke
  • John Johnson
  • John Wills
  • Rich. Nash, alias Lissant
  • John Foot
  • John Reeves
  • John Gill, junior
  • Thomas Body, James Price, Samuel Davison, to be transported in the place of John Denham, John Mead, Thomas Chinn.
Somerset, ss. Wells.
Prisoners delivered to Captain John Price for Transportation, 50.
  • EDward Rawbone
  • Thomas Nashion
  • Richard Wiseman
  • Thomas Eglin
  • Richard Snook
  • Thomas Lockyer
  • Moses Moore
  • Samuel Ruddle
  • John Parsons
  • Robert Mudford, alias Mumford
  • John Bishopp
  • John Sprake
  • Thomas Viles
  • David Thomas
  • William Powell
  • William Prowse
  • Robert Sweet, junior
  • Edward Hody
  • John Wythyman, jun.
  • Joseph Witherell
  • William Sweet
  • Josiah Gillham
  • John Partridge
  • John Bramble
  • James Bramble
  • George Butcher
  • Edward Abbott
  • Matthew Goodman
  • Benjamin Trask
  • Henry Noon
  • John Key
  • Philip Smith
  • John Westlake
  • William Redbeard
  • John Dumett
  • John Quick
  • Thomas Saunders
  • William Chilcott
  • Thomas Vile
  • [Page 27] Thomas Doleman
  • Robert Carter
  • Edward Halsey
  • William Broadbear
  • Edward Chedsey
  • John Hill
  • Thomas Trott
  • William Collier
  • John Parsons
  • John Rotherton
  • John Arnold
Somerset, ss. Wells.
Prisoners who had Certificates allowed pursuant to his Majesty's gracious Declaration, 6.
  • JOhn Willey
  • William Gauler
  • William Buckler
  • Richard Fisher
  • John Pitt
  • John Denham
Somerset, ss. Wells.
Prisoners humbly proposed for his Ma­jesty's Gracious Pardon, 26.
  • STephen Benchfield
  • George Blanch­flower
  • Richard Beadon
  • Christopher Bray
  • John Cotterell
  • Edward Day
  • Robert Harris
  • Simon Hussey
  • John Moore
  • Thomas Napper
  • James Standard
  • John Woolnington
  • William Hellyer
  • John Patten
  • John Bishopp
  • William Ashford, jun.
  • John Dorchester, jun.
  • Henry Grange
  • Robert Upcott
  • John Crocker
  • John Commer
  • Richard Napper
  • James Pitts, junior
  • John Brock
  • Christopher Wernell
  • Henry Norton
Somerset, ss. Wells.
Prisoners designed for Execution, yet omitted in the Warrant for Execu­tion, 5.
  • [Page 28]JOhn Bird
  • Edward Merrick
  • William Oustler, senior
  • James Price
  • Thomas Body
Wells, ss.
Prisoners remaining in Custody, &c.
  • EDward Hamond, alias Hamwood
  • John Willey
  • Richard Adams
  • James Norman
  • Robert Daw
  • William Russell
  • George Bisse
  • Samuel Davison
  • William Aplin
Prisoners remaining in Custody for want of Evidence.
  • WIlliam Phippett
  • Richard Bray
  • Thomas Bishopp
  • Alexander Pinney
  • Richard Millward
  • James Russell
  • William Eades
Wells, ss.
Prisoners convict for Misdemeanors, fined and imprisoned, and who had corporal Punishment.
  • Severally fin'd 13 s. 4 d. for speaking treasonable Words. Ordered to be whip'd at five several Market Towns.
    • JAmes Oasyn,
    • William Williams,
    • Thomas Austey,
    • Samuel Vyney,
    • Leonard Gosse,
  • Henry Gatchell, for the like fin'd 100 l.
Witnesses for the King left in Custody.
  • [Page 29]WIlliam Wiltshire
  • David Tole
  • John Keeping
  • Christopher Rossiter
  • William Pussey
  • Thomas Dare
  • Simon Long
  • John Jones
  • Thomas Sexton, alias Randall Furnivall
  • Joseph Strong
  • Samuel Storey
  • John Smith
  • William Williams
  • Richard Tanner
Prisoners bound each for the other, for their Appearances at the next Assizes, and for the good Behaviour in 100 l. each.
  • WIlliam Okey
  • John Rogers
  • Thomas Wilkins
  • Samuel Trent
  • Francis Malo
  • Roger Grey
  • Henry Woodford
  • James Norvile
  • John Blackley
  • Walter Fidoe
  • David Cole
  • Abraham King
  • Stephen Hellyer
  • Ralph Smith
  • Robert Portlock
  • William Dymock
  • John Brewer
  • John Cole
  • Thomas Farr
  • James Westcott
  • Anthony Manning
  • John Townsend
  • Thomas Davyes
  • Thomas Williams
  • William Heyward
  • John Norman
  • James Pownell
  • Phillip Browne
  • Henry Turner
  • John Balston
  • William Tar
  • William Shinler
  • [Page 30] John Watts
  • Thomas Gilling
  • Matthew Tucker
  • Benjamin Short
  • John Thompson
  • John Patten
  • William White
  • Richard Badge
  • Andrew Tapper
  • Walter Thomas, alias Bisse
  • James Rowsell
  • Henry Bedlar
  • Richard Cornelius
  • Roger Baker
  • Peter Brewer
  • John Swinney
  • John Moor
  • Arthur Lowdam
  • John Melldrome
  • Robert Rawe
  • Edward Bishopp
  • Daniel Wooton
  • John Pucker
  • Robert Seagard
  • Thomas Carpenter
  • Henry Virgin
  • Rowland Oakely
  • James Cole
  • Thomas Satchell
  • Jeoffry Castland
  • Thomas Tayler
  • David Tucker
  • Thomas Ashford
  • John Taylor
  • Henry Satchell
  • William Cannaday
  • Francis Phippen
  • Francis Jennings
  • Arthur Jeoffrys
  • Richard Skinner
  • William Old
  • William Cole
  • John Mitchell
  • Robert Wantsey
  • Thomas Forster
  • William Griffen
  • William Bragg
  • John Bowring
  • John Yorke
  • Thomas Ollvard
  • John Marks
  • Edward Baker
  • John Spender
  • William Oustler
  • Nicholas Forward
  • Peter White
  • James Pitts
  • William Combe
  • Joseph Simkins
  • William Channing
  • Mathias Channing
  • William Saunders
  • John Patten
  • John Rowsell
  • Thomas Browne
  • Jedediah Hurd
  • William Pryor
  • Francis Hellier
  • William Lush
  • John Hewlett
  • Richard Steer
  • Christopher Osmond
  • John Shinler
  • [Page 31] Thomas Jolliffe
  • Richard Tanner
  • John Mead
  • Lancellot Cox
  • James Thomas
  • Stephen Thompson
  • Henry Buckle
  • Samuel Pack
  • Richard Smithyer
  • Richard Walters
  • William Walters
  • Jeoffrey Phippet
  • John Doeling
  • Samuel Dwelley
  • George Parsons
  • Thomas Ellis
  • John Andrewes
  • Nathaniel Lockyer
  • Edward Craydon
  • Thomas Busterell
  • Robert Sands
  • William Hewlett
  • Andrew Ousely
  • John Sheire
  • Samuel Prowse
  • Nicholas Gandry
  • Richard Gibbs
  • Samuel Sheppard
  • Robert Game
  • John Lyde
  • William Raymond
  • George Raymond
  • Thomas Lockyer
  • George Smith
  • William Cossens

[...] Account of what was done against those in Scotland, who took Arms there under the Earl of Argyle, &c. and a­gainst the Protestants in Ire­land, by the late King James, and his Deputy Tyrconnel.

IT is proper in the next Place, to give a brief Account how the Scots, who took Arms in their own Country against the Tyranny of King Charles and King James II. were treat­ed. There were several Insurrections there, oc­casion'd by the barbarous Oppression of the Pres­byterians, for not conforming to the Tyranny in Church and State then set up, which they protested they could not in Conscience do, since that Government was not only contrary to the Fundamental Laws of the Nation, but to their Principles, and the solemn Obligations which the King and Kingdom lay under by Oaths a­gainst it; and that it was attended by such an un­limited Prerogative given the King by a pack'd Parliament, as empower'd him by Virtue of his Supremacy, which they called an inherent Right [Page 33] to the Crown, ‘' That he and his Successors might settle, enact, and emit such Constitutions, Acts, and Orders, concerning the Administrati­on of the External Government of the Church, and the Persons employed in the same, and concerning all Ecclesiastical Meetings, and Matters to be proposed and determin'd there­in, as they in their Royal Wisdom should think fit.'’ These are the very Words of the first Act of the 2d Sessions of the first Parliament of Charles II. and of the first Act of the second Parliament.

To force a Conformity to this sort of Govern­ment in Church and State, which King Charles II. had solemnly abjur'd at his taking the Crown of Scotland upon him, High Commission Courts were not only set up by the Prerogative, which acted contrary to Law, but Soldiers were em­ploy'd to oppress, pillage, harrass, imprison, fine, and confine, beat and bind like Beasts, those who refus'd it. Sir James Turner, a bloody and atheistical Man, commanded in three such Expeditions against the Western Shires of Scotland, in 1663, 1665, and 1666. where he and his Troops exacted from the poor People of Galloway and Nithsdale, for their Nonconformity, betwixt 4 and 5000 l. Sterling, besides the great Charge they were at by giving free Quarters, and Mo­ney, to the Soldiers, to forbear the Barbarities which they practised on their Persons and Fa­milies. There was also levied by way of Fine, without any Crime alledged, from 132 Gentle­men, and others, near 7000 l. Sterling, besides free Quarters to the Soldiers sent to levy it, which amounted to as much; and notwithstand­ing the Money which was paid to those barbarous Troops to make them forbear Cruelties, it was their common Custom to destroy all the Provi­sions [Page 34] and Substance of those they quartered upon, and to fill the Bellies of their Servants and Dogs, before they would suffer the poor Families to eat any of their own Provisions; nor did they be­have themselves thus only to those who did not conform, but to many Gentlemen and others who did; it being plainly the Design of the Court to ruin the West of Scotland; because that Part of the Kingdom had always, from the Time of the Reformation, signalized their Zeal for their Religion and Liberty. It was usual with them af­ter they had ruin'd the Tenants to quarter upon their Landlords; and thus they harrass'd and plunder'd that Part of the Country three Times successively in the Years above-mention'd: And besides the Money thus exacted, they forced Peo­ple to give Bonds for such other Sums as they thought fit, by which they beggar'd abundance of Families. And when any complain'd to the commanding Officer of those Inhumanities, they were commonly beaten, or otherwise barbarously treated. The Soldiers did likewise behave themselves so atheistically, that they publickly mock'd at all Religion, utter'd most horrible Curses and Oaths, ravish'd Women, and in short, their Behaviour was more like Savages and Pa­gans than civilized Men and Christians: and af­ter they had thus ruin'd the Country, they extor­ted Certificates from the People, That they had been civilly used, on purpose to prevent their making Application to the Government for Re­dress; and when they had nothing left to pay what the Soldiers demanded, they were barba­rously used in their Persons, and carried to Pri­sons, tied Hand and Foot, like Beasts. After the Country had been 7 Months thus oppress'd in Sir James's third Expedition, three Country-men [Page 35] met four of his Soldiers carrying a poor old Man, one of their Neighbours, in that Manner to Dumfries; they begg'd the Soldiers to unty him, who, instead of doing it, attack'd the Country­men with their Swords, but were worsted in the Scuffle, one of them wounded, and the other three threw down their Arms. This encourag'd these Men, with some others, to attack 10 or 12 more of the Soldiers, who were in like manner oppressing the People in that same Parish, and these they also disarmed, having kill'd one that made an obstinate Resistance. The Neighbour­hood knowing that Sir James would take a terri­ble Revenge upon them, about 54 of them took Horse, and with a few Footmen marched to Dumfries, where they took Sir James, and dis­arm'd his Men. Having done this, they march­ed to the West, where the People were oppress'd in the like Manner, and being join'd by others, came at last to be 7 or 800. Upon this Lieute­nant General Dalzeel was ordered to march a­gainst them with the regular Troops, they were declared Rebels, and order'd to lay down their Arms within 24 Hours after the Proclamation was published, without the least Assurance of Pardon, and all the Subjects were ordered to as­sist the General, on pain of Rebellion. This poor Handful being thus made desperate, they march­ed within two Miles of Edinburgh, and a Cessa­tion was agreed between the General and them for one Night, until their Grievances and Peti­tion might be presented by him to the Council. This made them secure, and the General, con­trary to Agreement, surpriz'd them just at the Time when his Messenger was delivering their Petition to the Council. They made a stout Re­sistance, and repuls'd his advanced Troops three [Page 36] Times, but being vastly inferior in Number, and fatigued with long Marches, Hunger, Rain and Cold, they were defeated on the 28th of Novem­ber, 1666. 40 of 'em kill'd, and above 130 of them taken, many of whom were executed with the greatest Cruelty and Barbarity, and some of them tortured by an Engine called a Boot, to make them discover others, and such as had gi­ven them any Assistance or Relief. Besides, it was made Treason for any one to harbour such of them as had escaped. This was the first In­surrection in Scotland, known by the Name of Pentland-Hills, which was the Place where they fought.

These Barbarities served only to incense the Country, and to make the People of the Western Shires more averse to Conformity than before. This occasion'd many severe Laws to force them to a Compliance, which not having the design'd Effect, an Army of barbarous Highlanders was twice brought down upon the Country, which they plunder's, treated the People with all sort of Inhumanity, garrison'd Gentlemen's Houses contrary to Law, impos'd Bonds and Oaths upon the People without Authority of Parliament, and committed such other Outrages, as if they had been in an Enemies Country. But all this not prevailing with the People to conform, or to abstain from Worship in the Fields, when they could not do it in Houses, Troops were employ­ed to attack the People where-ever they were as­sembled, which oblig'd them frequently to stand on their Defence, and all that did so being made Guilty of Death, this brought on the second In­surrection at Bothwell-bridge, in 1679. where the poor oppressed People being vastly out-number'd by the King's Army, under the Command of the [Page 37] Duke of Monmouth, about 300 of 'em, after a stout Resistance, were kill'd, the rest put to flight, and above 1000 taken, and carried to E­dinburgh, where they were a long time kept in an open Church-yard without any Shelter from Cold or Rain; several Ministers and others were executed, and about 1700 taken there, and at other Places before, sold for Slaves to America, and other Parts, 200 of which were cast away near Orkney, thro' the Barbarity of the Captain of the Ship, who order'd them to be kept under Hatches, when his Ship struck, otherwise they might have escaped as well as he, and his Men, and about 50 others of their Fellow Prisoners.

The Country was made a perfect Scene of Hor­ror and Cruelty, by the Pursuits which were made after those who escaped from the Field, and the proscribing, or putting to Death such as were found to give them any Relief, though their nearest Relations. And Acts were made to make it Death for any Presbyterian Ministers to preach, or People to hear them, in House or Field.

These barbarous Oppressions made a Part of the People so mad, that some of them thought themselves absolved from giving any further O­bedience to King Charles II. or those commission­ed under him; and therefore took upon them to declare, That he had forfeited his Crown by his Perjury and Tyranny, and that they would no more own him as their Sovereign. Though this was known to be contrary to the declared Princi­ples of the Presbyterians, and perfectly inconsi­stent with what they held themselves to be obli­ged to by the Solemn League and Covenant, which bound them to maintain the King's just Preroga­tive, and the Authority of Parliaments, from [Page 38] whom their Kings derived their Authority, and without whose Consent they held they could not be depriv'd of it; yet the Practice of those few desperate Men was made a Handle to oppress all the Presbyterians, and to impose new Oaths and Bonds upon them. In the mean time that Hand­ful of Men who had thus thrown off the King's Authority, were pursued from Place to Place, and kill'd without any Tryal, where-ever they were found; and the Soldiers had an illegal Power given them by the Council to tender a Bond or Oath, to all that they pleased, to dis­own the Declaration of those Men; and if they refused it, they were presently to kill them; and thus they murder'd, without any Trial, about 78 People, in several Parts of the Country, and in such a barbarous Manner, that they would not allow those poor People Time to recommend themselves to God, before they were shot or stabb'd, but answer'd them with this atheistical Sarcasm, What the Devil have you been doing so many Years? Ha'n't you had Time enough to pray in the Caves and Mountains!

The murmuring Faction cannot pretend that the present Rebels were forced by any such Ex­tremities as these, to take Arms, nor have they any Ground to complain of any such Inquisitor­like Proceedings against their Friends; and 'tis well for them 'tis so; otherwise there had been such a Havock long e'er now among the High­Church Party, that few or none of them would have been left to belch out Lies and Treason eve­ry Day against the Government.

I come now to the last Insurrection in Scot­land, before the Revolution, which was that un­der the Earl of Argyle, already mention'd: The Causes of it are to be seen in his Declaration, [Page 39] as above, so that there's little more to be said of it, but that his Lordship not being able to raise above 2000 Men, because of the Precautions which the Government had taken against him upon the early Notice they had of his Design, he only wander'd about for 6 or 7 Weeks, in the Western Highlands, where being block'd up by the King's Men of War, and straiten'd for Pro­visions, abundance of his Men deserted; and com­ing at last towards Dumbarton and Glasgow, he was intercepted by a numerous Army; and his Men perceiving that the Enemy was ten times their Number, and being also wearied out with long Marches, want of Provisions, and Sleep, most of them withdrew in the Night, and the few that kept together, were, after some Skir­mishes with a Party of the Enemy, whom they defeated, obliged likewise to disperse; the Earl himself, with a few more, were taken, and exe­cuted at Edinburgh, as about 20 of his Men were at his Seat at Innerary in the Highlands; and ma­ny others taken up afterwards on Suspicion, or o­therwise, were banish'd to America.

'Tis observable, That the Earl was not execu­ted upon the Account of this Rebellion; but be­cause of an Explanation which he offered of the Test that had been made, for all those in Places of Power and Trust, when the Parliament of Scotland settled the Succession upon the Duke of York: This was so much the more extraordinary, that several of the Episcopal Party had been al­low'd to take it with such Explanations, because it was contradictory in it self, and were never called in question for it: But the Reason why the Earl was pick'd out to be a Sacrifice, was the Greatness of his Quality and Power, which the Court knew would make it difficult for them [Page 40] to [...] their P [...]ish and Tyrannical Designs [...] Scotland, so long as a person of his Weight and Interest in the [...]try was left in being.

After his [...], James II. thought he might do what [...] would in Scotland: He persecuted the Presbyterians with the Height of Barbarity, and overturn'd the Constitution by an arbitrary Pro­clamation, Feb. 12. 168 [...]. wherein he granted an unlimited Toleration by his Sovereign Autho­rity, Prerog [...]tive Royal, and Absolute Power, which he alledg'd all his Subjects ought to obey without Re­serve: This, with other things mentioned in the [...] Declaration of Rights, brought on the Re­volution there, as appears by the 13th Act of their Convention, Apr. 11. 1689, wherein they charge him with having invaded the Fundamen­tal Constitution of the Kingdom; That he alter­ed it from a legal limitted Monarchy to an arbi­trary despotick Power; and in a publick Procla­mation asserted an absolute Power to annul all the Laws, and particularly arraign'd those which establish'd the Protestant Religion.

I come next to take a View of King James II's Administration in Ireland. Soon after his Acces­sion to the British Throne, he sent that bigotted Papist and Tyrant, the Earl of Tyrconnel, to be Lord Lieutenant of that Kingdom, at the Re­quest of the Popish Clergy there, who, in their letter to the King, of July, 1625. said, ‘' That Tyr­connel was the Person that did first espouse, and chiefly maintain their Cause for the last 25 Years, and was the only Man on whose Forti­tude and Popularity they durst with Chear­fulness own their Lovalty, and assert his Ma­jesty's interest: Therefore they prayed, That his Majesty would be pleased to lodge his Au­thority in his Hands, to the Terror of the Fa­ction, meaning the Protestants.'’

[Page 41] Tyrconnel fully answered their Expectations, and in a little Time cashier'd the Protestant Ar­my in Ireland, which consisted of about 7000 Men, and form'd another of Papists, most of whom were the Descendants, or near Relations of those that had been attainted for the Rebellion and Massacre in 1641, or had signalized them­selves by notorious Villanies, and implacable Hatred to the English, and Protestant Interest in that Nation.

In the next Place he set up Judges there, who were engaged by Interest and Inclination to destroy the Protestant Religion; and one of them, called Rice, a prosligate Papist, who was advanced to be Lord Chief Baron, had the Im­pudence to declare, he would draw a Coach and six Horses through the Act of Settlement, which was the Chief Security the Protestants had in that Kingdom. Sir Alexander Fitton, who had been convicted of Forgery at Westminster-Hall, and Chester, and fin'd for it by the Lords in Parlia­ment, was taken out of Goal, and made Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, because he turned Papist; and was so zealous to shew himself a true Convert, that he several times declared with the Height of Impudence from the Bench, That the Irish Protestants were all Rogues, and that there was not one among 40000 of 'em, but was a Traytor, Re­bel and Villain.

The Privy Council in Ireland was compos'd of a Majority of Papisis; so that the Protestants na­med as Members of it, declined to act; because they were sensible that they could do their Religi­on and the English Interest no manner of Service.

There wanted nothing else but to model a House of Commons to the Designs of the Court, and in order to that the Charters of all Corpora­tions [Page 42] were seiz'd by Quo Warranto's, without a­ny Cause or Shadow of Law; so that the Magi­stracies of Corporations were fill'd up with Pa­pists, and Men of desperate, or no Fortunes; and the new Charters had a Clause by which the chief Governour was impower'd to turn out and put in whom he pleased, without shewing a Rea­son.

The Protestant Clergy were oppressed by Tyr­connel, and the Popish Priests did openly demand the Tythes belonging to them, and forbad their People to pay the Tythes to the Protestant In­cumbents, on Pain of Damnation. This pass'd afterwards into an Act, by which the Papists were to pay their Tythes only to their own Priests; and afterwards, as any Protestant Bi­shop or Clergyman died, Papists were put into their Places by the King's Privy Signet, or Sign Manual.

In the next Place Tyrconnel stopp'd the Salaries of the University of Dublin, because they would not, contrary to the Laws and their Oaths, admit a vicious ignorant Papist into a vacant Fellow­ship; and when King James arrived there after the Revolution, the Protestant Vice President, Fellows and Scholars, were all turn'd out, their Furniture, Library, Communion Plate, and e­very thing belonging to the College was taken a­way, the House made a Garrison, and their Chambers made Prisons for Protestants; tho' King James had promised to preserve their Liberties and Properties, and rather augment than diminish the Privileges which had been granted them by his Predecessors. At last most of the Churches in and about Dublin, were seiz'd on by the Government, and an Order was issu­ed, forbidding more than 5 Protestants to meet, [Page 43] under Pain of Death, so that all religious Assem­blies through the whole Kingdom, were prohi­bited to Protestants.

To complete their Ruin, an Act of Attainder was pass'd in Parliament, in order to which, eve­ry Member of the House of Commons returned the Names of all such Protestant Gentlemen as lived near them, or in the County or Borough for which he served; or if he was a Stranger to any of them, he sent to the Country for Infor­mation about them. When the Bill was present­ed to the King for his Assent, the Speaker told him, That many were attainted in that Act up­on such Evidence as satisfied the House, and the rest upon Common Fame.

In this Act, no fewer were attainted than two Archbishops, one Duke, 17 Earls, 7 Countesses, 28 Viscounts, 2 Viscountesses, 7 Bishops, 18 Ba­rons, 33 Baronets, 51 Knights, 83 Clergymen, 2182 Esquires and Gentlemen, and all of 'em un­heard, declared and adjudged Traytors, convict­ed and attainted of High-Treason, and adjudged to suffer the Pains of Death and Forseiture. The famous Proscription of Rome during the last Tri­umvirate, came not up in some Respects to the Horror of this; for there were condemned in this little Kingdom more than double the Number that were proscribed through the vast Bounds of the Roman Empire. And to make this of Ireland yet the more terrible, and to put the Persons at­tainted out of a Possibility of escaping, the Act it self was concealed, and no Protestant allow'd a Copy of it, till four Months after it was past: Whereas in that of Rome, the Names of the Per­sons proscribed were affixed upon all the publick Places of the City, and the very Day the Proscrip­tion was concerted; and thereby Opportunity [Page 44] was given to many of the noblest Families in Rome, to preserve themselves by a speedy Flight for better Times.

The Conclusion.

LET our Murmerers speak from their Con­sciences, if they have any: Can the most abandon'd of them have the Face to say, That there is not a very great Difference betwixt the Cause of those who took Arms against Tyranny and Popery in the three Nations, during the Reigns of King Charles and King James II. and of such as have taken Arms to set up an Impostor, and to bring in Tyranny and Popery in the Reign of King G E O R G E. Is there not a very great Difference betwixt those who ventur'd their Lives and Fortunes to save Us from the Slavery of France, and Idolatry of Rome, and those who would have delivered us up in Chains to both.

And as the Difference betwixt the Causes is remarkable, the Difference betwixt the Conduct of the Parties is no less so. Can Envy and Ma­lice charge the Whigs in those Reigns to have join'd with Papists in pulling down Places of Protestant Worship, whilst Mass-Houses pass'd untouched? Can they be charged to have join­ed with Papists to insult Prince and Parliament, in order to interrupt the Course of Justice a­gainst an Incendiary, for preaching Sedition and Treason? Can they be charged with a Rebelli­on to screen a Ministry from Justice, who had betrayed their Religion, their Liberty, their Country, their Trade, their Sovereign, and all Europe, into the Hands of France? Can they be [Page 45] charged with taking Arms for Ministers who had perswaded their Sovereign to break Oaths and Leagues, to betray our Allies in Council and Cam [...] and to utter the grossest Contradictions and [...]alshoods from the Throne? Can they be charged with concurring in a Design to defeat a Protestant Succession, and set a Papist on the Throne by execrable Tricks and Perjuries, and particularly by taking Oaths to the Government, on purpose to undermine it. Or can they be charged, when in Arms, with burning and plun­dering their Native Country, or to have join'd with Domestick and Foreign Papists, to set up a Popish Pretender, and murther and dethrone a Protestant King, and his whole Royal Family.

The Faction, tho' Case-harden'd to the great­est Degree, can't charge such Things upon those who took Arms against the Male-Administrations of King Charles II. and King James II.

Then, as to the Difference betwixt the Treat­ment of those who took Arms against those Prin­ces, and our present Rebels, can the Faction have the Impudence to say, That our Generals have treated the present Rebels, as Kirk did those who took Arms under the Duke of Mon­mouth, when he ordered 90 of the poor wounded Prisoners to be immediately hang'd at Taunton, without allowing their poor Wives and Children to speak to them, and at the same time made his Pipes to play, his Drums to beat, and his Trum­pets to found, that the People might not hear what they said at the Place of Execution; after which he order'd their Quarters to be boil'd in Pitch, and set up in several Parts of the Town; for which, when he was afterwards question'd, he pleaded the Orders of the King and his Gene­ral.

[Page 46] Can they say that our Judges have hector'd Ju­ries to bring in any of the Rebels Guilty, after they had three times acquitted them: as Jefferies did in the Case of the Lady Lisle?

Can they say that our Judges have trapanned any of the Rebels to confess themselves Guilty, in Hopes of Pardon, as Jefferies did, and then hang them up afterwards by Scores, without al­lowing them Time to prepare for Death?

Can they say that our Judges have extorted a­ny Sums from the Rebels for procuring them Par­dons, or much less that they have extorted 14500 l. from any Rebel of Note for a Pardon, as he did in order to purchase himself an Estate?

Can they say that our Judges have condemn'd above 500 Persons upon very slight, or no Evi­dence, as he did at Taunton and Wells, where a­bove 239 were executed, and their Quarters dis­pers'd in the principal Places and Roads of the Country?

Can they say that our Judges have prosecuted Girls of 8 or 9 Years old for High-Treason, be­cause they presented a few Colours to the Rebels, as Jefferies did, and forc'd their Parents to pay as much for their Pardon as would have made them handsome Fortunes?

Let them look upon the Lists above, and com­pare them with the Lists of those tryed lately at Liverpoole, and publish'd in the Flying-Post of Feb. 14. and then tell us, whether the Clemency of King James II. or that of King GEORGE is the greatest.

Let them turn their Eyes to the abovemen­tion'd Accounts of the Proceedings against the Rebels in Scotland, in the Reigns of the two Bro­thers, and see if they can find such Barbarities now as were practis'd there at that Time.

[Page 47] Have any of the present Rebels been tortur'd with Boots and Thumbkins to make them disco­ver the rest, and who gave them any Relief or Encouragement?

Can they tell us of any that have been pro­scrib'd, or put to Death for entertaining the pre­sent Rebels, tho' their nearest Relations?

Let them tell us, if they can, where any of the present Rebels have been drown'd on purpose, under the Pretence of being transported to Fo­reign Plantations.

Can they give us any Instances that the pre­sent Rebels have been examin'd upon captious Questions by Privy-Councils and Judges, and hang'd for not answering such Questions, as was practis'd in Scotland?

Can they tell us of any Parties of Soldiers sent out to murder those whom they met in the Fields and Roads, that would not disown the Preten­der's Declaration or Title. And let them tell us if they can, whether Inn-keepers and Hostlers are empower'd to examine their Guests and Tra­vellers upon such Questions; and of Magistrates being empower'd to hang such Persons immedi­ately, as had not Certificates of their having dis­own'd the Pretender and his Title, or would not do it when brought before them?

Have the present Rebels, taken in the Act, been exposed without Cover to the Rigour of the Season by Hundreds together, and left to strave, as those that were taken at Bothwell-Bridge in Scotland?

Let them next take a Tour to Ireland, and find out Instances there, where the Pretender's Friends have been attainted in Parliament upon Common Fame, and the Act concealed that they might have no Opportunity to make their Es­cape.

[Page 48] A great deal more might be said of the Inhu­man and Barbarous Proceedings of those Reigns; but this is more than enough to convict our Mur­murers of Falshood, who cry out against the gentle Methods of Justice now made use of to punish such as have rais'd the most unnatural and ill-grounded Rebellion that was ever heard of up­on Earth.

I shall conclude with one Rebuke to the Jaco­bite Females, who take upon them to make Treason their ordinary Tattle, that 'tis well for them that they don't live under such an Admi­nistration, as that of Charles and James II. in Scot­land, when poor Country Girls were hang'd with­out Mercy, for saying that Charles had forfeited his Title to the Crown by breaking the Original Contract, or Covenant, on which he took it, and that James being a profess'd Papist, had no Right to the Crown, because it was coutrary to the Fundamental Laws of the Nation, and particu­larly that of King James VI. which obliged al [...] their Princes to swear at their Coronation that they were Protestants, would maintain that Reli­gion, as then established, and abolish all false Religion, Idolatry, and Heresy. I would also advise those Jacobite Ladies who make so bold with the present Government at their Tea-Ta­bles, &c. and discover so much Inclination to fa­vour the Rebels, to remember what the Lady Lisle, and Mrs. Gaunt suffer'd, for Crimes of a far less Nature in the Eye of the Law, as it then stood, or rather was wrested.


Books Printed for Andrew Bell, in Cornhill; and J. Baker in Pater-noster-row.

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  • Matter of Fact, being a short but true Account of the Birth, Education, and Ordination, of William Paul, Clergy-man, containing several Original Letters concerning his Tryal and Con­demnation; with his Petition to his Majesty King GEORGE, and the Lord Chief Justice, for his Life. By one that knew him before and at the Time of his Confinement in Newgate. With an Appendix. The Second Edition. Price 4 d.

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