LONDON: Printed for ROBINSON and ROBERTS, N o. 25, in Pater-noster Row. MDCCXLIX.


IN these ticklish times, it may be necessary to give such an account of the following sheets, as will exempt me from the plague of prosecution.

On the 7th of March, in the present year 1748, they were of­fered to me for sale, by a tall thin woman, about the age of threescore, dressed in a gown of Bombazine, with a cloak and bonnet of black silk, both a little the worse for the wear.—She cal­led [Page vi] herself Dorothy Hatchet, spin­ster, of the parish of Old-street, ad­ministratrix of Mr. Nathaniel Pea­cock, who died in the said parish on the fifth day of last April, and lies buried in the church-yard of Islington, in the north-west cor­ner, where his grave is distin­guished by a monumental board inscribed with the following tristich:

Hic, haec, hoc,
Here lies the block
Of old Nathaniel Peacock.

In this particular, any person whatever may satisfy himself, by taking an afternoon's walk to Islington, where, at the White House, he may recreate and re­fresh [Page vii] himself with excellent tea and hot rolls for so small a charge as eight-pence.

As to the M S, before I would treat for it, I read it over at­tentively, and found it contained divers curious particulars of a foreign history, without any al­lusion to, or resemblance with, the transactions of these times. I likewise turned over to Kemp­fer and the Universal History, and found in their several accounts of Japan, many of the names and much of the matter specified in the following sheets. Finally, that I might run no risque of mis­construction, I had recourse to an eminent chamber-council of my acquaintance, who diligently pe­rused [Page viii] the whole, and declared it was no more actionable than the Vision of Ezekiel, or the Lamen­tations of Jeremiah the prophet. Thus assured, I purchased the copy, which I now present in print, with my best respects, to the Courteous Reader, being his very humble servant,


Vivant Rex & Regina.

THE History and Adventures OF AN ATOM.
The EDITOR's Declaration.

I Nathaniel Peacock, of the parish of St. Giles, haberdasher and author, solemnly declare, That on the third of last August, sitting alone in my study, up three pair of stairs, between the hours of eleven and twelve at night, meditating upon the uncertainty of sublunary enjoyment, I heard a shrill, small voice, seeming­ly proceeding from a chink or crevice in my own pericranium, call distinct­ly three times, ‘"Nathaniel Peacock, Nathaniel Peacock, Nathaniel Pea­cock."’ [Page 2] Astonished, yea, even affright­ed, at this citation, I replied in a faultering tone, ‘"In the name of the Lord, what art thou?"’ Thus adjured, the voice answered and said, ‘"I am an atom."’ I was now thrown into a violent perturbation of spirit; for I never could behold an atomy without fear and trembling, even when I knew it was no more than a composition of dry bones; but the conceit of being in presence of an atomy informed with spirit, that is, animated by a ghost or goblin, increased my terrors exceedingly. I durst not lift up mine eyes, lest I should behold an appari­tion more dreadful than the hand­writing on the wall. My knees knocked together: my teeth chatter­ed: mine hair bristled up so as to raise a cotton night-cap from the scalp: my tongue cleaved to the roof of my mouth: my temples were be­dewed with a cold sweat.—Verily, I was for a season entranced.

[Page 3] At length, by the blessing of God, I recollected myself, and cried aloud, ‘"Avaunt Satan, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."’ ‘"White-livered caitiff!’ said the voice, (with a peculiar tartness of pronunciation) what art thou afraid of, that thou shouldest thus tremble, and diffuse around thee such an unsavoury odour?—What thou hearest is within thee—is part of thyself. I am one of those atoms, or constituent particles of matter, which can neither be an­nihilated, divided, nor impaired: the different arrangements of us atoms compose all the variety of objects and essences which nature exhibits, or art can obtain. Of the same shape, sub­stance, and quality, are the compo­nent particles, that harden in rock, and flow in water; that blacken in the negro, and brighten in the dia­mond; that exhale from a rose, and steam from a dunghill. Even now, ten millions of atoms were dispersed [Page 4] in air by that odoriferous gale, which the commotion of thy fear produced; and I can foresee that one of them will be consolidated in a fibre of the olfactory nerve, belonging to a cele­brated beauty, whose nostril is exco­riated by the immoderate use of plain Spanish. Know, Nathaniel, that we atoms are singly endued with such efficacy of reason, as cannot be ex­pected in an aggregate body, where we croud and squeeze and embarrass one another. Yet, those ideas which we singly possess, we cannot communicate, except once in a thousand years, and then only, when we fill a certain place in the pineal gland of a human creature, the very station which I now main­tain in thine.—For the benefit of you miserable mortals, I am determined to promulge the history of one pe­riod, during which I underwent some strange revolutions in the empire of Japan, and was conscious of some political anecdotes now to be divulg­ed [Page 5] for the instruction of British mi­nisters. Take up the pen, therefore, and write what I shall unfold.

By this time my first apprehension vanished; but another fear, almost as terrible, usurped its place. I began to think myself insane, and concluded that the voice was no other than the fantastic undulation of a disturbed brain. I therefore preferred an ear­nest orison at the throne of grace, that I might be restored to the fruition of my right understanding and judg­ment. ‘"O incredulous wretch, (ex­claimed the voice,) I will now con­vince thee that this is no phantasma or hideous dream.—Answer me, dost thou know the meaning and deriva­tion of the word atom?"’ I replied, ‘"No, verily!"’ ‘"Then I will tell thee, (said the voice) thou shalt write it down without delay, and consult the curate of the parish on the same sub­ject. If his explanation and mine agree, thou will then be firmly per­suaded [Page 6] that I am an actual, indepen­dent existence; and that this address is not the vague delirium of a disor­dered brain. Atomos is a Greek word, signifying an indivisible particle, de­rived from alpha privativa, and temno to cut."’

I marvelled much at this injunc­tion, which, however, I literally obey­ed; and next morning sallied forth to visit the habitation of the curate; but in going thither, it was my hap to encounter a learned physician of my acquaintance, who hath read all the books that ever were published in any nation, or language: to him I refer­ed for the derivation of the word atom. He paused a little, threw up his eyes to heaven, stroaked his chin with great solemnity, and hemming three times, ‘"Greek, Sir, (said he) is more familiar to me than my na­tive tongue.—I have conversed, Sir, with Homer and Plato, Hesiod and Theophrastus, Herodotus, Thucydi­des, [Page 7] Hippocrates, Aretaeus, Pindar, and Sophocles, and all the poets and historians of antiquity. Sir, my libra­ry cost me two thousand pounds. I have spent as much more in making experiments; and you must know that I have discovered certain chemi­cal specifics, which I would not di­vulge for fifty times the sum.—As for the word atomos, or atime, it signifies a scoundrel, Sir, or as it were, Sir, a thing of no estimation. It is derived, Sir, from alpha privativa, and time, honour. Hence, we call a skeleton an atomy, because, Sir, the bones are, as it were, dishonoured by being stripped of their cloathing, and exposed in their nakedness."’

I was sorely vexed at this inter­pretation, and my apprehension of lunacy recurred: nevertheless, I pro­ceeded in my way to the lodgings of the curate, and desired his explana­tion, which tallied exactly with what I had written. At my return to my [Page 8] own house, I ascended to my study, asked pardon of my internal monitor; and taking pen, ink, and paper, sat down to write what it dictated, in the following strain.

"It was in the aera of * Foggien, one thousand years ago, that fate de­termined I should exist in the empire of Japan, where I underwent a great number of vicissitudes, till, at length, I was enclosed in a grain of rice, eaten by a Dutch mariner at Firando, and, becoming a particle of his body, brought to the Cape of Good Hope. There I was discharged in a scorbutic dysentery, taken up in a heap of soil to manure a garden, raised to vege­tation in a sallad, devoured by an English supercargo, assimilated to a certain organ of his body, which, at his return to London, being diseased in consequence of impure contact, I [Page 9] was again separated, with a consider­able portion of putrefied flesh, thrown upon a dunghill, gobbled up, and di­gested by a duck, of which duck your father, Ephraim Peacock, having eaten plentifully at a feast of the cordwainers, I was mixed with his circulating juices, and finally fixed in the principal part of that animalcule, which, in process of time, expanded itself into thee, Nathaniel Peacock.

Having thus particularized my transmigrations since my conveyance from Japan, I shall return thither, and unfold some curious particulars of state-intrigue, carried on during the short period, the history of which I mean to record: I need not tell thee, that the empire of Japan consists of three large islands; or that the peo­ple, who inhabit them, are such in­consistent, capricious animals, that one would imagine they were created for the purpose of ridicule. Their minds are in continual agitation, like a shut­tlecock [Page 10] tossed to and fro, in order to divert the demons of philosophy and folly. A Japonese, without the in­tervention of any visible motive, is, by turns, merry and pensive, super­ficial and profound, generous and il­liberal, rash and circumspect, cour­ageous and fearful, benevolent and cruel. They seem to have no fixed principle of action, no certain plan of conduct, no effectual rudder to steer them through the voyage of life; but to be hurried down the rapid tide of each revolving whim, or driven, the sport of every gust of passion that happens to blow. A Japonese will sing at a funeral, and sigh at a wed­ding; he will this hour talk ribaldry with a prostitute, and the next im­merse himself in the study of meta­physics or theology. In favour of one stranger, he will exert all the virtues of hospitality; against another he will exercise all the animosity of the most sordid prejudice: one minute sees him [Page 11] hazarding his all on the success of the most extravagant project; another beholds him hesitating in lending a few copans * to his friend on unde­niable security. To-day, he is afraid of paring his corns; to-morrow, he scruples not to cut his own throat. At one season, he will give half his for­tune to the poor; at another, he will not bestow the smallest pittance to save his brother from indigence and distress. He is elated to insolence by the least gleam of success; he is de­jected to despondence by the slightest turn of adverse fortune. One hour he doubts the best established truths; the next, he swallows the mostimpro­bable fiction. His praise and his censure is what a wise man would choose to avoid, as evils equally per­nicious: the first is generally raised without foundation, and carried to such extravagance, as to expose the [Page 12] object to the ridicule of mankind; the last is often unprovoked, yet usually inflamed to all the rage of the most malignant persecution. He will extol above Alexander the great, a petty officer who robs a hen-roost; and damn to infamy, a general for not performing impossibilities. The same man whom he yesterday flattered with the most fulsome adulation, he will to-morrow revile with the most bitter abuse; and, at the turning of a straw, take into his bosom the very person whom he has formerly defamed as the most perfidious rascal.

The Japanese value themselves much upon their constitution, and are very clamorous about the words liberty and property; yet, in fact, the only liberty they enjoy is to get drunk whenever they please, to revile the government, and quarrel with one another. With respect to their pro­perty, they are the tamest animals in the world; and, if properly managed, [Page 13] undergo, without wincing, such impo­sitions, as no other nation in the world would bear. In this particular, they may be compared to an ass, that will crouch under the most unconscion­able burthen, provided you scratch his long ears, and allow him to bray his belly-full. They are so practica­ble, that they have suffered their pockets to be drained, their veins to be emptied, and their credit to be cracked, by the most bungling ad­ministrations, to gratify the avarice, pride, and ambition, of the most sor­did and contemptible sovereigns, that ever sate upon the throne.

The methods used for accomplish­ing these purposes are extremely sim­ple. You have seen a dancing bear incensed to a dangerous degree of rage, and all at once appeased by firing a pistol over his nose. The Japonese, even in their most ferocious moods, when they denounce vengeance against the Cuboy, or minister, and even [Page 14] threaten the throne itself; are easily softened into meekness and conde­scension. A set of tall fellows, hired for the purpose, tickle them under the noses with long straws, into a gentle convulsion, during which they shut their eyes, and smile, and quietly suf­fer their pockets to be turned inside out. Nay, what is still more remark­able, the ministry is in possession of a pipe, or rather bullocks's horn, which being sounded to a particular pitch, has such an effect on the ears and understanding of the people, that they allow their pockets to be picked with their eyes open, and are bribed to be­tray their own interest with their own money, as easily as if the treasure had come from the remotest corner of the globe. Notwithstanding these capricious peculiarities, the Japonese are become a wealthy and powerful people, partly from their insular si­tuation, and partly from a spirit of commercial adventure, sustained by [Page 15] all the obstinacy of perseverance, and conducted by repeated flashes of good sense, which almost incessantly gleam through the chaos of their absurdities.

Japan was originally governed by monarchs who possessed an absolute power, and succeeded by hereditary right, under the title of Dairo. But in the beginning of the period Fog­gien, this emperor became a cypher, and the whole administration devolv­ed into the hands of the prime mi­nister, or Cuboy, who now exercises all the power and authority, leaving the trappings of royalty to the inactive Dairo. The prince, who held the reins of government in the short pe­riod which I intend to record, was not a lineal descendant of the antient Dairos, the immediate succession having sailed, but sprung from a col­lateral branch which was invited from a foreign country in the person of Bupo, in honour of whom the Ja­ponese erected Fakkubasi *, or the [Page 16] temple of the white horse. So much were all his successors devoted to the culture of this idol, which, by the bye, was made of the vilest materials, that, in order to enrich his shrine, they impoverished the whole empire, yet still with the connivance, and by the influence of the Cuboy, who gra­tified this sordid passion or supersti­tion of the Dairo, with a view to prevent him from employing his at­tention on matters of greater conse­quence.

Nathaniel, You have heard of the transmigration of souls, a doctrine avowed by one Pythagoras, a philo­sopher of Crotona. This doctrine, though discarded and reprobated by christians, is nevertheless sound, and orthodox, I affirm on the integrity of an atom. Further I shall not explain myself on this subject, though I might with safety set the convocation and the whole hierarchy at defiance, knowing, as I do, that it is not in their [Page 17] power to make me bate one particle of what I advance: or, if they should endeavour to reach me through your organs, and even condemn you to the stake at Smithfield, verily, I say unto thee, I should be a gainer by the next remove. I should shift my quarters from a very cold and empty tenement, which I now occupy in the brain of a poor haberdasher, to the nervous ple­xus situated at the mouth of the sto­mach of a fat aldermand fed with ve­nison and turtle.

But to return to Pythagoras, whom one of your wise countrymen deno­minated Peter Gore, the wise-acre of Croton, you must know that philo­sopher was a type, which hath not yet been fully unveiled. That he taught the metempsychosis, explained the nature and property of harmonies, demonstrated the motion of the earth, discovered the elements of geometry and arithmetic, enjoined his disciples silence, and abstained from eating [Page 18] any thing that was ever informed by the breath of life; are circumstances known to all the learned world: but his veneration for beans, which cost him his life, his golden thigh, his ad­ventures in the character of a cour­tezan, his golden verses, his epithet of [...], the fable of his being born of a virgin, and his descent into hell, are mysteries in which some of the most important truths are con­cealed.—Between friends, honest Na­thaniel, I myself constituted part of that sage's body; and I could say a great deal—but there is a time for all things.—I shall only observe, that Philip Tessier had some reason for sup­posing Pythagoras to have been a monk; and there are shrewd hints in Meyer's dissertation, Utrum Pytha­goras Judaeus fuit, an monachus Car­melita.

Waving these intricate discussions for the present, (though I cannot help disclosing that Pythagoras was actually [Page 19] circumcised) know, Peacock, that the metempsychosis, or transmigration of souls, is the method which nature and fate constantly pursue, in animating the creatures produced on the face of the earth; and this process, with some variation, is such as the eleusinian mysteries imported, and such as you have read in Dryden's translation of the sixth book of Virgil's Aeneid. The Gods have provided a great magazine or diversorium, to which the departed souls of all animals repair at their dis­mission from the body. Here they are bathed in the waters of obli­vion, until they retain no memory of the scenes through which they have passed; but they still preserve their original crasis and capacity. From this repository, all new created be­ings are supplied with souls; and these souls transmigrate into different animals, according to the pleasure of the great disposer. For example, my good friend Nathaniel Peacock, your [Page 20] own soul has within these hundred years threaded a goat, a spider, and a bishop; and its next stage will be the carcase of a brewer's horse.

In what manner we atoms come by these articles of intelligence, whe­ther by intuition, or communication of ideas, it is not necessary that you should conceive—Suffice it to say, the gods were merry on the follies of mankind, and Mercury undertook to exhibit a mighty nation, ruled and governed by the meanest intellects that could be found in the repository of pre-existing spirits. He laid the scene in Japan, about the middle of the period Foggien, when that nation was at peace with all her neighbours. Into the mass, destined to sway the sceptre, he infused, at the very article of con­ception, the spirit, which in course of strangulation had been expelled a pos­teriori from a goose, killed on purpose to regale the appetite of the mother. The animalcule, thus inspired, was [Page 21] born, and succeeded to the throne, under the name of Got-hama-baba. His whole life and conversation was no other than a repetition of the hu­mours he had displayed in his last cha­racter. He was rapacious, shallow, hot­headed, and perverse; in point of un­derstanding, just sufficient to appear in public without a siavering bib; im­bued with no knowledge, illumed by no sentiment, and warmed with no affection; except a blind attachment to the worship of Fakku-basi, which seemed indeed to be a disease in his constitution. His heart was meanly selfish, and his disposition altogether unprincely.

Of all his recreations, that which he delighted in most, was kicking the breech of his Cuboy, or prime minister, an exercise which he every day per­formed in private. It was therefore necessary that a Cuboy should be found to undergo this diurnal operation with­out repining. This was a circum­stance [Page 22] foreseen and provided for by Mercury, who, a little after the con­ception of Got-hama-baba, impreg­nated the ovum of a future Cuboy, and implanted in it a changling soul, which had successively passed through the bodies of an ass, a dottril, an apple-woman, and a cow-boy. It was diverting enough to see the re­joicings with which the birth of this Quanbuku * was celebrated; and still more so to observe the marks of fond admiration in the parents, as the soul of the cow-boy proceeded to ex­pand itself in the young Cuboy. This is a species of diversion we atoms of­ten enjoy. We at different times be­hold the same spirit, hunted down in a hare, and cried up in an Hector; fawning in a prostitute, and bribing in a minister; breaking forth in a whistle at the plough, and in a sermon from the pulpit; impelling a hog to [Page 23] the stye, and a counsellor to the ca­binet; prompting a shoe-boy to filch, and a patriot to harangue; squinting in a goat, and smiling in a matron.

Tutors of all sorts were provided betimes for the young Quanbuku, but his genius rejected all cultivation; at least the crops it produced were barren and ungrateful. He was distin­guished by the name of Fika-kaka, and caressed as the heir of an im­mense fortune. Nay, he was really considered as one of the most hopeful young Quanbukus in the empire of Japan; for his want of ideas was at­tended with a total absence of pride, insolence, or any other disagreeable vice: indeed his character was found­ed upon negatives. He had no un­derstanding, no oeconomy, no cour­age, no industry, no steadiness, no discernment, no vigour, no retention. He was reputed generous and good-humoured; but was really profuse, chicken-hearted, negligent, fickle, [Page 24] blundering, weak, and leaky. All these qualifications were agitated by an eagerness, haste, and impatience, that compleated the most ludicrous composition, which human nature ever produced. He appeared always in hurry and confusion, as if he had lost his wits in the morning, and was in quest of them all day.—Let me whisper a secret to you, my good friend Peacock. All this bustle and trepi­dation proceeded from a hollowness in the brain, forming a kind of eddy, in which his animal spirits were hur­ried about in a perpetual swirl. Had it not been for this Lusus Naturoe, the circulation would not have been sufficient for the purposes of animal life. Had the whole world been searched by the princes thereof, it would not have produced another to have matched this half-witted origi­nal, to whom the administration of a mighty empire was wholly consigned. Notwithstanding all the care that was [Page 25] taken of his education, Fika-kaka never could comprehend any art or science, except that of dancing bare­headed among the Bonzas at the great festival of Cambadoxi. The extent of his knowledge in arithmetic went no farther than the numeration of his ten fingers. In history, he had no idea of what preceded a certain treaty with the Chinese, in the reign of queen Syko, who died within his own remembrance; and was so ignorant of geography, that he did not know that his native country was surround­ed by the sea. No system of mora­lity could he ever understand; and of the fourteen sects of religion that are permitted in Japan, the only dis­cipline he could imbibe was a super­stitious devotion for Fakku-basi, the temple of the white horse. This, indeed, was neither the fruit of doc­trine, nor the result of reason; but a real instinct, implanted in his nature [Page 26] for fulfilling the ends of providence. His person was extremely aukward; his eye vacant, though alarmed; his speech thick, and embarrassed; his utterance ungraceful; and his mean­ing perplexed. With much difficul­ty he learned to write his own name, and that of the Dairo; and picked up a smattering of the Chinese language, which was sometimes used at court. In his youth, he freely conversed with women; but, as he advanced in age, he placed his chief felicity in the de­lights of the table. He hired cooks from China at an enormous expence, and drank huge quantities of the strong liquor distilled from rice, which, by producing repeated intoxication, had an unlucky effect upon his brain, that was naturally of a loose flimsy tex­ture. The immoderate use of this potation was likewise said to have greatly impaired his retentive faculty; inasmuch as he was subject upon every [Page 27] extraordinary emotion of spirit, to an involuntary discharge from the last of the intestines.

Such was the character of Fika-kaka, entitled by his birth to a pro­digious estate, as well as to the ho­nours of Quanbuku, the first heredi­tary dignity in the empire. In con­sequence of his high station, he was connected with all the great men in Japan, and used to the court from his infancy. Here it was he became ac­quainted with young Got-hama-baba, his future sovereign; and their souls being congenial, they soon contracted an intimacy, which endured for life. They were like twin particles of mat­ter, which having been divorced from one another by a most violent shock, had floated many thousand years in the ocean of the universe, till at length meeting by accident, and approaching within the spheres of each other's at­traction, they rush together with an [Page 28] eager embrace, and continue united ever after.

The favour of the sovereign, added to the natural influence arising from a vast fortune and great alliances, did not fail to elevate Fika-kaka to the most eminent offices of the state, un­til, at length, he attained to the dig­nity of Cuboy, or chief-minister, which virtually comprehends all the rest. Here then was the strangest phaenomenon that ever appeared in the political world. A statesman without capacity, or the smallest tincture of human learning; a secre­tary who could not write; a financier who did not understand the multipli­cation table; and the treasurer of a vast empire, who never could balance accounts with his own butler.

He was no sooner, for the diversion of the Gods, promoted to the Cuboy­ship, than his vanity was pampered with all sorts of adulation. He was [Page 29] in magnificence extolled above the first Meckaddo, or line of emperors, to whom divine honours had been paid; equal in wisdom to Tensio-dai-sin, the first founder of the Japanese monar­chy; braver than Whey-vang, of the dynasty of Chew; more learned than Jacko, the chief pontiff of Japan; more liberal than Shi-wang-ti, who was possessed of the universal medi­cine; and more religious than Bupo, alias Kobot, who, from a foreign coun­try, brought with him, on a white horse, a book called Kio, containing the mysteries of his religion.

But, by none was he more cultivated than by the Bonzas or clergy, especi­ally those of the university Frenoxe­na *, so renowned for their learning, sermons, and oratory, who actually chose him their supreme director, and every morning adored him with a very singular rite of worship. This attach­ment was the more remarkable, as [Page 30] Fika-kaha was known to favour the sect of Nem-buds-ju, who distinguish­ed themselves by the ceremony of cir­cumcision. Some malicious people did not scruple to whisper about, that he himself had privately undergone the operation: but these, to my cer­tain knowledge, were the suggestions of falshood and slander. A slight scarification, indeed, it was once ne­cessary to make, on account of his health; but this was no ceremony of any religious worship. The truth was this. The Nem-buds-ju, being few in number, and generally hated by the whole nation, had recourse to the protection of Fika-kaka, which they obtained for a valuable consideration. Then a law was promulgated in their favour; a step which was so far from exciting the jealousy of the Bonzas, that there was not above three, out of one hundred and fifty-nine thousand, that opened their lips in disapprobation of the measure. Such were the virtue [Page 31] and moderation of the Bonzas, and so loth were they to disoblige their great director Fika-kaka.

What rendered the knot of con­nection between the Dairo Got-ha­ma-baba, and this Cuboy altogether indissoluble, was a singular circum­stance, which I shall now explain. Fika-kika not only devoted himself intirely to the gratification of his master's prejudices and rapacity, even when they interfered the most with the interest and reputation of Japan; but he also submitted personally to his capricious humours with the most placid resignation. He pre­sented his posteriors to be kicked as regularly as the day revolved; and presented them not barely with sub­mission, but with all the appearance of fond desire: and truly this diur­nal exposure was attended with such delectation as he never enjoyed in any other attitude.

[Page 32] To explain this matter, I must tell thee, Peacock, that Fika-kaka was from his infancy afflicted with an itching of the podex, which the learn­ed Dr. Woodward would have term­ed immanis [...] pruritus. That great naturalist would have imputed it to a redundancy of cholicky salts, got out of the stomach and guts into the blood, and thrown upon these parts, and he would have attempted to break their colluctations with oil, &c. but I, who know the real causes of this dis­order, smile at these whims of phi­losophy.

Be that as it may, certain it is, all the most eminent physicians in Japan were consulted about this strange tickling and tingling, and among these the celebrated Fan-sey, whose spirit afterwards informed the body of Rabelais. This experienced leech, having prescribed a course of cathar­tics, balsamics, and sweeteners, on the supposition that the blood was [Page 33] tainted with a scorbutical itch; at length found reason to believe that the disease was local. He therefore tried the method of gentle friction: for which purpose he used almost the very same substances which were many centuries after applied by Gargantua to his own posteriors; such as a night cap, a pillow-bier, a slipper, a poke, a pannier, a beaver, a hen, a cock, a chicken, a calf-skin, a hare-skin, a pi­geon, a cormorant, a lawyer's bag, a lamprey, a coif, a lure, nay even a goose's neck, without finding that volupté merifique au trou de cul, which was the portion of the son of Gran­gousier. In short, there was nothing that gave Fika-kaka such respite from this tormenting titillation as did smearing the parts with thick cream, which was afterwards licked up by the rough tongue of a boar­cat. But the administration of this remedy was once productive of a dis­agreeable incident. In the mean [Page 34] time, the distemper gaining ground became so troublesome, that the un­fortunate Quanbuku was incessantly in the fidgets, and ran about distract­ed, cackling like a hen in labour.

The source of all this misfortune was the juxta position of two atoms quarrelling for precedency, in this the Cuboy's seat of honour. Their pressing and squeezing and elbowing and jost­ling, tho' of no effect in discomposing one another, occasioned all this irrita­tion and titillation in the posteriors of Fika-kaka—What! dost thou mutter, Peacock? dost thou presume to ques­tion my veracity? now by the indivi­sible rotundity of an atom, I have a good mind, caitiff, to raise such a buzzing commotion in thy glandula pinealis, that thou shalt run distracted over the face of the earth, like Io when she was stung by Juno's gad­fly! What! thou who hast been wrapt from the cradle in visions of mystery and revelation, swallowed [Page 35] impossibilities like lamb's wool, and digested doctrines harder than iron three times quenched in the Ebro! thou to demur at what I assert upon the evidence and faith of my own consciousness and consistency!—Oh! you capitulate: well, then beware of a relapse—you know a relapsed here­tic finds no mercy.

I say, while Fika-kaka's podex was the scene of contention between two turbulent atoms, I had the ho­nour to be posted immediately under the nail of the Dairo's great toe, which happened one day to itch more than usual for occupation. The Cuboy presenting himself at that in­stant, and turning his face from his master, Got-hama-baba performed the exercise with such uncommon vehemence, that first his slipper, and then his toe-nail flew off, after hav­ing made a small breach in the peri­neum of Fika-kaka. By the same effort, I was divorced from the great [Page 36] toe of the sovereign, and lodged near the great gut of his minister, exactly in the interstice between the two hos­tile particles, which were thus in some measure restrained from wran­gling; though it was not in my power to keep the peace entirely. Never­theless, Fika-kaka's torture was im­mediately suspended; and he was even seized with an orgasm of plea­sure, analogous to that which cha­racterises the extacy of love.

Think not, however, Peacock, that I would adduce this circum­stance as a proof that pleasure and pain are meer relations, which can exist only as they are contrasted. No: pleasure and pain are simple, independent ideas, incapable of defi­nition; and this which Fika-kaka felt was an extacy compounded of positive pleasure ingrasted upon the removal of pain: but whether this positive pleasure depended upon a particular center of percussion hit [Page 37] upon by accident, or was the insepa­rable effect of a kicking and scratch­ing conferred by a royal foot and toe, I shall not at present unfold: neither will I demonstrate the modus operandi on the nervous papillae of Fika-kaka's breech, whether by irritation, re­laxation, undulation, or vibration. Were these essential discoveries com­municated, human philosophy would become too arrogant. It was but the other day that Newton made shift to dive into some subaltern laws of mat­ter; to explain the revolution of the planets, and analyse the composition of light; and ever since, that reptile man has believed itself a demi-god—I hope to see the day when the petu­lant philosopher shall be driven back to his Categories and the Organum Universale of Aristotle, his [...], his [...], and his [...].

But waving these digressions, the pleasure which the Cuboy felt from the application of the Dairo's toe-nail [Page 38] was succeeded by a kind of tension or stiffness, which began to grow troublesome just as he reached his own palace, where the Bonzas were assembled to offer up their diurnal incense. Instinct, on this occasion, performed what could hardly have been expected from the most extraor­dinary talents. At sight of a griz­zled heard belonging to one of those venerable doctors, he was struck with the idea of a powerful assuager; and taking him into his cabinet, proposed that he should make oral application to the part affected. The proposal was embraced without hesitation, and the effect even transcended the hope of the Cuboy. The osculation itself was soft, warm, emollient, and com­fortable; but when the nervous pa­pillae were gently stroaked, and as it were fondled by the long, elastic, peristaltic, abstersive fibres that com­posed this reverend verriculum, such a delectable titillation ensued, that Fika-ka was quite in raptures.

[Page 39] That which he intended at first for a medicine he now converted into an article of luxury. All the Bon­zas who enrolled themselves in the number of his dependants, whether old or young, black or fair, rough or smooth, were enjoined every day to perform this additional and poste­rior rite of worship, so productive of delight to the Cuboy, that he was every morning impatient to receive the Dairo's calcitration, or rather his pedestrian digitation; after which he flew with all the eagerness of desire to the subsequent part of his enter­tainment.

The transports thus produced seem­ed to disarrange his whole nervous system, and produce an odd kind of revolution in his fancy; for tho' he was naturally grave, and indeed over­whelmed with constitutional hebe­tude, he became, in consequence of this periodical tickling, the most giddy, pert buffoon in nature. All was grin­ning, [Page 40] giggling, laughing, and prat­ing, except when his fears intervened; then he started and stared, and cursed and prayed by turns. There was but one barber in the whole empire that would undertake to shave him, so ticklish and unsteady he was under the hands of the operator. He could not fit above one minute in the same attitude, or on the same seat; but shifted about from couch to chair, from chair to stool, from stool to close-stool, with incessant rotation, and all the time gave audience to those who sollicited his favour and protection. To all and several he promised his best offices, and con­firmed these promises with oaths and protestations. One he shook by the hand; another he hugged; a third he kissed on both sides the face; with a fourth he whispered; a fifth he honoured with a familiar horse-laugh. He never had courage to refuse even that which he could not possibly [Page 41] grant; and at last his tongue actually forgot how to pronounce the negative particle: but as in the English lan­guage two nagatives amount to an af­firmative, five hundred affirmatives in the mouth of Fika-kaka did not altogether destroy the efficacy of sim­ple negation. A promise five hun­dred times repeated, and at every repetition confirmed by oath, barely amounted to a computable chance of performance.

It must be allowed, however, he promoted a great number of Bonzas, and in this promotion he manifested an uncommon taste. They were pre­ferred according to the colour of their beards. He found, by experience, that beards of different colours yielded him different degrees of pleasure in the friction we have described above; and the provision he made for each was in proportion to the satisfaction the candidate could afford. The sen­sation ensuing from the contact of a [Page 42] grey beard was soft and delicate, and agreeably demulcent, when the parts were unusually inflamed; a red, yel­low, or brindled beard, was in re­quest when the business was to thrill or tingle: but a black beard was of all others the most honoured by Fi­ka-kaka, not only on account of its fleecy feel, equally spirited and bal­samic, but also for another philoso­phical reason, which I shall now ex­plain. You know, Peacock, that black colour absorbs the rays of light, and detains them as it were in a re­pository. Thus a black beard, like the back of a black cat, becomes a phosphorus in the dark, and emits sparkles upon friction. You must know, that one of the gravest doctors of the Bonzas, who had a private re­quest to make, desired an audience of Fika-kaka in his closet at night, and the taper falling down by acci­dent, at that very instant when his beard was in contact with the Cuboy's [Page 43] seat of honour, the electrical snap was heard, and the part illuminated, to the astonishment of the spectators, who looked upon it as a prelude to the apotheosis of Fika-kaka. Being made acquainted with this phaeno­menon, the minister was exceedingly elevated in his own mind. He re­joiced in it as a communication of some divine efficacy, and raised the happy Bonza to the rank of Pontifex Maximus, or chief priest, in the tem­ple of Fakku-basi. In the course of experiments, he found that all black beards were electrical in the same degree, and being ignorant of philosophy, ascribed it to some super­natural virtue, in consequence of which they were promoted as the holiest of the Bonzas. But you and I know, that such a phosphorus is obtained from the most worthless and corrupted materials, such as rotten wood, putrefied veal, and stink­ing whiting.

[Page 44] Fika-kaka, such as I described him, could not possibly act in the character of Cuboy, without the as­sistance of counsellors and subalterns, who understood the detail of govern­ment and the forms of business. He was accordingly surrounded by a number of satellites, who reflected his lustre in their several spheres of rotation; and though their immer­sions and emersions were apparently abrubt and irregular, formed a kind of luminous belt as pale and comfort­less as the ring of Saturn, the most distant, cold, and baleful of all the planets.

The most remarkable of these sub­ordinates, was Sti-phi-rum-poo, a man, who, from a low plebeian ori­gin, had raised himself to one of the first offices of the empire, to the dig­nity of Quo, or nobleman, and a con­siderable share of the Dairo's personal regard. He owed his whole success to his industry, assiduity, and circum­spection. [Page 45] During the former part of his life, he studied the laws of Japan with such severity of application, that though unassisted by the least gleam of genius, and destitute of the small­est pretension to talent, he made him­self master of all the written ordinan­ces, all the established customs, and forms of proceeding in the different tribunals of the empire. In the pro­gress of his vocation, he became an advocate of some eminence, and even acquired reputation for polemical elo­quence, though his manner was ever dry, laboured, and unpleasant—Be­ing elevated to the station of a judge, he so far justified the interest by which he had been promoted, that his ho­nesty was never called in question; and his sentences were generally al­lowed to be just and upright. He heard causes with the most painful at­tention, seemed to be indefatigable in his researches after truth; and though he was forbidding in his aspect, slow [Page 46] in deliberation, tedious in discussion, and cold in his address; yet I must own, he was also unbiassed in his deci­sions—I mean, unbiassed by any con­sciousness of sinister motive: for a man may be biassed by the nature of his disposition, as well as by prejudices acquired, and yet not guilty of inten­tional partiality. Sti-phi-rum-poo was scrupulously just, according to his own ideas of justice, and consequent­ly well qualified to decide in common controversies. But in delicate cases, which required an uncommon share of penetration; when the province of a supreme judge is to mitigate the seve­rity, and sometimes even deviate from the dead letter of the common law, in favour of particular institutions, or of humanity in general; he had neither genius to enlighten his understanding, sentiment to elevate his mind, nor courage to surmount the petty inclo­sures of ordinary practice. He was ac­cused of avarice and cruelty; but, in [Page 47] fact, these were not active passions in his heart. The conduct which seem­ed to justify these imputations, was wholly owing to a total want of taste and generosity. The nature of his post furnished him with opportunities to accumulate riches; and as the nar­rowness of his mind admitted no ideas of elegance or refined pleasure, he knew not how to use his wealth so as to avoid the charge of a sordid dis­position. His temper was not rapa­cious but retentive: he knew not the use of wealth, and therefore did not use it at all: but was in this particu­lar neither better nor worse than a strong-box for the convenience and advantage of his heir. The appear­ance of cruelty remarkable in his counsels, relating to some wretched insurgents who had been taken in open rebellion, and the rancorous pleasure he seemed to feel in pro­nouncing sentence of death by self- [Page 48] exenteration *, was in fact the grati­fication of a dastardly heart, which had never acknowledged the least impulse of any liberal sentiment. This being the case, mankind ought not to impute that to his guilt which was, in effect, the consequence of his infirmity. A man might, with equal justice, be punished for being purblind. Sti-phi-rum-poo was much more culpable for seeking to shine in a sphere for which nature never intended him; I mean for com­mencing statesman, and intermed­dling in the machine of government: yet even into this character he was forced, as it were, by the opinion and injunctions of Fika-kaka, who em­ployed him at first in making speeches for the Dairo, which that prince used to pronounce in public, at cer­tain [Page 49] seasons of the year. These speeches being tolerably well received by the populace, the Cuboy con­ceived an extraordinary opinion of his talents; and thought him ex­tremely well qualified to ease him of great part of the burthen of govern­ment. He found him very well dis­posed to engage heartily in his inte­rests. Then he was admitted to the osculation a posteriori; and though his beard was not black, but rather of a subfuscan hue, he managed it with such dexterity, that Fika-kaka declared the salute gave him unspeak­able pleasure: while the bystanders protested that the contact produced, not simply electrical sparks or scin­tillations, but even a perfect irradia­tion, which seemed altogether super­natural. From this moment, Sti­phi-rum-poo was initiated in the mysteries of the cabinet, and even introduced to the person of the Dairo Got-hama-baba, whose pedestrian fa­vours [Page 50] he shared with his new patron. It was observed, however, that even after his promotion and nobilitation, he still retained his original aukward­ness, and never could acquire that graceful ease of attitude with which the Cuboy presented his parts averse to the contemplation of his sovereign. Indeed this minister's body was so well moulded for the celebration of the rite, that one would have ima­gined nature had formed him ex­pressly for that purpose, with his head and body projecting forwards, so as to form an angle of forty-five with the horizon, while the glutaei muscles swelled backwards as if am­bitious to meet half-way the impe­rial encounter.

The third connexion that streng­thened this political band was Nin-kom-poo-po, commander of the Fune, or navy of Japan, who, if ever man was, might surely be termed the child of fortune. He was bred [Page 51] to the sea from his infancy, and, in the course of pacific service, rose to the command of a jonkh, when he was so lucky as to detect a crew of pyrates employed on a desolate shore in concealing a hoard of money which they had taken from the merchants of Corea. Nin-kom-poo-po, falling in with them at night, attacked them unawares, and having obtained an easy victory, carried off the treasure. I cannot help being amused at the folly of you silly mortals, when I re­collect the transports of the people at the return of this fortunate officer, with a paultry mass of silver parading in covered waggons escorted by his crew in arms. The whole city of Meaco resounded with acclamation; and Nin-kom-poo-po was extolled as the greatest hero that ever the empire of Japan produced. The Cuboy ho­noured him with five kisses in public; accepted of the osculation in private, recommended him in the strongest [Page 52] terms to the Dairo, who promoted him to the rank of Sey-seo-gun, or general at sea. He professed him­self an adherent to the Cuboy, en­tered into a strict alliance with Sti­phi-rum-poo, and the whole ma­nagement of the Fune was consigned into his hands. With respect to his understanding, it was just sufficient to comprehend the duties of a com­mon mariner, and to follow the or­dinary route of the most sordid ava­rice. As to his heart, he might be said to be in a state of total apathy, without principle or passion; for I cannot afford the name of passion to such a vile appetite as an insatiable thirst of lucre. He was, indeed, so cold and forbidding, that, in Japan, the people distinguished him by a nick-name equivalent to the English word Salamander; not that he was inclined to live in fire, but that the coldness of his heart would have ex­tinguished any fire it had approached. [Page 53] Some individuals imagined he had been begot upon a mermaid by a sai­lor of Kamschatka; but this was a mere fable.—I can assure you, however, that when his lips were in contact with the Cuboy's posteriors, Fika-kaka's teeth were seen to chat­ter. The pride of this animal was equal to his frigidity. He affected to establish new regulations at the coun­cil where he presided: he treated his equals with insolence, and his supe­riors with contempt. Other people generally rejoice in obliging their fel­low-creatures, when they can do it without prejudice to their own inte­rest. Nin-kom-poo-po had a repul­sive power in his disposition; and seemed to take pleasure in denying a request. When this vain creature, selfish, inelegant, arrogant, and un­couth, appeared in all his trappings at the Dairo's court, upon a festival, he might have been justly compared to a Lapland idol of ice, adornedw th [Page 54] a profusion of brass leaf and trinkets of pewter. In the direction of the Fune, he was provided with a certain number of assessors, counsellors, or co-adjutors; but these he never con­sulted, more than if they had been wooden images. He distributed his commands among his own depen­dants; and left all the forms of the office to the care of the scribe, who thus became so necessary, that his in­fluence sometimes had well nigh in­terfered with that of the president: nay, they have been seen, like the electrical spheres of two bodies, re­pelling each other. Hence it was observed, that the office of the Sey­seo-gun-sialty resembled the serpent called Amphisbaena, which, contrary to the formation of other animals in head and tail, has a head where the tail should be. Well, indeed, might they compare them to a serpent, in creeping, cunning, coldness, and ve­nom; but the comparison would [Page 55] have held with more propriety, had Nature produced a serpent without ever a head at all.

The fourth who contributed his credit and capacity to this coalition, was Foksi-Roku, a man who greatly surpassed them all in the science of politicks, bold, subtle, interested, insinuating, ambitious, and indefa­tigable. An adventurer from his cra­dle, a latitudinarian in principle, a libertine in morals, without the ad­vantages of birth, fortune, charac­ter, or interest; by his own natural sagacity, a close attention to the fol­lies and foibles of mankind, a pro­jecting spirit, an invincible assurance, and an obstinacy of perseverance proof against all the shocks of disappoint­ment and repulse; he forced himself as it were into the scale of prefer­ment; and being found equally ca­pable and compliant, rose to high of­fices of trust and profit, detested by the people, as one of the most des­perate [Page 56] tools of a wicked administra­tion; and odious to his colleagues in the m—y, for his superior talents, his restless ambition, and the uncer­tainty of his attachment.

As interest prompted him, he ho­vered between the triumvirate we have described, and another knot of competitors for the ad—n, headed by Quamba-cun-dono, a great Quo related to the Dairo, who had bore the supreme command in the army, and was stiled Fatzman *, [...], or, by way of eminence. This ac­complished prince was not only the greatest in his mind, but also the largest in his person of all the sub­jects of Japan; and whereas your Shakespeare makes Falstaff urge it as a plea in his own favour, that as he had more flesh, so likewise he had more frailty than other men; I may justly convert the proposition in favour of Quamba-cun-dono, and af­firm [Page 57] that as he had more flesh, so he had more virtue than any other Japonese; more bowels, more hu­manity, more beneficence, more affability. He was undoubtedly, for a Fatzman, the most courteous, the most gallant, the most elegant, ge­nerous, and munificent Quo that ever adorned the court of Japan. So con­summate in the art of war, that the whole world could not produce a general to match him in foresight, vigilance, conduct, and ability. In­deed his intellects were so extraor­dinary and extensive, that he seemed of sentimentize at every pore, and to have the faculty of thinking dis­fused all over his frame, even to his fingers ends; or, as the Latins call it ad unguem: nay, so wonderful was his organical conformation, that, in the opinion of many Japonese philo­sophers, his whole body was enve­loped in a kind of poultice of brain, and that if he had lost his head in bat­tle, [Page 58] the damage with regard to his power of reflection would have been scarce perceptible. After he had atchieved many glorious exploits, in a war against the Chinese on the con­tinent, he was sent with a strong ar­my to quell a dangerous insurrection in the northern parts of Ximo, which is one of the Japonese islands. He accordingly by his valour crushed the rebellion; and afterwards, by dint of clemency and discretion, extinguished the last embers of disaffection. When the insurgents were defeated, dispersed, and disarmed, and a suf­ficient number selected for example, his humanity emerged, and took full possession of his breast. He consi­dered them as wretched men misled by false principles of honour, and sympathized with their distress: he pitied them as men and fellow-citi­zens: he regarded them as useful fellow-subjects, who might be re­claimed and reunited to the commu­nity. [Page 59] Instead of sending out the mi­nisters of blood, rapine, and revenge, to ravage, burn, and destroy, with­out distinction of age, sex, or prin­ciple; he extended the arms of mer­cy to all who would embrace that indulgence: he protected the lives and habitations of the helpless, and diminished the number of the mal­contents much more effectually by his benevolence than by his sword.

The southern Japonese had been terribly alarmed at this insurrection, and in the first transports of their de­liverance, voluntarily taxed them­selves with a considerable yearly tri­bute to the hero Quamba-cun-dono. In all probability, they would not have appeared so grateful, had they stayed to see the effects of his mer­ciful disposition towards the van­quished rebels: for mercy is surely no attribute of the Japonese, consi­dered as a people. Indeed, nothing could form a more striking contrast, [Page 60] than appeared in the transactions in the northern and southern parts of the empire at this juncture. While the amiable Quamba-cun-dono was em­ployed in the godlike office of ga­thering together, and cherishing un­der his wings the poor, dispersed, forlorn, widows and orphans, whom the savage hand of war had deprived of parent, husband, home, and sus­tenance; while he, in the North, ga­thered these miserable creatures, even as a hen gathereth her chickens; Sti-phi-rum-poo, and other judges in the South, were condemning such of their parents and husbands as sur­vived the sword, to crucifixion, caul­drons of boiling oil, or exenteration; and the people were indulging their appetites by feasting upon the viscera thus extracted. The liver of a Xi­mian was in such request at this pe­riod, that if the market had been properly managed and supplied, this delicacy would have sold for two [Page 61] Obans a pound, or about four pounds sterling. The troops in the North might have provided at the rate of a thousand head per month for the de­mand of Meaco; and tho' the other parts of the carcase would not have sold at so high a price as the liver, heart, harrigals, sweet-bread, and pope's eye; yet the whole, upon an average, would have fetched at the rate of three hundred pounds a head; especially if those animals, which are but poorly fed in their own country, had been fattened up and kept upon hard meat for the slaughter. This new branch of traffick would have produced about three hundred and sixty thousand pounds annually: for the rebellion might easily have been fomented from year to year; and con­sequently it would have yielded a considerable addition to the empe­ror's revenue, by a proper taxation.

The philosophers of Japan were divided in their opinions concerning [Page 62] this new taste for Ximian flesh, which suddenly sprung up among the Japonese. Some ascribed it to a principle of hatred and revenge, agreeable to the common expression of animosity among the multitude, ‘"You dog, I'll have your liver."’ Others imputed it to a notion ana­lagous to the vulgar conceit, that the liver of a mad dog being eaten is a preventive against madness; er­go, the liver of a traitor is an anti­dote against treason. A third sort derived this strange appetite from the belief of the Americans, who imagine they shall inherit all the vir­tues of the enemies they devour; and a fourth affirmed that the de­mand for this dainty arose from a very high and peculiar flavour in Ximian flesh, which flavour was discovered by accident: moreover, there were not wanting some who supposed this banquet was a kind of sacrifice to the powers of sorcery; [Page 63] as we find that one of the ingredients of the charm prepared in Shakespear's cauldron was ‘"the liver of blas­pheming Jew:"’ and indeed it is not at all improbable that the liver of a rebellious Ximian might be altoge­ther as effectual. I know that Fi­ka-kaka was stimulated by curiosity to try the experiment, and held di­vers consultations with his cooks on this subject. They all declared in favour of the trial; and it was ac­cordingly presented at the table, where the Cuboy eat of it to such excess as to produce a surfeit. He underwent a severe evacuation both ways, attended with cold sweats and swoonings. In a word, his agony was so violent, that he ever after loathed the sight of Ximian flesh, whether dead or alive.

With the Fatzman Quamba-cun-dono was connected another Quo called Gotto-mio, viceroy of Xico­co, one of the islands of Japan. If [Page 64] his understanding had been as large as his fortune, and his temper a little more tractable, he would have been a dangerous rival to the Cuboy. But if their brains had been weighed against each other, the nineteenth part of a grain would have turned either scale; and as Fika-kaka had negative qualities, which supported and extended his personal influence, so Gotto-mio had positive powers, that defended him from all ap­proaches of popularity. His pride was of the insolent order; his tem­per extremely irascible; and his ava­rice quite rapacious: nay, he is said to have once declined the honour of a kicking from the Dairo. Conceited of his own talents, he affected to ha­rangue in the council of Twenty Eight; but his ideas were embar­rassed; his language was mean; and his elocution more discordant than the braying of fifty asses. When Fika-kaka addressed himself to speech, an [Page 65] agreeable simper played upon the countenances of all the audience: but soon as Gotto-mio stood up, every spectator raised his thumbs to his ears, as it were instinctively. The Dairo Got-hama-baba, by the advice of the Cuboy, sent him over to govern the people of Xicoco, and a more effec­tual method could not have been taken to mortify his arrogance. His de­portment was so insolent, his oecono­my so sordid, and his government so arbitrary, that those islanders, who are remarkably ferocious and impa­tient, expressed their hatred and con­tempt of him on every occasion. His Quanbukuship was hardly safe from outrage in the midst of his guards; and a cross was actully erec­ted for the execution of his favou­rite Kow-kin, who escaped with some difficulty to the island of Ni­phon, whither also his patron soon followed him, attended by the curses of the people whom he had been sent to rule.

[Page 66] He who presided at the council of Twenty Eight was called Soo-san-sin-o, an old experienced shrewd po­litician, who conveyed more sense in one single sentence, than could have been distilled from all the other brains in council, had they been macerated in one alembic. He was a man of extensive learning and elegant taste. He saw through the characters of his fellow-labourers in the ad—n. He laughed at the folly of one fac­tion, and detested the arrogance and presumption of the other. In an as­sembly of sensible men, his talents would have shone with superior lus­tre: but at the council of Twenty Eight, they were obscured by the thick clouds of ignorance that enve­loped his brethren. The Dairo had a personal respect for him, and is said to have conferred frequent fa­vours on his posteriors in private. He kicked the Cuboy often ex officio, as a husband thinks it incumbent up­on [Page 67] him to caress his wife: but he kicked the president for pleasure, as a voluptuary embraces his mistress. Soo-san-sin-o, conscious that he had no family interest to support him in cabals among the people, and care­less of his country's fate, resolved to enjoy the comforts of life in quiet. He laughed and quaffed with his select companions in private; received his appointments thankfully; and swam with the tide of politicks as it hap­pened to flow.—It was pretty ex­traordinary that the wisest man should be the greatest cypher: but such was the will of the gods.

Besides these great luminaries that enlightened the cabinet of Japan, I shall have occasion, in the course of my narrative, to describe many other stars of an inferior order. At this board, there was as great a variety of characters, as we find in the cele­brated table of Cebes. Nay, indeed, what was objected to the philosopher, [Page 68] might have been more justly said of the Japonese councils. There was neither invention, unity, nor design among them. They consisted of mobs of sauntering, strolling, vagrant, and ridiculous politicians. Their schemes were absurd, and their deliberations like the sketches of anarchy. All was bellowing, bleating, braying, grinning, grumbling, confusion, and uproar. It was more like a dream of chaos than a picture of human life. If the ΔΑΙΜΩΝ, or Genius was want­ing, it must be owned that Fika-kaka exactly answered Cebes's description of ΤΥΧΗ, or Fortune, blind and fran­tic, running about every where; giv­ing to some, and taking from others, without rule or distinction; while her emblem of the round stone, fairly shews his giddy nature; [...]. Here, however, one might have seen many other figures of the painter's allegory; such as Deception tendering the cup of ignorance and [Page 69] error, opinions and appetites; Dis­appointment and Anguish; Debauch­ery, Profligacy, Gluttony, and Adu­lation; Luxury, Fraud, Rapine, Perjury, and Sacrilege: but not the least traces of the virtues which are described in the groupe of true edu­cation, and in the grove of happi­ness.

The two factions that divided the council of Japan, tho' inveterate ene­mies to each other, heartily and cor­dially concurred in one particular, which was the worship established in the temple of Fakkubasi, or the White Horse. This was the orthodox faith in Japan, and was certainly founded, as St. Paul saith of the Christian religion, upon the evidence of things not seen. All the votaries of this superstition of Fakkubasi sub­scribed and swore to the following creed, implicitly, without hesitation, or mental reservation. ‘"I believe in the White Horse, that he descended [Page 70] from heaven, and sojourned in Jeddo, which is the land of promise. I be­lieve in Bupo his apostle, who first declared to the children of Niphon, the glad tidings of the gospel of Fakkubasi. I believe that the White Horse was begot by a black mule, and brought forth by a green dragon; that his head is of silver, and his hoofs are of brass; that he eats gold as provender, and discharges dia­monds as dung; that the Japonese are ordained and predestined to fur­nish him with food, and the people of Jeddo to clear away his litter. I believe that the island of Niphon is joined to the continent of Jeddo; and that whoever thinks otherwise shall be damned to all eternity. I believe that the smallest portion of matter may be practically divided ad infinitum: that equal quantities taken from equal quantities, an unequal quantity will remain: that two and two make seven: that the sun rules [Page 71] the night, the stars the day; and the moon is made of green cheese. Fi­nally, I believe that a man cannot be saved without devoting his goods and his chattels, his children, relations, and friends, his senses and ideas, his soul and his body, to the religion of the White Horse, as it is prescribed in the ritual of Fakkubasi."’ These are the tenets which the Japonese ministers swallowed as glib as the English clergy swallow the thirty-nine articles.

Having thus characterised the chiefs that disputed the administra­tion, or, in other words, the empire of Japan, I shall now proceed to a plain narration of historical incidents, without pretending to philosophize like H—e, or dogmatize like S—tt. I shall only tell thee, Nathaniel, that Britain never gave birth but to two historians worthy of credit, and they were Taliessin and Geoffrey of Monmouth. I'll [Page 72] tell you another secret. The whole world has never been able to produce six good historians. Herodotus is fabulous even to a proverb; Thucy­dides is perplexed, obscure, and un­important; Polybius is dry and in­elegant; Livy superficial; and Ta­citus a coxcomb. Guicciardini wants interest; Davila, digestion; and Sarpi, truth. In the whole cata­logue of French historians, there is not one of tolerable authenticity

In the year of the period Foggien one hundred and fifty four, the tran­quility of Japan was interrupted by the incroachments of the Chinese ad­venturers, who made descents upon certain islands belonging to the Ja­ponese a great way to the southward of Xicoco. They even settled colo­nies, and built forts on some of them, while the two empires were at peace with each other. When the Japo­nese governors expostulated with the Chinese officers on this intrusion, [Page 73] they were treated with ridicule and contempt: then they had recourse to force of arms, and some skir­mishes were fought with various success. When the tidings of these hostilities arrived at Meaco, the whole council of Twenty-Eight was overwhelmed with fear and confu­sion. The Dairo kicked them all round, not from passion, but by way of giving an animating fillip to their deliberative faculties. The disputes had happened in the island of Fat­sissio: but there were only three members of the council who knew that Fatsissio was an island, although the commerce there carried on was of the utmost importance to the em­pire of Japan. They were as much in the dark with respect to its situa­tion. Fika-kaka, on the supposition that it adjoined to the coast of Co­rea, expressed his apprehension that the Chinese would invade it with a numerous army; and was so trans­ported [Page 74] when Foksi-roku assured him it was an island at a vast distance from any continent, that he kissed him five times in the face of the whole council; and his royal mas­ter, Got-hama-baba, swore he should be indulged with a double portion of kicking at his next private audience. The same counsellor proposed, that as the Fune or navy of Japan was much more numerous than the fleet of China, they should immediately avail themselves of this advantage. Quamba-cun-dono the Fatzman was of opinion that war should be im­mediately declared, and an army transported to the continent. Sti­phi-rum-poo thought it would be more expedient to sweep the seas of the Chinese trading vessels, without giving them any previous intimation; and to this opinion admiral Nin-kom-poo-po subscribed, not only out of deference to the superior under­standing of his sage ally, who un­dertook [Page 75] to prove it was not contrary to the law of nature and nations, to plunder the subjects of foreign pow­ers, who trade on the faith of trea­ties; but also from his own inclina­tion, which was much addicted to pillage without bloodshed. To him, therefore, the task was left of scour­ing the seas, and intercepting the suc­cours which (they had received in­telligence) were ready to sail from one of the ports of China to the island of Fatsissio. In the mean time, junks were provided for trans­porting thither a body of Japonese troops, under the command of one Koan, an obscure officer without conduct or experience, whom the Fatzman selected for this service: not that he supposed him possessed of superior merit, but because no leader of distinction cared to engage in such a disagreeable expedition.

Nin-kom-poo-po acted according to the justest ideas which had been [Page 76] formed of his understanding. He let loose his cruisers among the mer­chant ships of China, and the har­bours of Japan were quickly filled with prizes and prisoners. The Chinese exclaimed against these pro­ceedings as the most perfidious acts of piracy; and all the other powers of Asia beheld them with astonish­ment. But the consummate wisdom of the sea Sey-seo-gun appeared most conspicuous in another stroke of ge­neralship, which he now struck. Instead of blocking up in the Chi­nese harbour the succours destined to reinforce the enemy in Fatsissio, until they should be driven from their incroachments on that island, he very wisely sent a strong squadron of Fune to cruise in the open sea, midway between China and Fatsissio, in the most tempestuous season of the year, when the fogs are so thick and so constant in that latitude, as to rival the darkness of a winter [Page 77] night; and supported the feasibility of this scheme in council, by observ­ing, that the enemy would be thus decoyed from their harbour, and un­doubtedly intercepted in their pas­sage by the Japonese squadron. This plan was applauded as one of the most ingenious stratagems that ever was devised; and Fika-kaka insisted upon kissing his posteriors, as the most honourable mark of his ap­probation.

Philosophers have observed, that the motives of actions are not to be estimated by events. Fortune did not altogether fulfil the expectations of the council. General Koan suf­fered himself and his army to be de­coyed into the middle of a wood, where they stood like sheep in the shambles, to be slaughtered by an unseen enemy. The Chinese suc­cours perceiving their harbour open, set sail for Fatsissio, which they reached in safety, by changing their [Page 78] course about one degree from the common route; while the Japonese Fune continued cruising among the fogs, until the ships were shattered by storms, and the crews more than half destroyed by cold and dis­temper.

When the news of these disasters arrived, great commotion arose in the council. The Dairo Got-hama-baba fluttered, and clucked and cackled and hissed like a goose dis­turbed in the act of incubation. Quamba-cun-dono shed bitter tears: the Cuboy snivelled and sobbed: Sti-phi-rum-poo groaned: Gotto­mio swore: but the sea Sey-seo-gun Nin-kom-poo-po underwent no al­teration. He sat as the emblem of insensibility, fixed as the north star, and as cold as that luminary, sending forth emanations of frigidity. Fi­ka-ka, mistaking this congelation for fortitude, went round and embraced him where he sat, exclaiming, ‘"My [Page 79] dear Day, Sey-seo-gun, what would you advise in this dilemma?"’ But the contact had almost cost him his life; for the touch of Nin-kom-poo-po, thus congealed, had the same effect as that of the fish called Torpor. The Cuboy's whole body was in­stantly benumbed; and if his friends had not instantly poured down his throat a considerable quantity of strong spirit, the circulation would have ceased. This is what philoso­phers call a generation of cold, which became so intense, that the mercury in a Japonese thermometer construc­ted on the same principles which were afterwards adopted by Fahrn­heit, and fixed in the apartment, immediately sunk thirty degrees be­low the freezing point.

The first astonishment of the council was succeeded by critical re­marks and argumentation. The Dairo consoled himself by observing, that his troops made a very soldierly [Page 80] appearance as they lay on the field in their new cloathing, smart caps, and clean buskins; and that the ene­my allowed they had never seen beards and whiskers in better order. He then declared, that should a war ensue with China, he would go abroad and expose himself for the glory of Japan. Foksi-roku expres­sed his surprize, that a general should march his army through a wood in an unknown country, without hav­ing it first reconnoitred: but the Fatzman assured him, that was a practice never admitted into the dis­cipline of Japan. Gotto-mio swore the man was mad to stand with his men, like oxen in a stall, to be knocked on the head without using any means of defence. ‘"Why the devil (said he) did not he either re­treat, or advance to close engagement with the handful of Chinese who formed the ambuscade?"’ ‘"I hope, my dear Quanbuku, (replied the [Page 81] Fatzman) that the troops of Japan will always stand without flinching. I should have been mortified beyond measure, had they retreated without seeing the face of the enemy:—that would have been a disgrace which never befel any troops formed under my direction; and as for ad­vancing, the ground would not per­mit any manoeuvre of that nature. They were engaged in a cul de sac, where they could not form either in hollow square, front line, potence, column or platoon.—It was the for­tune of war, and they bore it like men:—we shall be more fortunate on another occasion."’ The president Soo-san-sin-o, took notice, that if there had been one spaniel in the whole Japonese army, this disaster could not have happened; as the animal would have beat the bushes and discovered the ambuscade. He therefore proposed, that if the war was to be prosecuted in Fatsissio, [Page 82] which is a country overgrown with wood, a number of blood-hounds might be provided and sent over, to run upon the foot in the front and on the flanks of the army, when it should be on its march through such impediments. Quamba-cun-dono declared, that soldiers had much better die in the bed of honour, than be saved and victorious, by such an unmilitary expedient; that such a proposal was so contrary to the rules of war and the scheme of enlisting dogs so derogatory from the dignity of the service, that if ever it should be embraced, he would resign his command, and spend the remainder of his life in retirement. This ca­nine project was equally disliked by the Dairo, who approved of the Fatzman's objection, and sealed his approbation with a pedestrian salute of such momentum, that the Fatz­man could hardly stand under the weight of the compliment. It was [Page 83] agreed that new levies should be made, and a new squadron of Fune equipped with all expedition; and thus the assembly broke up.

Fortune had not yet sufficiently humbled the pride of Japan. That body of Chinese which defeated Koan, made several conquests in Fast­sissio, and seemed to be in a fair way of reducing the whole island. Yet, the court of China, not satisfied with this success, resolved to strike a blow, that should be equally humiliating to the Japonese, in another part of the world. Having by specious re­monstrances already prepossessed all the neighbouring nations against the government of Japan, as the patrons of perfidy and piracy; they fitted out an armament, which was in­tended to subdue the island of Mo­tao on the coast of Corea, which the Japonese had taken in a former war, and now occupied at a very great ex­pence, as a place of the utmost im­portance [Page 84] to the commerce of the empire. Repeated advices of the ene­my's design were sent from different parts, to the m—y of Japan: but they seemed all overwhelmed by such a lethargy of infatuation, that no measures of prevention were con­certed.

Such was the opinion of the peo­ple; but the truth is, they were fast asleep. The Japonese hold with the antient Greeks and modern Americans, that dreams are from heaven; and in any perplexing emer­gency, they, like the Indians, Jews, and natives of Madagascar, have re­course to dreaming as to an oracle. These dreams or divinations are pre­ceded by certain religious rites ana­lagous to the ceremony of the ephod, the urim and the thummim. The rites were religiously performed in the council of Twenty-Eight; and a deep sleep overpowered the Dairo and all his counsellors.

[Page 85] Got-hama-baba the emperor, who reposed his head upon the pillowy sides of Quamba-cun-dono, dreamed that he was sacrificing in the temple of Fakkubasi, and saw the deity of the White Horse devouring pearls by the bushel at one end, and void­ing corruption by the ton at the other. The Fatzman dreamed that a great number of Chinese cooks were busy buttering his brains. Got­to-mio dreamed of lending money and borrowing sense. Sti-phi-rum-poo thought he had procured a new law for clapping padlocks upon the chastity of all the females in Japan under twenty, of which padlocks he himself kept the keys. Nin-kom-poo-po dreamed he was metamor­phosed into a sea-lion, in pursuit of a shoal of golden gudgeons. One did laugh in's sleep, and one cried murder. The first was Soo-san-sin-o, who had precisely the same vision that disturbed the imagination of the Cu­boy. [Page 86] He thought he saw the face of a right reverend prelate of the Bon­zas, united with and growing to the posteriors of the minister. Fika-kaka underwent the same disagree­able illusion, with this aggravating circumstance, that he already felt the teeth of the said Bonza. The president laughed aloud at the ridi­culous phaenomenon: the Cuboy ex­claimed in the terror of being en­cumbered with such a monstrous appendage. It was not without some reason he cried, ‘"Murder!"’ Fok­si-roku, who happened to sleep on the next chair, dreamed of mo­ney-bags, places, and reversions; and in the transport of his eagerness, laid fast hold on the trunk-breeches of the Cuboy, including certain fun­damentals, which he grasped so vio­lently as to excite pain, and extort the exclamation from Fika-kaka, even in his sleep.

The council being at last waked [Page 78] by the clamours of the people, who surrounded the palace, and proclaimed that Motao was in danger of an inva­sion; the sea Sey-seo-gun Nin-kom-poo-po, was ordered to fit out a fleet of Fune for the relief of that island; and directions were given that the commander of these Fune should, in his voyage, touch at the garrison of Foutao, and take on board from thence a certain number of troops, to reinforce the Japonese governor of the place that was in danger. Nin-kom-poo-po for this service chose the commander Bihn-goh, a man who had never signalized himself by any act of valour. He sent him out with a squadron of Fune ill manned, wretchedly provided, and inferior in number to the fleet of China, which was by this time known to be assem­bled in order to support the invasion of the island of Motao. He sailed, nevertheless, on this expedition, and touched at the garrison of Foutao to [Page 88] take in the reinforcement: but the orders sent for this purpose from Nob-o-di, minister for the depart­ment of war, appeared so contradic­tory and absurd, that they could not possibly be obeyed; so that Bihn­goh proceeded without the reinforce­ment towards Motao, the principal fortress of which was by this time invested. He had been accidentally joined by a few cruisers, which ren­dered him equal in strength to the Chinese squadron which he now de­scried. Both commanders seemed afraid of each other. The fleets, however, engaged; but little da­mage was done to either. They parted as if by consent. Bihn-goh made the best of his way back to Foutao, without making the least attempt to succour, or open a com­munication with Fi-de-ta-da, the governor of Motao, who, looking upon himself as abandoned by his country, surrendered his fortress, [Page 89] with the whole island, to the Chi­nese general. These disgraces hap­pening on the back of the Fatsissian disasters, raised a prodigious ferment in Japan, and the ministry had al­most sunk under the first fury of the people's resentment. They not only exclaimed against the folly of the ad­ministration, but they also accused them of treachery; and seemed to think that the glory and advantage of the empire had been betrayed. What increased the commotion was the terror of an invasion, with which the Chinese threatened the islands of Japan. The terrors of Fika-ka had already cost him two pair of trunk hose, which were defiled by sudden sallies or irruptions from the postern of his microcosm; and these were attended with such noisome effluvia, that the Bonzas could not perform the barbal abstersion without marks of abhorrence. The emperor him­self was seen to stop his nose, and [Page 90] turn away his head, when he ap­proached him to perform the pedes­trian exercise.

Here I intended to insert a disser­tation on trousers or trunk breeches, called by the Greeks [...], & [...], by the Latins braccae laxae, by the Spaniards bragas anchas, by the Ita­lians calzone largo, by the French baut de chausses, by the Saxons braecce, by the Swedes brackor, by the Irish briechan, by the Celtae brag, and by the Japonese bra-ak. I could make some curious discove­ries touching the analogy between the [...] and [...], and point out the precise time at which the Grecian women began to wear the breeches. I would have demon­strated that the cingulum muliebre was originally no other than the wife's li­terally wearing the husband's trousers at certain orgia, as a mark of domi­nion transferred pro tempore, to the female. I would have drawn a cu­rious [Page 91] parallel between the [...] of the Greek, and the shim or middle cloth worn by the black ladies in Guinea. I would have proved that breeches were not first used to defend the central parts from the injuries of the weather, inasmuch as they were first worn by the Orientals in a warm climate; as you may see in Persius, Braccatis illita medis—porticus. I would have shewn that breeches were first brought from Asia to the nor­thern parts of Europe, by the Celtae sprung from the antient Gomanaus: that trousers were wore in Scotland long before the time of Pythagoras; and indeed we are told by Jambly­chus, that Abaris, the famous High­land philosopher, cotemporary, and personally acquainted with the sage of Crotona, wore long trousers. I myself can attest the truth of that description, as I well remember the person and habit of that learned mountaineer. I would have explained [Page 92] the reasons that compelled the poste­rity of those mountaineers to aban­don the breeches of their forefathers, and expose their posteriors to the wind. I would have convinced the English antiquaries that the inhabi­tants of Yorkshire came originally from the Highlands of Scotland, be­fore the Scots had laid aside their breeches, and wore this part of dress, long after their ancestors, as well as the southern Britons were un­breeched by the Romans. From this distinction they acquired the name of Brigantes, quasi Bragantes; and hence came the verb to brag or boast contemptuously: for the neigh­bours of the Brigantes being at vari­ance with that people, used, by way of contumelious defiance, when they saw any of them passing or repassing, to clap their hands on their posteriors, and cry Brag-Brag.—I would have drawn a learned comparison between the shield of Ajax and the seven-fold [Page 93] breeches of a Dutch skipper. Fi­nally, I would have promulgated the original use of trunk breeches, which would have led me into a dis­cussion of the rites of Cloacina, so differently worshipped by the sou­thern and northern inhabitants of this kingdom. These disquisitions would have unveiled the mysteries that now conceal the orgin, migra­tion, superstition, language, laws, and connexions of different nations— sed nunc non erit his locus. I shall only observe, that Linschot and others are mistaken in deriving the Japonese from their neighbours the Chinese; and that Dr. Kempfer is right in his conjecture, supposing them to have come from Media im­mediately after the confusion of Ba­bel. It is no wonder, therefore, that being Braccatorum filii, they should retain the wide breeches of their progenitors.

[Page 94] Having dropped these hints con­cerning the origin of breeches, I shall now return to the great perso­nage that turned me into this train of thinking. The council of Twenty-Eight being assembled in a great hurry, Fika-kaka sat about five se­conds in silence, having in his coun­tenance, nearly the same expression which you have seen in the face and attitude of Felix on his tribunal, as represented by the facetious Hogarth in his print done after the Dutch taste. After some pause he rose, and surveying every individual of the council through a long tube, began a speech to this effect: ‘"Imperial Got-hama-baba, my ever-glorious master; and you, ye illustrious no­bles of Japan, Quanbukus, Quos, Days, and Daygos, my fellows and colleagues in the work of adminis­tration; it is well known to you all, and they are rascals that deny it, I [Page 95] have watched and fasted for the pu­blic weal.—By G—d, I have de­prived myself of two hours of my na­tural rest, every night for a week to­gether.—Then, I have been so hur­ried with state affairs, that I could not eat a comfortable meal in a whole fortnight; and what rendered this misfortune the greater, my chief cook had dressed an olio a la Chine.—I say an olio, my Lords, such an olio as never appeared before upon a table in Japan—by the Lord, it cost me fifty Obans; and I had not time to taste a morsel.—Well, then, I have watched that my fellow-sub­jects should sleep; I have fasted that they should feed.—I have not only watched and fasted, but I have prayed—no, not much of that—yes, by the Lord, I have prayed as it were—I have ejaculated—I have danced and sung at the Matsuris, which, you know, are religious rites—I have headed the multitude, [Page 96] and treated all the ragamuffins in Japan.—To be certain, I could not do too much for our most excellent and sublime emperor, an emperor une­qualled in wisdom, and unrivalled in generosity.—Were I to expatiate from the rising of the sun to the set­ting thereof, I should not speak half his praise.—O happy nation! O fortunate Japan! happy in such a Dairo to wield the sceptre; and let me add, (vanity apart) fortunate in such a Cuboy to conduct the admi­nistration.—Such a prince! and such a minister!—a ha! my noble friend Soo-san-sin-o, I see your Dayship smile—I know what you think, ha! ha!—Very well, my Lord—you may think what you please; but two such head-pieces—pardon, my roy­al master, my presumption in laying our heads together, you wo'n't find again in the whole universe, ha! ha!—I'll be damn'd if you do, ha! ha! ha!"’ The tumult without doors [Page 97] was, by this time, increased to such a degree, that the Cuboy could utter nothing more ab anteriori; and the majority of the members sat aghast in silence. The Dairo declared he would throw his cap out of the win­dow into the midst of the populace, and challenge any single man of them to bring it up: but he was dissuaded from hazarding his sacred person in such a manner. Quamba-cun-dono proposed to let loose the guards among the multitude: but Fika-kaka pro­tested he could never agree to an ex­pedient so big with danger to the persons of all present. Sti-phi-rum-poo was of opinion, that they should proceed according to law, and indict the leaders of the mob for a riot. Nin-kom-poo-po exhorted the Dairo and the whole council to take refuge on board the fleet. Gotto-mio sweated in silence: he trembled for his money-bags, and dreaded another encounter with the mob, by whom [Page 98] he had suffered severely in the flesh, upon a former occasion. The presi­dent shrugged up his shoulders, and kept his eye fixed upon a postern or back-door. In this general conster­nation, Foksi-roku stood up and of­fered a scheme, which was imme­diately put in execution. ‘"The multitude, my Lords, (said he) is a many headed monster—it is a Cerbe­rus that must have a sop:—it is a wild beast, so ravenous that nothing but blood will appease its appetite:—it is a whale, that must have a barrel for its amusement:—it is a daemon to which we must offer up human sacrifice. Now the question is, who is to be this sop, this barrel, this scape-goat?—Tremble not, il­lustrious Fika-kaka—be not afraid—your life is of too much conse­quence.—But I perceive that the Cuboy is moved—an unsavoury odour assails my nostrils—brief let me be—Bihn-goh must be the victim—hap­py, [Page 99] if the sacrifice of his single life can appease the commotions of his country. To him let us impute the loss of Motao:—let us, in the mean time, soothe the rabble with solemn promises that national justice shall be done;—let us employ emissaries to mingle in all places of plebeian re­sort; to puzzle, perplex, and preva­ricate; to exaggerate the misconduct of Bihn-goh; to traduce his charac­ter with retrospective reproach; strain circumstances to his prejudice; in­flame the resentment of the vulgar against that devoted officer; and keep up the flame by feeding it with continual fuel."’

The speech was heard with univer­sal applause: Foksi-roku was kicked by the Dairo and kissed by the Cu­boy, in token of approbation. The populace were dispersed by means of fair promises. Bihn-goh was put under arrest, and kept as a malefac­tor in close prison. Agents were [Page 100] employed through the whole metro­polis to vilify his character, and ac­cuse him of cowardice and treachery. Authors were enlisted to defame him in public writings; and mobs hired to hang and burn him in effigie. By these means the revenge of the people was artfully transferred, and their attention effectually diverted from the ministry, which was the first object of their indignation. At length, matters being duly prepared for the exhibition of such an extraor­dinary spectacle, Bihn-goh under­went a public trial, was unanimously found guilty, and unanimously de­clared innocent; by the same mouths condemned to death and recommen­ded to mercy: but mercy was in­compatible with the designs of the ad—n. The unfortunate Bihn-goh was crucified for cowardice, and bore his fate with the most heroic courage. His behaviour at his death was so inconsistent with the crime [Page 101] for which he was doomed to die, that the emissaries of the Cuboy were fain to propagate a report, that Bihn-goh had bribed a person to represent him at his execution, and be cruci­fied in his stead.

This was a stratagem very well calculated for the meridian of the Japonese populace; and it would have satisfied them intirely, had not their fears been concerned. But the Chinese had for some time been threatening an invasion, the terror of which kept the people of Japan in perpetual agitation and disquiet. They neglected their business; and ran about in distraction, inquiring news, listening to reports, staring, whispering, whimpering, clamour­ing, neglecting their food and re­nouncing their repose. The Dairo, who believed the Tartars of Yesso (from whom he himself was de­scended) had more valour, and skill and honesty, than was possessed by [Page 102] any other nation on earth, took a large body of them into his pay, and brought them over to the is­land of Niphon, for the defence of his Japonese dominions. The truth is, he had a strong predilecti­on for that people: he had been nursed among them, and sucked it from the nipple. His father had succeeded as heir to a paultry farm in that country; and there he fitted up a cabin, which he preferred to all the palaces of Meaco and Jeddo. The son received the first rudiments of his education among these Tar­tars, whose country had given birth to his progenitor Bupo. He there­fore loved their country; he admired their manners, because they were conformable to his own; and he was in particular captivated by the taste they shewed in trimming and curling their muftachios.

In full belief that the Yessites stood as high in the estimation of his Ja­ponese [Page 103] subjects, as in his own, he imported a body of them into Ni­phon, where, at first, they were re­ceived as saviours and protectors; but the apprehension of danger no sooner vanished, than they were ex­posed to a thousand insults and mor­tifications arising from the natural prejudice to foreigners, which pre­vails among the people of Japan. They were reviled, calumniated, and maltreated in every different form, by every class of people; and when the severe season set in, the Japonese refused shelter from the extremities of the weather, to those very auxi­liaries they had hired to defend every thing that was dear to them, from the swords of an enemy whom they themselves durst not look in the face. In vain Fika-kaka employed a double band of artists to tickle their noses. They shut their eyes, indeed, as usual: but their eyes no sooner clo­sed, than their mouths opened, and [Page 104] out flew the tropes and figures of ob­loquy and execration. They ex­claimed, that they had not bought, but caught the Tartar; that they had hired the wolves to guard the sheep; that they were simple beasts who could not defend themselves from the dog with their own horns; but what could be expected from a flock which was led by such a pusillanimous bell­weather?—In a word, the Yessites were sent home in disgrace: but the serment did not subside; and the conduct of the administration was summoned before the venerable tri­bunal of the populace.

There was one Taycho, who had raised himself to great consideration in this self-constituted college of the mob. He was distinguished by a loud voice, an unabashed counte­nance, a fluency of abuse, and an intrepidity of opposition to the mea­sures of the Cuboy, who was far from being a favourite with the ple­beians. [Page 105] Orator Taycho's eloquence was admirably suited to his audience; he roared, and he brayed, and he bellowed against the m—r: he threw out personal sarcasms against the Dai­ro himself. He inveighed against his partial attachment to the land of Yesso, which he had more than once manifested to the detriment of Ja­pan: he inflamed the national pre­judice against foreigners; and as he professed an inviolable zeal for the commons of Japan, he became the first demagogue of the empire. The truth is, he generally happened to be on the right side. The partiality of the Dairo, the errors, absurdities, and corruption of the ministry, presented such a palpable mark as could not be missed by the arrows of his declamation. This Cerberus had been silenced more than once with a sop; but whether his appetite was not satisfied to the full, or he was still stimulated by the turbulence of [Page 106] his disposition, which would not al­low him to rest, he began to shake his chains anew, and open in the old cry; which was a species of musick to the mob, as agreeable as the sound of a bagpipe to a mountaineer of North Britain, or the strum-strum to the swarthy natives of Angola. It was a strain which had the wonderful effect of effacing from the memory of his hearers, every idea of his for­mer sickleness and apostacy.

In order to weaken the effect of orator Taycho's harangues, the Cu­boy had found means to intrude up­on the councils of the mob, a native of Ximo called Mura-clami, who had acquired some reputation for elo­quence, as an advocate in the tribu­nals of Japan. He certainly posses­sed an uncommon share of penetra­tion, with a silver tone of voice, and a great magazines of words and phrases, which flowed from him in a pleasing tide of elocution. He [Page 107] had withal the art of soothing, wheed­ling, insinuating, and misrepresenting with such a degree of plausibility, that his talents were admired even by the few who had sense enough to detect his sophistry. He had no idea of principle, and no feeling of huma­nity. He had renounced the maxims of his family, after having turned them to the best account by execrat­ing the rites of Fakkubasi or the White Horse, in private among mal­contents, while he worshipped him in public with the appearance of en­thusiastic devotion. When detected in this double dealing, he fairly owned to the Cuboy, that he cursed the White Horse in private for his private interest, but that he served him in public from inclination.

The Cuboy had just sense enough to perceive that he would always be true to his own interest; and there­fore he made it his interest to serve the m—y to the full extent of his [Page 108] faculties. Accordingly Mura-clami fought a good battle with orator Tay­cho, in the occasional assemblies of the populace. But as it is much more easy to inflame than to allay, to accuse than to acquit, to asperse than to purify, to unveil truth than to varnish falshood; in a word, to patronize a good cause than to sup­port a bad one; the majesty of the mob snuffed up the excrementitious salts of Taycho's invectives, until their jugulars ached, while they re­jected with signs of loathing the flowers of Mura-clami's elocution; just as a citizen of Edinburgh stops his nose when he passes by the shop of a perfumer.

While the constitution of human nature remains unchanged, satire will be always better received than panegyric, in those popular ha­rangues. The Athenians and Ro­mans were better pleased with the Philippics of Demosthenes and Tully, [Page 109] than they would have been with all the praise those two orators could have culled from the stores of their elo­quence. A man feels a secret satis­faction in seeing his neighbour treated as a rascal. If he be a knave him­self, (which ten to one is the case) he rejoices to see a character brought down to the level of his own, and a new member added to his society; if he be one degree removed from ac­tual roguery, (which is the case with nine-tenths of those who enjoy the reputation of virtue) he indulges him­self with the Pharisaical consolation, of thanking God he is not like that publican.

But, to return from this di­gression, Mura-clami, though he could not with all his talents main­tain any sort of competition with Taycho, in the opinion of the mob; he, nevertheless, took a more effec­tual method to weaken the force of his opposition. He pointed out to [Page 110] Fika-kaka the proper means for amending the errors of his admini­stration: he proposed measures for prosecuting the war with vigour: he projected plans of conquest in Fatsis­sio; recommended active officers; forwarded expeditions; and infused such a spirit into the councils of Ja­pan, as had not before appeared for some centuries.

But his patron was precluded from the benefit of these measures, by the obstinate prejudice and precipitation of the Dairo, who valued his Yessian farm above all the empire of Japan. This precious morsel of inheritance bordered upon the territories of a Tartar chief called Brut-an-tiffi, a famous freebooter, who had inured his Kurd to bloodshed, and enriched himself with rapine. Of all man­kind, he hated most the Dairo, tho' his kinsman; and sought a pretence for seizing the farm, which in three days he could have made his own. [Page 111] The Dairo Gothama-baba was not ignorant of his sentiments. He trembled for his cabin when he con­sidered its situation between hawk and buzzard; exposed on one side to the talons of Brut-an-tiffi, and open on the other to the incursions of the Chinese, under whose auspices the said Brut-an-tiffi had acted formerly as a zealous partizan. He had, in­deed, in a former quarrel exerted himself with such activity and ran­cour, to thwart the politics of the Dairo, and accumulate expences on the subjects of Niphon, that he was universally detested through the whole empire of Japan as a lawless robber, deaf to every suggestion of humanity, respecting no law, restricted by no treaty, scoffing at all religion, goaded by ambition, instigated by cruelty, and attended by rapine.

In order to protect the farm from such a dangerous neighbour, Gotha­ma-baba, by an effort of sagacity pe­culiar [Page 112] to himself, granted a large subsidy from the treasury of Japan, to a remote nation of Mantchoux Tartars, on condition that they should march to the assistance of his farm, whenever it should be attacked. With the same sanity of foresight, the Dutch might engage in a defensive league with the Otto­man Porte, to screen them from the attempts of the most Christian king, who is already on their frontiers. Brut-an-tiffi knew his advantage, and was resolved to enjoy it. He had formed a plan of usurpation, which could not be executed without consi­derable sums of money. He gave the Dairo to understand, he was per­fectly sensible how much the farm lay at his mercy: then proposed, that Got-hama-baba should renounce his subsidiary treaty with the Mantchoux; pay a yearly tribute to him Brut-an-tiffi, in consideration of his forbear­ing to seize the farm; and maintain [Page 113] an army to protect it on the other side from the irruptions of the Chi­nese.

Got-hama-baba, alarmed at this declaration, began by his emissaries to sound the inclinations of his Ja­ponese subjects touching a continen­tal war, for the preservation of the farm; but he found them totally averse to this wise system of politicks. Taycho, in particular, began to bawl and bellow among the mob, upon the absurdity of attempting to defend a remote cabin, which was not defensible; upon the iniquity of ruining a mighty empire, for the sake of preserving a few barren acres, a naked common, a poor, pitiful, pelt­ing farm, the interest of which, like Aaron's rod, had already, on many oc­casions, swallowed up all regard and consideration for the advantage of Ja­pan. He inveighed against the shameful and senseless partiality of Got-hama-baba: he mingled menaces with his [Page 114] representations. He expatiated on the folly and pernicious tendency of a continental war: he enlarged upon the independence of Japan, secure in her insular situation. He declared, that not a man should be sent to the continent, nor a subsidy granted to any greedy, mercenary, freebooting Tartar; and threatened, that if any corrupt minister should dare to form such a connexion, he would hang it about his neck, like a millstone, to sink him to perdition. The bellows of Taycho's oratory blew up such a flame in the nation, that the Cuboy and all his partizans were afraid to whisper one syllable about the farm.

Mean while Brut-an-tiffi, in order to quicken their determinations, withdrew the garrison he had in a town on the frontiers of China, and it was immediately occupied by the Chinese; an army of whom poured in like a deluge through this opening upon the lands adjoining to the farm. [Page 115] Got-hama-baba was now seized with a sit of temporary distraction. He foamed and raved, and cursed and swore in the Tartarian language: he declared he would challenge Brut-an-tiffi to single combat. He not only kicked, but also cuffed the whole council of Twenty-Eight, and played at foot-ball with his im­perial tiara. Fika-kaka was dumb-founded: Sti-phi-rum-poo muttered something about a commission of lu­nacy: Nin-kom-poo-po pronounced the words flat-bottomed junks; but his teeth chattered so much, that his meaning could not be understood. The Fatzman offered to cross the sea and put himself at the head of a body of light horse, to observe the motions of the enemy; and Gotto-mio prayed fervently within himself, that God Almighty would be pleased to anni­hilate that accursed farm, which had been productive of such mischief to Japan. Nay, he even ventured to [Page 116] exclaim, ‘"Would to God, the farm was sunk in the middle of the Tar­tarian ocean!"’ ‘"Heaven forbid! (cried the president Soo-san-sin-o) for in that case, Japan must be at the expence of weighing it up again."’

In the midst of this perplexity, they were suddenly surprised at the apparition of Taycho's head nodding from a window that overlooked their deliberations. At sight of this hor­rid spectacle the council broke up. The Dairo fled to the inmost recesses of the palace, and all his counsellors vanished, except the unfortunate Fi-ka-kaka, whose fear had rendered him incapable of any sort of motion but one, and that he instantly had to a very efficacious degree. Tay­cho bolting in at the window, ad­vanced to the Cuboy without cere­mony, and accosted him in these words: ‘"It depends upon the Cu­boy, whether Taycho continues to oppose his measures, or becomes his [Page 117] most obsequious servant. Arise, il­lustrious Quanbuku, and cast your eyes upon the steps by which I as­cended."’ Accordingly Fika-kaka looked, and saw a multitude of peo­ple who had accompanied their orator into the court of the palace, and raised for him an occasional stair of various implements. The first step was made by an old fig-box, the se­cond by a nightman's bucket, the third by a cask of hempseed, the fourth by a tar-barrel, the fifth by an empty kilderkin, the sixth by a keg, the seventh by a bag of soot, the eighth by a fishwoman's basket, the ninth by a rotten pack-saddle, and the tenth by a block of hard wood from the island of Fatsissio. It was supported on one side by a varnished lettered post, and on the other by a crazy hogshead. The artificers who erected this climax, and now exulted over it with hideous clamour, consisted of grocers, scavengers, hal­ter-makers, [Page 118] carpenters, draymen, distillers, chimney-sweepers, oyster-women, ass-drivers, aldermen, and dealers in waste paper.—To make myself understood, I am obliged, Pea­cock, to make use of those terms and denominations which are known in this metropolis.

Fika-kaka, having considered this work with astonishment, and heard the populace declare upon oath, that they would exalt their orator above all competition, was again addressed by the invincible Taycho. ‘"Your Quanbukuship perceives how boot­less it will be to strive against the tor­rent.—What need is there of many words? admit me to a share of the administration—I will commence your humble slave—I will protect the farm at the expence of Japan, while there is an Oban left in the island of Niphon; and I will muz­zle these bears so effectually, that they shall not shew their teeth, ex­cept [Page 119] in applauding our proceedings."’ An author who sees the apparition of a bailiff standing before him in his garret, and instead of being shewn a capias, is presented with a bank note; an impatient lover stopped upon Bagshot heath by a person in a masque, who proves to be his sweet­heart come to meet him in disguise, for the sake of the frolick; a con­demned criminal, who, on the morning of execution-day, instead of being called upon by the finisher of the law, is visited by the sheriff with a free pardon; could not be more agreeably surprised than was Fika-kaka at the demagogue's de­claration. He flew into his em­brace and wept aloud with joy, cal­ling him his dear Taycho. He squeezed his hand, kissed him on both cheeks, and swore he should share the better half of all his pow­er: then he laughed and snivelled by turns, lolled out his tongue, [Page 120] waddled about the chamber, wrig­gled and niggled and noddled. Fi­nally, he undertook to prepare the Dairo for his reception, and it was agreed that the orator should wait on his new colleague next morning.—This matter being settled to their mutual satisfaction, Taycho retreated through the window into the court­yard, and was convoyed home in triumph by that many-headed hydra the mob, which shook its multitudi­nous tail, and brayed through every throat with hideous exultation.

The Cuboy, mean while, had an­other trial to undergo, a trial which he had not foreseen. Taycho was no sooner departed, than he hied him to the Dairo's cabinet, in order to communicate the happy success of his negotiation. But at certain pe­riods, Got-hama-baba's resentment was more than a match for any other passion that belonged to his disposi­tion, and now it was its turn to [Page 121] reign. The Dairo was made of very combustible materials, and these had been kindled up by the appearance of orator Taycho, who (he knew) had treated his person with indecent freedoms, and publickly vilified the worship of the White Horse. When Fika-kaka, therefore, told him he had made peace with the demagogue, the Dairo, instead of giving him the kick of approbation, turned his own back upon the Cuboy, and silenced him with a boh! Had Fika-kaka as­sailed him with the same syllogisti­cal sophism which was used by the Stagyrite to Alexander in a passion, perhaps he might have listened to reason: [...].— ‘"An­ger should be raised not by our equals, but by our superiors; but you have no equal."’—Certain it is, that Got-hama-baba had no equal; but Fika-kaka was no more like Aris­totle, than his master resembled [Page 122] Alexander. The Dairo remained deaf to all his remonstrances, tears, and intreaties, until he declared that there was no other way of saving the farm, but that of giving charte blanche to Taycho. This argument seemed at once to dispel the clouds which had been compelled by his in­dignation: he consented to receive the orator in quality of minister, and next day was appointed for his intro­duction.

In the morning Taycho the Great repaired to the palace of the Cuboy, where he privately performed the ceremony of osculation a posteriori, sung a solemn Palinodia on the sub­ject of political system, repeated and signed the Buponian creed, embraced the religion of Fakkubasi, and adored the White Horse with marks of un­feigned piety and contrition. Then he was conducted to the antichamber of the emperor, who could not, with­out great difficulty, so far master [Page 123] his personal dislike, as to appear be­fore him with any degree of compo­sure. He was brought forth by Fi­ka-kaka like a tame bear to the stake, if that epithet of tame can be given with any propriety to an animal which no body but his keeper dares approach. The orator perceiving him advance, made a low obeisance according to the custom of Japan, that is, by bending the body averse from the Dairo, and laying the right hand upon the left buttock; and pronounced with an audible voice, ‘"Behold, invincible Got-hama-ba­ba, a sincere penitent come to make atonement for his virulent opposition to your government, for his atroci­ous insolence to your sacred person. I have calumniated your favourite farm, I have questioned your inte­grity, I have vilified your charac­ter, ridiculed your understanding, and despised your authority"’—This recapitulation was so disagreeable to [Page 124] the Dairo, that he suddenly flew off at a tangent, and retreated growling to his den; from whence he could by no means be lugged again by the Cuboy, until Taycho, exalting his voice, uttered these words:— ‘"But I will exalt your authority more than ever it was debased—I will extol your wisdom, and expatiate on your generosity; I will glorify the White Horse, and sacrifice all the treasures of Japan, if needful, for the protec­tion of the farm of Yesso."’ By these cabalistical sounds the wrath of Got-hama-baba was intirely ap­peased. He now returned with an air of gaiety, strutting, sideling, circling, fluttering, and cobbling like a turkey-cock in his pride, when he displays his seathers to the sun. Taycho hailed the omen; and turning his face from the emperor, received such a salutation on the os sacrum, that the parts continued vibrating and singling for several days.

[Page 125] An indenture tripartite was now drawn up and executed. Fika-kaka was continued treasurer, with his levees, his Bonzas, and his places; and orator Taycho undertook, in the character of chief scribe, to protect the farm of Yesso, as well as to bridle and manage the blatant beast whose name was Legion. That a person of his kidney should have the pre­sumption to undertake such an affair, is not at all surprising; the wonder is, that his performance should even exceed his promise. The truth is, he promised more than he could have performed, had not certain unfore­seen incidents, in which he had no concern, contributed towards the infatuation of the people.

The first trial to which he brought his ascendency over the mob, was his procuring from them a free gift, to enable the Dairo to arm his own private tenants in Yesso, together with some ragamuffin Tartars in the [Page 126] neighbourhood, for the defence of the farm. They winked so hard up­on this first over-act of his apos­tacy, that he was fully persuaded they had resigned up all their senses to his direction; and resolved to shew them to all Europe, as a surprising instance of his art in monster-tam­ing. This furious beast not only suffered itself to be bridled and sad­dled, but frisked and fawned, and purred and yelped, and crouched be­fore the orator, licking his feet, and presenting its back to the burthens which he was pleased to impose. Immediately after this first essay, Qamba-cun-dono the Fatzman was sent over to assemble and command a body of light horse in Yesso, in or­der to keep an eye on the motions of the enemy; and indeed this vigilant and sagacious commander conducted himself with such activity and dis­cretion, that he soon brought the war in those parts to a point of ter­mination.

[Page 127] Mean while, Brut-an-tiffi conti­nuing to hover on the skirts of the farm, at the head of his myrmidons, and demanding of the Dairo a cate­gorical answer to the hints he had given, Got-hama-baba underwent several successive fits of impatience and distraction. The Cuboy, insti­gated by his own partizans, and in particular by Mura-clami, who hoped to see Taycho take some desperate step that would ruin his popularity; I say the Cuboy, thus stimulated, began to ply the orator with such pressing intreaties as he could no lon­ger resist; and now he exhibited such a specimen of his own power and the people's insanity, as tran­scends the flight of ordinary faith. Without taking the trouble to scratch their long ears, tickle their noses, drench them with mandragora or geneva, or make the least apology for his own turning tail to the prin­ciples which he had all his life so [Page 128] strenuously inculcated, he crammed down their throats an obligation to pay a yearly tribute to Brut-an­tiffi, in consideration of his forbear­ing to seize the Dairo's farm; a tri­bute which amounted to seven times the value of the lands, for the de­fence of which it was payed. When I said crammed, I ought to have used another phrase. The beast, far from shewing any signs of loathing, closed its eyes, opened its hideous jaws, and as it swallowed the inglorious bond, wagged its tail in token of in­tire satisfaction.

No fritter on Shrove Tuesday was ever more dexterously turned, than were the hydra's brains by this mountebank in patriotism, this jug­gler in politicks, this cat in pan, or cake in pan, or [...] in principle. Some people gave out that he dealt with a conjurer, and others scrupled not to insinuate that he had sold him­self to the evil spirit. But there was [Page 129] no occasion for a conjurer to deceive those whom the daemon of folly had previously confounded; and as to selling, he sold nothing but the in­terest of his country; and of that he made a very bad bargain. Be that as it may, the Japonese now viewed Brut-an-tiffi either through a new perspective, or else surveyed him with organs intirely metamorphosed. Yes­terday they detested him as a profli­gate ruffian lost to all sense of honesty and shame, addicted to all manner of vice, a scoffer at religion, parti­cularly that of Fakkubasi, the scourge of human nature, and the inveterate enemy of Japan. To-day, they glorified him as an unblemished he­ro, the protector of good faith, the mirror of honesty, the pattern of every virtue, a saint in piety, a de­vout votary to the White Horse, a friend to mankind, the fast ally and the firmest prop of the Japonese empire.

[Page 130] The farm of Yesso, which they had so long execrated as a pu­trid and painful excrescence upon the breech of their country, which would never be quiet until this cursed wart was either exterminated or taken away; they now fondled as a favourite mole, nay, and cherished as the apple of their eye. One would have imagined that all the inconsist­encies and absurdities which charac­terise the Japonese nation, had taken their turns to reign, just as the in­terest of Taycho's ambition required. When it was necessary for him to establish new principles, at that very instant their levity prompted them to renounce their former maxims. Just as he had occasion to fascinate their senses, the daemon of caprice instigated them to shut their eyes, and hold out their necks, that they might be led by the nose. At the very nick of time when he adopted the cause of Brut-an-tiffi, in diame­trical [Page 131] opposition to all his former professions, the spirit of whim and singularity disposed them to kick against the shins of common sense, deny the light of day at noon, and receive in their bosoms as a dove, the man before whom they had shunned as a serpent. Thus every thing con­curred to establish for orator Tay­cho, a despotism of popularity; and that not planned by reason, or raised by art, but founded on fatality and finished by accident. Quos Jupiter vult perdere priùs dementat.

Brut-an-tiffi being so amply gra­tified by the Japonese for his promise of forbearance with respect to the farm of Yesso, and determined, at all events, to make some new acqui­sition, turned his eyes upon the do­mains of Pol-hassan-akousti, an­other of his neighbours, who had formed a most beautiful colony in this part of Tartary; and rushed up­on it at a minute's warning. His [Page 132] resolution in this respect was so sud­denly taken and quickly executed, that he had not yet formed any ex­cuse for this outrage, in order to save appearances. Without giving himself the trouble to invent a pre­tence, he drove old Pol-hassan-a­kousti out of his residence; com­pelled the domestics of that prince to enter among his own banditti; plundered his house, seized the ar­chives of his family, threatened to shoot the antient gentlewoman his wife, exacted heavy contribution from the tenants; then dispersed a manifesto in which he declared him­self the best friend of the said Akousti and his spouse, assuring him he would take care of his estate as a precious deposit to be restored to him in due season. In the mean time, he thought proper to sequester the rents, that they might not enable Pol-hassan to take any measures that should con­duce to his own prejudice. As for [Page 133] the articles of meat, drink, clothing, and lodging, for him and his wife and a large family of small children, he had nothing to do but depend upon Providence, until the present troubles should be appeased. His behaviour on this occasion, Peacock, puts me in mind of the Spaniard whom Philip II. employed to assas­sinate his own son Don Carlos. This compassionate Castilian, when the prince began to deplore his fate, twirled his mustachio, pronouncing with great gravity these words of comfort: ‘" Calla, calla, Senor, todo que se haze es por su bien."’ ‘"I beg your highness won't make any noise; this is all for your own good:"’ or the politeness of Gibbet in the play called the Beaux Stratagem, who says to Mrs. Sullen, ‘"Your jewels, Ma­dam, if you please—don't be under any uneasiness, Madam—if you make any noise, I shall blow your brains out—I have a particular regard for the ladies, Madam."’

[Page 134] But the possession of Pol-hassan's demesnes was not the ultimate aim of Brut-an-tiffi. He had an eye to a fair and fertile province belonging to a Tartar princess of the house of Ostrog. He saw himself at the head of a numerous banditti trained to war, fleshed in carnage, and eager for rapine; his coffers were filled with the spoils he had gathered in his former freebooting expeditions; and the incredible sums payed him as an annual tribute from Japan, added to his other advantages, ren­dered him one of the most formi­dable chiefs in all Tartary. Thus elated with the consciousness of his own strength, he resolved to make a sudden irruption into the dominions of Ostrog, at a season of the year when that house could not avail itself of the alliances they had formed with other powers; and he did not doubt but that, in a few weeks, he should be able to subdue the whole [Page 135] country belonging to the Amazonian princess. But I can tell thee, Pea­cock, his views extended even far­ther than the conquest of the Ostrog dominions. He even aspired at the empire of Tartary, and had formed the design of deposing the great Cham, who was intimately connected with the princess of Ostrog. Inspired by these projects, he, at the beginning of winter, suddenly poured like a deluge into one of the provinces that owned this Amazon's sway; but he had hardly gained the passes of the mountains, when he found himself opposed by a numerous body of forces, assembled under the com­mand of a celebrated general, who gave him battle without hesitation, and handled him so roughly, that he was fain to retreat into the de­mesnes of Pol-hassan, where he spent the greatest part of the winter in exacting contributions and ex­tending the reign of desolation.

[Page 136] All the petty princes and states who hold of the great Cham, began to tremble for their dominions, and the Cham himself was so much alarmed at the lawless proceedings of Brut-an-tiffi, that he convoked a general assembly of all the poten­tates who possessed fiefs in the em­pire, in order to deliberate upon measures for restraining the ambition of this ferocious freebooter. Among others, the Dairo of Japan, as lord of the farm of Yesso, sent a deputy to this convention, who, in his mas­ter's name, solemnly disclaimed and professed his detestation of Brut-an-tiffi's proceedings, which, indeed, were universally condemned. The truth is, he, at this period, dreaded the resentment of all the other co­estates rather more than he feared the menaces of Brut-an-tiffi; and, in particular, apprehended a sentence of outlawry from the Cham, by which at once he would have for­feited [Page 137] all legal title to his beloved farm. Brut-an-tiffi, on the other hand, began to raise a piteous cla­mour, as if he meant to excite com­passion. He declared himself a poor injured prince, who had been a dupe to the honesty and humanity of his own heart. He affirmed that the Amazon of Ostrog had entered into a conspiracy against him, with the Mantchoux Tartars, and prince Akousti: he published particulars of this dreadful conjuration, which ap­peared to be no other than a defen­sive alliance formed in the apprehen­sion that he would fall upon some of them, without any regard to treaty, as he had done on a former occasion, when he seized one of the Amazon's best provinces. He publickly taxed the Dairo of Japan with having prompted him to commence hosti­lities, and hinted that the said Dairo was to have shared his conquests. He openly intreated his co-estates to [Page 138] interpose their influence towards the re-establishment of peace in the em­pire; and gave them privately to understand, that he would ravage their territories without mercy, should they concur with the Cham in any sentence to his prejudice.

As he had miscarried in his first at­tempt, and perceived a terrible cloud gathering around him, in all proba­bility he would have been glad to compound matters at this juncture, on condition of being left in statu quo; but this was a condition not to be obtained. The princess of Os­trog had by this time formed such a confederacy, as threatened him with utter destruction. She had contracted an offensive and defensive alliance with the Chinese, the Mantchoux, and the Serednee Tartars; and each of these powers engaged to furnish a separate army to humble the inso­lence of Brut-an-tiffi. The majority of the Tartar fiefs agreed to raise a [Page 139] body of forces to act against him as a disturber of the publick peace; the great Cham threatened him with a decree of outlawry and rebellion; and the Amazon herself opposed him at the head of a very numerous and warlike tribe, which had always been considered as the most formi­dable in that part of Tartary. Thus powerfully sustained, she resolved to enjoy her revenge; and at any rate retrieve the province which had been ravished from her by Brut-an-tiffi, at a time when she was embarrassed with other difficulties. Brut-an-tiffi did not think himself so reduced as to pur­chase peace with such a sacrifice. The Mantchoux were at a great distance, naturally slow in their motions, and had a very long march through a de­sert country, which they would not attempt without having first provided prodigious magazines. The Sered­nee were a divided people, among whom he had made shift to foment [Page 140] intestine divisions, that would im­pede the national operations of the war. The Japonese Fatzman formed a strong barrier between him and the Chinese; the army furnished by the fiefs, he despised as raw, undisci­plined militia: besides, their de­claring against him afforded a spe­cious pretence for laying their re­spective dominions under contribu­tion. But he chiefly depended up­on the coffers of Japan, which he firmly believed would hold out until all his enemies should be utterly ex­hausted.

As this freebooter was a principal character in the drama which I in­tend to rehearse, I shall sketch his portrait according to the information I received from a fellow-atom who once resided at his court, constitu­ting part in one of the organs be­longing to his first chamberlain. His stature was under the middle size; his aspect mean and forbid­ting, [Page 141] with a certain expression which did not at all prepossess the spectator in favour of his morals. Had an ac­curate observer beheld him without any exterior distinctions, in the streets of this metropolis, he would have naturally clapped his hands to his pockets. Thou hast seen the cha­racter of Gibbet represented on the stage by a late comedian of expres­sive feature. Nature sometimes makes a strange contrast between the interior workmanship and the exte­rior form; but here the one reflected a true image of the other. His heart never felt an impression of tender­ness: his notions of right and wrong did not refer to any idea of benevo­lence, but were founded entirely on the convenience of human commerce; and there was nothing social in the turn of his disposition. By nature he was stern, insolent, and rapacious, uninfluenced by any motive of hu­manity; unawed by any precept of [Page 142] religion. With respect to religion, he took all opportunities of exposing it to ridicule and contempt. Liberty of conscience he allowed to such ex­tent, as exceeded the bounds of de­corum and disgraced all legislation. He pardoned a criminal convicted of bestiality, and publickly declared that all modes of religion, and every spe­cies of amour, might be freely prac­tised and prosecuted through all his dominions. His capacity was of the middling mould, and he had taken some pains to cultivate his under­standing. He had studied the Chi­nese language, which he spoke with fluency, and piqued himself upon his learning, which was but superficial. His temper was so capricious and in­constant, that it was impossible even for those who knew him best, to fore­see any one particular of his personal demeanour. The same individual he would caress and insult by turns, without the least apparent change of [Page 143] circumstance. He has been known to dismiss one of his favourites with particular marks of regard, and the most flattering professions of affec­tion; and before he had time to pull off his buskins at his own house, he has been hurried on horseback by a detachment of cavalry, and conveyed to the frontiers. Thus harrassed, without refreshment or repose, he was brought back by another party, and reconveyed to the presence of Brut-an-tiffi, who embraced him at meeting, and gently chid him for having been so long absent.—The fixed principles of this Tartar were these: insatiable rapacity, restless ambition, and an insuperable con­tempt for the Japonese nation. His maxims of government were entirely despotic. He considered his subjects as slaves, to be occasionally sacrificed to the accomplishment of his capital designs; but, in the mean time, he indulged them with the protection [Page 142] of equitable laws, and encouraged them to industry for his own emolu­ment.

His virtues consisted of tempe­rance, vigilance, activity, and per­severance. His folly chiefly appeared in childish vanity and self-conceit. He amused himself with riding, re­viewing his troops, reading Chinese authors, playing on a musical instru­ment in use among the Tartars, tri­fling with buffoons, conversing with supposed wits, and reasoning with pretended philosophers: but he had no communication with the female sex; nor, indeed, was there any ease, comfort, or enjoyment to be derived from a participation of his pastime. His wits, philosophers, and buffoons, were composed of Chinese refugees, who soon disco­vered his weak side, and flattered his vanity to an incredible pitch of infa­tuation. They persuaded him that he was an universal genius, an invin­cible [Page 145] hero, a sage legislator, a sublime philosopher, a consummate politician, a divine poet, and an elegant histo­rian. They wrote systems, compiled memoirs, and composed poems, which were published in his name; nay, they contrived witticisms, which he uttered as his own.—They had, by means of commercial communication with the banks of the Ganges, pro­cured the history of a Western hero, called Raskalander, which, indeed, was no other than the Memoirs of Alexander wrote by Quintus Cur­tius, translated from the Indian lan­guage, with an intermixture of Ori­ental fables. This they recommended with many hyperbolical encomiums to the perusal of Brut-an-tiffi, who became enamoured of the perfor­mance, and was fired with the ambi­tion of rivalling, if not excelling Raskalander, not only as a warrior, but likewise as a patron of taste and [Page 146] a protector of the liberal arts. As Alexander deposited Homer's Iliad in a precious casket; so Brut-an-tiffi procured a golden box for pre­serving this sophistication of Quintus Curtius. It was his constant com­panion: he affected to read it in pub­lic; and to lay it under his pillow at night.

Thus pampered with adulation and intoxicated with dreams of con­quest, he made no doubt of being able to establish a new empire in Tartary, which should entirely eclipse the kingdom of Tum-ming-qua, and raise a reputation that should infi­nitely transcend the fame of Yan, or any emperor that ever sat upon the throne of Thibet. He now took the field against the Amazon of the house of Ostrog; penetrated into her domi­nions; defeated one of her generals in a pitched battle; and undertook the siege of one of her principal [Page 147] cities, in full confidence of seeing her kneeling at his gate before the end of the campaign. In the mean time, her scattered troops were rallied and reinforced by another old, experi­enced commander, who being well acquainted with the genius of his adversary, pitched upon an advan­tageous situation, where he waited for another attack. Brut-an-tiffi, flushed with his former victory, and firmly persuaded that no mortal power could withstand his prowess, gave him battle at a very great dis­advantage. The consequence was natural:—he lost great part of his ar­my; was obliged to abandon the siege, and retreat with disgrace. A separate body, commanded by one of his ablest captains, met with the same fate in a neighbouring coun­try; and a third detachment at the farthest extremity of his dominions, having attacked an army of the [Page 148] Mantchoux, was repulsed with great loss.

These were not all the mortifica­tions to which he was exposed about this period. The Fatzman of Japan, who had formed an army for the de­fence of the farm of Yesso against the Chinese, met with a terrible disaster. Notwithstanding his being outnum­bered by the enemy, he exhibited many proofs of uncommon activity and va­lour. At length they came to blows with him, and handled him so roughly, that he was fain to retreat from post to pillar, and leave the farm at their mercy. Had he pur­sued his route to the right, he might have found shelter in the dominions of Brut-an-tiffi, and this was his in­tention; but, instead of marching in a straight line, he revolved to the right, like a planet round the sun, impelled as it were by a compound impulse, until he had described a re­gular [Page 149] semicircle; and then he found himself with all his followers en­gaged in a sheep-pen, from whence there was no egress; for the enemy, who followed his steps, immediately blocked up the entrance. The un­fortunate Fatzman being thus pound­ed, must have fallen a sacrifice to his centripetal force, had not he been delivered by the interposition of a neighbouring chief, who prevailed upon the Chinese general to let Quamba-cun-dono escape, provided his followers would lay down their arms, and return peaceably to their own habitations. This was a bitter pill, which the Fatzman was obliged to swallow, and is said to have cost him five stone of suet. He returned to Japan in obscurity; the Chinese general took possession of the farm in the name of his emperor; and all the damage which the tenants sus­tained, was nothing more than a [Page 150] change of masters, which they had no great cause to regret.

To the thinking part of the Japa­nese, nothing could be more agree­able than this event, by which they were at once delivered from a perni­cious excrescence, which, like an ulcerated tumour, exhausted the juices of the body by which it was fed. Brut-an-tiffi considered the transaction in a different point of view. He foresaw that the Chinese forces would now be at liberty to join his enemies, the tribe of Os­trog, with whom the Chinese empe­ror was intimately connected; and that it would be next to impossible to withstand the joint efforts of the confederacy, which he had brought upon his own head. He therefore raised a hideous clamour. He ac­cused the Fatzman of misconduct, and insisted, not without a mixture of menaces, upon the Dairo's reas­sembling [Page 151] his forces in the country of Yesso.

The Dairo himself was inconsol­able. He neglected his food, and re­fused to confer with his ministers. He dismissed the Fatzman from his service. He locked himself in his cabinet, and spent the hours in la­mentation. ‘"O my dear farm of Yesso! (cried he) shall I never more enjoy thy charms!—Shall I never more regale my eye with thy beau­teous prospects, thy hills of heath; thy meads of broom; and thy wastes of sand! Shall I never more eat thy black bread, drink thy brown beer, and feast upon thy delicate porkers! Shall I never more receive the ho­mage of the sallow Yessites with their meagre faces, ragged skirts, and wooden shoes! Shall I never more improve their huts, and regulate their pigstyes! O cruel Fate! in vain did I face thy mud-walled mansion with [Page 152] a new freestone front! In vain did I cultivate thy turnep-garden! In vain did I enclose a piece of ground at a great expence, and raise a crop of barley, the first that ever was seen in Yesso! In vain did I send over a breed of mules and black cattle for the purposes of husbandry! In vain did I supply you with all the imple­ments of agriculture! In vain did I sow grass and grain for food, and plant trees, and furze and fern for shelter to the game, which could not otherwise subsist upon your naked downs! In vain did I furnish your houseless sides, and fill your hungry bellies with the good things of Ja­pan! In vain did I expend the trea­sures of my empire for thy meliora­tion and defence! In vain did I incur the execrations of my people, if I must now lose thee for ever; if thou must now fall into the hands of an insolent alien, who has no affection [Page 153] for thy soil, and no regard for thy interest! O Quamba-cun-dono! Quamba-cun-dono! how hast thou disappointed my hope! I thought thou wast too ponderous to flinch; that thou wouldst have stood thy ground fixed as the temple of Fak­kubasi, and larded the lean earth with thy carcase, rather than leave my farm uncovered: but, alas! thou hast fled before the enemy like a par­tridge on the mountains; and suf­fered thyself at last to be taken in a snare like a foolish dotterel!"’

The Cuboy, who overheard this exclamation, attempted to comfort him through the key-hole. He soothed, and whined, and wheed­led, and laughed and wept all in a breath. He exhorted the illus­trious Got-hama-baba to bear this misfortune with his wonted greatness of mind.—He offered to present his Imperial majesty with lands in Japan [Page 154] that should be equal in value to the farm he had lost: or, if that should not be agreeable, to make good at the peace, all the damage that should be done to it by the enemy. Finally. he cursed the farm, as the cause of his master's chagrin, and fairly wish­ed it at the devil.—Here he was suddenly interrupted with a ‘"Bub-ub-ub-boh! my lord Cuboy, your grace talks like an apothecary.—Go home to your own palace, and direct your cooks; and may your bonzes kiss your a—to your heart's con­tent.—I swear by the horns of the Moon and the hoofs of the White Horse, that my foot shall not touch your posteriors these three days."’—Fika-kaka, having received this severe check, craved pardon in a whimper­ing tone, for the liberty he had taken, and retired to consult with Mura-clami, who advised him to summon orator Taycho to his assist­ance.

[Page 155] This mob-driver being made ac­quainted with the passion of the Dairo, and the cause of his distress, readily undertook to make such a speech through the key-hole, as should effectually dispel the empe­ror's despondence; and to this en­terprize he was encouraged by the hyperbolical praises of Mura-clami, who exhausted all the tropes of his own rhetoric in extolling the elo­quence of Taycho.—This triumvi­rate immediately adjourned to the door of the apartment in which Got-hama-baba was seqestered, where the orator kneeling upon a cushion, with his mouth applied to the key-hole, opened the sluices of his elo­cution to this effect:

‘"Most gracious!" "Bo, bo, boh!"—"Most illustrious!" "Bo, boh!"—"Most invincible Got-hama-baba!"—"Boh!"—"When the sun, that glorious luminary is obscured, by [Page 156] envious clouds, all nature saddens, and seems to sympathize with his ap­parent distress.—Your Imperial ma­jesty is the sun of our hemisphere, whose splendour illuminates our throne; and whose genial warmth enlivens our hearts; and shall we your subjects, your slaves, the crea­tures of your nod—shall we unmoved behold your ever-glorious effulgence overcast? No! while the vital stream bedews our veins, while our souls retain the faculty of reason, and our tongues the power of speech, we shall not cease to embalm your sor­row with our tears; we shall not cease to pour the overflowings of our affection—our filial tenderness, which will always be reciprocal with your parental care: these are the in­exhaustible sources of the nation's happiness. They may be com­pared to the rivers Jodo and Jodo­gava, which derive their common [Page 157] origin from the vast lake of Ami. The one winds its silent course, calm, clear, and majestic, reflecting the groves and palaces that adorn its banks, and fertilizing the delightful country through which it runs: the other gushes impetuous through a rugged channel and less fertile soil; yet serves to beautify a number of wild romantic scenes; to fill an hun­dred aqueducts, and to turn a thou­sand mills: at length, they join their streams below the imperial city of Meaco, and form a mighty flood devolving to the bay of Osaca, bearing on its spacious bosom, the riches of Japan."’—Here the orator paused for breath:—the Cuboy clap­ped him on the back, whispering, ‘"Super-excellent! O charming simile! Another such will sink the Dairo's grief to the bottom of the sea; and his heart will float like a blown bladder upon [Page 158] the waves of Kugava."’ Mura-clami was not silent in his praise, while he squeezed an orange between the lips of Taycho; and Got-hama-baba seemed all attention: at length the orator resumed his subject:—"Think not, august emperor, that the cause of your disquiet is un­known, or unlamented by your weeping servants. We have not only perceived your eclipse, but discovered the invidious body by whose interposition that eclipse is effected. The rapacious arms of the hostile Chinese have seized the farm of Yesso!— ‘"Oh, oh, oh!"’—that farm so cherished by your Imperial favour; that farm which, in the north of Tartary, shone like a jewel in an Aethiop's ear;—yes, that jewel hath been snatched by the savage hand of a Chinese free booter:—but, dry your tears, my prince; that jewel shall detect his theft, and light us to re­venge. [Page 159] It shall become a rock to crush him in his retreat;—a net of iron to entangle his steps; a fallen trunk over which his feet shall stumble. It shall hang like a weight about his neck, and sink him to the lowest gulph of perdition.—Be comforted, then, my liege! your farm is rooted to the center; it can neither be concealed nor removed. Nay, should he hide it at the bot­tom of the ocean; or place it among the constellations in the heavens; your faithful Taycho would fish it up intire, or tear it headlong from the starry firmament.—We will re­trieve the farm of Yesso— ‘"But, how, how, how, dear orator Taycho?"’ ‘"The empire of Japan shall be mort­gaged for the sake of that precious—that sacred spot, which produced the patriarch apostle Bupo, and re­sounded under the hoofs of the holy steed.—Your people of Japan shall [Page 160] chant the litany of Fakkubasi.—They shall institute crusades for the reco­very of the farm; they shall pour their treasury at your imperial feet;—they shall clamour for imposition;—they shall load themselves with ten­fold burthens, desolate their country, and beggar their posterity in behalf of Yesso. With these funds I could undertake even to overturn the councils of Pekin.—While the Tartar princes deal in the trade of blood, there will be no want of hands to cut away those noxious weeds which have taken root in the farm of Yesso; those vermin that have preyed upon her delightful blossoms! Amidst such a variety of remedies, there can be no difficulty in choos­ing.—Like a weary traveller, I will break a bough from the first pine that presents, and brush away those troublesome insects that gnaw the fruits of Yesso.—Should not the mer­cenary [Page 161] bands of Tartary suffice to repal those insolent invaders; I will engage to chain this island to the continent; to build a bridge from shore to shore, that shall afford a passage more free and ample than the road to Hell. Through this avenue I will ride the mighty beast whose name is Legion.—I have stu­died the art of war, my Liege:—I had once the honour to serve my country as Lance-presado in the militia of Niphon.—I will unpeople these realms, and overspread the land of Yesso with the forces of Japan."’

Got-hama-baba could no longer resist the energy of such expressions. He flew to the door of his cabi­net, and embraced the orator in a transport of joy; while Fika-kaka fell upon his neck and wept aloud; and Mura-clami kissed the hem of his garment.

[Page 162] You must know, Peacock, I had by this time changed my situation. I was discharged in the perspiratory vapour from the perinaeum of the Cuboy, and sucked into the lungs of Mura-clami, through which I pervaded into the course of the cir­culation, and visited every part of his composition. I found the brain so full and compact, that there was not room for another particle of matter. But instead of a heart, he had a membranous sac, or hollow viscus, cold and callous, the habi­tation of sneaking caution, servile flattery, griping avarice, creeping malice, and treacherous deceit. Among these tenants it was my fate to dwell; and there I discovered the motives by which the lawyer's con­duct was influenced. He now se­cretly rejoiced at the presumption of Taycho, which he hoped had already prompted him to undertake [Page 163] more than he could perform; in which case he would infallibly in­cur disgrace either with the Dairo or the people. It is not impossible but this hope might have been re­alized, had not fortune unexpectedly interposed, and operated as an aux­illiary to the orator's presumption. Success began to dawn upon the arms of Japan in the island of Fatsisio; and towards the end of the campaign, Brut-an-tiffi obtained two petty advantages in Tartary against one body of Chinese, and an­other of the Ostrog. All these were magnified into astonishing victories, and ascribed to the wisdom and courage of Taycho, because during his ministry they were obtained; though he neither knew why, nor wherefore; and was in this respect as innocent as his master Got-hama-baba, and his colleague Fika-kaka. He had penetration enough to per­ceive, [Page 164] however, that these events had intoxicated the rabble, and began to pervert their ideas. Success of any kind is apt to perturb the weak brain of a Japonese; but the ac­quisition of any military trophy, produces an actual delirium.—The streets of Meaco were filled with the multitudes who shouted, whooped, and hollowed. They made proces­sions with flags and banners; they illuminated their houses; they extolled Ian-on-i, a provincial captain of Fatsi­sio, who had by accident repulsed a bo­dy of the enemy, and reduced an old barn which they had fortified. They magnified Brut-an-tiffi; they deified orator Taycho; they drank, they damned, they squabbled, and acted a thousand extravagancies which I shall not pretend to enumerate or particularize. Taycho, who knew their trim, seized this opportunity to strike while the iron was hot. [Page 165] —He forthwith mounted an old tub, which was his public rostrum, and waving his hand in an oratorial attitude, was immediately surround­ed with the thronging popoulace.—I have already given you a speci­men of his manner, and therefore shall not repeat the tropes and figures of his harangue: but only sketch out the plan of his address, and specify the chain of his argument alone. He assailed them in the way of pa­radox, which never fails to produce a wonderful effect upon a heated ima­gination and a shallow understanding. Having, in his exordium, artfully fascinated their faculties, like a jug­gler in Bartholomew-fair, by means of an assemblage of words without meaning or import; he proceeded to demonstrate, that a wise and good man ought to discard his maxims the moment he finds they are cer­tainly established on the foundation [Page 166] of eternal truth. That the people of Japan ought to preserve the farm of Yesso, as the apple of their eye, because nature had disjoined it from their empire; and the maintenance of it would involve them in all the quarrels of Tartary: that it was to be preserved at all hazards, be­cause it was not worth preserving: that all the power and opulence of Japan ought to be exerted and em­ployed in its defence, because, by the nature of irs situation, it could not possibly be defended: that Brut­an-tiffi was the great protector of the religion of the Bonzas, because he had never shewn the least regard to any religion at all: that he was the fast friend of Japan, because he had more than once acted as a ran­corous enemy to this empire, and never let slip the least opportunity of expressing his contempt for the subjects of Niphon: that he was an [Page 167] invincible hero, because he had been thrice beaten, and once compelled to raise a siege in the course of two campaigns: that he was a prince of consummate honour, because he had in the time of profound peace, usurp­ed the dominions and ravaged the countries of his neighbours, in de­fiance of common honesty; in vio­lation of the most solemn treaties: that he was the most honourable and important ally that the empire of Japan could choose, because his alliance was to be purchased with an enormous annual tribute, for which he was bound to perform no earthly office of friendship or assistance; be­cause connexion with him effectually deprived Japan of the friendship of all the other princes and states of Tartary; and the utmost exertion of his power could never conduce, in the smallest degree, to the interest or advantage of the Japonese empire.

[Page 168] Such were the propositions orator Taycho undertook to demonstrate; and the success justified his under­taking. After a weak mind has been duly prepared, and turned as it were, by opening a sluice or torrent of high-sounding words, the greater the contradiction proposed the stronger impression it makes, because it in­creases the puzzle, and lays fast hold on the admiration; depositing the small proportion of reason with which it was before impregnated, like the vitriol acid in the copper-mines of Wicklow, into which if you im­merse iron, it immediately quits the copper which it had before dissolved, and unites with the other metal, to which it has a strongerattraction.—Orator Taycho was not so well skil­led in logic as to amuse his audience with definitions of concrete and ab­stract terms; or expatiate upon the genus and the difference; or state [Page 169] propositions by the subject, the pre­dicate, and the copula; or form syl­logisms by mood and figure: but he was perfectly well acquainted with all the equivocal or synonimous words in his own language, and could ring the changes on them with great dex­terity. He knew perfectly well how to express the same ideas by words that literally implied opposition:—for example, a valuable conquest or an invaluable conquest; a shameful rascal or a shameful villain; a hard head or a soft head; a large con­science or no conscience; immensely great or immensely little; damned high or damned low; damned bit­ter, damned sweet; damned severe, damned insipid; and damned ful­some. He knew how to invert the sense of words by changing the manner of pronunciation; e. g. ‘"You are a very pretty fellow!"’ to signify, ‘"You are a very dirty scoundrel."—’ [Page 170] ‘"You have always spoke respectfully of the higher powers!"’ to express, ‘"You have often insulted your bet­ters, and even your sovereign!"’ ‘"You have never turned tail to the principles you professed!"’ to declare, ‘"You have acted the part of an in­famous apostate."’ He was well aware that words alter their signifi­cation according to the circum­stances of times, customs, and the difference of opinion. Thus the name of Jack, who used to turn the spit and pull off his master's boots, was transferred to an iron machine and a wooden instrument now sub­stituted for these purposes: thus a stand for the tea-kettle, acquired the name of Footman; and the words Canon and Ordinance, signifying ori­ginally a rule or law, was extend­ed to a piece of artillery, which is counted the ultima lex, or ultima ratio regum.—In the same manner the [Page 171] words infidel, heresy, good man, and political orthodoxy, imply very different significations, among different classes of people. A Mus­sulman is an infidel at Rome, and a Christian is distinguished as an un­believer at Constantinople. A Pa­pist by Protestantism understands heresy; to a Turk, the same idea is conveyed by the sect of Ali. The term good man, at Edinburgh, implies fanaticism; upon the Exchange of London it signifies cash; and in the general acceptation, benevolence. Political orthodoxy has different, nay opposite definitions, at different places in the same kingdom; at O—and C—; at the Cocoa-tree in Pall­mall; and at Garraway's in Ex­change-alley. Our orator was well acquainted with all the legerdemain of his own language, as well as with the nature of the beast he had to rule. He knew when to distract its [Page 172] weak brain with a tumult of incon­gruous and contradictory ideas: he knew when to overwhelm its feeble faculty of thinking, by pouring in a torrent of words without any ideas annexed. These throng in like city­milliners to a Mile-end assembly, while it happens to be under the di­rection of a conductor without strength and authority. Those that have ideas annexed may be compared to the females provided with partners, which, though they may croud the place, do not absolutely destroy all regulation and decorum. But those that are uncoupled, press in promis­cuously with such impetuosity and in such numbers, that the puny master of the ceremonies is unable to with­stand the irruption; far less, to dis­tinguish their quality, or accommo­date them with partners: thus they fall into the dance without order, and immediately anarchy ensues. [Page 173] Taycho having kept the monster's brain on a simmer, until, like the cow-heel in Don Quixote, it seemed to cry, Comenme, comenme; Come, eat me, come, eat me; then told them in plain terms, that it was ex­pedient they should part with their wives and their children, their souls and their bodies, their substance and their senses, their blood and their suet, in order to defend the indefen­sible farm of Yesso, and to support Brut-an-tiffi, their insupportable ally.—The hydra, rolling itself in the dust, turned up its huge unwieldy paunch and wagged its forky tail; then licked the feet of Taycho, and through all its hoarse discordant throats, began to bray applause. The Dairo rejoiced in his success, the first-fruits of which consisted in their agreeing to maintain an army of twenty thousand Tartar mercenaries, who were reinforced by the flower of [Page 174] the national troops of Japan, sent over to defend the farm of Yesso; and in their consenting to prolong the annual tribute granted to Brut-an-tiffi, who, in return for this con­descension, accommodated the Dairo with one of his free-booting captains to command the Yessite army. This new general had seen some service, and was counted a good officer: but it was not so much on account of his military character that he ob­tained this command, as for his dexterity in prolonging the war; his skill in exercising all the diffe­rent arts of peculation; and his at­tachment to Brut-an-tiffi, with whom he had agreed to co-operate in milk­ing the Japonese cow. This plan they executed with such effect, as could not possibly result from address alone, unassisted by the infatuation of those whom they pillaged. Every article of contingent expence for [Page 175] draught-horses, waggons, postage, forage, provision, and secret service, was swelled to such a degree as did violence to common sense as well as to common honesty. The general had a fellow-feeling with all the con­tractors in the army, who were con­nected with him in such a manner as seemed to preclude all possibility of detection. In vain some of the Japonese officers endeavoured to pry into this mysterious commerce; in vain inspectors were appointed by the government of Japan. The first were removed on different pretences: the last were encountered by such dis­graces and discouragements, as in a little time compelled them to resign the office they had undertaken. In a word, there was not a private mer­cenary Tartar soldier in this army who did not cost the empire of Ja­pan as much as any subaltern officer of its own; and the annual charge of [Page 176] this continental war, undertaken for the protection of the farm of Yesso, exceeded the whole expence of any former war which Japan had ever maintained on its own account since the beginning of the empire: nay, it was attended with one cir­cumstance which rendered it still more insupportable. The money ex­pended in armaments and operations, equipped and prosecuted on the side of Japan, was all circulated with­in the empire; so that it still remain­ed useful to the community in ge­neral; but no instance could be pro­duced, of a single copan that ever returned from the continent of Tar­tary; therefore all the sums sent thither, were clear loss to the sub­jects of Japan. Orator Taycho acted as a faithful ally to Brut-an-tiffi, by stretching the bass-strings of the mobile in such a manner, as to be always in concert with the extrava­gance [Page 177] of the Tartar's demands, and the absurdity of the Dairo's predilection. Fika-kaka was astonished at these phaenomena; while Mura-clami hop­ed in secret, that the orator's brain was disordered; and that his insanity would soon stand confessed, even to the conviction of the people.— ‘"If, (said he to himself) they are not altogether destitute of human reason, they must, of their own accord, per­ceive and comprehend this plain pro­position: A cask of water that dis­charges three by one pipe, and re­ceives no more than two by another, must infallibly be emptied at the long-run. Japan discharges three millions of obans every year for the defence of that blessed farm, which, were it put up to sale, would not fetch one sixth part of the sum; and the annual ballance of her trade with all the world brings in two millions: ergo, it runs out faster than it runs [Page 178] in, and the vessel at the long-run must be empty."’ Mura-clami was mistaken. He had studied philoso­phy only in profile. He had endea­voured to investigate the sense, but he had never fathomed the absurdi­ties of human nature. All that Tay­cho had done for Yesso, amounted not to one-third of what was required for the annual expence of Japan while it maintained the war against China in different quar­ters of Asia. A former Cuboy, (rest his soul!) finding it impossible to raise within the year the exorbitant sup­plies that were required to gratify the avarice and ambition of the Dai­ro, had contrived the method of funding, which hath been lately adopted with such remarkable suc­cess in this kingdom. You know, Peacock, this is no more than borrowing a certain sum on the credit of the nation, and laying a [Page 179] fresh tax upon the public, to defray the interest of every sum thus borrowed; an excellent expedient, when kept within due bounds, for securing the established government, multiplying the dependants of the m—ry, and throwing all the money of the empire into the hands of the administration. But those loans were so often repeated, that the national debt had already swelled to an enor­mous burthen; such a variety of taxes was laid upon the subject, as grievously inhanced all the necessa­ries of life; consequently the poor were distressed, and the price of la­bour was raised to such a degree, that the Japonese manufactures were every-where undersold by the Chi­nese traders, who employed their workmen at a more moderate ex­pence. Taycho, in this dilemma, was seized with a strange conceit. Alchemy was at that period become a fa­vourite [Page 180] study in Japan. Some bonzas having more learning and avarice than their brethren, applied them­selves to the study of certain Chal­dean manuscripts, which their ances­tors had brought from Assyria; and in these they found the substance of all that is contained in the works of Hermes Trismegistus, Geber, Zosymus, the Panapolite, Olympio­dorus, Heliodorus, Agathodaemon, Morienus, Albertus Magnus, and, above all, your countryman Roger Bacon, who adopted Geber's opinion, that mercury is the common basis, and sulphur the cement of all me­tals. By the bye, this same friar Bacon was well acquainted with the composition of gun-powder, though the reputation arising from the discovery, has been given to Swartz, who lived many years af­ter that monk of Westminster. Whether the Philosopher's stone, [Page 181] otherwise called the Gift Azoth, the fifth Essence, or the alkahest; which last Van Helmont pilfered from the tenth book of the Archi­doxa, that treasure so long depo­sited in the occiput of the renown­ed Aureolus, Philippus, Paracelsus, Theophrastus, Bombast, de Hohen­heim; was ever really attained by human adept, I am not at liberty to disclose; but certain it is, the phi­losophers and alchemists of Japan, employed by orator Taycho to trans­mute baser metals into gold, miscar­ried in all their experiments. The whole evaporated in smoke, without leaving so much as the scrapings of a crucible for a specific against the itch. Tickets made of a kind of bamboo, had been long used to rein­force the circulation of Japan; but these were of no use in Tartary: the mercenaries and allies of that coun­try would receive nothing but gold [Page 182] and silver, which, indeed, one would imagine they had a particular me­thod of decomposing or annihilat­ing; for, of all the millions trans­ported thither, not one copan was ever known to revisit Japan. ‘"It was a country (as Hamlet says) from whose bourn no travelling copan e'er re­turned."’ As the war of Yesso, there­fore, engrossed all the specie of Ni­phon, and some currency was abso­lutely necessary to the subsistence of the Japonese, the orator contrived a method to save the expence of solid food. He composed a mess that should fill their bellies, and, at the same time, protract the intoxication of their brains, which it was so much his interest to maintain.—He put them upon a diet of yeast; where this did not agree with the sto­mach, he employed his emissaries to blow up the patients à posteriori, as the dog was blown up by the madman of Seville, recorded by Cer­vantes. [Page 183] The individuals thus inflat­ed were seen swaggering about the streets, smooth and round, and sleek and jolly, with leering eyes and flo­rid complexion. Every one seemed to have the os magna sonaturum. He strutted with an air of impor­tance. He broke wind, and broach­ed new systems. He declared as if by revelation, that the more debt the public owed, the richer it be­came; that food was not necessary to the support of life; nor an in­tercourse of the sexes required for the propagation of the species. He ex­patiated on yeast, as the nectar of the gods, that would sustain the animal machine, fill the human mind with divine inspiration, and confer im­mortality. From the efficacy of this specific, he began to prophesy con­cerning the White Horse, and de­clared himself an apostle of Bupo.—Thus they strolled through the [Page 184] island of Niphon, barking and preach­ing the gospel of Fakku-basi, and pre­senting their barm goblets to all who were in quest of political salvation. The people had been so well prepared for infatuation, by the speeches of Tay­cho, and the tidings of success from Tartary, that every passenger greedi­ly swallowed the drench, and in a little time the whole nation was con­verted; that is, they were totally freed from those troublesome and im­pertinent faculties of reason and re­flection, which could have served no other purpose but to make them mi­serable under the burthens to which their backs were now subjected. They offered up all their gold and silver, their jewels, their furniture and apparel, at the shrine of Fakku­basi, singing psalms and hymns in praise of the White Horse. They put arms into the hands of their chil­dren, and drove them into Tartary, [Page 185] in order to fatten the land of Yesso with their blood. They grew fana­tics in that cause, and worshipped Brut-an-tiffi, as the favourite pro­phet of the beatified Bupo. All was staggering, staring, incoherence and contortion, exclamation and eruc­tation. Still this was no more than a temporary delirium, which might vanish as the intoxicating effects of the yeast subsided. Taycho, there­fore, called in two reinforcements to the drench. He resolved to satiate their appetite for blood, and to amuse their infantine vanity with the gew-gaws of triumph. He equipped out one armament at a considerable expence to make a descent on the coast of China, and sent another at a much greater, to fight the enemy in Fat­sisio. The commander of the first disembarked upon a desolate island, demolished an unfinished cottage, and brought away a few bunches of [Page 186] wild grapes. He afterwards hover­ed on the Chinese coast; but was de­terred from landing by a very singu­lar phaenomenon. In surveying the shore, through spying-glasses, he per­ceived the whole beach instanta­neously fortified, as it were, with parapets of sand, which had escaped the naked eye; and at one particular part, there appeared a body of gi­ants with very hideous features, peep­ing, as it were, from behind those pa­rapets: from which circumstances the Japonese general concluded there was a very formidable ambuscade, which he thought it would be mad­ness to encounter, and even folly to ascertain. One would imagine he had seen Homer's account of the Cy­clops, and did not think himself safe, even at the distance of some miles from the shore; for he pressed the commander of the Fune to weigh anchor immediately, and retire to a [Page 187] place of more safety.—I shall now, Peacock, let you into the whole se­cret. This great officer was deceiv­ed by the carelessness of the com­missary, who, instead of perspectives, had furnished him with glasses pe­culiar to Japan, that magnified and multiplied objects at the same time. They are called Pho-beron-tia.—The large parapets of sand were a couple of mole-hills; and the gigan­tic faces of grim aspect, were the posteriors of an old woman sacrific­ing sub dio, to the powers of diges­tion.—There was another circum­stance which tended to the miscar­riage of this favourite expedition.—The principal design was against a trading town, situated on a navigable river; and at the place where this river disembogued itself into the sea, there was a Chinese fort called Sa­rouf. The admiral of the Fune sent the second in command, whose name [Page 188] was Sel-uon, to lay this fort in ashes, that the embarkation might pass without let or molestation. A Chinese pilot offered to bring his junk within a cable-length of the walls: but he trusted to the light of his own penetration. He ran his junk aground, and solemnly declar­ed there was not water sufficient to float any vessel of force, within three miles of Sa-rouf. This discovery he had made by sounding, and it proved two very surprising paradoxes: first, that the Chinese junks drew little or no water, otherwise they could not have arrived at the town where they were laid up; secondly, that the fort Sa-rouf was raised in a spot where it neither could offend, nor be offend­ed. But the Sey-seo-gun Sel-uon was a mighty man for paradoxes. His superior in command, was a plain man, who did not understand these niceties: he therefore grum­bled, [Page 189] and began to be troublesome; upon which, a council of war was held; and he being over-ruled by a majority of voices, the whole em­barkation returned to Niphon re in­fecta. You have been told how the beast called Legion brayed, and bel­lowed, and kicked, when the fate of Byn-goh's expedition was known; it was disposed to be very unruly at the return of this armament: but Taycho lulled it with a double dose of his Mandragora. It growled at the giants, the sand-hills, and the pa­radoxes of Sel-uon: then brayed aloud Taycho for ever! rolled itself up like a lubberly hydra, yawned, and fell fast asleep.—The other ar­mament equipped for the operations in Fatsisio, did not arrive at the place of destination till the opportunity for action was lost. The object was the reduction of a town and island be­longing to the Chinese: but before [Page 190] the Fune with the troops arrived from Niphon, the enemy having re­ceived intimation of their design, had reinforced the garrison and harbour with a greater number of forces and Fune than the Japonese commander could bring against them. He, there­fore, wisely declined an enterprize which must have ended in his own disgrace and destruction. The Chi­nese were successful in other parts of Fatsisio. They demolished some forts, they defeated some parties, and massacred some people, belong­ing to the colonies of Japan. Per­haps the tidings of these disasters would have roused the people of Ni­phon from the lethargy of intoxica­tion in which they were over­whelmed, had not their delirium been keept up by some fascinating amulets from Tartary: these were no other than the bubbles which Brut-an-tiffi swelled into mighty [Page 191] victories over the Chinese and Ostrog; though, in fact, he had been severe­ly cudgelled, and more than once in very great danger of crucifixion. Tay­cho presented the monster with a bowl of blood, which he told it this invinci­ble ally had drawn from its enemies the Chinese, and, at the same time, blowed the gay bubbles athwart its numerous eyes. The hydra lapped the gore with signs of infinite re­lish; groaned and grunted to see the bubbles dance; exclaimed, ‘"O rare Taycho!"’ and relapsed into the arms of slumber. Thus passed the first campaign of Taycho's adminis­tration.

By this time Fika-kaka was fully convinced that the orator actually dealt with the devil, and had even sold him his soul for this power of working miracles on the understand­ing of the populace. He began to be invaded with fears, that the same [Page 192] consideration would be demanded of him for the ease and pleasure he now enjoyed in partnership with that ma­gician. He no longer heard him­self scoffed, ridiculed, and reviled in the assemblies of the people. He no longer saw his measures thwarted, nor his person treated with disdain. He no longer racked his brains for pre­tences to extort money; nor trem­bled with terror when he used these pretences to the public. The mouth of the opposition was now glewed to his own posteriors. Many a time and often, when he heard orator Tycho declaiming against him from his rostrum, he cursed him in his heart, and was known to ejaculate ‘"Kiss my a—se, Taycho;"’ but lit­tle did he think the orator would one day stoop to this compliance. He now saw that insolent foul­mouthed demagogue ministring with the utmost servility to his pleasure [Page 193] and ambition. He filled his bags with the treasures of Japan, as if by inchantment; so that he could now gratify his own profuse temper with­out stint or controul. He took up­on himself the whole charge of the administration; and left Fika-kaka to the full enjoyment of his own sensuality, thus divested of all its thorns. It was the contemplation of these circumstances, which in­spired the Cuboy with a belief that the devil was concerned in produc­ing this astonishing calm of felicity; and that his infernal highness would require of him some extraordinary sacrifice for the extraordinary favours he bestowed. He could not help suspecting the sincerity of Taycho's attachment, because it seemed alto­gether unnatural; and if his soul was to be the sacrifice, he wished to treat with Satan as a principal. Full of this idea, he had recourse to his [Page 194] Bonzes as the most likely persons to procure him such an interview with the prince of darkness, as should not be attended with immediate dan­ger to his corporeal parts: but, up­on enquiry, he found there was not one conjurer among them all. Some of them made a merit of their igno­rance; pretending they could not in conscience give application to an art which must have led them into communication with demons: others insisted there was no such thing as the devil; and this opinion seemed to be much relished by the Cu­boy: the rest frankly owned they knew nothing at all of the matter. For my part, Peacock, I not only know there is a devil, but I likewise know that he has marked out nine­teen twentieths of the people of this metropolis for his prey.—How now! You shake, sirrah!—You have some reason, considering the experi­ments [Page 195] you have been trying in the way of sorcery; turning the sieve and sheers; mumbling gibberish over a goose's liver stuck with pins; prick­ing your thumbs, and writing mysti­cal characters with your blood; forming spells with sticks laid across; reading prayers backwards; and in­voking the devil by the name, style, and title of Sathan, Abrasax Adonai. I know what communication you had with goody Thrusk at Camber­well, who undertook for three shil­lings and four-pence to convey you on a broomstick to Norway, where the devil was to hold a conventicle; but you boggled at crossing the sea, with­out such security for your person as the beldame could not give. I re­member your poring over the treatise De volucri arborea, until you had well-nigh lost your wits; and your intention to enrol yourself in the Rosicrusian society, until your in­trigue [Page 196] with the tripe-woman in Thieving-lane destroyed your pre­tensions to chastity. Then you cloak­ed your own wickedness with an af­fectation of scepticism, and declared there never was any such existence as devil, demon, spirit, or goblin; nor any such art as magic, necromancy, sorcery, or witchcraft.—O infidel! hast thou never heard of the three divisions of magic into natural, arti­ficial, and diabolical? The first of these is no more than medicine; hence the same word Pharmacopola signified both a wise-acre and apo­thecary. To the second belong the glass sphere of Archimedes, the fly­ing wooden pigeon of Archytus, the emperor Leo's singing birds of gold, Boetius the Consolator's flying birds of brass, hissing serpents of the same metal, and the famous speaking head of Albertus Magnus. The last, which we call diabolical, depends upon the [Page 197] evocation of spirits: such was the art exercised by the magicians of Pha­raoh; as well as by that conjurer recorded by Gaspar Peucerus, who animated the dead carcase of a fa­mous female harper in Bologna in such a manner, that she played upon her instrument as well as ever she had done in her life, until another magician removing the charm, which had been placed in her arm-pits, the body fell down deprived of all mo­tion. It is by such means that con­jurers cure distempers with charms and amulets; that, according to St. Isi­dore, they confound the elements, disturb the understanding, slay with­out poison or any perceptible wound, call up devils, and learn from them how to torment their enemies. Ma­gic was known even to the ancient Romans. Cato teaches us how to charm a dislocated bone, by re­peating these mystical words, In­cipe, [Page 198] cantare in alto, S. F. motas da­nata dardaries, Astotaries, dic una pa­rite dum coeunt, &c. Besides, the virtues of ABRACADABRA are well known; though the meaning of the word has puzzled some of the best critics of the last age; such as Wendelinus, Scaliger, Saumaise, and father Kircher; not to mention the ancient physician Serenus Sammoni­cus, who describes the disposition of these characters in hexameter verse. I might here launch out in­to a very learned dissertation to prove that this very Serenus formed the word ABRACADABRA from the Greek word [...], a name by which Basilides the Aegyptian here­tic defined the Deity, as the letters of it imply 365, the number of days in the year. This is the word still fair and legible on one of the two ta­lismans found in the seventeenth cen­tury, of which Baronius gives us the [Page 199] figure in the second volume of his Annals. By the bye, Peacock, you must take notice, that the figure of St. George encountering the dragon, which is the symbol of the order of the Garter, and at this day distin­guishes so many inns, taverns, and ale-houses, in this kingdom, was no other originally than the device of an abraxas or amulet wore by the Basilidians, as a charm against infec­tion: for, by the man on horseback killing the dragon, was typified the sun purifying the air, and dispersing the noxious vapours from the earth. An abraxas marked with this device, is exhibited by Montfaucon out of the Collection of Sig. Capello. This symbol, improved by the cross on the top of the spear, was afterwards adopted by the Christian crusards, as a badge of their religious warfare, as well as an amulet to ensure victory; the cross alluding to Constantine's [Page 200] labarum, with the motto [...], ‘"In this you shall conquer."’ The figure on horseback they metamor­phosed into St. George, the same with George the Arian, who at one time was reckoned a martyr, and maintained a place in the Roman Martyrology, from which he and others were erased by pope Gelasius in the fifth century, because the ac­counts of their martyrdom were writ­ten by heretics. This very George, while he officiated as bishop of Alexandria, having ordered a temple of the god Mythras to be purified, and converted into a Christian church, found in the said temple this em­blem of the sun, which the Persians adored under the name of Mythras; and with the addition of the cross, metamorphosed it into a symbol of Christian warfare against idolatry. It was on this occasion that the Pagans rose against George, and mur­dered [Page 201] him with the utmost barbarity; and from this circumstance he became a saint and martyr, and the amulet or abraxas became his badge of distinc­tion. The cross was considered as such a sure protection in battle, that every sword-hilt was made in this form, and every warrior, before he engag­ed, kissed it in token of devotion: hence the phrase, ‘"I kiss your hilt,"’ which is sometimes used even at this day. With respect to the mystical words ΑΒRΑCΑΣ, ΙΑΩ, ΔΟΩΝΑΙ, which are found upon those amulets, and supposed to be of Hebrew ex­tract, tho' in the Greek character of termination; if thou wouldst know their real signification, thou mayest consult the learned De Croy, in his Treatise concerning the genealo­gies of the Gnostics. Thou wilt find it at the end of St. Irenaeus's works, published by Grabius at Oxford.—

[Page 202] But, to return to magic, thou must have heard of the famous Albertus Magnus de Bolstadt, who indifferent­ly exercised the professions of con­jurer, bawd, and man-midwife; who forged the celebrated Androides, or brazen-head, which pronounced oracles, and solved questions of the utmost difficulty: nor can the fame of Henry Cornelius Agrippa have escap­ed thee; he, who wrote the Treatises De occulta Philosophia; & de caecis Ceremoniis; who kept his demon se­cured with an inchanted iron collar, in the shape of a black dog; which black dog being dismissed in his last moments with these words: Abi perdita bestia quae me totum perdi­disti; plunged itself in the river Soame, and immediately disappear­ed. But what need of those pro­fane instances to prove the existence of magicians who held communica­tion [Page 203] with the devil? Don't we read in the scripture of the magicians of Pharaoh and Manasses? of the witch of Endor; of Simon and Barjesus, magicians; and of that sorceress of whose body the apostle Paul dispos­sessed the devil? Have not the fa­thers mentioned magicians and sor­cerers? Have not different coun­cils denounced anathemas against them? Hath not the civil law de­creed punishments to be inflicted upon those convicted of the black art? Have not all the tribunals in France, England, and particularly in Scotland, condemned many persons to the stake for sorceries, on the fullest evidence; nay, even on their own confession? Thou thyself mayest almost remember the havock that was made among the sorcerers in one of the English colonies in North-America, by Dr. Encrease Mather, and Dr. Cotton Mather, those lumi­naries [Page 204] of the New-England church, under the authority and auspices of Sir William Phipps, that flower of knighthood and mirror of gover­nors, who, not contented with living witnesses, called in the assistance of spectral evidence, to the conviction of those diabolical delinquents.—This was a hint, indeed, which he borrow­ed from the famous trial of Urban Grandier, canon of Loudun in France, who was duly convicted of magic, upon the depositions of the devils Astaroth, Eusas, Celsus, Acaos, Ce­don, Asinodeus, Alix, Zabulon, Neph­thalim, Cham, Uriel, and Acbas. I might likewise refer thee to king James's History of Witchcraft, wherein it appears, upon uncontro­vertible evidence, that the devil not only presided in person at the assem­blies of those wise women; but even condescended to be facetious, and of­ten diverted them by dancing and [Page 205] playing gambols with a lighted candle in his breech. I might bid thee re­collect the authenticated account of the earl of Gowry's conspiracy against the said king, in which appears the deposition of a certain person, certi­fying that the earl of Gowry had studied the black art: that he wore an amulet about his person, of such efficacy, that although he was run several times through the body, not one drop of blood flowed from the wounds until those mystical cha­racters were removed.—Finally, I could fill whole volumes with un­deniable facts to prove the exist­ence of magic: but what I have said shall suffice. I must only re­peat it again, that there was not one magician, conjurer, wizard, or witch, among all the Bonzes of Ja­pan, whom the Cuboy consulted: a circumstance that astonished him the more, as divers of them, not­withstanding [Page 206] their beards, were shrewdly suspected to be old women; and 'till that time, an old woman with a beard upon her chin had been always considered as an agent of the devil.—It was the nature of Fika-kaka to be impatient and im­petuous. Perceiving that none of his Bonzes had any communication with the devil, and that many of them doubted whether there was any such personage as the devil, he began to have some doubts about his own soul: ‘"For if there is no devil (said he), there is no soul to be damned; and it would be a reproach to the justice of heaven to suppose that all souls are to be saved, consi­dering what rascally stuff man­kind are made of."’ This was an inference which gave him great dis­turbance; for he was one of those who would rather encounter eternal damnation, than run any risque of [Page 207] being annihilated. He therefore as­sembled all those among the Bonzes who had the reputation of being great philosophers and metaphysicians, in order to hear their opinions concern­ing the nature of the soul. The first reverend sage who delivered him­self on this mysterious subject, hav­ing stroked his grey beard, and hemmed thrice with great solemnity, declared that the soul was an ani­mal; a second pronounced it to be the number three, or proportion; a third contended for the number seven, or harmony; a fourth de­fined the soul the universe; a fifth affirmed it was a mixture of ele­ments; a sixth asserted it was com­posed of fire; a seventh opined it was formed of water; an eighth called it an essence; a ninth, an idea; a tenth stickled for substance without extension; an eleventh, for extension without substance; a twelfth cried it [Page 208] was an accident; a thirteenth called it a reflecting mirrour; a fourteenth, the image reflected; a fifteenth in­sisted upon its being a tune; a six­teenth believed it was the instru­ment that played the tune; a seven­teenth undertook to prove it was material; an eighteenth exclaimed it was immaterial; a nineteenth al­lowed it was something; and a twen­tieth swore it was nothing.—By this time all the individuals that com­posed this learned assembly, spoke together with equal eagerness and vociferation. The volubility with which a great number of abstruse and unintelligible terms and defini­tions were pronounced and repeated, not only resembled the confusion of Babel, but they had just the same effect upon the brain of Fika-kaka, as is generally produced in weak heads by looking stedfastly at a mill­wheel or a vortex, or any other ob­ject [Page 209] in continual rotation. He grew giddy, ran three times round, and dropped down in the midst of the Bonzes, deprived of sense and motion. When he recovered so far as to be able to reflect upon what had happened, he was greatly dis­turbed with the terror of annihila­tion, as he had heard nothing said in the consultation which could give him any reason to believe there was such a thing as an immortal soul. In this emergency he sent for his counsellor Mura-clami, and when that lawyer entered his chamber, ex­claimed, ‘"My dear Mura, as I have a soul to be saved!—A soul to be sa­ved!—ay, there's the rub!—the de­vil a soul have I!—Those Bonzes are good for nothing but to kiss my a—se;—a parcel of ignorant asses!—Pox on their philosophy! Instead of demonstrating the immor­tality of the soul, they have plainly [Page 210] proved the soul is a chimaera, a will o' the wisp, a bubble, a term, a word, a nothing!—My dear Mura! prove but that I have a soul, and I shall be contented to be damned to all eter­nity!"—"If that be the case, (said the other) your Quambucuship may set your heart at rest: for, if you proceed to govern this empire, in con­junction with Taycho, as you have begun, it will become a point of eternal justice to give you an immor­tal soul (if you have not one already) that you may undergo eternal punish­ment, according to your demerits."’ The Cuboy was much comforted by this assurance, and returned to his for­mer occupations with redoubled ar­dour. He continued to confer be­nefices on his back-friends the Bonzes; to regulate the whole army of tax­gatherers; to bribe the tribunes, the centurions, the decuriones, and all the inferior mob-drivers of the [Page 211] empire; to hire those pipers who were best skilled in making the mul­titude dance, and find out the ablest artists to scratch their long ears, and tickle their noses. These toils were sweetened by a variety of enjoyments. He possessed all the pomp of often­tation; the vanity of levees, the pride of power, the pleasure of adu­lation, the happiness of being kick­ed by his sovereign and kissed by his Bonzes; and, above all, the delights of the stomach and the close-stool, which recurred in perpetual succession, and which he seemed to enjoy with a par­ticular relish: for, it must be obser­ved, to the honour of Fika-kaka, that what he eagerly received at one end, he as liberally refunded at the other. But as the faculties of his mind were insufficient to digest the great mess of power which had fal­len to his share, so were the organs of his body unable to concoct the [Page 212] enormous mass of aliments which he so greedily swallowed. He laboured under an indigestion of both; and the vague promises which went upwards, as well as the murmurs that passed the other way, were no other than eruptive crudities arising from the defects of his soul and body.

As for Taycho, he confined himself to the management of the war. He recalled the general in chief from Fatsisio, because he had not done that which he could not possibly do: but, instead of sending another on whose abilities he could depend, he allowed the direction of the armaments to devolve upon the second in com­mand, whose character he could not possibly know; because, indeed, he was too obscure to have any charac­ter at all. The fruits of his sagacity soon appeared. The new general Abra-moria, having reconnoitred a post of the enemy, which was found [Page 213] too strong to be forced, attacked it without hesitation, and his troops were repulsed and routed with con­siderable slaughter. It was lucky for Taycho that the tidings of this disaster were qualified by the news of two other advantages which the arms of Japan had gained.—A sepa­rate corps of troops, under Yaf-frai and Ya-loff, reduced a strong Chinese fortress in the neighbourhood of Fatsisio; and a body of Japonese, headed by a factor called Ka-liff, obtained a considerable victory at Fla-sao, in the farther extremity of Tartary, where a trading company of Meaco possessed a commercial settlement. The Hydra of Meaco began to shake its numerous heads and growl, when it heard of Abra­moria's defeat. At that instant, one of its leaders exclaimed, ‘"Bless thy long ears! It was not Taycho that recommended Abra-moria to this [Page 214] command. He was appointed by the Fatz-man."’ This was true. It was likewise true, that Taycho had allowed him quietly to succeed to the command, without knowing any thing of his abilities;—it was equally true, that Taycho was an ut­ter stranger to Yaf-frai and Ya-loff, who took the fortress, as well as to the factor Ka-liff, who obtained the victory at the farther end of Tar­tary.—Nevertheless, the beast cried aloud, "Hang Abra-moria! and a fig for the Fatz-man. But let the praise of Taycho be magnified! It was Taycho that subdued the for­tress in the Isle Ka-frit-o. It was Taycho that defeated the enemy at Fla-sao.—Yaf-frai has slain his thou­sands;—Ya-loff has slain his five thousands;—but Taycho had slain his ten thousands.

Taycho had credit not only for the success of the Japonese arms, but like­wise [Page 215] for the victories of Brut-an-tiffi, who had lately been much beholden to fortune. I have already observed what a noise that Tartar made when the Fatz-man of Japan found himself obliged to capitulate with the Chi­nese general. In consequence of that event, the war was already at an end with respect to the Japonese, on the continent of Tartary. The emperor of China took possession of the farm of Yesso; the peasants quietly submit­ted to their new masters; and those very free-booting Tartar chiefs, who had sold their subjects as soldiers to serve under the Fatz-man, had al­ready agreed to send the very same mercenaries into the army of China. It was at this juncture that Brut-an-tiffi exalted his throat. In the pre­ceding campaign he had fought with various success. One of his gene­rals had given battle to the Mant­choux Tartars, and each side claimed [Page 216] the victory Another of his leaders had been defeated and taken by the Ostrog. The Chinese had already advanced to the frontiers of Brut-an­tiffi's dominions. In this dilemma he exerted himself with equal acti­vity and address: he repulsed the Chinese army with considerable loss; and in the space of one month after this action, gained a victory over the general of the Ostrog. These ad­vantages rendered him insufferably arrogant. He exclaimed against the Fatz-man; he threatened the Dairo; and, as I have taken notice above, a new army was raised at the expence of Japan, to defend him from all future invasions of the Chinese. Already the Tartar general Bron-xi-tic, who was vested at his desire with the command of the mercenary army of Japan, had given a severe check to a strong body of the Chinese, and even threatened to carry the war into the empire of [Page 217] China; but his progress was soon stopt, and he was forced to retreat in his turn towards the farm of Yes­so.—But from nothing did orator Taycho reap a fuller harvest of praise, than from the conquest of Tzin-khall, a settlement of the Chi­nese on the coast of Terra Australis; which conquest was planned by a Banyan merchant of Meaco, who had traded on that coast, and was particularly known to the king of the country. This royal savage was uneasy at the neighbourhood of the Chinese, and conjured the merchant, whose name was Thum-Khumm-qua, to use his influence at the court of Meaco, that an armament should be equipped against the settlement of Tzin-khall, he himself solemnly pro­mising to co-operate in the reduction of it with all his forces.—Thum-Khumm-qua, whose zeal for the good of his country got the better of all his [Page 218] prudential maxims, did not fail to re­present this object in the most inte­resting points of view. He demon­strated to Taycho the importance of the settlement; that it abounded with slaves, ivory, gold, and a pre­cious gum which was not to be found in any other part of the world; a gum in great request all over Asia, and particularly among the Japo­nese, who were obliged to purchase it in time of war at second-hand from their enemies the Chinese, at an exorbitant price. He demonstrated that the loss of this settlement would be a terrible wound to the emperor of China; and proved that the con­quest of it could be atchieved at a very trifling expence. He did more. Tho' by the maxims of his sect he was restrained from engaging in any military enterprize, he offered to conduct the armament in person, in order the more effectually to keep [Page 219] the king of the country steady to his engagements. Though the scheme was in itself plausible and practi­cable, Mr. orator Taycho shuffled and equivocated until the season for action was past. But Thum-Khumm-qua was indefatigable. He exhorted, he pressed, he remon­strated, he complained; and besieged the orator's house in such a man­ner, that Taycho at length, in or­der to be rid of his importunity, granted his request. A small arma­ment was fitted out; the Banyan em­barked in it, leaving his own private affairs in confusion; and the settle­ment was reduced according to his prediction. When the news of this conquest arrived at Meaco, the multi­farious beast brayed hoarse applause, and the minister Taycho was magni­fied exceedingly. As for Thum-Khumm-qua, whose private fortune was consumed in the expedition, all [Page 220] the recompence he received, was the consciousness of having served his country. In vain he reminded Tay­cho of his promises; in vain he re­cited the minister's own letters, in which he had given his word that the Banyan should be liberally re­warded, according to the importance of his services: Taycho was both deaf and blind to all his remonstrances and representations; and, at last, fairly flung the door in his face.

Such was the candour and the gratitude of the incomparable Tay­cho.—The poor projector Thum-Khumm-qua found himself in a pi­teous case, while the whole nation resounded with joy for the conquest which his sagacity had planned, and his zeal carried into execution. He was not only abandoned by the minister Taycho; but also renounced by the whole sect of the Banyans, who looked upon him as a wicked apos­tate, [Page 221] because he had been concerned with those who fought with the arm of flesh. It was lucky for him that he afterwards found favour with a sub­sequent minister, who had not adopt­ed all the maxims of his predecessor Taycho.—The only measures which this egregious demagogue could hi­therto properly call his own, were these: His subsidiary treaty with Brut-an-tiffi; his raising an im­mense army of mercenaries to act in Tartary for the benefit of that prince; his exacting an incredible sum of money from the people of Japan; and finally, two successive armaments which he had sent to annoy the sea-coast of China. I have already given an account of the first, the intent of which was frus­trated by a mistake in the perspec­tives. The other was more fortunate in the beginning. Taycho had by the force of his genius, discovered that [Page 222] nothing so effectually destroyed the oiled paper which the Chinese use in their windows instead of glass, as the gold coin called Oban, when discharged from a military engine at a proper distance. He found that gold was more compact, more heavy, more malleable, and more manageable than any other metal or substance that he knew: he therefore provid­ed a great quantity of obans, and a good body of [...]lingers; and these be­ing conveyed to the coast of China, in a squadron of Fune, as none of the Chinese appeared to oppose these hostilities, a select number of the troops were employed to make ducks and drakes with the obans, on the sup­position that this diversion would al­lure the enemy to the sea-side, where they might be knocked on the head without further trouble: but the care of their own safety got the better of their curiosity on this occasion; and [Page 223] fifty thousand obans were expended in this manner, without bringing one Chinese from his lurking-hole. Considerable damage was done to the windows of the enemy. Then the forces were landed in a village which they found deserted. Here they burned some fishing-boats; and from hence they carried off some military machines, which were brought to Meaco, and conveyed through the streets in procession, amidst the acclamations of the Hy­dra, who sung the praise of Taycho.—Elevated by this triumph, the mi­nister sent forth the same armament a second time under a new general of his own choosing, whose name was Hylib-bib, who had long enter­tained an opinion, that the inhabi­tants of China were not beings of flesh and blood, but mere fantastic shadows, who could neither offend nor be offended. Full of this opi­nion, [Page 224] he made a descent on the coast of that empire; and to convince his followers that his notion was right, he advanced some leagues in­to the country, without having taken any precautions to secure a retreat, leaving the Fune at anchor upon an open beach. Some people alledged, that he depended upon the sagacity of an engineer recommended to him by Taycho; which engineer had such an excellent nose, that he could smell a Chinese at the distance of ten leagues: but it seems the scent failed him at this juncture. Perhaps the Chinese general had trailed rusty bacon and other odoriferous sub­stances to confound his sense of smelling. Perhaps no dew had fal­len over night, and a strong breeze blew towards the enemy. Certain it is Hylib-bib, in the evening, re­ceived repeated intelligence that he was within half a league of a Chi­nese [Page 225] general, at the head of a body of troops greatly superior in number to the Japonese forces which he himself commanded. He still be­lieved it was all illusion; and when he heard their drums beat, declared it was no more than a ridiculous inchantment. He thought proper, however, to retreat towards the sea­side; but this he did with great de­liberation, after having given the ene­my fair notice by beat of drum. His motions were so slow, that he took seven hours to march three miles. When he reached the shore where the Fune were at anchor, he saw the whole body of the Chinese drawn up on a rising ground ready to be­gin the attack. He ordered his rear­guard to face about on the suppo­sition that the phantoms would dis­appear as soon as they shewed their faces; but finding himself mistaken, and perceiving some of his own peo­ple [Page 226] to drop, in consequence of mis­siles that came from the enemy, he very calmly embarked with his van, leaving his rear to amuse the Chi­nese, by whom they were, in less than five minutes, either massacred or taken. From this small disgrace the general deduced two important corollaries; first, that the Chinese were actually material beings capa­ble of impulsion; and secondly, that his engineer's nose was not altoge­ther infallible. The people of Meaco did not seem to relish the experi­ments by which these ideas were as­certained. The monster was heard to grunt in different streets of the me­tropolis; and these notes of discon­tent produced the usual effect in the bowels of Fika-kaka: but orator Taycho had his flowers of rhetoric and his bowl of mandragora in rea­diness. He assured them that Hy­lib-bib should be employed for the [Page 227] future in keeping sheep on the island of Xicoco, and the engineer be sent to hunt truffles on the moun­tains of Ximo. Then he tendered his dose, which the Hydra swallowed with signs of pleasure; and lastly, he mounted upon its back, and rode in triumph under the windows of the astonished Cuboy, who, while he shifted his trowsers, exclaimed in a rapture of joy, ‘"All hail, Tay­cho, thou prince of monster-taming men! the Dairo shall kick thy pos­teriors, and I will kiss them in to­ken of approbation and applause."’


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