INQUIRE, dispute, reply, and all you can,
Say, what is GENIUS but the soul of man;—
Beam of that light which animates our frame,
Alike in many, but in none the same?
'Tis with our Minds, as with our bodies, none
In essence differ, yet each knows his own.
Marks of specific character we see
That stamp on ev'ry mortal,—THIS IS HE.
Nor varies more our present outward shape
(This man half-angel, and the next half-ape)
Than do the mental powers: What odds we find
Between a —'s and a
Newton's mind?
[Page 2]Ask you the cause? First take it for a rule—
Whate'er the man, the soul is not a fool.
She came in due perfection from the skies,
And all defect in grosser body lies.
Body and soul at best but ill agree;—
'Tis spirit wedded to infirmity:
A disproportion'd match; and hence proceeds
The soul's inaction from the body's needs.
This truth once state, ev'ry soul, 'tis plain,
Much on the filmy texture of the brain;
Much on formations that escape our eyes;
On nice connexions, and coherencies;
And on corporeal organs must depend,
For her own functions, exercise, and end.
Hence then the cause of all defects is seen;
For one wrong movement spoils the whole machine.
'Tis hence the several passions take their rise,
The seeds of virtue, and the roots of vice;
[Page 3]Hence notes peculiar or to young, or old,
Phlegmatic, sanguine, amorous, or cold;
And hence from constitution, such or such,
Wit will take modes, and
Genius op'rate much.
The youthful bard, a gentle, sighing swain,
Ovid warbles in a love-sick strain;
With weaker passions, but with sense more strong.
The melancholy
Young pursues his song.
Mixture of humours motley
Genius shews;
'Tis seen, methinks, in
Hervey's dancing prose.
Why wonder then to mark the sons of rhyme
Gay, serious, turgid, easy, or sublime?
The soul and body closely thus allied,
Vile is the folly as the sin of pride;
And one great truth the first of men will fit —
That nothing more precarious is than wit.
Behold yon wretch, that o'er your parish strays,
A baby-man, a driv'ler all his days!
With tongue out-lolling, and round-rolling eyes,
He grins against the sun, and catches flies: —
But for some secret flaws we cannot read,
That check her motions, and her flights impede,
His soul, perchance, enrich'd with happiest thought,
Had spoke like
Tully, or like
Virgil wrote.
Alas! all souls are subject to like fate,
All sympathizing with the body's state;
Let the fierce fever burn through ev'ry vein,
And drive the madding fury to the brain,
Nought can the fervour of his frenzy cool,
Aristotle's self's a parish fool!
Nay, in proportion, lighter ails controul
The mental virtue, and infect the soul.
Ease is best convoy in our voy'ge to truth: —
What man e'er reason'd with a raging tooth?
A poet with a
Genius, and without,
Are the same creatures in the pangs of gout.
Hence then we guess, nor vain is our surmise,
Why some are fools, and none are always wise;
[Page 5]Why
Genius differs in life's every stage,
Runs wild with youth, and creeps with hobbling age,
The soul uncumber'd with the mortal clay
Knows no increase of strength, nor fears decay.
A little art this secret may unfold —
That what can never die, is never old.
By present powers perfection cease to scan,
For we may daily mourn the
fall of man!
Ah! how bright wit, possest of ev'ry gift,
Dwindled to folly, and went mad in
The mighty
Marlb'ro', whose great soul was prov'd
Upon the plains of
Blenheim, where, unmov'd
"Amidst confusion, horrour, and despair,"
He view'd around "the dreadful scenes of war;
"In peaceful thought the field of death survey'd;
"To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid;
"Inspir'd repuls'd battalions to engage,
"And taught the doubtful battle where to rage;"
E'en he, the springs of nature in decay,
And all his vital functions worn away,
Unable now to conquer realms, or buy,
With idiot gesture, and unmeaning eye,
Sits a spectator in the foremost row,
And gapes at heroes in a puppet-shew.
Eschew presumption ev'ry half-learn'd elf;
The noblest writer does not know himself.
Turn mighty
Milton's sacred volume o'er;
'Tis strength, 'tis majesty, or something more;
His numbers like th'Almighty's thunders roll,
And strike an aweful pleasure to the soul:
We joy in ruin; and are almost pain'd
To see the (late-lost)
Paradise Regain'd.
This work
* himself judg'd best: — tell me who read,
Was not the mighty
Milton blind indeed?
GENIUS again, by inf'rence apt we see,
The same in species, differs in
Propensities are strong; and few men yet
But have a relish for some kind of wit.
Homer is monarch of the
Epic choir;
Virgil snatch'd a brand of
Homer's fire;
[Page 7]The daring
Homer's all-impetuous strain,
Like a hot courser bore him o'er the plain.
The muse of
Virgil, that affected state,
Speeds not so swiftly, but she keeps her rate.
Heats oft intense in
Lucan's patriot page,
Statius' muse turns fury in her rage.
Each writer is distinguish'd in his way;
Sophocles, or playful
Aeschylus a stately buskin wore,
And shook th'
Athenian stage with tragic roar.
You'd swear, so soft
Euripides appears,
And tender still, he dipt his quill in tears.
Aristophanes in humour's school
Was bred, and we admire e'en envy's tool.
A pleasant vein through laughing
Plautus ran,
Terence words it like a gentleman.
All to their fav'rite art will lay pretence;—
'Tis inclination, or 'tis excellence;
'Midst clouds of dullness gleams of wit have shone,
Like the faint burstings of an
April sun.
Some partly fail, as partly they excel —
R-ch-rds-n, we know, drew nature well;
Yet should a genius toy as he has done,
And spin morality like
Grant you what's past, and it will less perplex
To ask, why woman is the weaker sex?
Or, why th' extremes of female wits are such,
They mostly say too little, or too much?
Beauty's soft frame, for other ends design'd,
Faints under toil of body, or of mind.
Shall dimpled girls "the state's whole thunder wield,
And spinsters "shake the senate, or the field?"
Shall tender matrons with man's follies vext,
With high-strain'd treble drive a pointed text?
Shall blooming virgins wage the wordy war,
And deck with brazen fronts the noisy bar?
Let not creation's finer part repine,
Or grudge the province where they cannot shine.
Their pleasing sway a thousand ways is shewn,
And beauty has an empire of its own.
Kind Heav'n that gave them beauty, all things gave:—
The soundest scholar is a woman's slave.
Yet have we known superior nymphs that can
Assert an equal pow'r, and rival man!
Born nature's wonders, or with art to wield
The pen; or grace in arms the martial field;
To model laws; or rule a factious realm;
Eliza at
Britannia's helm;
[Page 9]Witness the great
Semiramis of old,
Whose ample prowess fame has grav'd in gold;
Witness the lofty soul, the matchless worth
Cath'rine, recent empress of the north;
Witness th' ingenious talents of a few,
Aikin, Centlivre, Rowe, Behn, Montague;
Fine strokes in pretty
Novellists are seen,
And in
Macaulay sense atones for spleen!
Nay, diff'rent countries diff'rent
Genius make;
Souls modes peculiar to their climate take:
[...]eotia's foggy air was mark'd of old;
Athenian wits were bright, and
Theban cold.
Just view near home the surface of the ball; —
Holland, Genius is mechanical:
France, the muses breathe a livelier strain;
Italy, they skip; and strut in
Not but the
British muse delights to shew
Exotic worth, and merit in a foe.
Tasso, Corneille, Racine adorn their age,
And much we borrow from the
Gallic stage.
In equal strength, tho' diff'rent modes appear
The honours of
Cervantes and
This muse or that propitious deigns to shine
On other bards, but on
Voltaire the Nine.
[Page 10]In
England, O how manifold our rhyme,
Genius is uncertain as the clime.
We shew (consult the press, the stage, the schools)
All sorts of wise men, — as all sorts of fools! —
And count our numbers of illustrious name
That climb'd by different paths the steeps of fame.
Ye laurell'd bards of
Britain, great in song,
O let the muse survey your tuneful throng.
Chaucer, who notes not thy facetious glee,
Genius full of quaint festivity?
Who reads must see, and seeing must admire
Spencer's fancy, and bold
Milton's fire.
Genius was studied wit in artful
But flow'd spontaneous,
Dryden, from thy pen;
'Twas thine in manly richness to excel,
With twice thy labour few write half so well.
Fletcher had copious energy of mind.
Cowley's was wit let loose, and
Wycherly's confin'd.
Who but applauds soft
Otway's melting lay;
The negligent Simplicity of
The genuine mirth that tickled
Butler's vein;
Waller's terse sonnet, and
Young's nervous strain?
[Page 11]
Garth had a trait sarcastic,
Vanburgh droll;
Mason's drama speaks a
Grecian soul.
Such various forms will
Genius take to please;
Rowe 'tis elegance; in
Prior ease;
Lee 'tis flame that lays half nature waste;
And in the courtly
Addison 'tis taste.
Thomson's muse a thousand graces shine,
And strong description animates his line.
'Tis comic grace in
Steele, that shunn'd offence.
Pope 'tis sweetness, purity, and sense.
'Tis humour in the
Dean, unequall'd yet;
Congreve, who could stand thy two-edg'd wit?
To sev'ral bards their several beauties fall,
But to inimitable
Shakespear — all!
He, nature's darling, unrestrain'd by art,
Knew ev'ry spring that moves the human heart.
Shakespear! O
Phoebus, lend thy golden lyre;
Give me the beams of thy coelestial fire;
Avaunt, ye vulgar! poets listen round,
And all
Parnassus thunder with the sound,
While the muse hails that great dramatic name,
And down time's rapid tide bears
Shakespear's endless fame.
Thy genius,
Shenstone, who shall justly treat?
'Tis something — something exquisitely neat.
[Page 12]Nor must the wreath of glory be denied
To solemn
Gray, or florid
Nor is it just its tribute to refuse
Churchill's bitter, but ungen'rous muse.
Lowth, in
West, a vein
Pindaric flows;
Warton a commanding talent shews,
And classical alike their verse and prose.
Assert we then the force of
Genius lies
In verse alone? Are poets only wise?
We hinted
Genius is of various kind;
And vast the province of the human mind.
Who well performs his heav'n-allotted part,
By strength of nature, or by aid of art,
Whate'er the subject of his happy skill,
The product is the work of
Genius still.
That artful rhet'ric human souls can move,
Demosthenes, let thy
Philippics prove.
What honied dew distill'd from
Tully's tongue!
What soft persuasion on his accents hung!
So smoothly strong the sweet oration flows,
We might assert — the muses speak in prose.
Bid him write verses; — who but will agree,
Cibber could make as good an
Ode as he.
'Tis nought but
Genius that in all presides,
Gives word in battle, and in council guides:
Prescribes in physic, and consigns to fame
A learned
Hervey's, or a
Sydenham's name.
Sad woes ensu'd, where fools have squadrons led;
For what is
Caesar's arm without his head?
A glorious list in
British records shines
Of statesmen, wits, philosophers, divines.
Raleigh's death, a sacrifice to
Marks with a blot a pedant monarch's reign.
Bacon saw where truth half-smother'd lay,
And from scholastic rubbish clear'd the way.
Pocock, and, deep skill'd in annals old,
Usher, high places in fame's temple hold.
Long lucubrations, o'er the midnight oil,
Gave to the world a
Newton and a
Locke discover'd, when he wrote,
Clearness of notion, and vast depth of thought.
Alma Mater boasts her fav'rite own,
Nature still marks what mortals speak, or write,
Chatham was copious;
Chesterfield polite.
Knowledge of vulgar manners all discern
Fielding; and new pleasantry in
[Page 14]In
Johnson's strong, but pomp-affecting prose
A mortal wit it's self-sufficience shews.
This age has seen strange pow'rs to music giv'n,
Handel learn'd, or stole his art from heav'n.
'Tis not a puny judge can find a flaw
Sherlock's gospel, or in
Blackstone's law:
Mansfield's elocution pure and strong,
Resistless as a torrent sweeps along.
Some to high fame by solid judgment rise,
Hurd's immortal fame to criticise.
There are who can amaze while they delight;
Bold spirit with cool judgment can unite.
Gloster's learned works your praise engage;
Hume's, and
Robertson's historic page.
What plenteous streams of easy sense we see
In fluent
Tillotson's divinity?
Yet fluent
Tillotson could little say,
Had not the deep-read
Barrow lead the way.
Others may fright you from the tempter's gin,
South will make a man asham'd of sin.
Nay some we know (and knowing we must smile)
Blest with a talent, but without a style:
Hammond stands foremost of this awkward line,
A rumbling writer, but a deep divine!
[Page 15]Who ever knew so strange a vein as his,
Or so much learning in
'Twould tire the muse, and reader to proceed
From reas'ning
Chillingworth to flow'ry
To cite at large the theologic band
Jewel down to
Clarke and
The works of christian labour to explore
Hooker, Pearson, Mede, and numbers more
That drew their manly quills for righteous ends;
The church's champions, and religion's friends.
I grieve to think what souls may be destroy'd
By wit perverse, and
Genius misemploy'd.
Nothing awakes so soon the vengeful rod,
As wisdom flying in the face of God.
The force of reason is of finite length; —
This giant that attempts beyond his strength.
Our boasted light of nature, feeble spark,
Guides for a while, but leaves us in the dark.
As glimm'ring vapours with a pallid ray
Light us to quagmires, and to gulphs betray.
How vain is mortal man above his sphere!
Poor knowing fool, just wise enough to err!
Go, span the globe; the world's strong bounds o'erleap;
Empty the yawning caverns of the deep;
[Page 16]Count all the fibres of that insect's thigh;
Catch me the trembling sun-beams as they fly;
Then take thy understanding's cable line,
Examine God, and measure truths divine.
Grant me, kind heav'n, to see ere I explain;
Correct all false ambition of my brain;
And on my mind this maxim printed be, —
The christian virtue is Humility.
Happier the simple swain, the rustic fool.
That never took the polish of a school,
Than, swell'd with pride, a master of all arts,
Shaftsbury's cunning, and with
St. John's parts.
Much wit obscene has crept thro' ev'ry age;
But lewdness riots on the modern stage.
O shame to arts! our poets may defie
The bards of old; with
Rome and
Athens vie;
May boast invention, penetration, wit,
All qualities for either
Drama fit;
May touch the passions with enchanting art,
And take minutest copies of the Heart:
Yet of past
Dramatists be this the praise; —
They rarely stain'd with ribaldry their bays.
Genius depends then on the body's frame —
Tell me, will
Genius never be the same?
Or will the diff'rence we to-day espy,
Subsist in souls to all eternity?
Such question put, if reason may be bold
In humble-wise conjecture to unfold.
She seems to dictate, and she fears not blame
That things once diff'ring never are the same.
Here or hereafter, in what light you will,
A man, you know, is soul and body still;
And still corporeal organs, and their use
Must correspondent faculties produce:
But body, in that happier state refin'd,
Shall leave its old infirmities behind
And ev'ry soul be perfect in her
Consult material objects, and we see
God's pow'r display'd in sweet variety.
The diff'rent Seasons diff'rent beauties bring;
'Tis not one colour paints the jolly spring.
The sun, high-flaming, travels in his might;
The moon with placid orb adorns the night.
Each insect that eludes the nicest eye,
One of the myriads floating in the sky,
[Page 18]His Maker's praise proclaim as loudly can
As Ocean's tyrant king, the great
Look thro' all nature, the vast tracts of space,
Each being has it's proper pow'r, and place.
Th' angelic hosts that round the Godhead wait,
And issue forth his ministers of fate,
Have their respective provinces, and know
What part to act above, and what below:
Messiah's sword to
Michael's might is giv'n;
Gabriel is Ambassador of Heav'n.
Hence then, from inf'rence fairly drawn, we find
That souls will differ, and excel in kind;
But when admitted to the realms of joy,
What certain office, what precise employ
Shall exercise the sev'ral pow'rs of each,
Present conception not presumes to reach!
Enough, from gen'ral principles to shew
That one great point of bliss will be — to know;
To touch perfection in a fav'rite art,
And grieve no longer but to "know in part:"
To mark where truth in her recesses lies,
Pursue her without toil, and grasp her as she flies.
The sage
Logician then shall clearly see
How all ideas differ, or agree,
And from her coverts drive sly sophistry:
No need to shift, to wrangle, and confute;
For sure the blessed reason, not dispute.
See pensive
Metaphysics! science coy!
In contemplation only knowing joy!
Sober recluse, no noisy stander-by,
She speculates abstracted entity.
Purg'd of the grosser particles of clay,
And all material obstacles away,
In the full vigour of eternal youth,
How will she see, embrace, adore the truth?
Physics still fond new secrets to descry,
And look through nature with a piercing eye,
Hereafter latent causes may explore,
When all the present system is no more;
And prove, when inmate of the blest abode,
This world an atom to the works of God!
The pale
Astronomer, who kens from far
The wand'ring planet, or the station'd star,
When this frail earth in ruin shall be hurl'd,
May count the lamps that light a nobler world:
[Page 20]And subtle
G'ometry shall lend her line,
And take dimensions of the plan divine.
What sounds shall flow from
Rhet'ric's silver tongue?
How sweet her eloquence, her voice how strong!
Her wond'rous talents graceful she displays,
And thunders forth the heav'nly monarch's praise.
Hark! hark! the raptur'd bard has struck his lyre;
His bosom kindles with poetic fire;
Ten thousand vast ideas swell his mind;
Imagination ranges unconfin'd;
He sings
Jehovah's all-triumphant reign;
How softly trills, how loudly sounds the strain,
And music fills th' unmeasurable plain?
The winged hosts are charm'd that hover by,
And seraphs shout applause that rends the sky.
Such then the future pleasures of the mind,
So solid, manly, rational, refin'd,
Source of sublime delight, and tranquil joy,
And sure to satisfy, but not to cloy;
How vain at once are all mere earthly schemes,
The tricks of statesmen, and ambition's dreams?
Low the designs the wisest worldlings lay;
Lower the brutal pleasures of a day.
[Page 21]Awake, awake; — pursue your proper plan;
Virtue and knowledge only make a man.
Despise the world; a better fortune try;
And calculate for immortality.
Ideots, by nat'ral organs ill supply'd;
Untutor'd louts, whose parts were never try'd;
Hereafter hidden excellence may shew,
And rank with souls that scorn'd them here below:
But for the sot that sees, yet slights his rule,
The wilful novice, and industrious fool,
That lulls with sloth, or steeps in vice his sense,
The slave of pleasure, or of indolence,
How wretched is his fate? Fears he not pain,
The gnawing viper, and the galling chain?
Still wretched is this blockhead's fate — for why?
Eternal ignorance is misery.
Who goodly talents have, should talents use
With care assiduous, but with virtuous views;
[Page 22]For application sometimes less pretence
To merit has than barren indolence.
Nothing fatigues our soul, or tires our brain,
Like lust of empire, or the thirst of gain:
And these o'er-ruling in an active mind,
Spoil nations, and make havock of mankind.
Ingenious tyrants only make us slaves; —
Were all men fools, sure no men would be knaves.
Cromwell, once obscure unnotic'd thing,
Outwitted factions, and was more than king.
Ambition take the sceptre and the robe,
Spread thy huge greatness over half the globe;
Lo! the world bursts, 'tis nature's dying day,
The sun is dark the planets melt away: —
Now boast thy
Genius, exercise thy parts,
Recount thy feats, and recognize thy arts;
Alas! thou cursest thy too pregnant brain,
And knowledge is acute to quicken pain.
The nature, the importance, and the end
Genius such, be wise then and attend
How we may best our nat'ral powers improve,
And qualify the soul for bliss above.
Genius lies hid, like metal in the mine,
Till searching education bids it shine.
[Page 23]'Tis but a glorious few of deathless name
Have found without a guide their road to fame.
Nor slight their province, if we justly rate,
Who till the mind, and
Genius cultivate;
Much penetration, and no little toil
Must try the strength and temper of the soil:
Some minds rich-natur'd, like a gen'rous field,
To little culture ample harvests yield;
Others incessant labour must secure,
They owe their goodly produce to manure.
Our judgment too should mark where talent lies,
And, soon as seen, indulge propensities:
For diff'rent objects diff'rent fancies strike;
Genius, we said before, is not alike.
Pope's forward muse procur'd him early fame;
"He lisp'd in numbers, for the numbers came:"
Another's unharmonious tuste is such,
Sooner than poetry he'd learn
High Dutch!
He peculiar talents may display,
And prove a very wonder in his way.
Why must all mortals seek the self-same praise?
Is there no garland but a wreath of bays?
To steep
Parnassus' summit most sublime
'Tis not a short-breath'd
Pegasus can climb.
Some seem to think that
Genius may be sold,
But wit is not, like honour, bought with gold.
To foreign regions wealthy thicksculs roam;
Tho' fools of all men sure should stay at home.
Another's heir thro'
Wickham's school must pass;
He goes a blockhead, and comes home an ass.
From form to form these dull indocile things
Proceed in course, as tumblers shoot thro' rings.
Yet these, tho' destitute of hopeful wit,
'Twere rashness to pronounce at once unfit
For life's first stations; oft 'mongst these we find
An able body, and an active mind;
A keen discernment; prudence; caution; care;
A hand to execute; a soul to dare.
No useful talent then should dormant lie;
— 'Tis service to the common enemy; —
And these no-scholars may or swell the sail
Of commerce, and attend the shifting gale;
Or deck with great exploits a
Georgia's reign,
And humble
Gallic crests, and crush the pride of
Others of lively parts, but wretched fate,
Want nothing but a fortune to be great.
Sometimes among the vulgar herd we find
Strong marks and features of a heav'nly mind:
[Page 25]The village swain's a wit, he knows not how,
And I have seen philosophy at plough.
How are our hopes by present chances crost?
What oafs make p-rs-ns, and what wits are lost?
When now your
Genius, near to ripeness grown,
Begins to glow with raptures all its own,
Ply it with chosen books of various kinds,
For reading is the food of hungry minds:
Mod'rate and wholsom will suffice your need;
'Tis not how much, but how and what you read;
To rise with appetite is always best;
Gluttons devour much more than they digest:
'Tis vain for ever over books to pore;
Reading does much, but observation more.
Mere slavish plodding never yet prevail'd;
See yon lank student to his
folio nail'd:
He reads at home, abroad, at meals, in bed,
And has five thousand volumes in his head;
Yet little to perfection has he brought,
For he has read so much, — he never thought.
The youth more sprightly, and the glowing bard,
That had as lieve go dig as study hard,
[Page 26]Applies by fits, and at his fancy's call;
Little he reads, but has that little all;
He sees, and he enjoys his author's worth,
Gathers his flow'rs, and culls his beauties forth.
He dwells with transport on a fav'rite part,
And clasps each striking passage to his heart.
Your models chuse from authors of first rate;
He cannot write, who dares not emulate.
To father
Homer's sov'ring poetry
Rome owes her
Virgil, and our
Milton we.
The tow'ring muse of
Pindar reach'd the sky,
Flaccus follow'd with an eager eye.
For present times to emulate is all: —
'Tis scarce in wit to be original.
Leave books, and go to company; and then
Leave company, and go to books again.
The studious mind 'tis useful to unbend
In pleasing converse with a social friend:
For cordial juices of the purple vine
Refresh the weary, and the dull refine:
O'er flowing bowls rebounds the sparkling wit,
And sure no poet was a milksop yet.
[Page 27]Intemp'rate revelling alone consumes
The mental pow'rs, and clouds the brain in fumes.
Horace, best handler of the
Roman lyre,
In rich
Falernum quaff'd poetic fire:
A jovial bard! How pleasant are his strains!
How much good-humour in his writings reigns!
He laughs, tho' angry, and will still delight;
His verse is satire, but it is not spite.
How does his muse with free politeness rail!
Juvenal's is threshing with a flail!
Scholars should know, all fire in motion lies. —
Whet then your parts with manly exercise.
Dulness sits slumb'ring in an elbow-chair;
But the gay Muses love to take the air. —
— The Shades of night are fled before the morn;
The mountains echo to the cheerful horn;
Men, dogs, and horses, neighings, shouts, and cries
Shake with tumultuous jollity the skies;
The chace grows hot; they pant in ev'ry vein;
Now climb the steep hill's brow, now scour along the plain.
Such sports as these enliven; they impart
Warmth to the brain, and gladness to the heart.
[Page 28]Yet cautious still indulge the vig'rous joy; —
It should be relaxation, not employ.
But if due aid to
Genius may be lent,
Sometimes it suffers by impediment.
Unhappy is the bard that deals in rhyme
When wit is obsolete, and sense a crime:
When the weak muse, in a degen'rate age,
Crawls from the press, or lamely treads the stage;
No longer dares to noble heights advance,
But chimes in song, or trifles in romance.
How shall the genuine bard escape from fools
That judge by narrow, or by partial rules?
A thousand witlings maul his mangled name,
And yelping critics hunt him out of fame.
How strange a fate! in writing few succeed;
But ev'ry man's a critic that can read!
Chance sometimes seems to govern all; we see
Merit in vain prefer a righteous plea:
False taste, caprice, and circumstance of times
Untowardly conspire to damn our rhymes;
And censure so perversely plays her tricks,
That she will measure wit by politics!
[Page 29]To our eternal shame this truth be said —
That for whole Years ev'n
Milton was unread.
If these are plagues, still more remain behind;
Wits tell you fortune frowns upon their kind.
Alas! what sources of obstruction lie
In the great common woe of poverty!
[Page 30]Whose case is hardest, 'tis not quickly said,
Or theirs that work, or theirs that write for bread.
The starveling curate the fat dean supplies;
One makes divinity, and t'other buys. —
Who but must wail the state of lib'ral arts,
When scholars pawn their coats, or fell their parts?
Bards of first note are hirelings ev'ry day,
And the chaste Nine turn prostitutes for pay.
Sure of all writers poets should not lack;
'Twill spoil your
Pegasus to make him hack.
The muse expands her wings before you ask. —
She loves employment, but she hates a task.
Dryden the proud manager could say; —
On pain of thirst and hunger bring your play.
— The play appears in breach of many a rule,
And want makes
Dryden sometimes half a fool.
Such from without the causes that we find
Obstruct the operations of the mind:
Within too
Genius has its enemies,
And in ourselves too oft our hindrance lies:
Our passions, vices, follies, talents hide,
Intemp'rance, anger, hastiness, and pride.
We said, debauches will oblivion bring,
And mix dull
Lethe with the Muses' spring.
The mind is then most vig'rous when serene;
And crude the sentiment that flows from spleen.
— What then inspires the sharp, satyric page?
Oft, fix'd ill-nature; seldom sudden rage.
Some giddy fancies ev'ry object hit
Alike; — you may be prodigal of wit.
The verse is short-liv'd that is premature;
The muse tho' never slow, should still be sure.
These are thy honours,
Blackmore, this thy gain,
That nonsense came in vollies from thy brain.
Conceit with vapours puffs an empty mind,
And makes a writer to his errors blind.
'Tis the first praise to make; the next to mend;
Go, court the censure of an able friend:
Procure the sanction of a learned few;
Who knows what mortals may your works review?
[Page 32]True modesty for wit may sometimes pass;
But ev'ry coxcomb is, as such, an ass.
The best productions some defects will stain,
And he affronts mankind who dares be vain!
O that my strains assistance could impart,
As far as nature may be help'd by art;
Nature to mend all efforts it behoves,
And what God made 'tis art alone improves.
Give me this fame, kind heav'n, and tho' my song
Ranks me the meanest of the raptur'd throng,
I reap fair fruits, and gain an honest end,
Not muse-befriended, but the muse's friend.
BEGIN the gladsome shout, the loud acclaim,
Begin the universal choir;
Temper in solemn tunes the sounding lyre
To great
Jehovah's name;
Thrones, princedoms, pow'rs attend! Illustrious throng!
While I this glorious day
Swell to
Jehovah's name the grateful song,
And tributary laud, and joyous homage pay. —
Who shall abide the dire alarms?
The God of
Israel is in arms: —
Edom's field, in pomp of matchless might
Dreadful he marches, "grasping in his hand
Ten thousand thunders," and controuls the fight: —
Who, where is he that shall withstand?
[Page 36]And while, sublime, the wide expanse he trode,
Big clouds discharge their watry stores;
The dun storm growls; the tempest roars;
The frighted elements gave place;
Sinai trembled to his base;
And nature's melting frame confest the coming God.
What time the son of
Anath held command,
And justice scantly dealt throughout the land,
How wretched
Israel's state?
To insult rude, and rapine fierce betray'd,
Thro' devious tracks, and desarts wild they stray'd;
No traveller the wonted path frequents;
Each village her lost habitants laments;
The region round was desolate:
While rageful war, and dire alarms
Beset the girded towns with thund'ring arms;
Nor spear, nor shield was seen midst
Judah's bands,
Terror disarm'd their hearts, and hostile pow'r their hands.
In impotence of deep distress
From other gods they seek redress,
Adding, ungrateful to their weight of woes;
When I, the mother of my country, rose;
Deborah, the scourge of
Jacob's foes:
And God, all-gracious set the nations free
By delegated might, and their deliverer, me!
[Page 37]Princes, and chiefs that durst assay
The dangers of that direful day,
Nobly devoted to your country's cause;
Blessings inwreathe your heads, and palms of fame's applause.
Ye white-rob'd ministers of judgment tell,
Rulers, and rev'rend elders say,
All, all recount that glorious day
Israel triumph'd, and when
Jabin fell —
The tumults hush'd; the terrors fled;
And peace her downy wings o'erspread;
And righteous Heav'n tranquility restor'd
Deb'rah's counsel sage, and
Barak's slaught'ring sword.
Now in the deep recesses of the vale,
(Where far in many a limpid maze
The curling streamlet sweetly strays,
At whose fair spring, or flow'r-trimm'd side,
The villagers their huts supplied
With liquid measures, daily drawn
At evening's close, or morning's dawn;)
The blithsome swains exchange a simple tale.
Whilom in dread, and wild dismay
They pass'd the cheerless, tedious day;
Fancy made ev'ry shade a foe;
They shook with ev'ry wind that blew;
In ev'ry breeze an arrow flew.
Now, free from terror and annoy
They give their souls at large to joy;
Jehovah's prowess they relate;
Jehovah's acts, and
Jabin's fate;
The pleasing theme enraptur'd they rehearse
With shouts of glad acclaim, or strains of rustic verse.
Deborah, arise; — prolong
In solemn notes thy tuneful song;
Barak, arise! Thou son of fame
Grace thy triumphal car
With a long captive train, thy slaves of war; —
Arise great offspring of
Abinoam. —
Where were old
Israel's sons? say, did not all
The martial summons hear?
Or basely did they shrink with fear,
Deaf to the din of arms, and glory's princely call?
Reuben no more, the brave and bold,
Attends at home his bleating fold;
When loud the voice of battle roars
Flie to the limits of the land,
And people wide the barren shores;
Zebulon, and valiant
Patriot asserters of their country's right,
Undaunted drew their slender squadrons nigh,
And fac'd the dread array, and iron front of fight.
Heirs of renown,
Canaan's proud monarchs came
Unbought, and panting with the thirst of fame!
Royal confed'rates! from afar
Earth groan'd beneath their cumb'rous war:
By fair
Megiddo's mossy banks they stood;
Trembled with gleams of arms the silver stood.
Now hosts with hosts engage
Impetuous; — hark! the clangs resound; —
See, see the prancing steeds up-tear the ground;
And the wild tumult glows with hotter rage.
But lo! the planets frown malign;
And ah! see where
Jehovah's seraph-legions, pois'd in air,
The furious conflict join;
The flaming squadrons urge their deathful way,
And crush the wither'd pow'rs of
Arm'd with etherial fires, and charg'd with wrath divine.
[Page 40]Triumph my soul! pale fears our foes confound;
Their might I trample on the ground; —
The purple field is delug'd with the slain;
And antient
Kishon's rev'rend flood
(His swelling waves distain'd with blood)
Bears in his sweepy tide whole nations to the main.
Kenite, spouse of
Heber, hail!
Blessings thy pious fraud shall crown,
And heart-felt joy, and high renown,
Envy of all the dames that dwell the tented vale.
Give me to drink, the toil-spent warrior cried,
The creamy bev'rage lib'ral she supplied,
And from her lordly vats his parch'd thirst gratified.
Spent with fatigue, and lost in sleep profound,
Gigantic length, he lay —
The mighty
Sisera —
And while he press'd his earthy bed,
She snatch'd the nail; she pierc'd his head;
She rivetted his temples to the ground.
Extended, breathless at her feet he lay —
The mighty
Sisera —
Stretch'd at her feet, the chieftain died; —
This boast of
Harosheth, and
Jabin's pride.
His noble mother darts from far
Her longing eyes,
And loud, with fond impatience, cries, —
Why tarries thus his loit'ring car?
Why comes he not, she cries again,
(Preventing her attendant train)
Why comes not my victorious son?
Is not the glorious battle won?
Have not the leaders shar'd the prey? —
The captive maids with blooming charms
To bless the glowing victor's arms;
And broider'd robes, and glitt'ring spoils
Meet to reward the Soldiers toils;
And grace the neck of conq'ring
Thus ever let indignant vengeance rise
To blast
Jehovah's enemies!
But let the faithful votaries of God
Distinguish'd shine, like yon vast orb of light
As thro' the purpled east he takes his flaming road,
Array'd in splendors pure, and majesty of might.
OFFSPRING of Love and Reason, Eden-born,
What time mankind's progenitor beheld
New-made creation, and himself the lord,
Devotion, be my theme: — O fill my soul
With pious sentiment; abstract my thought
From things corporeal; and at once engage
And purify my verse. — Thrice blessed hour
Of unpolluted innocence, when thro'
The flow'ry groves of blooming paradise
Our gen'ral parents at sweet random stray'd;
Eternal spring breath'd fragrance round their walks,
And nature smil'd as hand in hand they took
Their unfrequented way. Grateful they pour'd
Their hearts in rapture;—grateful praise was then
Religion's better half. Faith was unborn; —
[Page 49]'Twas rich beatitude of sight, when God,
Descending from his throne supernal, gave
Illustrious exhibition of himself,
Exchanging conference benign with man: —
His sov'reign, and his friend! or, where was Hope
When life was bliss, and full possession crown'd
All appetite with joy? Where Charity,
Ere discord had a being; when one pair
Compos'd Society; blest pair, conjoin'd
In silken bands of union, woven by
Affection pure, and first connubial love?
But lust of science, hell-inspir'd, unhing'd
This fabric of felicity; — behold
Eden is wilderness, and man — a worm!
See! this immortal grovels in the dust —
And that devotion which was once the vow
Of cheerful worship, or the sacrifice
Of placid reverence, and filial love,
Is now the feeble effort of despair; —
The plaintive moan of guiltiness abash'd; —
The tear of anguish, and the sigh of woe.
Look, thou afflicted, up — It is thy God
Uncloth'd with terrors! mark! he utters bland
[Page 50]Redemption's word! With pious eagerness
Devour those healing sounds; and catch, O catch
The balmy dew of grace upon thy soul.
Now Faith unfurls her banner; at her side
Hope meekly smiling stands; while righteous souls
Burn with impatience to regain the bliss
By human folly forfeited; and pant
Like exiles, longing for their native clime.
But Reason was man's law; and on the truths
Traditions handed down from age to age
Devotion form'd her plan. — As some large stream
That issues limpid from his parent spring,
Rolls headlong on, and in his bill'wy sweep
Contracts foul tinctures from the lands he laves
In his wide-winding course; tradition thus,
Pure from it's fount, deriving in it's flow.
Collects strange tenets, and exotic whims,
(Such diabolic artifice suggests,)
Or from the plastic faculty of man,
Or from observance heedless; till at length
Error ingraff'd upon the stock of truth
Shoots his luxuriant branch. — Religion shews
[Page 51]Like some delightful, but uncultur'd spot,
When desolation lays his wasteful hand
Upon its vernal beauties: noisom weeds,
And brambly trash usurp the goodly soil
Flora gayly reign'd. — Now kingly pride,
And vulgar superstition stored the world
With spurious deities; while man transferr'd
To creatures vile the prostrate homage due
To the Supreme Creator. He, t' assert
His violated honour, and maintain
An unadulterate faith, in early days
Vouchsaf'd to
Terah's offspring to impart
His name, his will, his promise. — After-times
Beheld descending Deity in clouds
Of wavy smoke, and spiry-spreading flame;
When on
Mount Sinai's consecrated brow
Th' Almighty Monarch special presence gave
Israel's trembling sons; ten thousand saints,
His high retinue, clapp'd their golden wings;
And thunders roar'd; and nimble lightnings streak'd
The gloomy cloud, while the big trumpet's voice
Proclaim'd his
fiery law; haply that trump
Whose louder blast shall from earth's clayey womb
Summon all mortals in the flaming day
[Page 52]Of gen'ral consummation. — What should shake
Devotion's basis now? — Ev'n he, th' arch-fiend,
That, subtle, tainted pure tradition's stream,
And alienated first man's wav'ring mind
From God to idols. — In a world corrupt,
Isra'l, by bent of nature ever prone
To novelty, and smooth seductions, caught
The spirit'al contagion: while a few,
Still eminently singular, to heav'n
With pureness of affection unestrang'd
Paid adorations meet. Illustrious names!
Recorded in the sacred page of truth.
But better times succeeded. Hark! methinks
Celestial music charms my ravish'd ear!
Isra'l's "sweet singer" wakes his tuneful lyre
To sounds harmonious; in exalted hymns
He celebrates Omnipotence; he pours
Terror of pious praise; th' angelic hosts
Hear with delight, and to God's cloud-wrapt throne
Waft the melodious sacrifice. — But see!
Ah see! he drops his harp; he sweeps no more
The vocal, sprightly strings; he mourns; he droops;
He languishes in heaviness of soul. —
[Page 53]Yet movingly he breathes his humblest strains
Of penitential sorrow; off'ring now
Contrition's victim in a bleeding heart.
Blest minstrel, whose sweet notes shall one day join
In unison with heav'n's eternal choir,
Accept this tribute; thou, whose royal name
Shall stand conspicuous pattern thro' all time
Of deep remorse, of penitence unfeign'd,
Of holy rapture, and triumphal joy.
O! see where beauty in her unfelt snare
Holds sapience tangled. See! wise
Led by a smile, and to idol'trous rites
Decoy'd by soft allurements, and the charms
Of alien princesses. — See!
Nebat's son,
In policy accurs'd, erects his
Bethel and in
Dan; all
Isra'l pay
Devoir to these fictitious deities; —
Revolters from their king, and from their God!
And now Religion, thro' a length of times
Adult'rate, and deform, (for what avail'd
The zeal, the pious fervour of a few?)
[Page 54]Call'd down the vengeance of th' Almighty's arm
In visitation various; till at length
The desolating hand of merc'less war
Isra'l off, and to a foreign pow'r
Captiv'd his recreant tribes. The hosts of God
Pine in
Chaldea: — Yet he left not there
Omnipotence unwitness
[...]d: O behold
Th' intrepid three, who brave defiance hurl'd
In the fierce tyrant's teeth; serene they walk
Thro' undulating flames, that round them play
Soft as the breath of spring. Lo! at their head
Smiling in dignity of conscious might,
The captain of their cause — the Son of God!
See too th' illustrious prophet, envy-doom'd,
As in a peaceful grot, by zephyrs lull'd,
Sleeps in the lions' den, that frisk, and bound
With lamb-like innocence. — Devotion still
Disarms grim terror of his properties,
And from th' insatiate maw of hungry death
Rescues her genuine sons. — Now see again
The tribes in peace restor'd;
Judea smiles
Beneath the hand of culture; to the view
A second temple rises in its pride,
And blazing altars to th' eternal throne
[Page 55]Send clouds of fragrancy. —
Jehovah reigns
Unrivall'd by Tartarean deities,
Singly confest supreme; — but taintless faith
Secures not pure Devotion. — Num'rous sects
Divide old
Jacob's sons; while solemn trash
Of institutions ritual, shad'wy forms
Of ceremonious import, ill-maintain'd
By zeal for vain traditions, stood in place
Of that high moral law from
Sinai's brow
In pomp of visible Divinity
Magnificiently taught. — Man worshipp'd God,
But serv'd his appetite. — In such a state
Of sanctity extern, MESSIAH came
Claiming the world's allegiance. — Hail! all hail
Our Lawgiver Divine! Thee usher'd not
Or proud imperial ensigns, or the voice
Of trumpets in loud symphony, or smoke,
Or flaming fire, or thunder's pealing roar: —
The tidings of thine advent,
King of Kings,
Placid descending from the realms above,
A full-wing'd Seraph bore to simple swains
That by the paly glimpses of the moon
Tended their fleecy charge; when sudden join'd
That heav'nly harbinger an angel-choir
[Page 56]Hymning the great event, and making night
With lucent vision glorious. — Thee proclaim'd
In sackcloth, garb of lowly penitence,
And in the desert's solitary waste,
Thy Baptist-herald; — loud,
repent, he cried,
Repent — erecting in the human heart
Thy spirit'al domain. O hail! all-hail
Thou greater Baptist! author of our bliss!
Our promis'd Legislator, Saviour, Lord! —
I see, I see thee bleeding on the cross!
Thee, universal Passover! I see
Prince of Life expiring! — It is paid —
The debt enormous by primaeval sin
Contracted. — It is finished. — Satan falls,
Like lightning shooting from th' etherial sky. —
Look where he wallows in the fiery gulf
Of "bottomless perdition;" — how he rolls
His eye with anguish! and in deep despair
Roars like a wounded lion! Hell rebounds
Thro' all her burning caverns. — Horrid scene!
O let me turn, and, blithsome, lift my soul
Upon the steady wing of soaring faith
To happier regions; those delightful seats
(Our blest Redeemer's purchase) where heav'n's saints,
[Page 57]Array'd in robes whiter than maiden snow,
And crown'd with
crowns of gold, joying delights
Beyond conception's grasp, to the great Sire
Of beings with exalted voices sing
Hallelujahs! — Faith has now
A firm foundation — Hope an anchor sure —
Devotion a new theme. — Like that above,
The Christian worship should be uniform,
Grave, solemn, fervent, spirit'al, divine!
Thou holy Mother Church, to whom I owe
True love, and filial rev'rence, let thy son,
Duteous, tho' mean, pay to thine excellence
His pious mite of praise. — Light of the world,
Reformation's boast! — Envy of
And pillar of the Faith! Thee nobly mark
Thy doctrines sound; thy worship manly, pure;
Thy customs primitive; thy sober rites
Significantly decent. — Is there aught
Beneath the sacred minstrelsy of heav'n
To cheer, to warm, to elevate the soul,
Like the religious harmony of choirs
Within some temple's venerable pile
[Page 58]On festivals assemb'ed? — With full tone
"The deep, majestic, solemn organs blow;"
Or sweetly modulate their varying notes
To voices well-attun'd; now melody
Alternate Strikes our ear; now jointly swells
The universal chorus, storming heav'n
With holy violence. — Or, if we breathe
Devotion's earnest strains in humbler mode,
And unadorn'd simplicity of pray'r,
This, this is sacrifice that burns as bright,
And, tow'ring, mounts as h
[...]gh. — The soul that sends
Her full affections forth in privacy,
Shall reap her harvest of eternal joy
In light of worlds. — Ejaculations launch'd
By pious zeal amidst a thousand dins
Of war and tumult, shall assert their way
To the celestial throne. — What mortal knows
The mental flights that meditation takes,
When, from life's cares retiring, she enjoys
Her closet-musings? — Sometimes lone she strays
Along the rocky beach at dead of night,
By the moon's silver lamp, nor heeds the winds
That whistle round, nor notes the sullen surge
[Page 59]That beats the pebbled shore. Or, silent, roves
Down the sequestred dale where Philomel
With melancholy music holds night's ear
Attentive to her plaint. Or, takes her stand
With folded arms, and moveless eye, beneath
Some ivy-mantled battlement, once seat
Of a great lord, but now reputed haunt
Of fays, and sprites nocturnal. — Yet her thoughts,
Which shun man's note, to knowledge infinite
Are visible as characters inscrib'd
On monumental brass, or works perform'd
With ostentatious shew to publick view
In the broad eye of day. — Such various forms
Assuming, true devotion is the same,
Vocal or intellectual. — Ah! how low,
How wild, or how jejune the substitutes
Of rational Religion, which the zeal
Of superstitious folly has devis'd,
Or pious frenzy rais'd? — Glitt'ring parade,
Or affectation of austerity,
Roman godliness; denoted now
By cowls, and beads, and lifted crucifix,
Penance, and fast, and cloister'd solitude; —
Of superficial pomp. — O what avails
This lavishment of splendor? Will a God
Of purity immaculate accept
The lifeless off'rings of a carnal heart?
Or periodic public abstinence
Atone for stolen luxury? — Nor more
Of reason, or devotion hath the pride
Of zealots that in mad fanatic rage
Disclaim all government; order renounce;
And vent the product of a sickly brain
For spirit'al effusions: with wan looks,
And gesture wild, and horrible grimace,
And clamours strain'd, amidst a staring crowd
Dealing damnation. — Keep me, pow'r supreme,
Alike from idle faith in fooleries,
And from imagination's tenet dire
(Child of despair, or pride) that circumscribes
Infinity, and with a word
* dethrones
Thee from thy MERCY-SEAT. — Give me a faith
Stedfast in him that bled! a lively hope!
[Page 61]An humble confidence! an ardent love;
And cordial charity that knows no bounds!
Let virtue be my rule, but not my boast: —
And death my expectation, not my fear.
Give me to live in peace; cheerful to wait
My hour of dissolution; take my leave
Of this vain world in smiles; look up to thee;
And in an act of piety expire.
HARK! hark! what harsh and horrid crash I hear?
What jarring discords burst upon mine ear?
'Tis chaos audible; — and more and more
Loud the tumbling waters roar:
Anarch tumultuous holds his dreary reign,
And o'er the future globe
Darkness throws her sablest robe. —
But, hark again!
Hark to a sweetly-solemn strain,
That sooths my aching bosom's pain;
The strain that companies the voice of GOD:
And, as he bids the jarring discords cease,
And speaks confusion into peace,
With harmony of noblest sound;
While light, swift-gushing in etherial streams
That from the throne eternal flow'd,
Silvers the vast obscure with virgin beams:
And bands of rich-plum'd angels in full quire,
Sonorous sweeping each his golden lyre,
Their purple banners wide unfurl'd,
Salute with hymns of joy the birth-day of the world!
Musick, essence holy, high,
Purest heav'n is thy abode,
Thou, coeternal with the Deity
And daughter of the voice of GOD:
Musick, to various ends by wisdom giv'n,
Bounty of indulgent heav'n
Thro' nature sways without controul;
Rouses the passions slumb'ring in the soul,
Or stills the mental storms that in the bosom roll.
Tuneful measures sweetly move
Pleasing throbs of glowing love;
Lull the pains of drooping age;
Smooth the brow of anxious care;
Drive the cloud that wraps despair;
Feelings touch with nicest art,
And heave with pity's pants the ruthless heart.
Musick, essence holy, high, &c.
But when loud clangours sound alarms,
And manly musick fires the soul to arms;
When the shrill trumpet's brazen breath
Sends thro' the walks of war the blasts of death;
The lofty strain all fear dispels;
Each breast with martial emulation swells;
The troops are eager to engage;
The leaders kindle into rage;
And, warm with longings for a warriour's name,
Already see their valiant deeds enroll'd
In deathless characters of gold,
And wear the palm of fame.
Or if pealing organs blow
Majestically slow
Or the tall roof with hallelujahs rings
From dulcet voices to the King of Kings,
The sacred melody inspires
Meek raptures, sober joys, and pure desires:
The soul refin'd,
And on devotion's wing born high,
Asserts her native sky,
And soars thro' boundless space, and leaves the world behind.
Musick, essence holy, high, &c.
Hail, princely
Tubal! son of
Lamech, deign
To smile upon my grateful strain!
Father of earthly musick! sire renown'd!
Thee, still with rev'rence let me name,
That didst invent the deep-ton'd organ's frame;
And teach the vocal strings to greet
The list'ning ear with warblings sweet,
And charm th' astonish'd world with cheerful sound.
Musick, essence holy, high, &c.
Say, Muse, who next thy verse shall grace?
Or he, the fabled bard of
Whose liquid notes allur'd the woods,
And check'd the speed of rapid floods,
And tam'd the fierceness of the savage beast,
And hush'd the growling tempest into rest,
And all th' infernal woes beguil'd; —
The furies dropt their snakes, and hell's grim tyrant smil'd:
Or he whose lute's attractive call
Rais'd the stately
Theban wall:
Or he, musician sweet,
That, "at the royal feast for
Persia won
Philip's warlike son,"
From his exalted seat
With wond'rous art, by all confess'd,
Led the obsequious passions round
With magic melody of sound,
And moulded at his will the yielding monarch's breast:
Or, rather, he who reign'd
Vice-gerent of the highest,
Israel's king,
(Assure no sweeter muse hath story feign'd,)
[Page 67]
David, immortal minstrel, skill'd to sing
Jehovah's might omnipotent, and raise
To him enthron'd on high
In cloud-environ'd majesty
Songs sublime, and joyous praise.
O with how delicate a touch
He wak'd the soft-ton'd lyre
That, warbling, heal'd
Saul's wounded breast,
And laid his frantic ire. —
Let the great master 'gin to play,
And the foul fiend is seiz'd with deep dismay,
Owns the commanding sounds, and quits the realms of day.
Musick, essence holy, high, &c.
Cease, cease hereafter ev'ry strain
That breathes an air profane,
Loosely gay, and lightly vain;
That may to virtue treach'rous prove,
And carnal thoughts with luscious food supply,
And aid the board of sumptuous luxury;
Unnerve the soul, and melt to sensual love.
[Page 68]Strike me such pow'rful notes as fell
Miriam's sacred shell,
When at the head of
Israel's female throng
She led the dance, she tun'd the song,
While the great Law-giver stood by,
Jacob's hosts exulting, late
Victorious over
Egypt's fate,
Shook heav'n's blue vault with melody;
Or such as hail'd, after the battle won,
The might of
Jesse's son,
Wreath'd with unfading laurels from the blow
That laid the proud
Philistine low:
Or cheer me with that loftiness of sound
Which brazen cymbals dealt around,
When hills and woods, and vallies rung,
And psalt'ries play'd, and
Levites sung,
And on their shoulders bore their hallow'd load,
Or lift me into extasy
With strains of sacred harmony,
Such as when
Solomon the wise
Jehovah's temple rise,
Charm'd the spheres, and storm'd the skies:
'Twas tributary praise; — a nation's sacrifice;
One universal chorus join'd
With psalt'ries, and harps, and trumpets loud;
What time, descending in a golden cloud,
Glory divine
Took possession of the shrine:
The priests with awe retiring far away,
Impatient of the blaze of that transcendent day.
Musick, essence holy, high, &c.
O, when the final trumpet's sound
Shall shake the frame of nature round;
When that tremendous blast shall spread; —
The musick which shall wake the dead —
May I be number'd with the sons of grace
That manfully have run their Christian race;
So shall
Cecilia, sweet harmonious maid,
In robe of speckless white array'd,
Smiling, take me by the hand,
And place me in her tuneful band
That shall triumphant mount the starry sky
With shouts of joy, and songs of melody;
[Page 70]And fill'd with gladness, peace, and love▪
Join the celestial choir that ceaseless hymns above.
Musick, essence holy, high,
Purest heav'n is thy abode,
Thou, coeternal with the Deity,
And daughter of the voice of GOD!
LAUD to the Highest! laud to him enthron'd
In dignity supreme; array'd
In uncreated light, as with a robe
Flowing redundant: — look th' Almighty's hand
Wide throws the bursting clouds,
That, curtain-like, heav'n's pure expanse
Veil'd from all sight; and to a thousand worlds
Unfolds at large
His pomp, and blaze of Majesty Divine.
Deep beneath Ocean's vast abyss,
Profound unmeasurable, lies
Behold! he lifts him in his might, and now
Ascends the golden clouds, up-born sublime
In his etherial chariot; now
Descends, and on the rapid pinions of the wind
Walks in imperial state.
Myriads of tribes angelic, countless hosts
Of spirits, fiery natures, watch
Thy high behests, Creator; thee
Thy flaming legions, train august,
Tended with wond'ring eye, what time thou bad'st,
The pillars of this ample universe
Rise from dark chaos; all was wat'ry waste,
And wild confusion, and rude din,
'Till thy commanding voice,
Thy thunder's roar, rebuk'd
That elemental war: — th' affrighted floods
Flew to their channels; earth appear'd
Cloth'd in her mantle green; and at thy word
Order came graceful forth, and infant
Beauty smil'd.
Thy pow'r omnipotent that wak'd
Insensate nature into birth
Can with a breathe dissolve it; — when man's guilt
Clamour'd for vengeance, thou didst ope
Heav'n's windows, and the flood-gates of the deep
Uplifting, let
Destruction forth
To ravage all abroad. Deluge involv'd
Creation's noble work. Death had not known
Repast so rich before. Or, if thou lift'st
Thine arm in local wrath,
Desolation in an instant flies
Thy dread commission to fulfil,
Wrapt in celestial flame, and sheets of fire. —
Gomorrah smokes to heav'n!
O thou preserver of that world which grew
Beneath thy plastic hand,
Guardian of
Isra'ls sons,
Terror of
Jacob's foes,
My glowing bosom throbs with strong desire
Thy prowess to deliver down
In monumental verse to future times. —
How marvellous was thy puissant arm
Memphian ruins? — Now, on eastern blasts
Born high, vast clouds of locusts sweep
Thro' air, eclipsing day. Spring mourns
His plunder'd fruitage. Now, proud
Rolling his crimson waves, laments
His scaly sons expiring. Now
Dire Hail, down-pour'd in clutt'ring cataracts,
And Fire, his ruddy mate, devour
All summer's pride. Now Ocean wraps
The flow'r of
Egypt in his wave,
Ingulfing thousands; while thy hosts
Their harness'd squadrons moving on with pace
Solemn and slow,
In firm array
March'd 'twixt the crystal battlements,
Their banners gayly waving to the sun,
Hymning all-joyful to thy praise,
Jehovah, — victor Lord — glory's triumphant King.
How did paternal Providence sustain
A nation in the wilderness
With bread mirac'lous — nourishment of Gods
And Spirits incorporeal. — Down
In heaps on heaps descending fell
The feather'd food,
Diurnal sustenance, that strew'd the camp
Plenteous as
Lybian dust, or sands
That line the shelvy beach. — When drought
Choak'd the parch'd soil, the smitten rock
In copious streams discharg'd
His liquid treasures, and a thousand rills
Purl'd thro' the burning plain. The year reviv'd,
And all was sprighly joy, and all was laughing spring.
But Nature in her constant course proclaims
Her origin divine.
The sun, bright ruler of the day; —
The moon, fair regent of the night; —
The stars, heav'n's host innumerable, roll
[Page 76]Their glitt'ring orbs in revolutions true,
From century to century, and shall,
'Till he, that lighted first, shall quench their fires.
Spring heads the seasons, leading in his hand
His lusty children;
Health that hails the morn
With roseate cheek; and
Strength that stalks
With giant strides, and brow erect;
Beauty, queen of
May; while
Flora strews
His verdant path with violets;
And the wing'd habitants of air
Greet him with matin song. — Next
Summer shews
His sun-burnt countenance; with genial heat
Warming the vegetable world.
Thunder, lightning, sable storm
Wait on his pleasure; armies that defend
His sultry reign from pestilence
That still annoys his borders. — Now
Autumn, great lord of harvest, sends
His swarthy labour'rs to collect
The various tribute of the year.
He stores his granaries with golden grain;
And in possession of earth's riches, smiles
Winter's stern approach; tho'
Winter's self,
Arm'd as he is with sharp-fang'd frost,
[Page 77]And barbed hail, and smoth'ring snow,
Locks weary nature up in sleep
Profound with friendly hand,
In vigour fresh
To be re-wak'd by
Spring. — Thou Nature's Lord
Benign, as mighty; good, as great;
How does this wonderful vicissitude
Lift thy all-glorious name!
What language shall recite
Thy wonders, or thy mercies, in
The navigable deeps,
Where active
Commerce spreads her daring wing,
Visiting round the globe. Behold!
How swift yon vessel speeds it's course,
And skims along the level of the main. —
But sudden winds unseen
Creep from their caverns dark,
Whistling insidious. Now they swell
With rougher blast; and now
Bellow with hideous voice, and dreadful roar.
Quick flit the fleecy clouds; the wat'ry
Conducts the gloomy storm; deep thunders roll
[Page 78]With angry rumblings; lightning shoots
His vivid flash, streaking the floods
With gleams of fire. — The winds the helpless bark
Toss like a feather; now she rides
Upon the surge to heav'n; now down she drops
To earth's deep centre. — Who shall still this rage?
Thou that didst silence chaos. — At thy beck
Tumult and uproar cease; the winds
Forget to blow; the sea his waves
Smooths to a plain; and
Phoebus spreads around
The comfortable blaze of cloudless day.
O thou, preserver of whatever breathes
The common vital air,
Man, beast, fowl, fish, or reptile — all
Thy providence munificent confess. —
Thou dealest plenty with a lib'ral hand; —
The feather'd songsters grateful chaunt
Thy praises, pouring liquid melody
From their aerial seats.
The beasts that slake their eager thirst
At many at stream, that winds
His silver current thro' the vale,
The lion's princely youngling roars,
Seeking his food from thee. When slumber seals
Man's eye, and night imbrowns the world
With dreary gloom,
The forest sends his savage natives forth
Roaming for prey. They know their hour
Pre-destin'd; and when morning marks
The welkin with her blush, conscious retire
At once, resigning day.
Nor less their bounteous Maker own
The finny multitudes, that dwell
The wat'ry regions; from the smallest fry
That writhe, like infects, their exiguous forms
To huge leviathan,
Lord of the floods, that rolls his stately bulk
Sporting in Ocean! Let not man be last
In grateful homage, whose distinguish'd race
Stands first in favour. 'Tis for him
Nature abounds with wealth. For him
Earth, air, and sea are peopled. 'Tis for him
The sun impregns the glebe; the cloud distils
The fatness, and the joyful valley sings.
For him the ground, rewarding culture's toil,
Strengthner of human hearts.
For him the grape swells with nectareous juice,
Cordial of life, that sooths
Our nat'ral griefs, and gladdens worldly care. —
Laud then to him Most High! And while
Creation joins in gen'ral chorus, thou,
O thou, praise God my soul.
O For the manly wrath, the noble rage
That pointed ev'ry verse in ev'ry page
Of angry
Juvenal; — or the keen stroke
Horace, whose severity of joke
Laid folly low, and knav'ry brought to shame;
Or the satiric Muse of equal name
That fir'd immortal
Pope's prolific brain,
Young's nervous line, and
Dryden's cutting strain:
Our age is mark'd with fool'ries that would call
For the best wit, or blackest spleen of all!
Vanity that all the world can draw;
It hath the force of Gospel, and of law.
Amongst old
Adam's offspring there's no strife
Like that of shining in this mortal life.
[Page 97]It is the thought, the plan, the dream, the whole
Wish, and ambition of the worldling's soul:
This one grand aim we steadily pursue,
As inclination points, and — whimsey too. —
Some hope respect, or envy to engage
With novelty, or glare of equipage.
Time was, precursors could our worth proclaim,
And running-footmen tript us into fame.
Now with parade more solemn we approach,
And servants hang in clusters to the coach.
One keeps smart grooms, fine steeds, and coursers able:—
The temple of his fame is his own stable!
Another nobly lives, with splendor treats,
And man becomes immortal — as he eats!
These Taste in lofty palaces display,
And we have
Babels building ev'ry day.
Who but his daring fancy must approve
That without
faith whole
mountains can
remove? —
Or bids new streams in unknown channels go,
And teaches wand'ring rivers where to flow?
Nature subdued to skilful labour yields,
And barren heaths commence
Elysian fields.
"How, Sir! all state, all art, all works deride?"
Mistake not — 'tis not
use I blame — but
[Page 98]The things heav'n sends us are commodious things;
And princes born should live like
sons of kings.
Steeds, chariots, villas, suit the man of sense;
They are his comforts;
not his excellence.
Life should be decent; grand, as means afford; —
What is so little as a little Lord?
A noble spirit marks the great and wise:
But Monarchs self-sufficient I despise.
Nay, fruits of bold design just praise command
Genius takes
Convenience by the hand,
And what is undertook is understood.
The true projector is a publick good. —
Bridgewater's name shall glide thro' ev'ry age;
And makes a glorious botch in Satire's page.
Look round the surface of the globe, you'll see
Nought more contagious is than Vanity.
All pant with longings to be rich and great,
And emulate their betters — in estate.
Pomp is our idol; we indulge in show;
Appearance is the only thing below.
For this we toil, watch, cozen, forge, swear, lie. —
There is no sin on earth but poverty.
[Page 99]Nay more, we yield to be distress'd for this;
Make our own troubles; and in seeming bliss
Labour with grievance real.
Crispus clear
Hath less than twice two hundred pounds a year.
Yet, little as such substance will afford,
He eats, drinks, whores, and gambles with my lord:
Among the foremost shines at balls or play,
For ever anxious, and for ever gay.
And now he riggles 'neath the gripe of law;
mortgage on his lands lays iron paw:
Ills upon ills beset his harass'd life;
He hears in tortures a complaining wife;
He storms; he curses; throws the blame on fate;
While duns incessant thunder at his gate;
His folly is reflection's endless theme;
Care haunts his walk; and horror rides his dream;
'Till at the last all his misfortunes meet
In one, and
Crispus figures — in the
Few see the sorrows that with splendors mix,
Can man be wretched with a coach and six?
Such sentiment the worldly fool reveals
Who thinks there is no woe but
that he feels.
Is requisite for decency, — and
Borne thro' some country town, th' admiring throng
Believe us great ones as we whirl along.
All eyes behold us when we gaily roam;
But we can keep our miseries at home. —
Pride, how prepost'rous is thy burning itch?
Sure people should have riches to be rich!
'Tis not in common language to express
The pleasure or the privilege of dress!
It is the most commodious thing on earth; —
It covers exigence; supposes birth;
Supplies defect of dignity, or grace;
And gives to impudence itself a face!
Mortals of lofty spirits, when unknown,
Command attention from their garb alone;
And ere to-day, by virtue of fine cloaths,
Tailors have danc'd, and barbers rank'd with beaus.
You'll scarce discern, as cases may be laid,
Between a countess and a chamber-maid.
Both seem alike well-drest, alike well-bred,
And painted streamers wave from either head.
[Page 101]Some taste and judgment must detect a cheat—
The silks of
Ludgate-Hill and
Glow with an equal tint to vulgar eyes:
And often our best ornaments are lies.
Sometimes (as soon a story shall explain)
Just disappointment mortifies the vain.
A lawyer's dapper clerk of slender skill
(Who brandish'd with reluctant hand the quill)
Was pert, and proud; talk'd much, but little meant: —
In short, his coat—was his accomplishment. —
I mean his first, for he could sing, and dance,
Take snuff, read novels, and discourse of
With fluency — of insignificance.
Full oft he past, in splendor of attire,
For what he pleas'd; — lord, baronet, or 'squire; —
A man of taste, and elegance refin'd;
One that had studied life, and knew mankind. —
It happen'd once, as anecdotes declare,
(What boots it, my good reader, when or where?)
Our hero inn'd in a snug country-town. —
(The house, for rhyme-sake, we will call the
"What noise was that?" "Th' assembly's held to night."
His car devours the tidings with delight? —
Suppose we now all previous matters set
In order, and this
belle assembly met.
Our stranger spruce, and trim, and debonair,
Attracts respect; — the chief male figure there.
Among the females with superior grace
Of person, and soft symmetry of face,
Vanessa shone — the swain that sees her dies; —
Nothing her dress outsparkles — but her eyes:
Her lovely head a load of plumage bore;
Such as we read old
Homer's heroes wore:
Sweetly she prattled, while attention hung
Upon the pretty lispings of her tongue. —
All-conscious of commanding charms she moves,
And round her skipt a train of little loves.
Our spark, who ever thought it bounden duty
To prostrate to pre-eminence of beauty,
And in this fair-one could distinctly see
Virtue, wit, breeding, fortune, family,
Humbly the favour of her hand implores
To join the dance, — enjoys it, and adores!
Now in her ear he labours to impart
His fervent love, and throbbings of his heart:
[Page 103]In whispers owns her beauty's sov'reign pow'r;
Like a bee buzzing round some maiden flow'r!
Hops, smiles, sighs, ogles, moans, yet joys his pains;
Like a tame monkey frisking in his chains!
Full he appears to all her slave confest,
And envy tortures ev'ry female breast.
Vanessa hails this happy night;
Her bosom flutters with the dear delight;
And to herself, in native pride, says she,
This is indeed a conquest worthy me!
The bell beats twelve; the hour of parting's come;
And now the universal word is — home. —
(For country-girls are not like city-jades
That waste the live-long night at masquerades.)
Our 'squire officious will conduct his fair
To her nigh-neighb'ring mansion — his fond care
Reluctant she declines — he still insists —
In forms a lover does the thing he lists. —
O! mark how soon realities destroy
The neatest fabric of ideal joy. —
[Page 104]Soon as they reach'd her father's clumsy doors,
The surly guardian of his leather stores,
With barkings loud assails our wooers ear;
Above in painted rows
boots, shoes appear;
He smokes his fair plebeian; "pretty dear,
"Remember me to
Crispin." — rude he cries,
And, scornful, from his pouting charmer flies. —
Yet, justly neither party could complain; —
No lady, she; and he, no gentle swain.
Time was (will such a time be known again?)
When only gentry liv'd like gentlemen: —
When people dress'd, and fed like what they were;
And income was the rule of daily fare:
When housewifery the decent pantry stor'd,
And prudence order'd the convivial board;
Most tables were supplied with ease — for why?
Pudding, and beef, and beer, was luxury! —
Each social dinner now must be a treat: —
And there are thousands study — what to eat!
Lo! Vanity her various charms displays —
How rich, how beautiful your side-board's blaze! —
[Page 105]Promise of high repast! Th' expectants feel
Complacence, and premeditate the meal.
Now sav'ry viands well-arrang'd appear;
The sight an alderman himself might cheer;
In turns the bounties of the season smoke;
And costly wines fresh appetite provoke.
The guests profusely in your praise descant: —
This, how superb! and that, how elegant!
The point is gain'd; you reach the wish'd-for fame;
And all — but
creditors applaud your name.
There are those half-bred dames whose mode is such,
They plague by being civil overmuch.
Simp'ring they do the honours of the feast. —
"Sir, can you make a dinner? — I protest
There's nothing to be got. — You'll sadly fare. —
Pray, taste the pheasant; — will you try the hare?"
We sooth our vanity a hundred ways: —
Unjust abuse is the high road to praise.
But such impertinence is strangely vain,
And tho' no vice will teaze us more than ten.
Facts are sure vouchers; else you'd swear I dream.—
'Tis wonderful what folks will do to
And brilliant di'monds are compos'd of paste:
Glass stands for china; and the massy weight
Of burnish'd candlesticks is —
pure French plate.
Some entertain you by mere dint of force; —
And will almost
create a second course.
With a few dishes they their friends regale,
But they are twenty if you go by tale.
Here couch'd in salt four eggs attract your eye;
And there a leash of swarthy walnuts lie;
Here shreds of butter neatly shav'd appear;
And half a dozen olives justle there.
Nay, at some tables of the great, we know,
Provisions enter less for use than shew.
Day after day the formal board they grace:
You might suppose each viand knew its place: —
They are the standing dishes of the year;
Not part of, but th'
appendix to your cheer:
Nothings are potted! nought's beneath that lid; —
The whole is handsome, but one half forbid.
My Lady these by law of usage gives; —
They are not eatables, but
I've heard of dainties (if truth some aver)
Which he who carves must be a
carpenter; —
Viz. — fowls, tongues, sundry articles of
Perpetual representatives of food!
'Tis lofty precedent that makes us fools,
And thro' the world fantastic fashion rules:
We set no limits to our vain desires;
'Squires rival lords, and yeomen rival 'squires.
Is it in Christian patience to endure
High-life burlesqu'd, and state in miniature?
Some domes are neat, and some excel in glory;
Bur ev'ry bandbox has its attic story.
A rambler oft in his excursions sees
Two crooked sticks form a
chevaux de frife.
Meandring streamlets are from ditches made;
And spouts low-bending dribble a cascade!
Pebbles, and moss, and beads together got
Merlin's cavern, or
Calypso's grot.
Sometimes a
pasteboard bridge displays it's show,
O'er the dull muddy brook that creeps below.
'Tis foolery too gross to be deny'd,
When Avarice goes hand in hand with Pride:
[Page 108]Then hoarded gold is rather squeez'd than spent;
We are half-mean, and half magnificent.
Missello's seat to common view will shew
Wilton's splendour, or the pomp of
There niggard Vanity has play'd his part,
And awkard Labour sav'd the costs of Art.
Tritons there in empty basons play,
Neptune scorches in the noon-tide ray.
A meek-ey'd
Pallas grasps her harmless spear,
And ghastly
Cupids like young imps appear.
Diana looks most smirking, and most civil,
Venus is as ugly as the d—l.
A shatter'd green-house feebly lengthens there,
Tott'ring with age, and groaning for repair:
There broken slates, and many a crazy pane
With hospitable gap invite the rain:
While sick exotics shake as
Eurus blows,
And myrtles droop beneath oppressive snows.
Here pictures bought at auctions boast no names,
But strike th' admiring eye with — tawdry frames.
Fine drawings are expensive, useless stuff;
The rooms are
fitted up — and that's enough.
Or thick-daub'd portraits which your sight abhors
Will pass extremely well for ancestors!
[Page 109]Yet may one plea
Misello's fame secure; —
He is a
chapman, not a
And understands not
taste in
Look round about, and thousands you will see
Vain of a little
spriggy pedigree. —
Wales high birth is ev'ry native's claim,
And num'rous tribes exult in
Tudor's name. —
Dick lets us know with triumph of delight
His grandsire's second cousin was a knight,
An alderman, a sheriff, and lord mayor; —
Elate with this connection,
Dick will stare,
Strut, cock his hat, affect the man of note,
And now his honour pawn, and now — his coat.
As big as Nobles look, most folks agree
A little blood may serve a family:
As a few sanguine drops the tide will stain,
And roll a tinctur'd current to the main.
There are, experience shews, who cannot trace
One ancestor to dignify their race,
Nor yet have worth, or spirit to make known
A gallant deed, or virtue of their own.
No creatures so deserving are of scorn,
Except the sc—ndr—ls that are highly born,
Disgrace their birth, and blot the line they
Were we to judge by practice, sure some hold
That merit is transferrable like gold;
That virtue thro' all progeny will run,
And fame, like land, descend from son to son.
Nay, stranger still, where vice and folly reign,
Monstrous effect! — the wicked will be vain!
Let bold corruption once invert all rules
The best, are madmen; and the wisest, fools.
'Mongst libertines, that systems can unmake,
Men will be vile — for reputation's sake!
Have we not liv'd flagitious feats to see
Vaunted by coxcombs in iniquity?
Have we not mark'd in this licentious town
Rakes in esteem, and r—sc—ls of renown?
O come Religion, thy soft balm impart,
To melt into remorse each harden'd heart!
Religion come, and with thy strong controul
Allay this raging fever of the soul!
Present to Faith's weak sight, and guilt-dimm'd eye
An awful picture of the God most high!
[Page 111]Present him great, and good, and wise, and just,
'Till mortals humble carnal pride in dust; —
Renounce false pleasure; — sensual joys forego;
And tremble at the gulf that yawns below!
Come Reason, come, and with thy sober ray
Enlighten minds by fopp'ry led astray; —
Teach us to form each scheme by judgment's plan,
Assert ourselves, and live the life of man:
Teach us to rise, or sink in our desires,
As station warrants, or as need requires.
Affecting to be great, we laughter move; —
Aspiring to be good, we challenge love; —
Virtue can never low, or mean appear,
And ev'ry peasant may adorn his sphere.
The souls of honest men with scorn look down
On uncarn'd greatness, and a tarnish'd crown.
At that perhaps advancing dreadful day,
When wealth shall melt, and grandeur mould away,
Who's good — who's bad — Omniscience shall enquire,
And all distinctions but that one expire. —
E'en Reason dictates this — the doctrine's plain —
Mark, think, reflect, and, if thou canst — be vain.
'TIS foolish from propriety to swerve. —
The maxim most admit, but few observe.
All censure when absurdities are big;
You'd laugh to see a Bishop dance a jig:
And yet time is, a curious eye might see
Something almost as wrong in you or me.
For more or less, throughout, from great to small,
There is an
affectation in us all.
Our neighbours inconsistencies are shewn
In glaring light; but self-love hides our own;
Or kindly from our conduct takes all blame; —
Fools call that
credit, which the wise call
"Well, all extremes are wrong." 'Tis granted, brother;
And therefore one's as blameful as another.
Do but survey him, and from top to too
You'll find
Will Tinsel an accomplish'd beau!
A simple, plain-clad man would ne'er divine
How much it is
Will's glory to be fine;
He studies neatness daily, early, late,
And in his dress is most
immaculate. —
O touch him not — for pity come not nigh
For he will crumble like a butterfly!
He trembles if a breeze just stirs a feather,
And dares not wag an inch in rainy weather.
He shrinks from cold, or heat; by both undone;
As tulips must be skreen'd from wind and sun.
He scents the atmosphere, and all he meets
Poisons with fragrancy; — he
stinks of
Whene'er this fribbler comes across your sight,
You term him Coxcomb, and you term him right.
But some there are who as absurdly shew,
The very contrast to this brittle beau;
And they are Coxcombs too, I'd have you know.
Dick Loutly so neglectful is of dress
He will torment your eye with nastiness: —
His hands are dirty; greasy are his chops;
His beard's a bramble; and his wig a copse;
[Page 114]Your house-maid frets whene'er she sees him come;
He's worse than twenty spaniels in a room.
Elab'rate spruceness gives a man the spleen;
Yet we were all created
to be seen!
In short, the Muses no extremes will spare —
We loath alike a monkey and a bear:
medium be the rule; I would not stop
Or at a dunghill, or perfumer's shop;
There's odds (for illustrations offer pat)
Betwixt rank
Reynard and a
By usage we deem coxcomb, fop, or beau,
While ev'ry man that's
singular is so.
Would you be sure your conduct shall not err —
The point is still to act in character.
Ambition should be taught to reason well; —
For some have fail'd by meaning to excel.
Charles of the North (a memorable name)
Wish'd to surpass the
Macedonian's fame;
Greek luxurious quaff'd wines strong and rich;
Swede would guzzle water from a ditch;
That in gay
Persian robes attracted note;
This was distinguish'd by a thread-bare coat;
[Page 115]One dallying soft with wanton whores was seen;
'Tother would turn his back upon a queen.
For want of understanding one plain rule
This royal, sober sloven, was a fool.
Some from propriety
affect to stray,
And long to be immortal the wrong way!
A frantic wretch
Diana's Temple fir'd: —
Pray, is his name detested or admir'd?
Nero had a view to strange renown
When in a frolic he consum'd the town.
Th' Imperial Fiddler with pleas'd eye survey'd
The spreading flames;
Rome burnt; the Monarch play'd;
Loathsome to all his memory remains,
And he is curst for ever for his pains.
Then call not Coxcomb only him, or him;
The term belongs to villainy; and whim;
To ev'ry single soul throughout the nation
That's mark'd by any
kind of
Tom Snarlwell is a Coxcomb, tho' no beau;
He is an oracle to all the row:
[Page 116]Statesman, at club or coffee-house, most able,
He lays down politics for all the table:
In truth, tho' silent you'd believe him wise,
He looks so very knowing with his eyes!
With patriotic zeal he shews his hate
To ev'ry blund'ring Minister of State;
Like a true
Briton, without fear or doubt,
Censures all
in, and magnifies all
Now fixes ev'ry measure to
his test;
And now demonstrates —'s system best.
He knows the Constitution to a T,
And is
impertinent — because he's
Numbers extol
Tom's fluent eloquence;
His strong sagacity his manly sense;
Yet, so perversely have the fates decreed,
Tom can scarce
write a line that you can read.
Flirtilla, lively, beautiful, and young,
Has a
perpetual motion in her tongue;
Her lungs, not wit, most folks with wonder strike;
She talks of all things, and of all alike:
And, while discoursing, ev'ry heart beguiles
With piercing glances, and coquetish smiles.
[Page 117]The ceaseless prattle charm'd her audience hears,
The nonsense sounds so sweetly in their ears. —
Music for want of sense atonement brings. —
We rail not at the bird that always sings.
The grave
Prudissa with a face as fair
Sits serious as a quaker in her chair;
'Tis with reluctance she can silence break;
She holds it is immodesty to speak;
Her looks precise all am'rous hopes destroy; —
You'd think she bore antipathy to joy. —
That prattles ever,
this will nothing say;
But both are pretty Coxcombs in their way.
We love romantic tales; tho' by the bye
It will require some parts —
to tell a lie.
There must be happy manner, air, and grace,
And calm stagnation of protesting face.
Think not without a talent to deceive;
Readiest believers don't all folks believe.
'Tis strange what lengths adepts in falsehood try
To cram you with impossibility!
Were but a tenth of what's reported, done;
'Twould be a full reply to
[Page 118]Enlarge at will, ye travellers that roam;
But why so many miracles at home?
The formal Pedant better taught than bred,
With a fine group of classicks in his head,
Plagues you with Learning; ever out of place
He darts a
Latin sentence in your face.
He cannot speak ten words without quotation,
And lards your meal with piebald conversation.
The Ladies laugh; the Captain shakes his head
At something which he
thinks the Doctor said.
Whate'er the wit, or sense, such prigs advance —
I'm better pleas'd with cheerful ignorance. —
Shall we proceed? — O what extremes we see
In "civil leer," and rough rusticity!
One cringes, bows, and springs to your embrace;
Another gapes, or hiccups in your face.
Manners uncouth 'gainst decency transgress;
And complaisance is painful in excess.
Tom Brazenface assumes a thousand airs
In terms that shock you, when he speaks, he swears;
And is, for horrid humour's sake, profane:
Or vents vile thoughts in language gross and mean,
Loose without sense, and without wit obscene:
In wounding the chaste ear he has an end;
For 'tis his sole ambition — to offend.
And yet, if we reverse this odious case,
What more disgusts us than
affected grace?
No colours can th' abandon'd sinner paint
But such as could describe an
outside saint,
Whose meagre countenance, and solemn mien,
Is sanctity that labours to be
Who under pious speech, and eye demure,
Forms knavish plans, or harbours thoughts impure;
The world with gross hypocrisy beguiles,
And righteous is — because he never smiles!
Whose godliness is shew, and virtue art,
Saint in his face, and villain at his heart.
The ground of these strange whims 'twere vain to hide;
'Tis emulation, or mistaken pride.
An ancient proverb, and as good as any,
Assures us in plain terms —
one fool makes many.
'Tis almost ev'ry hour
Most serious truth, which ever should have
With all, but to a
scruple with the great.
Our imitation is our daily strife,
And nothing is more catching than high life.
One trifling Lord that's delicate, or vain,
Shall have a thousand foplings in his train.
Our habits, customs, manners, vices, sports,
Savour of greatness, and derive from courts.
When crook-back'd
Richard rear'd his sceptre high,
'Tis said that ev'ry Courtier went awry.
When great
Eliza sat at
Britain's helm,
No female neck was seen throughout the realm.
Charles's days all lewdness was approv'd;
"All by the King's example liv'd and lov'd." —
Yet highest patterns now won't set us
We are not
good enough — to be
O monstrous proof of Vice's boundless swing —
John W—lk—s shall make more converts than the
Some folks are studious to find grounds for strife,
And to be thought well-bred ill-treat a wife:
[Page 121]Rail at the nuptial yoke in words of course,
And sigh for cash to purchase a divorce.
While haply this same consort is discreet,
Fair, virtuous, decent, elegantly neat. —
But joys are fled, when liberty is flown;
And 'tis such low-life to be tied to one. —
Blest with snug means, and competent estate,
These blockheads
might be happier than the great.
But Coxcombs reigning vices fain would try,
And are rank rascals tho' they scarce know why.
I knew a wretch (record him, O my rhymes)
strove to ape the manners of the times.
High precedent he made his conduct's rule,
And had just sense enough — to be a fool!
By nature dull, a finish'd rake he'd be,
Yet was at best an aukward debauchee.
No age has witness'd to so strange a case;
He could not serve the d—v—l with a grace!
Of horses he had studs in various places; —
He had a passion for
Newmarket races.
He could a double character assume,
Of gentleman, and jockey, 'squire, and groom; —
[Page 122]Vain without taste, expensive without art,
He was an arrant miser in his heart.
His thousands he has
squander'd, but ne'er
In common life a shilling with content.
Proud without spirit, active without fire,
Gay without joy, and lewd without desire.
A Libertine profest would blush to name
His brutish deeds, and yet he
look'd so tame,
You'd think him innocent for very fear: —
He was a villain with a
booby's leer.
He pouted, slouch'd like one dispos'd to sleep. —
His betters have been hang'd for stealing sheep.
Of ladies fair he kept a buxom brace,
But hardly ever look'd them in the face.
These fleec'd
his substance, in one plan combin'd,
Who wou'd not give a groat to save mankind!
The paltry character has held me long; —
It finishes my theme; it crowns my song.
The race of Coxcombs is a num'rous tribe. —
Heav'n give myself to shun what I describe:
Give me to act a plain, consistent part,
From affectation free, and void of art;
[Page 123]With caution to eschew each mode that draws
On conduct just reproach, or false applause;
To seek no road by odd fantastic ways
To fame, but look into myself for praise,
Or censure; to myself attention lend,
My little good improve, my follies mend.
NOW had bright
Phoebus clos'd a gaudy day,
And sober Ev'ning wore her robe of gray;
Hush'd were the winds; no sound but from the rill
That pour'd its limpid murmurs down the hill;
Or from the bleatings of the num'rous flocks
That playful echo bandy'd round the rocks;
The winged songsters ceas'd; the bird of night
Thro' the brown vale slow took his solemn flight:
Strephon and
Thyrsis met upon the plain,
And simply thus began th' alternate strain.
Why homeward hastens
Strephon so cast down?
Is there such mischief in a wench's frown?
Would thou wert blest like me; the birds that fly
So brisk, so blithe, are scarce so blest as I.
[Page 125]
Thyrsis, thou art happy, far above
The neighb'ring shepherds all, in
Chloe's love;
Phyllida is cold to all I say,
Cold as a blast that nips the buds in
How many a yeoman in
Great Britain's isle
Would give his team to purchase
Chloe's smile!
But love makes trifles bounties; see, look here,
These apples are a present to my dear.
'Twas but this morning, purblind
Cupid knows,
I tender'd to my lass a damask rose; —
With scorn so lady-like away 'twas thrown; —
Thyrsis, by my troth, 'twas newly blown.
My love and I together still are seen
At market, in the fold, or on the green;
My crook she plays with; prattles by my side;
And all the parish sees she'll be my bride.
[Page 126]
My damsel's proud to let the village know
Her preference for
Lubbinol, my foe:
Yet to my eye he is the ugliest swain
That ever tended sheep upon the plain.
When 'neath the branching oak in yonder mead
At even-tide I tune my slender reed,
The sprightly notes delight the list'ning swains,
Chloe's pleas'd, and thanks me for my pains.
Once at our wake, with my best skill and air,
I sung the ballad which I bought at fair;
Phylly cry'd, we'll hear the squall no more,
And, snatching from my hand, the ballad tore.
Oft, as in turn the jovial seasons come,
Gay shearing-time or jolly harvest-home,
Chloe and I regale; we laugh, we sing;
Time merry glides; and all the year is Spring.
[Page 127]
To me, alas! alike each morning low'rs; —
In vain soft
April sheds her silver show'rs:
Nor can I joy, despair so wounds my breast,
Or peace on work-days, or on
Sundays rest.
My love is cheerful or at work or play;
Smiling she binds the sheaf, she teds the hay;
Nought o'er her easy temper can prevail:
She'll sing beneath the largest milking-pail.
Phyllis pays my wooings with a frown;
She tosses up her head; she calls me clown;
Nought but high airs, and sour disdain I see;
She never smiles, or never smiles on me.
The sun shall stop, the wind forget to blow,
The stars to twinkle, and the stream to flow,
The lamb to bleat, the busy bee to rove,
Cloe's false, or
Thyrsis cease to love.
[Page 128]
Would I could rid me of this cruel fair; —
Would I could break the bond I groan to bear: —
I'll try my best; resolve to be a man;
And learn to hate this vixen — if I can.
The night drew on apace; the shepherds part;
That whistling as he tript,
this with a heavy heart.
Where's the motto?
YE bonny Songsters Nine
That, in a summer's eve, drink tea upon
The flow'r-enamell'd brow of
(There, there's a line!)
Or with
Apollo frisk a top of
Who tell us tales so fine
Of those bucks of renown
That took
Troy town,
And at 12 o'Clock at night broke honest peoples windows:
I'm not afraid
To ask your aid; —
I know you'll fire me,
And inspire me
With jingling rhymes: —
So sacred my eccentric lay shall be
To thee,
Terrestrial goddess, Drollery.
From Drollery, from Drollery
All fun
Fidlers, avaunt! I never knew
So vile a crew!
Bass-viols, and haut-boys, and French-horns be mute;
And harpsichord too
With all thou canst do;
And eke thou softly-breathing flute.
Know, the terrestrial goddess Drollery
Kicks, fumes, and frets, and snuffs, at sounds of harmony.
[Page 168]Hither, sons of discord, hither come — come —
The rough
hurdy-gurdy thrum;
Jarring keys and platters bring;
The crack'd crowd with shrilling string;
Broken trumpet's harsh-ton'd strain;
Catcall, bard dramatic's bane;
Clanging pan, and hollow tub,
Drum-minor, beating dub a dub;
Grunting cowlstaff, mock-bassoon;
Fourscore voices out of tune;
Screams, and hoots outdoing quite
The owl, ear-piercing bird of night;
Rattling salt-box; bastards squalling;
Fifty thousand brickbats falling;
And ten cats a caterwauling: —
All sounds grating, sharp, and queer: —
See! the goddess pricks her ear!
Comical goddess, deign to hear: —
For thy delight is tuneless noise,
Clamour loud, and midnight joys,
Jocund sport, and wakeful glee,
And overlasting ha, ha, ha, ha, he!
From Drollery, &c.
Goddess, I look before, I look behind me —
Where, goddess, shall a merry mortal find thee?
O thou dost rule the roast,
Hic et ubique, like old
Hamlet's Ghost.
From age to age,
And thro' life's ev'ry stage,
Thou dost possess the jovial of all nations;
The jesters, and the punsters of all stations;
Rich, poor, wise, weak, fat, bony, short, and tall;
And art the quintessence of fun, and oddity in all.
Bards, and wits pagan have some whimsies taught us —
For this one sees
And mirthful
Lucian, and old
Oft hast thou sat astride a modern poet's brain: —
And then 'tis all fantastic —
And then 'tis
Hudibrastic —
Chaucer tells a story
Full worthy of
Butler, so well known, sir,
Who had a Muse of his own, sir,
Mauls your sham-saints and godly,
And makes them look most oddly;
That they are sore in the
rump, sir;
Prior sings his
Ladle —
(You know who 'twas that pray'd ill;)
And others with strange qualms
Burlesque the book of
Psalms: —
Sternhold! Hopkins, fie
Upon your melo-dy! —
Pope, with fools half mad,
In his
Batters the Bards that write from street call'd
And gives them such a rub!
And then — O let me fetch a rhyme for brain —
Jack Falstaff blows, and puffs, and lies in many a hum'rous vein.
From Drollery, &c.
Sometimes thou twitchest by the nose
(Of which the muscles are at thy dispose)
The laughing votarists of prose:
And then all language scant is,
And, were a man ever so able,
It is almost impracti-cable
The full amount
Of the jeers,
And the sneers,
And the witticism,
And the criticism,
And the working,
And the jerking,
And the matter
Stuff'd with satire
Of waggish
Swift, and roguish
Stern, and the thrice-fam'd
From Drollery, &c.
Among the dealers droll in prose and verse
May I, my goddess, name philoso-phers?
They say — "You can't endure us."
But 'tis a lie. —
I'll tell you why —
There's not a queerer dog than Master
For he
And some few dozens,
All cater-cousins,
Superfine fellows,
Frankly tells us
That, this world was made by a company of atoms at a certain rout,
Which met by no appointment, and did not know what they were about. —
Hence the smooth flow of tuneful numbers, hence —
For here you have no pretence: —
My verses must now run rumbling,
In spite of any body's grumbling; —
(And sure there is not half the sport in walking that there is in tumbling;)
Does not
Alexander Pope say,
(And now you shall have an
Which I think tolerably fine)
The sound upon all occasions should be an echo to the sense?
Now, Sir, a parcel of these atoms or particles
(He that argues which
Is a sceptical son of a b—;
'Tis rather a free expression —
But all's one in a digression;)
Or having something like a fit of the cholick,
Jumbled all together,
(I should think, in bad weather,)
Some short, and some long,
Pell-mell, ding-dong,
To which you may add, skelter; —
Some of them square, and some round,
Some rotten, and a few of them sound;
Some tender, and some plaugy tough;
Some smooth, and some confoundedly rough;
Some cold, and a good many hot;
Some dry, and some moist; and what not?
Some (I must make a word) in jangles,
And nine or ten dozen in right angles;
Arid atoms all smashing,
Wat'ry ones for a very good reason splashing,
And all together in hurly-burly crashing:
(O that an honest man could have been there!
It must have been a jovial day — it was
chaos fair!)
(For that these Gentlemen say would have been a work of pains and molestation,)
From this rude orig'nal dance,
And from all these comical jars,
In about a fortnight's time out-jumped the sun and the moon,
(How they must shake their ears
When they first mounted their spheres?)
Attended with a pretty little train of I can't tell you how many stars. —
Now, look back till you come to the word—dance—
Your most obedient servant, madam chance!
So (not my aim to frustrate,
For want of a simile this matter to illustrate;
A simile which shall be half-like, and half not,
As that in composition is never reckon'd a blot;)
Our cook, fat greasy
Takes a large bowl, or perhaps an earthen pan,
Full of ingredients various,
And, I will be bold to say, precarious,
There's flour, there's milk, there's eggs, there's sugar, there's raisins, there's currants, there's nutmeg, there's mace:
And these she stirs, and stirs about
With all her might and main,
Again, and again,
And makes a wond'rous rout;
And from this odd confusion,
And manifold contusion,
In a few hours space
Upon the table smokes a fine, large, round plumb pudding▪
From Drollery, &c.
Come, put about the bottle —
Let's drink a health to ev'ry man of mirth
In ev'ry corner of the earth —
And then, O Drollery,
Another votary
Shall enter on our stage, — grave
A man of passing parts,
And the first that took the degree of M. A. or in rhyme, and plain
English, Master of Arts;
A dry, outlandish genius;
And these in half a minute
(Why, there is nothing in it)
Shall cure the hyp, and grubs, and gripes, and ptisic,
With a good
quan. suff. dose of
O there is no specific like a
queer hum —
Take a drachm of
And an ounce of
quiddity and
And tincture of
And some grains of
And elixir of
(Do you know
Norris? I've heard
him say
This is a sov'reign med'cine for the quinsy;)
And next it follows
in naturâ rerum
That, tho' the D—l's a liar, yet
omne ens est verum.
I catch the mental flame; — my wits are blown
By fancy's blast, that sweeps thro' boundless space
To intellectual regions all unknown,
Where concretes gross, and matter vile ne'er held their cumbrous place;
Ideas chaste, and abstracts pure,
And forms, unconscious of corporeal dress,
Float in the vasty void of ample emptiness. —
Earth, air, fire, water — what are these?
Hail! mighty world of essences!
Sublimities refin'd my pow'rs employ,
And I disdain terrestrial joy. —
Now, now exalted 'bove the starry sky,
Where mortal poet never yet had handle,
All ocean seems a puddle to my eye,
And yonder twinkling sun a farthing candle.
Higher, yet higher would I soar —
But ah! I feel, I can no more —
I flag, I faint, I droop, I doubt
See! my rapture is out. —
From Drollery, &c.
Descend, my Muse, descend, I beg,
And humbly take a lower peg;
Come down, I say, come down my rhymes
To matters known, and later times;
For Drollery has got possession
In ev'ry calling and profession. —
Proteus still she varies shapes; —
She's archer than a thousand apes. —
Why — you asserted this before. —
Now then, we'll prove it — and that's more. —
— Pray, leave your liquor;
And step to church, and hear the Vicar.
I speak with rev'rence for the gown —
He preaches of his kind the best in town;
And boasts a
Sunday's congregation,
quietest in all the nation:
For then with
hum-drum sounds in drawling tone express'd,
He lulls his calm parishioners to rest.
You say — the Doctor's dull —
Sir, I pronounce him droll. —
But my dear son of
Alma Mater,
You shall have —
aliter probatur. —
[Page 179]For mark a contrast now of Mirth's own handy-making!
That bawling fellow on the stool
Will hold all mortals
He's a fanatic,
Who with extatic
Gesture, and aukward motion,
(Current for good devotion,)
And whining and canting,
And wailing and ranting.
And bell'wings loud,
And screw'd-up face,
Humbugs the gaping crowd,
And this is saving grace! —
You've seen Physicians holding consultation
In deep speculation,
With canes at their noses;
(For that our suppose is;)
What grimaces!
What wry faces!
While cooly they're retiring,
The patient lies expiring
In doleful plight; —
'Twould soften quite
But they have only done their work. —
Had you never a call
There's noble haranguing
And thorough tongue-banging;
And laying down law
Without crack or flaw:
There's running of
And tossing of wigs;
And quibblings, and
And under-hand workings;
There's a number of cases,
And solemn old faces;
And a million of gim-cracks, and fancies:
Demurrers, pleas, recogni-
And a set of reports
That have run through all courts;
Plaintiff and
(By my troth there's no end on't;)
[Page 181]
Lessor and
Lessee, and poor
Spinster: —
O rare
West-minster! —
'Tis a troublesome day,
But the Client's to pay. —
* they wrangle, and they jangle,
And yet they all agree;
And the tenor of the law runs merrily.
From Drollery, &c.
Don't stare,
But I'm going to swear
By all the gods, and all the goddesses
Iliads, and his
And by
Momus, the droll of the skies;
Supposing you're quaffing,
I'll set you a laughing,
Till the liquor flows out at your eyes.
And I'll shew you my aunt: —
There she sits by the fire
In ancient attire;
She's queer, and she's quaint,
Like a Methodist saint;
At the sins of the age
She bursts in a rage;
If you tell but two lies
She turns up her eyes;
If you mention a male,
Her cheek will turn pale;
She hates the young jades
That haunt masquerades;—
The name of such creatures
Sets at work all her features;
She turns her about,
She wriggles her snout: —
She's faddle and fiddle,
And a sort of a riddle.
She knows all diseases;
And cures whom she pleases;
She's a gen'ral physician:
And a staunch politician;
And mends the whole nation;
She loves party scuffles;
She thumb-plaits her ruffles;
She wears taudry silks;
Her toast is
Jack W-lk-s:
She's this, and she's that;
And she keeps an old cat,
A parrot and dog;
(Mog, Mog, Mog, come
Mog, poor
Mog;) —
She's too old to have fits;
But she's out of her wits. —
Upon my soul
My aunt's a droll!
From Drollery, &c.
You need not long in
London range —
There's Drollery enough on
Where busy folk of all sorts meet;
French, Spanish, Dutch, Italians, Prussians,
Venetians, Swedes, and
Danes, and
Russians; —
All nations trade, — and sometimes cheat. —
What a stir, and what
'Tis the whole world in coalition,
Babel in a new edition. —
Hey! for the regions of
The jobber's clime and broker's;
Throughout the alley you shall find
Dry fellows, though dull jokers;
In bond, and transfer,
par, and
Sure there can be no sin-a:
One rule will serve for monied men —
And that is —
laugh and win-a.
And now look in (I'll pawn my word
'Twill pay you well for peeping,)
Upon that ghastly, sallow tribe
Jews, high-sabbath keeping: —
Believe me, Sir, I scorn to treat
Pagans, or any men ill; —
But they resemble puppies much
Howling about a kennel.
From Drollery, &c.
Tell me, ye lads of Mirth, can Droll'ry shew
A gayer group, or a more joyous scene
Than a Lord Mayor, and Aldermen,
And Livery men al-
Sitting at dinner in a row? —
The very mention of the matter
May make my Reader's mouth to water.
Happy thrice, thrice happy guest
At a genial city feast! —
They tuck the napkin to their rosy jowls,
And for the meal prepare — with all their souls. —
The word is given — they begin —
They slash through thick and thin;
"Through rills of fat, and deluges of lean,
"With knives as razors keen."
Flesh, fish, and fowl nice appetites regale,
And viands rich ambrosial steams exhale;
And weighty slivers from delicious haunches
Distend to their full size enormous paunches. —
O nameless transport of a feasting hour!
Mutton men eat, but turtle they devour. —
Now, now for a whet, boys; — then to it again;
Bring, waiter,
Madeira, or lively
[Page 186]Behold them now again their knives applying;
Stomachs vast with stomachs vying!
Now with fat custards, and high jellies,
They cram the corners of their bellies.
See! see! how Sir
Coddlehead swallows that tart —
Ye gods! — Is it eating, or filling a cart?
Give, give them elbow-room — they have a call
One and all;
Let none the licens'd luxury gainsay;
For guttling is the business of the day.
Happy thrice, thrice happy guest
At a genial city feast! —
From Drollery, &c.
Now thrum the
hurdy-gurdy, thrum again
A droller yet, and yet a droller strain;
* our very sides asunder
With laughter, loud as rattling peals of thunder.
And Mr.
Stentor's leather lungs,
And I'll strive to recite
The joyous delight,
And the noise, and the crash, and the glee
Of a jovial set,
Together met,
At the gay noon of night; —
Season of joke profuse, and careless jollity.
O what calling,
And what bawling,
And what singing,
And what ringing,
And what roaring,
And what snoring,
And what swagg'ring,
And what stagg'ring; —
Here one mumbles;
Here one tumbles;
Dick rattl'ing;
Sam prattling;
Some wild-staring;
Some loud-swearing;
And those puking;
Bottles filling;
Glasses spilling;
Veins strong-burning;
Heads round-turning;
Wine high-flavour'd;
No one favour'd;
Bowls rich-flowing; —
No one going.
Shouts, clamours, tumults reign beyond resistance —
The world is theirs,
And sober cares
Are kick'd down stairs,
And the dull fool that sleeps must keep his distance. —
But hark! the Toast-master to
order calls!
Silence your jokes, or brawls!
This fire-ey'd monarch of the social hour
Rules with licentious swing of arbitrary pow'r. —
The sons of riot
Themselves are quiet;
Each strokes his beard;
No sound is heard
[Page 189]Save that of
hiccups check'd, that die along the walls. —
Clio never slow is
To celebrate such prowess. —
Hail! thou of jolly fellows sole commander!
Successor of
As was that drunken potentate,
Thyself dost stand, or try to stand,
With a pint-bumper sparkling in thy hand. —
Thou giv'st thy toast;
Thy joy, thy boast;
The toast goes round;
cheers rebound;
The table shakes with universal roar,
And many a gallant gentleman lies sprawling on the floor.
From Drollery, &c.
The goddess ever shifts her mode —
Now she appears in
Cibber's Ode;
Hogarth's print; — in
Brute; —
* lecture; or — the mimick'ry of
Foote. —
Would you have proofs from low life? — Yes,
A few. — Then mark these instances. —
An undertaker's mute in chief
Upon a stair-case shamming grief. —
A bear and monkey shewing tricks. —
A barber talking politics. —
'Tis the sonorous shout or ra'llery
Of gods theatric in the gallery:
And the dumb terror, or the rage
Of clowns in farces on the stage. —
'Tis a great booby in fine clothes. —
A sniv'ling lover forging oaths. —
Two tailors on a
Sunday greeting. —
On the same day a quaker's meeting.
Two ballad-singers you may meet
(Or you've no luck) in any street,
To stun folks with mock-melody. —
'Tis a quack-doctor vainly boasting;
And Merry-andrew doctor-roasting. —
A rascal in the pill'ry standing;
Our sov'reign lord the mob commanding. —
In short, in fine, and in a word,
Sir, Ma'am, your Honour, or my Lord,
Not to enlarge our catalogue
With ev'ry oddity in vogue,
'Tis what some sing, and what some say: —
So read at length &c.
From Drollery, &c.
Hold! what's o'clock? 'Tis rather late;
And time for
Pegasus to bait: —
'Twould not be kind
To ride him out of wind. —
O Drollery, dismiss me now; —
I have been long possest, I trow. —
Besides, my reader may be weary; —
How fares it, honest friead? — How cheer
[Page 192]Well — let's part friends — for if my ode
Delights thee not, — thou'rt a
sad toad —
A rat—or shake — or pois'nous viper —
Or, what's still worse, a critic-hyper: —
So, hoping you as well as myself are at this moment laughing outright,
I heartily wish you a good morning;
Or, if you are reading by a candle,
Why, I wish you a good night.