A TREATISE OF THE Venereal Disease,

Plainly Discovering and Directing both Sexes, how they may become their own Doctors.

Teaching them plainly, and perfectly to know their own Condition and De­gree of Infecton, be it what it will, from the slightest Gonorrhaea, to the most extreme and deplorable Degree of it.

And how to cure themselves of any such Disorders, Quickly, Safely, and Secretly, and at a very small Expence, without making their Case known to any, by pleasant and agreeable Medicines, mild in their Operations, and without Con­finement or Hindrance of Business.

Also to heal all Gleets proceeding from former ill Cures, Seminal Weakness, or Genital Imbecilities.

To be had of the Author Richard Rock, in King's-Arms-Court, Ludgate-Hill, Price. 6 d.

A TREATISE OF THE Veneral Disease.

I Shall not amuse the READER with Accounts how this Distemper had its First Rise, or how it was brought into Europe, and to England in particular, or the several Ways by which it is Con­tracted, but shall proceed to give you a True Description of every Stage of this Disorder, and the several Methods of Cure, in a most certain, safe and expedi­tious Manner, and so plain, that every one may understand their own Case, and cure themselves without making it known to any.

The Symptoms, which formerly at­tended, were the falling out of the Eyes, Teeth and Nails, &c. which hath not lately happen'd to any Body.

Several others are not now so com­mon or severe as formerly, such as the falling off of the Hair, Crusts all over the Body, Caries of the Bones, foul Ulcers of the Palate, Uvula, Jaws and Nostrils, Nocturnal Pains, &c.

There are now only Four Symptoms left, and these are a Gonorrhaea, a Bubo, Chancres, and Peri or Warts, which seem to comprehend the whole Disease.

Generally it consists of a Gonorrhaea only, nor indeed do the other Symptoms shew themselves, unless the Cure is neglected, or managed by Unskilful Persons.

The Gonorrhaea admits of an easier Cure than formerly, and is often carried off without Medicines inwardly, if timely taken in Hand, and a due care taken in the Regimen.

As for the other Three Symptoms tho' they require a more Elaborate Treatment, yet they are now much less obstinate than formerly, all which shall be discussed of in their proper Places and Order.


THe first Degree of Infection appears in Men, with a Gentle Running or dropping from the Urinary Passage, pro­ducing a pleasant Sensation, and as it were glewing up the Orifice, the Extremity of the Urethra, grows hot, and gapes wider than usual. The Parts of Generation are affected with an uncommon Titula­tion, especially at the Time of making Water, without Pain, but with a Sense of Heat that daily increases.

If the Infection spreads, or is not so mild, the Tention and Induration of the Penis come on with Pain, thick Drops of the more fluid part of the Semen, or Seed, flow in greater Quan­tity, of a yellowish or greenish Colour, often with Heat, Redness, Tenderness, small pustles, Blisters and Ulcers both within and without the Urinary Pas­sage, with great Sharpness and Sense of Heat, through the whole Urethra after making Water.

The next Symptoms are more violent, the Perineum swells, grows painful, the Urine scalds, with frequent Provocations [Page 6]to make Water, and but a little at a Time, with a Distortion and Bending of the Penis, called a Cordee, with frequent and involuntary Erections, occasioning great Pain to the Patient, on every such Occasion, and when warm in Bed, a violent Running Phimosis, or Paraphi­mosis, that is when the Fore-skin is ei­ther so swell'd as it cannot be brought forward to cover the Nut of the Yard, or that it cannot be drawn backward, one or both of the Testicles, or Stones swelled and enraged with Pain, increa­sing as the Gleet or Running is ob­structed. Sometime causing cold Trem­bling and Fainting, but as they abate so the Running multiplies, and comes away more freely, of an Ash-colour, some­times marked with Specks, Streaks, or Threads of Blood; stinking, yellow, green, and corrupt, and these are the usual or common Claps.

WOMEN. The Case is almost the same in Women, but this is to be observed, That after the Infection is received, the Female Parts of Generation are wet with an unusual Moisture, and are troubled with frequent Itching and Heat, almost painful and daily advances.

The Heat, Burning, Redness and Pain of the Vagina, or Urinary-passage, being in­creased, the Admission of the Penis is scarcely to be indur'd: The Urine is sharp and scalding, but in general not so sharp as in Men, the Running plentiful, like Matter, bloody, yellow, green, and stink­ing, and by the Tention of the Pudendum and Vagina, bring on great Pain.

If the Running is of a clear white, or ash-colour, and any Thing ropy, shews the Infection slight.

If of a Saffron Colour, dark yellow, or brown, from being mixt and discoloured with Blood, is the second Degree of a Clap.

If a yellowish green, green, or very dark green, mixt with Matter plainly shews that the Inflamation is attended with Ulcers, and is the last Stage of a Clap.

All these different Symptoms appear, but vary according to the Temperament of Body, Habit and Constitution of the Patient, and the greater or lesser Degree of the Infection, and the Distance of Time since the Injury was receiv'd.

You are to observe, That the greater the Degree of the Venereal Poison is, the sooner it appears, but a slight Hurt will remain for sometime before it shews itself; but the sooner it appears the easier [Page 8]is the Cure perform'd. From what hath been said it plainly appears, That there are Three Distinct SPECIES of the Gonorrhaea, which only differ in Degree, the First will easily degenerate into the Second, the Second into the Third, if the Vehemence of the Symptoms be not quickly restrain'd.

These Three Degrees are divided into Four Stages, that is, the Beginning, Increase, Height, and Declintion.

Neither Man or Woman can indulge in the Use of Venery, whilst they are in this State of a Gonorrhaea, without violent Pain; and what is worse, without mani­festly increasing the Disease.

The first Thing to be consider'd is, to learn and understand your own Case, by observing the Nature of it; there­fore it is expedient to remark, what Effect the Venereal Poison hath on the Body, according to the several Symp­toms herein before discribed, whereby you will plainly discover the Degree of Infection, and by that Means be directed in the Method of Cure.

I proceed now to give proper Directi­ons to each Person to cure this Disease in its several Stages, and shall trace them all in a Regular Manner; but observe [Page 9]that every Gonorrhaea, if Medicines are timely administred, is free from Danger, and easily admits of a Cure, sooner or later, in Proportion to the Vehemence of the Symptoms, the Acrimony of the Infection, and the Constitution of the Blood; but if neglected, and come to a great Hight, is sometime before it will yield to any Medicine, therefore too early an Application cannot be made for Cure.

An Information therefore follows of such Antivenereal Remedies as are in­dued with all the Natural Qualities re­quisite to perform a speedy and safe Cure, in all the Cases herein described, and that the Patient may be directed, and readily know how to be furnished with all such Medicines, and be secure from all Bad Preparations, (sold at se­veral Shops in London) by Authors who conceal their Names, which they would have no Occasion to do, did their Pre­parations answer what they pretend for them.

1. The First Degree of this Distem­per being Exterior, and only in the Top of the Urinary-passage, may be cured by External Means, for as that part is [Page 10]of a Spongy Nature, it as easily imbibes any Liquid, as the Venereal Poison, for which the INCOMPARABE LOTION, or WASH is recommended as the most easy and private Method of Cure what­soever.

And this is performed by only pour­ing some of the Liquid into a Cup, washing the part with it, and soaking it therein two or three Times a Day, for two or three Minutes together or longer, as you have an Opportunity; but be sure to let the Water cover the Nut of the Yard, and to take fresh Liquor for every Washing. Surely no Person that is not in Love with Pills, Bolus, and Electuaries, will refuse so easy a Cure as this, and so soon performed.

This Remedy must be of singular Be­nefit to all Travellers, who cannot pos­sibly take Physick on their Journey, therefore this LOTION is advised to them, let the Degree of Infection be what it will, for if not to be cured by this Remedy alone, yet it will most cer­tainly prevent their growing worse, un­til they have an Opportunity of taking other Medicines, which must be of great Advantage to them.

Those who are taking physick, if they use this INCOMPARABLE LOTION will soon find it to forward the Cure to Ad­miration, by drawing out the Infecti­ous Venom, while the Internal Medi­cines by their anodine and detergent Qualities asswage the pain, and cleans the Ulcers of the Seminary Receptacles.

This LOTION is to be had only of the Author RIHARD ROCK, at his House in King's-Arms-Court, Ludgate-Hill, and ready to be deliver'd to any Messenger, by asking for a Bottle of Wa­ter for the Scurvy, Price 4 s. 6 d. where you may have Advice and proper Re­medies (prepared by the Author) in all other Disorders.

As sometimes the Cure will not be performed perfectly by the LOTION only, by Reason of the Disposition of the parts of Generation; for some Ve­nom may lay hid in the Wrinkles of the Frenum or Prepnce, and the least Seeds of Morbifick Matter being introduced into a Sound Body, in the smallest Quantity, will by Degrees increase, in Bulk, Form and Efficacy, and sooner or later, infect and corrupt the whole Mass of Humours.

Therefore for Fear of such an Acci­dent, and to make the Cure certain and safe, the INFALLIBLE ANTIVE­NEREAL BOLUS is recommended, which is pleasant to take, and will most certainly eradicate any Lurking Poison, which the Water may not happen to reach, two or three of which will be suf­ficient to perform the Cure, without any Danger of Return. To be had as be­fore directed, by asking for the BOLUS for the RHEUMATISM, Price 1 s. each. Those who suspect they have received an Injury, or have any Relicts of a for­mer Disorder, may by taking a Dose or two, be perfectly freed from such Apprehensions.

This Medicine hath no unpleasant Taste, never causes any Sickness, Gripe­ings, or other Disorders of the Body, especially after the First Dose or two. But as the very Name of Physick is nau­seous to some Persons, they may wet a piece of Wafer in a Spoon by dipping it into Water, then put in the Bolus and cover it with the Wafer, and then there can be no Taste, but of the Water only in taking it. These Wafers are to be [Page 13]had at every Confectioner's, you may have a great many for 2 d.

Be sure to abstain from all Acts of Venery whilst under Cure, for one single Act will increase the Disorder more than three Doses of Physick can rectify.

The less Wine or Strong Liquor that you drink the better; but Spirituous Liquors must not be touched, yet you may in the Evening drink a Glass or two of Wine to support the Spirits, if you find Occasion, always remembring the less you drink of Strong Liquors the better: Neither should you eat any High-season'd Meats, Pepper, or other Spice, and the more spareing you are in Diet, much the sooner will the Cure be perfected, for the more Impure Bodies are nourished, the worse they grow al­ways. But to drink plentifully of Small-Beer, or Milk and Water a little warm, when the Physick is not working, is good, and Water-Gruel or Green Tea at all Times. Of any of these Liquors you cannot drink too much.

You may go Abroad while you take Physick, but be careful to guard against Wet, Windy, or very Cold Weather; at [Page 14]such Times it is best to confine yourself, if your Affairs permit.

2d. For the Second Degree of Infec­tion, the Person that hath this Disorder must take a Bolus every other Day, very early in the Morning until he finds the Heat of Urine gone, and the Running decreased, or but little in Quantity, neat, clear and white, and become somewhat Ropy, which will appear by touching some of it with your Finger and Thumb, and pulling them assunder gently; and if it draws out in Strings, or ropy, in such Case you may be assured the Cure is near perfected, and nothing then remains but to strengthen the Weakned parts; so then he must leave off taking any more Physick, and take of the Balsamick Restrictive ELIXIR, 50 Drops betimes every Morning, at Four in the After­noon, and at Night going to Rest, al­ways fasting an Hour before and after taking it, and this you must continue un­til the Running is wholly ceased.

It neither purges or gives any Man­ner of Disorder, but keeps the Body in a due Temperament, strengthning all Weakness of the Back, Genitals, and Reins, Seminal and Urinary Vessels, and [Page 15]thereby most certainly prevents a Gleet, which frequently happens after a Vene­real Injury, for want of taking such Re­strictive and Strengthning Medicines.

If the Heat of Urine should be vio­lent, during the Time you are taking Physick, or that you are troubled with a Stranguary or Difficulty in making Wa­ter, besides the Bolus, he must take of the following Diuretick Powder, drink­ing plentifully as often as you can, too much you cannot, of thin Water-Gruel, Green Tea, or Milk and Water a little warmed, sweetned to your Taste with Sugar, and this must be continued until such Uneasiness and Pain is gone.

This will occasion you to make Water in a considerable Quantity at each Time, and clear or of a pale Colour; if of a high Colour, it is for want of drinking so much of those Liquors as you ought


Salt Prunella, Half an Ounce, fine Loaf-Sugar, an Ounce and half, mix them together, and keep them in a dry place, and take as before directed.

3d. Now if from the great Acrimony, or Quantity of the received Infection; from the Neglect of applying proper Re­medies, [Page 16]in Time, to check the Disorder; from great Irregularity in Drinking, or Diet; from the previous Acrimony of the Blood; or from the Weakness of the Parts the Symptoms increase, then arises the Hight or last Stage of a Clap,

For the Cure of which, the Patient must observe all the Rules and Direc­tions before given in the Slighter Cases of this Disorder, and ought to take the Quantity of a small Nut on the point of a Knife, every other Morning, of the Most Noble ANTIVENEREAL ELEC­TUARY, or so much as he finds will give him five or six Stools, until the Heat of Urine is gone, and the Run­ning appears clear, &c. as before, and then the BALSAMICK ELIXIR is to be taken as in other Cases; by taking of which (and observing all former Di­rections) in a very short Time the Heat of Urine, all Soreness and Pain, will be perfectly removed, and all other uneasy Symptoms.

In some Persons Six Doses of this most Excellent ELECTUARY, will carry off all the Malignant Disorder, in others 10, 12, or more are required, according to the Teperament of Body, or the [Page 17]Stubborness of the Disease, and as the Party shall be more or less abstinnous.

I would not have any think the Cure long, for nothing can be more perniti­ous to the Patient, than too short a Cure, (if it may be termed so) for by stopping the Running so suddenly, the Blood and Juices are infected, the Patient poxed, and probably he and his Posterity ruin'd; whereas when all the Degrees of this Disease are wholly taken off, not too sud­denly, but by a due Method and proper Remedies, which is the onle safe and sure Way, there can be no Danger of any ill Consequences following, which this Ele­ctuary, I aver, will perform.

One Thing more I have to offer, that is, whoever takes of this Electuary, will never be troubled with a Gleet, which most of the other common purging Me­dicines will do. The Price of this Ele­ctuary is 6 s. a Pot. Enquire for a Pot of Electuary for the Gout.

As we have given particular Instructi­ons for curing the Three Degrees of a Gonorrhaea, in order that the Party affli­cted might the better understand the dif­ferent Applications necessary for each Disorder, and shewn how easy the Cure [Page 18]may be made by the use of the before­mention'd Medicines, but because some few People amongst the other Symptoms of the Disease herein before discribed, are afflicted with Buboes, Chancres, Phimosis, Paraphimosis, and swell'd Testicles, some­thing shall be said on each of them in particular.

Of Buboes and Method of Cure.

VEnereal Buboes are Tumours of the Conglobate Glands, which are situ­ate in the Groins, are painful, hard, and tending to Suppuration, of the Size of Pidgeons or Hens-Eggs, sometimes as large as a Man's Fist; some immediately appear after Coition, in either or both Groins; sometimes they are occasion'd by a sup­press'd Gonorrhaea, and lastly by a latent Pox.

Upon the Increase of a Bubo arise pain in the Inguinal Glands, and as it is im­possible to walk, unless the Muscles of the Leg and Thigh pull them forwards, which cannot act without pressing upon the Tumid Glands of the Groin, therefore the Action of Walking cannot be per­form'd without Pain.

To heal this Disorder before it comes too large, painful, or inflam'd, The Pur­ging Antivenereal Electuary must be taken every other Day, as before directed, and besides that must foment the disorder'd parts, Night and Morning, for Half an Hour at a Time, afterwards applying a Cataplasm which must be secur'd to the Swelling.

The Way of using the Fomentation, is after this Manner, make it very hot, and then having provided two pieces of Flan­nen, full large enough to cover the Disea­sed Parts, dip them into it, and take one out again, and squeese it, apply it to the place as warm as can be indur'd without Scalding, when it begins to cool take out the other piece, and put that into the Liquor again, that you us'd first, and foment in like Manner, consinuing this until the Swelling abates and disperses.

If the Yard is to be Fomented follow the above Directions, only observe, To wrap the Flannen round the Part.

But if the Swellings do not disperse, but tend to Suppuration, then a Ripening Poultice must be apply'd, and an Apper­ture made, by a Caustick or Incision, the Party afflicted must omit Purging, and [Page 20]Eat and Drink freely as usual, until it is come to a due Disgestion, and then pro­per Dressings must be apply'd to promote the Running, cleanse and heal the Sore, which must not too suddenly be clos'd.

You may have the Ingredients for the Fomentation, Cataplasm, Poultice, and proper Dressings, at my House for a small Charge.

Of a Chancre and the Cure.

AT First arises a small miliary red, pointed, hot, Itching Pimple, the Top of which, by Degrees, grows whiter, and more even, and at last opens with a small Opperture, from whence a small Quantity of Ichor is discharg'd, occa­sioning a Swelling and Inflamation of the Parts, the Ulcers increasing, are sur­rounded with Callossities, dense or hard, and abounds with a thick viscid Pus, and frequently excites Ulcers of the same Kind in the Neighbouring Parts.

They are situate in Men upon the in­ternal Face of the Prepuce, upon the Back or Sides of the Glans, but sometimes upon the Extremity of the Urethra.

WOMEN. In Women upon the inter­nal Face of the Labia; often upon the [Page 21] Clitoris, sometimes on the Root of it, or on the Prepuce, with which the Clitoris is cover'd, upon the Nymphae, Carunculae, Vagina, and Extremity of the Urethra.

Some arise immediately from Impure Coition, others come on without any Suspected Venery, at least of a late Date, and are brought on by a Pox that hath been conceal'd for some Time.

In Case the Ulcers proceed from an Injury of long Date, they must be treated in a rougher Manner, and by a Skilful Hand, and therefore shall say no more on that Head, only assure those Persons who shall apply to me for Cure of these, or any other difficult Disorders, That I will (under God) restore them to their former State of Health, and in as short a Time, and safe a Manner, as any Per­son whatsoever, by the best and most approv'd Methods now in Practice, both in Physick and Surgery.

Those of a Fresh date, the Patient must Foment as before directed, until all Swelling and Inflamation is gone, and the part quite easy which must be kept very clean, washing it with warm Milk, and dressing the Sores with some of the De­tergent Unguent, spread on Lint, which is to be repeated every day, until the [Page 22] Chancre is healed, with which, and every other day taking of the Antivenereal Electuary, you will be perfectly cur'd in a little Time. You may have this Un­guent of me, Price 1 s. the Box. Ask for the Ointment for Wounds.

Of the Phimosis, and Paraphimosis.

WHen the Prepuce is swell'd, so that it embraces the Glans, that it can­not by no Means be drawn back, this in Greek is call'd Phimosis, that is to say, a Binding, sometimes it is so corrugated and lighten'd behind the Crown of the Glans, that it cannot be brought for­ward, this is call'd Paraphimosis, that is to say, a Ligature round about.

Where these Cases happen, there fre­quently springs up upon the Face of the Glans, which is laid bare in the Paraphi­mosis, or upon the Margin of the Prepuce, with which it is cover'd in the Phimosis, several Watery Bladders, filled with a thin or thick Limph, sometimes cccupy­ing the Crown, sometimes the extreme Point, and sometimes the Side of the Glan; nay, they sometimes arise upon the Prepuce, or Frenum, and is attended with Pain, Inflamation and Strangury.

WOMEN. In Women the Labia, Nymphae, Clitoris, Prepuce, and the Carunculae Myr­tiformes, which beset the Mouth of the Vagina, being afflicted with malignant Ulcers, are swell'd or inflated, in the same Manner as the Prepuce and Glans in Men.


If the parts are much inflam'd, fre­quent bleeding at the Arm is necessary, and to foment the Diseased Part with Milk, wherein the Flowers and Bark of Elder have been boil'd, at least twice a Day, for Half an Hour at a Time; be­sides this if the Patient hath Time it will will be of great Service, if after having wash'd the Penis clean, he soak it in some Bread boiled in Milk, of a thick Sub­stance, as hot as he can bare it, for a Quarter of an Hour, which will effec­tually remove the Swelling and Inflamma­tion, and by taking every other Day of the Antivenereal Electuary, all other Symptoms will vanish.

But if the Swelling and Inflammation should prove so obstinate, as not to be remov'd by the aforesaid Means (which doth not happen to one in twenty) it will be necessary to use an Anodyne Cata­plasm, [Page 24]and some emolient, relaxing, pare­gorical Applications are to be made, and if the Party is disturbed from Rest by Pain, a Narcotic must be taken. All which Remedies may be had of me at a moderate price.


IT frequently happens in a Gonorrhaea, that one or both of the Testicles swells, from the Restraining or Suppression of the Virulent Semen, that ought to flow from the Seminary Vesicles in the Gonorrhaea, from this an Inflamatory Tumour of the Testicles is produc'd.

If the Venereal Poison hath conceal'd itself in the Blood, the Semen will be frequently thickned, and stick to the Sides of the Spermatic Vessels, in an infinite Number of hard Knobs; from hence proceed the Distention and Swelling of those Vessels, and the Inflamatory Tu­mour of the Testicles: This Disorder is not accompany'd with a Gonorrhaea, and arises from a hidden Pox.


To abate the Inflammation, Bleeding in the Arm should be frequently repeated, [Page 25]according to the Age, Strength and Con­stitution of the Patient, the Testicles must be fomented as in other Cases immediate­ly after each Time applying a hot Cata­plasm, and on that one of the hot Cleaths used in Fomenting, which keep close to the Part Night and Day, unless when fomenting, drink of the Ptisan, and the other Liquors propos'd before for the Gonorrhaea in great plenty; the Patient's Dyet must be very low, that is only of small Chicken or Veal Broth; the Body, if costive, with Emolient Clysters.

All purging and stimulating Medicines internally, and all astringent and repel­ling Externally must be laid aside, and Anodyne Lotions, Fomentations, or Cata­plasms substituted in their Room; and if the pain should be acute, use Narcotics.

When the Inflammation abates, the Pa­tient may take a gentle Cathartic, di­spersing the Humours by Degrees with Cataplasms.

Antivenereal Remedies may also now be administred as in the Case of a Gonorrhaea, which by correcting the Venereal Poison, may restore the Se­men to its Native Fluidity, and heal the Disorder.

During the Application of these Re­medies, the Testicles should be supported in a Truss, least from their Weight, the the Spermatic Vessels should be stretch'd, and by that Means hinder the dispersing of the Semen: Besides it will be of great Ease to the Party's Walking.

What hath herein before been related of the several Degrees of a Gonorrhaea, and the Method of Cure, I think may be a sufficient Direction to all Persons, afflicted with any Kind of this Disorder, to cure themselves, without being Ex­pos'd, or making their Case known to any one.

To prevent any Symptoms or Signs that may shew themselves, by the Run­ning appearing on the Patient's Linnen, and thereby discover the Disorder, I ad­vise them to wear a Piece of Linnen, three or four Times double at the least, under the Shirt Night and Day, to pre­vent its being Stained, and seen by those who wash it, which must be secur'd to the Place in such Manner, as to receive the Dripping Matter, by Strings, or otherwise, as the Party shall find most convenient.

I imagin, if a small Opening was made in a Sponge of a reasonable Size, so that the Head of the Yard might be receiv'd in it, and the Cloath plac'd over that, it would be the securest Way to prevent a Discovery: For the Sponge by its Nature will imbibe the Running, and being wash'd, at least twice a day in Warm Water, will always keep clean, and be ready to receive the Gleeting Humour.

When you introduce the Top of the Penis into the Sponge, have it bare, and re­member to wash it well every Time you clean the Sponge.


THese are Disorders that but rarely oc­cur, and therefore are but seldom treated of; yet I think with good Rea­son, that a particular Account of these Complaints ought to be set forth, that all Persons who are afflicted, with this Di­stemper, may be inform'd of it and the Method of Cure, which being neglected, will soon disperse it self thro' and cor­rupt the whole Mass of Blood, to the ut­ter Ruin of the Party, and perhaps De­struction [Page 28]of a whole Family, which may be hereby prevented.

In this Case the Patient is afflicted with a sharp burning difficulty in making Water, without making any discharge of Purulent Semen, or Seed, or at least with an exceeding small Matter, for at that Time the internal Parts of the Urethra, or Urinary-passage, suffering great Tention and Inflammation, occasi­ons very acute Pain from the Urine that flows over it, the very Urine in the Bladder contracts great Heat from the inflam'd Parts.

The Strangury comes on which is at­tended with heat, pain, redness, and swel­ling of the Perineum; sometimes of the whole Penis, at other Times you have only pain in making Water, without any other Symptoms, but without any Run­ning, and these are either the Forerun­ners of a very vehehement and virulent Gonorrhaea, or the Consequence of a Bad One, suddenly suppress'd by a Pretended Cure

A Third Sort of GONORRHAEA.

THis is frequently met with in MEN, and is call'd SPURIOUS, and in which a thickish purulent Matter flows, not [Page 29]from the Urethra or Urinary-passage, but from the Crown of the Glans, or ex­treme Part of the Penis or Yard, which is painful and inflam'd, but is not dis­charg'd in so great a Quantity, as in the Common Gonorrhaea, but yet plentiful enough.

WOMEN. Women are also obnoxious to this Species of Gonorrhaea, in which the Venereal Humour is discharg'd, not from the Vagina or Urinary-passage, as in the Common Cases, but only from the External Part of the Pudendum, or upper part of the Privities, with a Pain and Heat in the Parts.


Plentiful and frequent Bleeding, all the Parts of Generation should be fomented with warm Milk, or a Decoction of Marsh-Mallow-Roots and Linseeds, and if Baths were prepar'd after this Manner, it would greatly forward the Cure.

As it is impossible that a Person should remain always in a Bath, or be conti­nually fomenting the Diseased Parts, Ano­dyne Cataplasms, or a Poultice of White Bread and Milk, and the Yolk of an Egg, or the Pulp of Cassia, which should be spread largely over the Disor­der'd [Page 30]Parts, so as wholly to cover them, and must be frequently chang'd to pre­vent their drying.

A cooling and Anodyne Clyster must be given to the patient, as occasion requires.

It is proper to drink freely of a cool­ing Ptisan, and the other Liquors before directed.

An Injection should be thrown up the Urinary-passage, if it can be without any considerable Increase of pain, which must be gently try'd at first with the Anodyne Syrup; all which may be had of me, seperate or together; and those who are desirous to have a sufficient Quantity of Medicines for the Cure of a Gonorrhaea, may have them put up together. price, One Guinea.

The Violence of the Disease being a­bated, the wish'd-for Seminal Discharge, or Running follows, and then must be treated as other virulent Venereal Disor­ders before mention'd.

In case there should not be a proper Discharge or Running (which for the most part happens in a Week's Time) more stricter Rules must be follow'd, and not to be administred by the Parties themselves: [Page 31]Therefore if those who happen to be thus afflicted, will apply themselves to me, I promise (under God) to make a perfect Cure of them, in the most expeditious Manner that the Nature of the Disease will admit, and in so secret a Manner, as not to be suspected of having any such Disorder.

SPURIOUS. The Spurious Gonorrhaea is to be manag'd in the same Manner as the Second Degree of Infection, only with this Difference, that the parts must be fomented twice a day, and kept clean, by washing with the Lotion recommended for the Cure of the First Stage of the Venereal Disorder.


HAving given a Description of the Go­norrhaea, I come now to treat of the worst disorder of the Venereal Disease, call'd a Pox, in which not one or two parts of the Body are disorder'd, but almost every part of it is infected, and compre­hends such a Number of different Symp­toms, that it rather appears to be a World of Distempers than one, and therefore I shall attempt no farther than to discribe [Page 32]the Nature, Form, and Disposition of this Disease.

1st. The diseases of the parts of Ge­neration either increase, or break out again from neglect, ill, short, (or rather pretended) Cures, of the Gonorrhaea, by ignorant and unskilful persons; other­wise arising anew.

2d. If with the Confirm'd Pox, the patient hath a violent Gonorrhaea, the dis­charge increases Callosities, or Swellings arise in the Semenary Vessels and Urethra, from whence proceed Impostumations, and Ulcers.

3d. They break out again where they have been cured, the Parts of Genera­tion afflicted with Chancres, Ulcers, Warts, near the Anus arise F [...]ci, or Excrescencies about the Fundament; in the Groin Bu­boes, or Swellings in the Groin, Tumours or Swellings in the Testicles, of different Kinds.

4th. They arise anew where they have not been before.

5th. The Colour of the Skin is alter'd, with pain and spots, especially on the Breast, and between the Shoulders, of a rose, purple, yellow or livid Colour; sometimes spreading wide, Scabs, Ring­worms, [Page 33]Tetters, and many Sorts of Dry, or Running Pustles.

5th. Chops in the Hands and Soles of the Feet, itching, running with a thin Ichor, the Skin coming off in several pie­ces like Scales.

6th. It is troubled with hard Knobs, or pustles, not rising high, but ulcerated at the Top, for the most part dry, but sometimes moist, are common on the Corners of the Lips, the Sides of the Nose, about the Forehead, Eyes, and Temples, and behind the Ears; from whence they spread over the whole Head, and by degrees occupy other parts of the Body, but chiefly those that are furnish'd with Hair.

7th. The Nails become uneven, and being ulcerated drop off.

8th. The Internal Parts of the Mouth, Throat, and Nose are disorder'd; all Parts of the Mouth suffer Pain, Heat, and Inflammation, are eat into by Ulcers, and a Caries is communicated to the Bones of the Palate, by which they are in a short Time distroy'd, which pene­trates as far as the Nose, by which Means the spongious and triangular Bones there­of, [Page 34]with the Vomer, by which it is sup­ported, sink in.

9th. From hence arises a Hoarsness, loss of Speech, Gums eroded and ulcera­ted; from whence proceeds Pain, Loss of Teeth, and Stinking Breath.

10th. Frequent and violent Pains, espe­cially when warm in Bed, in the Bones, Joints, and Tendons, which swell out in greater or smaller Degrees; sometimes soft, sometimes hard, and truly bony, with violent pain; at an other Time easy to be borne, which destroys the Substance of the Bone.

WOMEN. Women are troubled with Complaints that are proper to themselves, as Cancers of the Breast, Suppression, or imoderate Flux of the Menstrua, Whites, Hysteric Fits, Inflammations, Impostu­mations, Gangreen, Ulcers, Cancer of the Womb, Barrenness, or frequent Abortion; and Child born, half rotten.

From some of which Disorders, Over­straining, or Weakness of the Back, and such like, a Running frequently appears, and is not so easily discover'd from that which proceeds from an impure Coition, or other Way of Venereal Contagion, which often misleads and deceives the [Page 35]truly Virtuous Fair, who have receiv'd such Injuries from the ill Conduct of their Husbands, (and at the same Time are ignorant of it) who to conceal their Wicked Practices, never inform their Wives of the Reality of their Disorders, by which Means they mistaking their Disease, it daily increases on them (and I fear) too often ends in their Distruc­tion, which if timely discover'd might have been cur'd with very little Trouble.

For prevention of all such sad Conse­quences, I advise all Females to duly con­sider their own Case, and examine it by all the Symptoms herein before discrib'd of a Gonorrhaea, and also to observe, if they have any White Flux continue, du­ring the Time of their Menstrual Dis­charge, in such Cases they may depend upon having receiv'd the Venereal Infec­tion: But if the White Flux wholly stops during the Time of Menstruation, and returns afterwards, it then proceeds from some other Disorder, and not from a Gonorrhaea.

Be sure not to use any Astringent Me­dicines before you are duly satisfy'd of your Ailment; for should your Case be Venereal, instead of a White Flux, the [Page 36] Gleeting Matter being stopt, you infal­libly bring on a Pox.

But don't imagin that all these Symp­toms ever occur at one Time, or in the same Person, neither do the worst of them rarely happen to any, yet I thought proper to collect them all together the more clearly to shew the several Degrees of this Deplorable Disease, and that all People afflicted with this Extreme Part of the Venereal Disorder, might at once view and understand their own Case.


All Sorts of Poxes admit of Cure, many with great Ease, by the Help of Mercurial Unction, which is a most Efficatious Me­thod of rooting out the Venereal Poison.

But since this tiresome Method is ge­nerally dreaded, we are forc'd for the most part to attempt a Cure after ano­ther Manner, tho' a great Length of Time is requir'd in the Performance; yet with Ease and Safety to the Patient.

Altho' whoever follows the Instruc­tions given for the Cure of a Gonorrhaea, will never be afflicted with any of the be­fore mention'd Symptoms of this last Stage of the Venereal Infection: Yet as [Page 37]there are many People, who have not had the Benefit of my Never-Failing Medi­cines, have fallen into the Hands of Un­skilful Persons, or neglected to cure them­selves at first, either by such Neglect, bad or short (or rather pretended) Cures, are arriv'd at this last Degree of the Disor­der, and may want proper Instructions to relieve themselves from such Complaints, without the Use of a Mercurial Unction, I shall therefore proceed to give such persons all necessary Directions that their Case requires.

To cure this Height of the Disease without Danger, or Confinement, or weakning the Body as little as possible, may be accomplish'd, by the great Me­dicine I have for so many Years made use of, The Incomparable Specifick Pills, by taking Two every other Night, will abate the Venereal Poison by Degrees, untill it is intirely rooted out of the Body, which tho' it takes longer Time to com­pleat, yet the Patient will be fully re­compenced, by the Easiness, Safety, and pleasantness of the Operation, and by his being freed from the Confinement, that must necessarily accompany a Sali­vation. These Pills are to be had of the [Page 38]Author, Price 1 s. each Dose. Enquire for the Pills for the Dropsy.

The same Rules in taking these Pills, (which are wonderful mild in working) are to be observ'd as directed for the other Purgative Medicines, both in the Operation, and Respect to Diet, untill the Cure is perfected.

There remains a Fourth Species of the Venereal Disease, to be added to those which we have already described. To wit, the Verrucoso Excrescencies of the Puaenda, which sometimes succeed Im­pure Coition, but for the most part fol­low other Pocky Disorders that have been ill managed.

In MEN they arise upon the whole Penis, but more particularly upon the Prepuce, and Glans, at the Corona, or near the Frenum.

WOMEN. In Women upon the whole Pudendum, but especially upon the La­bia, Clitoris, Prepuce of the Clitoris, and Nymphae: In Pathies they spring up from the Verge of the Anus: Lastly, in Nurses, who receive the Disease in giving Suck, they beset the Papillae of the Breast.

They differ in Figure as well as Situa­tion; if they are oblong, slender, and round, they are call'd P [...]rri; if they are round, but shorter, they are termed Ver­rucae; but if they are very smooth, and extend into an an oblong Area, they take the Name of Condylomata: Lastly, if of a large Size, and spread in Fimbriae, and form Excressencies like Leaves, they are known by the Title of Cristae.

Sometimes they dry up of themselves, and fall off, leaving a Root behind them, from whence they spring up a-fresh; sometimes they are permanent, but are flaccid, soft and almost void of Sense; sometimes hard dry, rigid horny, desti­tute of Sense, and perfectly callous; but sometimes they are painful, discharging something ichorous from their Heads, and seem to be of a Cancerous Nature.


The Patient must Bleed, take of the Specifick Pills once or twice a Week, also Alternants, Diluents, and Attenu­ants, which will correct the Heat, Acri­mony, and Viscidity of the Blood, using different Methods according to the Dif­ference [Page 40]of the Weather, or the disor­der'd State of the Fluids.

If there is Reason to believe, That the Pox is concealed, a Regular Course of Mercurial Unction is to be enter'd upon, if your Affairs will admit of Confine­ment: If not, or that you are unwilling to submit to such Operation, you must be oblig'd to use Internal Remedies for a great Length of Time before the Cure will be obtain'd; for which be pleas'd to consult the Author.

Causticks may be us'd to consume these Excressencies, but the Pain is hardly to be endur'd, and frequently brings on In­flammations; therefore to take them off with a Knife or Scissors is the most cer­tain and easiest Way, for then the Affair is finish'd in a Moment; otherwise the Pain must be very acute for some Length of Time: But if the Patient dreads the Knife or Scissors, he must be indulg'd with the Use of Cathaeretics. After the Incision the Sore is to be treated in the same Manner as a Green Wound.

All which Medicines, Causticks, and Dressing, may be had at my House, on writing for them.

Concerning GLEETS.

THey often proceed from former ill (or rather imperfect) Cures, some­times from a Seminal Weakness, and Im­becilities of the Genitals, &c.

These Disorders are generally the Di­stroyer of Virility in Men, and Fertility in Women, and in Length of Time cause a whole Decay of Nature, which are infal­libly cur'd by the Balsamick Restrictive ELIXIR, which is neither unpleasant to the Taste, nor occasions the least Disorder to the Patient. Price, 6 s. the Bottle.

This ELIXIR is of so strengthning and sanative a Quality, that it not only strengthens and comforts the Spermatick Vessels, but revives the Spirits, warms and restores the Genital Parts in both Sexes, not only prompting a Desire of Coition, but also furnishing Materials for the Performance of the Act.

WOMEN. Females may hereby most assuredly cure themselves of that trou­blesome Disorder the Whites, and all other Weaknesses of the Womb, Back, and Urinary Vessels; only observing, not [Page 42]to take it when their Monthly Visits happen, or a Day or two before they are expected.

We have nothing more to add to this Discourse, but that the Patient relying on the Operation of the Medicines re­commended in this Book, and the Ac­count and Character herein before given of them respectively, and will punctually observe the Directions given in the taking of them, and have a due Regard to his Regimen, will be absolutely cur'd of ei­ther Gonorrhaea, Confirm'd Pox, or Stub­born Gleet, and all other Imbecilities in the Genitals, with the greatest Privacy, as li [...]tle Trouble, Charge, or Hindrance of Business, and perhaps much better, cheaper, and sooner, than by any other Medicines now in Use, and prevent the sad, and dangerous Consequences of an ill or pretended Cure.

And by Reason neither these, nor any other Medicines whatsoever, will always have the same Operation, and Effect up­on [...]ll People, but will vary according to the different Temperament of the several Bodies they have to work upon, There­fore that all Persons who shall purchase my inestimable Remedies, for all or any [Page 43]of the herein before treated of Disorders, may surely meet with the Desir'd Effect, of a speedy, certain, and safe Cure, I desire they will from Time to Time, communicate to me by a Line, the Man­ner their Physick operates, and the Pro­gress of the Disease, describing the Man­ner and Colour of the Gleet, and all other Symptoms attending the Disorder, and they shall receive all proper and suitable Instructions and directions from me how to behave, and such Alterations made in their Medicines [if any are wanting] as the Exigency of the Case shall re­quire: Or, if they chuse rather to call upon me at my House, they shall receive such Instructions as are necessary for their Direction in the Method of Cure, and perhaps more satisfactory than can be done by Writing; and the rather since I may understand their Case the better on a Personal View, than they may happen to apprehend, or be able to discribe themselves.

This last Favour I request of all my Patients, for their private Good, That they may not be delay'd and hinder'd of a Cure, and then they will assuredly find that my Medicines will fully answer the [Page 44]Ends for which they are propos'd, and what I have promis'd for them, which I think will be Evidence enough to de­note their Real Worth, and Excellency, as well as the honest and sincere Mean­ing of the Author, as would be attested by some Hundreds that have been cur'd by them in my Two and Twenty Years Practice, were it proper, in such Cases, to send one Patient to another.

Those who send Letters from the Country, are desir'd to send them Post Paid, and they will be Answer'd.


PAge 17. Line 7. for so suddenly, read too suddenly. Page 25. Line 13. for with Emolient Clysters, read must be loosen'd with Emolient Clysters.


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