BY HIS HIGHNES COUNCILL IN SCOTLAND, For the GOVERNMENT thereof: A DECLARATION, for putting in Execution the Laws in force against Jesuites, Seminary-Priests, and Traficking-Papists.
WHereas the common Design and Practice of Iesuites, Seminary-Priests, and Traficking Papists, to seduce the People of Scotland from the true Religion publickly profest in this Nation; And also to withdraw them from their due obedience to their Supream Magistrate, and to stir up Sedition and Hostility within this Country, hath caused divers good Laws to be made against Iesuites, Seminary-Priests, and Traficking Papists, which nevertheless, for want of due execution, have been rendered ineffectual in reference to the good ends thereby intended; which hath encouraged and emboldened many Iesuites, Seminary-Priests, and Traficking Papists, to resort into this Nation, and to continue therein, in order to their carrying on the fore-mentioned Design; Which the said Council (with trouble and grief) taking notice of, They, in discharge of their duty, do hereby Declare, That such Iesuites, Seminary-Priests, and Traficking-Papists who shall after the Twentieth day of April next ensuing, in the year 1656. be found in any part of Scotland, or the Isles thereunto belonging, and apprehended, and be thereof duly convicted, shall be proceeded against according to the Laws of this Nation: And the said Council require all whom it doth, or shall concern, That they carefully put in Execution the said Laws and Statutes, against all such Iesuites, Seminary-Priests, and Traficking-Papists, and every of them respectively.
ORdered, That the above Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts-Close, over against the Trone-Church, 1656.