WHereas by our former Proclamation, bearing date the second day of August, 1653. All Ministers, and others are prohibited to Pray for, or, Preach up the Interest of the pretended King of Scotland; And, after so long waiting with patience, we hoped at last to have seen the peaceable fruits of obedience to the present Government; But in stead thereof, finding that severall Ministers in this Nation, continue to keep the Interest of Charles Stuart alive in the hearts of the people, by putting them in minde of him in th [...]ir daily publick Prayers and Preaching, (whom God hath signally rejected from having any authority over the Subjects of this Common wealth) whereby the hands of Malignants have been strengthened, expence and trouble to this Commonwealth much increased, many peaceable spirits in danger to be dis-composed, and their hearts drawn off from this present Government: VVe do therefore hereby (in the name of his Highness the Lord Protector of this Common-wealth) Prohibit all, and every person in this Nation, from, and after the day of the Publication hereof, to pay, or cause to be paid any manner of Stipend, Maintenance, or Arears thereof to any such Minister as hath already, or shall hereafter, by praying for the pretended King contravene and contemn our aforesaid Proclamation: And of this we require all manner of persons to take notice, as they will avoide the Censure of Contemnours of the present Authority, or would not incur such penalty as the Commissioners shall think fit. And, to the end that none may pretend ignorance hereof, VVe do hereby require all Sheriffs in this Nation, to cause this our Order to be forthwith Published and Proclaimed within the chief Mercat-Towns, or Burroughs within their respective Jurisdictions, and that care be taken that it be sent to the severall parishes and Burroughs, to be there publickly affixed on the dores of their Churches, and Mercat-Crosses.