ALthough the Parliament of the Common Wealth of England, in their Declaration, concerning the Settlement of Scotland, Have in the Article that concernes Religion, and the Advancement of the power of Godliness, held forth, That the Union tendred by them to Scotland, for making it one Common-Wealth with England, shall be (through the assistance of GOD) so managed, as may conduce to the reall good and encouragement of all those that fear GOD in both Nations, and that the People throughout the whole Island, may become such, as amongst whom the Lord may delight to dwell.
And have likewise, together with what, they publish concerning Forfeiture and Confiscation of Estates, held forth in their said Declaration, favour to severall sorts of persons, according to their respective Qualifications, expressed and contained therein: Yet, to the end the good Intentions of the Parliament may be more fully understood by all, and brought to happy effect, according to the Trust and Power committed to Us, We Declare,
That for promoting of Holiness, and advancing the power of Godliness, all possible care shall be used for publishing the Gospel of CHRIST, in all parts of this Land, and provision of Maintenance made and allowed to the Faithfull Dispensers thereof, together with such other encouragements, as the Magistrate may give, and may be expected by them, who demean themselves peaceably and becomingly, to the Government and Authority, by which they receive the same. As also, that care shall be taken for removing of scandalous Persons, who have intruded into the Work of the Ministry, and placing of others fitly qualified with gifts, for the instructing of the People in their stead. And that such Ministers, whose Consciences oblige them to wait upon GOD in the administration of Spirituall Ordinances, according to the Order of the Scottish Churches, with any that shall voluntarily joyn in the practice thereof, shall receive Protection and encouragement from all in Authority, in their peaceable and in-offensive exercise of the same; as also shall others, who not being satisfied in Conscience to use that Form, shall serve and worship GOD in other Gospel-way, and behave themselves peaceably and in-offensively therein.
We shall likewise take care, as much as in Us lies, that in Places of Trust throughout this Nation, Magistrates and Officers, fearing GOD, may be set up, who according to the duty of their place, may be a terrour to all evill-doers, and even to them whose licentious practices (though under pretence of Liberty and Conscience) shall manifest them not to w [...]lk according to godlinesse and honesty.
And by vertue of the power on the behalf given Us, We do further Declare,
That all Persons within the Qualifications of favour, expressed in the Parliaments Declaration, being Inhabitants within the Sheriffdom of [...] and the Towns and Burroughs thereof, that shall in pursuance thereof, live peaceably under, and yeeld obedience unto the Authority of the Parliament of the Common Wealth of England, exercised in Scotland, are capable of, and shall enjoy the respective Benefits and favours, held forth in the said Declaration, and shall have such further grants and confirmations for the compleating thereof, as shall be found requisite.
And We do lastly Declare,
That all Merchants, Tradesmen and Handy-Crafts men within the said Sheriffdom of [...] and the severall Burroughs and Towns thereof, not having in Lands and Goods above the clear value of Five hundred pounds sterling; And all other persons within the said Sheriffdom, Towns and Burroughs, not having in Lands and Goods above the clear value of Two hundred pounds sterling (not being prisoners at Wars, or Souldiers of Fortune in Commission) who shall also in pursuance of the said Declaration, live peaceably under, and yeeld obedience unto the Authority of the Parliament of the Common-Wealth of England, exercised in Scotland, shall not onely be freed and discharged from all forfeitures and Confiscations of their Estates, for any thing formerly done by them, in reference to the Wars, but be received into the Protection of Parliament, and enjoy such Liberties and Immunities, as also such Leases and grants of confiscated and forfeited Lands, as upon consideration of their respective qualities and deserts shalbe thought fit.
Provided the favour held forth in this Declaration, extend not unto any pe [...]sons, commonly known by the name of Moss Troopers, or any other who have murthred or kill'd any Souldiers, contrary to the Lawes and Custome of War, or any English people, contrary to the Lawes of Scotland.
Given under our Hands at Dalkieth, the [...] day of February, in the Year of our Lord, one thousand six hundred fifty and [...];.