To my Honourable Friend Sir JOHN HOTHAM Knight, Governour of HULL, these in Yorkshire.

Noble Sir,

I Have done all that I could to get your Bills payed, which I perceive by your Sonne is not yet done; but for one of them, (when I was in London up­on Wednesday last) I gave a great charge for the payment of it, which I as­sure my selfe would have been done, if there had not been an extraordinary fai­ling of Money. On Thursday we met in London again for ordering of Money; We have much Money due, which we expect every Day, and assure your selfe I will not rest satisfied till I see it payd. We have proceeded in the Excise to many more particulars, and in­tend to proceed further, but it will be necessary to NB. innure the People to them by little and little. Pray be as Patient as you may in this Businesse of Money, for I assure you it is no neglect, but In­vincible Necessity is the Cause of it. My Lord Generall is in a moving Posture at Causham, and I beleeve will quickly draw up to the Kings Army, which certainely is like to produce some very great effect, I pray God it prove for the best. The West is yet in somewhat a per­plext NB. Condition; Sir William Waller hathq. ten or q. twelve thousand men in Arms, which he di­vides into two Bodies, one to follow the Marquesse of Hartford, the other to encounter Sir Ralph Hopton. There is no want of any thing but some skilfull Officers, which indeed may indanger them, I would have sent them Scottish Officers, but they had no minde to them; I am glad to heare your Son coms on towards the supply of my Lord Fairefax. I pray further all you can a faire and Peaceable proceeding between them, you cannot but observe how much the former differences have indangered those Parts; Without Unity no strength will support us, and how just it is that Personall discontents should give place to Publicke advantage, no Man can judge better then you. Your own Honour and Happinesse, together with the Pub­lique, is very heartily desired by your very assured Friend and Servant

John Pym.

Printed at YORK by STEPHEN BULKLEY, 1643.

By speciall Command.

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