BY THE KING and QUEEN A PROCLAMATION. Declaring the VVar in IRELAND to be ended.


WHereas by an Act made in Our Parliament at Westminster in the First Year of Our Reign, Entituled [An Act for the better Security and Relief of Their Majesties Protestant Subjects of Ireland:] It was (among other things) En­acted, that all and every Person and Persons whatsoever of the Protestant Religion should be Absolutely Discharged and Acquitted of and from the Payment of all Quit-Rents, Crown-Rents, Composition-Rents, Hearth-Money, Twentieth-Parts, Payments, and other Chief Rents arising or payable out of any Houses, Lands, Tenements, He­reditaments. Rectories, Tyths or Church-Livings incurring or becoming due to Us at any time after the Five and Twentieth day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Eight, until the said Kingdom of Ireland should be by Us Declared to be Reduced, and the War and Rebellion there ended. We have now pursuant to the said Act of Parliament thought fit (by and with the Advice of Our Privy-Council) to Issue this Our Royal Proclamation, hereby Declaring that the said Kingdom of Ireland is Reduced to Our Obedience, and the War and Rebellion there ended. And We do hereby Will and Require that all and singular such Rents and Payments, and all other Duties payable to the Crown, which shall henceforth grow, incurr and become due, be duly answered and paid to Us in such manner and under such Penalties and Forfeitures as if the said Act had not been made.

God Save King WILLIAM and Queen MARY.

Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King and Queen's most Excellent Majesties on Ormond-Key. 1691.

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