A LAMENTATION Unto this NATION; And also, A VVARNING To all PEOPLE of this present Age and Generation, With the Voyce of THUNDER, sounded forth from the Throne of the Lord God. And this is more particu­larly, A WARNING unto the Inhabitants of ENGLAND: And is to go abroad thorow all parts of this Nation.

THE Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, and by the overflowing streams of the Spirit of Life, being filled therewith from the ful Fountain of the Lord God; I being moved by his Eternal Word of Life, to expostulate a little, and to impart a little of what God hath given and revealed, by his pure and Eternal Spirit: And this is to you all, who believe in the Lord God of Life and Power; This I say in Gods [Page 2]Authority, and by the Revelation of the Word of Life; and this is in the Power of God seen, That a Day of Deliverance is at hand, the Lord God hath spo­ken it, and the hour cometh and shall be known, wher­in God will fulfill his Word; and this is the day of the Lord God, wherein he is working a mighty and won­derfull Work, yea, the Lord is working wonderful­ly for the deliverance of his own Seed; the Lord God is working of an Invisible Work, he is kindling of a fire secretly, which must break forth upon his Ene­mies: and thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the mighty God of Jacob, I will break the bonds of iniquity, I will reveal my Judgments upon the Ungodly, I will set the Oppressed free, That the Ransomed of my People may re­turn again unto Sion with Songs of rejoycing: And this is the day of the Lord, wherein he is come to dwell in his People, and to establish his Throne in the tops of the Mountains. And thus saith the Lord of Hosts, I will ascend far above the Clouds, and I will reign on the top of all; And this is the day wherein the Lord is making a Separation, and he is dividing the waters from the waters; and he is parting the Sea, that the Ransomed Seed may passe thorow; as Moses led Is­rael out of Egypt, even so is the Lord leading his People through the Tribulation unto the Day of Sal­vation, into the Mountain of Holiness: and thus is the Lord bringing back the out-casts of Israel, the Remnant of his People, his Chosen Generation; and this is the Day of Redemption, and this is the Day of Glad-tidings: And blessed are the Poor, for they shall receive the Gospel of Peace, and to such it is to be prea­ched: And blessed are they which mourn, for they shall [Page 3]be comforted: And to you who are yet ungathered, the Lord is stretching forth the Arms of his Everlasting Love, and he is drawing you with the Cords of his Love; and he is gathering in all that will come to the Fountain of Life, the Word of Eternal Life, the Word of Power, the Word of his Grace; and this hath ap­peared unto all, and by it all may come unto the full Fountain, which the Lord is setting open for Judah and for Jerusalem, and for the Regions of the Nati­ons; the Lord God hath spoken out of Sion, the holy City, and his Word is gone forth of Jerusalem, and the Trumpet of the Lord God is sounded, and an Alarm is gone forth out of the Lords Holy Mountain, and he is gathering the Nations unto the brightness of his Arising, and the Day of the Lord is dawning clearer and clearer, and as the Morning-brightness, so is the Lord breaking-forth, and the Clouds fly be­fore him; And blessed are all they that are gathered unto him, such shall have a sure Hiding-place; when Tribulation shall come upon the World, then Glory and Peace shall be upon the Righteous, and all that fear the Lord shall dwell safely: The Fountain of Life God hath set open, the River that is so clear as Cristal, the streams thereof proceed out of the Throne of God: and to all that do believe, the Lord is giving abundantly; and in such the Well of Ja­cob is set open, which is springing up unto Eternal Life.

There is no end of the Treasures of God; What Tongue can declare what he is unto such as fear him? The Blessed Day is come, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Power of God, the Wisdom of the Fa­ther is revealed, and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah [Page 4]hath prevailed to unloose the Seals, and to open the Book of Life, whereby the Mysteries of God's King­dom come to be opened; and it is through great Tri­bulation, that the washing of Regeneration is witnes­sed; and there is none can come to feed on the Tree of Life, but such as know the Death upon the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and all who come to enter into the Path of Holiness, the Way to Everlasting life, must first come to know the Dying, and the Crucify­ing, and the Purifying by the Spirit of Judgement, and by the Spirit of Burning; For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an Oven, and all the Wicked shall be as Stubble; And the Day of Burning, God hath revealed by his own Son, for he sitteth as Re­finers fire, and like Fullers sope, purifying all that do believe, that they may come forth, as out of the fiery Furnace, purified like unto fine Gold, that hath been tryed seven times in the fire; for thorow the fire, and thorow the tribulation, all are to come, who come to Life; and such as know the travel out of the Land of Egypt, such shall see the glorious day of the Lord God, which shall appear unto the Followers of the Lamb thorow the Tribulation, such as are washed white by the Bloud of Jesus; and such as endure the Day, shall see the glory thereof, as the glory of seven dayes; and as the breaking forth of the Sun after a dark cloudy Night, even so shal the Glorious Day of the Lord appear, unto the faithful Followers of the Lamb; and this is the great Day of the Lord God, in which he is appearing more in his Power, for the revealing his Will; and this is somewhat of what may be spoken and imparted with, according to the wisdom of God; [Page 5]and this is to be published in the Authority of God.

A GREAT and TERRIBLE DAY Ap­proacheth, and in the Eternal Authority of the Lord God, it doth lie upon me to sound it forth, fore-see­ing in the Eternal Power of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, that the Approach of the Great and Terrible Day cometh, and that very swiftly.

Therefore, O Hear the Word of the Lord God, Oh you Inhabitants of this Nation, I warn you speedily to Repent, in the Fear of the Lord God, I say Repent and be Awakened, and come forth and prepare to meet the Lord God of Power, who is coming to plead with you by the Sword of his Eternal Power. Therefore Awake, Arise up from the dead, and stand up to Judg­ment, for the Great and Terrible Day approacheth near you; Oh it is even coming upon you, the Lord God hath Revealed it by his own Son, whom he hath made Heir of all things; which Son is now broken forth in his clearness, as the Morning brightness, even as the dawning of the day, so is the rising of the Son; and his beautiful Appearance is come, and the accep­table day of the Lord God is revealed, and the Son of his Love is made manifest; yea, the Day of Salvation is come unto Israel, and the Day of Restauration unto the Seed of Jacoh, & a Day of Peace & Glad-tidings, is pro­claiming unto the Captives, that the Seed of the House of Jacob may come forth; for the Lord God is setting open of the Prison Doors, and is leading Captivity Cap­tive, and is bringing into Captivity that which hath been exalted, and is throwing down the Mountains, and is making his path streight; and this path is a path of Holiness, and the upright in heart walk in it.

For verily there is not another way; And all who are out of this way, hasten with speed, turn in again, and come to know the Fathers House, where the Bread is given plentifully, where the full Fountain is set open both day and night; where the streams run continually, where the springs run freely; yea, the Lord God is opening the Everlasting Fountain, that hath been sealed from Ages and Generations; the Lord God is opening of his Treasure-House; The Earth is filled with the goodness of the Lord, and the glory of the Lord covereth the Earth, even as the waters cover the Sea; For the Lord God is turning again the Captivi­ty of his People, and he hath raised up a Horn of Salvation, a righteous branch in the House of David, for Salvation unto the Nations; and this is the Day of the Lord God, wherein he hath sounded forth an A­larm out of his holy Mount, with a Voyce of Trembling unto the Nations, and with a Word of Consolation unto all that do Believe; and he speaketh Peace unto the Righ­teous, and Joy to the upright in heart; and all that fear the Lord Mercy compasseth them about, and the Walls of Salvation with a mighty Arm from the Lord God, doth encompasse them on every side: Therefore let the Heavens rejoyce, and let the Earth be glad.

For the Lord God is coming to make an Everlast­ing Habitation, a glorious dwelling place in all who do Believe; and the sound of Seven Trumpets have uttered forth their Voyces, and the shout of a mighty King is gone forth out of his holy Mount: Therefore thus saith the Lord God, I will appear for the Deliverance of my People; I will Arise saith the Lord God, I will roar as a Lyon bereaved of her young; I will scatter the Nati­ons, [Page 7]and let the World know, that God of a truth is risen; and blessed are all they who believe and abide the day that approacheth, where in the faith of Gods Elect must be tryed as the Silver, and purified like unto fine Gold; for the time of washing is come by the blood of Jesus, that hath been shed since the foundation of the World; and the Lord God is come to make an inqui­ry after the lost Sheep of the House of Israel, who have been scattered in the cloudy and dark Day, who have been driven far away; the Lord God is bringing ma­ny near unto himself, even into his own Fould, and he is setting one Shepherd over them; and he is come to feed his Sheep himself, and to give abundantly of the Everlasting Bread of Life; and he is come to give the thirsty drink, and blessed are all they that thirst and hunger after Righteousness; the Lord God will fill the hearts of such, and he will be a Well of water springing up unto Eternal Life; and a full Fountain shall run freely through them that do believe, even as the streams of Shiloes Brook runneth clear as Cristal; so that the Heavens shall rejoyce, and the Earth shall be glad, because of the Encreases of God, for he will bless it with the Encrease, even plentifulness shall be in his House, and fulness within his walls, and the glo­ry of the Lord shall dwell there, and he shall become the glory of many Nations; for his habitation is a ha­bitation of Holiness, [...] where God dwelleth, no un­clean thing can dwell; Therefore his Mountoin shall be called the Mountain of Holiness, the Habitation of the most High, the Scituation of the Lord God, the faithful dwell there, and they know the habitation where God dwelleth; and such have a hiding-place [Page 8]in the hour of Temptation, and within the Munition of Rocks all are to come to hide, and to be hid, in the day of storms, for without it there is no safety; and so blessed are all they who know this sure Habitation, when the overflowing scourge cometh upon the un­godly; for verily I do declare in the Power of the Lord God, That an Overflowing Scourge is coming near, and what in the Eternal Power of the Lord God I have seen, I do declare; and he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear; for verily the day is at hand, that the Lord God will pour out his wrath without mixture; and no man shall be able to deliver his Brother in that day; And this is sent for a Message and a Warning, to go through this Nation for a Warning, and for a Visitation unto this present Age and Generation with speed, and of necessity, from the Command of the Lord God.

By the flowings in of the full Streams of Life. D. W.

LONDON, Printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black­spread-Eagle and Windmil, in Martins Le Grand.

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