[...]ix Propositions of undoubted Verity, fit to be consider­ed in our present Exigency, by all Loyall Subiects, and Con­scientious Christians.

1. THat this Parliament is ipso facto dissolved by the Kings death; He being the Head, Be­ginning and End of the Parliament, called onely by his Writt, to Confer with Him as His Parliament and Councell about urgent affairs, concerning Him and His King­dome, and so was it resolved in 1 H: 4. Rot. Parl: n. 1. 14. H: 4. Cooke 4. Instit: p. 46. & 4. C. 4. f. 44. b.

2. That immediately upon this Parliaments dissolution by the Kings death; all Commissions [...]anted by the King, or by one or both Houses to the Generall or Officers of the Army, the Commis­ [...]er [...] of the Great Seal of England; Judg [...]s o [...] the Kings Courts, Justices of Peace, S [...]eriffes, E [...]cise­ [...], Customers, and the like; with all Committees, and Ordinances of one or both Houses made this [...]arliament, did actually determine, expire, and become meerly void in Law to all intents and Pur­ [...]ses, and cannot be Continued as good and valid by any Power whatsoever.

3. That instantly after the Kings decease, the Imperiall Crown of this Realm of England, and of [...]e Kingdoms, Dominions, and Rights thereunto belonging, was by inherent Birth-right, and Law­ [...] und [...]ub [...]ed succession and descent actually vested in the most Illustrious CHARLES, PRINCE [...] WALES, being next lineall Heir of the blood Royall to his Father KING CHARLES: [...]d that he is actuall KING thereof, before any Ceremony of Coronation as is resolved in full [...]rliament, by the Statute of 1 Jacobi: Ch. 1. and by all the Judges of England since. Cooke 7. Report 10. 11. in Calvins Case. Whose Royall Person and Title to the Crown al [...] Loyall Subjects are bound [...] their Oaths of Supremacy, Allegiance and Solemn League and Covenant, with their Estates, Lives, and [...] drop of their bloods to maintain against all Opposers.

4. That all Peers of the Realm, Mayors, Sheriffes, Chief Officers of Cities and Corporations in this [...]ngdom, are obliged by their places and Allegiance, without any delayes or excuses, to declare and [...]oclaime PRINCE CHARLES to be RIGHTFULL KING OF ENGLAND, [...]d of all Kingdoms and Rights thereunto belonging; notwithstanding any illegall prohibitions [...] menaces to the contrary by any usurped Power whatsoever; under pain of Being Guilty of High [...]son, and forfeiting their City and Corporation Charters, in case of supine neglect or refusall there­ [...] through Fear, Terror or any [...]inister respect.

5. That till KING CHARLES be settled in his Throne, or give other Order, the present [...]vernment [...]f the Kingdom is legally vested onely in the Lords and Peers of the Realm, being by [...]eri [...]ance, Custome and Law in such case, the Kings and Kingdoms great Councell, to whose lawfull [...]mmands all other Subjects ought to yeeld ready Obedience.

6. That every professed actuall endevour by force or otherwise to alter the Fundamentall Monar­ [...]all Government, Laws, and Legall style, and proceedings of this Realm; and to introduce any new Government, or arbitrary proceedings contrary thereunto, is no lesse then High Treason, and so decla­ [...]ed and resolved by the last Parliament, in the Cases of STRAFFORD and CANTERBƲ­ [...]Y, the losse of whose Heads (yet fresh in memory) should deterr all others from pursuing their [...]rn [...]ious C [...]rses and out-stripping them therein; they being as great, potent, and as farr out of [...] r [...]ch of danger and Justice, in humane probability, as any of our present Grandees.


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