[...]ix Propositions of undoubted Verity, fit to be considered in our present Exigency, by all Loyall Subiects, and Conscientious Christians.
1. THat this Parliament is ipso facto dissolved by the Kings death; He being the Head, Beginning and End of the Parliament, called onely by his Writt, to Confer with Him as His Parliament and Councell about urgent affairs, concerning Him and His Kingdome, and so was it resolved in 1 H: 4. Rot. Parl: n. 1. 14. H: 4. Cooke 4. Instit: p. 46. & 4. C. 4. f. 44. b.
2. That immediately upon this Parliaments dissolution by the Kings death; all Commissions [...]anted by the King, or by one or both Houses to the Generall or Officers of the Army, the Commis [...]er [...] of the Great Seal of England; Judg [...]s o [...] the Kings Courts, Justices of Peace, S [...]eriffes, E [...]cise [...], Customers, and the like; with all Committees, and Ordinances of one or both Houses made this [...]arliament, did actually determine, expire, and become meerly void in Law to all intents and Pur [...]ses, and cannot be Continued as good and valid by any Power whatsoever.
3. That instantly after the Kings decease, the Imperiall Crown of this Realm of England, and of [...]e Kingdoms, Dominions, and Rights thereunto belonging, was by inherent Birth-right, and Law [...] und [...]ub [...]ed succession and descent actually vested in the most Illustrious CHARLES, PRINCE [...] WALES, being next lineall Heir of the blood Royall to his Father KING CHARLES: [...]d that he is actuall KING thereof, before any Ceremony of Coronation as is resolved in full [...]rliament, by the Statute of 1 Jacobi: Ch. 1. and by all the Judges of England since. Cooke 7. Report 10. 11. in Calvins Case. Whose Royall Person and Title to the Crown al [...] Loyall Subjects are bound [...] their Oaths of Supremacy, Allegiance and Solemn League and Covenant, with their Estates, Lives, and [...] drop of their bloods to maintain against all Opposers.
4. That all Peers of the Realm, Mayors, Sheriffes, Chief Officers of Cities and Corporations in this [...]ngdom, are obliged by their places and Allegiance, without any delayes or excuses, to declare and [...]oclaime PRINCE CHARLES to be RIGHTFULL KING OF ENGLAND, [...]d of all Kingdoms and Rights thereunto belonging; notwithstanding any illegall prohibitions [...] menaces to the contrary by any usurped Power whatsoever; under pain of Being Guilty of High [...]son, and forfeiting their City and Corporation Charters, in case of supine neglect or refusall there [...] through Fear, Terror or any [...]inister respect.
5. That till KING CHARLES be settled in his Throne, or give other Order, the present [...]vernment [...]f the Kingdom is legally vested onely in the Lords and Peers of the Realm, being by [...]eri [...]ance, Custome and Law in such case, the Kings and Kingdoms great Councell, to whose lawfull [...]mmands all other Subjects ought to yeeld ready Obedience.
6. That every professed actuall endevour by force or otherwise to alter the Fundamentall Monar [...]all Government, Laws, and Legall style, and proceedings of this Realm; and to introduce any new Government, or arbitrary proceedings contrary thereunto, is no lesse then High Treason, and so decla [...]ed and resolved by the last Parliament, in the Cases of STRAFFORD and CANTERBƲ [...]Y, the losse of whose Heads (yet fresh in memory) should deterr all others from pursuing their [...]rn [...]ious C [...]rses and out-stripping them therein; they being as great, potent, and as farr out of [...] r [...]ch of danger and Justice, in humane probability, as any of our present Grandees.