The true Symptoms of a CLAP or POX with its Cure, By Dr. Rivers; At the Golden-Ball in Three Kings-Court on Ludgate Hill, entring between the Three Golden-Lions a Mercers, and Ludgate.

AS Virulent running, Heat of Urine, Pain of the Members and Uretha. When the Yard is erected chiefly when hot in Bed it is bow'd by the Contraction of the Fre­num or Bridle. A higher degree of Malignity is, when the run­ning is green and mix't with a watry Humour ting'd with Blood, or the Yard swoln, Ulcers in the Foreskin and Glans, Stinking Matter of several colours, with an erection of the Yard; also the Neck of the Womb with itching Pimples, Pustles or a hardish Tumour of the Labis: The Cod Swelling with much pain and heaviness; Ulcerous breaking out in the Privities, Buboes in the Groins, pain in the Head, and spaces between the Joynts when hot in Bed; wandering Pains all over the Body, falling of the Hair, pain in the Scull, Legs and Arms; eating Ulcers in the Jaws, creeping through the Palate to the Nose; Ringworms in the Back, Loins, Arms, Thighs, Breakings-out in the Palms of the Hands, Soles of the Feet, Face, Neck, Arms, Back, Belly, Thighs, &c. Ulcers in the Privities. Hard Warts or Pustles on the Forehead, Eye-brows, Chin, Neck and other places; Ulcers in the Mouth and Throat; Swelling in the Glan­dules of the Neck and Jaws, somthing resembling the Evil, Hoarsness of the Voice, Nocturnal pain in the Shins, Arms and other parts &c. Pain and weaknes in the Reins and Back, ouz­ing Ulcers in the Nose, a Tumour in the Fundament, Stinking-Breath, Consumption or wasting of the Body, rottenness of the Bones, ulcers in the Womb, breaking out of the Head, with Blotches, Boyls, Scabs, and running Sotes. All the Symptoms and degrees of this Disease are perfectly expeditiously, and safe­ly Cured tho given over by others as uncurable

And for those, that have got a small Clap, running of the Reins, Cordee or Heat of Urine, old Gleet or seminal weakness, are Speedily and infallibly Cured, with a Pot or Two of my Electu­ary, one Pot seldom fails of a Cure. It m [...]y be taken without hindring any Business, and is not unpleasant to the nicest [...]alate.

N. B. To be had by sending any Person for it, with Printed Directions at the Authors aforesaid, at Ten Shillings the pot.

A Light at the Door in an Evening.

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