Proposals humbly offered to the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses in Parliament Assembled, for the setling a Fund for Fifteen Years, for the raising of Two Millions of Pounds Sterling, towards the carrying on the VVar against France with Vigour.

  l. s. d.
Two hundred thousand that may be born at Ten Shillings. 100000 00  
Twenty thousand Weadings at Twenty Shillings. 40000 00  
Two hundred thousand that may be buried at Twenty Shillings. 200000 00  
Pounds Yearly, 340000 00 00

TO Answer the above Rates its humbly Proposed, That all Degrees of the Nobility from a Duke to a Barron Inclusive to pay for each they have born Fifty Shillings, on their own Marriage Ten Pounds, on their Burial Ten Pounds.

The Children of any of the Nobility that have any Children Born, to pay for each Twenty Shillings, on their own Marriage Five Pounds, at their Funeral Five Pounds more.

All Barronets, Knights, Judges, Sergeants at Law, Doctors of Divinity, Phyfick or Law, Aldermen, Esquires (by Birth, or Place) Merchants and whole-sale Trades-men on their Marriage Five Pounds. on the Birth of their Children Fifteen Shillings, at their Burial Five Pounds.

All Gentlemen or Women, at their Birth Ten Shillings, Marriage Twenty Shillings, Burial Twenty Shillings.

All Free-holders, Farmers and Trades-men, at Marriage Ten Shillings, at the Birth of any Child Five Shillings. at their Funeral to be paid Ten Shillings.

All others Two Shillings six Pence Born, Five Shillings Married, Five Shillings Buried, the Poor excepted.

  l. s. d.
Two Millions of Money lent at 16 per Cent is Yearly 320000 00  
For the Charges and to supply if fall short 20000 00  
The Advantage to the Persons that lend this Money proved thus 34000 00  
100 l. lent at 8 per Cent for 15 Years, the Interest is 120 00 00
The Principle Repaid 100 00 00
  220 00 00
Fifteen Years Interest at 16 per Gent. per Annum is 240 00 00

The Money lent on this Fund to be made Transferrable by an Office for that purpose, and 2 s. 6 d for every 100 l. to have paid for the maintaining it, when the same is as good as Cash to the lender of it.

By the above Compute of the Number, One Fifth is left out for the Poor, to excuse their being Taxed any thing.

If the Interest of 16 per Cent. for 15 Years be esteemed too high an Interest, it may be re­gulated as you in your Wisdoms shall see convenient.

This method of Raising Money will sink the Principle, and not leave a perpetual Tax on the Nation.

Proposals for the Rai­sing Two Millions, by set­ling a Fund for 15 Years.

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