PROPOSALS Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Honourable The Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, in Parliament Assembled, For the Raising of Six Millions of Pounds Sterling, FOR THE Carrying on the War against France with Vigor.

ALTHOUGH the number of the People are generally computed to be Eight Millions, yet I only compute them to be Six Millions; who, paying One Farthing a Day, doth amount unto Two Millions two hundred eighty one thousand two hundred and fifty Pounds a Year; and settled for Three Years, doth amount unto Six Millions eight hundred forty three thousand seven hundred and fifty Pounds Sterling.

The Eight hundred forty three thousand seven hundred and fifty Pounds, may be reckoned for Charges and Interest for the Anticipation of the Mony.

Whereas the former Pole-Taxes never amounted to the Sum it was given for, it proceeded from some being Ex­empted, and others Swearing themselves off; and the Assessors not being put to their Oaths, favour'd their Neghbours; and in some Counties not one third of the People paid as they ought.

To prevent which, I would now have all People whatsoever to be Taxed at a Farthing a Day (which is but seven Shillings and seven Pence a Year) and the Sum Collected every Week by Two Persons appointed by the majority of each Parish, the said Parish paying them for the same, and stand Obliged for the Trust reposed in them, and the Mony so Collected; which Mony may be paid Quarterly to the Receiver General appointed for the County.

And forasmuch if any Person or Persons should be Exempted from paying this Tax, many that may be able (and ought to pay) would shelter themselves under the Denomination of such as cannot and ought not to pay,

Therefore I humbly propose, That the Assessors for this Tax may be Chose by the majority of the Persons that shall meet for that purpose in each Parish; and that all Housekeepers shall be obliged to send in to the said Assessors (who should be Seven in Number, on Oath) a true Account, in Writing, of the Names of the Persons in their Houses, under a Penalty of Five Pounds; and where the Assessors finds any uncapable to pay this. Tax, the Parish to pay it for them; and the same to be Rated on the Parishioners, in the same proportion as they do for the Poor's Tax.

By this means, although all are Rated at a Farthing a Day, yet the richer sort of People paying for the Poor in each Parish, will come to pay considerably more.

I also propose, That all Persons that are possessed of a Real or Personal Estate, or Office of One hundred Pounds a Year, pay for Themselves, Wives and Children, the whole Three Years Tax in Two Years, in two equal Payments; which, supposing to be Twelve in Number, with Himself, Wife and Ten Children, is but six Pounds sixteen Shillings and Ten Pence a Year; whereas, by the Land-Tax, they would pay in the Three Years sixty Pounds, which is twenty Pound a Year.

All likewise that are worth Two hundred Pounds a Year, should pay the whole three Years Tax together the first Year.

By this means a great part of this Duty will come in, and incourage People to lend Mony on it; and will be less Charge to the Nation, not paying so much Interest as otherwise it would be.

And considering the heavy Burden that Landed-men have lain under during this War, and that probability they may again feel it the next Year, this Tax cannot, for this Reason, be thought unequal.

This Tax will be as certain an Income as a Land-Tax to the Crown.

This Tax will be insensible on the poorer sort the paying of it Weekly, and not so much to them as a Halfpenny a Pound Excise on Flesh, which would be a Farthing a Day (reckoning each to Eat half a Pound) besides what the Butcher would advance; and the same, if laid on Leather, or Corn, or Clothing.

This will be of little Charge and Trouble, and less Officers than any Excise can be.

And as for Domestick Servants, I apprehend they may pay it as well as any, they having their Meat, Drink, Washing and Lodging free, and daily advance their Wages, when the Masters are at more Charge to maintain them.

But if your Honours should think, notwithstanding, this may be an unequal Tax, it lieth before your Honours to advance it on so [...] and lower it on others, or to give it for One, Two or more Years.

If you think there may be Three Millions of People only that can pay, and if there be Five hundred thousand that pay a Farthing a Day, Five hundred thousand at a Halfpenny a day, one Million at a Penny a Day, and one Million at Two Pence a Day, it will amount unto Five Millions one hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Pounds a Year; and then all the poorer sort and their Children are exempted, and the rest will pay but Seven Shillings and seven Pence, Fifteen and two Pence, Thirty Shillings and four Pence, and Three Pound and eight Pence a Year the highest.

Memorandum, The only Objection that I foresee can be brought against this Proposal, is, That the Out-Parishes, and many others, may have a great many Poor to pay for, over and above what others have; for the Remedying of which, the Charge of the Poor may be proportionably laid on the whole County.

Proposals for the Raising Six Millions of Pounds In Three Years. OR, Five Millions one hundred and eighteen thousand seven hun­dred and fifty Pounds a Year.

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