At the Angel and Crown in Basing-Lane, being the second Turning in Bread-street from Cheap-side, dwells J. Pechey, a Member of the College of Physicians in London,
WHo has a PILL that he has found by many years Experience peculiarly proper for the Cure of the Freneh Disease, and that certainly cures the Running of the Reins, and pains in the Head, Shoulders, Arms or Legs, Swellings, Scabs, Itch, or breakings out in any part of the Body.
These Pills cure sharpness and heat of Urine, and cleanse the Kidneys and Bladder, and prevent much danger, if they are taken two or three Mornings after it is feared any Injury has been received, and cleanse the Body when it has been damnified by Mercury, and cure the Scurvy.
These Pills may taken in the hottest or coldest Weather, and do not require any strict confinement, and retain their Vertue many years. They are put in Boxes from 1 s. 6 d. the Box, to 2 s. 6 d. the Box, and so to 5 s.
☜ Having for about 20 years in my private Practice, experienc'd the wonderful Vertue of my Cor [...]al Elixir, I now publish it, together [Page] with my Pills, that all that languish under the following tormenting and dangerous Diseases, may be strengthened and restored to Health thereby; and it may be truly affirmed, that by the use of this Medicine many thousands have been cured of Vomiting, Loosness, Bloody Flux, Gripes, Collick, Gravel, and Stone, the greatest pains whereof it eases in the space of half an hour. It also cures the Rheumatism and Hip-Gout, and violent pains in any part of the Body.
I cure Deafness, Rheums in the Eyes, Bursten Bellies, Coughs, Shortness of Breath, Dropsies, Agues of all sorts, Redness, or Pimples in the Face, Ulcers in the Mouth, Throat, and Palate, and all the Symptoms of the French Disease.
To prevent Counterfeits, my Pill and Elixir are only sold at my House in Basing-Lane, where they will be deliver'd to any Person, with a Note of Directions.