J. Pechey Physician that lodg'd at the Angel and Crown in King-street near Cheapside, is removed to the Angel and Crown in Basinglane, being the next turning beyond Watling-street in Bowlane from Cheapside, on the right hand, and the second turning in Bread-street from Cheapside on the left hand; his house is near the passage in Basing-lane that leads through Red Lion Court into Watling-street.
His hours for attendance at home are from eleven in the morning 'till three in the afternoon, at which time the sick may have advice for nothing.
And approv'd remedies at reasonable rates, such as have bin found by many years experience successful to admiration in curing fevers, agues, small pox, measles, colic, griping of the guts, bloody flux, vomitting and loosness, cough, chin cough, worms, rickets, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism or pains and lameness, in the limbs, rheums in the eyes, many of the diseases peculiar to women, the itch, running of the reins not always got by women, swellings, ulcers or scabs occasion'd by the french pox and the like.
And it may be truly affirm'd that in almost every parish in and about the City of London, many of the inhabitants of all ranks have been cur'd by these incomparable medicines in the use of which with the blessing of God is such assurance of success, that if these diseases have not been render'd incurable by ill management or other accidents, the cure of them shall be undertaken according to the following proposals.
1. A certain time shall be agreed upon for the cure of the above mention'd diseases before they are undertaken.
2. The sick shall know first what the medicines will cost that are necessary for their cure, tho' they shall pay for them only as they use them.
3. Whatever is receiv'd for Medicines of them shall be faithfully return'd, if the cure be not perfected with the time prefixt.
4. That they may be sure of having either their money or their health restor'd, they, or their friends for them, shall have a note if they desire it under my hand and seal, with what witnesses they please to it for the performance of these proposals.
And because many of the diseases above mention'd, necessarily require the Physicians attendance on the sick at their houses or lodgings, I will visit them in any part of the City of London in the daytime [Page] for two shillings and six pence, and will ride to visit patients in the City of Westminster, or in Southwark, or the Suburbs for two shillings and six pence a mile, the messenger that comes for me leaving the said fee at my house, and the name of the person that sends for me, and of the place of his or her abode.
'Tis very well known that many other diseases have bin frequently cur'd by J. Pechey, so that the sick may as probably find relief in most diseases at the Angel and Crown in Basing-lane, as any where else.
My excellent purging Pills cure the scurvy, and dropsie, they purge the head, and cleanse and strengthen the stomach, for which they are highly to be valu'd, for from a foul and weak stomach proceed a great many diseases, they purge the reins, and cure the running of the reins, they purge the blood, and cleanse and strengthen the breast, they are as good a purge as can be us'd in the french pox, and indeed they cure as many diseases as any purging medicine can, they are put up in boxes, each containing eighteen Pills, price one shilling and six pence, with plain directions in print how to use them.
My Electuary for agues, certainly cures agues of all sorts in the space of a few days; and is a sovereign remedy for that fever that accompanies consumptions, commonly call'd the hectic fever, price two shillings and six pence.
Many ill men make it their business to reproach this publick way of practice, because it thwarts their interest; but undoubtedly all persons that are free from prejudice will readily approve it, if they that practise after this manner, are really qualifi'd for the employment they profess, and therefore for the Satisfaction of such, I have thought it necessary to publish the following copy of a grant I receiv'd from the Colledge of Physicians in the year 1684.
KNow all Men, That the President, of the Colledge of Physicians with the consent of the fellows of the same has (by Authority from the King and Parliament) examin'd and approv'd of, and elected into our Colledge, the skilful and honest man J. Pechey, master of arts in the flourishing Ʋniversity of Oxford, and we have granted him full power and authority to exercise the science and art of Physick, according to the laws publish'd to this purpose, and moreover we have granted him the use and benefit, of all the profits, liberties, and priviledges, which have been already, and may be hereafter granted us, by the authority aforesaid, in witness whereof we have seal'd these presents with our common seal, at our Colledge in London the twenty second of December, in the year 1684, and in the thirty sixth year of the Reign of King Charles the second.