Nocturnall Occurrences: OR, The Deeds of Darknesse.
THe many injurious, words and villifying scoffes which this many a deare day have been practised, to the abuse of the most impertinent and over-zealous Roundhead (of which Faction I am forced to professe my selfe a member) doth urge me (according to the divine inspiration of disorder) to return a brief expression of their hideous, detestible, inexorable, implacable, inveterate, incorrigible, damnable, confoundible, and abhominable crimes; practized in this Age, amongst those malignant and bloud-sucking Canibals the Cabaleiroes, now dissembled in severall parts of this Kingdome; which when you shall hear by how much danger I have atchieved the knowledge of it; you will admire him that hath been an honest Busi-body for the generall good of you, your Lives and Fortunes, Wives and Children, and make a prayer (sans Privilegio) for me, and my Successors.
The Relation.
IN the year Sixteen hundred forty and two, I Holofernes Holy-hawk, late of gra [...]ious-street at the signe of the Hoope and VVindmill; betwixt Hawk and Bussard) over against the three Loggerheads, Shuttlecock-maker, (hearing the severall tumults expressed in many Pamphlets concerning the Cabaleiroes, dissembled for the generall conversion or particular confusion of this Nati [...]n) sadled me an horse, unknown to my wife and children, and rid privately to York, a place some sixscore mile from London, scituate in the Northern parts of this Island, where I had intelligence of those strange sort of people called the Cabaleiroes, whose name is more cause of quarrell for us then the people themselves; for if they loved or wished well to the Country, they would not acknowledge such a name as the Country understands not. After, with much trouble, I had attained the City of York, upon which Mother Shipton prophesied a lasting Court for Kings, I perceived many of these Cabaleiroes richly deckd with long sh [...]g hair, reaching down to their heels, who were Commanders to a Troop of horse that were all armed in jet; the Coronet bearing these words in the Banner, Damme we'll win the day; the Troope being at a stand, I began to remember a Text in the fourteenth Chapter of Susanna the fifteenth Verse, where as I take it, there is expressed these following words.
Vnlesse thou return from being a Cabaleiro, and [Page] confide with the Elect, thy punishment is not to be overcame by Law, but Power.
I was going to divide this Text into four parts, and they were so furious, I thought they would have divided me into forty, called me Roundhead, Prick-eare, Brownist, Separatist, Anabaptist, and a thousand things more then I durst stay to hear; for two or three fellows were doing of their guns to shoot me, but by strange miracle, I escaped; [...]nd suddenly after met a foot Company, the Rank and File consisting of Men and Women; which though they said nothing, was to me a greater assault then the first: for Sathan had so much prevailed, that I was like to alight and march with a woman that carried the Colours (She painted) but was presently put off by a Serjeants, wife that was Captain of the company, whose hair was of that large length, it was carried up by sixteen boyes, every boy having sixe more to carry up theirs: after I had sufficiently satisfied mine eye, and that the time grew late, the soldiers being quarter'd, I dog'd the Commanders to a Tavern, and being secure in another room, saw their detestible and lascivious Exercise, in which they imitated the Postures of the Musket, containing thirty four Postures, which were then expressed to their Pimpes and their Whores, and as I remember, they were on this manner:
An ugly shag-hair'd black fellow, with a flat nose, and a black Plaister on the face, gave the word of Command; beginning thus.
Cavaleers stand to your Armes.
Now you must conceive that the Whore was the Musquet and March, the Pimpe the Rest, and the Cabaleiro the Souldier
- 1.
- IF the Enemy come March with your Pi [...]pe and Mistrisie shouldered.
- 2.
- If they be farre off —Prepare your Pimpe.
- 3.
- If you fear an Overthrow — Slip your Mistresse, &c.
- 4.
- If you hope to overcome — Pease your Whore.
- 5.
- If the house be prepared—Ioin your whore & Pimp together
- 6.
- When you are safe there—Take out your VVhore.
- 7.
- If she be unwilling to fall—Blow your ƲƲhere.
- 8.
- If you are well provided—Cocke your ƲƲhore.
- 9.
- If you have cause to doubt—Try your ƲƲhore.
- 10.
- If any come to interrupt you — Guard your ƲƲhore.
- 11.
- If the Whiting lye dry on her face—Blow your whore.
- 12.
- If the Scouts be cleer—Open your ƲƲhore.
- 13.
- when you have perform'd your intent Present your whore
- [Page]14.
- If it be not too late —Give fire.
- 15.
- After you have atchieved strength—Recover your whore.
- 16.
- But if another Cavaleir did lately—Ʋncock the wh [...]re.
- 17.
- It shall become your breeding to — Return the whore.
- 18.
- Ere you make further tryall—Cleere the ƲƲhore.
- 19.
- If she be not too old— Prime your Whore,
- 20.
- If you will keep her private—Shut your VVhore.
- 21.
- If in a place that's dusty— Blow your Whore.
- 22.
- If she be true to you — Cast off your loose Whores
- 23.
- If Authority come neer you — Cast about your Whore.
- 24.
- When you walke — Traile your Pimpe.
- 25
- Make him swear he shall not — Open your Charge.
- 26.
- If she will be gadding — Charge your VVhore.
- 27
- If she provoke you— Draw out your scowring sticke.
- 28
- It is the only way to—Shorten your scowring sticke.
- 29
- If she be faulty with another — Ramme your where.
- 30
- For that cause you may —Withdraw your scowring sticke.
- 31
- Least in time she— Shorten your scowring sticke
- [Page]32
- But if she will stray no more— Return your scowring stick.
- 33
- If you can gain her preferment-Bring forward your whore,
- 34
- If you receive no conflict. Recover your Pimpe and Whore into your first Posture.
- If you lead her home by dark Shoulder your Whore.
- If she be uncivill in her lodging Order your Whore.
- If she admit of any Gallants
- Check your whore,
- Port your whore.
- Comport your whore.
- If you would make her known Report your whore.
- If you gain the Victory Advance your whore.
- But if the well affect Partie gain the better of you. Shoulder your ƲƲhore and march.