Merry Boys of Christmas OR, The Milk-Maids New-Years-Gift.

When Lads and Lasses take delight,
together for to be;
They pass away the Winter Night,
and live most Merrily.
To the Tune of, Hey Boys up go we.
[four men, a woman, and a child gathered around a table]
COme, come my roaring ranting Boys,
let's never be cast down,
We'l never mind the Female Toys,
but Loyal be toth' Crown:
We'l never break our hearts with Care,
nor be cast down with fear,
Our bellys then let us prepare,
to drink some Christmas Beer.
Then here's a Health to Charles our King,
throughout the world admir'd,
[...]et us his great applauses sing,
[...] we so much desir'd,
And wisht amongst us for to Reign,
when Oliver rul'd here,
But since he's home return'd again,
come fill some Christmas Beer.
These Holidays we'l briskly drink,
all mirth we will devise,
No Treason we will speak or think,
then bring us brave minc'd Pies:
Roast Beef and brave Plum-Porridge
our Loyal hearts to chear,
Then prithee make no more ado,
but bring us Christmas Beer.

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