TWO ADDRESSES FROM THE Governour, Council, and Convention OF THE Massachusets Colony Assembled at BOSTON in New-England. Presented to His Majesty at Hampton-Court, August 7. 1689.

THE People in New-England having groaned under the Violation of their Charters and most undoubted Rights, and the Illegal and A [...]bi­tary Government imposed upon them by the l [...]te King, in the per [...]on of Sir Edmond Andross, and his Creatures, for about Three Years.

Hearing what was done in England, and how the then Prince of Orange, in Conjunction with the Nobility and Gentry, had most gloriously rescued them­selves, their Religion, and Country from the Inundation of Popery and Slavery.

They in imitation of so great an Example, upon the F [...]eenth of [...]pril [...]t, as one Man, rose in Arms, and seized the said Sir E [...]d And [...], an [...] [...] o [...] their most notoriou [...] Oppressors, [...] in safe Cu [...]o [...]y. S [...]tting forth in Print a Declaration of the Reasons necessitating them to this way of proceeding.

And for the Safety of the People, and Conservation of the Peace, chose a President and Council, who on the 20th of May 1689, being Assembled at Boston, drew up, and subscribed a very Loyal Congratulatory Address to Their Majesties.

After which they setled the Government upon their Charter-Foundations, Electing their late Governour, a Council, and Magistrates; and they immedi­diately summoned a Convention of the Representatives of the People to Boston, where being Assembled, they on the 6th of June 1689, unanimously drew up, and subscribed a Second Address to Their Majesties.

As also an Instrument impowering Sir Henry Ashurst Baronet, and a Mem­ber of the Honourable House of Commons, to be their Representative to Their Majesties, in all Matters concerning the Colony of the Massachusets: Withal, desiring Sir Henry to present the said Addresses to Their Majesties, in their Names and behalf, in all humble and dutiful manner.

Which said Addresses, Powers, and Instructions arriving here last week, on Wednesday the 7th of this Instant August, Sir Henry went to Hampton Court; where being by that Great and Steady Patron of the Laws, Religion, and Li­berties of his Country, the Right Honourable Henry Lord Delamere, introdu­ced into the Royal Presence, Sir Henry acquainted His Majesty with the Happy Occasion of his present Attendance, the State and Condition of His Subjects in New-England, and of the Powers they had entrusted and honour­ed him with; at the same time presenting the said Addresses hereafter follow­ing; which, at His Majesty's Command he distinctly read. After which His Majesty accepted them very graciously, and was pleased to express him­ [...]elf with great kindness to the said People, assuring Sir Henry, That he [...]indly accepted their Tenders of Loyalty and Duty, and would take Them nd their humble Requests into his particular Care, &c.

TO The King and Queens Most Excellent Majesties. The Humble ADDRESS OF THE President and Councel for the Safety of the People, and Conservation of the Peace.

Dread Majesties,

THE late Glorious Enterprize atchieved by your Royal Highness through the Blessing of Heaven, attended with such Happy Suc­cess for the Relief and Deliveranc [...] of the Distressed Kingdom [...] of E [...]gland, Scotland, and Ireland from the Miseries of Popery and Slavery, and th [...]n coming in upon them with a seeming irresistible Power, hath not on [...] fill'd the Hearts of all the good Subjects of those three Kingdoms, but also of the Plantations depending thereupon, with unspeakable Joy, and will doubt­ [...]s [...] In [...]ence all the Protestant Kingdoms and places of Europe, and Erect an [...]rlasting Monument of Praise to your Royal Name; The Gladsome Ty­ [...]ing [...] whereof hath reach'd these American Plantations, to their no small Re­joycing, which your poor distressed Subjects of this Land hold themselves obliged to acknowledge with all hearty Thankfulness: First, to Almighty God, the Soveraign Ruler of the World; And next, unto Your Royal Self, as an Instrument spirited by him to so Heroick and Hazardous an Under­taking. Your Three several Princely Delarations put forth on that Occasion, Encouraging the English Nation to cast off the Yoak of a Tyrannical and Arbitrary Power, which at that time they were held under, have occurred to the View and Consideration of the People in this Country, being them­selves under alike (if not worse) Evil and Unhappy Circumstances with their Brethren of England. First, by unrighteously depriving them of their Charter, Government, and Priviledges, without any Hearing or Tryal, and under utter Impossibilities of having Notice of any Writ served upon them; And then followed with the Exercise of an Illegal and Arbitrary Power over them, which had almost ruined a late Flourishing Country, and was become very Grievous and Intolerable, besides the growing Miseries, and daily Fears of a Total Subversion by Enemies at Home, and Invasion by Foreign Force. The People thereby excited to imitate so Noble and Heroick an Example, being strongly and unanimously spirited to intend their own Safeguard and Defence, resolved to seize upon and secure some of the Principal Persons concerned, and most active in the ill Management of the Illegal and A [...]bi­trary Government set over them by Commission. Accordingly, upon the Eighteenth Day of April last past, arose as one Man, seized upon Sir Edmond Andross the late Governour, and other of the Evil Instruments, and have secured them for what Justice, Order from Your Majesties shall direct, ex­hibiting and publishing a Declaration, setting forth some of the General Grounds and Reasons provoking them to such an Action; which, though [...] un [...]ormed and entred upon under such disadvantages, yet by the good Prov [...] dence [Page 3] of God was so over-ruled, by the interposing and prudence of so [...] Gentlemen upon the place, that the thing was effected without the lest Blood­shed or plunder, for which we desire to pay our acknowledgment of praise unto the Soveraign ruler of all things.

The Declaration of the People is herewith emitted, to be humbly present­ed unto your Majesties, the Demonstration and Proofs of the several Article [...] and Charges contained in the said Declaration, with other Informations not inferiour, will be preparing to be offered in the season thereof.

And now Dread Majesties, having given this brief Narrative of the pre­sent Circumstances of things amongst us, hoping for your Majesties Favourable Interpretation, and Gracious Resentment of this people and of the Action; bearing such Conformity to Methods which the English Nation hath been driven to take for their Deliverance.

We prostrate at Your Majesties Feet, perswading our selves that we shall not be forgotten nor left without our share in the Universal Restau­ration of Charters and English Liberties, which the whole Nation is at this day made happy withal, and for which we most humbly Supplicate, that under the shadow of Your Imperial Crown, we may again be made to flourish in the enjoyment of our Ancient Rights and Priviledges, being the sole encouragement unto our Fathers and Predecessors, at their own great Cost and Expence to settle this Collony, to the Enlargement of the English Dominion, and so much for the Glory of that Crown, we heartily Congratu­late Your Majesties Happy Accession to the Throne,

Praying for the Long and Prosperous Reign of Your Royal Majesties. Your MAJESTIS most Loyal and Dutiful Subjects. S. BRADSTREET.

To the KING and QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesties. The Humble Address and Petition of the Governour, Council, and Convention of Representatives of the People of Your Majesties Collony of the Massachusets, in New-England.

May it please Your Majesties,

WE your Majesties poor and distressed Subjects of this Collony, late un­der the deep sence and burthen of sore Aggrievances, by an Illegal and Arbitrary Government set over us, were not a little rejoyced at the first In­telligence of the Heroic and Generous Undertaking of your then Royal High­ness, being Di [...]inely inspired, so magnanimously to hazard your Royal Person for the Rescue and Deliverance of the English Nation from the Miseries of Po­pery and Arbitrary Government: Which Undertaking through the Wonder-working Providence of Sion's Saviour, has been so happily succeeded, as to bring in a gen [...]ral Restoration of Charters, and English Liberties, calling for all hearty Acknowledgments of Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, and next to your S [...]cred Majesties, and will Eternize your Names in the Hearts of all true English-men.

Your Maje [...]ies happy Accession to the Royal Throne, was most joyfully Congratulated by your Subjects of this Collony, and the Proclamations thereof here performed on the 29th of May last past, with all the Decency and Solem­nity the place is capable of affording, and all imaginable Expressions of Joy. A brief Narrative of the Occurrences and Revolution happening among us, is set forth in the Add [...]ess of the President and Council, bearing Date the 20th day of May last; together with a Declaration of the People forwarded to be humbly prese [...]ted unto your Majesties. Since which Revolution no Orders arriving from your Majesties, relating to the Governing of this People, having waited several Weeks in expectation thereof; and finding an absolute neces­sity of Civil Government, the People generally manifested their earnest De­sires and Importunity once and again, That the Governor, Deputy-Govern [...], and Assist [...] [...]hosen [...]d sworn in May 1686, according to Charter and C [...] [...] then [...]o [...], would assu [...]e th [...] Go [...]ernment.

Upon consideration whereof, things being so circumstanced at that time, it was by them thought not safe or agreeable to our Charter Constitution, to fall under the full Exercise of Charter-Government; but the said Governou [...] Deputy-Governour, and Assistants then resident in the Collony, did cons [...] to accept the Present Care and Government of this People, according to [...]e Rules of the Charter, for the conservation of the Peace and Common Safe [...]y; and the putting forth further Acts of Authority upon Emergencies, unt [...] by direction from England there should be an orderly Settlement, which we [...]ope will restore us to the full Exercise thereof as formerly; notwithstandi [...]g we have for sometime been most unrighteously and injuriously deprived o [...]t.

That Royal Charter being the sole Inducement and Encouragem [...]nt unto our Fathers and Predecessors to come over into this Wilderness, an [...] to plant and settle the same at their own Cost and Charge: Which throug [...] the Bles­sing of God was a flourishing Plantation, enlarging your Majesties [...]ominion, to the Glory of the English Crown; tho' since the alteration of that [...]overnment, greatly impoverished by the Oppressions and Hardships put upon [...].

We in all humility prostrate at the Feet of your Royal Majesti [...]s, and suppli­cate your Majesties Grace in a favourable Interpretation and Resentment of the late Action of this People. And that we also, according to our undoubted Right, may be again fixed and setled in a full Confirmation of our Charter, Rights, and Priviledges; whereby, through the Blessing of God, and benign Influences of your Sacred Majesties, we hope to be an happy People.

Imploring Heaven's Blessings upon the Heads and Hea [...]ts of your Roya [...] Majesties, that you may have a long and prosperous Reign on Earth, and be translated to an Eternal Crown of Glory. Your Majesties most Loyal and Dutiful Subj [...]cts, S. Bradstreet. In the Name and behalf of the Council and Convention.

London: Printed for Richard Baldwin, in the Old-Bail [...]y. 1689.

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