TO HIS MAJESTIES HIGH COMMISSIONER And the Right Honourable the Estates of Parliament,
Evan Mcgrigor Merchant in Edinburgh, and Master of the Caird Manufactory,

Humblie Sheweth.

THat where by an Act of Parliament 1661. the Act of Parlia­ment 1633 against the Clan Mcgrigor, and supressing the Name therof was rescinded, since which time, all were in bona fide to bear and use the Name of McGrigor, And I being only born about that time have since in all my life, Trade and Correspondencies both at home & abroad used the same Name without the least ground of scruple, & this Name having been used by me bred to be a Merchant and for the most part residing at Leith, and there exerceing the for said Manu­factorie, which hath ingaged me in many Correspondencies both at home and abroad: It is Evident that on the one hand my continuing of the said Name can be no prejudice to any design that ever was or now may be for the general peace & in order to the greater quiet of the Highlands, and on the other hand that my discontinuing of the same cannot but bring a great confusion upon my Trade and all my Affairs, which may in effect tend to my utter ruine: and therefore seing it pleased this Honourable Parliament by the 39th Act of their last Session intituled Act for the Justiciarie in the Highlands, to revive the Act of Parliament 1633 against the Clan Grigor, notwithstanding that the same was rescinded in the Year 1661 and to Annull and make void the said Act rescissory: your Petitioner craves leave in all humility to represent that first and last It appears to have been the meaning and design of these Acts to suppress and discharge the forsaid Name only in the Highlands as one of the remedies for the peace of that Country. Secondly, that its clear the forsaid last Act [Page 2]of Parliament 1693 Doth, revive the forsaid Act 1633 only transient­ly, And to make the main design of the act for Comissions of Justiciarie against Robberies in the Highlands more effectuall; So that with all sub­mission I may take the freedom to say that the case and Concern of private persons living in the Lowlands, and ingaged in private Trades and Imploy­ments, was not at that time so much as under the Parliaments Consideration. And 3ly That as Your Petitioner hath already found the prejudice of the said Act 1693 in hindering his using diligence for Bonds and Bills in his Name, which he humbly supposes, was never thereby intended; So unless this High and Honourable Court provide some restriction and remedie for Your Petitioner in his case living in the Lowlands, and ingaged and fol­lowing Comerce and Imployment there, the rigorous Execution of the forsaid Act 1633 revived as said is, most necessarlie tend to his utter ruine and undoing.

May it therefor please Your Grace and this High and Honourable Court of Parliament, to declair that the forsaid Act 1633 against the Clan grigor revived by the said Act 1693 is not to extend to Your Petitioner resideing at Leith, and in the Lowlands and ingaged in Trade and Manusactory as said is. But that he and his posterity after him may use the the forsaid Name as hitherto they have used the same not­withstanding of the forsaid Act of Parliament, and without the Incurring the pains thereof in any sort, sicklike and alse freely as if the forsaid Act of Parliament 1661 were still standing in Ʋigor.

And Your Graces Petitioner shall ever Pray.

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