THE Vniversal Scorbutick Pills, AND Radical Purifier of Nature.
Operating by Purgation and Vrine, with the greatest ease and success in various Diseases and Infirmities: gently cleansing the whole Body (by those two principal evacuations) from all Scorbutick, Corrupt and depraved humours: thereby casting out the Seeds of Diseases; restoring decayed Parts, and rectifying disordered Faculties; correcting and quickning the Digestions, opening Obstructions, and relieving the Head, Stomack, Spleen, Kidneys, Bowells, &c. pained or otherwise distempered: purifying the Bloud and Nervous juice, procuring thereby a sound habit of Body. Thus working as a true Catholick Purgative and Diuretick; the provoking matter that causeth Pains, Oppressions, Gripes, Fluxes, Feavors, Convulsions, &c. is discharged by Stools and Ʋrine. The seminal and continuing Causes of the Scurvy, Consumptions, Dropsies, Jaundice, Agues, &c. is hereby daily diminished and rooted out. Salt Rheums, itching, sharp, and corroding humours, the foundation and supply of Rheumatisms, Gouts, Inflammations, Tumors, Impostumes, Ʋlcers, Kings Evil, deformities of the skin, &c. is hereby gradually drained out and exhausted, by the use of this wholesome abstersive, and balsamic cleanser; lightning and freeing the Body from all impurities and superfluous humours, from whence Diseases take their rise, and receive their growth.
These Pills are durable in full vertue many years; most necessary provision for all Country Inhabitants, Travellers, Souldiers, Seamen, Planters, &c. ready upon all occasions for prevention or curing: successfully proved upon divers persons of Honour and Quality, for many years in a constant Practice, by the Author an eminent Physician: And fortunate are they that are provided with this singular medicine for their help.
The Antivenereal Pills, or Magnetick Remedy.
Being a Specifick Antidote against the spreading virulency of the Venereal Lues, or French Disease, running of the Reins, and other dangerous symptoms arising thence. The most secure and private Remedy, now in great request and use, against this surprizing and deceitful lurking Malady. Prepared by the same Author, most expert in these Cures, as by his History and Mystery of this Disease, lately Printed, fully appears.