Loyalty Triumphant, On the Confirmation of Mr. North and Mr. Rich, Sheriffs of London and Middlesex.
As it was Sung at the Sheriffs-Feast at Guild-hall, Saturday September 30. 1682.

The SAINTS, with Zealous CLUBS and Staves,
Strive to Exalt a Brace of KN [...]ES;
But the CITY Chose Two LOYAL MEN,
Which made the WHIGS as mad agen.
To the Tune of, Joy to the Bridegroom.


FIll up the Bowl, and set it round,
The day is won, the Sheriffs crown'd;
The Rabble flies, the Tumults yield;
And Loyalty maintains the Field;
Saint George for England, then amain,
To Royal CHARLES this Ocean drain.
With Justice may it ever flow,
And in an endless Circle go;
The brim with conqu'ring Bays be crown'd,
And Faction in the Dregs lie drown'd:
Then to the QUEEN, and Royal James,
Sacrifice your flowing Thames.
Thanks to Sir John, our good Lord Mayor,
'Gainst Sheriffs Tricks He kept the Chair;
The Court and City's Right maintains,
While head strong Faction broke the Reins:
Then to the famous Sir John Moor,
May after-Age that Name adore.
What Zeal (ye Whigs) to the Old Cause,
Thus makes you act against the LAWS;
That none for Sheriff must contend,
But your old IGNORAMUS Friend?
But now, your hopes are all destroy'd,
And your two Champions laid aside.
Is this your love to Church and State,
That no good man must serve of late,
While you can find one Factious R⟨ogue⟩
To sway the Poll, and get your Vogue?
By unjust means your Rights you claim,
And lawless Force maintain the same.
But brave Sir John, while th'storms encrease,
His Wisdom made the Tumults cease;
In spight of all Illegal Poll,
The Routs and Ryots did controll:
Whence He shall gain a lasting Name,
And after-Age Record His Fame.
Amongst the Men of chiefest worth,
The Vote is given for Loyal NORTH,
In spight of Pilk⟨ington⟩ and Sh⟨ute⟩,
Pap⟨illon⟩, and the Rabble-Rout:
Then to brave NORTH a double Doze,
Who the strong Factions did oppose.
Now BOX withdraws, Dubois contends,
And Noble RICH the Stage ascends;
By Legal ('gainst Illegal) Vote,
The Loyal Tribune they promote:
Then to brave RICH a Health off hand,
Who the loud Tumults did withstand.
For Ropes and Gibbets the next year,
The Whigs (we hope) need not despair;
If Rich find TIMBER, (give them scope)
Brave North will never grudge them ROPE:
Then, to conclude, we'll crown the Bowl
With a Health to th' K. ⟨King⟩ and each Loyal Soul.


Printed by Nath. Thompson, 163 [...].

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