THere being a Scandalous Pamphlet Published on Monday September the Eight last past, Called the English Courant, wherein it was Expressed, That On Thursday last, the City of London Deputed Sir George Jefferies to go to Windsor, to Complement the Duke of York upon his safe Arrival: Which was no sooner Published in the City, but the Citizens (to Manifest their Abhorrency of so False and Scandalous a thing) went a Considerable Number of them Immediately to the Lord Mayor, then with the Aldermen in the Guildhall; where they not onely Complained of the Notorious Injury and Affront done to the City by that Forgery, but further Declared, That though in truth, whilst the Duke of York seemed to come into England onely as a Visitor, they did not much Concern them­selves with his Return; Yet now since it rather appears, he came with a Resolution to stay, they apprehended Themselves and the Nation in great Danger thereby: and therefore desired his Lordship forthwith to call a Lieutenancy, and to Double the City Guards. To all which his Lordship answered to this [Page]Purpose, viz. That he had already sent for the Printer, and that He and his Brethren were considering how to Punish him according to his Demerit; and that he had already Ordered the Lieutenancy to meet on Wednesday next, in Order to the Doubling the City Guards. And his Lordship was then further pleased to free himself from an Aspersion cast upon him, that he should declare to Sir George Jefferies, That if the King should Dye, he would Immediately Proclaim the Duke of York King: His Lordship protesting he never said any such thing, and desired the said Citizens to acquaint their Fellow-Citizens therewith.

This is a True Account of this Transaction, and there­fore if any other Relation be made thereof, it is to be looked upon as False; and the Reader is desired to Ac­cept hereof, till the Ingenuous and Hearty Speech of that Worthy Knight and True English Man, Sir Thomas Player, be Published at Large, which it is great Pity the World should want.

Printed and Published by a True Protestant and Love of his Countrey.

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