By the Mayor.
To Alderman of the Ward of [...]
WHereas by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, All Persons without Reasonable Excuse, are on the Lords-Day to repair to some publick Church, and there continue and behave themselves Orderly and Reverently during the Time of Divine Service and other Publick Worship and service of God; Notwith-standing which, I am Informed, that some loose Persons frequently take a Liberty on that Day to resort to Taverns, Ale-Houses and other Victualing-Houses within this City, and there continue Drinking and Tipling in the time that Divine service and Gods Publick Worship is celebrated; Which being Matter of great Scandal, requires the more earnest endeavours for Reformation: And the Law having provided that every person that shall so continue Drinking and Tipling, shall forfeit Three shillings and Four pence, and the Victualler, Inn-keeper, or Ale-house-keeper that shall permit such Tipling in his House, shall Forfeit Ten shillings: These are therefore by the Advice of my Brethren the Aldermen, in his Majesty's Name to charge and require you, That you take all due care that the said Penalties be duly and constantly inflicted and levied upon all Persons that for the future shall Offend herein within your Ward; And that in order hereunto you call before you All the Constables and Churchwardens of the several Parishes within your Ward, and (delivering to each of them a Printed Copy of this Precept) strictly Injoyn them, That they or some of them fail not every Lords-day constantly in the time of Divine Service and Sermon, and at other times of the said Day to search all Taverns, Ale-Houses, and Victualling-Houses within their respective Precincts and Parishes; and where they find any Persons Tipling, contrary to the Law in this behalf, to require and receive from them and also from the Vintner, Victualler or Ale-House-keeper, in whose House the same shall be, the respective Penalties aforesaid, which the Law hath Directed to be paid to the Churchwardens of the Parish, where the Offence is committed, for the Vse of the Poor of the said Parish: And if any Person or Persons shall refuse to pay the said Penalties, that then the Constable or Churchwarden deliver in their Names upon Oath to some Justice of Peace within this City, to the end Warrant may be from him Issued forth for the levying thereof by Distress, and such other course taken, as by Law is appointed. And that this may be the more punctually observed, You are very frequently to call upon and require the said Constables and Churchwardens to perform their Duty in this particular with all Care and Diligence, and to take from them an Account from time to time of their proceedings therein; And such of them as you shall find to be Remiss, that you Certify their Names to the general Sessions of the Peace held for this City, to the end they may be Prosecuted according to Law. And hereof fail not.
Printed by SAMƲEL ROYCROFT, Printer to this Honourable City.