By the Mayor.
To the Alderman of the Ward of
WHEREAS I have received a late ORDER, made by his MAJESTY in COUNCIL; the Tenor whereof is as followeth, that is to say;
For the preventing Tumultuous Disorders which may happen hereafter upon pretence of Assembling to make Bonfires and Publick Fire-Works; and disappointing the Evil Designs of Persons disaffected to the Government, who commonly make use of such Occasions to turn those Meetings into Riots and Tumults.
It is this Day Ordered by his MAJESTY in Council, That no Person or Persons whatsoever do presume to make, or encourage the making any Bonfire, or other Publick Fire-Works, upon any Festival-Day, or at any other Time or Times whatsoever, without particular Direction or Order first had from His MAJESTY or this BOARD, or from the Lord MAYOR of London, or by the Justices of the Peace in their respective Limits, upon pain of His MAJESTIES Displeasure, and being Prosecuted with the utmost Severity of the Law, whereof all Persons whom it may Concern are to take Notice at their Peril. And the Lord MAYOR and ALDERMEN of London, and His MAJESTIES Justices of the Peace of the County of Middlesex, and the City and Liberty of Westminster, are hereby strictly Charged and Required to take Care therein accordingly.