[coat of arms of London]

Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guihald Civitatis London, die Jovis, decimo septimo die Sep­tembris, Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo quarto, Annoque Regni Domini nostri CAROLI Secundi, Dei gratia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae Regis, Fidei Defensoris, &c. vi­cesimo sexto; coram Willielmo Hooker Milite, Majore Civitatis London, Richardo Chiverton, Johanne Frederick, Willielmo Peak, VVillielmo Turner, Richardo Ford & Georgio VVaterman Militibus, Alder­mannis, Johanne Howell Milite, Serviente ad Legem & Recordatore Civitatis London, Josepho Sheldon, Thoma Davis, Francisco Chaplin & Jacobo Edwards Militibus, Aldermannis, Patiente VVard Armigero, Aldermanno, Johanne Moore & Jacobo Smith Militibus, Aldermannis, & Henrico Tulse Milite, Al­dermanno ac uno Vicecomitum Civitatis London, necnon majore parte Communiariorum de Communi Concilio ejusdem Civitatis tunc & ibidem assemblat.

An ACT for the Setlement and well Ordering of the several Publick Markets within the City of London.

FOR the better Order and Regulation to be had of the Market at Leaden-Hall and the Green-Yards there, with other Market-Grounds thereunto belonging, and of the Market at Woolchurch, and the Market of Honey-Lane or Milk-street, as also the Market near Newgate, and all other Common Markets already setled and appointed, or which hereafter shall be setled or appointed within the City of LONDON. Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Maior and the Aldermen his Brethren, and the Commons in this Common Council assembled, and by Autho­rity of the same, That the former Act made by this Court the fifth day of September in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred seventy and two, concerning the Regulation of the Publick Markets of this City, and every Article and Clause therein be repealed, and the same are hereby repealed, and that the Rules, Orders and Directions hereafter prescribed be duly observed by all persons that are or may be concerned therein.

And first, whereas by former Acts of Common Council, the Sale of Beef hath been restrained and appointed to be only in Leaden-Hall; which if now observed, would be very inconvenient to the Inhabitants of this City, in regard the late Butchery of the Stocks and St. Nicolas Shambles, which heretofore furnished with Beef and other FleshVictuals, those parts of the City, are now removed and otherwise disposed of, according to the Directions of a late Act of Parliament.

Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Country Butcher and Butchers, Poulterer and Poulterers, Country Farmers, Victuallers, Laders or Kidders (except such Butchers and Poulterers as do or shall keep any Butchers or Poulterers Shop or Shops within the City of London or Liberties thereof, or within two Miles distance of the same) may from and after the Publication of this Act, use, occupy and employ such Standings, Stalls or Places in each respective Market as shall be provided for them, by and with the Consent and Dire­ction of the respective Collectors, only for the time being, of each respective Market, and there sell, utter and put to open shew or sale his; her or their Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Pork, Bacon and other Butchery or Poultry Wares, or other Country Provisions, upon such days of the week, and at such times, and in such manner as is herein after expressed and no otherwise, viz. Vpon Mundays, Wednesdays and Fridays weekly; from Six of the clock in the Morning until Eight of the clock in the Evening of the same days; and upon every Saturday from Six of the clock in the Morning until Ten of the clock at Night, for so long time only as he, she or they shall furnish the said Markets, Stalls, Standings and Places with wholsom Flesh, Victual and other Provisions, in his, her or their own right, and not as Servant or Servants, or otherwise, in be­half of any others, any thing in any former Act of Common Council, or any other Law, Custom or Vsage of this City contained, to the con­trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

Provided always, that it shall not be lawful for any Butcher or Poulterer, who doth inhabit or reside within the City of London or Liberties thereof, or within two miles distance of the same, to sell, utter, put or expose to open shew or sale, any Butchery or Poultry Wares, or other Provisions whatsoever, in any of the said respective Markets, upon any Friday throughout the year, upon pein that every such Butcher or Poul­terer, for every time he, she or they shall sell, utter, put or expose to open shew or sale any Butchery or Poultry Wares in any of the said Markets upon any Friday in any week throughout the year, shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the sum of Ten shillings.

And to the end the respective hours aforesaid may be the better known and observed in the said Markets, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Market-Bell in each respective Market shall ring thrice every Market-day, (that is to say) the first Ringing of the Market-Bell to be at Six of the clock in the Morning, for all House-keepers and others who are no Retailers of Victual, to buy in their Provisions: And the second Ringing of the said Bell to be at Ten of the clock in the Forenoon of every such Market-day, for giving notice for all such as are Re­tailers and Traders of this City, who buy to sell again, then to enter into any of the said Markets and not before, and there to buy and carry away such Provisions as they want or stand in need of: And the third and last Ringing of the said Bell, for raising the said Markets, to be at Eight of the Clock in the Evening of the same day, except on Saturdays, and then the last Ringing of the aforesaid Bell for raising the Market, to be at Ten of the clock of the same night. And if any Butcher or Butchers, Poulterer or Poulterers, Victuallers, Country-Farmer, Lader, Kidder, or other person whatsoever shall sell, put or expose to open shew or sale any manner of Butchery or Poultry Wares or other Provisions in the said Markets or any of them before the Ringing of the Bell at the aforesaid Hour of Six in the morning, such Offender or Offenders shall be proceeded against as Fore-stallers of the Market, as by the Law in that case is directed and appointed. And if any Butcher, Poulterer, Victualler, Country-Farmer, Lader, Kidder or other person or persons whatsoever, shall sell and put or expose to open shew or sale any Butchery, Poultry Wares, or other Provisions, in any of the said Markets, after the Ringing of the Bell at the said several hours in the Evening respectively, and shall not then depart from and quit the said respective Market, such Offender or Offenders shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty shillings. And if any Retailer or Trader in this City, who buy to sell again, do come into any of the said Markets to buy or cause to be bought, or carry away or cause to be carried away, any of the Provisions brought into the Market to be sold, to his, her or their respective Hou­ses or Shops, before the Ringing of the Bell at Ten of the clock in the Forenoon aforesaid, such Offender or Offenders shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay Forty shillings: The Markets being most principally intended for the Benefit and Advantage of House-keepers and others; who buy for their own use to be spent in their Families, and may provide for themselves in the morning at the best hand, and pay moderate Rates for their Provisions.

And forasmuch as it hath been found by great experience, that the bringing in of Victuals and other Provisions into the Common Markets of this City in the Evening of the Market-days, under pretence of supplying the said Markets, hath been a great hinderance to the well ordering of the said Markets, and occasioned the undue vending of unwholsom Victuals, to the great prejudice of this City: Be it Enacted by the Au­thority aforesaid, That from and after the Publication of this Act, no Butcher, Poulterer, Country-Farmer, Lader, Kidder or other person or persons whatsoever, shall upon the Saturday in any week throughout the year, bring into any of the said Markets any manner of Flesh-meat or other Victuals or Provisions to be sold, after Three of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same day, upon pein that every such Offender or Of­fenders shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty shillings.

Provided always, That all Country people resorting to the said Markets, not being Butchers nor Poulterers residing or inhabiting as afore­said, may stand or sit, and vend their Herbs, Fruit, Butter, Eggs and other Provisions and Commodities in any of the said Markets, upon every working day in the week, so as the same persons that bring them first to Market do continue the selling thereof, and do observe the Hours for Ringing of the Market-Bell for keeping the said Hours accordingly, upon pein and penalty aforesaid.

And further, That it shall and may be lawful for the Gardeners and other Country-people resorting to any of the said Markets early in the morning with Fruit, Herbs, Roots, Weeds, Plants and other such like Commodities, and there continuing for some short time and quit­ting the Market about Eight of the clock in the morning, to open, put and expose to open shew or sale such their respective Commodities at their first coming, and beore the Ringing of the Market-Bell, any thing in this Act contained, or any former Law, Custom or Vsage of this City to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

And forasmuch as all dead Flesh-meat and other Victuals and Provisions of all sorts, Fruit, Herbs, Fish, Meal and Bread ought to be sold in open and Common Markets allowed and appointed, and not under p [...]vate Stalls or at Tavern-Doors, or in any private House, Lane, Ally, Iun, Warehouse, Street, Stall or Common passages, or in any other private place or places; nor ought the same to be carried up and down, and sold by way of Hawking, by means whereof much unwholsom Provision, corrupt Meal and light Bread; dangerous and prejudi­cial to his Majesties Subjects may be uttered and sold: Be it declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Butcher, Poulterer; Victualler, Country-Farmer, Lader, Kidder, Garderner, Fruiterer, Fish-seller, Meal-man or Baker, or other person or persons whatsoever, shall from and after the Publication of this Act, sell, utter, put or expose to sale by way of Hawking or as a Hawker, or in any other way, any Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Bacon, Pork, Poultry, Butter, Cheese, Fish, Herbs, Meal, Bread or other Victuals or Provisions what­soever, under any private Stall, or at any Tavern-door, or in any private House, Lane, Ally, Inn, Ware-house, Street, Stall, Common Passage, or other place or places whatsoever within the City of London or Liberties thereof, but only in his, her or their open Shop or Shops, or in the publick Market place or places, and in Market-time only, according as is before appointed; upon pein that every person and persons so offen [...]ing shall forfeit the same Goods so offered or exposed to sale without any manner of favour, according to the antient Custom of the City of London used and approved, and the same so forfeited shall be disposed of to such Prisons within the City of London, for the use of the poor Prisoners therein, as the Lord Maior for the time being shall direct and appoint.

And to the intent that Forestalling, Regrating and Engrossing of Victuals and other Commodities may be the better prevented and the Laws made against th [...] same more effectually observed, be it Enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid, That no person or persons from and after the Publication of this Act, shall buy or cause to be bought any Victuals or other things whatsoever, coming to the said City of London or Liberties thereof, or to any of the Common Markets of this City to be sold, or make any Bargain, Contract or Agreement for the having and buying of the same or any part thereof so coming as aforesaid, before the same shall be brought into one of the said Markets, and there really and bonâ fide in Market-hours appointed, be exposed to publick Sale: and also that no Retailer or Trader, who buy to sell again, that shall by any means whatsoever obtain or get into his, her or their hands and possession in any of the said Markets, any Victuals, Provisions or other things whatsoever, that shall be thither brought to be sold before the Ringing of the Bell at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon aforesaid, shall from henceforth sell the same again in his, her or their Shop or Shops, or in the same or in any other of the Mar­kets, or in any other place or places within this City and the Liberties thereof, upon pein that every such Offender and Offenders shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty shillings.

And whereas for accommodation of Market-people with Stalls, Boards, Shelter and other like things necessary for their standing in any of the Market-p [...]aces within this City, and for cleansing, paving, scouring and keeping clean the same; and also for the defraying the inci­dent Charges of rep [...]iring and maintaining the said Markets, and likewise to gratifie and reward the Care and Attendance of such per­sons as shall be employed therein, there hath always been paid certain reasonable Rates for the said Accommodations and Charges: And to the intent that the said Rates may be ascertained and made publick to all Market-people, whereby the persons that shall from henceforth by Or­der of this Court be employed as Collectors or Receivers of the same Rates, may be prevented from demanding, exacting or receiving more than is allowed, as is herein after e [...]pressed.

Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every person and persons resorting to any of the said Markets, to sell and vend their Commodities, shall from henceforth pay unto such person or persons as are or shall from time to time be appointed to take and receive the Profits of all or any of the said Markets, to the use of the Maior and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, of and from all Market-people thereunto resorting, for t [...]eir Stalls, Standings and other Accommodations in the several Market-places as aforesaid, after the Rates following and no more, that is to sa [...].

For every Stall or Stand [...]ng of eight foot long and four foot broad, for sale of Flesh-meat or Fish two shillings and six pence per week.

For every Stall or Stand [...]ng of six foot long and four foot broad, two shillings per week.

For every Stall or Standi [...]g of six or eight foot long and four foot broad for other Commodities, three pence per day.

For every Horse-load of Pr [...]visions not upon Stalls nor under publick shelter, two pence per day.

For every Dosser of like Pr [...]visions one penny per day.

For every Cart-load with n [...]t above three Horses four pence per day.

For every Cart-load with fo [...]r Horses or above, six pence per day.

For every Standing of tann [...] Leather under publick shelter six pence per day.

For every Raw hide one Half [...]enny per day.

For all Fruit brought by Lan [...] or Water and pitched in any of the publick Markets, for each Prickel or Basket holding not above one Bushel, one half-penny per day.

For each Basket, Dosser or M [...]nd holding above two Bushels, one penny per day, to be paid by the people that bring or receive them.

For every Standing of six foot s [...]uare length and breadth for the Gardners, twenty shillings per Annum.

For every Standing for the p [...]rer sort of Country people bringing Weeds and Physick-Herbs, of four foot long and two foot broad one penny per day.

For every Standing for Fruit- [...]lers and standing Herb-Women, not above eight foot long and four foot broad or six foot square, twelve pence per week.

For every Standing for Bakers a [...]d Ginger-bread sellers, not above four foot long and three foot broad, six pence per week.

And that the said Collectors or Rec [...]vers already or hereafter to be appointed to collect and receive the said Rates, and who only are impowred to demand and receive the same shall not demand or require, nor receive or take more than according to the aforesaid Rates, without the free con­sent and agreement of the said Mark [...]t-people, for some extraordinary Convenience or Accommodation, unless in Leaden-Hall Market, where other and larger Rates have been ant [...]ntly paid for Stalls and Standings therein, for all which they are to be accountable to the Chamber­lain of London for the time being, for [...]he use of the Maior and Commonalty and Citizens of the said City.

And for the better accommodation a [...]d just satisfaction of all persons, as well Buyers as Sellers, who shall at any time have occasion to make use of Scales and We [...]ghts in an [...] of the Markets aforesaid, be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Overseer, Collector or Receiver of each respective Market, and no other person or persons, shall provide one or more Beam or Beams with Scales and Weights, to be set up in some convenient place or pla [...]es within each respective Market, only for the due weighing between Buyer and Seller, all such Provisions as are usually bought or sold [...]y weight: And that no Overseer, Collector or Receiver shall or may demand or receive more than one Farthing for every Dra [...]ght, or fou [...] pence per week.

And for prevention of any [...]nd of Exa [...]ion from any persons resorting to any of the respective Market-places aforesaid, It is hereby fur­ther declared, That no person or persons may or ought to demand or receive any Money or other Reward of or from any Market-people, in any of the Markets under p [...]etence of Matage, or of any other Right of providing Boards, Stalls, Standings or any other Accommoda­tions relating to the said Mar [...]ets, but the Collectors only; and that according to the Rates as by this Act they are Authorized and directed to collect and receive.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Collectors or Receivers appointed or to be appointed as aforesaid, shall have power, upon obstinate denial or delay of any of the Market-people to observe the Rules and pay the respective Rates hereby prescribed, from their respective Standings and Places to amove and displace, and others who are willing to conform to the Rules and Rates herein limited and appointed, therein to place and settle, any thing in this Act, or any other Law, Vsage or Custom of this City contained, to the contrary notwithstanding.

And for the better Order and quieting of the Market-people, and for reconciling all Differences that may arise therein between them and the Collectors or Receivers in the aforesaid Markets, and also that the Rates and Duties may be the better collected and certainly paid into the Chamber of London without fraud, and the said Markets more effectually supervised, and for prevention of Abuses and Disorders that may arise:

Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such persons as shall from time to time be appointed by this Court to be Overseers, Collectors or Receivers of the Profits or Duties of the said respective Markets, with such Salaries or Allowances as this Court shall think fit, shall from time to time appoint, allot and direct all such Stalls, Standings and Places as shall be used in the said several Markets, that the said Overseers, Collectors or Receivers, that shall from time to time be thereunto appointed by Order as aforesaid, do give sufficient Security to the satisfaction of the Committee to be appointed by this Court, for managing the publick Markets of this City, for their Diligence and faithful Performance of their Office, and overseeing the Orders and Provisions aforesaid observed, and giving a just and true Account of their Receipts and Payments of the Money every week into the Chamber of London: And that the said Committee or any three of them, whereof one to be an Alder­man, do once every fourteen days at least meet together at the Guild-Hall, and then and there Audit the Accounts of the said Overseers, Col­lectors or Receivers, for prevention of any Abuses or Damages that by neglect thereof might arise or happen: And also endeavour upon any Complaints and Grievances of the Market-people, if any shall be made to them against the said Overseers, Collectors or Receivers, or other­wise to compose or redress the same as soon as possibly they can, that so all Disturbances to the Market-people, and unnecessary Suits at Law may be avoided: And that the said Overseers, Collectors or Receivers shall frequently attend and be in the said Markets during Mar­ket-time and diligently oversee the same, to prevent with their best Care any Abuses or Disorders that may happen or be committed therein; and also to take care, that the Provisions and Penalties appointed by this Act against all Offenders contrary to the same, be duly and con­stantly put in execution: And if any of the said Overseers, Collectors or Receivers shall be remiss or corrupt therein, then they shall be forth­with displaced and disabled of any Office or Place touching the said Markets.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in case the said Committee appointed by this Court for managing the publick Markets of this City, shall at any time hereafter find it most fitting and advantageous for the benefit of the Chamber, to treat and agree with any person or persons for Collecting or Receiving the Profits arising by the Markets, to be paid into the Chamber of London by Quarterly Payments without any Weekly Account, upon sufficient Security for performance thereof; that then the Committee aforesaid shall and may treat and agree upon the best terms they can, and report their Proceedings unto this Court for their Approbation therein, and thereupon such person or persons as shall be so agreed withal, is, are and shall be hereby authorized and fully impowred with and unto all the Powers and Authorities hereby Enacted for Collecting the Rates and recovering the Forfeitures herein mentioned and expressed.

All which Peins, Forfeitures and Penalties, Sum and Sums of money to be forfeited by virtue of this Act shall be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill or Plaint to be commenced or prosecuted in the name of the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being, in the Court holden before the Maior and Aldermen in the Chamber of the Guild-Hall of the City of London, in all Suits to be prosecuted by virtue of this Act, against any Offender or Offenders contrary to the same; and the Prosecutor shall recover the ordinary Costs of Suit to be expended in and about the Prosecution thereof; and if the Suit pass for the Defendant, or that the Plaintiff become non-suited, or discontinue his Action, then the said Defendant to recover his Costs; and that the Chamberlain for the time being shall not have power to take less of any Offender, than herein is limited to be forfeited for every Offence respectively.

And further, That one moiety of all Forfeitures to be recovered by virtue hereof, the Costs of the Suit for recovery thereof being first dedu­cted, shall after the Recovery and Receipt thereof, at or before the twenty fifth day of March yearly, be paid and delivered unto the Treasurer of Christs-Hospital, to be employed towards the Relief of the Poor Children to be brought up and maintained in that Hospital: And the other moiety to him or them which shall prosecute the Suit in the name of the Chamberlain of the said City for recovery of the same, any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

And whereas the Sergeant and Yeoman of the Channel, and Richard Robinson the present Forein-taker, while the Common Markets were kept in Leaden-Hall-street, Cheapside and Newgate-street, did take care for sweeping and making clean the said Streets where the Market-people resorted, and paid for carrying away the Soil thereof, and also furnishing the Market-people with Boards and other Accommodations; in consideration whereof they received some certain Allowance of the Market-people for their Care and Pains therein.

Now forasmuch as the said Markets are removed out of the Streets and made commodious, and are intended to be so preserved and main­tained for the Accommodation of all Citizens and other the Kings liege people resorting thereunto, at the publick Charge of this City:

Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the several Officers before-mentioned shall from henceforth be wholly discharged from the Charge of cleansing and carrying away the Soil of the said Markets, and providing Boards, and other Accommodations for the Market-people; and likewise from any ways intermedling with the Receipt of any Duties, Fees or Profits, or taking any money of any persons re­sorting to or standing in any of the Common Markets aforesaid upon any pretence whatsoever; but that instead thereof, the Sergeant and Yeoman of the Channel for the time being, shall during their continuance in the said Places, each of them have and receive out of the Cham­ber of London, the sum of Three pounds weekly; and Richard Robinson the present Forein-taker, the sum of Three pounds every week during the term of his natural Life: All which Sums and none other shall be paid by the Chamberlain out of the Profits to be collected of and from the Market-people, to the persons aforesaid, in full satisfaction of all their [...]ght, Title, Claim and Demand whatsoever to any part or share of the Profits to be collected of and from the Market-people.

Provided always the aforesaid Officers do give their diligent Attendance in [...]eepi [...] the Streets from all Nusances, and sup [...]essing a [...] Sta [...] of Herbs, Oranges, Apples, Lace-sellers and other petty Traders or Hawkers, or Forestallers in any of the Streets, Lanes, Passages, Inns or other places in the City of London and Liberties thereof; and for default of doing their Du [...]y therein, to forfeit such part of their weekly Salary, as shall be ordered by the Committee appointed by this Court for managing the publick Markets of this City, unless upon Appeal to the Court of Aldermen the Penalty imposed shall be abated, augmented or remitted.

Provided always, That this Act or any thing herein contained shall not extend nor be construed to obstruct, interrupt or hinder the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the Butchers Company or other of their Officers, whom they shall direct and appoint, according to the antient Custom and laudable Vsage of this City, from supervising and inspecting (with the Collectors of each respective Market) the Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Pork, Bacon and other Butchery Wares and Provisions brought into any of the said Markets to be sold, whether it be whol­som Food, and fit for the use and nourishment of His Majesties liege Subjects that shall buy the same: And if any shall be found corrupt and unwholsom, the same to dispose of, and to proceed against all such Offenders, according to the several Statutes of this Realm and By-Laws of this City; nor from being assistant to each respective Collector, in each respective Market every Market-day, for raising the Markets at the respective hours in this Act limited and appointed for that purpose.


Printed by Andrew Clark, Printer to the Honourable City of LONDON. 1674.

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