A List of the Ships belonging to His Majesties Navy-Royal; With the Number of Men and Guns; And the dividing of them into Three Squa­drons.

Ships Names. Men Guns
First Rate.
ROyal Soveraign 800 102
Prince 700 90
Royal Charles 600 82
Royal James. 550 78
Second Rate.
Victory 450 76
Royal Oak 450 76
Royal Katharine 450 70
Henry 430 70
Triumph 400 70
Swiftsure 380 64
Old James 380 66
St. George 360 64
St. Andrew 360 64
Rainbow 350 60
Unicorn 350 60
Vantguard 350 60
Loyal London 470 76
Third Rate.
DEfiance 320 64
Rupert 320 64
Henrietta 300 58
Mary 300 60
Mountague 300 60
Monck 260 56
Gloucester 280 58
York 280 58
Dredn [...]ug 280 58
Anne 280 58
Plymouth 280 58
Revenge 300 60
Fairfax 300 60
Resolution 290 58
Essex 266 56
Dunkirk 260 54
Lyon 250 52
Warrs-Spight 220 52
Fourth Rate.
LEopard 200 50
Newcastle 200 50
Yarmouth 200 50
Happy Return 200 50
Bristol 200 50
Mathias 190 48
Swallow 180 46
Kent 180 46
Centurion 180 46
Portland 190 49
Princess 200 50
Assistance 180 46
Bredagh 180 46
Fore-sight 180 46
Diamond 180 46
Antelope 180 46
Reserve 180 46
Advice 180 46
Mary-Rose 180 46
Dover 180 46
Crown 180 46
Jersey 190 48
Ruby 160 46
Hampshire 160 40
Portsmouth 160 40
Dragon 160 40
Tyger 160 40
Bonaventure 160 40
Elizabeth 160 40
Saphire 160 40
Adventure 150 36
Assurance 150 36
Constant Warwick 140 34
Amity 150 36
Expedition 140 34
Guynnee 140 34
Providence 140 34
Convertine 180 46
Welcome 150 36
Bear 160 38
Marmaduke 170 40
Fountain 130 36
Fifth Rate
SWeepstakes 140 36
Milford 130 30
Garnsey 120 28
Success 120 30
Norwich 120 28
Dartmouth 120 28
Pearl 120 28
Meremaid 120 28
Pembrook 120 28
Colchester 120 28
Eagle 120 28
Oxford 110 26
Nightingale 120 28
Richmond 120 28
Forrester 120 28
Garland 120 28
Speedwell 110 26
Sorlings 130 30
Augustine 110 26
Coventry 100 22
Happy-Entrance 110 22
Rose-Bush 110 26
Sophia 110 26
Guift 110 26
Paul 110 26
Little-Victory 90 20
Lizard. 90 20
Sixth Rate.
PArradox 80 14
Little-Guift 80 14
Fox 80 14
Drake 80 14
Martin 80 12
True-Love 70 12
Little-Mary 70 12
Colchester Ketch 80 14
Wivenho Ketch 80 14
Deptford Ketch 80 14
Portsmouth Ketch 80 14
Griffin 70 12
Blackmore 60 12
Chesnut 60 10
Hawk 50 8
Eaglet 50 8
Roe 50 8
Hinde 50 8
Nonsuch 60 10
Francis 40 8
Signet 40 8
Lilly 40 8
Swallow 40 6
Rose 40 6
Harp 40 6
Giles Ketch 40 6
Galliot Hog. 40 6
Hired Ships.
LOyal George 190 42
John & Thomas 200 44
Society 160 36
Loyal Subject 150 50
Baltemore 130 40
Katherine. 160 70
Prizes taken from the Dutch.
HElverstone 260 60
Clove-Tree 250 62
Charles the Fifth 200 54
Black-Bull 160 40
Zealand 160 40
Delft 160 40
Golden-Lyon 170 42
Unity 150 38
Sancta Maria 180 58
House de Sweden 280 70
Seven Oaks 190 52
West-Friezland 180 50
Black-Eagle 180 48
Gelder de Ruiter 180 48
Saint Paul 160 40
Hope 170 40
Slothany 280 60
Golden Phaenix 200 70
Mars 180 52
Young Lion. 120 44
Little Unicorn    
Land of Promise    

With some others, &c.

The Fleet consists of Three Squadrons, Red, White, and Blew.

LONDON, Printed for G. HORTON, 1666.

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